We Never Talked ef We roamed the woods together, Rwwt Rosalie snd I, la foir and ettMf watiw^ Ju*t *bca the €mw stoga Wf h - Ike woods mn thiol aroundus. 1W formed a roof above ; We Saiked aa subject* found on,, Hat we never talked of lave. We wandered home together, Hweel Rietlit end I; Amwe the porpte heather. And whore the i-iresw rune by. The enn wee slowly sinking, And softly moaned the dove ; W both knew we were thinking. Though we never talked, of love. My 8* pa, " Wliea ! alt on market-day* aatid the comer* end the govt*. Oh ! ftdl oft I have a Vision of the days with out eltor. And ehh con tee up the river with a jolty geoy of fcvcm, And a * puU'e hanlVpuUV henl'e, yoy! heave, W g *l "flherv i e buey talk around rue, ell ebnat mine cere it hnmmvtb, But the wooden wharree I hv-k en, end a dancing, heaving buoy, Tor 'tie tidetiine in the river, end ehe aumeth - oh t ehe cometh With e * hUI'o henl'e, pull* heuTe, ywvf j.en hoy!' | | | " I beer the waiet wwldng; new golden wave* wmv brtgWUr. 7 And I hear the capstan preating—lia a eound tusk cannot oiov. Bring h u, , ehip W lading, brig or schoo for, afoot* lighter, Wilk. •pnfre henih, jeallV henl'e, ml heave, hoy I' ,4 * Wi, i i sf nbeerd, my deercetf tor the high era* he heforv u*.' 80 f, down W*nr to those dare Without alloy. We aw launched ! Ifet whon. I wonder, shall a tweeter round float o'er na Than yoa pair* poUV haalV, w. ? : heave, hoy*'" THE SEW WITNESS. An odd rn.nl of a personage, as retarded hi* pets, was old .Mr Oriugtou, and he had induced his peculiarities to his heart's content in these latter jeers, and there, on the head t one tret*-post' while John tJraptey leaned against the other, perched *he meat disagreeable favorite of them all, -except, perhaps, these newlj discovered grandchildren whose inopportune ateivsi had so wrong wbst ought to hare been John (triplets'* heart. On the top of the gate-post, with his dark, brilliant satirical eje turned know ingle aidewiae, now at John's moody Isce, snd now at the doctor* boggy at the rqpd *s*% as mock at iomj: i, • , 1 , u 1 know all about it. ; font rou wish that yon did P John would hare thrown a brick at his step father's tame crow, if he had dared, and silenced his irritating caw for ever. " The old uian "isn't rick," miittcied •John: u hot he always consults with Dve nor Prmdte on money affairs, a* much as cm physic. It was the doctor that diew the other will, and I know what was in that." " Ca-a-a-ca-caw!" emphatically remark ed Martin the now. '•lt's more than likely," John eontiuaed, with a petulant glance at Martin. " that the old man has got the doctor here now to cook up some confounded change in favor of that white faced girl and her brother. To rob are lor the children of a scapegrace whom he disinherited a score ot years aro. It's a shame ?' " Oim a caw," philosophised Martin. u Shot up, you ill-omened croaker I Any how, I can lounge around under the win dow, awl see if there's a chance of know ing what they're at." The low and tine-hung window of old Mr. Ovipgrton's •< study" was opened wide that Sumner afternoon, and a man who ciiose to crouch under it, as John Gnap'ey did, oonld hardly fail to hesr most oi what might be said, is any ordinary tone of wad, by those withiu'tbe room. John had slippedboiseleosty away, froai the gate, hawing the tame crow to his own meditation-: but Mart>w Was a sociable bird, and had already rouiplettd his. ob servations of the doctor's horse sod buggy. He wau morally sure that be coukl steal neither, and they were therefore matters of tndiiereoce to him. But we must go a little ahead of Martin. Wbt-a, seme twenty minutes earlier, Doctor Prmdk ted entered tbe booms, bs bad beea ushered into tbe study by sweet -Diets Ovin&ton hem!? daughter of that Adrian <>Tingt cm, whose runaway love match bad embittered 90 many years of his lathe, a existence. A lovely prl, indeed, was Alice, of not yet eighteen Summers; and it was n> wonder that her stern grandfather had opened his heart to his son's dying peti tion in behalf of her and her brother. Doctor Prindle was one of tho* brisk but dignified old gentlemen who know al most e very-thing, say vary littV, and are waweedinsiy valuable member-, of society. Alice told htm that her brother tleorge was well, and would soon be home bom colkfe, to spend too mention with hi grura father. "Ye?, Alice," said the doctor; " kt hits spend it all here, Tt will be better." And then he disappeared tbraugb the study-door, dosing it East behind him. Alice harried away, to atteAd to house hold affairs, and the muffled sound of voices from the study died quick!v away. Very few words passed, at hist, between Mr. (hiogton ana bis counsellor, and the old man's red and choleric visage betrayed no atom ot emotion, as be took from" its envelope a paper of every moderate dimen sions. and spread it on tiie table, saving; "There if is, doctor. I euep you'll End it right. That's the will." " Sensible thing. Glad of It," growled the doctor, as be settled himself in bin chair. A moment more, an 1 he was deeply en gaged on the precious document. Slowly ana carefully be read it down, as if be did not mean to do it twice, and when be bad completed it he only said: "Correct. And now what f* "Ca-aea-eawP croaked a doubtful voice at the window; and then JUurt hi' biirself flapped heavily in. and perched on the rabte bqpidc bia master. " Martin, my boy, it's all right. I only wish you could sign as a wit new." " Ca-a-cav," said Martin. "[wish be couki," said Dr. Prindlo;< but aa you've only got old Hector's name here, I suppose you will want mine. It's all right, otherwise." "Of course it is," gasped the old gentle man. "It's a copy of toe one you drew, j in all but the names and the division. It's j no injustice to John Grapley. He is wellj . taken care of, and, besides, he has proper-1 ty of his own, from his mother, and he has no claims of blood 00 me." " Still, it cuts him out of a very com fortable pile," said the doctor. " Where's j the pen* That rascally bird! Look at him. There be is on the top of the book oase. with the pen in his mouth." ' 4 "Martin, vou scamp," laughed bis raas come down with that pen, or I'll disinherit you. Never mind, doctor. Don't look at him, and he'll bring it bade in a minute. He's fond of stealing, but be never keeps anything long." Sure enough, in tbe course ol two or three minutes tbe pen was on the table again, and meantime tbe two (riends talk ed on. *' John will hardly be pleased with this," said the doctor. "I shan't care, then, whether he is or not, and I don't care much, anyway." * Have you destroyed the other will V 1 "No; but I'm going to. It's over there in the secretary. Yon will know where to find this one, if you outlive me." " All right," said the doctor. " Martin has brought back the pen." It was a slow and crabbed signature that the doctor at flxed, but it was good enough for the pur pose. When he had signed the will, and put it back in its envelope, be looked around over tbe table, only to find that Martin was agun on the top of the bookcase, and this time with the ikf le negro-beaded penwiper in bis beak. "That rascally bird."'laughed the doc tor. 44 Well, tbe pen can go pwviped." " He'll bring it back again. Martin is a good bird," said Mr. Oviugton. " Ca-a-caw P exclaimed Martin, and tbe penwiper dropped lightly on the floor. "Come, doctor—come' and take a look at mv new Devons, before you go. I'm half-minded to drive into town with you. The walk back will bo good for me—help FRED. KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor, VOL. IV. keep down thus too heart care*** >4 niitta. I don't gel half enough chm-iiuv" '* No Wore von tknvt," growled the dot*. a m glance at hi* fHcml's pie t boric (MMpot tton*, a* they made their way out of the ttady. Their WlffMlkfl had not been in whltpere, and John Oraplejp had lost none of it since he took hie eland by ibe w-n --dp*. Not wa* it many uiinntee after the .JpfMgflur* of hi* stepfather before Joint, with an unaccountable pallor (a his foot? and a hesitating atop, w as pawing through the house from room to o w, All has deserted, solitary. KvcntbefUr face of Alice Ovmgton wa* brightening *unieiuor diWaat corner ef the ntansmo. The young man's tep Invsme even mote stealrtiy, and hit thin, white tips shut more ckwely on each othar, as he laid his hand at last on the knob of the study door It turned in his grasp, and he stepped within. The ro.wu wa* empty of hunun forms, ami John (.iripley's eye* wandered in vain search around the room -not finding some thing they expected. A few loose papers on the table were hurriedly turned over, and as hastily thrown down, with a sharp : exclamation of angry dcisatnfaetioii. The key was In the secretary, but John tlrapKyS hand shock kiore ihan a little as he turned It in the lock. He did turn it, however, and then at least his search seemed to be successful; for from one ol the little pigeon-boles he drew and opened a long yellow euvelope. John gave the paper which he held in bis hand but one suilt, keen, eager glance, and then hru*. it into an iuaide pocket ol his coat, muttering; u At all events, he shall nvidestroy this. He has got the other with liim now, and 1 must trust to luck to get it out of the wav. Now, I must get out ol this." He put the empty envelope back in the pigeon-hole, locked the secretary, lelt the key as he found it, and hastened away. 11l dfclhiot tnake his appearance near his home again until the next day at noon. It was Ute taat evening before old Mr. Oviugtou returned from town, weary with his unaccustomed walk, and anxious only to get straightway to bed. It was late in the morning when he arose, and then his Devon* and his other mute favorites kept him for a time from tiw cosv study. Aline Orington had looked at the cattle with him, and Martin had cawed gracious ly about them a* if he considered himself a good judge of both brutes and human being*; but John Grapley did not put in his customary apprarxnc •. When hg did return, however, halt an hour later, he aa* iet in the gateway by the form ol" his stepfather, looking a foot taller thau usual, Iwiag, literally, in a " towering'' lit of anger. "Johu Grapley, do you know where they are—do vou 1" "Where what are? What on earth's the matter P gasped John, with a well assumed look of bewildered innocence. " The will, you scoundrel, the will! Both of them! Give them up or I'll " Alas for swollen veins and hasty pa* rioas! For, as John Grapley quailed and trembled before the wrathful face of bis stepfather, suddenly the old man put on a strange and set expression, b'w tongue ceas ed to <>b. y hi* angry will his limb* tailed un der him, and the old gentleman sank help less on the grass! John Grapley'* face wore for a moment the look of a reprieved criminal; but he returned his self-poesessi ai, and no alarm could have been more prompt and loud than that which be sounded. Mr. Oriagtoa was borne into the house, and medical aid was summoned. Johl went himself for Dr. Prindle; but coukl hardly even simulate vexation on learning that that gentleman had been dhilgd aira# to an important consultation, aatf wtnnd not be home under two day*. Fbvsiciam were to lie hid in abundance however, and they came; but they came too late to do anything helpful for Mr. Ovitigton. The silver cord was loosed, and his pitcher was utterly shattered at the fountain of life. Great was the consternation of poor Alice Ovington, and it was great help to her that tier brother George came home next day, in the midst of the funeral pre prations. Still, both Geotge and Alice foamd themecive* of * nail account in the house of their grandfather, for George Grapley had taken all matters in charge at once", and issued his order* with the air and manner ola well-assured proprietor. At first they did not uiind it much, though George Ovington, more relfim than hi* suiter, remarked to himself that it augured little of good for their future prospect*. Poor Martin had not teemed to com prehend the terrible change tn the house hold affair*, and perhaps hit instincts of self-[reservation taught him to do hi* al lowance of discontented cawing at a safe distance from the spirted bands of Johu Grapley. The succeeding day had been act lor the funeral, and the coffin lay in the old, deep wtndowei drawing room* which was, per fhrec, dl! thrown open (or the circulation of the warm Summer air, and the entrance of the unsympathieiug sunlight. More than an hour before the time fixed for the funeral, Dr. Priudle drove up to the gate, threw hie reins on bis horse, and strode into the bouse. He gave George Orinetoii a hasty eraspof the hand, spoke to Alice a few kindly words, and then tfent on irrtri the parlor. Here he was standing in sorrowful si lence, bis usually firm feature* working slowly a* he gazed down npon the fa e of bis old friend, when he beard a step beside him, and the voice of John Grapley said : " Ah, doctor, I am so sorry you were not here. I tear you could have done nothing for him, hut just before he was taken be wai wishing to sec rou." H To *ee me f What for r " Something about a new will. He said be bad made one, but destroyed it, and he wanted your help in framing another. He led me to believe that be intended making some liberal provision L for George and Alice." " That, indeed, he did," replied the doc tor, hat somehow he did not feel called upon to say any more. Ca-a-caw, 'added a hoars-, complaining voice at the window; but the flap of de parting wings told that Martin'* policy was still one of doubt aucl prudence. Here," said John, "i* an envelope ad dressed to yourself, which 1 hare taken the liberty to open, as it is unsealed, and aa 1 have long known it oonttinedj my step father's will. " You know its contents, then ?" '• Oh, yes, of course. They are in ac cordance with bis repeated assurance* to ray sainted mother and mvaclf. As it is in your own handwriting, i can tell you nothing, except that I shall take pleasure in carrying out what I believe to have been Mr. Ovington's intentions toward tb# children of his disinherited son. They shall always have a home and good previ sion while I live." " Ah—yes, indeed,l hope so," abstracted ly returned the doctor. " Are you sure there is no other will V* ♦ Quite sure. I have searched every where," replied John. " WelL, as 1 am named sn executor under this instrument, I shall deem it my duty to take a look on my own account," half curtly rejoined the doctor. I might have something to say as to what is done in my own houae," replied John; "but I have no manner ol objec tion. Let as go to the study." Jobn Gropfey might we'Jl have waived all objection, for his search bad been most thorough, and he was altogether sure that no subsequent seeking would reveal more. He had been haunted by a fear that the doctor himself could account for the paper wbfwe absence had so excited Mr. Oving tvn, but that dread had now vanished. THE CENTRE REPORTER! ;#j i Miw i i 1 5 "" ' 1 , 1 •• 4mi Jtm* \m \ C, 1 ,W Jis y** #*¥ I . #\tf! - - *f |: Ut* '* ,in .V* *' „ ■ . f|? ;. J; - mmgt®; . Straight to the mvretary wejrtt the doc tor, and John lira Wry ihowrd him it kf pf he had found the tvt'e. '•I hrtfdr U would be tnare," aai<l Um doctor | tuare 1* logaetbtng "il l ea-eaw f* croaked' Martin, from the wlitdow-ailL " That rascally bird !'' esclatuted John Utaidey j but. If ho had anv jwweet, natiim of ikdng haini, he t\a* (tefi-atwd by the bird'* quick, flapping d*h for hts citadel on the top of the high book caw. think there will be no u*a in seeking farther,'' aaid John, " e*ttectally in viuw of what Mr. Ovingtou *id to me just before he wn seised with this sad attack of apo plexy." " t fear not," muttereil the diwtor, as he bent bts eyes for a moment, musingly, on the floor.' Slowly he raised them, still evidently in deep (bought; but. a* ho did so, they ilasbe t with a suddea light. '*ThsUrascalljr bird! What ts that be ha* got in his Irak f" " Oa-a-a-cn-caw !" yigorouly mmked Martin, and, a* his thieving mouth opened, a long, yellow envelope fell at the doctor's feet. John Grapley gave a convulsive start, and essayed to pick it up, but the doctor waa too quick for him. '•lt is addressed to me." he said; tu-1, as for its contents, I put them in myself, w Mr. Oviugton'* presence, the day before be died. This. Jul n Grapley, is your step father's last will and testament, and Mar ' tin has proved himself a good witness to | it. lam more than half inclined to think that he has been a most valuable Iriend to j George and Alice. Martin, my boy, you are a trump!" " CVa-a-ca w fapid Martin. " That* rascally bird!" faintlr gasped John Grapley, • Us stole outdlf the stuily. ■■yri ■ ii >- Caste (n India, * The Calcutta correspondent of the London Timts gives the following ac count of the ree-ut outbreak of prison ers at Bareilly jaii, an u -eurrenoo which rauka in importance with the awuwtua ; tion of Chief-Justice Norman : " The ontbreak occurred ou the uight of the 6th of September, and a commis sion of inquiry, which Was Immediately afterward* ap*puiatr*l. received instruc tions to report on fhe conduct of Dr. Eudca, superintendent of the jail, who had a short time previously removed the Juntos, or Brahuiiuieal threads from tlu* prisoner*. The commission rejKirts that the act of Dr. K tdea waa it My to cause the worst possible results,' ud that it was unprecedented, no prisoner having up to that time bwen deprived of hi*pre cious thread, the Isujge of liis dignity a* a defendant from the goda. The his tory of the outbreak, therefore, dale* from the deprivation of thread*. The Brahminical ' thread' it a simple skein o' cotton, cotapooed of thin thread* fas tened together in three*. I believe the minimum number of distinct thread* ought to be six, each three of which are termed dhoondee. The threes may be multiplied at pleasure. Tl.c skein hiuiga from the left shoulder, and fall* as low as the palm of the right hand when the arm is stretched by the Brahminical side To take away a Brahmin's thread is to break his caste. Dr. E.ules found, a* many persons have found before him, that this bit of common cotton thread was to the prisoner the pmwjiort to a great many privileges. No warder would report a prisoner who wore the sacred thread, be the prisoner'* behavior what it might Dr. Lodes had power by the jail rules to remove the clothiug of the prisoners, and what, he argued, was this thread but clothing. The threads were removed. Every Brahmin prisoner wa* degraded, was no longer of the material that first issued from Brahma's head when the different caste* -.end race* of the world were made. Henceforth any warder might say of the degraded Brah min what the prison rules demanded. The degraded prisoner* refused their food. Dr. Eades paraded them, and flogged a refaetnry cook, after which the men ate their food, and the victory over cssle seemed complete. Probably Dr. Eades went to bed that night con vine-*1 that he had secured a place in th his torr of India. Ala* for tinman schemes and resolves ! The Hindoo* were imme diately played npon by some Mohamme dan prisoners, and to such good pur pose that an attempt to break open the jail was decided upon. Two Mohamme dans devised a plan for cutting away a rivot from one of the barrack doors Thread, emery and glass were procured —the first two, it is feared, by the eo.i uivance of sotue sulxirdinaUi official of the jail. At 11 o'clock in the night, the rivet, previously filed through, was knocked awty, and forty-seven of the prisoners rushed into the yard. There was only one gat# between them abd full freedom. To this gate a fierce rush was made, the prisoner* arming them selves with portions of looms which were stored in the onter yard Bad knock ing down several sentries on the way. But before the gate could le broken open thirteen men of the police guard, brave Jemadars, were nt their heel*, and a desperate harid-to-hand fight en sued. So well did the watchmen man age that not a man escaped at that point, and the nature of the fight may be I judged from the fact that of thirty-seven wounded prisoner* twenty-one were dis abled by clubs and only sixteen hy gun shot*. On the approach of help from the prison officers the pri*oners ran to a corner of the yard and tried to escape by standing on each other's shoulders Severn 1 were shot down here by the po lice, who by this time were in some force on botli skies of the wall. Seven of the prisoners escaped, but four were recaptured. Those inside fought furi ously, and nt last, after several fierce sallies on the police, they were fired upon. They Hum ran along the wall, but made two more stands the moment the police overtook them, and in each case they had to be fired on before they gave ground. After thin they were all secured. Kew York Swindlers. Many novel and ingenious methods of earning a subsistence without labor have lately been brought to light. The most notorious of them is whatjbns lx>en call ed the "sawdust swindle," the exposure of which has developed some very inter esting and eurions facta. The origina tors of this scheme have for the jsist few years flooded the country with circulars offering counterfeit bills at a very tow price. After forwarding the purchase money aa requested, all the applicants receive are small, neat wooden boxes which contain small pieces of cast-iron wrapped in shavings or imbedded in saw dust When the dupes write and ask for an explanation, they receive a* mys teriously-worded circular, headed " cau tion," informing them that [the Police have obtained a clew ana are on the track, and that the box JXtfltainiog the iron and saw-dust is merely a " blind" and the dupe is earnestly requested to keep " dark " for a time to save himself, and when the thing ha* blown over, the real counterfeits will be duly forwarded. This i* a trick, of coarse, and is only re sorted to by the swindlers to keep their victims quiet while they ensiiare others in the same fold.— N. Y. Paper. k Goop WIFE. —The following old receipt for the choice of a wife stsems to us a very good one : UU much of beauty as preserve* affection, Of modest diffidence aa claims protection; A docile mind, subservient to correction, A temper led by reason and reflection. And every passion kept in due subjection; Just faults enough to xep her from perfection; Find this, my friend, and then wake your selec tion, * . CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO., I'A., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1871. Tbb tt'?usury Report, lh? ..reman of the Treasnry, in bi re|Kirt, auys the revenues and mseifiU show the lius' has wrrived wheu a *u siderahle rwluelion in tsxesenn le mink-, old yet leave fifty nuUippi nnnuiUiJ li* the rislnetiou of 'the debt, including wnUfift innu. He mlherea to the con viction that the auuual iMyment aluflild sot be loss than fifty uiillioiis. Large a* the revenues have been tbo" have not been opprewuve to individuals, aud while relief is desirable, it is yet morediwiruUe to maintain the public credit in its pres ent elevated position for its hbterial value in anticipation uf future cxiuetis eiea. The power to negotiate Imiiuln ut low interest is derived entirely from the exhibition of an honest purjtose to main tain the