The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 05, 1872, Image 3
miK JKNTRg REPORTER I'KIUAY, JAN.a., wia. LOCAT ITEMS. LOCAL XIVS.-Our ft-lend* will oUigv u* hy sending in any Item* ot 'ocai inter est, Winding deaths, w*rrJage*. Ac., a* such are agrly read by yeuft ,w the west, many of whom get th •' L.-porti r. Wo woiddnstcem its favor it o*e Hind pa tron* would oeeaaionally *"*" * the Reporter to relatives and ce* who formerly lived U i outre and ro.aevsd to other par*. wMch o U |3 induce assay to become *bscriber. IMPORTANT TO IU'HINttW MtUS.— The circulation of the UKPOKTICK, on this tide of the oouoty, i* now greater thuu that of any two pap rs MI h. comity, hence buaiue*s mew uho wish £o reach the Pennsvalluy trade, wih advance their own interest.-, by advell tising It. the RKHORTKK. OUR snbscrir lion list is open to the inspection of aW who wish to advertise. Goiwasi FOUNTAIN I*KN.— Something nrw and novel. Bo ure and read the ad vertisement ia our paper, hwdol Ntjyat c-t invention of the Age." We believe ihc Golden Fountain l*en U unsurpassed. A rood pen i a necessity V" -very man, woman and child. Agent*, here I* a chance to make money in Introdueiag * w .v>.l and <nloal*k article. jau 27 y. IWt suffer your hair to tall off when a IKIIIIO or two of Nature's Hair Restorative will check iu Splendidly pertUtwed and as clearaaerystal. All wideawake drug gi-t- >ctl it See mdvertiM'ioont. 21. We are in receipt of Vick* lilu-trwtad IVuKuuv and t torsi Guide tor Wilt It i> ! -cidodly the *nd*ome-t pnated work we have Well thi year. It i elegantly printed oil hue tinted paper, ia two colors, and illu-tratcd with over two huud id ea grariugs of dowers and vegetables, and two colored plates. It contain* over 11* pages, and is the most perfect and beauti ful Catalogue and Floral Guide in the world. Send tea cent* to J attic* Yick, Rochester, N. Y. We had a Christmas turkey. Thanks for it to Judge Low who always has a kind heart for everybody, sad far a democratic editor in jmrticular. The Judge prevented u> wit' a IM specimen of the bird who *}K>k the pure gool-1001-100l varnacular with grammatical precision, aud. of course, we scat him to the gu-gu-guillolin*. We prised this bird all the higher because he catuc without the begging retorted to by many editors, a liuie before thanksgiv ing and ckritUuM, which is su-'b a detest able habit. Long life to our fHead. Judge Love. Mr. Geo. W. (An Jo. formerly of Aarons htirg, runs the express passenger train trom Indianapolis to Si Louis. Were glad to hear fromyou, George, and thank you for your kind offer, and are sorry that circuui . stances will not just now permit us to ee . cepl "A friend in need i* a friend indeed." AH etsbeeriber* larlt on their sub scri|tioue over one year, will please pay up, wo treed the mouey. The doctors have evidently got on the "mow* Our young friend, Dr. Frauk Yan vnlxah, son of Dr. Yanvalxah, of Spring Mills, has located at PotUtia "Mills. . v Dr. Simp Vanvabah intends reinov ,:; V from Boalsburg, to MifHiubtlrg, * Vrc he intends to entbark in a new tlmt is to be opened there. Dr. ■wjffin Woods takes the opening thus Hnde at BoaUburg. v Dr. David At ingle has located at Mill lit iut. Dr. i/oulz has located himself at Su-ar Yalley. One of the most precious commodi ties iu portions of Ohio at this time ie water —almost as precious and as 1 difficult to obtain as bread and meat. We leant from a private letter that in portions of Central Ohio, every well aud spring is drr, and the storms af ford but a scanty supply, many peo ple being compelled to haul their sup plies iW ordinary use four or five mile*. BKA R* KILLED. —Our frit ud, Mr. David Shaffer, of Madison burg, writes lis, Dec. 2bth: Mr. Fred, Kurtz—Sir: —On last Saturday Mr. Daniel Roush weut out to hunt deer, on Kittany mountain, north of this place. His dog* scented a U-ar, and were thereby led to a tree, which, apon examination, contained three bean, oneold one, aud two cube. Fiv#hoU from bis 16-shocter killed the three. How IT WORJCS.—A few days ago. a merchant who has advertised freely iu the REPORTER, for the last three years, told us be felt its good effects and tliat it paid biiu well. The Ke jsorter. on account of its large circula tion iu our county, is now the best ad vertising medium iu the same. RECORDING DEEM.— An instance showing the importance of rwoorrliug deeds within six months from the time of their execution, has occtired in Delaware county— which it will be well to heed here. Property was pur chased by ooe brother from another, aud tlie money paid in monthly instal ments. In the meantime the seller failed, and the deed of the purchase not being on record. The same prop erty Mixed by the Sheriff, and the probabilities now are that the right ful owner will lose it. Mr. Depp, Amodate Judge of Ceu- Ire county, informs us that his mother is in her ninety-sixth year, aud is pos session of good health, and converses freely of events that occurred nearly a hundred yean ago. He says iu the prime sf life, she journeyed with her jMI rents from Winchester, Via., to see the last remains of the "Father of onr Gouutry" consigned to earth. Bbe is now living iu Scot county, Indiana.— Standaad. How is IT —We heard it asserted, that Mr. Birel, the merchant at Lock Haven, who died there a short time ago, of small-pox, had offered 6200 to any parson, who would attend him two days, but without avuil ; also that in another iamily where a sou was dowu with the same disease, he was deserted by his own family and left to die, and that small-pox patients are almost to tally neglected, for want of uuy cue to administer unto them. This were ahockiug if true; and we tiust, and believe, for the good t aiue of that city, that such assertions are false. We were led to believe, from the regula tions made hy the city authorities, that everything was done there that could be expected of a christian com munity, to assist such as are unfortu nate enough to take the small-pox. We trust that Mayor Muokey has done more than put good regulations down ou paper : we knew him too well not to believe that he lias his regula- I ions enforced. But such are the ru mors that reach us, uud wc mention them here so that our cotemporaries of Lock Haven may have an opportuni ty to contradict then if false. .Sane the of railroad hands had a merry christians. The boys got steam up pretty high, and several fights were the result at the Fort, ou christmas, and quite a row in our town, iu the eveuiug of the same day. Some blood was tapped, but fortunately no oue was seriously hurt. MIWIONAKY TO INDIA FROM CKX THK HALL.