iIE "i? i i t sk'OKTKR Kttl|)AY, OKC. 1, !'.• ITEMS. ' -i. At .latfl—Our friends will oblige >. ti v se ulin jin anv items of local inter o. lacludiaft death*, marriages. Jfee., as ~oH arc oagarly road by your triendsin to ,v out 10 my of whom got the Reporter. *Ho would ctem itu fat or if our kind p.v Iron- ivuild occasionally mail a copy ot 1 , i; ... r to relatives and acipiaintan. ■*s!o who formerly hvad in Centra county § i i removed to other pa.l*, which would | l uce many to become subscribers. y IMTOKTANT TO IU'HIKKM M KN. — ■ Fho circulation of the KUVKTKU, on R this side of the county, is now greater ■fthan that of any two papw in the ■ oomitr, hence business iueu who wish I to roach the Pen us valley trade, wih I advance their own interests, by ad veil tisin - in the KKIMHTKU. Our suUcrir tio.i list is open to the inspection of al/ who wish to advertise. —o - T;..'..OKS FOVXTAIS I'KN --Something new and novel. He sure ami-read the ad v.-rti 'incut ia our paper, headed 'Ureal e.i Invention of the Ago." We believe 41c (.ohlcu fountain I n i> unsurpassed. i ~cn i noeossily to every man, \v 1 id child. Agent., hers is a eh A .ce to INUKO IUOIU-Y in introducing a g0...| and saleable article. jan 27 y. f IWX NOTU'K.—In accordance aith • I a", act of Assaatubly, notice ia herebv , jttv.■! to tho ciliaen* of roller, from whom i , • tor MMM MI|HH for tho pMMtI "*> arc duo, th*l on nil such Uir> t-r.i . ; > the Milerwi*i>eJ Treasurer, *t his tvM.i eOM or before loth oi November | next that* *'ill he a deduction of live per i contu u. On all taxes Mid within ono j n.. nth after s*i.l dale no deduction will be i nude, and that upon *ll school taxes re mauling uupaid after December loth next there will be an addition of five per cen tum itv ordar of the Hoard. KKKI>. KI'KTZ. nnt-oom Treasurer. Dt iu .mos\ —Tho lain! willing, the new!v erected church at Woodward, IVutro Co., IV will lx dedicated to tho worship of Got!, on Sabbath, Dec. 10th, 1871. He vs. ilea rick, Swengnl and A u rand are expected to assist tu Ihc occasion. E. STAMBACII, tiuV.M 2t. Pastor. O.i Sunday, December 3rd, lie v. Saitm, i>. IX, will administer the Lord's Supper, in the Liithem Church, a: Aarousburg. TURNIPS. —Our friend Auios Alex si:iUr, ofMillbeim, writes, Nov. 23rd: "1 noticed 10 your paper a few days ago. about two large turnips that I 01. N . if, of Potter tw p., scut to your office, and which were vert fire. But Mr. John K import brought two into our su re, a few days ago. that weighed 8} pounds each, and has one at home - llluii wvi-iies i)l pounds, and says that h- can let you have 200 bushels that will weigh 51 tw apiece." Well, Mr. Kimport, subscribe for the UKTOKTER aud thou walk right _ up head, for we think you have "trap- ped" everything iu the turnip class for 1371. SNOW. —On Friday 24th, about 24 inches of snow fell, and the merry bells jingled along the streets until Saturday. —A. A. Kerliu. a student at the So linsgrove Seminary, paid our sanctum a j <>p visit on Saturday Inst. JB —Go to Ilofii-r Bro's. for chcdp gc-xls always to A man fell off the rouf of Smith's st: re, at Potters Bank, the other day, and broke his name into three pieces— Cheap, Cheaper Cheapest. —The Methodists are holding a pro -tm:tcd n.eetitig in the achool-house of " this place. —Another snow storm on Wed lies d.v morning, and very cold weather. —J. P. Gephart has purchased the Miilhcim tanyard. —Col. Taylor, who owns a fiirnt m-ar this lowa, has been "going for" the railroad oonipony for {utssiug over his land. We think the road will jiass over anyhow. —A jury of seven has been appoin ted by tbe court to assess the damages which may be sustained by land-own ers on the railroad between Bellefonte 1 End of Mountain. Farmers, Mechanics, Carpenters, cYc.. read the wonderful advertisement of M 'Manigal, in another column. —There was a strike among Soil's railroad hands, on Wednesday—it was eo'd aud tbey struck "for lite stove," like true patriots, who "strike for their bentts and firesides." —Pork is repotted sellieg at 5 its., aml beef ut 7c. —The family of. Nt Miilheim, is sorely stricken at this time, being afflicted with no less than 7 or 8 cases of typhoid lever. SiuirES DEATH. —Mr. Reuben Valentine, died at hit home, near Belkfontc, on last Saturday tiiorniug, 25tli, of heart disease. He had an at tack the day before, in the rolling mill where he fell over m a fit. Mifflin County. The True Democrat sat* : On Fri day Inst. Novcinlier 17t"h, tm clope jtient took place in Allenville which for a time created some itir. If. F. Lichty, of Centre county, eloped with Mi* Elniira Lytic, (his cousin,) ol Allenville. On Saturday la.