public failh. The anwuiiit of }mim r money is still so groat thai it own uot la- uiiiiutaiucd at (tar with coin Tin) diflVreiiue between i*aj* 1 and coin furnished the liest instam-e fojr mn-i rlaiu iug the oiinntity of iajer which can l>< sod, anil It-* Value Kept at pat wftli rwfti, Oa- mode df relief is to a wait the growth of the CO tin try ; tlie other to reduce Hh. volume of the currency, it is [gnotiiai blo to du>p<nae with ail intenml revenue but that derived from stamps, totiaeeo aud malt liquors. These will furnish one hundred and leu millious, a reduction of cuxteen mil lions The reluct ion of custonis re venuu should be within twenty willfous. lit: rfleommeods a reduetio'n of dutiu* 011 salt, bituminous cud. rawhide aud skiua, and the removal of all duties on certain articles used in arts. umuuCactuiwrs, etc. Wo cojiy from the rejwt a* follow* sctvapn 4Si> unsa Tin UM mvlrti fur Uw B.oni far *aJtaf June SO, ten, were u Mat; neat custom*..,..., ...... ....law.tro tea r(x. lawnuii iuaaian rnaa Ml i< INifcUo l*u<l, a>* <U* *a l r.Hu nilawlUuiecm* •> ure#. JJ.ISJ.J*, jj Ta ..am siwim The eip#tiHtiir. * tli* mm* perisl *,M i l'u*cmt *tJ .toOln.ia. iwqmwij. PW.IS* 11* ft fur W*r n*|iarna*ul .. M,mwn *1 l"i>r Jftry l*iwltmt-nt, 19131.1 it 11 r.tr lurtiMU T.*M f5 U Kr IVnK* SMilmiW vr LEWIWT OB ta* PENILE Heat....... ITS.STC.MJSJ Tata! Im.ITT.IMM TTw iuiM*U*nru reveaaaa Mr tjr &m*l i*t ead tan Jauc 3*. l;i. no d*uvni roan in* aoMaia >OlUV*M I Pmulum* on Mir* ol eatu tMMH ret* from VuUr i 8i*o ton-ut- —. Ml M Si M.rr* rent. Übor, , *t rttm- Hmm ItMlftSt ruwa. |IR<IAIUC< MM! furltaWttiw* MR uMuoor * I'wMiu lav*. lU.KJM r*W t.B Wucr* CSU.3IV It TSx a i ircoWlioa. tWyutiu, 4r. <4 SmiooO mux- c,OOO Mt n Cref** M*t ot lM**rt bjr tWeiSr aau*T t oMpaaiM t3t*l T3 R<BtM and oilier land Um Ua U MMmbo-l !,* tu.l Mtcutt be*pu*l Ml - .....* MUSIC hwwM <4 aln of coin UlttrvM on Mnktaa and afOdal PttDtl* T.TOI.ea TJ iu.!ki*-y an. |*whi*. and Mr frUMt** TJ 33* 30 TtuamiauM ivt.uai> nrltabttr—(URt to the I'Ullol tut*. tar *S*r.c. of **or-**j->r ta lnu . Ml Mtmw hoad wwvtioo*** ..... TXT.nw (1 Din,-tlas Se.MSt kr.u> aoirtil In* MJ.MTas Miarf** for i*onlua fold and SSvr tmiMi ni:aii ladlaa trust lui4* l.llu.lCW Xorored true ran oo ponnuU* of Mi* of iMitaa Trm* Ptiad Miu-fct. and !t>unrM OB <IM|U J |*i lartits ea :diaa HUM Una* nTJ.'I ox KniutnicrMMit* lt> ta* Tailed Male* fttr u>ei>T* adraineJ w inert iua twr*d Interval en naa-prrmg *t.k* brld in tr*t far lutciu Indian TFLTOMF ..L ; >.D A M, IS* ON On* tiro. tbr**. and n> tent .ulnar* BUM <xn l KUtniini-1 ......... TlJ.in U Total III.KI7NU wnauTtsD IKWO A*l tirimntan ma ma rm u. tia USI'TI Th* rectajßA tor U am igiiartar of o. prm* ol ftacal ftmr wvrr-1 rtta Cxmtomn. ~.. U* */ 31 Kmm Ictrnal "I rmn •*••( IWMk Uuhlt tfMJMU Xros> tutarltaaou mukw S.tra.wei Total. J ■ jf V*T. TS- M M The eipeodrtT ht h uue partoU. • iruiUai pajiurtiU an memHiat of Uw Sinking fund. w*r* rw ctrU and sut*x:Ui>eaj.arj**r . |IM7f.7W M War IhjartwM u M ug oj 3C<ry iHparUurni J. .3T3.ots M jf a tea I*3 ti PW6SiuHs. ftftHk 6sN#ftft ; j Tor InSeteal ua Uw pnbt iw...,.,. 36 jW < Total f *i n The rv-tipf tor tfcr rv*>iMl* taw <|uarler* of the preMal rmt am U taUown -. j Trnm mtofcnaa ' sl4*.<km,oau IB trow tstrmal Kerens* w ofti" *j 00 Pruta **ks of psbUc taad* 3.08.' t*" 00 fN miaoatiaueoua aoume W.'ta.aato Tata!,. UM.Mm.Mnoo The Miuuatrd uptsdHuM li>( ifc asm# j>rri-xl, eterpOag pa} stent* on aw<y.<u. of Uw taaktOt ra>l. art: 'or rtrtl asd wlaorlSanrooa parpowe.. *M,oM.auo WarDepartateat *1 uuwta* S* *T tmrnrtaaat U.VO.nUJ for ladUnlvpamo-iit asss.M# fkirfeaatail M.WJU.SBD Tor tai ,raa Oh the Public Debt WjOjoiOO Total .• *.;<••* Theaa Mllmatra ho a twUn. e applkahla to the pa; carat of the prtacipienf the puhflr debt for the ■oral rear en din* Jaae 30. lata of Itl.m.Ml to Mtnuti or *awn> am* Kxrcxotrcata ma tnr rrfc-At rata 1873-7;*. Xtoivretpo aad eapandltttre* f*r <h* 6*t uar ao-Uof Joaato. lata, am mOw*U4 a* Hl"** . * B <-etp*a Croaa Caatmae Imnre.irooo BeoMpta front tutaraal revenue I*l <. moo* Bereipta trulu aalea of putilM lnn.lv. - 3.005>.00 6i BOoefpta truth taiamUaiu-oa* voiron*., tOftiOOWW tm.w.ouooo KrprmMvm. LegO'-Mlre (atatlleh meat / JiMil.sl'J C) RircuUre retabUahisant 17,4# 33J 38 eotabiieOraent* a,***.!###* MtlMaft ntobNaioMNM 1 *. M w Naval eaUbUabiseot IMHatw #7 UjdiM asair. ,7.... ai£a:; Pmiaiona ..7. tt tw on Pahllo work* arnlor Tmaaum Papart .• B.HK.MOW ilibik >rk op<Hr Intorlor Impart rnent iU,nouh9 Public werka aader War bapartmatit U.W0.0C3 07 Ihihlje work* wuler Navy Uejartaam*. l.ldd 100 00 Public aorta under .Vrrb uittiral liep't a I AOO in iviaiai srvica a.7.tt| 00 Miacellatoooa Itmntil PenaaoMM AKiroprlattaa* I*o aa|,Tt on Hln Una Pund. ta.ktK.KW no liiteraat u|>ou Oa|4lal Stnkinr Fund... V7KI.U3UO Tolal imloMwos TbetW patimafvv show n Imlnncf of ?f7,- 294,9fwJ 01 applicahtc to the pnymrnt of the principal of the deht, in ai]4iUon to the sum of $26,679,208 cine on account of the " Sinking Fund. " or the onra of $85,974,226 01 in all. In th>> eotimatca for the next fiscal year I have not includ ed hi the receipts the premium on gold which may lie sold, nor in the exjiendi turos the premium which may ho paid on bond to lie purchased in currency. In the suggestion I hare the honor to make in reference to the reduction of taxes, I keep in view two important f icta ; first, that the ability of the nation to liny nt least SSO,(K)O,OKt, mutually of the princi pal of the public debt shall not he im paired, and wewndly, in the revenue ays tern no violence shall be done to the bus iness interest* of the country. While I do not undertake to state precisely the j causes which have contributed to the public prosperity, there is no substantial reason for on est toning the truth of the statement that the last five yean have been the most prosperous in the history of the country—years without example in our own affairs, and without parallel in the affairs of any other Osvernmeut. THE DATE or IT. —The story told of awitnen in an English conrt who testi fied with great minuteness ax to the color of wax used in scaling a will, the, kind of matches used to light the taper, and other particulars, when the aeal was only a wafer, bad its parallel tho other day in the Superior Criminal Court in Bos ton. A noted individual named Spencer weites was on trial for forgery, and a witness was produced to prove an alibi Tho swore that the prisoner was in New pork on a certain day, Jan. 27,1866, and Produced a diary in confirmation of the statement, testifying that the entries re lating to the affair a ere made at the time. The diary being examined by the District Attorney and the Court, it was found that it bore the printed date of 1869. It was not considered necessary I to ocoes-exiuniue the witness. A New Turk Target (oinpany. The jtiWcwaakin of a target .-miuiwuj il Ma* York Otir, tm etwotday is 4 mourn ful i<k At tll< ll*d, OfU*M* n l|l.litkirr Bund of tu.:d. lac*, villi • NUuiUcUt* lluil Wv aftljMliilhod fruoi the tnoutrui that tlmy l*ft the fcto tojj, Tlujf jiUjf en- mi? doleful tm>", to which even the lie*! trained soldiers eonld hardlv keep step. Tha rugged crowd Unit follows Into no great pjrU*u i turn *t discipline and nmkiHi no effort to Imp step. lit front of them, iud<•< d, 1 unrobe* on# toll, lilt* follow, with A flap, 1 who due* not lul-Mig to tin* company, 1 ml luu> Wto hired tor Urn ope Mm nt&t for tin? dav itud nil he can cutuud driub. Lite following, however, of twenty or thirty r draggle • through the isutd wHbhpp* .c-s pouted tm j every lace. They shift th ir muslt-t* ! from tutu to arm • < nkhvaly that the 1 iwyoiwt desert ia a *irep which tlmat ens the integrity of neighboring bats. ' Down conies the soft swisude of the ran, and plaahliuf up to their eye* in rund ! wade the nnhamiy targeted*. Ttaw *re in the wy of all the vehicles; that ktioW it, nml the only thing that cbwl<-i their ) wrtU hednusa is the eonvciousuraa that of the Afreet, Koine of them ItvrjdM ! iKinipwts, painted gaiullb" bnt ulfeetml in screaks By the rain, which hin rtom ' blued tints aiUr au unsoeuily. faskiua. Home of thvta hMte military hot* with 1 dung hug jdumoK, which oting with ue-4 | pertinacity to their countenance ana re { ftwe to wave proudly. Almost all haw- I ragged pantaloons nud leukjf la*)t< whose I dearietieim have been eovorvd frt-ftt tb --j serration by Ibe kindly nsu*l. fhey tiro npposvl to be enjoying ihemwlt*% tint it M i vlitem that they ore #4oenig uft ! sentiment* of deadly hatted to tbbumt| rai-e whieh thoj will demonstrate pnm tiaUly in tjirir return by going through the si-ire* along th route. true or two i have fallen, oWci**oiih liy the ahpperinc** of aiuneea' ways, and the amount of whiskey shwed irtider their ! huts. Their ttihacmJm and fcvroa at* ! covered with a flue lirowu tnclUar ouiif of I mud, aud they look •*• like /cHtyvc tion wen who have boeu prospecting un surtwtmfnlly in a newly dog grave, than gallant targeted* Hot m> the long ' eat lane will have a turning, *' at last the I e.\rurMiuiUh> arrive al thnr destination, j fhey have dinner, aud drink plentifully to inourw pre -isiua of arm. Xoon the sliooung i<auumrai. Tin* target u *tn4 rt. and the contestant* trv rljeir skill, wnieb ia not uiarr,-loirs. The fai l is that the target is seldom tonehed. •hilc things are und lively for ( V*TT* liody . witlun a radius of a mile. It u woudcrfttl where the bullet* enntnve to go. As Lhuigowea reurarkeil of an n> . skillful archer, the only aafo plaix* is in * front of the target and errrywherv ot#e it to lie eonsiderea .langerduv. Every [ thing Wing setUed eotaforUhly, tw targeteers drink thvmwKew into n tcV lof uprvariou* frenzy and roll oveKSr one j they maet on Uw*ir way home. A *rw Manure. A Norwegian t-ouipauy *dkr for aaht a (Uh guano fr mi U>c Loffaden Tidatids, prejiorfst fiwtn the head* ntrl liaekbrtneb of the rod-ttsh, euUectal ddrfug the great wtuter fliherfta off the Norwegfam i wast, prisetpalty lty children and old and intirui jwrvona wh>< have uo otha* mvas* of subahtenea. Formerly this tuaUar was tUfuwu into tka MUX as refuse, and uiftuwmlly aflocteii the j>emsn< iic<> and offlctency of the liaherif* ; but it i* now enjrtffully colloctcd and hung in bundle* on the rocka to. dry. In Jutiennd July it is brought to the mtlia, wbeg> it i< cut 1 into pieces, dried artihcmliy. and th* n ground between miHatomw. TUti aeiuds, prepared qnhc ditbwenUy fhim the flsh guano of the United HUtOs, ia put up in bags, aud tfnds a coustant demand at jdiufit a.tqu, li. aoiitain* a'gloat afoliifghflletith fitting it fof afi exc fU ut tuauure. The no eumpanr famish whftt they oall tUh hour, wbieh is made fnuu the ticat dried cod-fish, trel grinding ihctu nj>. hours, akin, and all, U> the tincurss of twdual or flour, in which form it is fcrgelr uaod iu itowli (Nnavin for varidtts ktmhi of cookery. It is aometimos misad with jtoisbxy or other aubsUnew, and soinehtnes fotsnod Into rakea or hiaeoit The flsh i* more readily parkud and transported iu this form tluai any other, ami it ia aM ti keep along time sritlumt deterioration. We would eooiineti.l this hat-ainntiDaed preparation to the iUlcfitiou of ir jw*o plc, as luruithing a hint bnvarel new article of tiwla in this country , and one that conld bnoonrantatdhr < :ci loyed i| eMkgfi* a great variety wajra, ' • : is **' TUe Pre** sf I'MMrra. Now that whiter h come, it behoove* pamnts more than wr to see that their ehikirm are clothed i saeb a nutittef to protect them from the inclemency and I'.iilihni changes ftf flio weslhsr. The cliiid i-an-c of inlaufife uiorUUity, in ad dition to fonl air, or 100 xlob or too pool food, is the faJas pri<l# of man? mothers. Children are killed by the manner itj which they are dmu-d ns ecrtainly s* by any other enuae. <mr changeable climate children of the iaosk tender spa ufe left with their arms ami leg*, wid with low-seeked ilrsses*. Tlie mothers in th same drees, would Wver and siff ter with eoM. and export a fit of sickness as the result of tfleir culpable carelessness. And yet the mutlicrn could an dure such a treatment with far less danger to health and life than their trader infants can. A moment's reflection will indicate the rOscta of tlfis mode ol dressing, or rnfli er wont of dresauig, on the child. TKc moment the oold air strikis its lore arras and legs, the blood is driwn from these extremities to the internal and more vital organs. The result is conges tion, to a greater or lest extent, of those organs. tbroiJCN CniLriKKN. —A benevolent Po lice Captain of New i'ork onee mtoired a stolen child to its fiareut* by this means. The girl was found under pre cisely the ssine eircntnstaiiore, only Umt she stated that she had ono# lived;' away off." The kind Captain kept the child iu his custody, and, enlisting the sym pathies of (lie reporters, advertised his prixe fur and wide, thereby finding tho sorrowing parent* in n IfkinneoUctd vil lage, who had for ten long months < mourned the loss of their <igrhug. Fre auent rnuls are made by tit# Police on lose child beggars, for no other put-1 pose than placing them nrider the car# of some charitable institution. AN IMMUHATMNAN RACK.— OoI. Mo- Daniel, the owner of the famous Amer ican horse, Harry Bassett, has written the following Ictti-r to England : 1 am anxious to test Harry Bassett with tap best homes of England, or any oilier coilntry, but under the circumstances stated,' that test ranstbe made on Amer ican soil. If Mr. GTetton will not bring 1 Sterling here, yon may say, through the Turf, FUM, and Farm, tliat f will make one or a series of races, of from two to four miles, beats or dashes, for from $25,000 to 850,000 a side, each race $lO,- 000 forfeit, Harry Bassett against afty bore in the world ; the races to be" run tinder the rules of the American Jockey Club, either at Jerome Park or Saratoga. ~ . ■ "' "" "".1 .'""..nri ~ „ Twa Los Angeles (Cel.) Grand Jury have found 35 indictments for the Chi nese massacre, and severely censured the municipal authorities. The riaticU and their luiiabilgat*. M. Figuier, a noUxl French *iitiflc gi utU-ui.iU, any* that m-alem agtrOftomy !iy <Vnto*tvwt#d ih* Ihere **e Uo wot Id* than ours, Hint the earth simply in tikes A part of s class or • group of star* which do not diffor esscntiiilly, sad that there it an htflmty of other id-djes like it, proceeds to e.*t*id*r the tntemal Af fairs of lh other world*. Bine* there is uothing b. distinguish the mirth from the other tilsneis of our mUu* pysfom—Mer curjr, Vcuus. Mam, Jupiter, Hwtura, Ur 110-, and Neptune—ho srguea thai wr Minst find iu tn- others as we find here— air and water, a hard soft.riVey* and Mas, monutatiis end talk-vs. There must be found also in thotn vegetnttun and tmia, and tracts cor-ret with verduro and j shade. They must hate ul tuoapliere And i heavens. There must lie in them ant ; mala and even men, or .at least beiug* tnjierior to animals aud corresponding ' to onr human type ; " Hcience htm shown that the physical ' ttud HiidatologiaiU dpneotionaof tlie earth i aqd ilia other jdaneia are identical On those fdaneU as on the aarih the run , shines and disappears, vieldiug plane to I ninht. ami cold and darkueaa succeed to boat aud bglit. lu them aa oa the earth, tin- rich carpet of herbage aovars the • jdain*, and luxuriant woods cover dm J mountains. Rivet* flow maiesUeaUy on ito the seas. Winds IfloW rapnlarly or i irragalariy and purity the atmoiphcce by mingling thisr stratachargftlln dilt rent drgn ys .with the prudono of the cwipor , p.