riiE j.iNTftii REPORTER FRIDAY, JAN. 11, 18"4 LOCAL ITEM*. LOCAL HlWß.—Our friend* will ohli|t< us hy sending in any items of looal inter est, including deaths, marriagea, Ae., a such are oagarly read hy your frtanda it. the west, many of whom get ike ioportrr We would<tm ita favor if our kind jn tron* would occaeiwnally mail a copy ot the Hetwrter to relatives and aoguaintan cei-who formerlj lived in Centre countt and removed to other patta, which would induce many to become subscribers. 0 Important to Ru!inkm Mk*.- The circulation of the Um>HT*it, 01 this side of the county, i* now grcutci than that of any two r tn iht county, Itenco huaino? imu who uUI to roach the Pennsvalley trade, will advance their own interests, hy advell tisinp in the Ukpoktkk. Our subscrip tion list is ojK'ti to the inspection of alt who wish to advertise. Guides Kocm \sn Pks.— Sometlting new and novel, lie sure ni read the ad verlinamonl in our paper, headiyl "Gnwilr <•>; Invention of the Age." lie believe tlie Golden Fountain Pea 1 unsurpassed. A g.nwi pvn is a nooossity to -very man, u i .rut and child. Agent*, here is a chslice to make money in intrvHlueing a j >1 and saleable article. jali ST ■i ■ w- ■m— IWtntfW your kwirtoiall f wle* a kol.lv or two of Nature's Hair itcslorwlive will check it. Splendidly perfUmed auc a-. ici.r a-erjtsial. All wideawake drug- K ;* >.'ll it. See adscrti-eno-nl 21. lUmmsti l)Rf.ua—Ab iitatnuc* -h< WiUg the in puitancw vl itxtirditH! thid- wiiltir six n.iii.tJts fiotu lite tin: vi ilmr txsautioii. ht sjt st otvursd in 1 )cia svmiv u tility —which it will In ss> II io heed here. iYo|wrly wn t ur < iiusctl hy oti brother fVom another, and the tuuiicy paid in tmatlhly ittstal ii viits. In the mcautime the sellei ftt.-ual, and the ileeil of the purchase pot Iteiitj; on rect,nl. Hie same pr>|v crlv sriaid hy the Sheriff, and the pttilabtiitie* now are that the rijjltt tul owner will )os it. Mr. Daniel Gets*. of Will county, 111., a unlive nf Potter twp., i u a vi>il to old t'onire, aixl honored our rant turn with a visit the other dar. MilHiu Co From the Lcvistovi Democrat's re port of court proceedings we coiiy : AV. Blanch. Alcxamler, charged with areon, has luten acquittcu;.Cha Mutt, horse stealing, convicted ; and Winters, robbing Mrs. Wilaon, convicted. A sad case of drowuirg occurred at I.ogau Ir u Worka on Tuesday of last week. Two little Uy were upon tbe ice, ai-.d did not heed the advice ot some worknuu netr by, to "go efF' One of the l>oy named Parker, acci dcutaliy fell iuto uu air-bole, where the the water was very deep, but clung to the toe —llis companion, Cbariie Cutler, altetnpud to assist hint out, but himself fell iu headtormust, aud wa> intnirdialely carried under the ice. Jli* lifeless body was recovered an b. ur or two afleiwatd. SABBATH SCHOOL IXSTITITK. —The tin c fur the next lntitute of Cutre CVunty Sab Lath School Association hi..- I-cell Cavil for (be lf>th ami 17th Januerv, to be held in U B. Church, in r Aflifhi im. com in. Nt-ing ou Tumiay, fvtiiiiig closing on Wetinemlny even ing. We wish to make this one of the uioet juecc-ciul lurtitute# ever held in this county. We moat rare otly lies;re that ail iieraoim especially lueiuiacn* of the gospol in the viciuity of Milibeiiu will uk a personal in lereet in tiie success of the meeting The Sunday Schools iu this County have made great advancement. Tbtre is £.r?:U ueod fur still further improve ineiit. We want m*tho!s discussed awl in. BUS devised for bringiug undei religious training the large body ot young persons who aie outside of our Sunday Si-beads, and without religious instruction. God has a great work to do. lie calls ti* to do it. Are we ready to do the work ? lie wait* for an answer, aud while we wail, soul* are perishing. Do come. Give no tice of the Institute wrhwrever ami whenever you can. Pray for God's blessings and come expecting it. Yours frateruallv, JAMES A. BEAVER,' Pnt. 11. C'RITTEXDEJF, Sec'y. John Gorman, a sou ofDavidGormun of llaiiits twp., while ou hie way home from Miliheira, ou la*t Saturday, car rying a loaded pieiol, the 'critter" went off, sending a ball through one of his hands. •SUOOTINO AFFAIR AT MILKOT.— We are informed uf ibe following ac curence which took place at Milrojr, on last Friday : It appears that con stable Hcwes of Jx-wiaiowu had a war rant for the arrest of James Alexan der, on account of forgery. The con stable found Alexander at his home and as he entered the house the ac cused made his escape through anoth er door, and running up an alley, closely pursued by the constable, wheu the latter fired two shots in order to frighten Alexander into surrendering, but without effect, wheu a third shot was fired in earnest, the bail striking him back of the ear, and caused biin t<- fall, when he was captured and taken to prison. The wound is not a dan gerous one Since the above was in type we un derstand that Alexander was not hit by a pistoi hall, hut that the conatabh knocked hitu dowifwitli the pistol, lit was taken to Philadelphia, having forged largely upon parties of that city, as alledged. Horriulk. —Mr. John Hite, clerk, nt Man's axe factory, uiet with an ac cident <>n last Tuesday evening, which caused instant death, //e was at tempting to step over a car, in order to get upon another train, wh- n he fell, and was caught hv the wheels uud his body was literally torn to pieces. lie leaves a family. S(tf.n. —The farm of Jacob llosteruian, dee d, in liaines twp., was sold last week at public sale, to Adarn Weaver, at $l4O per acre. A tract of good timberlnnd lying south of the above, was knocked off at $lB5 per aero. Something to Do. If you know of an active boy or girl t whom 50 cent* or SI,OO or more a week, for half a day each week, will prove a bone fit, have tbeni send a three-cent -tamp to Oliver Crook &i Co., Hay ton, Ohio, for sumpies and circular of an ea-y occupation which will well repav them. It would also be a benefit to any business nian, bringing uianv customers to his store every week. jaul2.2t London, January J.—fciuall pot is raging violently iu Sheffield .nd vi ciuity, and great alarm is manifeited by the inhabitant*. New eases ate constantly appearing, and already the total number has reached 4,000, many of which will doubtless prove fatal. Sermons —like pie-crust—p> bc good, must he thort. * The weather this week has been very fine. ♦ Ml , The work on the mil nut dis going * on briskly. RfColltfUous of th> 111stitiito. Th i>rk .r the Institute nay ho prop erly derided into tni*tru-ti<>n and Knter tuiumvut. Tha instruction Mubrtml practical lee tune* on variou* topics, of whirl) soon, am pointed dtscw- : cut of |)m> ihiMir.v of leach ing. Mr. Mag* prepared n cot of printed question* from which *o make,* f** se lections, tombing the many i)urlN and disputed poiul* of systematic teaching tin th*o quctiou* many spirited and able remarks wsre uttered during tho ess ion o( tho Institute Tho following formed the bases of ihw aUWrt ilitruoion*. I. What is your opin ion of the Stupor, portaitce of instructing our youth in ihoir duties and ohligat,- n> # viti.v n-, and how can Mi< k iattraction !>o h, ii nut arted * 1 It hat arc Miinr .if tho .-hata.la- lli!,' prevent a systematic classification In un it rati .J nliiwh, n>l h>w br>i overcome? .1 llo would y.-u rmiiuto the time tot ditto rent rH lUtinn. ? 4 How do you -.euro regularity of at- IrtiiUncf? A. How may tardiness be prevented, and hw punished* I nder these, n.fc > othst questions arise which will begot I'onrit and hour-1 en. quiry, Although Vw ot these quesUmt* ware conducted to a definite answer, Vet their consideration will furnish tea chars w.th new Ide.o, to |iru>.cnt> ti.e u. rk teaclt■ lix 11 o are -,.i0 hat teaohcra real t/c how little, even the 1 ! n'h i!> hati d- lie for our hoya mil g r! and the m> improveiuotit that .wn yet he made IV i are autre that tea iieia will carrv a bettei -ptrll Into their arduous duties and lake • deeper interest ill the unf.dding of youth fill miud and character, on account of tin i-onsideratioris of the ftlh.Lmcnta! querie-. Fra-lical talk* on Physiology and Hy gten**e, KK>cutioti and tirammer, w ere giv en hy competent teacher- during the ■- sion. Ot the talks oh ilv'Kieittf of Iho n'lit hi) room by I>r. Kcrk, wt speak with spe cial favor, although it ito he regretted that the l)r. lacks so much of the power to in terest and eugagv attention. He compre hends the subject of which he |K>ke, but wants the enthusiasm to call it into life and make ethers feel it* import. Klocution, so aptly defined, as the cor rect utterance of our language by speech and gesture, wn- t.ught b> Mrs. She :ua ker. Bhe entered into her sflbj. ct with a clearness of utterance that made every teaaher fe#l how completely she compre hended the art of reading. The philossv. phy of voice, lh organs of speech, pitch, rat*. and quality of voice received special treatment at her hands. But w hat we think is mostly appreciattd is the standard or ul timatum upon which she puts the reader. He is to be natural. He is to be taught to call forth his own powers, to express his own or others, sentiments, according to hi peculiar temperament. That is the high est typ# of reading or oratory. Develop* anguage to express the soul-thought* ef each thinking being. W* c -iumend this system of elocution to the serious consid eration of all lo* or* of hook*, he they teach er* or not. We can speak favorably of Prof. Hub erts' drill in grammar. Hi* outlines upon th# board embracetl a concise compilation of well-tested principle! and formula, lie is an excellent gramarian himself, and a clas* of boy* and girl* under his instruction would doubtless render the "King's Kng. lih" in a more attractive form. But we can not write our opinion here of the prac tical result* of grammar teaching upon so ciety. Another timo will do quite a* well. The entcrtainnu-nt consisted chiefly ol Prof. Shoemaker's masterly lecture on "llow to *ay things" Mrs. Shoemaker'* elocutionary excrci-.s, ar.d Df. Gaidar'* excellent talk on School Government. Ofth# 1>: fr speak only inu-rio* ufprai*#. It dearly showed the va-l ditference there exirt* in the niuiu.er of expressing < ur thought* in word-. It |>oit>lcd out the aJ an.age, ot a rich engaging conv.-r-a tion. While we do not mean to dis pute tbe importance of "How to •no things," yet we could not resist the Am * of that infinitely mora es-eioial question." "How to think thirgs." We commend the last thought of that lecture—eartiosrne.- —to • the teacher- of Centre county. Drvelopc mind—(ajwer and heart— powir with an tarne-tnea-, and "How to say thing* will come of its own accord. Mrs. Shoemaker, iu her public reading robbed her hu! sii lof few laurel*, lnfc rier to him in "How to say thing*," she still gave a very creditable reading. \Vc cannot speak of her elocutionary drills, suggestion* Ac., during the session of the Institute. Suffice it to say that we sincere ly trust that dime one will devise a better plan for|ulilizing the Services of an ciocu lionirt. The Institute, like too manyef our schools, purpose to do too much, and consequently did it* work imperfectly* Mrs. 8. rrccivi-d one hundred dollars for her brief talk* on reading. Why not di vide the Institute into sections of twenty Are, pro. one a suitable room, and keep a paid elocutionist constantly employed Twenty-five teacher* could easily absent themselves while the remainder might transact other business. Only a sugge tion however. Dr. (.'sltltr put the old subject of School Government in s new and attractive form. It ww a plain discoure on government, fioni the standpoint of Lindners and linn ne. It made a deep impression upon the teacher*. Want ->f pa"o forbid- u to "peak minutely of the music, black-board drill and the general business of the Insti tute. We are frequently asked. What good did the Institute do? My answer is two fold. The teacher alio ha* a heart in hi work saw and heard many thing* tkat lift ed him to a better life. Hi* intellect w* quickened to new work. He i> better fi.r haring been there. The teacher who on ly Is a teacher because he can ecure noth ing aire, will object to many thing* to heard. Little interested in hi* own im proYt-m -al he can not bear to he urged by other*. He dislike* lecture*, discussions, drill*, everything. Our Institute* arc gradually improving. | No Superintendant can *nti>fy a hundred ! adverse taste*. lie can only do what the bast of us always do, to wit: the very bee we can under the circum-tance. That we are sure ha* been done. Of the earnest ness, of the toui power of that (n*titut<. we heartily wish the people would be shar er*. Co-operate, O People, with the in structions of your children, ami thus lift up your schools to a moral and educational power worthy the Grand liepublic. L DAXIKL O'ComriM ly THE SUN FOR 1872. Vie New York Weekly Sun Doubled in /pizc without Increase in Pric-e. I With the beginning of 1872 The Week 'lySun has been doubled in size. It now contain* eight page* instead of four, mak ing it equal in dimension* to any other weekly secular journal published in this country. At the -ume time its price ha not been increased. -It w ill be furnished to suWriber.- at the uniform rate of on< dollar a year for each copy. To this rate no exception will be made and no reduc tion will be possible, either to club* or Hgent*. Every subscriber who seiid* a dol lar will receive a copy for H year. While The Weekly Sun furnishes a much reading niMtter a* other papers pub lished at dt-ulde or treble the price, it will contain new fnnturi* which will add great-' ly to its interest and value a* a family newspaper. Its independence of opinion and it-unqualified hostility to Tweediam and Grantism. d every form of public robbery, bribery, and corruption will b< maintained, while in point of political new. iu readers may rely upon always re ceiving the most accurate us well a* the freshest intelligence that can possibly In obtained The enlargement cnublc* us al so to devote additional space to valuable agricultural intelligence, and to print in teresting stories and romances moro ex tensively than hitherto. For tni-ctdlarp ou* reading presenting i lie quiint and hu morous aspects .-f life, unit for useful inl'oi ualion respecting not ouly wltat takes placo in this metropolis and this country, !> ot ill othnr ports of tho world, wo now ha. ■< ample room. ' it- ii \\ form Tho Weekly Sun tin <■!< ip. t paper • f Its class til the United • v • •, au-l wo |U|H*I to nuch <it our lv 'a* approve it ideas and objects, ami tin i! interesting and \altlahU. Mot nnll to i .now their ow u subscriptions, bill to re - ei un nd tlie paper to their frtai da and ii. i {hlwir* ' . oal is ill aliliod I I ho a Memorable •it in tlihiat ,ry of the country the are < .<.v tof a liioal significant I'reaideli ti olooiion, and imlilieal wvi meiita will fo "tally mouth- lie Walclloal With UHUatial iii ■ -t." A a Jniiriial, fr-e from tl ot am nu •of party, Tho Weekly Sun will con t. •to uphold the print iplc- of lino in p I. in gove: nmont. Ita road era am in i I t.i anataiu it intha'. work. Tho truth, it |hi ;ivu of part* prejudice or • t#cial in t, n, i will alwaya he told In Ita col- Tcrina of the \\V kit Suit i jotirral eoiit iiiiiuc eight Urp' |witr>, i! iit ry IVadifsday murning To ii! toil subscribers, whether .ingle or in 0 , otu duller a year each, alwa.tr* In ad it e. ~ dly Sun, hy mail, ftOrenta a montb, r - \ -hi' Semi Weckiv Sun, bv mail, !f"i t year. Addre* THK SI'.V, Nv* 1 - i itj. t. uS Jurora —January —Term 4th Monday. I'M .bun P O W„ ' rvgr, A*t II > U HrlL HaaUtJ liutollw* i i t tu i Kahl M <mu*H H ftiak* Ihlua i . A K l iaU. U UiMtor H • *•<• w* 1* UUUIWUNLT lit I* .U IVUuilt. II * (|<*o I Hitttf r u M ,uk >1 Hi jj . 1 tt'l* v ill ft ! tluulaM, LI la'Stf i* j Ww II lit ' I 'UrfMvlu--* if * ItliJ M ' H 11 i vctae Junra—-4th Moiiiloy. tt si Ot-ta t.c ■ Jiara.',atl. It U Hall. J l r'aUealaani.i, it jjj IVQltaata. J r iia. JeaOaenkaM '.a . r ! .1 M I.IW *'A. Juu llioltl He It It II I* II M luatf lieuutnrftutt >1 4 I k , J X VS Aale4lU H .* * lla.v. It Urtf . aw m • M- J lt IkfMuor. fc IlkfUu, U J Mw|, *• r-. vlu> JU.rrbua. Wn. ll iD-'oo L'o(MMU<r V. 1. .*>■<. uou*:t. ju Cairo. '• , i iv. •.< W > j WssOrtaa. P i fir M ixob Arur. WM II lar. L* Jkiurfd^ Vn i> 1. IV< *r j 1 ¥ i*vti Ci ViilUr. II Ng\Ur II (UrJMi tUi J W*r4 Sm : I ■! SlniMo, J H lUrelurt \tv i J VY rwuiiuuc V.. ( K ttrmdiu. ti U XI*U. U UOAI li.*v 3i W m • : .U Us* P ' il t' .. a* . 1 lk A AUunlvT l'i verse Juror* —'2ml Work, 2tMli January. I* J. tA AiUnu. 11M Kenieller. II *<. - S\\ MotUrmta. hi Mof, T AUrUjrfi B r,' I* ti -vainerr AA . •:i Jjte Ame| B - rI. atj.lM Uftm v mi- * Y S M*ik>*y ** littlUa. C U litclW li T. : l ulldu v : ;uw Wm K**rkk. I- RYn. M U J > MLALATUIIL I* abttrs AYm M.'j*rw I'M! llattMu Mil B K.*h It. l . Wk WiBW (Niri a Wii MtUttr. .. V r v\ iu lijrWrwk. J k l> l> M'Umy II i K J H.-ttalamw l> lm* U tj it> .Atxitwr, I K -t* W tlaln Tb| . Kami HiMMM. il rxl Iff- Jf li hbMlk. 4 M.M AL STATKMEXT. O • of "Farmer*" Mutual Fir# Insu rance Company of Centre county. CK.VTUE HALL J. Bth 187 X 1 compliance with an Act ot Assembly t' r he iiin.>rproratiua ol the Farmer* Fire In train-* Company of Centre county, the f.•• 1 •* ing statement of the oflairs of said cos ;>any i> respectfully submitted to the pubiic: AMITH BUN receivable be i: 'premium note* p.yablc by meut b r* for insuran v - 94 T,SAT 26 X! * the past year of which amount ti.ero ha* been . led in JtAKTI Lc; ving due on pic i nil note* taken !■ pist year 17,098 64 T - hich add ca*h in Treasury 657 96 • 117.460 49 KxriNm C iponiatn nto di— i• etor 70 It Sur ry of Secretary_ IfsttO S , tv of SotW l'i ting. t.fßcc rent, tag# and tu na ry 141 14 t'. revenue tax u i - lamps 27 CI K: etion beanl. £ 00 !• I J Urcnoble In : -est . v 1097 Sue! K rise less on ! u-- 2H)00 John !>outweilcrlo* heme 2500 084 t#'. T • .1 accrueing a •;> of the rum. p.inv the part year $10,771 CI T ' bich add funtl* r- ported for pro . .<•„ ypir* |:.r49 I.< s amount of notes expired and can c- led by consent •rparties SH.'.itCt 40 $100,747 09 XI king total avail bl a*sett* of th unpany this day. #117,618 TV Ilr- - n::d insurance* taken the past ■r 191,238 GO Hit iie heretofore r-ported for pr vious year* 8,C00,40066 tj' <nd total of risks d insuran c e s L.k-n since or r anixation 8,791,099 31 h* >:n which de (• ict policies ex- I r.-d an canccl- I by consent of n ti I,lCß.fiB 48 <4 r i it d total of •ks and iiisu ranees in force day 2,428.030 8?. (IKO. BUCHANAN. Trest. A x SIIAXXOX, Sec. \t i.n election livid the same day, tin (V >wing member* were elected Director f the cimting rear: Geo. Ituchanaii. > u'l F. Foster, Henry Keller. Amos Al - tider, John Wolf, Joshua 1 otter, J. O Meyer. S. G Herring. Jno. Shannon, !•' n't Gramly, J. W. Krumreine, J. W. Ci niphell. W Hereupon the new board organised :o •! appointed the following officer* : ('resident—C eo. lluchatiuii. Vice President—Joshua Potter. Treasurer—Henry Witmer. ecrctary—Alex Shannon. j*nl2.(U. Settle Up! S i KI'NiSKKO ha* sold out hi* Dgygood aiid Clothing Store, at Itellefonte. I accoouu must he settled up im n diately, to Mrs ousts. All aemuntr ii ! —ttlferi up within u HAKOsUs i >■, niil be placed into the hands 01 a Justice tor collection. 12jitutf FURNITURK! lirand Opening FOR 1872. JOHN CAMP'S MIL ROY, u i ere he has opened with a very large t ck of the latest styles, both fancy and common Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furni ture. CHAIRS, of all kinds. All kinds of repairing dope with neat m > and dispatch having fopr good wor .- im ii iit the bench. I am prepared to do nil kinds of custom work, fine or conuuoii. Thankful for part l"avor, I hope by strict, ten Lion to business yon and everybody .•I • will show mii iling faces at my new i w are rooms. JOHN CAMP. ja ii 12. tf. USE IS VJTHIHi LIKE IT" ivN Piias, Sares, Wcuads lod Lameocis. x GUY II 1 TRY ITT hXimr ; !. Dec Fsiij Cure Of 1 rVf\ . . . U# Paiq Cur# Jnl. for N\a! a Use Pain Cu/Oil. Frr FfvXSrr#,. . . . Us Til? c/> Oil. 1 PlajboiL Kr 8. \ .... Use Oil. Kvr I ' .. . Utt fyfi Cur# Oil. Fir I A . . . liar Jsiq Cur# Oil. For Cc. % Unf Pais Cur# Oil. For Any 2 t . \,/# Pals? Cur# Oil. For 4 n y I- V"' s# ur * Oil. I f ' Vfttuxti^ -*•- I *' / u.r 111 I t\ u ji.) n ..4 1 Vfiiitiy jbr ** V /rtr> ai\i.X mv* lt\ f* TV* / iU OIL rV cAetWr.fcr /\juum- JT TO \r& !i i# i -0 V* ta tti* jf -1 i r • jr \ ■f :! .... *..4 I'.loi >u Si 'i t'ttin:. r.o HtCLURC L LATON, ftotunM, ti**4l&g. l' i > i: A I US. I v-i !, i II , r ltt \nhip, Mr t'l ii I , y. ~1 < ! • ii. .: . IV, ~ Mil* M*K I ' J !ge* \\ Il .rchliv ld il "ay* Wh +> • r.; AR R! AG F s • t , ' U. I \F. 21 (irob, M; I! t . ad M Mr> J. Ii t'wt.ertountbip. < • . - IP 1 riuv 1 l'*r • imp' 1. . . . ' , K ■ IMr J. tin W \\ .v. M M yM. Kiinbow.-r. <hi iti, i . , Hex C, II Ueitcr. Hi lb. pal - . Va. .11-bur.-. Mr. Siiuon I' \V oil . i i: , a "id ||i ItiaueJK (i.-ai \ ,i. i I. ■ > „f Alillhcim. lll.HnY MAKKKTS. C -rri, fed by Jobn \1 Ifowell. Wbi*. u!< !,t > Rtd aio at 1,10 • .Kyt *O. Corn . ..tt.it -lit Barley U5 Cloveraeed • ■< ..Tlmoiliysad, W Salt 2 <>|er -at!.,.. 111,, , ...,!! I ; Batter :M... VI. i . ILLS MS I'EM AItKETS. t'<- ' by K-II,: k A|u--er. tl !i'i<- V ' i-nt jl Ued l:k) ..KM..,.. 74.... i* r; .* Ont .20 Barley r'A 7-) ... Cv i '.• I'utatt -►* !"• L. 2 Pork i.er pound If Bull ' W I'll! 1.-r pel toi sl4 ri! , lt„ itaco: .' .... Hal.. I'd. GREAT CLOTHING SALE nut . in * ill ('!< .bing llou-e ai M lrey. GREAT EXCii'EMENT! . UI'RIMNH NEWS! Tlhi la.l day, lor .elling them. Weitru i i! We arc in caracal! ("rund. n.'.i - - itheri ig in on u*. buy ing urj, ! '.hinr. lL.ving rnolvi-d that ev. i : ,;. :n, and all our "thai t •<*. h . . -i! •nl w ithuut ahy fur fin-r • . t.K it .'Ary .<7 N u yi-ur t i n |wr K<" d cloth A, Millar next wr.-k *ve g will wind up Iridt- bt lilK- c Cil A; lilt*'. Slilrc'jf, TJRIVA 1!: S VLK. Vi'r i II -U .4*..' tale next Tuc d*y, Jan 1 . , l lb'...luck. ONE (iOOD I ARM HORSE, ovi: srui\ft w i.o\. and Our Sleigh. T< r;i . v, ' |. o: -la k . •y* it on thy day IIIK.-CH Jt HIM). Milroy i: KN - • At' ■ r L to J tnnari Term 1872 Jai J. Ki.ru-. Tafrni, Liberty twj Jvff.-ry i' >} " K m!i •• I Kol- rC l!v, th " Phiiijiborg bo; K -b.-rt i. Atn Vt ... " Ku*h twpj Kol-.rt P. O " Fcrgutun " j Kred-r k Fahii a " " It ... • IP.gg* A . . . i! " II wird bor, JNO Mi Jit AN. | l'rutli) QSPOARS t OHRT - A I.:: nillMllir to *ill "r-b-r <>t the <• 1 C-li.t • IV;itr *>. untjr, tull be mid nt j pub..i- ,i , jo i n *in Gregg tn |> . in i I i i ;. Tliur* .'ay, Jan. lb l.ti'i A \ tl.irtuf 'ami .dual-- it uiii twp., t ( Grrgr. hounded by lan<l< o; Jni-f.b M ■■ %5 .i ! Rmiklc, Wnt.Grnlx el, and other-. ( untxinltiK li'Jicnw woh ■ r 1 ab-'iit tw aire acre* of which it cbat -' ed lie . uriii. ;.l art* a dwelling lloti-*', ■ rial fit*, and oilier out build-lie*. IIOW ill •< I.Jill! yof J, M. Ilublt-r. Sain tic- nno-iit -at 1 o'clock, of.aid! day J .No II LKITZKLL tiuarilimi for th- iniiior heir* of SamucL Ilar-bbargtr, dee'd. J872. .•pl-ndid inducements. 1E72 TIE WEEKLY PATRIOT. trv-at 1 v l and Improved. Til.- . mtit Weekly. the Pair! -t iil appear on the firt ufJHiiu.tr>. 1H72, <• r. mlsl ;11jrand changed from prm. :4 v '•> 1 nmmoth folio. It wil < •.::i 'i m •• Reading Matter than any •i*.ii r > i;!> published in Pennsyl vania. ll w .11 . riii ail tin- Political and Geii cr*l ii mi f tl.e i ur;. Nt week in coitcienc>i form. It wil! ai■ n:t toeuratc report of tin niarkttrol New York. Philadelphia, Bal timore. PiUsbufg and llarrisburg. It* 1.-tt-rury Drpartmrßt will contain I Tab L ay*. I', .try, etc., by tin be-;; A merit .i nod European writers. It will e< tiifl i; -uch fnli slid faithful re ports of Congr local and Legislative pro t'L rilinp. ll* W ill afford its renders n clear un demanding of t'; • doing* of the public ser vntits. During the si- •bin l the I*egisla-; ttirr ii will I ot pecial interest and value t<> ovt >• I'-mi -■ 1 vac inn. Tito Next PrcaDctrt* The great impi ding struggle l"r the. l*resi'ione.t .ill -on t 'Tnmeuca. Within one year (rem th> time the American pec-; pie Will have determined whether or no! \ the centralization of the powers of the gov ernment in the bands <-f a corrupt olig airh.v, ; e pi-.; b-ririg of the lav-pay* rln thieving of>i< ia the denial of equal polii-i to rib- I eitir.eji- of the Southern State., ad the subitltution of the will ol i j :rt. forthe fundamental law of the land, !.a'l con 'or continue. It shall tie tin- • -ii<r.'- t and unflagging endeavcr of the Patriot toodueate it readers in the l - lief that th ■ time has r one when all earn est nntl determined effort must he made to arte t political power from the hnndsofour pre •>.: ruVr*. il should, therefore, b ri i.d by every v r who ran bo induced ic • ot nn lien t, intelligent ntnl patriotic lulled To this end it lis * been ililcrinin eil to fix th • following exceedingly low rate- for b \V 1; KK LY FA "I IlIOT: i 'lie f'upv, one ,) "-ur Sli.O" One Copy, ix month* l.iio Four ('ej , one year, cacti 1,75 Tin Cop e , one > our, citch Twcr.ty t <; 'i ~ one year. each 1,2"> Fifty t'oub , it ud upward*, one year, each 1.00 An extra copy free. Is furnished to the Agent eadiiig m dabs of ten or more. A copy of the Daily Patriot will be rent, free, !•> the .\<p*nt lending in elub* of fifty or more. All papers will be separately addi'i • *• I. but inn t Jfo to our post oltii e (See direction below.) Chairin n ■ Democratic Ooiintv Com mittee, nnd other- inteinrtsd In the cam,* of good govcrum at, urn respectful'.* requested to M n Agent* Ii c the formation of Club for the Weekly Patriot. THE DAILY PATIUOT, Pnbli bed n cry morning, Sui day* exoepl ed, i* u fir-t .'in < newspaper, containing fall telegraphic report-, special Washing tcn di-p.itrlo .th tuo-i cmuplutn ami a* - curate market report , full account* of pre feeding* < ■ I'Cong re*- mul Llginlature, *pi i y editorial*. etc. (toe Copy, ot.e year, by mail, ST; Five Cop it , till., Ten Ci.pii do., iff*). Large C lib- at two I***l named rate . Paper* may be separately .nddrc-*sd, but ii.u-t be liken in one park age. The mon ey must accompany the order to bun re at tention. DIKKCTIONS Addiliop* to Club* may be made at arty tilnif in the year at the above Club rale*. Ch"ttgc in Club I j-t* made onlv on mpn-kt ot perron* r*'- cciving packages, .dating dale of subscrip tii 11, ciii.ion, pr-'toHJee and .State, to wbicli it has bc -ti pre. vb uiy > out. TKKJ ' -li in advance. Sund P I dtiii.' .Money C.'< er, Hank Draft or lti i.-lire.l Litter, Dills -eiit ny Mail vvWl be .-ii the r sk of the sender £■ • t i inl ti l |ii ]it t ins and specimen copy. Adrc-v "TH K PATItIOT," Ilarrisburg, Pa. WiM. J M Maiiigal WHOLESALE ami RETAIL DEALER IN' Foreign k Domestic HIS NEW LIU ILDIMG Milroy SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED in Na i is, N'aiL, NaiU, NniU! (ilnss, Olan, Glut, 01 am I liorks* Ixteka, loorka, leickg! Hinges, II in gca, Hiugi-a, ilitigr#! Screws, Screw*, Screw a, Sc re we! Oil, Paints, k Patty. jeff* Special Ind ucoinen-JASf •urTu I Carriage Maker* d Blacksmiths, for Hubs. Spokes. Hitus, Carriage Oil Cloth and Linings, I run, Iron, iron, Iron! Horseshoes and Nail Koda, Illistor & Cast Steel, Horse Nails, and Steel Toea, and a very large a** .rtiuent of Carriage Bolts. To Housekeepers for Wallpaper, Wallpaper, Wallpaper! Krotu lOcU to 51 per bolt. Coal Ilods and Shovels, Tea Kelt I.is, Pan*, and Skillet*, |grd Can*. Wallle Iron*, Toiiter*. Butcher Knives, Bread Knives, all kinks of CuttUiry. LAMPS of ever de script ion. SU'-'pecial lii, L i >,., mi- IVR to Carpenters lor Smvs, Pianos, Chisel*, Dntwknivea, Braces ami Litis, etc. To Farmers and every body else, for whatever thi y want iu my line. I kiHjp n general a- Hurt men t of WOOD A WILLOW WAKE such ns Buckets, Tub.', half Bushel*, IVck measures, Bucket-*, tSc( Vtlii a 4, As 1 raveling bag', Sleigh Ibll*, Sleigh Itunner*, Fender* and Shaft*. FA KM KltS, MKUCIIAX r.s, MM (IA.VICS, Pomsc give iu u call, or send for pricoi. t'nu will ft'til a general :t- u lment of every tiling pertaining to the ilardwaic tra le. aa-i would aak Painters giv my Varnishes a Oojririal. 1 have just ro- Jbafceivnl from New \ ork S9.H lurgo Stock of Varni- HaTdio, such a- PURNITUIti:, (M)A(.'U, WIDTH DKSI.VK, WBA!i!.V(i HO DV, CAHIIIAUK 110- DV, UICAiN* IIUIHU.YO, ABH- I'll Al.Tt'M llltd JAI'ANB, J. T. I.KWIB A UKO. WHITE LEAD, always on hand. Orders Respectfully solicited. \ Win. J. McManigtl. Tdec3m Stoves! EireiStov's! Al Au.ly UuMiuau'a, Cgiitrs Hull, arc Uluat Mild bol ll.lVUa out, ho lift* Just r.aetvcl u large lot of I'm** SloVea, tile i'loutlet Cook, Wio Eciipsv Cook, tlif iL'iiuuca Cook. I'AHUIK."! -Tlii' iiadlanl Light ulf-fee der, lie* Burner, National Egg, Juweli, J*.-. i. W- lit' Mill# |(M m LOW •• anywhere iu Mi film or Centre to. *gMf UN AND SHEETIRON WARE i'he Undersigned hereby iitfurtu* the Oillaell* ol f Mist alley loal lie ltd par v<l4mml Ilia T'lioiiu). heretofore ttrrita on by (iiu C. 11. Jlf'i Co., and wil. cootie tie tile .Mine, at tlie old sUu.d, to *ll it* branch es in the manufacture of *rovi; PIFK tl MPUIITINU. All kind* of repairing done, lie lim !)> ou baud Fruit Caiw, of ell Bi*a, 81/CKKTN, CUPH, UIPPKKH, UIHU KS, AC. All work warranted and charge* reason able. A .hart- of ike public patronage so- Boiled. A Mil. HKIWMAM. JaepTOy Centre Hall h iTT i i.s| Office of die LewLbuig, Caulrt an J Spruce Creek H H. Co Pbiladelphia June tilth,'7l. Notice i* hereby given that the !)rl in i Uluii'i.t of hi e dollar* )n-r there, to tin ipital atock ><f the Leaioburg, Centre and "Spruce Crock ltail Had Co., lulncribM) n the to* a.hip* of Harris, Potter, Gregg I'eun and Ilauiet. Ccutre county, wilt to payable on the !irt day of July 1871, and -uhorquebl instalments o( Ave dollar* pet there, wilt ha due and payable un the first lay ul a.h succeeding niontb until the j * hole it paid Payment* of the abova in stalment* are hereby required to be ntadr to the treasurer of the Company, at the •ffice of the Centre County Banking Com pany itcltofonlc Pa. JOSEPH LESLEY, Treasurer. N II Any person reairing can pay tbe ali..