The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 08, 1871, Image 4

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% IP*— lisartiiUow', w* fom 1
■ahamek, THE EMEXUM.
Throe on—*-# tn thin noon<l|iy night uplifted,
Thrao Unman flgurea, that in mortal pain
Ulcatr. white against the supernatural dark- i
Two thieves, that writhe in tortare, and be
tween them
The SnflhritiK- Messiah, the Snn-nf Jpnph
Ay, the Mesmsh TriAmphsot, Sdn <* David t J
A orown of thorns on that dishonored hexd!
Those hands that hraled the *ick, now pierced
by naila, t ■ .. i <1 i •
Those leet thai wondered homeless through the
Now crossed and bleeding, and at rest forever.
And the three fsitbfulJiauUik-U
By this great fhefl
0 Joseph Oaiaphaa, thou gout High-Priest,
How wilt thou answer for thw deed of blood f
Th<m hmw ft™*™
In three days, save thyself; and if thou he
The Sou of bod, dime down now from the cross,
eauur ratmtrs. '*
Others he oared, himself he eannot save 1
Let Christ the King mt hrwl degrwud,
That we may see and tjrli.Ac I f* t | / |
scanws and rtj-xo*.
Ia Oval he trusted ;
Let him deliver him tf he will haw him ;
And we will thru bebt ve.
oouatr*. {/'' 1 ,
Father! forgive tlirni;
They know not what they do. .
twm othXiirttvT Vkixr. ''
If thou he Christ,
0 save thyself and ns.
THE mtsrrrvr vwttF.
Hemmnhw me.
Lord, when thou corneal ftfto' thtnf "btfti king
This day thalt thou he with me in Paradise.
Golgotha (kdgoths ! O the rain and darkness!
O the nplifted cross, that shall Awever
Shiue through the darkness, and shall conquer
By the triumphant memory ,<d( th| htpuj j. V-j
0 Naaareae! I find the*hot* at last!
Thu art no more a phantom unto me!
This ia the end of one who called, himself
The Sou of God 1 tfuoh la the Aits bpthose
Who preach new doctrine*. T is not what he
did, . >
But what he said, hath hrought him unto this.
1 will speak evil of no digmtanem.
This is my hour of triumph. Naaarene!
rax tocjw arut*.
This ia the end of htm who tauLtc nra
Sell that thou hasxAoid gt imka than*.; 1.1 -
This ia the uroaawe in heaven Uc jMutuiaed me 1
Kloi, JTtoi, lama ant-Mtfeim 1 ; .
a aujsm, mwimruM fheAy** e.
He eolleth for Ehos!
tmynre*. - * •
N'oy, let he! i
See if Ehoa now wiQ come to aarelnm'.
cnuii *.
.A SO UMTS. ,J . ,
Givw hint Ihoranrarwaod!
cwmmrs wd* a ltwf era, hit \akl
, Wfcflrtahetl! <
Farm, thudan aiml Houiehuld.
SCAUMXQ BET-BUGS.— klways des
troy these vermin wht. thu rnoou is
new, and you will then destroy all their
PLASTER ON WET Ggorxp. —"Does
grasses on wet ground ? " So asks ■
correspondent. We answer no. It is
useless to sow piaster on wet lands.
DRESSING FOB A TnutET.—The crumbs
of one large loaf of bread, rubbed np
fine, two egg*, half a-Wwy it batesi.
one teacupful of celery, chopped fiite,
one teaspoonful of salt, one sepspoonfu!
of ground popper. Thisisdebciou*.
How TO Set COlX>BS.— Dissolve a tea
spoonful of sugar Of feftd in n pail of
water, in which you soak your colored
camhrick for fifteen minutes before
washing. If more convenient, a little
vinegar or a handful of salt thrown into
a pail of water, and the dtu soaked,
will set the odor.
Two cups sugar, one cup butter, and
one cup sweet milk, one teaspoonful
axis ; two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar,
sifted in the flour; spice" to sntt J ftie
tmte. and flonr to make it thick enough
t J roll easy : rub butter and sugar in the
dry flour, then wet and roll nut, using
no eggs.
TOOTHACHE —Tut a pia©a©f auisklipia,
as big as a walAut. in .a-pint af water in ,
a bottle. Clean the teeth with a little of
it every morning, rinsing the month with
clean water afterward. li. the teeth Are |
good it wi3 preserve them and keep away
toothache ; if the teeth are gone, it will
harden tho guar* so that they aril! masti
cate cruste and nil. - ** '• * - - 3 j
RrcH JCnrcE PTES. —Eight pounds of
beef, one pound snet, pro pounds
currants, two pounds raisin*--ane-baH")
peck apples, two ounces ground cloves,
two ounces all-spice, one-half ounce mace,
one ounce nutmegs, three-rniarter pound
citron, one-quarter pound eiirnnmbu, 1
eieht pounds sugar; half a gallon sweet
cider, eight lemons. ~"~
Hogs that arejpnt up to fatten, as well
as store bogs," should'itrfo' snjoe qarfli
given them occasionally. we naTe 1
found it a good plan to dig a few sods
from the fence-turners for ■Array, which-!
they will consume with much *Trttsh.
In a state of "nature, the hog, which
roots for its Bring, ovist, lubemmriff,
take into his ffdmSch" $ large tjuihtixy *
of earth. It is advisable to let him do
this when penned up.
To COOK IR OTN FOWL. —Dress and
stuff as for roasting ; then boil three
01 wilier, w) nw> mADVES|!MKH!}~*j
fola of vinegar : then take it from the
water, rub it over with a little dmtter. i
sprinkle over some flour, and put_ the
fowl into the hake pan- -and-"bn*e"in a
hot oven one-hour. Use the liquor in
the pot for ttgvtp <!'-It> htwte with. j
The vinegar nihttrir fr "vAy tenflerr Wit:
does not fast# at all.
Jt has been uu,v<d L.r tapt riuiuut, save
Hearth andlftkst. JtuihWnore. rapid! v '
an animal is tattened, tlie less quantity
of food is necessary to sustain its mere
vitality. Thus, an animal can die more
cheaply fattened by cflnfflmmg ten
bushels of 'in two months than if
four months were ooeupied in the pro
cess. Libera! and abundant feeding is*
the most economical, and a saving of'
time in producing the BameJjexult is a
gain in the profit, i . £ \
SPREADING Mjivcgs,— Vfa iJSipk it a
wrong practfth,' wffrit h iuiujg ant man
ure, in the fWI 6r Winter, to place it in
heaps. It p realtfijrfln r.
In the first "place, labor is etesA x ' Jut
most of trnv u!BMilw*is wailpifej wwn
placed in heaps. I# Spread M ono6 itis
more equally divided tbamsjfc/iteii ba,
afterwards. Wq QJJC£ bnled[/out man
ure to a field, h-avhig it in Learn inatittha;
hauling was cqipjffete l. Dating this
time some show tun'iell. The laud w
sown to oato nept .spring, and on die
spots where the £e#ps had bcetft, the
grain lodged and WWipoiJ#. TV fol
lowing crop, wurzwhest, and" ©n ■ ihosK
spots the wheat' mated ;g#l yieidedpo- \
thing ; while the growth rf atraw was
remarkable. <" since re
peated the practice. — RMljk <o>d Hume.
PAsmxata "M
much too coitnA<il sstiAn WTttaplht- f
tie on to the VilHr grain'at tiv* j
present time. is is HV* > in i ivis
able practice. j * Peed is . certaiuly,
and the stock nedfflaff the; r** .'get.
But what fhp gfeii*! l /pL.'" coti-.
sidemble portion fif "fcjl%l m byjjtfia y
roots and devoured." Another? portion
is destroyed "by the' pfoghinrf, of the
ground, and the : filling df the holes
made by the feet of the cattle, W&h **-/
ter when the viptqt rins come. '-Then
the needed proU-ctiyplhe herbage afford s
to the roots iffotriiding, andtthfi crop
can not severe froatja, fjtern
which it is ndTOng er sheltered. --"The
result is a short crop, for which the
spring rains are blamed, or the heavy
showers in May or- ■lua%i which knock t
off the blossom, or the. hot sun, which
blasts it, or the Widger which sucks its
juices, and many riiheP "things ; • all of
which are probably innocent, and thai
real blame attaches W'the fttvnpt x who!,
allowed his oows lo ?eat .off the lull
growth. It fs very', that
grain need?, to bf eaten, and if such
should be Hie ease, sheep, or j
pig* well limit
or heavy stock.
Raw to be Hoplt*hlr.
Hospitality occur* ho ho ntl extinct
virtue. Grand partie* vo have in plenty
of all kind*, where tW wlio linVc
vitality Knftldcnt to attend them, and
panel loop enough to Nttpota with the
vulgar show attending them, may return
sncn hollow civilities, and '"nave it
ovter," a* they expresa it.
" Hiirr it or.-r.'" There's juat the flv
in the oiutmcut. The old-faahionevt,
genuine hospitality never wo* "over."
Nobody wanted it " over." A simple,
elegant little tea, a well-cooked, well
.arrvcd, plain family dinner, one'* friend
'was always welcome to, join, without a
printed card of invitatiou week* before
hand, aoeotnpanied with n whispered, "1
hope to gracious they won't accept!"
dint that, alaal is all In the past Fash
ton has decreed an elaborate show of
food, dislica ami dress. Families pinch
themselves n whole year for ouc grand
display tf this kind, in the endeavor to
complete with tl<v*e who**- tueaus per
ilauts justify thih barren style of en
'tcAufling, and where stujHfa-tiou and a
; conscqneut Uek of intelligent eon verna
tion a#e the onlv result, save a long bill
of expense. The consequence is, that
people whose time is valuable, and
whose vitality is too precious to expend
in this way, refuse all such invitation*
Rut Iho unfortunate i>*rt of it i*. that
many of them do not revive the old sim
ple hospitality ; and when expostulate 1
witli ujHvn setting abetter example. only
reply, that the prevailing taste for ahow
has so vitiated everything that there are
few who care to go w here it ia not the
order of the entertainment.
Now we don't believe this. We have
too often heard sensible, cultivated, re
fined men and women deplore it, to
credit tnis idea. But they are miel
[strom; Mrs, So and So is a particular
Aicud, and "she thisks she must go
fhrouglt with this vulgar paraJii," or,
"her hnsluuul like* it," etc. Now it
isn't that there are "few who don't like
itbut it ut true that there are few who
have tht* independence to inaugurate a
different sbite of things—to he tmfy
hospitable without excessive upholstery,
or gnstrvmciur, or fine millinery.
To iuy mind, there i* something bet
ter than sitting hour* to ace servants
ilextervaislT place and take away ilishea.
One see* that at home in lesser degree,
and With less waste of time. One can
ooUVqr--- with cue's hostess there, and
j she will not answer at random, because
i her niiad is occupied with proeepnon*
of birds and sugar ami wines. tie
i children's faces, like flowers, are there,
' in place of a stifl bouquet of flower* and
silver pyramids oliscnnug one's ris-a-rit.
: 7ter< is a home flavor which puts the
J most knodo-i gne*t at ease, and i* rmita
him at her "to tiring forth something in
the inty of conversation that is not the
inflamed product of half a dozen kind*
of wftte—something to remember and
think of afterward with pleasure, instead
of bhmhing next day to associate with
the speaker.
1 say there are people, and the best
kind of people too, who muck prefer this
style of entertainment; hut they should
not rest there. They should inaugurate
better in their place, instead
onlv of retiring in disgust under the
shelter of their own roofs, and living
only for their own family circles. They
owe a duty also to society, and it should
be paid by setting a sensible example of
old-fashioned simplicity in hospitality,
fthifih in time may reform this matter.
People who value their brains want them
in decent condition for the next morn
ing* }mi the next morning after that,
and cannot afford to waste them in this
manner. Ii is a matter of dollars and
cents with them, Pd have yon to know
as well as a matter °f taste ; i£ indeed I
max be Dardoned for putting forward
an i4ea to practical. They wish to retire
early, for one thing ; they prefer out
door air for another, wliea they are ofl
duty with the pen, instead that of a
dose, stifled room, aud the spectacle of
feeding and drinking till sense and wit
give out. This is plain talking, but it
won't hurt yon, my friends, to have a
-little occasionally. FANXT FERN.
I—The Lewiston iMe.) Journal says : l)r.
Hill has in his possession a diphtheria
membrane removed from the throat of
W girl of fifteen, who was attacked with
* (he severest tyie of this terrible disease.
The false membrane is abont three inches
, in length, completely preserved, and is a
"ffM*feet cast uf the air passage from which
it camp. The film is a thick, white.tough,
leathery substance, presenting the well
, known characteristics observed in attacks
!of this disease. The girl aad her sister
came to this city from the Eastern part
i of the State to work in the mills, and was
: fHowell ou her arrival. She went to work
| one day, however, when she was taken ill
; with diphtheria. Tlso usual treatment
inauch cases wu* resorted to. but the
' patient grew worse, and breathed with
j great difficulty. On Sunday she bad a
; violent fit oi coughing, and seemed to be
strangling. The nurse who hod charge
of her had the presence of mind to put
her finger down the girls throat, and
1 sewed the end of something which ap
: pes red loose Acre, and pulled out what
proved to be Ac false memhraue of which
I w<* have spokea The presence of mind
i of the nurse saved (lie girl, who is roeov
THE HorsE A-PIRE—A gentleman once
! offered to bet that he would empty the
! whole of aigood winter fire in A drawing
room out of the grate, and place it npnn
! Ae carpet in the center of the roam, all
oomptny to be seated around it in a
- circle, and that the room shonld not take
j fire. Mr. Braid wood, formerly Captain
loathe London Fire Brigade, said that
he would have backed such a bet; and
i that Ae fire in such a case would proba
bly hare dial out of itself. It is not very
eOsy to set fire to a bouse without first
lighting curtains or oAer articles that
produce a lively flame. This fact, how
ever, should not make as less careful re
specting Ae ctuitic.s of fires. Nearly all
| fifes can be managed at the outset by the
immates of Ae house. By shutting the
doors #nd windows, so as A prevent the
supply of air to the fire, and by resolnte
ly attacking Ae flames with water, rug*
or blankets, door-mats, etc., the larger
part of fires in dwelling-houses may be
Lonl Macaulay : We are not poorer, but
richer, because we nave, through many
ages, rested from otir labor one day in
seven.. .That day is not lost While in
dustry Ik KUBfxonk d, while the plow lies
in the furrow, while the Exchange is
silent while no ycoko ascends from the
factory* a process is going on quite as
important to the wealth or the nation as
any process which is performed on more
'bnsy days. Man, the mnchine of ma
chines—tho machine compared with
■which all the contrivances of the Watta
hod Arkwrighte are worthless—is rej>ir
iog winding up, so that he returns to his
jfcbors on the Monday with clearer intel
lect, with livelier spirita, with renewed
corporeal vigor.
neries in the State of New York are re
ceding farther and farther northward
lito the wilderness, as the supply of
tan-bark is gradually beioming exhaust
ed. 'Not very long ago Fort Edward
And CunklingvilJe, on the Haoandago,
iwereAhe ©rtretnc N'wthern limits of the
v tau-pits, and now the nighborhood of
' Chestertown in the very heart of the Adi
rondiu'kn, are filled with tanning manu
factories, and the owners are contem-
Bfating their removal higher up, as the
emlock bark is consumed. An im
mense amount of standing timber is
"used up every year to furnish bark for
the tanneries.
HETOBWISO CALLS.— "Much variety of
opinion seems to prevail in New York,
says a writer, about the time to elapse be
fore-returning a eall. Bome ladies tell
me a month, and the shortest period I
have heard is fifteen days. In Paris,
1 3*JU must return the first call of a new
acquaintance witliin three days, or be
guilty of great rudeness. Royalty is even
more exacting, as a visit from one sov
ereign to another must lie returned with
•in a few hours.
Com-'A skilled farrieronce told ue
! that he never saw a horse called " knee
[sprung" that was not found to have corns;
L|d When they were removed the trouble
Ms* he wtu Hit.
There was a mixed company, on a cer
tain occasion, on board a steamer which
was |visaing the port of Monterey In Cal
ifornia. tine of the imasongera exhibi
ted his geography and history—or rathffl#
the place where they ought to have been
—lv observing:
"Thar'a whnr General Taylor gin the
Mexicans tits."
Monterey suggested Buenn Vista, on
which another |mrson incautioaaly said;
" Thar'* whnr the Indiauians run
awn v."
This vva* of con roe at onoe contradicted
by an Indiunlan, who averred, "They
only fell buck to get better fighting
ground. " That in return wa* contro
vertcd, A hot discussion sprang uj,
which was grow ing personal, and likely
h tie a rehenraal of tlie great tight, when
a friend interfered a* pool (lent or, by any*
ing he did not want to Iw held respond
ble for what he was almut to sav. and be
thought it would settle the whole diffi
cult v.
That look.-.) encouraging; hut when
he commenced by waving that " he heard
they were liar* a* well as oow.irda, " it
did not look that way; it looksd very
maoh like a Free State free tight.
•< Now iut hold on till I tell you what
I heard, expostulated the rash friend.
" When the liidiuunui* were running
away, or falling back, as may lie, a fel
low wa* making liaek truck as fast a* hie
home could carry him. Another fellow
lying on the ground, and making as much
uoiae na hi* lungs would allow, colled to
the horseman, ' For liod'* sake, take me
and save me from massacre. "
" 'Where are you hit t'
" 'Only iu the leg.
"He was benevolently taken up be
) hind the horseman, and ou they went,
until they reached a surgeon'* quarter*.
Palling up, the rider told that function
ary :
" 'Here doctor, here's a ease for yon. "
" Scalpel looked up from Ins bloody
work, but inquired with evideut iudig
nation :
" 'What did yon bring him here for T
" 'For yon to attend to him of oonrwe!'
" 'Go and get hi* head, then!'
" The rider turned, and saw a blcediug
headless trnuk. Hi* aaUmishmeut was
only equaled by hi* indignation.
" 'The lying son of a gun 1' he bawled
out; "he told me he was onlv hit in the
" " .
The friend's explanation proved satis
factory, as all bauds laughed.
Fabric* for Drew*.
Ponaon aiul Bonnet groK-graln silk*
I (poult lt soii'l, sell at from $3.50 to #lO
JHT vard, A Now York fashion paper toll*
us. ' American— gros-graiu—from s'2 to
5.50: taffeta* at about the same rate*.
The latest colors are the mutrron e>nnct>,
iu three shades ; turtle-dove, in three
shade* ; olive brown, olive green, and
sage green, iu three shades ; invisible .
green, vert antique, cypress green, Lou- j
don smoke, marine blue, peaoock blue;)
claret, aud currant. For dinner and
evening drosses, peaeh-blowwiu pink,
and peach -blossom (which are entirely
different shades of color), turquoise
(due, del, Nile-green, and coral, with 1
rtwe, lilac, lavender, and ashes-of-rose in
many ahadea Thcv vary iu price from I
$3.50 to $lO per yard.
Irish poplins, iu all colors and shades,
sell at from $1.50 to 82.25; French IHlJl
lius, from sc. to 82.25; velours, from
§1 to $1.75; cashmeres, in all colors
aud shades, from $1.75 to $3 ; colonel
Thiheta, one and three-eight raids in
width at 3; empress cloths, from 42c.
, t051.25 ; satins, from 75c. t> $125; im
perial all wool serge", from S1 -50 to $2 ;
beaver, mohair and buftalo aljwea, fr.'in
02c. to 51.25 ; merinoes, from7s<\ to 5*2;
drnp d' etc. forty-eight inches wide from
51.50 to 53; and Irish satinets, in all
the new shades, at 83 1T yanl.
HARD ON BIBBT.— A charming actress
who plays light part* in a theatre, who
is also an excellent wife and mother, had
been annoyed by the overwhelming at
tentions of a young down town jeweller.
At last, his notes and bouquet* becoming
too frequent, she mentioned the fart to
her husband, who immediately find up
and threatened to punish the infatuated
vouth. A powerful athlete, he armed
himself with a cane of the " genus " blud
geon and left his hotel the next morning
with the avowed intention of giving his
rival a few blows and teaching him to
mind hi* own business Entering the
shop where he was employed, he strode
hastily through and inquired if then- was
ayouug man there named H . "Then
is" " said the owner of the establishment:
" he is at the window tinkering watches.
Air. H . you are wanted. " A* the
little male flirt arose and confronted the
large man, lie tn-mliled and turned pule.
" Did you send my wife these notes ? "
said he, producing some of the ofleudiug
biUet-doux. " I—l—yea—l did." stam
mered the cnlprit, trembling in every
limb. He saw the weapou.and bethought
his time had come. " Well, well, " said
the broad-shouldered, big-hearted actor,
reaching over the counter and patting
tho poor, frighteued fellow gently ou the
top of the head, '■ look here, bubby,
irou must not do so any more. " And he
eft poor H .to the tender mercies of
his fellow clerks. —JV". Y. P\*r.
READ THE PAPER.- How much more
intelligent and faaciusting the majority
of young ladies would be were they to
give n little more attention to newspaper
reading. We do not mean tins mm\
papers of the day which are filled with
matter which, if'it does no harm, can
certainly do no good, but to newspapers
—Aose" which make us familiar with
present character aud improvements of
the age. It is well enough to know
something of tho world's history, hut .it
is with the present we have mainly to
deal, ami we know of no more engaging
trait in a lady's character than a fnir ac
quaintance with passing events. Every
young lady should have an intelligent
opinion on the moral, political and re
ligions subjects of the times, am} the
best, and the only way to find thia, is to
read good newspapers diligently.
BBOCOHT TO TIME.—A lady, whose
husband wouldn't get her n patent
clothes dryer, took the pole out from
her old-fashioned line the other evening,
and crouching down near the fence
jelled " murder." In an instant her
startled lord came firing out of the
house, and was immediately eanght
kcross the throat by the obstructing line,
and before he could recover himself it
had nearly sawed his head off. The
next morning a sedate-looking chap was
putting up a patent clothes-dryer in that
A SIZZUEH.—A little girl WAN much
in the liabit of reproving her dolls Jbr
misbehaviour, nd sometimes aft<4 a"
most alarming fashion. Hex mother
overheard her one day, while she was
taking the prettiest to task for being so
naughty. " Oyou nnnghty sinful clitld,"
said she, shaking the poor little waxen
image. " You will go to the lake of fire
and brimstone, you will ! and you wont
burn up like other babies—you'll only
just lizefr I" • '
MORMON WIVES. —It is reported at
Salt Lake that many of the wolbto-do
polygnmista of that city are preparing
to send away their plural wires in the
event of an adverse verdict in the forth
coming trials for lascivious cohabitation.
These gentlemen believe that polygamy
is a Godly doctrine, but entertain grave
doubts as to the expediency of continu
ing its practice in violation of the law.
FOB EL*BOPE.— TIie U. 8. Steamer
Wabash, with General Sherman and
Lieutenant Fred. Grant on bourd, )u>q
sailed from New York for Europe. Gen.
Sherman goes out in a private capacity,
and will visit the most notable cities of
the old country, lieing absent some six
THE remains of the wife and child of
Buckskin, alia* Pybtirn, the desperado
who was shot near San Rafael, Lower
California, by the Sheriff of Los Ange
les, some months since, have been found
near Guadalonpe Ranche. It is sup
| posed the woman became insane, and
[ wandered away and died.
A mistress who 'hod sent her servant
to chapel, had reason to fear that instead
of going all the way there, she had stop
ped with the chap.
mm *f Iwtrmt.
TaWtmerioan ahip Yang-tanee hoa
l#ew-'vi mIM-iu thfcl'bi'in < aj>-
tain and fburWHtku WiM 4rJrttt4.
Til a eomraiaaion for the arbitration of
tlio Alabama claim# naaetnbln at Geneva
on the I'Jdi of IDaoMbar. About five
hundred can#* have to be investigated.
TMK Grand Jury of le* Ang*tea Coun
ty. CA). , have (omul a uuiubto ufiudiel
nienta againat |H*rauu charged with par
tiiipa|ion iu thtf butchery of t'hiueae iu
tha lii* riot tu the town of lo* Atigeh-a.
Moat of the i*ea#ed have fled from the
MOMT of the fimwt diamtud* rccvulJy
put up at Delicti hatn'a, the groat jewelry
atiotioiuxr jia ,Uantmk atreet,
were (w Alberto*. rlultt-A
Itonkill, th* drat Jeweller* iu leimlon.aa.v
that they gat the |iric for theiu
Turn rfport of the riukmgof two vt*
sola in tin- Mersey, with nil on botrd, > |
confirmed. y'iU.' yiwi'l h*v Ugn idem
tilled .u w kJwM iu*.r MUAoa! j
tkituul from IJWrpoo! for llernttldn, and'
the ltritish ship Arrow, from SierrLmu
fur UtorjHKil. The Man Baker *M
built ut Yarmouth, S. S.. in lSiltwlw
; 257 tuna burden.
Tun tcoouut* of •* Paymaster Hodge
' have been huUl.m! Ijf tbcSeooud Auditor,
and make the following exhibit: Total i
amount of l|jf)iQtWl|lMih, t14,y50,371 HO; L'uiUxl SitoU-a lispet uy
; eouut*, $450,898 15 ; wuonnt on deposit,
#5,778 11 ; #446,140 0# ; amount
of stumenrfuak, #1,130 4'J; tftaal muount
i of defalcation. $446,244 17.
THE l>-lhi (isaett. snv# : A woman
! uiurdt'ivd her hudtsmd the other day IU
the suburb* of Agra. She was arrested
and, condemned. The rumors spread
through Urn city and station that the .
uuthotitiM, viewing the crime with tax
traordiiwrv abhorrence, had resolved up
on a signal example. They had deter
mined tluit the critniuttl should l>e torn 1
and devoured by foxhound* npon the P* J
radi-giuund. A crowd of native* actually
assembled iu gala attire U3 witness the
Tha A vandal# Horrea.
Sinn- the io-w of the Avoudale oonl
breaker by fins and the additional turri
ble loaa of a hundred live* from the ef
fect upon the ventilation of the mine, ,
there lias lk-eu end leas and fruitless spec
ulatioit ae to iu can*-. and |lu' pwfuuud
mystery which shiouded it at the time
line since envelopad it, ami while the
- -lU'jv which reaches u* cornea from no
, it for what it may be worth.
A uiau who lived somewhere near
Grand Tunuol dietMrtun the effects'of
small-pox last Friday night. In his last
moments he raid to those about hint
that there was something ou hia mind
. which troubled liim, and he could not '
I die at rent with huuaelf nutil he told it
lie weut on to w|y that the .Steuben
(Avondul 1 breaker was nievi-r fired by
accident, hot tliat he was one of a party
of six who tired it. j
(Then giving his own name he under
took to give other*, but could only ar
ticnlate what was understood to be
' ' Michael," when a fainting fit attacked
him from which hr.Hd not rally, dying
shortly after.
It will of eranu never be known what
he intended to divulge, but be has cer
tainly left oiiougb behind hiwtoconfirm
the Ik-lteY of some who have hrld that
(he burning of the break, r wa through
foul nicaiia, and it m*> "l>en the wy to
find out whether there is really anv foun
dation for thebettwf. And slioukt inve#-
ligation show that there was foul play,
we nope that not a stpue may la* left un
turned to bring the wretches who ronld
plan and curry out so dastardly and awful
'ascheme, to summary and effective re
tribution.—.Vrinlow RepMiam.
Cruelty to Sailorc.
If the cbirgt* ulleßisl opunat Captain
Seuimes of the I'UIUHI State# Ntt arc
true/ am! a court-martial at the Brooklyn
Stry Yard ha# bora iuv.ntigatiug them.
! that officer dcoerrea the >v. reat pas
ishmi-nt that It i* poerible to influ-t Be
ferriug to the time when he WHS in com
maud of the *loo|M>f-war Pi Tteuiouth,,
tit id said that the wtua'jou upou U'
leitadl had Iwcome ao unlHralle that
while the resael la* in the liatlmr c 4 Kio
Janeiro there were one hundred d.c. r-1
tiou* ; giianl* rowed around the ohip in
the night-time, arm.d with rcn>l*eni, ,
: ninl oruured to nhuot any one attempt
ing to lea*e the vewhel. Men were puu
ished for the most trivial offeoceu ly U>-
idgThorited into boat# alongside the whip,
ti.fl hand and feet, were left exposed to
thu hlazUfg nn until tliey we; e burned
so that their akin ]>eJe<l off in huge
flakt*. Thn gromint iudigwilii# weft
oflned to the wnimen of dt giadec im
l der the niun* of puniahuu'iil. Some
time# the Commander ordersd a man
fnknmcd into a box three f.i<t lonw awd
j ifliAiit c ightfcn inelic* deep ; then heavy
planks were hammered down upon the
uiilirtaunfe rictiiu, apd in one c*e a
j sartor waa kept thiu crushed and almost
dying iofutie hundred nud twenty lioirw
>iea werts Sometrinea chained together
by teui fV),U>tl thev confd hardly move,
j and laid olff ' <in <Wk to endure the
terrible fervor of tropical night#, until
their nervous systems gave wav under
the intolerable torture, and they were
' transformed into little lessth.m nmmaea.
lit dixvi not seem jiossihle thut such
'crimes can have been sanctioned by nut
offioer of our navy ; nd only one aide
' of the story liiis l>een made known.
MONTANA. —A private letter from an
army officer stationed in Montana nlout
sixtv S&M wl%t"6f Port Rerrton. gives
a Rowing description of the soil and
climate of that t.Tritory. The writer
says ! ."/Thiais country.
Plains very extensive aud acenciy in flic
mountains". Climate spkuwlid -never
very hot in summer, and the cold in
winter not severe. Gattle and stock keep
fat all winter on the ranches; no one
Frctends to put up hay to feed stock,
iititle that are worked from April to
December are turned out for the winter,
txpcl taken up in the early spring in fine
couditien for work the next summer.
Have scarcely lecn in a perspiration this
summer. Always cool in the shade, and
sleep under sheets aud blankcis all the
time." All this may be true, but it re
minds niw very much of the old story
about the fox with liift tail out off, and
his eloquent attempt to induce other
members p( his spgcics to l?e similarly
Jlorjin Tire WOULD. —" Through tick'
eta" to go round the World nro now
"intied, the pi ice being 81,145 in gold,
and the running time eighty-one days.
Tin* line mf rout*, going westward, in
from New York to Han Francisco, nay
8,300 rnilcn, Han Francisco to Yokohama,
4,700 thence to Hong Kane- 1,000 imh a,
tjiriyn to C'ahmttn, 3,&y(f ttilr*. Hrfibbsy
to ■•, ,'l.ino JptdV'A from Buea, vin
Alekiftinra afhl llfinfliifl t? London, nay
2,300 miles, and from London to Nov
York 3,'J00 miles.
DmnTßor*. —The review oT the venr'n
Ashing business at OJoiuwwtor, MaM.,
revuii* a,mournful pliane of this much
nfftictcd branch of industry. Duriqg
the year, by Urn loan of one hundred
and thirty-six lives, forty-five women
an* widowed, end ninety children left
fatheficsfc ; And Hilt title Of borrow makes
no account of the wider circle of nar
row and bereavement which the dentil
of roiiH nnd bfOtherM ban Spread in one
small' negkm df the sterile const oLNow-
i RED Swowv—Prof. Frank land oonjre
tmos that the ao-onlled red MOW of Are
I tic altitudes, which is well known to lie
due t<> an oxqeedinglv minute organic
cro-wtjr/ftiny furnish food for the little
hhtck , #H£cts fiftlcd lei fleiui. These
[ creatures iy;o ahundaut upon the Morter-1
i atach Glacier, in the Alps. They are .
about'a twelfth of an inch long, and are
found in great numbers under stones:
half 'imbedded in the ice, thus 'eyfvtlug
in a temperature never higher (hap the'
"freezing point*
A rural paper roma-ks : " Odd nights
have put a atop to gate-sparking. If ahe
doesn't a9k you to come in now, you had
better quit;" '■
The same dispatch was sent to the j
Empress of Russia, Crimea.
-VM annltiir Expedient. .
There is a lame among tha Hindoos
that a thief having been detected and
WMeraued to die, happily hit u|an >ui
expedient wltiob gsve him lion# of life.
He sent for his gffaler, and told him he I
I had a secret of great importance which
bw desired to innmrt to th# king, and
when he had dot if that he was prepared
; to ilie. Upon receiving this piece of in
telligence, the kifg at uuce ordered the
culprit to be ooudicted into hi* preamtee,
and demanded ofjiim to know liisaeurct.
The chief replied tliat he kucw the secret
of causing trees to grow that would leur
fruit of pure goW. The experiineut
might be easily tried, and his majesty
1 would not lose'the opportunity : ao, c
| cagt|i#uiod by hia prime minis tor, hia
courtiers and Ins chief priest, he went
1 with thii Uiivf to a a|*Ot selected near the j
citv w al,jMmru the tliief performed a,
. acne# ufVnemn Incantations This done j
the lOndwuxml mm produced a piece of 1
| gold, and declared tliat if It ahould l>C
i.Juuled, it would produoo a tree every .
jiiraoeli of which Would Iw-ar gold.
" Itut," he atMed, " this must l>c put *
into the ground by a hand that has never
I men stniuod by any dishonest act. My
hand is not j<l<su, therefore 1 pass it to
your utaimv. /
The king took the piece of gold, but
j Invito ted, Finally lie said, " I waoo
l>or iu tuy younger days tliat I often
filched money from tuy father's treasury
; winch wag nat mine 1 have rein-nted j
'of tig* aw. Vid >ct I hardly ilare say my i
liatHl it "mi f pass it, therefore to my
prime minister."
The Utter, after a lrief eouaidemtion ;
antwered, ,4 It was a pity to break the
charm through a |Hsailile blunder. 1 re
ceive tuxes from the people and aa I am
exposed tMn-tfiy temptations, how uan I
be mire u ( have remained jH-rfeeUy
honest ? ' jflrntm give it to the governor
! of onr eitjß'U*
" Xi4|iui iWflriedthe governor, ilrw
mg hufMr' RatncinlK-r that 1 hate th# ,
i serving out of pay and provisions to the
' soldiers. Lot the high priest plant it,"
Aud the priest said, " You forget ; 1
have the collecting of tithes, and the
disbursements for sacrifice."
I At h-ugth the thief exclaimed : "Your
, uiujcwt v, I think it were better for society
thai all five of us should tie hanged,
since it ap|ieata that not an honest man
can b# found atuoug us."
In sjdtM rf tle lamentable exposure, |
tile king laughed ; ami ao pleased was he
with fiie thief's cunning ex|WMlieut, that
he him a pardon.
mmammM—jrr- ~ ~ , - J
ILJr HtraßKC Death. |
i 1 A wad sMWxtra*r.liiiary case of death
by hydrophobia, consequent on jsiiaou j
communicated by a rabid dog, took place
tn York, it 'tsung mvuliarly iuter
cstiug from the mode of its occurrence.
It appears that Frederick W. Hcetaon,
aged 41 years, a native of
| about four weeks ago was playing with
4 favorite spaniel, when the annual, in
return for the fondling and carcases of
hia master, lri|ed up and licked his
lips. lieetMon put htm gently away, ami
, thought uo store of the occurrence until
| evening, when the d<* lcg*u to show
signs of great disturltaiice, giving riw t<Y
the suspicion that he was mail. Bcefaon
then remembered that he had a crack on
the lip, and Iwcotuuig anxious, watched
the dog cartrfully. Two or three days
after hia fears were too fully couflrmedj
and though he tried to Isngh off the
anxiety of his wife, die insisted on hav
, tug the dog dcatroved by poison. A few
days more elua|ied and the man experi
enced severe headache, followed by un
mistakable symptoms of rabies Ui
I horror of water was extreme, and liquid!
of any kind could only be administered
I by covering his eyes Bevcral phy
sicians were called in, who administered
opium, hydrate of chloral, and other
remedies, but their effort# proved ua
svailing, and the unfortunate man .lied
iu great agony.
The brand Duke Alexia.
Tho flag sliip of the Hnasian fliH-t, witli
the (traad lhike Alexis arrived at KW
Jfork verv early Sunday morning After
the Hvetlana partial nomwk* witii the
Bogattre, they were fureed lijk lsek of
COM to continue the voyage under sail
Baffling and strung h*'ad winds were
. encountered, nud on the 10lh, 11th *td
Tin of OctolMr the ship wa met by ter
rrlis gle, which, first netting in from
Uie south-weM, cbang-d t> tle north*
wat, blowing very hard. The wind then
j varied to the north east, and the ship
had to lx*t about, gaining very little
headway. The gale of the 14th of No
vember delayed the frigate for six days ;
no observation* could ho taken, and
nautical calculations had to be m#'k
from star observations. The oflhvrs In
this means discovered that they were
betwmui Cape May and CJH llatteraa.
About 4 o'clock Saturday aftruon a
fiiloi was taken from llarm-gat I.ight
imine. Notwithstanding the rant, af
Monday the (irand l>nke met with w
fine reception at the hands of the naval
, military and. cine authorities of Nep
' York. *
Hints Advertiser*.
In writin'g lb the publisher >f a paper
to make arrangements for advertising
mnke all yyur coiuniunications us short
as possible, and always to the point.
When asitfUg to httrn the ooit of jupr
lulvertiscun nl be carefcii to ohftrtve the
following instruetions :
Send a copy of the advertisrniopt.
Publishers always insist on knowing the
Hginc and business of the advertiser.
Apiite tin- space it is to occupy (this
should le girwu in lines or inches).
If you cannot tell the space you wish
the advertisement to occupy, lie particu
lar to state whether it is to lie sit close,
or displayed "moderately or handsomely.
Give ns good nn idea ft* yon can. This
id often Isiat done bv cutting fnun some
patK-r a saiti)>le advertisement, which
will illustrate your wants.
State hoar long your advertisement is
to be inserted, and whnt )iosition in the
paper yoti wish it to occupy.
A HOMIBUI TIIAIEI>Y. —A innn by the
name of G. t'linton, of Lynn,
Moss., wo* neiird by some tirighUvrs to
lie ill-treating his wife, these people
being attracted to the cott.ago by tlie
screams oi a wouimn. Mubaequently Uie
house was observed to be on fire. Mid
thriN* men who were living in the uoigh-
Lierhood broke iuto the hoQM ml found
tlie corpse of Mrs. Clinton horribly
charred ufctt-mnacinted, the flesh Calling
from the iwms and legs of tlie body aa it
was leing4N>BYeyed to the polire station.
A little boy, one of the family, retiftuing
from an pveuing aehtnil, discovered the
house was on fin* and immediatelv rushed
up stairs to rescue a younger brother,
wlien he was "encounterl by his father,
to whom "lie stated the fact and showed
liiin the dead body of hit) mother. The
man is believed to have thrown a kero
sene lamp at hia wife, the oil saturating
her clothing, and after badly beating her
set her on fire.
A Had Disaster,
The steamer City of New London,
I Oapt. Drown, of the Norwich and New
I York line, took fire on the river Thames,
I und in a waa a complete w reck.
The loss of ufo by the disaster is as fol
lows. There were only seven psiagngers,
| but of these the following are known to
I lie lost : * William Norton, P. B. Rogers,
Harrison*Hi' AWrieh. Of the officers
aad deck hands known to be lost are:
William jQ/i Ely of Hamburgh, Conn.,
second mote, M. W. Baker of Norwich,
i engineer, Henry Dugan, New London,
steward, Webster Cooper, sooond eook,
Frank Flowers, residence unknown,
muter, Wsriren Mitchell, oiier, Driseoll
Milllivan, Pntriek Mahony, and Thomas
Ronrke,"fleck hands.
, SOCK A OOBH DOCTOR. A curious fact
[is related of the Maine wood-ohonpers,
who in the Winter months, while lolling
i trees nmil snow and ice, cannot wear
' close-fitting boots, but very large,
' that allow their feet to slip to nnd fro,
| thus causing friction and warmth. But 1
from this they have their feet completely ;
intrusted with <o*ns. In the Spring,
wheßThfcy tuft down their logs they tMJ
! not change their clothing or boots for
weeks; until their arrival at the saw-mills.
All the while tlieir feet have lieen
ratend when the hoota f$
| removen the corns fall off like nutshells
from the kernel. '
I I'r* for Winter Wear.
llou of fur are the fashionable choice
thin season, uva n New York fonhion
journal, notwithstanding collar* are far
more comfortable. These boas vary iu
j length from a were neck-tie to tbone two
vanla long ; a yard and a half or three
quarter* i* the favorite length. When
made of fur having long ttceco the boa
i* round ; the shorter fur*, *urh a* miuk
■nid sealskin, are usually flat boa*.
MuflW are small and round, and the hand-
Miiutat are furnished with thick faille
riblam, iu preference to taaael* of paaae- j
menterie or fur.
The novelty this winter ia iw ta of ailver
or black f<>. Theae are very rare, and
urea costly an ltuaaian aaote. The long
fur ia light gray, with occasionally s
longer hair tipp*>~ with ailver. It ia aa
io|liaud downy marabout feather*,
uUrl oiuiiwt aa periafiabla. A small muff
iof ft cost* 8250. Thia fur ia uow prised
above any other for trimming velvet
cloaks. A I (order of fot for half an ineh
, wide on the l ather aide, making a trim
| vfh# nearly threw ineliea wide, aa the
mla-A- ia loug, coat* from gIU to (112 a
The black murten fur, aometime* railed
Alaakt adde, ia atill considered exceed-
Inglv atyliah. A art of it of excellent
quality, conaiating of long round boa
and aiuall muff, may be bad for 825 ;
some handsome specimen* coat I.'tu or
#lO. Thia ia the |M>pular and iaexpmi
-1 ive for trimming for cloth, caahmem,
if Jldand velvet la arlertiug thia trim
'nmtg reader* are adviaed to buy that
costing (hi or si a yard, instead of lower
prioMl qualitit-a, made worthies* by dyea,
or ao badly dressed that the odor of the
mtiuial ia discovered when the fur ia
worn in a warm room. A single narrow
fwr .border, showing only two or three
ii | 'Be* on the right aide, is more stylish
iko * broader one or a double row of
f 'i
flier,- is nothing new to relate of
| xpit-x Mink, though not ao uuiveraallv
worn a* formerly, is atill a moat desirable
fur. Medium set* of dark mink of good
quality coat from #6O to 880, *, voiding
to length of boa; choicest dark wink
seta are 81*15. Coarse light mink is sold
I very low.
Evening acts of ermine are small round
muff* and very long boa*. often more
than two yards io h-ugth, wound around
the neck. Fine acta oust from 815 to
if* according to the length of the boa.
A erv fine chinchilla seta are also worn
cm d'eaxy occasions : price #SO.
A bftti and muff of fur seal make au
Afpcuaive and serviceable act that will
worn by young ladle* and miiue*.
iboa oust* from 85 to 815, the muff
| from 811 to 10.
For aaoqrfng, the moet comfortable of
all cloak*, wfC short thi* year, measuring
from twentv-fuur to twenty-six inches,
and are made quit* loose Itelow, or else
nlaslted to give room for a buffaut tour
uure. The newest have hcll-shupcd
sleeve* (half flowing), but the close coat
sleeve ia generally preferred. The asrque
most in furor ta of velvet-like fur seal,
uot in its natural wood brown color, bnt
t lint dyed a dark maroon shade. These
are often boMcwari with other for*; bnt |
plain, untrfmmed sartjuee, handsomely
litted, are in best taste. 875 ia the low-- j
cat price for a saoque of good sound seal
*kiu. and this will uot be of fincvt quality;
handsomer qualities coat from 8100 to
8150. The various ourly furs oalkd As
trakhan are atill worn in aarqneo. TV
reader is warned against buying these at
very low prices, aa those sold for 825 or
AVI are apt to be of unsound leather
that a ill not last a single winter. It ia
better economy to |ay a reliable furrier
for an Astrakhan sacquc tliat he will
warrant to lie of good, sound akin*,
though not of fine quality. 875 buys a
handsome curled for mcque, and many
<xart a* high aa #l5O or B*©. Sets of
these black furs are usually preferred for
Jeep mourning.
1 or children there are sets of squirrel
lock, made of the aides of the Siberian
squirrel. The ttnv muff and boa coat
from 85 to 88. ftaoqnes of white cutty
are shown for children of from three to
twelve year*, and are also made for in
fauU : these coat from sll to 820.
Fur turbans for gentlemen have higher
round cruwns 'ban those formerly worn.
Made of weal, the faahiouabte fur for
gentlemen, they cost from 812 to 815 ;,
Astrakhan turbana are 86. The seal
skin facing on the collar and cufft of a
gentleman x overcoat cost from 830 to
Carriage robes of white andie fox fur
are still the choice for ladies' use : they
coat from 8100 to 8125. #
The Kinlu Prince.
Tli* young Duke Alexis, who received
so cordial ■ reception in New York and
Washington, in thus described : Hi*
blond* hair wan combed back and lay in
•oft lilkon warm, leaving tin? high in
tellectual forehead entirely exposed. A
light well-trim mod rauatachc overhung
a iwir of lip* as aoft and ruay and **
delicately oat m any that ever graced a
maiden'a face. A pair of whiskers. not
bushy nor yet meagre, adorned the sides
of liia fare, at the name time adding
inncli to hia tnauly beauty. Hi* well
defined dun, hia high, arched brow, the
classical cut of hia general feature*, and
the uncommon aoftneaa of tlio akin,
were all indication* of hia royal parent
j age, thorough education, and princely
culture. Altogether hia face was such a
one aa every jienon could look upon
and admire, aaid# from Wing " marvel
loualy handsome." It has the true
light of intellect, and it* whole expres
nion is that of a noble, ambitious, gen
tle.'commanding, brave officer. Having
j studied hi* face, one could not help ro
j gardtng hi* uinaenlnr form. White
standing erect in the preseuce of the
committee, the well-formed head tower
ed ill Km* them all, and even Gen. Mc-
Dowvll, tlie giant commander of the
Eastern Division. wo* obliged to look up
whenever he addressed any remarks to
the (fhiud Duke. Ill* broad should? r.
deep chc*t, muacuhir arms and wcll
matie limb*, showed how thoroughly
every sinew of his body lwd Iwon de
veloped. The Puke was in the full uni
form of a lieutenant, consisting of bine
cloth tunic, and jmnts. cocked list, and
sword. Hi* shoulder* carried the
epaulettes customary to his rank, and a
inasaivo epaulette extended from hia
shoulder to his right breast. He wore a
*sah of bine watered silk, which repre
sent* the Order of Saint Andrea?, an
honor conferred on all Russian princes
of the blood at their liirth. His left
breast was decorated with two badges,
one worn IJY the imperial family, the
other the ortler of hia regiment.
The militia, which took part in the
reception, numbered about 9.(100 men,
nml the reception they gave the Duke
was a grand affair. As the last of the
proeeaaion passed, the crowd, breaking
through evcrv eflort of the Police to res
train tlicm, closed in around the hotel ;
cheer after cheer for Alexis arose, and
after le had entered the house, the veils
of a thousand throat* called him back
three times, 'ihe Police charged in
vain : the crowd was in the ascendant,
and the Police were powerless. Again
and again they called for the Duke, and
when at last it was understood that he
was about to leave the hotel, a rush was
made for the Eighteenth-street entrsnee.
Then only the Police began to gnther
sufficient strength to control thotn, and
in a short time they were dispersed.
Moon after the arrival of the Grand
Dulraathis apartments in the Claren
don Hotel,-be dispatched the following
message to his fatner by cable :
Kmptror of Km**in, St. Potonbvrg :
Entree et reception cordiale magni
fique. Parade de la miliee. Tout la
ville en fete. Annua.
Emperor of Rumtio, St. Petertburg:
j Entry, cordial, and magnificent re
ception. Parade of the militia. Gener
al holiday in the city. Alexw. .
Thb Hottseh W LIRE in— in other
words, our bodies—are held on repairing
1 laaes. We must prop and sustain tliem
when they exhibit signs of weakness and
decay,-or they will inevitably break down.
In I>N. Walker's CAiaromnA Vinkoau
Bitters, a matchless compound of newly
) discovered medicinal herbs, peculiar to
the Pacific region, the debilitated, the
bilious, the rheumatic, the consumptive,
j will find the most genial tonic and re
j storativo ever offered to the suffering
| invalid. It contains no alcohol, and con-
I sequently leaves no sting behind.
Mir Fur Uwglia, Bronclutia and Urn
sumption, in it* carl y ■!*". nothing
nquala Dr. I'ieroo'a Golden Medical 1H
eovrry. &"3.
FniTr grown** and flcrttar fatiriora
aliould not fail to read the adrertiawnent
iu tliia number, headed " Fruit Recorder
and Cottage Gardener."
Far DjapepaU.
Indignation, deprwmlou of apirita, and
general debility in thair variona foriya ;
alao, aa a preventive again*! favor and
and ague, and other intermittent fever*,
the " Ferro Phosphorated Klivir of Oal
■aaya," wade by uuvdt, Haxard k Co.,
New York, ami aold by druggiata, ia Uia
lieat tonic, and tui a tonic f< <r patients
recovering from favar or ether aickneaa,
it Itaa no equal.
The propriotora of Joiumux'n A a OUT**
and HuKtunAJi'a CAVAUI* Cojiomox
l'ow liana, have pobßahad a readable and
instructive pamphlet, which may be had
free at th# aturtw.
Fan Comma, Cuuw, and Throat Dia
order*, uao '•llrowm'* Hrxmckial Trvekm,\
having promt their efficacy by a teat of
many yearn.
Itufu# Chapman of Liberty, Maine,
had a stiff Wr bent at the knee, 1 unbared
and atrmgtiirned by Uia tut of JOlUl
aoa'a AaiifTNK I JSIUKST.
How to obtain a
For iisrtieular*, addrona.
COLLIN'S & Co.. SIS Water St.. S. Y.
A tight ia a laid thing, lint you had
better fight than not to have J. Monroe
Tay lor'a Cream Ywt Hiking Powder.
Yuu should write to MIL CHCRUM W.
HAJtßi.wi, So. 7 Wall Stretd, Sew York,
if you wish HUJ information about Rail
road Bonds.
ImrMMU WraHltM.
Ju CiMMW A '*> , an u •n'M*, *4 SMIIWMB—4 a*
a prduUaaad aait uiWanl lar aU .1 Hi 10m
MUTKM* t4 IML J Bauds at lb# Hanbssm PM Ma
Radroad Cloe|*a>, Htna Bad Ttew-Ttallß
par (ML r'U (aura* man U%*M $ par mt arraacy'.
will aaewad b> ftr.i aad ■ iamww a Uu oaUn
Road and wtaipmmu. anl <* wan Uiaa WA— kar
at lad la aaaff Bib at Uatk. or Hi Atom at Load la
aact fI.SSS Road. TU. la*i.M aarrsat pmea aritl ba
pan! la C I r.o-TiMUa. aad all odaar BMsbaUbis
tManlaa raai*ad la 'idiuifi Paatkldt, mat ami
faU inlonaaiMn. aa all aa lb# twad* ibaaaaalna, trtß ba
faaaiaball of apylioalkaa br Jit OIMMU A 00, flJila
dadptua. Kra York aad WaabiaHaa. aad La uaaal Baaka
aad ftaaban ibaaacbaai tba ooas r
The MarkH*.
*w TUBS.
ButrCarrui—Friwa LoE Biilioebal .11',# .19
yum qaaittr -11 i .it 6rmlqual. -It <* .11
urdiiun Uua Qrida .10 or Wat gnAa M <4 M
Hiucn Cowa ...... 44.00 w iso.oo
BoM-Lln jr, ta ,vs%
1-raaaad JOS a .I*l,
hub .0* a -el
Cnoa~l4dlUH !', a* I*',
IVta-ICttra Waaiara d0 # iM
Hula Ultra I U atll
Wj*s*—JLmbar Waaiara 1.00 t* Id#
• M*. .oo ih
WKtta Uraaaa# lilri Ida # |.J
Rra-Woau-ra ..... M w Id#
luu.n Jin. .10 a IM
rral-Muad Waatarn .14 ft *1
uate—Waaaare d> O .U
foa.#—#aaa ... Übo #l4 •
0 O .11
l'riauf*Odd* 19 B#tMd.B|*
Bcrira—Ruia .9* 41 JM
©bb> w. H * ft .90
- faiK-jr .0* ft .99
W-aVrra ordinary *a ft U
flamy I ranis ftna........ .11 R il
Casam-ewtohbrtaiy... #
M Upland .01 ft .14
Ohio W i J1
Baaa Mala... 19 # Ji
FJ# CB—lhit>aroia UOI # CM
v h Aa Kalra 1.91 *> CM 1
Com - T # .VS
om- .. O 9 Ji
ruua ti> 11-00 MLCOO
lajui - Via# .11 I
Btnu-('® .10 ft .99
t'nntaa I Ma. JI § JI
Cmaaa I <* II
Caaa—Waatrrn ~19 # .19
Iwm j a...... arm If m .94
Bit-<Vl< MOO #90.00
a- ~I M M'| Ml , _ . .
•••aaaaiti|.*aaiaa*.W.W t£- 4I
Ravr farru... 9.1* # T.BO
jur : I. ...... CM ft CO9
Hh# —ldaa CM at CM
rosea CM H CM
W*T—X. IbtHUf.... LJS H I*9
Can 09 4# .09
Oara M ft .99
ttra 9 H .11 .51 d J#
Lakh .19 .191,
Wa>ar *149 f Vl9
Rt—Hata IjM ft LM
loM-ltttrd .* .!*
fUHB-OWa M la 100
Oara-Mat# M .99
Fun a-Paoa Eilra *OO #9 9*
Wnat—Wairra Bad la* <* 1.09
Win*. 1.90 a I.o*
Ciomi-Tailow. M m M
1 Miard d * d
Pnaun-Cnd, .UvtHaal 91
Ct.ITKB SXT.D 11 *0 aI9,H
Timdb* CM
CorTHT_l>o Wlddtfta#.. 10 • .1914
Yk> r-*U"a CM a* coo
WH*.aT—9uibar..................... LJ9 49 LM
Com 19 # .09
tiara. .91 M .99
TS* T' • tJr*auts *1 rain.
WW (KM Oil Srru rtHaaee. lb* -
iMMial *vh la *>• ag kacy W H<*M*ar' Ruwac*
S'tft.r as h Ifar>i for uMKtwttun. bOWaa dimrjuia.
mtorsMMrat uh! rMaitUxM torn* aba* .ia>tn*ai
email, la aP parU at lb, PaOai SUM* ? ThbeMl-
Whabmmiw for tal faaia. tn4 H it Mil
naiailln Hla * IXa 11 a all a t tfa*all|y ; H Kaa aa
ban nuoli'ial bf *u baasa las*, bat W <b apaa-
IUMSH ami aalaral onMgmwD at IRPACAWI WBAL
l—l-W mUall) pan cm, tiMtot Iba.r an tji bb. y aaa
■ i juaatMo. WbaafaadMata anSMilUir 4MnrVft ifcat
wart ID Ik la •hotaamna ra**abla KM baa gmaina.
mk wrK*l<-ai (baara. an* Ulal' UamaSiata nngfcNm.
who alm that prawotVaa. * praaUaM t bbadla
w, boa I, It iia*ila thai Ota flaaiaaaia rftaaid ba
atlboa! Ita liaana* la fkataaaaar aba* * la aaaa Ikal
. batlnata at at H**T aoatpUlat. at aaa
•Uialm. at aaraoa- waabaaaa, oJ at |wni
Ilalt to tha oparatios at tba Ummu naaady. baa aaa
aaaa Ineradolltr iloall attfcbaU Ua am*iaaaiaaat ? K
aUnamn at U)a aalnuir afarta of tha bitton. ara bo ba
100 ad la aaary clrlliaad aattlataaol aa Ibia aaaUaaat.
Tha Iboaaaada upoa Iboaaaada aba aara ihatr rwtot*-
uno to baaltb and aliaatb. or lb air |xmi lalloa from
iwkan, la It, aitraardiaiUT madiataal propartto*. aia
tu tmaa, Tba taalutadaa be rraB
wtal Hla a ) ar to tbair ftto4* aad aa
qaalalaaraa* aAtll baahAa'abo maba (Mibbr labbaa
timai' at Ita rirtaaa. ara alaara raadr be aula thaar
laaanna for tba faith that ta la Una. Th bar, ail at
tbrr f,H or wltaaaaa>d ita baatftrmt oparai >>a.
OJMCM £vTEiis^J2ii!rs
(abit. mtitm. T K <l.tßgr. M D , Ml vawi. il
C \ 'NTH Karaa —* aatat fnrmahod
JJJItf #a9 Add ram. NOVKI.CT (X).. Saoo. Ma.
safMKhsrn-vrs a
5. T.
UriXTCp. Jtcanb/ar.lel>a<l>ew> TaMaa.
ft raadf aloolalnt al I. 4, iTf, Tk I|mr ml. Tba
•ml boob ..Una Btjp
l Ult PKLI.MAX A IXI. >)olaabea. Obla,
THK Maarf la ITaaa Raawer.- A Wabeh aa*
Haaaa amabiaad : ttaad and matal'n aorta aad
flaaa orraUl la an oroMa raar. Srot hj mail oa raoaipt
/ arlra 1 for t : I far at Add) "aa,
OKU J. SM KPABPTWaarrbarr. Ca—.
AMDISn FI.SCM, ft. M.. Crmidaal .4 lUro
•bhia atpan-a par fan
Witt, r- am! rlimala Scad for • 'atalornaa
rinaiam Ur*l lama ifn MarMnabnrs. W. Va.
llarar, Walart, 4*l Hraadwati S. T.
atll dlapnit of tlna HOTBMpPufoa. MsuwarunLaad
oaoaxa of an Smi-rlam makrrm. loeludiaa W!am a. at
,♦ bw uorb Sir ail. ft.' 1-7 lAft a-al, or a,l .1 taka
tram It *> STI aaaotbb an Ml paid I tba mint M tat, aad
rani appUaii if parohaaad. ft naa kind of PaatnaOauas
tha moat baauuinl airla and p-rfr<4tjna arar mada, noa
rn rMI man at dl gmadnar. !taa York
ft full and ramplola hlrtorj of Chioao. bar paid . praarat
aad futa FT. Vug ruble MHO. tnrfdanta and full da
tad, nf tba ilwubr. w(b. P. Pptna and J, Y.tttp
han. mtKor* q t tba fhlcaro rwbi,. With arrr 400
par*a, and ftO l!ln*f retlana. It now raadr tor
Agents Wanted.
tor)'. JJnioft Pnbltehuig CS*v. CHiootft. I'l ,at I**.
■' rteßAt
Printad in Two Calara, on *uprb Tncrap Parrn.
Four lfuudt-rd KutraTlan at Flowers,
Plants end Vaeatablaa, with Daaertptions, and
Dlfaethma and plaan tor maklad Walks, l.awnn Oar
iM H
who tfan* ot bu>-tv Saadn. bot smarter tba coat.
Kovbeater, X. Y.
for Basuty or Poliah, •oviitg of Labor,
f fMMM from Dual, Durability A Ohaao*
nsaa, truly worhroloO.
btwtr* sf lIWI*, witw <4J.t MM
kuL/eweUhnwrele tad sslsr of Wno,
TM ftisisc tea IMte Is Mk, f„ st** tetot
iM *1 ••!.• ■!• |r !•'• 1 ••OS*
U * k •/ StksJ 1,,^
MORSC BROS., Prop'rt.
50 th YEAR.
ft ft tiMw, ltd i<li| lw IM lar Uli
HI Pm KM*. X. Y.
AoatXTB WAXntn ro
A*Mm •wfri Wim Ht
With s Is* t>< ssifcssM. tiMtrl P*)**aa{r, H
4.1 kI|)I.K. lUli* wll*. M Uix Ua^uriM . lu~-!< . 'I. MMBSSS, MM I
>|. uaUftib is lar 4%r>, UU>M It ts tin;
4k*. 1W...1 fa r Cuvmm* II! (sag. •**
Um as*. Ajteas
jniiuaat|AiM. P. Cwnga 111. sr at Ismm/Ms. _ __
Hw 860 Wtelly Icwnneri
n. niitu, a Sti lbs Ksrt>M kiiiiii <4 bs UNA
IW sM<4msw <S*.TIRIS F MLMLATLI wjM. t
Pw% %
•o-o\ PLATA—Tha largest aaaortment
of Plays and Dramatic) Wtete la
;• Wf~lf3r "*• pr*frd (<jrKtUlHioiS
of all kin A* and II una Auitwas
vCjC/T mnui. Hhadow Pantomttana. Cbaa
radcajßceitar*, Dialogues, Tableau., AtusWoi
(initio, KdnofSkii Drama*. stc. .eta. A iua u (
eij ii. il IMcnpti** laati aM I1v mailed lite
m Smm HL.Jbca THIL
:&aSj3SaLT>233£^ ,, f
Si^u;its faeKa:
E£ sSuvirt/QsiwPS;
asxfJKPS: SSwStfLrSrii
(SwdwA test OsaTsrfc ■>
■lf llkn 11 l|Ufl|l| 8118
UI.IW litmani* tlsM ■;tirwi <*•
'tunti, 1.. i i a.irr, *irshit*.
a stl coraata Pl4 Sliaoann arstwyXC*
ik # SStss lsms C'iaiadi.nsaNri SfstflA, trvw l/i*, Kc
1 usAw. swamd h tf swiSsass ftb> osti.srtwss af
Uui <***?. It ts Ui* aras jfisisi. pnmt* ord ******
sitsratns set MssO ssrtltr . Ate si!
| Kraows u> p r.* I(H > •*■<• • Ussmer Ms*
I.n. Ur Mfaif .<•-• KM IST. SIMIM (WII
••4 LOmtf-p, Ks <>-!- Ok, X. T.
till !■■•■ I|)1I MfBMXB--afBMIa •■■■■•■ •
srtrmsl Oil Puauaf k. -• *717 t e*j satwsrt- (
"* ""Henry Ward Beeohor's
or Paa> Mtfar tk*a ">) I<m4 4mc*. a <
! tWW* A CM t*> mnk*
1.l thai st asm 4 MM sssMtf smilsir H-fMt 1
ri KaCTW'Sf^raj.-rr-iriUai
Bt.. B. i Ma: St W tudfm at-ObiM— .
srt .. THE
jr o ir.v FIRESIDE.
Just Publlahed.
History of the Garden City
A3 IT WAS, AND 18,
Wrtfc it. #ui .one* <* tt SaMmm : *•
ai f.%wf winy m* wn f wtHi imglWß inwij
aUnRMMB MBW*( Ui.ii<rUl#f
•mui it (Hi IW tA. -nf./ A #. Cr mi rtr <t' i*.
V,"U Hi.A ■ kitaJ B.loik. Bart mMw
WMiMi smzzr rr 4
TV r K ItoMSKY l-.lrol Pi yM.'" Prim#.
r kiMfr%.triwtRH>JlFlii i.—A—MI
IM tMMMIf Mil U Im* MVMIPn*! Ip tbe cwibUT M
d .in r t I SM Of • Mt4 ••< fc
WUk 11. tr, Hrmv. (W* faM CM. ... Km.
•# r MU Mi iw rrofi ?nnw M-T.T tMu.-
Mm iMTtHMtnuA iTuk™ M urn p* •*
Mark tlta UfafMMii Mrflt! Um Fmmm . I Hmtcr.
Entoi tM Rkl|yr. MA ma
f. R. BKOIRICIA CO.. Albant. N. Y.
C o 11 G a rdener
A.M .Pur cE Editor.
A MMIUr Pwr f 1 PW'. IkeTmted
Mrtr ♦* I roi, nwm m 4 tapla.
kit*. *1 ealy tl-M i* Tear
It m edncd hf a two wheh*-hd * HWmfaf gwc.
-™r aapartoao*. aad a !■ *•> La. aritrnttintiM To,
Ilri:' Ai**"" . t MS ALL firm. Will™ sear Finn
IWd Rrwit Troa- Mi Onsteard fm ml lm
m** txiou at tilae. Forriat Bwn Onaatmtel
OroawH e.. te. B* tubas. m ammance* far iwui ■%
w.n taltaread#-*. Tiumin tor tte *•* mm
of slo*. tha -. of l!mi mb MJ. IW ■
portion* and Ikmnimial lh. Fditar. Far iW. a
aa Ma W MWI > Uk bmaneaa of fdil-frrriW. :
bare awl la ladlama. aa Kara Wa M<H *°IIM Ml
and Wat MR. It la a wetMutoWm M liutl Burnt oflfar
hiwitraJiarai paper, at* ,WaJi tAI ami to my
artarlai <t*m othe- (numb**, as oBW Mr *aluai .
hviM ly to .lino* tail they will advert.*# U* t*
>urh papa* awl Wra<* Kan Itetr boasted #n*m*ht* i
*•*, asdou't Malum aa marti n.rllr or orutneHu
a to thrum mil annual matter at Una laud. bar ahaft
ral ul riul' ilmwrrHi <Vad ralaaliir water. i
eopyind rata, tad a# rmaraa a "• ttr tamper WIH !
Wa alia kl outer, in WJ MM from a *N I|M
moat laariaaal Full Mam la Uw I'slw Htete.. TV
*iraa amrh unnmr that Iter mil la too
ttoaad ■ *la*. ''fny. K*a> A*' Okie lariaai mill (ah -u;
Maaj auppoa# It ta nupMudhlr to bars a moot prartKu!
papar printed "otaMa I certain atto*. Wa tern t.y >A
■art to anpil tar a itotaiw w*t a# lhi Rr ntrra Went
Aartaall *TELW"V.> and la tiM*/. hrlknt,
M will a*i?) pom thai a psoas* nan r* powie* rm*w i8 '
la tha Mrw wad yal <t>t a prmarriaht# parr' umt
orta !(• toiiawua. mowed tha pnrat i.
elatai for M ihh>ta|m rvtaat na Krait llraaua Flow,
arm. and the Kitchen (•*• dm One |irouinrat hottica!.
tanat ml*** w ! " Ta* Rs> r;.t a from. barter aad
bar tor It ta JCtod but*-In) <d inahnal matter amcrr
mouth." Anslb'f r*r : ~ The Rmntr tt it aa fall or
practical ruhjnrt* a* aa -•** atlh meat. '
Wa ar*a uji.r all. Won ■ alivnbat*. or r naw id* far
aa) othar horltraßaral piper. to seed tor a apeettura i
oopj Oar pranmaa. la s>> or y*ia, ata my Waal Is
them ahawUhteart a.nyaut. iu yruenrias Mitanrilsaa.
Oar • SMALL Fat IT larimt ttrwu" a wot* ot W Mn
- Mill rla. tsiL ham to plaat amd ft mo tsssnaanaSla.
all ktrnV af Small Mail. Saltarnlsrs ta Ihr lU, amw
baton lia. lat. in rriN immiUi mtsrt , ■ r
jCTmT . ralairiw.WaTar Cm.. *. T
A Bemcdy Found at Last !
It frill Cre your Couch.
It Will Pmeit and Cure Csmptioa.
Tkil CMik, wklrt you are iffOfOm, ■
I'lMlt l rami tonammptloa. It I WI
■r*Ptl H<-mrdjr U pot uoa.
•ooritloo nar Mb
whca your dtaen.e oua be
CP rod >• aitrk.Md M
eo iaU a coal t
Three are tIKM wttll a Couch of with Oon.
ssssff, x; insr "
flee. Mr..—The Ain't Uw gtkiro htt aijrieed.
would not Ilk* to be without It, for it ban eared "Wtil*.
I look a bad oold. and • c-ouph, and •■*U* atwauihpUoti
wae mated upon ma- 1 waa in onto bad (data. I tried
tor.ttiiu* that wet recommended* aud enrol a poet
not lika to take it- without knowing upore about it I
had rot ntdabottla. Wnan acent talied an in*. I
ild him I could not wU a madtdue I kpr uothina
about He urged me to irr it mveel. I did eo ; and. to
mj ITT* rial .u,prmr. the Brat bottle i"tpped ma ooujth ;
and. before the thirl bottle *■ taken, myhinyt were
Band watt; and I oan now epoak Ire mioaif to ray
and ourtoinrre of the food qtallkie M ABen
ui—. 1 r ""' n w
an incredibly ah-url time. There ie no rtwodjUfll oan
•how more e.idenoe of real merit tlian tWa BAMA".
for.cuatoc C vtp' WUKut, Oovuna. CoUW. A**#**.
noma known and i-i*~naed oi re-any eiw two aad
Vtllace throurbout the United KtaM and t't Pomtumn
of I bjiada Bandreda of th mand of bajM"<ae an- j
nuaUy wM; ami thousand* of witofweew*W to-da ,
bdtrer to bealins the dicemen that K *■* !
jumobdad for. I
It In Hnrnlet' t the meet delicate Child.
It eaatalaa ao Opium la amy form.
It 1c Hold by Medicine Dealer* generally. I
WE l^
Wssdsrfsl pm
i Tbsy •• sot . *. f .M KrttM
Boat. Wblaltr*. ,*t ' -*■—'—a*
. vrs;jrA7S£S^i^
• - *" -4
I j U asdUtspoM#! fSM*r. .
c O* PLA
: irpi—rfdr
f sMßOMfttt ttHi pissiiw •**iUtlil um "
fSsWlMiltr B> T'„.r.. l riii-f
mtrtrau ox ■*•-
j ' mM Paiata tiosab.. rubifs. >. >
it i SmTsTmU- *Ui. •*— Xtia.WiyX.Mair
* it. *—— ItlMMisi st !W Ur. P*a NOt o*
J; gsf- —•"
>• s Um U.l la* s*Mfc (M *•"
* ! ,cs'rMMMMtaoMMXOIIISMBtM , (M "*
-] SARITML ASA Uttwrt MA" tko ADMS
| rot H IX lU.eirM. butMtPtft'W
I BbMhM XMrfss. bpots. PilM. h*l
6 ■ SSgX^.giipVHP?¥S
' ii ifbu.
? ClsMMtb*tAMfiaalaAsa*MfiaA Ms te
ll •,*!!>-. bsrstlaa OMSMtette (Ua la fte. S*r
J, teat st Aotm ; '*< steb rss Ast M saMrsrisf
aadtettM la Lbs Ms; .Ins.. Hteso W Uteri.
W sad raM (satiaaa Ottt laUroaoteo. Saao tte IteM
f >! ate—Ml telaar.
" Pis. Tap*, mm* atbra W !■■■; MLtsc tstea
f S •ystrsM *C on mtity •* sßw!tfciir waiuirt
• j iTilwM-n UMJ MIM lhU ", a ZfTrt
: I jLllllS Pisrwu.r aH. XcDOSIX# • 00.
, i "-arifr
■arwMA or tu wteww-amp ami
" j ""'f.T.A'tt'tel teat
U/tSy^tf^SiSSe*mm. t*W'*w f3
f NTf*** •*' ' . fW" * ' * • rw *__ . - - ■ '
T<M ■: ■ WW * E* r-TB IWHillhl1lly
Wflmw >' Wicm.m fc.iliHili—
wi® fit# • mi (%• n. Yi
bwt T# It mmL Pa M*^y
*,* i' - j , '.p" e,, < v,! ** , 4 * >
fcuwret Mi itrfV^r.
Bunus **rl*.
A mbl#jnnßvmm AiUf* Ih# RMS IMmatan tAa
to cwfoai TO
Great Saving To Consumer!
it erase vr in *.
BVKtd f.rwS.PnclAM wltOrthwrii
****• WITTW. eiwywbwe, w
7% Home of
Go*rß People.
Tto mi lull ■<■■■ m ij*l mmCUM.MrAU
y fiToSV#i 3i ii <*Z.^Tu , as!^
m. m #*^nwo
MIMt MB k. Ml IfMI .Mif.Ut Bm.II ii Mivh
U<t n Mkat KlKlit Bn*>: af |M<u ."ri. 111.
Ik M <tat. t* mli mi ■ it Wr An kn AM
Grand, Square and Upright Pianos
want avaazMOi tat
First raad *M Mrdal.
World-* Fair, Parte. IMT. and London. Ml
Tnx Si—aaatr PlAMoa art aamrWr toocsdrd to te
. . TM Uadla( Ftnl-flau PUaa
asm hrfors thr puMh. Tiww ittat rsaasntr air wdwwd
to ajl ?U>*to h* tha aaote eslahralrd ptaamta. Thaj arm
•and 1J an tha frtnrit.r) rman Iroapsa mhaamaar at
<a.nMa, Th-y tea.- * lrb "WocMwida" raptilatroa.
War Wraly aiportod tolCttropa, ami ad parte of Ihm
; #HI wot id, ij tby* am aututhl lob* imitated try
mart/ an iniriou rad Kampala Piano-ntaktow.
tstnr A ton 1 Warn math MaaalhrtarT,
la tha mast prrlactly anaa*ed and at-B-)rs rsiabiuh
raaat of .t\inl In tha world, Ths pttMiahed obrial
R-ainaa rwtartm hart-.- rat ral rd tha tmc that teraaasmt
V III" yawly "tm rrrr-d flo-r tf tU ftht temad ptoso
•toh". <K Km. l.* mW
Itntnorir A 8 M rail rprotal aUsntjow to their
Frama aetior, shtrh at* awAto ta aa Urn* mod wahry rf
te ami * >*< ,0.-th.y tfmtmm, whil* arandia* leaasr
m Itttir and bainc wwrs tmprrrtotn to auroaporttote
•liira*** than aay oUiar Piano at proaant maonlarUtml.
FT cry Flaaa Warraalad Iter ftw Teara.
Prka# aa low a* tha atrhaim ttaa s( the beat material*
ISa ukrVfr.'"* 11 *' 1 " orkMD * lti f * iU permit. Old Pte
rttSSSLpui IS prioe-lieu matted tear
on cation.-P*
I*** HI Ewad Piiimmna—te Ma.. Raw lark.
A Deal ratele Miea. There te the btto of ridieate.
'l* h °' mww-n. the hies of makes in the (ram ; bat
lbs moat delightful htea te that ot
TarraatT Effervescent Beltcer Aperient
fSJrt awritraaoe to the inraltd
that hut thirst will be 'irlinoua y ueaaced : that hia
MMMOh will bo tolreAhel n.l pariSedTXt if tel. fT
eeriih. hu body will be cooled by healthful evaporation •
that if he i The d B mit, riU Sm .;
T*W*B J thai i( thp cciodition<rf hu Mwr J
health te impaired? it wiR be speed il, reatorA f
ireauluel oar " to • but tKr
SOLD B 1( A 61. DRUGtiISTb.
#' •