The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 22, 1871, Image 2

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f|D, KtriTt Miter.
Centre Hill Ph-i o*l^
TERMS -The Ottrtei H*u Karon-
Communication* recommending perwm*
or office, 6 cent, per line. Oommunic..
ion* of a private nature and obituary no
tice* exceeding l* Ilea*, t* cent* pc
tne. Buiineax nottoa. it* Imal column 10
.ante per Una, for una laesrtloa. ,
Ul Th* figure* M 4 to
•ach *ub*eriber * paper indh*teJ* I JJ
money ha* been received
Xr. Curt ITgtfirm •
There was a spirited debate in the
House at Washington, a few days ago,
on the Apportionment bill. After
what Shellabarger and Garfield had
said Mr. Cox of New York, recognis
ing the fourteenth amendment as para
mount, insisted that, as a consequence
of their logic, the House should take
the Census Bureau's stateuieuL That
tatement shows that the male citiseus
above 21 yeans of age wboee right to
vote ia denied or abridged, on other
grouuds lhan rebellioii or other crime,
have not been constitutionally deduct
• ed from the rati* or the fractious in
the billa before the House. Mr. Cox
appealed to the majority to stand by
their fourteenth amendment. The
House seemed to go on the idee that
only the disfranchised should be de
ducted from the ratio. That not
the Constitution. The fourteenth
amendment says that when the right
to vote, Ac., is denied to tiny of the
male inhabitants of such State being
twenty-one years of age and citixeus of
the United StaU, or in any way
abridged, except for rebellion or crime,
the basis of representation shall be re
duced in the proportion which the
number ef such male citisena shall
bear to tha whole uuiuber of male cit
isena twenty-one years of age in such
State. Mr. Cox contends that the
numb, r to be deducted was more than
the number of the disfranchised. This
gathered around him the House on
both sides, while he ciphered by the
rule of three and the Constitution,
Rhode Island, for instance: the dis
franchised, by th# census returns it 2.-
825; the maJee over 21, 43,996; the
whole population 217,353. By the
Constitution and arithmetic 13,<28
should he deducted from the whole
number of population, leaving 203,625.
Deducting from 203,120, the lowest
ratio, 136,21r, left MIJ 67,406, keiug
leu than the ratio fixed by the bill of
Mercur or other billa Ohio, by the
same rule, would lose one Congress
man, and Massachusetts comes within
four hundred of losing another, by the
rule ef the two bills fixing 280 as the
number of Congressman. Mr. Cox
contended that as tbe Democracy had
accepted the amendments, and had al
ways stood by the unamended Consti
tution it was a fraud for the Republi
cans to wriggle and squirm about their
own amendments when such amend
ments cut down Massachusetts, Rhode
Island, and Ohio. Tbe fourteenth
amendment was meant to force tbe
South to take negro suffrage or lose
representation. They took it. Now
the Radicals desire to avoid iti effects
.on New England. They squirm be
fore the figures of their own creation.
They are hoist by their own peurd.
They depart from their owu amend
ments, and the Democracy stand by
tbe Constitution and its amendments.
Quits a consternation was created by
Mr. Cox's figures, as no Republican
had contemplated these results of tbe
fourteenth amendment. If Kentucky
or Georgia bad laws prohibitiug those
who can't read and write, or who don't
own real estate of a certain amount,
who doubts but that Congress, under
the fourteenth amendment, would
have deducted such disfranchised per
sons from the ratio? If so, why not i
the Germans and Irish of Rhode Is- <
.and and the illiterate of Massachu
setts for tbe same reason ?
A bill lima been introduced in Con-
gress directing the Postmaster-Gener
al to furnish and issue to the public,
stamped postal cards for the transmis
sion through the mails of messages or
other short communications at a pos
tage charge of one cent each, the cost
of the card included. The experiment
•f using cards for the transmission of
open correspondence at a very low
rate has been tried in England and
be* proved popular, tbe principal ob
jection urged against it being that tbe
cards offer cheap facilities for annoying
)>e->ple by addressing them insulting
communications, and that such scan
d.-tlous writings may be read by the
persons through whose hands the mat
ter passes.
Lock Haven has the small-pox pret
ty badly. The Democrat aays :
The Small Pox has broken oat in
Lock Haven aud is creating no little
excitement. At the time ot going P
press this morning twelve cases have
•een reported to the Mayor by the
physicians, who are enjoined by law
to make report of every case, and they
have no doubt done so faithfully so
s n as the case determined itself in
tit* ir minds.
OBITUARY. —The community was
-very much surprised and grieved
yesterday afternoon with the announce
ment that Amos T. Bisel, Esq . had
died of small pox, with which desease
Tie hai been cOnfiiiedfofthe past four
ot five days. Mr. Bisel was one of
our stanchest and most esteemed citi
■eu*— an estimable gentlemen " in the
Kivate walks of life and a successful
sines* man. His deeply bereaved
family have the warmest, sympa
thies of the entire euiutuuu it/sin their
arable loss.
The Prince of W ale* is getting better, ."j
~ ■,U': '
Senator Trumbull Sounds tb Key
note Against (Irani.
Wo alt ing ton, December 10. Sim
tor Trumbull will iufii<>lue in th*
Senate to-morrow very int|H>rtaiit
rcaolulioti proponing to rtih utile H
joint releot committee to ItiVcstigwlv
fraud* in the government, to **••■ what
exjufuditurc* can be mluwl, lo iiwu
Sural® civil net vice reform, 1 prevent
ie military power fiutti lioitig md
tor political purpoeee ami, in abort,
covering a broad platform on which
all the dement* op|meod lo lite iuiqoi
lie* of the preacnl administration may
untie. The reaoluliou ia likely to lend
to au adting ntul protracted di*oua
•ion, for the Mimas Senator ba* al
ready bad and inkling of live oppoai
lion of leading Republican Senator*.
It has tramtpired that Mr. Trumbull
submitted thia resolution in the He-
Suklican Senatorial oaucua on Thurt
ay aud it wa* voted down.
Tk Had lea I Senators Vote Down
an Inveatigatiou.
Virtual a/ tke Rotteme* J
the AdninidratutH, -No Civil Srr
r ice Reform to be Expert#! of Tku
(bwyrsas, dr.
Washington, Dec. 13. —The Re
publican Senatorial caucu* mumbled
this morning at 10:30, Senator Autho
nir, of Rhode Island, in the chair.
Tite discussion ef Truuthull'a resolu
tion wa* reeutued with increased ex
citement. The recalcitrant Senator*
Deemed to realise lo day what they
evidently did not know yeaten lay:
that they had been drawn iuto a '.rap
When they went into caucu* yesterday
thev had no idea that au arrangement
had been made between the President
aud his friends whereby their project
for an investigation into the corrupt
practices of the administration wa* to
be nipped in the bud. The thiug wa*
sprung upon them so suddeuly that
thcv were, so to speak, dunfounded ;
and it wa* not uutil the ducuMtion
had progressed for some tim- that
they understood the object of the cau
cus. It appears that beuator Trum
bull's resolution first attracted the
attention of Senator Morton, who, be
ing a sharp politician, saw at once its
scope and its consequence*. lie, it
appears* communicated with the Prea •
dent and t auinbcr of Senators kuowu
to be the unquerftioniug henchmen of
the administration, ft was at oncerv-
solved that something should be done
to check tbe discussion of the resolu
tion in Jopen Senate. There were no
fears of its passage, for the adminis
tration had a force sufficient to defeat
it against the combined vote of the an
ti administration Republicans and tbe
Democrats. It was rightly presumed
that if tbe resolution and its support-
ers could be pushed into a caucus
both would be either modified or mol
lified or effectually wquelched. The
possibility of a vote upon the part of
the dissatisfied Senators, does not seem
to have been seriously eutertained.
Their pluck was largely discounted.
There is reason to believe that had
Schurs and Sumner bolted tbe caucus
no serious regrets would have follow
ed, for the former is regarded by the
administration Senators as a sort of a
spy iu Radical camp, while the latter
is conceeded to be so for gone in bis re
bellion against th# powers that be as to
to be beyond mil nope of redemption
might be inferred from the result of
the proceedings yesterday, the caucus
assembled this morning in anything
but an amiable mood. It has already
Been stated that tbe dissatisfied and
disappointed Senators had arrived at
a full realisation of the dilemma iu
which they were placed. A few of
the mora resolute determined to make
the beat of tbe fight, but it soon be
came apparent that ordinary opposi
tion was fruitless. There was a sharp
interchange of sentiment Zach
Chandler, recognizing tbe fact- that
the anti-administration Senators were
in minority, was unusually bold acd
violent He impugned tbe metivea of
the supporter's of Trumbull's resolu
tion, and charged that tbey were too
cowardly t make an open attack
upon the President and sought this
indirect method to bring odium upon
the administration. This charge was
repelled by Senator Trumbull, tbe au
thor of the resolution, who insisted
that be wanted nothing but a fair in
vestigation of whatever frauds might
be found in the different departments
of the government. A discussion
arose as to the construction to be
placed upon the resolution relative to
the powers of the oommittee which it
, proposed to create. Senator Morton
argued that it could do nothing ex
cept by special order of the feet ate,
while Schurxand Trumbull contended
that it would have plenary powers to
institute investigations without iu
strueUoni. There were several sharp
personal thrusts between Senators,
but these were uot of public import
ance. Finally a vote was reached
upon Trumbull's resolution, and it
was defeated. The yeas and nays
were not callerl, for the majority was
too large to admit of a doubt. The
death of the resolution was immediate
ly followed by a proposition from Sen
ator Morton to appoint a committee of
seven, to be known as the Committee
on Investigation and Retrenchment,
which should investigate all mat
ters referred to it by the Senate.
This emasculated all that was of con
sequence in Trumbull's resolution.
As a matter ot course it was opposed
bv the friends of the measure, finator
Tipton, ofJNebraekn, denounced this in
unmeasured terms as a whitewashing
prot osition and as au attempt to evade
a fair investigation of the alleged cor
ruptions under the administration.
He wanted a committee with free
railroad passes and with a carte blan
che to go to every 'part of ihe coun
try and to investigate every depart
ment .if Uie government. He gave
uotice that he would not submit to
any gag arrangement, and he there
upon left the caucus. He was follow
ed by Heuator Sumner, who insisted
that no harm could be apprehended
from the resolution of Mr. Trumbull,
except from those who were guilty of
frauds upon the public Treasury.
After • few of the recalcitrant Senator*
had ventilated their view* the vote wa* tak
en and Morton's resolution wa* adopted
without a divison, Trumbull and hi* adhe
rent* refusing to vote. The anti-Grant
Senator* number in all about nine, and the
more judicious of them calculated that
even with the Democrat* they could not
muvter a majority against the friend* of
the administration in the Senate. Trum
bull and hi* friend* had a splendid oppor
tunity to-day to bolt the caucus and go be
fore the country upon the issue of whether
or not a rigid examination should be made
into the alleged frauds upon the national
Treasury. It wa* manifest, however, that
they had neither the pluck nor the disposi
tion to make an open, square issue with the
administration. The only bold man among
them was Tipton, of Nebraska. Had the
other* followed bis lead there would have
been a rupture. Trumbull and those who
supported hi* resolution by remaining in
the caucus until the Anal vote wa* taken
were bound to abide by it* decison.
When the caucus proceedings were de
veloped in the open session of the Senate
by the presentation of Morton's programme
for a standing committee of the Senate <>n- i
ly. instead of a special joint committee, the
difference became at once apparent. The
former could only investigate such matters
a* are referred to it by the Senate, while a
special committe could go promptly into
every nook and corner of the New York
Custom-house with fear, favor, affection, or
jjggcui (idfiX Mr. Trumbull moved his reso-
Wmt as a yauha A spirited detail
lasting itv;iiy four hour*, but without *1
vote, followwl Mir. tfhoriiian mot'
Wilton warmly Mipsertftl cai>t-ui ac
tion." It wa* Immltwunit to*oath<> Connor,
who had voted tor evert Hrbiimrv ra<Murv
for tho (m*t lx .ve*r, decrying tho powur*
of a couiiuitlvi' .• the gro.ttol that
it count tt'arch tho |irivaU' mi>hi limul- aiol
t>a|>r* of every man in the laud. M<•,-
Thuruian and UanMrly.poiuti-d to tho good
rMuluaitha old Uaiwtii'hiiiiiiit Commit-<
lee, ana Bommcnlvd on the dotiH-u of the
substitute proposed for it Mr. Schurt,
nowever, Opened a rattling Hre on tho ad
■uiniatratioii Senator*, and brought to ftitl
view again tho damning r<-v qttl which hi*
old cumuiittee had mailt* on the general or
der butinM of the Now York Cu.tom
bout*. Ho road the evidouoo of A. T. Ste
wart, WUtiain K Dodge. S. 11. Chittenden,
and other New York importer*, *u>taitiing
hi* declaration that the general order bu
inea*. a* eouducled by Levi A Stocking,
wa* a *ytciu of nioiwtroM* wanton robbery
tin the merchant* of Nvw York. Yhetfoc
retary of the Treasury had investigated u
In May, IHTO, and had written expressing
hi* opinion ngattot it "Senator I'attvr
on," aid Mr Si-buia, "ha* that letter.
And yet," headded, 'that monstrous IVIfM
ofiobbery exist* at the present day xYhal
oower In this government ttulain* thiiis*'
W here i* that myalertoos power located I
Thl* *y item reminded htm ol an ancient
(tine wh*u the lord of a cattle on th-- lthinu
•tretched a chain acroa* tho river and lex led
tribute of every ve**el that atleait>U-d to
|Mi Thegeiteral order of bu*tne* wa* u<>(
m the intereat of commerce, not of trade,
but atuipiy to till the pooketa of certain
part:**, one of wboui Levi, had admitted
that he pocketed a year, while the
general eliuiate of the profit* place*! thcio
at *e**uiy-five or a hundred thouand 00l
lar*. Of Leat A Stocking, who *oeuied to
be higher than the Treaory Department
but little wa* known, except that Levi had
been an aide-dr-camp on the taT of tien
erat Utul. The committee propoaed by
Mr. Truiubllt would unearth these abuv*,
"and 1 warn you," a>d Mr. Schura, "that
the Amrricau leople are on the poiut of de
manding an honet government" Mr.
Coukliug replied, but in alt tl)at lleaaid be
talked around and not at the general order
• wtndl*. lie imiuualed, like Kduiund*,
what Morton charged openly, that the
tpeecLe* of Trumbull and Seliur* w*re
covert attack* on tbv administration.
The Auembly ami th (Meant
Paris. December s—Tie5 —Tie National
Assembly effected sit organization to
day by re-electing President Grvvy
and lbs Vice Presidents of the U*i
seaaiou. The report that Thiers hnd
tent hi* message to the Assembly was*uature. Although its coutents are
mown, it has uot yet been received or
published. It it rumored that Thiers
withholds the document because be is
averse tu declaring himself in faver
of the admission of the Orleans Priu
ces to the Chamber, and some avowal
on his part is ex|>ected iu the forth
coming message, more es|>ecially ss it
it supposed that he received iTotifics
tiou that the Princes intended to claim
their right to seats as tht legally elect
ed representatives of the people. The
status of the Orleans Priuccs promises
to he oue of the questions before the
Tha li tI ft restoring to tbem their
confiscated estates and all tbeir rights
as citizens of are preparing
and will be inMNuccd at an early
day. It is anticipated that these
measures will give rise to long and,
exciting delatft, Th# Extreme I^efl!
will meet lliem with the propositions
for a general amnesty, which setting
free the thousands of communists still
held prisoners will lie considered on
ly as au equitable return for the jus
tice proposed to be doue the House ofi
The Led will uot take the initiative
in moving the return of the Assern
bly and government to Paris, but
there is no reason to doubt that the re
moval will be effected during this sea
sion of the Legislature
A decree appears this eveuing ap
pointing M. Birou ambassador to the
(ieriuan Empire, to reside at Berlin.
Paris, December 5 Eveuing.— j
Thiers appears to have made up his
mind to oppose the admission oft he Or-'
leans Princes to the National Assem
bly, for the purpose of listening to his
exposition ef the reasons influencing
him agaiuat their taking seals iu the
Legislature, and of endeavoring hi
argument to change his decision.!
The President received the Prince
courteously, but owing tu the pressure
of public business was uuablo tu hear
or reply to them to-day. He how
ever, appointed an interview for Kri- :
day next, at which time be will be pre
pared to develope fully his reaoit
for restraining tbem from taking their
•eats in the Assembly,
■M ♦ •
Suicide of au Ex Congmtwnian
Colonel John D. Aahmore, form
erly a State Senator of and a Con
gressman from South Carolina, commit
ted suicide yesterday mornings! Sard is,
Miss., by shooting himself with a Der
riuger pistol. Colonel Aahmore was,
before the late war sjdistinguished rej>*
resentatirs in Congress from South
Carolina. The Disastrous result of
the late war deprir<d him of a large
amount of wealth, a fact which had an
evil effect on the habits of the on for ;
lunate. A few years since he with
his family removed to the Mississippi
bottom ten miles from Bardia, Miss.
But Colonel Arhiuore's agricultural
efforts became failures, and he remov
ed to Sardis for the purpose of resum
ing his profession as a lawyer. He was
addicted to intemperance, and leA Sar
dis for Batesville, Miss., on last Mon
day evening. Yesterday morning, he
returned on the early train, and was
apparently not under the influence of
liquor. He went to his boarding
house, retired to his room, and in a
few minutes a loud explosion was
heard. The lady of the house rushed
in and discovered the unfortunate
man in a death struggle. Captain F.
B. Randolph,of the Panola Star, was
on;the spot in a few seconds, aud found
the suicide lying on the bed. In his
right hand he held the fatal Derring
er, which he convulsively shoved
Mgaiust his neck, and was eudeavor ■
mg to pull the trigger even in his
death agony. The ball eiilered the j
right side of the head, passing out
through the top, iuflicting a horrible 1
wound, from which death resulted in
a few minutes. The brains of the un- <
fortunate man were scattered in all '
directions Colonel Ash more was a ,
polished and cultivated gentleman, ,t
and had a large circle of friends iu 1
Mississippi. P
Seventeen Persona Frozen to Death
St. Louis, Dec. 12.—A gentleman
who arrived in Kausa* City on Sat
urday last informed the Kansas City
Times that the Sunday previous a ter
rible affair occurad in Saline County,
Nebraska. A party of emigrant*
with their families were passing
through the county westward, when,
the cold constantly increasing, they
concluded to camp and light a fire.
They were on a piece of high prairie
several miles from any house, but
three miles from them wa* a piece of
timber land. After unhitching their
teams the men started for this timber
to procure fuel. Not returning for
several hours the women left their
children and started to hunt for them.
This is all that is known save that the
bodies of seventeen person* who per.
ished from the intense cold were found
The children who were .eft in the
wagons were the only survivor* of:
the party.
osopher of the NJRL/Y ork Tribune hasi
lately taken tu telling the trillli aa glib
ly U* a cliriotitu, • JHH mlly when >lu
canting U|M>n lltu uiaowlitim ul lit* (•ar
ty friend*. if (troclt-y coiitiiitn a In
Utter llii lmill in liia present manly
way, an will not be aur|iriael tu lu-ai
of liia tliauiiaaal by the stockholders nl
tlij Uailiettl bible. 11l Ilia iaaiin of Jlinl,
among oilier thing*, In- said :
We are livartlly sick of the sentiuiviital
attempt* of ' panv limn <gere" to cover up
the corruption, di*honu*t> and rxtrava
gum* ot the eai|ict-bg governments
rh (ilea that exposure ol the*o liamls
will inluiv the Republican party U a
wicked as it is silly Itvtter a thousand
times that (he party be runt assumlet than
that ally crtlnalor which il call be justly
held responsible be s-oveicd Up in Its own
lonise No party van live bo g with su-b
a cancer concealed in lis b> ami.
Office-Is Villi! tllsli'ga.d tlie law* iut
w I.icli they wis ai isvls-tl tee |*loaecule,
sl-i.ulil luke warning by the t-llowiii
cao Iroiti li e Htinbury tlaietic : Kj*-
braitii kIiHIT, of Slutiitokiti lownalii|i,
--liie time vilicc suits ayalllet
Frwctt-ati \V. SIM 1 ami Futtnat-
Fwrn-wottii late Auilitara ul >wul
towtialiip lor to fleeting or refuaiug,
| wbilg tliuV vivr* lit offlce, to tiublisli
ail au ti tin I •tiileinetil o| the lioinlv
H nance* of (lie township, the suit,
were tsieii I .< ft
tbi* place, uit Saturday iast, nu-l re
•ulictl 111 die .Icli ntl-siii* Ining line-1.
it, iu CMlilnrmity with the law ul lJßiliy
111 (lie sum of S3U fur each ue|Hccl ot
refusal to publish as aloreeanl. Mr
(sober'a line aiuotiiilcii In fIOO lor two
vt-ais oiiii*riuii ot limy 11#69 ami |R
*O. Mr. Kn 111* wor lb'* 930, fur utn
year HttiH 1 llnlf of the tins* go to
the in former ami the other to thr
school ilitectorsol sanl township
it i* piu|-u*J lu lay iluwu a cast
iron tube for railway pur|Kc* between
Knglauil and Francv. The tube
would cotniuancti at ouc vide of th*
1 Intum 1, and laid at tha bottom of the
leca, lieing built up iu*ide a horia utal
1 cylinder or ball, to becoiuUiutiy push
ed forwatd a* tha building up ol'tlu
tube plot-ceded. The liua aalcotrd for
the tube to be thus rubtnerged ia cliwe
to Duvar on thr Knglith aidr of the
Channel, aud would extend ta Cajw
C'riauil oil the Freitcli ceaat, lb* di*-
1 alter belvicelt thr two point* being
twauty-lwo ittllae, and the average
-icptli of water one huudretl and leu
leal. According to thi* plau, tha lube
would b made large enough for thr
pasaago of railway carriage* of ordi
nary construction, whilst the traffic
could be worked I y phrumatic pres
sure, thus securing a cuiMtaut supply
of pure air, aud at thr same time pre
cluding the possibility of rolliamnr
It i* estimated that a slow train will
tie able to accomplish the distance in
out) hour und six minutes, but au el-|
press train iiiforty-*ix minutes. Five
thousaml passenger* aud ten thousand,
tuna of good* could b csiuwyed.
tlirotigb the tube daily.
channel, Mini laid al ths bottom of the
Iwing liuilt up iuside * horia- utal j
cyliudct or bell, to be coiutautiy push-1
nl forwaid a* the building up ol'tin
' tube piocredcd. Tbe line •elected foi
the tube to be thus submerged is close
' to IhiVr on the English aide of the
' Channel, and would extend to Cape
r Crisuil on the Frcuch t-a*t, th die
' I mice belu imlj the two points being
' tweuty-lwo miles, and the average
r depth of water one huudrrd and leu
. ieet. According to thia plan, the lube
would b uiade Isrg. enough for the
passage of railway carriage* of ordi
1 nary construction, whilat the traffic
could be worked I y pheumatic pr
aure, tbua securing a conalaut supply
of pure air, aud at the saute tiiue pre
' eluding the possibility of collisioitr
1 It U estimated that a alow train will,
' be able to accomplish the diaiance in
one hour und six minutes, but an rx
press train iu forty-six minutes. Five
1 thousand passengers aud leu thousand,
' tons of good* coo hi U conveyed,
through the tube daily.
— * •
A method of rendering wood meas
urably incombustible, aud for preserv
ing It when underground, is proposed
by Dr. Keiiisch. The wood, whh-h iou>t
not be plained is placed for twenty-four
hours in a liquid composed of one part
.of concentrated silicate of po'assa aud
three juirts of pure water. After hav
ing I wen removed from this liquid,
aud dried for several days, the wood
is agaiu soaked in this liquid, aud, af*
ter having been agaiu dried, is painted
over with a mixture of one part ce
ment and four parts of the liquid
above described. After the first coat
of thia paint is dry, the painting is re
peated twice. Of the paJUt alluded to.
too large quautitiea are not to be made
up at once, because it rapidly becomes
very dry aud hard. No tests or xj
penrmula are reported of the value <>f
this method over other processes for
tho sane purpose, but tbe Chemical
News slates that wood thus treated is
rwudered uninflamable, aud docs not
decay underground.
The debt of the aUle of New York,
uuder Gov. Huffman'* admiiiiatrntioii
has be-u retluced upward* of leu mil
lion* of dollar*. Gov. Hoffman be-,
ing a democrat, no radical (taper will
breathe about this large reduction of
the debt. What a pity are have nut
more governor* *o that
tome of the burden* under which the
people smart might be removed by a
faithful management of affair*.
——— m ♦ • i " -
Duke Alexia haa contributed $5,000
to the poor of New York. It is un
derstood that he ha* given $2,000 fur
the poor of Ronton ; aud that he will
add $5,000 to the Chicago relief fund.
Dedication of the X. K. Church.
The dedication of ihe M. K. Church of
Sprucetown, near Potter* Mill*, took place
on Sabbath, Dec. 17 1871. The occasion
called out a large and appreciative con-:
court* of people.
The day was mild and sunny. Coming
ito th* church from the South West it wa*
| pleasant to behold the glitering whiteness
'and massive beauty of lb* church's spire.
Its location on the summit of the hill, too,
1 add* greatly to ita abearance.
The architecture of the house i* molded
on tha genera) plan of church* now built in
cities and town*—basement below and aud
ience room above. A few step* with a
slight turn usher* you int* a room a* com
modious, comfortable and pleasant a* any
in the valley. On the day of ita dedica
tion, tbia room was densely filled witb an
intelligent and happy people. This large
audience, doubtless, it to be taken at a
compliment to K*v. Bowman. D. D., from
the University of Indiana, who was pre*-!
ant to deliver the dedicatory sermon.
Among hi* assistants were Ksvt. Mr-
Murry, F. K. Houghs waul, pastor in
charge, aud Crostbwait.
After the customary exercises in th
morning. Dr. Bowman aroen and preached
from the following text; "For the Son of
(nan is come to save that which ia loel,"'
Matbew, XVIII. II."
It Is im|Mt*ihlc to convey a correct im
, pression of the IF# discourse, without a
publication of the entire sermon. This we
have not the power to do. But we think
the niacin thought* would bs suggested by
a few simple proposition*.
I. Sin is in the world beyond doubt
a. Neither Science nor Religion can ex
plain it* or!* In.
b. But religion tell* how ain entered,
and. with that, all our woe with losa of
c. Science is wont to let Mid* tha claims
t religion, because it can not fathom the
jdeoth of the mystery.
Mystery U in everything, Illustration :
water it oxygen and hydrogen. But the
,Kow of tho union science cannot explain,
and yet it luuit believe tha fact. We ak
the tame in religion.
11. The Bible alone haa a remedy for
Science admit* tin, but promts#* no reme
dy. Under thi* head tha Dr. showed hi*
greatest ability. The plan of talvation
was thoroughly explained floni tha bot
tom. The system of Jewish type*, the re
lation ol the ancient worship to tha death of
Jesus, and all the auxiliary mean* institu
ted by Ood to culminate in the death of
Thrift, received a lucid treatment. In the
death of t'hritt culniinale* the plan of sal
vation Tht glorious death was held up
in a new light, at least, new to *oma. In
what did the glory of Christ's death con
sist? Did not martyr* die singiug In the
lltuiics? What mean the strange words,
: "O my Father, if it t>e possible, let this cup
pa** from me V Why was ha reluctant to
, sutfer the death on the cross, whila good
men everywhere render themselves up
I cheerfully ?
Because lie fnsttd itruth fur rerry man,"
Do we understand the force of that word
j "taninl T" Then think, "for trrry man."
' In yielding up himself lie made an offering
1 for the sin* of the entire race. The benefit
of thia death, so glorious in itself and so
iui|Mirtaiit ill its results, the earnvst divine
pressed home to eacn conscience. The
force of the sermon was seen in the tearful
eye* of a convinced congregation. At its
close, the congregation contributed almost
three thousand dollar*. In the evening
Presiding Elder McMurray, preached an
eloquent sermon, niter which the addition
al amount was collected, aim unting in the
total to thirty tlve hundred duilkr*. Ded
icatory services of the M. E. Church were
then performed, after which the Rev. Dr. -
Bowman, pronounced the benediction.
May ltu* God of holy energy ant! psce
LA |I til* |HI|<IU of ILIA rtitirch, In the nar
row way to tha sunny lull J ol imuiurtal
r t. May lie lead erring men amt women,
through the luvliumrntallty ofihe work
iog christians, to a humble trust in hi*
iloiilh, and deliver them from win.
l>AMtl. O'Co.MMkl.l..
i urr fur fmimr,
There taring art oral aerioua run of
ramvr in I\ nnsvallcy we copy the fol
lowing core, -Ml to tbo I'itlaburg Post,
by one. w I o any* lie baa tried it, and
bo|ie it may ploVv beiivlieial to utlierc
I with 10 make ki,. wu tbroiigli your
widely circulated |ii)nr to tb iiiany
now suffering willi cancer. lu lSlid a
eauoer mine MII my teit baud atter
muvli • •Dieting, all rriuediea failing
on. i bad II burned out willi cos lira
It made iia u|>|naiam*e again in my
right arm, being more troubleaouie
ili t ii tielore ; i *tt Uriel at 111 oat death
again wiin CM*tic liuruing ; this seemed
to elivik it lot a white. It neat broke
out mmy nglil iiaud. lu the spring
lof 1871 il grew very fa*l until the
band l caiuv beipie** ami 1 carried
' ii in • >ling ; all remediea and cos lies
tailing me this time 1 feared tuy baud
mint be taken otf. On bearing of aev
cral p-nvw cured by driuking wild
tea and poulticing lire cancer with lire
lea grounda 1 comnicuerd uaiug wild
u-a in earutwL 1 ab*taiuod fruur usiug
eolleu and oilier tea aud ia four weeks
wo* cured aa a ell ua it ever was. 1
am acquainted with two cilisetia of
Pittsburg that bave IR-CM cured of can
cer by driukiug wild lea within the laat
lew inoiillia. For the the sake of suff
ering biimamty 1 make known theae
facts. Willi i< a grows in most af the
Statie and in well known. This rem
•*dy tbould have the widest publicity.
Your* respectfully,
Health Officer, Allegheny City 1*
] Kr 1*72. Twemly-seventh year. Ttiis
sph-ndid weekly, grealty enlarged and im
proved. U one of the uiiwl useful and inter
esting journal* ever published. Every
'i number It beautifully printed on Aim pa*
i |>ar, and vlegaully illutlraled with original
, engraving*, representing aaw invention*;
not elite* in Ultihauics. utanufaeluriw,
chemistry, photography, arvhitocture. ag
riculture, engineering, scfflAt rait.
Farmer*. mechanics, inventor*, aagiaaars,
' cliamiat*. manufaeluro**, and people of all
profession* or trade* will And the Scientific
A titer Iran of graal value and interval.
In prsclic. 1 *ugg*lioiu will tava hun
dreds of dollar* to every household. work
chop. and factory in the land, bs-id* at
| fording ■ continual mhik* of valuable in
struction. Thr Editor* ars a**i*trd by
many of lite able-l A merman and Euro
. peart Writer*, and having acee*t to all the
Scientific Mreharira! Journal* of the
i world
An official 1 let of all the Patent* I**uad
111 Published Weekly. Specimen copies
ien I free
TERMS...S!t a year; fl.fiU half year;
Club, of ten Copie* for one year sack,
i 12ft, 11) witk tplviidtd iiraiuiuMi to Ike per
•on who lorm* the Club, consisting of a
.copy -if the celebrated Steel-Plate Engrav
ing, "Men of Progn--*."
In connect on with the publication of the
.Scientific American, the undersigned con
duet the mot vsten*ive Agency in the
world for procuring Patent*
The be*l way In obtain an answer to the
jgitfliu*—Can 1 obtain a Patent v to to
write to Munn A Co . 37 Park Row. X. Y.
who have had over Twenty-Ave years Ex
|terienea in the business No charge to
made for opinion and advice.
A Musical Treat
TKTKX*' Mean at. huvruLT for Janu
ary ernes to u in a new dre*s It is prim
ed on thicker paper, and Is in every re
spect superior to its many predecessor*.
The selections are evidently made with
great care, and it to really wonderful how
few poor pieces appear aiuung the hun
dred* that are given. Volunte IX, com
mence* with the January number. Price
SU cent* ;or $3 per year Th* publisher
offer* sit hack nii-tiber* for sl, and we ad
ei-e all our Mutual readers to take ad
vantage of the offer. Addrv.t J. L I'K
TERs, Ml Mroadway, Xew York.
Gopxv's Lanr'a Boon for January,
lIT7S. This number of Godey contain* a
haadome steel plate itb the title "The
Secret." a steel plate title page, a tableau
1 picture, and fashion plate In addition to
; these an ultra Ane plate will he found of
parlor ornaments, printed in a variety of
rich color*. Thrn we bava the double
plate--"Mr*. Icli pop's Party' —the first
•>l tha promised serin*. "A Xew Year'*
• Call" in a choice wood-cut A goodly
number of storie* an-i miscellaneous, an
excellent piece of music bv the musical ed
itor, and a suburban reaiJence in the Ital
ian styla by the Messrs. Ilobb*.
j'JB72. Splendid Inducement*. 187*2
Greatly Enlarged and Improved.
1 Th* old favorite Democratic Weekly, the
1 Patriot will appear on the first of January,
IBTi, Greatly enlarged and changed from
| pre*rnt quarto to a mammoth tolio. It
will more Beading Matter than
any other Weekly publitbnl in Pennyl*
' vania
| It will furnish ail the Political and Gen
eral newt of the current week in condensed
' i form.
It will give an accurate report of the
market* uf New York, Philadelphia, Bal
timore, Pittsburg and Uarriaburg.
Iu Literary Department will contain
' Tale*, Essay., Pn try. etc., by tha bet
1 American and European writer*.
It will contain such full and faithful re
, port* of Congressional and Legislative pro
'j ceedingt a* will afford iU reader* a clear un-
I daratandibg of the doing* of the public ter
vanU. During th* *e**mn ot the legisla
ture i: will be of special interest and value
to every Pennsy Iranian
The Next President.
The great impending struggle lor th*
PTeaideqry will oun commence. Within
on* year from this tbue the American peo
ple will have determined whether or not
the centralization of the power* of the gov
ernment in the hand* of a corrupt olig
archy, the plundering of the tax-payer by
thieving officisls, the denial of equal polit
cal right to the proscribed citizen* of the
.Southern State*, and the substitution ofth*
will of a party for tb* fundaux atal law of
the land, shaft o**e or continue. It shall
ha th* easnest and unflagging endaaver of
th* Patriot to educate iU reader* in the be
lief that the time ba* come when an earli
est and determined effort must be made to
j arrest political power from the hand* of our
: present ruler*. It should, therefore, be
read bv every voter wh* can be induced
to real an honest, intelligent and patriotic
ballot. To thi* end it ha* been determin
ed to fix the following exceedingly low
! rate* for the
(hie Copv, one year l
One Copy, six month* 1,25
Four Copies, one year, each 1,76
Ten Copies, on* year, each 1,60
Twenty Copie*, one year, each 1.25
, Fifty Copies, and Upward*, one year,
each!. 1.00
An extra copy free, i* furnished to the
Agent sending in club* of ten or more.
A copy of the Daily Patriot a ill be sent,
free, to the Agent sending in club* of titty
or more. All paper* will bo separately
addressed, but mutt go to one p>*t office.
(See direction below.)
Chairmen of Democratic County Com
mittee, aud othar* interested in the cause
of good government, are respectful'}-
requiwled to act a* Agent* tor
tha formation of Club* for the Weekly
Published every morning, Sui day* except
ed, is a first class newspaper, containing
ftill tulegrauliic rtqiorU, special Washing
ton dispatches, the Aiost complete and ac
curate market re|M>rls, full account* of pro
ceeding* of Congress and legislature, spi
cy editorials, etc.
One Copy, one year, by mail, $7 ; Five
Cttttit-s. do., SB2; Ten Copies, do., SW.
Large C üb* at two last named rates.
Pa|ters may be separately addressed, but
must be taken in one package. The mon
ey must accompany tha order to insure at
DIRECTIONS Additions to Club*
may be made at any time in the year at
the' above Club rale*. Change* in Club
Lirt* made only on request ot persons re
ceiving packages, stating date of subscrip
tion, edition, poll office and State, to which
it ha* been preeviously tent.
TERMS. —Cash in advance. Seud Post
Office Money Order, Bank Draft or Reg
istered Letter. Bill* sent oy Mail will be
at the r sk of the sender
M helid tor protio-clu* and specimen
copy. Adress "THE PATRIOT."
Harrisburg, Pa.
BOALTS tor Buggies and Carriagbor I
sixes in use; Fire Bolts, ditto, at
plO'Ob Ibwin * Wilson'
NOTICE All parsons having unpaid
vatidua note* in the band* of the under
*lgn><d, are hereby notlAed that ilia same
fell due o.'i the nth ln*t., and that immedi
ate |>a>ai<'>it of the same to earnastly re
till lb St. HEN J. ItITX Kit.
1872. THE WBRLO. 1872.
In thn year klf7M General Grant'* surces
•or I* to be chosen ; the Party-third (Jon
gr>'* to he elected.
The people'* votes, white and black,
North and Sooth, will thus decide the fu
ture destiny of (he Republic, select it* ru
ler*, prescribe their course.
How to inductive tiie people * votes?
Hy the newspaper- fur It include* every
other ageuey. It make* known event* am!
feet- aui->ng all ItiAueuvos the ehiaf. It
■•soluble* the vaster outside audieuea*
who h cannot gather to the Mlclv-h-iu-e,
the pulpit, or the stuiup. It to the constant
interpreter of mug'* affair*, and of error or
tiuth it the daily tead-suwer
Neat November i* our political hervast
iitus. A* we sow we shall r*ap.
The World's seed-suwlug will be fruitful
to lb* client that lu circulation to widely
pushed hy lho* who approve It* aim
The World will aim to represent and
combtn* the labor* and the votes of
I.— All those wh And best insurance of'
the people'* prosperity, peace, and pro
gress in a government administered on the
principles and In the pure practice of
Jefferson and Jackson, and wbu descry the
fount and origin of the present corruption*,
estravagaiice, mUgovernment, subversion
of public liberties, and insecurity of pri
vate right* in our rulers' lawless usurpa
tion of interdicted aud undcrdicted and
undelegated power* usurpation that to
day marches deliberately on to the sub
jugation of popular rule and the poescweton
of dictatorial i* wer for by act* of Con
grvs General tlrani may even now destroy
tliv freedom of (stale elections, invade th.
-Stales at his pleasure, and declare martial
law of his own mere will.
'J. —All those who would uiaintaiu the
boner of republics, and would preaerve
public credit by punctual payment of pub
fie debts.
3.—A1l those who would cut dowiu tu
fewer and At object* all appropriation* of
the people's money (to-day more than dou
ble, nearly treble, the appropriations of a
Democratic Congress eleven year* ago, not
counting annuities tu Indian*, pension* u
soldier*, and interest un debit, and who
would oblige all spending of the people'*
money got by lata* to be with honesty sitd
thrift ; likewise alt those who would spare
a little of the people's landed estate for lb*
landless millions hereafter and stop it*
squandering dominium in a day upon
those who already own too much.
4. -All thosa who would reduce the
number of coiuniodlir* lated by our tariff
from thousand* tu a few dun-tit. and so
empty our custom-huusee of half their offi
cial*, rid the statuta-buuks of half their
,*Jions i.arc* lor honesty or bribe* to fraud,
and unfetter score* of our native Indus
A.— All those who would lower the rate*
also ot our tariff use* to the point of most
easily yielding the largest revenue—who
would abaudun tha protectionist *v*tem of
reducing lb# public rsyenue whilst in-i
creasing the eslortmnate profit* of a few at
the espouse of nil other industries
6. —All those who would abolish evsry
unlawful (as. lik# that on incomes; every
ui.jusi lax bka that slirh give* banks the
people'* profits on a national currency ; ev
ery uuequal nnd indeterminate tax, like
that levied moat cruelly upon tha poor—
the us of our irredeemable papar-money.
Tux Wont, u will aim—as the recognised
and leading orgnn of the Democratic party
in the great locus of national commerce
and intelligence— to fulfill this it'* mission
and duty with steadfast boldness and fidel
ity ; to inspire in the ranks of those who
think the same thing* concerning the Re
public an united, organized, determined,
and persistent sen); to win new recruits;
from among those who have been enemies
to the Democracy ia the conflict* of n dead
pai; and to marshal an unbroken phalanx
lo the triumph at the ballot-box (true bat
tle field of Liberty, Equality, and Law.
Aa n Vehicle of Newt,
Tux WOXLP will spars no expense, no
energy, to maintain and advance its place
in the first rank of metropoliun journal*,
lu fr*b, abundant, varied, and accurate
n vi, comprising the w hole circle of cur
rent intelligence and literature, will ba dis
cussed, as becomes
A Trustworthy Organ of Opinion,
with candor, with steady devotion to sound
public and private moral*, with special
knowledge T..r special themes, and with
variuu* and wide-reaching apprehension
of the manifold interrU of men and wis
men in their home*, their market-places,
their work shops, and their farm*.
A targe jvrt<> sheet, - priul.-d through
out in lar.-e type. and publitbid every
WnlueeJijr morning. Among iu promi
nent fmtum ara:
MET Kxroara, embracing the Livg Srta A
market* of New York, Albany, Brighton,
Gambridr*. and Philadelphia; the Nan
alld tixVKU AL pBoIiPCK MAEMKTS of the
country; and lull report* ok the Nta
Yoax UXIT MsaEXT. Bach of the.*
report* i complied with great care, and
contain* the latcat quotation* that can be
obtained up to Ike titue of putting the pa
per to pre**.
1 It* AoauTTTBAr lUiAtruKsr.
which contain* each wrek article* on prac
tical aud scientific farming that are of great
value to the American farmer*.
1 A very full report of the Farmer."
Club of the American Institute is printed
in each i*ue of the Weekly WoaiD. tkr
d<*f a/trr (A t m/rlimg t>{ tkr Gal. By this
arrangement (he report appear* in the
Weekly Woau one weea in advance of it*
publication in anv other weekly paper.
4. A portion of the Weekly U
reserved for family reading matter, includ
it g original and selected atorios, |oein,
waif* or humor, and extract* from book*
and periodical*. Particular attention will
be given to this department during the
6. A special feature of the Weekly
Woat.ii U a carefully complied summary
of the new* of each week. It is made *o|
complete that no one who read* it can fail
of being well potted on all the important
new* ot the day.
Tnc Semi weekly World,
published Tuesday and Friday, is a large
quarto sheet, containing all the new* pun
luhed in the Daily WOBLP, with the ex
ception of such loeal report, as may be of
no interest to non-resident# cf New Yotk
City. Its market reports arc as fall a*
th.ue of the daily edition, and it contain*,
besides micro-ting literary matter, on Fri
day of each week, a full report of the
Farmer*' Club.
The Daily World
contain* all thr aetr# of the day that can
he ohtaiscd by tnaii and telegraph from
all parts of the world, and thorough dis
cussion* of all topic* of interest.
The W orkl Aliuuntc,
commenced In 1808, he* been published
about the Ist of January, In IWUi, 1870, and
1871. That for 1872 will be ready about
January Ist
Tut VYOMI.II ALMAKAC contains a great
Siantity ol invaluable political informs
•n of use to every voter, and of such a
character a* can oe obtained in no other
publication. In it are printed the full offi
cial return* of every tui|.oriant election
held during the year preceoding the issue
of the Almanac; the vote of New York
State by olivtimi districts, aud New Jer
sey by town*; the name* of and vote for
member* of both branches of the New- York
legislature; the return* of the New York
Ci v municipal election.; Hat of members
of the United State* Government, of Con
gre, and of the several State governments,
and other tati*tical matter. THK
At MA MAC for 1872 will he ueeea*ary to ev
ery Democrat who desire* to keep himself
thoroughly posted in facts and figure*.
Weekly World.
One Copy, 1 year —■ $2,00
Five Copies, I year, separately ad
drestcd 8,00
Ten C-opies, 1 year, rrparately ad
dressed, and an extra Copy to
getter-up ofClub 11,00
Twenty Copies. 1 year, separately ad
dressed, and an extra Copy togct
tai-up ofClub 25,00
Fifty Copies, I year, separately td
dressed, and theSemi-Weekly. I
year, to getter-up of Club AO,OO
One Hundred Copies, 1 year, separ
ately addressed, and the Daily, 1
year to getter-up of Club 100,00
Semi-Weekly World.
One Copy, I year ......$<4.00
Two Copies, I year, separately address
ed 0,00
Five Copies, 1 year, separately ad
drvased 12, CO
Ten Copies, 1 year, separately, and an
extra Copy to getter-up of C1ub...20.00
Daily World.
One Copy, t year." SIO,OO
One Copy, It months 5,00
One Copy, 8 months 2,50
One Copy, 1 year, with Sunday Edi- ,
Hon 12,00
One C opy, 0 months, with Sunday
Edition 8,00
One Copy, 8 months, with Sunday
Edition 8,00
One Copy, 1 month, with Sunday
Edition 1,00
The World Almanac,
I Ki>r :**. lni. INTO. tt*7T, IM9O
Price, Hi iik>** ef cither year,
|n*i|Mld tO.3 1
Seven Coph . ofeUher year, |>o,ipei<l . I,l'
Addition* to ("Jul" mat be wt de at any
time in (!*<• \ ear nl tl* above Club rate*.
Change. m Club !.iU mde only on re
ceiving Club pm-keg- •. *teliag date of üb.
*e riptioii, edition, p,l iifflr.', mid Hut* t<>
which it ha* pr*viuu<lf been tent
i TKRM* CH.II IM advance, Send PIt
--utttre Money Order, ilnrik DraA, or Itegi.
;tared l,eti. i. Hill* ctti by Moil will Wat
'the rUk of the WIHIM,
Wo hare no travelling agent*. Speci
.men oople., I*lnr. fie.. 'Ot flee ot
charge, wherever end whenever dwimd
j Addro alt order, nti-i letter l .
'•run wonuk" -w.irt n.-, v. r.
(3 a v r i a j; r
Centre llitll, i'n,
Ha on had and f<>r .ale at the moot rea
sonable rale* a aplelldid .tuck of
and every decrfplion of Wagon, b tb
warranted to be made .1 tit !>e-tand So*t
durable inalerial*, and by 111- ino.t ripe
rienceJ workmen. All work .eat out from
Ibe etablihtuenl will be found to be of
ibe high col >'!•>• and .ure to ginr perfect
aaUafactiuti lie will al*o bave a five as
sortment of
SLKI o as
ot all ill* newest and IUOt fa.biotl*ble
*tyl e* well and carefully made and of the
be*t inalerial*
An inapeeti n of hi. Wurk D naked a* it
U believed that none .uperior ean be found
in the country.
J. E. Caldwell to.
1 I)mr to civile the ainmlimt <>(
purchaser* a(i-l other, vi.itin* the city, t
itheir unusually Lrg- I .arid *ort-
I meat of
or most KiLi ami. v. makse*.
or FIXEST qctun.
duriug the |in.vt(t ntwa.
Courteou and poltu- alient on j. ei tend
ed to all who may be induced to accept a
cordial invitation to their beautiful
The Post
1 8 7 2.
The year 187*2 will He one 'r*u|bl with
unu.ual political interest* t> the people of
the whole country—there being a Prwi
Jent and a C.njjr.-,. t elect. Ho-lde* sev
eral important Stat.- elittiaw.
I" pun the tv.ult of that election depend*
the future welfare and jierpetuity of our
political institution*.
They can hot be -aved by circulating
among the voter* such new#inper a- ad
vocate a free, liberal, Constitutional Gov
In tba future a* in the pat we shall con
tinue to labor unceaini(ly tor a govern
ment. of
And at all time* and under all citvum
• lance* defaud and sustain such a govern*
ment again*t all it attack*, mailer* not
what pretest may he -et up to .iccoiuplish
its overthrow. J
The following proposition- a* c.-.-ntial t
tke preservation of our political institutiono
against the machination* of the ut>rrupu
Km* leaden of the Radical party:
1. The administration of the Government
in consonance with the pure and patriotic
principle* laid down by the founder of the
2. Opposition to military rule and dicta
tion under any pretest or alleged necessi
S. Kauai rights to all citiaeus including the
right 'or every citiscn to lie tried for an
alleged offence, in Uie civil courts in strict
accordance with the letter and spirit of the
4. Free and fair election* everywhere,
without interference by the Pr< -ident. or
intimidation by Federal bayonets.
5. Reduced taxation, honest, economi
cal government, and Cival Service Re
| form.
| ft. A financial |olicy that will not op-
I press the productive Industrie* of the coun
7 An end to lobby schemes, monopolies
and land grabbing.
ft. A change of the public adininistralioo
aud the overthrow of the cormorants who
are now depicting the public treasury.
9. The overthrow of the corrupt State
governments in the South which impose
heavier burdens of taxation upon the
North by keeping half the country in a
•late of Bankruptcy and Poverty.
"| Will not only reflect the sentiments ot the
1 j Dcmoerlic party foarlessly, boldly and
' and with a decent flruine*, but will also be
' a vehicle of News.
1 Down to the hour of going to pn-*#, includ
-1 in* not only the Live Stock Market* ot
' Pittsburg and Alleghenny, but every prin
' cipal point In the world.
• Will he made a specialty while the Arts,
I" Agriculture, Science, I.iicrature, Ac., will
each receive a proper share of attention.
The Weekly Post is a forty-eight-colunin
newspaper, printed on the best material,
w itli clear new tvpe and will be published
at the following low
One copy 1 year $2,00
' In club* of 0 or mure - 1,50
An extra copy sent free whore the club
1 exceed* ten.
TIIK DAILY POST by mail per annum
1 WC ask all who desire to sen the princi
ple* above set forth put into practical op.
oration to aid in the work by subscribing
for Tit* WEEKLY POST. Specimen copies
sunt free on application. Address
J AS. P. HARK A Co.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
The undersigned otfers at private
M sale a two story dwelling house and
Lot. Un > ain street. Centre Hall,
i with stableand all necessary outbuildings,
1 and choice fruit on the premises, and wa
! tor iu the yard. The house is as good us
I new. For futlier partsculurs apply to
U. I>. osSMAN,
! Centre Hall
"VTOTICE.—Notice i* herebv given, thu
XT the book* and notes of tlie Centre
Hall Manufacturing Company, have been
Jdaeed in the hands of Alex. Shannon, at
.Vntre Hall, for settlement and collection.
All persons having aocoun:* in said books,
are requested to call at bis office, in Centre
Hall, Centre County. Pa., before the lirst
day ot January, 1812. and settle the same
otherwise after which lime they will be
proceeded against according to law.
The Cltypasf,
purest, best.
OB Allegheny Klreet.
Coffee,'l *n, Kugur.Kvnm, Dried Fruit,
Canned Fruit, 11 urn., Drift! Rt*f,
Knit. iVklm, Butter, Flutir,
Guru Meal, liuckvnil Flour,
and everything mualy kept in a well ratu
lated first <•!• lirue*r Store ROH L * GAULT.
COAL —Wilkes bnrre Coat, Ckntaai
/V*"!"* "w> furnace and foundry.
Cunl-ofTmt quality, at the low
est price* Customer* Will pinnae
aotn that our coal i. on
dor eotoinudiuu* .bed*.
LlMK—Woodorcoul-burat Lima, for sale
•tour kiln., on the pike leading to
M I.e. burg.
t' i WOICK -Having received the agancy
for Du Pont'. PowderA?
Vb lIOLKsA LK, we .hail fc,
lt a £?d? nK ~ mi "' l '" i¥rtfr< ' U '
o.a and yard near .oath and oI Bald
Ragle Valley K U Depot. Ballefoata, Pa
STK 11 N It E It G
Ha* been to the extreme and of the
market For BOOTS A SHOES
to Boston.
Kor DRY GOODS to New York.
For CLOTHING to Philadelphia.
Each article bought directly
from the Manufacturer, with a de
lire |o suit thu marketed
FINE ALPACAS front 40c to 76c the
finest—equal to 91, alpaca*.
SUlTS—from sloto $lB. heat all
wool CaMtinetes.
Carpel* at old raliM. troui 60 cent* to 76
centa per yard, for the beat.
And selling front 12) to IC cent*, the be
caljcoe*, and uiuilin* in proportion, at
Women's Shoos, common good, to w*
all summer, at $1 per pair
Fine Bou front st,6> to $7,60 for
at the lowet ratio, andsatd at 1867 price
S 0 I T 8,
from SIO,OO to $!& for the best.
and if it aint true. Sternberg will treat.
They only a*k people t. come and set
even if they d" not wih to buy.
f pHK A.VVILsfoRK now receiving
1 • large and well assorted Stuck ut
Hrd*irc, atovrt, Nail*, HurwSkoM Sd
dlery, Glmi. PainU, ShwL Bar and Hoop
Iron alto Buggy and Wt|oa Stock of
every description.—Call and supply your*
wltu at tin- low <-*t possible rate* at
B| AKoMKTKRS and Thermometer* at
the very best auality just repair ad a
Wolf a old stand
I.ndlca Trnaara. ~~
Tbi* in valuable article for female*, it now
to be Had at Herlacber'* store, and no other
place in Centra county. Ladle*remember
that these trusses can be bad at Centre
Hall If.
Chas. H. Held,
flo<*k. WateliuiftkerA Jeuclei
Millhcitn, Outre co., Penna.
Respertfiilly informs his friends and th<
public in general, that he ha* jual opened
at his new establishment, shove Alexaa
der's Store and keep* constantly on hand
all kind* or Clocks, Watches and Jewelr*
of the latest sty lea, as also the Maran villi
Patent Calender Clocks, provided with t
complete index of the month, and day oi
the month and week on its face, which it
warranted a* a perfect time-keeper,
VW-Clocks, Watches and Jewelry re
paired on short notice and warranted.
•epl l'ftftjly
between Market and Arch, formerly 1(M.
Carpet*. Oil Cloth*. Oil Shade*, Wick
Yarn, Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chains, Grain
Haas. Window Paper, Halting, Ac. Also.
Brushes, Looking Jkc. deeb-ly
f> c. chkEsmTn,"notary PUB
una Conveyancer. Deeds, Bonds, Mort
gages, and all instruments of writing faith
fully attended to. Special attention given
to the collection of Bounty and Pension
claims. Office nearly opposite the Court
House, two doors above Messrs. Bush A
Yacutn'J Law Office Bellefonte, Pa
in useat Ibwix * WiLaox'a.*
plated forks, spoons, Ae, at
IkOgTd, large stock, all styles, sizes and
Jj prices, for meu and boy*. jut arrived
at Wolf wall known old Stand.
Great Rest met inn
of high print s! r
gINCETHE AltlflVAl. <1
111 III!
HkAt tbu Old* Btand,j^''Jfl
of WM. WOLF 1
at Centre Hall.
Hati, Capa, Root*, KW*.
MIA), i NK,
alaoabufe of
I IBH, the beat, all kind*.
MACKKRKLand It Pit Bra
tha bel and cheapeet in the marl *•<
F r 7l WM. Mill p.
Furniture Rooms! ]
mpactlutly iifunu the eiliitiu of <Vn
county, that he buruutwtly on* -1
make* to urdar, ail kinds of'
llomi Haiti Caaia* Always an hi .p -
, *
Hi* stock of ready-made Furniture , ' l "' ♦ *|
and warranted ofguod workmanship a>. •
t alt made under bis ww Immediate . tpcr> •
cion. and la ofond at rata- a a- el.
where Thaakftil fr part fa*r*. h.
iU a continuance of the une..
Call and see hi> .lock befur. f • tHncra
olm where. *• ' J " M "- I
' \
| gtEfefsil 3
' Wrstcrn PCTgriWBC Co.
j* I I • Agra**. Fttwburgk. Pa >
Attorney* at Lew, BrllefoMapi
Ofßr i, on the Diamond, next d>or t* Ciar •
man's hotel. Consultations in German ~t
Kngl ah. feblP'Ußf
JOHN F. POTTKR Attornsy *t Law.
U OuHertL-snspron i>tly rwb .ml-)M-cia
.attention gi"ei to tb c having land* t
property for sale. Will draw up and bavs
acknowledged Deed.. Mortgage.. Ac Of
fice in the diamond, north side of th*
court house, Bellefonte. octSGRf
_ President. la-bier.
(Late Millikcn. Hoover & O*.)
And Allow Interval.
Discount Note*,
Buy tnd Sa
Government Securities, Gold and
splO 6fttf Ccu son*, a
JAB. X'MANUS. Attorney "at Law |
Bellefonte, promptly attends toall bit i
inea* an trusted to him. jukl.thtf
DP. FORTNEY, Attorney n l.*w !
a Bellefonte, Pa. Office oyr Rey
Hold's bank. ni.*yl4 tutf
if. K. xt'aLi.ihtku. jamks A. iivavkS I
£/] &L!L3§ w j , i£,ri &
Bellefonte, Centre Co., Penn'a. apftfttf
Bellefonte, Pa. office in Ltinan.t
new building opposite the Court Ht-use.
Science en the Advance. ,
C. H. Gutelius,
Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist
who i* permanently located in Aaronshura
in the office formerly occupied by Dr. Ncff,
and who has been practicing with entire
success—having the experience of n numhet
Jfw t,u ' profewion, he wohld cordi**
Riiy invite nil who Imve ra yvt ii#| gifpf #
hint a call, to do ao, and teal the truthfulnes: '
of this assertion. -Teeth extracted
without pain. nin.v'22 f^ftr
Jxo. ■. okvik. r.T. SU xamuh
Aitorneys-at-law. Office InConrad II ouse
Bellefonte, J'n.
with Orvisd* Alexander, attends to col lev- I
Lions and practice In the Orphan' Court
SYKUIP, the finest ever made, just a
eclved, cheap at Wolf* hid aland- try 1
Parlor Steven, and four sixer of (. *
Li rncr* constantly on hand and fj >*!,• 4
anlO>Cß. lawisr a Wtj.yok** '
BKLIM, at low price*, at
Inwi)i iVnaox
HANI>* Sand Door l>H.. H ||
~ hind- al
*sW li vit , \1
OCALL'S, at wholesale and retail, cheap