|e oIT at onre. If payincut* are not punctually made the law aliowa one per '■mil pel month to he charged la additi -a CMILI HALL Coach Manufactory. Lvi Murray, t bia eetabliahmerit al Centra lfall, Pa., Keeps on hand, and for mlq, at tba moat reasouahla raloa a large atock of Carriages, Buggies, dt Spring Wagons, Plaik and Patter. nd vubiciaa of every doacriptioa uiada to •rder, aad Warranted, to be tneda of the tt MiMaal material, and by the moat •killed and competent workmen. Peron* wanting anything in hit line are resonated to call and examine hi* work, they will ind it not to be excelled for durability and *oar. *pr3ly yW HARDWARESTORK I J. A J. HARRIS. NO. 6. BROCK KltllOFP ROW A new and complete Hardware Store kai been opened by the undcrtigned in Vrock erh.iff" a new budding—wbrc they nre pro pared to aollall k lit J* of Building and Uuuu rurniahing Hardware, lrn, Steel, Naile. Ilupi; ehwili in .ell*. Champion Clothe* Wringer, Mill S*>, Circular and Ham Saw*. Tennon Saw, WcbbSaw*. Ice Clean P rvexer*, Bath Tuba, Clothe* Kacka, a fill, i>ortinentof (ilaaaand Mirror Plate of ali •i*e. Picture Frame*, Wheelbarrow* Lampa, Coal Oil Lamp*. Belling, Spoke* Felloe*, and Hub*. Plow*, Cultivator*, Con Plow*. Plow Point*. Shear Mold Board, and Cultivator Teeth. Table Cutlery, Sbuv al, Spade* and Fork*. Lock*. Hinge*, S>-rew, Sa*h Spring*. Uor*e-Sboea, Nail*. Norway Bod*. Oil*. Lard. Lubricating. Coal, Linaeed, Tanner*. Anvil*, Vim. Bel low., Screw Plate*. Black*initb* Tool*. Factory Bell*, ll<>ue Bell* Dinner Bell*, ■king Bell*. Tea Bell*.(}rind*|one, Carpen irrTueli, Fruit Jar* and Can*. Paint*. Oil*, Varniihe* received and for *ale at luoe.MW.ly. J. A J. 11 A KRIS. y KLLKR A JARKKTT dealers in DRUG*, M KDICINKS, CHEMICALS also all th STANDARD PATENT IIKDICINK-S. A vary large as sortment OR TOI LET Aanct.Es, K A KCT 01KidS Soap*. Ac., Ac., The flr,e*t qual ity of II t Ml I STEEL, POOKBT K vivas. Sctoooaa and Raxona. WALL Ptrsi t* UKEAT VABISTT. PRESCRIPTIONS,compounded by oomj petent druggist* at all hours, day or night. Night customer* pu I night hell. ZKLLKR A JAKKKTT, Bishop St.. Bellcfonta Pa. iunlfll CENTRE HAI.I. Tan Yard. Tho undersigned would respectfully in form the cilixen* of Centre county, that the above Tan Yard will again he put in full operation, In all its branches, by them. HIDES AND BARK WANTED. Tho highest market price will he paid for Hides of all kinds. The highest mar ket price will also bo paid for Tanner's Bark. The public patronage is solicited Satisfaction guaranteed. doA.tßf MILLER A BADGER HOUSE. Allegata*/ Street, Bellefont*, Pa. I). JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietors. I riMSTCLA** HOTEL, (HUtrOSTAHU* ROOM* PROMPT ATTENDANCE. VLL THE MODERN OONVENIKN CKS-AND REASONABLE Charges. The proprietors offer to the traveling public, and to their country fiiends, first class accommodation* and careful atten tion to the wants of guests at all times, at fair rates. Careful hostlers and good stable iing for horses. An escellout Üble well , .erved. A Bar supplied with tine liquors. Servants well trained and everything re piisite in a first ola*s Hotel. Our location is in the busine** part of the town, near the Post Office, the Court House, the Chur ches, the Banks, and the p incipal places >f busine**, ren-lers it the most eligible place for those who visit Bellefoete on busi er pleasure. All Omnibu* will carry pnttaeager* in. l to and from all traiu* frte of charge. DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL fowling piece* at aplffOH. IRWIN A WILSON. AT PRIVATE SALE. A lot of land, lying in Gregg township, on the bank* of Poun* creek, between Pen II Hall and Spring Mill*, i* ofiered at private sale. It adjoin* lands of Goo. Buchanan and L. U. M In lire, containing 24 ACHES more or le**. About 8 acre* consist ol ilrst class white pine timber, the balance cleared and under cultivation— 6 acre* art meadow. L For further particulars apply to \ 0. 11. HEN NICK, llSoct.tf Gregg twp. WAR! WAR! On High Prices. OR EAT EXCITEMENT. 11. 11. NMiTlf, uf Pullet* Miiia. N EW U OURS! We would iitotl (top (fully I > .from bit friend*, CVMUMVN, at d the publk g< ni-r --ally, that lie tin* taki-ti possession ol TV<uipou * old quart- r*. which hara been remodeled and improved, and it now pre pared U* accommodate ..It who utay favor i.iu. by caliing. NEW GOODS! || be* Just receive! one of liit largest tlucka of all kind* ol 11 i aioliao ever, brought p. (Voire cour.ty, a hi. Si lie Intend* !to tell at a. ub figure , will ionic it an 01,. ,uci iorall i-ron. to pun b.. c. Pamiliet laying in a tiller tuj.plii-- .i i.i •• • - i>ry Good*, dec-, 'loll I f.V lc-,1 ■ ..it him a call, iu be !- ■ i 1. .•#*• and tuparior quality tl . uiii ump mlitfy ali. lii kwt ul GROCERi EB contitU of Cutfec* of the bt-t quality, '1 en Sugar* of all lim it, ii"lti < , Fob, .Salt Cbeetc, lfrted f ruii, Sp.t i'r> . Kiour and Food, A" , A'- tlur u- I t. D R Y G (HI D S ia large and varied, i nil a.a ill jul *a> can supply any article iu that litnq with out cliuiucralliig. READ Y M A D EC LO T H I S ( a large atoek of ready-made Ll"ihing for Men and Boys'w ar, a hi.* ,lt<lop < of at a very *iMall a>ii an " co*t. Haul, a lot Shoe*. 11 at- !...(.. I ■' ware, Ouaenaaare, \\ i ■■■ W> Ware, N otu.i. •, Fuu. .<. ■ - < O cloths. Wall Paper*. Window >h ~!• , A ordt ly. Dcvliug's CITY STORE. WHOLES ALK AND It KI AIL The I argot ami Im-i! nHairtim nt f Drv Guoclh, * Clothing, Groceries, Hoots. & SllCM*Ha Notions &e. in the county, give tt a trial m i *nv from 15 lo 20 per emit, no your pur cb&aer. ti'v2 lira ha in & Sun. Boot <fc Shoe Maker*. Ne*t door to Wagoner A Soli'* St i Bcllefonte. We tn*r.uf*eturr to order. Our work is nest and tin able tbir prices arc very m •>! r de. We warrant to gi. - -at:-faction. Ws have the LARGEST urn! llß stnek of Uills'i an I t'biidr ' town. Wcsrii receiving goods every wk. We wish an examination >f ur go- The Pennsvalle.v tr*-le is > •; ceiaHy i vited to call and *c< our :•<-, wo thin we can please all who .-all a- !•• *tyl quality, and price- We study n ml- . satisfaction, and although we have hal extended trade for year*, w li n e nei < given a customer c.u • • to • lu'dain. septlfilf. i s <-rrrr~- —"* Notice is h.-r <y gi\i-u ;hi Reese, of Qregg tovn-llip, t'mint.v of Cc i Ire, Penn'a, bv de< i ..f voluntary ie ment, has assigned all the estate, r•- *1 a.- personal. of trio snid M •-lame Roose, . John ICishel. TLN-GK town* p. cmiulv u- State aforsaid. in trust for tb - le-nelltof tt creditors of lb e said Mvlamc lie • Ait person*, therefore, Indebt. Ito the said V feme R<ese will make payment t >tbe n> Assignee, and those ba\ ing claims or de mands, wilt make known the au.< without delay. I&doc.Ct JOHN UISHP.L. Astigne " FOR SALE. Th undersigned ha- a tract of limbo land, boated between the Brush and Thick Mountain*, nearly due - ulh of !. hersburg, containiiitt IT! nor- which I offer* for sale. It. n well.timbered, an ea*v of access from Bruh Valley. Por all desired information call on t! undersigned. C. IT. UK IT EU. ISocLlf Aaroneburg, Pa. AN II HN.I. 'T^YRR; Vymakeat IUWIN A WILSON. apltytH | QOULTT PROCL VM AION W ereas the Hon. Charles A. Mayor, i President of the -<>urt of Common I'M , in the liotlt Indicia! District, consisting oi the counties of Centre, Clinton and Clear field, and Honorable Win. W. L >ve aiVI the Honorable Henry Dopp, A-.-ucinti Judge* in Centre county, having i—uc,l their precept, bearing date the 'Jib d.-.\ if Doc'br A. I>., If-Tl, t > me directed holding a court of Dyer and Terminer n- Genera! Jail Delivery and tjuartvr S, tions of the Peace in ISelicfonle, f-r tii county of Centre, and to commence on r, •Ith MJuiday of January next, being . 22th day of Jan. 1H72, and to continue en week. Notice i* therefore hereby given t<> Coroner, Justice of the peace, Alderm and Constables ol ilie snid county •! C--u tre, that they be then and there in the it proper persons, at HI o'clock in the f r noon of said day, with titer records, in quisition<, axamimttiou-, and t'teir own re mcmbrances, to do those ;!iing- which I their ofHce appertain* t" be d-me r ; those who are bound in rec igmxinc* - ! prosecute against the pri oners that arc •hall he in the Jail of t'e ttre count.- there and to prosecute ■ i n-I the n a i he iust. Given under my hand, at BoMefbnte, t L 12th day of Dee in the \ car or our L- u ! 1871 ami In the ninety-fourih year oftlo Independence of tho United State*. D. W. WOODRING, Sheriff. Carriage MANUFACTORY Centre HalJ, Pa. CiEO. B. IIARPSTKiI Ha* on had ami for -a I# at lira ino*t rea rate* a jil-;<did uwk of CARRIAGES, BI7GGIKH, uul every dewri of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted lob made l tb bMind iu • I umb}* in . ri ik, and by tin< iwnt eijw rknco.l workman. All work tent <ui fr.. <iii.ubl<!imfit will be found U tr t ibe highest <:'* and ur* Ui "ginw *rt*< -atblhriion. !!• will !.. !iav A Bv>- IU Kirtuioiit of HLKIGIIH of all ill'- e#e*t and BMMt fit.hlonslil tyl*. *< II and < arftlly tnad and of lb beat material*. A<l !■. bi- w .fk i. a-1 I'# a* I 1 ! illij i • . in befottn in the ttlry. HutfPi t If Ot'SF. AND Lof i on .-ALE. I L f"ha u I' rtigiti •! offer* nl urlval* do hi* I"lot. *ftate an Ckawl. dsnst* iWn ll■ 11. flu' h.w< Da new ;wo t..ry Ihiui budding, <uis of the hnai ii lb,- n .i .IWHJ, II4 >;I "U* of lb !• •*• >MI- in th* town flora (a a NE* labia oil n ib" l<c F<r father tianlru <ar ajij'i I. ALKX MUNNoN. .^jiustf Hie First and tin* Kent! Tile largest & (JHIMPEBI slock (tf FALL GOODS! JUST UNPACKING at KELLER & AJ USHER, ia J.-j.-<?,-! T.block, ItUHop Street, lieilefoittc, u tx-rf ;*vs just optNbed the boat, < lar*#. it >in> iii lict MMitn) -• k Riuu<l *l Ik'Ucl.mc. HERE LADIES, I > tbp to buy jrour tiiiks, Mohair# Uottmbi jOi , It ;. Aljuwtu, Detain#, UnlluiiU, Mulin, Caiiroea, Tick ijf, t'.n.' Oikt* FUiicls, Ladle# Coat .ug, Gents' Cloth#, Lndie# SncijtMs, Whit* i'rkay. Linen TstdcCloth*. tXaaterpaaee I'rlb Counterpanes, White and CuUm far! ton, Napkin#, la<rtiil| ...iKdgiug. White Lv# t'urtin*. Zephyr A Zvphvr Pat •rn*. Tidy C.iUun, Workiiasket UOOP .SKIIMS, rhrea.t Boater*, Pans, Ua<i.Sewing I.Al)li;s AMI MiSSKH MIOK* FANCY HOODS OH NOTION UNI FOR GENTLEMEN, Kerdviuadi Clothing of Every Di* a<tipti<, fr Men auditor*. Tl, . r wk of QCKRXS WAUK A OBt) CKUIIiS an not b>- rc*ilrtl in quality to price. Call in t.tthe Fbiiadtj ih iaSutra and cm . iti.-f rour--hc- that KKLLKtt it MUH. KU '.at. .iny thiisr y-.i want, and do bu ie .w the principle of'tjuick Sale, and uiall Pit'SU." ,ipKi | ii , .< u-:vi.n ana riuioucc a.kt*kkk GREAT FLOOD! Tun* of Dry Goods, Groceries, No tions, Hardware, Ready-made Clothing, atiH thousand* of other articles CARRIED OFF AND LANDED AT > i.tbc I'iinp Sl.irc vf't^ Hcrlacher & Cronmiller. CENTRE HALL. PA tnd no# offered at prices lower than the lowest. Dry (1 !, Notions, (Jroeerios, Ilard are, Qu. ••nwrr, Wood and willow ware iron, Salt. Fish and in fact, a tnagaiflcenl i HMtimat of everything HOODS VERY NKAU AT TH E OLD PRICES. •ess Good# A taott beautiful variety, r,. minting of all the novelties of the season, white > ds, embroideries, hoop skirls. BALMORAL SiCIHTS, All we a-k that vou will CALL AND EXAMINE OCR STOCK A I.L K INDS OK 1! \KNKSS. ..ilver plated and Yankee Harness double .lei <in(b. bridle# and baiters. Apr I AOA UD -W have rtiuovad opposite (<> ihr> Hull lli'u-o and nrv rdling out oar •kick l<<lt fh>a Uif fire at bargains. \V, arc settling up our books and account* and will l>e much obliged to one and all to call and .settle their account*. We would **> to our numerous in.ml* and customer*, to please accept our ainc. re ibanks for lb* generous patronage they have always be stowed on u*. BUKNSIDK & THOMAS. i JOOD K EWS FOK THE PEOPLE Attraction and Great Bargains! 'IMIK undesigned, dctermind to meet tin 1 popular demand for Lower Prices, re tpoctiully calls the attention of the public t<> his rtoek of SADDLERY, now offered HI the old *Uml. Designed of jiuviall for the people and the tim*->, the lar gest and most varied and complete assort ment of Saddles, Harness, Collar*, Bridles, if every description and quality; Whips, .end in fact everything complete to a ttrst establishment, he now offers at prices which will suit the times. {A better variety, a better quality or finei style of Saddlery Ims never before been of sored t the public. Call and examine our i.tck and ho satisfied before purchasings 1 few here. Determined to please my patrons and thankful for the liberal share of patronage here. 1 re.pocttully solicits continuation of the tame. JACOB DINGErt. Centre Hal J. B. KTTELK'S YY HOLES ALh WINK A LIQUOR S T 0 ii L 111-hop street, Beilefontc, iu the Stone buil din formerly occupied by the Key stone Bakery) fakes pleasure in informing the public that he k-Kip- constantly on hand a supply o. '•hnico Fp reign and Domestic Liquors. Alt /> rc./s, Kept and Catkx .on rr an ted 'u ttiittiin t/i? qmtutity rrj,renenied. The attention of practicing physicians is ■ nlled to his stock of IT UK LIQUORS, suitable for medical purjawes. Bottles, ju ts, and demijohns constantly on band. He h.t- the ONLY PURE NECTAR WHISK Y in town. All liquors arc warranted to give satis facli >n. Liquors will be sold by the quart, burr d, or tierce. He has a lege lot oi BOTTLED LIQf'ORS Of the finest grades on hand. . Coiitid. nl that he* can Blsssa customer die respectfully solicits a share of public paj ( tronage myl4tl fURNITURCI AT REDUCED PIIGEBI ILLKIMDSOP FUKMITU RfATTBI MAMMOTH" Curniture Store! OF THOMAS LINN. On Allegheny street, Belle font*. Pawn'a. 1 ADOPT I Id* method of informing aty friend* lliat 1 bava |>ur< baaad tba entiru intoroal of Henry P. liarru In tba abac* named Mr. Harrb barf*/ < .Aired from Ota trot. Will Continue iie Bus! nat* if Munufai torina *ll kind* of Furniture at <ti* ..Id stand n Howard hi Ua alio inilttw * of In all it* braat bea. Tba baat of Coin, a J -Mj lli-ar.*- at all timaa on band. Ktarj futioml will w attimdad D by bint A p*t •" Hi many years of aiperiene* wil. i .....id bin. a* onn of tba JLDKST AND BKKT UNDtRTAKIK in tba Steta. All anim PROIIPTLY FILLED. Order* for CuMn* can ba left at iny Aor on Allegheny street. THOMAS LINN. BcJlcfoete Pa 271y. Oit M is. i* i*ifAg © EM ay far Tnnac Man, on ARRAS M6t A <t rviu and ABVlls wktab Utarfnra ntt. Bandage. and ruin tba bnppiaam af tb- a. aoda.— with Mtra wanna of raMnf Car tk- Krnujj and Cnfortonau, dinaasd nnd d% hi Hinted. S*mt in taadnd tatter en fain, <*■ free of chargo. A.Mr*... HOWARD ASSOCIATION No 25.0t1 Ninth M , Pb'ladelfbia, !'• ufltl.ly. J <iii a It. Li**. P. kuiM Itt*. . UII A WH4tI, DRUGGISTS. >Uoc aaini of F. P. WiWM, BMtnf nl Ptn'a. ' ' ft ff2 H " Hare *cured tba anrriana of Jaana* II Stean, of PbiladeifAin. a drw>*t of tb. t* year* eiynrtanen. wbo will bn* tb. charge of ibatr praacrintion.Wilnaai A nigbt boll a ntfebad In tbair rttf* door, and tba employaa laa)iiag witbin tb. build inc. aril) alland to tba want* nf t public at all boors of tba nifbt Linn A Wilson Ufp conMontly —• band n.larc* stock of Drum, Paints. Oils, Pnrtaatory, Tru* and Medical Applianca of nil kind-, loretknr witb n vary largo Mock of - - Patent Modietnca. MM a* Vinegar Uttari. and also Pure Wi*. and ID <inora.of all kinds for wed leal % tIWWMM july 1 l iwi LINN R WILAON L*OOk fNGSrrSS PLATES -fall. for aula by liau* Wuii i T APANN RD TOILKT ARTTS, o Nt r F other Japanned warn, at tba Anailb r. p]<ras. ItvutVitfi r. / lOFFIiTtSI'MIINtIC n Imbia n- V * amilat !RW!? A Wll> N A T U HE'S Hair llesloniliu- CootniM do LAC SULPHUR Nv SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH ARGE—No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and ia entirely free from the i'oieououa mud Health daatry ig Drug* used ia wilier Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and clear a* crystal, it fill not Mtil the finest fckrie,~jrneily fti V FE CLEAN and KFPICIINT.-Hm. im tuir* LWSU SOUGHT FOB AND ROUND AT LAST I It restore* and presents tbe Ban fr.uo becoming Gray, imparts a soft, gl©*%.* ap pearance, remove* Dandruff, k rafrv buig to the heed, cheeks Ike Heir from falling off, and restore* It to a great extent when prouiaturel/ lost, prevent* Headaches, cure* nil humor*, cutaneous erupijoui, and unnalursi heel AS A DBIbSIVI. FOR THE HAIR IT 18 TH* HIST AR TICLE IN Till MARKET. DR. G SMITH. Patentee, Ajrer, Ma* Pmmted only by PKOCTHR R WITH ERS, Gloucester, Mas*. The genuine is nut up ia a panel bottle, made etpreesly for it witb the name of ike n>ticU M n m the glass. Ask your Druggist for S*- ri-RE's ilAta Kkstorsmtk, and taie no other. jWSend two three cent stamps to Proc ter Brother* for e "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information it contain, is worth &MMX) to hay person. tou ly for sale at Centrs Hall by Wiu tVIf sod licrlachar A Crua miliar. AGENTS WANTED POM A Book That Will Sell ! ST THI RKMOWKKD NlttlfOß BLITZ. This is an original, interestlag, and in -tructive work, full of rare ftin and humor being an account of the AUTHOR' 8 PRO FESSIONAL LIFE, his wonderful tricks and feats, with laughable incidents and adventures as a Magician, Necromancer, and Ventriloquist. Illustrated with 16 Full Page Engravings. beside* the Author's Fotrait en steel, and numerous smalt cots. The volume is free from any objectiona t'lo matter, being high-toned and moral in lU character, ana will be read with inter eat, both by old and young. It gives tire most graphic and thrilling accounts of lb. effects of bis wonderful feats and magical .ricks, causing the moat uncontrollable merriment ana laughter. Circulars, Terms, Ac., with full informs ton. sent free on application to l)U FFI ELD ASHMSAD. Publisher, 711 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, oetill.&m. CHENTRK HALL HOTKL. John SPANOL*a, Pwmrietor. Stages arrive and depart daily, for all points, north, south, east and went This favorite Hotel has been refitted and urnished by its new proprietor, and know n every respect one of the most pleasant oilntry Hotels in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovers will always find the bestacconaiK vistion*. Per to ns from the city wkhing to spend a few weeks during the summer in the country, will find Centre Hall one of tbe meat beau jful locations and the Centre Hall Hotel ill they could desire for comfort and con venient. ApUm.tr [ < I! SI Til A L H6TBL, Torner TW?A Vj aud Chestnut Street. M ifflinburg, Pa John Shower*, Proprietor. Its Central Location makes it particularly desirable to persons visiting Town on business or pleasure. 11. A. Taylor's Livery Attached. ,uu2a.ly POCKET CUTLERY—aHabakae rt uriceeat IRWINAWtLSQ)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers