:iK -unij RtifOarsK FRIDAY, JAN. V 6., UV2 LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL KlW*.—Our friend* will oblige us lv ton Jin j in anr item* of local Inter ■•i, llncluding death#, marriage.. Ac., a. *uch nro vßKin'iy y°f r tnn*u l,l t iia we.t, many of Whom get the Reporter. We would.'.teem it a favor if our kind pa tron* would occasionally mail# copy ol t to It. porter to relative, ami ac.|UHinUn co- who formerly lived in Centre county i.l removed to other pa. I*, which would * ud ten many to become subscriber*. IMPORT .virr TO BimiNW%lKti.-~ Tlic ci i-c it I.si ion of the KKPOHTKH. on pto -id- of the county, i* now greater lli.ttt that of *}* two |NT|I i> MI the county, Hence Huaineaa men who wiah to r.aclt the I'onnavallcy trade, wilt advance tlicir own interval#, by ml veil tieiug in the Kb PORT Kit. Our auh*orr tion | i*t is o|*n to the inspection of al/ Who \ci>b to advertise. 0 vSoLOtis KoIT.VT.iIX Pas Something tiow HIUI nvol. Bo httw *ii*l thf ***• vertu-unent in our paper, headed ''timt v y. I 'J lie Klectictt for township officer# yUI In? held t(li 16th February. Xhc wwitlu-r during the la#t few xHtys \\a>' Cdd ami stormy Court adjiH. T icd ' W.dinmlay af t llltK it. Mr. Wtclattii, to tuany of our rratlri"#, ## cngagtfd i cv-iuont making, ut Mililirim, w#k Wj> l*jt liaJ an attack of aiKxplexv arhlUt walkiitj; 'He roud in Bruslital ley. where he fell ovar. He was Uk eu to a hum* near by, but diad iu A ■reek after. JSxow. —Ou la#t Tuesxlav morning tW ground WM coveml with about three incbea of auow. • A corps of engineer* is no* looking , fbr a route, to connect the Milmr mil road with the PCBMV alley road, via llitricc valley. Coitn txTtox. —We last week meu tioued the talc of the farm of W ra. <*rove, deed, in Orngg- have wince learned that tho parties concern ed have failed to agree, and the prop erty ia now again opeu to purchasers. Sa AcctOEST. —A *ad accident occurred near tk>htr Springs, Clinton county, I** *wnJav evening, which' the death UMm Mow , ry, wife of John Mowry. Tim lmly >f Mr. Mowry dod s-mr fiJetids were on their return fro'U citurch, in * |E'j* horse sltd. ami IU go J ug down a hiil. one of the traces unhooking. c#*ts*l the horns to run off. Mrs. Mowry iuni|Ha! from the sled, and fell upon head, receiving injuries which proved fatal ; she died next morning. Some of the other ladies, were al*> somewhat injured by falling from the uded. Mrs. Mowrv was a sister of JJr#. Wilmer, of our town. DKATU OF A SEPTCAUESARI AN.— M.Any of our roaders will learn with [ reert* of the death of Mrs. Jauc At- L wood ®f the late Origen At uf Salona, Clinton county. 6hc died on morulug last at thvm>idence s*i her wuviu-lair, Jopu - at the ■klvaiiced age of 77 /"**• l&u in >few Jersey, anJ J' 1C Vrt of hrr life in the SutC V' *\ tW but duriug the last th.'Cty-nve Vir forty years she has residetl ina'uly Win this county. 7-he was well-known I many of the older inhabitant* >f thi section, and a relative of some of tha oldest families, among others Nathan Alwotal, the Strougs ami the families of Judge Parsons and I)r. Harvey. She had beeu rapidly failing during the past year. Un'siuuday morning she peacefully glided from Jil* info death. Her remains ware iuUrred in the.uld family burying ground near lona. — L'lintoii Democrat. LlintvQ County. The Democrat says: Mr. Jacob Brown has just returned from a visit to Bostou with Superin tendent Loghry, where they went to machinery for the Shoe I ac iturv. The work of put ting the fuc- in working order will go on speed illy" and ere the summer has set iu the vwr'heeis of industry will be rapidly gurning at that point. The next M. E. Conference, it shOUi -l reuiemberevl, will be held in Lock -1 a ven, commeiiciug on the 20th of March, *"d coutiuue about a week. \lri-aily our Met hod wt fellow-citizens arc bceiiriug themselves for the occa sion. and taling preliminary steps te have the delegates ftd viaitor. well cared for. $3,000 w.'re iold ly tba guiWitig Asocial oi oil Monday at an premium of 101 per teat. The aa-<*tj annual iep.>rt hr bean •ulimUtofLtiO' _ aliow* as the loans' granted #OO,HOO. for which it holds bond* and mortgages (< that amount. Tbe n't gain main share is given at $0 W. or Mp'*' 27i per cent, ainple infrrt. I was getting gray and didi t like H NATURE'S IIAIK ItESTOK ATIVE ro ttored the color of my hair, cleanted my scalp and pleased me wonderfully.— Noth ing like it in the market, nor ever wat or ever will be. See advertisement. Jnn lV.2t Tlic Vulu ,w ' nK Wl. Mr. Bock.le*. |lm Bute Senate a few dav* ago : . . To authorize reforinw >ot.u K >n election of director* of *>" **" That in all future election* of dlrtfl P tor* of commoia schools > this 00...- * 4 mon wealth, wherever two or more |r •on* ara to be chwrfl ' n a district for the same term of sffrlt*. ti voter may give all his voter U one or more candidates to tm voted tor as lu> *h all think fit. and candidates highest in votes shall be declared elected Any appointment to IW t vacancy in a board of director* alull. >vheiiever practicable, to lie made front a ft) on J? the voters of the district who shall have voted for the director whose place is to be filled. ( SEC. 2. Whenever a voter shall in tend to give more votes than one to any candidate for school director he V ghall express his intention distinctly and clearlv upou the face of his ballot, .otherwise but one vote shall lie count ed and alLuwtid te such candidates, hut .any ballot which MI contain or ex press a greater number of jhan |ti(ie whole number to which the voter gfcftjj lie entitled, shall be rejected. V riot warred at Jessups, Georgia, a station and Augus ta railroad ti< > " ,,u ~e- gro gro was killed aim gf**W* Tally wo undid. The led la t A ecu some negroes u* a ,LT borne. The negroes engaged in riot were princ : pally from the couu-| try. The town negroes behaved very well, and tried to induce the rioters to lubmit to the lw. 11*v.ii• I, hit* county, hud eight CM* nf iiiixll-|*rX -rtvou of these in olio family, >t wl.cli, two, father am) yiiMif >l daughter, proved fatal. Joseph Crotzer's khl, near t on tt*o Hall, mt Thumlgy, Fob. 2fttli, ai b n o'clock: 2 l*r. s, 2 cow-. 10 head ol young cat tle, 2 three-j CM ling steer., T large .lioal , I large br. i ding sheep ; one iVnlrc Hall ivaper . good a. new, I llniiic* tin clung mar Itino mid |.owor, I tanning mill. I grain-dull, I two-bor-v wagon, I rprmg-Wagon, I .led, hoi-ogvar>, I large roller, I c.rnpiniiler, plow-, harrow., rake* forks, I cupper keltic, table., i hairs, bad and ..uincrous other art i les. SAI.K.— IVter llolfn's Mile, near Ccu iiv Hall, on Wednesday, March, bib, at 10 o'clock, n Inrgv stock of hornea, entile atul Inruiitig utensils. II head of work horse., and colts, cow*, young cattle, hug* cros. of t'ho.tcr white and Kentucky, horse gear, and hi. entire stock of farming utensil*. Hurry up! The .lock of ready made Clothing tli;il lately tili-J our *lore it being so rapidly reduc d, thwt to save one day in making y ur •cle. tion, under the Half Price rule, is worth hurrying up. HIKSCII A BHD. Milrs'.v. - - -*♦- The Ald inc. February number of this, superbly hand* some monlhlv journal is now before us, richer if possible in the execution of it* en gravings and the uu>urt>assible beauty of iu typography. It contains twelve engravings, fire being reprints from the calvbrated American ar tist* U. \V. S.nillia. I'be full page one rep resent* a moruitig scene on the Adirun dack. being a very vix id aud striking rop retentaiioii ol the gorgeous scenes of na* tore in that w ildernes* of w ildness. Another full *iaed engraving, "Manifest De.linx ,' dvs<*r situ which the whita hunter and the ludi n regard each other while engage.! side by side in the chase of the same buffalo is most faithfully and beautifully portrayed. The lilerarv matter iu this number is also interesting, but space wiil not permit en tering more tully into detail. We would therefore advise our frieud* to at once be come subscribers and judge for themselve* of the merits of this unrivaled journal, the full merits of which cannot be brought out in a mare pasting notice like this. THE END. Tbr Louisiana Legislative Km broglio Winds up with a Sub stantial Triumph for the War luotliite*. New Orleans, January 20. —There was some excitement to-day and a heavy concentration of metropolitans in the vicinity af the Mechanics In stitute. All the Carteritc Senators took their scats in the State House. A resolution declaring (he late extra session legai, and consequently con firming the l'iuehback election as Pnyiilfij and Lieut. Gsv., was adopt cd by a vote of J" t<• 10, I'inchback having the casting vote. The actiou was made final, ami is regaided as a decided triumph for the Wariuothites. Deadly Conflict tkdwtH'ii ail Escap ed Convict and Ilia Pursuer-- Tfcirty Paces with Rifles—Both Men lilddjed with Kullets. San Francisco, Jau. fi.—The latest adviiv* from the headwater* of the Kern river, where the fight between Charles Jones, tlie c-iuj>ed convict from the Nevada State prison, and Frances S. Armistead, who was pursu ing him, occurred, confirm all the par ticulars at first received. He found the track of Charley Jones about 50 utile* from the head of 1/oiig \ alley, on the Son w**, ? tii river, and trailed him to Slawgop ahepii sdffJP in N ioa iis, where he was slopping. Aimts stead tiiid Jones that he wanted to eu r gage a uu u< upw horses to Arixooa Jones hire*! L> i'im (of fhj Jriji, aud thus mutters reeled till W"nt*ig 111 the morning Ar mislead (old SUweoii what he was after, and said i he cs'pecttd In have trouble with his prisoner. (1 ,*#*.'ins that Jones had a suspicion of whet gn'nff on, l" r while the two null Wit. ijlK'ng he went to the house, took Siawsoll s jh'li* ry rifle, and when he came out said • "Here, j'oU d • I km,*' your business. oU waut to take b*,"|. Oj Nevada, hut I will t die first." >Vilh these words he drew up sna fired at Anuhstcad. The fire was in stantly returned, jlie shot taking ef fect in Jones breast. J\)S fi * ht now began in dead earnest, and both wen being armed wilji Henry rifles, it was fearful. There IM* a conatant stream-id fire, auj it acen.ed tjief near ly every shut Lmk effect. ' Ije. mcp were about thirty •Irjw, Jones kept giving way, and AniiistruJ followed him up till lie fell from to** ot blood. June* then rushed ujum him, hut Artn istead raised his gun again and fired, •bootiug Jones through the head and killing him instantly. Armistead had fired fifteen shot.-, hitting his mark twelve times ; while Jooes lutd tifs'd fjeven shots, niue of which took effect in the liPtlf "I Ar mislead, aud either of flic wotipd? would prolmhly have proved latal. Ariiiinfead .ivtd al .ultwo hours af tey the tight. He was iierfictly cool, and said i' he itad kilh-d Jones he was willing dip, He requested Slawaou to write un yf the fight- When he first fell lie pok ufi Aunt Wjlliv and Charley. His lust Words wfirej "Tell Iter i love ." The fight is eousl|u*d j.'-* most des perate un record. the new yohk robbers. The Testimony TOO Buuitigint; to tirant. [Horace Greeley in tiaturday'a Tribune.] The Custom House Committee i* credited with an iuteution of avoiding a return to this city, the pretense be ing made of ftcoutinuauceoftlie investi ghtin in Washington! Oenllemen! you can'r atlord it? The whole country recognize that as nredttlinate, White waahing! And beside*, }frP ( Very inveatigalion, at we all agree, tan only to tbe credit of the Admiiil*trlbn. we insist that this one shall llioroughlv go to the bottom He i* '• friend of the Adpiinistnitiou who tries kf "ek out ofttm RPrk. r uwu . v f" ,ln l ' ,e on 'y place whey il/fl work eati In* done. We now rail rV'!!." tr . v , to wutrli this C'onimiltce, and sec ahigrjt any nnwillingne"" > come back & /)'* ~ar b^ l,n l ' ask of iuveatigatiiiM 4*l-' P 1 ** ' " r ' t ' ÜB ' toil! Jlou.-e. tjHd tins then #*J)2 wince, and want to get otit • The defeat of Mr. Itarluil for United States Senator from lowa utui the eleo tion of Mr. Allison > his l) at * a verv significant event, til all the members ol the Senate, Mr. Harlan may be regarded as the special favor ite Wll)p President, while Mr. Allison is of that i-ift# fit PqiuhMcans who agree in seiiiiiucjif witfl ff ft 1 Geo. Grant did his utmost to secure I the rc-chctiojl of h"a friend. His fail-) ure is significant, and illustrates the we)tm-'** of the Aduiinstratioo lu the N.irfii^ivfff/l Sli,u ~ , T,,e tmporant uueslii-p iio* fit vV&ife'f nl* P erm " ' -•mil' of ll'f fOft/itry WW the * , —Vftfif takg ad van and h of Alliaoa naturally aruac. .) J. I.ingle, formerly ol thia county, ha* bean elected on# of lb# eenalortal coaferee* of Clvailiield county. Roth bra tic lie* of ilia Uaulature hae* pa--d tli# re.obltio# to tiljelirii on the •,'hlb of March. It i. belleeed that the ptlblie business can aII ba di.paUhed by that time. • ' *•*" ♦ * [(■ rand .liiroia Jauuary—-Turut 4iH Monday. I1ull|li.'l O 13 Wj TVIIEI A. IN I I MM, *AJ DRA** ll*Um J II H.U. (taarl ot*U* I'uU Wu> shier*-**! |ill..i. Unl ItiMMM lliw** Clr.w iitsuk. * K U.I. H ItewM* a.u.(Mat* J T tsMOtrwM.LT Jut— Kraee da. r HM Was fswakt* Usui. (>M I 0r.., IVWW W m U*,.i UllMtrara T Knee* Km.. B r Hvaw. i> un Wilkw l> tt.isie.rfM, W a U P*aa**w*aa. nkaitl J l a rt*G.r l*■ T UartMi X KHti MIIm UMMW Trnveree Jurtini— 4th Monday. a*tlkfv.*t* lie* UsrsWl. u u a*u. j a * JM OuntM, ltw*tww Jul Wiilums. J T *Wn>. J Pw*>r" lt.iw*rd J U'lUwsiw. J.o OtwkL H.*. it r IIBSIM. a buHTur r.uua. HM.*I IS**. #**.*!** tin*. lI.Mrl I* t ItoltM J a *.*■* Hsrrt* c litlr K turn. _ MOM mm** Vrsassr k UMSM. i Mm**. •" —m tJ'k . Mtw *•(■ w a MOm h l'*e>iw >ll,l I. (IKMIMI. JM ( *H* t'wrtl* l> tS*k>a VH oglit 4 Wpialilag rJtIM Tnr MS#*l TWO a,WW. V. UUA UH ami t'atsa u L |s*t*n I e fiins UsBTCe l j" w M,^ W - M a*#"** " 11 "**** Swrtw# "tfi* J It ItnUK W*rr*n J W rsiwi**. nuUtwkrm V ItisJi*. U U atater. a Urn* lira** axiinu* MUTMW J J it** r*w* t>>* liMq I'uWKUt U** a tluuUw Tm rerc Jurors —'2nd Wewk, *JIKh N January. I'taa J -4kwt.il Ada—. K itsiss. a w ii.mimwm* rv *■**. T >#*# s..M or u*>i* WMta JM aim*, tteg** T (rib. t t'wru* K....1MU J t a M*UM*. UwitM*. O U a*Mw li Ax* ka Ii uadn Saaatha# W lUMrta. 1. Mhiitoa ltJhM Jl MVL—L PkUipai w lluyara PUM J Aweb Maltrm mum n H tir| 1) llocWv. W ■ WM*f t tArtlM W HliUr w*ia*r W I..,HMW*. I g Kiniiaw. • • traeew H*MU* IJ H,*4UM. Pima lAlrti Il> litUur. Ft l*a*U KSnvHst. Ttrkt ,l**Tgwjei Howard r# V H Uwt A XNUAL STATEMENT. Office of "Farmers" Mutual Fira Ineu ranee Compuf of Ceatre ceoaty CKXTRI HALL JAA nth LTTL In compliance with an Act af Ateawbly for tho iiucorprO ration of tha Fanner* Fira Insurance Company of Centra count/, tha folio* in/ statement of tha oflhira af said company it respectfully submitted to tha public: AMITTS * Bill* receivable be ing premium note* payable by mem tier* for Inturan cat $17,467 * Made the past year of which amount there hit beta called in IHI T1 Leaving due on nia uiium note* taken the past veer 17.0M64 To wh:ch add cash in Troasury *T B6 117.4 MM Exraxsas. Compensatioa lu di rector* IV k| Sl*r_v of Secretary 100 OU Sl*ry of Piinting. o#cr rsnt, botlage anil 5ta ti0nary....,.,,,.,.,,.-. HI id U. S. revenue tax and *l*iiip* ........... $7 Ai Election board IP Israel J Orenoble In terest - W $7 Sauiual Kiisalo** on bou*e OUOU John Doutwuitur loss on house 26 On •MM Total accrueiug as sail* of ibe com- „ pany tho past yea- si*J7l S* To which add fuud* reported for pre rhn. ; ite.TMM tnnybt ot *>r*M expired" and ' cij) Cc fed by coiisSat of parti*** - Ul.bM fi $100,747 0 Making lota' *ait. able asvett* of the coin pany thi* Jay. sltT,Ht Risk* and insurances taken the past year ..IWI.2WHS Sgme heretofore 'laLuftcl for pre vious J U*. . i pgo .wm G rand total of risk* and insurance* taken since or ganisation t.TVI.W It From which de duct policies ax j,jr—l an I cancel ed hjf"vvn*p*4 nf a Pait' J, H* "* " Grand total of rj*k and insu rance* i.. L'rce thi. day 14*.u*> GEO Attest: Alx4 Sg*v*g?. Bsc. At an pj**p>p bapl tl ,4fF. fh# following yerp slpfUa Uirt(v r * for t|u- ensuing yer Bah. WgfVffffl* San,J V. Fo.fr. fsirar. 4> exaudur, Jobn Wojf, Jotbuf rnwff, Meyer. S. O Herring. Jtm- nba u ß*B, Saiu I Grautly, J. W. Krutnreiae, J. W. Campbell. \V*hvreii|iou the new board organised and appointed the following ofteer* : President —C eo Buchanan. Vice President—Joshua Potter. Treasurer—Henry Witiuar. SiH-rctary—Alex Shannon. jitlllt Sell If Up! STERN HKKH bat *01,4 M i|t hit pryyoodt and Clothing Store, at tUW.k>#p* All ,n(*count* uiuat be aattlad up ia mediately, to awe* 3*|f. All aecounta not settled up within a rnaaonabl* time, will placed iato tba band* of a Justice iof £o|jcctioii. " 12Jantf FURNITURE! (■rand Opening FOR 1872. JOHN CAMFS IILROY, where l|e bat -peloid yon a tgiy Iffge ■took of the Intuit ty lite, hut# !" y *od common Parlor, ("handier aud Kitcbaa Furni ture. CHAIRS, • if in of Daniel Kviler aged X year*, 6 mouth* and 6 day*. On the night of tli* loth in>l, at Centre Hall. Liaaie, daughter ot \V IU Knierhk. aged IS year*, auioulh*, ami 6 day. (The death of thi* lint# girl wa. very suddenj and unexpected During the week she complained of being .lightly ill, though nothing >vriou, aud .ha wa* about a. uu al .on the evening of her death .he teemed to ho well wnough to engage in a> work and retired to b*d. ihortly after which her lather "on retiring, oh*crvod that *he! hroathod hraeily, and although medical aeeielwnt wa* *uon at hand yet in I v.* than two hour* her |*trlt had departed. Her death wa* cau*ed by drt>|>*y of the heart.) UAHHIAC.ES On I nth inL, by He* Khrhart, Mr. Samuel Ik. I let* of Pine Drove Mill*, and Mt* Maria M. Har|i*l<-r, of Keck Spring*. (Well, well, Samuel, what did youao that Air.—Ko.t On the 6th of January. IHT'2, at the resi dence of Samuel Fugle, by John L. Kckel, K.J Mr Waller Dtelfeiibach to Ml Sal lie M Wirth, both of LogaiuvilU, Clinton county. Oa lb- 4:h, inL. at the house ot John Ha.., by lha Kev. V. Hahm, 0 D.. Mr. Aaron Mover to lliie Elisabeth Orendorff, both of Haiae* township Ou lha 11th inet at the Lutheran parson age, Aaruusburg, by the sain*. Mr. Wil liam Peeler to Mi** Jane E. Leitxel, both oLPenn Hall. On the ttlb January. IHT2, in Lewie lowa, by Kef. J. H. Brown. Daniel J. lfeckard, of Pottar • Mill*, to Mr*. Annie C. bager, of Boaieburg. MILKOY MAKKKTS. Corrected by John M'lKrwell. White wheat 1,46 ...K*d wheat 1,4t>.... Kye TO Corn 70 Oat* It) Barley 66 Cloverteed 6,60 Timothy .red, 5i0......... Halt 'i 6o per *ack,.....„ Bacon 10c Haiu 16...... Butler'Jd... Egg* k) ..... Ptailer • 60 BBLLIFONTRM AKKKTH. Corroctad by Keller A Mutser. Wbit* Wheal fI.SU. K.d IK ...Kye Tfc.-...-Corn 40. Oat* S6 Barley 00. 70 Cloverteed 6,UL> ......Polmloe* 40, Lard per pound Ik pound Oil Bultei 26 Egg* *. - M ..rt aster per ton sl4 Tallow tt Bacon 8 Ham 12. a. 1(J SPECIAL NOTICE 'r#drick Kabriou " tiregg Beujautiu Snyder " Itugg* " Alciatider Eiioll " Howard bor J NO. MOKAN, I'rotby. AKPHANSCOUKTMALE - < |ui-d by land. of Jacob Smith, Ihoilrl Runklr. Wm.Grnti if.'mm4 a||jlN Containing a> r more or Utt, about twalw no, cr (hipl) it clear >nl Tb improvement* are a dwelllug boutv. a stable, aai) other out buihtiuvs. now in occupancy of J. M llubler. Sale to I'ouitiieuca at 1 o'clock, <>f said day JNo H LEITZEI.L. Guardian tuf lU Ijiii'.T bir# of Samuel llartbbarger, dec d: nKtMJKKKUOPK HOUSE, Allegneney Street, Rcllefoiite, I'd. J.), JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietor*. '"rliStiWfflß'ffisftl v 'l ALL THE MODERN" COxVaNIKN yKM- AND REASONABLE CWg. The prvjprtvlotl U tho traveling', public, ana to tliwir country YiUndy. liii, class accommodations and careful ation- I tiuQ |Q tba want# o. (Uetlt at all times, al fair iaU ifnd g"d Übl. j ling lor IfiTfcj i) aul|oit table well! tcrsvd A f* r supplied yith #', linuort. | tier*aul. Well traif)-d and Trytl|il/g re-| qui.lie in a Sr.t olatt Hotel. Our location; it in tbe butilioit part of tbe town, near tba Pott Office, tbo Court Houtc. the Chur ch at. tbe Bank*, and tbe p i lie i pal placer of butiaetj, renders it the inott eligible place for those who w it it Rellefoete on butt or pleatura. Aii Ooiuibus will carry passenger* and baggage to aud from all train* ffK of charge. OUBLE AND SUfiBLK*~bARHKL fowling placet al aplO-68 IRWIN A WILSON. lUl.j. FOUNDRY and Machine Shops. Van Pelt & Co. The undertignad, having loused the above establishment. announce to the pub lie that the tame will bo carried on in all it* varioua brancbet, at a FOUNDRY, MACHINE SHOP, and Manufactory of Agricultural liuiileiueuta, They are prepared to till, upon thortcal no tice, all ordera fur Horse Powers Threshing Machines Rity Rakiii, PLOWB and Plow Casting* of every description. all kindt of Castings Hindu and tilted up for Mill*, Forgo*, Futnuci't, Factories, Ac. Alto, everything In the line of MHAPITNtid. BULLIES HANGERS, in Iron or Bran*. We employ the beat PuUcrninakert. Our Pattcrna are new and of the latest improved plant. Alio manufacture the unrivalled ROU6H t READY Corn Plunter, which is the best now made. All orders by muil promptly atteu d| to ldec7ltf PW f ■To U \UTKIIC Lilt IT" aua Mm, Sores, Wounds led Liaeeeit v BUY IT! TRY IT! . pd 4gur, . Uae PiQ Curt 0/ For Rtoturaatlinj,. . . Ui Paig Cart Ml. For Nnrtlfia Uae Paig CunfOil. For FrvnbSort Uit Pai| Zmt Oil. For CboleiV Iforbui, . Uit Pig Mrt Oil. For Bpriiib\. . . . . U*e Oil. For HeadachaX. .. , Uti P JT> Curt Oil. For Bruiiei, . UmJw Curt Oil For Corniand BuVuu Curt Oil. For 4>3( So l *. . \ in* Pi'l Curt Oil. For 4*>y Laigmrss, Xrtlie Paig Curt Oil. rtt Ami • .Ul.K|< lu r^ml I'aad Kal. iUn< ai>.l u!l) Mr mjvn Jt mi i\i AS'r. A. I TR raiN/bir. OIL T\. M MIW. U •a rfI&ANT IT 10 WBIE. II U Bui •yr >| aaauiuuta t>ir|uuli Su.laa>lk' f Utg .oa>|>..au i*la. H.tta aal JT an Jla tll cw of the Leai.buig, Cutr<- and Spruce Crock M K. Co. Philadelphia June l.ilh, '7l Notice i hereby given that the Brt in stalment of tve dollar# )r hare. to the capital #tockof the LrWl.burg, Centre and Spruce Creek Kail K-eJ Co. #ub#< ribed in the town.bip# of flarri#, Potter. Or* ft. Penn and ilaine,. Centre county, will bj payable on the firl day of July 1871. and j • utoequent intaluient# of live dollar.per' • hare, will he due and payable on thv Brl j day ol each kucceeding month until the whole i* paid Payment# of the above in-; •laluient# are hereby required to he uiadc to the treasurer of the Company, at the office of the Centre Contity Hanking Com pany Bellefonle Pa. JOSEPH LESLEY. Trwuurer. N. It. Any pereon t'rwlring can pay th ; whole off at once If payment# are not 1 punctually made the law aliuw# one per! cent pel month to be charged in addition , I t STIt k II t 1.1. Coach Manufao toiy. Levi Murray, c*tablibment at Centre llall, Pa , keep* on hand, end for talc, at the newt reatoiiablu l atue a laqgo #|ock ut f Carriages, Dugglp#, e made of the beat >ea#--Ui J material, and by tbe inott j jkilUd and competent workmen. Pcr.on# wanting anything iii hi# line arc | to call and examine bi work.tbcy will find it not to be excelled for durability end wear. Bprakly_ II A I: I > \\ Alii. MuKKI ;no. sjj it ito vv A www iii! cdinjilcfc Karuw'arc store hai been opened by the tltidcr.iglicd in llroi'k erholTi new building—'Where they ate pre tared to •ellall kind# of lluilditig and Hou.i ili;ii#|)iljg Hardware, froli, Steel, Nail#. Ituggy wheel# in irlb |.'|iiiiuiii|i CUdhp* Wringer. Mill Saw., Circular and li|M Sawr, Ten noli Sbw, Webb Saw, )ietr#iu Krcejer#. Dalli Tubt, l*l< ihe. Back#, a ful **#orfi]tegi of |Jla |id Mirror Ptafeofg|j ! uu, Picture Piapik#, WiicVlbarroe . Lauip#, Coal Oil Lamp#, Hilling. Spoke. Felloe*. ami Hub*, Plow#,Cultivator#, Con 1 Plow#. Plow Poilit, Shear Mold Board# and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery. Shov el#, Spade# and Fork#, Lock#, Hinge., i Screw#, Sa.li Spring*, Hnr.e-Shoct, Nail., Norway Bod#. lhl. Lard, Lubricating, !Coal. Lln#eed, Tanner*. Anvil#, Vice#, Ib S low#, Screw Plate#, Blacktmith# T'ml<, Factory Belt#. Hou*e Bell.. Dinner Bell#, (leng Bell#.Tea Bi kc* ( itiin*, Carriage Oil Cloth and Lining*, Iron, Iron, Iron, |ron ! Horseshoes and Nail limb, Blister & Cast Steel, Home Nail*, and Steel Toe*, au>| yery laige a.v>urtiuen( of Carriage liolu. ce~S|Ma|n*r. Wallpaper! From I Oct* to $1 j>cr bolt. Coal Hod* and Shovel#, Tea Kettle#, Baits, and Skillet#, I,ar>l Can#, Walfle Irons, Toaster*, Butcher Knives, Bread Knives, nil kiuqf Cuttle ry. LAMBS of every de scription. igt, Spec in! Inducement to Carpenters for Saw#, I'lanc, ChUiL, Utaw knives, Brace# and Bills, Ac. To Farmers and every body else, for whatever (hey waul in tuy liqe. I keep q general q* sort ment of WOOl) A WILLOW WARE •such a* Bucket#, Tul>*, half Bushels, Peck measure#, Basket#, Ac. Trunk-, Valiees, A Traveling hag*, Sleigh Bella, Sleigh Kutmor<, Fender* and Shaft-. FA KM KUS, M KUCHA NTS, A MECHANICS, Please give me a call, or send for price#. You will find a general assortment of every tiling pertaining to the llanlwuictrade. ■*%.! would a#k Bui tiler# iMuto give my Varnishes a MTtriul. I have ju#t re- MTetuved from New York ■#%.!! large Stock of Vurni- RaF*#lie#, such a# KURNITUKK, COACH, WIIITK It KM AK, WKAHJNU pu- DY, CARRIAGE IKS DY, DRAIN lll'Bill NO, ASH PIIAI.TIW aild J A I'ANH, J. T. UCWR A BRO. WltlTß I.KAI), a I way# on hand. Orders Respectfully solicited- Wm. J. McManigal* ldsudm WAR! WAR! On lligli Prices. IIKKATKXCITKMKNT. 11. 11. NMITM, uri'ulkri Mill*. N BW ROODS! We would mo*l rwiwrlfulljl lofrow hi* friend*. eutUiinori, and llw public ishw ally, that he ha* Ukcn |o*w*Miß of Tbuuiii> old -juarlcr. wbieh have been remodeled and improved. and i now tif parr.l In accommodate till wlio may favor him by calling. NEW GOODS! He ha* ju.l row!**"! <•> of the large.l •lock, of all kin J* of Merchandise ever brought tu Centre county, w hie h be intend* to *efl at MMlh flguri a* * ill make it an üb ieel tur alt fMiruin* to pari-ha*c. Families laying in winter w|i|ilii of lirocerie*, Dry Good*, A-., * build not fail to give him a call, a* liu feel* ■ undent hi. pflt'ia and aupnrior .jualuy of food* will a|ily •ntiafy all. Hi* .lock of (JKOCE K 1 E H cou.ol* of Coffee* of the ln*i i|uality. Tea*. Sugar* of all kind*, Mulaaaev Tub, Kail, Cheer. Dried Fruit. Spice, Prorukaa, Flour and Food, Ac., Ac. Our *Uxk o! UUYGOODfi i* lariv and varied, and we will juat ay can *upply any article in that line, with out enumerating. READ Y M A DEC LOT H 1 N 0 a large *tock of ready-made Clothing for Men and Buy*' wear, which wa will di*po* of at a very inalt advance on coat. Boot* and Shu**, Hat* and Cap*, Hard ware ii.mbK', Wood and Willow Ware, Notion*, Fancy Oil cloth*. Wall Paper*. Window Shade* Ac , octmly. Rev ling's CITY STORE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The largest and best aaaortiueot of l)r # v Goods, Clothing, Groceries, ' Itoots, & Shoes, Notions &e. ia the couuty, give u* a trial and save from l. r to 20 per cent on your pur rhaac*. X 8 (i rnlia 111 & Son, Boot & Shoe Makers I Next ilaorloWagoßprft Son'#Sum? HfiW'fouie. We mr,ufctur to anlor, j Our w-.rk iiuxl kiie in { town. j We are receiving good. every week, i We wi.h an examination of our good*. | The Pcniivlley trade i. e*jieoiall.V in vited to call and ee our stock, we think wo can pleaee all who call a# to lyl*. •lualily, and prime. We #tuily to render •atif*|i.ti., 1871, to tnc directed for holding a court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Scs siuns of the Peace in Hollefunle, for the count)' of Oontro. nod to commence on the 4th Monday of January next, being the 22th day of Jan. 1872, and tooontinuo one week. Notice* i* therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Juitkw of the I'wwe, Aldermen mid Countable* ol the said county ot Cen tre, that they he then nml there in their proper person*. Nt 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, with tiler record*, in •iuiition, examination*, and thftir own re membrances, tu tju t|pwe thins* which to lilpilr wfiw. appertain* to he done, mid |ih.i,o wlii nre I) mini in rccogniaanoca to i prosecute against the prisoner* that ere or ihnll he in the -luil ot Centre county he i there mid to prosecute against thetn a* -nail ! he just. Given under my hmid, at Uullefonte, the i 12th day of Dee in the year or our Lmd, 1871 mid in the ninety-fourth yei\t of the li' ri. a •jil<-u Alpaca*. Detain*. U>, Brilliant*, Niulist, Calico**, Tick . in**, Plnnel*. Opera Plnnel*, Ladia-s Coat-: mg, Genu Ckdb*. Latita t Barque*. While Paltay, Linen TebleCloth* Counterpane* 1 Crib Counterpane*. Whit* and Colered • Tarlton, Napkin*, lnkatrting* andKdfftng* W hit* !.*<• Curtia*. Zephyr A Zephyr Pat tern*. Tidy Cotton, Shawl*. Work Be*kat HOOP SKIRTS, Thread Uotiery. Fan*. Bead*,Bawinn LA HI KS AND MISSES SHOKw FANCY GOODS OK NOTION LINK FOR GENTLEMEN, Hacalyniade Clothing of Every Dfa wriptiun, fur Mwt and Boy a. Their .Lk k ufgI'KKNS W ABK A GKO CKKIKS cannot be ricaiM in quality or price. Call in at thai PhilmdclbhiaStore and coa vina-a< yaaur*lve* that kKLLKK A MCS SEU have any thin* you want, and d* bu tane** .an the principle of 'tyuick Sal** and Small Profit.." ,p30,09 anaix tub rwiauoi Ann ntu GREAT FLOOD! Tuns of Dry Goods, Groceries, No tions, Hardware, Reailv-tnade Clothing, hud thousands of other articles CARRIED OFF AND LANDKD AT Uktli* Cheap Store afhh Herlacher & Cronmiiler, CENTRE HALL, PA and now oiferod at prices lower than the lowest. Dry Goods, Xolioas, Orooortoa, Hard ware* ware, Woodand willow ware Iron. Salt. Fih and in fact, a intfaifcMi assortment of everything GOODS VKEY NEAR AT THI OLD PRICES. Dress Goods A most beautiful variety, consisting of all the nve!ue of the season, white goods, embroideries, hoop skirts, RALMORAL SKIRTS. All we ask that rou will C\LL AND EXAMINE OIT R STOCK ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, silver plated and Yankee Harness double and •ingle, bridles and halter*. Apr I A CARD —We have removed opposite to the Bu>h lIoue and are relling out <>ur ■took left from th* Are at bargains. W'e arc settling up our books and accounts and will be much obliged to one and all to call and settle their accounts. We would say to our numerous friends and customers, u> please accept our sincere thanks for the gaaarotts patronage they have always be stowed uu us. BURNSIDK A THOMAS. GOOD N KWB FOR THE PEOPLE. (ir. Nt Attraction and Ureal Bargains I f |tH K undersigned, deterarind to meet the X popular demand for Lower Price*, re* lvtlully call* the attention of tha public to bit twk of SADDLERY, now offered at the old stand. Designed e pcciall* for the people and thstim-s, thelar* get and most varied and complete assort ment of Saddles, Ilarnemi, Collar*, Bridie*, of every description and quality; Whips, and in fact everything complete to a first class establishment, he now offers at prices which will suit the times. ||A better variety, a better Quality or finer stvle of Saddlery has never before been of fered to the public. Call and examine our lock and bo satisfied before purchasing# rlfcwhcro. • Determined to please my patrons and thankful for the liberal share of patronage heretofore enjoyed. 1 respectfully solicit a continuance of the sauie. JACOB 1)1 NOES, Centre Hal WJ. B. KTTKLK'SJ UOLESALR WINK * LIQUOR STORE liishop street, Bellefonte, in the Stone buil ding iormerly occupied by the Key stone Bakery! Takes pleasure in informing the public that he keep* constantly on hand a supply o> choice Foreign and Domestic Liquors. All RarrtU, Keg* and Casks ioorroafed to contain the quantity represented. The attention of practicing physicians is > ailed to hi# stock of PITRK LIQUORS, suitable for medical purposes. Bottles, iug", and demijohns constantly on hand. 1? ha* the ONLY PURE NECTAR WHIBKY in town. All liquors are warranted to give satis- 1 faction. Liquors will be sold by the quart, barrel, or tierce. He has a Urge lot o I BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest aiedt* oft MM, OunUdetit tbut ho can'Plewso customers: he ruiipevtntiljr soljoits a share of public pa. tritaaf* pyRW| I If UIBMi T u at I AT REDUCED PRICES! A L L K 111 DB OF r n * W rIPTJ KB AF T* * "MAMMOTH" Furniture Store! OF THOMAS LINN, On Alleghany Street, Bellafbata, Pmi'*. J ADOPT Alt method of informing ay (Hand* that I have twrrbaaad the entire lerataf >l*nry P. llarrS. la the abev* named erublUbiMank Mr. Harria having retire,! from the Srat, Will CpnUnue the BusiaM of Manufactur.ng ail hlnda af finhMrh hie old Hand ea Howard St He alea Mia a .pocialty af DftdtrfakSag la all It* breach** Tha beat af Cotta*. a Good llaana at all tlmae oa hand. Ivary funeral will ha atteadad to by hi* ia par ■oa. Mie many yaar* of experience Vul recommend blin a* oaa af tha OLDXST AMD BEAT UNDBBTAXXBS la tha Mate. AU order* PROMPTLY FILLED. Order* for CoAntcaa ha Ml af my data ah AUaghaay Btraat THOMAS LINlf, Billafahta Pb* •hsi.l, ?. On Marriage. leeaya fhr TaaaaXaa.aaßßXAT MfIAL 'TTIIA aad AXfUt whlah Interfax* attk ■arrlaga, aad ruia tha bappiaa** af thaaa .u. aith *ar aaa* <\ *#bfn, Ph. aatlAly. - Job* B. Lnra. P. Btru Wtvaaa USX dk WIUBOM, DRUGGISTS. Sttcecaaoraaf F. P. Wilaua, BtlMwW Peoa'a. Hare taeared the aenrlaae of daaaw I Steaa, of adm(H af thlr taaa year* exaariaaea. who a 111 hava tha cbarge af their pre*criptii-n>uiaea- A night hall k attached la tbair Mara , lour, aad thaVmpioyeaaclaaptag witkiatha building, *lll aurnd to the waste af tha 1 public *t all hoara of tha eight ; | Linn A Wilao* knap cnattaatly oa , hand a larga Hock of iDrag*, Patau. Oik. Perfuiuerv. Traaaa* *l. i Medi'-al Appliance of an kiada, j together with a vary larga Hock af Patent Medicine*. #•* aa Viaegar Bitter*, aad aka , Pure Wine*, aad H- quora. c! all kiada for medical julyllka "* r £INN A WILSON. V ? t--"M tTßcK!!'*!'" il i far aala by la vis a Witae*. I'ap !© JAPANNED TOILBT BETTH, AMD other Japanned war*, at tha Aaytlßter*. apMTdA lawn a Wturns. OTSSFSS NATURE'S Hair Restorative Contain* do LAC SULPHUR—N* SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH ARGE—No NITRATE OP SIL VER, and n entirely tr*• fro® tfco : Poiiwvtti and Health iitiijii| 'Drug* used ia other Hair Pnp tioos. Tr*ntirent and clear * crystal, tk IB i not soil Ut iaesl fal.ru. P-fOvsUy RAPE CLEAN and EFFICIENTJedw tun* lAlNti FOUGHT VOE EVD FOUND AT LAST I t It itttofM and pr**U the utt nva becoming tmyrt. a mk, gfotoff. a* pea ranee. rfv Dandruff. linnhißg to th* h.*adj checks tha Hair ft* fo'Hng off, and restore. it to a grant extoart -Ua prematura!/ loat, pr lintsihs^ .cure* all h Union* cutanrous _j.-P.4Tf*l and unnatural haat. AS A DERSBIMd TOR THE HAIR IT IS THI BEET AS TICLE IN THE MARKET. DR. G. SMITH. Patentee. Ayer. Mass. Pretiated only by PROCTXS BBOTH KRS. UU.ucetar, Maw. The ganiun# put op ia a panel battle, wad# espraeeiy for lu with th# name of the a. tide Wow* 'in the glasa. A*k your Druggie* fcr *4- irca*'* Ham KnToutirc, and take aa tfttMMTs A®-Send two three cent stomas to Prae tor Brother* for a "Treatise a* the l*u Hair." The information it roatata* ; worth $500,00 to any perron. L%p ly For sal# at Centra Hall hy Wto. Waff j and Uerlachar A Cronmillar. AGENTS WANTED FOE A Book That Will ftllll fin^Ttnto. BY TBiaKMOWKBD N I CI N OK HLITI. I This Is an original, latoresUag, and ta rtructive work, full of rare foa *• hutaor . being an account of the AUI HOR B PRO FUSION AL LI FK, his woaderfol trlaks and feats, with laughable incidents and adventures as a Magician, Nacromuaeer. and Ventriloquist. TUustraWd with 16 Full Page Engravinga, besides the Author's Petrnlt oa steel, sad ! numerous small cut*. The volume is free from any objection - j bio matter, being high-toned and moral In i its character, ana will ho read with intor est, both by old and young. It gtvas the moat graphic and thrilling accounts S>ftbe effects of his wonderfol fonts and aaaginal tricks, causing the most uncontrollable merriment and laughter. Circulars, Terms, Ac., with full Informa tion. sent froa on lyiplicstion to DUFFIKLD ASHMEAD, PabMskar. Til Sansom Street, Philadelphia. octST.dm. CENTRE HALL HOTEL. Joan SranaLM, Proprietor, Stages arrive and depart dalfr, for ali points, north, south, east and wa*L- This favorite Hotel has boss refitted and furnished by iu new propnetor, and is new in every respect one of tha **Md pleasant countrv H.*elt In central Peansylvanm. The travelling community and drovers will always find the best accommodations, rea son# from the city wishing te spend ah* weeks during the summer in las country, will find Centre Hall on* of tho most boun tiful locations and tbe Centre Hall Rata! all thcr could desir# for comfort and con venience. apWfitjtjt CENTRAL HOTEL, Coraar off Third and Che*tnut Street, Mifliaburg, Pa John Showers, Proprietor. ■]t* Central Location make* itunrticulsrly desirable to persons visiting Town oa business or pleasure. , H. A. Taylor'* LiTery AWfidlMii ■ *•' . I