The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 08, 1871, Image 2

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    ii mi ■Mlto ■■dflfci lifs^
Centre Hall, Pa., Dec,S-, 71.
hemorate Stageopl
'"drartl.omenU $1.60 y
.tnes)r.hrse Atvgtowaams
or office. 5 cents per tine.
ion. of a prleato navum nl
turns of i ntcrc.tfroßs tkair raspeetiv aloeal
-1 The figures set to a" the
each subscriber', paper indicate thst J|
übscription is pali up to
answer the same as a f^#r
mittiiut by mail, or
stand from a change la these dates thst the
money has been received
The New York Tribune, considered
resectable Republican authority, has
the following to say in relation to Mur
phv and his henchman Arthur:
The strong point with the flution of
office-holding Republicans who have
contrived to clutch the Federal patron
age and influence in this city has h*en
to answer every eritieieni or exposure
by calling the Tribune -Tammany
Republican - Well, the time has not
balance tho books; but it may be
worth while to port up a few items
from the daily blotter. <
1. The leader of this clique himself
held two Tammany offices at and alter
his appointment to the Custom House,
and was, and to this day is, in partner
ship in large speculations with the
Thieves of the Ring.
2. When the odium of these and
others equallv notorious facto forces
him out of office, his successor proves
to be a young man who held a ten
thousand dollar Tammany office up
till a few months ago —long after h*
had been concerned in screaming
Tammany Republican" at ua
3 Wheu the head of the Ring, Mr,
Wm. M. Tweed, is arrested, the first
man to step forward for his bail, mere
ly in order that the Thief may be
kept from going to jail, is another of
the same crowd
4 When at last the sums paid the dif
forest newspapers by the Corporation
came out, it appears that Tie Tune*,
after shooting for months that The
Tribune is controlled by Tammany
advertising, has itself been haying one
third more of this advertising than
Tke Tribune ! [The exact figures are:
Tines, $34,093 29; Tiibune, $23,755,-
Her® be signs of the timesl An in
fidel propauagda is about to be started
by the freethinkers of New k ork! A
meeting of infidels and freethinkers, was
held in the Masonic Hall, a plan was
initiated for the propagation of free
thinking doctrines throughout the Uni
ted States, by similar agencies to those
employed by religionists. They are
determined to iususrats and aggressive
policy,and to begin by circulating iu
fidel tracts by thousands, providing
for lectures and meetings, and the
equipment of free-thinking missiona
ries to be sent to all parts of tba Union
to establish free-thinking dubs.
Small-pox is spreading in New York
with alarming rapidity, and in the
opinion of Dr. Morris, the city sanitary
inspector, is likely to become epidemic.
Twenty-two fresh cases were reported
between 25th and 28th nit, yet the
Health Department is unable to
adopt preventative measures because
it has no money at its command
The Tyrone Herald makes a mean
fliug when it says that our Meek is the
••Canada thistle of the legislature."
The Canada thistle is a curse to the soil
where it takes root, and to make
out Mr. Meek the curae of the legisla
ture. is an unwarranted 'slander.
What has the Herald to do with our
Meek, he is not in its bailiwick, and
the Tyrone Hottentot had therefore
better mind his own business, and at*
tend to the "Canada thistles" in its
own party, and not drive us to Mr.
Meek's defense by such flings as this
one. If our Meek has done any thing
which may be wrong in the sight of the
Herald, ae think full atonement is
made by a repeal of the law library
bill, which alone is sufficient to (does)
cover a multitude of sins, and we will
see to it that this great subject is again
brought before our savaiug at Harris
burg at any early day, next seassion,
and banged be the governor who will
dare meet it with a veto. The Herald
had better spend its ink in talking up
the greatness of Harrison Allen, and
let Meek alone.
Another Legislative Forgery.
It nome time ago kept us busy .'showing up
the forgeries committed by men inthe legis
lature and in trying to get there. We had
hoped that there was an end to that new
kind of villany t get into offiaa and prac
ticed while in office. Ons esss we chroni
cled was that of an Assemblyman in New
York, who forged the speaker's name to s
bill. Another case was that of a candidate
tor Assembly who bad forged his *r*nd
father's name to a very important docu
ment, and there may have been more, hut
they do net just now occur U> us, but anoth
er forgery very recently came to light, tf
which the New York Sun makes mention
as follows:
"It is reported that the Hon. Israel T.
Hatch of Buffalo has alleged in a recent
public speech that a clause in the Legisla
tive Appropriation bill of last winter giving
flfty thousand dollars to the Messrs. Lord
af Rochester to eover damages done
to the Erie Canal by gales on tha lake
was naver passed by eitbsr branch of the
Legislature, out was instated in by forgery
after the bill had passed. This will doubt
less be investigated by the coming Legis
lature. There are other cases of forgery is
bills committed in the ssune manner, some
ef which were exposed in the Ban at the
time, and they should all be dealt with to
From all these cases H appears that there
is a new way practioad by corrupt men io
offioo to rob and plunder; if tbey cannot
do it by a swindling contract, or legalized
legislative steal, they now resort to forgery,
and what is most lamentable, is, that men
were found willing to re-elect all the
rogues above mentioned to the positions
which they had disgraced and in which
they had combined with rings to rob and
plunder. We long forthe day when noton
ly villains will not dare show their faces in
decent society, but when men who support
them, with a knowledge of their deeds'
Will be ashamed to show themselves in open
Pray to God to help you, aad put
your hand to the work.
The Elements of Opposition to
General Grant
(From the N. Y. World.)
At least three-fifth of the voting cit
izertt of the Unite*! Stales deprecate
and would gladly prevent the re-loc
lion of Presideul Grant. Those op
ponents of his admiustratiou consist of
the whole Democratic party and fully
one-fifth of the Republican party.
The.onlv difficulty is to combine these
into one solid phalanx The defeat
of Grant and the deliverance of the
country from another four year# of
his imbecile and disgraceful adminis
tration, depend upon the possibility of
perfecting a cordial uoton among his
To accomplish this some things
must he done, and other things to be
forborne. Among the things to he
forborne and deprecated are these
two: First, appeal* to mere party
spirit and party prejudice. If Demo
crats should raise their party Hag too
high, and flauut it too defiantly in the
faces of Grant's Republican enemies,
they would eet a had and suicidal ex
ample. Hoiu-st Republicans can en
ter into such a union as wv propose
only by breaking their present par
ties; and Democrats are bouud, in
henor and magnanimity, to concede
as much as they ask. \V cannot, in
conscience and consistency, ask others
to make greater sacrifices fur tke com
mon good th* wo are willing to make
ourselves. Of course, it would be an
iusult to either side to expect it to
make anr sacrifice of principle; hut
if, on comparison of views, the anti-
Grant men are found to agree on es
sentials, it is the plainest dictate of
patriotism and public duty to waive
minor points of difference ami not al
low party punctilio to staud iu the
way of success.
Secondly, another thing to be for
borne is any obstinacy of nrefereuce
for favorite candidates for President.
For our part, wo do not much care
from which branch of the combined
opposition to Grant the candidate is
taken, provided he be one who can
give the needed toue to our public ser
vice. Let it be understood that, iu
this respect, both wings of the reform
party stand on tho same footing in
every respect, and that there will be
on each side equal willingness and
seal to support a Presidential candi
date selected form the other. It is for
the interestof all tonominate the strong
est man, irrespectiveffisf geographical
position or former party connections.
We hope the friends of no real reform
er will be discouraged from pressing
his candidacy when the proper time
comes. To lead such a movement is
an object of honorable ambition
to any statesman. The more as
pirants the better, provided the sup
porters of each will cheerfully submit
to the dtcisinn of a national eouven
lion after a fair comparison of claims.
A multitude of competitor! will be at
tended with two advantages; it will
stimulate and diffuse effort previous to
the nomination ; and it will detelop
the popular strength of leading candi
dates, thereby aiding the new Presi
dent to compose a strong and popular
administration. Let all candidates,
whether inside or outside the Demo
cratic party, have a fair show in pre
liminary cauvass. Our chief bus.ness,
meanwhile, is to settle the principles
and issues on which the combination
against Grant shall be made.
Without undertaking to give a com
plete catalogue, we will indicate a few
of the elements of opposition to Gener
al Grant:
I. The crusade against corruption in
office. Thia one of the most hopeful
issues for a combined movement of
honest Democrats and honest Republi
cans. It has been well started in suc
cessful campaign in which Democrats
and Republican* have served together
with co-operating zeal. The ' over
throw of Tammany is a preliminary
engagement, which introduces the gen
eral battle against official corruption.
It has demonstrated the possibility of
unking party differences in a joint el
fost to expose and dethrone fraud and
punish its perpetrators. A movement
of this kind, which is prompted by an
awakened public conscience, cannot
atop with a mere local triumph. It
will spread throughout the country
like a devouring conflagration, con
suming the nepotism uf Grant and
the corruption of bis subordinates as
effectually as it has the abuses of the
Tammany Ring. This is ODe plank
of the platform on which all the op
ponents of General Grant can stand
11. Amnesty to the South. Liber
al, honest Republicans can unite with
Democrats on this ground as cordial
ly as in opposition to official corrup
tion. The rascality which has been
brought to light in the Southern State
governments is absolutely astounding ;
and it has chiefly resulted from the
vindictive, ostracizing policy which
has excluded the property-holders
and intelligent classes of the South
from their due influence in local poli
tics. A victorious crusade against
corruption necessarily includes the
only radical cure for the hideous mal
administration which prevails in the
Southern States.
111. The revenue reform or free
trade movement. This is one of most
important bases of the new political
combination. For the last three years,
revenue reform has been making great
progress among thinking Republicans,
especially in the West. The most
widely circulated Republican journals
in Chicago and Cincinnati are ardent
advocates of free trade, and free trade,
with amnesty for its ally, carried Mis
souri against Grant and elected Gratz
Brown last year. The revenue reform
Republicans and the Democrats can
coraiaJly act together on this great
IV. Tbeae tad some other baaea
form theconcorreDt and harmopioua
political actionof all good men. * *
Such a new movement aa we propose
affords the beat promiae of enliatingjthe
German vote in opposition to Gener
al Grant. The majority of our Ger
man citizens, both in the East and the
West, favor purity of administration
and univeraul amnesty. Among the
moat zealous and determined foes of
Tammany were the German voters of
this city ; and the great amnesty tri
umph in Missouri last year was chiefly
owing to their co operation under the
lead of Senator Schurz. This elo
quent and gifted statesman justly de
spises General Grant ; and in such a
combined opposition as is proposed he
would be a boat. His vigorous sense
and persuasive tongue would aid the
reform movement to captivate and
carry the whole body of German vo
ters in the United States, in opposition
to such a nepotist, venal gift-taker,
and corrupter of the public morals as
President Grant.
We will not. at present, enumer
ate farther. It must be obvious, from
the points we have presented, that
nothing is needed but a liberal, con
eilatory spirit to bring all the op
ponents of General Grant together on
a satisfactory platform, and make the
next Presidential election the opening
of a new and brighter era in our pol
—Subscribe for the Reporter.
carpet'bapr Thfovinff and Mlsgor
erf)menl the Reconstructed Mail*
(From tho Now York Tribune.)
For months the developments of nu
calit) in the management of there-
I constructed governments of severqj
I Southern States have been growing
more conclusive. No intelligent man
■ longer doubt# tlint those governments
I have been flngrautly expensive and
corrupt—that they have increased
taxation, incurred debt, and iiiod
bond# to an enormous exteut. The
facts are iu part concealed or obscuredP
hut cannot long remain so ; enough is
already known to justify the very
gravest apprehensions. In the two
Carolina* especially the robberies ap
pear to have Wcu quite as gigantic,
wheu the relative wealth of the respec
tive communities is considered, a* in
thia city. Yet men whom we have es
teemed houest. talk as though all ex
poaurc and reprehension of these vil
la nice should be left to Democratic
journals —that we ought to ignore, 01
uefig, or belittle them. They rtnre
seut as calculated to
damage the Republican party general
ly. We hold that, even if this he so,
that (tarty will be far worse damaged
by seeking to cover up those iniqui
ties, and llius making them to some,
extent its own. Let it promptly and
fearlessly expose and denounce the
criminals, if it would vindicate itself
from all complicity in their crimes.
Senator Blair on the Situation.
St. Louis, November 21.—A rejpor
ter of the Republican interviewed Sen
ator Blair yesterday in regard to his
observations iu a member of the sub-
Ku klux Committee, which has just
closed it* investigations ill Alabama
and Mississippi. Following are the
maiu points or Mr. Blair's statement:
The testimony of some two hundred
witnesses was taken. The radical wit
nesses were chiefly negroea, while those
of Mr. Blair were gentlemen of edu
cation aud prouiinouce in society. The
evidence taken at Huntsyilie, Ala
bama, showed that there existed u sys
tem of wholesale plundering carried
on through the government, and the
individual acts of negroes, in conse
quence of which the people in mauv
iostauces, were driven to take their
own bauds and protect their property
by inflictiug a punishment upon the
negroea. It was not shown in any in
stauce, that these acts had au> thing to
do with politics. There are many in
stances of arson for plunder or for re
venge, aud a great many instances of
rape which are instantly and violently
punished. Apart from these thiugs
there is no more violence in the South
than in any other part of the country.
The imprisonment of negroes does not
repress the plundering by them. They
don't regaid it as a punishment, ou
the contrary a prison is more comfor
table than their own cabins, and is no
digrace to Iks incarcerated.
Id Sumpter, Green and Hale coun
ties mauv negroes voted the Demo
cratic ticket, ami these counties have
Democratic majorities. The carpet
baggers had lelt thia region, and the
attempt was made to prove that this
was the result of violence and intimi
dation. But the effort entirely tailed,
as much the same condition of things
existed in various sections of Mississip
pi, brought about by the plundering
of negroes. The (ndicy ot the State
government, under Governor Alcorn,
is very vindictive in the prosecution of
whites. Under the Ku kiux act some
three hundred indictments have been
found in the United J-nates Courts
against whiles, on very fl ; ;nsy pretexts.
In a great majority ofth • eases the en
forcement act* is regarded as arbitrary
and illegal, involving great low and
IU regard to the proclamation of
martial law Mr. Blair said the people
are apprehensive that if it becomes ne
cessary to carry the elections, martial
law will be declnred by tho President.
They feel that the wholo thing is a
mere trick of a party to retain power,
and they arc convinced that tho only
way to stop these things and restore
peace and harmony iu the South is to
accept the Missouri policy proclaimed
by the St.. Louis Republican newspa
per, and vote for some liberal Repub
lican to defeat Grant, thereby securing j
a general amnesty, and the rejwal of
ail the Ku klux laws. This is the ou-l
ly thing that gives the Southern peo
fde anr hope for the future. He bc
ieves that ifGrant is re-elected, it will
come near depopulating the Southern
States of white people, a* they cannot
remain there in safety under the pre
ent condition of things.
Mr. Blair stated that unfairness
characterized the action of the Com
mittee in taking testimony, the major
ity frequently reserving witnesses un
til it was too late for hiin to procure
rebutting testimony. Thov only had,
one real Ku klux before liieui, a man
who bad joined tho Klan in Sumptcr
county, Alabama, a while before the
war, and who had cast bu tone vote'
since the war and that (or a radical.
The people do not hope good to come
out of the action of the Committee, as
they do not believe their true condition
will be reported. The only ray of hope i
that penetrates the South at present i
and keepe the people from complete
despondency it their faith in the sue- i
cess of the "passive policy." (
No Independence.
Horace Greeley says there is no
more iudendence in the vast army of
Federal office holders and journalists
and others who look to them for their
daily bread, than there is among the
Eunuchs in the Grand Turk's seraglio.
He means that for such men as Col
lector of tbe Port of Pittsburg as wa'l
as New York, to our revenue officials
and their Clerks, to our Radical jour
nals filled with government advertis
ing. Let tlicm declare that Charles
,Sumner or any other man than Grant
ought to be our next President and see
the icsult. We let Greely talk for
"The people of the United States
less than a year hence, will elect their
President for the ensuing four years.
Now that the elections of 1871 are
over, they should begin to canvass,
and consider, and take counsel with
each other, with reference to that elec
tion. There should be a free parlia
ment fsr the next three or four months,
wherein each should be incited to dc
clare his real thought, to express freely
his inmost convictions. Yet wo all
know that the liberty to do this no
longer exists —that the vast army of
Federal office holders, with the jour
nalists and others who look to fhem for
patronage, can only evince a nmnly
freedom at the'eost of their daily bread.
Were one hundred of the best and
most efficient officers in tho revenue
service at this port, after comparing
notes, to unite to-morrow in this dec
laration : "We regard Charles fiuni
ner, the eminent and spotless champi
on of Universal Liberty, the oldest
(in service) and the bravest Senator
still at his post, as the proper man to
lead the Republican airay in our next
Presidential canvass, and invite all
Republicans to unite with us in com
mending him to general acceptance,"
they would all be removed from office,
within a week. No conceded effieien-i
oy, no proved fidelity, no political or
vice in tlio past, tu> capacity fur such
j service in the future, could save them
>from instant proscription.
Who doubts that this is iudelonsi
bly wrong. Who denies that the Ite
S publicans iu otlico shoqld be accorded
freedom to ditler with regard to our
'next nominee for President? Who
does not know that no such freedom
exists? One ill n thousand may ho so
fearless and freesouled us to say;
"Take your paltry office! "I will say
what I thins, and bravo the cuttsr
tpteucc;" but this sort have generally
been weeded out ore this, and the great
body of those who remain have no
mote real freedom in the promises than
the euuuchs in the (irank Turk's e
raglio have as to the leeognitioii or re
jeetioii of his successor.
is it not high time that these truths
were spoken out? It is not the duty
of the People to hear and consider
them ?
Chloroform is taxed by the laiilf law
£I.OO per pound in gold. Its costs
in Kuropc 72 1-2 cents jnr pound.
The wholesale price in New York, iu
'currency, is $4,00 per pound. The
i revenue derived from this article by
the United Stales government in the
I year 1870, was £139,50. Very little
[of course i imported. It is manufac
tured easily in New York, and those
who use it ure forced to Jay four times
the price they could get for if the tax
was abolished. Ibo government gets
no revenue from it, for it out* niofw
to collect the £130.50 than the govern
ment receives. A great many other
articles are taxed in the saiue way.
with similar results.
Continual Excitement —Eight of the
Sacrilegious Students Sentenced to
Havana, November 28.—There is 1
great excitement here. The court'
martial was trying forty-seveu students
for outraging a grave. Eight were
found guilty, at:d were to be shot.
Business is suspended. A captain of
volunteers was killed yesterday by two
negroes, who were immediately shot.
Eight of the Medical Students Execu
Havana, November 28. —At ouu
o'clock this afternoon, the finding of
the court-martial, which was convened
to try the medical students who de
molished the grave of Gonzalo Casta
von, was announced from the balcony
of Acting Captai* General Cresoas'
palace. Eight uf the students who
were fouud most guilty were sentenced
to be shot at four o'clock this afternoon,
at I'unta. The others were sentenced 1
to four and six years in the peniten
tiary. All those sentenced to death
were over eighteen years of age. The
excculiou of the condemned prisoners
took place at the specified hour. They
met their with resignation. and (
expressed regiet at having committed
the act for which they died.
• ♦ •
Another Radical Rascal.
"Honest Turn Murphu' Has Stolen
On Wo 10,000.
New York, Nav 30. —The Tribune,
to-morrow, ravs: "With Thaukvgiv
ing it seem® tit that there should be an
end of Murphy, and we propose now
to make it." It then proceed* to pub
lish three columns of documentary
1 evidence, nmiuly derived from the
files of the War Department, in ref
-1 ercnce to Murphy's army contract.
The evidence which has come to light,
it says, proves him to be a defaulter
'to the govcrumout in out contract
alone to the amount of 9460,000.
t This with 150,000 loss on thoddv hats
furnished by him, makes Murphy an
actual defaulter to the government for
over $510,000. The Tribune explains
that it has in every case published the
evidence agaicst Murphy, not when
it thought it could have a pdlilcal ef
fect, but when it could get it, and
that the present evidence was procur
er! only on the day before his removal,
and would not now be punishod at all
but for the official letters of compli
ment, which make it encumbent on it
to defend what it has heretofore said.
Id his message of the 20lh ult.,
;Governor Caldwell, of North Caroli
na, givea the debt of that State aa $34-
887,464,45, a§ against $10,349,760 be
fore the war. The indebtedness con
tracted during the war having been
repudiated by order of the Federal
government, and reconstruction supcr
veu ing. The Governor doea not say so,
that the process of reconstruction is
responsible lor tho increase shown of
$24,500,000. It ia quite a pretty ex
hibit of carpct-bag finance almost
equal to the South Carolina showing
| of $.*>,000,000 in 1867 and $13,500,000
in 1871, with a reserve of $24,000,000
(bonds printed, $15,000,000; bonds
authorised. $2,500,000, railroad in
dorsements, $6,500,000).
Tho follow ing succinct facts, in taferrnce
to this terrible disease, have been indispu
tably established by the careful observa
tion of scientific men at home and abroad :
1. That infants should l>e vaccinated in
a month after birth.
2. That vaccination should ba repeated
at the age of fourteen years.
3. Thai tho older persons grow after that,
the less danger there is of an attack of small
pox or varioloid, which is small ixix modi
fied by previous vaccination, and thnt after
fifty years there is no danger of an attack.|
4. Still, if there is any danger of unusual
exposure to the disease, or it it prevails
largely in a community, it is safer to be
vaccinated again.
£. Nurses in small pox hospitals who are
ro-vaeeinatod arc almost wholly exempt,
while other nurses, who are careless of re
vaccinnllon, have varioloid ic eases ten
times more numerous.
. That the father the remove of the vac
cine matter from what was taken from the
cow, tho more necessary is re vaccination —
that is. vaccine matter loses somo of its
power in every person it passes through, |
hence if city practitioners should take all
their matter from the cow direct, every ten
years, tho community would be greatly
7. No authenticated case has yet occurod ;
where any disease has been communi
cated through vaecino matter, other than
modified small |MIX. This statement
should bo fixed upon tho memory of the
intelligent reader, as hare assertions to the
contrary are recklessly made by a certain
eiass of uneducated persons, who write on
matters pertaining to health and disease.
8. It is a very rare occurrence that any ,
pcraon|who has been onco well vaccinated
and was in good health at the time suffers!
from varioloid. Those who hare varioloid
after having been vaccinated onco suffer,
because it did not take well or some other
disease was in tho system at the time, or
the matter was at too great a remove from
the original source, the cow.
Kunuter and the President.
Washington, Decent her 5. —Senator Wil
son and others have heon engaged since
yesterday in trying to bring about a recon
ciliation between tho President and Sen
ator Sumner, with tho view of placing the
latter on the foreign affairs committe. So
far success is not promising.
Small Pox.
Cincinnati!, December B.—The small
pox prevail* loan alarming extent through
out the city. A number of medical stu
dents are down with it. The question of
closing the public schools until the
disease abates is being brought bo
fore the public by communications through
the daily papers.
11. A. Guernsey, late revenue collector
oi the eighteenth congressional district, has
been committed for embezzlement at Pitts
burg in deluult of $25,01X1 bail.
lli'sHANi* IMA mux v.—The prev
alent opinion that a husband is legally
liable for ><ll bills, of whatever nature,
that his wife may contract, wax not
sustained by Judge Thayer, in Phila
delphia, nil Wednesday la*t. In a
case in eourt the Judge decided in fav
or of'a hukbnud who had been stud
by a dry goods firm for a debt con
tracted by bis wife, l>ef-nae set tip
that defendant furnished his wife with
an ample supply o! necrs-aries. In
the course of his charge Judge Thay
er said : "it is a false and foolish n>■
tion for tradespeople to entertain that
a huslmutl is hound to pay all bills
contracted by his wife. No stub
monstrous doctrine is allowed ill the
law. Tradesmen must ascertain the
facts aud the true relation of man
and wife before allow ing the latter to
run up bills which be is to bo looked
to pay." CoiuiiK-uliug upon this ex
position of this law , which ought to be
more familiar than it i, the Phila
delphia Record thinks that when
trades|>eople come to distinctly under
stand it "a very sensible step will
have In-eti accomplished towards re-
Ifornt in the wanton extravagance and
ruinous follv which, uudcr the mere
tricious impulse of the stupid despot
-iilled "fashion,'' so wastes the sub
stance, mars the maimers, deforms the
p-ntou*, degrades the morals and
wrecks the hai pines* of myriad house
holds, aud and individuals, not only
in this community, tut throughout
the country."
The Washington organ of Csraut
save that it will require not leas thnn
ten thousand regular troop*, judicious
ly distributed through In* Southern
States, to insure a free ami fair elec
tion in those States in 1872 ; and that
it may be necessary for Congress to
increase the armv..
Th is is burouc of numerous iudicatious
that Grant intend* to force his re-elec
tion by placing the South under bay
onet rule should he receive the lie
publican nomination. Such a method
of insuring a free aud fair elcctiou
certainly deserves the credit of origin
ality. It is only equalled by the in
genuity of the Ethiopian present-taker
who relates his experience in one of
the negro minstrel halls. "I'oiupcy,
whar you get dat watch "A man
gub it to me." "Gub it to you for
uuthu? "Yes—but 1 had to knock
'him down free or fou times before
he'd do it." If Grant runs for presi
dent iu 1672 he is determines! to have
a free and fair election, even if it
should be necessary to bayonet every
man in the Southern States who op
poses htm. What would be deemed
a free and fair election by a man who
has used United States troops and
Gatling guns to control the action of
a Republican Convention at New Or
leans tuay easily be imagined.
Every Radical Senator iu New
York legislature who was bought by
t Tweed A, Co , to vote for the corpora
tion charter, by which so much monev
was stolen and the people defraud*!,
aud who was a cnudidate for te-elec
tiou was re-elect*! by the Radical
parly and will take his seal iu Janu
ary next. This circumstance proves
one fact beyond all houbt. that it mat
ters veiy little what a radical does
while in office, if reuoraiuated which
he can easily effect by money, he will
he re-elected. The cry, "the parlv
must he saved" is all powerful, ami,
up to the polls they go {will mell, like
a flock of sheep and vote the ticket
,clean through. Not ao with Demo
crats. Iu New York they did not
preach reform merely before the elec
tion aud then go and vote the ticket.
They went to the polls and acted out
their profession even should the parly
be defeat*!. In this course they
showed their good sense. The Radi
cals however took good care to vote
their men iu even if die party ban been
tw.ughi the year previous hv Tweed.
With them parly is everything, hon
esty in candidates nothing.
Omaha, December 3. —The snow in
the valley of the Republican river is
reported to be two feel deep and many
people have perished. One party of
svcu meu were frozen to death. The
Union Pacific Express trains, due on
December 1 and 2, canic in yesterday.
The Post
1 8 72.
The year 1872 will be one fraught with
'unusual political interi-sU to the people of
.the whole country—then* being a Fresi
(dent and a Congress to elect, besidos sev
eral important Blatc elections.
Upon the result of that election depends
the future welfare and perpetuity of our
political institutions.
Thry can best be saved by circulating
among tho voters such newspapers as ad
vocate a free, 'liberal, Constitutional Gov
In the future as in the past wo shall con
tinue to labor unceasingly for a govern
ment, of
And at ail times and under ail circum
stances defend and sustain such a govern
ment against all it attacks, matters not
what pretext may be set up to accomplish
its overthrow. J
Tho following propositions as essential to
tho preservation of our political institutions
against the machinations of tho unscrupu
lous leaders of the ltadical party:
1. Tho administration of tno Government
In consonance with the pure and patriotic
principles laid down by the founder of the
2 Opposition to military rulo and dicta
tion under any pretext or alleged nocessi-
Jil. Equal rights t> all citixens, including the
right for every citixen to bo tried for an
alleged offence In the civil courts In strict
accordance wiln tho letter and spirit of the
4. Froe and fair elections ovorywhere,
without interference by the President, or
intimidation by Federal bayonets.
f. Reduced taxation, honest, economi
cal government, and Cival Service Re
C. A financial policy that will not op
press the productive industries of tho coun
7. An end to lobby schemes, monopolies
and land grabbing.
8. A chnuge of the public administration
and tho overthrow of the cormorants who
are now depleting the public treasury.
9. The overthrow of the corrupt State
governments in tho South which impose
heavier burdens of taxation upon the
North by keeping half the country in a
stato of Bankruptcy and Poverty.
Will not only reflect the sentiments of the
Deinocrtlc liarly fearlessly, boldly and
and with a decent firmness, but will also be
a vehicle of News.
Down to the hour of going to press, includ
ing not only the Live atoek Markets of
l'ittsburg and but every prin
cipal point in the world.
Will be made a specialty while the Arts.
Agriculture, Science, Literatwro, Ac., will
each receive a proper share of attehlion.
Tho Weekly Post is a forty-eight-column
newspaper, printed on tho best material,
with clear new type and will bo published
at the following low
One copy 1 year $2,1*1
In clubs of 6or more - I,<*l
An extra copy sent free where the club
uxceeds ten.
Tmk Daily Pout by mail per nnnuin
SB,OO. . ,
We ask all who desire to sen tho princi
ples above set forth put into practical op
eration to aid in the work by subscribing
for Til K WKKKI.Y PoaT. specimen copies
sent'ffee on application. Address
J as. P. Baku & Co.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
iiorrihle Disaster at Calcutta.
Calcutta, Do. nini,or I. via looidon. -A
terrible<-t plosion hat occurred in a powder
and cartridge factory at the fort of Agra
The men wore at work t the time and but
few escaped. Thirty-six were killed,
among them two non-coiiiinUsloned offi
• w s —•■■
In the Ku-Klux trials at Columbia.
South Carolina, the (irshil Jury consists of,
eight whiles and thirteen negroes, and Ilk
panel of petit Jurors of twenty whites ami
thirty-two negroes.
We lee there is talk, down the country
of running a line of railroad from Duncan
non 11 Northumberland, on the west tide
of the Susquehanna, Wueh a line would be
an immense advantage to the community in
nmre respects than one. It would break up
the Northern Central monopoly, and add
wonderfully to the accommodation *f the
Irttveling public, Vurthcrmore, a line from
'Northumberland to the Catawlssa junction
through LewUburg, would be a natural
result. Ths l-ngth of the latter extension
would be eleven miles, and the road hod
very Bnc, part of which was graded ready
for the rails in lsi 3. We ho|e to hear more
of this kind of talk.
The undersigned offers at private
sale his house and lot, situate en Church
street. Centre Hall. The house is a new
two story frame building, one of the guest
in the neighborhood, and in one of the
best locations in the town. There is a uew
stable upon the Jut. For father particu
lar. apply to ALEX. SHANNON.
A lot of land, lying in Uregg township,
on the banks of l'enns creek, between
Penn Hall and Spring Mills, is üßered at
private sale, it admin* lands of Geo.
ltwebanan and L. H Mlotirc, conlaining
more or lo*s. About # acras consist ofj
Irit clsu white pine timber, the balance,
rlssrwl and under cultivation—A acres are,
Fur further particulars apply to
a It. II EN NICK, i * Gregg twp. i
Prospects of
The undersigned hsve taken possession
of Ui- Warehouse at the Mill, in Milroy,
(formerly occupied by K*ed A Thomson, i
and are now prepared to buy all kinds of
(drain and Sued*, at the highest market
prices, fur CASH. Cost., PLasTta and
SAI.T, constantly on band, for sale, as low
as the lowest.
Farmers o( Centre county are respect
fully invited to give u> a call.
We guarantee to give -alitiaction in all
Tuns of Dry Goods, Groceries, No
tions. Hardware, Ready-tuade
Clothing, and thousands of
other articles
Xtutl.e Cheap Store
Herlaeher & Cronmiller.
and now offered at prices lower than
the lowest.
Dry Goods, Notions. Groceries, Hard
ware, tjuecinware, Wood and willow wars-
Iron, Malt, Fish and in fact, a magnificent
assortment of every tiling
Dress Goods
A most beautiful variety, consisting of all
the novelties of the season,
while goods, embroideries, hoop skirts,
All we ask that vou will
silver plated and Yankee Harness double
and single, bridle, and halters, apr 1
The First
and (lie!
The Largest
stock of
In Urjokcrhoff sblock, BUhop Street,
Uellefonte, where
hare just opened the beat, cheapest large*
aa well aa the beat assorted atock oflivod*
in Bellefonle.
It the place to buy your Silks, Mohairs
Moxambiquos, Reps, Alpacas, Detains,
Lain. Brilliants, Muslins, Calicoes, Tick
ings, Klanels, Opera Planets, Ladies Coat
ing. Gents' Cloths. Ladies Saeques, Whiti
Pekay, Linen Tabledolhs, Counterpanes
Crib Counterpanes, While and Oolerei
Tarlton, Napkins, Inserting* and Edging*
White Lace Curtms, Zephyr A Zephyr Pat
terns, Tidy Cotton, Shawls, Workßatkal
Thread Hosiery. Fans, Beads, Sawing
Rvcslymade Clothing of Every De
scription, for Men and Boys.
Their stock of QUEENS W ARB A QRO
CKKIKS cannot be excelled in quality or
Call in at tho PhiladeliihiaStoro and con
vince yourselves that KKLLKIi A MUS
SEH have any thing you want, and do bu
siness on the principle of "Quick Sales and
Small Profits." jap 30,69
auxin and raoDUCX auk takkk
j tamenlary on tho Estate of John Km
ert, late of Harris township deed. have
been granted to tho undersigned. All
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will make immediate payment,
and those having claim* will present thoni
properly authenticated for settlement.
nov2l.Ct. -cuter.
NOTICE —Nolico is hereby given, tha
the books and notes of tho Centre
llall Manufacturing Company, have been
placed in the hands of Ale*. Shannon, at
Centre Hull, for settlement and collection,
All persons having accounts in said books,
htu requested to call at his office, in Centre
Hall, Centre County, Pa., beforo the first
day ot January, IH<2, and settle the same
otherwise after which time they will be
proceeded against according to law.
By Okokk ok tii* Board.
To be had at Ilerlaehcr & Cromiller'a
A lot of goinl now Furnituro on hand,
such as one Bureau, Bedsteads, Wash
stands, Ac.
A splendid lot of Buckskin Glovoa,
driving Gloves, dress Gloves. i
A hutixn i,u<! hit favorably lested on
Mainstroet, Aaronsburg, Is off'ret at pri
vale sale. The' h ai-o i. a g >d onr, an t
the lot among di" I" t n •#, with an
q^tHidaneenffriiltthereon. Al'loaere*f
mountain land. For further particular*
apply to .IOA.VKA M. KcKTX, I
oeUtf. Aumnsburg
(5 a r ring e
(Voire Hull, I'M, •
ago. it HAKwrgg
lias on had and A>r sale at the most rea
sonable rates a splendid stock of
'and every description of Wagon* both
warranted to be made of the best and most
durable, materials, so l by the most expe
rienced workmen. AH work sent out from
the establishment will be found to be of
the highest rla-s and sure |u glue perlec!
satisfaction. He w ill also B*Vo a live as
sortment of
S L K I <i II 3
wi all tb<- lu-sre-t on I most fathionabh
•tyles well and careftilljr ni-ide and of th<-
best materials..
An inspectl n of his w<>rk U asked as It
is believed that none superior can be found;
in the country.
J. E. Caldwell to.
Desire to enrite tho especial attention of
purchasers and others visiting the city, to
Uiir unusually Urge agi varied assort
ment of
during the present season.
Coertnim and polite attention is extend
ed to all who may bo induced to accept a
cordial invitation to visit their beautiful
voi en KSTXIT NT.
Joux 11. Lis*. I*. Bcnxe* WILSuK.
Successor* of F. P. Wilson, Belief jute
Have secured the services of James It.
Steon, of Philadelphia, a drngritl of thir
teen year* experience, who will have the
charge of their pre-criplion^bu.ine**.
A night bell i, attached to their store
door, and the Map! oyrc* sleeping within Un
building, will attend to th,- w ants of the
public at all hours of the night
Linn dc Wilson k p constantly on
hand a Urge sf of s
Drugs, Paint*. (NU. Perfumery, Trussc*
and Medical Appliance of all kind*,
together with a very Urgy tock of
Patent Medicine*. uob at
Vinegar Kilter*, and also
Pure Wine* and li
quors, of aii kinds
for medical
julrH.Stn LINN & WILSON.
House and lot fob sale.
The undersigned offer* at private
sale a two story dwelling house and
Jbs&Loi, on Vain street, Contra Hall,
with •tabicand all nece*ary outbuilding*,
and choice fruit i>n tho premises, and wa
ter in theyard. The house it a* pood a*
new. For luther particular* apply to
U. D. OSSMAN, Centre Hall
WUrau the Hon. Chariot A. Mayer.
President of the court of Common Plea*,
in the 25th ludicial District. consisting ot
the counties of Centre, Clinton and Clear
field, and Honorable John iloaleriuan and
the Honorable SVilliatn Allison, Associate
Judge* in Centre county, having issued
their precept, bearing date the 28th day of
Oclb'r A. D., 1871, to me directed for
holding a court of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery and Quarter 8-
aiona of the Poaco in Bcllefonte. for the
county of Centre, and to commence on the
4th Monday of November ne*t,.being the
27th day of* Nov. 1871, and to continue one
Notice ia therefore hereby given to the
Coroner, Justice of tho Peace, Aldermen
and Conalable* ot the said county ot Cen
tre, that they bo then and there in their
proper persona, at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, with ther records, in
quisitioas. examination*, and their own re
membrances, to do thoae things which to
their office appertain* to be done, and
thoao who are bound in recognisance* to
proaecuto against the priaoncra that are or
■ball be in the Jail ot Centre county, be
there and to proaecuto against them a* shall
be just. .
Given under my hand, at Behofonto, the
28th day of Oct. in the year or our Lotd.
1871 and in the ninety-fourth year of the
lndeocndcnco of the United State*.
D. W. WOOD KING. Sheriff.
A Book That Will Soli!
ThU it an original, interesting, and in
structive work, lull of rare fun and humor
being n account of the AUTHOR'S FUO
FKSSIONAL LIKE, his woudorftil tricks
and feats, with laughable incidents and
adventures as a Magiqjao, Necromancer,
and Ventriloquist lllustratid with
16 Full Page Engravings,
besides the Author's Potruit on steel, and
numerous small cuts.
Tho volume is froo from any objectiona
ble matter, being high-toned uud moral in
its character, and will bo road with inter
est, both by old and young. It gives the
most graphic and thrilling accounts of the
effects of his wonderful feats and magical
tricks, causing the most uncontrollable
merriment anu laughter.
Circulars, Terms, dec., with lull informa
tion, sent free on application to
711 Hansom Street, Philadelphia.
Tho undersigned has a tract of timber
land, located between tho Brush and
Thick Mountains, nearly due south of lie
bersburg, containing 171 acres, which he
offers It u well timbered, and
easy of access from Brush Valley.
For all desired information call on the
C. H. EEITEE. ' Aaronsburg, Pa.
The Chepast,
purest, besti
On Allegheny Street.
Coflue, Tea, Sugur, Hjrrop,Dried Fruit,
Canned Fruit, Hants, Dried Beef,
Suit. Pick lee, HulUr, Flunr,
Corn Meal, Hurkweat Flour,
and everrtbiiiff <iasy kept in a wall re*u-
I Hit"l flrtt da#* (> rotary Ntorn
marS.fiwi ttUHL* GAULT.
CCA 1,,
COAL •WUkMfasrr* Cuul. CbeslMt
Stove, Kjfg, furnact and foundry.
Coal~of h art quality, at the to*,
oat prliNH. I uatutuor* will i.1...
nota that our eoal i houtcd ur--
der comtnodiosa thedt. * j
• I
Li M K—Wood or coal-burnt Lima, far ulr
lilwr °" ** pike *•**• •
I*o VV OKR. —Having received the agaoey
VV HOLKMALK. we thai I be
Office and yard near tooth end of Bold
Baylc \ alley U R. Dopot, Rolufonte, Pa.
Ha* been to the extreme end of the
market For BOOTS A SIiOKS
to Boston.
For DRY GOODS to New York.
For CLOTHING to Philadelphia.
article bought direct)/
from the Manufacturer, with a de
sire to suit thin uiarkoMHf
FINK ALPACAS from tel& The the
Bridal—i"|ual to sl,2* alpacas.
SUlTS—from sloto $lB, beet all
wool Cats! mete*.
Carpets at old rates, from SO cents to %
cent* per yard, for the beet.
And selling front 121 to 16 cents, the be*
calicoes, and muslins in proportion, at
Women's Shoes, oommon good, to van
all summer, at $1 per pair
Fine Boot* from s£.3o to $7,20 for
at the lowest rates, and told at 1*167 price
from SIO,OO to $lB for the best-
and if it aint true, Sternberg will treat.
Thc.v only a*k people to route and aee
even if they <!<• not with to buy.
nnilK ANVIL STORE is now receiving
L • large and well assorted Stock oi
Hardware, Stoves, Nails, Horse Hhoaa, Sad
ilery, Glaas, Paints. Sheet, Bar and Hoop
Iron also Buggy and Wagon Stock ol
every description.—Call and supply your
selves at the lowest possible rates at
BAROMETERS and Thermometers at
the very beat ouality Jut recelveda
Wolf* old stand
Iridic* Trnaaea.
Thi invaluable article fof femal—, la bow
to be bad at Herlacher'* store. and no other
place in Centre county. Ladiea remember
that thcie truaaca can be had at Centre
Hall . tf.
Chas. H. Held, *
Clock. Watchmaker A Jevelet
Milllieim, Centre co., Pcnna.
Respectfully informs hit ftisada and tb
public in general, that he has Just opened
t hit new establishment, above Alexan
Jer'a Store, and keeps constantly on hand
all kinds of Clocks, Watch— and Jewel—
of the latest styles,— also the Maranvilfs
Patent Calender Clocks, provided with r
complete index of the month, and day 01
the month and week on it* face, which ii
warranted as a perfect time-keeper.
Clocks, Watch— and Jewelry re
paired on short notice and warranted.
between Market and Arch, formerly 104.
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Oil Shades, Wick
Yarn, Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chains, Grain
Bags. Window Paper, Batting, Ac. Also,
Brushes, Looking Glasses, Ac. decO-ly
and Conveyancer. Deeds, Bonds, Mort
gages, and all instruments of writing faith
fully attended to. Special attention given
to ttio collection of Bounty and Pension
claims. Office nearly opposite the Court
House, two doors above Messrs. Bush A
Yocutu's Law Office Bcllefonte, Pa.
in usoat In win a Wilson's.*
up 10'08.
. plated forks, spoons, Ac, at
apl0,8 IRWIN Alh I LSON .
BOqTS, large stock, all.styles, sixes and,
prices, for men and boys, just arrived
at Wolf well known old Stand.
I•V 1 \
Great Destruction
of high prices!
UU il!
m at ti. old Suuxi^m
it Centre Hell.
Heta, Cups, Boots, Shoe*.
, alao a large stack of
PIBH, the beet, *1? kind*,
the best sad cheapest in the market
•*•** WM. WOLF
Furniture Rooms!
eespeettully informs the citizens af Cti
county, that hs buontUai!; ob head, u|
make* to order, all ktadi of
Hons Madx Csaik* Always o* ma%
Hit stick of ready-made Purniturg ieleog
and warranted of good workmanship and >
all mad* under hi* ova imruediaUMiperv ••
atom, and ii offered at rata* a* cheap *••
where. Thankful for part favor*, he eeliw
iu a continuance of the tm.
Call and im hi* stock hfore ptir*'Wlr
eUewbora. pN |4 l*..
u \
or THE V AG El
Pavawvaa Pataua*a *■.*•>
.. .. siLili Ii SaS V
N j^ ll ti
> Westxxx PuuanM Co.
Man&ctwen' Art*. Pturiaagk, Pa.
Attorney* at Law. Bellefonta,
Otic t, on the Diamond, next door to Gar
man's botel. Ceatu Rations in German o
Engl sh. feblFOMf
JOHN P POTTER. Attaraey at Lav.
Collections promptly made and specie
attention given to those having lends ei
property tor sale. W ill drew up and have
acknowledged Deeds. Mortgages. Ac. Of*
See la the diamond, north side of the
court bouse, Bellcfohte. oct22"69tf
i< icy by •socKSKßorr, jobrqkbt;
Praidtnt, Cashier.
(Laic Millikcn, Hoover & Co.)
And Allow laUrat,
Discount Note*,
Buy and Se
Government Securities, Gold and
apiOOf Coupons.
T AB. M'MAHCS, Attorney at Law
tP Bellefunto, promptly attends to all bu
in—a entrusted to him. ju!S,6Btf
DP. POKTNEY, Attorney at Law
• Bellefonte, Pa. Oißce over Hey
nold's hank. - mi_vl4*tf
Bellefonte, Centre Co., Penn'a. apC&f
I 9.* MITCHKLL, Attorney at Law
Bellefonte, Pa. Office in German, b
new building op|—tie the Court House.
Scum* om tk Adtantf.
C. H. Gotellus,
Surgeon and Meehaniml Dentist
who U permanently located in Aaronsbura
I in the office formerly occupied by l>r. Netf,
and who ha# been practicing with entire
success—having the experience of a number
°* year* in the proftwion, he would cordi-
I ally invite all who have m yet not giver
him a call, to do no, and test the truthfuinesi
of this assertion. jMTTeeth extracted
I without pain. niay'22 68tf
Attomeys-at-law. Office inConrad House
Bellefoute, Pa.
, v ,1- i p - okphart,
with Orvis A Alexander, attends to rollec-
in tho Orphan'.- Court.
SYRUP, the finest ever made, just
oeived, cheap at Wolfs old stand— try
Parlor Stoves, and four sixes of GS
U rners constantly on hand and for sale
anlO'oß. Ikwin a Wilson's
HKLLH, at low prices, at
apltfCS. lewin a Wilson'
LI ANDgiT tS and Door Bells, all -
LA za • kinds at
lawin tYii■m*
'LJCALES, at wholesale and ret nil, cheap