-— 0 uiutduy morning, 80th uli., Rev. J. li. llarcpicr left this place for Nsw York, from whence he will tail for India, as a missionary un der the auspices of the (tcneral Synod of tho! Lutheran Church <1 the U. S. Mr. llursptcr will he accompanied hy Rev. UaattgaL *ho has already labor ed for 14 year* with the most gratify ing surer*#, among the heathen, of that fat-off Mud hcuightcd land, and who had returned again to this country about a year ago, with his family eon ■i>tiug of wife ami three children that thi-l lativi might he properly educa ted under the eare of their (author, and hence, o|h-II this second trip to the old fie Id of his labors in the great missionary work, Mr. Unangsl will not be accompanied by his family. Rev's Unaiq*t and Harspler, will be the ouly missionaries of the l.u herau Church in India—-it requires courage, self-denial and sacrifices ufuo ordina ry character for 0110 to undertake thia in that distant portion of the world, and hence the candidates arc few. These men go, in obedience to the command af the Master—they go cheerfully, leaving behind them kind friemis, dear relatives, comforta ble homes, ami a great and glorioua country, for the sake of saving the souls of an idolatrous jieuple iu a far otf country. Mar Cod hlcst them aud their labor*. Tlieir mute will be from New York to Southampton; thence through Franco to Marsaillca, thence hy the Mediterranean sea to tha Holy Land, where they will spend about a month in visiting Jerusalem and alher place* of noto in the laud where theme the iter of Behlebeui, af ter which they will proceed by the Suet canal to India, where they will plant the st aiula id of a Saviour un known to hundreds of million*, but for whose redemption lie died. With the hinting of Cod, we trust brother Harpeter mat go on aud conquer in the holycause, until he carries thatstan. •rd to the metropolis of Orissa, one of the chief places of pilgrimage in In dir. where sits enthroned, in a tem ple erected in houurof Vishnu, the idol of this Hindu god, called Jagger uaut, (i. t)lord of the world, made by heathen hands. On Friday evening, previous to the departure of our young friend and townsman, Kev. Harpster, a missionary meeting was held in the Lutheran church of this place. Present were Rev. Edmumi Wolf of Baltimore. | Revs. Harapter aud Miller. Addresr es fitting sucli an occasion were made by each of these ministers, Rev. Harp" ater closing his remarks with a touching farewell to his relatives aud friends. The exercises were opened by (he cltoir singing that glorious old hymn. "Front Greenland* icy tains," uud at the close of the addresc* was announced the hymn, "Yea, my native Irnd, I love thee," after the benediction, many of tlx** present went toi ward to bid Mr. Harsptcr good-bye, and give hitu, probaly their last expressions of love and esteem, wishes for a happy voyage and suc cess in the good work, lie has vol untarily undertaken. Centre Hal I feels proud in the houor that is hers of having furnished a missionary to such a field ; and far greater honor is due to him who has thus gone from our midst, and the "Giver of all good jjiflii," will amply reward him —he ({ties in obedience to His command,"to preach the Gospel to all mankind." Rev. Harpsters in Wroxs iu ludia, will lie " Ountur, Madras Presidency, India, via Southampton. It will take letters about 45 day* to reach him from this country. He will be a cor, respondent of the REPORTER, and be. iu£ a young man of talent aud highly intelligent, hi* letter will be .highly interesting to all, aud ba read with eageruew*. His first letter will relate to us what he saw in the Holy Land. Apertaining to the subject of this artic le, we copy the following from a Balti more paper: ORDINATION" OK A MISSIONARY. — Services e onnected with the ordi uatiou of Rev. J. H. Harspter, a licen tiate of the Maryland Synod of the English Lutlu-raii Church, who de signs going to India as a missionary, look placs last night at St. Mark's Lutheran Church, on Eutaw street, be tween Saratoga and Mulberry streets. Among the ministers present were Rev. Dr. Sadtler, president of the Maryland Synod ; Rev, Dr. Albert of Germautowu. Fa.; Kev.Dr. Wedekiud, chairman of the foreign mission board; Rev. Dr. Unangst, fourteen years a missionary in India; Kev. Frof. Baugb er, Rev. Dr. Dr. McC'ruw, Rev. Mr. Butler, chaplaiu of the HoUtffc of Representatives ; Rev. Mr. Stork, Rev. Mr. Weiiner.ofNew York, aud others. The introductory set vices wer coo ducted hy Prof. Baughei; after which mormon, having njx-cial reference to th occasion, was preached by Rv. Dr. Albert, from the 3rd verve of 2nd chapter of Acta. Altai the sermon lite candidate for ordination came for ward to the ultcr, and the ordination service from the ritual was then con ducted hy Kev, Dr. Sadtler, who, with Rev. Dr. Wedrkimi, Rev. Mr. Un angst and Ilev. P. Bergotrcsser, per formed the impressive ceremony of lay ing ou of bunds. Rev. Mr. lhirgrtrt*- atr presented the newly ordained with a certificate of ordinatiou. Addresses were made ly Rev. Mr. Uuaugel and the newly ordained min ister. Rev. Mr. Harspter will leave with Rev. Mr. Unangat for ludia on the 6th of January. He is from Centre llall, Pa., is about twenty eight years of age, and served during the late war as a captain in the .Union army. Tha missionaries propose going to ludia by the overland route, and will visit Jeru salem on the way out. Before the con clusion of the sery icus last night there was exhibited three fine sets of silver cum muuiou set vice, all presented hy mem bers of the Church of the Messiah, in Philadelphia,oue hy Kev. Dr. Conrad and wife, to he sent to the church at Guuten, India ;oue by MissKitzmillcr, to be sent to the church at Paluoud, Hindustan, and the other hy Rev. Dr. Stalk, to be sent to the church at Muhlenberg Africa. The sets unsign ed for the churches in India will be sent along with Bev. Messrs. Uuaugst and Harspter, and the other will be sent to Africa by steamer. The REFOBTEB has the largest pow- I er preea in central Pennsylvania. We wish all the readers of Rc|>orter a hnppy, happy New Year. May 1872 have health and prosperity for all, and may |ieaoe reign on earth and good will among all its inhabitants, is uur wish. ■ • Sarah Scyiuour, aged Ihyeara, of Atl • twp., Bradford couuty, Pa., after six yonia piece work, has liuishc.l a bed quilt enntainiug five thousand thicc hundred and fitly five pieces And wheu Sarah gala martini, that quilt will nut keep her aud her "huu •)' auv warmer than any other quilt Ol four thousand leva pieces. Your quilt Hi rah, has just .'320 pit ret more lhali ncocaaary, and five year* uiu mouths fit* dot. lab >r spent up u it; aijth s rate, Sarah, if you iutcud getting mar ried, you tuual commeuce work litre* years bcfuic baud, on your first cradle quilt. W would uot ad viae any of uur Ccutre couuiv girl* tu *|cud so much precious time, upou such arti cles. - • % MM SAHUATH SCIDKU. KLSTIVAL —The Kilt' of the Aarvnburg|lteformcd Sabliath School, on utw year's even ingjwas a grand affair and a perfect success. 'I he church was crowded, and the best sf order prevailed. The church was tate:ully decorated with avcrgreeu, aud appropriate mot toes were inacribed around the faciug ofthe galleriaa. Front of the pulpit was a fins tree, groaning with gilts the cost of which was not leea than S2OO, and which were duly distributed ton delighted aud happy achool. Some of the leathers received very hand some presents from their classes. Short aud appropriate addressee were deliv ered by I'rof. Kieffer, Rev's Engl* and Reiter. The muaic, under the lead of 2/nu. J. is. Meyers, was charming ; and your correspondent was espeicaiiy pleated with the performance of two pieces from Christina* Chimes, "The Star of Bethlehem" ami "The Babe of Bethlehem." All concerned were pleased, and the affair, upon the whole, u very creditable to the achool. A SRNCTATUM FESTIVAL Panii Hall U. 8. 8. held iu annual fvatival in tba Academy, on new-yuan avening. Tits bouas was fllicU at an early hour. Tba sierxi *■* upsutol with a piaca ot utuak by tLa v hool. lien liuchanan, ia bcbalf uf tba school ospreaayd bis hapuiuras in so many prc.snt; also kind word* of walcosos to our worthy friend, Rav. D M. Wolf, who ro.pouJad in an aloqucnt and iaterasting adlie*s. The trac, groaning with luscious girts, was then stripad af iu pruseuU for the choUr* and teacht-rs After the school girt* some private gitU were bestowed on Rw. D. M. Wolf, Oen. Buchanan, W. C. M Cool, Mrs. liuise, Miss C. Herring. Mis* L. Miller, and others. Much credit is due Gan. Buchanan, J. U.Fisher, Wm. Wolf Mrs. Uuiae, Mrs. Hanna. and a boat of ladies and geatleaxn who labored so faithfully to make it a suc cess. W. The Madisoaburg Sabbath school bad a Cue Christmas tree mad festive! on christiuas evening. ScDDKJf DKATH.—On last Tueeday Mr. Ilouts, of Benuer twp., while driv ing through BoaUburg in company with his wifa, dropped dead in his wagou opposite Dr. V an VaJxah's office. Ilia death was cause J by heart disease. Ttaehrn lwtilatr. CUUKCBVILLB Dec. int.— The third Semi-monthly Institute of Potter township, was held at the above place, Saturday Dec. lath. After roil call and devotieuai ex ercises, the minutesof the previous meeting were read and adoptad. Quit# a large at tendance of both teachers and citisens graced the meeting with their presence. Before the reguler programme opened, T. J. Frederick read an interacting essey, en titled '"The Pennsylvania School Sys tem." I'ndrr the bead of School Government, the following questions were put end ans wered : W bat is tba beet method of teach ing the Alphabet.—Mr. McAlrvy detailed hi* experience in an interesting manner. In what does the perfect organisation of a school consist? Opened by J. L. Spang ler. Aft-r a detailed account of proper claoßcalion, meaner of calling out and dhuiissing claseee, Diode of recitation, re cti**, rigulstiue of talking, leaving tealt, play on the grounds, conduct ou streets Ac, he concluded that there were two radical draw backs to e perfect organisa tion of our schools: Irregularity of attend ance and shortness of term Frederick, Kunkle, Stevenson, and other* frceley ex pressed their view* ou disputed point* of propriety. After the postponement of Klecutioa by Mr. Stevenson til) our next meeting, Mr. Spungler sketched the "Senses and Sensa tion, ou the board tor drill and discus sion. On account of its length we cannot publish it. The order of exercises was then read as follow*: Essay, J. L. Spangler, Elocu tion, S. F. Stevenson, and conception and Perception ia Mental Science, on motion of J. L Spangler it was moved that the ninetem teachers of Fotter township close their schools on Christmas week end attend the county Institute CM MUISSS. Adjourned to meet at Potter* Mills. Saturday after Institute 9 o'clock, A. M. The Secretary is glad to state through J. L. Spangler for the benefit of the teach ers, that the school Board will pay each teacher three dollars for attending the County Institute three days in succaesiou Teachers, take notice 1 W. V. KI?VXLB Sec. J. T. FaxPtetcs. Pres. ACCIDXMTS.—Oa last Friday, whilst a Get 111*11 pedlar of Bellafonte • driving through Aarousburg, his horse ran off, sad turning towards ths sids walks, his wagon struck a tree in front ot Ming la's stwrs hurting ths psdlar upon ths pavement, cutting snd bruising his fac* severely. A railroader frotu ths Kuisreld Isle, having s load of bsnsins 00, at Millbeim. on hut Ssstuiday evening, lost his squib briuut, and iu falling rscsivsd a Urril Is gash on ths sids of his toes. QRPHANS COURT SALE.— Pursuant to an order of ths Orphans Court of Centra county, will bs sold at public talc, on the premises in Grsgg twp., in - aid county, on Thursday, Jan. Z&th, 18"'2. A valuable tract of land situate in said twp., of Grsgg, bounded by lauds of Jacob Smith, Dsn is I Runkle, Wm. UmU el, and others. Containing itf acres more or 1 osa about twelve acres of which is cleat - id. The improvements are a dwelling house, a stable, snd other out buildings, now in occupancy of J. M. liublsr. Sale to coinuience-sl 1 o'clock, of said day. J NO. B. LKITEKLL. Guardian for the minor bsirs of Samuel ilarshbarger, dee'd. YYY ATCUM AKKR SHOP. I would respectfully inform ths citlssns of Centra Hall and vicinity, that I have established a jewelry shop in Milroy, for repairing clocks, watches, and jewelry. All work left for repairs will bs prointly attended to and repaired in ths most ap firovcd style. an6.Bt. J. O. KINO. ADMINISTRATORS NOTlCK.—Let ters of sdministrstions dt tonus nun CMM tcsio antxo on the estate of Nancy Kunkle, late of Potter twp., dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. A. LUKKNBACH, j*n&.6t. Administrator. EXECUTORS NOTICX-LETTER. T#S lainentarv on the estate of Oeurgo Kunkle, late of Potter twp., dee'd, have been granted to ths undersigned. All per. sons knowing themselves indebted to said <>tate will make immediate payment, aud those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlemuut. AARON LUKKNBACH, jano.Ot. Executor. DMINJSTKATORS NOTlCE.—Let ters of administration to the estate of Jacob Muster, late of Ore gff twp., Ceatre county, dee'd., having been granted the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make 1 mmediateset tlement, and those bat ing claims to pre i oeuttbem duly authenticated foi pa\ stent. SAMUEL HERRING, Ijan6.6t. Administrator. xre Twmsofl " TNI lit 11 till IT" sea Priia, Strei, Woairii til Limm* V BUY IT! TRY IT I ! i}d 4|u, . Ur Pii# Cur# 0/ F#rXjum#tinj,. , . Ut# Phis Cur#Jnl. Far N\*l F -,., tint Pai# Cu/Oil. Far FtvXisoH Ui# Pif CjN Oil Far CbolwV Iforbui, . Ui# Piif iCru Oil. Far Spraini\ .. . . Uia Oil Far HudichiV .. . Uia Paft Cura Oil. Far Br aim, . , Uu JAi# Cura Oil Far Carai and BuVwu, Uy P* 9 Cura Oil Far lay Sore, . Jffie Pxi# Cura Oil. Far 4>y Uqrneai,. YAj* Pii# Cura OiL VSISI b"'l#MWlUl*f*, AeJ *• iWS,,, Mwlw, lit saasl. t'ssJ KiimUFji ssf iLttUli He aa*ar /wo hUawt. Ask hr PAIIf/ribkk OIL A* a* Mktr, tw we yiUtlT IT TO \t:-. It I* But iUm* swesutn* ptpnudbsl • seutit- M IBS ,'gfeMHt Hil, (!\ r/ tat*. itw ut Jr ui I* chu *J ••>* l* as* \ Ml by all DreagM* wet latltn ta NUkk rait u, u taiTN. MvCIURC 4 IATON, Nor* tie**, Wo had a Utile rain fowartla the clow ufia*(wet-b. Monday and Tut-a day were delightful daya, ju*l like •pring; Wcdrnwday cloudy and inili- CAlioua fbraoow or rain. DEATHS. On SUI ult., in George* Valley, of palty, Mr. Nicholas Vatiada. On "JUth I let in Meilville, Clayton to., lowa, ol small poa, Aaron Parker, son of Samuel Parker, of Potters Mill*, this county, aged 10 year*. I month, and 6 day*. tin the Slit, ult., in George* valley, of Apoplexy, Nicholas Yenada, aged &Syears, U tuotub> and U day*. MARRI AGES Cu the 71st ult., at tbo residence of tbe bridee pareuu, by Kev. 8. D. Benaii.gtou, MrJubnU. fSbull. af Cumberland co.. Pa., to Mis* Sallte K Wagner, of Potter twp., Centre county, IV Ob the 21*1 ult, at tha Reformed P*r *aage *t Bellefonlo, I.* Kr l>. M. Wolf, Mr, Emanuel Kn, of Rentier twp., to Mitt Rachel M Ihiey ot Herri* twp OB (lit £H!I ult. t( lh# residence of the bride* ptrtnU. by D. M. Wolf,i Mr. 8. J. Ltriar. of Redott. 111., to MU Vtry A. Uerthbarger, of Zion, Ft On lb* 2o(h ult, *l BeUefuiile, by J. f . Utpbtri, KM , ttliii uflrt, Mr. John Fi ler*, t" Mitt t'kttiio A. Waller*, both of B*aaer Jtw|> On tb|2Utult* at the residence of the bride* parmlt, near Milroy. bv tbe Ktr. J. W. Whita. Mr. Jeuuw C RuaUe. of Potior twp, to Mtot Mary J. V. Alexander, of Milroy, Pa. OatbaStib ult, by Ktr. M. Stoat Mr. Michael Docker, to Mi** Butan Altera, both of Centre eo. Oa ult, by tbe aamo Mr. Joba Dunn of Williamtport, to Miw Sutan Boca, of Centra co. On Klit ult. at Centre Hall Lutheran tr toaage, by Rev. J. Xeller Miller Mr Howard llomau, and Mia* Sarah K. South. both of Oregg townthip. Oa tbeSQlb ult, at Lutheran Partenage, ia Centre Hall, by Kev. J. K Milter, Mr Calvin 8. Bottort to Mia* K. L. Luken bacb, both of Poller twp., WAR! WAR! (Mi High Prices. GREAT EXCITEHENT. 11. K. MMITIf, uf Potter* Mill*. N E W G 0 ORS ! W* would iuot re*pcH-tfully ioffoui hi. : friend*, cuiluuitrt, and the public gener ally, that he ha* taken po*#e**ion ofj Thompson's old quarter., whieh have been remodeled and impruved, and i* now pre- j pared to accoiniiuAjata all who may favor hiui by calling. NEW UOOIW! He ba jul received one of tha large.t •lock* or all kind* of Merchandise aver! brought to Centre county. which be intend, to aall at *cub tigurv* a* will make it aa ob jact lor all pvroii* to purcba*a. Familto* laying in winter tupplio* of Grucari**,, Ac., *liould not fail to give; hint a call, a* bo feel* confident hi* price* > and superior quality of good* will amply) •aliafy all. Uia ttock of groceries cuittUU of Coffee* of the butt quality, Tan*. Sugar* of all kind*. Molaatet,; Fie, Salt, Ckeetw Dried Fruit, Spic*#, Provititat, i Flour aud Feed, Ac., Ac. Our alock ofl UKYUUODS ia larg* and varied, and w* will ju*t *ay can tupply any article in that line, with out enumerating. UEADYM ADECLOTIIINO * large toek of rndy-uade Clothing for Man and Boy*' wear, which wa will dipo* of at a very *inall advauc* on coat. Boot* and Shoe*. Hat* and Cap*, 'l* rJ * ware, Oueentware, Wood and Willow Ware. Notion*, Faucy Good*, Carpel*. Oil cloth*, Wall Paper*. Window Shade*, A* . ociJH ly. CENTRE HA LI. FOUNDRY and Machine Shops. Van Pelt A Co. Tha undersigned, bating leased Ike above establishment, announce to the pub lic that the same will ba carried on in all its various branches, as a FOUNDRY, MACHINE SlloF, ami Manufactory of Agricultural Implements, They arc prepared to till, upou shortest no tice, all orders for Hortiti Power* Threshing Machines 11 ay Rakes, PLOWS and Plow Castiuga of every description, all kind* of Castings made and lilted up lor Mill*, Forgo*, Furnace*, Factories, Ac. Also, everything in the line of SHAFTINGS, PULLIKS HANGERS, in Iron or Bra**. We employ the bust Patternmakers. Our Patterns arc new and of tbu latest improved plans. Alstfmaimfaclure the unrivalled ROU6H & READY Corn Planter, m which*is the best now made. All orders by mail promptly alien ded to ldec7ltf WE.). M'Maiiigal WHOLES ALE anil RETAIL DEALER IN Foreign k Domestic * hi,j' | . i Mr IN lilS NEW UUILDIMG Milroy HPKCIAI, INDUCEMENTS OFKKUKD m Nails, Nail*, Nail*, Nail* I Glass, Glut. Glass, Giaaa! Licks, Luke. Lock*, Lock* 1 Hinges, Hinge*. Hitigcu, liingca! Screws, Screw*, Screw*, Screw#! Oil; I'aints. k Fully. gg*Sp*ril ItnluM-tiienU^ffi MrTo Carriage Maker* i Kl.tck-itiitlis, for I lulw, Hpukie, Kim*. Carriage Oil Cloth ami Lilting*, I roil, Iron, Irun, Iron! Horseshoes and Nail Rode, Blister A Cast Steel, Horse Nail*, ami Steel Toca, and a very large asaorlntent of Carriage Dolts. jtf*Spriiil lialucomrnU 4N To Housekeepers for Wallpaper, Wallpnjier, Wallpaper! From lOcts to $1 per bolt. Coal Hod* and Shovels, Tea Kettles, Pans, and Skillets, Lard (lans, Wartle Iron*, Toa iters, Butcher Knivea, Dread Knives, all kink* of Cultlerv. LAMPS of every de scription, to Carpenters for Saws, Planes, Chisels, Drawknives, Braces and Ditts, Ac. To Farmers and every body else, for whatever they want in tuy line. I keep a general as sortment of WOOD A WILLOW WAUK such as Duckets, Tubs, half Bushels, Peek measures, Basket*, Ac. Trunk*, Valiuei, & Traveling buiri, Sleigh Bells, Sleigh Runners, Fenders and Shaft*. FA li.M KUS. MERCHANTS, A MECHANICS, Please give me a rail, or send for prices. You will find a general assortment of every tiling |K>rt*ining to the Hardwaie trade. &.I would ask Painters DHjuto give my Varuuhos a Haft rial. I have just re- MT'eeived front New York H*X.a large Stock of Vurni- MTshi's, such as rtIttNITOUK, OOAI'It, WHITE UKHAK, WKAIiINO BO DY, CAKRUtIK BO DY, DK.VIN 1U)HHI80, ASH PIIALTUX Ulld JAPANS, J. T. I.KWIS A IlltO. WHITE LEAD, always oil hand. Orders Respectfully solicited* Wm. J. MeManigal. IdecSm Stoves! Fire!Stov's! At Andy Reaamau'a, Centre Hall, are latest and bu*l stove* out, he ha* Just received a large lot of Gtok Stove*, the I'iouoer Cook, , the Eoli|M Cook, the Kill utile Cook. PAKLOKH-Tbc Radiant Light, *elf<fee •lor, Gas Humor, National Hgg, J..a oil, he. itt>ll "lit duvm i, LUW a* anywhere ia Miltloi or Centre eo. -#• TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE Tbe undersigned hereby inform, th cltlaun* of PennsvaHcy that he Ua pur chased tbo Tiusbop heretofore carried on by tbo C. U Ml * Co., and ail. continue tbo •aiuo, at tbo old •land, In all IW branch es, in the uianufacturo of NTOVK PIPS A M'OI I I VtJ, All kind* of repairing done, lie hat at way* ou hand Fruit Can®, of ail Sixea, BUCK ITS, I curt*. DIPPKKB, DlsllKS, AC. All work warranted and charge* reasun able. A .bare of the public MtroHM so licited. AND. RKKHMAN •i...,,70y Centre Hall ' Kf AT 1 £T" J\ Office ofthe Lewisbutg. Centre and Spruce Creek K H. Co. Philadelphia J una 18th, '7l. Notice L hereby given that tbe lrt in sUlment of tve dollar* per *hare, to tbe capital U>ck of the Low tabu rg, Centre and Spruce Creek Hail Koad Co,. üb*cribed in the town*bip of Herri*, Potter, Gregg, Penn and Uaine*. Centre county, will be payable n tin- flr*t day of July 11171, and üb-<-t|ueiit instalment* of Ive dollar* per share, will be due and payable on the Bret day it each succeeding month until the whole L paid. Payment* of the above ia sulmenu are hereby required to be made to tbe treasurer of tbe Company, at tbe office of tbe Centre County Banking Com pany Bcllefontr Pa. JOSFPU LRNLKY, Treasurer. N II Any person c wiring can pay the whole ok at once. If payment* are nut puacluaily made tbe law allow* one per coal. | mii month to be charged in addition. Oixtii Hall Coach Manufao tory. Levi Murray, at hi* at Centra Hall, Pa., keepa oa hand, and for sale, at the moat reasonable rate* a large slock of Carriages, Buggies, A Spring Wagons, Plai* and Fuel, land vehicle* of every description made to •rder. and Warranted, to be made of thej : best seesoned material, and by the most! J •killed and competent workmen. Person* | wanting anything in ki* linear* requested j is call and examine bi* work, they will Bad | it not to be excelled for durability and! | wear. aprSMly.! J. A J. HARRIS. NO. 4. BROCKKKUOFF HOW A new and complete Hardware Store hat j been opened by tbe uuJerlgned in Brock erhoC# new building—where they ere pre pared to sell all kind* of Building and llous, Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nail*, j Buggy wheels in sett*. Champion Clothe* Wringer, Mill Saw*, Circular and Saws, Tennan Haw*, Webb Saw*, IceCrwan | Frosuter*. Bath Tub*, Clothe* Hacks, a ful. assortment of Ola>* and Mirror Plate of at i | ise*. Picture Frame*, Wheelbarrows, i Lamps Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spoke* ! Felloe*, and Hub*, Plow*. Cultivator*. Corr : Plows. Plow Point*, Shear Mold Boards ! and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov *l*, Spades and Fork*. Lock*, Illngea, Screw*. Hash Springs, Horse-Shoes. Nails, Norway Rod*. Oils. Lard, Lubricating, ■ Coat, Ltaseed, Tanner* Anvil*, Vice*. Bel. lows, Screw Plates, Ulackxiiith* Tool*. ! Factory RelL, House Bell* Dinner Bell*, itioiic llells,Toe B<-)l*,Grindstone*, Carpen ter Too!*, Fruit Jar* and Cans, Paint*, Oil*, Varnishes received and for sal* at ).in& t28,1y. J. <h J. IIA KRIS. A JARRKTT dealer* in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS alto all the STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES A very larva as sortment or TOI LET ABTICLES, FAICT Hood* Soap*, Jt>'., Ac., The finest qual ity of KAa o a STEEL, POCKET K S I v ES, Sci*AOA* and H irons. WALL Pirn i* GREAT VARIETY. PRESCRIPTIONS, compounded by comj potent druggist* at alt hour*, day or night. Night customer* |>u I night ball. ZKLLRK A JARRKTT. Bishop St., Bellefonte Pa. Junlfi 1 CENTRE HALL Tan lard. Tha undersigned would respectfully In form the citiscn* of Centre county, that the above Tan Yard will again be put in Dill operation, in all it* branches, by them. HIDES AND BARK WANTED. The highest market price wilt be paid for Hide* of all kinds. The highest mar ket price will also be paid for Tanner 1 * Hark. The public patronage it solicitad Satisfaction guaranteed. dcS.tHf MILLKK A BADGER. IJItOCKKRIIOFK HOUSE, Allegneacy Street, Bellefonte, Pa. I). JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietors. A riKMTULA** HOTEL, COM YOBT ABLE ROOtfh PROMPT ATTENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN OONVKNIEN CKS-AND REASONABLE Charges. The proprietors offer to the traveling public, and to their country ftlende, first class accommodations and careful atten tion to the wants of guest* at all timet, at fair rata*. Careful hostler* and good stable ling for horstu. An excellent table well servod. A Bar supplied with tine liquors. Servants well trained and aver/thing re quisite in a first cla>* Hotel. Our location it in the business part of the town, near the Post Office, the Court House, the Chur ches. the Banks, and the p incipal place* of business, renders it the most eligible place for those who visit Bellefoeta on busi or pleasure. An Omiiibu* will carry passenger* and baggage to and front all train* froc of charge. DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL fowling pieces at apKYtW. IRWIN A WILSON. J AND AT PRIVATE SALE. A lot of land, lying in Gregg township, on the bank* of Poniis creek, between Penn Hall and Spring Hills, is oflorod at private ulu. It adioiu- land* of Geo. Buchanan and L. B. M'lntire, containing 24 ACRES more or loss. About 8 acre* consist of first class white pine timber, tho balance cleared and under cultivation—6 acres are meadow. For further particulars apply to 0. H. liENNICK, 18oct,tf Oregg twp. Young and Devling. CITY STORE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The Urgent ud bfwt MtoftßMt of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hoots. & Shoes, Notions &<• in the county, give ua n trial and *v* from Ift to 20 percent, on your pur cbaan. iulySW. • Graham & Son. Boot&Skoe Makers Neat door to Wagoner & Sou'* Slow lie I IcfoUL'. We mai.uftclure to order. Our work I* neat and durable Our price* are very moderate. We warrant to give Mtiifaction. , We have the LA BO EST and BEST ' ttock of Ladie'* and Children'* *hoet in town. We are receiving good* every week. We wiah an examination of our good*. The Pcntitvallcy trade l especially in vited to call and tee our sloe'-, we think j we can plea** all who call a* to itylee, quality, and price*. We Hudy to render •alufaction, and although we have had aa < extended trade tor year*, we have aever given n eutomcr cnuie to complain. tcptlS tf. I AllAltH, acrxOLb'e new xtttu e raxT. mauor at, Bcllcfuntc. W INKS A S D L I Q U O R* The *uh*eriber re*peclfully call* the at tention f the public to hi* •latablikluu nt, where bo it nrcpeied to furui.b all kind*of Foreign and Domestic Liquor*' wholesale at the lowel catb price*, which are warran ted to be the beat qatlllicn according to their rotpcctivc j rice*, lli* *tock con*t*U of Rye, MonongaJtela, lri*h and other WhUkie*, all kind* of ilrandh-*. Holland Oin, Port, Maderia. Cherry, Blackberry and other Wine*—the be.t article*—at a reasonable rate* a* can bo had in tbe city, Champagne, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger and Carraway Brand ie.. Pure Jamaica ahd New England Rum, Cordial of all kind.. He would particularly invite Parmer*, Ho tel keeper, and other* to call and examine hi* large *upp)y, to judge for them.elr.-. and be certain or procuring what they buy, which can teldom be dune when purcbtu ng in tbe city. ftr- Phytician. are retncctfully requested o give hi* liquor* a trial. a pit) Wnll Paper, cheap from 12 to 20 c*nt per Ul ta llrtln L r' BtJFFA LO 80A LKH. of the best make front 4 lbs up to IJrt.UftU b*. apiO'Oft. Uwixi WIUAX. DRY miARIW, Plank Tad Scantling for sale by ItWIX t WlLaoV. aplOO CROSS ('I T AND MILL SAWS, be make at lawtx a WlLao*. aptO'QH PIIMPS! Wooden Pumps, AND PIPING. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention oftbccitiacn* oftTenlrecounty, and Peniuvalley in particular, to the fact that he is manufacturing YM£ IBX&T PUMP, made at home or elsewhere. He use* none but the b< t material, IIKW ARREST* THEM to give satisfaction, at being the most last ing and durable, aur KAMA TO THE OLD wooden pump, being arranged to let the water off and prevent Irecung in winter. Pine, poplar or cucuiuher pump* always on hand, nit raatiria! for puuip* It all tawed from large timber, aud are thus Secured Against Checkingor Cracking. All order* bv mail promptly filled. PIPING, niadeofthe beat material, of five inch scantling, joined together wth coupling blocks, thoroughly banded, and wai ranted to stand any pressure required for ordinanr uae. Prices of piring range from I*2 to 18 cents per foot. Send orders to J. TELLER. Milesburg, Pa A SSIGNKK S NOTICE /V Notice it hereby given that Meslamt Reese, of Gregg townhip. County of Cen tre, Penn'a, by deed of voluntary assign ment, has assigned all the estate, real and personal, of the said Mevlaine Reuse, to John Rishel, Gregg township, county and State aforsaid, in trust for the benefit of the creditor* of the said Meslame All persons, therefore, indebted to the said Me*- lame Reese will make payment to the said Assignee, and those having claim* or de mand*. will make known the saute without delay. l&dcc.Gt JOHN RISIIKL, Assignee. FOR SALE. Tho undersigned has a tract of timber land, healed between the Bruh and Thick Mountains, nearly due south of Re bersburg, containing 171 acre*, which he offers for rale. It is well timbered, and eav of access from Brush Valley. tor all desired information call on the undersigned. C. H. RKITEK. lSocttf Aaronsburg, Pa. IXLER-jTH( >TK I.r Wmd ward," Pa. Stages arrive and depart dally. This favorite hotel is now in every respect one of the most pleasant country hotels in central Pennsylvania. The traveling com munity will always find tho best accommo dation. Drovers can at all times be accom modated with stables arid pasture tor any number of cattle or horses. Julyß'oßtf UKO. MILLKK. SPINDLK BKKINS for wagon*, all si Bos, at the sign of the Anvil. aulOTiH. Ikwik a Wii.son. LAMPSOF EVERY VARIKTV and I kind at aplO\Gß IRWIN Je WILSON'N. IjtXKCUTORS NOTlCE.—Letters Tes j tamcntary on the Estate of John Km ert, lato of Harris township dee d, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present thorn properly authenticated for settlement. I JOSIAH NEFF, u0v24.6t. Executor. HOt'hK AND LOT FOlt HALK. Thu gAderaigntHJ offer* at urifato •*!• >■( hue -•*! lot, Church lr< rt, dealt Hall. The hou>- I# a new two frame* building, one of the Ineet in the n<-ii(l)i>orh<Nl, and In one of the lt location* in the town. There i new •table noon (he 1t. Pr father particu lar* apply to ALEX SHANNON. •eptXLtf jThe First * and the Best! The largest & CHEAP ESI j xtock FALL GOODS! JUST UN PACK IHO At KELLER A M USHER, in Hro.kerboff"* block, ll*.bp Street, ttellefoiile, where Here jut opened the heat, c tow peat largo* M well ai the heal auoftrd t-ok uftJewh ua Heiiefonu. HERE LADIES, I* the place to buy your Silk*, Mohair. I Mozambique*, Kej>, Alptru. lhUw Lant, lirillieiiu, Mualtua, GaUaaa*, TVk inc. Flanrl., Opera KlaiuU Ladie* LUI tieftU (.'loth*, Ladle* tiacque*, Whit* | Pekay. Linen TabieClutlu, Counterpane* Crib Counmrp*M< White end OiUrw Carlton, Nankin*, interring* andltdgiftfi White La< ■. Zephyr A Zephyr Pel tern*, Tidy Cotton. Sknwl*. Workßnckei HOOF SKIRTS, (Thread Huiery, Pan*, Bead.hewine hADIjwS AND MISSKS SHOE* FANCYGOODS OK NOTION LINJs t on GENTLEMEN, Reedy made Cludiiu of Every I>i j scripUott, far Mai ami Boy*. Their Mock of QUKKNSW ARK * GIH | CRKIKS CUM be cxrtlM ia quality j prior. Call hi at tha I'll tied ninbiaStore and ooa : vince younmlva* that KKLLKBA MUft 'SKK hare any thing you want, and do be iin* on the principle oftiuick Sale* am . i Small Proiu." .apAO.g oaaia aeoraoßPcs aae VAKBV GREAT FLOOD! Tun* of Dry Good*, Groceries, No tion*. Hardware, Ileady -made Clothing, and thoaaauda of other article* jOARRIKD OFF AND LANDED AT Cheap Store of-*g Herlacher & Cronmiller, CENTRE HALL, PA and now offered at prices lower than the lowest. Dry Good*, Notion*, OrocerMa, Hard ! ware, ijuowMwara, Wood and willow ware Iron, Salt, Fith and in fact, a w*|*ilMi j assortment of over) thing GOODS VERY NRAIt AT THE OLD PRICES. Ifress Goods ■ 1 A most beautiful variety, rou*i*tiag of all ' the iwrrlltM of the season, " I white panL, embroideries, boon akirta, BALMORAL HKIRi.,, All we ask that you wip - CALL AND EXAMINE OCR STOCK ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, 1 lver plated and Ynnkea llarnoa* donhie ju<l tingle, bridle* and halter*. Apr I ACA ltl —We have rensuvad g|hpdßk >i<J j to the Bush llou.e end are telling out our jttock left from the Ire at bargain*. We I ar* settling up our book* and accounts and j will be much obliged to one end *ll to call ] and settle their account*. W* would say jto our numerous Irienda and customers, to (.lease accept our sincere thaaks for the ' generous |>alronage they have always he- I stowed on us. BURNBIDK A THOMAS. I * '1 ! t itxTli N K \VH FOR THE PEOPLE. Groat Attraction and Great Bargains I ' nil K undersigned, dotarmind to meet the X popular demand for Lower Prices, re ' spectrally call* the attention of tba public to his tiock of SADDLERY, now offered at tbe old stand. Designed **- pcviallv for tbe people and the titans, the lar gest and most varied and complete assort ment of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, of every description and quality; Whips, and in fact everything complete to e Arst class establishment, be now offers et prices which wilt suit the time*. 11 A better variety, a better quality or Anar -tyle of Saddlery baa never before beea of | fcered to the public. Call and examine our | took and be satisfied before purchaalags elfewhere. Determined to please my patron* and i thankful for the liberal share of patronage . heretofore enjoyed. 1 respectfully solicit * continuance of tbe same. JACOB DINGK3, Centre Hall JBWIN A WILSON arc constantly re ceiving new goods in their line HARDWARE ofevery description price*—now being opened every day aplVfih. j WJ. B. KTTKLK'S 11IOLESALM WINK A LIQUOR STORE Bishop street, Hellefbate, in the Stone buil ding iornteriy occupied by tbe Key stone Bakery) • Takes pleasure in informing tbe public that lie keep* constantly on hand a supply o< choice Foreign and Domestic Liquors. All tUirrcU, Keg* and Cask* tonrrmnUd to contain the quantity rtprtmenttd. The attention of practicing physicians is ; > ailed to his stock of PITKK LIQUORS, suitable for medical purposes. Bottles, jug*, and demijohns constantly on hand, lie has the ONLY PURE NECTAR WHISKY in town. All liquors are warranted to give satis faction. Liquors will be the quart, barrel, or tierce. He has a large lot ot BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grades on hand. Confident that be can please customers he rospeciAilly solicits asltare of public pa£ t run age mytfitf COACH MANUFACTORY. HARDMAN PHILUPB, AT 11 IS manufacturing establishment at Yeagertown, on the Lewistown and Bollefonto Turnpike, has now on hand a fine stock of Carriages, Buggies, Sulkiet and Spring Wagons, which he now offer* for sale a* superior in quality and styles tc anv manufactured in the country. They are made of the very best seasoned stock by first class practical workmen, and finished in * style that challenge* comparison with anv work out of or in the Eastern cities anil can he sold at lower prices than thoes manufactured in large towns and cities, amidst high ronts and ruinous prices of liv ing. Being mentor of his own situation, anxious to excel in his artistical profession and free from any annoyances in his busi ness, he htt* tiiuc and ability to devote hi* entire attention to bis profession and hi* customers, rendering satisfaction alike tc all patron#, operative*, hi* country, and himself. Call and examine hi* stock and learn hit price*, and you cannot fail to he satisfied. REPAIRING of all kinds done neatly, promptly, tu easonably. Yeagertown, June 12, 1868 —ly • ygnniTUßZi AT REDUCED PWCBB! ALL UN DROP FUBNITU RE AY THE "MAMMOTH" Furniture Store! THOMAS LINN, On Allegheny Street, Beilefanle, Pane a T ADOPT lbs. method of toformlat > 1 friend, that I bare pur*k**ed intemiof Henry P. Itrri in the above named eetablLfcmant Mr. Herri* haefep retired from the free, Will Continue the Bulne of Manufacturing all kindj ofJParaltir* a. hi* old (tend or Howard Si Me alet, make, a tpeadaity flf Ug*rtaSt3ftf la all Sa branch**. The to* of <*■*, a Good Unarm at all time* oa band. •' faatral will be attended Id by Ulin lapw •on His many year* of eaperieuot will rmwimnt him a* ae of the OLDEST AND BEST UNDERTAEEK 1 In the State. Alt order* PROMPTLY FILLED. (MmktMi.MhUli,*n.a Allegheny Street. THOMAS UNN, JieHHoate Fa. adST.Iy. On Marriage. |Sn''' A V BBls I> &eb mSS?Sa 2s Errisg and Unfortunate. dieeaaed ead de btlilaud. Seal ie •eeled letter twvatof. a ASMCiATIO ASMCiATIO *. Ne.fttouU Math St., Philadelphia, f. aatiAly. Joan B. LI*M. F. Ia* Wuaa * UII A VHABI, DRUGGISTS. Saeeeaaon of F. P. Wtboe, BaHafaatr Pcoa'a. ■ Have aarwrad the eervtoee ©f Jaae* B Seem, of Philadelphia. a teen year* eaperieaee. who will have tar charge of their praecnptfaa>aaijMUL A night bell 1. attached to tbulr at ** door, end theewpleyeaeelaaping wthm tb r building, will attend to the want* of th public at all hour* of the night Lias A Wiifkm hoop centtaatly hand a large etock if together with a vary large Stock of Patrol Medicine*. *uefc a* Vinegar PiUota, aad atao Pure Wine*. r.d li quor*. of all kind* for medical jolyll.Au. '"ZINN A WIDWk PtAWalaiht. 1 j for tala ky IMWIM a WtLaoa a 10. tapaNNrD WILKV HVVft. Afi> TL other J*i"- nid warn,attha lavllßtiWa apKTW. lawta *VaM. NATURE'S Hair Restorath^ Contain* no LAC SULPHUR N SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH AHJOE-Nu NITRATE OF >ii VER, and entirely free ftw tt- Pomouou* and H(titldMtt> > hi Drug* osoi in other Hair |^%Hf Truqartst and clear aa eryteal, i *- not soil U* finest Vi J CLEAN and EFF!I6I*NT -*****•; tutu* L#NG FOUGHT TOl vNI FOUND AT LAST! It mtora and |*wtn tha Hair a-a. becoming Gray, impart* a toft, gte*i % < , - peanut**, removes Du4ra| is te*btn to Um band, cheek# tha Hair ftmn falling off, and rvsU.r** it to a great extent whei. prematurely tort, prevents Handarh care* all humors, cwhureeue Jg2g***h and unnatural beat. AS A DUInsIM* FOR THE HAIR IT IS THE HIST AH TIC Lit IN TUB MARKET, DR. G. SMITH, Patentee. Aj re: Ma**. Prepared only by PROCTER Rttol'H ERS, Gloucester. Mat*. Tie genuine i put up in a panel bottle, mad* expressly fur it, with tbe name of the talkie Mown in tb* flaw. Ak your Druggist Am Na- TCtft Hata RaaTonatiTK, and taf* • iltlnf jptr-Sond two lb re* cant stamps tu Prut - tar Brother* for a "Treat!** a the Huiitu Hair." Tba information it ewuaiu* worth $600.00 to any pcrwa. Iseo. IM For mi* at Centre Hall by W* n> ft and Herlacber A Cronmillar. AGENTS WANTED PGR A Book That Will Sell! frtr^BV! nr ma uurowsrut BIGXOB BLITI. Thit is aa original, interesting, and > >tractive work, roll of rare Arm and bun. being *i> a. count of tbe AUTHOR > i'R>- FK>SIONAL LIFE, bis wundarful uivt • and foal*, with laughable incident* and adventure* a* a Magician, Necromancer, and Ventriloquist Illustrated with 16 Fall Page Eugravm* *, beside* tbe Author's Potrnit on steel, nr. i numerous *ol*ll cuts. Tbe volume is Are* front nay bio matter, being high-toned and moral ,si its character, and will b* read with wu<. est, both by old and .vounite It give* tbe most graphic and thrilling accounts of the effect* of hi* wonderfol feats and magb"-.' trick*, causing tbe most uncontrollable merriment arid laughter. Circulars. Terms, Ac., with full informa tion,tent free on application to t ASHMEAD, Publishm. 711 Sanson* Stmt, rhiUdetphia 0ct27.6m. ENTRI HALL HOTEL. JOHW SrbKOIXB, Proprietor Stage* arrive and depart daily, for all points, north, south, et and vast Tbi* favorite Hotel ha* b**a refitted and furnished by its new proprietor, and is sow in every respect one of the most pleasant country Hotels. is central Pennsylvania. Tbe travelling community and drovers will always And tbe best accommodations. Pec sons I rout the city wishing to spend a few weeks during the summer in the country, will And Centre Hull on* ol the most beau tiful location* and the Centre Hall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and cod veniencc. v> and Chestnut Street, MiJSinburg John Showers, Proprietor. It* Central Location makes it partk desirable to persons viuarng lew business or pleasure. •' c * HT A. Taylor's Livery Attf . Mklj • -y