bnmmer Sight* fhe sarth ie tranquil in the summer night, The o.e sleep, in her nest, Ths trees uiraffled rast. rl bans glolea on tip-toe veilM in light. O let me g te I the gentle dew doscoml*, As silent ** her oilier. To Jewel flower n,i leaf, f J Lsytul of unexpected gifts sB honor. To morning's oil will tender blossoms wske, Arch-eveoonfn|j of qjie* a pinch of salt, fM&tf tqjipftA 1 to n.nkc a thin batter. Set Mb* Muffin* to ri-e. nml add the eggs and bhttor when they tuv light. Bake iu 5b a gHddlc. To Ktsr T\iRKM-'T>rJt in*k*yvrs of sab, and cover with strong brino, and in the Spring, or once in**whiW. pour off the biine, boil it niul**taM tl t tu impurities which rise to th#4iv Poar bauk oa the poik when eool. It" this is wall done, ami the salt is pare, this will kcvpjwuk,as long as any one wishes. . , w GRAHAM GKM£ unffeteM quan tity of Graham to your taste, an 1 mix thorough!# lh uW water to a stiff baiter, so that it will slrop iron, a spoon. Fill yotgtofyi, #*yn. and ,u© a q lick oven. The- ird notlciohs at brvr-k --last and good for Gbtu iron* can he had at hardwa ■AMI \ YJTS STICK© ArniL-Ektht pounds of ap plea, ;varod, four TO -htsfSri one quart of vinegar, one ounce stick cittna uion, half ounce of eluH. Bo&Ali* tdgtir. vinegar and spices jut in the apples when boihfl?, sfliTuTthetti remain until tender—about twenty-five minutes. Take them out, and put them in a jar. Boil down the syoip uutil thick, jnd Jwrnr it over. Mas YKAST.—In case Avu ! u!d cvf out of }east, yrrtrrry.nn|4iwH| veast. Take eqqpTuJ vj" pew Hit k, one tea spoon of salt, s*spig.m of l?vir alirrcd in. stand it in akeuk- **i water by the Stove, and keep*lukrwsirm all the lime. When very light, add lukewarm water, make into loaves yr* t'lVybj and let them rise by the fire bStbrq footing. A Puum 018n. —At this season, when oranges sbw.mfl, lfiwisewives may fancy tiwiug what as considered s deli cious dish. It is eomfmiUt Af s peeldl snd cut in sheen, and each slice spnnkled with desiccaUnl cocoa nut and sugar. After it alnWihl stand an boorbHa and tot ills eifUwi with cream. The seeds should be care fully removed ATLTNO ANIMALS. —Iu treating suiim ls that are ailiog from some uuknowu ease, it is beat to act with caution in giving physic. Geneffcilw wans iwoei or niusU es, with a wkieh-wfime flaxseed meal t>r g#fifft,laxAtivc riiedicrn" has been ij ithj I >.nfi- will efftvt a cur> MBIU and mistaken remedies woiiWlic*):djt*uddtJU tao.m? of death. Almoal :iH complaints spring from exposmw or trverwork or had feed. To CtSAN Kub the surface of the metal with rottea swie nnd sweet oil, then nib off with aqieee of Cotton flannel, and polish with soffTedtfier. A solution of oxalic acid rubbed c'ver Uirni-hed bra-* soon removes the tarnish, rendering the metal bright. The aeid must ln> wasiied off with water, and the brass rnbbed with whiting and .ff ieafltef. mixture of muriatic scid aid.klum,"diseo? raj in wafer, i uparts a gf tigUgo cai-minc ; second, a solution of tannin ; third, a solntitp of the chameleon uiin end or potash; and fourth, asolntfin of rikalieccid. How TO R-uid- Fiax.—X S. Smnuuwi. Ohio; wanted About i jouog flax, qnantitj if wjfl, how Uuaaiw J, an • price at mill.*, Its.**idenUv wants to raise flax for ste sAd, %-rRjre abwhilmilli. PocxTß^fcnira—Jdr. Curtis said in the fowls for ky&% si*e ,wa*; destructive of their egg pmftmttßP' -qualities, and ren dered them imbtWtx profitable" keeping. Mr. Ely cfcnnnlewnMbe. Bboh Spanish the best f<# Brriqg, am! the Pdfnfids the' next. thought mixed' •stock, wSea were each year, *<* *pialeiable to any other breed. Mitadirtuaa r. its certain fard wss the importabt if.w.,6*- Ih bad tried it i Any fowls waot.3 Jav if they were frd properly. *He IWI tVo thirds craved ' coru and pnQgthird oats, cooked with* scrap cake, the y(jar rpiiuil, und bi> cbickcmshkod irfcn t wanted more, and' laid egg* In h*piaru 4e*reorela*ive to Chinese \k supposed to be part of a plAe kl exsspieraTeaiH provoke tha United Wthtetio interfere in behalf of hu manity, which will precipitate a collision. A new firvenfron Is an ear-ring made to fit over a and complete ly conceal W; NScHflMt fcxu'ity when travel ing may wear her diamonds in her ear and yet have tlwab -completely hidden from ight. 11 cms of Interest. A shock of earthquake is reported at Sheffield, En^. MORE communists will shortly bo EX#- ; outed iu Franco. Ins famine in Persia continues, nnd the suffering is undiminished. Oixxua Andre# p.# t* r, formerly of the United States, died at Puria. CBICAOO is already boa-ting of the su perior accommodations of her hotels. CAMFOJISTA farmers are putting in twenty per eont. tuora grain than last [ v nr. ' ; I Mr. Hntnn, Republican, was elect,si Speaker of the Pennsylvania : Senate, i TIIK official canvass of the late election ! in Mmees,4a shows Austin's majority to he 15,741. The execution of the murderers of 1 Gens. Lecompto* and Thome.-, will wm take place. Tnw Bipnl'liciui Convention at Con v-orii, N. H., iumiin:.tvd the llou. E. A. Shaw for Governor. j Til* California T. -Mature has .p --|poinkol a committ.M> to mveatigate the' i Stat* Capitol frauds. FtTK irain-clad- iow titling out at thw N- vy yanl at l.eagwc Island to e np pt ud U be for Cuba. A mt.t. will soon lie inUvhlm-.-u in Con ' gre-s for an art enabling C. lorudo t© VNWIO into the Union. | THK ship Spirit of the Oawn wa* wrockeil mf IlrtTttwnt t*r--tmtt. Owrir- Jlvc of the crew were -avvl. l.v the IVutisvlvAiiia ri-iU- Legnd ituri William. hJln-U*. of I'kiUddphia, wu ol'X-ted SfKwkefof the House. , hiu oruan l Misa S'uejiherd. the sur vivors of the Wiokenbnrg staye massacre, rtsl at Los Aupnle*, Od. Gov. lletftjv■. hi- eommnt. d the sen fUnce of James F Kelly, ot Ihiffalo, fram bauging to tmpnsonamnt for life. eutira State debt in New York )- kn don fram small-pox la-t year. Ihe arence for thirty-one years pragedunj ww t vtk ( A IP-vyr. w from Constantinople u --i aonnc-w ihnt bur Gr ek brigs have b< t-n wraek*l m *h-' flkkuk tt. ■} tl*at #U p*, i board ivwkrfl. Tui: trial of a hostage for the JJHITNLRR of a German soldier in 1 ranee, the perpetrator of the erituo not having IHH-H pivei* op, has com in eu cv-1. ' J I'vrrrti States Senator D. I>. Fnitt, ,o( on* OFJHO OHIAHERSOT the ' Custom House *J!ctruHri;!oeat (Y gifit-1 tee was robbed of t>soo in a Broadway I dmnu'us. THE number of marine dnqiriers ou t!** fkiriil# cdiuit siucs idis aflla;sk IW at 950 vessels, valued at ?'io,OOO,OO0: averaging about thirty ves j sels annually, t , ' TIRE ContuN-ri FTIFF II 1 tr 11 AWN? Con* vent ion at Bridgeport "nominaeil A. H. Harrison for Governor, and adopted a platform similar to that of the national ! couyetitton held at & Lotus in Wi'l I THE first new-pajv riu America was I pnblishwl iu Btv-toq, on September 25. • !C. tbily one copy of it 4 known to be in 'exlstemv, and chiais deposited in the state paper eftice of the Britixli gov ernmeut Gov. Gaul's message to the Legi-' i ' ' * tnre reprew-nts the total debt at near!* i Sryn fioo ixio. Deducting ainViug fund and fish in tue treasnry, the balam-e unprovided ft>r i* 0,000. The 1 amount paid off dnririgthe last five rscire averages 1.714.878.67 yearly.—Pem*. ■ Paper. Commnvi reports have been re } oaivud ixlrjadon with regard t the ar rest of Frqmdrcitiretis l-y the Geruiaus "Hu Fraxuv. hls said that atcont a hun dred persdus have hrcu taken nnd held as hostngjK and that if tin.- net*".! i fb>nd -1 era arc imt forthcoming the hostage i will le tried by in thcir plaoc. j THE O-prcv of Boston, has been ELW r ly traceil to Australia in 1854. It is not | yet ascertained whether she rescued any passengers from the Belle. But the Hs pr v herself was ly-t on ber return from .-Mistrflhi. with seventy or eighty pa-sen-' 'pfßh ot#l>oarj. Some days must elapse U-forc the counsel receives au ufhciul reply to their toqutries. Kilh il for Three Dollar*. * * r* People now a-dnys lose, their lives for ■ j trilli-®. The last case reported is of a ! man in Cumberland, Penn., who lost bi ! fife in trying to recover I liree doll irs- It j seems that duxiljtfcg W lWsjßa distarb- , !anee buik |J w fltStf l!ri4gC*>ort. iHnb n i Iman was shot by another named Gold man. A constable ulliro.l Johu JdcAtco ( S3 if lie wonhl £o and arrest tl.e man. McAtee being a large, stont ram, and 5 without fear, agrfeil to mike tltc arrest, wliicb be promptly did, brought the pri soner safely fc- tb* i-mat-d'lc :*nd th-l.vor ixl hhu is the offlesris cn-tody. MeAtee tjien claimed his reward, but the c u -1 stable wcutediAfiydiici only :lfty ctK, j ' which MrAtee refused, and threatened , to whip fhe con-table if he did net pay Ihim the s3afrri ed upon. The constable made a movement as if be uiUmdixl to gotiway, when McAtee grw-ped him by , the coat-collar and told him he should j uot go until h* 1 had paid him according to promise. Hart man was itandinjrn"ar i by with a gun in bis hands, arid as McAtee i caught holcf ofrb* cyifita'fl*'# c|ikr j Hartman saai, -tiuett tlwt nun, Jor Id! *ho't you " (or words to that. ; effect), and -uitipf? iJw aefloi* h j wordn, rai-ed the gun and IlreJ, Hie ball ! striking Me A to© in the hack, when lie fell ami instantly expired. The affair caused the greatest excitement in Bridge port, as Me Ate© "Was generally liked liy J the residents of that i*lac©. He was the son of the tavern keeper there. A sad , incident c.nnectrvl wiUi young McAtee's ! death is that h* leaves a brid of a few ! days, liaiing* Imm married bnly last jwVk. , THE Ntw TiqEATT. —M esm-s. O raves and Hal plume,' members of the Euglish Parliament loc Liverpool, in speeches ( delivered at a rac* ting of their constitu ents, Kfemd to the Treaty for the wttle nicnt of the Alabama claims in terms of the highest praise, and advccated nn nl guafA between Great Britiau and thp tmbd State.", Tlic Treaty and the American claims under it are the leading topics of the public journals at the pre sent time. The AchetfA t alone opposes the Treaty. It declares that the English Commits; Oner* have been ont-witted; that England is liouml hand and fo it, and if the Geneva Board should award to the United States all they offensively claim, war would be less injurious tc England than settlement. The A lvr- U*cr concludes with an appeal to the English to withdraw from a treaty which is an insult to the country. I THE XEOBO BIOT. —A special dispatch I from Little B ck. Ark., contains a state ment from 'Attied Wander*, a brother to one of tbe men who was shot by uegro** in Chicot, Ark., corroborating the re porta of aejuro ontrages in that place. Ho says; After killing three men, n numtar of aimed negroes went to his brother's house, fired into the doors and windows, and demanded 8100 threaten ing in case of refusal to bnrn the house. TLn: money was paid, and shortly after another party upjwared and demanded 830, which wits paid. Sanders then left the village. He also Mates that the ne groes killed all the stock—mules, horses and cows, owned by largo planters in tbeVfciuitjr. J£\ery person coming or going is challenged by the negro guard who vet remain, and the whiter are still afraid to return to their homes. EOXJPSzs.—During the year 1872 there i will be four eclipses, two of the sun and two of the moon. The first, of the rj moon, May 28, 27 minutes past six P. M., invisible in New Englaml; the see | ond, cf the son, Juue 5, invisible ; tbe j third, of the iaoon, Nov. 11, visible ; and the fourth, of the sua, Nov. 30, in visible to any part of North America. THE nm of 8975,000 had been raised by BeeoJier's Plymouth congregation of | Brooklyn, in eighteen years. An Indian Agent. The Indians of Vicronfo'a and Loco's hands of T< x is were called iti for a di ■ Iributio* of blankets, when b<" blankets ! were issued, being a fall blanket toi | every grown Indian, and a halt blanket for the children. This halving of blank eta was e.>M nlerod by the Indiana aw rallied dhtif]# practice on the part of Uncle gun. nml thev made loud com plaints, because in former issues the* had a clear pun of half a blanket ♦. e.u-li ; baby for the pur|o-es of trade. At this blanket distribution a ratiou-Uckot wit* given out with each blanket or half blanket. This tuket called for cue ra tion t next ration day, and the plan was adopted l y the Agent t> a-etim ir itour i\"* tKwwiWh' tit it iti uuinWf of Indians entitled to rations. \\ hen ra tion dav arrived the Indians came dock : ing into town early in Use taornmg, '>d 11hey w-ra all armed. Some had two pi** toK lonie had carblm i, and otne - ! bows and arrow , Th*y a! > hrou-tht their tisween with th< in in etunp 1. •-11 - This tjsweeu i- a liijuoj they make out of corn. It is a tlUhy tooling slop. I'- effegt is tn-tiinta'UNUi-, but, in rd. rto j gixe it ago I ©han.->, the l >d.aii- 1 w tliont hsnl for two or three days; then 11,. V ..rmk cut of the camp kettles us I much lis they mi hold. t! v are full they drop *ic kettle, gi\>' ay< nd tiny, ara drunk—era y drunk. Tl 'cf fects pass off in h-.- tliau linlf an li.nir. When issuing time c um-, ih * Mnjoi ami two soldi* t' l went over to tli c >u*- hou-o, the Indiana following with then i y-ui- rof ti-wrau, which thc> - '• 'wn Iwfar* the door, and ,-oi imem.vd driak iu,f. Th| In .tural re-nit was perfect {•nntVmoAiain. The Major called for their tickets*. One of thru* came up ami handed his ticket, and rao ived his ra tion, wbi-'h he <'*.sL d to i'ie graiiud, | and sat lie, " I want ten rations — 1 l i\t ton to fetnl—your tickets a cheat,' and he pave a fearful yell. Jn-t then FUAN CISOI. the Ulerprttcf, (who run awev witli one of ('OCHISK'S wis. si. j .imp- J into the corn ivH>tn, - iviug in Hjainish, "The Indians talk badi—they mean mischief- they ai*e going 'o clean you out —give nie a pistol and I'll help yon. The Major ardceeJ the interpreter to announce that no more ration would I e tr-u*d- M*o r had the intreprater n io the announcement and -hut the door than it was burnt open, und the corn . room groaned wiffi linliaus all of th -ni drank and armsl—with over a hundii 1 out.-ido in the same eon litum. N- i.e of us, even the soldi, rs had a gnu or pi to tai ! '-f. which made t'l • >itu. tion, Sfc-fseAtc. The India *•, aft## drawing their bows and cocking th ir gnus in oni act tied down hi t'li whit they j wuQfcd. Said they, ." This com m' mg to tik, und we in'an It; vrc di-i| t want tickets. It you dot; t i—ue it th< old way we'll ju-t i--ut* it onrselv. - .So the M-jor g-.0.n in and - ive tlieu. their rations just as they wanted them, all the M \icaus of the town cheer tug .•• if they had guiuod a grant m tory. The Batter Trade. The magnitude of thi i branch ©f con> mvrac in New York i- shown in n state nient showing a'.s progress during thi p ,-t year: Iu 1862-3. the currency value f our shipments.of butteramouuto>l to rd.T.kJ,- i 43, and in 1-70-71 tbey hnfl fallen to 5857.C96. Durit;: the post y ear the supply of liuttyr exlduU-! au import nt iuereaEe, IheVectdpts at N< w Y<-rk In-iug 145,999 packages, or about thirty pn , cent, in exci-.s of IS7P V The en org* >i supply has left a min-li Hlrger sttrpltis for export, a:. 1 th- shipm •*s t > Great Bnuan snd the ConHucnt have b.*en i-!,- 889 jiaekages, against only l,C6j> pack apes in 187 ft. \A 11! thi- incre-isc of siip lilv, price# having mitiiraliy been lower, u January, "State barrels" av. nig. d 30. iu October; during the two chasing months th© average was 2tti9D cento. 1 The run go of prices during the veer h.i been lower than for several ytara past, the nearest approach recently bfiag in 1.867. when the scope w.ia 22 H'i ceii'. : which, on a gohi Ixi-is, w# jvrlmp ! somewhat lyw. r than the avcrugo of IK7I. It is very clear tliat we rflusof sh'p any impoitant q i.intitv of batter i when prices rrugo above "25 cents for the grade we have qnoted (# ith ten jier cent, premiiini on goki)_: and .t i# to be hojasl that, now, our gra2ing interest has reached a position which wit J enable it to supply permanently this impor tant product nt values which will plan* it within the reach of a much wider range of consumers.—A*. Y. Paper, The P.i'yal iluii© of Itussla. ■ Vv foundations of Hie Ru -i m M>.n yiff laid more than a t!:ou-aiid years ago (8611 by lJurik. a prince of the ttibe kuown m the Hu-sian-. But Uh* 'pre-er.t riytl'ninily is of much later oricin. For the hoii-e of 11 ink. after producing many rulers of rare ability, such as Olcfr. ius tniued ate MUW-IT. who was brave, energetic nn 1 wise, the Qneon Glga, Val.limir tbo Great, Yaro -Tuy, the patron of literature and civ li itatiiU). Ivan the Great and Ivau the Tcr rildc. came to an end bv th- f the prw ent family. He was toe son of Bishop Fcdor, of K st >v, and related to the family of Rurik by the female line. present family has produced s. v f'taSprinces of rare wbilitv, the chief of whom w;-s doubtless Peter the Great, |lhe son of a crar IM-"rirg the snme name as the young Grand Ihike now visitinp this country. Peter's wife, Catharine T , who succeeded him, w,is iqually able, , and indeed the family has been remark i able for its able women ; the ("atjmrines i and Elizabeth have never la*©!! snrjais ' n-d by any other rulers of the great em tire. We Rpeak of Cathnriui -as mem os* of the family, for though not de scended from previous emperors, thev were anegstora of the preient Czar, and have doubtless contributed to the lier o.litarv ability of the family. PEWS IN BEKCHEB'S CHURCH. —The nnnunl renting of pews in Plymouth Chimin Brooklyn, took place, ill--at tendance wn* large, the bidding spirit ed, and tb" pri-es obtained slightly in advance of those lust year. Theamonnt bid was the premium above the staled price of the pew. Ths highest premiums were for scats in the vicinity of the pul i pit. The priees of seats on the ground floor mngi d from S~> to SI3O, and of ;' ehnirf from §2 to sl2. Iu the gallery I the prices ranged from s!<> tcf the highest flgnres lieing for seat* near the choir. Henry C. llowen was nwarded the first choice, anil secured a pew for n premium of S-TJo ; S. Fitzgerald the sec i oud choice, at a preniium of S ..X. Other i ; premium* were as follows : Horace 15. jClaflin, s;sdo ; Cturitl Obspheixl, $885; ,T. Moody. S,TS;J. 0 Carroll, $:)0 ; D. K. Aripojd, 5330 ; E. D White, $33 ); H. Cloflin, ; ,T. C. konthwick, 55520 ; l>r. Jewell, SBO ); Mixes H. Beach, 'r'.'s.*k> ; Joseph Howasil, jr., §330 ; S. B. I>iirjra, $310; ( ha*. Denin, fI33U ; McDonald Hatch, Dr. Gnthrie, iu a recent address, told a very suggestive story to this effect: " A friend of hi*, questioning n little loy, said,'when your father and mother I forsake yon, Johnny, do you know who will take you up?' 'Yes, sir.' 'And wh#?' said the friend. 'The police,'was ! Jolnny's aimwcr." DETERMINED.— Albert Jones,of Wayne County, Kv., wus found dead a few days siuce, with a Imllet hole through his forfchead, a Derringer in hia hand, a hot tie half full of hrandv, and a two-ounce vial of laudanum, half emptied, lying by his side. No possible cause is assigned for his suicide. FAST TIUE.—The time made by Kate, in harness, was stated to Ih> the fastest ever made. This js evidently a mistake, as wc have the following time to note : John Stewart, to wagon, 20 miles, Sept. 22, 1808. Time 50 *23. (.'apt. McGowan, in harness, on half mile truck, 20 miles, | 58-25. Five ont of six mule children born in the United States at this time ore named Alexis. The Mioollng of Jamc* Fink, Jr. .Tuntei Fi*k Jr *tt ahot a| (be (Iwnnl. Omlral Hotel, in New Yet lu by Fnlwafd S, b!oiu>*. with whom l'iak lie* fr some month* be.-n in litii-ntita in the oitx iitirt*. Fi*U drove up to!he private en tranee of the Hotel, and H|ioii eutrriitK. H.-ked if Nil*. Mol>e, I.l* sister. W'* ttl the boy Mint ht wan tad wlhitl, bnt tli l her .'l4>wt daughter •*. Fiak,af!> asking the Imy to tell tl|> My be was there, prm'iHtle.l to go "jlstakt nud h*e a ended two or three m#>* .!!** tlfld Shiitii' repeating pt-tol nt Fl-k Hint flted. 'I le liidl tai Aguin btokM tireil, tin lim* With elT.H't, for the ttill cutcr*l l'isk'a idi, *t 'Wrigja nt , tempto.l to opff b' l ' '•t | i ,, K 'j erow.l ottlaide itvshi tArneil and fnesr itie stairs, to be again tired on by Stoke*. Tim time the hull htria k hint in the arm od heffel t Sbtke* fltnl. The crowd who i on*' gathered around tin 4 >f burn! iif uul o tried the woutnlisl Hum nnfctan* to the jK.ibtf. where he m hud npoi the loiitnfo mid medical aid nniimot H stoke* leiutU' ilosoepdetl the nnin * in* of the hpt|udd \ tin! not uttciupl to Wvo tlu> hotel. Oflleert eamo iu and arrested St ik.-a. lie -aid notliing. Captain llyruc mtid. "Your natuo t Stokes?" nbd StokcM houcu uinl s.'ld "Yes." The captain said "where is the jdsKil" and Stokes tohl.tlio captain when it mas. A crofr^hsd gathered :irouiid,autl Stokes was taken up stairs. (. aptam Ih rne, on taking Stokes up stuiiw, brought hat. to the room iu whirl Fiak lay* ou a hum; <•. an I jhe two < u einiev, even Mfc'ttMl viaMlt, were faee u* fetee. t'* B*. r % Cok l'isk, you ilSnr -ii; was it ne wan hot you ?" and Fi>k, ntming hiiiisilf oi piaWifctw, stud, " Yes, that is the inai vvlir> si t me ; lus name is Edward S "toi. .and I fully identify himaalb. man." .Hiring tins eceue hiu. iiui-voiWy twitehed hi* trow*** ley Willi the e;ne he entries! in lii* hind At the oonetusiou of the ideutiiicnti<|i Cipt in Uyrue elapjxsl Stokes <> tk 1. •'( find -aid. You will come wiU tile UnW. Stokes I vowed aud said uotli iug, hut went with the captain to tie k'liiornth F?veiiict rlatiou-housc. An anil- ieW< in examination was i it Ih iug deelare I hv the surgeons tkui I Fisk's injuries wet* fatal. The jury at onec returned the following verd: t : That J m - Fisk. Jr., BV'-lve.t his in jiiri>-s by a |iitol shot a', the band ol k'dward S Htok-at the tnu.d tViitfrn , Hotel, January 5. ls7A A rumor eirsidateel i> Mipj* -< d to havi Led 11 S. Stokes to the act. it was iwerte 1 ihut the Oyer and Tertainei Oraud Jury had found uu indictment i lis -t Stokes mid Jo-eplnno MausheliJ j for a conspiracy to obtain monev. Th> latter had that very day l*en lieu ten h . -siit ai'iiitist Eisk h-r lilwl. By a strange cotaaideiMe, it happened that Stokes was interrogated at this very trial, as to whether he had e.'tr thf-al j ened Fisk many war. He seemed M'tuc wliat eailmrm- i d by the question, bn! tin.dlv aid tiiut he had ucVerahr aP insi luui otherwise thsn with legal pmevss!- ings. During all the time he wan in Court room Stoke* was entirely srlf-po#- -e-lesl, with this one exception, aud lilli not in any way betray the pti* pose which he executed two'bodr* MtCT having the Court-ruma with Mr*. >lauv iield. • *' It naiv not Ih' out "of place her* to give the origin of the iLihcuhy which hub tormiuiU- J HO seriously, between Fisk and tstoke*. Stokes was lvorti in Philadelphia in ISI t and uiovi d to New York with his iaaiiiy bome years ago. He tunrriisl a lady of good fatnjy Mime ten years ago, ami Ims by her one child, a girl of nine yours of age. In June of last year. Mrs. Stokes, who was ill laid health, viutu d Euoopuhiseek some benefit from flfe mineral springs of Central Ucrwany, and win n last heard from, as late a D'— 'Cqlht 3, w.ia iu Pali*. Nearly a yeticurul a half agl J robln-d him of a forttine Of n • citmokted in tho oil refinery buriaes*. which was the joint projwi ty of Edward Stokes and hi- niotliet. He was arrest ed by Fisk last year and loek< d up to Mtiswi r a charge which w.i* mnd< against him of fraud. This charge Ml to tin round, and Stokfe has since snoil Fisk hir false imprisonment. Tho l'ik- Stoke* war has continued iu tho Courts for nine motitlrs. Stocks has expended in lawyers' hea during the Inst twelve months nearly thirty-eight thousand! dollars, and this contest lus beggared him. The quarrel Ik twoon the tvo men lias been very much embittered by tin woman Man-diet!, wlio has served to fan 1 the i isthers of the feud whenever it was dying out. i> frdnoin'ed U|siu the decision of the Court given nlvove, in the liliel suit, and wdien it was stated ! that the (• rand .'nry had found an in dictment against for conspiracy. | MR. FISK'M wiu,. During his i!Ui*r< Mr. F i*!c mads • will, the substance or which was as fol lows : I give, divine and bequeath all my estate and piUpefty, real and person al, except the special legacy hereinafter mentioned, to my beloved wife, Lucy D. Pink, subject, however, to a trust to imy to my deaf father and mother, joint ly, or to the survivor of them, $3,000 u year for their support during the life of them, either of them, nnd further to pay to Minnie F. Morse nnd Hosie CI. Morse eneh S_',(KK) a year during their liv(#, respectively, until marriage. I give nud bequeath to lay sister, Mrs. Mary (i. Hook<*r, stock in the Nurragan- M t Steamship Cli>m]mny of the par Value of 81(H),flOO, for her solo nnd sup irate use forever. I uppoint my, Raid wife, anil my friend llben I). Jordan, of llo* ton, executors of this my kwt will nnd testiunent. Tr.MTIWONY or A5 JtyE-WITftE. Thomas Hart, a young man told lits story of the sad affair before the Cor oner's Jury, as follows : WitneM-—Am *u door boy at the Clrand Central Hotel. Saturday afternoon I was engaged in clo iuiug globen at (lie head of the stftirwny to the private en tiauee. I was standing Istweou five and six feet from the head of the stnim. Saw Mr. Pislt oouiing up the sbiirs. Saw with him. Heard him say n ithing. I saw Mr. Stokes there. 1 was not ncquuiuted with Stokes, (jid not know his name. Know him by eye-s ght. Saw him coming along the hall from the first parlor to tlio left of the head of the stairs. There was no body with him. He wns coming along in a stealthy manner as if there wu* somebody after him, or ho was after somebody. Heard him say, "I've got you now," or something of that sort. II aid two shots tired, Mr. Pisk cried, "oh, dou't!'' Mr. Stokes sccmeil to put something under his cost, or take something from it; he said to me "There's a man shot down there;" I said,. "k'vm.pfd. you shot him " He walked hlbng tovriifd the first parlor, and mode a motion as if throwing something in ami Hien jhtkaed on to the main atair eit*e. lie repealed to me the word*, "'J'licre is amah shutdown their;" 1 made no reply, but foUowed ldm. When , w.iN about half way down the *tair I oß>*\ out Hint there was amun shot, and | bCie goen the man who shot hiifl. Air. ; stole * wmi by Iho .e in the mum bull and it nested , To Mr. Fiel.fvwiien I Urst raw Mr, ( sktokes lie w.u (Miiug as if out from the parlor. Tb.-p- was a pae of sluiut one ( minute lie!wean nt first and aecoiul .1...1 (kiul.lii. t sc.* what Mr. Htokea ' lui.i in lus hand Tin ataireaao wu* ( ifi.Hit five fvet wide. Mr. Stoke* Wo* caning with hi* right arm on tbe ltn-1 .lister when be fired. The Jvu ,liol 'lre.l were in quick aitrooaniou, no inter val between tbent. There are Uuuuis- j tern on luitb sides of the stairs. •IkiAlt#f'froner—l followed Vr. Stok. a iw.(gr eujft ilul not *ee any <>ue coiiie to I MY. r.s\ a Mftsistanee. Mr. St.>ke' iv.rc sit was not bnttoncl. W'hen I j li st noticed lilni he had hi* hand dovrq M If in |thi jmuta or ov/ri oat pocket, it' ii|x The light at the herd if the stvtrcase waqfrnlv half turned on . t'here was one ojfter light ill the hall. It was ml.l WHY li. tw.v-U the potior ami > he lo ad of thp staink 'Thai waa ouly,l half >o. Vhwu was suiHci.-ut light to reoognioa a jwrsoti lev hia f*a ure*. Mr. K'yfi.o* wy* walJatiC lfir Op.lyke—At the time of the 1 *b icuug I a:a eottuin ttua there w-w o<>- f body on th* staircase but Mr. Flak And' Mr. Stoke, and the bov K<*lm*n. Wlu-u Mr. Stok.-* nia.h' the remark. " I've got [ vom now," Mr Fisk wo* within hi*right. ! Mr. Fisk waa thtgi about six teps up tbe *taira. S To Mr. ITehV-yTbyio are tpeidj i>f wenty-two steps in all, with b lniefing m lway. Mr. Stok. s kept close to the i nil as he outer along the ball. I *lioq!<) lav tle-rv was hlhil four step* iuterren- ' ngb. tarcn Mr. Ftak and Mr. Stokes I •ken the tatter tired. To I'-■■rotter -Mr. Fisk Btugg*rcil at mfi'jpM * 'lk fft Field —Mr. Stokes did not • Mb: (dtebetly up ight when ia- np . onelicd ; 1 e wo* kind of crouching. I should my T1 wtti two inlnntev ftem' be tune Mr. Hbikc- reached Hie bead of ( 1 he stairs until litflKil He turnr.l hi lend around, and peeped duwu the tfair*. In answer to question acnt nji by fudge Beach—l might kve cmnlt-l ' t/e or thirteen alter Mr. Stokew reach t the head of tli* Mors Iwfuro he luwL _____________ Th* I'uLlic Debt The following is a recapitulation of I j lis ttutementuf the public debt: IWU SnriM luurasi IBV> D. til r.l | f-r.i,.'|sU s:.W.j, rtvml j iXv. •> wt.uh lulritwl buOwnl ■ia.-- Moun.v. t Fim-tjwJ |l. Tar'war w lUlr>v*S l rl.| Iw CBI lw lass t : lUt .Irmta l ttwl l.sjkl IcnJrr out- *.. #SS* • j j frkcti-lait f irroacf. .ia .'rr.ia.tlr, j Jtan u ! ~itSt.lte.ST* T? | IVii.aiuJ IntriT■* Total In U. Frinripkl X3*.T!O t f 3 tatrrxwt ii r TIS T> • Tuttl SJTi.ia.Tst M (1h la lit* T rwktw-7 f <%>!% Inlcrvrt . UI.l.a*ll mwa - Totki HlT.lßl.3*.** |t. to U ii>h la lh j. i. in* iu.n Dcr I. u?l J.3IS 2VJ.33T W. # mmm —■—— ' : Dccrraar nf.H-1 .tn-lar m-tlii lUUMitI iv -tow era t. • Mnh i. Ts.sTo.uvxa iMTrut nTUrbi IT ra Uu.-h 1.,15.V, ' to M.vl i-:i IMS. 4i, P.- • c lu. r - ,1 C-mruiM. UiUiTtl |4t,, la lawful mru< r tviarijai -ut, M.ja* fnura* v-.-nwsi k-.| a *<•' InUVCCt |-tl 1 I'liltriSSUs HAtITI OJ I Inbwtt nfSi. bjr iraitajHtrlki Oof a,- J.554.3M.00 llklt! - ol mttrrw |nlti l*f .be l ait.-J SUU-S . 110 oo SUL mrnl g th, e ulkta um <-f Is .!• ftm uaarsl lij tb- l reM .rv l>- fatuutul (a dt't, aatl il—*rcJ. J'rgi - j*. if lh- b o-K til .taIMW ' k;s,u,.t |w t lu curxvtif? SJI.4SftiOS.QO ; C irr,-n-v iktuc ol lab-irsl krrusl on b'.iate "1L.V"........ .••••••• U> M'.u Srt rath la eorerarj tftttumi A Deadly Tvj. 'Quite a painful ami rather singular accident MMtmd to a four-year oll loy , i ou of Mr. Patrick Martin, employed ut the fin* works, in ftfiillioratlie, O. An ehlcr brother of the lj, in pars ing np WulU r street, fiickix! tip what In I (Opposed to he a imrble, p.nnb-d bine. He put it in bis i>ocktt, an ion reaching home pave it to hii little brother to pL>v ! nitii. The kilter. ehihl-Hke put it hi hi> month nml bit it, when a loml explosion eps'tod. Mr*. M irtin, hearing what she I pi] posed to !*• the report of ft pistol or guu. rushed in'o the room, fueling the ehihl stretched u|on the floor, where he • ion] been thrown by the force of the 1 explosion, lilood streaming from his ; mouth. A physician wn hostile called in, ami found the child to be quite scrionsly in- j jnred, tlio inner surface of th" right cheek l>eing blown away. and the lip j and mouth shockiugly lacerated. It was ] thought at first that one of jaw-bone* broken, but this was discoverod not to be the ev*e, the ehihl ramping witfc the mangling shove mentioned. j ■ The supposed marble proved to have . IMSMI what is known nan "Union tor j pedo,*' a new and very dangerous, in vention, deigned for use on holiday*, j j Fourth of July, nnd other noisy occas | ions. Their explosive power is very ! considerable, and it is a wonder the lit -1 tie Martin Imv wns not killed. .1 WHAT IT COSTS. A traveler who vis ited Niagara Palls gives us the following schedule of the hotel prices there: To lie down one nigh - SI; to lie down over night, if I; to slain! fifteen minutes with J back to stove. 50 cts.; to go whole there is n stov, 25 cents ; to shave as u af ran ger, 25 cents : to share as a citixen, 15 cents ; half-soleing shoes #2 gin nnd milk, 25 eouts ; plain gin, 50 cents ; plain wash, 10 cents: with soap nnd towi I. 40 cents ; to look out of the win dow, 10 ei> aainttW habit, and it often huppeas thnt lk. bed-clotbea are *o iliamowl (Wat* tb< ! patient inuftt iie<- -ssrity bi.-nthc fti-g*orc i or k#* teiioiimliy eihalations frhni the ' ftKitl. A pf.ft'd nurse will ntb* tbia. It is an important partr'so 14 tfs i, f ventilation. It nuy t* worth wlnje thai, where th. re i auy danger of bi .l-fsii'a, ' a blanket rhauld never bo placed gudgr , the patient. It PHiiuin* damp, and nclsi aimilar to a poultice. Never m e anything but slight blonkgta, to. txslcovi ring for the mck. The lmaw*' i notion nud itniitievion* engnh rpaao is j bol, for tb# very reason that it keep* in the emanation* front tliu deJft | wlule tW* bkMketa allow thciu to rw tlironeh. H'nnk fvatieubi are iuvisfiablv i .list" *ST bv n great weight *• Kst- • clothe*, which of tan prevents thair geV , ting any round whatever. line w ird aliout pillow*. Kvee* ♦. ak I pntpuit, lie his illness w hat it muv, mf-1 f.-rs nioreor la fam diffletiltr in LwtnUi-1 Mug. To take tl w. ,irht ml Hie iraoej Is si, at le*t K baWRy up tw ih-' work, ought therefore tolH)th#o , 'j , e i tr*fl the nur-a inTtwttpfWf tit* ;Wiww* ftwwt . does she do and aim.; vre tUs- CUlij-, | SC.pp-Iloe* f Klie pill * J"*>> W!. fcllC ' ' M|M.u the other iikg ii wsdf of Tiiickv. tt head thrown upoy (ho cSutd, shoulders sp- pushed forwaul, *o as up', to allow the lung* room to expand. The, piUows, iu foot, hsui upon lbs {tabes.;. not llui pati. nl ujxui the pillows. It is niipoasiMe to given mk* for. Wov. hf-1 ' yoiw fWpßi-t vuT7 wiUtOm ugiui- f th , ■ patient-'. * .• V Tall patients suffer mneh more tliffd ) short oyea. hecsnae of the Jhiv <>f the' long limbs, yjs.n the waist. Hu) the yb- ' ] iect Is to support, with th* pillpav, fb> Imck below liicJbfUilhiuit , iUhivo Uid so a* to .Jlow flicsTio'U- . dera rootn to fallback, atd to the ' he.d, wrthoutthrowigit forwsi.J. Thf | off-ring of exhaustive puuvi.ta j* gr. yb , !y by neglect of th*M- poiuta. j And many an invalid, too wt ik to drag about lit* pdlow hfm-clf. sliji* hia taiok or auvthuig l hand behind the lower . SrviwiN-a tr FOB 1871.—Mr. Lytftnn | r.-oii u paper In jure the. partiycr * yltth. 4 in which he summed up the gmivratwut- : ustion avri.-ulturaily. The work of the Cittb had bcini to induce yaoff men who made no progress in the citiidt teri muk • bi'iucj lor Utciuttrlvc* in the coun- [ try ; and while he couU not ndvinen ngui to ii v --t money iu a farm, and xpect ft hired mau P. mike mjv*u per cent iuUtr ,-r.t on it-for him, yet the judicious pur ' .-hs*a "I t> farm, by a m in who was w 11- < iug to Work, was undoubtedly a j.rafitn ble operation. At the wprst, there Wtai sotn. thing to cat and something to west' and a bom*, while the thrifty fnrutr; would ,-njoy many comforts lw-*ide% .A man who works for day 's would, by working a* hanl on a**tcod of ■SO acres, which would oqatliim but SM, k make it worth, in five yeauw v2,o(k) wh.tdi wan better for him than working for wng.-s. of tbe Alli'ghaiii.y, the tiiue hod come when graa* an* to lie the staple, and • until forma would be Uc most .1. livable. West Spo large, while* in ar the larye cities the Airing of \<*ge tablea on high-priced land MwnfdtW*' liusinca* for uicn ol skill and of fapfta! ; mffieieut to putohase Luul at from to 81,000 per acre. Iq oonduviuu, the jKvsvsvi.m of n homestead was a sore jw Nviurce iu cst-e of thelM <4 thw fiunily 1 protector, and tb* timnw-ifl pom* w-h#n no man will be in a safer or mure derip able psjtioD thin h-< who ba bOacnw of his ov, n boil under hi* f. i. A II ALTIMOM MrvTXKr.—The Issly of Dr. Mcrryman Cole; a vcneHßvle wealthy eitua-ii f HoJtimore, was ertsl in the front room of .* t•ttfM, wH?H the head mushed fn am? the fare ' rut. The hoti* wv untenautvd but the victim used one ol the rooiiw a* nn piPpj-' for the collection of rent*. If-- w* 'n'i Urge property owner, and >t UAttplKUeHl | tiie murder w s committed by oneofui*' ti tiMi'!* to obtaiu p..•-•-ion ot the jroba-, tdy large amount of money which he Ifisl i received fhnn rent* during flm dse The house i* on a much freqnented str'-et. . people wore pa*ing by at t!rertn?e. wwh occupied i)welling* on each fide, Tio.-e wa# heard, llit pocket wa- torn put Idffl t whatever money ho had wa# taken tl • aM*eina On the table was an unsigtiud , rucvint to one of Jit* tonn it*, for rout. < Dr. Cle waa eighty ywar# old. 1 A TFJUUBLJS STBFAAXJT W ITH DSATH.—j John Ilarring wis ovctfptbn of if on the Northern Uo*d of. Soft" .vvacy. fn n IIATTOW l>etwe-n two inoittilait-*' just before reaching Nyack. Then- is j only single truck nt this point, nud the train bftssj-s so near to the rocks on each side that there wna no room for Hairing to take refuge on the side, in* could the engineer slop the train. i As it sp prosrbod Hairing leaped upon the cow catcher, nnd seised hold of a flag sta!l planted upon it to steady himself, nud would have beeufr\*nUmf|rfii|fi lv the staff briwef MwrAg hMif)d|r the wheel*, by which he was so severely cruslied that death ensued almost in stantly. \Y ANTHV 'H |la>*.— Whekv fifkl fflf of letter* were poured into Sandrigliatn House while the PriDce of Wales wu sick, making *ucgitioiu family prvsorfptxiiha or firirtetf • SpiXk ants for allaying fever or bronchial uflections. Not a few even visited Sau •hingham personally with drag* and re ceipt* which they pressed on the pity siciaus. And hi the couiftC of the treat ment tlu old woman' reiie ly for sleep lessucss, a pillow stuffed with hop*, was tried, nppnrently with least the Pnuec slept, whether from that cause or any other, and his r -leep saved him. FrunxEKT AM> I u ß mmXEf.'—A Ac mnre-lookfng chnfp hailcil a (fliaracnl ped.llcr with a query, " Have vou got charcoal in your wturon sir|" -avid the ex|sctft7i| diivigpto]if irgsi s horse*. "Tlirtf* right,' olw-mwlthe demure chap, with an approving nod ; " always tall the truth priuilc wiU rcsp< ot you !" And ho hurried on,' rfiuch to the regret of the peddler, who was getting out of the wagon to' look for a brick. PrtKiso Fon Ijoirr.—ln epartinent is mulling diligent ii q dry respecting the Ofinrey, which is suit! to have rescued flte cl: i "ant to the Tiehh.rno o'tntes frmo the wrecked Bella, in 1 f 54. It hn* hffeti discovered that there were two Osprevs engaged in the foreign trntje tli^t^'yor. Sour German in fjo&d&il have fKt|- tioncd Prince Itismnrk to d etna nil oTthV United States au apology and indemnity for the supplies furnished by American citizens to the French Government of National Defence during the late war. 4 * At the JfW Vni recaption a* 4 li* l i While the following toilet* www I i mutable. wHfra. Gnigi. who wumjopking rkUvtWdy Wd| # .Worn ft gurgecili shade •of rritnn vi^jt^^tll Jonjf truio, and It>% ami amn alceri*. * A white p;iiit* luce flelm e.ivcrAn-hef .week Vid ■ head. Mrs. .QotiL%(.. Wyry it white ftilk trained dry*** dotted witl black. the ' trimmtngrw of Mark IncA 6n akirt and ' wAist. MYg. William* wme rtcdintii. She ; *(W< *.vr/4lMi(pt|a khmtawl f*wri-eol- ! arwl silk. vgitb b'ruji.i fiaihfl • (1 eilk wrofmd the ttaU'. <; which hilk, , apUchivft file retail** mf r.>**-Wh.rod nlk < >rtMUiw-ul< il j ■ Urn rquftieu-ul corsage, iwtuf n.atgieo shade of Kilk, trimuted t wiili voter t and fringe a hhnda. darlu*. • 1 lit* won in).- of tI.H dy-ij**a worn. 1 ahd witer Ix-ooumig to It* fair and j loolfiiig wtnr. Mr*. Delano woi*- n uyitivc ii(|l|glnir rMjrlv MPm**) >iUi Ik a Mim. u ftWA'Y 4 ttori- 0 dark brown ■- d\, lauT Mjia Bottlwi-U a yafi.el-owl'W I * ' Vlj.. JBufi Cp Par- j ''t.-r w a French white' ♦thes* trfjfi thing*, and \tm/>■ tlal cook t> I-Jc blue i.wwW':4d*A<* - **'* "bite j lm- cape 4° f worn b.kiutif.l aliiiiTn of grown atlk., Mlf. Dpi worn'a Idork velvet j a ail Air*. frfMltiilta MHwwdwi - I'Jie thxf* Soung kidiea ■'.< *t.aad tutti , , look. *t M i cndi wore ni • pink *ilk Arc** witli frewb wttiie tfiu.lki j voioifimteii, all i.nnk> i*'*lUlwarat atflra. , 1 he tin s-*s of Aliaa N< llie Grant add j i Ml** D.*4 an •.*.: Wvi! -r ' ' IT ; iwcwtVedr ,'Latlv Thorn to* iiwd * lady |!r*i4 . tilt-red |if>t, TUwiMot. . HOT' *1 dik bltie KIT* frlmifiM fltb j f •vbi'e fjnijtire luce, and a bonnet coirtw- j ponding wfili ti.a-4w. -• • < . w I o j— —■ fcw. .1 A Iteme-li Wane than tho.i)leM. . ZbwVulfrj o Jtm order ha* ihiTdTTi'Witig i| "VAbtiiiA at .I Wideiitw*jn<#tttg, It* | I v.* were a tinting onr way i.wwrawl, •> : 1 werwWtddAily rbtriled bv tbe rcftort of a j ' wnii. i Pi Vuobe.l into the house fnwti , yi.uu til.- lifiii iin],M matter* tha- : A certain husband living ' in that ucijrbborhAod kit* a fchl ol walk 1 lifjf jtf Klk •leep, and hi* wife put ho tired <>! baying hfflf'fltriP fiMftM the bouse 4'Uiu j *Le Mh<#*WMAt nt til# aiph* Uut hi Wt *l)'j ilvtlxttj *<>\ frftte htm fa t •iter K t aTMrtng I t>t Uis auk ,to what l>'4)ftMpl t*ib tU uujfi handy. •fit* BMHWL4MLIFT*DLRTLU>BRRILRD i I'm, In h|Ti>lo<4: • tliwo>maait>uli*t ' iiffwn fwkae purpose rf -taking a rwnihh . ironnri t4'l nxiui*,' * When*he had taken .ilKiOt wretn| thi> artilfeft ramC ":i! at *7!# nm n digging a load of out of the . baby." J ■ j f 1 ■ ■A FTTTIR-HTM i! 1.AW.~-A substitute ?>>r the Teiglivlnior Jlfb*4*ihfirtly to hr presented J f>> tfc"^*T"iiitwsT STITM Jtenau-. It will pn ' ekl* tflaf *v<-rv j>-r-on emjfltried hi gov i etaiu* nt#f>-ti.-tl. pritftifig of ttio a ami workshop*. jtMfpt thysu aho the piece, paid by liic ! hour. affile ftilOrklw u* similar service* ' ire paid fjr by the hour in jhe private ea . taliiiahiurats of the viAbflky. to tve caeer \ iHt'itti bw qividine the of a d.'iy'* work Ur {umber of hm unrequired in such iteiHtte I *ial>li!.m-tru a* a day aw ork. ) thaler tki# rnie employ era ran work eight, nine, fctr. k-leren, or twelve hour* a day. as may W agreed on hy them and those in , id ithe work, jrri iri*th'r same ;i.-iy lie #rli and neryLuur that is re et iued to- itiesai:. the neighboring estab lishment*. . A 13t> wo y-nn> h.du *, #U •era, w ere at school in lo>niA f4 >s found it out and i semrgiitrifedsriTh-theuw They, however, , defsmied themselves by saving that they | had e® lu-r au |l w iiictt fed tj{on * all nnmrer'or carrion, whereas tile cock- were clean fetslers. living on (lie • whsrlr htflbarw rati, rv i to li<- aUmi in the kitchen. Even di covert, it was almost iititK>ssild Wi keep them ,ritai the kitchctf so strong was thvic love df thd cockroaches. HOBIW 'fvMgmpr. —A horrible sr.ilf wecurml at a house kept by Lot tie NU-to-i and Virginia Dec. in Lutle Mock. Atk. AjfiVtaV l New land and Ylr. l.ith aa. W.flT rtphly connected, were risitii>|f the house when a dispute arose U-tvviswi l and Lottie, and tiie tortner drew a pistol and shot her dead. L tiiiani sMpfUiVhttwon the two tojiro rent fnriher •* a* ftnwkiu tlic alnhiinea by a recoivl shot, iiifiu'tipg a mnrthl wound, though he is ktiil living. Ncwlgft'l fl*u Ttfi *thc hoase, wnd pro rcwvled to ID own |Wvntußid shot himself UmL j X ' t|i v * MV l * b r Tar ■ Ili4*v-tA v I iixuk n corretpondcnt fell# an aMfrnfintt't—*!* ui thu doing* ol thv hic*<}iarv redsnf London. They are sowuig revolution, and iu a at "HYwe intei-nntiwiud Vi'&UW Oflice" it i* hiwed Uifd the |" ahwLJ rue aud ihaasa'cre • I-* - . I'* - . ftWßfllk rorrsmwrr seerarmc* 3 it- .1 r i (XV. r* nosr —Uine. ud u Airufltlbl* an<*'>li,-io-.tti-rt lor of rUMruiltc Kirn V-lM* Gold Rmla ol lh% A t*ahft Railroad C huxaui. boonu 5*o sad Thr—-Twilba r*r ooot. *.'. l intMsa* mora tftoa t |w ooot rurmwr . and arnrvl *.** ■< tf nnn < Vho maUn n.d and noir-wKi.*•• "*•> ** iua> 00.000 Awn of Lund !• rvpn miV at lrrV. or V*3 itw at Load la -•olifl nt* Road. Th- hiyhoot earrral prio- wID h paid tar u S!*Hr • o*i a oOfcv War*-laid- HoraoU— raftol HalMc. FWWplg-tO. tn* d fallinli jO]|W*>J t^>4th-n-i-a. will b* t ami -hod am mfpUrmStm b •>** l>aoX * nnUT. t The Market*. w*w Teas. DctrQtnu—rrWvri.haiiwtol .11 '(W .lJi< flr*l qadllT II ft .US Mcnltim.or arstqatl. .1(1 * .11 w qnk'wr* -><• XuCr or lowrrt xrid* .0 H a* \lwcs or>- ft 11. w ft O'N drrwa W -tos < M .07S CoifU*—MlStlHtu 90S. f .VIS i W'OW—Tlr W.--t#ni *3l Si 900 Stat. • MO WHSAT-lnib-r W—ijn 101 a I.M •• siat- I*> 1 07 tHibfv-Mttril tlpafrm a?* #6 -J* * ; 11 . n*f** 6- 1.16 64 1.40 I (kiiw iM 64 ISTt •* •" '* # -*0 U*a.k • .10 4LBAXT. WfißAl 143 64 1-63 Uvk- 3. 6% jn .WH 4>B*JMi*sa >4r f SUBLET—B baa long keen appreciated, but berc ! More it baa becu f.-nnd impractiasble, tlio difßctllty arjting from the fact that! I a pea vary in pitch with every change of j temperature, while mods do not, ao that • chango of tin or fifteen degrees made lit impossible to nae them together. In ; xtrumenU which have been advertised aa Pipe Cabinet Organa have contained no , real apaakuig pipes, bat only imitations! !of soma sort. Mr. Fogalherg naea gen- . nine wood pipaa of tba beat quality. j 1 The substance of bit inventions ia an ' ■ mr* ngement by arhieb the pipes, when, nt of tuw from a change of temperature, < j tan be Himultaneetuiy and instantly re j at'red do the same pitch with the reeds, by the turning of a single screw. The Mas"n k Hamlin Organ Co., hare j I been thoroughly testing Mr. Pogelberg's j inventions, aud it ia understood, are sat iali*l of their value, and will soon offer J j th*ra to the public. If pi|iea are success ! felly GQtnltiued with rteda, it will be the • turet important improvement ever madi in Caidset (hy-ant. A* •> ♦ " FT \ ■ • . rrr J)r„ Slot's (sinttm lUautoT ia no, ; Pfttfnt Medicine humbug gotten up to , I dupe the ignorant and ercviuiou*. but is j s perfect flaMMt for Nasal Catarrh, j "Cold iu the head," and kindred dis MOSS. - MO j 1 Kiortve ia again going on In Belgium' |id cnacquoiiee of the great question of htonsc ia again going on In Belgium id eonc(|Utuu onnaiathirf mainly of n'cAiml lit uiT-rinse*. Wiun't Vnre out VmatH, uii-onUmiinaAed by the jxjisau of the utill, ia ohuduttig anivmal nQgß>tiPM|kl , Wwtea mpon iM world Aib fte isAl—ll<* uf tb vMyctMaet l < tArgt**i i carl that t'M i) to rsr* la i > vti !:|:h*r ! ted •!• rt It* t.rAju. < to p)a Ummii tu ,IB !C by r.# je.*.ag lb#to • tbo str-OftD iter bar*. It *. a WtMr tfitel i W ill arnui at In i fo-iorvftslitjf tau tte ft Mr •'•'•at. r*g*i*t og to *rrllon>. rorl f mdigrmt en acd rWamlnt * I --1 •* uUi of body, ao mbcuiai preiaraii .e lb* i ku. an n* at ail cotajiawble 10 the • ret nti> mb.* 1 art linndrad* of alt*n|a kiw boea tm-i l tifiT Im# U.M. rs Ta* hie*ail fated, ate t'.a ; Oaa*D luv rrn o i MLi'i 'ii. mimn wbi' h **aooaimenr*d fa m. i**tll >■ per**. Xoto. i.lf rati >l"|> si. for Ufa founded en the prioep'r. I !•,.* oa rrtoallr ackomr!* tro>l a the beai , poaattdr aaf< guard ifiiax rptdeatic dia*ar. Of the death of one of Enjdtmd'a moat eminent pbyaicians, all bis afcd were sold by auct ion, and tim ing other tiling* •.vaa a sealed pieVrt, marked " Advice to Puyairiao*." which brought a great price. The putt-baaer 00 opening the packet, read aa fnllows : " Keep the head ouol dm lwrt l> open and tie head warm." If pbyfic is in ccssjtry, use Parsox's Ptx- GATtVE 1*114a; they are the most scien tifically prepared pill that has appeared in the last hundred years. —Com Smvarrtzx* Corona AND COUM.—Few nre aw are of the importance of checking a Congh or * Common Cold," in its first stage; thai which in the beginning won hi yield to " Rttotre's BBOXCHULTMOCSK," if neglected, often works upon the Long*. &**. Wh rcccired a eerr plceMot letter of thanks front our ohl friend Kendal!, since hi* rvhina home, for e l>oUle of Joan SON'S ANODYKB l.ixmrNT which we garc him. and which be says has entirely cuml hint of the troublesome and dsn gerons cough he bsl when here. Com. vrcrran; f aria-wlmtcwt b, aS clm.m at Mph to b lb* Mat aad taual fltond panto to tba a.* to. Thirk boot! uf Saitoab an aacwatotp at toM nana. bf< ttto baawaftoM* nqaMto MwO at Man tbaa thto to n-adi-i ti aiot*-irwt Tb* toaar nan. aa wall aa I tor oHtor aubrcil Iba bod*, awl ba prMiatod Tb* raw, mowA tiulf otoda wbtcli pitml at tow an mi irnf rm tb* wnnt nlnOiiaa. aad u ipl bifwl tb bcalth uutawmb-'r. both tlirmak (ba pana aad (ba faPi>.ruTrj oirmaa. Tha rarart wap to a** I Ibr **(l l to HncitliM lha latoraal aaaclua*. aad (boa aaabl* it to rrpol I!* fn>uliM| udana at uaMaaw wntlm. P.a'iob Ibo blood. rtoUjr Mtaalato (ba arta lattaa. rarn'lal* (ba boaatA toriforato tba Moaatoh. toaa (ba kf. and bran the una with HoMattor'c ! ihtoSdrt B ltm, and ba eoadfuob *1 (ba bowvnr iailmwt. bo nriatmi at (ba bwaw>to or tboiMoatoUa. boawoat awddo*. will ban pwwrr to dta orlor (b* (fwtoan ibaa tiiroSid to adraooo. aad pal to piilkii work in* onior PaMp aad aedd. atl at wpaaa Matin ar fnbla nfialßtba, at) pralwn eobooMp toa. diptbaru. nnaalM. rtwiliaa. dito'fA 'nowr ronpla BA low mio*abw. or totoranttowl farar . tba impoUim of wwbriii lb* /*■■ lapntiaa to tbaaa two the upper of Bat. and Shone thay wtll Ml np or leak. A |>r trading too f nut aghtly thin.-, toy nothing about health and caofort. SILVER TU'FKD Shoee ww woar oat at Unto*. For Koto to all ttootem. To Consumptives. The adeereterr. having bann permanently eurort of that dmd dieri e. i ouaato rtiUr- bh'tett to bta fe low a-itr-rr, the meamo L core. To all nlio dure it, he will aeod a aong ta the ' jAe-enit't'Ti ua-ai. free of charge', with the a wee Hon "lr |ip'p*ri $ and tiling the eanw. which they will find a arur i ttt for (Josac drnait. AitCU.Bninn illhla Fart tea wi.'t ngjhr urearmtjoa will pteaao addre a Rev. EDWARD m WILSON. | Ait Sooth Third atreet. William" burgh. S. T. For Beauty of Poitoh. Saving Labor, Clean llnegg,Durability dt Cheagneaa, UnaqualatL nimi;r or noKThtxas ihITATHWS. under other ! name*. hut reMmbl ing oure In ahape and color nl wrapper i Into ded to deceive. Til* hlit Mi HI POLISH IS art*, for itcra dcalere* nee. at twelve rente per pound—twentr-ay* and Brty pound hot fa. "Cheaper than any idher Balk 1 ollth for mlii in# %l TH* Itiaita HI I.l'Hnra r*tnu—No Sharpening Cheap and Durable—aupcrrrdeeotlierarllclcjlof purpoae. Tilt Htaitu HI nun K t.uu LCMM rTti*. loraileo bearing* and ma eh Inert. La-'a ait timeia* long a* oil alone. Si lb. and id lb. beget, 15 cent* per lb. Trylt. I MORSE BROS., Prop'rn., Canton, Maaa. II VIA T, blMlhtOW A car.. Boat on. Maaa. ■A FnMwh "THK PATENT STAR, eetl patents, aad sh ■Mf.nai t arMPAtttb. Addreea U S. FIA-.w CO f Broadway. S. V. feUi) t A A BOXTH. Aaente wanted. Seven rib)'r beat ■ ri .le- in bampe fTe. Addre.-, J.KROSSO 1> trait. Ml*. dt A USE lor an ACVfcBTIaaJtA.. * fO 860 Weekly Newspapers ygßfc: B*sf, *. t ||| ITAUOXI Bern* fWsrtKawr ie Wwlirfti Ownsilve CMs VkersieeetsvlMfWr KHa*. HolestPSW Mam. WMaker, Traat fUrtts mad Keftm tmt SUM sarsuw *>, AMI Issa ttstipper • • SreaMsmsaaS rets. Set e • ires *eatoe, swle fiwei Uw eeflee mis ae# We W CaJtforale, tma i+mm m AleataKe Mas ISMS mrmrnokKAT auxti remi. nuasiAuriofmo NWTARTG saerfsrt Bseovaur SS4 lieJli'iasw, lesfcrtitiiy sweatee. He fmm mm Mfcs MMM MS tm sMM4tsg leit'jsinses sal imsta loaa ma'-fl, rnnrtaM tbotr bam mm • 4wia|-l br aatscml p**a m obsr nm. ss4 M *sl ergaes wawse hsjwel tSs jaeUM at aapai*. TW; sr* ©sells I"S1SIN as sreH Mi Teat*. siw. It* f*sew aiwWef Mtlaf sserswsrftil stMUs rsllssSW Oiasina arte*.- wanna at lbs Uses, sed :MM Vbamsl Quia roil rnwt A r.K<*wri. A a www, wbsuwrte y 01. WHO W swb, S da Inn X —>■ bsaaorst itw teresf W*. OMae taw mmmtmmm egaal War llaalwr M CWwUi KbsSwn lias aa4 erne. Blseem at lA* RlsM litsr, BA ■srsaaiSSr,tlw SUonWotMsaal seoesswel KwaS Wseases ■■Mwdyttmill DtoaW, Wfckh Ugumnoy issiatet ty liwepuwus* •fib, MfSMO* Cqass aytrmu OK ivaiownoa. NO*, sr!*, ratals * tseMrra tart* WtwaH ttw am. Ptssleiissi Boar CrariaUm sr 0* Wo mark. B4 Ts*s Si U* Maeib. SHlsm ■*, Palatum* at MM Besrt, leSssuMmw s t U* teees rata Is tbs Iff*l* at 0* KMssm. ss4 * hmmtni Mm rsia-'tl SytssSnisssrstl* iSStesr sT rwW'*s Tbtr Sulia ms tfesai'osedt sea sasslili Iks isrpia eflbepy Is lsst*tw U* SieM 4t all tsUmtttlss eet tss- SSrtWf w US eel * ris< mm jmss ■ ia ■ r ases* B omg IMWM. sipaahmjs ■en iilapiaiiiii wut Ins u* ijwie Ava wares lAa thrt a* MIAFLPM •M 4 by all BranM* as d KsaHst. J WiXXBA rrugnsos. K. U arpovnj) a on. XtfuggH/ts tfdft Cfixjti AdpMMiMi AMI Orift* tn. urfiiiMn Coawa Imi, Sew fatt, "V. T JT. f. Jaa. *• I . * """ atW w A MTt.♦.f- AggMsasgaßE VALENTINES. CnHnteiteurn *<<"**•*• rnuEß * anuoJi. mm % mmtmm . Ww Tr. XOV'.AV JUOAETIC TIM-£EW, SEW TJL PcSs! ® ££ A GREAT OPPEH!! a*r*M Wucn, SI knaiatf.J. T. *VI 4yaKAl(a>Mru ttcttfhM. **t o>*Wf as Uw. sarfoAia* Wrt-r *. .1 ■at awted X fwduJh. A as* *te 4 rtwua fW*. lUkai i**ttf*i hbu sad ntrl i 1 .e aiW. xm ag—isnfa* aeifcMMm a Ajrataaad ake ha ■ToT*K* 'r¥r 3JK M. -BJ a (. la# >cnu*aSt ufml ad trU < aeVj- 1 MOW .4. A* #*•*> MM Ml' 1 rflwa'aiMi Nm (M>MM|. bra •* t iit/m. •t. • l*4*r-TS on aiuaboa Mm, <*• ai too • d*j Mia* n—•mm bow Hriwa. to wfetoi * aw Aa*w( • T|>oat* 1 .000 odm lk i* od taauh A -.u •oH.Mi law* aOMMM odwwt. boat Mr o*- l'n*Ca V.*OKI MltbTOl, I* i *Tt \ A ■'<* a< 111 Ml n Hi I'* War, .ad lb* •'• * M.I. AC , rktvfh AAS orn< ill. MMI * UM RI *- AMI I|MK aro A< tn| -W.air —*o Iwut MIM a* * • * la da ;• • t-w do>.*ttdi( a aabTiAod ib )3> Earbto and --- /'A IRF'I/ | V MMTAI* TWTOEEWWA. It'AU J iy.> *<**'- Sa. lhatui- Mm bn, wrc IW hin i*m M4> MM fc-ivi fcH adatpbto lliMfclllHEl f f B^otßT|W AJAi —a. . * %rj?YJJLr~ 1 mmm iKSIVB, MTW4+ BRIGGS & BROTHER S Catalogue of FLOWER AID VEGETABLE SEEKS ! Imliai jKitor*4*rtTiaa • cJwr!*a IMMI 1a etdnn Vb# rroho-a Caia! <*o- rwr aabl i. bod. , si-d IS ma far w>pj n baft Mia WRa at MM I MliWi.l plato*. In lb- tr ari w, monnt-ac K> bat IM ' Utob •> lb v( t . a1, % a,. . . will ba nfaadad to •owto. Nwcw?ottM*|.!ac|.l a-. lb iUH looting * ilk j nld f.M to aU raMavawa. (Malilf o( a*o~in'i 4—4 nabw it l Mia T Mni ui at all la iwr hano pood. ml aa. SMUtabtaa tor ortranrdiaan iHtatamK ; VIM will aun It tfyot DO aol an wwaCMil wilt baton I *1 larlw rjiMM tor ten, Mat lrtl uai a , Sowar |>W of Bulb aft rtaata, nuuMi of Lilw*. *a | —ia wbrrtd AnHaai, nhnuiiat u4 I%nuiiiial ata I tin ibiJ th , . BOAT FLORAL CHKOMOS ever lanul in tha master, A er.purb porterwnaroea* 'it led, root-JwM. no e er t tee. i Otto im.MMT utiona >||M la • tahgrua. Ai'drew BRICCB * BROTHER, .fteoWyWMMAj KorkMtr. New Torll I rAMK RmtorSte fEMflKpa J.. A valuable Indian compound, tor i intirii i ag tto *-|ihh_ and for too permanent oar* af B dieeeene Wa| baa mporitten of too bteed. on oh an ftcrolhln, S*r(Wnn lltntar, fnMr, Co*. Bitot, l>pilpku, Coofctr, dolt. Rheum, riaploi and Huon on (ho Faw. Iktn, renin, Catarrh, Bnaohltta, Nemratgln, libra. maUem, I'alaa la the hide, Byipriwla, roMtlpMlra, Cuotlvenooo, Ft lan. Itoaitarho. Ululnru, Xrrmuiaru, Flint. arm at the atoaath, Patno ta the Dark, Kidney Compknlnta, Female Weak t Boiorol Drklllty. Thi. preparation a reientifleaJJy tad rbemioalJy com. lined, 4 o atrongfy emeaateoted baa mote, horho lad bark*, that ite toot eflacte ate roatuod immediately after commencing to toko it. Tltora ia DO dtMore of the human aywtem for whloh too Vtom** cannot to amd with rntner nairvrr. an it dom not contote aar matoOM omponnd. Eur oraj looting too njetea of all impnritlm oJ the blood, it baa no eqaoL It bar never foiled to effect a care, giving tone and strength to rbmjilaii debilitated by diaiea, lte wonderful edeote 9m tonne eompLuote are enrpriung to nIL Many ban been eared by the Vtettru that barn wind many other remodioa It woil to called THE OREAT BLOOD PURIFIER IMfirp> BT> H. R. STEVENS, aorr > lua BrimSUML MEIRaIJ DnggM f