-t. Miss Catherine MeNiU. a maiden lady apt-d nbont 57 yean, died very suddenly, nt her home in Armagh township. The family had sat down to their usual meal, and Mi?s McNitt, after serving one or two oth ers reached across the tahle to help herself, when her hands and head dropped, and in a moment her spirit had departed. We understand she had been considered in good health, for some time, and her death was prob ably caused by paralysis. Marriage of Hon. Geo. W. Wood ward. Lexington, Ivv., November 23. — Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, formerly of the supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and the present Representative in Congress from the Twelfth Pennsyl vania District, was to-day married at Lexington, Ky., to Mrs. E. H. Mc- Allister, of that city, in the presence of a brilliant company, representing some of the most distinguished fami iiies of Kentucky. AIIVEBTISNG AOINCUS. —'"It is a fact that all those persons doing a business which requires extensive advertising,and who from the mode of conducting it are able to arrive at a close approximation of the results produced by each separate in vestment in this way. are universal in the opinion that better contracts can be secur ed through a well-established Advertising Agency like that of Go. P. Rowcll &Co., Sew York, than can be obtained from pub lishers direct, no matter how familiar with rates and papers the advert ; ser may be. It stands to reason that an agency, controlling patronage to the extent of from fifty to one hundred thousand dollars per month, should be able to secure favors which would not be accorded to any mere idividual, even if wo omit entirely the bene fits which they must derive from their ex tensive experience."— Exchange. Thr L. I. H. Iho following article from the Huntingdon Journal show* tbut the tailmad passing ! through Peiinsvally isdivtimd to be ■ a very popular route to N tu York insist upon the feasibility of the project un til the contrary i- proven Hut we desirt to say, at the outsit, that wo in- U'lul the roal shall terminate at some point on the projected lau Flung and Tyrone Railroad. oast of Bonis burg, in Ceutr-o county and not at M'Alvav's Fort, so heretofore content plated. "This, with the connectionscontent pintid will make a direct route, with a northern deflection of only ten miles, to No* York without increasing the distance. If we understand the object oft-uildiug a railroad front the Sua-juc hanua, at Lcwishurg, where two eon- Met ions are made directly cast to Near York, to the Jouista river, ab ve or below Huntingdon, it is for the pur nose of a cut from Nov York to the Allegheny coal IK Id*, or what is la tter known as the George I'reck and (.'on nellsville coal held, which are ut knowledged to he the lust and richest soil coal- in North America. "If we are correct in this opiuion, | why should not the road In- built di- I rectlv frvtm the Stuouv hamnt to Hun . tingdott ? A (.Huntingdon it will con lied dirvctlv with the Huntingdon j ami RroHvl Top mouiiuiu road, which | hy its Bedford and Bridgeport c- utiit j uation will (crnunatc at Ml. tNivage in -1 side of a war, where it will strike the | George Creek coal tield, while at j Bridgeport, to which |ioint it will bc eompletcd by the first of January, 1£72, it will connect with the Balti more, Cumberland nuji Pittaburg railroad, *hich parses ilirvctlv through the Colin e svillo Ci al fielii. S.. that bv the ciitiHtrueiioii of thirty-five miles o< rottd, frotit Ilutilingdon to a point on the projected Lewtsbiurg and Tyrone railroad would be almost an nir line Road, at least as much as the tvjM graphv of the country and existing lines will periuif, to Mt Savage, in Maryland, and thereby have the ad vantage of the great Allegheny and Broad Top coal firKls with an outlet to the great southwest "Now, then, the only question is. tan a practicable route be obtained from M A law's Fort to a point on the projected line from Lew Übu rg to Ty rone at sonic point, us before stated, east of Boalsburg. in Ccnlre county? In regard t this we have made numer ous inquiries, mid we arc uniformly told that n route can be obtained up Laurel run, or along the base of Tus sey's mountain, or up Stone creek to its source, at a grade not exceeding fif ty feet to the mile. If this informa tion is correct, and wo have no reas on to doubt it ste;is should he taken at to put a matter of such vital im portance to Huntingdon under way. "The distance could not exceed thirty-five miles, and from Hunting don to M'Alavv*- F rt the road could be graded for five thousand dollars ja-r mile, in fact, we would not be sur prised if it eoubl le graded for half this sum. There would oniy be one bridge required until aftir leaving the Fort. This rttad would put us iu com munication with the garden of 11 nr.* timlon county, as well as furnish u.- with a short highway to New York and the ea*t We hope that tfie sug gestion here thrown out will met with the proper spirit, and that this road will oe built. W sen there is talk, down thn country of running a line of railroad from Duncan n<-n to NortliutnU- rland, on the wast side of the Su-qutlisniii. Such a line would be an unmetiie advantage to I lie community iu more rc*pecti than one. It would break up the Northern CT- (rat monopoly, mid add wonderfully to the accommodation of the traveling public. Furthermore, a tine from Northumberland to the C itaw i--n junction through Lew it burg, would be a natural re*ult Tbv length of the latter extension would be eleven mile-, and the road bed very fine, part of which b graded ready for the rail# in ltv*3. Wc hope to hear more of this kind of talk. That pepper and nlttolor which reader*! your hair 0 conspicuous can easily be j remedied by uirsg a l>ou!c or twoof A'a. lure* Hair Rt starnlire. 2t. For ibe Reporter. Dedication or the Evangelical Church at Carthi's iron Works. Respected Editor ; One year ago the above named religion- denomination had but one number in this place, at about which time Revs. J. M. Young and W 11. Stover were in vita d tc tin* enlarpri* outside of the church. Mr. Henry Barn hart and Mr. D. C. Atnmerinan. gentle men living near the place, neither of whom i iielongtoanv branch ofthc*chri*tian church, gave liberally, both in influence and money, to carry out the project. Mr. Bnrnhart generouslv oflcrcd the (oeic-t •' n sutablc lotto build on and one hundred dollar toward,! the building. This truly liberal offer was thankfully accepted, a building committee appointed and the work formal ly commenced. In thesnring Rev. Young, preacher in charge, having been two year* on the circuit, was, -according to the rules of the church, moved and Rev. S. D. Bennington sent by the Conference t succeed him. The appointments were regularly filled. The people came out I hear the word and seemedto be drawn and effect sd by it. The preachers aid people worked together harmoniously, unci thd building of the church progressed -lowly but ill rely until it w*i completed, inort, I'n. and Revs. S. I>. Bennington W. 11. Stover, of the B>nl#burg circuit. The ser vices were pcncd by the reading "f the Htth Psalm and the Hymn commenc ing. "Beliold thy temple. God of grace " hy Rev. Hunter ; after the singing of the hymn, the dedicatory prayer was offered hy the same. After prayer the 182 nd l'salm was read hy Rev. Bennington, and ap propriate hymn by Rev. Stover, after the singing of which the dedication sermon was preached by Rev. Hunter, from Hen teronoinv32—*l- The sermon was an able one and rich'y-lrtdencd with confort for thechristain heart. Thespcaker at engtli traced the analogy between a Rock and the christian's God; HI doing, which he presented some vpry beautiful though t* The discourse *eemea to be vry highly up predated by the audience. At the close of the sermon Rev. Ben nington made a few appropriate remarks and then read sstatement ot finances of the church which showed its liabilities to about $'T5 A basket collection .was then taken up after which the congregation ' was asked to meet the balance of the i claims by subscription. When the claims vers thus all provided for the house was formally and solemely • dedicated to the Lord. Rev. Bennington officiating The church, although not Is: i', <> hi IH. hnt'v <* fortiio eomiuunlty. I Ub v y i i both iiui.lu 14ml I mrshls 7h* pulpit nml et being w*l ; nut graltoal, 'n eonelution w<< ajr tn i , gaeu t- t'.o. tuutijiri c. well don* The pi pie here now It we a neat ami WHUfitN ta'.i,. HuliiehurcU to w hip in, and this ine'ety has ca'mcd a permanent foot ng ha: We : ,ve h tirvl, Mr Kdil r. that the -a' o- .ion tv. in i nteinpfatlon the -f nehiiivh e.l!:' • in your town \\ clety PenntVallcf k ahntidan ly al li i-! .'. uiif which would he ... it • \ :t : 'iv ml r, .'loot crml- It uimn thoi. ,*. .and a- I*m informed. they hn !!.* I on*, I hopo they will not >ntVer lit jr he to fail. V I'mt v e or CiICKCUKs. K AT US. O i tisth, t !' '■ rtw p., nf InliHMtMiof *1 *| . . wlh of Wm K i . ller early departure i a note affliction U)WMi the .ut.Vittg parent, } hut i te.. at -ti• ay lor JeU* a j j 'trt . ..*h.. i for the .4.1 heart* ttf the I iterm*. I Having ana month* ajftt, be come a i iml t r the Hi formed Church, Lhe itevoted her elf la ll erviee of her ! M at I . n0t.,..! f aful t • lite end iII 4V a lived in the lord tin- died in the I Lor .'a' i h!e I are th U. ad that die in 1 the 1. -nl." During her entire illneaa, he I net rexpre-e ! a ih-ttbt fear of her ae | eeptauee n ith the Lord, (itrough the mer ! tta .ft i:.,: Faith aa " patience held oui lot' Lot lie leiuaiu- ware conveyed 'lot ...r rotii p h io amid a largo eon e. o . vtupHih'tsing friend* and .pevSn tor M:.y* th' L*...l i nit fort the stricken s par- at, ..nil i repttre Hi all t> r the rvl | wb . t ; :'(!• d X MAR IU AGES. U. 4 No-.t.tlw r IT, I>. 1, by Rev. J. 11. { Brown. *t th* 1. .therau Parsonage in Lew talown, Henry F. Lichty Churvh ville. Cen tre vo.P*, a ttn Klmira K. Lytic of I A;: .* ... >.t " n i .-• 0;. the -14 til:, at tin Centre If*U Luth ,ra. 1'..: - ,1.1! i.J K Mtlhr. Mr. Tn in, -S. I , . f 1. r-.s* Mill*, Clinton count*. :> Mi- Lyd .. A. JamUou. of lie 1-1 \ ali.y. Centre c O . the -ird nil., at the into place, and I by the :.:.o\ Mr. Am - Koch, of I cnire j iltiil, and M llari itt C. Condo, et Ft- - Mill iyMvi i - N : ll> •\LK of unseated I he. li. p ai:c. of an act of A*- I i itt'.dy ! ■ it ■!! the ii d*y of March ' A. D-1 . I - ■iniiMiW of OmU*l Ci > 1 -"-tv * - '..alp bliv ii* t the Court j Ho e. In the ' gh . lit-ll*fontc. on | SaturJ.- ■ t ■ '-"th da* January A. U j lßi- tii following tie- ribed tract* and j part- .iftmctiof ununited lands purchase.! by:ie County at Ts-ssren *ale. and which have , ctuamed unredeemed for the *pat £ K> i years and upwards : WJVVK \STia -. Ail:i. * CKtt. TUT Robert Annsly 'JUT so Curtin A. It;.: . JO u> Ruth Elliott jo U> " Sni : I Ua! 1 . U | Joseph Roberts tO Vateatiw Meyer #l4 w ftar h D-nham JIT to li.ttird White A ,;a Kul.t "0 Huston Ad.on h uhaa. - To 00 CiVSKahn .'. I t* l Kk hard W.alr - - 11 ulSn * Sh JL) I*T!o *1 OOU'lfm'oo J. hn Ring Ut 6-1 J!' Dru> - tVi Worth U m lisird 434 lod Union Be: Jm:n ttuird t't I'-J Samuel P liippi Itu <*) " Jobi DinnuoJy -...Kit J*- Ulakc tIW 0 p., . V#> : - 11 it' Taylor I) tick V' tt> Jib:, for" 5..M0 ttt b It • 1 s*) <> i\ P 8.-i ty I! 00 Mile- Uo! . G iv 1)1 ttl llmo !■ Brady _ liO 00 Jam • Hepburn .110 ( Chnrle- Lt>. > t-l tO Ruth Ja: I.;-;.-.:.: Jl 00 Urvgg John M Conning : 173 Spring John John-ton —4l 10 John VViho: i u> J' -KPH M CIJtSKKV, SAM I. !* FOSTER. J. li. SANK FY, C ..iiis's (ktUre Co. WM. Ft" It FY, C rl List of Jurors. :af iiftAt! Janini d.tva >: NoeKsltf Tcna of Ctxui A. U. 1 .l.t .uattn-i-aj i;u MuatL;of Si***. .SaoaiWw Gtotf S fc**er. i JK> ai. * * •/. J--a Uem.J to'Ltu, A Milicr, .* lum i ■ Litre;.* 4tl wliU t U HaifiiVSat>r. li t-.U ii K KMiWit. foti, r .lad * im*<, H I ta > f..rd. b L Kerr, lihi if VtMftd4, H ft liUniif. tk.. : ?al JaoH '-r Pen d. VI >wr. li .s utix. li M MMA. W#Mt Pa. umU.-W*. WsltJff; \7. -i T'iUiun. r,: b M urwa b' t- .. Jnr>i (Stawa I . XovtrtuUr T.-rtn of Ct>u \. U. ii'i, " rig r H*m i*j S*. Ualt*. - t II : -tiatTt II A ltW; ;y .Put .ml i t, t B Jiff, tl liiUisi, iWOi. li 1. !it*A Mcsw.J J VfiliUltt. 9 M'iller A C ' •d*x, . I i. iih U.*>' tKI *.Jk. Hmrard . I'ieUmtr.J F ;arjr. Carua J Hrtckl/. i> Bochd> i Uracil: Wuocaa. b IbMdt. ftottw. M iIU! *r, W Haal. 7 V Sloal, Jno P tt*> Ik ' rf. M hlntatt, U U t. * orallti. i C Kotter Jfv/di. II V< irti k. > u|,jr.j i ioiutoß,b 54 llcjr IT a *U! ' ?! >ll. t fat* 1 -±mxu i' Laa•:'t. t -xj !Jut r, S i*tlqiif HigM Hto ' jiilo' A < litMttM. • J *rat Jil itnsau. tf : Wn Oolto m*i - lilr*j. I t f Prt.t sur* t* <• UUM. H. i', AJjuu 1 If- ■ *; J HtbnaipM*. 11 W lluit -VralftUfT; Jt**t 1.4' > lit ■;. •• r. , Jondh kr>- i Mt'ler. M.: sbritl I ; M rnrfl.N iku. WAR! WAR! itii 31i;nfldent hi* prices and superior quality of goods will amply satisfy all. II i# slock ot GIiOGE H 1 K S consi t* of Coffees ofl'.ie best quality, Tea*, Sugars of all kinds, Mola* -c, hi-h, Suit, C'iieesc, Dried Fruit, Spice**, ProvUicli*, Fiour and Feed, &c., ccc. Our stock of D Ii Y G OO US i- iargc and varied, and we w ill just say can supply any article in that line, with out enumerating. it K A L> Y ;.I A D E CLOTIIING u hirqo stock of rcady-mado Clothing lor Men ami Boy*' wear, wliicta Wo' will disposo of u'. a very small advance on cost. Boot, and Bhoc. , llnfa and Caps, Hard ware, QuccilkWit re, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Fancy Goods, Carpets, Oil cloth*. Wall Paper*, Window Shade*, &*.'., oct2B.iy. - The l'e, i* tin uuthnrixcil atnli tiH'nt, will t leave Itituio unlets I'oitij t lU I to ti i : o i-y ph) mcul force niitl |k rsopftl \ icti* . MtLKtiV MAIiKKTS. : 11- M Don ell. While whi ■ l 1 ■ Hi I wbegt 1.4'....Ky*, 7i>...,„Corn . 1 .tn! If .. Itarlev 0A...,,. ClvbAr vl i IJb < I, litaem.l "n't iu':;.7ttuVie7r, , I an... .1' . . il ! I - I I MAIiKKTS. tier* M.n.cr, W ut: it -i ! in, Re ll it ..Rye .... ,'it t. t: ' *i:it pi .Ilailey tS& i 70,.....Ci0-. ! I'.-tati i , Sd, l.ard jo-r pi I s .1' .i - r poundlU Itutt >i i' .Kg ■ .... l'(ii>tiir per ton >!.■ fall, w 10.... ! -t 10,,.. Hint. It). t KNTIIK UAH, t\ri MHiY Mucikiue Shops. Vaa Pelt coll). :•.- nf county and bta'.c Uiti i.. t'ci.trc c<>mtiy, wnohave not kftiied uptic.. .1; . i....c*foi tin \ e*r prc viotu I i - MtU anid duplicate* a:: 1 : v iv nicl.t o balance* due, on or 1 i c ;v cnty ••• tenth day of AwVrUtUtl .i •t, - r c. *d ! '*!l.cc> will be plai 'U 1,1 tl*- i>t's.n attorney, wit in- iUC'.i •::> . , ill. until' wtUloUl dh lay iii no tici f >r i.< i . • can be given j nor, sttetr lh - J . I .liy I.\ rceutaxi* ur I'tiwi'ti, be n! .!. My order of Com mi- doti' WM. FI'tCLY, Ll > ttiuio>t eudiuM vari ety of £ atiue 1s • Fit. , Mcti.mi tin i Co-itsc. Stocking Y.UtiS of ::. i kind , BluukftS, white gray, and h.>rc Bin.- iet>. Strii>cci Carri. go Blankets. Thorn 11 • .ititif-.iJ trfj"-"! carriage htan ki t*. m '.n the m >t -i.pvnur order, and: for*alv ut a re:, .oiiahlo ligure. iUUPETs, heavy tt.iui.i k, ] ercd, tograiii wjd| Ktriptd, Parlor aud SLair Carpel*, all su-l peri r. Irf i > ol * WOOL, 1 \Rt >, and si >A Ptaken in ex-| cliiin>:i :,>r <;■><• li of overy v*rie-| ty, niwH.< * h.-iud at his rciideooe. J hii t\ Kemp, Centre Hill, Pa. nov i.lt. A A ciil for Halfpenny'* You&iMen I " WORKING MEN I ij YOUNG WOMEN ! I I AW* wtl time to lay the foundation] Oj yOUr fortune. L .in (!■■ urt of Jiook-kecping, a*J tauyhi by l'rj. Italy, Principal of Vot'yeV' t i d LoUcyc. In every city of the ( liitd iflaU* there m a con- Muni det / f-jf Hook keeper*, both male and fvtnalt, Jiy Prof, Doty* in f.ioJ the whole art of Honk In piny i* taught in one *hort ca*y lesson, so that any perron of ordi nary intelligence can learn it in lca than oin ' ck's ttitdy. This valuable in*'ruction mill be tent 111 EE to any addrem vpon receipt of ONE DOLLAR. (1 Copies to one nd Jrc-s so,oo. Addre-t EUGENE DOTY novffi.3ia BalDton Spa, N. Y. Dl>- ILOTION - *• is hereby given thai IK* | rtiowship of the firm of t- rank .V Ha ■ -. ln-!< t"foro existing at Ko be:-burg, ■ vc i ,u*i the 110 th day ol October, l;u AH pvi-ous knowing them selves indebted t<> mid linn are requested to come mid make soltb-iiient. FiIANK A lIAtXKS. .i m i . hereby given that the mer cantile be; ■: i- continued nt the old stanila-lici t:< Hoc under the firm of 8. Frank * .-HI. i nanafiii for past patron age, liiey invite their old friends alidcusto uiers fur a continuance of the same. 8. FKAKK A SOX, lTuov.tt. Rebvrsburg, Pa. •• Any |.' f-tin i Hiding us eight sub scribers with the en ii, 811. will receive tin* Rep. h 1 \. ar free; and for four name* ami ..-hi, the Reporter f month* free, "I SOUKKT Ot TLKRY ill makes • . I i.rrce, in IUWIN A\V I LSO* iOOKIXts-OLAMS I'LATERnfallsia j foMMite by IUWJN a-VVii.sdk. n I 1; i' <; JAPA.YNKD I'oll.KT SKTTS, AND other .l.ipanned ware, attire Anvil Store. apIO6B. tiie. is .v Wl l.-on. CtOKFJ .'*> TillM d 1 NGS, u large assort / mental IRWIN A WILSONS WM. I Mlanigal WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALT 11 IN Foreign & Domestic fcarlN HIS NEW BUILDING Milroy SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED in Nails, Nails, Nails, Nails ! (■lass. Glass. Glass, G lax! Locks. Locks, Ixelu, Luck* I Hinges, Hiit.v*, Hinges, Hinge! Screws, Screw*, Screw*, Screws! Oil. Paints, & I'tt 111/. .g-flrSpet i.l Inducement*.^? frjrT u Catnap Maker* A It lack.smiths, for llub*, SjHikc*. Rime, Carnage Oil Oloth and Linings, I rou, Iron, Iron, Iron! Horseshoes alii Nail Rod*, BHslor d- Cast Stoel, Horse Nails, ami Stoel To, un.l a very lafgeassortment of Carriage Uolu. /■WSp.vla! Inducement* #af To Housekeepers for Wallpaper, Wallpaper, Wallpaper! From 1 Oct* to SI per bolt. Coal II ul* and Shovels, Tea kettles, Palis, ami Skillet.-, Lard 0-xii!*, Wnfil Irons, Toaiter*, ltuU'her Knives, Urea l Kniv , all kinks of Cultlcry. LAMPS of every de scription. to Carpenters for Saws, Planes, Chisel', I)■ ait knives, Braces ami Hitts, Ac. To Fanners Hiid every body else, for whatever they want iu toy line. 1 keep a general as sortment of WOJDJs WILLOW WARK such as Bucket.*, Tubs, half Bushels, I'eck tueaaurw, Basket*. &<:. Trunk. Va!i< ■*, Traveling bugs Sleigh Bell*, Sleigh ltunnar , Fendor* and Shall*. FARM HltS, M KUCHA NTS, & M(COHAN ICS, Please give rao a call, or send fur price*. Ton will • linda general aaaorttnont of every tiling pertaining to the 1 lard wa ib trade. ,y3ul w mid ask Painter* •Kogutn give my Varoi*he* a MTtrial. I hive just ro- MTceivod from New York nfX.i large Stock of Varni- OoTshes, such a* PURNITUIIE, OOACII, WHITE DCK.tR, WEARING !ld- DY, CARRIAGE JM> DY, DRAIN RCUHINU, ASH- I'll A I.TUM and JAPANS, J. T. LEWIS A IJ'.tO. WIIITK LEAD, always on hand. Orders Respectfully solicitod Wm. J. McManigal ldec3m Stoves! PirelStov's! At Atuly (too*man a, Ctuilrw Hull, art biM tnii ky<( vuti he l< Ju*l rucoivml n large I"I of C.tok .Sloven, llm I'iuiiecr Cook, the Kelipo Cook, the KcJtunee Cook. I'AKLOIIM—TIio Kndiant Light .elf-fee der, liu Burner. National Eg*, Jewell, die. &*t-He .ell* *tov .•> a* !li}> hi'rntufoM carried on by the C. H, Nff Co. , and wil continue tbo .ante, al lb.- •oil aland, in all it. branch •la, in tbo manufacture of iruvc in*u a kpodtixu. All It Iml a of repairing tlolio, lie lilt* • Iway* on band Trull C'aoi, of all Bi*e, BUCJCKTS, Cl'l'B, Dl I'I'KHH, DISIIKS, AC. All work warranted and charge* ra*on able. A •bare ol too public patronage *o lliiled. AN I) U KESHAN, *£*ep7oy Centra Hall Not ick, ——- Oflr* oftht Lewi.buig, Centre and Spruce Creek R. It Co Philadelphia Jutir 13th, '7l. Notice i* hereby given that ibe #rt in .Uluieitl of live dollar* per bare, to tki capital .lock of the Lewi.burg, Centre and Spruce Creek Kail Itoad IV. tub.cribed 'H,N & SONS, Proprietors. A nnaTCLAH* uorst., OOMVORT A IH.IC BOOMS PROMPT A TTENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN CONVENIEN CES— AN D REASONABLE Charge.. Tho proprietor* offer to the traveling public, and to their country Blonds, tlrst elan* accommodation* and careful atten tion to tho want* Of guest* at all time*, at fair rate*. Careful hostlers nnd good stable ling for horo*. An excellent table well sorved. A Bar supplied with tine liquor*,j Servants well trained and everything re-. ■ piisile in u tlr*t cla*s Hotel. Our location j i* in the business part of the town, near the fiat Oicn, tli Court House, the Chur ches, the Banks, nnd the p incipal places of business, renders it tho most eligible, plate for those who visit Bellefoetoon busi | or pleasure. An Omnibus will carry passengers ami baggage to aud from all trains | free of charge. Yonng and *3av 1 i xig* CITY STORE. WHOLESALE A ND UEiAIL I'lie largest urn! W, 1 n,.*>ilut t <>l l)rv Roods* w (lolliin^* (Groceries, I tool s, & Shoes, Notions &e. in lite county, giro u.- a!• i! :t I * tv< from IS to 20 jierci.it urpnr etiaec* iulrJW I . , i ... . JBL ' ill Graham & Son, Boot &SIIOO - -"akers Next ~ju\*Siori Bellcfoutc. Wi manufacture t • o*Jer, Oar work I* nest ■Jans--: Oar price* are vt rjr it." h -ate, Wl warrant W x'.rr #alifa.'ti<>n, Wt have tho LAItUK' T and BKs'l lo* Lof La lic'i and I' . Jr. n'* h •••► it town, W in wrWing g<►!* < '• • ry work. Wo wwh an examinau * of ar fp>oJ. The Pennvalley trade I* < *peisllj in vited to cat! and **>.• our aloes. we think we can pl-ae all who call a* to i-tyle#, quality, and prices We study to render *ati*fact>oii t and although we have had in extended trade for yettn, *>••• hare nrvn given a caitusuaf cum to complain. • Xcptlfi tf- Aii.Vl' M, tttt*. >u> stcwr uxcaLk a r*oXT, niaitoi* >! , J WIN K S AN ii la i U*> K* The uW*riberepccifu!iy calif th •itA*. of live, Monourahria. In H a:>J >ui<-! Wkkkie*, all kind - 0/ Brand;. *, II .li-.s Gin, Fort, Maderia. CI, rey, Blackberry and other Wili- tb lit article*—-St *► rtMUunabie raie> u can be had in the city. Champagne, Cherry. II . ,! ry, (ring andCarrawar Brandi I* • Jvi.niraai... Sew KngUnd Sum, C rd. il - f ail kind', lie Would par. . ..riner*. li< lei keeper* and other, I" call and axatuim hi* large supply, t> judge for themselves and be certain of procuring 1* hat they buy, which can seldom be douu • hen parch** ng in the city. rsirians are respectfully re juet,. 3 o give nis liquor* a trial. aplO Wall Paper, cheap j front 12 to 20 cents pt * ••• ttc 31* 1 Later' BUFFALO SCALES, .rr . t.n.*k from 4 lb* up fc>l3o,flool b*. j apt 0" (IS. InrriK & WILSOM. D ( It V "BOA K tB,""pUnk and S^Uiu^ fr sale by IHWIK* WILMX. J jtplOW. CKOSJMjirt AM* Ml LL 8 V WS, be make at IRWIN a Witrnx. j up 10' US PUM PS! Wooden Pumps, AND PIPING. The underig:itvl would t o.eotfuHy the attention ulthteitir - * oiVntre county, j •nd Pennvalley in particular, to tho f*t • that he in manufacturing ?>]£ BETf pmr?, made at home or elsewhere. He B*n R< |: - but the l. t material, Hc w \ nitKX T* TH KM! to give satisfaction, n* b\ :ng the nnmi l*t ing and durable, surccr a to toe o:.d' woodsn pump, Wing arranged t > let the . water on and prevent Ireer.mg In winter.' Pine, poplar or cucumber pump* alwav- i on bund. Hi* material for pump* i* alii sawed from large limber, and are thn- Secured against Clu ckingor Cracking, j AH order* hv mail pr- ;>:!y SI! l.j ; PIPING, nutdoof lW bt material, "f ! five inch scantling, joined together wlb j coupling block*, thoroughly ImtkM, an i j wat ranted to stand snj pressure required , for ordinary use. -Prit of pi ing rung* from 12 to IS will* tier fool. r-er. i orders t< iupt.UJ.ly J. TELLER. Mi'eaburg, l*a Burial Cases AND CASKETS. AIR-TIGIIT AND IN DICSTR U CTIB LKI roK _ I Protecting and Preserving the I)* >•-; The undersigned lake* plea-ure in an-i nuuncing that be has secured thesolesgen cv in thi* county for MKT A L LIC .1 .V/> GLA SS Iturlal C'tiNfu and t'ashfts I which are so widely know n a.- to require no sm-oial commendation. The METALLH iII'RIAL CASK, with it* pr-n:t i- I proved style and tiui*ii, its entire harmony I with the feelings of tho bereaved, it- i- > , j footed, adjustment* nnd gppointiuenL in whatever relates to the preation and ! protection of the body after death, coniirm; its utility and entire ndaptftes* to the pur-, ' pose* for which it is designed. ] COFFINS of all dmrij.ti > ftrni>hed| at the shorte t notice; an 1 all orders tilled j promptly night or day. The Dead laid out, with oare, and funeral* and escorts super intended in person. lIKN'RY HARRIS ! novtt . Bcllcfontc, Pa. I MI LLKRS HOTKL, WV.dward, Pa Stages arrive and depart daily. This favorite hotel i# now in every re-pect uine of the most pleasant country UotoL in' ] central Pennsylvania. The traveling eom ! munity will always find the best acconitnu-1 j dalion. Drovers can at nil times be accout j modeled with stables and pasture for ijny number of cattle or horse*. julyS'tiWtf GEO. MILLER. SPINDLE SKEINB for wagons, sli si r.e*, at the sign of the Anvil. I ni 10'08. IRWIN a Wttao*. I AMPS OF EVERY VARIETY and j kind at | aplC.6B IRWIN & WILSON'S. 1 CLOTHlNG—Overcoats, Pants, Vests and Dress Coats, cheap, at Wolfs. A CARD. -W Imtt r<'r(iydi| <>ppo*U '■■■> 11 lit 'li i 1 t and oft elTing out mi t< at l-r,riiir.. W ir. tetiUng hj our book* and m<• >unu MM will b-• nut- • <1 to ..n* noil all to cal tn t ti:l their i iiiutt. We would ej to on, numerou* friend* m l <. '.outer*, U pfoum M <|K our *.ru; re thank* for th. ymtorou* tatir- huge they have a! way* he ; i * ml on to, BURNS] DIG A TEiUM AH. aid I > L \vs Jt i i: ti I k people Ur.*t AuraUoti and Great Hurgain*! 'IGJK ttndt rued, detartuindtomeettb I popular lea<)iltheUro'-*, Ihelar •<>. and vjr.ol and com plvta amort i.i ot ~f Saddle, HatwwjjOoMiiifj 1 It-id ten, fll ery d**crlptr, and quality ; Whipe .i J in • .< t "U-rjrtUitjr . . !„plet# to a flr*t la** eetehloliioM.t, ),.* offer* at price a li if It wilt mil the time*. IA he' ■r t >ri-tv.a ht-ttrr liualiiy >r fine; y' of ft.4dl-ry in i v-r Wore been of r. ; i '.'ifi uMir. < H and examine ou i • k ' >1 ■>< ti*fief hfore purcharingi t!fewher<-. n Determined.to ideara my patron* ant na-nLfii! for the ■ -'.ml there of patronagt ('-0f., f ,-, njttyed. I reprtfully *?y Wfij'cta/e at I*l< iUdctpki* Halt*. j *.ir* Farmer*, Mechanic* and Laborer* , ..fc to your inter est. Ose dollar saved U i dollar in packet* Then call and *e at what astonishingly low price* JOftSTEU UKVLING it WILSON, Ar ■ .i ng their Dry t oudi and Grocsrie*. trouble to show Goods"H If til y arc not a* represented, we will ;.y you for your trouble. Don't forget the * C %firTCUNKU BUILDING*** p£.&f Allegheny St., Bcllcfonte Fa. I it WIN A. WILSON arc constantly re celving new good* in their line H A II I) W A R E feveryd • •rlpt'.natredu.c r price*- now being opened every day apHff'e. tir J. 0. ETTELE'S \* riOLKSAI.B WINK o: LIQUOR HTO R E U.,!u.j treot, BeUefoute. in the Stone buil ding inerljr occupied by the Kcj *t'ne Bakery Take pleasure la informing the public thai b |> 4 oci.ftantlv oa hand a upply o -holce F reign andf Domnstie Liquors. .11/ i . . Key* and Ceaie ja*rrtU*d 1,, ,!t I >.r e . -tify rrprt m nltnL The uitentkm ofpr eticing physician* L alio,) to hi" .tech of I*l KK LIQUORS, Muilahie for uu-dicml purpose*. Bottle*, u*. and demijohn* t -n;antly on hand, i). I. the ONLY PUKK NECTAR WHISKY in tow*. • All liqu-mare warranted to gave utin iquor* will be sold by the quart, ] barrel, or tierce, lie I*,* a large lot Ot BOTTLED LIQUORS iOf she Bn*t grade* oa hand. CoaSdent that he can plea*o cuttomer* te r< -rwctftiHy solicit* a thare of public pa? no. •• • mylttf COACH MANUFACTORY. IIARDMAN PHILLIPS, . l T HI > manu(acturiagetabHhmeiital y\ Ycngertuwn, en the LewtaowCj and IL-l!cf.K.te Turnpike, ha* now on band a Bui ! . of t'arringe*. liuggic*, Sulkier and Spring IVa*oe, which he now offer* for *afe a* .upertar in quality and ctyle* tc nv manufactured in fa# couutre. They are made of the very be*t •caeoned atock by first fine* practical workmen, and finished' in a fctyle that challenge* comparison with nny work out f or in the Eastern cities and can U sold at lower price* than thus* maiialactured in large town* and citir*, atnidrt high rent* and ruinous price* of li*. ing. Being m**tor of hi* own situation, ansiou* to excel in hi* ani*lica] profeaaior and free fr .m auy annoyance* In hia buai. no**, h<' Ua time and anility to devote hi* entire attention to hi* |>nm *ion and hi* cuto:..cr*. rendering *ti*faction alike U alt patron#, operative*, hi* country, mac himaelf. t'all and examine hit stock and learn hi* price*, and vmi cannot fail to lie satiafied. II ); P AIRING of all kind* done neatly, promptly, vnc; roaaonahly. Y oagertowa, Juno 12,15G8 —ly. DOU BLR AND SINGLE BARREL fowling piece* at aplCTdg IRWIN ft WILSON. f tBNTRE HALL HOTEL. V } Jons SrASotxa, Proprietor. Stage* arrive and depart daily, for all point*, north, south, east and wct Thi* favorite Hotel ha* hoon refitted and furnishvd hy it* new proprietor, and i* now in every •> m ct one >f the mo*t pleasant ■ountry Hw* in central Penn.*ylvaniA The tra veiling c:nrnunity and drover* will !*. fin.) the bc.t aecommodationA Per con* from the city wishing to spend a few week* daring the rummer in the country, a i|l,.i Centre II*U one ot tho m,.*t heau. liful location* and the Centre Hall Hotel nil they could dceiru for comfort and con* ! venlenee. apHFCfi.tf. NATURE'S Hair Restorative ChrPtuin* no I,AC SI LPHUR No SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH AP.UE—No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and it entirely free froua the lVuouout nnd lleallh-deslroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tion*. Tnin*:>:eent and clear a# crv.Ul, It will inn ..;i tr... fine*! fabric,—perfectly SA*K CLEAN and EFFlClENT,—desidem tum. LGNG SOUGHT FOK AND FGITND AT LAST! . , It restore* and provento the Hair from becoming Grey, imparts a soft, K'ouyap pearanco, removes Dandruff, is refreshing U> the head, cheeks tho Hair from falling off, and re "tores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevonU Ileadarhe*, i euro" all humors, cutaneous eruption*, an 1 unnatural beat AS A DKKAINS FOB 'J'UK IIAI It IT Is THE BEST AR TICLE IN THE MAKKKT. 1-KOCT'kP^™; i KBS, Gloucester, Mas*. Tho genuine u I put up in a panel bottle, made expressly ! for it, with tho numo of the aitiele blown lin theghua. Ask your Druggist for NA rVHifa Haiit Brstobamvk, and take no other. * . „ ©-Send two three cent sUiniw to 1 roc- Iter Brothers for a "Treatise on the liumao Hair." Tho information it contain* ft ] worth sr- and*,— with rare mean* of relief for Co* Krrttif and C a fort uata. di*eed and de bilitated. Seat in ranted latter envelop*-*, free BS NOTICE-IST i\ tar* *.f adminiataatioo to the e*tat. f W ti-Uac-i Wicland, lata of Herri* twp tVt.tr. ■ county, dec'd , ke*i( been gren< -1 ta the undrr.igned, ail pereue* indebted to the *aid estate are requested ta mahe im mediate raUieaaeei. end thorn ba* j claim* ta prnrart them duly authentic*.- for payment- D. TP. Wnturn 0 Bui Steep, fit - Admlnirtrnta fNxEtufoAs Voffcß,-T55Tt JTj tamentary ta the eetata of Det< Kerr, lata of Potter tawnehip, < entre **- tv, dee d., harioc been pr.u-d to lt<- u deninwed. alt pereee* indebted to th* ratal*- are rMjuewtad to mat* iratnedVtr Mtftielemeat, and thuee havinp clan*.* t praeent them duly aothantiratad f*r pay meat. Jaran Kra*ota. rapt.ttt w. Enactor OOALTS tor Bu**ie* and Carriat< r, lJiiut in nee; Fife Boiu, ditto, at pl - ... V *•*> ' "***' istiUßA BreacbiLt **< .* .i< wt *4 mtU 5 >* ■ * la* f Dr. Crook's WIKE CF Ti a •**• ■* ssbhrt. ££•>: trrt • b- 1 mtm tWil#**' Dr. Crook's WlK r OF T. K.-IVI-. U 4 • _ M* Avwlita. Steeaoch. - liver ■ l *' l""" *•*" " r!!>• Oa. ( Dr. Crook's WTNfBOfJi hao,^ t 1 SIUIXTIS. •• ii(ne4*t. :! • WJ *NU'"e*il VI.Re .t I—*. rtWI 4t I ! Dr. Crook's WDSTBOF TAI I- (Ml t A# I _ - aiMlttMH. mi Tw, Srekn > an ,tu*u. ot eedot eouiititau. sSrcSfc."" Dr. Crook's WlSi OF TA gala in IS; rTsrno*. .. hiw at Hie Ufff. Dr. Crook's WINE OF TA I H. ■*< man. ; 0 •'nmgomt heatthy v . a UM wmMete * Stratjth tad SmI'JL and tta lif.-B UHua iw>e*ii triad alt. W—— - fie" ••• M Ol p * JS are n.iutMM>t a"' rfw - hem Tun* pft- • DR. CL..HG. POKEEOOI a M.kin* the wi' 1 *! JMUa x thn baa* aimu>. ■ ffTj! ™H Tnoie know a lur Sqeftxlt, Sere.'-;' dCI 7%AJR a 7 mors. Sere.. CkrakSiaaas'. - kea-deva Ccr. 3P tioai. or requ/ i£ad r. CSOOES : JpoaadSTß'JTefl - to he ecr <3R X ' 'WBBSKkJ"M*bA reiiiMe ia its. ! | f nhJ ' i \/£iY Oliver Cwok I Itejrtou. [ mmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmrn- r. 1 CA NVASS EJiS tVA A For **Our Own Fr**i! •• 1 Alt |llMtpa*el Paper. It (■ ■• I lulled NnlUy. Atihaei... . - aI. ISM. Kaery Swheerlher rcrei*. ■ • Mntuple and Piflwaa Lint. W t W. E. (Jump, Publisher, Dayt i