\ nuts WET* Idtter. - -0 Centre Hall, Pa., !>•. 15, '7l. ! TERMS.-The CasTW* ltai-t- Kfcr * > ! 1 * TIE . published weekly *t >"< > advance, or when not £ a ,n £ vance. and quarterly sub scripaon* at the saute rat*. M"le * I #Y \dTerti*enienU sl.t t*e r lines) for' Ureo ln.ertla. Adv*rthwWt*Wt* far a ioneer ieritl, at a redu-d rat* Business cards of ttve lines. per >**' Communications reoomiuaudta* or oce. 6 cent* |er Ita*. t^ i n> ion* vt* private walwr# td uhituary ao tiens .sceeding v. Uwes #*• line. Business n.Wtce* ta local eoluasa lt cenU per line., for one insert ion. . V slices of death* and marrtagennsertid .re ot charge Our triends. .n ah ** sJ the eounty will oblige by sensing us .eal item* of interswtfromtheir respectivel.wal- Tlie llgure* set to the addrea* spj* each subscriber s lwdiaaU that the übseription is paid ut U> u °k Us . answer the wine as a l eeeipt. P . milling by mail, or otherwt**. will under stand from a ehangelw these datesthet money hasbeeu received Impeachment of tirmt The New York Herald'* Washing ton correspondent, of Satunlay last, communicate* the startling report jdc. ..liou in high quarter*. The n*us* r. Lite proposed leads through J*Atli V| gy, north-west of Nlilruy, ami iht U'-e over the Seven Mountain*, ue- the and uf Niwauy is >.101*1..' This would make a di taucvol ii .t over 23 miles, and aou.d J)rnig 1} . luute and the whole Snow 5..-W \ with its immense produc tion* and lumber, at least 20 rune, ur.i ,r to ilarrisburg or I'hila d>.>ph—, >-* Deaistown, thau any oth ii nK. ft would also secure to Tewi*M>wo agaiu the pejin's Valley trioin. It*, repeat, the feasibility ! the routi i- lieing inquired into by re apouso<|i p rlits, and • shall not be surprint! t sou the construction ot the r>>Mi f iomeoced as soon as next spring dull open. ( ui* for Cancer. There being several serious cases of cam.. , lVnns valley we copy the fol lowing unr*, seot to the Pittsburg Post, by ong win, ■ays be has tried it, aud hope it amy prow beneficial to others: TV tkt Editor of the /W I I wish to make known through your widely circulated paper to the many nowr sillier>tig with cancer. In 186-1 a cancer caiue on my left hand after much suffering, all remedies failing me. 1 i.o it burned out with costics. It made lis appearance again in my right arm, being more troublesome tliNii Im i >r. ; I suffered almost death aga ii win. costic buruiug; this seemed po check It for a while. It next broke out iu in) right hand. In the spring Of IMJi ,l grew very fast until the hand lc..iu helpless and I carried jt in a siiog ; all remedies and csdics failing Hi.- this time i (tared my baud must L<- lakeu off. Ou bearing'of sev eral j-ix.us cured by drinking wild tea and pt.ulticiug the cancer with the tea grouuds I commenced using wild tea it>.a.uest. I abstained tfi-ni using coffee and other lea and iu four weeks was rui.il a well as it ever was. I Bin a\ mil ltd with two citiuu* ut Pitist a that have keen cured of can* S*f "> iking wild tea within the last few Mini i.is. Fur ike the sake ofsuti- H'f/t i tn/lUiiity I make known these fat U VS iJd Ua gruwa iu most at the fctui.e -liii wail kiiuwu. Tbia rnu *'/ mi .1 iiuve the wideal pub)idly. Yours respectfully, J. B. Williamu, HUi. Orticcr, Allegheny City Pa. A1- dd >|iecial from Washington aavN ii.,.1 Senator Suiuuar U for an c --livi ilgi.t to abuliah the luterual Rev tun- I ..luinwatouensbip, aud that he wit. U sustained by inauy leatliug Uci.at.~4. >!*• York, December B. —Four huinir. il and fifty cauat boats are still ft -s ;i ill ou the Hudson river arid Jf '< t itual, .' hav %••*! .1, inniixirxlf the atlvatvUyps t.i th,.! eoiihtrv Hi* l l Iti lite iliMtftiewtttt* |ntrt\. which would follow tin* withdrawal ol the latter from the l'revblculial ficid ! in 17'2, thus allowing the peopWbotli democrat* *ml republicans, lo deal ut rwtly with tla present administration ti|xui the question glowing oul wl il own policy, we have intimated thul the democracy are not wholly irr* jk>niblfl for the admitted crime* *n.l j (nulls of ll.eir antagonist*. The muti ny b not yet restored to It* norm*' condition ; it* politic* arc Mill disturb ttl ml distempered; it* cuiiiroveren* are constitution*!, involving m l meie i|Ue*lioii of ex jtetlieiiey and advan tage, hut the greater nuealiuu ot pot *oll* I right*, I new I fhttloin, httU**tfor-1 pur, trial by jury, lb* reUlioii botwueit civil law aud military power, the pow er* of iKe •Kteulitr# nl the authority ..f congress. The draper*!* spirit of the late civil w*r till iiugct* In our diacuMious ami election* are niort*l com ha U —or, at least. the |*rty in |>OWer insist* en regarding them in that light, and it deliberately resolve* to carry them at all haxard*, and by nav mcau*. because it esteem* them mortal iu their nature. It uol only argttea, hut it boldly declare* that the tmiiipb of Ihe democracy would par tially uudo the rc*u)| Pf the war. au nul the hardly wo# ad anally vie I ",v of the uorth, revive the spirit, if not the condition, of •laverv, imperil tha newly "acquired IVancuUee ot ibe ne groes, pace tire federal power at the mercy of the state*. subject unionists to the vengeance of the confederate element, jeopard the national debt, disintegrate our nationality and, in one word, ruin the country. We do not overstate the argument* of our oppo ucnu ; neither do weprupo** to reply lo theiu. The expert#nce uf the part six ycmrt ha* abourn (hat raphe* Kttd refutation* make uo impression- When a party assume* that the coutevl which ila anUgouiaU wage agaiuat a mortal one, by that very assumption it place* itself above the reach ol rea son and argument. It deciiue* even to entertain a propoeition for die euaaiou. It answers a plea fur tbe constitutional rights of a state with the Ku-Klux bill; iu reply to a democratic affirmation of the right of habeaa corpus, it iaaue* a crisp proc lamation of twenty line*, placing a state uuder martial law ;it rewpouda to a myriad of columns of unanswerable argument* io behalf of the constitu tional right of trial by jury, by tbruM tug 2,tXK) pr.suiters in jail iu a single slate. It assume* the existence of a condition of thing* wfiirji Jwnislt all argurueut and j untitles an action. It proclaim* a peril to tbe country which warrant* it iu catting aside all right, and usurping all power. It make* tha election of four democratic cou gremuiep io Texas au emergency ; it make* the Ku K'ux disorders in South Carulina, which it* own paty otfiicai* neglect ta suppress. an emer gency ;it make* a great fire at Chic ago an emergency ; and it make* each of these em< rgencie* an occasion fur military rule. VVe may mv that all this Uunconsti tutional, arbitrary, tyranical usurpa tive; but what do we accomplish by uying *o f W# have said it every day, lor tpe last sic year* or longer ; but it make* uo imprejsivn on the northern muid, for the northern! republican slates continue republican; and the northeiu democratic Malt* show sign* of becoming republicau. If we ask ourselves why the north should bp flips impervious to demo cratic afguwimU, >hy it should •turbbornly refuse to apprtpleie ihr perils to coustitutioual right* which fill as with alarm, perhaps we shall find the anvwer to be something like the follawiuy frumtheCiucinnati Com mercial, a paper which, while being neither democratic nor strictly repub lican, t# H fair reflector of uortheru feeling t "The stink uf *lase/jr t* Mill to b* discoverable in tbe democratic organs, and the idiotic incoheiencv of jabtier almut the sacred and inviolable sover eignty of states is still tbe favorite: theme of hundred* of democratic; country paper*. Wby don't the mem bers of (he democratic party, nbo havw good Mnte aud are patriotic, sup press these fellows of evil noises aud viilaiuous smell*? The .country j growing sway from theiu, of course. Not one day posse* but ihst the ad vance of the ificryeaaa fhe difficulty, already insurmountable, ol the return of the democratic part) to power. The old democratic party will never more rule America. It is impoasible. There is enough of it left to prevent the proper atU-utioii to administrative reforms. Incapable of good, the democratic! organization is formidable (of eyil by. perpetuating power ip the hand# of republican dem agogue*. Tbe party has perifhpd in a malignant vitality, in spite of alt the lessons of history, aud every demand of patriotism. The true paitie* are net tire republican and the democrat ic, Imt the administration and the op position." These are rough aud uncoropitaieut ary words, but they are valuable as beings revelation of the northern sentiment which we have to deal with in the uext presidential contest. It thejderuocralic opposition and the poai bility of a democratic triumph iu a fair election provokes tbe |>arty iu power (o the ue of lawless measures to save itself, under (he pretense of saving the couutiy ; and if it may re: .sort to such lawless measures witu the approval, or, at least without the sub stantial disapproval of the northern people, is it uot tbe part of wisdom and of patriotism for the democracy to avert its own inevitable defeat, aud at tbe same time avert the danger to die country of n radical victory, ac complished by lawless measures, by tai.ding aloof from the contest, and leaving the dissentient republicans to assail and overthrow the Grant party, in their own **y, and with tbojr own weapons? A democratic contest of the presidency would influence the northern sentiment which the Com mercial's paragraph is an expression of, or, rather, it would enable the ad ministration party to inflame it and call it to its aid | while on Mm other hand, a formal yielding of the field by the democracy to their opponents would disarm the fears which the northern people associate with the election of a democratic president, and it would deprive the administration party of all pretext for .he vio.ent stem which it would, almost without a doubt, take to prevent the election, or the instalment of a democratic prcsuieut. An election held under circumstancea, with opposition repub licans leading the fight iu their own way,and supported, not by the demo crate party, but by all honest demo crats, would evoke an opposition to President Grant, whose magnitude aud power few persons suspect, aud rteult in that overthrow of lus puli< y, which the democracy de±ire above all things to t-ee arcomplhhed, but which the democracy, as a party, i-annoi acoomplb-h. Whether, then, it is liot the high duty of the democracy to 1 otM-n the way for the clilvnnmi f this result, • \• by • apparent, tllltUgh Hot m*l Mt'tilit) "I it-elt ikliitw'r it It** right I" pev • t a new wttv thill ndvetwi it x till, wl.nli II i iri4 able to a veil ill tin- ni l way. are |ull*it|iull which WV submit ll * •- IlllvrntUlM 11l 111 l nlltiti.il tlll-IIISt'IVC* Democrat*.— St, /.tun* HtfitiMit+iu lion Joint inline) Vtlmiis tilt the i'mdileiicy. St. leUUts, Ntivcllib. I 2B, — Jt'ltU Qitiui-v Ad*nt, til Mn-.-nt int.. tt, has wrills it a letter whtcti will Np|tent in tbe Mtssuuri lb puhkt hi. T.i uittiiitw, iu sslnch In wartnls udots tin "|axtvc |ilitv" lot the I K iif . int. ii- tin ual l't sideutial election. In tlie course ul the Klll he *\* • I aiu satisfied that uh a cutiist would lw wise and patitotic, ami 1 should IK- glad to see the |h'mucrat concur in such a resolution. 1 regattl the prsstftil admlttistntllutt u a uatioti a! calamity, u rotdittuaiit'e of wltii h should Iwavvtltal *t almost m y so rt ficr, uut Iwvause it w lU'publicaii in politic*, but bci'tuw >t a mean it' character, s.-tlii in lone, cortupt siul arbitrary ; because, more than any w haw hail, it ha*disap|miutcd the ho|H ami death to d the gvturoU* aspirations .f the giHl men of all parliua ; Istcaiis. it i* doing ito'te lo permanently disu title- lite Slates tbiui the goVtrtiinenl ol JeHers- u Davis ever did; because its chief can coucieve of u.< mean* of free guveruinrnl| but military force and uo motive of pobMu Rctiop but private profit, KMt ymm wmp*uftt'ud ufttliuu tu family |oiiroii*gc and uiar lial law, will *o bluut 'be keen aeusi bililie* of popular liberty that our ig noble incubus might * well rrwiniu a fixture. No* I heiieva ihe Democratic jMtrly is * powffirM uiit> to relieve iw. ami think it is *itliout hope of carrying iho Wpy of the State, lately in rebellion were lUtVw:ry toflect tlie 1 li'tiiwriiiu caudidate, they would he thrown t *1 iu the couuliug. Ann-re majority eveu if it couhl I*- mustered will not be permitted to elect a Ihfioocrat to la the uext President. Nothing will then remaiu but civil war or uhuii*iu to a superior, ami it i* difficult to decide wh'cb lltfftlltjVll would inflict the mora irreparable injury n|-U il> it of free government, To dismiss au incompetent official and avoid a guvernn enlul crisis the Missouri policy otter* the onlv reason able |Hwnihi lily. Hut while i frankly avow my jiartiality for the project, I do not shut my cy-s to I lie very *cri oua obataelea to ita adoption. It must subdue the pride of iwrty and break the band, of |arty discipline. Now, there an- few ntorv ulistiuatt passion* tbpp J}?? sentimental devotion which menotter to mat ** c a. r tWe'i'ii partv glory —and not many of the creed* of theology are a deaimtic a* a "platfarm." It will he a difficult task to bring a party yet glowing with the recollection of a mighty past, and but nujy burning in anticipations of a great fuluto'to yji-M column and the command ot tin- Held, to allien, who were yesterday enemies. Nor i* there any strong guaranty that these allies will Hut flinch at the last. Parlv leader* are seldom famous for the high moral courage wliicL can abide unshaken under the stern pres sure that forbids ibe rupture of part) ties. Hut if fhev dure fling down the guantlet for a due] to ilie death ilh the President, it might l>e possible for the Democracy to ri*e to the height where humiliation of the |>ariisaii is lost in the satisfaction of the patriot. Hut, it is charged, that the saciifu-u will be to win, or worse, will lie to stir render fhe whole scheme of Democrat' ic liberty and hp jiopnd fo it* locmjea. Ido not so iurjju the event. | eaniml believe that the protest against a die tatorial can le weakened by gaining a band which diserts it. because it is hostile to civil liberty. Will the enemies of corruption in of fice disband, because they unite with those plio liuf'C rngciud sin I turned away from the sight of corruption * (.'an fri ml* of the Constitution pre serve and protect it more strenuously by refuting to hold up the r hand*, who have forsaken their nwu friend*, raiher than deface it fnther? ft fee ins to pie, on the contrary, thai the strength or the support,' which this movement <>uM biiog to the res cue of the principle* of Democracy, would be in exact proportion to the se verity of tlie blow. The pride of llie f>epi|ifniiic |>*rty for there principles uiust bo drar, jpdgpd, who j aban don for them, an ancient and honored iiums. and not Its* precious to those who dare to follow them, even through the scorn, conte.iipt aud obloquy, which await political treason. Mexico in Anarchy as Usual. .Voxmi'sli of tkt Gortt am• nt ami it (f]>- txmenti. PHr frit**! !f 0 v &*! . ?'* Ha vana. Nov. 28. —A state of anarchy prevails throughout the entire repub lic. The journals are filled with ac counts of prouuuciauicntc*. and the troops are growing revolutionary. General Porfirio Diaz has formally pronounced, apd js bucked by the Legislature oi the oUl <* of fJau(.a, which has decreed to return to its own sovreignty. The greater part of the army is distrusted. The Siglo, ot the 18th, says that Juarez was closet ed with the Amerieau Minister on the night of the 18th, who advised the President to change his Cabinet. The Itporl caused great sedation, The pcoplg upe ''jfPrcssipj bars f Ameri can intervention, positive insurances! are given of Cabinet cbuuges in. the; brgiuuing of Drcember. It is rumor ed that Seuor M. Kotnero will soon go to Washington, Lul wether officially oi no( jy unknown, It is again reported! that Mexico will try to lube a loan in the United .States, The military situa tion remains unchanged, lioth pur ties are preparing for an advance, hut neither has commerced to do so as vrt General Terau was urrested at Vera ("ru* by onlpr pt'd Mures, aud went t" Uuxaca. Palacio is spoken of as Pro visional Governor of Nuevo Leon, where the Juaristsaregaining strength Vidul Castoneda announced on the 15, insl., in Congress thul was authorized to state by the Ler.ln.tn parly thai tjiey do Mot sympathise with either Did* or the gogeippipt, hid Vf'" T e ' main neutral iu tbe nght between the goveriucut and the revolutionist*. General Negrete has abandoned Diaz and gone to Sierra deZatapoaxsllu. A ii.uiiit.flo issued by Diaz meets with a |>oor response, it is re|>orted that the brothers Diaz disagree—Porfir-. ■pd his srmv favoring jWilcg for! Governor instead of PcMy | >iuy. T biers'* Revenge. Jfoeetl, the HHQ of the Commune, Mur acrcd by the Hold let* of the j")t>wh tiepubhc —Jietuiled sfcrgniif uf the Jifeeutlon. Paris, Novi Jidier 28.—Up to a late hour last uighl (lima was mih'ii ffgjta tion over the e*j wiled f.tio of It.nscl and the nfhrr l.*sL-is . f .hat'oipipiinc Pxtruordinaiy infio. •... had I.vp brought to Imar l tin* lormfi WW* N M'l'li'l, mill ll W;ts Will ktloWII iI.KI M, Thicr* WIII> vuilily it.i it wtt* dill .loulMf.il dm I lUim-i I would iitul. i'jjo tin- i-xlti'nu' jh'ii idly, utiil In. liit lot* wiii* IIO|hTuI ul u l oli.llilllllti. il. I>l|| 111 l (lulllll Wtt MMlll ili'|H-ilii| l.\ u ili-|uiti li Iron Vi-muill** Illlil-luliX Hlll.l'lll.t III)' I ll.it till* 111 l u loll llltd li.l.tlt iilol ll.wl'l wild I Wl. ot 111- t ..||t|ll>illA loot Ihw-M HIII.I ft 11. lit relit e| 1111. I VI. I lie.s. l"llli, NoVVllllwl 'i-l 10 11. 111. 11..- lolUiw itij* mi- tiit |*itindii* "I (III' llt.H.liltjj of U'OH.'I 11..1 I.'* 11.111 I .iitii.>n*: AI (I ilVhi'll till" UlolliillW ill*' I'll"* tools, li.iu.cl, IY| |v, otnl llotll Jjcuia. were luhi ti from their cell* and brought ii. to the iiiiiip o| Salon I'liencc they WCtO i ol till h) it lui'gc t'lfcc to ill jilnct' lixcl i jaaair for the execution tit 'he ou i a kilt* of the cm tit p. tin nriviujf thctc u h.lluvt square wn fur met! by the troops, ul one eiul of which llic I'tiaoticm were placet!. Tim behavior lot the three men tvaa tin art couraifrooa , i When the *-.l.!ier approach*! to h imi filial lilt 111, IVrif I fillet ll 111 allow till iNtlttlage lo lie |.ln• -• I over hie eye*, .Itt ihnl he *hotilit look hi* rxw ! Ill:ore in the face. When all the |irt'|MirHliolir were cuiiiplelcrl, at 7 j o'clock the ctimpaliy detailed for the tlutv advanced, ami lev* ling their iim-kcl*, at the won! uf command' llretl. Korea I tell ul the firal *lf i|uil|Jt' jhe u. iliti)iilly killed. I lie 'i(ht:ia ufie ;it o i'oriinuttii i tliu huh let.- iliil not tukw I.iniiflia'tc • llt*ct, ami: us liny were wr.thing ou lh*grtiuud aollie gtihiicla of the shooting pally, tu' jobttlieuee I*' instrut todis. came up with pistols, ami gave 'he coop ile cr to put them out of their agony.* The Imtlic* were then place*! iri pluin tidiios uiitl iiiiin*iliult ly rviuov* ctl. The executiou lHik pluee ill iliej |iix**ctift efthrt-o liiouawritl tr - Over ut Jtumifvti uiyrc|janlx of tS{. (auifia, Mu , have eigiietl ul iinlnrcincpl of the pro ject for u narrow gauge, ilouhle-trjtk 'ruilroud fioiu that city lo New York. Boatou, am! otltcr K vaterti jkiiiil*. They suggest the lulling of a meet ing of busiu* as-uu-u for riir purjsc of urgunixii g urn! inaugurating the cu- UI prise wilt the least Jewslblo tlclay. Tl.c elinid of lVrry couuty was rv cculty anvxhal by the S*i urt con stable lur ewcnritig —!ii,c nhd coat* llevev oiall, b.,| t*li,J Wulllgll ultciii.g oalli* was arrvett*! tid liniil, I ilitvutu lulnl woubi pay i-H'llic U4tio .ii debt in oneyeai. Tile s|k*c* It recently dalivervti l.y KdVpliiy J.'bpfi it v..lHIU>t | V liw rlukt:- ly jMiitticr*! over it trutlia which cannot lie gaitisuid, ntnl i 'O sound iu its re* niiiig, that we repro duce it here, in order to couvincu the i jj.iibliciiti riadv-r* of lit** llKHullTKll of the gyi-at ttswrjuitioiMi practised by I'f£>it|tfll (jrant- Sfty* A!r Johnson : , Thili' i> u i.'iiiji ration, however, of it (rnml nature whn h should persuade |lhr |Nut>lii that ikr i>>rt]r in power. !•*• | lain e and ((Wtttivp, liair lull. linrti the ( termination of the war, windy administered tlii< g iv. riiiin iit Thi' war ended in April, litis. Since tin it hu bmly of men. nr, ** far a- 1 know, aitw individual man. ha* 'hired hi* arm againt the authority oflht United State* 1 In-judiciary oflbe I'niiil Stain >i utiu' ii il V|it 11'jtwMiid ip Mwli oftfie Static which k*i) been In rebellion and they have rv. r since administered their lundin*. Rut nly witm-ut raai-- liner, hut without the ihow resistance. All the fort* in tln-e State* haw re mained in the '|uii-t |> ••*li"tt of the !<>*■ eminent. Our (commercial marine visit* ever* Southern prl without opposition, and i. a* afe there a* ih any of the other 1 air's rf the country, The (awsoftbe I ni ted Stall'' l p- to mluili'iili rial it ithi'Ut ,iftpixiti-*i, and pie goni-raf hrkU'Wrlcdg. liient of 'lie authority of the I'liited Slate and of the duty of alle|(ianee ha- every where |>ret ailed. Kai'li of those State* I now repre-eiited in b-'lh branches of Con gress. Kai h hat it* (ovrrimr, legislature, and judii'iarv. and ha* martini and admin ten-d it* own law*. rec-.gtii*iitg throughout the ItnhuiiMij.l (ihllnit'iy "I Uli? Unhid, N'otwllh-tai. jlng all th * they arein-w sub jected. not oiily to oppressive law*. hut lo law* which I think are in direet conflict with the Contitution of the United State*, alnl in their nature de-lruc tive to the libcrtiw* of the |-eopte So far from tin* i-ondtiet haling brought about a rvrtoratiiin of good ii-iilirjf, w!ni.li could jiii-. c lin'i . .ii..}diT.' il >y rrfrndlV ghtf Constitutional hIWuVV'. the to-opl* of one of those State* ate turn -nhj.'i ted to the snUd tainpoivalile oppression, and are filled rtghl- ahull. I.■ tile llow' eipru** and unambiguous term*, are ■uarante.nl hy the Constitution. And the State* them selves nre practically treated a* if thev wi re not Stele* of the Union arid a* such entitled to all the |H>wer not conferred up -011 the gcnernl government— Iwiwers be long to them by fort fof the (. -institution itelf —the Contitution expressly provid ing that Ijii, liojyor* Ul delegated to the UnittJ st#T' i py i the people ' Now a word or two more to -bow that the particular inenaiira that I have in view, and the manner in which the President i* carrying it out. are at war with the Con stitution, nnd inconsistent with every idea ol civil and political liberty. The measure i* tliw act ul I'l.iigrew, '4Jlfi uf Apfjj, 1371, called the .vu-Klii* Ihif. ' ll* frlto Is 'Ah actio enforce the pruvlaitln* of the four teenth amendment to the Constitution of ol the U. S. and for other purposM." It will be teen that the only authority assert ed for this law is the fourteenth amend ment. Of the meaning of that amendment I shall her'-after speak. But let me first show vuu what the provision i;. thi) in a i* whirii i imgr heijiji'i plo'r.-cd |>V the Presi dent In certain portion- of'South Carolina. After tiling to' Individuals whose rights ! umler (Tli ; f®irji;eJ|tji ''ibilMllftlH tny | !{ - violated a civil action against the Wrong \ doer for the recovery of damage*, and making such wrong doer liable to a crimi nal prosecution, it provide* that in certain ruses mentioned in the section the alleged .itfi-li-i-a "hall beellted a rebellion ngain-l the r*i|ed Stat-'-." and durinir theesU; t• |ii u '| .-usli supposed relic 11-in%hii with ' ip tlie liloits where it may o\Wt. "the Pres. idelit, when in hi- judgement tne public ■afety shall require it," i- authorized "to sllspfiol the privilege, of the Writ of Habeas corpus, to the end thai uch rebellion may he overthrown." It will be seen from the title of pic n* t that t||euiiiy warrant ed for It fn it ft ecu ti| fdinnqinrat Tflfp 1 Inference (Vow thl* i*. that ill the JudK"- ineitt of Congress, Independent ol that Miiicudiiiout. mi such authority could be found Now, thi* being conceded, let me for a moment examine Into the meaning ol that part of the foilrlM-iith auioiidincnt re lied upon. It,v it clause in the flrst section, in connection with the flftb section, Cam grcss has assumed the power to pas* the Hvt. By that part of the first section it i imviilid In a I ' a-filiiiP'piill iifKki! Or-en force any law unioh shall abridge ti,. orivilegi'- or Ini in unities of eltiaeiis of the Unitea Stales; nor shall any Statu deprive any pc son of life, liberty, or projierty, without due process of '* ; nor deli) to auy per-oii within it* jurisdielion the ■ qua! protection ol the law*," by the filth section, "Congress shall have power to enforce. In appropriate legislation tin? provison* of tin* article." It will thus bu seep tjial I* pMdtjhilpd jii thu portion pi the hrl *'uVWop I|noted Is t|iut |l< Stale shall do the act* prohibited. Before 1 proceed to consider the meaning of thl* section, I call your at tention to the term* of the fourth /ection of the net. By the ninth section of the first nrtjple of the Constitution it i* declared : !!>>• hfifdcim uf M'K tfli >t r ! corpu* -riitfl not lie niispehded i|ii[cs* WJifß ; in en*e* i'if rebellion or inVadori the public ! sifcty limy roqiiiro it.'* In cofifiinenti|ig !upon thl* elnu-e, Story says: "|t would -eem, a* the jmsur i* given to jt'niigre* to •ii I'ind ifi' .urfl"! Imld-'i* fiTi'ii* Tr ilic Pi 4 '"# firM ll'Sii "f 'iffi;i"p. t||kt jhp jlgfit p.jM-ige Whetlp r Ihe ;T|genby h H .| H|U^l. i';"T "V'%'T'U', !."••"' V 1 *' '""fy - fl-.w, wfietnyf tfii< be nbioiptejy Irup, and lliat pl.cy Cifipioj Copier the ppu'er uponj lifts Ufesjdcnt, yet it is obvious that id t|o| ... iii M measure defeat* the object of the timhlMUon. M ii practically wavgg to tin Vrc.id.-nl l-i ducide u|Ntn tbv etl.lenn of ibu egigwncy. Il ii. in ullh'i *rJli, l de termine 80. "ill> wbethar a rebellion or an IIIIMIIIH |ir*ik. lull whether the | übllr safety n quires the iu>|it>niluu of lU mil, ll.iw formidable this power I*. and Imw daugerou- o ilo< liberty of the ilt Urn it iii.v I"- win n 11 .li'il in one loan, tiow.-v --• i i IK||IHI lit* ulMvial |ui.tiUiii, in IT* T b- OLI. *i.>ii*. Million. however, denying tliHi tin' power may lie delegated lo tbe l*re*i ili-iil, one l)iiti K Would MM In lo be pvifcctly i li'Mr, tliat tin- privilege i-l lln' aril raiiliol 1., ili-un-il lo tin- i ii. • II uiili-o 110-n- In- in tart M u-lii liii.n in an in* M.ioii Mini lln- |IIl lii- - nfel\ ill malul* lln- il"liial. Can II for it in-on nl liu I i anhall> liialnlalln-il llial tin- fuel "fllit- existence "I either rebellion nr InVafl.ni I* In depend U|M.|l the Uti le will oi Coitai"-. or ilio will oi lln- I'ri-.itli-iaT 'lln- i* alo i-hrlain, I teat Congis-**. ii il In* III" Hllllmrill IN delegate *! power lulhe I'II .i.l. iii. . in .-nil authorise liiii. lo .ne lt- ii J il.v writ wli"M there •, in lit" sense ..I ilm prohibitory olau-e ol tli Coii.tttu lion, • rt-lirllion or an invasion. The lilt-allina of tliw." two Irrme now i* w lial il Hid wttrli lb" Coiittilulioii wa. eil.'|i(ed Nrlllu-f til at clause tmr any other 111 lb" ('•iii.liiulioii a l * l * bi Congip.e ib right lo ■I. tinr w Ii at ivbcllioii l, and by aurh drli. lilt lull to make il what II i lol a. curding to it* ordinary and wll-utidcr*!ia.d meaning. A .lilfrrri.t ilnetriw would give to Con (r*.. lb" power to "*>epe -iitii"ly from tb |ir-.bibilioli. It they tan dv. layi (bat tb* tel. p. < ibi-.l in lb ibird M-vtmli of Ilia statute "on.l Hull- "a rt-bt-llion acainat the government uf lb" I'llileii Stat"* lb rv i* no limit In lli"ir power to defeat lb.- obvlou* deign of lbs t-lau*". I hava to*( lim In tjuolr ll.r arte specifled In lb" ■■-"lioM* referred to. bul many of lliam ere clearl v imt w itliin lit* no ailing of the ivrm rebellion at uev.l in lla constitution. Ke be II toll, ill lb* et*ii*t* of iii* CweieliluU.ni, ui"atie reruli, rising, insurrection, or, in otbi-r word., lii.urrp"tt..n against lewlul authority. Now. thrra le lint tli# b-at ,-vl ileuie to .boa certainly noti* ha* been laid Ineftira ill" • ounlry —lbl ibrrawa.anv of revolt agaiml t|n- authority of tba gaiu-ral or hlaU n*evr ntiMlil ii* Couth Carolina tlu bavr. perhaps. barn l"i |-tralwd uto.ii individual* in lb* ■Hal*, a* lli wy hava been and will ba upon individual* in awry Malt. K<-f thair ra.li"** ihr taw* of tbv Stale and of fiulrd Stale* afford a remedy. Thie very statute giv..* guch a remedy lb* parti** who niay be agr.aved and subject* (he of. fi-nd'-r lo a "timiiial proaeuulion. Tbt-r- i* not "Illy nothing lo *boW that ilia Slot" court* of the United Stata* haw iml lit* ower lo anforre these raiurdlaa. but, uB Int- contrary, no proc*-** of miliar ot lhe* court* ba* been r.tiled by auui, orre.uted at all. |n-laed. *• i* - w evgfi. there ba* bean l o ditfly-ully lp inching e(f*wl So far IV-no tin i v b.lng Interftram-e by force with thi* authority, the etateno-nt it that hundred* are flying from the Slate to avoid thr illegal capture* which are now making, and the int|.roouiirnl con*ejueiit thereup on an imprisonment from which they cannot be raleated by virtue of any legal remedy. The arre*t* are made without any warrant coming from any judical of. fleer known lo the constitution, and the Rfiepßgr I* |iol ibftirnwd *f ih carfe* °[ hi* arrtft i* not afford. J he .ecurity which jlba Constitution provide* of a presentment or iiidicliuetlt of a Grand Jury, bul he ia • übla. ted e"tlraly t<- the will and ples*ure ■•f the l*rridant and hi* oflrei*. And one thing more would *ein l>> be perfectly evident, that to authorize the ('resident to interfere by force in any ot the Slate*, another prut itioii ol Ihr C.u.• to jtution inu.t be complied witb. The mem ber* •>( th<- convention by whom it a* fVanied, and the member* of tbv aeveral State rumentioß* by which it wa* ajopted, | were mo*t ...Ili. it.e of an iti.urrection in any Stat" againl tbe gov ernment tb.-r.-of, it hall be lawful for tbe l*r*ident, when called upon by Ibe Slate Legislature, when lu iuin, or by the eg arutigr during the re.-r* to ie u;h FORNU a* B* NI*Y DVTNI OFF*DEB a/j' TIRTBPP*V* ilia huilMVclion.' tlie tlatt-i-loi I. of Wu were careful to ob*ei ve all the limilalioii* on tin- power* uf tbe general gewrnuienl, and not to iiitertere w itb any of tbe |--wrri be longing to the Stale*. In pa-.mg the act : uriT.-r which the President i now pr.a eed ing iti .South Carolina thi* con-titutional •c. urity alfordrd the Slate* of *>■( bating the armed power ol the general govern ment to Up| re* domealic t iolrneq - iJj-.U iG OMIPI ffi'iv** lof by'g.'irfrb' Blent of thr Stale I* t-iUliy disregarded. Ctoirre*-, 111 llirOrst place, by the eel, de cide* I.*r it*ell when the force of the Uni ted State* I* lo be U*ed. and the Pre*iJrnt I* P> decide to* Uinieeif whether it i tube go- or not- He may. therefore, u* it. and t'oiig.-r** may aulborige liiu. lo u*e It. , not only without the uf tha Stat", but against it* protest. Can my one fail I .ore that thi* i* not unlv at - Igjiii,. id lb. *o|.*pi.iipib. '-|1 i|eOVw*gTllt Wrl" to MlgiSr Hie I Ulied Slap* a con-oiidaled giid central lied go*t-riiuient' and. if acquimd ui by the people, will ve.l in Congre** and ihr I're-idrnt every political power, and thu* defeat thr.de. tared purptwe of tbe con stitution, and sootier or later lie fatal Pi lib erty ip• If? It *eem* to me lUCulU|irhn • ibie that Congre** vbopld La*p *gppfiectl i li,ay pan auihbffty f- pftn tfialaw lh i(ur*|. I"ti übder thv lifth cctlon uflke fourterlitb ainrndmenl. That, certaiuly. duee ind. in eg pre** word*, give *ucb a power, and 1 tbink it may ba uoli*idere.| as certain that if it had. in term*, given it. the auirnd mctit never would have be*-n raliflvd The word* used are, "Cotiere** *.ml 1 ! *.* trrairtlalhed that tha mean* 'whichCongrw** I* gtitborirrd to adopt are to beany every infatl* without any con*litutional re*tric tiop ? t oDgrri*'. iliidvr l)ata pruvGion. van. it I* trua, legislate, but can Mivj* legislate j in utud the writ of hsbefes corpus is notlo be denied l> him in lime of peace, and w lie n there is no armed resistance on his part, in conjunc tion with others and in hi* State, which, ty rtijhlreglo ba by force of a*rms. The vflecl of the suspension of thr writ of habca* corpus and declaration of martial law la P> place the Stateand its citi aens without any security, constitut ion a) or Oilierwi". fur, a> wo correctly •talc ed bv the Duke of Wellington, ;Vv is .... Urr fsl ttH-'d U U tnvn) s "will iiflbc robitutnidrr and during ib roalin riHtiot- Is aii'tinrhitcd; despotism. Uan tbe people oftliv United States be ro blind am! so forgt-lfnj of dutjn llitll Lllfff owe to ibe nun who gohUved our freedom a* any longor P> permit a contiouancv it, i power of the party by which such a law Ii as been ell hirced. It has been said by an Knglishman that our people are more ill different to tbe importance' and value of the writ of habeas ccrfius *lu.i his euuiitry jorii, Sir ours did not, a* lIW ulu, obtain it bv force; iu other words, /gkf far it. 'L'lie right* ecured by our Constitution are in -übstanre, but a transcript of the consti tutional rights of Kngland. and especially -is that thr casv with regard to (be -w. a of ItabcN* corpu* Jlatiy liu pt.glaiui'if grvklfirarlef. Which Wa* ob tisinVa, aWtfrfl Hf jigfifl,' from Jojip ; and I/UR'I)UMSTIIU(IIIGI NRUVISMN lh SCLATITM to the wilt In ipieiiuii l* taken almost In wurtl*. frutu habeas corpus lf |, of t'bar i li-s 11. I I'oel sallsfled that if *ucli a law as the one 1 hare ezsiuined. aii(| *uch gn vga uuthiti of II as Is now going ~u In ttouib Carolina, was pa-'"d by the Xnglbli Par liament, and was t-uforci-d by the govern incut, the people of the country Would with one vob e drlra fropi piiwrr' urt init HHrUN' ft'bb-'krpop "'b 'U.' .\ rr ii-ssjiolcd tu ilburity than the mhji'rts of her majesty t Can we who often Ima-l. and heretofore with truth, that we are amongst the freest, if not the frwpt, people on earth, submit to such legislation, or w ill we not, when thr proper time comes to speak tb rough the ballot-bog, with one voire discard from power thor who have abused and arw abusing tha tn;, t .j, red pi,.visions of m.r pmp.llCUtlJh Jn* the DINIE*| ilghls OT freemen 1 Is not the right which L now being denied in Sou tli Carolina one of the most vital to political and civil freedom ? Doe* Ii vrty exist anywhere whero sucha right is de nied ? It must be very clear to the com prehension of g W .pan t„.t it j self tiie advocate of strong government and thi-warm and ahl* supporlvV of the lif-erngallVHi ofcfowlll, ip'refeiiing to the ! Value of the writ. *'lf it were onoc left in the power Of any, the" highest magistrate to iooii be all end of anothef tight* 'abWl in, fminlilW. lire Vari'otjs otbJPptii b 'l}" T |'ny aincumiSsf might f>L- pruvcfitcd and eiifohv-l i.nt j hv ni.l thi< lime U> lay them l>#f..r.> yon. , I believe that I have said enough tffl con vince any rufi. .-ting and Impartial mind llmlllii' m'l "I ('iMi||i April !#•. |H*l in the particular* In with h I liar* rrfrrnal and lb) 1 President'* rminr under It, have uii warrant in tire constitution, and are d atructive of the right* of the Mates and <>f individual rtHtru, 1872. THE WORLD. 1872. In the \ ear iNi'i Uenrral Grant • sucohs tur la to lie chosen; the Kjrt)f>tlllrd Con-I great to hi • leeted. lire people'a Viatea, white and hlaek | North and Smith, will lliu- deetda the fu-j lure destiny u| the Kilubllc. aelei til fu lei>, prescribe their eourae Itou to Influence the people a Vote* 7 lly the ui-wtpaper for it ineludea even other atom y. It maker known rvent* and | tart* among all influences the chief !l aaaro.hlea the Vaatvl outride auilinlieer slii.ii i aI. not gather to the I*l. te-hoii'i*. Ike pulpit, or the stump It ia the eollatalil interpreter ul 110.11 affair*, and of error or tiuth la lire dad) aee.J-a.iwrr Natl November ta our political harvaat lim. A* we aom we shall reap. Tlie v\ urtd' • a.ed-aowlng (.ill he fruitful to tlie eitelil that IU circulation i* wide y pu.hrJ hy lll.we who anprove U* aim. The \Vorld will aim P> rwntrhl and coinhilie the labor* and the votaw of I.—All thoae who Bud heal inaurali.-e of the people a prosperity, peace, and pro greaa In a g.*eminent edminiatered on the principle* and in the pure practice of JrflVraoii and Jark*n, and who deacrv the fount and origin of the preavn'. corruption*, i extrgv apaiioe, liilsgoverninrlit. auhvarvion of puhln liberties, and inaecurily of pri a ale right* in our ruler*' tawle** usurps lioM ol 'nlerdicled and uiiderdicted and! undelegated power* —Uaurpalioti that to day mart-ha* deliberately on to the auh jligation of |nipular rule bud the possession! of dictatorial p. wur—for by acta of (don grra* General liraiil may even now deatroy I the freedom of Stale election*, invade the' State* at bw pleasure, and declare martial law of hi* u mere will. 2- All tloaee who w- uld maintain the! honor of republic*, and would preserve puhlir credit by punctual payment ot pub lie debt* S.—All those who would rut dowiu to! fewer and fit object* all appropriations of ih* proplo'a money (to-day mure than Jou-j hie. Nearly treble tbe appropriation* of a Drtmx rat'c Congresa elrvrii year*ago, not, cvmnting stinuitir* to Indian*, peii*toti* to' •oidier*. and mlernwl on debt), and who Would ullige all 'pending uf the people . money got hy late* : be with hoiiogty and tbrifl; likrwtfc all IhoM. who would *parc • little of thcteople'* landed estate for tho | laudlv** miiiiunr heftniKc tt 1 t'p l! •ifuandyrma duuntimn* >n a day upon, lb.we who already own 100 mueb 4.-Ail those who would reduce the number of cotiiimidtir* taied by our taritl from tbouaaiid* t" a few doaen*. and *o ea.iUy our cusloiu-buu>o* of half th.-ir ■ tfl eial*, rid the statute-book* of half their udt*m alien-* lor honesty or 'iribe* (y ffaud, and unfetter >c..r** of pjjf ..ativv inuu* trios. 6.- Aii (c*r wb" Would lower tbe rate* also of our latin late* to tbe point of uto*l easily yielding tbe largest revenue—who would abandon tbe protectionist •liu uf reducing the public reteuue whilst in. creasing the etort.nat proflt* of a few at the espeiiav uf all oilier industries b. All those who would abolish evtry unlawful isi, like that on iavune*; every Ut)j U*t tax like that which gives banks llo propie * pr.-iits on a national currency ; et - •ry unequal and indeterminate tax. like] that levied most cruelly upon tbe poor the tal of our irredeemable |xiper-money. 1 mi Woai.n will aim— a* tbe recognixed an.l leading organ of tbe Dem.icratir party in (be great fucui t.f national commerce and intelligence—to fulfill this it's miasion and duly with steadfast boldnpsx end Xdul iiy ; p> m>pini tn thv tanai Cf tH.i.. Vho llilnk'thtT *me fbitlgs cAitcerning tlie Re public ah unhed. otganigrd, determined, and persialmt aeai; to win new recruit* from among those who have been enemies to the Dciuorrary in tbe cunlict* ufa dead pa*l; and to marshal an unbroken phalsl' lo the triumph at the 1;,,1i.4-hx 'Due haL tie field of Liheily, k-ptaltiy, and l*aw. As a Vrhielv of New*. Tux Woilk will |oire no expatri..-, no energy, to maintain and advance it* |*tace IB the firat rank of mrliupoliU" jourual* Its freab, almndant, varied, and atx-urate ii* a*, eouiprisiug the who e circle uf cur rent intelligence and literature, will be di** t uaasxl, •* to-collio* A Trustwortbv uf ttpMu.ni, wi'-U vaod.'f. a lilt steady devotion to sound nubile and nrivale ntotaW. with ape. ial Lhowledgc |.if special theme*, and With variou* and w idwrearhing xpprebe ision ot the manifold interest* of men and wo men in their home*, their market-place*, their work -shop#, and their farm*. THE WEEKLY WORLD • X*. A targe a.*..*, pyii.tgu throngh out jc 1i V f'd pCihl Uhmi every wdtrv4gy'UiurnlnF. Among iu promi nent text nr.-. ere: I. It. vxkt Kill xxuAcvi rsti Ma KSI Rxe-.sra. ewbraeing the Ltvg Stock markrU of New York Albany, llrig .t in. Uambridge, end l'kiladtpbia; the New Yoag Cofarar Faotu-ct Mxbkxt. •ad UixixvL l*a. iti'cc Mtaviis u f d couatry ; end lull report* f ,i v ie W'n YoE MoVgvr ' KfcJh of these r*.p..(V* v V.Hhpflv/ aUb great tare, anil CXihletn* the latest guotati.o.* tb*t caa be obtained up p. tbe lime of (Hitting tbe pa lr to pre**, 2 It- AuatctTiaxr DxrxETug.vr, wbicb contain* each week articlw* on uric , licet and M-ienlific IsrtniKg thst |-, Jt W H* value to the A meritgu ipLrjl, I A t*tj> f#ft|'fetkirt of the Farmer-'] Club oi lirv Aiu*rtceii ln*titute i* prime,l in each l-ue ut tbe Weekly WoBLD. tkr\ day aft*r tkt mr. fiy uf tJu (Jot. |ly this arrangement th* report *p|-ar | u lb. Weekly WoBP one week in advance af iu publication ia any uthar w-ekly i.aper 4. A portion of tbe Week t*- tYopi.n l*| reserved for 'r*(itu leautbg drihteT. I lie I u,I its ofimi.al'llhd Igtlscted aturies, |>oern*. i wgtf* of imnior, and extract* from b<*-h> and period teal*. Particular attantmn wv til j be givt-a to this drpaniuenl during lb< . y*wr. r A ti'Vtifil Lrt'nre of tba Weekly j H ukev U a Carefully complied *uiai*r< - of the uvw* uf each weak It is mada *o| coa.plelr that ••• *ne who r>ad* it ran fail: of beiug well Imwlihl on all the Important i new* ol the day. To* Sciniuacekly World, published Tuesday and Friday, i* a lirnr quarto sheet, containing all the put luhrd in th Ijejty tV' * vatt^l*tL**- <"**• i upl|uil UftutH. "Wial iapirru a* may he uf lib inWrfc.t (o h<>a fa*itfnu tf New Yuii City. It> market rcjK.ru arc a* full a> ihutc uf the daily rdititiu, and it contain*, be*id•* intere-ting literary matter, on Fri day of each week, a full report ol the Fanner*' Club. The I)ilv World siMiiUti", 't*4 l*r nV uf the day Ibat can be by hiilf aba telegraph from all part* bf the world, and thorough dis cussion* ol all topic* of interest '1 he \N orlti Almanac, rcmnirr t d in IbrtK. hat bee- - A.tuned 1 about tba let Of t'ijt.-Ufy IWht tWA'ahd Tm V nfti.ti ALMANAC contain* a great, •juantity ot invaluable political InfUrtng-J Uuu .f y<* !• *vrry c fee Uuu*tiiH| in no uihvr publication, tu It arc printed the full olfi. cial return- of every im|>rtant election lii-lil tluriiix the year proceeding the i*ue of the Alinnhae; the vote of Si-w Yorlr Stale by election district*. enrj Y a w -fvr ey by town*- Jt t ,ui 'and vote for ylr'ntcKt ot hnUiLrain-liet of the New York Legislature; the return* of the New York Ci y municipal eleclion ; ii*t of member* of the C lilted Slate* Government yf grct*. and of the several Ntu;,. ouKfchiUU'Uts. ...d other tm.Luc.l fl.lu Al.u*k*c itlr 1577 will ha neec*ary tu uv*i •rflMlmehit kho llt-siro* to kyyu hlnitcll' 1 Illorl.ligl.l v po*|yfl iy faeU ud figure*. CAMPAIGN YK AR —H EDUCE D HATES. TKKMS BY MAIL. Wrahly World. One Copy, 1 year t|,Ql Fiv* Cwple*, 1 year, separately uu drwtil ....... t,00 T.- vN.i.ir., J T**r, t M.aratrly ai|- ''' rffwnft ".I'd nil vtlrk pwfiy tu gvttrr-viu of Uluh lA.uo Twi llty Cuj.let, I year, tejiarately ad dretied, and an extra Copy toget ter-up ofClub ......... ~ 'do,OU Fifty Copies, 1 year, separately Id dressed, and thvSenu- Weakly. I year, to getler-up of Club f<) (|i Oae Hundred Copies, 1 year, &*uaff atelv *U. a *h/Oaiiy, I Infill tfiWtip uf Club 100,00 Stiui-Weekly Wurld. One Copy, 1 year .. sl,llO Two Copies, I year, separately address ed „ |LOO Five Copies, 1 year drmj-j •yp.u'V" Ivp f'ujilcs, T i'daf, *eparately. and an extra Copy to getter-up of C1ub...20.00 Daily World. Oua Copy, I year.! s|r.ol) fine Copy, 0 nioiith* A Op }{(! few. 8 . WtwM •.••uitr 4; *s* One C opy, 0 moiithf, wltii SuinUy Edition ....y.',.. o.fii One 3 molit|is, vviib SuimJ i,oq , The World Alumnae. (Ft* ltMiH. >ll4.l •. Ifi.ti. IN* I, 1*72.1 Price, Single l%ipt>'-, of either year, po-tp,,i,j -90,'Jr Srv.-ll t.'opil ~ dfallh 'r yr'*', |et|wll . 1,1)1 I .r.vm tt. Addition* W Club* mav he in de at any lime In ibatnir ut the uln.vi- t'luli rale* Chang. •'U ('lull List# no.l* i.nly <.n r.- civ lug tlllli p* ksg.-a, Mating d ile of i|lo M-riptlun, edillon, |vt ••Itlee, alul Slate t*. ! alliell it ha* prcvDualf liel-.l Wilt Tkmm* -l/Vli in H.l ranee, Send l'.t ■ .fllee Money Order. Hank lirnft, or K.-gi lered le-tl.r Hill* •vol by Mull will l- a; | the risk i.f the aciider. Wo have no travelling aj|i-iib. Sparl luea copies, po-tcr*. ate., edit flee o| charge, wlitrever t.n l whuwrtr desired Address alt order* and letter to rax wom.n % )••< / ■.. \ i (' ti i' ring e MANUKACTOKY Centre Hull. I'u. laK*>. It IIAItI'STKIt lis* un hsd snd for ash- at the mo*t na. aonahlt- rsl.*a a aplcu.Md bu k of C.\Kill AUKS, HL'UGIKS, gild every .l. -criplion of Wagon* bth PLAIN AND FANCY warrsutasl to he msdc "I the bai*l and most durahla' iii iteri.il", and by the mod expe rienced workmen Ail work sent out from thejwlehliah'iieiil will he found tal be iaf els— wnd Hire fa gilla' period *ati*faeiton. lie w.ll also have a five as sortment of S I. K 1 (i H S of all the newest mid moat faahionahle •ly lo* well an I carefully made and of the hot material* An iutfoH-ti n of hi* work i* a*ku4 -> it i* believed th it none rmurior can be found in thy tmnntiy. sug'ii if. CARD* J.E. Caldwell &Co. Nu. ihii ciiKsrNur sr.. PIIILADKLPIIIA, Desire to env ile tlio .-special attention cr qf .tt.trv FRENCH CLOCK*. BROXZKs AND A/.!.V tF.I. ORNAMENTS, Receive! DIRECT FHOiJ |> \fll> during the I'frgpKf ,(i' hu'l p i'oc alpml -iW 1* extend loj ulkil win. may in* Induc-d t • *.-cept a cordial invltnlbm to visit their beautiful toiriiKvnii rw. llttllLfiwt IJoiix B Lis*. P. Ua.x lii.K A ILw> I 1.1 W A WILir.-,l i!i H'rvim ufJ>int'> 11. . Slot'D. of Philadelphia, a druggist of thir |lM JTMh ('(JwrinHf, who will hV the II lurjfc f their |'rpUiii lmniiPt. A night !•!i i> iLUi bill Ui ibi*ir Hnrr door. ami lboiliv|iill( |ko building. will attend to t'), Ui \V ll.ft NtltJ ll uin street. 0.-ntra Hall, with *tahlca!i.l all nttoeaaary outbuildings, 'and choice fruit on the premise*, and wa iter in the yard Tin-house i* Xi good a* new. For tuthcr part**-ular* apt.lv to D ! oqilKT PkOul.v M.vlos.- Wi ercav the ll m. Charles A Uy ir, l'rcaidcnt of the court of in the 2Rh luiln-iil District, consisting of the '"tiUhViHS of Celt re. Clinton and Cb-ar i Held, ah,l Honorable Win. W. Lov\; and the Hnhorable Henry Doiip t A*** bde Judge* hi Centre coutvC( k hnviwg issued their proccpt, bnn| the Uth day of I)H-'br A U, C to me directed for ! holding a v-.iurt "f (Jyor and Terminer and ftchbral Jail Delivery and kfuartvr Mo.- aioii- of the Peace iu Itettefontc, for the county of Ceutru. and to commence on the ftli Monday of J unitary next, being the 2ftli day ot Jan. 15."2 and to continue on,, week Notice i* therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Justice of the Peace, Aldcrmctv and Constable* of thu wij ontnty id Ven tre, tbat thev La then and there In their promif pu>ou*. at 10 o'rloclt in the fore-; mtrilt of aid day, with ther rooorda, in [qubitioa-, exantoiatlun*. and ttieir own ro inembrßTtima, to do those thing* which to it}olr one-., appci tnll.a to he done, and ithoae who are hound in recognisance* to' prosecute against the prisoner* that are or • hall be in the Jail of Centre county be there and to prosecute against them a* xuall be luxl. Given under my hand, g\ lb>Uvf"ntn, the 12th day of Dec in {hp yutr or our Lord, 1471 and in 4hottjJ. )l give- the most grn|j(iir gnd ll|rillini( account* of the •ITorU of his wonderful regis gnd magical tricks, the n|ot mp(t^d'tbJc merrig\eut ain| IftWtMtf. vUr*Mt, 1Vu". f ■ wb tun lufdrtuft " _ -cr, big, - •iiladclphiu. GROCERIES! ; Till' Clu-pasl. (Ml IN S(. besti OPPOHITKTfIt IRON KROKT, J iii-<| lieaf. •Salt. l*n kin. Duller, Floor, : iCal t. b .u., J UM . urr euititii.alooit ltrtl. LI M K WuuJ <>f • ■•ai-t.uriii Lime for !* at our kiln., 0, 4 Um pik, i„^i ng Ut l'o'.v lKit. -Harm* H..ad*d lk tMry f* • I r Wll'ikKsALlC. £.Elill |>letttniu> rj vr order* fr jr , the trade. •"*' Offloe d yrj .oulk end o| |Uld Kaffir \ alley K It Hnp.< Hellrfonte. |'.. •"'* SIIORTLIDGKAOO. STK It N It li It 0 Ha b to IbrritrMßreiul oftk market K..r I'd JUT* A i to bttatuM. Kr liRY (iiKUS lo Nv* t'urk. |taf CIaOTMIXU U* Philadelphia. Ka. li article buO(kl diroctly j Iruiu the Jianufacttirar, witk a da tire t. ►uit thin iiixiiuUAf 1 1 A K A Li'AC'AS fruut Wc U> <*.- tl\q lilioal—t to I,*ii alpaca*. -fhiiii sWti sflH, bttl ali W'wl OnuiwelM. I 111 TIIKKKFoKK NOW OFFKRK HKTTKR BARGAINS THAN KLSKwUSHK. i l lf|I>S, so ADVANCK, \ad lliajr from I2| •- |t; H-nt*. the ho i alitor*. and i* untiportiun, at rap**, W'tlwou'* mutlll'Mt to Wea | all >VWMr at |-r pair Kin<* Hunt* from to for ' CLOTHING at thelr*l nu**. and -old kt 1N&; an re S V I T S, Hm JlO.B'tullftfnrtbi' liml. CA Ma AND SHE. and if it ainttrue, Strrtilierf will treat. Tlirv only a-k people to coma and art .•ran if thev d not thb to buy. 'IN.IK VS VI I, i> now L • lav*** n I well nurtrd Stock U Hardware, Stove*, Nail*. lfor*r SUue, Sad dlery, lib-, I'iinu, Bar and Hoop I rou hU.| Uu^Si 1 *'* l Waffuu Stuck oi oviuy ikvirimi'iii. -Call *ud -apply your 'telve* attbe Wm iiowihi# rate- at *tl'K. I K WIN to W1 LSOJf Ik VHOMETEnS a>td Thormimeter, at] 1) lUWIN* WfclOMH. t-KONES an.l DIM ED OCKRASTSo . uther i ||iU vu (Vntr* county. Lmpc*inuuuiWi. •that thc* TRUVE* CRH WE had AT CENTRE, Hall If, | Ch*T~H. Held. Cluck. lVttlt'ltwaWcr tioo and warranted epll'6B;ly J P. ODKMKIKK, WITH IA HTM AN.DI LLI N'ti KH A COM PANT , No. 47, .NORTH THIRD ST., PUIL'A ; between Market and Arch, formerly 104. MANUFACTURERS JC JOBBERS IN Carpet*. Oil Cloth*. Oil Shade*. Wick i am, Cotton 1 nrn, Carpet Chain*, Orain Window Paper, lialtine, Ac. Al*o, WOODEN AND WARS, Hru*ho*. Look inn Olawe*, Ac. dec9-ly 1> (\ ynv. N* G? Ah t" PU B l\. Lie AND MILITARY AGKNT and Conveyancer. Deed*, Bond*, Mort- Kajro*, and all in*trument* of writing faith fully attondod to, Hpoyial attention ffiven to tho 00l lection of Huunly aud Pen don claim*. OitW nearly oppo*ite tho Court lloue, two qoor. above Me*r*. Buh A \ inomu'ii Law tidloo Bollcfonte, Pa. ItHualy UNION PATENT Oil URN, the bet inuseat it; wis a VViuMji'e.s apltfCH. EMNK TAIILN OUTDRRY, inclm"' 1 fvrM. Ac. "** uSlS>^^N BOoTS, large stock, all styles, size' : prices, for men and boys, just arrived at Wolf well known old Stand. I 4 GREAT FIRE! Ureal Drstroclion I W'' r * * lOf high priiTs! kINCKTHE ARRIVAL OK Hutl tli Old I of WM. WOLF at ft Mr* Hall, I LA OIKS AND GENT* DRESS GOODS. DRY GOODS. AND GROCERIES HARDWARE. QI KKXhH AkV. HaU, Capt, Root*. Hbrt- K.. A N^. < U,!Ar LW " Ml'H. .KB, cai*k of;. AND •iHAWW, ALSO. A GOOII Aj&ORTM EN'T mK NOTIONS. SYRUPS COFFEE* alao a large io. i o| ' I* IHH. lit# Im>i, all kind*, HACKEKKL aMi HKKKIE. the beat and rkeajwat in the marie* •p'- 1 vv. tod. 'f ' ■ Furniture Kooms! J. O. DKIXINUtti, vaapnouutly inform* Ik* clltmn of CrttK riHittjr, tbat lie kMfuanuMly ua bul, tht* main* to ordar, all kind* of ÜBUSTKADH, BUREAUS, SINKS. WAKIIHTAXDH. CORNER CI'PBOAP* r TABLES. Ar A, HOMC MASK CHAIE* Alwatb O*. mA m% lli**:cck of ready-made Fu'aiture i-iat and warrnntod of **od wo:itan*hip m - all made nnier kf* > wo'.tti&>edinteuper< a ■Urn, and I* offered at rate* a* rbeap a*el. ! wktr#- Tkankful for pact favor*, ke | it* a eontinitnare oftke aame. Call and *#e hi* stock Wf*re yt. km' t#wtire rfl vi | ✓flv / i v (y If OF THE W AC El Pavanvan pTt aa"ia yvn. tto# • OCR CKiXBRATHi | GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. "j_ tw'wnjaiciata eSo7l*"CwTVa Cj § xtFfczr ,CK7 —a e WCSTKRM PfBLBHIMO CO. J M—fcueer* t)oti. IV WW. U BLAIR. R T MltttW I LAIR A STITXER, AUorßcjntl Ia, oltefßKtw, < > •, on Ik* Diamond, BfXt door m (iu> man * hotel. CViflutlutkiiM tB Herman m K*ltl k. fcbH* Otf JOHN P. CoUtwtioßtpron ruly luanio and kit* atlon aivoa to tli.u* bavin* land* |R l.raprrtT for Mile. Wilt draw ut nil k' BCIIHIIMI|I DM. M.'rif jjt*. &r ;T* Bee in I lie diamond, 9W k vide * f .! court bourn, Ito'.UA>wl*K ortri*f * V* r ..ai i ir . JPMCIbI. BAS K lMi* CO 4*w* Milliken, Hoover A Co.) u ,.r JKIYE i)Eru6iTs, .w latere DUcount Note*. I' Buy and S government Socuritie*, Cold and i Coupon*. AH.* M'M ANUS, Attorney at Law Bellefonte, promptly attend* lu alt bu entrusted to hini. __ juia.BSif DP. FOKTNKY, Attorney at Law • Bellefonte, Pa. Office ur Kry iold' hank. inayl4'Kf , B. *. M ALLUTKB, tIRU A. BkATLI M'ALLISYif) & SgAVgJi A TTQRSKYK-A T-LA r, Itellefotite, Centre Co., Penn'a. P *|r. Xtlf, and who has Wn practicing with entire aoccee*—having the experience of a numWi of years in the profession, he would cordi ally invite all who have at yet not givei htro a call, to do to, and teal the truthfulnee, ofthitaaeertlon. Teeth extracted without nain mayffeStf t 1 ~ ■■■ • ■*. * "OHVIS Jt ilouec with Orris 4 to collet - 7J^St? Ct,