The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 16, 1872, Image 1

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Snos wore bora. my hsppy [>•< :
Y'eraj figure bcckens with wl':
Tourta-gone*(font exist m yet.
In *ll the' world wkh sferattre trie *
Are you little Wnl fori ring*
Hor mmple yratitnfe for life,
Analowjr thing* *
The ooenn. wid the waning MMft*,
Ami curry skies, ort atAf* v doll*,
And winter eport, am golden Juno*.
And Art itirtno. ml Beauty-ope Us ;
Frets. and •nop. *nd frAUr vfiC
And banter, ond domestic m'tth-
They all arc mine ay. i* not ft
A ploaMit earth I
•. And pout friend*, and tyrant,
AIM precinu* bunks, for any mood.
And thou that boat of company—
Those a raver thoughts m anlttudc.
That hold ua **st, and r.ovrr pall;
And then there e You, my own my fair -
Aud i--I soon niual leave it all—
>.ul ipur h yon cart-!
ONe to Mel
ax ffctait
Come <Die INJ nuhif j without thee.
Day time anil nit rawhgo I'm dreaming al out
them V' .
Nijrtu jra* and < ay ( me m .trauma I behold
Uqwelcomr the w(gm.-fil.*l (vases V* IW-t thee;
rftuliK to m<\ .UrhawXo eorroaa to fijffatyii,
Come in ihy bov'\lu\io* apd to tullthieti,
Come in thy wraaaYvHt. at< kiy and hotly.
Cotue in thy loyoliuMe. queenly and holy 1
Bwallow* ahall flit round the dosotrie twin,
Telwtitr ,"f sfrftvg and it#"jra™ o4 NwMriug ;
Ami Oh.aiphu of my htM and it* manifold
We* Ml re
•' f f . w J 'l ml > <#4 H#i 2& #** u "
ffcua ■■ on mr-sori l*a' * bar peon and Yksy
* •*KOJM" * . V. • rs.
H Tho wraiauf my hfr haw* rasa-tool wftl mt.
- igjHlyttitideeei atone wtheeimMt within
•w.T2'l i ~.** ZZL t
ij wf '*■< iee 'a et •• n-
Figure which movve Ukva-aßeg thfrWiich the
- FeaUire* lit up with a red-'* of lit ax rh.
> Ertvi tike the driea nrtooorWfe our tnrtbar,
* '9SBKB1 M *^ iv s
Oh I thank* to the Savior the* we* W ereon
e exile to brighten hi* dtvounug.
Too h**e been glad when JVH knew I a* glad
Dear, ate joo *aA to hear I am seAV-n—t *
<ur beaVm vtw answer in tune and in time,
' kVe,
A* ootave U> and rhyme ante rfcjnur.
I munot amift, but your cheek* will he glowing
Tor. cannot weep, but my tear* will be 15owing.
You will not Rnrear *Vo I shall hate died.lore.
Ami 1 conk} not bee wit hunt *wu *t my aide,
low*. •* •
Come to me, darling, ere I die of •arrow,
Woe oo my gloom Hire the awn of fo-morrenr ;
Oecue swift and nfcrowg ae the words which f
frtilris. |
With a aotig on your hps, and a smile on fonx
ohwrk, kato.
Com*, for w j heart in TOW alwxvjo t w. arr;
Coute fo the arm* which atone shall can ** thee !
Come t the heart which t* tbreM-ins to prure
. l f
When I lc,t the eunitary to go ou|on
to an orKl of wo-&, I left behind me aianr
dear fcrknd*. At the end ota year, of
tbom at lea&t. bad cot fbrgotte* rue
Clara IteKncry rent me a very itreetly
jKoed*dinkit.iti"u to Tixtt ber foir annnttb.
' *W ht wfax having a chartniug t'f, and
twan%4 tjm ua.-lare ir. iirbbie Sclmmnt
'Vnmjw 4K- lowed tne doar'v as ever,
and if ever 1 came to Jiew York, she
begged I would spend a few day* with
htr I decided to go to Kubbie'* firwt, lor
, a weak, and then to tharau.
Htobte was evidently a petted daughter.
Uor room, where we slept together, was
famished with the utmost luxury, an II
smiled at the familiar tught t" nr. open
. jr Fulrl*>x,-ap<l trinfcets, K"4tUru4aU over
'• iTe t.ilied half the
night, and, among other things, 1 ashed
V" about the three golden LwlK which
Lung IB trout of the house.
•• YYh*. father is a pawrnbrohgr, 1 he
said, kmocemlr, and tbeu told me what a
pawnbroker mh ber own quaint rtylo.
After a vtrf plesant vkit of a week it
w as time tor me to go to t'laia
and Rehbb* and I were talking it over.
Rgbbie dtrfatd that 1 did not dres>
enough for Clara's gay suei. ty. and, as oi
old, offered to lend tue any thing she had.
But I refused.
That evening Mr. Schwarz brought into
the parlor an old ebony l>ox that he bad
ISE* IJ promising to bow me, and unVxfkisi
it. It coo mined a great many valuable
)ire Is and onuitoents. which had been
pawned te him vears ago in Germany, and
never redeaoied. Some be had tifit for
forty years. 1 kmkud at tLctn witta inter
est. M I turned them over with lay hand
* aoddewlp 1 oame upon a Incket. If Jouk
my fancy at onec; 1 notild not btarkdput'
*lt dowh. ' ! *
: " Teat's jam the odd sortof tiling to
*rrt ymt, .\fadge," cried Ilebbie. " Pht the
chain around your neck, and lot pra stv
how It iut'kni Just your sty la '* 1
Every link f the chain bad mac fanri-
ful bit of can ing on it —a hand here, gpro
l. hie there, a moth a wing, an imp's face, a
floiaea—<ach done m each small apace as
almost to need a tnaguif) ing glam* Uere,
you ran look at it fafynQMelf as I ulk.
Mr. Schwarz said the locket and* chain
were brought him. some thirty years be
fore, la Frankfort, by a sickly, looking
} ytmng Imgiithraan, who only aked five
, pouada on them—hoping, bio said, to re
, daw them wit bio a week. But Mr.
' Schwarz had nert-r seen or heatd from him
" Oh, father," said Robbie, 14 well lend
. thai to Madge to wear at tha Dekana-y/' ! n
At last she had found * imetkiog 1 ccrald
not refuse. 1 would rather have bad that
. locket and chain than all the jvwctrj in
the world. And so, when t went, from
Rebbiea bouse the next day, the locket
went wrft w.
'"•% dear MWf*,* 1 *a!d- <TWa Dehn
cep, a few evrnihew after, as wo ihere get
ting ourselves rrady for a esfn*', w hoiv
eery distinguished-looking you are in that
black silk, and with your wonderful heir
loom of a locket!"
lagnled to think bow little foundation
I hai Rw .distinction. Clasa kenwlf was
looking exquisite, wearing mauve and ber
* peurlv
"Madge," she urhmpered, when we had
been at the sot'rfe perhajw twenty minutes,
are mvking a conquest. Pddlejr
Y'crebam is looking at you with all bit
ryes, ar. l it is ' mirabile visa,' as our Latin
l**drs used to ray, for he scarcely efe? no
tices us bntterffrcs f"
A few moments after Dudley Y'ereham
was brought to us by our hostess and in
troduced. Clara escaped for a promenade
with one of her favorite*, and I was left
alone with him. He wait a grave, hand
some young roan, with a rather abettactru <
air, which he seemed to try to overcome
as he entered into conversation with ma:
and in a tew "moments I found myselLtalk
ing with him with the greatest t% f and
-, j pleasure, j This wis something enjoyable,
tor most of the young gmtlcmen whom 1
had met in society hitherto bad only an
swered " yes," " no," and " indeed, 1 ' vrhear
I had any to say, mid when they
made any remarks I could only anawer
"y," " no," and "Indeed," myself. We
never could seem to atriku the same
chords. But Mr. Vereham, 1 made up my
mind at once, was decidedly agreeable.
He had traveled a great deal, and once on
that topic, there was no end to my inter
eat. There were so many places 1 wanted
to bear about, which. I nad seen oily in
imagination, and I would tell him how I
bad factored them to myself, and then he
would give me the true picture, sometimes
with socb comical contrast that-I think We
were both very much entertained. W
promenaded, ate ices together, and at
ne asked periuiission to call on me.
" Why, Madge, he never called at tbia
bouse but once in his life," exclaimed
Clara, when 1 told her that night, " and
that was a brief party call. It is a decid
ed ease of love at first sight toy dear H'
Was it*? I almost wanted to think so
ravaelf ua I fell adeep, dreaming of Mr.
Vereham. He called a few evenings after,
was even more agreeable than at the rofsfo,"
and then he Wft; invited me to go ejeigl*.
riding with him the next day.
u He'll propose, next thing von know,"
said CJAT*, Bagei>- "ITUAE GXAVO WHC
lore always do it very suddenly. I have
known it to happen more than once fcvy
self." I'
"Would yon wear the loeket, Clara ?" I
asked, as I was getting ready for the ride.
"WelT, I dofrt ifoow, replied Clan*
thoughtfully. "Yes! It will look so
handsome against yonr black velvet jack
et and they dmir ibfeiir
grant deal this winter,"
KURTZ, Editor ttnd Proprietor.
luiii ii ii ' m mrm ■
We had a grand sleijh-Hde, the strong
, aeUhi ufttf* *rm<f-the priiKifulrlrivti*
of tha Park. All the world KM out, and
1 it wax a brilliant scene, intc*titicd every
| few moiiu-iu* by mum of the la-t horwW
breaking into a racv*. I w in the Uigh>
est )>oeiblc.spirit*, and whvu u< turned
hotwewkm felt as'lf tt w the efwng of a ka.-'lf-y't
ka.-'lf-y't wi:it fiiJ weur,"
I sudd Yrr.*\ Mvhaiu, a* he As-I<Tra Vie out
id the sleigh. '-A
r " Yc*." 1 answered, CMihscdlv; and
gaUM rii^ito'ml IM tliu ugh
thanVxinift Hwvb-*akfn, aMratl into tLi*
■jjhoqpg. J hgd •**)> a dii*>l d. wyi Ct
questiouiug me about tne locket, and nmW
ing out that 1 had Ilavout-vF it oi a 1
i luoker.
liiv ur*t two ur three tiaw* that 1 niej(
Mr.Yeteham I aid not wear ft, l-vf*,- "dal
ly twgiuning Uf think a qyi deal of uin. in
, A fojyajun: -ort'iM vent, fnd Clara'* mil—
-1 ilhrrMftfunded to it. It seeiued to un
til At 1 never tibli xfo-n, never should MSV
any one that I could like so ill a*S did
, Dudley Y'exvham.
h . 'I 4 **'-* tamo nrwwoily euoU far a l* rt l
wnkJT'was to tw the party of the *easoo.
Clara vva getting un Uq herself oine worn
■|wJi pearls and
turqutose* Y itrv blue *ilk
j the only real fwrty dress 1 had, and—tlie
loeket. Clara did my hnir, and that **--
half the WUk. -
"Now you wtva purtvet Twlet." tk- sui<f,
I wftaa i.yiu ruudv. "llere,upe some of tin*
viofot powder, child and kvX uw pug
( anVf.. rigfcifr OH your handkerehu i. Theru
[fe a charming great conservatory at Miv.
{ Hart's, and }- rba| Mr. Y'erebam will ask'
; vtui to walk there with hiu. We girls
)i or II,:,-.! up. at least Um proposal* that
f truHccfe>v tixt my l^sr*U-at tu
tuuituomdy when, in tbocynr-t *4 <M at
uever-t .vt rt* a YXi feie
i ham, a* Clara had jJeuicted, invited luc to
Wafk vdithtmju*aiwgeiseivatory. 1 took
rlPsarfu alfih a tfnrtef.Ygifi tenor, half hap
piues. ami iu a few tuotueufo wo stood
among the camellias my! om*tu-<> He
talked about tiie platvt* at first, showing
, tue some that he Had been iu i
1 thidr cvvit native dimes. f auwertd
rather at random, I aua afraid, ft* the bur
den f nay thoughts wax. u Ob, wli*t wilL.
father atid mottu* aay T'' i )
>tau-uug at hi>t beside an orange-tree,
there was a UKnneai's sileucf. Mr. Yotv
h&ku appeansl aotnewhat etnb*ra*ext.
" May 1 ask," he said, hesitatingly— J I
have been wishing a long time to a-k—
--would you tell me, Mis Madge, tiujhptiiry
; of your unique locket V
j I supfseed I looked lor *h nas- I
toned to add, " Let mc tell you my stagy
first, and then you will pardon my curios
And u Nyh tlire silent, sumunm
mg all fe-AA<*i'Mb<A, be told it. IPs:
grandfather, it seemed, was one of the |
younger sons of an old Kngli-h family of
iiobility. His mother, when a girl, was
presented with a curious antique locket, at
the time of her confirmation, by an aunt,
gho was al*o her godmother. It was given :
l tp*ga4>fi'vft* titasiff hwyt)^belonaad
WA i!w fc"lt dol It least' t*4renturu"s.
i She consequently made a love match,
which was displeasing *o her relative*, and
left Lome and country to share the for
tunes of hor young husband. At last, when
in liei-many, pressed by the utmost ncct
' sity, for thev had met with many revcrw*,
they were obliged to pawn the locket,
bup'iug by good - luek to rfrleern it *peed-g
1 Hy. But the very next day they received
Ktters Udlrng fhem of Mr. Vertham's fv ,
} titer's illneKt, and sunnnoning them to
' England that be qe them once
more and (drgive Iheui. They went home i
immediately, and were defused tixvu be
"• bis long and tcdions tllaciS, and afterward '
by business and fanjlly cutqplicationa, so'
that it was three years before they found
, ihur way to Frapktort acain, aaid tlien
j the pawnbroker waargoua. leaving no cine.
"It hu alcavs boon the subject of in-'
■ tin* rcgrce ton*," *i<l Mr.Vereham, at
the conclusion of fits Briny. "And my too- j
tber has described the locket to me a hui>- 1
id red .imes, grieving to think how she had '
fot,it slip out of her |>er*iou. Ike mo-1
luuut f saw you that,. Ma Madge, my ,
eyes were riveted by yout chain and Lxrk- i
audi deU-riuined at once to make your !
acquhifftVnec, as 'soon as we were Oti sufil-'
' ciently friendly terms to warrant it, to
1 aak you aliout your aatiquo uiuiwitt.
By this time I was self poewv-ed and ■
proud. Mjpliftß Kw was dasbed '
to the cmvn; lilr no A>riJ should dream 1
j it had existed.
" The lockat, is undmibtedlv sours," I ,
I : ' u oW 1
schoil-niate, daughter of a |iawnbrokiir. i
He is a Gt-rmap Jeyr, and his account of it
,'oinrkfos Tlfch A"'irA 1 return it to 1
lvnijj3i<l6ivXansyi* tEBU his addreSi j
that you may reclaim it." , *1
Mr. Verenem was delighted beyond
rueaanre, and thanked mc earaestly, wear-]
ing such a radiant face when we etnergud ,
iroui the cou.-crvattJ 1,1 s*f* to '*' me
alfdPwarAislle was sfrria wtowbre engagtsl.
i "And to think, aftsr aft, it wa* the
i locket, and not you P she oxelnlmed. ' "I
tdcdaiv. Madge darling, I never wint to
1 see the roan again ?' ', ' *• '
• Ah, weD! A* in flic old ralry tale, the
i bcQ had rung midnight. Uu> f. -tival wa*
i ovr, and Cinderella want go back to ev
i erv-day Wfe. I o Lwrued home, ami
i my tearhuig. faetiag scry grave ami
( perienced after my winter's dutoantioiA
I and with my mitid fully made up that I
should never marry. But NunoWu the
work of tea< bing did not go on so lightly * H
fit used, when I had vague little sweet ro
- roantic dreams ot Jove that might oome
i any day. All that was past ami lost now,
'ami I was Siek of drestn*. I hgd a letter
t from RcW)!e, telling mc of the redemption
fof that curious old locket, and what &
| splendid gentlemen cautu for it, axt jhow
wonderful it wan that it should haref got
. back to its owners. As I put away the
' letter, I tbongrht to tnveelf, "That's
the last I ever shall l#r of Sir.Vereham !"
' But one evetung when I came houie,tired
,aod rpiriiltwp, there he was awaiung mc !
j The moment 1 entered the room hi* bands
I clasped mine, and bis eyes questioned mine
t " Lit tie Mad little Madge," he aaid.
a fool I bare been! i thought Yfrwaa
the locket that won all my thoughts last
i winter, and instead of that, it was you ! 1
j found it out when you bad gone. Life
has been a blank to rue ever since. Have
I lost njv cbynfd? late T"
Ah, the dreams, the dreams ol love!
How they came trooping back into my
In-art, in tbeir most pet feet sweet fulfill
ment ! And how* ten times beautiful ia
the happiness that comes out uobarn.ed
and immortal fnxa the fire* tUhf we
thought had oomamed it!
And now 1 had my love and my locket
Hark! There is Dudley's step In tm ftall,
and I always go to meet my husband. I
leave yo to examite the rich and dainty
fanoifulnees of the graving, the cburube and
tbeimps. But this is stmfily a magmfi
cient antique. If you wish to see the
triumphs of modern skill in gold and gems,
- you must wait until to-morrow, when
Rebecca Scbennerbum, ne* ,-Sehwgra ia
com ins to make roe a visit. f I
aJ- • ' iLi Jf. * •'<" (
NxpvixaiA.— 4 correspondept of.the
Lineal saysr" A few years ago, wie|i in
China, I became acquainted with the
fact of ibe native* wjjen suff'VinE _witb
the facial-neuralgia tunng oil of peflier
miat, which they lightly apply to the
• wto of pan*
Since then, in my owq practice, Jjfre
-qneatlj exnpbiy this oil as akrool anaos
raetic, not only in neuralgia, but also in
foot, with remarkably good results, ''
1 •' ,h " J in Mil is ' til Ik imt t , , ,l, la siu. ,1... re !t
Plain Y'ecllrnork.
. ( .* -*</. *frfi eVry breath.
| i NmiW ttf a nuK'tuwe iluaik.
' AG with *uwwl tluua jh lift'v
r XmNhg, gnriittal itrif
* I JW-eV>w_ lie b.>-v Uid,
N*U- m a cafU" iij.
fVffliN J tfm c>LU-li |hrv*.l :
* • baruvtag Ilk for fwend.
'l ' * * * ' 1
iVaU, .latMl lliuw trniuipli tsal *.
" f'ani v, then, a ivi' "' y' i
Tkc Fnmuua liykra of ftuifoud.
1 j J* tlx- vlyk* a Uoihrad owes tt* xf*-
, tvuc>. They are immeuse rumpyrt.* at
iwrtli atid stone ntried rtllulong fh, coast,
| nu<( awfiitufwitiv *in>&>t to prrvwit tlie
. frvna fureiug iu way ihioikti Uiew*, aq.l
. high ■ uoucii to ih (y, iniMiJatMw, iii v y
are id*.> rtvpiiivj tq nstraiu Uw uhaft
: nel-> of the rlvtax, vut-li are nearly a*
. 1 pelt lon * to the kingilotii as tiie ocean 4-
i' >*U. Tin' tin* rtMt* necessary* to the
. 1 dyksa y> a H*iid ftmndation. oMafueil by
,roniuuH tk*n the soil, uud bv lying a
| of clay, or, whm iW u> not
I IMtsaible, 10-driving pUss. Tip' dyke fei
f .I'tined of sm-h earth as will eojiere
mst roatßh", and its face i* protfvtotl
by Iho InfsrwcAving of willow twig*,
. twhoiM*intcistioMi aso filletl writlf pnddlval
I cUy. Tiuswicker-work, brfuff rtfobwod
ujcr> thru** or Tour >-* m. nrokes aneb
*J au aulivv ifounUul tor wulfow UoUghH
, that fhe U' G* are eyWiiaivwly cuitrvid* d
|in Holland Tofllmt purp"**., 1 Nift fro*
I qwntly the dykes nrepflanf.Hl with tree**!
i' beoaiwe their spremHtur rtxtfx aid great
*tly in tin- .wrth tngutber, Siwuq
f j limi iis*e is J'ueotl witii tnaKourj,,
,]and struligtheuwd by llugo lumps >f 1
; stone* lurought from other cquutwin.
i! wl.iTo the iAp*-r part of the .hkes, rising 1
* ft s t rmey.tace* as ldgh as tarty feif. isi
thickly coveml with turf. 'Fhe vtotetl
of these artitbunlqwotertion* are at the (
llelder, ami at the wet torn cud of the i
Inland of Walcheren. The uiunuU ex
pense of keeping in repair eaoti at tho- <• '
stupendou* dykes is not le.vs tlroii to*. Off
■ guilders —about ?3d,fioo, and iaktugcaro i
of all the dykes of the kingdom tiiwl
regslatiug the water levels *x>*t frtn <i-1
•VUi,Ota) to B,UJO,OUU gu ihiHWc-CJfdtfO. 0(10
to ♦Sk2vXIOOU. A speetai corps of engi
neert* iwaternta it). imnlxwing tnatiy men
of science, receive regular -plaries for
guanhttg tiie <-uiifry from all thiuger of
nmuiLitioii. Diumg U** w>ai*w, ofi.-ii
'great storms are cammuD, these engi
neer* are stntioned ut the )M>uit* where
tin irruption of the waters i* mo*t to W.
aroph* *h .:0 hand ,
n '. rt'f l o ' Vi'Rnte ig *•*># 4 riecL
V titcunien are jMx<t,*l uay and night J
along the line Um>utere-d w : ith ajts. kto '
'tWf-fMUttUto-#:* w .rjdtlf pTtif'ftwch
'Big jM-ri'l, hud to Minunou frm the 1
neighboripg.\ w*#i fon,-n up|v>int
ed by ths aulboriries to' the scene of
j danger. The raring tide at such tiroes j
is watched with intense anxiety; and
J l /'- fo'bifoity is |i4ifiopt>d an
faJarta-fonl is mug, and eswy iftafi* hur
ries to Jim duty. If tjuqs<w ptiil riuw a
new | liuiltauf the top of the
iLvkqt aid So nljidlv' tint'(he water is
inmost always kept out. Should the .
istrvuHfhof tin dyko he doubted, or *|
breach fe made, slieeta of or
mats of rushes are phnvd on the outride .
,to P'rist the iiotiuu ot the sea. In the 1
event of all theao precautions failing, t''
semicircular rampart is throw n up be-'
hind that part of AJi<v% law
show n signs of wen)fr>ii*. 'Ylrttprb-.emiog,
an inner barrier fittlie remorseless fox ,
i'here liavtabeen mine run* instances In
bikh to' th-Vie tojKkrthave lxen in- j
effectual, and entire district* have l>ecii
t owirwheiiueil and lost, with llinlMalib)
;of Kvea, in the great rivers or in the
<*H>an. Wlrat i* now the Zuyder-Z**;
■ wa* dry lapd np to flic thirteenth ct*-
| tftry, and the Oulf of Dollart, iu the
j province of Grooingwu. was mmls in]
VTT7 by an inundation which de-arevod
ifot k>* tl.afti fort' -five village*. The 1
| average height of the Holland dvkas is
thirty feet, and their breadth
;nl the bn*e seventy feet, with room
enough at the top for a roadway. Thtif j
I }coat ia esunutcd at i
LitnuagniMies In Xew York.
| Nv<*r, ft; the history pf New York.'
, has anything been known like the jzres-
I cut extravagouoe ip dress, uqui|mgw. and
entertainments. The popuhw daughter
, of am cx-ei'llortor inarril recently was
tho fortwrtnte reci|icntof gifts vahird, at '
tin? lowest tOiur.rtc, at eighty- tlifrilKiud
i dollar . A country tnnt on th* bai*svf '
i tbe-Hnfison, handtwifriely ffimisbM ; cafo 1
1 napes and horses ; a check for iflD.DftO ;1
la e trier a ot soltaire diftni'mds ; and a ,
; n-flcc-pot <4 solid gold, for which tluv,
(Liuor paid b2,Ctri, were among tbcmosf j
, txpanrftmpreaciiU; while jewels, laoAs, '
sand articles of vertu are said to have 1
pound ia until tllero wa* ns mgi for
I mor'. A poisf-lsee veil and ilfcunee, i
i rnAging frvsn AVIO to ifl.Wv, have conn t
! to be regarded as finite imHsiH-nsable oc-!
] cQtopauljtoe Q enromopy ,
janil wedding ring. lui]x>rU r* haik pur
, chasora atriugbt in the eye. and withonl '
> flic fit litest wi*) 4ci >n of a blush, ask b sir
I hundred dollars for a block silk costume i
j that would scarcely nttraef more than s I
i passing glance, and for wbieh one bun- ,
j dred dollars would lie ample eoinpensa
-1 ioB. Dimginc tiur oiUiditaoa at a ccui
i science 4 b.rt atoll permit a mnai<o •lrin(d
SiW dl.ifcW
i bow* for tho hair. To be sure, thk rib
bon is very beautiful—sattu on owe mfie 1
and grow grain on tlioolher, siidattacbsd
to movslde ripgs on hair pins, that thny i
; may he becomingly and Effectively art
i ranged ift.U't W'f i but,seven dollars, 1;
why,JtJ-torto'fo aufiitJ! All 'fine art*-'
clcs. of French jowolrv—the pretl-v ipaitn- •
Wftwisf-a?® :
faas/aro going up at an alarming rate,
and we are told no more are attainable
at any.price. Kid gloves have advanced i
more than any other nrricto in!tbe line of,
neeessilai *. Jafthl's, JonTin'ri Alexau-,
dre's arid Jlertin's two and tlijee button J
glove* tire eagerly bought 1p at two dol
lars and sqvetity-fivc. ccnfo pud three dol-1
i lars and twenty-five eenu'per pair. Tt'
is gknefslly conoed<4 that pot n single
firm in "New York Can fnnusft * complete
assortment. Stawart'*; glove conn tors, i
on teltOC'* i nny.-*oruHng, %ju|d nfiord a j
study*tor t3ie peneif rA A Roffarth. Ko
rotjletteWile wa* ever surrounded by
more eager, excited, rapacious faces than '
those that cluster slami the glove-xtand* '
in our faabionabluatores. The profound
imcertaiuty in which the present Franco-
Prussian conbwt is involved, bus pre-1
vented dealers from holding back for still
higher prices. Tho fear of a speedy
peace ; thousands of workmen and wo-1
men anxitmH fo got employment t any
price; chefip laboi 1 , ajul eotu-oquontlv
cheap good*, have opi'rated as most snf- '
ntary checks ujion tho majority of ottr j
merehante. -
; m i! ft 1,1
WITAT TJJEY Do.—An eminent mem
ber of the French Academy of Medicine,
Dr. JoJy, recently retnl a paper before
> that lea mod body, to ahow that the eu
* eryating influence exerted upon the na
tion hy the excessive use of alcohol and
tobacco bif produced the degsqehicy
. which rendered possible the humiliations
] of the late war. "Depravity," ho says,
, "oould aearcely devjae a worse com
pound than tli'e mixture of brandy and
] tobacco, which is the latest liquid nqvflty
, by patronized Parisian sensualisfit
TBITODSV havk heen sent to President
Tbjfr%A|gt |be t -pardon of Cremel, who
i oonfessed'tiftt he Idlled the
diet at LoneriUe.
1 Military K\|er|mei t,
, in a cqrtniu W ri*ra furl, s"ino
time ago, jtiq mtftvy fonivjlri the idea
s that Arrnferv ififght be p*ell off, etively in
ifipblhig wfth the ti>' dlspeyxing
i with gitn-eikCrhify'* tkUtF frt deuinff the
murium u|sm tlu< Kieka of uinleM. Ho he
explainoil his views to tlmeumniaudnut,
and it \xm ilotermiflk*! to try the ex|s*ri
, wut,, .V small luraiUut mdqetyd
and stiku>iKd tttHiu an umjni]s*ee muls,
'vftb the mVirrif" pfjutiiig tdWaril lb*
• finl M'bfn they hmf .scAutd the gun,
. | ami loaded fl wrtfi liaft-swvlridge, they
1 1 ltd Ik it ralm amiwtvadfia* niulo tutt <>f
tls- blutlaudsol upatarie tut tkuiiuvhlfo
, ,qf the rivtjr tu practioa t, 'Tho rear of
i Yne mule una turned llie trg<it,
1 nfrd KVj wus hai'kod geiifly tip to tiie edge
of the T-he rftieers *twv! around
riin a oiiifem-l while Hh< tnsjor went up 1
. i ati<l inter :.d a linn- lass in the tms b
i, bul*' pf, Um bohiUwr. When tho fuse ]
I wq-s ihu luitjor lit iUifil IvfimL
Iu i iinuufqqt two the luthiqU' uuruffird j
1 1 yulle lif.ird the ft/mughffolt t!i,,ro on In* |
wfrk. ifad if nfade ft flu imea>y. Hei
waela il 111* h.wd areirml'ki'"nxcwtnfti :
i * hut wns }lag ou. mid. m h did o, lii* 1
J body luziisd. and Lbe l ositair foy-aii To*
i sureki' >tu,iu<i the Imruois ! mule id '
kit U ijalps ajxcifej, mid Jfi* ciufosiiy I
' gtew more and u.or- uifousv. uml In a i
, 1 *re*onf or tft.i "new ik standing with lib i
' fotir toffs Hi Whimeh,"making *u nv.iln
t urns a iam uk . iitsl thi how User, mnhw-
I afi'lrtl* *bi< .ilemiMt suddcu deutti toasujy
V'toU *>dhn liaJf a uue .lire i-uuMiuifi
, duqt wm> qbaoyv.4 to cl'uub - udduulv np A
tn-e ; the beuUiiaiit> wyre. MXU .-Inliag
ttfvfor tiie bran into' (lu- river, as if They
• dhln't etirb ntjiH nTsftit the htgh prire of
tttafonMA ; the adjutant mab-'go<vl lime
, u.\ *rei Jho lwt ; tii aiwm rat heuan to
, throw up htenrluirki with Ida hayoucl,
. ml the major rolled over <m iho ground j
ud grv-aurd-. I" tvo or turcv niinutee
'tli.'re wns u imfl of sm->k. . a dull tluul,
fluid the mnlo —oh ! where wns Tie! A
•siliMry jsekaw might have Ufttr seen
i turning atnxwa-ive earner-suits over the
bluff, uidv to rest at nui'bor, danlly with
, liis httiliM, the U.ttoin of the rivet;
while the bull went off toward the fori,
hit the cjiironey in the major'* quart
1 rattled the alh„Ti- hti k* dawn into the I
jwrie>r r . and - frigiitene,! the major'* wife '
inta twnrufotou*. Tf*-rdont allude to I
it now, nnd n n port of (tie result* of
the ex|K*rimeut was ever sent to tlio War ,
D.'purUnent. ...
IT hat a Hi raw Did.
j The Fort U'avno R #rt*W eolieriy nr-1
j rotes the following m a fart: A geutto
, luiiu ii high MKmJ |MiitMai. living iu
1 this eouuty. has n *aqe ugug' d •* clerk
,iu a large mercautilo hou<- in Omaha.
A few tvevk* ago the faDier receiv*l a
lettv from hia won To the effect that be ,
i lual been Mkal of sa.rsvi l longing U>'
iliis empfoyer, while retwrnmg IWnn a
tuolheUttg trip iuto tlx* country. The ,
father was tumt Uiy U "iblud by the in-
I telligeuee, and w hen iic retired to hi*
riHim for the night lie lay awake for some •
time thinking of the unfortunate occur- •
j rence. At hist lie full ad and, as it
reemed to him. Ire ww siri.rtg by 3 table 1
in a bodwfltatnht-r of
J < 'uioLm, bstcmtig tv tla* cciiversatxon of
< two yupng men wh< were n eelling the
i |j.irtionUr of a nfoto ty iu winch thvj ,
had ju*t lieen evueotned, wlnto die*
coqnt.*! <Wer the praoeeda cf the *4ne*
i with fin ctfrHant Afr.
I Ijcnrttini? the tmtobdf of their room.
,be alssc *odvd tho*. eonsttlfisf the
' register, fiaL their p.une in motuorr, j
| fiigefhur wivji tiie date under whirli they
wen writtxm and then awoke, lit im
mediately wrote a letter to hi* son, ro
' questitig liftn fo eiiU at lb'' Hotel,,
look at f}i* register, sfirt if lie found ttre
. a nines rt Jnhn It. Wflitrio and Jam>w '
I T'nwik inscribed on it* psgr. under tho
: date uf N*w<'Uir, to have the parties |
found, arrested, sud eiiargvrt with (he
theft of the The mn followed J
the djreoth"**, and from a letter rvooivml
by t!ie frrtticr. v*e barn flint the said
| John IT. nftrt dame* FriTnk were '
; arrested aetoie said hotd. tlnit they oOB*
i fe- .k-d ta the fehsnw, that S4.HPt of tin 4 '
, k ifaMrt-v-wtM rtuosrvd, and that the
i offcub'to had .Inch refit pi the pcuitun-1
I tiary. riV . _ t /, , j
** k AflfhrtTou of a Dog.
Iu 1863, Captain . of an artillery j
i company, rf Sf*rt!> furoltoa, wi-.s killeil ■
iu hnttie ia,Virginia ilia body was'
I placed in a otifliu.and th-" hosed tip and
, biqught to tlm hotgfjol lii* (amdr. at 1
time in Colurobia. It arrived at* ml j
; fine wecjf las*death. Ou its arrival,
Tfo* rtop, tlmt lie Irtd reared nnd ]iettgl
| during htolife, wW the fronFgsto, and
' nppreaehitig the house, l g:in to smeil >
i alxiutk ami Utnnife*td anuili excitement, -
When the coflin via* removed, frotn the l
hoarse, hp mn under it. and followed it
k into the house, bolwijcn the jiall-hearers, j
1 .TMOORI a fecr-k hsrt claAp*l since bi-s j
master's death, and his Imdy wa* closly
ir-nrtuutd in ttosnlllii, IhK dc>grt*ri>gtiis(l
hint by his reuse of w&iell alone. Wliyn
tha CulU'i was 1 iid on the Übhi in the
j parlor, the dog laid under jt. and remain-
I ort theye eighteen hours, utrtil tho funeral
on the next day. FJH>U Thedny succend
• ing it wa* observed that the rtng li**'.
nn|'lxton seen sinre The interment.
fleiwL wa* made for him, nnd Ito was
found lying upon hi* late, master's grave,
shivering in UiacoJd rain, that had been
l foliing for some hours. Ho refused to
leave his poutiyn, and Invito b tied uud
led home, w!i<T be wivs fnrm rt loose. In
' a short time le- wns again missed, and a
servhntdnis scut to the Ecmelt'rv. where
i h* was fromd in the former position. He
wx* carried home and chained Up. He
i BoW rebvwid tu eat or drink at alh run!
I only lay nioaniug. li|K>n the morning
! of thp third day he was found dead.
,A . „•- - ■ - ' .l'
CotXiNO F t-*H. - lhe follow j tig method
' of eooking fish i* very much in voguo in
1 Holland, and, ihideed, constitutes it
I nnrf of flie morning meal of every whit*
I inhabltsrit when ftsh can be procured,
any kind answering the purpose almost
II q uslly wsll. P'irat fry the frtli to a golden
brown, with egg and bread crumbs and
i clarified btb r. K> ep it very hot iu b
'metal dish while boiling some fresh eggs
ffildf <loiie\ and have a pot of lice pre
| paTrtl nnd desiccated. Dike the ft"h, and.
with n fork 1n each hand, break it np ana
i retnotn all bone* us speedily sr> (KMsible
j Isuforo it heoooisa cold. Fill tiie plates
with rice for istoh person, sprinkling
black pepper gnd salt thereon ; chop up
, fyytar pf rtwiym d>il* fur
cnpaicurq.'ri, mid *pruikia some over each
plate of nre, Or, as n snbstitnte, use n
little cayenne. Now break two eggs over
benefit ptote rtf flub snd'rice, stirring all to
gether with two forks.
.MATHBMATK *i.. Benjamin Green
]af, the mathematician, whose arith
metics, lI4VO puzzled so many young
brains, wns an eccentric man, who loved
a plenwinl jolte. Going one day, with a
haket* on his head, hi hi a room where
there were several hoys, he asked one
boy after another, " Are you fond of
fractious ?"
Each lad, foaring thai a problem
would follow, said, heartily anil prompt
ly, "No ttir." 1
Butonq courageous fellow said, "Yes,
To hfcn was givon the basket with its
oontent*-rti nnmber of nioe apples, hal
ved and quartered—with tho remark,
•" You may divide those fractions."
j I * ® %s. tt La. ti 9
They claim fp nygjrl
has been'sneezing oontiuneusty for more
t haw a wsek,
i f uilf i>ls'it * trre for hs •"!.
With c'.as'rr* of flrlrosan M'*>irf.
arjiosn l*sutv ti!l ibis's the vtoing slKht,
Whose reent ►lisll till *ll the .lrv*ur ntPtht
■ VMHi to* heSattl vf It* psrfatoS.
>1 Mul lie* Mtiilit frll Sown Willi tliK utoralng lnw,
. I ilis en*-Ires .lied ere It* fil* bud l.h •
1 1 sill iwiim *wo will for injiwlf, J' refil,
! t>f invrile, suit l*nr 1. unu fi*y, *
Whose'grin shill h!n my Iwng hesd.
And ever tlJs i?r*i' where the* l*f tne towd,
fITM-sk of mil *V'l rov fWine *l*V.
1 I tin Itie csnlßV Wb deep, mid tha llioiu *
tsen. '.
i Aud (he fill*lll loaves willursd tisr ultsp be
. | iwree.
' I will serve my drraui for luyaslt, h> muJ,
11 II —n IlM'.l fi'Trl. r, . j
1 A tlifisg of tosaty sud jjr and life ;
\V, a iff )>** <nne thorn ,'h the World's hot
1 nd mr wvk tog thor.
lint doath's -i'<>w bsuit strut A sodden suit
wild, -
the chisel dfuppod from ber Ulnarfj bold.
IVier tossed them **n)e in * mxlms txwf
I LSswl root wod I'kwsomn. end balf-wrougfi*
I stonie,
, \\ h.'lt) Its nvu til fib) ililS ed ssifl *l*l tic* p,
I And U.<q lift aot * tram tfo-rean!
| A lst I hail sttcecedrtl, and after six
■ vears' hard work, the firm, Htnilh fir Brown,
Miftd agreed Mhe "iiu- rtUfith, Brows'A
t Co, slid 1, John Be land, W*4 to he Ute
I junior pariiiw. It had fo vii * dream of
. miae. Tor I don't know how long, tusn
that men changed , ami often 1 pictured
to mywlf how nice it would look tu hsve
1 in large golden letters *
ernes cr axxtas."
Yes! I had hut everybody
raid 1 looked inirerstdy, and sister insisted
on ui> going awsy for thu suiuuier. Ha,
j IH< idling iotii, 1 left Now Urleans, sud, sffor
several days shaking io the cars, 1 found
invwelf iu New York, preparatory to (J*
usual tour taken by Southerners thromfh
tha North. T ed at abont 4 iu tho
evening, and mj find care was to got to •
iiutol, inlendit'g to sue al*uii sou.e dinner.
Having reocfiad my desiutaUuii. the
FitYti Arraur Ilotcl, 1 prrawaded U see
About my baggage and room. The former,
1 for a wonder, was nil right; but, as to
] the room- the hotel was crowded, tiie
i olerk raid, and { uiu*t go up Mito the
i fifth story. " That is always tl> way
jtlssv treat us poor bafchelors," 1 inuWer. J
i between my teeth.
The gentlemanly clerk canght at the
wools, audjwditely assured tue "tlrare
, were plenty of ladies op that story, an
inurvtv thai did not improve lbs slate
of my ten |>er, as 1 never waa bind of
I rid res' society; in fact, my sister thought
tne quite a T-ear because I never would be
ittciitlve to her liUsliaikTs sisters, and I
. suppose that was \erv pro 4 'td ing.
Sveatr thai 1 most swaUow my wrath,
if I wished to swallow any dinner, I
nicked up my satchel and shawi and made
' ft>r the elevator. !.ittle did I know what
] a few hours, or rather tmnuu-a, w ou!d
j bring ! I gut iu, and several other- did
1 likowira. until w nearly resembled a ar
t dine box. The man was jost going to
-Hat the >b*>r at.d take u* an, when a
pretty Tittle lady tripped hastily toward
is. seeing w Idch i tiiale the man stop and
( nail for her. Nhe duly rewarded uie with
, th sweetrwt and brightest of stuik*-. I
don't know which did took n. ettt—t. her
' -wret little month, her bright, laughing,
[ brow n eye*, or the einbarras-ed hlusli on
Jh r trarisjrarcnt skiu. YV hatever it was, 1
-aid 1 > myssftf; Isn't she pretty V Hut
i ihort' was Qo place to sit down, and s* 1
Ua.l the eud seat, 1 very gallantly offered
Utoher. i
With another blush ahe took it, and
I under the -{treading skirts prefwd out the
* daintiest little foot imaginable. Alter sit-
I tinit down, -tie gathertnl up her drese, and
I with one eye turned toward the carpet
| sort another up toward toe, and blushing
more than ever, she Mid, In the iwusUwt
jof voices: " There's room enough for you.
I air!" What oould Ido after audi an invi
tation. the prettiest owe a woman had
t evw he-tow ed on me in my Hfef Accept
' it, of conrse! Although I tnttst fain ac
] knowledge that it was very nnrutnfortable
,to Late just about oiie-oixtecuUi Ui
I amount ol ra-wn you ought t> have, and
to fi el as If you w ere going to be upset at
veey iiwvr; this. However, was soon im
| proved a peq>lc went out at every s!*/y.
I cootinttod. taking a jtood/grvey of my
] companion. ; but it was in Uar and trsm
j filing, -he would catok tue in tlM> aoa.
Once, indued. 1 did ewtch her eye, us -be
i was gidftg tido what I had been doing—'
taking a g"f-d Took. After wfrtrh she never
] raWl her eye* agalti, and, to slunM.
; turned tar back on me. The first, second,
diird, and fourth rtorks had U'*u jia*ed.
, and we ha<] loft at encb laudjiig a jpart of
. our pa-*eugers; stiik my onnipajaton did
i nut more, uutil, at last, only -he and 1
j were left.
I \Yc had pns-ed the fonth story, when I
, ndtlced that hlic elevator wont slower iunj
slow er, until there w sa a kind of snapping
noise—-a side lunge that threw the IlTfte
lady'a head <>n my -boulder, ami we stood
-til! between the fourth and fifth story 1
Too high for the one; too low for tiie
"The ropes' given way, air, I reckon."
raid tlm man in charge, to my im|uiring
"How will we get oni,"eaid I.
" I'm sure I don't know," said he cool
ly, "gness if we de 'twont be before
, night." i, l
" The dickens,'' aaid I, "tbia is a pretty
pass," exa*{ierated by tny hnuger, and t he
man's tmolness. The nangbty word hod
no sooner passed my 11ns thttn I looked at
my companion to see the effect of it, but
she as too excittsl te notice anything.
"Do yen mean to say we are going to
•itav here all the nftvrmxin," she said irt n
halt" im|lorinff, half frightened voice.
" Yes, Mi-s," said tiie man with the
name imperturbable coolness.
" What will pupa and Nettie think,"
she said, with tears fairly starting in her
•yea, then turned to me in a most child*
like, trusting way nd exclaimed:
" (>h !do you think sir t Ik there noth
ing that can he done!"
lOf my part I greatly feared there was
nothing to be dune, hut anybody would
have been a brute to have told that dear
little creature anything half so distressing,
so I was jnst going to assure her that
something would be done, or that I would
<lo something to extricate us from this
difficult position, when the elevator man,
evidently enjoying her distress, said with
gusto: "Yes, miss, not till late, and lucky,
too, if yon escnjie without any hurt; tho
first thing von know, while we are talking
here, before anybody could help, ua. we
inigM pitch down and btvak wary bone
iu our ladies." , I i <
1 During this tirade alia hart grown paler
and tinier, and tho tears rolled down her
checKa till at the close sho sat dowg, hid
her fan- in her jiaudiv bystorioaJ
•oh. which was quickly followed by an
other, lirid then another, fl baVfi since
found ont that when a woman start* in
that line it is Imrd to tell when she stops.)
" Yon are a hrnte," I indignantly ox
claimed, "to frighten tho lady so." Then
.turned to ber, ''Madam, fear nothing,
dopbtless we will soon be all strAight.
Tdon t think there is any danger of hurt
ourselves." '
I -am —*<i—glad—you—think—o,
she said, hetwn Iter sobs, "l<acause—
i because I —shouldn't—like—to—get—
hurt—6r —to—to—die ! Ob, papa !'
But notwithstanding she being glad, ah*
or ed harder than ever.
Here was a-pretty fix forahmjgry young
. min of twenty-seven, tost I fait so worry
tor her, and I should so have liked to
have comforted and petted ber; hut that
i ♦
tt a- qui "f The qllystujli. 1 tt M |„l< f It'
1 throwing my uihi-.trvuml hgr wouij hare'
com for fed ht-T a Utile , J gut afore 1 dea't f
i know, f kefit on talking, however, nad
' trising to ress-uro Tier aim gob to *far an;
ciiliog Her "dear little cv.awr<s" wba hj
waa ibaier very wail tor a yenag man fehu .
I did tio| )ik lodis-' aotuly, and H Mrktb< r j
| fiiuid, i , H ,\ t j a {, '' j
Ry this time the had Cl*ii4 to 1
'otft 1 a*">f*tanf-, and Were try ing r \ cry thing i
'to get us either tiff fir dewq. iWloo;
1 1 hu-y comfort lag her to kmrir what Uy j
. I did, but vnddealy tliaea wmm snot bar guta;
j luupoi she ftcrvaim-.i, and was kt)o< ksd >
-uiir-ilsM into my arma. ,'TLe had
, I'alleu ravarol I'vvl luwar, but w were'
' -carcejj lit a better position, AS it WM new '
'between the fourth and third; again tool
j high for the one, too low for the othes* ;
Here was I, with a girt fainting fa uiy ,
< anna. I did not know what to do. but a,
faint idva uf aulting uaroal-laeas flv-hel
through my braiuj but whore sets they r '
How rvwhi 1 get at thrmf TV tare was
the knife? Gone glimmering with thai
retnaius of my luncheon'oUt of the cave
window. I'drsFt-laccs out of the <j.*w.u,
—wHai iiestT* I had atftni tvcolleetfoutg
burnt fkratiter* being asd ia aich ease- (
but uhere Were the fealhe**' None at i
I hand t-Aoupt those in tar hot. And would'
' -be not, with returning * n-ciovntnrvs. ex-
!' toriiifnote the i>reservef uf Wr life a tfia {
deatrtiyer of ner hkt! 1 Btrt at la|t a
faaaibfo Mca cutm into my bead, and i
i rowstbsraing rf.n-culagua and brandy, in mi <
' eatotad. Itonta) aiq hsdtueiu wtiiißticseM ,
i hareoftcn wad oi girlsfsiatiaglngep •
i tleium amw. a*l iuxanshly lira herp
taka> that opiMjytuuity of disffpring what'
a lovely fore or lovtdj the lrarwhte ♦
' prarai, and has a my oswj
'it; but let m assure ydb, dkar read<w)f
'that I had bo time tor relil<qw for |
• fookrau ut tar no-v and net k i wa-Ujo ;
tsyaUid and ansamai. . . .
At Ja-t aim mdupci. hoc ayw* and a- iho
i j retvvcrwl consriou-ue-s #U, iumiavF-up
atid thaakc-1 um. Uu jiwl, sixftogtred —fin '
i j fart she did not know w hat to'do—and >
1 nrfther did L Hy tiiiw thne ftty had got t
' to aplareTwhcvcwe ri>BMl grt <. My
fair unknown tried to walk, hateowld not,
so 1 offered tareuy arm. which she soaept- ,
. wd witli quottar of tar iharigjvg naiwl;
i had scarcely turned the corner when'
.. we w ere stopped by a flne-Joo"king. whfec- *
haired gentleman, and another brown. I
eyed young lady. ' ' tebi
* -Why, ifucy, I did not knaw yon were |
.i in tta viaewtnr. I thoagbt yoa wran oat
i j shopping, and eo you are U ysjuiig ' ad, 4 ,
~ that fainted t" said Uie fatliat- Yd,
i. the answered, witii a hule half *>h
"YVby. Maine," raid lier atid kiss- j
, 4 Ing lier, she hurst into a mart* Jshgli, in
which " Mnuie" tried ftsr-1 to jofti. The
r old g.mrfeman took his dawglrteris arm. t
t Iran Led waa cordially, and then went off, ■
~ uoi before Mary tor Mawie, as I/ prefer,,
railing Ur | bad bestowed on im any of j
,; her cxprcsstvy Jooka, tsbicb I felt repaid
„ j me for everything,
! S I w viit aw ay and gctßaUy K" f j
I dinner, after which 1 went to my rfafrw,,
tu meditate m lrat I should do with fitly *
• I tsvenlnjf; Tuft wtiifo T smoked my cigar t
i' 1 meditated • good deal on my adrentnre. t
I i and srii) tarty 4n lira pretty faoe that bad i
> i been the horuiwa of it. Of course 1 tad ]
i * fntitwi *! taw ame —" M } ward Mary (
Mayaat ' h 4 * u i May nerd wa- so
r j much Prettier. A knock Woke my rcVTrie !
, I iaiu ''Crtliifi iu," and Mr. Mayngrd
i'■ watkivT fir. Hekkifl nb tfaughter hwdtohl i
I * hltn luie mwi die oh-Yd to me, wnd fraw
Uiiurti otiHged ha waa, eta.eete.. rf tiaiah-;
1 1 by ashing twa to call on theut. Then
I j lie Mkral we wbura 1 coma from, wad
; hearing I was Jro New Oriaaua, a-kel'
i,ne if 1 knew severs! person* frew tbefr.j
• w hum he mentioned. Fi>rtunateiy, I did,''
• and we talked of Tt* Yiahita atltl ftdikMt-
I I ants, end ended by' discoreertift that he '
: I wo* an fedtituH# friend wf tny Iswtber iu-1
:i law, Iflck I-acr* i On the stssggth of UJ
i j he mviud me tojiwa the girls ot the opera.,,
. t,Of pours*! I did uofi refuse. Tbia in ita-.
- | tioo brought ai><>ut man* othyrs, Tims,
I :iu a liuf while, wa Wcame very well
t' acunaftiirtT. ' *.' *] ' i*'!
In a few days thb Mnynar.Ts lerffi 4<w4
' Canada, and L followed to Niagara* and 1
II ol vsNirta JtaotapaHsl Uftdu- .Maniv wu
I to<* pretty; nut to have admirer*, ar d Lo>> 4
i nTTsrtiidviina'fldt'lA lilte'TA Ifirt, ho I ft'll.
- i intrar a jaaloaapatig. If asr. acaton* He-'
.. trgygd rae, ;ny ,■ irdg at lsayf Uqtsr did;
nevertbeleso, the litue inlwhief would be-'
• ♦stow'herxfiitot-csarid faVftes utftJtfterw and |
■ then tarn to ma wltbw itiiaeiiiasowa glance j
■ to sev w {rat ,1 thought of it, N*U'v '*
- quieter Than Manic, Aid tried hard to j
*|smooth Migrfers between e. and wltet, t
L) coming bach front tta ttaatre or ojtqra
, ■: Mania ea*hi ini*t on taking any other !
. | iriii W Drink NrfTie wdbitf ha. wffot
f; rem, *' Newer aiimk ati likes voa bast for
I ' all that."
! Once 1 thought indeed that anrtlire
would prove succeMfal,'and itsrn* bard j
; not to tell lierJKMV mutters stood ; bjt 1 (
I tU rpf} ,l ,LWr\ a*ifd r !^ cn -,
I the SittfiWM a Wr
i chance. 1 I il' 1
>, Jhe time for gqing houic was .drawing
; near, and none of the numerous *ujio|p j
'.had been accepted. TYe -tarter^ borne-1
: ward. Tired of railrpad traveling, we
' agreed to f.iko the rlw rontb hoths. and i
* we reached ST.'Louis iii time to caloh the i
! Natclrar. One fnivr eVeuiwg. (
II Nellie being reading, sad MV. Msrwrtj.;
I away smoking. Maui* nnd L voao! Nellie
' ] too stupid or studious for un,> dwek,' 1
', for a change, rilie looked so vary fotartyM
11 that J could not Jwilu telling her so. Htie >
[laughed aud blu-hen, and Rftd: KHil
i|Rofond, comnlimcnt you! it is;
enough to mate'me faint." .1
i j ■" Fleato don't," exthfiined T, lntJghing. .
1 1"Do ybti remember bur first meeting?!
1 Pray don't try that} experiment again. 1J
• j have not my satchel at hand."
j " Y'ou took sucli good ears of me then I
' | that 1 feel very much tempted to repeat
• it."
" 1 km't I always Uke good care of yoa; i
that is when you let uie. and do not per- j
fer some una else dangling around yon." i
This wns the find tiiuc \ tad over put uiy
i jealousy in worda, to hor at least. Nta!
I looked ostonlahed, and. for a wonder an- j
• | swered seriously;
, I " Yes; I must say yon have haen kind j
; i to mo from the flrrt moment we met, and i
II always taken good care of ma. 1 fear j
i that "in spile of it I have bean ofton teax- j
iiug." i
i j 1 hesitated a moment, thendetarndneil ■
,; to hav it out then and tliere.
i " Miss Manio," I said, "if I have taken |
;! good care of yob hitherto, let me take core j
> of you for fife," atid I todk the little Tauid
resting on tny nrin. She did not with
draw it, bot said nothing. After a while
! I said:
■ " Miss Mania, you urast know by this
1 time how uracil J lave ymi, and I think
you might spare me any aus{>eusa; (i<l
I known it hna lujoft hard enough to bear all
i Summer, your having others around you P
44 Why did you not, then, come forward
like the others ? " slie answered, impetro i
ously. U N woman likes to be faintly
wooad, and 1 suffered enoiqth on your ac
count. Oh ! I used to la jealous even of
Nellie at one time," and she bid her face
in tha one band I had left free, . Then 1
told her w hat had kept me back, and she
■aid, " how little 1 knew any true woman'*
heart, if I thought she would let pecuniary
considerations sway her for a moment in
matter of'that kind." And when I pressed
i for n more definite answer, she answered
! with hefnnturnl nnrfnara. " Do vowthink
■ I would have let you keep my hand so long
■ | if I had not meant to say——'! . 2b look;-,
>; ed at me, laughed, put both hands in mine
;]ond Mid with n mischievous smile, "No."
ru lt • - ' < a)
TKRMS : Two Dollars a-Year, in Advance.
~i ■ ''♦ l h* eta j!*#b< MSI K-i-i irC "*
lit 'II t< #t<sdiMMw •n:is- .it* U . : .h *i
Rut, a* I dciOsTefl, u jiqrlan It nhra-i
' foiiih*of t%rtla;" I rt)d. ae 'f 'lied tar, I
itook hfr wbrtfcwr fbs wished uor out; ao I
it anweaatled- ra vi* . .
) a )tp)rr<jfr ,ia**u aroddiiMfyiaj, Oful I
| tare Ito fa sr. U*l the fM ,J-1f *Br
! aoilwy—l. tlirf irto fteidr towitrtY tin j
! <*tild'lay a ftwftn at lof wife's fcsst?
1 I bar.' I* bat oaw cnmlart—l out a* leas* *
luas-r poruwr. a**di to • -*w;
I i *toud Mtom tta strata ibfe worning
s ta4 fftv taw *m- ;
; p.-Uahh', and I ipul mj that '*4 i Co.'
j *ilg * can alii finish to ft, wTmrat wblofe
' SmKh A Bfown Wrfuld hare been Aeeidral
| ly vulyab, aiul ibeperton re|.seeefreg m*t
iUto ihk-s fee! retptotalife aad canfartoldt.
) I here is bm nttedrtts tank: Ma*ft insist*
jou caJliug igt sraUuqg bqfi j'A Vn " 4 "
, rugder, my Idtle story fa . qmip, TAfc
ttartung atl dug't trust ;• nt ! f lu au el
|raror with a prettv'frfrl, chtrfe yon atv
a Junk* jvartfiibr wfifo %atc!ef, m fort* ir
> <* totliar Hal might hojipna tatwtvß lbs
c tta id sod fuurdi fauriaa : •
'} ID J 111 JIU .l II.) I
The difarMeMar lYeaudt sf Venus.
' The astruaomfcaf world ia already a*ur
1 hurilv prtq>arfiig to Wlraersis tbia Aagru**-
ng pheu >menou. THwn paanagw of the
taemhd plnoet aurora tta eaa's fsowHas
ale */• tavn lvuksd for ul* tta ftawfi i*-,
! tsrues iutoml- Uu! gregt foil rv attach
ed hy jpgrouuqn i to a traiulj of Y'euus
sria* fri-rti Its the fuot ao
<>nrate meorie dithlft our reach />-r
muring <lie tan's horieotKal parallax, sod
i oenoe tor datamining *kt distaace f
i ttaaartb from tta mab tool ouiitoqurtltlj
| *bra tta liaU*we of wtbfrr planet*.
, The appruochuyr transit dors *it occur
UN DETEMTARJTFIFRFI . tajt a# U I* india
] penwih!'' that the t nd.f iff every
4 srstiftn bf almost jerfe< tff TrooWn, ihc'
•tstLnw. inktrnifK-atoiHs .-quipped, "foe ia-1
I etruments long -aod .Itwoi. nbif- tcstgd. t
i temporary >ira<Ußee erecton , arai. ** ft j
,ra rmuieoUy d<swafo tta- tta co-,
, operators qltadd. .ack.tu, preconcerted j
; making tndee 4 mainfiiff' arrangement*.
Afresii v the Vnfoin? nWTfiCtifi fnterraeadj
are tnolrtitg ptdparorfousto aeod aot ex*
{nditxrae t iOtit- ia y r srols
A traadt laxe.sevans! ftonris and the
i 'tatawct otawyrm "rant ,ta *u moral
.liiet,|j)a p will avt.frsVforioto dre
, tarar*, Fy U? > V*l ju ug UI b% u-
T cflSied by' Mriti-u uUn eri." atid JJte
mttbod to be fulfoWM Is i}lit Of mep*ur
itig Die absiihito Ideal titota* of fagrora
< tttftl agraa* during the ttor's arowsit. Gt r-'
: many is nfefrfin assail oat portsaa, tatlr
1 1-Oraror# ot poafeuft* vtra- fmogrcd mile*
itaf 1 Vfod?fita country.sxtepdiqg from!
( Kamschatln lira BJm k SigJ Die |
i French gT.iernniciif, tat withfiudaing'ttH I
'cripple/! fra'snrfal •odUJUtfaJ'Mlt pretaftrj
' fr obaeKatfon* at fat 1 J'afitfV i-iaado '
fißiktecilstn. Y-ekahama. Ti.iiiti, Noiuaeo,;
M.racute sad Swel-- * ; >u! . ]
> Tax IXDUV dor ikvnjwiieat.—so#
tltoae abu radvi-<wfe the oopliartieaxJt
j the bra,, of avilizefjuai to,Uw Jftgian, it
] mi id it lw ajiroftta'de -dudy tjqvo*tigate
the cflct which such application ptv-j
Jure* upon the strength of tRf Iritataj
' erpreewxl In nnml>ent liWikftrg nnin
as* tta fretrfo** -btuifier. the met- L:.-s
, taraaasaa ami wswrv>r uf the Ficihs.
wbaro Nature pfiarta ld, aud cootr*t
ghi3 Wfth thufvwrrvjtfH^lmtao-who
i* *u j tota par\*Utog to tfic delight-
CtiJ Comfort* and InxuMfd au ciw'igbtew
-lad ci inHUbri, hut Who Ta rcAitjr. is
grove!!:*..- ii. Tv-ctrerv. dt BUUIT
1 ijooHfii.-s which fin Ui* vril.l rials tetufod
1 to reader htau aublc, sod heir to a com
, buastiou of vi-'es perUg bis own, jjortly
t bwqi* oth. d U> htm Iruin tta uoJe-race.
one a iorarrt. even against desire, to
cigiclurtc that there I* unending fttfifttgo
' nirift Tirtwix ti tiie Tft'lLifi naluro and that'
•' srith which hfa wcTl-mcaMng whritot
hv-tiwr rank! endow bin.. Nature in
cothel itfot Jir a eawagw autw; werjr n
i afiinrt, -r ry itapnJar oi liiaooalincftues
i him to i.t- Jlic while rare night tall
dfifefT Ifrbftoota.afeto,
suhjectc-l to the influence ofctwluntion,
ta rvV'hilmcrt anrt iiroAirar, *"Nof ao the
4 !n<H*n.' He carrtiot Tie bftutoif and Ira .
1 rtviHted : ta fndc* A war imd dfoa. Ortti- j
F vat JOB aueb a* She wJiito Yuan vroalrt gtewi
i kin drynv* him o( ba ideutrty. Edn- j
catiMi, alrtuge as it may appear, roem*
to weaken ndhur than Ktreug.tltt.-a lea in-1
HBoct. WhereSo we fltafan? mm
6f erttioafort Indian ehnjiioface comparing t
wTth rfrat pf *ueti nxtftc,' NfafaforM I
orefiro* 'aa To inufefi, 1 OBCoofa,' R1
Js -krt, wr.d Logan or to mfewt from
tho*'" of morn warrant (wr, KM) Gload of
tta Sfonx, or StaWui-tn of tbeJuowaaf—
Gtttrral Cutter, , '
Rcoiwrlni Tl*ti 'Z . 4
1 trend"ftj tfiie p.d- toft* Gfttarara,
' reporf Ty Ml". Scth Ortva at hi* cxpaii
-1 ctrace ! iW fi<v tnw'w young
ttlmd - from tlra IJvdarat River to the
i Seraemeuta ~ JV <K)*unnMkt w in
raivtcjl u the tyik qf' diu**, WTLHv
•WtuMl 81fh.12,0(W yauufi flah ptneert
iln Ton r Cight-g.JIon juuk-oana- rtaea
hart tnran hiitcheff tara night Trafore al
j the New YoYk*Slate cslabliahmeiit. At
Ctavalafti Mfti(ltec>tatart 20P *tad in
Lakr Erie, and the saw <* ujimlrar in Jrake
Michigan at tTileago.' Tn*!
' continent Mr. Green experiratecd gnat (
1 difaculty fn proenrinp watfer of B*proterl
t vit|*prtare ami quality, lurt raooeedtd j
m reoebiofr Hanrainento with life charge 1
j iu fair condition, luvviftg plaoad Jiri fish -
ui thu river at Ogrtcn From Hurra
! men to he proceeded T5 xniW up the
[rirer, wheri- he found the physicalcou
! ditiona to ta rilitohlc, anrt in fhe presence
iof the Oommirsioaers of tta fWte of
j California, be deposited 10.000 flsh, in '
I good ooaditiea, ou the flf-th of Juno. <
> From an axaainatiau of Uie Hacre- i
! man to River, and an Um Pacific Ocean '
i ucng Ua mouth, Mr, Green was of the
| opinion that all the conditions nccotsuiry I
' for the growth and persistence at those
• Bifa in The Rserstncitta River wore found
■ there, and that it wnM more thou proh
, Birth that in ihe course - of thxmi years
ttaar presence would be raarte uuraiferi
up to the head waters of the at room.
; "—' ——
PuxTfKo lsws.—We otto, toll all tta
! virtnea of printers'* ink, that wonderful
1 composition which Iran revohrticuized so- <
c rfy, and brought tnorw tJian a thonaand
! ilifll rent kink Of piQa into fashion !
But vat auoihcr triiuanph has it gained,
, for, according t u coirenqjundaut of the
ifcuLvrrfiurette Ploughman , pnuiers' inks
applied to the trees will kill gTuno. It
msv be urped tji"t there is no hovtlty
about This, tmiT thsFiY has killed a great
many grubs before of rtra political kind,
to UMUIC no others. The ink is ton Spies
tionably good .to keep the Troy of Liber
ty fo n healthy qonlition ; god, at any
tipefa apple krsea.
XkPVH some cheap oil,
Slid, tried on tarred paper, both in the
Fall apd Spriug. ' ' '' 1 j .
A Yorvn PoaiTsvaaT.—Farsonra-What
is s miractaf Roy—Dunno. Parsou-m-
Well, if the sun were tp shine ip the mifl
dlewf Jtjie tvghb whgt should jpq„say it
was? Boy—Tne moon. Ptysonra-But if
yon were told it was thescin, what should
von say It was! Boy—A lie, Parson—"
I don't tell lies* Suppose I toM yon it
wa* the sun; What would yon say therfi t
Boy—That yer wasn't sober H . -'
; —-v- t ,-t • s
IxuitJexscK is recekvud of the total d
ifirnoVin4 for* qfJkhamaehi,
a town pf Asiatic RnssiiC Trsnsoancs- 1
•is. • 1
NO. 7.
1 la teeaawfrtlaa Heradltrrj.
to lim •( the ruftd cemtoeitoa of tWr
j Commonwealth there is the tallowing, in
*• option in Lstioon the tombetone mark
i tnn U< J9t grav i 4 a a*n totf his Wife,
tiuih of shorn hoi did s4 consumption
ft ieetu* Hie VTie dying frfclf #hfl
tbe parent# tor ibefettire tiriuto of thrir
toldtoti* fltMfffcffcfiffi#*'
><'. both parents; u>#r<r, 0 spira
bur cbudran. Tlat pr#Vw-*#s uum_
(WtrMi. foot* a total mtttersr
the very means whereby
prayer could be answered. • wtmtU
I jjdoplWjy it i truf Uat public fipla
ton consider/ coiHtoWptidis # hereditary,
and• mclkml •apeHtow aew to #opj.ors
ftbt'MnA tbe uftbtekalldr. Vatm
pbystoma would dare to •* toM. In say
(•Mated that; as •* get.#* si r I*. tin ikfld
of twpampiito pit
either dies **riy, <fr at ibe eg* of ptttem.
or ?enfc/ manhood <* sAmambfliia, libr
90 mre><* fufltoWs thai such is al*ay4fhf
farf, Or tllM we hse* no manna * herewith
wo w €t*Vt aaftfeUr
tost downward tendtocv. . _
If if e jrfk* ffl flick rtfftdrlti phyi Wak
add filte clothe iheta; if W. satirise that*
£3, i?
much study. and will not allow Mm Id W
closed tip ia .showiMM* tittmc* isamri
to t ■** aaWa*i oporto 1 ¥, wb#H
a*ir#ig At wju* *gu, !*#**s UtoPM
tender frames against choosing **teui*ry
•mplornifOta,—-aocb tiw 1
ministrv, <h<f the thousand other, semi
literary k*Wo'•oflrmploytnent,
iMtoaah 00 lend to odaJrieroto lb* b<>3o?
p.,* ara-UM rather bad Uw . to*
ut*rctuo mechanic trades, or larm or,
we may Cp* U> Mi out OH tbcoeti
tendencies, iffl <l# •rmoh homer,"
the purenta fbo tbo cbOd ;• we taay
nother Hh- eeada oToooaampatoo fdafctod
l>efore birth 1n nh rwnotitouon, aniila*
tuLi iJ ataiili: and tlidi
oil ufa weak, puny aahibhioH we ma? f
Jbrtn nularart naa* otod grpotoal and
health* wowen, Sit to \m Utp into re pacmta
of rfC*. . jll- t a- " I i I
Itotli ojuniooa art to a fidrttfln diffW
trot, W cannot doubt trakoeoo ol
fdiyaknl ftrdgniration and torttrtS tondcuciea
to' conto in ption are trafmutttefl be aoir-c
einminpthre paront• , to .tboir eliildWn
nevcrtheleea. in many coooo, ICahoto |opwr
orerautioD* lib foilowod from the cradle
aft least tbhty of fttrty year, pf age,
oeakneee and thattendaooe toay ha arboily i
overcome, and the iodtv.dwtoa may not be j
onlr Mailt headthf duria* thai period,
Oat lire to tha uaual ago of man. 11m great i
diftoaUy in, UiOU where one family think**
rf,l)|Wf pcnuaiiUona and ia convinced of
•hair npijaifUj, thare are a tbouaaad wbo!
abollj ueglec't UiOm from > ifßoraneo of]
the common law aof hkjflene. Some wjl
necldct ikem. owing to a want of]
real faith in thrtr tmrnenae powora. j
other* again, though tolly peraoodod of i
thtfir genehr vltua. lack that endortng. j
pi<hd Sirlße grace given rerr rarely to
w'omen and etffl mote ranrtrtotoon, which,
when fx lowoed, lead* one to rooogti* the
fact th..i veer* -of nod ringwrtocbfoTneto
and ot patofai eelfaaoriioe porbni*tH I
be weeded, oo the pat* of tbo porenta, In
ordar*to praveait. the nd* of disease,
,*eo t dhfaoerj tpetoof (j <*M**i>uoa,
(roan bmooiac aq rai-nl *<q Juyriaut ot
growth a to obstruct all tbe aprfoga of
I,raithful life in the dbar young body
committed to their charge
* Hot we moat cotrfeea the aftd ami un
welcome truth; thad, in ofaajr- Instance*,
with all our present knowledge, no amount
f human ami benoa naawaenrily imperfect
cam em aae aawan-chiUrwo. At Mrt j
birth they era dnomeil to as narty death.
Uf tiaa ii MaeediOhßdifi* l **• paraou.,
KomeUuiea, aUa! Una to their own or to
their aneeatora' prevkina e*ca*ee*. the
tender bodirapf Jhe children are *• tainted
cation efthg]>iiver of tbe old Mosaic law. j
14 FW tbe ata* of tha father* are riajted j
' Upon tha childlW watd she third and
] fourth generation." Snob. ahUdrvn die j
aarlv; and thia as exactly right The race
l would t Uctoaiarato wert it other- j
: wise, lor- Uore is no proof oi ]
ih*ine t funaau;ht than the law which car- (
1 Wunlji prarjtos, that only to strength and ,
, perfect health belonga the kfghert life, J
which iflbn* has as ft# WHbrisrht the will
1 and power to contribute to the continu- j
lance of tha frmanmba. *
'* PaxTirWßO* VamskTrow—Thagieath |
faar* be rammed by vaccination from the '
i prainatare wae ofviraa. can not ha denied,
t m>e Morrow Comat?, Pw, ffagatoar, relatoa j
<t!te feUewing b Heath from cathwr am
gulr uauee raanltod to one of ilia eitiren*
of Terry township, ciiunfy. .As near j
as we.can Warn thaw, the fact* are as;
follow#; Mr. "Samuel Miller and hi* wife,'
rvenling not far fh'mi sf. Woodbtifj. were j
Wlik visited at thtfr home by their son
and lib fatnifr. * Tbw old trcoitoman—Mr. I
Con elided 'to b ram. stoU with i
rims from tha girl's ana-which bail l>aen j
operated <>n by the doctor not hmg bef -ra. '
be Me. Miller had hi> ami pteror his arm
wiUiapocket knifwand from hi#fanghter',
arm viru*. waa gtocu and jUacod in Mr.;
Miller'# arm. which neanjted in hii'daadl-l
in lea# than,a week, a* the riruaUkao from j
"the jnrl'a arm w'al' ueo before the laws ol
nature jxmmltted. Mr. Miller's wife waa I
in the same way. and at the
present time I* in a very low condition.
A GOOD Witf—Oß A TOWOH ftWfiff''
i—A rich fcJd gentleman, somewhat fa
' mridw ft* nnecddical pms crs, toida
stor>" toe other evening which shows
UuU i cither ha # moat remarkable
*ife. or clue that he has a remarkable
fscnity fcr extending the trnth. He
said he had not been hard pressed for
mrmt\v dnring Into years, hut he waa
once when he was doing a larwe bnsmws.
"One dav in particular," he said, "I
looked ao' terriUr gram at broakfaat,
tlud, rny W'.ie dtsoovered something was
tbe matter. 'What ails you, my Jean?"
; says she. •WaJL* says t V *fiM
know, 1 have got seventeen toou*and
• lollsra to pay to-day, and nothing to do
it with.' 1 that all?' says she. 'And
enough too,' narn I. With that ahe say#
nothing, but whips up * tail a, and I wing*
me down the seventeen thousand dollars, 1 :
Hit in tlie siaoli change 1 had given her,,
from time to time; to do her marketing
w th -" ; ■ 1 " ' - stall
" Istkmwthto to MAHKIEI* WO*KI.**I
the case of Dorothea Rawsoft. againet the
Pennsylvatria Railroad Company, twg but
portant questions tiav* recently
ad upon by the Cominiaaion of Appeals.
The first -la a married woman *> far the
owner of her wearing apparel and jeWblry
, a# to be able to recover for. it# lo## in Irer
own name or must her nuhbaodsuet 'flie
court held she should bring the ncflon, end
not the luisbaud. As tdth# second,th#i
chart lielfl th#t a llnfltstlon of liability to
fltW printed cm the ticket was not a con-,
tract, and a verdict in favor of the plain :
tiff for IM.OOfa for har baggage I oat by tiffe
defendant, wkaaffirmed.. j
,i #f „ , i.i"
Tbe Cabana recently captured and
burned the town pf, Quiaa, killtog k
mvato;of voluntoWApa regulars, llwfi
Spaniards sent for mnfnrcWft*
took pObseMgoQ of the rinfis 0n vbe fol
-1 lowiug day.
n-_V?iy- ti&rit* ~
lh*ctoni genafsMy agree alHi4l>leUg
their patients.
. | The. oJ4#4, hon* < weril—the Ka
travno augur#.
There ana ton million of cow# In the
Tnltol HUte* r
The moat tastoful bare-<li*m*r in the
i world—toe cook.
' Steam i# a aarrant thai aome teca
j hloua up tla master
An nngrammatioal judge la p* to paaa
aa iaoorrect sentence.
A farmer ha* no right to pull the ear#
of hit ooro. It is unkind.
Poach MB who get into jwoaervea very
offan find themtoTvea pickled, r
Any hiol ran make a wfunan talk, bol
it'a rather lta*4 to oukeOii# listen.
A wat4> fitted with a entamd-hand
ajm4 pot neceaawly be a aocond hand
.% draaallul gWry toller once-aw- rb4
that trie nw .vm# atih tor tnilh. and ao
(t wac. ""*ei !•- * , ..
H imfttißt of CT'fin I*lM* <fc *^
there wififaf the as#o. c T
cbMPW mtaa #Mli mtli'a whtto
rpn cheat WW tarioa, Indian a fault.
A riWtrama tj-iMintantod to know
- 'SI.' —i.|MnlnO.lU Ckiwo
an* ■!#!*#• -d tipm wtch a# a dweller
m Clpmuu* wtmid oc
nUffc • '~*laiitl-rwu Vi\n
' WMfr-e eg MdMui
'ffiHv rwArf'w iaarf knek borne, to
MmMlii <rttmds.j of Ah# Amenoan
AUdiv gmU" Mm W doDar*
lb par ham pfoariaians for the
iassw 3^"
•Sh* editor ■ of 1 tfim jMM' Tmmur >pi m
ltd tomO. Will mamd of.oar aoh
umlim iaLc the tiatT _ .
?*T*Tr v* "t,.• i „. ~
Bad Lock ia aimply a man with his
hand# in his pockets and tta ppc mha
lhrmfl), tor A ton m ti*e 6ow it will
'Mffi j Good hmk> t mmji
.with his riccve# nlkd aadTtoorkmg
4 toht. -
Boards, ptowks. and eeaartiiim to ti>e
value of t6M\m we impeded into
dollar#' worth of rough timber, ami over
520U.000 wprjh of fire-wood. -
A country paper, in speaking of the
in riliagre wbeiw it is
jmbliahe*l, says: We an- proud of tha
impressively solemn appoaranee or nn
-1 dcrtnker. A *uHng uinkrtakM ia a
htfleou* incabu# on the growth of a
! place. "
The London oorrvwpondcnt of the
! Leeds Jfrrranr says the portal authorities
| hate now under their CM#der#lion an
iaraitoo lif which the hendwnttog of
person# tctoffraphing a memnge ill be
Mutmfttod bvb# tolsgiaph. Tha to
.notion would gn*y oatodinprerento
ißs and detecting fraud#-
A lady giving the account of akap-
Tear haU. av* . "It waii uttonded by
many bundrixfc of handaunti ladiea, end
an exoeedincdj promiting act of gentle
men. maob d thfgff-*l #1 women to
daooa with ton gMfto oWinoii of
former c-ntraetA ncc. was o
in Swfrwtitad. haw recently beun ad
,to the Sooth of Fnaace. Ane ng thr Py
-1 renews mountains, si a dwit distance
below tha awrtoce of the grpaml, the p#
mains of aggtout cttie* have b*-ca founA
hulone •!# TV mm m imm
aamc clmiarteF a# there M the Swnw
lakes. Investigation# are *aktog, the
rull of ahioh km moft m* been an-
■wfl -* TT-- *~n;"iTr tm,
ft :dk Sear flying *ti>hle.
A flytoffmashiwafraeoo# vat Itoea per
fected, though massy ingowiaplsns have
been tiird, 13m# make
a machine whwh can be juatnMd. in the
air for a long pcyiod. sua moved in sny
direction at the wil! of has
! been tnadfi to s Phflaitolphi* toechflmc,
who baa experitnenhwff for four
| ream: 1 W*wera pi am At i i twivate ex
hibitkm of tba model, -t .. -
to. "The model ombnagaa a
balloon, twelvn feet long by x IB diam
eter, and tin? oarotd macluiu rv are sua
pended. A copper gtobc, one toot in di
; smetef,' !# ffflw! vrttt wtiipireeMd air,
communtoatioß throogb -a- hoHow rcnl
with ammdl eiagibfa Fbich flriyes three
ptddhw on each Bide- Wbo A- com
preiMwd wic M liberated |hf : #ha si#
driven pAW degree q£vil;v;tv. jadcan
projH-1 the nischmc at a speed Of e.ght
i cniiea an boar! IkO jidJm can be de
! pressed and raised, knd thus at* m the
Hteering apparatus, 1W ffitetww of the
modd was ,wkmiahing. The figmc ma
, chin*
air, m**inaumea in a orcie pf the room,
sometimes to a stnugM.line, and again
i rendriuc on an imaginary pivot,lnstom
lly oßevtog thetouch of flic operator,
i Mr." Jtiwon cCbiib for his machine
j that, wnßfee toe balloon, it does not re
' quireawpenatitore of ballast to rise or the
!ow of f gas to descend. Alter inflation
the float m natouched, and the paddles n# it either up or down at kn angle
pf fhirb degrees.
Tt Ir the Intention of -Mr. .Tudaon to
build a larger model for exhibition to one
of oar large halls All the profits thus
derived me to be strictly applied to the
construction of a large real flying ma
chine, large enough to carry a man, and
Mr. Judaon is hopeful that if the public
sustains him- why, the machindwill sus
tain him also. —Philadelphia PoM
1 s
What Advertising- Did.
Mifland, the bunker #n<l newspaper
speculator, who died recently to Paris,
and who founded the Paris PitU*\fovrna>,
which at oae time had a dally- ejaculation
of nearly halt * miHioe oopies, tiaa an en
thusiastic believer in the a.lvstuages of
literal advertising. Ope day be had at his
tab)# nearly all the proprietors qf |he lead
ing Paris dailies. Thvy conversed abont
advertising. Millaud asaerfed fhat the
moat worthies# articles sold in
vast hbarntities, If liberally advertised.
Etitfl oe Girkrdte Of to Pr*m*tho was
present, took (Mue with bi natthe sub-
AmA.i 41 What will yon bst*"
MiUavtd, S'toat. I WW* 4 "-^ 6 _T eek f
Mndred thousand fiw v*orto of
tfle most common cabbagp sfed lilider the
pretext,"that' it will produce 'timmmoth
cabbage-headsf All I hwre fltris to ad
vertise It at onee In 4'Whole page inser
ttoa of the daily papers. of this city.''
i Ciiraidin replied thiti ha would give him
a.psgs in to# paper fa#: should
f gto f hi# wager. The other newspaper
pcbUshers agreed to do he same thing.
'At'ex j>i ratidn ot week'they in
quired OT Millaud how tifa toWtige seed
Ifafl floinltoed. He #howed toein his
books ti-iamphantly, and satisfied them
'ttatoke had told nearly twice#4impel' "
C hfapremiaeA whila order# were ssii
' ng in; bnt he #aid the ifk. un"-* 1 , tiop
there; and no farthe" orusra wooid b#
' filled.