The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 22, 1871, Image 3
MB RBr*G;*T£K FIUI>A\,IK(\*., le'.l LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL HAWt.-Oui friends will obligx .., ending • n y It*** Um> * l . " ,v, ' r ",t indudin£ marriage *nrh arc eatarlv real by y-' jjfwml* u< the west many of whom got Ih<- Reporter. \V wou\d**tmi it a favor it our kindl pa iron* would owarioaally utail a copy ol Uo Reporter to roUtive, and acquainta..- ~* who formerly lived in CNnltv county A u removed leoiherpa.u. which would nuluco many to hfom subscribers. I StPOHTANT TU HuslSKie MkH,-" The circulation of the UKPOKTKK, on this rid? of the county, if now greater than that of any two pap r* > the county, hence business men ho w iah to roach the Pen naval ley trade, wih advance thoir own interests, bv ad vol I tisinf iu the KkpoRTKK. Our aubaorir uou list is o|wui to the inspection of a)/ who wish to advortwe. r,„ttKN> Pxx.—Something m-w ad novel. Be -ore and read the ad v rth. nn nt ia our paper, headed *i*at' Invention of the Age. We believe t-ie (jehleii Fountain fen i* unsurpassed. A good pen is a necessity to every man, w. nan an t child. Agent*. here is a c lanee to make money in introducing a and saleable article. Jan ST y. rjWX NOTICE.—In accordance with 1 an act of Asaaambtv, notice is hereby given to the ciiiten* of VoUer, from whom taxes for .chisel purpoae* for the pre-ent i , arc due, that on all such taxe p.iid to the undersigned Treasurer, at bis residence <m or before loth of November next then- will be a deduction of ive per centum. Ou all taxes paid within one month after .aid date no deduction will Ise made, and that upon all *clnol taxes re maining unpaid after lks-eluher l.gli lu-xt there w ill be an addition of live per cen tum 11 v order of the Howrd. FUKI. KI'RTZ, augiu.ffn Treasurer. Next week there will ho uo im|>er issf.etl from thi* office. iu accordance with nu tatnblwhvsl custom, and to ai luM our bauds full elbow room for the holidays. * A merry Christmas to all readers of the Reporter, aud the temaiuiug few of mankind. The Reformed SablwtU School of Am rot -burg, will -hold a Irslivsl oil New Year* ere. Ur. Muster has taken Dr. David Min gle as a partner in the practice of medicine, •I Aarouaburg. --Mr. J. Stees has become an associate with Mr. Orwig, in the publication of the Miißinburg Telegraph. May he like it. —At the recent dedication of the new Evangelical church, at Woodward. wire raised upon the occasion, which Jcai c* the church tree of debt. iu a receut visit to our place, Mr. Miller, President of our railroad, gave us a very gratifying account of the large buainesa already done on the road Iw-tween MifHiiiliurg ami Lewis bnrg ; the traffic u beyond expecUini., ai d a laying tiling for the road. This tejHrt we fiud co rubor* ted by the following item from the Lewis liirg Chronicle : Business on the Branch railroad has greatly intwwtil since its exten sion up the valley. esterday, the freight cai uumbered fifty-four, aud a heavy freight engine "stalled" iu it* atltuiptto haui theui. The sidiugs at tiie Junction are also inadequate for the accommodation of the cars n< cccsary for the Branch service. aohsW e are retiring our subscrip tion list, and fiud unities from which subscription is due back as far a* 1868 ai d I80i; we strike thuee off, as we can not afford to priut so large a pa per (Joying cash for work and mate r al) and then send the BetoRTKR for years without receiving par. We will mmiii enter upon a new volume, and should lie pleased to have our pat ron# make advance payment a rule. OBITI'.tKY. f> the Ctli inst., in Pine Grove, of Diph theria, J miu-- livin Musser, aged 25 year*, •in! 12 day*. The death of Mr. Jame* I. Mu*aer, Ini* eut a pecuiier luelaucholy and Sham: over tiie entire community. A path net tiring under circuiuiUnces in which this did—so unlooked for, aud little expected, ha> had the effect of creating a sadness seldi-m witnessed. A s-haddow of gloom over hangs every countenance —every heart has beeu moved, and every sjhii pathetic chord has beeu touched. Eight days previ ous to his death, he led to the Bridal Alter a beautiful young lady, (daugh ter of Mr. P. Lytle,) and in the presence of a large company he wiu united in the holy bonds of matrimony to the lady of his choice. To all ha man appearances, a bright and happy prosperous future was reasonably expected aud predicted by the numer ous friends aud acquaintances of the pappy pair. But death has stricken dowu the voung husband, und blasted every hoj>e, und blighted every anticipation, nhd the youug and happy bride, a weeping widow —the Bridal adorn ments lain aside, and the habiliment* of mourning assumed. On Friday the Ist insL, a large and ri-s|-ctable company gathered at the residence of Mr. George Musser, the Father of the deceased, when a most sumptuous diuuer was prepared by the Molner in honor to her son. All hearts were joyous, and happy, and the most cordial congratulations extended to the Bride and Groom. There stood the young husband in all the strength and piide of manhood and noble bear ing, with his young and beautiful wife leaning on his strong arm. No one dreamed, or thought that the King of terrors, could step in, and with unre lenting hand mar a scene where ull seemed so hopeful, so joyous, and so Imppy. But, alas! alas! bow little is the future known to us. On Saturday the 2d inst, Mr. Musser complained 01 sore throat, but was still going about. Ou Sabbath uumiing Dr. Smith, was called in, who pronounced the disense an attack of Diphtheria. Yet no one thought the case a critical one untill Wednesday morning the day of hi* death, when the disease assumed it* most violent form, and refused to yield to human skill and eft> it, aud the pa tient sufferer passed into the unknown and unseen future without a struggle; thus in the short space of eight days, this community passed throught scenes BO extreme, and so adverse, which ad pear more like a dream than a reality. Ist. The joyful festivities of a wed iug and infair seasons. 2d. On the wake of these were introduced the distressing scenes of u death bed with all their heart-rending realities and lid, The-aolemeu funerul procession bear ing to the grave Jlie young husband, the .Son, and the Brother. The community iiwnited ami stuixl umi over a dispensation which so fear fully and quickly reverses the scene ot human life, front joy the most exqui site, to sorrow the most profound, from laughing to weeping. We all hotv with reverence ami in humility before high Heaven, and ex claim oh ! how inw rulihle are thy Pro vidence*, O I*ord God Aim ghly. M. U. K. The cold on Thursday morning wa intense—lo dt-g. below zero—that wecould not get to pressing in time for the mails, as • usual, which will account for some of our patrons receiving this issue a day later. Hj< IkxiH.—(),ir whUnmlowasttMUi, Mr. A. I>. Snu li 0 f Itrimrrtwp., re porta M hop, which weighed, ilrnwl, • k> pound*. If A Jam had stayed •it (. < itiro Hal i( t|,ut pig would surely hu\. kicked the IHIUH to the tunc of RlHl t ItItIMMAK KxKltClSK*.—The Boals ' UR* I.ot!>. J S, IK.UI mil 1K. 1.1 iu an itiviiraty, on Sunday lk"0. 24i11; on Saturday, Ihv. 23rd, tluro will ba given a Ulnary < ut rtniiiuicnl in the academy hull ; on Saturday and Mon day willing-, I> Kt . 23rd and 2"th a refrcahnivni >ul. , u will !>,• open, and a Cliiiatinaa tree put up tor the re ceipt of gdia f„r distribution. I'lte proceeds ul tin-., exi rciscs go to tin Luth. S. S. The weather Was cold this Week. On Tuesday a little snow, and on M eduedav quite a storm and cold. We are sorry to I am that Judge Hurvh field, WHS bndl.v hurt few days ago, by Wing thrown from his buggy, his horse having run oil'. The judge had his righ| arm broken between the elbow and wrist, and his shoulder dislocated bv the fall. Maj. Buoy, of LewUtown, well known in this valley as a t*g>-proprietor. diiwl last week.>n Detamuber der ItUh. IH7I. Mine Lever Reporter Ich hop dcre shoont long ken breqf gashrixa. dp iHir soch is ich nop ken tsite gahot. Ich hop now net feel nvichkata tu frrUsls. over ich will duch pin glaner brcef tsonia Uu mocha lh lite doroom sin tsiuiolick o) fartick butchsia, un belt de warsht uf Lenkt. (K --sie rtash isolawile -c\ sent e* poont. I X o. same. De bowera *in hiy om frxMu ht xy for* boom murick De bisrie*- im deshtora L givit otawile. on. Ziiume man Bros., .V t'o. De karl ben en fuller shtore, ol ay g.sot., oon wolfeil. Se sin oricka clever* > art, un kenna dletch •hevetsa. Ich caul" ol my goots fooa ena, wile ich so dictch bin eon ted net ia dvitna vankve shtora dcela. Do tarl hen aw de Singer ney mashena Uu for cau fa. De hte sawga ol do war* de besht* Ich glawb* aw fu my griH's miH>ter sny drrfoom ganot Ich war ini shtoro der onrn-r duw k. Un do hilt en carl uf stirs footu dv mo.heiia gNiiate, dorick UlUslein, doiH'h, Ictthcr, past buret, un ich will der grvnk gregc won cr net dorick en boart en fartlc stol dick gauate hut. Se fcrvaufa feel drrfoom nn dc lite woo inich kena hen Sutta sick en Singer caw la. Over ich moo. uf tiara, de Iraw will bock bul> hova. Kn ondrrmol shriva ich ma SIM. S liot-r LUKCKLK. The grcot cause of so many young |>eoplc beiuggray hctuietl is on account of their having used the vile com pounds which have been liootlitig the market so long. .Yitfttrc's Hair Re ft or at it* is a sui e reineilv for this. (,'lcar as sweet, clean and reliable. All drug gists sell it. See advertisement, lit. TxAcnxas' IS.TITUTK —The Centre C<. Teachers' Institute will commence iu 25th annual session, in Reynold's llall, at Betle fonte on Tuesday morning. Dec, 2ftth. A copy of the programme ha* been hand ed us, and from it we observe that the ses sion# a ill be interc-ting to citiaen*. direc tor#, and teachers, alt of whom are invited to be present and participate, particularly the latter, for whose improvement those Institutes have been inaugurated. From the programme we copy a# follows : Prof. J. W. Shoiuaker, of Philadelphia, ail) deliver a Lecture on Tuesday even ing. Mrs. U 11. Slum makei. Associate Principal of the Philadelphia Institute of Kloeulion and the Languages, will give an Elocutionary Entertainment, on Wednes day evening, for the benefit of the Insti tute. James (.'aider, I>. I)., President of the Pennsylvani i Agricultural Collage, will deliver a Lecture on Thursday Even ing. Prof. J. S. Roberta, • fthe liellefoute Academy, will h* pr< seal during the week. Supl. A. R. Home, of Williamsport, mill he with us a portion of the m eek. Pro!, aud Mrs. J. W. Shoemaker, will give in struction in Reading and Elocution during the entire Session. N. L. At wood, a prom inent Institute woikcr, and uow a teacher of the county, will he with us the entire week. The Principals of Academies and lligh Schools of the County have been invite! and arc expected to he present. Essays will be r>-d by different lady teachers of the county The exercises will he interspersed dur ing the day ami evening with vocal and instrumental -iiu-ie. A N X I'ALELECTIOX. The annua! meet ng of the member* of the Farmer'* Vtuiai Fire In-uranct* Com |>aiiy of Centre County, and election of iwefve Director*, to conduct the affair* of the Company, for the ensuing year, will be held at the lioum- of John Spangler, Centre Hall, on Monday the Bth of Janua ry, 1H72. The auriial statement of the transactions of the Company tor the past year will be presented. Member* gener ally are requested to attend. GEO. liI'CHAXOX, Alkx. JUASs.*ai, Prri't Sec'y. dec fi. QRPHANS COIRT.SALK- Pursuant to an order of the Orphan* (Jourtof (Centre county, wiilbe sold at pub* lie *ale, on the premise*, in Maine* town ship. in the sahl.county, in Thursdny, the 4th day of January, A. D. 1K72, the follow ing described real estate, late of Jacob liosterinan, deceased, t<> wit : Xo 1. A valuable messuage and tractof land situated in said township of Maine*, on the public road leading from Aaron*burg to Woodward,! bounded by land* of John A. Orndorif. Michial Fiedler and A. Dutwiller—mid containing Forty-Five Acres and one hundred anil fifty-three perches now in the occupancy of the widow of the deceased. The improvement* are a con venient siprA Mansion House, a Good &711 | Bank Barn, a Newly Built Blacksmith Shop, and all othernecesury out building*. There U a spring of never failing witter, near the house, and running wat< r through the farm. There i al-" n voung thrifty or chard in bearing. The fence* are in good repair and the land in a high stateof cul tivation. Xoi A TRACT OF LAND adjoining the above, aud lands of John liubler and others containing five hun dred and twenty-four perches. No 3. A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN land situated in *aid town-hip of Haines, containing" thirty-two acre*, adjacent and convenient to Xo. 1 and 2. Tkius cr Bai.e. —One half of the pur chase money to he paid on the eonfirnia tion of the saie, and the residue within one year thereafter with interest, (to be secured by bond and mortgage upon the premiaes. Sale to continence at 1 o'clock in thu af ternoon. WM. 0. HOSTKRMAN, D. O. BOWER. dec15.71-Bt. Administrator*. QRPUANS' COURT BALK- Will bo exposed to public sale, on the premise*, on THURSDAY, DEC. 28th, 1871, tit 10 o'clock, A M., the following piece ot land situated in tin; township of Harris, county of Centre, bounded an follow : Beginning at it * tone thence alone land* of the heir* of B. T. Berry, dcc'tl., and Jacob Hurst, South 821 decree* East 01 and eight-tenth perches to a (tone, thence uloii!.' the land* of Christian Gingerich, north lo degree* West 89 and six-tenth perches to a stone ;thence along lund* of the heir* of John Irvin, dee'd., South 20 degree* Went 87 and six tenth* perches to the place of beginning, containing FIFTEEN ACRES and ALLOWANCE There are erected on the premise*, a Mgood two Story Log- W heather hoarded House, Wash House, Hunk Bam and other nece.-sury outbuild ing* all of which are in good order. A thriving _ YOUNG ORCHARD it, full bearing, and a well <>l never-failing ual<-r W ,! u'"*J on the premi<-s. TERM* OK SALIC.—One h ilf ca*h mi con firmation of *nle, and the balance in one year thereafter with interest. to be secured bv bond and mortgage on the premise*. DANFEXT W I ELAND, DANIEL HESS, Administrators. Hat.xa. -Sat* of Mealanio Krase • proper, ty in liregg twp., on Wh Jan. S*l of real estate of Michael Wielaad, in Harm twp., on'AUh !>•-. Sle of real estate ol Jacob llo.turiiian, dec J. in Haines twp., on 4th JaN. Sate of personal property of Michael Kiearner, dee'd. in Haiti** twp., ou Shil I tee. set Mr Johnautihoeb ofllarris tup., had his ttrtn hrokcu, n fvw day* ago, whilst (hushing. Mis. K learner's dwelling, uear riiusanl viap, was distroyeil by liio with it contents, oil Sunday night. Two Sctotux* at 11 xautxu.-Cbae. Kinglet, who had been quartered in th jail at Itollsfonta, for sins lime, ou las: Mi •lnlay evening, shoveil sf this luorta' coil, t>y hanging himself at a bedpost lit hi> cell, by means of a knit scarf, which to had worn around his neck, Kinglvr be longed to Homier townsliip, and was sort ola worthless character and addicted t> rum. His age was about till A man uamed Richard, living iu Bald Eagle h>ok the "now departure,' by hang ing himself or last Saturday. Wanted! Wanted I Wanted! Money I Money I Money I For our stink of clothings, and to get it, we shall offer extraordinary inducement* during the next week. The stock must be Sold, Show Case for sale. Iliaacu A Rao., Milroy. The New Over Tkere { /SaA/isArd Ay Jfcyacef.) Tliey liavs reaclicsl a sunny shore. And will never hunger more; All their griefs and pains are o'or, svsr there. A ud ihev need no latuu by night. For their day it always bright; And their Savior is their light over there. CksTM, Over there over there, liver there, ever there, evi-rlhere, ever there. They e*n never kuosr a fear over there, over there All their sireeets are shining gold. And their glory is untold. This it the Saviours blistlul fold, ovei there Now they feel no chilling blast. For their winter lime is past . And there summer slways last s over there. Tiiey cau never know a fear, For ine Saviour's always near, Aud with thsm is rndlet cheer, over there. Oko rut. They have fought the weary if lit, Jc'.us saved them by his might; Now they dwell with him in light, ever there ; Soon ne II reach the shiniag strand. But wo' 11 wait our lords command. Till we see his heckning hand, over .here. floras. SMALL FOX. The follow ing succiuct facts, in teference ■ i this terrible disease, have been indispu (ably established by the careful observa tion of sc ientific men at homrand abroad : I. That infants should be vaccinated in a month after birth. '2. That vaccination should be repeated at the age of fourteen year*. A Thai the older pel sous g'ow after that, the le.-s danger there is of an attack of stuajl pox or varioloid, which is small pox tuodi riM by previous vaccination, ami that after fifty y ears there Is no dangei of an aUack.V 4 Still, if there it any daugcr ofuuutual exposure to the disease, or it it prevails largely- in a community, it is safer to be vaccinated again. £. Nurses in small pox hospitals who are rr- vaccinated are almost wholly exempt, while other nurses, who are careless of re vaeeination, have varioloid ic cases ten times more numerous. U That the father the remove of the vac cine matter from what was taken from the cow, the more necessary is revacciuation— shat is. vaccina matter loses soiue of its power iu every person it passes through, hence if city practitioners should take all their matter from the cow direct, every ten years, the community would be greatly safer. 7. No authenticated case has yet occured where auy disease has been communi cated through vaccine mailer, other than modified small pox. This statement -hould be fixed u|>on the memory of the intelligent r.ader, as hare assertions to the contrary are recklessly made by a certain e.a- ol uneducated persons, who write on matters pertaining to health and disease. ti. It is a very rare occurrence thai any j>ersoii|who has been once well vaccinated and wa in good health at the liruo suffers from varioloid. Those who have varioloid after having been vaccinated once suffer because it did not take well or some other disease was in the system at the time, or the matter was at too great a remove from the original source, the cow. MILKOY MARKETS. Corrected by John M'Dowell. White wheat 1,45... Red wheal 1,40....Ry 70 Corn 70 Oat* BO Barley 65..