The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 26, 1872, Image 2

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Centre Hall, P-, <!•• • 4 '- 1
TEH Id 8. —The OaxTW* Heit
Tin ie published weekly at %'i per yj 4 *
advance, or EM" not V?7u .Sb
ranoe. Ualfye.rly and ■* aub-
HVriptioni at tlio same rate. M>* I
' Ad°r°rti.emnt. I.M per a.|U*r- 0
dnoe) for. hrce A J
far a longer period. t a reom no v.
Buaineaa oarJa of live lines. *- '"J r ' 1 *
Oommunicetioaa iveomui.niiag^mone
or office 5 cents per line. tomu.unua
ions of a private nature .ad -bitoary no
lieaa exceeding hnea, Ave teats |>yr
inc. Buaineaa notice# ia local column 10
.ewU per line, for One insertion^
K slice. of deaths and marriage! i.ert.d
rea otVnergc Out rien-h *! oart.. I
the county wiy oblige by ecnamgus .al
items of intereatfromtheir reepecttwloeal
a euros set to the addrea. upon
each subscriber# paper Indicate that the
ascription U paid UP t. auch . 4.te. iand
anawer'the eame a# aieceipt.
mitting by mail, or otherwise
,'and from • change in theee d.lesth.t the
money hat been received
Mr. Otwu Not to Got • Hoot.
The Committee on election! •
Thursday agreed to report against
Ceeena, of Pennsylvania, in bis claim
to tbe seat of Myers. The vote was
seven in the negative ami two blanks.
Tbe coinmittew also for the third time
refused to favor an extention of t*r
for Edwards, of Arkaoaus. This U
hostile to Se*tor ClavUm. so fa.
the Houee'cwramittee can juts* up..n
the merits of the controversy.
* W* rvjoic* that thia •cheuiiu* vil
liad, Joba Chorpennipg Cesaua, for
one*, w defeat*! in hi* plu ofvil-
Uny. Ther* h not a more corrupt,
unprincipled and loathsome politi
cian in the whak couutrv. th*u
Cessna. B. F. My era will lw quite an
imprnveaaont in tbe *eat disgraced by
tb vile wretch.
Examination of candidate* for of
fice'under tbe rule* of tbe civil rvk-e
will* hereafter be rigid and conducted
in a much move vyatetaatic manner
than heretofore. Thk. we aupfwae, W
all owing to Grant a "imbecility.
gogaya* imtheal jwper. ihe "rig
ia" examination will be to find out
who are anti-Grant republican*. *ll of
which will be "civil oervice reformed'
out of #, ■ a Very •vteiatic
Una. Alexander K. McClure hsa
accepted the mimiuatifrn f the Rni'ern.
Et|A)biitons ofebe Fourth Diatrict of
fbiladtlpbia, for Ei-uatur. W • un
derstand that ihtre will be uu Dtm
ocratie candidate, eo that the fight
will btdween Mr. McClure and tbe
Ring candidate of tbe Had scats.
The Bugaboo.
From tke Watchman.
Tbe objects of this bill, (repeal of the
Low Library.} are so trail kocwa to the
tax- payers of the couaty teat a *y nopeie ot
ilearvvisioaexre'uaneoeseary here, iqeisu
ply puts mto the County Treasury the
money It# lavrvtsr# of BellaJbat# have been
receiving from'flnae and forfeited recogni
sances. since n> purchase themselves
a Vibrery with. While petitions are being
aoxaerously signed ia all part* \f the couo
ty pray lag far ii* repeal, w#h>va ye* to
learfl of the flret man outside of the law
yers of Bellefbnte and Mr. Aurta of the
Centre Ball He porter, who pgasec the hill
originally, and who thinks a demagegua
iam to'attempt to repeal it, who woula be
villieg to place his name to k remua
ttrence against its repeal.
Wall, necw du Ull! But who'll
guarantee that the names to your pe
titions are not forged, a la the LytJe-
Chambers, and Twitcbell letters?
Now here's piece of candy, be a good
boy ; and wbeu lbs building com in is
sion swindle comes up, don't help the
radicals agsin to cboks it in commit
tea, and help vote away eleven thous
and dollars again for law books Ac.,
on tbe state library and five thousand
to the doctors of Philadelphia, and
when we sea you again you shall have
a nice sugar plum.
Specie Payment*.
Mr. Sherwood, our member iu Con
gress, on Monday offered ahill pruvid
ing for a return -to specie payments
and the reductiou of the public debt.
Tbe provisions ire that from and af
ter the passage of the hill the legal
tender notes shall be receivable in
paymeut of all oehts, public and pri.
vate, and shall be redeemable at the
option of the bolder by tbe Treasurer
of the United States in gold coiu, at
their par value. The fractional cur
rency to be redeemed by silver and
other coin similar in value to the
fractional currency, no more than $lO,-
000 to be redeemed in any oue month;
the fractional currency to lie cancell
ed after redemption and not reissued.
Tbe Secretary of the Treasury is em
powered to cull in uud redeem in legal
tender notes or coin boiuls issued to
the national banks, 90 per cent, of
•uch notes or coin being retained us
aacurity for the redemption by the im
tlonal banks of ibtir outstanding cii
culatixi Th amount of bi*l* slip
uiated to Le withdrawn is in.l to it
ceed IJ 0.000.000 mouth. The hill
wras refered to the Commit lee on Bunk
lug, who now have I lie subject under
The folluwiug is the text wl hlr.
Greeley'* note, declining the i fficc ul
President uf the Union Repuplican
General Committee in New York
New York, January, 8,1872.
Dear Sir —l accepted the chairman
ship of the Union Republican Gener
al Com hi it tee for the year 1871 with
a single |>ur|M*e, frankly avowed—to
prevent a disruption of the Republi
can organization iu our city ami to
restore harmony to iu council* and
power to iu local organization. That
object, earnest!) and assiduously pur
sued, huit not beeu attained (1 believe
through no fault on my part), and iu
realization teems now far distauf. I
am therefore hopeless that good
would be secured by accepting tlm
post you so kindly teuder me, ami
must therefore most rekpectfully but
peremptorily decline it. Remaining,
With grateful regard, yours,
Hokack Gkeeley.
Hon. F. J. Fitliiau, Chairman Com.
President Giant yesterday made
good hia defalcation of 15,000 during
are Mexican war, sending his check
for the amount, without interest, to.
the proper accounting officer.
'lite Hittlfcals Alai nird.
ft wiu" reported from fl suutvcs that the
rhii f officer* <•!' tin' i'utoiii-h'uee and
leading radical -republican* in lli city
ami Stale have had a consullatl' n with
reference to the CuUiM-h>ue mroU|*-
tion, n>l they have JwiJnl lt't as long
as the f the Oemmitu-o >r kapl
up. and ll.ivirl nnd t'aseerlv
two democratic mcml-ei - arv allowed In
*up<cnao wit"ie*' and examine llieiu,
that the publication of the evidence ia do
inn the Kvpubhcalt party more damage
than could poesiltly lie done if the Kt'pub
licau majority of the committee took the
responsibilit) and adjourned to \\ e*hilig
ton. Thla course i- now seriously contem
plated. In docuwitiß it many Republi
cat.a whfl|hav been counted "Grant n> it."
protested ug*inl *titvlng*th# Investigation.
Vliey a*rerl tjmt the public have a riyhl
to kn<>w all the facta llml exist with reler
•nee to public officials. ami the modus
operandi ofc-wduatiitg tin public business,
"lney declare that it would be evidence of
guilt on the part of the administration to
undertake to atille thiamin*validation , that
the evidence already elicited ia sufficient
l ahow that the Nea York Custom houae
ahuuld be thoroughly re> rgamard , that
the general-order buaineaa ia an rgi meed
swindle,(and should be iuoken up; the!
the carting business ia a job for specula
ting contractors, and should ba taken out
of tit# hands of the Collector and pla#d
under the control of the Secretary of the
Treasury, with certain reatriclioni. and
the w hide establishment so managed that
the importer may be unembarreaaed end
couinierve encouraged The Aator House,
a here the ceiumittce is in session, ia con
stantly awartued with Cutoni-bou-n offl
ciaie and interested outsiders entagsd as
-munael by the general-order warehouse
prop ietors. who seetn more alarmed
about their "precious plums" lhau aluaeet
any other of the sinecure hold* a.
Tko New L*l Tender Decision
by a Pucktnl Supreme Court
Oue of the {irtlatl nffroata and outiwgva
ever pervctrated agminal the |it>p!e ut
the United State* waa c >numated yester
day, in the la*l-tender deciaioa f a t-avk
rd niajoriiiy to ur highml judicial tribu
nal. We n.'l dwell on its tendency
Iu undm>iue respect for judicial decision,
•Ithaugh it is a scandalous spectacle to
see the tame court, promulgating diaiuet
rieally opposite opinions on the arlf-tau:#
question, within the short period of three
year*. The esaauce of lliis great scandal
Is that this it no true decisktu of the Su
preme louit, hut the decision of I'lytsea
S. Grant, dictated by hiui when he parked
the court fur the very purjtoec of over-rul
ing a fornirr decision of that tribunal on
the tame question. It it the most flagrant
instance? even in our recent history, of
striking at the very roots of justice and un
dermining thv great cardinal | riisciplee of
of the Constitution. Kay, it subverts the
fundamental principle* of all free govern
ment The separation t f the judicial frern
the executive department*, has always
been regarded as the chief bulwark of En
glish as well as of American treedoa. In
England it was extorted from the crown af
ter king struggles , but in this country we
poaeiaed it frcm the Lcginning, and kept it
until it was taken from u* by President
Grant- Thk ignorant man disliked the de
vision on the legal-tender question render
ed two or three years age, and determined
to peek the Supreme Court with judges on
whom he could rely to reverse it This
was the tide reason for hit appointing Jus
tice* String and Bradiry, thus reinforcing
the minority of the court and creating a wh.-se
wh.-se decision would coincide
with his views. Thia virtual usurpation of
the judicial power by the President, mak
ing the decieioni of Uie Supreme Court n
matter of personal will and executive dic
tation instead of the solemn judgements of
a body of independent judges learned in
the law, is all tho more dangrrous I *cauo
it is perpetrated within the forme of the
Constitution. General Grant is the Su
prenin Court. He has so packed it with
subservient parti.-sn judge* that he is able
to decide all legal question* in which be
feels a personal or party interest.
Judge Strong, one of Grant's appoin
tees, delivered the opinion, and Judge
Bradley, his other appointee, supported it
by a separate opinion, thus bringing the re
sults of General Grant's packing into bold
expo-ure. Judge Strong's argument is a
tissue of chicaning sophistry which affront*
ju-tice and common honesty, a* well a* the
Constitution. He derive* the authority U
make Treasury notes a legal tender from
the war power. This pretence was tersely
exploded iu advance, so far as it applies to
the present case, by Mr. Clarktoa N. Pot
ter in his very able argument before tbe
court Mr. Potter's nest exposure of the
fallacy is worth inserting here:
TLa constitutions! power o( Cong re* is
always tbe same. Whatever j. *.•: to
rase, to burn, to impress, or to destroy it,
it has because these powers.are appropriate,
and plainly adapted to the exercise of the
authority expressly delegated to it to make
war.. That the gurrrnmrnt can only use if*
powert is this respect in fins* of war it be
came it is only as a means of exercising the
power of making tear that it has authority
to use them at all. Nevertheless, the pow
er ot Congress to make war remains always
the same. If the power to issue Treasury
notes, and male them a tender far pre-exist
ing debts, was a necessary and proper
means of executing the power to make war,
and that power alone, then indeed the right
ta exercise that means would hare begun
when the war began, and ceased when Iks
war ceased.
General Grant's packed majority not on
ly falls into unsound logic and bad law,
but insults ths public conscience by at
tempting to obliterate ths sternal distinc
tion between right and wrong. According
to this decision, it is just for a man who
borrowed a hundred dollars to discharge
the debt by making a tender of the value
of thirty dollars. There is no such thing
as intrinsic justice, no distinction In lbs na
ture of things between right and wrong,
tbe only rule being whatever Congrats de
dans to b right is right, however revolt
ing to tbe moral sense of mankind. If
Congress may legalise tbe pay inent of thir
ty dolls rs to discharge a debt of a hundred
it may equally legalise the payment of one
dollar, or even of a nickel cent, to dis
charge the sainedubt. Kvery healthy con
science unhesitatingly decides (bat such
a doctrine abolishes all just moral distinc
tions, annuls promises, destroys the obli
gation of contracts, and makes the dictates
ui immutable justice the sport of legisla
tive caprice and packed tribunal. A la*
boring )nap who just before tbe passage of
the Legal-tender 0,l deposited a hundred
gold dollars in a savings hank, and wa>
paid two years afterwards in paper worth
only thirty-seven dollars, was not cheated
or robbed, according t" General Grant's
packed ( < ort. hut received hack a just
equivalent for fiis de|>n*it. It requires
n*thing but an act of Congress and llir de
cision of a packed tribunal, to transform
rascality and robbery, the violation of
contracts and defrauding of creditors, into
public virtue* There could not be a more
melancholy proof of the unsettling of the
foundations of morality than the promul
gation of mis scoundrelly doctrine in the
faee of the community by what was untie a
tribunal of justice. A community Is
frightfully demoralized in which such a de
cision can be received without provoking
indignant remonstrance and scorn. —Mu*
Five Pentoti* Roasted Alive.
Bradford, Ont., January 16.—A dwell
ing waa burned here yesterday by which
tive liver were Ut, a woman named Tar
gar, her twocbiliirnii. a niece and a man
who wa* boarding in tbu huu.-k.
Oca Firksidk Fbikki>.— This is the
name ot a new oight-pnge original and
illustrated story and family weekly,
pub'ished by Messrs, Waters, Ebcrts A
Co., Chicago. The paper presents ft neat
uisd pleasing appearance, and exhibits
much taste in its inakc-up. Its contents
are varied, and rich in interest and full uf
fnstruction. It contains well-written con
tinued stories of great interest, beautifully
illustrated, and entertaining short tories,
sketches, poems, etc., with departments
especial) devoted to the Farmer, the
Housewife and Children. One of the
principal feuuture* of this number is Will
M. Carleton'a great Poem, "The Burn
ing of Chicago," which the publishers
have beautifully illustrated. Our Fire
side Friend Will find a welcome in ev< ry
family circle The Pub ishers will send
a spi-oiiueii copy free to any address
Indiana, Pa., had six t small
Lite lVttitnyhitnU FUherlt*.
Interesting unil /n/orinu/ioi
on the Subject.
In 1800 a hole tan* < "• h Gill
ituibin dam, ami in 180a tliat hole sua
undated lay n breach, which un* caused
lit the lev, Httti I lilt I jHltuillctl tluehml
iti large number* to |>na into Ibe reach
I* merit there nml the next slsttii lutlow.
About that time a In* passu I pruVviit
iug tubing within hall n mile of the
hole, ntlil ill eotlea qllcliif lltore Kali
went through thv perltire than would
••thcrwiae bavv ban It the enae.
Io 1808, in coitaaipivan vid local ngi*
Intioii, the distance liom the tlntii lor
the " ladder" was uductd hum
half a mile to that id lo buiitlrcal
ynnla. Hence, nßriwnnU, the nacettl
of ball an not as juat aa in 1808
Hut iiotwithntatidiug tbwnltd the large
im tiasv in abad baling tbtt Sueijttc
baiuia, due \idsiillj to tbt t olutubia
dam o|H iiiuga and ibr lai t that abuil
gtotiailv rvturn to tbeii jdatv td
auaauttig iu lisiu thuv t four yni,
tli# gran I iticrvwa* tik plac\ in IBitl,
aa had t*eM propbaeitd by e*|art
Five abad rr tbvu caught iu tbe vi
fiuity of the Caluiubia dam to every
one lakru there during the prvvioue
thirty. Thia |a!itWHVwii>a|iutiiiol
with that of Cu net lout, wherv in
1807 8 vatl numUr* offiab werv|iruia
agated iu the Cuuiirctii'iil river tiit
eric#, and iu 1871 these abad rvluinttl
to the Counecticut river "adults"
ami iu greater number* lltau bad rv i
lt n ktionu lor srvnty ti |-r \i
ousljr. Tbu* tiie ri|ei Itiirtit lit U| at •
ing the dams to the *con "i auu-itu
muut fiabt-e was a soccers ite IbeCuuittf
ticut and likewise iti the Susouebaiiua
—iu the brst iurtauce by urlihciul and
in the second by uatural propagation.
It has btn diacovcretl that bb lm*
keu and extravagant fishing—the aori
of fishing that destroys vast tiuii>l*is
of the smaller fry for the sake id' tak
ing lhaaduiU —have proved a greaui
cause of the deterioration of our iului.d
fisheries than the uavigaliou dams
which have been erected in the river.
Accordingly there has been a strong
fight against this system of fishing tin
tbe last four years. Prejudice ass
eucountered, of course ; a natural dis
belief of new-fangled notions. lint
the beneficial results of tbe more recent
legislation on the subject are alrcttdy
appareut. 'Even in this neighborhood
the tribes that had disappeared during
the last thirty years —yellow perch
and rock bass —were caught iu appre
ciable numbers during the la*l season
The catch of shad iu the neighborhood
of Columbia and abeut the tluiu there
was four times greater than ever for
many years before, and had it not been
for the concesuiou of limit made to tin
fisherman iu the neighborhood of the
Columbia dam a resectable cttlch
might have been reported in the reach
immediately above the datii. In ad
dition te this tbe enterprise of the in
troduction of uew ipecie* has btcn in
augurated. Private enterptise in
Pennsylvania had placed iu the Sus
quehanna some two or three hundred
back bass, and these have multiplied
to such an extent that it is very rate
to cast a net now in the river, in this
neighborhood, without taking some nI
the progeny of these fishes, new to thi
vicinity. Ther. are numbers of other
fish that might be iulroduced iu the
same way iu the Susquehauua. A list
of these will be reported by Fish Com
missiouer James Werrall, who will al
so in that report discus* iu detuil the
subject of fish ladders. Investigation
has shown that even 600 hundred veat>
ago fish baskets were prohibited by
Magna Charia iu England, and lliev
have disappeared from the Engli-i.
streams ever eince.
I AID doit, Jau. 4.—Advioea received
in tLia city from Pcraia stale that the
famine atill continuea in that country
with undiminished fatality. The mor
tality in the mure thickly populated
districts is appalling. It is estimated
that the deaths now average three
thousand daily. In province of Kho
rassan the ravages of the famine and
the pestilence are rapidly devastating
the population,
Thousands of auderers are dying
in the houses and streets from sheer
starvation. The government having
no resources is powerless to relieve
the widespread distress.
In the large cities of Japan and Te
heran the ravages of the plague aud
famine are very maiked. Ilundrods
of tho dead remain unburied.
In the United States Supreme Court
yesterday Associate Justice Strung
delivered the opinion #f th# Court, af
firming the constitutionally of the le?
gal-tender acts of Congress, Messrs.
Swain, Davis, Miller, and Bradley con
curriag. The last named read his
views ou one branch of the question.
Chief Justice Chase delivered the dir.
senling opinion for himself and Messrs
Field, Clifford, aud Nelson. Views on
the same side were read by Messrs
Clifford and Field. Mr. Nelson wai
Tbe Price of Nineteen Vote*
Lawrence, Kansas, January 10..
The &taudard of yealerday publishes
the names of uineteeu members of the
last State Legislature who, it ays,
were bribed to vote for Caldwell for
United Slates Senator last winter, and
gives the sums ueid to pqcli member-
The Standaid declares itself prepared
to sustain its charges with ahuudant
a ♦ ♦ •
The Legislature is spending time
and qjoney doing nothing.
Tbe Pittsburg Dispatch
1 arties wishing a first-class daily paper
-hould by all means subscribe fur the Pitts
burg DAILY DISPATCH, one oi the largest.;
liveliest ulid cheapest paper* in the United
Site The pfsfaTPM- hip >fol>-
fished over • qw'ter of ppejuury | i* inde
pendent in politic*, advocating always
those measures which promise the greatest
possible good to the largest possible num
ber; gives daily thirtv-six column* of mat- 1
ter, embracing llie latest news by telegraph,
the most reliable market report*, tbe la
test cable telegrams, the freshest Legisla
tive new*, the latest Congressional reports
the fullest local reports, with all the news
by mall, including the most interesting
personal and politioul item*, full telegraph
ic market report* from all point* of iinpor
twnce, Kast and W<-t, and much other
■natter of an entertaining and instructive
character. The DIMPATCII is furnished by
mail at B.UU a year, or may be had from our
agent* in any town or village within one
hundred and fifty mile* iff Piishurg at fif
teen cent* a week,
To those wishing a good and rcliabla city
weekly we would recommend the Wtu
lt Dtr at am, one of the handroniert,
n|ivapat an I most reliable weeklies nub;
lished. The W utcm.j Dim-*tiu gives
thirty-i* columns or matter, printed in
clear large type, and i* one of the hand
somest, as it has long been one of the
cheapest, if not the cheapest, weeklies in
the country. It contains all the latest tiows
of the day—political, commercial and gep.
ersl-ana as an entertaining and apurpta
blv family newspaper i* not excelled by
any Journal in the State. The Wkkkly
Dispatch i furnished to single eubscri-j
ber at Jl 60 a year, or in clubs of ten, toi
one address at ft 00 each, with a i'rue pa
per to the party getting up the dub. Hub
scribers may remit by mail cither in money |
or by post office order, which is the safer
mode. I'ostmasters receiving subrcrjp
lions for the Dispatch, either Daily or
Weekly, are authorized to retain twenty,
per cent, on published rates for single sub
scribers, or ten per cent, on >ur club rates.
Address O'NEILL & BOOK, Publish
er* of Daily and Wkxkly Dispatch
(Dkpatch Iron Building;,
(17 and by fifth Pittsburg, Pu.
That veteran in the Itadit-nl rank*
ex Senator Morrow H. l*owry, wan
recently inl(rvi<tnl by a r*|ortei
of the Frio Observer, whwa hv thus
oxprvoacd himself concerning tl c
white*ashing Senator* at Washing
i ton :
Trumbull's resolution, he -aid, was
not onlv well timed, hut eminently
proper. The Uepuhlicau |arly ought
to hnv no irrrsts ami they should lie
willing to expose all unfaithful * fi
ovis. The good name of tie Itcpuldi
party had been deeply Injun d by
these' cnaiors, wlm uet as it
owned it. i'onkling struck a tout
and cowardly blow at Sena or* Ken
ton, Schurs, Sutninr and Uu nun
who acted with iheui. Instead of
striking or injuiing those men In ha*
hut injured himself. And that
brum It of the Itepobliean |ioi\ that
vole<lwith liiin to siitle titVi tis*alioU
would (lot lead the hottest masses of
the conn'ty. The eaiieiis*iiig of the
Uepuhlieun Senators to got up plans
jtu whitewash offic.r who ha<l ln
derelict of their duly will In t -;yjit\
the country. Scl.inx, Sumner und
tTruiiibull ought to have been ou the
I the committee to iuvcat inula, and it
thrv fotiinl any rascal, (jeiu-ral Grnut
ought la have heou tui happy to have
cut < tl' his head. The Itepiihliean
paitx has i veryth ng to guin Isy cx
||Mwiire if every rosea! witlrii its or*
ganiaaliiiii uml if every thief that
holds office iimb r tin- general toV ru
men! was tinned out. the Itepiibl.enii
|milv woillil !• ti yain. i ilii n-ia,
lln Detu i rt-n ol Ni \* it lis
n-uru'li-i !-• il Ii tiii* rJi|nn
which llT.'* Rolf, ti. *u ap< I rtlicr*
have mail-' ol rnHimni v.
In answer in llmquestion I* their
UOf H l-olinpt ling al Uarr shuij; ?
M i Low i v eniil:
Yei, n I 111" 11 I lm stolen
frum lli Mutt hi..l . ulii.l ul lit ti lli*
ill* lit tii.lli tilt- I aminallV lllligof Ntw
| York has stolen—live tilova over. A
1 ring of tl tr vilest of men, who sell law
by I lit* Ml th it nuil lb-publicans by
|tlm iMiuiiil. A ling who coii.|%l cor
poratmn* l>v pinch
to urk llmr Hid. A ring who Milurt
I .Mr murder every honest man w ho goes
[to llarriahiirg. A ring, who, if (J.*!
i* just, will rotne to ft sudden and a
more disgraceful end than that of
Tammany. This ring is presided over
to-day by u Hessian, "w huh is I'ust*
tuutt r " at the capital of the State.
A faithful, honeat, fearleaa soldier,
wha had served hi* country in the
hour of its greatest extremity, was
| turned out uf office to make way for
J this statue of corruption, know n to be
corrupt by every intelligent politician
in the L'nited States.
Reporter—What i* vour upiiiiuu of
Senator* Huckalrw and Wallace?
Mr. Lawry—M?, liuckalew is aa
Unmeet a man, in ruy opinion, a* God
ever maiic. 1 have been nine year* in
the Senate with Mr Wallace, I'olili
tally, 1 marly aluay* differed with
him particularly on the war, and all
;quctit n* glowing out *f it, but dur
ing all thia time I never hail occnaioU
in the Icarl degree toduul.t hia integ
rity. Such men though, aa tlyaer,
Uuckalt-w ami Wullace are acnrec.
lie theu refertd to general politic.-:
Mv opinion i* that the Ikiuocrat*
aht.ulti tuake tioUoniiii-liotia fot a time.
The corrupt ion rat* tit! thievta have
gut their feet on the Mtk 1 I the In il
eal men ot the Republican paity.
The holiest men t>f the Republican
party arc tvrywhere itady for'-'
tiou. They haw uo intuition ul .lota
ping abort of ripping up and break
ing dowu clique* ami ring, ami organ
ization* of diabolical men rvniuln rc
IMsjraoe of lite Supremo CouiL
Iu these days of judicial dt-t It-i.rioii
it is a trial aud a grief to see the Su
preme Court of the United -tales si t
its feci in slippery place*, a* it l,rf
done iu reversing it* uun decision iu
the Legal Tender case.
When the Court was composed ol
eight mi-tubers, it decided by Ave to
three voice* that the I,< gal Tinder act
of 1862 was null and void so far n it
related to pre feeding contract*. This
decision was in the iun-rot of hon
esty aud integrity. It was a rebuke to
foul play, and efevated the standard
'of public morals before the world.
I bis Court lia siuce bent racoiuti
luted by ail increase of its irembers to
uiue, two of wlioni aro fre*h troui the
bar, where the paid counsel of great
rail mad corporations whose interests
were aud are adverse to the former
decision. Jtv the aid of these two at
' loruevs upon {hp bench, the vote in
1 the Court a pow constituted stands
five to four fr the reversal of the
j former decision.
"The decision of courts," said Lord
; Chatham on a memorable occasion,
| "is not law ,it is only au evidence of
the law." in the present case wf
must regaul it ar pretty pour evMeppc
too. JI is citnply tcstiuiouf of lawyer* \
who were committed to t|iir judg
ment under the stimulus of au cudeav- j
or to hud nu interpretation which
should favor the interest* of powtr
ful client*. The decision is nil attor
ney'* opinion fnthcr than a coiulu*
ion of an impartial bt-ppb of judge*.
The argument, too, as presented by-
Mr. Justice Strong, is rut her that of
an attorney than that of a judge.
What shall we say, for example, to
these words taken from it ?
"Jf noyr the decision of the ourt
"establishes tlmt these obligations
"can he discharged only by gold
"coin, ami |that, contrary to expei
"tatiou* of all parties to coutracts,
"legal Under notes arc rendered uu
"available, the Government ha* be
"come an Instrument uf the gr<M>-
"c*t injustice."
\\ I.U i> MI Liitnl ii > liot to Hl* (hat
llt i*> i ilit most foruuidulilv iirguiuinl
UM'll DL'HII.rt till' iLtwioll itself wllell
I applied c*< i(iuclf made l)< fore (lit*
l>u>mn' '| l |n- wtf It in ulniot>i im
| |lU(ltrlilK' (it U'tCIIIMt llllll) (U twist ii
(nun i>i ligit.mule iirt* iinti
HJ>|liy It lis It In lli'VV lt|l|liil'd.
Aii(l iffniii, tin- follow injj HviiUiu-f
111 ttin i In* MI mi* opinion is atihorrciit to
| every Miitimmt ol in mmtilv honor,
an wp Inift it in agmnat nil aound law.
"Tlit obligation of a contract to
•pay money in tu pay that which the
•'law fhnll iccognige an money when
"the pa\ ment in to lie made."
We will alter junt one word in this
sentence, und then it will Mjieak the
languugeof common sense and true
moralaf: "'lie obligation of u eon
tract to pay money is to pay tli(U
which the law recognised as ipoupy
when the (contract) was made."
If anything else than ihia ia law, it
in very bad law, and unworthy any
court of real justice.
Grit ill'a FoiidiicKH for the Drama.
How He Suntaint a Waehington Thea
tre—A Sinecure Office /or the Mm
Washington, January 15,—The
President has gone into the theatrical
business. He is ex officio partner
lof Mr. William E. Kpaulding, the
| proprietor of the National Theatre iu
the City of Washington. It was a fi
nancial necessity which * induced the
l'i< sident to enter into this uew com
pact. The Presidential demand for
private boxes at the National Thca
Ire is large, estieeially in view of the
fact that the President's military fam
ily is so numerous, lie seldom at
tends it tbeatrienl porlorinunce or the
opera unless lie it accompanied by
two or three members of bis own fami
ly, General Porter and wife, (inner
al Hrtlicockand family, if notuuejurtwo
of the lfeota. Mr. S|muldiiig, who is
always desirous to Is*- polite, found
licit |Hiliteuess to nub a family as
(irauis's did not pay at all time*,
ticiicrul lialteock, who is an iuvctilive
genius, hit ii|hiii a p'an of o|H-ralioiis
about eight moiilbs ago by which the
"D. II." pass would cover llie Presi
dential family. First, it will be re
jueutbered that (ieutral Babcock, af
• r bis great Sauto Doiuiugo expedi
tion nml a survey of the Cit|e Cod
Canal, was detailed by the regular
at my to be Commissioner of Public
Itiiiidiugs in the District of Colum
bia, to the in* el important offices in
tlm District of Columbia. Out pecu
liarity ii| it is that the Commissioner,
wet oidii.g to pi act ice, stands very
near to tlie occii|uiil of the Kxcutive
Mansion, always consults the lady of
the While House with reference to
ail the nriungi surrounding it,
wbuUVir lelales to the buildings or
the grounds, and in tact to the cam*
tort* of the Presideut and his family.
It would almost seem a strange thing
it the Picsidciil or hi* lady should at
tend any public occasion, ami the
l <! Puulilie liuildings was
iiiit pi*oat. Those who have visit-d
tin it i.i t- li< Use til the • it'Casitill if
IriiW* liot know the tact flint tl-c
x. li U 10. li Who iltns 11.4' lit*ln>l sto the
Lily of tin White ll..use, who intro
ilui is tai h jjutst to her, is the Com*
liilaaioln r ol I'uhiic W hen
vet ih* IVesiitruiial lauiiiy tlcsirca to
.iltiinl tin- Hn-wtrr, (itk, liahcock sera
oit ilist tn-xca arc provided. If the
i*-guinr joicck were (mid by the l'reai
■it nl, Gni. lialMock, and Col. Porter,
;< i themselves, and families every time
thi'v uttt ruled I lie theatre, the bill
*ou|il Lr quite large each year. Not
IM ing aide, on account i their ex*
Heme (H.verty, to jury tliia bill, Getter*
al iUUtck conceived the idea of giv*
•i gth* proprietor of the theatre, Mr.
\\ i. . K Spauluing, a aiitacure office.
A IH.UI >ight months ago General Hub
cock ii.ducd Commissioner PleasontoH
to unmii-atv .dr. Hpaulding aucuur of
haemal revenue in lha District of Col*
utiibia. Commissioner I'leaaonton com
plied with rcqueat, and sent the nom
iiiMtk-n to Secretary Boutwtll. The
had tiecn informed that
S;*iiuldiug was a seccaaiuuiat during
the war, aud refused to confirm ihe
iioiiiination. As the story goes, Hair
cut k linn appealed to Assessor Ketch
■im, of the Ninth District ot New
York (Fernando Wood's ( otigrcssiori-
HI District), to recommend Mr. Win.
K. hpuuldmg to U- ail assistant us
acsaor under him The nomination
Ma* accordingly made to Commission
er I'll nsoutuii, who scut it to Secretary
Houtarll, who coiitirincd it After
Commissioner Plcasoutuu aas reiuov
td. it was feared that his successor,
Mr. Douglass, who did not like the
manner of K|>auldiog's up|>oitilincnl
uould remove him. General Hub
cock.had accordingly to "sec Doug
lass." The latter has allowed the
proprietor of the National Theatre to
continue to hold this js-silion. Mi.
