The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 08, 1871, Image 1

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    Her WrtMey.
"" Meit week is my little one'* birthday."
Iwdiil alt mailt rw*T
At the daintv white drew I >u making;
" She ia two years old In May."
And I thowaM bow Mr Bud fawtt k
MTenld *r Wro-ye* oM .Uriiagl* '
In the drees like web of snowflake*,
A* white m white could he,
" I will put eome bade from my roses
Am one her beaatifaihair.
I And a fctw-bK won wriboantu,
' And the will be w Mr P*
lb-day it my darling's birthday,
In her new white garment diet* :
She Uet In the purler nSST i t
Wffh n Iftjr oto her breast.
Still I know it it wot mv darling
In the httle casket there ;
She it keening her birthday hi HetTwn,
JjVli. ro the Htnleet angeU ere.
Tli< y hare given her t new white garment,
I Nat mndc by eerthly handa s
Ami crowned her with floutrn
In the tunny Kden Lauds.
Ceo tent menL
i ' *
In rwin do men
"The heaves of their Airlune t fault aceua. ;
Haith they now beet whet hi the beet Air them ;
For they to etch tach fortune do diffueo
At Un-T do know etch own moet aptly ute
For not that, which nw cpvert most. it )>ett;
Nor tbnt thin.,- worst whirb ml 4> m.A Mute ;
ltur*tm*e tn, that til contented rett
With that they hold ; each hath kit fortune in
hat broat
It it the mind th*t mak* th good <4- ill.
That makcth wretch or happv. rtch or poor ;
For eome. that hath abundance lit bit will.
Hath not enough, "out wanta tn grvatoai tort;
And other, thtt hath little, tfka no mere, in that btU taboih n.-tear.rfwtee :
J* wiadoin la n . J,t nriNf* ; #*!• tksrefrr*
Tbey are, whir'., fpruince do hp vpm il*o< ;
bitli each un'.o himself hit lifr may Awtuuite.
The Ivied Cottage.
She dwells iu aa iviw.l cottage
Half bidden by chestnut trees.
Whw leaves bctir.w. when they wwver
Have a sound bke moaning svias ;
And oft iu the <r*e evswiss
Fee walked by that collage door.
And seen, through the ooeu wutdevr,
The sunshine picture the floor.
And there, in that kvnsly oottage.
Lives a maiden with War eye*.
That eeetu to ber artless tiesniy
What stars are uttto the skies.
She walks With a grace that's nameless.
And nsVr a moment seems tens ;
"The chastened charm in her teatarvw
Pure as a lily half Mown!
See ,*its by the open Window,
And plies ber needle and thread,
Vilien winds are wgwn; the goer*,
And the una if witSoflrtL
When the windi ha*# svrune the roses
They ripple her dainty cons.
That Ml la a glossy cluster
Oa shoulders whiter than pearls.
Near to that collage I>o hngarwl
In the lone, long aununer eves.
And sighed to talk to the maiden
As low aa th flattering leaves:
Th tell ber I fare bar beauty ;
But all my wishes are vain—
Mv heart, nsy heart ia the maiden's,
Yet hers 1 never msy gain.
• (onfldeutlal.
. After Vaster thereTl t* a gran J wedding
Aad sleigh-nds— providing there'a anow.
• I shall send yon a card tn pried season,
•> The envelope of which, you will find.
In the point where the corner folds down,
•i' Hss an L and s G tnterwroed.
* Pre got me a new-fasbnmod kuunet,
VP covered in feathers and lacs.
While delicate ruches and flowers
Fall gracefully over the free:
My dress was imported from Paris-
Am elegant lilac brecacic.
* Which left oa a ship for this city
In time to escape the htocksde.
With bows of the daintiest satin.
As white as the purest of snow,
A rosette the size of a saucer,
Aa inch from the tip of the toe.
* r*r perfumes and gloves by tha dowen.
And jewels—mamma save they're pure—
* A love of a watch, with a diamond,
14 Too cunning for anything,"—wnrs.
I'd nearly forgotten to mention
The same of the man fin to wed ;
I think it is Gibson or Gibbons—
Just now I can't tell which he Mid.
Tapa aays " he's rich as old Croesus,""
Who he U, I'm sure I rant tell,)
Has a stnd of a dozen fine horses.
With which I shall cut such a swell!
An nroir, my dear Harsh, till Easter;
Dome early, in seaapn to aee
Tie bundles of thing* I cant mention :
We start for the rimrCtt ai " sharp three."
A knock at th squire's door.
* An eager "oome in" from the squire, to
whom ITTT out-ifc diversion is an inesti
mable boon, he having just reached that
uncomfortable stage of masculine couvales
enre When fife becomes a burden not only
to the so-called " patient" jumself, but also
to those unlucky feminine relatives whose
duty it to officiate as his '•ministerin.-
Mary, the servant, came in.
" Please, Mr. Bosky, there's a woman
down stairs who says she must see you.
She's been here before sume sou were sick,
and now she won't take * no' for an answer."
"Show her up, Maty," said the
squire, alertly, bnapUning up visibly, like
the w^r-horse who scents* Che battle afar
P *>ff. Not all the coty comfort of bis sur
roundings, the * Sleepy Ifollowaa**" of his
ea-T-chair, the pleasant picture* on the
i. waft, the wood tUe which, now that the
*■ trbitry twilight was settling down over
the bit of gray sky left visible by tbcscur
tains' heavy folds, danced and fleshed all
over the room in rosy shadows, could re
concile the squire to his enforced seclusion.
Secretly he pined for hb< dingy old den of
i an office, and chafed at the doctor's restric
tions, which as yet forbade all thought of
~. business. But now the moral police force,
• represented by his wife and daughter.
* being luckily off duty, them was nothing
* ro prevent his seeing this probable client.
| u Show her up, Mary," mid the sauire
cheerfully, straightening himself, and as
suming as much of legal dignity as dress
ing-gown and slippers permitted.
Mary disappeared. Presently the door
opened again. " Why, Nabby," said the
*■ squire, "ss'it you ? flow do you do 7
•' Yes, squire, it's me,"said Nabby, drop
ping down with a heavy sigh into a chair;
'• and I don't do very Wrll.
Nabby was a short, sqdahely built wo
man of fifty, with considerable gray in the
coarse, black hair drawn stiffly and uncom
promisingly back under a bonnet about
five years out of date. She had sharp
black eyes, and a resolute, go-ahead ban
ner. Evidently a hard-working woman;
" yet in looking at her you could not help
the conriction that sunethiog mora than
hard work had plowed the deep wrinkles
which ran across and across her forehead,
and threatened to lilt her eyebrows up to
l her hair. ■■ ■ . ■ !•- * - t.
Nabby had lived with the squire's mother
, fifteen years—from the time when Mrs.
Hosley took her in, a ton-year-old orphan,
who was, as the good did lady sometimes
expressed it, •' more plague than profit,"
until she grew into the steady and reliable
handmaiden, who finally, with every one's
good wishes, married young Josiab Gould,
and set up in the world lor herself. Old
Mrs. Hodcy had long ggnqe, gon© to her
reward, but the family still kept up a
friendly interest in Nabby and her fortunes,
the squire in particular being her "guide,
philosopher, and friend" in all the emer
gencies of life.
•' Why, what's the matter now, Nabby V
said the squire, good uaturcdly. "Are
you sick 7"
"Yes, I am" said Nabby, emphatically,
with a snap of her black eyes. " I'm sick
to death of Josiah. I can't stan 1 it any
longer, and I've come to talk with you
* about gittin' a divorce You sec he's ben
a-grwin' worse and voisetiow for a good
while. I've kep' it to myself pretty much,
because I was ashamed on't, and then I
kep' hopin' he'd do better. I've talked
and talked to him, and said and done every
thiug a woman could, but it seemed as if
the more I talked the worse be grew."
The squire looked at Nabby's rather
sharp, hard face, and perhaps was hardly
so surprised as Nabby expected that Josiab
bad not been reformed by tbo vigorous
" talking to" he had undoubtedly reoeived.
" lie grew more and more shiftless and
good-for-nothin'," continued Nabby, " till,
finally, he didn't do much but ret round
the kitchen fire, half boozy. K there's
any thing 1 buret out Nabby. " k's
a man forever set tin' round the liogse
underfoot. And there I was a-takin'in
washin', and a shviu\early aufL to (be
kinder decent atad forehanded, and fcigi no
better n a dead man oh mv hands, so far as
hclpin' any was concerned. Aod.sq Ltpld
him, time and again. workid just
about enough, to keep himself iu drink.
He knew he couldn't git any of my money
for that
"But I stood it till about a fortnight
ago. I'd >een workin' hard all day helnia'
Miss Barber clean bouse, and it seetnpdTils
' i
FRED. KURTZ, Editor i\nd Proprietor.
If every bono in mr Ixwlv ached, I was to
tired. I came along home, tlimkiu' how
good my enp of tea M taste. The first
thing I ace. when I opened the kitchen
door, > old Htuk Slater settiii' there in
my roc kin' chair. He and Jotiali were
both drunk a* aa A.*w," said Nabby, lan
dcring an iuuoccnt animal ui h-r taMe hir
a simile.
"They'd track oil the mud all over my
clcau floor*. The cook in'-a tore was jammed
t|f)| ot wqpd, roarin like all poaseoaed. 1
•yonder Mr hadn't burned the house up
before ( got thetv. And they'd got my
best tea jmt out to heat some water, and
the water'd all b. led away, and the bottom
come out. But the worst was to see n\v
bus baud a-consort in' with such aeuiu of
the earth as that miaerahle,kiw-lired Hank
Slater. I tell you. squire, 1 was wad. 1
just thuir that kitchen door wide open, and
sew I.
u 4 tilt out of this house, Jos tali Could,
and don't MKT let tue see your face mside
on A again." /
•• Sea he, meek as Moses,' IVhere shall
1 go to. Nabbv P
" Set I,' I ilou't care where you go to,
so long's you don't come near me. I've
always lien a respectable woman, and I
don't want none erf Hank SlaterV iriends
round mv house.'"
" Well T* queried the squire, as Xabby's
nartatiou came to a pause.
,k Well," said Nabby, in rather a subdued
tone, "he went off. And he hain't come
back. And I want a divorce."
" Sow, Nabby," remonstrated the -quire,
" you dou't waut a divorce. 1 know you
boner than that. You are not the woman
to give Jewish up, and let him go to the
bati, without a struggle. You Icel a little
vexed with him now, and 1 don't blame
TOU. It i* hard, tery hard. But you
I now you took him * lor better or worse.'
Do you think, yourself, it is quite right to
break your contract because it proves the
worse for you—because you are the stiong
one and he the weak ouo of the two ?
fbsf don't -tnke me as good Bible doc
frin#,?ixhhy. * ' We that are strong ought
to bear the infirmities of the weak, and
Not to please ourselves,' you know.
u Well, I dunno," said N'abby, twisting
the owner ol her shawl dubiously. " 1
hadn't thought orit in that light, ) must
say. It's so agg-avatia' to have such a
man for a hushagd. Besides, I dunno's
he'd come back now if 1 wanted him to."
44 Hasn't he been back at all 1"
" Whv, yes, he did come once, lor a pair
of pamaioous. But 1 didn't take no notice
ol him."
".Now, Xabby. you may depend upon it,
it wasn't the pantaloons he was alter, lie
wanted to see if you wouldn't rel-nt. If
he comes again, be* a little pleasant to him,
and I'll warrant he will stay. Give him
another chance, Nabby. Josiah isn't the
won* follow in tbe world, by any mesn*.
He has his redeeming after all. I
believe he .rill do better, if you w ill try to
help him. You know Josiah is one that
bears a good deal of encouragement, Nabby
° Well, squire, I'll think it over. Any
how, I'm obleged to you. You talk so
sorter comfort in' to a body. Your Ye voar
mother's own sou; just the same good
heart. Would you be able to eat some of
my choose, squire 7"
"TYy me, aud see, Nabby," said the
squire, smiling, not impervious to Nabby'*
compliments. Nabby made her exit just
aa Mrs. Hosley rushed in, full ol wilcly
indignatiou that the squire had been al
lowed to see a "client."
Nabby's itome was over at " tho Cor
ners," three miles from the village. She
walked rapidly along in the fast-thickening
darknvm. with the steady, strong gate be
coming the self-reliant worn a i that she
was. Yet even her unimaginative nature
was not proof against the .depressing influ
ence of the chilly, raw November evening.
The wind whistled through the bare tree
braarbe-*,whlch creaked and groaned mourn
fully, and waved wildly up and dowu in
tbe dim light overhead. The wind seemed
to cherish a special spite against Xabby.i
It blew her bonnet ofT and ber hair into
her eyes, struggled madly with her for her
shawl, took ber breath away, and firmly
resisted her every step. F oallr, it began
to send spiteful dashes of cola rain drop*
in her face—rain that seeuicd almost to
freer as it fell.
44 Josiah used to come after me with an
umbrella when I was caught out in the
rain," thought Nabby. 4 'tie was always
real kind and good to me, after aIL I
dunno - be ever give nie a cram word in
his !ifo, even when he'd ben drinkin'."
Here the driving, sleety rain and pierc
ing wind pounced down npon Nabby with
fwnetved fierceness, hustling ber madly
around fn fiend sh glee.
44 An awful night to be homeless, Nabby,"
something seemed to sav.
•* 1 don't care," Hid Nabby to herself,
beginning to feel cross again and generally
ill used as she grew wetter and colder.
14 It serves him right. lie's made his bed,
and he can lie in it."
At " the Corners," the light streaming
cheerfully out into the night from other
homes made Nabby's little house look par
ticularly gloomy and uniaviting. Nabby
fambled under the mat for the door-key,
(ambled witli stiffened fingers for the key
bole, and, finally succeeding hi unlocking
the door, felt her way in through the little
There i* always something "uncanny"
about going alone at night in a dark and
shut-up home. Even people of the best
reguUtC'l mind* experience a vague suspicion
of something behind tbim, a sense of possi
ble ghastly hands about to clutch them in
the darkness. Nabby was a woman, like
Mr*. KJmund Sparkler, with " no nonsense
about ber;" but, nevertheless, a cheerful
tale ahe had read only yesterday in the
CJironidt, about a burglar and a ionc wo
man, kept coming into ber head, and she
carefully avoided the thick blackness of
the corners and the pantry door as she
groped around the kitchen for a candle.
Of course the fire had gone out.
" Two heads are better than one, if one
is a sheep's head," Nabby might hare been
beard muttering out in the wood-bouse a*
she stooped painfully down picking up
chips; by which oracular utterance I sus
pect she was thinking what a good supply
of kindlings Josiah ahvayn kept on band
for her, and bow much more comfortable
it was in the old time* coming home to a
house bright with light and warmth and
Joeiah's welcome.
For Josiah cherished the most profound
admiration for Nabby—an admiration not
unmingled with awe. He thought her a
most wonderful woman. She was juat as
beautiful to him now as in the old courting
days, before the brightness and quickness
of the black eyes had degenerated into
sharpness, before the smiling mouth had
acquired its hard, firmly set expression,
before there were any wrinkles in the
smooth forehead. People thought Nabby
bad done well in marrying Josiah Gould—
a pleasant, good-natured young fellow that
every one liked ; a young mechanic ; not
very rich yet, it was true; bat, with a
good trade and such a wife as Nabbv, there
seemed nothing to prevent his figuring as
"one of our fiist citizens."
Any body can be somebody in this coun
try if they are only determined. But that
was exactly the difficulty with Josiah.
He never was determined about any thing.
He fell into the habit of drinking because
be lacked sufficient strength of will to
avoid it. Then Nabby s sharp words, and
his own miserable sense of meanness and
self-contempt, of utter discouragement and
despair, drove hiin lower and lower, and
he sank down supinely into the Slough of
Despond without effort or hope.
I3y a beautiful dispensation of Provi
dence, whenever a poor, shiftless, good-for
nothing man is sent into our world, some
active, go-ahead little woman is invariably
i fastened to him to tow him along throqgb,
and keep hi* head above water. It s for
the host, of course What would become
of the poor fellow without her I At the
same time, she sometime* tiuds it a little
Nabby was ambitious and proud-spirited,
willing to work hatd, to save, tu do her
part—anxious to gel on in the world ami
stand well amoug the ntigbboi* The
fact, gradually realiaed, that In ber liua
band she had no help, no auiqmrt. only a
drag and burden, and dually a disgrace,
had been a diaa|ointnient ocubittering her
whole nature. To have a husband that no
one respected, that eveu the loy around
town called "Si Gould," was dieadful to
Nabby. PeAays it was hardly strange
that she grew hard and bitter.
Meauwhile Nabbv had succeeded iu
Starting the fire, and having changed her
dress, sat down to dry her feet until the
tea-kettle boiled. But even the ruddy
light and warmth with which the kitchen
now glowed could not feud off tha drean
news of the uight. The ram " tapped with
ghostly finger-tip upon the window pane,"
and the wind howled and wailed around
the house like the spirits of the hwt plead*
iitg to lie once more taken hack into human
life and warmth. Such a wind stirs in
eren the happiest heart a vague sense of
loss, irf change, of all that goo* to make up
the uiisatisfactorinesa ol life. Dead sor
row* creep forth from their graves ou such
nights, and stalk up and down the echoing
chambers of the heart.
Nabby could not help wondering where
Jewish was to-night. It was so lonely
Mttiug there with no oue to speak to. liv
truiug to the uioauiug wind, the creaking
of the blinds, the loud ticking of the clock.
"And Tbanksgivin' a-couup'," thought
Nabby. "A pretty Thsukxgiviu' I shall
have r
The wind wuled tnd wailed, ami Nabby
thought and thought. The very fact of
having "freed ber mind," to the squire bad
relieved her long pent-up indignation, anil
now she felt more sad this angry. I p
before her sceuiwl to n*e a picture of her
life: the youthful dreams ami hopes, the
changes and disappoiutiueuta, the love
turned into wrangling. She even thought
of Jewish with pity. For the first time
*he " put herself in nia place," and realised
how almost impossible it was for our <rf
his weak nature to rssrit, unaided, the
temptation which will cost a stronger will
an cllbrt. •
"I'm afraid I've ben a little too sharp
with Jusiah," thought she. " I'ra sorter
took it for granted I was a sant and lie a
sinner, and wirolded him right along down
hill. A nice saint I aia! Aa proud and
high-strong as I.uctler himself! Ob dear!"
sighed Nabby: "a pretty mess I've made
ol living! If we could only go back and
begin over again, seeuia to me thiuga would
go better."
Just then there was a faint noise, like
the ekeking of the door-lat -h. Xabbv
atarted and looked round. All was still
a:aiu—uo one visible. Yet Nabby could
not rid herself of the imprewion that some
one was near ber. that odd sense ore have
of another's individuality near us though
not present.
" There's some one Langin' round h.-re,
I kn>w,!' mid she to herself.
Nabby was one who met things
half way. Accordingly, she walked to thr
outside door, and, opening it quickly
peered out into the darknem. There stood
Jo*i-b—wet, sheepish, sorry.' Once be
had started to go in, lut fcis courage fail
ing, be lingered in dubious hesitation on
toe door-step.
" Why don't you come in, Joeiah 7" Mid
44 I don't know's you'd want me, Nabby,"
replied Josiah, with all the meekness be
coming a returning prodigal
" Want you ? Of course I do," said
Nabbr, heartily. 44 Come right along in.
I'm goin' to have griddle-cakes for supper,
and you must tend 'em whits 1 set the
table." Griddle-cake* were one of Joaiah's
favorite weaknesses, and Nabbr kti w it
Josiah came in. If he ewr gets into
heaven, probably his sensations will not lie
one whit more delightful than they were
now, as ftom the bleakness and gloom of
the night, the forlornnesa of his wretched
wanderings, he came iuto the coxy bright
ness of the kitchen, and felt that he was
home once more. How good the tea
smelted! The fire roared and snapped,
the tea-kettle boiled and bubbled and
übbed its lid up and down, and from thf
griddle the savory odor of tbe cakes as
cended like a homely incense. .lonian's
face, shining with mingled heat and happi
ness as be turned the griddle-cakes, was
sotnet hi ig worth seeing.
Nabby stepped briskly around getting
supper ready. It seemed so pleasant to
set tbe table for two again, to h re some
one to praise and appreciate her cooking.
Tbe Novemlier wind might howl its worst
now. Its hold on Nabby was gone. In
platfe of all the bitter sadness that had
hung heavily around her heart was a unrin
feeling of happiness, of comfort and hope.
All the explanation they had wished
was this: Jmiab drew forth from under
hi* shabby coat an exceedingly awkward
and knobby bundle.
" I've bought something for yon, Nabby,"
said he.
The " something," undone, proved to he
a very handsome brittanuia tea-pot. That
tea-pot must have kuown it was a peace
• iffering, with such preternatural bright
ness did it shine and glisten. Something
in Nabby's eyes shone and glistened too,
although she winked hard, and scorned
the weakness of a pocket-handkerchief.
" Thank you, Josiah," she said : " it* a
regular beauty, ami I shall set lota by it."
W hicb. so lone as they understood each
other, was, peraapa, as well as if Josiah
had made a long-worded a|>eech of repent
ance and reformation, and Nabby another
of forgiveness.
I wish I could say that Nabby ntrw
scolded Josiah Spain. But I can't. How
ever, she "drew it mild," tod there was a
general understanding between them that
this was only a sort of exercise made
necessary by habit—a lark inn by no means
involving biting. And Josian was so ac
customed to it that he would have missed
it, and not felt nat ural without bring wound
np and set going for the day by Nabby.
One dav, later in the winter, Nabby was
washing lor Mrs. Hosley.
"So you've taken Jotiah back again,
after all 7" said Mrs. Ilotlev. 6 ii •
" Well, yea, I have," said Nabby, ghing
a last twirl to the sheet she was wringing
out. 41 Josiah mayn't be very much to
brag of; but tben.'you see, he's my own.
and all I've got. We're gittin' to be old
folk*. Jc'vh and roe, and we may as well
put np with each other the little while
we've g it to slay here."
" How has frc been doing since he came
back 7"
" Firet-rate. He's walked as straight's
a string ever setice. He's a good provider,
now's he quit drinkin', and a master-band
for fixin' up things around the house, and
makin' it comfortable. I tell you what
'tis, Miss Hosley, we've got to n ake 'low
•nces for folks in this world. We cau't
have 'em always jest to our mind. We've
got to take 'em jest as they are, and make
the best on't."
" I'm glad to see you so much happier
and octter contented, Nabby."
" Well, I used to fret and complain a
good deal because things hadn't turned
out as I expected 'em to; but lately I've
thought a good deal about it all, and I've
made up my mind that there's consider*
ble comfort for every one i this world,
alter all. We mayn't git jest wbat we
want, but we git somethin'."
In which piece of philosophy I believe
Nabby was about right.
Is u pawnbroker a man of principal ?
Yes ; it is hit interest to be so.
Boston Inebriate Asylum.
The Thirteenth An mini Report o? the
WaeKlmlPfl Bbba Hl..>u, M* ,ia n
document of givnit inlciest. The Home,
ll ia known, is all institution for the treat
ment of patients suffering from nUmholia
disease, ami lbs Ibistou lioitao tr, we
lu-lieve, the first of the kitiil in the conn*
try, ami posatblv in the toiH. Duritig
lite 111 yeurn of its etisU'uee it ha*treutou
J.tttKl patient.* iluriug the last veiir "47i>
have been reeeivixl. Nlr. Otis flupp.the
l'lvvmleut of the L'oriroratiou, says :
" With limited mraus ami imul#tiate
aciximtuodaLious, the work of thcr nOjUH
bus Ixv-u jiersyvpriiigly carried ou with
luereaoiug energy, ami its efforts for
gorxl have l>een aeknowblge<l, not only
iu our own State, but throughout the
Union, ami svou in other eonntrioa."
Mr. William C. Lawrence, the efficient
Superintendent of the liouie, *Uite the
eneouniging fnct thnt 31 (wwwof dtdiriuui
tremellH have Ixy-n treated duriug the
hut year, and that not one has ligeo loot
< >ver one hnudred out-door jmtients have
been treated with gratifying muveus.
( Atmnt one-half the in-iloor paticiiUhave
rrnmuod only a fortnipbt, the retuitinder
for various puiinla from two to ait
month*. Mr. Latrmtm says : 4 'We have
no doubt, from present apponramxvi.that
iwo shall liave more thorough reforiaa
i lions than in any pnivious year. " The
plan adopted by tlu 4 Home M mainly a
mora) vm\ It in supposed that every
applicant is deairous of reforming his
habits, and of ridding himself of disease.
There is no restraint worth mentioning,
except inch as ia necqisa rr for tlie pre
servation of good order in the Home.
Xbt patient ph- Igtw In* honor to refrain
from alcohol while resMitigin tlm Horn.-,
and he ia not only exjiectod hut desired
to exerrisei the moat j*erfeet freedom in
to his personal movement*. There
ia, in coacs requiring it, Medical treat
ment, hut after a few day* this ia rare It
iieceaaarv. The uund lathe chief pbym
eian. ftv ever* cheerful encourage
ment, by nndcvuiting personal kindness,
by advice, and evert possible assistance,
the reforming man in encouraged to rvlv
uot upon other*, hut upon hiui<lf
Gradually, the good habit tak*s tire
(dare of tho had una The is%hp-<l ill,
before beadstowig iu the wrusgvlireeHou,
becomes indexible in the right one.
Seeing with new eyes, and thinking
a new uiiud. an.l feeling with a ne
heart, it often hnojveua that Uom< who
have lieen deemed the most hopelessly
incorrigible become the moat immovable
and rraolntc in a eoures of twUrirtv
The officers of the institution point with
a pardonable pride to a great many men
now hokliug positions of honor. useful
ness, and emolument, who owe the fact
not alone that thev are prreqierim:. but
Uiat they are living at alt. to the in
lluencea "of the Home. Of course, the
inatitutiun soiaelmu* fails. It cannot
select it* patients, and it necessarily re
ceives some who are probably t*eyond
the permanent influence of anv treatment
whatever, except that of physical re
straint. Jtwt wtawvvsr tUn- ia will
enough remaining to Mhttst the moral
effort, the ImwC Ik>|m- may bentertained; in taken for granted Unit no man
is deficient in tb-se, until he ha* heen
tried repentedlv and always found want
ing. Hut thy Home doea not pretend to
offer a refuge for those who an-absolute
•v incurable. This is n> |rt of its un
dertaking ; nor, in justice to those under
its care, who are struggling in bit&Tear
nest. could it be permitted to become
merely the temporary resort of those who
desire* nothing except to be retard for the
Uout from the fons*jueur* of a debauch
which may at any moment lie renewed.
The Home " roeaus business, " and thoac
who managr it are in earnest. Tliev hold
that for the incorrigible--for those who
have passed the fatal point, and become
more children so far as tiie power of the
will ia concerned, menpjf gf re
straint like those resorted to in other
cast* of insanity, must be provided.either
by tlie State or by private lilxindity.
At the sannr time, tlv-sc chronic cases
would dimitiiaft in niimTwr aa society i**-
comes more and more abstinent. The
Washingtoaian Homo- undertake* to
solve only t>nr problem. snd that is to
restore tlie enfeebled will to a moral and
effective muscularity.
ItrrrEW.—An ilhnrtrutioir df the bet
that a would-be hitci is often the worst
bitten of all comes from llccsc River,
California. A roan entered tlio office of
the photographer iti that place and wmri
ed a tingle picture taken. The artist
named his price, which happened to be
aisjtit tk>ab!a the ani<*mf the stranger
would jey. fto. ftw considerable Iwn
ter. (he visitor projmsrd to have a half
length picture taken for hnlf price.
This was agreed to, and the subject paid
hut money, and odf-ptod what he conoid
end to be an exceedingly graceful and
pleasing attitude. The usual operation i
wrrrgutioUtrough with, and soon a first
rate picture, consisting of a floe view of
the subject from the waistband down,
was finished and delivered to the w siting
customer. There was no mistake ;it
was a half-length picture fr half price ;
and after delivering himself of a few ex
clamation points the customer sulked
off, believing, J .obnbly, that lie had
paid well for a view of hi# boot# evon at
half price.
the painful result* of not reading the
newspajM-rs is reported in Saratoga conn -
ty. It appear* that at a recent fire prop
erty was destroyed on which there was
an insurance of 52,60n. The owner tripp
ed lightly into the office wlu re his policy
was drawn, and producing the document,
said be guessed he would take that money,
Tho agent looked at it, expectorated a
quantity of tobacco juice on tho caller's
nigh boot, and then exclaimed ; " Why
in thnuder don't iron rend the paper* ?
I gave notice n fortnight since in the
public pr** that the oompany went down
—fiat ousted—when Chicago went np.
Hail you read the pnjiersyou could have
renewed your policy in a company that
hadn't exploded, and been *o much in.
As it is you are so much out." We trust
those who follow this man's example will
take warning.
called the stormy petrel, are sea-hinds,
dark-colored, and nbout tlio size of a
swallow. 4
A vessel was once wrecked near the
Bahama Islands, and only one ptraon
was saved out of the ]iansetigers and
erow, and that one person was a woman
who had lost her husband and child.
Ths people tycatod her kindly, hut
she was very much grieved at her loss.
She lived in an old tower near the sea,
and she uacd to sit nearly all day long on
a high cliff and play with the petrels.
She get them very tame—so Luge that
they would come at her coll, and she
used to feed them out of her hand. As
she grew old her name changed ftn
Mrs. Ciurey to Mother Carey. And the
sailors, believing this story, gave them
the name of Mother Carey's Chickens.
CONSOLING.— Gent in wont of situation
(bitterly)—' l Call again to-morrow !
What's the use ! Here, I paid my fee a
month ago, and walked here and *<ime
again, a matter of eight miles each way,
twice every blessing day since, bar Sun
day, and yet you profess to find me con
stant employment!" " Well,
don't you call that oonstaut employ
ment ? "
A Mint Authority— Lamb (or he ought
to be).
M Iseries of lavflgfrs In Paris.
A correspondent of a Lomiou a < skly
savs : "It is stated that uumla-rs of
, American* who were In n measure a-wled
in lHiri* are leaving altogether. Thcv
slink® th® dust off their feet. having- h*<J
difficulties with propriskirs for which
ill® arbitral June-, "from Patriotic mo
tif®*," would give no f.Hiroiw. Woul®
head# of Kugibh fuuiltic* WlliW tiiau go
on }kviii fancy prices for wretched
' Pari# lodging-.,, have made up their
minus hi let the" pjttpriutar sell their
furniture. Hreuehuicn, H# * rnl®, love
louxereis.- jwiwer, uml sro greatly tempt
ed to misuse it. Proprietors have both
( iliu will auJ the way to tvr.iiuio. They
Can aud <lo assert tut authority, whan
| there I* no written agreement to the
1 contrary, nnJ put out the gas lighting
the atuira at half-past ten inateail of raid*
uiglit. Strangers not familiar with iwfli
Ktutr, curve, or tingle, risk breaking
their narks. A visitor, if not wury. may
tumble down a dig lit when deacoudiuf
from vour Hat Another projirietarv
way of ulllioyiug ia to take a screw out
of the pump-handle, pretend it is an or
ei lent, and find some excuse tor not
making the necessary repair* The ten
aut ia iu this way place.l on short ruin
' moon oa regard* the water supply. If
i he huya furniture to auit loa Mat, and
| (nits down carjw-t*, the <y>*ay report*
at headquarter# tliat he is snugger than
j luijf wreu in Its ttcd. Forthwith 3d. le
I'roprietaire cornea on a visit of iiutpee
j lion. He polifvly a*ks you to let liini
aae a chimney iu the bedroom, which he
|ia afraid wauU rq>airiiig, the kitehau
[ sitiTe. which he tliiuk* of improving, or
a dressing-room wiudowr. which will nei
ther ahut nor opeu. When he is satis
fled that the tenant has made himself
\ comfortable, and would I* a loser by a
iirmtiiettfrmruf—tit least until the carpels
are worn out —lie discovsr* that lie let
i the place too cheap, nod tightens the
screw roeurdiugly. I'our life uwy he
rendered insupportable by th neignliur
•it erliead, underneath. or u the same
flat. The nobbier on the liltli who is
' uot obliged to study the convenience of
i the inhabitants on the fifth floor, may
find it aeoraaary to the well-being of iu*
family to kcap tapping st soles and
j heals through tlie small hours of the
uioraiug. A dog-faucying old Inly i* a
still greater peat. She subjects her fal
low-lodgers to a nameless luseot inva
sion, to sav noflrug Af ether things
which offend the uw and eye*. What
ido you think, you who lire iu detached
' villa*, of the retired grocer inhabiting
, the rmvilion in the gank-u and keeping
poultry ? Having pa**'d forty year* in
las Faubourg St. Martin, this estimable
' member of society fancies a house csferv
! rue H forth'*, near the Champ* Elyweoa.
: in the eonutTT. To rvalue® the pleaaorea
•' of a rural life, and the comfort* too.-fur
he ia fond of a fresh egg, he peoples hi*
j patch of garden w:ib galliuaccou* crea
ture*. Aa ho is a heavy, plodding sort
* of person, and. if his Wile doea not c*l
umuiate liim, snore* like a ploughman,
' it do.** not matter to him when a city
1 life derange* the nervous system of his
j cocks and hen*. Hut nobody who i* at
i all wnksful can enjoy a really refreshing
sleep within bearing distance of the nam
tartioi crowing aud cackling of the trn
i tiled birds. And what, if you live on
j the first floor, would you not do w. re
tlie proprietor to let the Uiop on the
ground ftooi to a butcher, or to an iudl
vidnnl wanting to start an office for wet
nurecs? Imagine the clatter of twenty
peasant female, all #|<cokiug different
/Hrfei#, and the mewling* and wailing* of
ia* many new-born baWa ! Who is Uiure
that lives in IVns that * not aubicct to
ou or more of these anuoyanec* . '
Hunting with Leopard* In ltsroda.
The pioemkn i* formal. lu-oded I>j
a cart ivstaiulng the Bhow ftahih, then
another with the cheetah*. or hunting
leopards, bowM, and liwliny
be off. Away we pa ncrtxa country. get*
ting dreadfully knocked about, aa wr
.drive over everything, aud tlo carta
have no spring*. We have got nlmot
tliree miles, and now the Wfilflttcnt
la-gins, a* we tee nti immense herd of
antelope*. The Bhw Rtbib doc* not
drive straight at them, but keoj>a work
ing rotuid, udgr.ulufl\"dging in. The
cheetah* sniff the ' keeping their
DOOM pointed iu th direetiou of the
herd. We are with it. about two hundred
yards ; the hood tw taken off and a chee
tah let loose. He starts oil nlmost at
right angles to the direction of the henl,
gradually working in. Every now and
then, tire sUtcly old buck throws back
his hum*, showing symptom* of alarm ;
bat the running cheetah crouches down
behind some bnsh, remaining there until
the doer bogiu to graxo again, when he
steals a few yards. For a hundred yards
or no a cheetah lia* greater speed than a
deer, hot after tlvat distanec he is done.
This onr friend well knows ; so ho wait*
till within that distance to diaeover him
rolf, siugjes out the back, ehoe.* him for
a few minute*, raukea a spring on his
bark, toppling him over and seizing him
by the neck. The poor Iwast suffers;
but onr attention is attracted by a really
pretty Right—the flight of the remainder
of the herd— composed of two or three
hntidfrd of probably the most graceful
little creature* in the world, who, in their
retreat, spring over all the little btishas
that obstruct their path. The " sbirka
rees," or huntsmen, run up to Hie victim
ami cut hi* throat. He is then cut open,
ami aoino blood eaught iu a wooden
lodic. This is held near the cheetah's
nose, and is so tempting that lie lets fp>
his hold of the neck, drinks the blw d, is
hooded and again placed iu the cart,
ready for another nm. We have two or
three more, aud return to an excel
lent lnneheon at the place, drink the
Ouicower's health, which he gracefully
through nn interpreter) acknowledges,
expressing his gratitude and tb pleasure
it gives him to see so many guests. He
then takes the ladies to see the Ranee—
a privilege denied to tho gentlemen.
This ends the morning's aimis meut.
She Oter IMd If.
It is easy to overdo n good thing, and
the "slip'' between the "cup and the
lip" is so readily found. A mechanic
rejoicing In the name of Dubois, and a
resident of the city of IMroit, took to
drinking, aud was speedily transformed
from a hard-working roan into a drnnk
en sot. His good wife soolded, entreat
ed, diminished the thickness of his heard
without the use of a rater, but could
make no change. One night Dulmis ar
rived home slid found that his wife and
his coat had changed places—the Utter
lay on the floor aud the former was sus
pended from the hook. Up rushed
DUIKMS to the rescue, took his wife
down, and after much labor brought
her to her senses. The attempt at
suicide completely sobered him, ana like
Ohadiah Oldbtiek', ho turned over u now
leaf. He promised never to drink again,
and probably would have kept his word
if his wife had been able to keep her
own counsel Bat she was inst smnrt
enough to inform several of her neigh
bors that the apparent banging wos a
put-up job, the rope being tied under
her arms. The knowledge of this little
praotioal joke coming to Dubois's ears
he first thrashed the whole family, then
performed some extraordinary feats of
furniture-smashing, and finally left thq
premises, and has not been seen since.
One hundred and tweuty-oue and
three-fourths miles of sidewalk were des
troyed by the Chicago fire, to replace
which little less than one million of dol
lars will have to be expended.
A Freurh ft lory.
A few Jsj-s ago, iu France, imuokxl oway
the hull eh lid of the unfortunate Lot
iiriiutw, who wna e*rtWtted for roblierj,
una proven innocent, but • short time
itfb-r his death. He was a young mad
l of fortune, and came to Paris with Ida
wife ami olublreu to moke his way in
tint world, ami was of n gay but most ex
cta|ilnry chiuaFtor. llai uin some slook
| trauooclioini with a man he had acciden
tally tnL LtflUflssi went into Uie conn
try with hiui, returning the next day.
The wune night the wat to Lyons was
nddied, and the txu,Ulltoiis and a paMvu
6 1 er muivUrod. Tim men who cnmmitteil
in mui<h-r etiUMtkl u inn, and were re
worked by the people, one living />/*/
! the otlmr bruM. The poltoe sinm got
upon the trull, and it wa* found that the
' casual ac*|iuilitrtuce of JgHutrvjues Was a
friend of one of the men who committed
the deed, ami the yeuog man wus also
taken into ouatody. Ikifore tha Court,
Lcauivpna fell a Victim to tha common
French habit of beiug " so oockoiuw of
everytbiug." ll<l was Www. ami the
people of the inn swore that he was the
num. Notwithstanding a very clear
ajibi, he was condouiuad, executed, and
afterward proven innocent. From that
time out his family never ceased to de
mand his rehabilitation and the restitu
tion of his property confiscated by the
State. His poor wife died in JKiverty,
supplicating to the last for a judicial re
cognition of her husband'a innocence.
The children continued the appeal. All
their earnings were expended in peti
ilolls. They oftered t> give up the
pivjjv-rtT if the legal stigma oould be re
moved froin their name. V uder Is mis
XVITf,, Ciisrlos X., Louis Philippe, the
Republic of 4M ami of hi, the reign of
Napoleon 111,, sad even to the lust (lov
erninent of Frsr.ce, these unavailing
aitpeul* wrerc made. The inuoeetlce wan
clear, but it could not be legallv recog
nixed. One after another Use- elul
<iren died, ami there remained but
oie old. unmarrici! wotuau to plead fur
her legally murdered fa her ; and now
h 4 has followed liim to his grave. Then
is no one left for the name of
toe unfortunate I>e*nnpis. Why jua
tixn has been so obstinate in refusing to
recognise its error. I can not say, but it
enema that there is some 1.-gai difficulty
so great, that suorttsfive tioveruments,
for ttree fourths of a century, have pre
ferred to continue an lujustiee and a
wrong, rather than confess that justioe
could lie deeetwxL — Pttria f rwflws*
ifrst •
* 4 Hs Never jfdverllaca,**
There is a bright picture of the man
who Jinv not advertise. *He is distin
guialied very easily by bis careworn and
•byactad countenance. He" is grasping
—holds fast to what be has, and luoka
ajH.n all customer* with distrust The
miserly eagerness with which he clutches
the pay for his goods create* an antipa
thy for bun in the minds of hi* uatruna,
and they generally leave liiia. His store
is any thing hut inviting, aa the good*
are not displayed at all, aad a bleak ap
pearance of the walls is the consequence.
A* night he lights hi* atom with the
jtoomt quality of candies, which shod
a pale glimmer over bis goods, giving
them an old and dusty look. At his
stoie you will lie certain to find mean
whisky, soft s>ap, damaged groceries
and drv g<**ls—*ll last year's fashion,
Ac. lie seldom (rive* anything for pub
lic improv(-meats or charitable purpose*,
nnd menaurrs mankiud generally in his
rwn half buabr-L Such a man never
helps to build railroads, staamltoota,
telegraph ligea, or any thing of that
kluti. If the balance >I mankind were
j like htm. stage coaches would be the
1 only public conveyance*. Where great
cities now stand, a few doable pen lg
--l house* and * bar-room would br instead,
i (.Villages and school* would new have
j been thought of, and biiaaful ignorance
would now reign supreme. He is never
pueird on the topics of the day, nor is
ho informed in regard to commercial
affair*, lieoaiiae he ahnt* himself off from
that son re* of information by discoun
tenancing the press, the only means
' through which it can be attained. And
i when he dim ha is not generally lament
led. j . , .
A Jew Ktnd of Plastered Wall.
According to tho EcienJi4t Pre**, a new
kind of wall is coming into ate in Eng
land. and, if wo mistake not. srientine
thiug hits lcen introduced already in
this O HlN try to onm* extant. It IA thus
described. "Over a frame-work of
strong crow-wires, of about one-eighth
iu thickuew, there is woven by a power
ful pressure, fibrous matter which ia
saturated with a solution that rentier* it
Arc-proof. It ia then subjected to a very
Kwerfnl pressure. A eoatiug of very
hi cement ia tli<n put upon it for an
outside facing. By this nu-ans surfaces
are made impermeable to moisture,
smooth, mid easily washed with water,
thus saving the expense of repeated lime
washings. It is formed into sislts in iron
frame*, which are put together and
closely and securely fastened with boMa.
The slabs are from one and a half inch
to fonr inches Uiiok. They serve M
snjM-rior puneling for dividing walls or
partitions. Where S|WKV is of im}>rtancc,
it ha* the advantage, perhaps, over con
crete walling, in enabling a wall to be
made of not more than one and a half
inch or two inchos in thickness, and vet
its ou-dity is said to greatly deaden
THE AXVIL Exrnosios.—'The jnry of
inquest upon the death of Mr. tj. H.
Campbell, who was killed by the explo
sion of an anvil in Montoinery, AL-K,
while it was being used to celebrate a
political event, have ret imed a verdict
111 which they say : "We, ihejnry, are
of the opiuion that such a calamity oc
curring on a public thoroughfare and ia
the midst of a crowd of peaceful eitixena,
pursuing their usual avocations, in vio
lation of law and utter disregard of
human life, is nothing less than murder
—and that the authorities permitting,
and the parties instigating or engaging
in sueli dangerous and uncalled for
practice*, should lie held to a strict ac
comitabHity by the Grand Juries of the
recently entered a store in Btdfast, Me.,
aud naked the proprietor if he had any
demand against a certain person. The
merchant, after some time recollected
some old notes for small amounts, which
he had laid aside as worthless. Upon
limiting them up the stronger counted
out the money, principal and interest
for fifteen years. He had contracted
the debt* when a young tnau, and being
unable to pay them he went to Califor
nia, where he remained till a few weeks
ago, and-had been successful in business;
and on his return his first care had been
to look up his old creditor.
SHE Cotnj> SEE HIM. —At a trial, not
long since, one of the witnesses, an old
lady of some eighty years, was cloaely
questioned by the opening counsel rela
tive to the clearness of her eyesight
" Can you see mo ? " said he,
' Yessi" W HS answered.
" How well can you sec mo ? " persist
ed the lawyer.
" Well euough." responded the lady,
"to see that you're neither a negro, an
Indian, nor a gentleman."
The answer brought down the house.
It is a queer woman who asks no ques
ons, lut the woman who does is the
Drape failure la CaUfarahu.
Good grape-land here costs from fltt
to Mil per aarr. When the latter pries
is the land has fueilitiu* for irri
gation. At prcseut ? many think irriga
thm utiiienwasry iu new vineyards ; Imt
; vines aeciot<wue.| to ft cannot safely die*
! )N-tistf with It. In phmtiiig a vineyard,
I the land is ploughed arAnast eighteen
iuche deep, and a bole ia made with a
crowbar, into which the cutting ia drop
ped. The Missiuu gmpe ia giviug |rfsf
;to foreign vanetiea, cuttings of wliiofi
have to be purihascJ, at prices varying
' from B* to #lO per thousand They are
planted is February Mid March, aad,
when irrigation ia considered n measery,
| the water is tarnod on both befom aad
after planting. The viaaa are aboat aim
'eet apart, or at the rate of a thousand
ito the acre. Ploughing the find year
costs alxmt #5 i>er iterc. After that, a surfn.
surfn. to k>ep down
the weeds, w ail that M required, aad
costs about II SO per aura. Water for
, irrigation costs about 15 yearly. Phi
iug per acre, costs alowtt $1 the first
*ar, #2 tho second, ana #8 a fear when
Iw vinca are in full bearing. This work
is done chiefly by Indians of MecfefliA.
At tlie end of'throe scant, the vivid
taay be iwrimated at five j-mna* L
grapes to the vine ; at four years, eight
pounda ; and at five years, twelve pounds
and upward. The whole cost of an acre
of grapea—including price 6f laud,
cutungs, water and cultivation, up to'
the time thcr cnnmence iK-ariog, maybe
estimated not to exceed ft Hi. The year
ly ex pence after this, without oouating
the cost of gathering and sanding to
market, would be only abont ftlO per
acre. The raanufacturem of wine in
Los Angeles are willing to buy aH the
grapes tliey can get. The price ranges
from 65 c.-nts to tl jier 100 pounda.
This would give the price of an acre
of grapes as ranging fcum s7* to #IOO
and upward. When omdr Mite wio*
they would be worth #i>Ai or #4OO. Tak
ing the lowest price paid for Ute grnj*-#,
the profit per aw, srfter paving for cul
tivation, gathering and hauling to mar
ket, can not he teas than SSO IA is sel
dom that s piece of laud pvodaotng no
thing bwt grapes is sold, sad, therefore,
we have but little to the way - of, aciaal
sales from which to form an opinion re
lative to the price of an acre of vine
yard ia full bearing. But wc can derive
our conclusions from another source
equally trustworthy. A hundred dollars
will bring their owner ia the way of in
terest, from #l4 to #lB annually. From
this we may conclude thai an acre of
grapes that"bring* its owner a profit of
#3O yearly, is worth s3oo a good return
for the #46 originally invested. Oeer-
A bad C hapter.
Of the number of illegitimate chil
dren born in New York, aays a local pa
per, it is difficult to speak with any pre
r-isioa. In Earopeof countries, ww
know almost exactly the proportion of
illegitimate to legitimate births." In
Harduia, it ia 4.00 par cent; iu Sweden,
6.56 ; in England, 6.72 ; in France, 7.01;
in Denmark, 9.35; in Austria, 11.38; iu
Uararfa. 30.39. Among A tics: it fe be
tween 8 snd 4 percent in English citiev:
in flwnan, 8; in Berlin, 14.9; in St
Petersburg, liifi; in Vienna, 46. Tin*
general average of illegitimate to legiti
mate children u> Europe ia 12.8 per omL
Supposing thai the sverage in New York
ia tne tame as in Amsterdam or in Lon
don, aay 4 pec cent, there were, in the
live year* from 1860 to 1485, <wl of the
144,724 ehildraw born Hiving or dead)
in the City of New fork, Ulegitb
mate, or an average each year- of 1.167
children born out of wedlock- 3d are
titan a thousand illegitimate children
are thus, in all probability, thrown upon
the community every ycar.
Hrrrivo H*B Pwoms*.— A Scottish
widow in the time of King George waa
one day in spring seen by the dark a#
her pariah crooning the eburohyard with
a water-pot aud a bundle. " Ah, Mis
tress Mactaviah," , said the deck,
•• what's yer tmsW*. wi' eic like pearw
that v'ara earrrin* ?" *' Ah, Weel, Mr.
Maclachbtn. " replied ie - widow, #' I'm
just gotn' to my godeman's grave. I've
got some hayweoda in my bundle, the
which I'm go in' to sow upon it; and the
water in the can ia jut to pe 'u a
springlike ! " " The seed winua want
the watering, " rejoined the clerk,
"they'll spring finelyo' themsehe*. "
"That mav well he," rejoined the widow;
•• but ye dinna ken thatmy gudfonan. •
he lav a-deeing, jnat got me to make
promise that I'd never nurry agui tail
the grass had grown aboon his grave.
And, as I've had a good offer made me
hut yestreen, ye see, I dinnalike to break
my promise, or to lie kept a lone widow,
as ye see me 1" The minister's aide-de
camp looked on the widow indeed with
a mirthful expression. " Water bim
weel. widow, " said the clerk; " Macta
viah aye was drouthy 1"
ments ore in progress says an exchange,
which may end in greatly increasing the
farm stock of the I*nitrd State# in a sod
den and nuexiwcted way. It iaUdined
that the buffalo, cna be tamed and do
mesticated. Should this be prac.icable,
the eatiaoquijnecs may be of gmat mag
nitude. Whether by crossing with or
dinary cattle or by breading them l*ire.
these' animal* may bs destined to add
prodigiously to the agricultural wealth
'of the country. Their number# are still
almost unbounded, and the cowa are do
dared to give milk of extremely rich
quality. As regard# the meat, buffalo
hump is proverbial aw odelicaey. but wo
apprehend much of the creature is father
tough. Still, the quiet life of domesti
cation may be reliodon soon to make a j
change in (his rwpecl. Continual
meot toughens the flesh of almrwt all
animals, aud the comparative tenderness
of our domestic cattle arise* in a great
measure from the indolent quietude of j
their liven.
Nnoi Hocus A DA*.—ln all the prin
ciple towns of the North of England the
workmen *re following the example of
the Newcastle engineers, by demanding
A reduction of the time of labor to nine
hours per day. The iiuiwwwlmrs of
Middlesbrough, the shipwrights of
Stockton, the d.vers of Lords, and mativ
other large bodies of workmen lisvc air
ready insisted upon the reduction. The
latest secession to the number is an ins
portant one. Tlie whole of the employes
of Messrs. Laird, the groat ahip-bsiUdera
of Birkenhead, have read ted to insist
upon the reduction of the hour* of labor
to nine. , . j
Sots* A Rnoomtran. —Truer mistresses
would make better servants. Here is a
model " recommend :*• probably more
truthful thun ninety-nine par cent of
them : The bearer has been in my
house a year—minus eleven months.
During this time she has shown herself
diligent—at the house-door; frugal—in
work ; mindful—of herself ; prompt— in
exercise ; friendly—toward men; faith
ful—to her lovers ; and houeat—when
everything had vanished."
ECCKHTRIC.—R. W. Durham, a rich.
Californian, died joking. He bequeath
ed SIOO,O (0 to the "Deaf, Dumb, and
Blind Asylum " of Ban Francisco, adding (
that he enjoyed me consoling rejection
that his beneficiaries could not talkabont
| him after his death. Unfortunately, the
asylum wos removed to Alameda County
several yearn ago, and his relatives are
going to contest the will. '
TEBMS : Two Dollars * Year, in Adra
la laAu mmj.
John W. Forney tells toe following
romantic st ary':
Mborfl* after I look possession of flic
Unrastar fPa.) tHtM l pn'*r. ooff then
thirty-four years ago before i : Mi
mudied manhood -Urn Dickspa, lit*
luntdbU' end cnti* pestmiriri'ar of th*l
tI*KW, handed m* a coiled tetter directed
to •• the editor of newspaper/ *hwh
toe **id bed In brr powio for
are than • rW, and haa Be* kjbrt* Ar
ivered becaaroithufl ftrr d<-flint* cMr-H,'
Upon opening Hl lowed iadated I*r<pp
port, IcnUnac, and signed | T (ieurg* w.
Eeing, I'u:! ItitaWw Indian Agb Bi
•tetftl that lie luid only raeatiy stooped
ct .en fodioa wktMi for the >gbt on
Mm hanks of fM/mmitainew*, a Wat
fifty miles comh of fort Wayne, amis
found It occupied by a family who few 1
rich for Indiana, and ti sorted of son
aidfnU* pfafMlpin keem and kkb '
He wot on to nay that the of)
tor evening h* nofioad thaQh&Mf.
Una of tug women vaa light and her *ki t
under Wr drear white. sad aq he enteii
Into conversation with her, whirit ML
' not dMfb-nH, na *he -aptllit Mm* lengfogt
of t W Mlm, -MM Ml '.Man rim ♦a#
white, bat bad been unrated away apit
I a vaty aaall aid. MM Could only t*-
, memto-r (bather Ml WMP \ tost
.aba bad bvndjn boose oa*h#
of the to*
unnilxir of her father'* family, and tba
1 order of their agea ; bat she could not
1 recall the name of the bum from wkieb
■ she waa taken. FaaoiwOod by this
romantic dory, yH uudettdllto* *°
let the facte W known, Im wrote a
land acnt it to my utvefan of Laa
, carter m tbfl phi* ucawwt the Nu*qu
! banna that bo could wanralmr of any
importance. After, aa I bare raid, ritep
inf foffta pet effi<*- for many laoofbc,
It . üBAMrt through Mm oalumna at my
little journal. nod in thai wny got to Mm
stolen ffcom ntoem mxtj rear* befbfo.
The brother of France* who wat.eubr
tiro year* and a half old when hi* u*
' waa carried off by the Indiana, drifted
fir the Indian rouatry in romnam.Wttli 1
lite eldest meter, who bad anted hi* to
tear, and another brother, then tiring
in Ohio, born after the eapuviir aa
Francos. After a b*ng fonrney
found a little wigwam aaoitg the MWat
'lndiana "We drnfl knCW From**."
mid the water, " tuoaaoi aim' lote, the'
i Mil wt bar Aral dnfrar. lon, hmrtiif-r.
buocnditcA to tha hVmkwaath jfaop
, whan ahc waa foot jaai* <<d." 1lCF
, entered and fonad a awartby w mafc *bo
L*>ked t>< l aerenty five. fSie wne
Cinteil. jeweled, and dreaaad like an
dim) in all rwperta Nothing feyt bar
hair and bar aorwd akin fndioateid bar
: origin- Tbey got an tetari*ratnr, nCkanf
.her noma and .whatn dm waa Jhhni.
'• How came thai nail gone? ' ad ! flte
•Ideal ateter. She anawerod, "' My elder
; brother pounded it oil when I waa ailttfta
obild in the shop." They bad dfaootcrod
ithe Vup i rt water Ther aafced bar
(*hrwtiai. name, flhe bad facgaCMd it,
'• WaaftFtaawaar 4 Aa M aoutten bj
reveiatmn. ahn aoanwrad, ."6t" It
waa the Arte lim# ba had heard it|n>
opnncad iu ataly yawa. Here the? were
met, two Mown and two aiatera, tela*
having been arparated foe* more' Can
' hair a century. The brothma wege wnlk
-1 ing the cabin, unable to apeak, tha ateter
. waa drowned in tow*, bat tha poor Indian
i ant moteunleaa and pa—tralcn. She
ouutd net epoak a word oi Bmrfuh. She
•bd not know when Sunday came. She
waa carrittl off by the Indians, and when
she bo w op ab< married ohe of tletr
number. He either diad or ran away,
l-and then Wbe married a Miami chief.
I line* dead. Khe had two in,
1 both imanaed. wbow ahitty-tanr yws ago,
. lived in all the glory of JboduMi cats::, v
,dccr-alun i k4ba, W oow-aHn head
dr—ill, they bad borcca in Bbundanoa,
and when the Indian deter aoc-omjauued
hi-r nr-tr r- iaSive*. aha bridled bet bfrafl
and mohntnd if walrldc. M night abe
I alept Ob tea floor, with her blanket
around ben Thmr would not pcwde
. her to return to Wilde*ban* awt win*
, the invitetecm waa eatendnd to her CMI
■Bd NaT WrWhand on hia
deaW-bed She would deter troroffmte J
111 now neorte nhmte-tw yea**iwwf
thin win to chald waa turn km tear
I nanaate' hamcitt Wyauning
hcraelf haa lcen gathered k her fcflil iM
! and moat of bar double family who wm't
living In 1838 i with the bxoftptooi, y
believe, of Mr. Jtanrph flSoenm, now on#
f the most iwfluential and
eiilzoM of Sevan ton. Among 1 the
chaagea that have taken place in thia
loop interval, lew am mart interesting
thai) thia teausfoimation from mwlaa
tion to Wbanam. s: . r ;
-ji- —unu -ujlu luii-i
Rom. AoDoiaoiufKW tw Tbteigjin
i On# of the .-ihfeMomat the recent Tcsaa
I State Fair, at. UdnaUm. gave. an
iog auconnt of hia tertence te tha
hotel, which illustrates the crowded am
ilition of tiie taverns at that tame.
• When 1 got there, I jost mid, 4 Qap
i tain, I wrote Tter alxntt aht weeks asp to
! save me a room ; I hope yon have dtone
foC 'Ortainlv I bavo; - waitOX, |<te
tlie gentleman U Nik L' I'm liiljiil i
if there wasn't forty ottera baaMgJajr
j self in that aamt apart,nwmt, and when
they went to undrew at night, the room
looted like an arsenal, for every man
had a knife and # i \-shooter or kwu,.
Mv partner had an tenienm piteol,
which he oooUy took off and placed b©
twees na 'Say, btrannar,'aafft I, **ll'
1 had to carry a thing hke that, bteteM
if 1 wouldn't put it >u wbeola' ,*o*e
if I choose to wear il it'a, notexly'a baa
inces,' he replied. '"VTetL nays I, ia aB -
of this artillery company in thia roou* V-
About half the Occwpanta were changed
every day, and I could teff every new
arrival the number of hia room the in
stant I eot oyes on him. V Hallo, Colo
nel, just got in I' I would faj- 'lm—
dust in, and locky enough to get a room.'
' What a vout number 7*l woajw' Ma.
Ninety-ohe,' waa cure to be the reply"
; v - • • ■■, 1 "
Maipuaf nt 3Puit Itewram-*
Among t he marriage notioet
the Htrvmrte, was the!
of Fernandez de OimAntte and Mraa Let
la Addison, b lady ttf that eitv.
The ceremony wsa performed by Right
Rev, Bishop Domino*" flmunaraal ear-*
enmataace in connection, I watte the, affair
ma, that the bridegroom, wkbte Spanish
Charge d'Affuira in Borne, waa represent
od by proxy. Miaa Addison had been
nfcndyuig m Rome for iteteral moutlimfn
cotniwnv with her onnt. a'widow.' The
of Hpam availed
Rhneelf of n privikwiffmeted under the
law of. the (liuroh,,. and sppoiuteda
brother nUbe bride jho represent hio>.
Th lady left for Waghtegtnn ltet even
ing, and will sail for Europe in a few
T§JTfk.iii t i I .i.i 1 ...
Kikdkk&h ro AkikaiA—Kindness in
the treatment of animala- cPi)eciaUy of
horses—is now very generally substituted
for the harshness and twvertoy which
were formerly practiced We have ob
scorved, with grate satisfaction, the en
tent. to which thjf change has taken
place. It js not among educated people
aloue, but it pervades the atablee gen
erally, and is noticeable among bosuers
and stable boys. Man are still perse
cuted, maltreated and slaughtered, and
wars are as cruel and inhuman a# ever;
but it is a pleasure to feel that dumb
beasts, at least, are more kindly treated
i dlai - rf *&i itii >Jtt '
t ft ...j
... Jli.VO. 46
wiMifcfc imtte itiir! fff#i
t d CWWH^te|fswsh W kteUT
V Far bteund mntelpllow tte faster.
Of evfl grain no good eeed can ecans.
Prosperity gains a raalitod# o# Mends.
H is wtec that knows when be is well
ratongb of.
FVillow wim ftiT mihtr
jfwiju/t uml,
Ttesmte no Joy ro groat m that which
springs froraa kuwl act or plmmnt deed
hooU a h>w York genttemsn upward#
of thirty dollars to take a young lady to
thtiffin this season.
He "learned to lovn sateher,' and
bad to pay Miss Youstiy of Noshnllu
•113,000 for M doing.
Ilever fp to bsd at night Ulymi know
something iiwfte, which you did not
know In the mooring.
The best ilhwtrotion of perpetual
motian 4hat we know of ia s woman's
AMtafll.wflMß te king of her baby.
" *The Bktm Arnrmtd of Mbdteon. Wia,
pnhlishni roeriant subeeribemw deed,
which rounei them to aeenee of their
There re flva mimffia In TW* year
Wring Ave i Aundays eedh. A thing
i M~„ gtf gnrsnrani# filNhiifisite* liain Jin
1 .lAttPw' wNJthn*dig
* in fifty ysuci
ft dww not prove aJttea jMMrn broker
I iaof no inqateitiv# tern of mind bSmuse
jbe amnte to know the name and addram
R tto* oewnte of gtovea have krag
mtekto which are n
--o fvisb r' -.1 tS 1 *s r ra Said loavda, lu white
' The asasMtd valuation Of the real
rotate of Phitedetphis mrn.u&.ms.
tajariou" 1 Bampt from
M A tmhte rMwisedoaaeng ether Wedding
pasoeote two euwing-meehmtxt,
throe ptaucs. twelve see piu-Uers, and
rsglr* femilf Pihlos. large
t>M sixtrrtn y*wm
bftll iJhm iMMt dtoBMWBr in fcw..iHEi
taty-two 'the best taljker, and at
tke richest mam Slid grost 'j -
*H girla are waffa, are huge ones
% *' f*_-i>ln{olw *' i- ia-ii- rot *•
Y i,Hi i.Jf. IWmT 9 ftW * WLS-*
teen; " te Wsbthe bovs lisve the habit
cf spplvi!:^ 1 theta to list r lips us sealing
tbetr VUWUL"*! .
window*,an* <if daw wtoto muriin, with a
tnoßigrant of tens in 'the eeatelh 'Mid
l.dps! ikli : with a fluting of rich
oar aide lined with fleanri or fur, in
Wtfah a lady may dip her baud wLeu
of a culd winter's oeeaiag.
vritor speatt his ahede ; hfla an 3BS *
■'{ anecfimoC nuteqrißac, dkwhvwd
to irikMte The eomman fly hm 8,000
_ .ill ifc, ■ M,iHi in, n! n kmb a ltri' iffn mrdMill i,rn 11,11 i* J*JLs rif 9
•*y&% niftd pmmmm
kerotoeL aodieacw tittered, and
Mark probably said something to Mra.
Cli-turJis wh,tee got hrane,. r< Jdw t
wltenteinao# 'Alndb sMstKKagßkff flMnUUkn Ihgh
wlmw, i'e'SZ*. IK*T,IpA*' I PJMI As*s
-bad been gioeo an apen keg of powder
So alt on, white he hod*hghtcl roudle
in hie hand. . ,
Ato old lady gtwt thia as bar idea of a
flat lean; One who t* kuerful of
hteilothes, 4<** driak ri -rita, kin road
the Bible without epteling the wtwds,
and est 'A cold dinner on wash day with
out grumbling,*
." Mr.' ftoestar,** aril a member of the
Jamaica IjeglriteiW, diseaaring • bill
for the ttwuWion of toe timber trade,
*T knowtheae timber merchants to be
most egngtooa nwate-I waa in the
timbartena layarif twelve yeato-"
. AftMteknmcaaaagwtertngngaeeted
as lam dan tetigjamn to.anammaa that
"if Dr. Leach eras among his aaipeooe
r,'rc': p■ --"JStfSS
Mfh vjr oti'the poor patten! •
A UMc just printed of tha daily wroee
rul to thwecumtrv Cor medhanieal labcr
shows that for flafldy all kinds of haadi
eraft work tha aamego rata of wages is
higher in the New England State*, than
bIL Middte! the WeterwTor the S6uth
orn Stetea. *
v A guild of tedtei te pawpaw d to be
format to fiaglead under the temforahip
SHaniawn of Swaanffi Dcrrtshare,
■ Qb * t 7 aniuwe to
'tea two young perron*
6eww6rliil and the <Aher t the
foot of Iha pew pen son immediately de
tormtoe thte they are ,,
Qaaiut little tinpeto of ermine or white
imtel arc much in' fhtoicm now for
tadtea' wear. The brad of the weaete,
5ToOe of toroe artltem by a darned to
felterim at ■mngftd '"*• fetip lLi,i
, OomtoeWeeeei."
3 4o one of his toUow-teavrima a plate
ridT faded; "Thia to a prolilte r hog
saMmtey, and te ia eale to ate ewygw
wherever heg ia cheapen than dog.
walk into church before the hridfl and
groom, carrying a amall white satin cush
ion upon which it embroidered a mono
gram in gilt lettero. whieh he rorofnlly
placn m front of the alter for the couple
to kn*4 on, and carries it out egnto a*
the oloee uf the ceremony. What
* . .
g A Kenaas City book-keeper received a
note staring toatha had been selected
by baUteJfromjftS persons mMSW
to worn* spirit which rowed b#mau
food. BbFfWWS *\ J?V!vt T 2aS5
the note .but a couple of hottn aftcfaard
• bullet cams crashing through the win
dow and struck toe deak a few riches
from his head.
A little fire-year-old was being to
alttM'U-! in r.H'rals by his grandmother.
The obi tody told him that all such terms
aa ü by gofly, M "by jingo," "bythun
der," det, were only little oaths, an#
bat little better than other pro£uities
tin foot, toasted he could tall a profane
f roth by foetereftx " by," All fteU were
oathai. "Well, then, grandmofhr, f
said the, little hopeful, is "by telegraph,
which! see to the uewspapers,
, tor r '' said the old lady, "that's
only lying."
A Sxabt Hot—Ahe Albany tews
thus shows how odorod prisoner M illed
the wool over a pohoe offioer The con
stable of Adams toe other day took a
colerod boy te the depot to carry him to
iWeteteowß jail Afncus waa lamj an I
could not run away, bit waa sound men
tally, SO the officer purchased linu his
ticket, and hade him sit dowa oh a'bsr
rel Of salt while h# " went to see s than."
The boy espied a couuttyman en row/•
for Watertown. and sold him hisiticket
at a discount of five cents on the aost to
the constable. Th* aaaniryanau, was
delighted with., the putrahase,. tit* boy
ditto with the sale. The constable earn*
book; the train arrived, both stepped,
aboard; t)aoconstable sat Jn one end of
the oar, it being fuß, toe bov in the
othertoe obn l uc-tor came along, the
boy "didn't tab no ticket, sab/' toe
conduotot pußed tbe beß cord; the train
stopped, the aonstable came bach to see
who was being ejected juat 'in time to
pull him into toe oar again ; Ibi; i torn
and the boy went on, but not until the
officer paid double fare for his prisoner.