—. Cloverseed 5.50 Timothy*d, 360——. Sail '2 50 per sack liacon U>c Mam 16......8 utter 'JO... Kgg* 20 Plaster 0 50 UELLKFONTKM ARK KTS. Corrected by Keller* Mutser. White Wheat 61.36, Red 130.— Rye. ~'i. Corn CO. Oats .40 Barley 65. 70 (Jloverseed 5,60 —. .Potatoes 45, Lnrd per pound 7 Pork per pound 0# Butter 80 Egg* 30. .....Plaster per ton $1) Tallow 10 Bacon 8 H .„.Hatn 12 MARRIAGES. On the fah int*, bv Rev. Robert Mamill, Th. .lore S Christ, M, D., ofChester. Pa. foimerly of LewLburg. and Mis Sarah, daughter of Moe Thompson, Mq., of Centre Furnace, l'a On the 21 *t, ult., at the Reformed Par sonage, at ltabersburg by the Rev. W. G. Engle, Mr. Oliver llenry Wolfe to Mite Annie U. Weaver, both of Brush Valley, Pa. On the 30th, ult., at the Reformed Par sonage. bv the same, Mr. Benj. Rover, to Mi-* Amanda Stover, both of Brush Val ley. On the 80th ult., at the Ref. Parsonage, bv the satne, Mr. Jacob H. Kephart to M is- Sarah A. Royer, both of Bru-b Val ley. On the 2Sth ull., by Rev. P. Sahrn, Mr. Robert HoUerman, to Mis* Sarah Jane Wolf, both of Maine* township. On the 14th ln*t., by the salue, Mr. Da vid Hartge* of Penn Hall, to Mi** Emma A Frank en berger of F enn twp. To be hud t Herlachcr A Cromillcr's Furniture. A lot of good new Furniture on band, such a* one Bureau, Bedstead*, Wash stand*, dec. G I O V O 8. A sp'endid lot of Buckskin Glove*, driving Gloves, dress Gloves. SSItiNKIFS NOTICK. Notice is hereby given, that Meslame R< ,of Gregg township. County of Cen tre. Pettn'a, by deed of voluntary assign ment, ha* assigned all the estate real and personal, of the said Meslame Reese, to John Rishel, Gregg township, county and State aforsaid. in trust for the benefit of the creditors of the aaid Meslame Reese. AH persons, therefore,lndebted lothesaid Mes lame Reese will make payment to the said Assignee, and those having claims or de mands, will make known the tarn* without delay. 15d00.t JOHN KIHHKL, Assignee. J ANI) AT PRIVATE SALE A lot of land, lying in Gregg township, on the banks of renns creek, between l'eun Hall and Spring Mills, is ottered at private Mle. It adjoins lands of Geo. Buchanan and L. B. MTntire, containing 24 ACRES inorn or less. About 8 acre* consist of find class while pine timber, the balance cleared and under cultivation— 6 acres are meadow. For further particulars apply to C. H. HEN NICK, 13octtf_ Gregg twp. FOR SALE. Tim undersigned has a tract of timber land, Iccaled between the Brush and Thick Mountains, nearly due south of Be bursburg, containing 171 acrts. which he offers for sale. It I* well timbered, and easy of access from Brush Valley Fur all desired information call uu the i undersigned. C. H KKiTEK. Aaronsburg, Fa trsan TW f •tuqr u Konmo uit ir ma Piiu, Sirn, Vouii ud LIIIM* * BUY IT! TRY IT! ()(! 4GW, . UM MF CUN (M For^heunjjliin), . . .UM Pais Curt A). For N\nt!ri* UM hti| Ctijf&il. Fr FcvX&rc UM Pill Cjh OIL For Chol(\ tyorkui, . UM Pxij JCN Oil. For BprinV . . . . UM OIL For HJch\, . . . UM CUN Oil. For B rultf*, . . UM I£IQ Cur# Oil. For Cfni#id BuV>iu, Up Faiij CON OiL For 4ny Sorr, . .X . tf|# Pig CUN OiL For 4nj Utgn#AT, M| CON OiL XVIS* IKNVLIYMIM., AM ■ • rl,mll. ptwlarm It* ml, ll I u „<( lV.u*lljr Im MAN /ND IIWAST. ill **' rAIMyfUIE OIL. Tk* u *Umr. to • yIHAWT IT TO OBEX. It I* *ul •.JT Ui nlHttuibU (.r*p*l*llJAb| *wU M '.IS * (U|.uaA (n.*. Ht*\ Op V.gtlJ (At*. limM. mud timh if md to <4**a mud *%> hi M \ |P 0} mil Pta|(t>u mud lto*lm im H.di.\a CMIt-K. M t-KSTM. toaum 4 IAION, (Wit###, OmmOiM. to WAR! WAR! Oil High Prices. O UK AT KX CITE kIENT. 11. It. SMITH, ui rotten .Mills. N E W U O ODS ! We would must respectfully piftoui bis friend*, customer*, and the public gener ally, thai he ita> taken possesion of Thompson'* old quarter-, w high have been remodeled and improved, and is aww pre pared to accommodate all who may favor bint by calling. NEW GOODS! lie ba* just received one of the largest stock* of all kind* of Merchandise ever brought to Centre county, which he intends to sell at *cuh figure* a* will make it an ok ieel lor all perwhi to purchase. Kami lie* aying in a inter supplies of Uroceriaa, Dry Ooods, dec., should not fail to give hint a rail, a# he feel* confident hi* price# and superior quality of goods will amply aatiafy all. Hi* stock of GKOCE It I E S consists of Coffee* of the best quality, Teas, Sugars of all kinds, Mola**s, Ki*e, Salt, Cheese, Dried Kruii, Spice* Proviaieaa, Plour and Peed, Ac., Ac. Our stock of D K YG OO D 6 it large and varied, and we will just say can supply any article in that line, with out enumerating. REAI) YMAI) EC LOT H ING • large lock of ready-iusde Clothing fur Men and H<*y' car, which we will dopoae of MI ■ ry small advance on curt. Bool* i.J St,K*. Hll* and Cans, llsrU ■irt, UuMKMrr, W.KHI Mild Willow Wirt, Nuliuii', Fancy Goods, ('srpol*, Oil cloths. Wall Paper*. Window Shades, 4i., ocCfH 1 y. CKNTKK HALL FOUNDRY and Much i lie Shops. Van Pelt & Co. The undersigned, having leased the above eslablitbmeiiU announce to the pub lie thai the *auiu will bo carried on in allj its various branches, a* a FOUNDRY. MACHINE SIIP, and Manufactory of Agricultural Implement*, They are prepared to fill, upon shorlcwl no tice. all order* fur Horse Powers Threshing Machines llaj Hakes, PLOWS and Plow Castings of every description, all kind* <>f Casting* made and fitted up for Hills, Forge.*, Furnaces, Factories, drc. Also, every thing in the line of SHAFTINGS. FUL LIES, HANGERS, iu Iron or Bras*. We employ the best Patternmakers. Our Pattern* are new and of the latest improved plan*. Also manufacture the unrivalled ROUGH A READY Corn IJIl J l which is the IH.HI now made. All order* by mail promptly atteu ded to IdecTltf THE MAMUFACTUEEBi OF THE Reliance Wringer, Have had unu-ual opportunities of ascer taining t<rcci-iy what is wanted, and of producing a perfect machine. They have brought out an en tirely NEW WKIXORR, which tliev call the "PROVIDENCE" New. 1871. Perfect. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT, OVER ALL OTHER WHINGERS qP & i - n H < It Wring* Faster Than by Hand. We consider the Providonco superior to all other*, for the following reason!; lit. The ROLLERS, of large site and bt duality of White Rubber, are all se cured Pi their Shalt* in the most perma nent niniincr, the Moulted Process, mak ing the be*t roller in the world. 3d. The PATENT METAL JOUR NALCABINGB prevent any wear pn thejournal*. (The wooden journal* in which the iron shaft* of other machine* run. soon wear, and the efficiency of the Wringer is here by greatly reduced.] Sd. The DOUBLE SPIRAL COGS used on tlii* Wringer give the utmost ease and steadiness ill working, while the doub le stop prevent* them from bottoming or being thrown out of gear We furnish either single or double gvar Providence, a* desired. 4th. The ADJUST A RLE CURVED CI.A M P readily adjusts this Machine to tubs of any *ike or thickness, making* perfect fastening. No wooden peg* or rubber strap* on thi* Clanip. 6th. SIMPLICITY. STRENGTH and BEAUTY, arc combined in this Machine, with all the requisites of it Ursu las* Wring- PROVIDENCE TOOL CO., Providence R. I. 11 Warron Street, New York. W M. J. M'Manigal WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER IN Foreign & Dometfic HTIN HIS NEW BUILDING Milroy SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED iu Nails, Nail*, Nails, Nails I Glass, Glass, Glass, (•Inns! Locks, Locks, Lock*. Locks I Hinges r Hiu/t*, Mingo*. Hinges! Screws, Screws, Screws, Screws! Oil, Paints• & Putty. MrTo Carriage Maker* A Blacksmith*, for Hubs, Spoke*. Rim*, Carriage Oil Cloth ami Linings, Iron, Iron, Iron, Iron' Horseshoes and Nail Rods, Blister A Cast Steel, Horse Nail*, and Steel Toea, aud a very large axsurtmeul of Carriage JlolD. c4r*.S|K>eial Inducement* art To Housekeepers for Wallpaper, Wallpaper, Wallpaper! From 1 Oct* to SI per bolt Coal Hod* and Shovel*, Tea Kettle*, Puns, and Skillet*, Lard Can*, Wutile Irons, Toaster*. Butcher Knives, Bread-Knives, all kink* of Cuttlery. LAMPS of every da scriptiou. xg. w |>ecial Inducement*"Wß to Carpenters) for Saws, Plane*, Chi*ei*, Diawknives, Brace* and Bitts, A\u To Farmers ami every body else, for whatever they want in my line. I keep a general as sortment of WOOD & WILLOW WAKE such as Buckets, Tubs, half Bushels, IVek measures, Baskets, ike. Trunk-, Valice-, A Travfluiit hug-, Sleigh Hot la. Sleigh Runner-, Kendur. uinl Shaft*. FARMERS, MKRCII AN PS, A MECHANICS, Please give me a call, or semi for price*, ton will timl a general asaortniunt of every thing pertuiiiing to the Haniwate trade. would ask Paiutora ■*4ut<> give my Varnishes a Moirtriul. I have just re- MTceiveil front New Vork Mua large Stock of Varni- MTnlu**, such as FURNITURE, (XJACII, WHITE DKMAtt, WKAHINU DO IY, OAKKIAttE BO DY, DRAIN RUHItINO, AHII PHAI.TUM amIjAPANM. J. T. LEWIHA into. WIIITK I.KAD, always on hand. Orders Respectfully solicited- Win. J. MoManigal. ltUeSm Stoves! FirelStov's! Al Atuly Roemiiiau'#, Cuutru Hall, arc Itlwl and bt>*t mlovem out, be bam juml received a large lot of Cook Stovoa, lite I'iouger Cook, thu Eclipse Cook, thu Ucliauue Cook. t'AKLUKH The Kadiant Light malf fee der. Ua> Uurnur. National Egg, J nto oil, Jtc Utollit mull* #luvt>* am Lti W a* anywhere In MiMin ur Centre to. -mi TIN ANO SHEETIRON WARE Tbt< undersigned hereby Infuria. tb. iiitiaio of I'ctiusvailey that he ha* pur chased the Tinshop heretofore carried oa by the C. 11 Mfg Co., cud wilt continue the same, at tbu old *laud, in all lubraaob n*. in the manufacture of NIOVK PIIK A NPOITIXti. All kind* of rupairiug done, lie baa alwaysou hand Fruit Cana, of all Bi*aa, IJUCit ETrt, CUPH, IHPPKKM, DISHES, AC. I VII work warranted and ( barge* reason able. A (hare of the public patronage so licited, AmNb. ItKKHMAir, i*ep7oy Centre 11 all Nttpwe Ottco of the LowUbuig. Centre and Spruce Creek it K. Co. Philadelphia June 18th, '7l. Notice i* hereby given that the first in •Uliiienl of flee dollar* per hare, to the capital toclt of the Lewisbtirg, Centre and Spruce Creek Hail Kad Go., tubtcribwl in the towukhi|Mof llarrim, Putter, Gregg Penu and llainc*. Centre county, will be payable on the iiri day of July ilf7l, and • uhn-.juenl instalment* of Ave dollar* pel .hare, will be due and payable on the first >luy ol each succeeding month until the whole i* (laid Payment* of the above in stalment* are hereby required to be made to ibe treasurer of the Company, at the office ->f the Centre County Hanking Com pany Hellefunte Pa. JOSEPH LESLEY, Trwuurer. N. It. Any person (it-siring raij pay the whole off at once. If payment* are not punctually made the law allow# oae per rout, pci month to ha charged in addition. CKXTHR HALL Coach Manafao tory. Levi Murrij, at his establishment at Centre Hall, Pa., keeps on hand, and for sale, at the moat reasonable rates a laign stock of Carriages, Buggies, A Spring Wagons, PLXIS and Ksncr, and vehicles of ovary description made to order, and Warranted, tube made of tbe bast seasoned material, and by the moat skilled and competent workmen. Persons wauling anything in his lina are requested tW call and examine his work, they will fnd it aut to be excelled fur durability and wear. aprJßlly- HARDWARE STOKE! J. A J. HARRIS. * NO. &, BROCKKRHOFF BOW A new and complete Hardware Store bat been opened by the uudcrigned in Bruck erholTs new building -wheretbey are pre pared lo sell all kind* of Building and HOUM Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Hteel, Nail*. Itugxy w 10-el* in *ett*. Champion Clothe* Wringer, Mill Saw*. Circular and Haa< Saw*. Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, IceCreaw Kreexer*, Bath Tub*, Clothe* Racks, a ful. assortment of (list* and Mirror Plate of all sixes. Picture Frame*, Wheelbarrows, La i a pa. Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spoke* Felloes,and Hub*, Plows, Cultivators, Corr Plows; Plow Points, .Shear Mold Boards and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov el*, Spado* and Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screw*. Sash Spring*. Horse-Shoes, Nails, Morwav Rod. 'til*. Lard. Lubricating. Coal. Linseed, Tanner*. Anvils, Vice*. Bel lows. Screw Plate*. Blacksmith* Tool*. Factory Bell*. Hou*e Bells, Dinner Bella, Oon* Bell*. Tea Bells,Gnnd*lonea, Careen lor Tools, Fruit Jar* and ('ant. Paints, Oil*, Varnishes received and for sale at iuneVfllt.ty. J. A J. HARRIS. ZKLLEK A JAKRKTT I dealer* in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS also all the STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES. A very large >w •ortniimt or Tot- L*R AHTICI.KS, Fa xc X Goods Soap*, Ac., Ac., The qual ity of Kttoi STIC at, PocKKT K m v a*, Scissoas and itAXoas. WALL Para* ix GREAT VARIETY. PRESCRIPTIONS, compounded by com; pelont druggist* at at) hour*, day or night. Night customer* pu 1 night ball. ZELLKR A JARRETT, UuhopSL, Bellefonte Pa. iunlft 1 CENTRE HALL Tan lard. The undersigned would respectfully in form the cilDcnt of Centre county, that fiie above Tan Yard will again be put in full operation, in all it* branches, by them. HIDES AND BARK WANTED. The highest market price will be paid for Hide* of nil kind*. The highest mar ket price will nl*o be paid for Tanner'* Hark. The public patronage i olicited 1 Satisfaction guaranteed. dcß.9tf MILLER A BADGER. JgKOCKKRHOPF HOUSE, AI legitimev Street, Bellefonte, Pa. I). JOHNSDN ik SONS, Proprietora. \ rinarcLAs* nor KI., COM VOHT A HLE ROOM* PROM IT ATTENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN CONVENIEN CES -AND REASONABLE Charge*. The proprietor* offer to the traveling! public, and to their country fiiend*, flr*t cla* aoooinuiodatiou* und careful atten tion to the want* o.' guest- at all time*, at fair rate*. Careful hostlers and good .table ling for horse*. An excellent table well *ervod. A lt*r supplied with tin* liquor*. Servant* well trained and everything re quisite in a tint ela- Hotel. Our location i* ill th>' business part of the town, near the Post Office, the Court llou*c, the Clinr eho, the Bank*, and the p iucipal place* of bu*ino**, render* it the moat eligible place for those who visit Itellefoete on busi or pleasure. An Ouiuibua will carry paaacnger* and baggage to und frutu all traitu free of charge. Prospects of HIGH PRICES FOR GRAIN. The undenigned have taken possesion of the Warhou*oat the Mill, in Milmy, (formerly occupied hy ltecd A Thomson,) ami are now prepared to buy all kind* ot Grain and Seed*, at the highest market price*, for CAHII. COAL, PI.AMTKR and SAI.T, constantly on hand, for sale, a* low a* the lowest. Fanner* of Centre county are respect fully invited to given* a call. We guarsntee to give *at Is taction in all ease* MCMANIG AL A BROWN. wiit'ASin. DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL fowling pieces at aplO'tiO. IRWIN A WILBON. Young and Devling, CITY STORE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tb lxrgent tßfhi beat gMortmctit ol Dry Goods, Cloth i tig, Groceries, Hoots. & Shoes, Notions &c. in ibe county, give u* a trial ami MM from 16 to 20 per oenL on your jmr ebaae*. iuly2A Graham & Son, Boot & Shoe Makers Next door to Wagoner A Soti'e Suire We manufacture to order. Our work b neat and durable. Our ©rice* are very moderate. We warrant to give satisfaction. We have the LA HO EST and BKBT Stock of Ladle'• and Child[ea'a shoe# In town. We are receiving good* every week. We wish an examination of our good*. The Peunsvalley trade U espet-iaUy in vited to call and see our -lock, we think we can please all who call a* to style#, quality, and price#. We study to render satisfaction, and although we have had an | extended trade for years, we have never given a customer uux to complain. *eplls tf- j ABAIIM, KCYKOLD * XKW WABBLX • raoXT, UIHor at., UcUefontr, WINES AND L I U0 R^ The subscriber feepectfully tall* the at tention of the public to hi* citablisliin nt, where he i* nrepaied to furoyb all Lied*of Furtitn and Domestic Liquor*' wholesale Ml the lowest cash price*, which are w smut ted to be the bust qualities ncvrdui( to their aospeclive j rive*. Ui* lock constat* of Rye, Monongaliola, Irish and other Whiskies, all kind* of Brandies. Holland (Jin, Port, MM lerin. Cherry, Blackberry and other Wines—the beat article*—at a* reasonable rate* as can be had in the city, Champagne, Cherry. Blackberry, (linger and Carraway Brandies, Pure Jamaica and New England Rum. Cordial ot all kinds. He would particularly invite Farmers, Ho tel keepers and others to call and examine his large supply, to judge for thcmlv* and be certain of procuring what they buy, which ran seldom be done when purchas ng in the city. rtWPbystoansare respectfully requested o give his liquors a trial. apIO Wall Paper; cheap from 13 to 20 cents per bolt* Ilcrlat her" BUFFALO HOA LKS. of the boat make! from 4 lb* up to IJU.OOUI b*. ■ pIOO tawix A WILHOX. DRY BOARDS, Plank and S,soiling for sale by law IN* WILMOV. apiOi*. CROSS-CUT AND MILL SAWS, .. make at hvtx s Wimox. aplO'tin PUMPS! Wooden Pinups, AND PIPIN G. The undersigned would reepwctfblly call | the attention of the ritixen* oft'entre county, and Penn*valley in particular, to the fact that he i tnanufaeliiring TNI 3££rr f-Ujil?, made at home or elsewhere. He use* uoer but the b- t material, HRWAUKKKTI ran to give satisfaetion, as being the aaort last ing and ecraaioa TO TUK OLI> wooden pump, being arranged t let the water off and prevent Ireexmg in winter. Pine, poplar or cucumber pumps el way on hand. Hi* matirial for pump# is all sawed from large timber, and are tbu* Becurvd a gainet Chcckingor Cracking. All order* by mail promptly filled. PIPING, niadoof the bast material, of Ave inch scantling, joined together with coupling blocks thoroughly banded, aid warranted to sUfnd any yeonn required for ordinary uo> Price* of pit in* rang* from 12 to lb cent* per fopt Send order* to J. TELLER. Milesburg, Pa. Burial Cases AND CASKETS. AIB-TIGHT AND INDESTRUCTIBLE Protecting and Preserving the Dead. The undersigned take* pleasure in an nouncing that he has secured the *ole agen cy in this county for ME TA L LIC A XI) GLA SS Burial ( iM> und ( n*kel*, which are so widely known a* to require no siiccial commendation. The METALLIC BURIAL CASK, with it* present im proved stvle and tliiih, it* entire harmony with the feeling* of the bereaved, its per fected adjustment* and appointments in] whatever relate* to the preservation and protection of the body after death, con Arm its utility and entire adaptness to the pur pose* for which it i* designed. COFFINSof all description* furnished at the shortest notice; ami all order* filled promptly night or day. The Dead laid out with care, and tunvral* ami escort* super intended in person. HENRY HARRIS ■ nv4t Bellefonte, Pa. M| ILLKB'B lIOTKL, Woodward, Pn. Stage* arrive and depart daily. Thin favorite hotel is now in every respect una of the moat pletnnt country hotels in central Pennsylvania. The traveling com ■■■unity will always tiud the host accommo dation. Drover*can at all time* beaccom tnodated with stable: and pasture for any number of cattle o* horse*. julyS'Gtttf OKO. MILLER. SPINDLK BKKINS for wagons, all si aes, at the sign of the Anvil, anllfiih. IKWIN .% WILSON. LAMPSOF RVRRY VAItIKTY and kind at aplC.oß IRWIV4 WILSON'S. ITIXKCDTORS NOTlCE.—Letters Tos j tamentary on the Kstate of.l hn Kin ert, late of liurri* township dee'd. have been granted to the Undersigned. All persons knowing ihetuselvri indebted to said estate will uiake immediate payment, and those having claims will present tk*oi I. oroperiv authenticated for settlement. 1 C JOSlAl! VKFF, nov' Executor. HOI' SB AMD LOT rOK HA LB. Th# undersigned offer# it Pfirate •al* bit hot*** and lot, .iiuen- an Chare* -tract, Outre Hall. Tha ho## " A new tar.l frame building. on* of th# I*e*t in the and in on* pf the best location* In the town. There burwaW Übl# ui>n the lot. Kr fulher MHirtfi Ur* apply to ALBX. SHANNON. •eptSltf. The First and the Best! The largest . & CHEAP ESI xtock FALL GOODS I JUST UNPACKING 1 KELLER & M USHER, In Urockerbuir* block, Bishop Street, JKll. fouie, where have jut opened the beat, cbaapeet Urtn 0 writ a* lb Lest aeaortod •luck olUeods tn BolUfonte. HERE LADIES, it the place to buy your Silkt, Mobair* MuliaiMttiw, Kept, Alpaca*, Delaine, Lena, Brilliant., Miuiiaa, Calico**# Tick lug., Pianola, Opera Planet*. Ladie* Goat i(, Genu Clout*, Ladies Hacqua*. Whits Pekay, Linen TableCUrtha, Counterpaam CHb Coui.trrpauo*, White and Coltftt Tarlton, Nni.kint, Inserting# andKdginy* White Lace I'urtint, Zephyr A Zephyr rat tern*. Tidy Cotton, Shawl*. Worilaek** HOOP BKIBTB, Thread iio.tery, Fan*. Heed*, Hewing LADIKS A NO MISSES SHOE* FANCY GOODS OB NOTION LI ML FOR GENTLEMEN, 1 Hnedynutde Clothing of Every Die scriplion, for Men audßoya. Their .lock of QUEENS W ABB A GBO CKBIEB cannot be exoeUed in quality er prion. Call in it ihtt Pbil*dl&btA&w*r aa4 oo*- rind yuuraelee* that KKLLKB A MUS SEK h*V* any tbiag you want, and do ba inM on ibe principle of "Quick Sale* and Small ProlU." ApM,M ettii tin reooDce ear ntu GREAT FLOOD! Tun* of Dry Goods, Groceries, No lion*. Hardware, Ready -made Clot king, and ibousaoac of other articles CARRIED OPP AND LANDED AT tgutbe Cheap Store M| Herlacher & Crtnaiiller. CENTRE HALL, PA and now offered at prions low than the lowest. Dry Good*. Notions, Groceries, Btri wars, Queeaswara, Wood and willow wars Iron. Salt, Pish and is tact, a magailcetit assortment ofeverythinf GOODS VERY NEAR AT TBI OLD PRICES. Uress Goods A root beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelties of the season, white fpwMls, embroideries. Hoop skirts, BALMORAL SKIRTS, All we ask that you will CALL AND KXAMINE OUR STOCK ALL KINDS OP HARNESS, silver plated and Yankee Harness detiblr and single, bridles and hnltars. Apr I A CAIID —Wa luv removed opposite to the Btuh House and at* tiliit out our •toeL loft from the firr at bargains. We I are trilling up oar book* and accounts and vrill be much obliged to one and all to call | and cattle their account*. Wo would say Ito our nuroeroa* friond* and customers, to please accept our aincero thank* for the gencruu* patronage they have always bt -to wed on u*. BURNSIDK A THOMAS. __ __ KuR TH E PEOPLE. ! Ureal Auraotion and Great Bargain*l T'll K undersigned, dclarmind to moat the popular demand for Lower Price*, re- I spectrally calls the attention of the public : to hi* stock of SADDLERY, now offered at the old siaad Designed ee pecialtr for the people and the tint**, the lar gest and most varied and complete assort ment of Saddles, Harness, Collar*, Bridle*, of every description and quality ; Whip*, and in fact everything complete to a first claaa establishment, he now offer* at prior* which will *uit the time*. | |A hotter variety, a better Quality or finer style of Saddlery ha* never before been of fered U> the public. Call and examine oar lock and. be satiated before purchasings elfewhere. Determined to please my patron* and thankful for tbe liberal share of patronage heretofore enjoyed. I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. JACOB DINGKS, Centra Ball JKWIN A WILSON are constantly ra ce! ring new goods In thoir line HARDWARE prices -now j being opened every day apUFML 1 r WJ. fi. ETTELK'B HOLKSALB WINK A LIQUOR STORK Bishop street, Bellefonta, in the Stone buil ding ioruierly occupied by the Key stone Bakery§ Takes pleasure in Informing the publk that he keep* constantly on hand a supply © choice Foreign and Domestic Liquor*, j All Barrets, kVi and Casks ssrrasM la r*nla in tk* qua ntity rrpremntmt. The attention of practicing physicians is t ailed to hi* stock of PtTRK LIQUORS, suitable for medical purpose*. Bottle*, jugs, and demijohn* constantly on hand, lie has the ON LY PURK NECTAR \V HISKY in town, i All liquor* are warranted to give satis faction. Liquors will be sold by the quart, barrel, or tierce. He ba* a large lot 01 BOTTLED LIQUORS [Of the finest grades on hand. I Confident that he can