Spauldiug, it is said. Mould have to
get a guide to fiud the assessor's offi
cc in the Ninth District ol New York
lie was never there. lie certainly
has never performed any service in,
the district except the arduous ut.v of
drawing his salary monthly, Mhich he
manges to do with cumuicudable
proiupUicas In this way President
Graul has connected hunse-If uith the
thealrical business in Washington
The Prcsideut oiilv has to ttjo-rs* a'
wish that he cauhi see a certain |<r
formauce on a given night, and the;
spurious state box forthwith is *ei
The Mikado of Ja|utu bus ordered
the closing of the liuddist temples,
and the priests, like the monk. ot
Kuglaud in the days uf tin- Rwiurtna
tion, will have either to starve or earn
au honest livelihood. In a laud
where ui*rtiliuti and feudalism have
hitherto held sway over a semi civil
ited race, this is a delicate ami danger
ous exercise of imperial |M>wer. The
decree, it ap|*ars, has causer! little ex
citeineut in thecit'e* hut was regarded
a* intolerable in t|iv ratal district*.
I be d{seiplowed priest* will uo doubt
help to fan lite flame of discouteut, ami
mar yet succeed in seriously fttdnu
goring the throne uf tho -Mikado, lu
stitultou* from age cannot
be overturned without a convulsion
This lias been sliowu iu tbe history ot
all great reform*, both civil and
f T *
The puke A Istti* ami party ha<l a
fine buffalo bunt at K it C'arwui on Sat-
I urday, in which tiltv uf the animals
Went slain. Alexis killvd five, Gener
al Cutler three god Geueral SlMikian
fho Nevy York Weekly Sun Doubled In
biso without Increase in Price.
With the beginning of 1872 The Week
ly Sun has beu doubled in *iac. It now
contains eight pages instead of fqqr, mak
ing it equal in aiincrtsipm pi any sther
weekly- sevular jourugl published in this
country. At the vanie time tU price ha*
not been increased. It w ill be furnished
to subscriber* at the uniform rate of one
dollar a year for each copy. To this rate
no execution w ill bu made ami no reduc
tion will he pos-iblu, either to iJob" or
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lar will recejvaa copy for a year.
While The Weekly Sun furnishes a
much reading matter as other papers pub
lished at d> üble or treble the price, it w ill
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ly to it* inl- test a;.d value a* a family
newspaper. It- independence of opinion
alid'il- ompiiilitb'd hostility t<> Twcedislii
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new* U* reader* may rely u|son always re- 1
ceivinjf the niot accurate a* well u* thci
fre*hv-t intelligence that can |><>**ibly bei
olitniiied The enlargcinent citable- us al
so to devote additional *pacn to vabpthlc |
agricultural intelligence, a;it| P> print in- I
terestit.g stories a;iJ yoniaiiee* more ex-|
tel|siyi'ly than hitherto For mbrellulie
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In it* new form The Weekly Hu'n is the
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'lulsyear ts destined to bo a memorable 1
one in tlie history of the country. Wo are
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tial election, and political movements will '
for many month* be watched *rjth unusual '
Interest. A* a journal, free from tl.e tram- J
lllt'l* uf Mrty, The Weekly Sun will con- '
tlnue to uphold the principles of true le- f
publican government. Its readers are in- '
vited to sustain it in that work. The truth. *
irrespective of party prejqflhm or official '
influence, .wi|| always be told in it* col- (
limns. 11
Term* of the Weekly Sun.
A journal eontainiiig eight large page.,
published every Wednesday morning— To
ull mail subscriber*, whether single or in
clubs, une duller a year each, always In ad
Dally Hun, by mail, 60 cents a month, or
SMi a year. Mouii- Weekly Sun, by mail,
$2 a year. Addrcs THE SUN, New
York City"
Sul teiibe for lb* Repcrisr 'Mb* V'
read it at otbif Mpause.
I Urolhvr-iu-law Cramer, Minister to
' Denmark, and thorough liiv uit, up-
I pears to have got into Irouble by too
free a use af bis tongue. At n dinner
> given by the Geroinn Minister, at
1 which nil the resident diplomats were
- present Ciarner stateil that be bad re
ceived a letter from In- g •veriimeitt
• containing nil explanation of'tlic Cntac
> usy ittfair, ami that lie would rcttd it to
I litem. The Kmuoaii Minister objected
> ou the ground that the place was not
~suitebl*, and the affair concerned the
- Uussiuii uml American Government*
> only. Cramer arose with the letter in
- his hand. The Hiiwiaii Minister
- arose to leave, saying he could liot li*
- teu to it. Tlte Gentian Minister then
interposed, uml said that he eotild lint
- allow the letter to be read in (lis bouse,
I us it would be mi itwuli to bis col*
r'leagues. Cnuiier then sat down, sav
B illg that lie would tall ou eueh of the
• diplumates next day ami read the lei
i Iti to tlu-m separately, lie did t,
• and uf rouise the fact was ciMttmuui*
, cateiL by (lie* Miiii*ur to tln-ir govern*
f Btent*. This render* it neee-sary for
s - Prim e (b-riel skolT to send uti explau
fjatorv eiretilar.
- How long will Grant keep in office,,
, J simply Iwfeaiise lliey are Id* relations,
ritneii who are bringing contempt on (lie
•jGovertiuieiit, b..tli at home and'
. I abroad ?
The Tenth Vwlutas of \Vo<-ns Hot-a
M ol. U MausZINK begin- with January
'' IS7I Its regular euiitributors include
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James Part-m, etc Harriet lleeclivr
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f turn copy sent free to any address.
. H. H. WOOD * CO.,
_ janlX lt. N'ewburgb, N. Y.
OHEICIF4 > A LK> 0> iiu< ••! .uu
ij dry wriu of fieri Ittib, levari (uiw
venditioni ttputiaa, iourd out of the Court
| of Common Hen of Centre county, and to
tun directed, there will be expo.ed to pub-
Ik- ele, el the rourt-houac in Bellefoßt*,
on Saturday, January the 'Jab ItCi.
Tho undavided ono-i*lh part of all that
j certain tract or pitce of land aituat* in the
tuwn.blp of (tenner, ta the county of Ccn
; trr, and Slalv of I'a. Bounded and de
unbni it followt: Braining at a whilc
oak, thence aouth 37 degroea, wet IH4
perch*. to a bite oak, thence aouth 44 de
gr**, caat IfJ p- rche to a poat, thence
-outli 54 degree, i'l 7'i perch** to a pine,
(.banc*- north HI degree*, 4TW.J pet. be, to
llic place of bvgining containing SSSaire.
and lld perch** and allowance together
with the hereditament* and appurtenance*
the building* being a two atory frame
dwelling houae and bank barn. Seined,
lakiti hi etccutioii, atid to he told a the
property of Wiliisn H Long well and An
na M LoiigwcU.
The following real fatal* of defendant,
■ ituate in Walker lap.. Centre county,
l*a Bounded and deacrihed aa follow a:
Lot in llubler*hurg, uu the North, by land
of Adam iJcckeid, on ka>l, by land o(|
Jo-epb Shaft-r, on South, by public road,,
lending through Hubler.burg from Kaal
to Wert, and oil the Wont by road leading
from Uublrrahurg to Howard, and kiiof
.t> il.e Carner Hotel, containing a* .. 0
acre, ere led .aid , {, uillJ .
ing. .table, and other wrtb* <tUir , AUu
acrta.n tract ofJam' „iuu i tl Wlk.r
low iiahip, lHinudect un the North,
by land, of B. ..jam,,, Tilgh.,,*,,, 01l Ka.l,
by land of J ~0. t urner, .o, the South by I
Ipublic road, Ladtkg 'ruui Hubler.burg to
Howard, ami m tU Wet he Und of J no,!
uarnvf, eeatwtnlug ataout fitly acre, about
•tU m.c* eloarud and under renew. |
J, taken iii execution and ,0 be .old.
I 1* Ilie prop, rt) ot Chrt.Uaa Huhlcr.
A L*o.
A certain tract ut pint t, ,iu a u
.'i Mile* iMWdshiii t'vnUf county, J',
Bounded uu East, by land of Jacob linua
fart South by latt-J of Jwry tlaitavs, West
y - —— mivrrxK-lt, ami oil North, t.y
Iliad of ■■ -■■■ * containing twenty acre,
mure or le**. Tli rva vtntwl a tog dwel
ling huc. Statde, and 4b*r • uthuildiugs.
Soloed, taken ill eon MtioM ami to l sold
the prep, rty .'"I J a, .it* Klultcrbcck.
All that certain lot or piece of ground.
Situate in lh<- Borough of iLdlafonlu, Cen
tre county. Pa. Bounded and desert Led
as follows: Itrgining at a po*t on the
north side of Buffalo run, along a tine of
lot of Timothy Kelly, north #> degrees,
west If# f-et tu |*si. thence north 57} de
gr<-v, &** *• feel tt incite* to post, thence
..•qlh yi degress. east 112 feet to |ki>l,
(heme south AO degree*, we*t -SI fuel to
place ol begining Thereon erected a two
• lory fraiua dwvJlittg Loose, and other out
buildings. Sej*vd and taken in execution
amj 1* L *<*W a- the property of tieorge
\V. tlhafcr.
} All that certain mvksuig* and travt ot
I land *ituntc in ltu*h towuhip. CVntiv
jcountjr, l'a Purveyed iu the natue of
Caspar Lwrenoe, Iw-gining at a uuaking
asp, tKv iue by land of William button,
south *lo degree*, west HJU percbe* to •
while oak, theiiea by land vacant, south 4u
drgreiw, egst Ortti perches to a black oak,
thencs by land of Saiuucl Chclnut, north
."*> degree- east 32U iserehc* to n hemlock,
thence by land of Lanie! Brumer, north
40 drgrer*. West '£¥J perche* to the lM>gin-i
inc. containing 4lkl Mere. KVt perche* and i
atlowancw, wlivh .aid tract v surveyed
J in piir.uauee ot a warrant dated loth May,
ITtW, granted to said ('.-per Lawrancc (e*-|
rrpting and reerving I'> acre* of aid tract
'at the maple corner at the |snd.) Also all
i that tract of land situate in Hush township.'
aforesaid, begining at a mn|d or black
• >ak, tlxrn-e by Lud surveyed in the nanu
of Mary Fluid, south ♦' degrees, cast '£W>
■ I'srvbe* to a hickory, thence by land tur
| veyed in the name of Jacob Slough, north
AO degrees, east i'Ai pel-lie* to a birch or
pine, thence Uy land surveyed tn the name
of Owru .1 onfun, north ft' degree*, west j
2-Hl iTche* to u hemlevh or post, thelicc by
liana mrvryed if, the name of Casper Law
rence, -'.Utb .tfl j 'grevo, West .'t'JU perches
to the place of begniiiu- ('-utitaining 45y
arre- t s'l percho* and allowance. Survey
ed on a warrant in the uaiuo of Samuel
Chestnut, dated May lAth tT'.kl, (excepting
ami reserving *• acre* of land off. the
wet corner of the above tract aiUoining I
the maple or black oak v*rner,) Tneroon
erected twodwvdllng houses, two stable*,
mid other outbuilding*, about two acres
ideated. Seised, taken in execution ami
to he sold a* the properly ofC'harles AV. F.
All that certain messuage tenement and
tract of land situate, It lug aud being in
j Snow Shoe township. CVnlrc county, l'n
Mounded ami described as follow/; Be.
' ginillg to a maple tree, thence by laud roll-
Ivayed to Kdunrd Hi ..It, north 1 degree,
ji-ast IAI feel lo post by n pine, thuiieo by
land surveyed to I'eter Hall, south 88 de
gree-, mml IS* lurches and |.|fl of parch
i to a uss tree, thence by land surveyed to
James (•illilnnd. south I degree, t'JIl
perches to a poat by pine, thomrn hv land
surveyed tu Frame* West, north de
gress, west -.118 l-lli perehc* to place of be
gining, esutaining IW acres, 8 perches and
allowance, the tame more or less. Said
tiaet of land in warranted name ot Ut nry
Vandikc and sold hy MacManu- to
Charles MeCaffcity by him, sold to I'.
Crydej- |-,nJ H. McCormick and by them,
Mil, i to .aid It A. I.itehenthaler together
with the heriditamenl* ami appurtenance-.
Seixud, taken in execution and to bo sold
a- the property of I{. ,\. Litchenthater.
A l#SO:
j Alltjie light title and interest of dofeu
dent In and to the following real estate,
vi: All those certain piece*, puree * or
tracts of land situate in Ru*h township.
Centre county. Pa. One thereof with war
rantee name uf Peter HruUiuaii, contain
ing dl-1 acres and liYI perches, (No :to.)
another thereof, in the uniiie of Thomas
Kd wards, containing 4o!t acre* 163 perehe*,
(No Ail,) another thereof, in the warrantee
name of Kobert Irwin, eontalning 4.T1
ai re* ami Ifci perches, (No a",) the residue
of the t'i't [n ibe warrantee name of
Thoiuu. ilauillton, eontainiiig 21ti aero*
and lost perches, (No. AB,) the residue
ol the tract In the warrantee name
of Thomas Grant, eontainiiig 216 acre* and
163 perches, (No. 45.) another thereof, in
the warrantee name of Thoinas Keese, con
taining 433 acres and 153 perches, No. 40,)
and also part* of tract*, Ntv* *G and 75,
surveyed in warrantee. names of Win. Pot
ter and Mi| r (tn Meyer, begining at a post
corner uf land of Mrs. Sarah J. Hale and
K.yy. Male, thence along land of taid E
W. north Oft dngr-• cm'* IT |-r.-I.e
-;lt> a post, tliem-** -until to sls fI, • *■! '-'1
perch*'*, ito-riet -.nth '•> - *.
perches, tbi-lii .• South J ilegrw—, we-t It
,|>rto, tlu-IU olllb t.'lj lie !' . w* *t 11
pe relic, llii-iu-s Hill. I degree- wct j
8| iin ... rein '■ p-ist. iam • '"Jib uOj
ili-are*- w.-t IT' p. is its*, ns u }-• *; tf.. nre|
uhmg hold of ilr- ib .1 |lla!e. In-rlr. to
degri , --ii-c • p* nln • l| thi-no |
along sau.e, ll- tlll SI it glees. West -IB;
|wri 10-s gas the p' , 11 giritii,/ (hilitaiti* 1
ing 'it ttst's 11. )•* i* be, net no and!
>i Iso lot* No* I'.'J. I" t, |Ui anil ,I".T, in the |
jtmrouab "f Philtj-hurg and tl.e s<|iiar-l
Ih-uiuukl by north bill itrw-l, J*.so- strei-t)
\lherten inn- and Spline -tr- '-t, in the)
Isoiougti *f Philip bio;. Seised, taken in i
j i-Xeetttlon arid 111 be -id a< the MW rty of
K W Hide
; * A LSI
All the j,i*r* -nil, onr. nl and out proper*!
IV fraisi hj-cs tool rlgh' of the deleridant, i
'llu* K'ld.v run ImurovMnent tJompany. '
-Utiiale tying and tu-iug in tbu U wn-pbip *|
• ifCurtln* Snow Shoe and tlurnsMle.'ln the]
i County uf Centre, In and u|in Kddy run
.aid tw-i run tributaries <f Ibach t-res-k,!
'from their sources is-their iiiontha, f.irlheir'
is lode length, togetbi r with the dams.
>tuU-e*, sluice j;aif, cribs, conaL, ana;
other dt-vk* •, for thr floating of timber, t
-aw logs and timber, d -mi the raid run-,
it it *1 iuiproveiiienlt masts' and s-oiislrucl* d
under and ill pie•■nance Of an act entitled,,
an act to liiror|Mrate the Kddy run Im-j
.provenu nt Company, pa-sod the Utah day
*>f April, lw>- htias-d, luks-n in rvaculinn '
I and to be sold as the property of'flu- Kddy |
Run Improvement Company,
Ali of defendant*, right, title, interest i
ami claim of in and lit u it that certain piece ]
jor lot of ground situate in the borough of
Philinsburg, IVntre e.iurity. Pa Hounded
and described as follows : begining at tls
corner of Laurel and North Centre -tree'-,
ihence north by Centre -treet <Hi feet to the ■
I line uf lou, thence by lot No. 'JO, JU) feet. '
lhence at right angles and across the und-
Idle of said lot 06 feet l> Laurel street,
dirnrs by the same, If) feet to the place of
liegiiiiiig, being one bah of lot No. VI. as
•ie:gn*te I ><ii the plot of -aid borough,
*ilh u large two story frame dwelling
bou-e, tlo is.oi erected, with bakery, stable
• lid 0110 r outbuilding-. Seised, taken in ;
-locution gin.) Ps lu> so'd a* the property
>•! John L Itarr.
A LS<):
bin- following dascribed building and tut
of ground oi Joshua Keynolsls, James Me-
Mauigai owucr and contractor and Martin
ltou-cr, tt u.- ti *• of the church of the Uni
n-d Brethren in Christ, at Julian furnace,
ta wit: Tlte building it a frame church, 1
bounded on the north by public road lead
ing from Julian Jiirnace to Port Matilda,
east by lands of Jacob Loam and south and
wcat by -tresu or alleys, and known s* the
•property of the I'mu d Brethren in Christ.
t Julian Furnace iu Houston township, ;
Centre county, l'a. Said building has a
front of HO fvet on -aid public road and ex-,
lending back 40 feet. one. story of !<- feet
and surmounted with a he I fry or spire.
Seised taken in execution and tube sold as
the property of the United Brethren in
Christ, or Jo-hua R.-y m-lds, James Mc-
Mauiga! and Martin Ifofiser, trmtccs.
Sate to cyitiiiicnee st I o'clock 01-aid day.
Sh IT- OBlie, Uellefontc Dec. 'Alb, IS7I.
Cwi'MlHsioS KitssALK •! un. ..ted
) land*. In purauaiice <<f all act of Aa
i.embly pa.aod on the 2Mb day of March,
A. I>. IN-l, the Co 1 uii iouera of Centre
County will aellat public -ale at the Court
ilouae, in the borough of B.'ilefolite, oil
Saturday, the 27th dav of January A. U.
1H72, the following iloM-ribed tract, and
{•art. of tract* of un.eated land, purchaaed
•y the County at Treiiaurera aale, and
which have remained unredeemed for
tho apace of five year, and upward.:
wx an A\T TI.. ACT*, FAN. Twr
Robert A ntialjr. 'At' HI Curtlr..
A. Hamilton JU UU
Ruth Elliott '/JO 00
Samuel if nil 4'J 00 "
Joaeph Robert 3S IM
Valentin* Meyer ..415 tW "
Sarah Bonhaiu 217 00 Howard
While A. Ncall erode .'*i 00
John Hiady U'4 36
.bam K ..63 UU llu.b'U,
Adam Kuhna ..... .......70 UO
C & S Ktihn- 374 00 "
Richard Wain - 417 uOS- -
J Dl'yla bl " -
Joiin Hing 4*'" <*•■ Ifm oa
J It l>Uray **■'*
Wm Ilaird.... 80 Worth
i Benjamin •* ;• ** '* 1
s. .un-' ,-aird 4--I 1i...
'l • > t'bipp. lit, (II "
otiu 11 iii a IM MI y ...150 00
J Jane Blake -lUO 00
Colly William.... .......4-'4 (l< Tavlor
11 IW-ck Ml <!
Ji hii B<x-k lea, <*l "
Jacob 8.-, k HI m "
W I* Brady 110 00 Mil*.
] Itohl Urav pit ••
1 Hannah 8rwdy....... ...,410 til "
j Jam, • Hephtiru „. 440 to "
j Charica Lin ,434 I*l IJu.h
Jam*. LauHmorc >1 (tl (iregg
John M tVirming ;7i :l 178 Sprih;:
John Jobiiaton.. ..419 10
John Wilaon .... I'.<l (i)
J< tsKl'll M 47L4ISKRY,
(kneau'i t j .tiv (11,
w s
1 would rrMtfvtfully a farts lite <
of Centre Hal! and v u i-iity, llisi 1 have'
established a jewelry-hop m Milmy, for!
repairing rl/w-k.. w:,t< !■<-., ami jrvrlrr. j
All u<rk left ta-r crpair* will he pr,mtly !
attended to and repairs*! in the most p-'
pt<>\ ■ d style.
' jnnV'tt. ' J. G. KING, j
tcrt of •dtuiuistraticlis fr 6cm* asta!
| resists acxr. on the e-lat> of Nancy
Kunkle, lata- f P..tU r Iwp , Jw-'d, have
| btt-A cranhtl t tlo- undcnijnrd. All per
sons know ;ag tbsnuell • - indebted to -aid ,
'•'stale wilt make immediate payment tho<je|
i having claim* wit) present thcia proper ty
authenticated for settlement.
A. 1.l KKNItACfI,
|Jsskflt Adminis'.rator. '
j Umontary on the estau o' George!
Hunkle. late <>f Potter tup., d/t i have
' been granted u the All per
-1 -tins knowing ibt-Mseiv, ind' -bled to said .
| estate will make immediate payment, and,
those having claim, i!t present them'
properly authenticated for sett lent.-at,
jan&.flL , Executor.
4 I) \l I NIS VItA T< fts VOTICK ~lwt
r\ ur* of adiuinistraiion to the estate of
Philip Mnsser, tateof Gregg twp„ Centre
'county, dee'd., having been granted the
undersigned, all per-on* indebted lothesaid i
•stateare requested ton akafimmcdiatcset- i
llenient, nnd those having claim* to pre-'i
sent tlieiii duly authenticated foi pas merit.
jamitic Administrator
Relianoe Wringer*
Hare had uiui>u'.| opportunities of asoer
tnining prect'.oly what i* wanted, and
ofproduving a perfect machine.
They have brought out an en
ti'.ely Nkw Wrimikr,
which tiny call the
Now 1871. PerfecL
~= tp^fj | 7
J It Wrings Faster Than by Hami
I We consider the Providence superior to
. nil Mhnn, for the following roam-;
lt. The KOLhRKS. of large (date and
I bet quality of White Rubber, aro nil e-
I curtHl t> their Shall* in the most pcrma
tient manner, the Mmilicn Prove*, male
i iua the bot roller in the world.
NAL CASINOS prevent any wear upon
■ the journal*.
[The wooden journals in which the iron
shaft* ofother machine* run. noon wear,
and the efficiency of the Wringer is here
by greatly reduced. 1
ued on this Wringer give die utmost ease
and steadiness in working, while the doub
le Mop prevent* them from bottoming or
being thrown out of gear. Wo furnish
either single or double gear Providence,
as desired.
4th. The ADJUSTABLE CiritVßl)
CLAM P readily adjusts this Machine to
tub* of any sine or thickness, making a
perfect fastening. No wooden peg* or
rubber strap* on tbi* Clamp. *
BEAUTY, ar* combined in thi* Machine,
with all the requisites of'i lirstelas* Wring
Providence, U. I.
11 Warren Street New York.
BOALTS tor Muggins and Uarriagbei
sutes tu use; Fire Bolts, ditto, at
, pIU'G IKWIK a Wtt-sojc'
Ureal Desliiicliori
of high prices!
the Oitl Klatni^Eif
of H M. WOLF
nt Centre Hall.
Data, Cap*., Shoe*
alao a large *Lock of
FISH, the beat, nil kind#,
the heat and cheap**! In the market,
apr'l WM. WOLF
The Chepast,
purest, (test.
On Allegheny Street,
Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrup, Dried Fruit,
Canned Fruit, Ham*. Dried Reef,
Salt. Pick kit, Butter, Flour,
Corn Meal. Buck treat Floor,
and everything uua!y kept In aw
lated fleet class Grwerv sttor* ell regu
iitarH.Aiii HUH"
and POWDER!!
COAL—W'ilke.imrre Coal, Chestnut
1 Stove, Kn, furnace and foundry,
Cwl f It *st quality, at the low- i
Crt price*. I'u-lomer* willplraw
!nta that our coal i* hou*cd un
der couirnodiou* -hod*.
' LI M E-Wivxl or roal-bumt Lime. tr Mil''
at our kilns, on the pike loading to
M i!e*hurg.
| POWDER. —Having received the agency
fur I Pont'* Powder Al
WHOLKSALK, wv shall be
ptoased to receive order* from
the trade.
i OJii-e and yard near south end ot Bald
' Kaglc Valley It. K. Depot, Bellofonte, Pa.
nov4 SHOItTLITKiK & 00.
Wooden Pumps.
The undersigned would respectfully call
iliw attentiononheeittxen* oft entrecounty,
ami Pcnnavalley in particular, to the fact
tl.m he i* manufacturing
nadc at home or elsewhere. He ue none
but the In *t material, IL K W A KKKXT* TMKM
to give ati*faetion, a* being the moat last
ling and durable, AWAUTOU TO TIIK OLI
! woodenjiuiup, being arranged to let the
waU rod and prevent lre>*ing in winter.
I'ine, iHiplar or eueuiuber pump* always
lon hand. Hi* luatirial for pumpa is all
'-awed from large timber, and are thus
Secured against ('heckitigurCrackiug.
All order* hr mU promptly fllled.
PIPING, mude of the best material, of
five inch scantling, joined together
coupling blocks, thoroughly b.nuled, and
warranted to stand any pressure required
for ordinary use. Prices of ph ing range
from 12 to 1H cent* ier fimt. fiend orders to J. TELLER.
M ilesburg, Pa.
r pilß AN VIL STORK is now receiving
JL a large and well assorted Stock oi
Hardware, Move., Nails, HorscShoc*. Sad
dlery, Gla.. Paints Sheet, Bar and Hoop
jlron also Muggy and Wagon Stock ol
svery description. -Call and supply your,
selves altho lowe.t possible rales at
*AKOMKTKBN and Thermometers at
the yry best quality just reeeiveda
Wol.'l old stand
I.itli-w TruoKfw.
This in v:i J liable article for females, is now
to be bad at Jlerlacher's store, and n>> other
pluce in Centra county. Ladles remember
that these tru Ves can be had at Centre
Hall ♦ If-
The unde signed offer, at private
Msale a two sto.V dwelling house and
Lot. on Main street. Centre Hall,
with stableand all neoessary outbuildings,
and choice fruit on the premises, and wa
ter in the yard. The house is as good as
new. For futhtr piuiaculars apply to
1 Centre HaH
BUFFALO SOA LKS. of the best make
from 4 11>. up to 1211,1***' bs.
aplO'oß. Igl*4 WlMO*
DRY BOA K DP, Plank ,an7~l
-•. £££•
n,IO*SB * °/ th " Anvil. •
L k,:V VAhrtTV'ano
Furniture Rooms'
tMMpecUully inform/ the riliaau* ' * •
county, that ha ha>netantly on !* •
make* la or<ir, all kind* at
TABLES, *<•., Ac
llomx MUbi t'u*ia* Ai**r> * o
Hi*u ck of ready-made Furniture Ola. •
and wnrranteduf good a orkmaneblp *• •' .
all utad)' tinder hi* .
•lon, and li offered at rati** a* cheap at •'
where. Thank Ail for pat favor*, he o!t
I it* a i ontlnuance of lite *,
! Call and •** hi* atock before purrl.H. t
lple where aaEeWe't' *
/ 1 ! x
<y W &
■ scsi ihssr - • ,w " ,b
* Westim * vausmwe Co. i
X n | n/-* An IhtiwlwßTgK Pi 5
ww u aLA in, A I iTimi
Attorney* at Law. Belli faala,
OCc i, oa Ike Diamond. Beat daor to Oar
mac * hotel. CnttlUlioßii ifi Grntt *i
Engl ah. febiwanf
OHM F. PuWtl, AWmbii at Ui."
Collection* pr..n utljr mad* and * pacha
attention riTta to iWat having land* ••
property for ale. Will draw up and ha*#
acknowledged Dead*. Mortgage*, 4c, Of
fice in iha diamond, north *d# of tb*
court bouae, Ballefoato. dVMf
H ivKy asocKMßorr, itiinut.
President, Cash lor.
' (Late MiUikea, Hoover * Co.)
And Allow Intereat,
liitfeul Notea,
Bay ' h( t.i
Rovcrniunit fWtritln, Gold a* a
split GMtf Cool*ons.
T AS. kilAkBH. '
rLggffi; -—Aaa *
H * FOKTXKY, Attorney at Law
y , Bel lefonte, Fa. OHeo wear Bay
.td U>.k. mayll lf
ii. %, W aixiwraa, JAMM A. ****
A TTiiRSErn-A T-LA r,
ISellefonta, Centre Co., Peen'a. ayCfcf
ISA C. MITCHELL, Attorney at Law
ltellefontc, Pa Offit. ia Carman,*
new building op|Kitr tha Court Howe.
may 4,1
IHMM an tk* Ad*m me*.
C. H. Gutelius,
Surgeon and Mechanical DratM
a ho i- p. rmanently located ia Aarouabwra
in the ofiee formerly <•<-<- pied by Dr. Naß,
and who ha* been practicing with enure
success— having the ext>erießeofa number
of year* in the profe**ioa, he would cordi
ally invite all who hav* a* yet M given
him a call, to do ao, and lest the truthfulM*
of this assertion. JUr Troth eatrartod
without twin. maylfifGWf
IJKO. it. oavia. C. ▼. AUIAIItia
Atlcrneyv-at-law. Ofßec inConrmd Hon*
Bellefonlc, Pa.
with Orvis A Alexander, attend* to collet*
lion* and practice in the Orphan'- Court.
Parlor Stove*, and four ii* of Gaa
, L : rncr* constantly on baud and for sale
anlO*CS. lawi* a Wu>oa'
HE LIS, at low price*, at
apHTtt. Uwix * WlMOl'
TT ANllgi j* and Door Bel!*, all •
IT to a kind* at
•aicr laws* sWu-os*
SI A LBS, at wholesale and retail, sitae g
plated fork*, spoon*. Ac, at
! aplO (> IKWI N A_V J LSON __
IJOoTS, large stock, all stylet, slaas and
Dpncoa, for men and boy* just arrived
at Wolf well known old Stand.
| between Market and Arch, formerly 104.
Carpet*. Oil Cloths. Oil Shade*, Wick
Yarn, Cotton Yarn*, Carpet Chain*, Grata
Bag*. Window Paper, Ratting, Ac. Also.
Brushes, Looking Glasses. Au dect-ly
In uscat law t* a Winnon'a.a
| apKEAB.
Chat. H. Held,
Clark, Watchmaker A lewelct
Millheitn, Centre Co., Penna.
lo -iM-ctfully informs his friend* and th
public in general, that ha has just opened
at hi* new establishment, above Aiexaa
dor's Store, and Keep* constantly on hand
all kind* of Clocks, Watches and Jewelr*
of the latest styles, a> also the M area"'",L
Patent Calender Clocks, provided w
complete index of the month, hnd day a*
the month and week on it* Rww which U
warranted ** a perfect time-keper
i. Clock*. Watches anil Jewelry ra
paired on short notice and Warranted
MILLER'S HOTEL, Woodward, Pa
Stage* arrive and depart daily.
A his favorite hotel is now In every re*poct
one of the most pleasant country laotais in
central Pennsylvania. The traveling com
munity will always dud the best accommo
dation. Drover* can at all time* be accom
modated with stable* and pasture for any
number of cattle or horse*.
• ikoxt, HiMior sL. Uellefontc.
The subscriber taspcctftilly calls tUit>
tcntiou of the public to hi* i'iUbii^ u
where he is 1. repaid to furnish *U kinds ol"
Foreign and Domestic Liquors l whuiesml*
at the lowest cash prices, which are warran
ted to be the beet qualities according to
their respective prices. Hi, stock consist*
Monongahela, Irish and other
™. hukies, all kind, of Uraudiee, Holland
Gin, Port, hjaderla, Cherry, Blackberry
aud other ines-the beet articles- i ,
reasonable rates a. can be had in the city.
Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger
and (Jarraway Brandies, Pure Jamaica and
New England Bum, Cordial of all kinds
He would particularly invite Farmers, H<k
tel keepers and others to call and exa ulna
j u r *" ! u P pl £ 10 for tbamsolTM
and be certain of procuring what they buy.
which cau seldom be doug when purcb'
ng in the city.
Physicians are respectfully
o give bis liquors a trial. requested
aplO .
Ti> he had at lie*
jr • . lacher A Cromiller'a
A lot f* srniture,
such ' . good new Furniture on hand.
s- as one Bureau, Bedstead *. Wash'
.nub, tsc.
A sp'cndid lot of Buckskin Glotm,
driving Gloves, dress Gloves.
J K WIN A WILSON constantly re
ceiviug new goods in their line
olevery description atredu.c e prices- now
semg opened every day apKfCi,