• THE JEtfTEE RErOr*7EK FRIDAY, DSC. 8., IX7I. LOCAL ITEMS. hOCAL NBWI.-Our friend* will oblige lis by Mndinjfdn any items of local intei est, "including death*. marriage*, &<•,, a such are exgarly road by your friends in the west, many of whom get the Reporter. \V r e would eskiauw its favor if our kind pa trons would (vocationally mail a copy ol tho Reporter to relatives and acquaintan ces who formerly lived in Centre county and removed to other part*, which would 1 uduco many to become subscribers 0 IMPORTANT TO BUBIKMB MEN.— Tho torcuUtion of thv RK.PORTKR, on this side of the county, U now greater thautiiat of any two paprs in tin oounty, houoo business men who w:>h to reach the Ponncvnlley trade, wih advance their own interests, by ad veil tising in the KttrORTKR. Our suboerir tioa list is open to the inspection of aL who wish to advertise. OOLPKN Fovvi vis P KS. —Something new and novel. Be sure and read the ad vertisement in our paper, headed "Creat ed Invention of the Age." We believe the Golden Fountain Pen Is unsurpassed. A >od pen is n necessity to every yuan, w • .an and child. Agents, here is a ch i - t>> make lu.uu-y in introducing a . and saleable article. jan IT y. '|VV\ NOTICE.-In accordance with 1 nr net of Assembly, notice is hereby i\ on to the citiaens of Yotter, front whom inx,-. f>r tehaol purposes for tho present y • . 0 due, that on all such taxes p, . : undersigned Treasurer, at his .. >■ o. or Imo-i- ioth i>i November n, v'-therfe will be a deduction of five per c> :,.m. tin all taxes paid within one month after said date no deduction will be ia-.w\ and that upon all school taxes re n. t. e -,g unpaid alter Docamber 16th next lb. .v :1 be an addition of five per con- Hv order of the Board. FRED. KI'KTZ, aug'i-V.'m Treasurer. Fire. The dread alarm of fire aroused our .tit:, ns la>t night, (Tuesday) at about 2 o'clock. The brick residence of Mr. J hnSatikcv ofMifl!inburg,vaaentire iy c-iieumed, not an article of furniture , r anything else being saved, the iu i nlv narrowly eseajHsd from a sii,.i.4 story window, with their lives. The origin "of the fire is unkuowu.— I The oohl imp was not confined to Ire county, last week, but extend ed far and wide —east, north,and west Severe cold and heavy snow-storms i>rt Tailed in mauy parts of the country, in -Jto Wert and Northwest winter ha* Net in with unusual severity, and deaths from snow-slides and snow-drifts are frequent occurence. In Maine ilia thermometer fell lower than was cv. Mx fore known in the month of Nov, obcr. This is good uews for the ale'hers and skaters, but it's bad for the jM>or. . Rev. J. K. Evans, paster of the Rci. Church, at Williamsport, preach •d • ! .i-larewcli sermon, on last Sab bath. lie gi-es to one of the lower counties. Es-ftoteruor John lligler, ofCnli •• font i Dead. Hon. John Biglcr, ex-Govcrnoi of il;c State, died in Sacramento on Thursday of ia*t week, at the age of sixty-;',-ven. Governor Big'er was a remarkable ira:: —self made, and by his life career illustrative of the working of Ameri ca; in.-titutions and the elcvatiug in* fa; j as of a healthy, unrestricted De tm • racv. JoLu Bigler was born in Cumber land comity, Pennsylvania, on the Bth of January, 1804, aud was the oldest of twelve vhildien, ten of whom were living some few yearssir.ee. lit 1820 Mr. Bigler became the pub lisher of a democratic paper, at Beile for.lc, the Centre Democrat. Teat, a: old ciiixen ol ilia place, atja the Philipsburg Jourcgl, wajMat to the lunatic asylum at Har rieburg, by the Court at Deliefonte, od Wednesday. v Dr.ijicjmos.—The new Methodi-sC chinch. at Spruetown, near Potter's Ilil' -, will be dedicated ou Sunday, De :aUr„ 17ih, by Rtv. Thomas Bdftrman, I). IV, of "Indiana univer sity. The attendance of the Christian • public is invited. / j Exciting Scone in Court at Laii- 1 caster. The course cf true love, appears rot to run smoothly. The Express of Xfrunday evening thus describes an exciting scene in the hall where justice issupjH.sed to be dispensed : This morn ing about ten o'clock District A Harney Qeu. Brubaker placed in tbc prisoner's dock one Peter llilvard, a colored man charged with an assault and bat tery, but who is under bail. S. H. Rcvno'ds, Esq., counsel for the de fendant, came before the court, stating thaTius client had been unlawfully detained and placed in the dock, al though he had answerad three limes to calls made for him this morning and each time was compelled to go back, 4i Commonwealth not being ready to try him, and Mr. R. asked that he be released, his recognizance not having been forfeited. Mr. Bru baker asked this question :"What dif ference docs it makes to a nigger whether he sits down in the court room, or up in the prisoner's dock?" Mr. 11. replied. "It makes as much difference to the nigger as it does to you." Then Mr. !i. remarked to the Court: "If your Honors please, the prisoners had better be in the dock than be permitted to skedaddle, and [turning to Mr. R.] your clients have skcdadled before upon your advice!" Quick cs thought Mr. R. exclaimed, '■ You lie!" at the same time thrust ing his fist in the District Attorney's face, and striking or rather pushing him oil the mouth. Both men threw themselves into attitudes for combat, but the court interfered and stopped them. The District Attorney called upon the court to arrest Mr. R. and bis clients The latter then said, "I repeat it you tell an infamous lie, and are deserving of punishmeut as I, in attempting to tasten a crime on a gentleman of the profession ?" The District Attorney replied that if lie were not an officer of the court he would knock Reynolds down. Judge "Long ordered that a rulel>e taken out to show cause why both the parties should not be punished for contempt of court, returnable next Monday. The greatest excitement prevailed during this recounter, and it was some time before the court could be again quieted. Chief Engineer Leufltr was in town on Tuesday looking after the railroad work. At a recent spcciallmeeting of the board ! of directors ol the Theological seminary at Gettysburg, Pa., the Rev. E. J. Wolf, pas tor of the Lombard street Lutheran church, Baltimore, Maryland, was elected to the Graff Professorship of Homileties in that institution. Mr. Wolf is a graduate of Pennsylvania college and of the Gettys burg seminary. Mr. Wolf is a native of Miles twp , this county, and a brother of Win. Wolf, of - Centre Hall. Mr. Spcrrinc, one of the engineer corp* siatiotitxi nt this place, sustained a severe coram of HII ankle a few days ago, by jumping over a fence. The nccidt nt has caused him lo keep in-door* for the present. * Mr. Cyrus thirst, about a week ago, fell from Uie loft of his barn, to the floor an J hurt himself badly though not dangerous ly. A treacherous board on the loft trip ped him down. You buy your ch clubs. $3, yearly' TublUed by W. Jtsxixoa Dkmo'kkst, 838 Broadway, New York. For the Centre Reporter. Not Very Deep. Mr. Editor,—Dear Sir.—Permit me through the column* of your paper, to make a few remark* concerning "long noses' and ".hallow minds." There areso many persons in thi* world, that can not content themselves to attend to their own business, but they must look into, and inquire alter other*. As a general thing, they criticise without any inspection, and such business as they know but very little about. In nearly every community, a* soon as school begins, it seems customary for some old women (and men too) to commence their trotting from one neighbor to another with something to tell, or making inquire.' A fur they have gathered considerable infornu.tion, they spend an evening or so in telling their husbands. Then their hus bands will gather into tome" store or shop, and spend an other evening in discussing such tight and silly topics, 1 say shame on such old "women," for there is no deep thinking man that will indulge in tuek- These are persons that scarcaly overtake up a book or paper to read—never tarn their heads toward* the heavens, to view, and consider the works of Nature. They spend but very little time in studying human nature, trying to find out what mind is perceptive of, and what improve ment their senses will admit of. In fac* they think on such subjects but very little more than the lower order of animals. Such person* I call very shallow minded, they are like the little brooklet, they are easily heard, and their riplcts easily mcas ured. S. Tracbrrs' Institute. Ckxtrk IIaIX. Dvc. 2nd ItJTl.—The sec ond semi-monthly Institute of this town ship was held at the above place, Saturday Dec. 2nd. After roll-call and devotional exercise*, the minutes of the previous meeting were tread and adopted. The following mem bars were present! J. L. Spangler" T. J. Frederick, Levi Gar brick, Danial Mitterling, Ellis Hoaterinan, W. V. Kunkle, J. C. Bible, S. T. Stephen son, K. Burkholder, M. Shire*. T. McAl roy, Mullie Bennington and Beckie Lau rer. Knowing the amount of work before the Institute, each member prepared to take his part. The President then announced, "School Government," under which head the following questions were put: Does this Institutue approve the system of writ ten excuses? Decided negatively. How can you best secure good attendance in our schools? Institute decide*, that by public and personal appeal to both pupils and pa rents. Show the pupil and parent that pro gress require* regularity of attendance. At this stago of the proceedings, it was asked, what school Government includes? It was decided that all matters touching the good will, advantage or disadvantage, of the school should be moant, notwith standing the formal decision of Mr. Wick ersham. Agreeably to this definition, Mr. Garbrick asked for the best method of teaching the Alphabet. Postponed till next time, and then to be opened by Mr. McAlroy. The next thins on tbc programme was the drill on Mental Science. Mr. Spanglcr put a sketch of the subject, "Origin of Knowledge," on the bltck board a* fol lows : Qcm: Are the elements of the mind's firet knowledge innate or acquired ? 1. Theory of innate ideas. The human mind is created with curtain elements of knowledge inherent in it, as a part et it. 2. Theory of acquired, held by Aristotle and Locke. The human is created without any idea*. It resembles a sheet of blank paper upon which nothing it written, but upon which ideas may be imprinted (Locke). , 8. Intellect, External and Internal. (a) Ex. Intellect consists of mentifl statu arising from objects outside of u*. (b) In. IntellectconsisU of mental states arising within us. (a) Out firet knowledge originates in External Intellect. Proof: Our experience tells us that our firet ideas are few, and simple arising from our wants. 2. Observation in children 8. Proof from Language. Our words first had a literal moaning: as taste. Imagine &c. 4. Person* who ure deprived of one sense are destitute of such knowledge as that that sense makes known. (b) In. Intellect. C< NCLUBIOX. Mind, created without any innate idea, but with powers to acquire. The order is from the concrete to tho abstract; from facts to laws. Application—Teach children by pictures —teach facts—not laws. After various discussions and citations from Winslow, and Prof. Upbam, (for no one seined toclaim originality for his views) the Institute adjourned to meet at Churcb ville, December, ICth. The Secretary it requested to politely urge the delinquent teacher* to attend and tuko part. Teachers, come out And give u g your views on the uiwny disputed questions of school government, citizens, parents all are respectfully invited to attend. > W. V. RItNKLK. Secretary. Querit*. ( From tAt Button Pott.) I'** >* —Where Is Alexis * I nr.Yc.rf. Whv did the Philadelphia , League reject Stokcly T I Au-'t/kfr.~ Who was ihe last man that made the President a present ? i Again. —I lave* thu recent murders and ) Once .Vr*.~lf Grant is re-elected, will those who now urge his renomination be the first on the list of his appointments T robberies ;II Massachusetts been p*rplra led by Ku-Klux ruffians or by children of Puritan# ? VKt IxiitWendell Philips voted for Lincoln after denouncing him as a "slave hound," U it any reason he thould not vote fbl IJ rant after calling liitn a drunk ard. 7"A* I erg /afrif,- If Colfax is objected loonacconnt of his occasional nunc, how can t; rant be acceptable who "smile*" as long us ho can staud. t././c.Jfcns,- If stealing $10,000,000 in New York constitutes a public robber, wliat should a carpet-bagger be called who steals twice as much at Uie South T ■ % i ♦— ■ ■ 1 ■ ■— The I'ope, .*nv* an authorised statement, will not leave liotue utilco* co m pel I iil to Jo so by physical force and jHisoual violence. An investigation iuto tho origin of the Chicago tire is in progress. A | wit net- said that fhc old part of the Court house rvHif was tar-covered. , Foil v States aud territories have sent $2,508,000 < ash for the relief of the suffers. - * -♦ • Covrrnor Campbell, of Wyoming Terri tory, lin tisneil tho bdl repealing tomato ludVago. i.mi thus lb* ballot ha# slipped [hrotsgfc the fair fingers->f the ladles of this notion of the \V est. - ■ MiI.HOY MARKETS. Corrected by John M' Do well. While wheat 1,46.... Kid wheat 1,40....8 ye TO Corn 7l tints to Barley 66 Cloverseed 6.60 Timothy seed, 360 Salt " Super sack, Bacon UV- Ham Id Butter H0... Kggs A) Plaster t> 60 BKLLKFONTKMARK KTS. Corrected by Keller6 Mutwr, it hitu A'heat $ 1.-ttt. Red 136 ...Rye,,— TVL Corn 5tX Oais .10 Barfey 66. 70 Cloverseed 6,80 Polatoea 36, Lard per pound g. Pork per pound 00 Butter3o. Kgg'J6. Plaster perlon sl6 Tallow 10 Bacon 10 Ham 20. DEATHS. On Ist. inst.. in Totter twp., of tynhold fever, at the residence of John llinebach. Mis. Kllen Ann Wolf, aged 18 years, V months, and 81 day*. On 28th, in Potter twp., of inflamation of the brain, Mr*. Margaret, wife of Win. Kerr, aged about 50 years. On 26th, in Potter twp., Mia* Molly Brisbin, aged about 65 years. On 25th. at Totter* Mill*, Mr*. Shirk, widow of Dunial Shirk. On Nov. 23rd, Mis*. Kmmie Harper, of Aaronsburg. Ta. ouly daughter of Susan Kussel, aged 10 year* 11 months 18 day*. MARRIAGES. On 3rd, in*t. bv Rev. J. K Miller, Mr. J a*. T. Freed and Mi** Susan Sprow, both of Centre If all. On 2Sih ult., in Tine Urovo, at the resi dence of T. Lytic, by the Rev. M O. Ear hart, Mr. Jamc I. Muascrand Miss M. K. Lytic, both of Tine drove. On 4th inst., at the residence of Jacob Kepler, by the same, Mr. John It Cortle you ofTitusville, Ta. and Mis* Mary A. Kepler, of Tine drove. On November \7, 1871, by Rev. J. 11. Brown, nt the Lutheran Parsonage in Lew isloun, Henry P. Lichty, Churchville. Cen tre co , IV, and uiiss Eiiuira K. Lytlo of AHenville, MilHin county. On the 21 st ult., at the Centre Hall Luth eran Tar-oiiage, by Rev. J. K. Miller, Mr. Tnoniat S. llcen, of Logan Mills, Clinton countv, to Miss. Lydia A. Jamison, of Georges Valley, Centre co. On the 23rd ult., at the same place, and h-. the same, Mr. Amos Koch, of Centre Hall, and Miss. Harriett C. Condo, ot Fishers Mills. COMMISSIONERS SAI.K of unseated lands. In pursuance of an act of As sembly passed on the 2tKh day of March, A. D.1H24. the Coxinissioner* of C'enlro County will sell at public sale at the Court House, in the borough of Bellefonte, on Saturday the 271h day of January A. I>. IbTi the following described tracts and parts of tracts of unseated lands purchased bv the County at Treasurers sale, and which have remained unredeemed for the -pace of five years and upwards: wsiumn. acxks rxa. rwr Robert Annsly ......31: W Curtin A. Hamilton t<4 " Ruth Elliott 290 U) Samuel Hall 42 00 Joseph Roberts -.890 00 Valentine Meyer 415 Sarah 15>nhani 217 00 Howard White & Nestlerodo CO 00 John Bradv —lO4 •"*> Adam Kuhn.. .03 00 Huston Adam Kubns..... „..—7O 00 CdtSKuhns—. 254 00 Richard Wain 415 OOSn w Sh' J D Pvlo .. M OOH'lfm'on John Wing ..„421 63 " Jlt DGrmv 250 00 Worth Wm Baird 433 ICS Union Benjamin Baird 433 163 Samuel l'hipp* 100 00 John I)inwoody „.ICD 00 Jane Blake - -..100 00 " Polly Williams 434 0i Taylor I) Beck 90 00 Jchn Beck 100 00 Jacob Beck HO U) WI" Brady 110 00 Milo* Kobt Orav 4UI 00 ilannah Brady —...,410 00 James Hepburn ....440 00 Charles Lucas 434 00 Rush J nines Laurimore 21 00 Gregg John M'Conning 313 173 Spring John Johnston 410 10 .John Wilson 4'.1 00 JOSEPH M CLOSKEY. SA M L. F. FOSTER, J. G. SANKKY, (km mit' i Centre Co. WM. FUREY, Clerk WAR! WAR! On Higb Prices. GREAT EXCITEMENT. 11. K. NMITII, fPotters Mills. N E W GOODS! We would most respectfully Inft-om his friends, customers, and the public gener ally, that he has taken possession of Thompson's old quarter*, which have boon remodeled and improved, and is now pre pared to accommodate all who may favor him by calling. NEW GOODS! lie has just received one of the targost stocks of ail kinds of Merchandise ever brought to Centre county. which he intends to sell at scuh figures as will make it an ob ject lor all persons to pure Base. Families laying in wintor supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, dtc., should not fail to give him a call, a* he feels confident his price* and superior quality of goods will amply satisfy all. His stock of GROCERIES consists of Coffees of the best quality, Teas, Sugars of all kinds, Molasses,; Fish, Salt, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Spices, Provisions, Flour and Feed, &e., dec. Our stock o! DRYGOOUB is large and varied, and we will just say can supply any article in that line, with out enumerating. READYMADECLO THING a large stock of ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys' wear, which we will dispose of at a very small advance on cost. Boots ana Shoes, Hats and Caps, Harn wnre, (Jueensware, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Fancy Goods, Carpets, Oil 'cloths, Wall Papers, Window Shades, &c., oct2B. ly. CENTRIC IIA 1.1. FOUNDRY and Machine Shops. Van Pelt &, Co. The undersigned, having leased the above establishment. announce i the pub lic that the isniK will be carried on in all it* various branches, a* a FOUNDRY, MA i It IN K SHOP, ami Ma it u factory of Agricultural Implement*, They are prepared to fill, upon shortest no tice, ml orders for llorso Powers Threshing Machines Day Hakes, PLOW 6 and Plow Castings of every dt-.crltHion, nil kinJ. of Castings made and fitted up f>r Mills, F oij.;,!-, Furnaces, Factories, dc. Also, every thing in the liuuol SUA FTtM.s, PC LUES, . II AN OK KS, in Iron or Hruxa. We employ the bet Patternmakers. Our Patterns are new and of the latest improved plans. Also manufacture the unrivalled ROUGH & READY V u r n I* I ante r, which is the beat now made. Ail orders by mail promptly attcu ded to ldw7l if Farmers Read! Kemp's New Wagon, with a splendid assortment of good* will soou appear At lour Dour*, loaded with a great variety of Good*, tuch at Plain and rancy Cnuiuirm of the la test Fall and Winter Styles, Bcaver Cloth, Tricot, Doeakin, Satinet*, Tweeds, Jean*, waterproof i'laid*, and an almott endiu** vari ety of Flann ol s. Fiue, .Medium and Coarse. Stocking Yarns of all kinds, Blankets, white gray, aud horse Blanket*. Striped Carriage Blankets. The moat beautiful striped carriage blan kets, made in tbe uuut mpcrior order, ami for talc at a reasonable figure. CARPETfe heavy Damask, Flowered, Ingrain and Striped, l'arlor and Stair Ctrprti, all su perior, bright fal colors, WOOL, LAUD, andSOAPtaken in ex change for Goods. Goods, of every varie ty, always on hand at his residence. John C. Kctnp, Centre Hill, Pa. novAtt. Agent for Halfpenny's PROSPECTUS FOR 1872. KIKTH TEAK. A Representative ami Champion a/ Ameri can Art. The Aldine: An fUuttraTfj iJ n'.hly Jvurnn! claimed to be the hand- net! I'ajrr in the II or Id. "Ghe my Jove to tin artist workmen of TIIK ANK who are iimtnif to make llwir ptafroioD worthy of admiration f. r beauty, •< it has ninays been for useful-! nets — Henry Hard lieechtr. TIIK ALD3NE, while issued with allj the regularity, h none of the temporary or timely interest characU-rUlie of ordin ary periodicals. It i an elegant miscel lany of pure, light, and graceful literature, and a collection of pictures, the rarest spec imens of artistic skill, in black and while. Although each succeeding number afldras a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real val ue and beauty ot TIIK AI.DINK will be must appreciated alter it lias been bound up at the close of the year. While other publications may claim superior cheapness as compared with rivals of a similar class, TIIK ALDiNEi* a unique and original oonception—alone and unapproached—ab solutely without competition in price or; character. The possessor <>f the volume; jnst completed cannot duplicate the quan tity of cue paper and engraving in any; other shape or number of volumes for ten! limes its ccst. NEW FEATURES FOR 1872. Art Department. The enthusiastic support *o readily ac-j corded to Uieir enterprise, wherever it has, been introduced, has convinced tho pub lisher of TH E A LDINK of the soundness • of their theory that the American public would recognise and heartily support anyl sincere effort to elevate the tone and stand-! ard of illustrated publications. As a guarantee of the excellence of this J department, the publishers would beg to| announce during the coming year, speci-j mens from tho following eminent Ameri can artists: W. T. Richards, Granville Perkins, Jame* Smiley, Win. Hart, F O. C. Dar ley. It. K. Piguet, Win. Beard, Victor Nehlig, Frank Beard. George Smiley. Win. ft. Wilcox, Paul Dixon, Aug. Will, James 11. Heard, J. Hows. These picture* arc being reproduced without regard to expenso by the very best engraver* HI the country, and will bear the severest critical corn pension with foreign work, it being tho determination of the publishers that THE ALDINE shall be a successful vindication of American taste in compction with any existing publication in the world. Literary Department. Whore so much attention D paid to ll lu-lration ami get Bp oftho work, too much dcpendcnco on appearance* may very nat urally be feared. To anticipate such mis givings, It is only necessary to state, that. Ui< editorial management of THE AL DINE has l en intrusted to Ala. lUCIi- AKD HENRY STODDARD, who has re ceived assurances of assistance from a host of the most popular writers and poets of the country. The Volume of 1872 will contain nearly 300 pages, and about 2iU lino engravings. Commencing with tho number lor January, ovory third num ber will contain a beautiful tinted picture on plate paper, inserted as a frontispiece. The Christmas number for 1872, will be a splendid volume in Itself, containing fifty engravings, (four in tint) and, although retailed at $1 will be sent wi.hout extra charge to all yearly subscribers. A Chronio to every Subscriber was a very popular feature last year, and will be repeated with the present volume. Tho publishers have purchased Aid repro duced, at great expense, the beautiful oil pnintuig by SKI*, entitled "DAXIE NA TURE'* SCHOOL.' 'ilie chronio is 11x10 inches, and is an exact lac-simile, in size and appearance, of the original picture. No American cliroino, which will at all compare with it, has yet been offered ul re tail for less than the price asked for THE ALDINE and it together. It w ill be de livered free, with the January number, to every subscriber who pay* for one year in advance. Terms for 1872. One Copy one year, vitli[Oil Chroma $.">,00. Fitc Copies, " " " '* 20,00 Any porun sending 10 name* and $lO will receive nil extra copy gratis, making 11 conic* for tho money. Any person wishing to work for a pre mium, CHII have our premium circular on aoplication. We give many beautiful! and dcsirble articles offered by no other paper. Any person wishing to act, permanently, us our agent, will apply, with reference, enclosing $1 for outfit. „ JAM ES SUTTON & CO., Publishers, 23 Liberty Street, New York. WM. J. M'Mauigal WIInI.KSAI.E and RETAIL DEALER IN Foreign & Ifomeatic Mir IN HIS NEW BUILDING Milroy SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED i Nails, NaiL, Nail*, NaiU! fj lass, lilacs, 4 ilnss, Ola* I Locks, I.ticks,* Lacks, Ixicks ! Hinges, Hinges, Hinges, Hinge* I Screws, Screws, Screws, Screw*! Oil, Paints, k Putty. fitr* pccial Inducements-^^ tarTu Carriage Maker* A* Blacksmiths, fur Hubs, SjKikcs, Hints, Carriage Oil Cloth ami Linings, Iron, Iron, Iron, Imn! Horseshoes and Nail Hod*, Blister & Cast Steel, Horse Nails, and Steel Toe*, ami a very large assortment of Carriage BolU. To Housekeepers for Wallpaper, Wallpaper, Wallpaper! From lOctn to 91 per bolt, Coal Hods and Shovels, Tea Ketllos, Pans, and Skillets, Lard Cans, WatHs Irons, Toasters, Huteller Knives, llread Knives, all kinks of Cuttlery, LAMPS of every de scription. est. special Inducements^^ to Carpenters for Saws, Planes, Chisels, Drawknires, Bruce* and Ilitts, &c. To Farmers nud every body else, for whatever they want in my line. I keep n general as sortment of WOOD A WILLOW WART such as Buckets, Tubs, half Bushels, Peck measures, Baskets, Sir. Trunk*. Valient, & '1 raveling bug*, Sleigh Bolls, Sleigh Kunnore, Fenders and Shaft*. FARM EltS, MERCHANTS, A MECHANICS, Please give nie a call, or * send for prices. You will find a general assortment of every thing pcrtniuing to the Hardwatotrado. S!S%.I would ask Painters 3)uto give iny Varnishes a Mrtrial. I have just re flay cei veil from New York nxR." large Stock of Varni- OaJf-.ihcs, such as FURNITURE, COACH, WHITR DUMA It, WUAUtjrO no- I) Y, OABKIAUR BO DY, DKAIN RUBBING, ASH PIIALTUM audjAl'Ajls, J. T. LEWIS Si into. WIDTH LEAD, always on hand. Ordors Respectfully solicited Wm. J. McMaaigsL ldccßm Stoves! FirclStov's! At Andy Umnuuau a, Caulrv Hall, arc latest and best stoves out, bo ha* Just received a large lot of (Jook Hlovaa, the Pioneer Cook, the Kclipee Cook, the Heiianoe Cook. PA K 1.011.S -The It mi it. t I.ighL self fee dor, Uai (turner. National Jtfg, Jewell, Ac. Xfiulle sells stovo* a* LOW u anywhere in Mi tit in or Centre eo. oHf TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE Tbe undersigned hereby inform* the cilixeii* of Penuavalley that he ha* pur cha*od the Tinshop heretofore rarried on by tha V. U Mfg Co., and wilt continue the tante, at the old *land, in all it*branch e, in the manufacture of MTOYE PIFt A ftI*OLTIAO. All kind* of repairing dona.* Ha ba* always on hand Fruit Cana, of all Siiaa, BUCKETS. CUPS, DIPPERS. DISH KM, AC. All work warranted and charge* reason able. A share of the public patronage as licited. AND. HKKHMAN, 2*ep7oy Centre Hall VTUTH'E, jLi Office oflhe Lrssbuir Centre and Spruce Creek K. H. Co. Philadelphia June 13th, '7l. Notice is hereby given tbal the first In stalment of five dollar* per share, to the t-apilal stock of the Lewuburg, Centre and Spruce Creek Kail K<>ad Co., subscribed in the township* of Harris, Potter, lregg. Penn and Haines. Centre county, will be payable on the first day of July 1871, and subsequent instalments of five dollarsiser share, will be due aud payable on the first dey ot eaah succeeding mouth uulil tbe whole i* paid. Payment* of the above in stalment* are hereby required to be made to the treasurer of the Company, at the office of tbe Centre County Banking Com pany llollefonte Pa. * JOSEPH LESLEY, Treasurer. N. B. Any person desiring can pay the whole off at once. If payment* are not punctually made the law allow* one per cunt, pel month U> be charged in addition. CKNTKK IIALL Coach Mannfao tory. Levi Murray, •4 hi* ttublUhuirnt at Centra Ball, Pa. keep* on hand, and for Mia, at lb* moat reasonable rata* ■ Usgo stock of Carriages, Buggies, A Spring Wagons, Pun and FA*CT, and vehicle* of every description made to order, and Warranted, to be made of the beat seasoned material, and by the moat • killed and competent workma*. Per*ona wanting anything in hi* linear* requested to call and examine bit work, they will lad it not to be excelled for durability and wear. apr®ly! VKW HABDWAUKSTOKKI J. A J. HARRIS. SO. 6. BROCKKKUOPP BOW A new and complete Hardware Store ha> been opened by the undersigoed in Brock erboiTs new building—where they are pre- Sared to sell all kinds of Building ami 11 out < 'ornithine Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails. Buggy wheels in setts. Champion Clothe* Wringer, Mill Saws. Circular and Han* Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Ice Croats Preo/.ert, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a All. assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of all •ixot, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes Felloes, and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators, Cort Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold Boards and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov els, Spade* and Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods. Oils. Lard, Lubricating, Coal. Linseed, Tanners-Anvile, Vlcea Bel lows. Screw Plates. Blacksmiths Tools, Factory Bells, House Bells. Dinner Bells, Gong Bells. Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpen ter Tools, Fruit Jar* and Can*. Paints, Oils, Varnishes received and for sale at junoo&My- J. AJ. UA KRIS. SPELLER A JARRETT dealer* in DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS alsoalt the STANDARD FATENT MEDICINES. A very large as sortment of TOI LET AETICLBB, FANCY flood* Soap*, Ac., Ac., The finest qual ity of Ktioi STEEL, POCEET KNIVES, SciaaoM and BAZOO*. WALL PAPEE tx GREAT VAEIITT. PRESCRIPTIONS, compounded by eomj potent druggists at allhour*. day or Bight. Night customers pu I night bell. ZELLKR A JARRETT, Bishop St., Bellefonte Pa. lunld 1 CENTRE HALL Tan lard. The undenigned would respectfully in form the citiaens of Centre county, that the above Tan Yard will again be put in full operation, 4n all it* branches, by tham. HIDES AND BARK WANTED. The highest market price will be paid for Hide* of all kinds. The highest mar ket price will also be paid for Tanner's Bark. The public patronage ie solicited Satisfaction guaranteed. doS.Dtf MILLKR A BADQER. g ROCKERHO FF HOUSE, Allegneaey Street, Bellefonta, Pa. D. JOHNSON A SONS, Proprietors. A riItnTCLAM HOTRL.. OOMVORTABI.R ROOMS PROMPT ATTENDANCE. ALL THR MODERN OONVENIKN CHS—AN D REASONABLE Charges. The proprietors offer to the traveling public, ana to their country friends, first class accommodations and careful atten tion to the wants of guests at all times, at fair rates. Carefulhostler* and good stable ling for horse*. An eicellont table well served. A Bar supplied with fine liquors. ServanU well trained and everything re quisite in n first cins* Hotel. Our location is in the business part of the towu, near the Post Olflco, tho Court House, the Chur ches, the Banks, and the p incipal place* .•f business, render* it the most eligible place for those who visit Bellefoete on busi er pleasure. Aii Oiuuibus will carry passengers and baggage to and front all train* free of charge. Young and Devling* CITY STOIIEi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The largest and best it-.n tinoiit oil Dry (aOOlls, Clothing, Groceries, Hoots, & Shoes, I Notions &c. iu the county, give m a trial mid save from 15 to 20 per cent, on your pur chtuc*. iuly2B. i Graham & Son, Boot&Shoo Makers Neat iloor to \V ttgaoer A. toon's 8 tor* Uellefonte. We manufacture to order. Our work i* neat and durable. Our price* are vqry moderate. We warrant to give satisfaction. We have tbe LA ROES T end BEST stock of Ladie'* and Children's shoes in town. Wear* receiving good* every wok. We wiah an examination of our goods. Tha Penntvalley trade u especially in vited to call and see our stock, we think we can please all who call a to style*, quality, and price*. We study b> render satisfaction, and although we bare had an extended tredo for years, we have never given a customer cause to complain. *eptU.t£. AIJACM, aarkoLD'e .NEW makmlv • raoxT, Bistioi- tL, lielKfonte. WINES AND LI 4 1 V O ItS The subscriber respectfully call* the at tention of the public to hi* establLhm nt, where he is orepaiod to ftirniih all Vindtot Foreign and Domestic Liquors" wholesale at the lowest cash price*, wnich are orran tod to be the beet qualifies according to their respective ffkot 111* *tck consist* of ltye, Monougahcla. !ri-h and other Whiskies, all kinds of Braadi<-, Il -Uand Gin, Port, Madcria. Cherry, Bisrkberry and other Winea—the be*t articles—at a* reasonable rat* - as ran b had in the city, I Champagne, Cherry. Blackberry, Gingerj and Carraway Brandies, Pure Jamaica and New England Kum, Cordial of all kinds, lie would particularly Invite Farmers, Ho tel keeper* and other* to call and examine his large supply, to judge for themselves and be certain of procuring what ihev buy, which can seldom be done when purchasi ng in the city. I*W- Physicians are respectfully requested o give his liquors a trial. aplO Wall Paper, cheap from 12 to 20 cent* per tol Us ILrlnht-r BUFFALO SO A LKS. of the v,.,t make from 4 lbs up to IJii.Ui l !•. ap!0"68 lnwts A WILSON. DRY BOARDS, Plank and Scantling for sale by IUVIN a WILAOX. aplffte. C" ROSS-CUT AND MILL SAWS, be make at law IK a WIUKIM. apHTBB PUMPS! Wooden Pumps, ANI) PIPING. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention ofthecilixen* oft entre county, and Pennvalley in particular, to tlio fact that he la manufacturing TM2 PUMP, made at borne or elsewhere. Ho use* none but the b< at material, IIEWAKIIKNT* TUKM to give satisfaction, as being the most last lag and durable, nurcßion TO THE OLD wooden pump. Wing arranged to let the water oft and prevent I reciting in winter. Fine, poplar or cucumber pumps always on hand. Hi* matirial for pumps is all sawed from large timber, and are thus Secured againstChcckingor Cracking. All orders by mail promptly filled. PIPING, made of the beat material, of five inch scantling, joined together w.th coupling blocks, thoroughly handed, and wai ranted to stand any pressure required for ordinary use. Prices of pir ing range from 12 to id cents per foot Semi order* to sept. 80. ly J. TELLER. Milesburg, Fa Burial Cases AND CASKETS. AIR-TIGHT AND IN DESTRUCTIBLE rott Protecting and Preserving the Dead. The undersigned take* pleasure in an nouncing that lie has secured the solo agen cy in thi* county for ME TALLICA XD OLA SS lltirlnl t'nmvm and ( iiakrla, which arc o widely known a* to require no (iiecial commendation. The METALLIC BURIAL CASK, with it- present im proved style and llnit>b, it* entire harmony with tho reeling* of the bereaved, it* per fected adjustment* and appointment* in whatever relate* to the preservation and protection of the body after death, confirm it* utility and entire adaptne** to the pur pose* for which it i* designed. COFFINS of all detenntion* furnihed at the *borle*t notice; and all order* filled promptly night or ur book* end account* am vrill k mucli obliged to one end all to eel nndstUle their account*. We would tej to out numerou* friend* and customer*, t please accept our sine re thanks for thi generous patronage they have always be | towed on us. ifURNHIDK & TIIOM Art. NEWS FORTHKPEOPLE Attraction and Ureal Bargains! '| *ll Is. undersigned, deternilndUimeetttei I X popular demand for Lower Prices, re .pectfully call* the attention of the publh to hie tock of SADDLERY, now offered at the old eland. Designed ea I pednlt * for the people and the tim*., the lar goat and moat varied end complete assort ment of Saddle*, Harneat, Collar*, II rid lee, !of every description and quality; Whip. ;and in fact everything complete to a fret I class e.tahli.hinent, ho now offer* at price, which will uit the time*. 1 !|A better variety.. better quality or fine, -lyle of Maddlery ha. nev.-r before been of t acred to the public Call and examine oui itock and be eatlefled before purnhaeiagi *!fwher<". Determined to please my patrons aat thankful I for thir Üboral ibar* of iNUroßtfi i heretofore enjoyed. I r*pectful!y acdtcfTi : continuance of the aaiue, J ACOB I>|NUm, Centre Hell | It WIN * WILSON are ooneuaUy re cutting new good* in their line. HARD W ARE ' fovery 4eaftg opened ek cry *l oouage my lit? COACH MANUFACTORY. 11A RDM AN PHILLIPS, AT Hlrtmanufacturingcublishmeat at Yeagertown, en the Lewietowß land Be Uefonut Turnpike, ha* now on hand ft fine stuck of Carriages. Buggiee, Snlkie* lnd Soring Wagons, which be now offer* I > >r safe a. .'jpertor in quality and styles tc asv manufactured in the country. The, ure made of the very het ca*on-J stock by fir.t clas practical workmen, end finiaked i n a style that challenges comparison with any work out of or In the Eastern cities and can be sold at lower price* than those manufactured in large town* and cities, amidst high rent* end ruinous price* of liv ing. Being maator of hi* own situation, anxious to excel in his artiatical profession j *nd free from any annoyance* in hi* busi- I lies*, he ha* time and abilitr to devote hi. •-ntirc attention to bis profession and hi. ! customer*, rendering satisfaction alike u all patron*, operative*, hi* country, aa himself. Call and examine hi* stock and learn his price*, end you cannot fail to be .attsfied, REPAIRING ofali kind* done neatly, promptly, tad reasonably. Yeagertown, June IJ. IMB —ly. Double and mingle barbk fowling pieces at apltrca. IRWIN A WILSON. CtBNTRE HALL HOTEL. / Joux rtraxoLKß, Proprietor. Stage* arrive and depart daily, for all points, north, south, east and west. This favorite Hotel has been refitted and furnished hy it* new proprietor, and ia now in every respect one of the most pleasant country Hotels in central Pennsylvania. The tmrolltng community and drover* will always find the lies: accommodation*. Per son. from the city wishing to *nnd a few weeks during the summer in tne country, will find Centre Hall one of the most beau tiful locations and the Centre Ilall Hotel all they could desire for comfort and con venicnce. aplooi-keeping, at taught by Prof Ihty, Principal of Dot'yt Commercial College. In every city of ike United Statea tkere w a row ttaHt demand for Book terpen, both male and female, By Ihrof. Doty t method the whole art of Book keeping it taught in one abort easy /awn, to that any perron of ordi nary intelligence can learn it in let* than one wrek't study. This valuable instruction will be tent FREE to any addrcti upon receipt of ONE DOLLAR. C Copies to one address $5,00. Add rem EUGENE DOTY nov24.Sm Itsllston Spa, N. Y. TN:w>LCTtox —Notice i* hereby given JLF that the partnership of the firm of Prank A Uainc. heretofore existing at R hcrtburg, was dissolved on the 90th day ot October, last. AH jx-rsons knowing them selves indebted to said firm are requested to come and tuakc settlement Faaxa JcHaixna. 0 N -tic* i hereby given that the mer jcanlile business is continued et the old otar.das heretofore under the firm of A Frank * Son. ThankfVil for past natron ngc, they invite their old friends anacusto mer* for a continuance of the same. 8. FKAKX A SOX, 17nov.lt. Rcbersburg, Pa. NATURE'S j Hair Restorative Contain* no LAC SULPHUR —No SUGAR OF LEAD-No LITH ARGE—No NITRATE OF SILr VEU, and is entirely free from the Poieououa and Health-destroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Trnnsparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil the finest fabric,—perfectly SAFE CLEAN ami EFFlClENT,—desidera tum* LBN© FOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LAST! It restores and prevent* the Hair from beixmiing Oray, impart* a *oft, glossy ap pcurance, removes Dandruff, is refreshing to the head, chock* the Hair from falling off, and restore* it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cure* all humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. AS A DKKriSING FOR THE HAIR IT IS TUE BEST AR TICLE IN THE MARKET. 1)1L G. SMITH, Patentee, Ayer. Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTH ERS, Gloucester, Mas*. The genuine is put up in a patud bottle, made expressly for it, with the name of the at tide blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist for Ns- TtruE'e HAIR RcaTORAtiVB, and take uo other. |N~Send two three cent stamps to Proc ter Brother* for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information it contain* is worth SoOU,OO to any person. lsep.ly For sale at Centre Hall by Wm. Wolf and Herlacher & Crotuniller. - If U ® it J T U 11 AT REDUCED PRICES I ALLKINDSO. FCSMITURKATTn K "MAMMOTH" Furniture Store! or THOMAS LINN. On Allegheny Burnt, Belief. nte, Temt'i. T ADOPT thi* method of informing ..j JL friend* that I. have purchased the entire fiIHM of Henry P. Harrw in the eh- *e named establishment Mr. liarri> ha *'.■ retired from the fim, WiU Continue the Business of Manufacturing all hind* of Furoitun at hi* old stand on Howard BL He also make* a specialty of H yirtakle la all its branches. The beet of C®iw, a (food Hoarse at all time* on hand. B* cry funeral will be attended to by him in prv *o. Ilk many year* of experience will recommend him as one of the OLDEST AMDBKrtT UNDKKTAkLL* in the itala. All order* PROMPTLY FILLED. Order* ibr Coffin* can he left at my Rare • i Allegheny Street. , THOMAS LINN, ficllrfopte Pn. oetST.ly. ~"^r~ vIH. Jll.Sil?Plfll.g©# aleeay* for Tewnf Meu. on fiXZATMCUL rviu and A£ l' lis wMeh Utarter. with ■anrtag*. and rain tha happiness of th>n*- and*. - with sure means of relief for It * Krring end (1 a fortunete, diseased and de bilitated Bent in seeled teller envelop' .. Owe of charge. Address. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 'irtouth Ninth He, Philadelphia. Pa ntlhly. ■fkOAJLTtS far Bnggiee ami Carving 1 *•'r JD*uee in nee; Fire Bolts, ditto, at puree lawtx * Wtuo* CKNTKAL HOTEL, Cower of Tl.~ and Chestnut Street. Mi Mia burg. Pa John Kbon ere, Proprietor, lu Central Location makes it particular!y dcsirable t penes* visiting Tewn ott imHttwt of ftlftm FTi.. H. A. Taylor* Livery Attached. SnnSLly j pTAny person tending ns right sub scriber* with the cask. !, will receive the Reporter 1 year free; and for four names aad fin. the Beperter S moelhe fr. ThOCKET CUTLERY—niI ntehe* r Jr or,ces at IK WIN A WILBO* LOOKINO-O LABS PLATES efalisia for sale hy inwt* * WuaON. *t 10*68. YAPANMED TOlLETrtlrre. A' & if other Japanned wai< at the Anvil Store, spier G* Inwt* e Wuse*. TqoFFIN TRIMMINtW. a krpW Vv mental IEWIN A WiLrtNs Dr. Crook's WIHE CF 1: . ;* * t 'f h* leeuHta * ■ Built nd Lvsyt set Dr. Crook's WIKE OF Ti., Ht UtOMM C UMgW SMI •i* - Sefuhi k CcsjubvlUA > "*+- MMS|U> p- - Dr. Crook's WTKE*OF TA. '• ■ .-M IMS ■ •t Sei*. * it • Ur. P- !• N U.l. . Avthmn SmehithL c*-. -m' u-'- •'Vd. • • ru I , MC- phrvii; v'-. Soil* M Dr. Crook's WIKE OF . Os ton n% * I- Mm tt*e v%sf* awn. "■ ■ Wt rHBP-J* riki till w * -pr>lwtf lite Br :- •ty sm.tiam. stoi-e eii.- er pss-rtWI 41 a rati r : Dr. Crook's WIKeTf TAR I I. "■* • Its orJ. n I _ . . mul tie. af TUr, re Inkaat tew* imssu vita u*. *.n re-lissw* ®t Rsggthatim. v"*"*"* •hwh est. a Dr. Crook's WTHOTTAF. u-uwm. pete ia Biw DYSPEPSIA. 'ujsseiiarh. viuaista. UmM eghetii* Rcgc tstaar s t Us Liver. Dr. Crook's WIKE OF TAR! its. aassiSe away serptn.-. •traegsai ileal thy who h 4 hem s*iM. to VI.: t • .use, sbs ■*• Hfr-jnv k*e ereperWee tried ell. 0" - ——- The aa*t* aes-i ~. M qtMlUiee a) I* k. Aw ere enwtoias.l #i" vM best T*w ersf" jfEg DR. (TkaiHUt STrittr> msjs POO ROOT" , Mekiac the p'Vpni K/a tha best Aienuv. Taela kaeva lot leniklh, Scrcfix'r" * Tuasn, Btrt-c: sslfiV.fi/fd SiavN of tin r juMjtxSCfEf All *ff*rizj r OkmkHmmt" kea-deim Cot: A remedy te jar.:, timkijttl S3EM esrieh thoßlocL rr Mad Dr. SSOOIS-c APwinl SYlUTofl " & U <■:> " IMMMifIMWMII;:' " ! <\4St JSSEMS WAX [ t 'sr-Our UwnJ'ira wi.V * . Am I>l •ftrated Pa*.r, i p • IMtosul Healkly. ■*■ ri>,i * |r.i-c, gl.se. livery nnhaerlWer rear*vve u *':• ■ asM. i hrM, A frait He*, nrttich i sella • lev W. (Sets* * eewt ler.w for , Sample end ffveealwni Usl. Adairi \ W.E. Hump, Publisher, Dayton, 0