The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 16, 1872, Image 2

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FEED. EVECT...... E4iur '
Centre Hall, Pa . Feb. 10 . *2-
""tKRMS. -The Cawrav UaL Karon-
Tkm is published weehly wt f - * j
advance. or s2,iVi when "V,\.rtorU .ub
vwnco. Aalfy curly and I""?**£
scriptlon* at the same rate. Mug' c I
U CWioMwent. .> v
a ridied r*n
cards of five lines S per our
enu per lino, for one insertion.
vX of deaths and marriage* imrrted
two oi. ttarge. Our fiends r. .. parts W
the eountv will oblige by svnooig us l
items of interest frorothelr redeem elocel
-11 The figures set to the address upon
each üb>criher s paper indicate that e
übsoription i paid un to such dat Mane
nnsw or the same as a lecetpt. reesnns ra
mitthvir bv mail, or otherwise, *'
."and !>om a change in these daUsthat the
money has been received ______
Tha "probably abloet" had manu
factured for hlmaelf, in a Harrieburg
piper, a defense againet aomelhing,
with which he #• not charge, in or
der to divert attention from that with
which ha was guilty am! cannot do
feud. Ventilate, ventilate.
The Pittsburg Psst wanta tb# time
fof holding the democratic editorial
contention cheugcd from Monday 4th
of March, to Tuesday or Wednesday,
sth or 6th, as the first mentioned date
will necessitate Suuday travel fbrssme
editors. We fever the change for the
tmtne reasons as given by the Poet.
The l/emiwy/hfriot latere under
a mistake in saying that we charge
our representative with having voted
m favor ef the appropriation by which
atari v 140,000 were spent upou refit
ting the balls. We did not accuse
him of tl it. and if the Patriot will
reaJ aur article will find that
we charge him with voting. W season,
in favor of a larger appropriation,
nearly 650.000 for marely ftntilitiy
one ef the public buildings at Hania
burg, which we think pretty steep
The Patriot will please notice the mis
take it makes, and not misrepreaent us.
What wo stated, we can prove by the
Our colempurarv, we believe, never
attempted to defend the - probably
most able representative" iu the as
sistance he gave the radicals u> stran
gle the repeal of the iqfamoua Phila
delphia building commission bill, io
Tito Amcrit-au Uaitus.
The Queers speech, that portion re
fer ing to the Alabama claims, has
caused a Hurry in the United States
and England. The speech and debate
iu parliament will be touud in another
column. Some people think they see
a speck of war between lbs two coun
tries. We are not yet alarmed
The World makes the following #*-
tiinate of the modest bill hauded in
to the Geneva Conference in behalf af
the United tates:
I. Fur the destruction
of vessel* and property be
longing to the Govern
ment of the United States 1*2.000
11. For the destruction
of merchant vessel*, car
goes aid property tailing
under the flag of the I ut
ted State* ... $17,i00,h30
111. For other damag
es or injuries t® persoua,
growing out ®ftbe destruct
ion of each class of these
(In respect to this item
the "case" says it is im
possible at present for the
United States to present a
detailed statement, but the
amount of the claim can
not he leas than hundreds
of thousands, and possibly,
mill ion* of dollars, on ac
count of hardy, helpless
sea me u and their LaUiiiies.;
IV. Far national ex
penditures in pursuit of
the cruisers 7,080,478
V. For loss in the trans
fer of the American com
mercial marine to the lint
ish flag.
[ln respect to this iteui
the United Stales ask the
arbitrators to estimate the
amount which ctigbt t® he
paid U> them, uAer or sub
mit statistics hi respect U>
our tonnage before and af
ter the rebellion.]
VI. For en hauced pay
ments of jnsnrauce by citi
xens of the United biates,
so far as now known,,,,. | 1,120,790
VII. For prolongation
of a civil war, the addition
of large sow to lite coat
thereof and of tft* sup
pression of the ivLelliou.
(As to this item the United btatts
clpi/u that after the battle of Gettys
burg oileusive operations ®f the insur
gents were conducted only at tea,
through liic A.ngior&mfederate cruis
ers, with the hope of involving this
country in a war with Great Jfritau,
ari l that the latter ought in e<juity to
rei in burst* the United .States for the
expenses thereby entailed upon them.]
VIII. intereoi ujaui all tbeciaiius
up to the day when the award is pay
able by the terms of the treaty, which
is twelve montha after (lie date of th®
Award, at usual rat® of interest in the
city of New York, where most of the
claims ®f individuals are held which is
•even percent, peranuum. The Unit
ed States claim that interest should
be computed from an average day,
•ay July 1, 1863.
According to the foregoing state
ment, so far as it goes, the figures
reuch the sum of f 26,186.896. It will
be observed, however, in reading the
exhibit, that the amounts for damage*
or injuria* to persons growing out of
the destruction of vessels by coufeder
ate cruisers, the loss in th® transfer of
th® American cuiuiueicial marine the
British flag, the prolongation of the
war, due l the continued offensive]
operations of the Confederate priva
teers after tiie battle of Gctyeburg,
and iuterest upon ail the t'Juims up to
the day when the award is pavablf,
according to the terms of of the Wash'
ingtwu Treaty, are not enumerated in
this schedule. The atnouut of theac
elaiuts will vastly increase the Amer
ican demand.
A bill vu presented to the Govern
or •( thl* Hale. for hi* signature,
which had iut passed either Itouee, and
m iher kill, which own a I toed after
its | a-mgr With the forging legist#
twie in New Yolk, vhronieUd liv ike
Kt ivui kK Milne months ug, and the
urine work by legislator in thie ililc,
is it to lie Wondered at unit work si
ii*i risking ? All honest men will be
down U|Mi the IKNkli who ait guilt)
of suck villnny.
Singular co-lticidenle ale coliUet test
with the death of three member* u| the
•lute senate. Knch one *• st pub
lican, end the death of teili one left
the senate * tic —Id democrats l>* 1G
indicate —UUlil the election ul • suo
ci esor.
With the death f sonatm Evsw, •!
Chester, few day* ago, the stimtn is
again a tie.
Tht radical senatorial enrttwrvneo . f
this district, met at Huntingdon, > u
6th. They luatiut-ud mUiur *•! Col.
Frank Jordan, for Governor. Alt.l
long liallotiug, W in. P. N\ iis* n of
Ceutre, was chosen aanalorial dL
The "probably ablest representa
tive on the democratic aide ut ike
tlouee," mult be a "valient and laUrii
ted bugger becauae ate e*cr> icd a
duty and right, iu publishing hia r*c
ord, last summer, be uo refuse# to
send us a copy of the Legislative
Record, fearing are will again look it
up. Thero'a calibre for you.
The democrat#, a tew days ago car
ried Reading by 2T7 majority. That
city, heretofore, was radical.
The Govwumr General of India,
was assassinated by a convict, a frw
days ago.
The London press, ef the 12th, in
discussing the Alabama question, were
for moderation, on the part of Eug
laud. Johnny Bull is diawing in
hia horns.
11 % 1 * -
A Philadelphia dispatch to the N Y.
Herald, of 12th. says thai Horace Greeley
was in consultation in that city with Mo
dure. Judge Avery, and other politicians.
It is believed that an anti-Grant coalition
hag best) formed between these .-entlenu n
and torn.r. The latter 1 * resignation
causa* great excitement ia Phil*4ti!pb)e,
Ibsatli of Another Senator.
Philadelphia, February Ift—Henry 8,
Evans, State Senator from the Fifth Die.
trict, died at West Cheater last evening
His diath creates a tie in the political
parties in the dials Senate, and will ren
der difficult the MltUnsai t of th c""rl
of Col. McClure for the seat now held by
Mr. Unay, recently returned trout the
Fourth District.
In the Quarter sessions of Philadelphia,
on Saturday, three radical defaulters wets
sentenced as follows:
Joseph F. Marcer defaulting City Trea
-urer. and Charles T. Yerke*. broker, Mar
cer being sentenced to pay a flne of JiUV
i a as, ajtb imprisonmeat in the Kasteru
Penitentiary, rr separate or solitary
cotifineuiMsi at tabor toy fopr ycprs and
niue month*, and Yeikas lopaypjtW, aitg
like imprisonment for tbeterin of tiroyears
.sud uiue months.
—■ ■ w a •
And now New Orlop* is eicitad upon
"piaiota and fvfftt for two,' the latest from
there ia:
Several affairs of honor are on hand,
growing out of the testimony of up* Captgin
Scott before the comwiUae, who sarure to
having bribed certain high effictals, Hpott
sent a challenge to State Senator Cambell,
which has been accepted. Double-barrel
led shot-guns have Veen selected
Scott in turn, it ia rumored, bat been
cbal'ccgcd by Lucics Adams, a promi
nent Democrat. ii bes acv*pl?ti
chosen sword#.
Superintendent Badger (of the police) has
challenged Speaker Carter, the cause ot
the quarrel being aa article in Carter's pa
per reflecting on Badger with refereuoe to
the late shooting affair in iron! af the St.
Charles Hotel.
The Retirement of Colonel For
Washington, February 11.—The rctire
' went of Colore) forney from the collvc
tortbip of the port ot I'biljpiplplija h** *' v
en rise to very many fiwjaclprt* IU Iv'U'.
cal circle* here. By eonie it i* thought bp
has resigned for the purpose of accepting
the position of postmaster general, to be
vacated by Mr. C'resswell. Hut this is an
rumor exploded month* ago. The theory
most gepffgllT adopted it that the lederal
ufllcials find tioy oiijtjvl the elec
toral vote of Pennsylvania in the •<>'
nominating convention and that Colone|
Forney, rather than sacrifice himself in
working for the renoiuination of President
UraAt, b*s pnpcluded to sacrifice hit oflo-e.
However, tpe inUmaia frit qds of Colonel
Forney assert that bis reasons *r *obf!>.
tially as suted >ll his letter of rtsignalinp 1
Since sending the above It Is stated that i
Col. Forney's real reason for tendering bit
resignation is a desire on bis part to use bis
influence for the settlement of the difllcul
tiss agisting in the republican party of
Peunsylvant* JJ* fynsiders it would be
officious in him ty attempt it holding
a federal position, but as a private Individ-'
ual and editor of a leading republican pa
per in the slate be would probably be able
to accomplish it. It is reported that some
days sit ce President Grant wrote a letter
to pujyfiel Forney, asking fr the latter s
position in sfgfiij Ui (be Gray, MX'lure
ewn test. It is understood jfo spj*,is|ioii
was given by Colonel fotnpy except bi>!
Rum-onie Day in tha House.
Washington, February J.—The ilou-e'
niet for debate only to-day, and the meni-j
hers who spoke hid the usual pleasure oj
spvsking to empty chairs. The monotony
of thg day gpljvcued, however by an'
event never before koyi I 9 tljy bitrv
of congress. The colored men, bets #'•*} :
themselves of this lull in legislation, ami'
entertained the H.>ue with speeches of
considerable length, if not brilliancy
Conviderahle suspicion was evinced as to
the reliability of the speeches delivered ;
many claiming that while the tenor of the
speevpef might he a reflection of thej
views of our guiofgd fteprcsentative*.
the composition was the emanation
gentlemen not entitled to ass at on the floor
of Cong re •*. This suspicion was increased
by the tget of • Florida man. after deliver-!
ingpart of hie add Ms* with great vehwj
rnence, became udd.-rily lost, asuj. g; ill
took him quits a while to find hi* place, it
wa* hinted that he was not as we.l ac
quainted with his manuscript a* he should
have been. After finding tow right place
he proceeded, begging pardon of the
House for so long a detention. A notice
able (act was the manner in which empha
sis was attached any particular prt; near
ly cyvry time eipression was giveu to
point* Of Witter, while places where
specimen* of jpigbl fcfft b * cu K iv "
en wgre passed over in the usual ine^tpfpf;
kit c manner. The fact of three of the col
ored member* ♦l>f# ttn * • lu * "
taken as an indlcatUn of rivalry but from
the delivery, which certainly was original,
it would he hard to award the palm of su
The {fveen t Sf>tech.
London, February G The follow
tug is ii verbatim leport uf the Queen's
speech before Parliament todst :
,1/y JMI tit and (InUlrtitm:
I I avail myself of the opportunity nf
forded by yuur r*-a*einuliug for the
discharge of your itiouienloua duties to
renew tne expression of my thankful
rnsr. to the Almighty for the deliver
ance of my *m from most imminent
danger, and my lively recollection of
the profound universal sympathy
hown bv my loyal people during that
iteriml of anxiety and trial, t pur
ine that on Tuesday, the '27 th inst.,
• onforinalilv to God and the Incoming
usag a of former day a, that the bless
iog thus received shall lie acknowl
edged i>ii behalf of the nation by
thanksgiving in the Metropolitan Ca
thedral. At this celebration it is my
dreiie and hope to be present. Direc
tion baa been given to provide the
necessary accom modal ieut for the
members of Paliamviit. The assured
res ef fiiemlahip that I receive from
foreign powns contiuue in all reepccts
satisfactory and 1 need hardly assure
vu that my etdeavur# will at all limes
lie steadily directed towards the main
tenance el these friendly relalmua.
The slave trade, and practice# scarce
ly to lie distinguished from slave trad-
tiig ar# st'll pursued in more than one
quarter of the world, and continue to
attract tha attention of n>v Govern
ment. In tha South San Islands the
uanta of the British Empire ia even
new dishonored by the connection of
•ome of my subjects with these iiefar
'j imis practices, and, in one of them, the
murder of an exemplary prelate cast
fresh light upon seme of the baneful
consequence*. A bill will be present
• d to you for facilitating the ttial of
offence# of this claea in Australia En
deavors will be mada to iucreasa, in
jother firms, mean* fur the counterac
ti<in of this evil.
Various communication# have pa*s
ed between my Govenintrnt and ibat
of France on tiie subject of the commrr
cial treaty concluded in 1860. from di
vergence in view* rspeclfully enter
tained in relation to thv value of pro
tactive laws, this corrvepotideiim has
not brought aliout any agreement to
modify that important convention;
both sides, however, have uniformly
brought their earnest desiralhat noth
ing shall occur to impair the cordiali
ty which has ao long prevailed be
tween the nation* Paper# relatiug to
these subjects wi/l b# laid before you.
The arbitrators appointed pursuant
to the treaty of Washington for rite
purpose af amicably settling the Ala
bams claims have held their first
meeting in Uepgvi, Cases were laid
before the arbitrators in babalf of each
party to tha treaty. In tha caao so
submitted by the Cniled States larg.
claims are included, which were under
stood on my part not to be within the
'province of the arbitrators. On this
subject I have caused a friendly com
muuioatiun to b made to the Govern
ment of tha United Bute*.
Debate in Parliament,
i Mr. Diaraeli thea ruse and called
the attention of the House to the par
agraph of the royal speech in reter
enca ta the arbitration of the A.abauia
,-claim*. He animadverted at some
, length upon the treaty of Wasbing
, ton, for the fault of which h blamed
I the Foreign Secretary, Earl Giau
vtlle, and the Premier, Mr. Gladstone.
lj|as yttw ff fhc developm-uts which
bad brtn made by Itia 4#peniblage ot
the arbiters at Gtueva, Mr. Disraeli
' wanted to know why the government
' was exultant over the edification it
bad given ta Parliament on the nub
'ijrnl. The royal speech was signally
M unsatiafauery, iilill *heweJ in his opin
' ion that tie goyeriiHiput atjjf !af!fd *
' proper appmiatmn af the gravity of
' the question at issue between England
and the United States. The American
i claims were gnater than tboae which
' would follow a total conquest ; they
I were pre|H>vterou# and impracticable,
apd if admitted would 1* fatal to tha
t power and honor of jMigland.
, said Mr. Disraeli sueerlpgijr, the w hole
. subject is dispoaad of in on# brief je
, june paiagraph of tha royul spetch
.1 Mr. Gladstone fid awed iu reply.
He said the treaty af Washington it-
self shows llint England >• ready to
- make every concession, short of nut ion-
Igi honor, to establish friendly relations
- with America, and to ttl an example
- lo be followed by other nations heuce
forth. The government aaid the Pre
mier, if ready to explain everything iu
'connection srnii tfie treaty, but it will
I sot admit that it lias unwVtliugiy made
' a mistake. The )>aragraph iu the
•'treaty is the onlv fair and uauiistaka
' bie interpretation of the treaty lie
' could, if he desired, refer to the
' preposterous character of the
' 4 me* loan which of itself
1 proved their glisurdi'tv, Kir they ware
1 such as no people in tne last extremity
1 of war or in the lowest depth* of na
' tional mufortuue. with the spirit of
, the people of England in their hearts,
jpopid ayer Mibmit to. (Cbaers.) Mr.
copcluijed by saying the
| government would maintain'the posi
( tion it had takeu firmly, though in a
friendly mauner.
,| Plundering the Treaaury.
The Radical projacla to jdunder the
Treasury ma daily in num
ber. The latest one—submitted by
Perce, a noted carpet bagger from
' Mississippi, eclipse* anything of the
kind yet beard of. In the first place
1 it is proposed to take two hundred
| millions nut of the Treasury to give to
landless citizens —meaning, of course,
'j tne fifvaotp tp If ffisiH-pscd in this
tyrise : Those dfgirjng (• fettle op the
{public lands shall be transported there
lat the public egpens*, and on proof
tha they have no mentis to open the
; Innds, shall be furnished with the fol
lowing articles, to wit: $59 worth of
1 building material, lumber, canvas, or
other building material; 1 plough.
.1 pick-ax. I hoe, 1 shovel, I ax, 1
I hatchet, 10|) p<>|lfld of tjjsorted cut
r : ai a, 4<MI pnitiid* of dour, hi) pound*
of liacon, 10 pounds of coffee, 5 pound*
lea, 100 pound* of suit, 15 bushel*
of see* I wheat, 5 bushels of seed corn, 4
bushels of seed potatoes, and $1 worth
(of assorted gardens seeds. The third
section declare* that the ftind for this
appropriation shall be derived from
• tax bpan o)i imgijftfclp jjea*ment oft
all the muiiey slid other property ofj
: the penp'e of the United States. This i
• extraordinary measure ia now before;
the Corn 111 it tee on Public I*ands.
t •
jj Attempt to AflSaifiMMte ThJera.
f A special dispatch to (lie Gaily Tel
■>graph Imiri Puri my*; "PrwMent
Thief# tta# ahot at last night, hut war
• not hurl. The aau.aiu escaped."
J Saw ItooK.—"A Io*l Life." by the
i well-known publisher, U. W. Carlelun,
- New York, to whom we are Indebted for a
t this work, (t i* a vary inlereatiag
- work, apJ ity ffeftMWJ replete with food
> for the The boo#, is p,iit s J it,
i handsome style, und on good paper. s'csJ
, for a copy. j
Many heads are better than one.
Mr. While, from tb* t'< intMiH*-** •> (
Cuuatilutiviial KHurmiti tit* Mite cii (
ale, repotted, witb uyui intnii IM I*lll i
for the CoMtilulnmnl Genvemioti >
annulment*, lu ptovale lor Ml* ••• - j
lion on Uio 14|fc of May :K> t. 11*
Convru(ion it to inert on 4k >h •• •(
lur* Jay of June, tit* liuitilw i > in* n -|
beta to fixed at nituly-i ii r. • ix* \
ii to be elected tlir earn* ** > i nt- ' •
—two Itii" tacb ; !*••• y * i •• •
to be elected at large, *a l> < . • ti t*
vol* lor one |w-it n On
the Convention inn* rv|Uii any
amendment |II U •ulm illril acpvintt
ly. The (KiV of mriuln tat I* •in
iliouaui.ti iiollara f*i ilia wbot® uno i
of the Cuiivtnii* 11, Willi inibagr.
Considerable excitement bit* been
created by tba rolutioii ol Stuntd
I'alrikcu taya lb Mnruiug i'alriot,,
to into tbr mnuuer in which a
certain bill relating to tba croasiug of
railroad at grade wa placed in the
handa of ibe governor wi'.boul bav
tng paed house. A tin* b*|
gok bill ia mat k*<l an having engine-'
twi in tba Senate it ia proper I bat we
abould make (be lal mrnl tliat Col.
Jacob Zeigle.*, who wnt chief clerk
Inst ackkion, ia not in tba eiight<-t de
gree implicalid in ibe iranaaclioU.
lb ia brief ex plural Itli la due to that
gentleman and lua uumerolia friend*,
lba indiciaiy (Oiiiinittea will thor
oughly investigate ibia matter, audj
will no doubt ibanavcr tba guilty par
tna. If lbi kind id villatiy ran lw
neturely practiced by corrupt otScmU
in the legislature, u t- impumibie <o
pi edict wbat lawarndangtring |ii>oio'
al rigbla and public interests may ti<• I
le suddenly sprung *n l|teopU
without the knowledge of tln ir repr* •
1 NTKHKCTINU TO All* IM A V klll.e
—Th* li*rriburg Patriate*}*; ' An]
in>j>ort*ut ruilwav lUcutou lint ju*lj
received affiriu*ti< i< i>y the N*w \uik
Court o| A|>|h;> l)omtli Hawton
sutii ilie IVtiiuvluuiit tail luatl roiu I
paiiyr U< rtmtr 4,b00 t*.r !>• *1 Lag
gage. On IM hil el ti r it **a
iiaialed thai at little KM a coudition;
|iruitD uii IHC litkrt U|HU whirl) lh
rilaiutiH HB litiitijj at (lit tune <>l ikr
oa, the company would not lie iiabo
to extrtti SIOO una the oiiid not tr
cover mere it an lliat tutu. On tiial
t*iow the plaintiff obtained judge
mailt for $4,000, and the Court oi Ap
peal* have, affirmed that judgement
I id* dtoiaiou maintaiui aa law that
th# ciauaea on railroad ticket* limit
ittg the l< m to SIOO ft r baggage iloei
net limit tucli lo*. *1 hia iaa dcci*it>ii
ufa lotiy-ruooltd and frequently con
taeU-d qtnaiion."
• ♦ •
Washington, February U. —The a>l
tului>trulioo ha* clrurlv eliowu it*
tin mi* on its hi*in reform jmiicy
Tht Senate t tlay, iu voting upon Mr.
Sckuu'a amendment to lh Morion
resolution fur adjournment, ah*U
wliercit stand*oil rjucattoli* of civil ser
vice reform, au<i openly proclaiinml
thai it hat mi iuletiliou of enacting'
the new *)u in into law. The Radi
cal* disclaim tlii* imputation, but Mr.
Schur* gave notice before tbe vote
was taken that if the amendment Ma*
voted down it would be an indication
that the Senate did no! intend to pu*a
any law to arcure vivil-acrticc reform.
The autriidineiit |>i|>.-#<d that ihrre
should bono adjourimnt until • bill
of ihi* kind uur passed, and tin vole
*toi d 16 to 3*2, ad thr Kepul>iicai>.
with the exception of Mtort. Kenton,
Scbuii Sumner, Tiplou, aul Trum
bull, noting against it The *ui ic
tun* which hate existed that n<*it|ir
the Pmidtut nor his friende in t on
gres terioualv contemplated a refoini
in the civil service are more than Con
firmed. When thu attack u|oii the
rrpoit and recoiumrudaliou* of the
civil (t>famnioii* wa* made
in the Senate a tea day* p.< >1
auppneed that Senator* Carpenter and
Morton pokr for themaelvc*, but it
now ap|Kara that they were acting u
the cX|M.ueUt id the admiiiiatialiou
parly in the Senate, iu the House
the (teeiiug among thr Krpuhiican*
toaarijr tiny rpejfsjife ij of a sir^itipr
character, orly. it- jiewyible. more ifl;
tene The ouly friend* of civil tti
form after all are the peniocrat* and
the auli-lirant Republican*.
A sehoel teacher iu Omaha, having
mi ordinate dread of the (inall-pox,
Miit hotne a littie girl because the raid
her mother was sick and had mark*
n her face. The next day the girl
pnwcntfd hcrwlf at the ecboolhoiise,
wi'h finger* in hfr moufh end her lj(-
tle bonnet twinging by the tiring*, and
•aid to the teacher, "Mine , we've
got a leetie baby at our house ; hut
mother told nie to tell you that it isn't
cat'diin'," The teacher told her
take *cet
Collision Near Alton, 111.- Two
Car* Telwro|M*d—Several Pass
enger* RottMod A life.
Alton. 111.. Kebruiry 7.—A passenger
train going to at on pi* Hock|t>(t,
Keck Itland *nd St. Loult railroad, which
wat due at Alton Junction at 6:10 this
aiorninc, when about three-quarters of a
mile below Upper Alton station tame In
eolliaion with a frieght train a 0 ' 11 !! north..
The baggage oa* and Brat coach wera tele
tcopud, and then almost instantly took fir*.
In a tocim tn*i *iu4 fa* mo.t appalling
The unfortunate passenger* wore, most ?>f
them, caught between th# car teats, and
egrets Hum the ear wat nearly impottible.
The fialuvt enveloped the doonn-d cart 1
almost iuttaiitly, and tbu terrified passen
gers, were left to hu slowly roasted alive.
Up to II a. in. the chared and blackened
remains of four victims of this fearful ac
cident had been recovered, and wru lying
pi the tnow awaiting the coroner's In
Th* n timet of the killed, at far at known,'
are at follows: Jautet Tweet iu, No
KeuLen Ksins; the other two bodies have
not been identified. The wounded are:
Keuben Kains, head and body badly i lit,
I-aae Barnbart, badly burned and head
cs|(; August }|aube, ankle broken; M
Cannon, leg broken | fi.-dnrivk Bugle.--,
of St. Louis, b dly burned | Mina ling he.■
hrutat d ; Franklin drove*, bruised ; Karl'
Ti, severely bruised ; train boy seriously)
injured, he*id* fire otlu-rs slightly wound
ed. Altogether, four killed and twelve in- ■
jured. A working party is still husy et,
the wreek and uior.- eatuaiilies may he re-J
The keigtrt Help li.<uid I>hMr it a
ii<ic track si tli<- Junction, but Instead of
I doing so kept straight on. linker, the eon
t ductor of th* freight train, jumped oil'
, when the train* came in collUion, and
1 sought safely in flight. It i* raid the rngi.
ncr'r and Arernan followed Itiisi; but thi*
lucks cbtinrpiHtio/i. The ,vhoij, r.spopjj
llility pf t)ij afl'air rp*ta n baker
When the train* met, Mr. Kain, hi*
wife and child were -Itling together, the
child between Its parent*. The shock of
the collision forced the real* together, fa* 1
tening than in the wrek. Haiti* Anally
*uc> ceded in cxtriculing himself, though
terribly burned, but all effort* to release
his,wife weie unavailing. The child unit
bUj rssfyad ly ar cj* t effoj-f*. The wotiii
led a.tinojf at QrigWp. feft
Drought to pilar# at) m.pifs) pill
b bald to-morrow
Km 111 Kaafoii.
I". irvpoiirU*iica of tba ftapwrter.
li.iM'Og, I'v, Kcb., Brd, 1872.- Kdltor
1.. ).• iir: 'lbe thermometer he* suddenly
ta .i. oiol t ate being Ui an Icelandic
. i mute Ju|t now. Tin) uurial being who
p. i .<*< t i lie windeWndMhef elements
1,,. in* ttrml m*w long with hi* banignity,
.. i wlo a '*■ * Annie* hi* eti'Mier aapect
- uhcci*lkouioial} M "d b) *u* It no uiual
oi • ati'Ut, we begin l think that ha la
, iol Loot night *• went to bad with lba
{ i I Unking in through our window,
; *U > h on accountWl thu miltl weather we
Moot low < red more ihun u*uel, BIIU this
i,. nine we found h iiiw hank on tba
i.iluw till where we bad deposited tba
(■let loo* evening, (or imiiivdiaia uta ill tba
I m •in n* -on e Jrawii ga in Comic Hcc
mil* We did not go into hysterics
rit ailliougli wa did Hut evict t to ha
■ cived 111 tl<at w*. We raoca trie win
dow HI d ttilhle**iy podnd tile Miow-hatlk
' *er hoard'' to Iha extent uf about srven
!it tit * feat Our |>aper were nut lit for u*
hut we it veiigrj oul*clfuit tiiekliow bank.
Citialc Section* wlwayt coma l the Ror
ning and nearly a vary tooriiig Uo. to tha
,i. tin He dl*gu*l of *ludriitk who hwve'nt
• lite I***l attrition for lualhemalic*. And
thru Oi tb<- CYMtiltg whan lba lekktin i* to
he prapsivd, which reuuira* vf tbeur tba
<<•>( ktudy, ik tha only time when our
lautale acquaintance* arc "lu bum ' to uk.
j flioie who can't run lba two thing* lu
' iraiher *ucce*fuliy, of course "4** fa" in
j Comic* tha i<ot morning, and at ataini
' nation they thenceforth will Urvwi
Chronic kaction* to tbain. Homo
nine* the recitation lomiio another form
and it *bould rather be designated
Coiuic section*, at the capeno of koma
over-l*(H Individual who get* axtcndvtly
"mixed" ill ordinate!, tangent*, tWiiu*,
tub-normals ate. Cold weather don't af
fect two thing*: collar* dutio* and tha
orange boy*. We are vikited about one
half uoiteii time* each day by the vender*
of thik fruit win iuvariahly have "weet
i orange* j four for ten canta," when lb#
, truth i. there are no weet orange* In
loarket. i/imr. arwiiot iluligenou* here and
w don't invei frequt-n ly lo the atonih
jmani of the hoy* who no doubt regard
'theiiikelv e* a* (icrtoriuing tha rutwl unkel
'fl.h, philanthropic utHti-* In anwar lo
'.hair "rap* ' to-day. we advtted theiu in a
toud tone, that we w re nut In. Thee
jiariodical calla, if nothing ale. relieve the
monotony of coilege da i, the routine of
which we may at *ouie future time give
you a *yno(ol. Tiling* g ah-ng bare
generally without anything to mar lha
• en lenornfthetr way. e*rep*an K- tat ion
■*i aftei nwo tu *u (hating} but the are
few ami far between. The aiue venera
ble Prttf. who prescribed vaccination, the
reading of the ninety Hr.l Paaltti and plen
11v ot wora at a prevention for niall-poi,
*lo *y* that he would not e&cute any of
hi> elataaa it hi. Paul were to preach in
Philip>hurg, tiroH the river. At thia
fniuoti* divtna l not eipeeled to viail u*
conclude that the poonbililie* uf
ihU divirixn getting a holiday, are *onie>
• bat ui ctriaiii We did act up a MM**
(101 l here eoli-e e < ekt a|<i however. Th# ela* ha* alaay* dwlinguiabed
.uelf by the number oi aeutation* it caa
pr> dure .n the a av of tutting bell and der
rick ropet, etc It ha* eiecinlly eierrited
' i are ov r the Krethntrn in the rettriction
and arrangement of their ce*tumery, At
i the commencement of thb year the Soph*
• toed an edict forbidding thrP rnbie* to
indulge the rani tie* of "plug* hat* and
l loaded cane. At that lime tha nnmarr in
each elate aat about crjual and the Soph*
being tomeah* prctertliout and deter
mined the Injurc-tion w heeded to tha let
ter. During the l**t term the Sophomore
clatt hat been eliminated of the original
projector* of thia edict and tha entire
number reduced to about 411 The Kreth*
men in created in number to about 76 and
men u.cren> <1 m number to about 7 . and
Hn concluded that they uer sapaLie of
•olrit'i,g and adjusting tliiiroMroftUMa
and of fuiirtt young Ainrrimn notion* of
costume find tnrir climax in a nobby cana
and >ll k hat. A cla meeting > held
and it was agreed by the Frvshio* that a
large auiouni *h->uld be invMlvd in tha uU
nwilott-can** Ihe*aui were worn by
l! • r!a. in a My, to chapel a week or
more ago. The Sophomore* made a ru*h
for the cane* a.'ler chapel. and a filic rn
rounler rnued it> which the cane* were
reduced to vulgar fracti. n* Oolv about
fur whole laiio remained of about thirty.
Several men ware put Aon du Cora4af and
quite a number had tore knuckel* and
pate* It wat discovered the neat mor
ning that bump* f *aifeteetu bad develop,
ed wonderfully during tbr night So ill.
feslilig exUt*<f afterward* and Sophomore*
and Freshmen after tbr melee walked
arm in arm to *up|-er
The Freeh men were awarded the victo
ry. and ince thrn their right to act a tree
to let agent* i* not questioned. Thi* ie the
drat >en*etion of thit kind ever perpetrated
hire, end it it to he hoped-for the *eke of
general principle* of right, that it may be
the la*t. The clan of 74 in all luo*l all
fidlegp* eein* to have been under
an .IffalH lar. and hat in uuincrou* %ayt
and lueal called out the diriplinary
power resident in the faculties. The entire
iiumher of student* reported by the cala
ogue the proof rheeU of which we have
inn, U 316; but aince then the number
ha* been augmented to ab< ut '£H>. Tha
new catalogue wilt be out toon.
Put Wilt.
t •
llom lo I art j I't iiith) Until*
The *peciai e'ectis n for senator in the
Fourth senatorial district, Pennsylvania,
that attracted • > much attention. came off
ia*l Tueeday. There were but two rand i
.dale-, both rtpublican*, (tray, the regu
lar nominee, rupportrd by the admini*-
I rati oti influence, ant) M < jqrr, boltr**
,upi.orttd tjr Ihu lltKir'' republican*
mill the democrat* The district f over
whelmingly republican the mairily at
tba >a*t prwiout election being T,V*>, and
thi* |> why tii* dtniwral* Jt. tied to ooi>-
. iei lite election with a an lidale of thair
own. and eonicnl th#nielv*§ with up
po ting the bolter. Our dintatcbe* an
nounce that the regular republican nomi
nee. tirajr. wa elected, hut by *o n all a
majority a* to fully vindicate the value uf
the democratic experiment and insure it*
•uccex* when tried on a fair flaid. tira.v •
majority i* only *lO a loa* uf 6,4ti votea
' tinea tha election Had hit opponent been
a democrat, (iray* majority would proba
bly have been 1.000: for the tattv line*
, e*ui<i nae poeit **miiy drawn, and the
repubiican opposition to (J ray thwuld have
.had little r au liberty of action. Bui
with a "reformer rtpub'iran. supported
by the democrats in opposition to the regu
.lir fcom'ioee. toe grnat Handing majority
ha* been reduced to leu than a thousand ;
I and we are told that kl'kTure intend* to
oonlmt the declared re*ult on thp ground
ihat ckwn tt,i* wit-agre uiajofhy 1* fraudu
The care i* full of tigniflcance. The
trial in a dittrict where the republican
voto it to the demorratif vote a* three to
one, wa* moat unfair, for it involved the
ta*k of dividing the republican vote into
two nearly equal part*. The tame trial
made in a general election In Feanrylva
| nia would carrv the ttate againtl the rem
lar repnbllt aii tick*! by gif bfefw helmfng
majority; end if In a pre-ldcntiel contest
1 belwaen (irant aird an opposition republi
jean candidate, one-fourth the proportion
of republican* who voted for M ('lure
•houlu vote for the oppoaitiun candidate
(irant would be decisively defeated: he
j would not have a majority in more than
three tte* of the Union.
The administration party were greatly
iilariiiud by the M'Cltire holt in the Phila ;
del|mia eaCiVal*. lib) they are laf tWpi be
ii.g -nlottui W illi their victor*; it how* PHI
plainly bow tliey can be beaten in Penn
sylvania and in the union neat Novem
ber, and they fear that the denote rat. y will
purine the eoure which the Philadelphia
npertinent point* out. Forney'* Irrtt
wnounuay three day* before the elec
tion that it called on the republican etc
i utile coflftaa to rule both the regular
nopiiovt! and the jolting caplTitld v dtf'tK*
track, and elect a cobiproitii*e candidate;
mid win II it vi> discovered that thit could
not be done, the /'rr*t claimed M dure a*
1 11 (irant man; but another republican pa
per, the Aititriean atui (iairttr, proved by
, hi* u* a letter* that lie we- inutile to (irant,
mid nppmed him for thi* rea*ou. Tha
democrat* of the Fourth tenaiorial dittrict,
I'l initylvania, appear to have acted with
great prudence and judgment in the coo
ls*.i; it wa* not their belt that the experi
ment tiid cot wholly *ttct;yt<j. {lad t|iv
I'liUllUiJlnjl laaJority against them been at
all reasonable, tin y would have circled W -
(jure and inflicted a heavy dclcat on the
administration; nnd If the verv policy they
pumited -hail be adopted in the Presiden
tial < ampaigri, it will not only rout the
administration party in I'ennrylvania, but
give IM for our next President *onie such
a luali a* M'Clure.— Mittouri Kryubhrntt
I |*Te*li (iat'iir n, Flower, Tree tuni
ijbhrttU, hi'tigiteii, Fruit and Herb
hSc#i, Ir jwld by Mail. A te
land judicinua asaortinenl, 25 oiaesrt,
1 11,00. Tlic six rlmati, (150 packet*)
1 j far |5 (Ml. Aim, an itutueinte slot kof
• olio ycitr giulitd Fruit Tret*, Small
" Finite, Fiutt block*,, Young Fruit
Uinui|i#t,tit| utul F)'ik'ftn lift (Ming*.
Bulb*, Jiott), V'in**, House untl Hur
ler plant*, A'„ At 1 -, ilir mwt runt*
j jrJete Hegorttin nt in America. l'rtjwid
|: y usiil. I'riftd Cm ablatio to ant
address, a!n liule lists, gratis. .Settle |
Oil, Agent* \\ lililitl.
B. ,\l. \Vti i , Old Colony Nuti -
tier Mini accj \\ nlclu. lite, Plymouth,
M tills Ilrlnliilel.tti 1642. ftUUiil
TXT " ■ .
|}{> u 1)1, uw |p liiyfctll wild Mitel*
will befriend ibee.
In mi article last week. Ml the eu
rietta and nucleating auhjci t of dor
man x 11. lity in certain cI•■ •( ani.
until ti I* ii>|r. a auhjvut which has nol
icripvel lit* attention aiuelig ecien
utiu men which it claims, and which
IIM titpettswi practical bturings,
*• nil mii d to th Inct that seeds which
Imv* the genua ul vegetable lit* with
in thcin nr* much more generally sub
yet t thr minr |ili*iioiuem>ii. When
n ateJ ia perfected, it does uol at one*
spring op iolo a plant or tree. Th
lite that ia in the ered may ruuain
dormant tor an indefinite length ofj
lime in lciii|ierat* and cold region*,
all seeds ooutiuue in thia stale during
the winter a*a*u. Every granary ia
a alwr>'houae of seed* which eorni per
fect li inert, life!rs, and they will re
main uutil heat and moietura revive
tlieiii. iiuw long seeds will remain in
llua etala without losing their vitality,
lots beeu a |U< atiuu. It ha* been aa
avrled that wheat mcloeed in aarco
phagi with Egyptian raummiee fur
thoueauda of yeara, has vegatatad.
Wheat ia said t hava batn reproduc
ed from auch seed, Las* beeu aold in
the market.
There ia nothing in thia inconsist
ent with the analogy of other facta.
Dr. Lindtey, the amiuaiit English hot
auist, says; "I have new before me
three plants of raspberries, which have
been raiaad in the gardens of the Hor
ticultural Society, from aeeds taken
from the atumarh at a man whose skel
eton was f.iiimi thirty feet below the
surface of the earth, at the bottom of
a barruw that was opened ucar Dor
cheater. ll# had been buried with
some cuius of the Emfieror Hadrian,
and it ia probable, therefore, that the
seed* were 1.600 1,71)Q years old."
Numerous esses are recorded in
which earth thrown up fromn consid
erable depth has become covered with
a vegetation foreign to the neighbor
hood iu which it appears, and the
garins of which must have remained
dormant for a great length of time.
The fact that seeds retain their vitali
ty from year to jear, when exposed to
atmospheric influences, makes it ap
pear highly probable that they will
retain it for a much longer period,
bow long no oue ran aay, when light
and heal aud moisture are withdrawn.
It is a fact with which the agricul
turist ia pertcctly aware, that seeds
are not so apt to germinate on Iwing
kept over from year to rear. This is
owing to the effect of exposure to the
atmosphere and other influences, and
•very farmer or gardener thou Id be
particular tu abtaia the freahrat *aei
for piavnliitff. Sometime* a crop ia
iuet or greatly dtniiiiUhad by the age
of the feed.
'I hi w hole auhjev t i oue of acieii
tiiic |jiacti-al interval, atxl a* auch #e
cr tniucod it to lha attention and in
veatigalioti of our reader*.- 2f. I'. os*
DiTl<>n Journal says: Helen JUM
i|iliin> Mansfield, llic woman who was
al tl'r bottom of tlic Fisk Slokrw trage
dy in Ni* York, i not altogether un-j
known to Dayton. Person* who are
in ilie habit of attending histrionic j
rtpritralalioM, ill remember her a<
playing au rugagtmeul al Turner's
Ojera lluuae ihr season before thai
establishment waa Jnltujttl hv tire
She u the daughter ef Char lea Thorite
the veteran actor, aud abe appeared
here a* "Mia* Kn.ilyr Thorne," playing
Juliet to J tank l*awler'a Romeo, we
believe, and she alao appeared in aev
etal other role*, creating a favorarble
unprtaaieu upu play goer*. She U
tail aud. atairly. of remarkable iue
prtaeure, very baitdaoin* face, engag
ing manners, and waa attiredauperbly
ami gaily. She appeared on the street
in a steel-gray ailk dreas, with light
blue-uverakirt, short drab aatin cloak,
heave fur cat e. and wore ap tlcgauf
purple ilk pluaji hat, surmounted
wiih A-aihcrt, jauntily on one tide of
her head. She waa "obaervtd of all
observers" wherever aha weul—cat.
tainly the finest looking woman, by
cntumou verdict, that bad visited our
city for a geuentiv*. She waa a very
attractive, acdactive woman, though
an iuditferent aclrrs*.
Coiislaiililtople, Feb. 2. —A barbs
| rua attack haa boeu made ou the
Jew* iu Ibmail. ou the Roumanian
frontier. Several were killed, many
wounded, aud all wbo could, men,
women, ami children, fled from the
place to save their lives.
The fugitives have been kindly re
ceived bv the officer* at the Porte.
Pari* letter of Jan. 12th Rulli
tuurt- 4y
hlnch surprise waa manifarted
among the Americaueon Friday laat,
when it became kuowrn that the cele
brtltC— Dr. Ilemlbold of Bucbu fame
had been conveyed to the
avium p|" hfd H •• aahl at
the instigation of 'hi* wile Twa
French physicians pronounce him in
sane, while one of our celebrated
American doctor* ia of an opposite
During a short conversation with
the doctor a few day* ago, he eipre-s
--ed himself a laiug wearv, and thmtgh{
he slioult) go t>> aoiue retired place
nnd endeavor to recruit. Exceptiog
a peculiar expieasioii af the eye, he
showed no evidence of insanity.
Various rumors are of course being
Ihr number of mercantile failures
in the pnitrt) Staff! dpring )T1 is re
ported at £,&]£, at lie aggreate amount
of liahilitie* Iwing 945,252,000. In
1870 there were 5,551 failures, aggre
gating fß4,242,oooliahilitit-*,aud in 18-
(18 there were 2,799 failure*, with 175,-
054,000 liahilitie*. The mpitylf
nance of thesy |ijgji Jigprea howv iha
Id.-uioraligation tubsiwtnf in the cow-,
men ial economy of the country, and
which, ill view of abundant rropaand
good average prices, with a aleady de
velopment of the general industries of
the country, <ll be attributed only to
an irredeemable currency. This past
subject* all commercial venture* to
cnntiugeticiia against which ordinaryi
FUN -sight ""(I J iudruce prove unavail
ing. The riault l shown iu the for-'
mtdsbie list of husineat tailurea, of
which each brings iu ila train a series
of mlMirrasameiils and losses which it
i* difficult to estimate.
Illicitae .Severity of the Went her
on the Plains.
Si,.u* )t)>, February W. —A. 11. Wil
cox, bo returned from Plymouth county.
ay that three hn esteader* living iu that
county, started with a team forth#Broken
Kettle, for Wood. 1 hey wcra overtaken
l-y the slotm on the meuiofwble Saturday
morning, whan two of Iba turn dug fj'vir
I !'>' ipw A tiif tifjft 4 remained
j thyrp, whilr the olhar proveeded on hi*
way with the loam. The meu iu tiiu snow
drift reuiuiiied there a day and a half be
fore they dared to venture out, but suffer
ed no material injury by their long im
-1 }>ri*t anient. The mail who kept on hi*
way, together with the hemes, was found
a day <>r two since froxeu to death, near
Suttins, some flfteeu miles above thi* city.
A* fare* is known positively eight perron,
were fr. x.n to death dutjng tjiif vjoftn
MiifciF * atiiMjff IRM#'r'* gf , h * r '
T'lf Tp# in *tpck ilk Mi khf **m* limit*
ha* been immense, and will probably
reach 100 to 000 hortei and cattle. i
I >i l, at i In* reeidetice of Mi son,!
IIMI vey 'I hacker in Hhiteta County,
linmii I, * d tub* til*
uidwat MIMII 111 tha U lilted Slate*,
it 1 hiiit 126 year* He wa* Imrti in
llui.couih • v'linv. V'lii ' arolina,
about 17.V1. jlnt rivl umlcr-Jark*
..n at tin- tmlti* • New Orleans. lie
MM KIMI fit the but I !* il' TI|I|H RMIIMI
under Harriet n. and uiin ll>r Black
Hawk m in lilnmi#. lie mugra
led to California ill tlw Vir 18(11.
lie M ■t>ii-iii-!H W ut' Oaiiiri Boone,
of Kentucky. Traootiary, of tht*
town, inform* u that the above is aub
ntnutially correct, IM ha know* the
laiuilv wall, and hail conversed with,
the oi<l lean, whi informed hin he
hail luet ihe register "t hi* birth, ill
(having been burueil up in hi* ln*'Ua*.|
Hi* ton Harvey, in whoa* house hei
Ulwal, la an whl man, and very fund of
; a joke, and could tell •vine at range old j
MnwSallie Wilkinson,of New Ha
ven, commenced a auil in the United
Stat-a court here to-dav again*! Mark
M Poaicrwy, for knutli of promise for
luarriage. She alleged that about
> January 1, 186(1, Pumeroy at New
Haven reiireaeuteri himself to her a*
unmarried. She believing him, en
tered into a marriage engagement
which Ire ha* since refused to fill. She
discovered he waa married at that
tune She claiuu damage* at f 16,000.
The lieu* isal blaal known t* the ex
liert* in i|uarryiug acrurred on Satur
day lust at the Consbobookea atone
comiuiny, <-tt the South vide of the
.Schuylkill, below Sweedaburg. The
face nf the cl.ff wa* 132 feel long, and
back fintw its edge, at a dittauce of
tarnty arvm fret, tbe rock waa drill
ed along tu entire length. Small
idasu wrr# made till llio rock wa*
o|*ned in a depth of 90 feet, and af
ter a trial hluat on Friuay, which (ail
ed, oti Saturday tbia mammoth eltff
of nearly 400,000 cubic fret waa burl
ed from it* base, forty-eeveu Irega of
powder being employed in the opera
tion. Tha appearance of the cliff
auhsrquent to the last baffles descrip
tion. Huge boulder*, each iu itself a
clifl. lay piled in awful confusion, and
giving a good idea of the terrific ef
lect* produced by an earthquake. As
lauch ton* Im* been thrown out by
this blast a* will keep the full farce of
the baud* in employment until next
Kubrcribe for the Reporter, it furniabe*
more reading tban any country paper in
the United Stale*.
The Republican State Convention Ha*
been called for th* IMb of April at ilarrit
burg. The contevt lor Governor i* aaid to
be between llartranft, White and Jordan
New York, Pebruary 6—A tpeelal
Meaican di|>atch ear* the Juartfl* bung
all the otflrer*. including the lender of the
revoluti nary gang captured, *lHl. Kargo,
about thirty n.iln* from Matamerar.
Grand Opening
FOR 1872.
where he has wtth ■ wry large
vtwdl jf t-o latest atylw, Wolli fancy and
com m on
Parlor, Chawt>er and Kitc hen Furni
of kin dm.
All kind* of repairing dne wttk neat
mm and dupaUk having four rood wor
man tt lU bench. 1 >■■> prepared to do
all kind* of custom work, line or common
Thankful fbr past favor*, I hope by strict
attention to business you and everybody
else will show smiliag face# at my n#w
j war# roust*.
jaalT If.
tar* of administration* dr bonus nun
cam (ulv <mw on the estate of Nancy
Kuakla, lata of Potter tap., deed. base
besn rranted to tba undersigned All per
son# knowing tbetnscive* indebted to atd
eatate will make immediate Day merit thoae
having claim* will present them eroparly
jat.a.u; Admiai*tratr
iJXkcrWkti NoYtCE. —Letter# T
I* tamrtitary oa lb* estate of George
Hunk le, late of Potter twp., dee d, have
been granted to tha undersigned Ad per
sons knowing
e.Ut# s;'.' H,u liii'u.cvlUu payment, and
tbokv vidldik %in pre*#itl tbem
preparly hOWirntioHted for Mtl#ui*it.
jane. hi. Evecutor.
A DMlNfcWAfoiß
ter* of administration to tba aatatc of
Philip Mu*er. late of Gregg twp.. Centre
county, dee'd.. baring been granted the
undersigned, all par*on* indebted to the taid
■ it ate are requested to make initnedigl,*4-
!tlement, and thoae baring cliuu to pro
—a- <>.• vwaiteK" 1
jauitu. Administrator
Reliance Wringer,
Have bad unu*ual opport unit let of aaeer
-1! tgining prrciH'ly a Vat U wanted, and
-| ptJMd uclug a perfect machine.
' They have brought out an en
tirely Naw Whikoer,
1 which they call the
New |B7|. Perfect
It Wring* F*ter Thin by Hand.
We consider the Proridence superior to
all other*, for the following reatoa,;
l*t. The HOLLERS, U r# e. and
bt quality pf Whit, Rubber, are all *a
**MfV'f It" IMvir -SlialU in tba ami perma
nent manlier, the Moulten Proce**, mak
ing tba be*t roller in the world.
NAL CASINOS prevent any wear upon
the journal*.
(1 he wooden journal# in wbick the iron
shaft* ofother machine* run, toon wear,
and the eUcienev of tha Wr'ngar U hcre-
juted on thi# Wringer give the utniott ea*e
: and steadiuen# in working, while the doub
le st jp prevent# thetu from bottoming or
being thrown out of gear We furnish
either single or double gear Providence,
a* desired.
CLAMP readily adjust* thi# Machine to
tub# of any viae or thick ue**, making a
perfect fattening'. No woeden peg# or
rubber straps on thi* (.'.amp.
BEAUTY, grji combined in thi# Machine,
with all ifie nfa ftrtvlat* Wriog-
Prwideoca R. I.
U Warms Kmt, * tork
Great Destruction;
of high prices!
11 Hi!
MBb.*l the Old telandjW
at Centre Hall.
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoo*.
alao a larg* (took of ■
FISH, the beat, all kinds,
tka ht and ckoapaat in tka msrkat.
aprTl WM. WOLP.
The Chepast,
purest, best
On Allegheny Street
Codec, Ten. Sugar. Syrup, Dried Fruit,
Canned Fruit, Ham*. Dried Beef,
Salt Picklee, Butter, Fiver,
Corn Meal. Buck went Floor,
and everything utualy kept ia a well regu
lated firat claa* Grocery Store
COAL—> Wiikoeharre Coal, Ckeetaut
Stove, Egg, furnace aad foundry.
Coal—cftMel quality, at the tow
eat price*. Customer* will pleat*
note thai our coal U hou*od un
der commodious shod*.
LIME—Wood or coal-burnt Lime, lor tale
at our kiln*, on the pike leading to
POWDER.—Having received tke agency
for Du Pont"* Powder AT
WHOLESALE, we shall be
pleased to rareive order* from
the trade.
Office aad yard near south a&i d Bald
Eagle Valley R. R ftattolbate. Pa.
Wooden Pumps
Tli* undersigned would respectfully cull
the attention ofibecitiaeqsafvsAlreoouttty,
and Penns valley in pwticular, to the feci
thet he umuukcturing
mi iiuy
made at home or elsewhere. He see* none
but the b. I material, HI VIIUM THEM
to give satisfaction, as being the most last
ing and durable, scriaioa TO THE OLD
wooden pump, being arranged to let the
water ow and prevent Ireeatng in winter.
Pine, poplar or cucumber putups always
on hand. Ilia tnuril tor pumps is all
sawed frvtu Ui timber, and are thus
Seoured against Checking or Crackiog.
All order* hr mail promptly tiled.
PIPING, madeuf the best material, of
tee inch scantling, Joined together
coupling blocks, thoroughly banded, and
wai ranted to stand any preasure required
for ordinary use. Prices u( pi iag range
from It to ft cent# par fooL Maud orders to J. TELLER.
Milesburg, Pa
3(1111 ANVIL STORK fa now receiving
L • large and well assorted Stock ot
ardware, Stoves, Nails, Horse Shoe*. Sad
dlery, Glass, Painu, Shoot, liar and Hoop
iron also Buggy and Wagon Stock of
•eery description. -Call and supply your
selves atthe lowest possible rate* at
BAROMETERS aud Thermometers at
the very beat quality just received a
Wolfs old stand
Udtre Trassea.
This invaluable article for (females, is now
to he had at Horlaeher's store, and no other
place iu Onntra county. Ladies remember
that these trusses can be had at Centre
Hall tf.
The undersigned offers at privatr
M sale a two story dwelling house and
Lot. on > ain street. Centre Hall,
with stableand all necessary outbuildings,
and choice fruit on the premises, and wa
ter in the yard. The house Is as good at
new. For futher partsculars apply to
U. D. OSSMAN, Centre Hal,
BUFFALO BOA LIB, of the beat make
from 4 lbs up to I*l,oool bs.
apWM. Inwi* 4 WtLto*.
DRY Plank and Scantling
for sale by IkWU' a WlMO*.
OPI REINS for wagons, alft.
l 5 **, el tht sign of the Anvil.
sultfW. Inwiu a Wiksost.
1 inwapiyißv VAMifi *nd
Jj kind at
apl? ft IRWIN 4 WILSON'#.
Furniture Rooms!
r**p*ctlully inform# the (ItIMW f C"*i
coontjr, that h* hacnaitly on Wand
nk*i to order, alt kind* at
TABLES, Ac.. *<•
BOMS Haas Cmiaa At* * M*
ilia deck of r**dy.inade PumituM l
and warranted of good worhmanhi|< a.
all mod# undr b& owaimaawliatr #ur • •
•100, and la offartd at rate • cUap a *jh •
wkara. Thank Ail for pa*t faror*, !.• • *
it* a continuant?* of h* ann*.
Call and ftoakiiatook U*for* purely' r
lalaowhora, . ant#' l *" ■_/
Panama Dal r a waa r*. •#,
Attorney* at Law. Baltafonte.
OCc i, oa tka Diamond, wit door to Gar
man'* betel. Cwoltalioo* is Parana ot
J Engl ak. f.klOfcf
OHN P. POTTEB, Atteraoy attaw.
Coilortion* pron i-tly mad* and apocia
attention given to thou* bating land* •>
property for tola. Will draw up and
acknowledged Dwdi. Mortgage* Ac. Ot
ic* in the diamond, north fid* of tfce
coart kouao, BfltrfoaU. ocdfMf
rsvut aaocEKwaorv, * peaoaar
Prmliltlt, Caahier
(Late MiUikea, Boover ACo.)
And Allow Interest,
DUcouat Note#.
. Buy aad S' u
Governmeat Securities, Gold and
splOMtf Cbupo M .
T AS. MMANI S Attorney at TZZ
el Bellefoote, promptly attend** „ _ii %
iaeea entrusted to hit. )*' J.Cfef
DP. FOKTNEY, Attarv „ , t
• Bellefoate. Pa. OC 7 " iUv
■ * V ALLiaraa, ' *mu i. ax****
M'Situsim t § mm®
Ben.Aati.Oeo Bp6# , f
I "n j Attorney at law
1 Bellefoate, Pa. Otire ia Ganuaa,*
new building opposite the Coat* Hone*.
.Science ea tAe'ddeenm. : "
C. H. Gutelius,
Snrgpon And Xeduuikml Dmtitt
who U permanent! v located ia Aarefubul-a
in the "Gee formerly occapitby Dr. New.
aad who ha* beea practicing with entire
weeem—having the experience of nmbat
of yean la the profeaMoa. he woeld cordis,
ally invite all who have aa yet >et giver x
htm a call, to do ao, aad teat the truthfiilam*
of thi* aeaertion. jUtTeeth extracted
without pain. attygWtf
I*o. a. oavta. c. t. *i*ta
Auori.ey-t4aw. Office iaCuarad House
Be.'.efonia. P*
with Orvia A Alexander, attend* to rollee
tioaa aad practice in the Onika' Cean.
PA ft L 6 ft toGlt STOV iti .
Parlor Stove*, aad fmriimtf Gaa
y men cosiftiativ on luhkl < i m< 4 for tiilx
ealtrgg. lawiy a Wimow'b
BELLS, at low price*, at
tpXTU. lawtx a wiuoi'
tl am a hiada at
• I**l*
LOCALES, at vkdmili aad retail, wheat*
plated fork*, epooaa, Ae, at
OOfiTS. lrg etoefe. all etylee, dam aad
Opito, fee men aad hoya, I wet arrived
et Wolf well known old Stand.
between Market and Arch, formerly 104.
Carpets. Oil Cloths. Oil Shades, Wick
Yarn, Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chains, Grain
Bags. Window Paper, Batting. Ac Also,
Brushes. Looking Glasses. Ac. decb-ljr
■ in nseat InwtK * Wiuex's.s
ChMs. H. Held.
Clock, Wntikmakrr A Jewries
Millheim, Centre eo., Pennn
Respectfully inform* bis friends and 111
public in general, that be has just openev
at his new establishment, above Alegan
der's Store, and keeps constantly en hand
all kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelrs
of the latest styles, as also the Marnnvills'
Patent Calender Clocks, provided with r
complete index of tke month, nnd day si
the month and week on its face, which it
warranted as a perfect time-keeper.
&W.Clocks, Watches and Jewelry r
paired on short notice and warranted
Stages arrive and depart daily.
V favorite hotel is now in every respecd
one of the most pleasant country hotels in
central Pennsylvania. The traveling com
munity will always And the beet accommo
dation. Drover* can at all times be accom
modated with stable# and pasture lor any
number of cattle or horses.
julyß 68tf GEO. MILLER
s rnowT, manor at., Bellefonte.
The subscriber i especially calls lh at
tention of the public to his establish*! at,
whero he is prepared to furnish alt hinds of
Foreign and Domestic Lienors' wholesale
at the lowest cash price*, which are warran
ted to he the beet qualities according to
their respective prices. His stock consist*
of Rye, Monongahela, Irish and other
W'hiskies, all kinds of Braadies, Holland
Gin, Port, Maderia, Cherry, Blackberry
and other Winee—the beat articles—at as
reasonable rates as can be had in the city.
Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger
and Carrawar Braadies, Pure Jamaica and
New England Ruui, Cordial of all kinds.
He would particularly invite Farmer*, Ho
tel keepers and others to call and examine
his large supply, to judge for themselves
and be certain of procuring wbat they buy,
which can seldom be done when purchas
ng In the city.
V*~Phyt)ciansarerespectfully requested
o give his liquors a trial. up 10
T be had at Herlacher A CrowiiUr'
A lot of good new Furniture on hand,
such as one Bureau, Bedsteads, Wash
stands, 4c.
G I o v e s.
A sp'endid lot of Buckskin Gluves,
driving Gloves, dres Gloves.
JttWIN 4 WILSON arc cuustaoU/ t*-
eeiving new goods in their Hue
of every description at redu. e • price*—now
being opened every day apl6*