nlease customer* he respectfully solicits a snare of public ps£ COACH MANUFACTORY. HAKDMAN PHILLIPS, AT HIS manufacturing establishment at Yeagertown, on the Lewistowc [and Bellefonte Turnpike, has now on hand a fine stck of Carriages, Buggies, Sulkiei and Spring Wagons, which he now ofihi-f for tale as superior in quality and styles tc anv manufactured in the country. They are made of the very best seasoned stock by first class practical workmen, and finished in a style that challenges comparison with any work out of or in the Eastern cities and can be sold at lower prices than those manufactured in large towns snd cities, amidst high rents and ruinous prices of liv ing. Being mastor of his own situation, anxious to excel in his artistica! profession ami free from any annoyances in his busi ness, he has time and ability to devotil his entire attention to his profession and hit customers, rendering satisfaction alike tc all patrons, operatives, bit country, ano himaelf. Call and examine his stock and learn Mi* prices, and you cannot fail to be satisfied. REPAIRING < of all kinds done neatly, promptly, ' oasonably. Y eagertown, June 12,1668—1y * rifhniTttst AT REDUCED PRICES? k LL EIBMOV TUBV rru l> ATTH R "IK ABOKOXH M Fnrnfture Store! OF THOMAS LINN. On Allegheny Street, Bellrfvote, Pane I ADOPT tbi* method of iuionoiag a< friend, tfcet 1 bar* purchased the *Ar* latere** of Henry P. llarri. in the eb* named establishment, Mr. llarri* ha*'My retired from the tret, Will Continue the Buaino* of Manufacturing all hind* of Farnhuf- *> hi* old .land on Howard SL He nl - wtaha* * specialty of HeierleWes la' all It* braacba*. 'The boat of €*•<> Good Hear** at alt tint** on hand. M funeral will be attended to by bint in p> ton. Hl* many year* of expert#*** * reeomatend bint a* one of the OLDEST AMD BEST DNDEETAkI! b the State All order* PROMPTLY FILLED. Orders far CuAn.caa be left at my *tor* Allegheny Street THOMAS LINN, fiulfefcuu Pa _ ~ OH Ja.141; *: img © ■ Baaay* tar Teeny MM*, m ARBAT Mt'L - ■ BTU* end ABVSSt whbh bttorfev* with Mtnbgi and rub the happlwm of lb-t. and. with mm mean* f relief for l. Krriag and Cniorutaate, diaoaied and d<- biiiuted Sent ia tealed letter ravakp' AaItiXWARD ASSOC lATIO> Me. 2 South Ninth St, Pblladalphi*. I*. odllly. JOBS R. LIBS. P. Bsssro WIT LIRI DK WILMS, DRUG GISTS Soceeaeocy of P. P. Wikom, BaSMsite PM*T Bar* *eear*d the earrbee of Jaanto H. Steea, of Philadelphia, a druggist of thir teen year* experienca, who wul hat chary* ef their pr**cripUo*Chu*ia*a A night bell k attached to their A, door, 'and the 'em ployee* teepby within * h building, will attand to the want* a,' "■ > public at all bourn of the ntyhl * Lba A Wlboa beep ooaatoatly • band a large atodk of Drug., Punt*. Oil*, Pertuiaery. Tra> and Medical Appliance of all kin t together with a very Urg.rt--* V Patent Medicine*, turn a* Vinegar Sitter., and aito Pure Wine*, and li quors. of alt kiad* far used tea! Juiyll Sm V *ZINJf A WILSON Look IN (PI L A>S>|Xt*s ofallcia for tola hp , IBWMI a Witny. an 1'. TATAM&RD TOTLKT SIF®. AND tl other Japanned ware, at the Aavllhi-r*. apltfth. Ibwib a WttaO* | TOM* TBI M M fISsLTSpTa V *HMt *i IRWIX A wIL- KAIORE'B Hair Restorative ii;£vkJ\ : Contains BO LAC SULPHUR- -Nfil SUGAR OF LEAD-NO LITH ARGE—No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and it emtiirtr ft*a Anmm the Poisonous am Haakh ill >ymg Drags oaetl in other Hair Prcjetra ttans. Transparent and eknr as crystal, ii * ill not soil IT# CLEAN and turns LANG SOUGHT L*OR AND POUND AT LASTI It rsstorm and pnvnts the Hair from becoming Gray, impart* a soft, *!©•. v ap pearance, removes Dandruff, iaraftv-kutg to the heed, cheeks the Hjur from falling off. end restores it m a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures nil hunters, cutaneous erupt . us, and unnatural heal- AS A DKKS.-L N( THUNS ARK IT.' l RSLSI ttßShffcSfS: ERS, Gloucester. Bass, The gem. to* ft nut up in a panel bottle, made ei - > for it. with the kawi of the aitiele blown in the glasa. Ash your Druggist lor N •- Trnx's Hxm Rmrronat tvn. and take no ether. J— ili ml two three cent stamp* t Proc ter Brother* for N "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information it contain- is worth $500,00 to any person. DEO B For sal* at Centre Hall by Win. Wolf and Herlacher A Cronmille* AGENTS WANTED FOR A Book That Will Sell! frrr^sjratL; ST TH K BKXOWHSD RlfiNOß BLITZ. This is an original, interesting, and in structive work, full of rare frin and humor being an account of the AUTHOR'S I'iIO FKBBiONAL LIFE, his wonderful tricks snd feats, With laughable incident* ami adventures as a Magician. Necromancer, and Ventriloquist. Illustrabd with 16 Full Page Engraving*-', besides the Author's Potrait on steel, ntid numerous small cuts. The volume is free from any objections* bio muter, being high-toned and moral in its character, and will be read wi{h inter est, both by old and young. It gives the most graphic and thrilling accounts of /ho effects of hi* wouderfril feats and magical tricks, causing the most uncontrollable merriment and laughter. Circulars, Terms, Ac., with lull informa tion, seat free on application to DUIfFIELD ASiIMKAD. Publisher. 711 SansomStreet, Philadelphia. eeOTJm. CENTRE HALL HOTEL. JOHN SRANOLXA, Proprietor. Stages arrive and depart daily, for all points, north, south, east and west. This favorite Hotel has b*en refitted and famished by its new proprietor, and is now in every respect one of the most pleasant country Hotels in central P tmsylvania. The travelling oommdnity and drovers will always find the bast accommodations. Per sons from the city wishing to spend a few weeks during the summer in the country, will find Centre Hallunalofthe most beau tiful locations and tnCe®i Hall SSffl all they could desire for comfort *%d ••> vcniencc. anlfll if /MHWU mfU Ijoroer ol i V> sod Chestnut Street, Miffiiubui, :'■> John Sbownra, Proprietor. Its Central Location makes it nartk-l ly destrableto persons visiting Town on business or pleasure. • H. A. Taylor's, Li vary Attached. iuu'ia ly tP