-!i of their soil. In qutet night* ( dweihsrs on these übm-ta set tho same lieayenly sravtocJc tuat delights oar eyas, 'ttic same constellations, the aaom ccia*- 1 tin! visitors. Ttiev have |Hiniurair views 1 of the )dancanr globes with their follow ing of fu'hfni sfttellitc* and lumiii'-u , stars shuaing like gently-brand tub wl tondms Usee in a while thctw is a sod den luminous trail which forrowv*th# " heavens like a flash of silver; it ia star 4 that rhtwits and drop# into Uu* deptha of 'vpatv. Again, it !a a wiihs l.san tuful tail that cornea io bring news (rem t worlds nuihons of miles away. '* Tim planetary man, aacoeduigto his be | lief, curtvsjKtnda to the terrcstiial man , fx> Jhy pi*n< to the urooeas of eneatien of <irg:thiscd life must lie the same aa in the cjrth ; fle sntrearive order of appear ance of living mature* j* the sama a* on the globe And. like the terrestrial man, tha planetary man dim, is trans i formed after death into a super-human, , and jswwea also into ether- Human'* Work. EEiaheth Stuart I'iteips, in an article in the Jtxiruotdat', uulitioJ "Right*, .and Rrlaiivw," says : " I think a little reflection will eo ' vine* da that many, if not moat, of the ' direction* in which wonn now expend themselves, demand aa much actual • fctroiiffth aa many, if not ro t. of the dr|iarUaenta o( what ia caUad * masculine { labor,' though tWretaoally the light , *ofturnoon work' of the worM fid!* too i U-'ut." Hint aaya ; ( " Take a Mode instance of a cgnvwr* <snti<*>'| stumbled upon the other day. He that bath ear* to hear let him hear •itn aowiiteepart my day. The a)iaken i wet* both women. ■ Y !"• hosiTl h> geto along without tny gkL Jf liad'engagad her, .but it mm-** like murder la hike her asrny (ram lta, j |"B- —T haven't the heart ta scud lor hfer. She's nDth- "he-It* that poor gcw twre- rem gA: arid A'- Isms twenty board ♦M in her bona# to-day, ant) four Httle rhiltlre-n mt bur own hraodce. Oaa"* ! baly Imrn last May. Site new r wws a stnifig woman. She look* nke death , this attmaicg. I believe /ho w iayi: If. It's enough to k.U any aoumn. . fia icire I don't wo.lr. ton never aaw j 'tn.-li a fnM. It's hke a ghost. She in*t lit to have a boarder across her d< <ir-step ; Hut ahe's atrtfows to do and ■ wt-ry amniMons ta gat along, and they're i poon. ypn iamf . 2 ' " * But where ia bar httsbaml T \ ; '"Obi ho keeps the tin-ahop down j town.-' .. ! "' Why doesn't he support thu Laid-, ; ly ?' . ' ** Well, yon ace. lie*#ltn* beginninp; and he doesn't make it very fsat, and ilw' a growing family. She feel# aa if uha I tutMt bcin, anyhow.' ( , ,* *1 • Blp ? It aeatna to be A# that oply , " halpxJ' . Alm enptiorfa the family. Why lon* thqy eh ..,fork, if *h is killing heraclf with her* ?' Wmjtf' * ' Why doos't she leain tite tiosiuKb's [ trade ; and he loatp. bow to ksop. twenty liOardeni, and toko oar* of four children, with one ignorant assistaat ? If he is a drong nmn he ecmkl prp!*lly bear it, awhile. At any tah, it tnifht save her 1 Jttej ft is not'too late.' " ~ Oh ! well.' with a paxxled hmgh. hardly sure whether the p>wkef nxperi ed same recognition of an <•. iginst y>ko, |' women can't do mueh *r<irk, yn.i know—emierially u< I tMtg're *<irtro*g enough, I thinh^p'TV Tux IhrguiiENCH. -The ' of the >on of the Bmperer ■in* nnaUs an iu cdotcofin 'MMHeKman on the advent in that mtmtrim royal Rust. While mrviMbg the west Cooat of Scotland, (.aptoia Kobinpin had Ivccivud on Imsril his ship the Gmnd Duke Coastautiiic. As the duke could oalv remain a vrrv sliort time,(he captain resolved to show liim aatttfith naiv sNsble during liis brief stay. According be atenimed to loitn on a Sunday, believing that day especially kuitnT for pointing out to this royal visitor remains nasocia tod with religion. Landing an the is land, he waited on the custodian of the ancient church witli the request that he would opeh R. • Not so, " aajd the keeper; " not on Sunday." "Do yra know whom I have brought to the island ? M aaid the captain. " He's the Emperor of the Husaisa, I ken by the flag, " reapomled the k*u er; "hut hod it bran the Queen hcmV, I w ad<M gl'c up the key* on the Lord's day. " " Would yon take a glass of whiskey on the Mahhatbt " inquired the captain. " Thnt't a dlfer-nt thiny entirtly," laid tba keeper. WHAT A Ooen NXWMAI*KB MAT TJ6.— .Show us an intelligent family of lm?* and girls, nod we will show yuu where newwjvtper* are plenty Nobody who bit* wen without tljeso silent, private tutors, can know their educative power. How important, then, to secure those which tend only to good I Anything which makes home pleasant, cheerful and chatty, thins the haunts of vie©, and the thousand and one avenue# of letup tiitaon shpnld be regarded, when wo con sider its influence on the minds of the young, as a great moral and social bless ing.—Aewg Inlander. A BAJLL DRESS.—A New YORK lady who Srdered a dress for the Duke's bell aaya: fy dress has come home—l am stunned Here are the figures of ©oat Thirty yards of silk 110 per yard. 1800.00 Our piece French 0rap*...... ~-J 18.00 Ten yards Bmaella p0int...... ......... 1011.00 Lining*. ..... X.'........ 10.00 Making 00.00 Materials BSM| Bilk buttons tMQj passementerie, eta. lM0j ' ~... ■ imm Many ladies iu full drew saffeaboove in the shape of high heeled ahdiafiijpt dresses, and badly placed, hair pina ; Item any amount of pfepsure can compewmto TEEHS: Two Dollbtk b Your, in Advance, Ail Oetlawfo rm#. At Is* MeM**!) DMm.l Our roHsjr wtH r<foa|lHir the brurf akin," who had led to JLwwgr t'dUfonita ■ after the murder of the Btldechask tw. 1 1 them, in Los Angels* County. A, gm- \ ! tletoMi who has IsMy ret 11 mod from ; visit to Ban italnef, Lower California, I gives us some etcaedindy ioUnv*Ung iasta in foanctiu with the pumutt ami j final killing wf she orrtlaw, and the rwl aoolmff fat# which stibneqeegfii over* took the Indian woman Who was com-: pain of hfa flight, nod her bohe. . j | " ®uehfkli" with one Omhsm, hiir j detwd the two lirottwra i fefdnga ia >lOll, hm Angeles County. The fetter waa arrastod, nnd i hie eonfaenton, It in said, implhwted th former, fm whose apprsheeakio a reward of |LWO waa offered. " Buckskin" had in tin ifieap ta mrnaped, paaaitig Onotigh tlusowllb-, •try across Jbe iiue into the Mountains near San Rafati T!fo rsal name of this 1 man-waa* Pyburn, a may m trfferrgd from the iwoord of the bnrth of a mat* chdd to the Indian woman, entorod tn an idtnanue fottnd orf *' feuckakin'* body, where ha tuuasw ike child *' JaaOM t'yburo." Ha was a foil and well-form ed man, with the exuapthin of a deform i, in ids foct, tho o%at fews of which overlapped ' the smaller onas, and waa constantly tflad fn a fall wait' of Imek tflßl_" ' J ' j * ' "" T •• Buck-kin " earn aeoomfMiiwd in bia flight fey the Indian weoaw and his lifoi Ua soil, tight inontha old, and,* pgrtnar named McForhuid, who |m Imeii a toon terfeto-r in Los Angelas County. IJur ing their sojourn in the mountains a dia iute arose between the two men ; * titer left camp together one morning to hunt, and at night "Buckskin" earn* beak akma. This was fata way of doing ho>i- Tim Sheriff of Luc Angela# County, vlttfc Oil a visit to bwa Diego tmrlv n June kit, heard at Pylrnni** wbdre sbuuU, and, accompanied by finkr- Kheriff CmkUunKt,-. proceeded <0 Lower California oaph ire hkm ' Arriving*** Sau iufcei th'j toKrwed that *' buck •kin"<aaf& asWe owe camped in llur uiountata*. tit* far away, and offered, a reward 'fciSHS iut hi* capture nttra or dead. wutMnnod M xipuiu ao <l>l nsr.ote pod Parted into the country itttiM4i*M*y. fpop renohiug hi* plu . of eo&Mtoftit, one of the party M*j#imirtit ti Tfr tipon the den jwrac'o, jjglfiift iTlfll in hand, vnaap jaremly awaiting an attack.. Jf< time was given Out Mammon to draw a weapon terra, and ha grasped " Itarknkm's r%& •aid udr .vored to wrujcli it from him. In the airuggle the weapon w4a dia : r barged, carrying away two of Mexican's boxers. •• wMr down hi* iiameaa rifle, and Marled fur hi* revolver, i uthith he had tef| B* the oanip mt by. Another of the Mffln'tn* tamse up nk thiaimoimml* wul -niipe—ri-* ths njtu abiou. shot "Buckddn" through tlgr back 3'ne owUtw fell, In lphwa, and acMng that there remained no hopo for .lefence or ewaflc. Nwooght tbto ilcflri nana to kill him Thi they did una do, last after Ida death, which uerunod to* ahputhalf an hour after, they cut off one of hi* feet, and with that and hi* doth#*, returned to Bkft ikfa.i for their reward. 'IW Indian womau, who had witonunl the tutgta evcust, riplTanfif great *ato(rtioii at thn wait, diwlaring 1 that fa* many weary m-mlb* ami m!ew she had acoompanied Uuckakin through fear. The squaw, with her child nada hore% ww token to • neighWtag rapche, io be kindly cared for until Imi could re t nco to he r tribe In tiragdn. Jut' not , wfchataadiag the frequent bumrAndtM that no harm should came to tier, the seomed ta fuel continually that bet pant amociation with the dead- munMffstr would yet bring trouble upoa bar, and itotfldEtoMed 'great unemunona A few 1 <laya attar she ws brought to the nmcar, she qntefiy *i \m> owe sight, and taking bar Wba, with *ama of fta little .Imne% fc>le away iu the darkness, lwv - wig bduiidt her horsey hi >nketa, previ si- <ts —everything. Ddjgeut search was made for her and IW child, bat to no effcc:. And now comes the probable se quel About two week* afro a youug man. while riding over sn ed portion of the Candal(t!>e lUurhe, obvufc twelve iiiiies frotu the main road, came uddety upon a huifmn senll. ucarlv denuded ,of fiishv lm< wnered with long, jet-black h.ir In his ikorror at t!ie sight, he looked no furUtpc. bat returned to tl e tanebe and told what ha had found. The next day, with several companions, lie retavnod ! > the spot, and hotnd in an* place the brae* of the Wo luitii, with wmus clothing, aid near at h uk! those of aa infant, vitb mm lit tle dreosos. These wee; the xeauun of tlx' jxwr Indian woman and hor Imlwa Near the bones a lw*d of leaves wm dis 'eovcrtd where they had eti lcnWy lain down to die. ft wat eonav l,;reil that ihodamairiag mother had taken the life [at Umt nttie one ami then her own. The hair was out from the scull by the dis- Mgpk and, with the chUliiug, sent ta the antliontira of San Rafael, who im mediately sent back an order for the burial of the bones. „ j Haru> x a '• lioe liaioxnm."—A let ter dsUd at llutotunaoii, Minamata, dm scribe* Che upatatiqns of a roup brigade orgnnked to fight thepralriefire ; There was a tire cofujuaiy formed in Hutchin son, who were to go out at any time, aigbt or day, t theory of alarm, to fight fire. There are about forty of them in all. Sometimes tlmy would go out in one direction and work till thsy had put out the fire, and come home and turn in i to rest, and within half aa hour would be summoned again in anotbor direction to flgtrt tli# advancing fianws. Horses would be harnessed, attached to what ever vehicle cade first in the "Way, and uo questions asked, and awgy they would go. Mr. Putnam, the hardware mw fhuut, wa* called the "General" of the brigade, and under his lead they did splendid service. Lawyers and mse chants would throw off their bt ttec gar ments, and, enveloped in old cloth##, and armed with "naopa," as they called tiiem-r which oqususted of old Vtags tied firmly to broomstick* and soaked in wa* tor—would march to the front of the fterv battle. The towa waa many rimes threatened, hut the etßnfcasy of the fire | brigade saved it- Evry hotel and store would hu\ o about a dozen of thaw "mops" on the steps raady for cotton. | : ■ ~1 I ...I NIM.MM.fc, ill ISI ' limtn-nnxm" Dnmwra—White tulle dresses over white silk are most often worn by bride-maid*. Tbey are adorned by dowemocnuiged in an infomal man ner, without toy, regular design. The very prettiest of the reason had the tunic sprinkled all over with rose petals thnt looked as if scattered there by a shower. Over dresses of Cliina crape heavily fringed are also worn by bride-maids. These re usually white, but at a large wedding, recently, they were of sky blue and pate roee-cok*. to suit both blonds hi id brunette attendants. The corsage of tpeee d is usually made low.— Ftohim JTpurn <tL .j .. .. *' ( TUB fwaw.—Wa are gratified to. an nounce that the bruisers Mum and Co burn have again met and again tricked thftn ((tends and backers by a sham fcv.-tv'" '• ' NO. 50. flttffct lit * IWlrn| Cat. ?■ TW oMNu' California !tailrt<d one o Jr*®***®** 4iB jritaM aadidtosta w have "*•* whiU it tilt' KttliwiUtitt!# f iMffl# IMI BMP febowtbow BearMww awtila* * tniriMe railroad- mtidmt The follow mtjf parrtcufsm, AuftiiM to our reporter by *a ey<? witews, may b* tolißd wpmm r Vfc the down MA mipe aw* pi# |of Use stattoM m tba Mtft It was ran ißMif; l fail apwd, ttt enter lo #W TO Stou* M k mn s,:**vt iwJtMM'Mrfiili the tmd t iw poiMt AN a cot something man thspf * wße'Ta | Irugth, tj io entonog It thproadaiaiuj* a curl*, *o (bet the enetow* t w . 'irthrb tlifow# If. He had K%. (at --; two ittUi the <t brier* to aafrß wwaeW I ruling k*ito.rt4y ttoeufrb it.< wing Atoi ; oamH <rf Mm aredt. Mb® • cot w I tit mi Mt way fbrrwgfc tjw i airitari*- }* quarter of to tic akewl of Mo. ""He i unuHdutely waisoe* "dowa braim/k, f ultwoJr<l the warning., I TM •*§ pawfl*r 1 death mmSl e ImoMo, looked jrm>r Mr ahOßJdne i' "}* iljiyW ! 'Bp m her. Mb# did vvt Art#. MT ! SaUlt, 808 #f p '*ll top} lilts, kid • ; tree Wbfac* her mrnmm y—yubfc> tU eraergracj, and, vilkost osMowmt'i bewtoiiau, eb oomwaewl swtogtof bet riding-whip frtfa) one ribosides; IrHr fffr f 4 to mtmm. 'ftlOff'-'Mf loitt jiil-W jLie !• •.! it iteiiilßiiHl ■ hi'M, m I m ' .1 *# <s***l It til H Uf*OPw "-lju whwite muaed t* loft A Out of, tit window*, n4 upow tfcMß itMAAT-. iiMT Ifhpt tisr iu*llei tifi® W§l4r# fit .citeraejut ibtwid jamjiM fbr- WaJT'.i Will f r SXe<l tll<* aMI StM 1 ui'-ivM poffiof olt H ** 'He tr the trfa b* diet toeMie. TW tmriteewftt wen? orertmg tHfl'eir'etwMi An the braJcee. .end Uir eitffßMr bed • mi off the <WB—u*ion bad mm.! kwroll Ibat b.k#w teetef wwHe tlte wo taea ber bml iwlttHlp tin* Hi of to m re|b. Hie kopt g*itiiB o Ihe bom* r..adf ite nftt, q4 there #*! borf'hre rvemja-ib the train WMW'dW nnA ~*!** 'Mm* both the emctt mi tke ktifwMMid he Ktteil. there who, mt', h*|, thirty feH uiiervewaK bdhrtafe fbe' . <kw eotehor end the hown'e heetn wha, (ortoQOiekr (>t tko woman, ibe wiio)i bos * Sstt e widts* ihth ittual. and with Mr m Him gttided the ffeeinj? home from the track nod n --deneoced to pmt Aim a#*mat tbewali of the cot, io order that Mte twin might ) ;aus by without ut)arv. In doi og <• ; the woman waacmoowaitwl by MamHiß. ituuk tbn eoaiootor, who had ran fottwanl and got m the kaemotira,. A Mr-m** ! wmte aitv p.t?Md % when tho-Arrymoo •ter jioked in nodb'fM fte raiip af.tbf. home. At <hi WMMAtt irafiee wew hm whole *r>eoe aaioet the irottueJ "and heMhtm eutM 'the twin atapiwd, ad the ffffmtt Mnti'l j tcxnlie death a gmm.—Or**** Fgw*. Li t m iiMes a2hk .* ? rf>l - - ,jf , nC"., j., ■%-■ iiifM iHir umila eaweiMw I iip ptß' o ci pan ou waPr, wwiflPw jpws i -onditiotia] fwedoa -to (honncfe of B-si# , i -ia, m immd atom ih*it Am' yeans effo i —in Febrwy, Thaw wow at that : tiaw tead-owßwa in >fianfMPn ! honseholtf errwtjt, who aled faimal a •rart of their 'Tbe WfaiiL tmK ! her If" errfii w npwmnla of 22.0D0.ai0. I 'nr.jrr of the more intei&gWif of thim Wtnr 'mpioy9d*hr Mae -bnao At if their ntslb nt, m artiwna, werv j ihMiU, eto. The land in the w;*ioo i of tkeee knd-oeiMHti amtmntea to wt 00,000,000 acvee, nearly owe ttifik <ff 'whlrh wAloeirtnpied by Mte AotkMM| of f the #rfh' ru.terMw MlwßßfwaH'Wi Ijf } owe, the land thW ewipied by IfcAiem : wee to Iwoeaae their j>r<apr*™ty filter the | pßynx aU by nwealmeela, of a oertain .. em mat -A in abcx of thedeeme. HAM,- 1913 jaWMttdf become proniieioini dt more than i no-Cflh o! ! the. whole i3A.0NT.600 me*, "ft ia ti>ttted that Another ported Of ten years wtil elape* ! iwftwe lis* pwAew oi enmndjpaiippt w aampleied. The grnerai nroeperilj' of the country fam not. nnfieWd, but, 1 - ; *b i contrary, liffo gwatly inoroamd, k§ thai cmaneiimtion UTe Tbr popnlai idea that if ha# rtlnrri UirtwtoJ#,* |is quite unfounded 1 They wtill tm—w I the gttAiw the |i a.i Liberty ' ia wnrhißt'onl lla Batumi maults among | the Knianan peaaante. who tlbw® 'tOBdB" j arlvaa in mm? omw intoliigewt t* fK> • otxfrliwrlT s raiwr, who bya mmU flwttt ffituw ' Mj4 Jurrm-u, with tfinkt-hk* lMrUlil < [fevwffike&, AM with this tipc-dou* oI i !! her peopli ftamh has arotrireu m inter nal ttnmgth tut known to msr befttoe. ' 11 I -HU * '•! i I'II I *ti n ill nir' y't'f I 'f"- ft g Hi I An Execatltn in Forfeit '• Xlio following ono the partieiilttrs of * j the shooting of fiiMK-1 and hi* c*tnf*it ' ions at Pat'i*. They were known nakad m of tie Commune, ami" sentenced to ; 1 death. At tn* o'clock in the moraing Urn#*!*- 1 ! oners BoaMl, f'etre nod Bcangvoia went ' taken from their culls ad 'brought to ' the Camp of Satory. Thence they wore 1 escorted by a Urge foroe to fhc place ' fixed upon for the execution : tfcw- out- i! skirt* ef the c*uap. On arriving t|ib ' a hollow squat* was formed bf tho-f 1 ttwcpa, at one end of which the 1 era were placed. The behavior of the | throe men WII aeot ooueagcous. When i the soldier* approached to blindfold ' them, Ferre wfneed to allow the bona- ' age to he placed over his cyan, declaring ' ' that he should lock the executioner* to ' the face. When .all the preparations ! were completed at seven o'dcek the own* 1 pany detailed for the duty ntlvwacod aad, ' ievoDiag their musket*. at the word, of command fired s Kernel fall at the ftod ditobarge; ho WHO instantly killed. The"" S thorn wore not aofortuaato ; the bullet* lid not take immediate effect, and ad '■ f hey were writhing on the ground soma i soldiers of the shooting party, in obedi- ' ence to hdnMMd, came nj> with pistols at gave the toap b y* lo put. them | out of their agony. The bodies were * then placed in plain coffins and immodi attdy removed. The execution took place in the prwssnoe of three ■ thousand troops of the hue. A profound aeosa tion was produced tbrongbout % the details of the execution, The da% of .young Roaeel is lamented even by I thorn who felt it waa demanded by jus- ' tie*- and the beet interests of tba eoun *zj.: ,£/: '"r ' Sanmrc.-Perhaps many of our readers,, woo wens quietly pursuing their ordinary occupations on the 7th of last September, may not have been aware that about noon of that day a • ttemen dcros explosion occurred In the awn. Rut so sstrouomcrs testify.' There had boo* observed an enormous protuberance o the eastern limb oi the sun, about KKhOuO milea long by 50,000 miles high.' : This •'thing'* butt in pieces, <nd tffiG atr.fßpmed filled with dUrts, somiffial which rose 200,000 miles from the mptt surface ! While the astronomical obi|r ver at Dartmouth College was noteg these marvl changes, another Mbjfe. knu mass developed into a pillar 'of rop ing flame, apparently, tetttotopofly flbd pyramidally 80 4 <X ttile* in height, whip its top was filamcnto ' Jpl , |ijß : $■ ZsC '-ZZ L-*i= ..i-|i-' . * rent" l w*! 1 Wll mloff rjH, _ g. , | "Sww |OMi ! J fW® 1 * ;!ti ■ MM oaade idH^^^HIIBHBH 2r liiiiiiilfei iiPWPI HRPff | *jm- •■ ■' l -:?■ kd nit} .Mmk em MMMIHBi " I HH f y wk >ad u.i 'iasaf ; ehihlkood and *'!'! V 4 IbaAwA <rf gjt-.isg aradit to wHkm® cwrfit 1 "! . £a dais, the 'faelfl lietfer tMM ", fass^,, TheofiferiaMal artwrw !iior wheat tbf? #t:intoa nrafi*, k. <* htm not to mi aHI ih : fogOf IdGRkAw JIJ-W.* tlw •Pi.'# erf *t wl-o Is '• ynttfl# PMUb AIM of whom Aha MMithia good dpi B 4m imiwrri rt 10-inrw lum cljßrfAiriiri a#t Mai'fWfp■MPW*' w "p^t l ** a ../" B€h a wmpoffMß jartangement tn ladf ana that WSSf © for the wmmmj hare Iwet mdnoed to -tmirtiy-f w ewMi I "g - A-Mkkm&vwm, rnmwiim the B* ber of jwotdr aid tWir ia the m *fd U>wrMf* ofHumi Cwis*y, by the S fnwt Awe. V. he w foUoBBi ¥*■■*% m i put***, I,T i hmm, •,. A-HburifanHady acwwmed. a litis ft ih 5ara , 3 , 35.r0S 5 which site WIN. mwyh*f - Sober mmm snd *sflaqperfd orcr lW sb-iwvrs md Bodn. ** j . j p Maoe and Cobuin umpA tomarf mi dherMW an' es*a#fe. • In Mw .sweoni namdhbewhnrfe' hie hwsd T n - Uter lllAlll i ISfi. " mm ■ "" h . -A jMAjMwhHHMMoMW; milboM of her '1 htnto mUSar-rtoM- pwned through this Hy fcjfel "ting a * soSeivr ' UMA%e beomw 4^^;, cs*HisiS It .if trli# ctf fill® .nMl*4Mba 1 er. tin.;'*f ■ermiaiy weaaiO' HrrtMp ehndtea, wb hi angpA i # trnkm B Bfoe p%. w ;!l 1 " i: 1' ** ''#?■■■" ~ - ....Hi., urikiSjiiWMi, jAfe. m tiw c?risen alio It rbhlMHr thJ ■ tS& hat . shdt - teUtwi htowirt to to • hMiM i hHNr so to warty back <r*ra, and (h pwbilsßtty thai M SVfilMßgrißir w I'-'" "> •afAHM hilßAlHit,fßth wttW MB to ' m- 'to r Ahwifon pnwerty.ia lirtjia® ¥ .as tbaitaa*.*. and hM to it as a thmg ilia BaeM to BOBtond ugainst. Bat H la "a dSniUton which mttkm ibe • iaolatitor and pojagater of jMBM d a d|*r in Mmeoada. One of tie rtwng, fw- SaiB^ : AnTirf#ytoi- ft* toljunr im of UxmmHfi) whoffldl ftwanatvm datotfiree. fc do M* b#*7* &rt any werffflatel nr'twrlinwiA c""" ' *wt o* iii'>lb firal to mm Mm' of this dam |f armifiiT who qatobll mew - with MM .Btt.ito : al - fIWMa * At til* §m4mkMVMs* tto i a tkiur a# an buneal iletocfiwa. fctosh • Shingly- haw ar erttWhoe; hat m -do aay that the f m ebb atis* tB aerwee a teisl tor -the. Pf*MP I Uitol D aiwerpotod wit, and that 1 abolition Of thedetoßfew tor. to wMAaw? rwtorm. Aa to Mm pW' mam in' which tnrmey h wmitrei to fMwvn* a. .detoeliwi hMMjpttan, M toaiMamMbSure ahptoi -toeaya h# - (be robbed mhpoo elh4i fnpaM ho ®ancn moner; I M&Z> !hedsecti v t - at wort Cor the inqtiitT W-roueh he m wifling to wire, to a piacOrtflhat M in the pubtw wind auewwriahoß that the detectives aw in pdtotow wtii Mm ,thmrw. II toavw ,Ik* dftocbw free from all aix'oantobikty. and itoweatw a temptation to which tlie |TMp tma ought not" to Be cxpowdf.—Omonaoh' f ■STjlb *1 1 l? "' ! "" i-'. 1 m 7 t% ftwael one of i th Cootmiuurta ahW, it w said by s Pwria paper frrUpmi Wideiily ap pearing in Iparw, tot| charge of Mm inaurwetioaary 4r. thwalen ing to- shoot, a mens ter 6f the Central Oomihifter. who asked him to give up a f— AbanAmiagliw 14wi' '.t -I necitti'Mi they countorwiadodM* erdeito;a<MMß| hi i moMItHIQMPM d dnto> # pltoaiaff. m p pglil the eel at JfetoT had alM>r ready for their B*nelV ffta ■ •!■' ptoAoiff Mnw a culradlolw, hearing tiliec U< ;i --<3*109 of deaMi without BWWBg and twiwMrelaafap 'to tign.<l prtafaoa for .pardon t> has all thcrra wuunadji ** which appeatao .powerfuillfto the Wg* aetiam women, wd I * oomse queaiy become their hero,. ( MohbuPt.—ChdiftWßiß raß%pte have asummaiy way of dbqwrtag of murder en. Aiwrty o£ AW •*• *fwped a ear Council It wtofound i! 1 - had 1 ■-i "iafraAS ' IhWiHrfiimm ft JllflllßHilll* "fKltl wfiuKwli m. "gJ-P ' * gtont-toneto dtowniw whet ".We, theAOOcnugrany, pi it ' ed to-Mto #wllifie> court.ai.|l fewwp /the prisoaier. They refused to giy* tom up, "We, the 500 maigStipA,. took Wet! Mm, oonil -.iei .uto, W IfPi Lorn on the rtaie few h ■ tod hie victim under, " rareweu. fe world, * were. Ms fawsl ypwdt, sa m : walked away and hfc him to s Mm SP eatopwito, I©llCF*'c4 toil*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers