Hy Bel# red. "One morning, oh I *" early, my btoved, my AU terc singing blithely, as if never thev would cease ; Twaa a thrush sang in my garden. Hear the Btopr. hrsr the story t And the lark sang 4 tflve ne gkwy 1 And the dove naid, 4 Qve n* peace 1 44 Then I listened, oh I ao eerlv. my beloved, my TV) that tnarmnr from the woodland of the dote, say dewr. the dovv ; When the nightingale <wnie after, Qtvensfame to swee'en duty 1' When the wren sang, dive to beanty 1' Bho m*Ar answer. ' tnve ua love! "Sweet in >pring, and sweet the morning, my I ektvwiY mv beloved; Now ft* ns doth sitting. doth morning, wait upoa the yest * iucreaee. And mv prater goei up, 'O I rive a\ crowned iu yotith with marriage glory, (live for all out ItfcV .bar ahty. Oiw a low, ami give ua pane# 1' * * ~ j John the llapflat. m iProat t*sMl** '• •* bw* , Repent! repent! reiwnt ! For the kingdom of (led ia at hand. And all thelau.l ..... Full of the knowledge tif the Lord shall Iw A the waters cover the sea. And nMre'e the continent f Repent 1 repent! repent! For k*, the hour appointed. The hour to long ftwotold Bv the Prophete of old. Of the coming of the Anointed, The Messiah, the Paraclete, The Desire of the Nations, is nigh! He shall not strive nor rrj Nor hie aow-W he heard in the suwei; Nor the bruised reed shall he break. Nor qnetioh tin- Mucking fiav ! And many of ihnn that sleep In the dust of earth shall awake, tin thai great and terrible day. And the wirked shall vrail and weep, And he blown Kkoa .nude away. And he melted awav like wax Kcpeni: repent! tvpeut! O Priest, and Pharisee. Who hath wariest you to dec From the wrath that is to be 1 From the owning angui. h and ire t The ax ia hud at the root Of the tree*, and everv tree- That bringi th not forth good fruit. Is hewn down and cast into the fire! Ye Seniles, why come ye hither ? In the hour that ia uncertain. In the day of anguish and trouble. He that etrvtrhcth the heaven* as a curtain And sueadeth them out as a tent. Shall hhiw upon vou, and ye shall wither. Aad the whirlwind shall take you away a stubble! Repent! repent! repentt EDITH WF.!.DON'S X ARB I.IKE. Ten years ago it was Iws the custom than at prreent, ftr people to be mel in ctaur b. At that j*rd the good cler gyman was wont to c me to the " residence . of the bride's ftther" where, in the pr>en of a lew intimate friends, the ceremony would take place, after which, perchance, would follow a reception for the less fav ored '•ten thousand;* and it wa* upon this plan that Edith Weldon's wa* ar ranged to take place. It w>* within the} hour appointed Cr the marram. and she stood ready dressed in her pretty boudoir, when her mother came in to attend to the final touches in the fastening of the bridal veil. - Haa Dick came I' asked Edith, staying her mother's hand as she was about to throw the flimsy lace over her head. ••No, not yet, of course. Why! don't Jbok so pal-, my darling, it not "time for him vet." "f wish he were here," sighed Edith. '• Somehow 1 cannot help worrying about him.'' "You are nervous, dear, that is all," said Mrs. Weldon, kindly. "Ue will be hera presently. I>iok was never unnuno tual, and be will scarcely be to night.' While the finishing touches are put to thg pretty toilette, a few words with re-; gard to the story of Edith are neowsarv. j The young bride was the eldest daugh ter of one of our city merchant prmces, a lovely woman, though perhaps a shade more demure than meet girls ol her age. Yet in spite of her quiet, and what some of her friends called '• old fashioned" ways, they were somewhat surprised when she accepted Mr. Richard Strong as her lover. '' He was a country gentleman, a scion of one ol the best families of which New York can boast, and hved on his farm, which be took great pains in cultivating. He was a man of fine powers, and high education, but his agricultural lite bad' lead to a certain roughness of dress and manner that was at tunes aim,ft uncouth. Then bis face was btowned by the sun to a deep tan color, hi* hands were rough and brown, and he would not wear gloves, and would wear heavy boot*. Despite this, he was a true looking man, with intelligent eyes and well knit frame, and Edith bail sense enough to see beneath the some what rude exterior a cultivated miud an I affec tionate heart- , Mr. Weldon was weH pleased with his daughter's choice. Mr. Stnag" family was one for which be had the highest respect, and Edith's- simple tastes were such as admirably fitted her tor country life. The young lady's city friend* were, • however, rather contempt ions at her lover's unmistakable bucolic appearance ; and some of these who looked no deeper than the surface, declared that ho was only a country " clod hopper." Totel! the truth, Edith herself had been a little horrified at Dick's utter indifference to style, and bad even urged him to employ her father's tailor. "Go to Digbv!" he exclaimed, with horror; " why, he would make me iook like a tool! So; jloqjyleyjjy plway* has made mi vpjothes, and Rounder by always shall. He knows bow to suit me And so even the wedding garment* were ' made by Botroderby, who had a largt run of custom among the gentlemen farmers oe New York, and understood how to mak coats of excellent material and no i*rtirl c of style. Edith's toilette wa complete by balf past seven, and her mother and bridesmaids left her to finish their own preparations. • For a short time she was alone, and sat listening to evety ring of the bell, hoping each one was Dick's, and expecting to be Called down to meet him ; as the moment* •went by and no message came, her anxieties increased. It was certainly very strauge that he had not arrived. He was the very LO'il of punctuality—always sure to appear , at th" precise moment appointed. Presently people began to come into the > room : aunts, and cousins, and {articular friend*; and there was much chattering over the bride and her dress. Edith put the questions, " Has Dick comet" "Hare you seen Mr. Strong?"! until she grew ashamed fo repeat them, and bc-r companions laughed at bcr for her seemingly needless anxiety. At eight o'clock her mother rejoined her, gorgeous in bine velvet and diamonds. " Well, Edith, the hour has come." " But not the man," added one of the gay girls, laughingly. "Is not Mr. Strong here yet?" asked Mrs. Weldon, in surprise. " I think not." "That is strange," she .replied, looking ■unmistakably annoyed. " But don't turn so pale, Edith, dear, he must be here, or come directly ; I will go and see about it." She kissed her daughter tenderly, and went down stairs. ID the library were her husband and several gentlemen. Mr. We'don came forward to his wife. "It is a little strange., Mary, it is five minutes past eight, and Strong is not .here." " Can any of his friends explain bis de tention T* Just then the door opened, and among the select few was admitted Charlie Strong, a city man and a cousin of Dick's. • " Ab, Charlie! is Dick with you 7" asked Mr. Weldon. " Dick! No ! Isn't he here 7" u No " Why. that is very odd ! I left him an hoar ago on his way here." '" On his way ! Was he driving 7" ' "No. You know what a queer fellow Dick is. I wanted to send for a carriage ; bat lie said that was all nonsense for such a short distance, and in spite of my objec tions, be put on an old summer overcoat to cover his evening dress, and started to walk here with me. I told bun he did not look much like a bridegroom ; to which he gave the characteristic reply,that ''Looks aren't everything." " And how far did you come together ?" "To Fourteenth street; there I turned oft to Irving place, and he started up Broadway," • The disappearance of the bridegroom was rendered more mysterious by this state ment. There seemed absolutely nothing to do but wait for his arrival as patiently as possible; and as people began to' pour la, the tisM lor % reoeptioo having come, FRED. KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor VOL. IV. ' Mrs. Weldon myivwl thrin with what | solf-po#acMon she (wild, uot tilling them : to p> away, since at any moment the lutm ; ing man might appear, ami the ceremony proceed. The conqiauy very dreary, however; everyone knew what had hap pelted, gaiety was out ol the question, aud the only amusement was to rush to the door of the hall every time anyone eaine, in hope* of seeing the pleasant brown lace t<f Dick Charlie Strong went down to the hotel en the rham-e that for some inexplicable cause D<ck had returned there. No, he had not heen seen, Mr. Strong next in quired id the policeman along the route if i anyone had been taken suddenly ill, as this supposition had occurred as a possible explanation of Dick's absence—his aplendid health rendered it rat'vr au absurd one. No, nothing unusual had happened, except I that there had been a tire on Broadway and a great crowd. This was the new* | with which the young gentleman caiue back to the house, ami the non-appearance of the bridegroom seemed stranger than ever. Poor Edith sat in her rooms looking ( like a pale and stricken flower; her bride* maids and friends were gathered around her doing what they ciuld to chtw her, but *b grew hopelessly ad. The Hour* of wedding evening atole by without ' any new* of her lover. From time to time when there was the bustle of an arrival below, one ol the girls looked out to see if Mr. Strong had couie, but each time only to return with fresh disappoint ment, so that in the bridal-room, as well as in tht jiarlor, there was glooui and anxiety. And" now to tell of the man who had so strangely disappeared. When he parted from hi# cousin, Dick, as Charlie had said, went straight up Broadway, which was the nearest road to Mr. Weltioo'l home on Wost Twenty-sixth street. When he had passed I'nion Square, he saw that quite a crowd of people was assembled in trout of oik of the stores, from the upper windows jof which smoke was issuing. No thought* of turning aside to avoid the throng oc curred to Mr. Strong's mind; no, he was broad-shouldered and powerful, and he began to push the throng, elbowing right and left, and hurrying on at little less than his usual brisk pace. He had pro ceeded in this way, getting a good many angry looks, and some very uncomplimen tary remarks, to which ha had paid no tuauncr of heed until he had reached a point where the crush was densest. Here be was jostled about somewhat rudely, in spite of his endeavors to forge ahead un checked. He began to feel a little angry at what seemed th* unnecessary amount of hustling he received, and was pushing on rather unceremoniously when he was suddenly grasped by a man, fully a* powerful as himself, who cried out— 44 You hare got my watch! Police! Police ! Sbni thief! Police!" The man roared out the words in a voice that rang above all tLc murmurs of the crowd, and Dick in a fury ot rage turned upon bini like a tiger. " You iulernal scoundrel, what do toj mean 7 Lot me go! Lot me go, 1 say !" He struggled fiercely, but the man who seixed him by the shoulder had him at a disadvantage, and continued to shout : "Police! Help! help! Stop thief!" In a moment three or four men had hold of Mr. Strong, who fought and raTed in his wrath and indignation, and then two policemen appeared on the scene and summarily took him into custody. 44 There you acamp—now we've got you!" cried the man in triumph. Dick glared at him, almost speechless t with anger, though he managed to say to tba policemen: " You surely don't intend to take me into custody o.i the charge ol that maniac 7" '• Indeed we do, my good man, and you ■night as well come along peaceably." Kotr if there was cue thing that more than another Dick Strong despi-o-d, it was any bwsting of positim, or family, or money. He had always declared that " people would know a man was a gentle man wifboot auy neeU>l telling them so," and that "it wasn't anr conaequenoe what a man wore if be ouiy liebaved himself. , He had flattered himself that he looked, despite the roughness of his dress, too much the well-bred gentleman ever to be doubted, and yet here were these two policemen calling him 44 My good man," bustling him along, and no way to get out of the scrape but to try to convince tbein : that be was not a common thief! Thus the unfortunate bridegroom wa palled through the crowd, people staring at htm, the policemen holding him last bv l the arms, and his captor following close at their heels, giving vent to feeling* of en ioyment in occasional exclamations of " Scoundrel!" " Scamp!" " But he nmhln't come it over me!" Ac. floaded at last j beyond endurance, Pick suddenly turned | upon him : 44 But I haven't got vour watch, I tell , you! You ought to know what you'ic talking about, before accusing an bnc*t man in this way." " None of that now," said the policeman roughly; "Come along quietly." "We'll ee!—we'll sec!" shouted the i tei mentor. And thus was Dick led along, a misera ble captive. Men looked curiously at him j a* they passed, women drew back in hor ror from the criminal. Never had poor Strong so longed for the face of an acquain tance, but none met him. It was growing dark ; and wa* not an hour when auy one he knew was likelyjto be out. In the side 1 street very few per-ons were abroad; and so they reached the station-house. For .some little distance Dick had been quite silent; and recovering from bia rage, had 1 tried to think what might be best lor him j jto do. Once in the dirty room of dcten- I tion fresh cause for anger speedily arose, j The robbed man, who gave hi* name as John Clark, showed as a very rtwpedablc- I dressed person when in the light, and displayed the dangling end of a handsome 1 watch-chain, from which the watch had j been wraated. 4i The ring wa# a little worn," be said, " and broke with the poll. I felt it, and saw the hand that graaped the watch. It was blown and ungloved, like his," point ing to Dick, who as usual wa* ungloved. 44 1 turned round quirkly and caught bini. Now ace if you don't find the watch on him." " It's all an infamous lie!" said Dick. '" What should 1 want of his beggarly watch T' " The prisoner had better lie quiet and let himself be searched," replied the police captain. "Seareb me and welcome," retorted Dick, pulling oil his overcoat, thereby bi iuging to view hia handsome dress Miit. The men looked at each other in sur prise. "I didn't think he was a awell core," said one; "he looked like the com mon kind." " Mr. Strong now drew out his own watch, which was an elegant chronometer. "Here," s*id he to his captor, "why should a man vrant to rob you when he has such a time-piece as that f' "It was stolen tco, I've no doubt," replied Mr. Clark, imperturbably. Dick nearly 101 l into a rage again. u You're an incorrigible old fool," said he. u prisoner will please he careful," said the officer, sternly. " Now, sir, what is your name 7" Richard Strong." " Residence 7" "Oak Hill Farm, Alleghany county, New York." A shade of surprise crossed the officer's fece as he asked—" Occupation ?" Farmer." Just then Dick, who still bad his watch, opened it, and uttered a cry of horror it WM after eight o'clock. M For God's Mke, be quick with this THE CENTRE REPORTER. t farce." he said, earnestly. " I have a i most important engagement, and it - al • ready past the hour," i Mr. Clark sintltd contemptuously. • 4 I'm afraid you'll have to put it off," - j he said. 1 " You do not seem to untLiVtaiid the c : gravity of the chary*'. Mr, Strung,'' said , the captain. "(HH vnt Swltli aud Brown c , will please search the prisoner." With what grace ho could muster Dick I Mibmittcd to the search; it was long and : i- luluiw, and resulted, of course, in not It c ing. Strong was over with in- j digestion and itiqMtiemy, but had to put f ; up with it; and a* it chanced, from the s tact of his having on new clothes, the t (sH'kets were nearly empty, he had hardly 1 anything upon him to serve as voucher* for the truth of his assertions about himself, t His linen was, indeed, marked with his ! i name, and the men were eonviced that s their culprit was by rank a geutletnap, f whether the charge made against him was c true or not. When he was brought into i the large room, Clark spaing forward ragvrl.v. ; •• Did you find the watch T' 4 ' No, of course thcr didn't," replied , i Dick. , The man's countenance fill. * " Then he must base flung it away wh-w t I caught hnu,"*hc iid.' > " Why. do you still think I stele it 7" i demanded Dick. i 44 Of cour-e von did; I *aw you take It." ii D.ck turucJ away from him, without j - reply, to the captain, 44 Now, sir, I hojir I you will let me go." 1 " No, Mr. Strong, wc cannot do that while this man swear* to this charge > against you." j I This was mote than Dick had exj>ec,ted, i , am) hi# reserve broke down, 44 But, Cap II tain, you must let me go—arhy, this is my l w eiiduig night and I go." i 44 That 1 # a likely story," laid Clark i with a surer. f 44 Mav 1 ask who you are to marrv." ; ■ asked the officer, looking rather inerodu- > lou*. It wa# awfully against Dick's idea* but > be had to*ay, 44 A daughter of Mr. John • AY eldon i' ! "Not AVehlon of AYeldon A Grey 7" t " Yes." 44 Oh that's too much," cried the inrx • prcssible Clark, "As if he would look at • such a fellow a you !" Diok'.s anspcr named cnt again, but he i began to find there wa* no Use in display ■ tug it. ami addrv**oil hioisell csjwcially to i the captain. To him he was vcrv august. saying all he could to | rove that liis state ment* were true— perb*|i too he (H#plyeil ( : j siune of the grveutiacks that were pk-nti- ! : ful in his put*c —lie that a* it may. he sue- j i ceeded at last in persuading thg officer to i . allow a message to lap dispatched to Mr. i i Weldon. and tmallv one o| the policemen . departed with a hastily scrambled note. liy the time he reached Mr. Weldon'a. it was after ten o'clock ; the uncomfortable , ■ guests there amcmldod had liegau to think I they had better go home, aa there would lie no wedding that night, aud the ckrgy- I i man. who had parsed anything but an agreeable evening, had gone to Mr*. M el-i i \ don's to make hi* adiettx, when thrie wa* a ring at the liell, followed by a rush to i see who it might be. When the door was opened ami a police- I man stalked into the hall, tho excitement ! was interne. Mr. Weldon hurried forward to meet him. The man touched hit hat. 44 Are vou Mr. John W eldon 7" i 44 Yea." 44 A prisoner down at our station sent i you this note." Mr. Weldon opened the missive eagerly; lieoiile crowded round to k-aru it# Con tents. 44 1 am in the 27th street wfwtmn house, charged with tliclt; lor God's sake corn* > and get nic out. lliciurd Stboao." i A shout of laughter ioßowipd an notim-ement. the peogfle wrrc sfi ainu*et, 4 they thought it such a good joke. The relief after the long suspense was so great., that |ieAl after peal of merriment tang out, the jolly sounds echoing even to Edith's room, and the girls jum;**! out to hear the new*, quickly brought her I wick the tidings that Dick was safe, though in such a funny •crape. The policeman meantime looked at the smiling throng and then at Mr. Weldon. 44 So what be said was true, and he was going to inarrv your daughter?" 44 Yes, certainly." 4 - We w< uld not believe him, he lookeil ; snrh a shabby chap; however, the Bos# said, a* it was so near, 1 might come ami see." More laughter followed this, and in a r ew moments Mr. Weldon xnd Charles Strong were on their way, with the police inan. to Dick's relief. There is not much to add ;. when they reached the station, a few words fnra Mr. Weldon convinced the police captain, that there must have been some mistake, and Mr. Strong wa# released. Clark skill re maincd at the place, and wasfurioti*a| the result; when going out. Dick said to him i — 44 Now. Mr. Clark, I hope you atfe con vinced that I did not steal the watch 7" To this lie replied very angrily—"You did too, for I saw you; and I say it's a , monstroils injustice to let you oil just because you are going to marry a rich i * man's daughter." Their was no u-e arguing with such a person ; and as Dick once more drew on the objectionable overcoat, Charles Strong could not help saving, 4 ' Ah ! Dick, it was | nil became you would wear a shabby ooit. and would not have a carriage. You will j do better next time." When they reached the house there wa* a great crowding about the bridegroom, and much merriment anil congratulations, j Edith came to meet him, her p*lone* suc j eroded by blushes, and the ceremony pro i cecded at once. American Cheese in Kugland. The lit ion Il'-rab/ report* : The cheese which we sent t<> England in the fore part of the season was much of it too green when shipped, and arrived in hod condition. Some of our hot wenth<>r cheese also disappointed the receivers, hut our later make has Itecn excellent. A Utican who is interested in our dairy ing interest, and is now sojourning lu England, writes a private letter from London, from which we are kindly per mit ted t* extinct. He says : American cheese, thin Fall, I am happy to say, is excellent. There is only o small quan tity of Cheddar that can rwwit it. On this trip J have been to Cheltenham, Glouces ter, Hereford, and Swindon. 1 saw a very large amount of American cheese. In fact, it is to be seen in almndanee all through England. In laindon ami its suburbs every grocer and butter-dealer's is full of our cheese. The pricuisaolo w, and it is so much better in tpydltjv this year titan it ever lias 1 won, and they have all dealt freely in it, and laid in nil the stock they could raise. One cheese monger here in London, nt the first news of the Chicago fire, naked me if I thought it would raise the price of choose much. If I thought it would, he should Amy all he could, even though the price had ad vanced a little. He was making a capi tal thing out of what he had, which was 4d. per pound net profit. He said, "I tell you it is a capital cheese ; and if the Americans go on like this, they will have the whole cheese market." A witness in a late divorce ruit kept saying that the wife hail a very retaliating disposition ; that sho retaliated for every little thing. " Did you ever see her husband kiss her ?" asked the wife's counsel. "Yes, sir, often!" "Well, what did (he do on euch occasions ?" " She always retaliated, sir," CENTRE HALL. CENTRE CO., PA., FRIDAY, DEOEMRER 15, I7L The Amnion*. According to a very ancient tradition, the Amaaotis weic a nation of women, who *ttftrred no tueu t*> ii pnun Hiuofig thent. lut inarchtsl to BatUc utnlcr the command of llicir queen, and forsnivl for a long tiuic a forntiilaldc state, They lu-lil iMvAMomd intercour.**' with the men of the ueighh >ring stnßs- If Imivb were lairu lo tliein. tllCj' eitlier sent them t* their father#, or killed Iliern. : But they brought up the girl* for war. and burned oil' their right bieaaAa. that they might m>l lie prevented from l*-i#l mg the bow. From this custom tlmy re ceiriHl the name of AuiuEon, that t*. •* breastb'sa." Such is the ordinary tale; the origin of which to be ad rimuted for by sunposiug tbul vague report*, exaggerutrsi aud jmeUcnUv rw - bollishtsl, hail rea*h<vl tlietlnvka of the psH'uliar way in which the women 'of va rious Caucasian district* lived, perform ing military duties .which elarwhere de volved uit liusUouU, and also of the uuiuerotta examples of female heroism which, travelers iuform ua, still ilMtifi guish the ifnttm of that region". In later tiuiea, however, the word Amaxon h:ia been mifq* (!cd t* lu* wry one a cunec- J fion.with tho Circassian wotvl 44 AlaM," "aignifvuig the moon, as if tho mytli of llio Auia.'ou had takan it* origin in the I worship of the uiisni, which prevudcl ou the iNmlera of Asia. The uufinu* of ! Amar.oua have lieen uicutioued by the lUieietps. First, tho Asiatic Aminrons, from whom the otiieiw biauehrd ofl. i I'hcM' dwell on the shore* (4 the Hk"'k Sea, ami among the mountains'of luc ( CtMHwrns, ewjxw-islly in tho neighbor-1 I hood of the uiixlcru Trchia nul, on the ; river Tminodon. (now Teriuob.) They, amwkl U> luvvo at om- time *uUlu*d the | whole of Asia and to have bmlfiSmvrua. ( Mphnsus, Cum*#, aad other ejtica. Their j qoeen. Hlppohfe, or, according to oth-' ers, AntiaHe; Was killi d by Htroft]**. a* ' the ninth i f the laUtr* imji awd uu him ! by F.iirystln u* consisted it* taking freun lor.the ahouhh r-ludt Ix-sUiwred <>u her by ' Mars, t>u one of their exjauiiiiona, the \maaona came to Attica, in th* 4 tinjc of i Thc*eu*. They nlso marvhed under Alio i •command of their qiieeu, I'anthesfba, ;to assist JYuui against the Ore ka. ' They eveii ap|Mwtr upon the mvii* in the i time of AiexaU'ler the Great, when their ( queen, ThMestri*. paid him it visit, iu! order to breoutr a mother by the con queror of Arm. Secnd. tin- Scythian Amar.on*. ttjio, in after tinio# marrieil amoug the neigldtoriug Scythian*, ami j witlnltew further into Sarmatin Third, the African Amacotia, who, under th* , command of Jheir queen, Myrina. *uh duinl the fiorgnuAand AtlanU-*. tnarche.l through E&rpt and Arabia, nud foumle-l their capital on tho bxke Trilonia, but were thou annihilated by Ueroule*. The brand Duke Hall. Tlie ball given iu New York in Honor of the Grand Duke Alexia, was certainly a magnificent affair, if wo uiay believe, the journal* of the city. Au immense crowd of lookers-on gathered about the Academy of Miiiie t-irlv in the evening, and quite a number of policemen were necessary to keen this crowd in I ire per order. About Lll-pat t-u u'avck n movement was (liaeernnble. and. simul taneous with a grand rusliof the patieut winters low nr. I the Academy, the Prince's carriage, foHoyvd by *cvcr*l others, dashed Bp to the canopied ill trance. The Prince was the firat to iil.eht, ami ae he did o the crow d on the corner of Irving plan* got a glimpse of hltn. ud there tlieu ensued a muat exciting crush ami rush toward the carriage- wwtuen vicing with the toes in their eagerness tt got a.-near ns poasiblc to tlie handsome voatig BaniiiD.' The Prine- had on a heavy pray - otrrctat of fhi? Rujriau style and a " ntncab*" nip •( the -sane ex dor, and as tic got out of the carriage he handed tlm cap to ix gentlerown in' waiting. He pitiied oft hi* en* Utsr minute lie cro*M>d the threehhnM of flu door. , * The reception and ball room* were handsomely decorstc<l. The flirt set fig the iancvr* wa foruusl on the stage ini uiislLtto(y iu Irokt of prbwatm/oun tain. The (irand Duke and glim, lloff uikn took fhe head. I r is-o-o"# to.them ware (feneral McDowell and Mn - (iei>, AspinwalJ. Tho side* were made-tip of Governor Hoflin.-m and Muiljii!" data ciixy and Mr*. Hichard Jfving jnil ri. (Mttiug. Homo delnV w-u's espeniipriu iq forming tlm otli,er jets, the. ACidMut(be ing so crowded. At length the land rtrnrk up the familiar-air, and the ball was opened. The di*tingui*h<-d oitneene however, were exceedingly ualortuiiste They got mixed uL.genarally at .the lie ginnipg, and so /hey .enutiifnetl until tno end. ft w.i* a great relief *to 'all eoneerned when- tlm first dance was fin-- i.shed. Aficr this thc'Prinee proiflenlul (ul and danced id fern at elf for tin' hour, until supper warf nhnmuieed. ft! the se cond mid third dances hi* partner* wure Miss Morse, daughter of the nriifos*'r, and Mis* McDowell, daughter tif - the General. It waa , nearly one o'clock when the Grand Dukennd the wbh> of the inqicTin] party were conducted into the supper room. ' The Doke ndiTeil nliout two o"oloek( but the ball went on until A Mail Cuuglit In it Mine. * • A Dewr Imdgo t'lty (Montana) pajW avs : Mr. Peter (Viflby mine HI from Nevada gnl<-U on Tharaday 11 iff lit f<w Dr. Mitchell, mid gave art account of one of- I lie moat remark 1 tie milling aotadcpts' we have heard of. It appears that on ' Nevada creek, lived remote from any, i other person, Mr. Wnw Clcghurn, a ; miner of intelligence and industrious I habits. The ninil earner on last Rnlur dnv, in going by, left hia pupen at Ida cabin, and wished to borrow n mule from I liim, btit m-eing po cue aliout, went on I hia ropte. On returning on Thursday, | he found the enbiu at ill tonoutlcss, nud i the (lAjiera reinainihff where he hnd' placed them. The unusual occnrrellc<• aroused hia, suspicions, and remembering he hud aecn tracks in the anew leading from the j cabin on hia laat trip, heaenrched for and found them, and could Hnd no returning track. He.followed tliom lo a drift in u lmr, found that there had been a cave, and that OlegTiorn waa caught by it. Summoning help, the,miners succeeded in renchiug awl rescuing the uufortu nate miner about sundown of Thnnday. Hia hip-joint waa dislocated, and Ilia riglit leg crush above the nulde. The drift wna only a few feet below the sur face, and he told them that on Hnnday he could distinctly hear tlus minora .walk ing and talking on the bar above, while he lav there crushed, famished for food and drink, in mortal pain, unable to ut trnot their attention. And thus he lay for over Ave tah Tlie rcul horrors of the situation are beyond exjireswion. Mr. C. is a man at powerful build—weighs over 200 pounds— bnt it is said he waa reduced to A skeleton when exhumed. Dr. Mitchell rfturned lust evening. Ho reports Clcghoru living and likely to re cover. Dr. M. will amputate hia riglit leg below the knee on Sunday. He'had lain very nearly Ave and a half da va in the drift. It is the most remarkable case of wt liavo ever heard of. •' , The East Y\tu\<\*vhA<irert}*er. that down in.Saybrook alt the girls are called " Sissey" unless they weigh one hun dred and seventy-five pounds. About one dozen clergymen in New York city receive, it is >ai4* salaries of 810,000 and upward*. Barber#* Hlto|i IRseasea. Iu the category of obaeuro ami loath ' Mime disnaae* ia one vulgarly culled ' the i h*ibor'* Heb." The very aouud of the ' title hit* a repulsive influence, but the disease Itself i* yet more repugnant b> i ' look upou or duaerilie. lattcriy several in.digmiut xiao halt s'omo bi tho notice of pliyaieiaun, and it beoomto a very im {Mu tant mutter to investigate "* b> the j imtnre and extent of the disorder. Tin*! ' majority tho thotiaands wlo daily , i luxuriate iu the plaaautea aud comfort* | of tic tonai'rial art, seldom if ever dream of poasiLh- danger. But from the chair, tho bath aud appurtonaucoa, dwenae rnny be communicated. Gf course this lia -1 bilfty'iygieater where the surrounding* ! are iiueli'uti, and the h diils of Rn- Uir j tier# arc oari'lesa or unliily, but isvasiun- ( ally e>u# s have Im'Cli traced to the beat- j i rvignlalail aaiiama. Souietimo# the citah t ion* of the chair mur lie iufe,'t-<l from I th( ner[iiratvin of n diseaweil ni'raon, or flic bath tub Uot having been thoroughly I cleansed, may ictniu a aeum of tho soap aud refuaa dopiuit from the body ; these, ; huwaver, are tare and improbable ooour rsuow. OfteiH-r the hair-brushes may transfer aealp eruptions, dandruff, Ac, . Tim .moat frequent and certaiu eauaea are towpT*. nupkW, lather and bruahea, 1 and othur barlx-r-u# article# umil upon various people. Even the polished st-wl of the koam-ealire*! rar.or is a mttolnm for transferring tho infection. It 1* by no mean* nCi-esaiirv that pimphw or otin r mark* up m lite face must ap|M-:>r in vi to render caution imperative. There p may In- Ho Visible oillaUeoU* diseawe ab oil a customer ; he mav have a eoxn jMratiVely clear akin, ami yet the sntitl< riruv of impure or diaordeml bhsid will ejn.le through the fTt-wlily-opened jxxre* of the akin, uxposod by the ui<am aerup mg of tio slurp rw.nr. and so moisten tile uapktn, towel, lather, brush, orru, and be iiitpregnated in tlio fa -e of thr jtxt eoatomer on whom the same artxclco I may W used. Jii the latter ctaa of / toniorial resorts the ojierativea exercise all the diacretion p .ssiiile, and tini-, in a largo measure, obvial* the liabilities of lufcetion. 'Titer furnish to every customer clean, fresh, napkins, and not only cleans* the brush aud mtor, but always change the lather. Tho same linen ia nuver used upon two nerwons. , without being froah from the laundry. Hut the only way to secure perfect anfety ia to insist upon each customer having a sejiarate and exclusive brush, lather, towel, napkin, powder and razor. This ia not ail expensive or an im|Masible, arrangement. A few dollar# thus dis burwed ia a ha]ipy investment if it save* one from even the mildest type of a hmthamne and tnntah/.ing discaae. liimiilng a Hotel. A New York rejHirter has luv-n inter 1 viewing a hotel proprietor of that city , aud here is the remit, showing some rif the figup-t. iu the cost of running a first cho hotel: What doe* your flour cost jier year ? JRt.tiA, and we u*u three harreU daily. Milk ? 810,500, Mid WenseotXlipuirtS daily. It comes from Wc-tehester Coun ty, aud oath "tc He, nt* jnr <piart. Cream? fft.TUO. lisatkJ quarts daily. Kggi * Bi:t,soU. i I * I.HOO vgga (Jatlv. Ttntter ? f J4,000. l' < 175 lt.s. daily. Oysters? Sli.lWt. t'sc s,riiW oysters diulv. What do groceries cost ? st(),oQl\ Beef, fish, and Vegetables ? SJlO.ftW. Whola exjiense of mai-ketiug ? 8.57 a , Where do Tii get your bef. and what do vou give (or it ? We use 05*' pounds of uiin and roaata daily—costa 'Jj to 9ft oriile pv pound- gut it from Fulton Market. Meat bills are iwid daily. Turkey# ? l"*e'2.'l turteys a day ; cost 29 Cell L*. Chickens ? I'so 80 chicken* a day ; cost 29 ceht>. , Itame? Mallard duck*. SlA"> per pair, libtok duck. H7 cent* per jmir: Brandt duck*, fl.fjl per jmir ; nsllinad ; H. 5" tier pair ; partridges. 81 |>er pair ; gfouue, ■' fl per piiir i' oenU • f,ittijb cost* li ocnt* for L-gs, W for lATor yrholv liqnb. (iat a good Jdol of miitton fnan Boston. South dawn. jVitatoea, 82:12 per liarrrl. ti six j barrels per dnv ; sweet potnb-en, Bft p*'r' biirr-f; spinach. per bnrrvl j oyster j plant, ?jl pt-f do -bti; cauliflower, fcft js*r ' drtzdn'; ccirry, ff.fiUperdauvn bunchc* ; | I--'nc gallon can\ nee 12 gallons doily. . 'ihen bnttercosts three times * much , si flour. * • Yes, Atnl niiJk fostaynoce than flour, ; so dn'agga ; knd pyste,rs. which art* only 1 uvvl,for, yclishe* <i&.vdc dishes, cost ■Bn,d(it. . • % 'A "ltscß. w-rrii a Bakther.—ln Peun sylviinia. a few days ngu, s boy of four teen yearn, livhtg in Rocktoh, (Tearfleld C'mmty, suuln a'narrow cm sjiu from a panther. While on hi* way to the tuu ncl on an errand, in Union Township, lie was start lil by u low and heavy growl nearly overhead. Upon looking up be saw a panther perched on a tree, almnt thirty (bet frvwti the ground, which was wagging it* tail iil anticipation f spring iAjrilpoa it* prey. No sooner did the boy* eyes meet jlm panther than it gave a lood and very oiereing yell, and leap ed to the ground. This sudden, bold, and noisy demonstration on the part of the ptifrtiirr, fright, ml the colt which thy boy was ruling, and it took to |flight ui full suaed —tbepnnther keeping to its *if and about neck to neck, giving an occasional fierce yell, which seemed to add speed to the colt's feet. After tsinniiig in this manner about tinrtv or forty rods, the panther gave off the chase. STR/NOH BIT Turn, —A young lady re siding, in PoteraOn, Putnam county, re ccivefi through that • n few week* ago, ■ nmnll package neatly and very securely milled. Upon OJH i.ing it she perceived *.lx>x, in winch, to her ut ter antniufthiiH'ut, fliu found, carefully packed, 'JU fifty-dollar greenbacks, and a sheet of auqmr, on which was written three words only : " Accept this gift. " The happy recipient haa always been obliged t<> support herself by her own in dustry, has uo parents nor home, except through the hospitality of relatives. There is yot the least suspicion as to the .donor of the gift, which has been safely deposited in the savings bank for keep* ng- ' • CHINESE .1 RALOIHT. —The Chinese arc the most jealous people in the world. They consider it sacrilege for a man to look with anything Jike n steady gaae at their wives. When a Chinaman's wife is so side as to require n physician, she must not look at Jiim. Around her wrist'ts fastened a silken coed ; one end ftf which is held by the physician, who must not touch hew .hand or - person ; but ascertain the state of- his patient's h'Wltli from the almost imperceptible tremble of the pulsations as indicated by the cord. No people iu the world have such An antipathy to girl babies, while nolidmore reverence their moth ers. Ntw I SWXNOI,E.— Our exchanges speak of a new swindling game, which con sists of an-agent calling at a house and displaying a bomber of sealed envelopes, containing samples of nilk, merino, cali co; do., collecting iwrnty-flve cents for A cbojoe, nud ,pflcnjjusing<to send a dTesa pat turn like the sample' in the envelope chosen for the stuall sum of one dollar ; butmelther man nor dress is ever aftomrd,. . > flu- lb* who ltang for hi* bujipor. In France Uiwt *iw MKM a little dog hur UiUUtl M lido. lie In lollgetl to u ix*r woman who di<l out always I avc fixid enough to givr him, l ido miiat have thought it over to himself in thia way "My miatraaa love* nu*; hot alio ia ao poor, that often •die <b>es not have food enough for her own dm nor. Ho*, thou, can alie afford to K' v * "•* iniuw f lam a strong dog, iul a wise dog too ; and I maat get my dinner without troubling my good mis tress. " Nut far from the plaoe where he lived, there wan a convent, which was a home for sonic good uniia ; and one day, as Fido aat near by in the aim, be aaw a imgger RO and ring the bell of tha con , vent door ; and aoou a woman caiue, and brought a bow! of soup and meat, and nave it to the beggar. Fido trotted up and looked in the I HI: gar'* face, av much aa to aay, •'Couldn't yon )mre one of tbuae bouoa y" But the Itcggnr did not see things in tiie light that Fulo did. "(hi , away air!" aanl the Ixiggar ;ao Fido troticd back to hia plane in the auu, and | lay down. "But he waa very hungry. Ha had not ' had any thing to eat for twelve hotira. The K'trgar over the way, aa aoon aa be ' hud eaten his food, put the bowl in a hole over the door, and then walked off. •• Those must be good women to give food to beggar*," thought Fido. " I wouder if they wouldn't give air a bowl 'ofauup. There's nothing like trying." So Fido trotted across the street, and, putting up hia paw, rang the bell. " lhng, dong, ding 1" What a noiar he made I " There'# another beggar after food !" thought the good nun; and she came vritli a plate of 'toiled meat, and looked round. '* There'a nobody here, uft.r all!" said the woman, shutting the door. " She oalls me nobody," thought poor [ Fido. " X uiuat try again." So he jumped tip, and rang the bell once | mora. "Ding, dong, ding, dong !" It made a much louder noise than before. But nobody came. The w oman stood watching at a back-window to see who waa htigtug the hell. Fido waited a while ; aud then jumped up again, and gave the bell a good pull. Then the wouian came out, and laugh ed to find that a dog bad Wen ringing the bell " What do yon want, air ?" aakrd she. ** Bow, wow, wow !" aaid Fido. " I know what that means," amd the wotiuut; "you wi,nt some dinner." Ho she gave the dog some dinner, and, every day after that, he would o>me at a certain hour, and ring the ltell, and the woman would feed him ; and one dav she put some food in a basket, and said. " Vow, air, take that home to your tu interna." And the dog look it home safely ; and hia mistrcNs had a good dinner that day, aa well as Fido himself. Folks would OOtmn from a great distance to see him ring the beil fur hi* dinner. 1 would like to owu aa bright a dog aa Fido ; would you uot. AV. ni r/.< Sartery A Letter to Bo). The new id my*, bootblack* and other 1 homal— lad* who are provided for by the Children's Aid Society at the Riv iUgton Street lodgiug House, Xew York, , .-ontribunal 816 in aid of the Chieago •iiffiwu. The . money wa sent to Mr William*, President of the Mrtmpoiiteu Bank, who forwarded it to Kev. Mr. Oollyer, of Chicago, who acknowledged its receipt as follows : Mr 1>UB Fei-uows: Your great friuud and mine, Mr. William*, has sent roe a letter from Mr. Colder, with one from hi mar If, and the sll Ton gwve to help Chicago through Uiia Hard pincb. 1 write this to thank von for what you have done right out of my heart ; In tell you that 1 think your auliwcnption ia one of the grandest that waa ever made for anything, because you must have so very little to spore, and whenever you get into ■ tight place this Winter f want you to feel that you luive helped some poor fel- j low (Hit of a tajhtrr. Now I will tell you what 1 mean to do with this money. I mean to keep it all ♦ > itaelf, and whenever, aa long at it tats, j I see any hoy or girl I think needs ado) lar I will take one of yours to give them ! I h<je 1 shall make no mistakes, and ! give it to the right sort—just to those I who need it. and not to those who are j shamming. 1 should hate to be taken ; in, but if 1 am 1 wmnt you all to try and j remember Sf yon have ever taken any j fellow in, and if you have, you must consider iny mistake as your punishment anil never do it again. And so, bovs, (iod bless yon for your kind hearts and the way you put your hands deep down into your pocket*. 1 I am, always yours, Uobkkt Coixrru. Tlie letter was read to tlie boys by Mr. ("older, the KujierintondenL One of them asked to have it read a second time, when he said it was "a bully letter;" auother said he liked it because there w as no humbug aboa; it. Titr. Bkiwiax Famitie.—Tlie latest mail news from the East is neither en couraging nor hopeful. The famine still continues its ravages, and the moat heart -rending storiea nre told of the suf ferings of the people in Persia. During the month of Augut the miseries of the inhabitant* of Yexd have increased rather than abated, owing to want of employ meat and the lack of means to obtMn the necessary wants of life. The p.-cu liar geographical position of Persia rei-* der* it sn easy prey to calamities like that which is how desolating the coun try. Short yield and decreased crops are always aure lo he felt hy tlio inhabi tants, and when, like the present, a ter rible visitation falls upon them, and they are in no adequate manner prepared for it. terrible misery ia sure to result in son sequence. A Hnoirr HAT CROP. —There is a gene ral complaint of the shortness of the hay crop of the ]>nst season, and an expres sion of apprehension that it will not hold out until grass comes again. We have noticed similar expressions of anx iety about the hay crop in former years. The result has generally lecn a super abundance of bay the following spring. The reasons are : first, when the crop is light the quality of the hay is bettor and more nutritious ; and, secondly, and chiefly, because when formers think their hay may not hold out, or that it will be very high in the spring, they are very much more economical and saving in the use of it. This general practice of ex treme economy in the consumption of a great staple production like hay, pro duces a wonderful efloct in reducing the price, after a few mouths. —JV r . Y. Ledger. How TO DETECT MILK SWINPI.ES,-—A Germsn scientific journal describes a very simple apparatus for determining the richness of milk, as measured by its transparency. Two polished pistes of glass arc adjusted by means of a screw, to stand at different distances from each other. The milk is placed between them; and the distance of the plates from eaoh other, when the flame of a stoarine can dle is rendered invisible, is the measure alike of the transparency and richness of the milk. THE Emperor of Germany has consent ed to act as arbitrator between the Unit ed States of America and England upon the question of the disputed line between ths former country and Vancouver's Is land, in the Btrait of Ban Juan de Fuoa. KMHttpiilttf • Deserter. A strange iM-eurmicfe i ft (Milled In no llit- inland of Jereer—the kiduupptug of u Frenchman by a French detect irn offi cer. II aji|K*aD (hat during lit* war tat tw the nun who ha* born kiduapjied i-npigMl bitnwwlf u * mlMiilulc for one 1 ho Lad lrm drawn for military aendce. > He wo* paid for lii - mlxiiiluUoii themrai of 2.OUU franca. 'I Lot nxney h< dopoMb ; • d for wit- keeping io a hank at Paria. hui instead of fulfilling tlir eti-ntfit mt-ai ,ha I tad made he lift France and took I refnga at Jersey, where he had ainon Iteen employed at laltoring wtirk. Pre Banting on the restoration of fteana aa lot immunity front tlangar. h wrote to , Pari* two or threw week* ago for hi*, money to ba forwarded to hita. Hia j letter gara tha loug-Loat clew U> hia i plat e of abode, and a detectirw officer i waa aant after him. lauding at Jbrwey j with the wife of tha aau who hod been rn-Uunzad, the detective and fte woman I proceeded in a cab to tit. Mara a pariah, wbere, unrecoguiaad by htm. they iilwu tided their limn. Kelt day the detective ; went io a cab alone, and introduced low• j aetf to tlie man at the owner of a *uaU I cargo in a vessel lying in Ht Anbia'a Bay ' He had, he aald, a quantity of damaged ' gootla on board that he wiahed to hive ! landed, and having I teen recommended j to him aa an ludurtriotia man who would, unit him, pressed hint to accept tha job. After aoma demur, which waa act aside [by the promise of good pay, the man agreed, and accompanied hy a fcUpw-U --; bww/kt'HidH hotrae be Ifklged, be prev ! eeeded with the deteetive. On their ar rival at tha town the two entered a hotel, where brandy and cigars were aappiiad. After drinking for aotne tuna thay ntar ed the cab and proceeded to tha pier, , On the way thitlier tha detective ore tended to be ill, and stopping the eal. ba gave the second man a hnlf-fmur, request ing him to ga back to town for a powder at a droggiKt'a. Before tha man could return he had recovered, and ordered the cab to drive on. At tha pier-lMd a boat waa engaged, and the two put off to the Hmall Road*, where waa lying a pilot cutter that the detective had previously engaged. (letting alongside the pujwru ger* were jmt on board, the boatmen paid, and in a few nwnutew the oipt-T and the captured ware sailing with a fair , wind for France. N-'tf-Evaminatloa. Examine yourself. I>o it impartially. Ih> it faithfully. Do it often. Hit down liy eounwdf, and allotting out all though la *<m other subjects, re view your own life for the laat day—- tor the tat week. Recall both your, acta and your word*—for, both to other* and yourself, your word* are often aa aerioua realities aa your actions. We believe there u not a human being who will not be lwuiefltted and improved by the habitual review of hia or her own life, in this manner. Hnveyovr hours been turned to ac count, either in work or recreation ; or have they been frittered away, in a man • ! oer profitless, or positively injurious, to * both mind and body? Have yon made aov acquisitions of 1 knowledge within the day or week juat gi uv ? Can von aay, I'know this thing, jor that, wliicii I did not know before 7 ( Have you strengthened yonr priori-1 pie*, which require constant bracing, for ' a thousand temptations are always at 1 work to undermine them ? We aay to undermine them ■; for it is onlv the l worst of men who ait down and delibec- I atolv concoct plana of * ickeducvw It I u Uic msiduous and unfwm ivvd sp i pro.>ch of the Tempter, in disguised and undistinguishable form, from which J ! the greatest danger is to he apprehended. Hiive Ton helped your unauCceivifal I ■nd troubled brother where you bd it I in vour ftower ? Have you said a kind j and encouraging aril where that was ; all that was needed ? Have you dona a j kind and generous act wherever it waai your duty to do ue? We aliall all lie judged by our works, { and there is no more efficient aid In ini-J proving onr works, and in rendering the ] fuUire I letter than the past, than by a ! frequent, searching review, and an un- j prejudiced, unsparing judgment of the i |*it—.V. l r . Lnigtr. Shrewd Sn Indie by a a unit a. * v A MYs. B , deaeritied a* "moving in the liest circles " of San Franciaro, was lately informed by a Utter that a .beautiful and an accomplished niece of au intimate friend vw about fo iaakr bur a visit. Glml lo welcome Eastern bvlh-s. Mrw. B determined to otait nothing that oonld render her guritt * slat pica aant Indue tiuiu the young Iwdv arriv ed. and ner beauty, hor rare accomplish ments, and, above all, her luxuriant gol den tresses, became at once the theme j of eoovenMtiuii among the Han Francis- j i\> bachelor*. The *t< ry is easily guess-' eL She camo, ahv saw, he conquered. , A wealthy broker offbrcd the faseinat-! ing nieee hi* hand and h -art. and, being fortunate in his knit, prexsod for an im mediate marriage.- Mr*. 1> —rej of cod. and to her rejoicing i-arce the anxion* niece. What ahoitid *be do for a Irons- j scan ? She hail written to her ban'tiei. but it took time to receive money. Of course Mr*. B waa only toqglall to ad vance the necessary S- r .ft"o, and a mag nificent array of laces and other goods was at Georgia's disposal. Meantime, having told her predicament to her be throthed. he too had banded hi* cheek j for a large amount to hi* enslaver. Aa they aay.on the stage, "Exit Georgia, enter police." A trunk of cast-off cloth ing and s profusion of golden liair was all that the fictitious niece but clever swindler, had left behind her. WHAT THKT Won*.--At the reception of the <3rand I>nke at the White House Mra. Grant wore a heavy black gro# grain silk, with a train and overdraw. The corsage was high, and aho wore hand some l.ioe at her throat and in her sleeves, tier hair was handsomely dressed, and she wore a small bunch of flowers on the left tide. Miss Nellie wore a black silk short dress, 84 she is still a school girl, and a Roman saali And Roman rib hnnsat ber throat. Her profusion of brown hair was in curls. She looked wry pretty and, aa always, sweet, modest and nuassuming as a apriug flower. Mrs. Sharps wore a pole green give grain, with train, and overdress trimmed with the same. The President wore full evening dress, and light orange kid glovuai The Red and Bine rooms were fragrant with flowers. If AEI> ON ArTHona. —Five tons of new books by one snthor came to an old jnnk shop in "New York a short time ago ; they did not live to get even a rest on the t>ook-atore shelves, and the poor author, who hail wasted rears in the work, which he had fondly believed would yield him fame and fortune, subsequently died in a mad-koaue. Recently, another disap pointed author sqld nine tons of his books—the product of great labor and cost—at six cents per pound. Wirr TIADIBS ARE SELDOM BALD HRAPED.—The ladiee, notwithstanding they weardong hair (which is mote likely to fall out) seldom are bald-headed. Their heads are not kept cloaely covered. In sleeping, do not cover the bead With a nightcap. Keep the head well venti lated ; if the hat is dose, raise it often and let in the freeh air, pever wear the hat indoor#. TERMS : Two DolUra a Yaar, in Advance A Tfacery f Uu Drier#. The author ui a work irotttUl "Cycli cal Mw." recently publish' 4 by Ap- A Co., argil'* fhmt the <>c*-*u bt grind secular tide# or dehigea, which occur# every t-n thousand Ave huudro3 wm, two 4n t-aeh ewete of the equinoe iial tiprmaina. The last tw tool to which the tradittoua of DINT UUVUAW mUr— the "greet d Tug • " and occurred tour thou Mud too li-iti dred ywa ago; W tji- *up's beat having anffieientiy aoftened the v*| *o ctimnjatt rti of fee arooftd the North Hole, the fragment# of the ice moaqtrin* rushed in n atdy to the Soutfa. - ewi#ing . aatai-lon dtsplaraineiit initio earth's ceo treat gravity, nod earning with then , tbe gigantic emtio bauhh-r*, *tor pre •eocc In north mi, latitude* atit] porrhw SeohiguU. Aeoonling to Mr Walkr*. 19 nuthor of the wont, pio next grand I break-up wHI oroir abont fx tboawthd years bonce, wl anew* tor nsHlbttoe uf the south M# will eceur ; the ..fin tasctie glacier will he shstterad ; " the 'souther# asters will be rushed down u|n the northers faemispbera, whklj rail onor more be (submerge, while in the •v-atlu anlrno vn continent* wffl appear." Admiral Wilkes, of our mrr, will look f.irwwed with internet to that dsf for then the Antarctic couttoaal which he chum* to bote dmcmranrt IM JBtfk bat which has *iu<y hem inriwUe, wxf over which Captain Roue end othr my utter* htve r. jK-mU Hy nM BMT ihen ow to thf Kqyfaqe jr4 the wafer; end hi*, niwnoty cease to ha • mnw 'of tanr men* to geographers and nautical men. The theory at the ptnuhab at rpvet drlegee wee propoQafed by Alpfaonse. JtmepL A iheuier, in |u* work entitled •f.Bevoltttiou* de U Math* whara h ar gue# that the water# mtp nov cieing in the tea# of the northern hemisphere, and that the Antarctic ice h already piled on to a height of sixty mflte, He invite# attention to the contour of toe ewrthS shadow upon the moon damn# lira w erUpv*, with a new of verifying fata calculations, The msulte of uraae art accepted by the prwaent author, who eek# to sustain then by varion# orgs ; meats drawn from geology. The vol ' nme i# reported, by those who hive toed i it, to havw maeh •cirattfi* merit The , probability of it# conclusion*, however, ; i# a point thai oniy nmlhweaisiaru ram settle. Mean while i| ia rearauriag to be I t<dd that the neau cyclical deluge will not ucoor until the year T382 "F our era, ; even though upon that occasion " van#-, 1 table and autma! life on tbe north of the equator will, in a great measure," troyed ; while the MM TMIAL happen to the human raoo an tbathemicpbertL as* •wpUug perhapa. I few triboa or fimi lioa, who, eacapiag to tbe hjgiieat table land#, and ui'Miiitain ranger of the earth, may #nrvire, oiily to fall back abnoet Immediately into a atate of Un<id har h*rum "* 1 •" Da ; trine# A boat Harrtarra. • Rev. Mr. ConkJtog of New Turk de livered a duuvyiraeon marriage, m which be raid : Marriage la honorable to all. God sanctioned the holy rite of mar riage in the very beginning. Ere sin cntoml into the "world Eve was created to be wife unto Adam It hra always ' beem the Mtength of A country aad'a | grant and ncorarary preventive against ! sin. And when the law# which regulate J marriage, which loosen its bra, winch j jpwnt divorces for mens trivial thing#, i which delay God's commandments and shock the o>mnnn sense of niankioA— f #Ben these laws, I my, are altered, modified and overthrown, so soon dees > * tint Datum so doing commence tbe i 1 downward path to utter rnin. Let but 1 Uie-touerice of Hubert IbdrOtma. of the j coniraumty and the like }rovaiL and >ur lives weald be but bestial onda The t govraument should put down the I't-vh ' jailvpiniiida. Talk about its Iwiwg i founded on " religion." and thus shMd i©d from assault: wirr. sine thieves' might a# well deb together and decfamc i iwblwr? "religious.'' No! It will be i the crowning wit of thb: wlminiateatioq jfj I :Jjey-grapple' with ttiM MO com- . man MDikS and oourigU il to obUvian- tt wffltw fX'vero, no' doubt, on tV wririy ) nod childtotL btft ihe fornict knew wttal ther were doing. ' ! •! • >i Families are the grand *Argtikrd.et I the - nation. When Adam was oirated but one wife was created tor him ; and I JeausCht-.*t 'toys' "Thy hews shall be | out flesh." Jesus sanctioned marriage. V performing his first miracle ataunar |rW fcft-it. .- • - Where there are families them ar^ ( generally children. But one df two thing* prevent ehildi-cn. F-'thcrpfajstofl <lis#bihty ordtn on fife pari of the n> ■ I-, cr. 1 And lam gW I have aa support uni ty.-to rjicak on the latter point. The •mall number of.children in American families Das but one cause foe it It has heoomo innre and mote fashionable to regard children as Ciimhranres, nn&oyances, t.drtnr wway from time npd' I pleasnre. And this haa* indeed deterred 1 many from entering mitrriftge bonds. But inanv of Vbow who have, )mve cem mitted wholesale murder Jot it is not& tug elsch ruining themselves physically and morally. I cry out against uHs and *av, '*Thcy that -do these things shall not enter into tbe Kingdom of God." A ben is preparsd for them. Iwdvise an young nseft to marry. 1 can conodiva nothing more abject, mot* lonely, unhappy and selfish Uwu an old Young mon, refuse no good ojipOttunfty to marriage and Ijie grand preventive of sin. ' A woaatnW iovv is deep in the affee tinus ; and hence, if her hteihend ia un faithful or adronkanl. or cold, she loves fairn atill through it all Bnt let a wo man be untrue and she is denounced, spurned, thrown off by Iter huritatid. Hence it is that when a woman docs faH she is far worse than a mac in like cir cumstances ever afterward. "WHO'S ABXAD!"—A gentleman asks the girls the following pointed questions: " Could you love a mfto who wore false hair ou liis head, when ha had enough of his own t Who painted his face and improved hia form as you improve (?) yours? Who pinched his feet with small shoes, his hands with small gloves, his waist with corsets ; and then, as if he had not already defofmed himself enoiigh, tied a huge bustle to bia back, and thrust tiny mountains of wire into Iris bosom ?'! The reply to wliieh, a lady responda, "Could you "lore a girl who defiled her mouth with tobacoo sod loaded the air with fumes of cigare? Who (daggered home several times a week th# worse for liquor? Who in dulged in fast hones, bet high at racea, and swaggered around the streets with questionable companions ?" " Which picture wears the moat alluring colors ?" We also sec it feportrd that Mrs. Van Cott say* if she had all the money wear paid for liquor she could buy every foot of land in the world. Very likely. And if she had all the money paid by women for back hair she eould buy every drop of liquor in the world. •••'■ra/i#. v V THE 1 toTKKXHCE. —Talking temper ance, and resolving in favor olito-onpe- C— are two very different things. At it, so Col. Higginson, who af ter the teetotal plank had been voted ia the Woman's Bights piriform, observed: Women,' as whole, are favorable to tem perance; but how is it in yotft gilded parlors on New Year's Day, where cham pagne is offered from beauty's hand ? A gentleman onoe said to me, "I would rather fate a battery than a lady who aak# bm to take a glaas of wiuA " NO. 49. facta and Faadca. Song of tbe fawn -Call me early, mother . dew. The Tnited Riatee Trraonry is called the original dollar store. Eight thousand men are cotwteaUy ■ employed aebuildiiig Chicago. 1 Eye-gkanea'are worn by young .swells ; to let people know that their eyesHWif ' fsetod ss well as their brains. ! At aX. T. party tbe other evening five , blonde society men made their appear . uoee with tlicir hair arranged aAi Qrenl lSaira. We hear a grfto deal about Labor Mm, Imt there ceema to be a grrarter need ef reforming some of tboae fellowe i who don't labor. Tbe Chicago TrUntnt mggmta aa a Mil And appropriate monument of the , oonfiagratioto fynuaid of the woith leaa Are and burglar proof aofee acatter ed throng! the burn.vl dietriot. The following apeoch was made by the winner of ajirwe in a foot race. " Oen fSnnpK, i have woo thia cup by the nee of my legs; I trust I pay w#rer tone tbe nee of any legs by the me of this cup, " A gentleman wee iutoodneed to a yoang lady rarwntly. and addieeao 1 her aaTolSwa : " Where do you live wbeu you 1 era at home T " to which *be pnnepUr rMd, " When I am at hotoe fTlve tlw" A clerk write# home to bis sweei ■ heart; " Oaa't marry you thia winter. Mur firm dou't adv. rtnw; businem is awful dnll and I will get my vegea out down, if the firmdoahtamt all together. _ tto li tee tmetoona till "72." m "WW- Tf* ** V 1 l A I " ' 1 "* In the Meridea, Conn., quarriee have been found the footprint# of gigantic > bmla, made ceatwries upeuuautunes ago, - when, tbe aandetoae waa we* sand. Pro bacy no tracks ever distributed have made more deep sod lasting faegwea sow. An lowa -TBHwfaasit scut a dunning totter to*a 'man, 'who raffed bv return mail: u *ot my you Me hoidrng my „ note, jet. Just keep >iidig on to it, * and ft vwu And your bands dipping, pit on toem and toy it agmn. louts affoc- Lionately." A rowJeut of Tangier, in Morocco, write* ili&t African children are dragged etoujr Abe rinseta th* by* Mocetoh auo i tuHMMT, ami that the towfe in human being# goes on every market day in oon ■ oectLia with the aato of cattle and agri cuhural produce. A "jour" tailor named Jimmy Yolk, UlUaty-four yweet old, ia now traversing sUkK- aa a peofemtood "tonmp " He haa been on the tramp for seventy-five 'year*, end ia# vieitod evwqr State in the > Cnioß may till—, walking ou an w --. age 3,000 miles every year .Tha murderer of the late Justice Kor : mon of Calcutta was hanged, and liia bodvfbeu bunted In tow-cfee men, the object of Mtoaeeettd being to ecatter bia eahea eo thai when Awed, the f of Death, comm to summon ato nan to jndgment, he may not be able to find *■ The ocremony of tying the marriage knot ia mnch mmpli£<d is the Booaier State, m the f.iHnajnr will ahow: " What at your name, air t" " " What U yimr name, Mirn • " " K ifr. " - * Matty, do you love Polly f* "No miatake. ** " Ptdlv, doypu love Matty?" " WelL, I reckon. "WdUihen, " TWMMOM yoe man and wil AH the daya ofyiwr im. '* A* EASLX Caiina.— lD a trial before a London magistrate the other day a j witneK 'deeerfbed himself is of * pro* j jfefeu r trade of the iifei ninw eg which ! neither hie lordship nor the barristers in court seemed to be aware. The wit aeesMid; " I am an eariv The MFLNC INQUIRED hit '• why," nylied the man. "Irafe different tradesmen at earty hour*, from one "till half past Ave in the morning, aw! that to how I makes my living. I get# up between twelve and one, I goes to bed St ai*. and I atoepe till tha after noon" *'BI aarely you don't call any nermu as cwriy aa one o'dbek ?"' "Yea; 1 calls bakcra tietween one and two, but I aictkad no bakers ou my list few the last two moo tha The bakoiu the eaffeet ef all f* What a view of life in Loadou I Whet wnya there are ef.mak iag a liviag in that vest city ! < Only thiblt of tbe trade of "cariy otltor," ard 'a mm ufahont five had twenty settling dowmtoik i | The Itufaa at a BalL the lull given at Goveraor'a Island, tot honor bf Hie Duke Alexia, waa opened toy General McDowell and the Orand I hike, Miss Nellie Mnrpfay being the f;,„ j'.fvrt n.i'T selected for the Prinoe. The baud struck una lively galop, and the CicneraLwith hia partner started off iu '.food lima. The Prinoe amqyed to dart, but bad scarcely turned around be ! ft>re his lect dipped and threw bia out rd %hne. m verv smooth and oily daa the ■Aoor.- Be- quickly recovered himself, end then with some cautton-he nebceed d la good style. Ou retumirg hia nart nes toner friettdashe complimented tbe Prinoe .on being a good gentlemar. to dance with. The Orand Duke, as be appeared on the ball-room floor after di \ ,>-4?ng himself of hat and long cloak, , r- veahrg hia. priiioely bend and dark, ir"!d -.tioWed uniform, was entirely be , eonfing to hia high rank. Had iny stranger stßCiped into the place and been asked to point out the moat distinguish ed : cisin on the floor .be would certainly nive selected the Grand Dnke. His was the-tallest figure there, and his perfect self-pmsemoon gave him a |rrace ful bearing, and there seemed to bu har mony in eeaay gesture. Tha neat- part ner of the Prince waa Miaa Monu who danced a waits with him. The other partners were Miss Blodgett. Mnw McDowell, daughter of General McDow ell 1 Misa M. V. Shaler, daughter of Oeuend Wttder : and Mias Sullivafit, an Ohio belle, and niece of General Mc- Dowell. From all that has been seen of the Grand Duke Alexis it is evident that be is not a " lady's man." While acting as escort hois always polite and .occa sionally gay. But he never flirts. As soon as the ceremony of dancing is over -wfor it is little more than a ceremony for him—he relieves his partner of his company and gees his way, leaving her to go hers. If be can atari away he will walk off alone, get in a back room, roll a cigarette, and smoke it. While Alexis al traded everybody's attention # his brother officers were improving the op portunity to put themselves on good terms with the ladies, in which they suc ceeded admirably, being all fine-looking and well educated men. or THB Fouc.—Here fis ft reminiscence of the Chicago fire, men tioned by the Pott of that city, which has something of genuine pathos t it: Nothing more pathetic hire we seen since the fire Than- an empty hard-cage that hangs rotting at-tbe foot of an window-or Ifes osifioe where, a.,, window was, at the top of a rattling,,wril on Clark sheet. There lived a garru lous mocking-bird before tbe Are; be used to cry to the passer-by * Come up ! Come up! Wipe your feet on tile scraper P Alas-for Tommy ! Hi* wft did net save him, for his cage ws at onee a prison and a coffin. He-perished there, and the boys who have climbed up and looked down into tbe rage say the little body of toe chatterer bea there -*-on unfledged cinder, Gone too ia the pleaaant face that used to look out and smile above him- that window is now but brick crioto'cikMlitt to# toy." Akore all Wtkt, ' "rry aua. How tor draw the mat tow think •rv littlioe at IMW brvi*; Jwtl aa Xaato#eM white a*witrd Think# the w#ve> whtte ww.| m How kmf eiß dMMik idvl fbrlUr inmnve hwtf tw?lilts' i^"" HOW amd wtu mother # lev# ,u f Qiaa.it * trim wm to J# aa Sa wowitabi Har. Or tk "oan old!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers