FEED. XVXXS ~— ltltsr. 0 Centro Hall, Pa., D<*c. l- t ' 1 TERMS. -The Carrae HAU. Tta it publUhed weekly at ft per year in advance, or S2,M when not paid la ad vane* kalfYearly and quarterly sub scription* at ths *am rats. Single eopie* five cent*. AdvsrtUemanl* fI.W tine*) for'hree insertion*. Adverti**ment for a longer period, at a reduced rale. Burins** card* of fivs line*, t& per year Communication* recommending person* or office, & cent* per line. Comtuuntca ion* of a private natura and obituary no tice. exceeding five five cant* per line. Burins** notices in local column 10 cents per line, for one insertion. Notice* of deaths and marriages inserted free of charge. Our lriends. In all parts of the county will oblige by sending us local items of interestfrom theirrespectiveloeal- ities. ~ The figures set to the address upon each tubacrlbor'* |>apr Indicate tkat tno lbteripiloi it paid up lo tuck dat®, aad answer the same as a leoelj*. Penont^ re mitting by mail, or olherwUe. will under •land a chan#* in tkata dalwtbit lha money has been received North Carolina Repudiating Her Debt-The Governor's Message. The message of the Governor, which was sent in recently shows ths debt of North Caroliua io be thirty four million eight hundred thousand dollars. The people are unable to pay the interest on thie sum. The Governor recommends the sale of the railroad interests of the State to pra . vent repudiation, but at the same time sap that no financial policy should be determined upon until the facts connected with the debt is ascer tained, in order that some conclusion :uay be reached as to the disposition of the liabilities of the State. After the message was received a j resolution was offered in the House. I and referred, reciting that as ths dsbt was ideated by strangers under the bayonets, who voted the moneys to railroads, and otherwise embexxled the fund* of the Slate, a provision should therefore be made for repudia ting the entire State debt This radical Tammanyism in North Carolina sets Tammany ism in New j York in the shade. New York city U not bankrupted by the Tammauy i stealings and driven to repudiation, though plundering* there were large; not to in North Carolina; radical mismanagement there has bankrupted the coin mou weal lb, and all the south ern states, by radical carpet-bag rule, are now in the same bad and worse than beggarly condition. Hers is something for Brown to writes chap ter on. The Bellefonte Republican has been grumbling about the tariff for the last two years like a fidgety old grany, and scolding at the democrats for interfer ing with the prosperity of the labor ing classes. We should like to ssk grany Brown —a question we pat to hira two years ago amtwhich he promis ed to answer "next week," but which he has neglected to answer up to this time —whether the radicals did not have complete power, for the last ten years, to pass any kind of tariff they pleased, and that if there is any injus tice done the laboring classes on account of the tariff, whether the blame does not lie with his ownjparty f How on earth are the democrats to blame? We can conceive the possi bility of Brown swallowing sixteen apple-dumplings, but how on earth be thinks he can make his readers swallow such silly stuff as he puts out about the tariff, we confess we can not comprehend. The present tariffis a burden upon the middle classes, and a direct rob bery of the poor to enrich a few mo nopolists, and the change that the Bellefonte RepMican advocates is to increase these burdens of the poor and squeese out of them what little is left them under the present tariff act; and although these radicals have had un limited power for the last ten years, not a section has been incorporated by them into our tariff laws, but what is a direct robbery of the laboring and consuming classes for the benefit of a few hungry monopolists, whose mil lions have been unjustly wrung from tbe farmer and mechanic and labor ing man, by a tariff that brings no rev enue to tbe public treasury but only fills the coffers of tbe monopolists. Alexia. Alexis —well, may some reader of the REPORTER say, what is tbe mean ing of Alexis. You need not run for your Webster Unabridged, because you will not find it there, but we can tell you sooner —Alexis, is a Russian grandduke, son of the present Csar, who last week arrived at New York, with some other Russian dignataries, to vis it the United 3tates. The Gothamites had been looking for Alexis for two weeks, expecting bis arrival every day —but unfavorable winds detained tbe Russian fleet which bore the Prince, New York, however, kept herself in readiness to give him ft grand recep tion, and finally Alexis did arrive. All New York turned oat, dressed up in its "go-to-meetings," the day Toes, day 21st inst, was fine, and Gotham lmd a grand holiday. Alexis is said to he a tall, finely built, well propor tioned young man, and altogether a gentleman. His reception at New ' York was a magnificent one, the mili tary were out and a great demonstra tion was bad in the city, civic and mil itary, and the grand-duke was greatly pleased with the welcome that was ex tended to him. All the vessels in the harbor were gaily dressed, and the American and Russian collors were as numerous almost as the flakes of the recent snow storm; Alexis thought New York a great city, and thinks Broadway the finest street he ever saw. The prince was welcomed to America by Gen. Dix, in a short speech, to which the grand-duke Alexis replied as follows: GKVXBAL DIX, LADIKS, *KB GEKTLK MXK: I beg to express my warmest, thanks for the kind feeling and alsoths re caption which you, in the name of the peo pie of the United State*, ere about to aivs me The friend I v feeling* Wtween,tho Uni ted State* and Ku**i* are a* strong a* they are Uating -(cheer*>—and 1 do not know of anything that could make it otherwise. 1 •hall pa** rapidly through New York to nay my respect* to your President, whoee high character i* greatly appreciated in Ku>ia: but on my return to New York 1 •hall have great pteaure in availing ntr *elf of your kind hospitality, o generously offered—(cheer*)—and for which 1 am moat grateful Soon after the arrival of the Grand Duka at his apartments in the Clare don Hotel he despatched the following message to his father by cable: Kmprror t \f Jfwssi.j, St. /Vfvrskwrg Entree el reccplion cordisle nisgnifluue. Parade do la mifiee. Tout U ville en fete Auzu. TaAKSPATIOK. Kmftrror if H* m, St l*rUr*k*iy : Entry, cordial and magnificent recep tion. Parade of the militia. Uenoral hol iday in the city. Ataxia. The same deapatch was sent to the Empress of Russia, Crimea. The ladiea are in high glee at the idea of a rual, live prince, and such a fine and noble looking one, too, be iug among us and crowded as closely as possible to him —some who stood not more than teu feet from (be prince, raised their opera glasses, and tried to eat him up with their eyes. We do not think this hungry staring of the upper tens, was very becoming, and if some of thcee faahiouable New York ladiea were to come down here to Centre Hall or Bellefonte, aud even be stared at with the unaided eye. they would call it greenneaa and a want of good breeding. But the city folks are green too, sometimes. The latest and coolest radical creep out, is that Evans the great thief, aud Hodge, the still greater radical rob ber, were Democrats! This is cool •oough for July with the thermuuioter up to a pitch to bring the grease out of a shaded darkey. Any one point ing out a democrat who was appointed to a lucrative office by Geary or Grant, will be entitlai to a gold mod ah The radicals have ever been too greedy and hungry to give a democrat any pickings, and au honest democrat stands about as little chauce to get a position from the radicals as the man in the moon ; any radical who is ver dant enough to believe the lying as sertion of some of the Grant presses, that the above named thieves belouged the democratic psrty, can be made be believe that the moon is made of green cheese snd that the ice bergs of the arctic regions are built of smeer-kase, and we have some such verdant ones in Centre county. Fraudulent Issue of Bonds in South Carolina—"Nobody to Blame. A tribune dispatch from South Car olina confirms the reports of the fraud ulent issue of South Carolina bonds. The Governor charges the Treasurer with a fraudulent issue of bouds. or rather of re-selling bonds which had already been converted into new bonds. The State Treasurer and Fi nancial Agent deny this, and say the Governor is misinformed. The result of the matter i£. that the State Treas ury is emptied snd the credit of the State below par. This is the result of caipet-bagism. Before South Carolina was cursed with northern vagabonds, who now run her state government, her people knew no such thing as dishonesty within her borders, among those connected with the administration of the state. Now she is bankrupt and disgraced, through the operation of the carpet-bag thieves. More RTBT Leases. The Pennsylvania railroad company has now also leased the Cleveland and Pittsburg road, and is negotiating for the lease of the Philadelphia, Wil mington and Baltimore road; there is also a rumor that the same company is trying to lease the Boston, Hertford and Erie road. If there are any rail roads in the moon, the great Pennsyl vania sarporation will be lure te lease them also. Look out for a negotiation with the "man in the moon" next Mrs. Stanton Tells How to Defeat General Grant To the Editor of tbe Golden Age : Sir —It has been evident for some time that the leading political parties, having done their work, must soon give place to new organizations with progressive principles and live issues on which to rouse the enthusiasm of the people. Tbe Democratic party virtually died with slavery, and the specific work of the Republican party ended with tbe adoption of the four teenth and fifteenth amendments. And now so alarmed have the peo ple become with the bare-faced aud stupendous frauds and corruptions in high places that tbe test of the Presi dential campaign of 1872 will be hon esty against corruption. It is gener ally supposed that the result of the October and November elections will re nominateGen. Grant in 1872, although a majority of the people are opposed to his re-election. No man can be nominated who can unite the opposition. To carry the North he must have a good war rec ord , and have been sound on slavery question before tbe "new departure," and such a man could not carry the border or Southern States. Now, if the opponents of General Grant really wish to defeat him, and are willing to show their hands, they can do it without sacrificing their par ties or principles. In our present mode of electing a President, he does not represent a majority of the people of the country, nor olien even a ma jority of the voters of his own party. There are mauy voters, and not a few politicians, who are ignorant of the constitutional provisions for elect ing a president and they would be very much surprised to wake up some morning and find tbe old adage "you can't tell till after election" changed to "you can't tell after election." The electoral college may prove a rock on which the ship of State will some day he foundered. The members of the electoral college have by the Constitu tion other powers than simply to regis ter the will of their respective parties. It has become with such a mere form that instead of choosing our most dis tinguished men as electors we elect some of the most insignificant and un principled, and if you can buy a legis lature why not in a close election, two or three Presidential electors? But to tbe plan. It is to run a fusion electoral ticket with a platform ; a candidate in every state opposed to Gen. Grant and corruption. This is the only way the opponents of Gon. Grant throughout the country can untie for hia overthrow. Weak ened Hepuhlicana need not fear the result, as the Senate of the United States will be Republican during the next President in I term. Would citiaens of the Kin pi re State feel alarmed if represented in |)>eelec toral college by suelt men as Sanford E. Church, Horace Greeley, Horatio Seymour, or General Hamilton, Ward ? Would Miasouroi he disgraced hy such men a* B. Grata Brown or ex- Senator Henderson ? Would New England miller from the judgment of such men as Gover nor Claflin, John Ouincy Adams, J. I ,nt In op Motley or James E. English? 1 Could Ohio ho misrepresented by Win. K. Giocabeck or General J. If. Cox? Such a ticket would sweep both South and North as clean as the "Reformers" swept the Tammany Riug in the last election. The electors chosen could meet in general convention and noiuiiiNte a I'resideul; then nsseiuble in the capi tals of their respective Slates, and cast their votes for the nominees ofj the convention. Thus would the spir it of the Constitution, as laid dowu hy the fathers lie vindicated, aud the Pres idential chair lie occupied by ascholarj a gentleman, a statesman aud an hon est man, which we all know is not the: fact to-day. ELUAHKTH CADT STANTON, j How it into be Put Through. The Washiugton organ of Graut ays that it will require not less than ten thousand regular trooiw, judicious ly distribute*! through the Southern States, to insure a free and fair elec tion iu those States in 1872 ; and that it may be necessary for Congress to increase the ariuy.. This is but oneofnumerous indications that Grant intends to force his re-elec tion by placing the South uuder bay onet rule should he receive the Re publican uomiiialion. Such a method of insuring a free aud fair election certainly deserves the credit of origin ality. it is only equalled by the in genuity of the Ethiopian present-taker who relates his experience in one of the negro minstrel halls. "Pooipey. whsr you get dat watch ?,' "A rnau gub it to me." "Gub it to you for; nuftin? "Yes—but 1 had to knock him dowu free or fou times before be'd do it." If Grant runs for presi dent in 1872 he is determined to have a free aud fair election, even if it should be ueccssary to bayonet every man in the Southern Slates who op poses him. What would be deemed a free and fair election by a mau who has used United States troops aud Galling guns to control the action of a Republican Convention at New Or leans may easily be imagined. HI'SBASIM LIABILITY. —The prev alent opinion that a husband is legally liable for all bills, of whatever nature, that his wife may contract, was uot sustained by Judge Thayer, in Phila delphia, ou Wednesday last. In a case in court the Judge decidtd in fav or of a husband who Had been sued by a dry goods firm for a debt con tracted by bis wife. Defense set up that defendant furnished his wife with an ample supply of necessaries. In the course of his charge Judge Thay er said : "It is a false and foolish no tion for trAdeapeople to entertain that a husband is bound to pay all bills contracted by his wife. No such monstrous doctrine is allowed in the law. Tradesmen must ascertaiu the facts and the true relation of man and wife before allowing the latter to, run up bills which he is to be looked to pay." Commenting upon this ex-j position of this law, which ought to be more familiar lhau it is, the Phila delphia Record thinks that when tradespeople come to distinctly under stand it "a very sensible step will have been accomplished towards re form in the wanton extravagance and ruinous folly which, under the mere tricious impulse of the stupid despot called "fashion." so wastes the sub stance, mars the manner*, deforms the persons, degrades the morals and wrecks the haopinessof myriad bouse holds, and and individuals, not only in this community, but throughout the country." The corn crop of the West, the pres eat KUOD, has proved the best harvest ed for years. In many portious of In > diana, lowa, Missouri, Nebraska, and Minnesota corn is offered in the cribs at fifteeu cents a bushel. In Illinois and Kentucky the yield has beeu be voud all precedent. The wheat crop has also been very large. In Europe, on the contrary, there appeals to have been a heavy deficit in the grain hai vests in nearly all countries. In Eng land the general falling off has been variously estimated at from fifteen to twenty per cent; while in Hungary, the Danubian Principalities, portions of Austria, and in Southern Russia —I all countries that have usually export ed large quantities of grain —there, lias been a great decrease from the: average production. The ravages of the potato rot and the cattle disease in Great Britain will increase the de mand for grain and animal food, and the United States will bo able to sup ply both in any quantity at reasonable prices. Strange Fact. Every Radical Senator in New York Legislature who was bought by; Tweed & Co., to vote for the corpora tion charter, by which so much money was stolen and the people defrauded, and who was a candidate for re-elec tion was re-elected by the Radical party and will take his scat in Janu ary next. This circumstance proves one fact beyond all boubt, that it mat ters very little what a radical docs while in office, if renominated which he can easily effect by money, he will be re-elected. The cry, "the party must be saved" is all powerful, and, up to the polls they go pell mcll, like a flock of sheep and vote the ticket clean through. Not so with Demo crats. In New York they did not preach reform merely before the elec tion and then go nnd vote the ticket. They went to t)ie polls and acted out their profession even should the party be defeated. In this course they showed their good sense. The Radi cals however took good care to vote their men in even if the party had boen bought the year previous by Tweed. With tbem party is everything, hon esty iu candidates nothing. The Pope to the Great Powers. Rome, November 16.—1t is said that the Pope iutcuds to address a com munication to the Euiopean powers protesting against certain acts of the Italian government as violations of in ternational law and of the rights aud dignities of the countries concerned. He will specify among other acts the expulsion of nuns of various nationali ties from their coveuts, ami the forci ble suppression and closing of certain international religious houses. —The Prißce of Wales is seriously ill, his complaint is similar to that of which his father, Prince Albert, died, typhoid fever. Kaston. Corrakpundenoa uf the Reporter. Lavaykttk Cuu.au a. Kanion, Pa Nov. 'Jfird, 1871," Dear Editor- \V* often, and very properly, have recourte to his jlurlaa to ascertain fact* concerning men,! I manner*, ctutonu and rveut* : but not in j hook* alone U tu bo found at all time* in formation (ought, nor are book* the uiwt truthful and reliable tourre* of infurma lion. Sometime* a word mtv contain more truth trc**urd up lit itself then the : hialory of a campaign. Indeed, word* are sometime* far mora ancient monument* > ilian the document* which employ them j Such, i> indeed, in win* degree the case with "Kaston," and of tltia word we may! proAUme now to (peak of tu history, and the hialory of the town which it do*- ignate* Three or four venture* ngo Hubert Farm er, or Kcrtnor, an Englishman, lived in a manor houae not far rrom I*owcostsr, in Northampton *hire. lie had been a sue ce*ful merchant and wa* one ol lh* wealthy gentry of that country ; ranking )u*t below (lie ancient baronial famllie* In lit neighborhood, It mu*t not be tup posed that English gentlemen ol that perl id lived in Mich large, well furnuhed houar* a* perton* of the aanie rank do now. The iiiiiui' houae uf Richard Kermor wa* devided by a lung, uarruw entrance pas *age, which ran quite through from fr#l to hack, on one *ide of the entry wa* the hall. Thit wa* a large apartment u*ed for | variou* purpurea. It wa not until about the commencement of the reign ol Jame* I. or a liulo earlier, that lb# English build er* |ierceived ths uperior effect ofdispeitt tug with the long pa**age and making the large hall the place of entrance at drsl Mr. Kermor lived before thoae day*, and in thi* houae you went from the narrow en try into the hall. Beyond the hall wa* a parlor. Wealth and a deelre for ahow led thi* owner to have the room ftnishod oil with a wainscot. Thi* wa* not very com mon then in the houae* of plain gentlemen. Betide* thi*, ther* wa* not only chair* but a table in thi* room. Above were two chamber*. In thee were two bed*. In another room wa* an inferior bed fur a servant of the higher grade, the servant* ufi tho lower grade slept on mattre*e* laid on the floor* of the uch room* a* they occu pied. Not many men in Kngland, at that day, had huu*e* a* wall furnished a* Mr. Kermor, the rich merchant. Ofcoureyou would look in vain in hi* boat chamber* for chair*, carpet* and mirror*. Sucbluiurie* were not then found in the sleeping apartment* of ino*l great, noblemen. The beat apartment* in Mr. Kermor'* bouse bad : window shutter* and curtaiiu. On the 'other side of the entry were kitchen, pan try and other offices, *uch a* a napery or linen room, buttery, Ac. Thi* manor j house was known a* Ka*tun or Katuhe.^af-j ferwards Ka.loti. To thit wa* added Ne* tun to distinguish it from Eastun inandii in tho tower part of the shire where the Earl* of Sussex had a fine residence. Katlon teems to have been a somewhat: favorite name in England. Betide* Ea*-. tun Ncolon and Eaaton Mandit, just men-; tiuned, there were Ealou Grey, in Wilt Shire and Eaaton Suffolk near which wa* a| promontory called Easton-ne**. Ferbap* there were other Ka*ton, but let u* return j to Kaston Neaton. Kit-hard Fertnor, though quit® wealthy, had of silver plaits only sisl.cn spoons, a fc| goblet* and alo pots. This u about a* muck * a gentleman had in those day*, ! although a few bad atill more. For eiant pie. the plate of John Port, who was an ac quaintance of the Fcrmor family, waa val ued aim pound*, and his jewel* at£3pound*. We must multiply these mat ten or twen ty fold to bring them to the value of to day. Time pa>ed on ; the Ferm.r family grew richer and more important The head of the family received knighthood. They became very influential in North ampton hirv and then nee to higher dig nity. Camden in hi* "Brittania ' describes the town of Lowcesler and add*: "But at Easton near by (Lowceeter) you have the proepect of a beautiful *oat belonging to the families of the fermor*." On the map of Northampton *bire, in Camden * "Brit tania," the country *eat Jut mentioned ke marked a* Easton- notion. If appear* to be about two mile* from Lowceeter and if tho dimension* given on the map are accurate, it would ecem that the circuit of the park and garden* around the houto wee then about two or three mile*. Having become lords, the Fartnon, gave their name a more French ill ed form, and thenceforth became Feriuor*. About the year 1721 they advanced still higher and ' became Karl* of PowfreL Let u* now change the scene. We go to the city of William Penn, on the banks of the Delaware in the year lit!. Philadelphia was then in commotion One of the proprietaries, Thomas Penn.. had landed at Chester, below Philadelphia, and wa* expected to arrive very soon in the city. The window* and balceniea were Hi ed with ladies, the mob Ailed the ttreet*. A boy ran through the *lreel* crying out that the proprietary wa* coming on horse back and that his sceptre wa* carried bwfore him i in the Governors coach. I a trick Gordon, Kq., was Governor ruling in the name of these proprietories. John, Kichard and; Thomas Penn, commonly resided in Eng land. About four o'clock iu the afternoon the Governor 1 * carriage came with Thom as Penn. There was also the crutch, of tho lame man in the coach.; which the boy bad mistaken for a sceptre, at he did the servant on horse back riding behind it for tho proprietary. The ship* at the wharf fired salutes ; all the bell* in the city rang during the afternoon and at night the city was lighted with bonfire*. Tho Governor took the proprietary to hi*| house. Afterward* the city council* had the colonial legislatures give him a festi val The Indian chiefs of the "Five na tions," who happened then to be in Phila delphia, rejoiced greatly to see one of the vice-sovereigns of the province and he and they renewed the treaties made by his de ceased father, the Illustrious William Penn. On that day the Joy of the high contracting parties was expressed by Are engine* winch played all the afternoon to, the especial delignt of the Indian chief-; tain*. j But poor Tboma* Penn wa* like a fish out of water. William Penn died in great pecunriary oibarra**tiient in his collonial, arrangement*. He left hi* English estate to his oldest son in Pennsylvania, which, taken altogether, wa* esteemed of less val ue than the English property to hi* four younger mm by hi* second wife. One of these, Dennis died very young. As the province of Pennsylvania was not supposed to be an estate sufficient to sup port of tour boys, Thomas and hi* broth er John were apprenticed to a linen draper in Bristol, England. Both of these broth ers ceasea to be Friends or tjuarker* and conformed to the established church. Both occasionally used the "plain lan guage" for soma time after thu change. The Governor and several hundred men on horseback bad received Thomas at Chester. Before they reached Philadel phia thi* cavalcade reached eight hun dred, Thomas was quite bewildered at first ll* tried to drink a glass of wine at Chester but his hand trembled so that he could hardly bold the gives. In due tiuic he got over this timidity. He be-i came a great roan: lived a somewhat, dissolute life ; wa* taciturn and unpopular in manners and finally returned to England. Land in Pennsylvania began to rise in val-, ue. The estate of the proprietaries was' considerable. Thomas renn after his re-j turn to England wa* a wealthy gentleman, having power at a sort of lord-lieutenant over an important and rapidly improving province. Years passed by and Penn, then in middle life, made visits to Kaston New ton in Northampton shire. That part of England had ocen improved much, hills gradually stooping and alternating with cultivated farm* and occasionally royal for est Hirers, brooks and village* diversi fied the face of the country. But it wa# not these thut attracted Thomas Penn to Northampton shire. Neither was it the stately architecture nor the park* and gar dens of Easton Newton. In those hall* and amidst those showy trees and rare flowers was the Lady Julianna Fermor, daughter of tho Karl of Powfrol, and it was she who allured him to that delightful place In November 1761 Lady Julianna became the wife of Thomas Penn. In the year 1080 the Indian* had granted to William Penn nn extent of country reaching from former purchases, notheast wardly as far a* a man could rid* on horse back in two days. No moasure* were tak en to determine the extent ofthis grant un til 173". when a new treaty formed at Dur ham. eight mile* below ttie site of Easton, decided that the granted land should begin at Wright*town in Bucks county, and should extend as far as a man could walk in a day and a halt I Thomas and John l'onn advertised for tho best walkers. Three were selected, one of whom, Edward Marshal, started at •unrise from a marked spruce, rieptember 19th, 1787. The Indian path which he fol lowed pas.ed the Lehigh about a mile be low Bethlehem over what is now called "Jones Island." Ho walked about ttfty miles the first day and twenty-four the next half day. The Indians regarded this walk as a fraud ; one poor old Indian said : "He no sit down to smoke, no shoot tquiirel but lun, lun, lun, (run) all day long. As early as 17(JH or 1710 Germans emi grating from Europe for had begun to inhabit some interior portion* of this tract. About the year 1700 there were in all about six thousand European*, mostly Germans, scattered from the Dela ware and Lehigh towards the north branch of tho Susquehanna and head waters of the Schuylkill. In 1761 the region was organ ized at a new county and by request ot the Penn'* wa* named Northampton, aftei the shite in England, whore Lady Julian na lived. In 176*2 a town was laid out at the conflu ence of theJDelawaro and Lehigh and named Easton after the seal of Lord l'ow fret. Thus we have traced the name of the county and of it* county *eat from placet uf flic *aiur naiuo In England. We h-a end this letter promising to resume the tub- Joel in our neat. Fan I. W ago. Kor tbe Itepoiter, Wisps From Sunar Vsllpjr. I Ten ys-ar* to-night— yea, ten year* to night, and memory dream*.—lt wa* a beautiful night, the moon looked like nn I opal in the blue concave uf heaven, the I star* glittered sweetly and lent a helping : band to deck the crystal tcene. That tame moon and star* look down in (|Uiet beauty to-night jll*t the same a* when thoy kept watch o'er the bridal hour of Aline Stuart —and now my heart crie* out lb its deepest I agony: Aline Stuart! Aline Stuart I where art thou to-night when the misty veil aud orange wreatTi, the fiearl, satin, and dia mond* and memory only echo*, where? We look toward the upper deep and in tune* of anguish petition tho queen of niglit; alas, site muvos on in silent heauty, speechless to me. We plead to the stars but .-voke no answer as they gleam. O, *o peacefully, upon us, aud we are left help less alone. Ol Aline, how beautiful wert thou on thy bridal uiglil- amid a bower of beauty, thou wort transceudaiitly the fairost Yuutli and beauty were gathered there that night—silvery peal* of laughter echoed through thy palars home, all was hilarity and joy. No cloud be-dinuued the smiling face ofauy who made up thai happy, bril liant throng. All, all were gay and ioy. nut, and, 0, Aline, thou out tfione thorn all. Dreamy music Hlied the perfumed air, and streamy lamp* *hed tight upon fairy and our prayer at that hour wa*, may lif* to one and all ne er he broken, by false vow* or shaded by rare torrow. And to-night we aueslion memory, ask ing Aline Stuart, where it the sparkle of your eye, where the ro*o-tint on your cheek? Ah, listen to memory'* echo "fa ded and gone." Ten year*, Aline Stuart, have brought changes to you; no heart can tell save your*. Tbe proud man who slot dby your tide that night and vowed to love and pro tect you, proved a villian, and when iuot needed fled from you and none knew where. It i* night in a gay southern city , all i* bustle and escitouient, and why ? potted up in conspicious place* we read: "Aline Stuart, queen of tragedy, a* Fhordra" Let us, dear reader, enter the auditorium, and hear thi* great woman whuee persona tion* wa* the them* of every tongue. Uas.ligbl, music and n sen of face* greeted u* a* • e enter. Comfortably seat ed. we waiL Mutic, soft and sweet, limn wild a* the swell uf the sea—now low like the bubbling* of a rill—then again weird like a* the mutic of spirit* in the Ilara mountain*. j The overture of Beethoven is over; the i curtain rise* and our eye* rest on a scene jin Germany. Faullle*. figure* flaunt gay Ir <>n the stage and soon we are startled with the applause of tbe audience and before us standi, not the innocent girl of our child hood—but a gloriously magnificent croat tare ; the cold? haughty curve of her lip* the proud glance uiih use eye*, tell us how changed—yes, how changed—applause Ail ed that vast building, and then she stood, bowing lowly her acknowledgment of tbe honor paid to her, we watched her with ail the devotion of the olden time. One moment the innocent oenitrnt, the next, the tragic power of a cultivated, aw well-tudied Phordra. Applauae greeteT her on every tide, and in return a cold •mile illuminated her lip* and a* we gated upon this queenly woman, we only knew her a* Phordra. At her royal robe* *wept the stage floor, we went back to the olden lime, when aba, a playful girl, tang song* in the old meadow-land*; then again wa looked fur Aline Stuart, the Joyou* happy bride of year* a gone; the creamy aatin and glittering diamond* ; the breath of flower* and muc tweet a* the wailing* of an Ao lian harp—how they come to ut that night almost a* a reality. Did our eyaa deceive u*. or wa* it truly lour own little Aline Stuart before us? The voice w* Juat a* tweet and mellow a* iu the olden day*, only mure cultivated The regal brow and gloriou* eve* were juat ihaMtne; yet a cold, haughty smile tat upon her lip*, and cultivated slag* gesture* made a change, one who knew her in cirlbood * bloom would, after careful stuJy, recognise thi* haughty regal wo -1 man. A* the curtain fell we bade adieut o Aline, ' and sincefthat eventful night we have never I met. And now rear* have sped along and ' brought many changes to us all often when ' old facet come trooping to ut fresh a* in ; child-hoods happy days, we see the fairy ' form and smiling tace of Aline Stuart-lust * the same as w# did ten vears ago to-right. S. ilsaatsov BVTTS The Swiss Chicago. i -—- Sletck of the Burned City of (ienena ;|. The smoke from the smouldering embers of Chicago has hardly been "dissipated when there comes from be r yond the water intelligence that anoth er "City of the letke" has all hut suff ered the fate of its American sister, to which it bears so close a resemblance. .Geneva, if not as complete a waste as Chicago, has to narrowly escaped it . as to afford almost a parallel to our . unparalleled calamity. Private de spatches received here yesterday de scribed the city as still at the mercy II of the flames, and the citizens, al though resolute, appalled by a disaster which Europe is little prepared to meet. Some of the finest quarters of the city have beeu destroyed, including its Lherraan and Tremont houses. iThc full extcut of the calamity has jnot yet boen ascertained, and cannot be eetimated for some day*. Big Oil Strike. The Titusville Courier of the 23rd, says the McLaughlin well, near Cash Up City, which has been producing two or three hundred barrels per day with the tools in, was relieved of them yesterday, when she commenced flow ing at a tremendous rate, our infor mation, which is reliable, putting the ouantityat from twelve to fifteen hun dred barrels per day. This is undoubt edly the largest well struck in several years, and as it is situated on compar atively new territory, wemayexpect a turn of the tide operating now flowt ing towards the Clarion region to this new Eldorado —Cash Up City. The point ofthis new strike is between Pleasantville and Pithole, a little near er the latter than the former place, and some seven or eight miles from this city. We expect to see a rush of operators in that direction during the winter resembling that to Pleasantville when that territory was iu its prime. It would be quite an improvement, nay* the FitUburg Poet, upon the rogues gallery to photograph the fol lowing Radical Governors and exgov ernors, vix: Holden, of North (Jaro line ; Bullock, of Georgia ; Butler, of Nebraska; Scott, of South Carolina; Austin, of MinuetoUt; and Davis, of Texas. They ought to be preserved in some way for the edification of coming generation*. A man who could steal $50,000,000 like Bullock, or $30,000,- 000 like Scott, and still retain the con fidence of the leaders of his party, ought uot to lie consigned to oblivion, lie deserves a monument of brans, and Graut himself ought to deliver th* •ra tion at the dedication; All that he need My would he this: "Behold the thief of the period." That was rather a two-edged joke which was made not so long since in the Texas Legislature in this wise : At the late election some five Democrats were elected to the lower house to fill un expired terms, and on coming up to the clerk's desk to qualify took the customary oath to support the thir teenth, fourteenth, and fiflhteenth amendments. At this a sable member named Cotton, there unto incited by a carpet-bag Satan behind him, moved that whereas the spectacle of five Democrats swallowing all the amend ment-* in one day was plory enough the House do uow adjourn. From the Democratic side came a request that the mover read bis resolution over, and then was developed the facts that the Hon. Cotton could neither rend nor write, and was then holding the manuscript of his resolu tion upsidedown. —The Loudon Times goes for Grant's re-nomination. Of course it would, the Times is for that which sa vors of monarchy. HOUSE ANl> LOT FOR HALE ■ , The undersigned offer* at private ••l hi* house and lot, situate an Church lroi, Centre Hall. The huuta is a nw two tlory frame building, una oftha finest in the neighborhood, and in una of the best location* in the town. There la a new ■labia upon tba lot. For father perlicu lar* apply to AI.KX SH ANNON. •eptKMf. J AND AT FBI VATK.SALE A lot of land, lying in Orogg township, on the hunks of Venn* creek, between Fenu Hall and Spring Mill*, I* offered at private tale It adjoin* land* of Geo. Buchanan and L. B. kl lmire, containing u ACRES more or lest. About H acre* consist of first i las* white pine limber, the balance rlaaas-d and under cultivation—6 acre* are meadow. Kor fUrther particulars apply to C. U. MEN NICK, I#.SCl.if Gregg twp. I'roepecL* of HIGH PRICES FOR GRAIN. The undersigned have taken po*e*eion of the Warehouse at tbe Mill, in Milroy, iformerly occupied by Keed A Thomson, I end are now prepared to buy all kind* of| Grain and Seed*, at the highest market price*, for Cask Coal, Blasts a and Salt, constantly on hand, fur aale, a* low a* the lowest Farmer* of Centre county are respect fully invited to give u* a call. Wo guarantee to give salisiaction in ail case. MOM ANIGAI. A BKOWN. stpCt Im. GREAT FLOOD! Tune of Dry Goods, Groceries, No tions, Hardware, Ready-made Clothing, and thousands of other articles CAKKIKD OFF AND LANDED AT Sfe.tbe Cheap Store uftg Herlacher & Cronmiller, CENTRE HALL, PA and now offered at prions lower than the lowest. Dry Oood, Notions, Groceries, Hard ware, yuoetis ware. Wood and willow ware Iren, Salt, Fish and in fact, a magniflcant assortment of everything GOODS VERY NEAR AT THE OLD PRICES. Ureas Goods A most beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelties of the season, white good*, embroideries, hoop skirts, BALMORAL SKIRTS, All we ask that you will CALL AND EXAMINE OURSTOCK ALL KIN DS OF i! ARMESS. silver plated and Yankee Unmet* double and single, bridle* and halter*. *pr I The First and the Best! The I surges t & CHEAPEST stuck of FALL GOODS! JUST UNPACKING at KELLER A MUSSER. In Urockerhoft block, Bishop Street, Bellefonte, whore havo just opened the best, cheapest largo* a* well as the best assorted stock uftiood# in Bellefonte. HERE LADIES, Is the place to buy your Silks, Mohairs Mozambique*, Keps. Alpacas, Detains, Lans, Brilliant*. Muslins, Calicoos, Tick ingt, Flanels, Opera Planets, Ladies Coat ing, Gents' Cloths. Ladies Sacquot, Whit* Pekay, Linen TableCloths, Counterpane* Crib Counterpanes, While and Colored Tarlton, Napkins, Inserting* and Edgings W bite Lace Curtins, Zephyr 4 Zephyr Pat terns. Tidy Cotton, Shawls. Work Basket HOOP SKIRTS, Thread Hosiery. Fans, Beads, Sewing LADIES AND MISSES SHOKW FANCY GOODS OK NOTION LINE FOR GENTLEMEN, Raedytnade Clothing of Every Dis scription, for Men audßuys. Their stock oftjUEENSW ARK A GRO CKKIKS cannot be excelled in quality or price. Call in at the PhilsdWphiaStore and con vince yourselve* that KELLER 4 MUS SER have any thing you want, and do bu siness on the principle of "(Juick Sale# and Small Profits." |ap3o, oasis ANU raootfca *aa TAKEN? Ta Advtrtivars —All persons who con template making contracts with newspa pers for the insertion of Advettiscment* should tend to Geo. P. Ro well 4r Co. for a Circular, or inclose 25 cents for their oa# Hundred Pag* Pamphlet, conti.ing List* of 3.OUU Newspaper* and estimates, showing the cost of advertising, also many useful hint* to advertisers, and some ac count of the experiences of then who are known a* Sneesssfnl Advertisers. This firm are proprietor* of tha American Newspa per Advertising Agency, 41 Park Row, N.T* and are posse**ed ot unequalled facilities for securing the insertion of ad vertisements in all Newspapers and Periodical* at low est rales. IQnov.M. Good News for the Ladies. FALL OPOIXU OF BonuftN, Trimmings Millinery, at MRS. MARY E. SHOOPE'S In Centra Hall. Mr*. M. K. Shoope, hat just returned from Philadelphia, with the LATEST FASHIONS, and a complete stock of New Bounetts, New Hats, Elegant Trimmings, Ac., which will be sold or made up, as usual at reasonable prices. Also, old ladies Dress Caps, The now styles are very pretty. Ladies call and see iheru oarly, First come, first served. nov3 4t 17 X ECU TORS NOTlCE.—Letter* Tee j tamentary on the Estate of John Km art, late of Harris township dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All porsocs knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present tbem property authenticated far settlement. JOS IA If NKFK, nov24.ftt. Executor. NOTICE.— Notice II horeby given, tha tho books and note* of the Centre Hall Manufacturing Company, have been placed in the hands of Alex. Shannon, at Centre Hall, for settlement and collection, All person* having accounts in Mid books, are requested to call at hi* office, in Centre Hall, Centre County, Pa., before the first day ot January, 1872, and settle the same otherwise after which time they will be proceeded against according to law. BT OXPXR OT TUX BOARD. To ho had ut Herlacher A Cromillar'a Furniture. A lot of good new Furniture on hand, such as one Bureau, Bedsteads, Wash stands, 4c. Gloves. A sp'undid lot of Buckskin Gloves, driving Gloves, dress Gloves. HOUSE AND IXT FOR SALE. ... . A hou* and lot favorably located on Malnstreet, Aaronsburg. ii offered at pri vate *ala. The hWM I* " r MMI *"•'. "' the lot amunr the boat in town, with an. abundance of fruit ihurann. AL< lffacresofj mountain land. Kor further particular* apply to ooakka H. K tar/., oct27. Aaronsburg. j Carriage 41 MANUFACTORY Centre Hull, Pa, GEO. 11. lIAItI'STKK i Ha* on bad and for aaje at tbe must rea ; suitable rate* a splendid stuck of CAHKI AGES, BUGGIES, and every description of Wagn* both FLAIN AND FANCY warranted to be made of the best and most durable material*, and by the most eipe rienend workmen. All work sent out from tbe establishment will be found to be of the highest cla* and sure to gine just !#ct satisfaction He will nl*o have nave as sortment uf ■ LKIOKB of all the newest and most fashionable style* wall and carefully made and of the beat lAiUfill>. An inspecil n of bi* work U asked as it is believed that none superior can be found in the country. augHft tf. CARD. J. E. Caldwell to. N. 902 CHESTNUT Bl\. PHILADELPHIA, Desire to en vita the especial attention of purchaser, and othar* visiting the city, to their unusually large and varied assort ment of NEW JEWELRY. FINE WATCHES Or MOST KKtISBLK MsKga*. GOLD CHAINS. ARTISTIC SILVER WARE FOR BRIDAL AND OTHER PttEHENTA noM. TABLE CUTLKRKY, ELECTED PLATED GOODS OP I INLsr qL'AUTY. FRENCH CLOCK'S. BRONZES AND MANTEL ORNAMENTS, Received DIRECT FROM PARIS during the present season. Courteous and polite wtu-ntion is extend ed It all who may be induced to accept a cordial invitation to visit their beautiful Uof% t llliST Vl T ST. Julll.flm Jous B. LUSH. P. Baxxxa Wtuox LI.V\ A WILNO.I, DRUG GISTS, Successor* of F. P. Wilson, Bellcfonte Penn'a. Have secured the service* of James* 11. Sleaa, of Philadelphia, a druggist of thir teen years experience, who will have the charge of their prescription^business. A night bell u attached to their store door, and the rm pioyee* sleeping within the building, will attend to the want* of the public at all hour* of the night Lisa A Wilton keep constantly on hand a large stock of Drug*, Paint*. Oil*. Perfumery, Trusses and Medical Appliance of all kinds, together with a very largeStoek of Patent Medicines, such as Vinegar BiUers, and also Pure Wine*, and li quor*, ot all kind* for medical pjrpose*. JulyH.Sm LINN A WILSON. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers at private Maale a two story dwelling house and Lot. on > ain street, Centre Hall, with (tableand all necessary outbuildings, and choice fruit on the premise*, and wa ter in the yard. The house is as good as new. For futher partscular* apply to U. D. OSSMAN, llaug.tf, Centre Hall QOURTPROCLAMAION \V heroes the Hon. Charles A. Mayer, Pretidont of the court of Common Pleas, in the 26th ludicial District, consisting ot the counties of Centre. Clinton and Clear field, and Honorable John Uostcrman and the Honorable William Allison. Associate Judge* in Centre county, having issued their precept, bearing date the 28th day of Cctb'r A D., 1871. to me directed for holding a court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Ses sions oftho Peace in Bellefonte, for the county of Centre, and to commence on the 4th Monday of November aexL.belng the *27lb day of Nov. 1871, and to continue one Notice is therefore hereby given U the Coroner, Justice of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of the said county ot Cen tre, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, with ther records, in quisitions, examination*, and their own re membrances, to do lbo*c thing* which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are bound in recognisances to prosecute against the prisoner# that are or ■hall be in the Jail ot Centre county, be there and to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given under my hand, at Bellcfonte, the '2Bth dav of Oct in the year or our Lord, 1871 and in the ninety-fourth year of the Independence of the United States. D. W. WOODRING, Sheriff. AGENTS WANTED FOR A Book That Will Sell! ■ Y THK RKNOW.NKO NltiNOR BLITZ. This U an original, interesting, and in structiv* work, Aill of rare fUn and humor being %n account of tße AUTHOR'S PRO FESSION A L LIFE, hi* wonderful trick* and feata, with laughable incident* and adventure* a* a Magician, Necromancer, and Ventriloquist. lllutrat< d with 16 Full Page Engravings, beside* the Author's Potrait on steel, and numerous small cuts. The volume is free from any objectiona ble matter, being high-toned and moral in iU character, and will be read with inter est, both by old and young. It gives the most graphic and thrilling account* of the effects of his wonderful teats and magical tricks, causing the most uncontrollable merriment and laughter. Circulars, Terms, Jkt\, with full informa tion. sent free on application to DUFFIKLD ASH MEAD, Publisher. 711 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. 0ct27.6m. FOR SALE. Ths undersigned ha* a tract of timber land located between the Brush and Thick Mountains, nearly due south of Re bersburg, containing 171 acres, which he offers for sale. It is well timbered, and easy of access from Brush Valley. For all desired information call on the C H. HKITKR. 18oct.tf Aaronsburg, Pa. GROCERIES! The Cliepaist, purest, besti OPPOSITE.THE IRON FRONT, On Alh-cheo? Street. RUHL A OAULT.' Coffee, Tea, Hupar. Syrup, Dried Fruit, Canned Fruit, llama, Dried Beef, Salt. Pickle*, Butter, Flour, Corn Meal, Buck treat Flour, and everything utunly kept in n well regu first i*ism ir*H tfry Mtorc msrt.dm RUBL* GAULTe COAL LIME, j j and POWDER! COAL— WilketUarre Coal, Chaataut Stova, g gg, furnace and foundry. Coal—of Uot quality, at the low net price, Cuatoaaer* will pleat# not* liiat our coal it (touted ua der comroodlooa ekads. LIIIK Wood or coal-burst Lime, for tale at our kiln*, on tba pike leading v< M t' to burg POWDER - Uaeingratwivad tkaageaey for Do Pont't Puwd'r Al WHOLESALE. atXu W pleated to recei v ordartfros. the trade. Oflca and yard near tooth end of Raid Eagle Valley R. R. Depot, Beilafoata, Pa. eoe SKORTLIDGE A CO. STB II N BERG Ilk* been to the extreme end ofth# market For BOOTS * SHOES to Boston. For DRY GOODS to New York. For CLOTHING to Philadelphia. sfcEatli article bought directly (Win UM Hanufacturwr, with a de •ire to uiit ilu* marketer FINK ALPACAS from AtetoiScthe dnert—equal to SI,4S alpaca*. SUlTS— from llUlu $lB, beat all wool Caasiiuctes. MB THKKKFORK NOW OFFERS BETTER BARGAINS THAN KLNKwIIKRK. Carpets at old rate*. Iron* 60 coat* to It cent* per yard, for the beat. DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, And selling from 121 to 16 cents, the be* calicoes, and mualin* in proportion, at rate*. Women's Shoe*, oommon good, to_wc* all summer, at $1 per pair Fine Boot* from $3,60 to $7,60 for best. CLOTHING at the lovett rales, and sold at 1867 price SUITS. from SIO,OO to $lB for the best. CALL AND SEE, and if it aint true. Sternberg will treat. They only ask people to come and se< even if they do no! wish to buy. r pHK ANVIL STORK is now receiving 1 a large and well a*ortnd Stock o: Hardware. Stoves, Nails, UuroShoes, Sad dlery, Glaus Paints, Sheet. Bar and Hoop Iron also Buggy and Wagon Stock o! every description -Cnll and supply your selves atthe lowest possible rate* at aplo'6B. IRWIN A WILSON BAROMETERS and Thermometers at IRWIN A WILSONS. ! PRUNES and DRIED CURRANTBO the very best ouality jwl received* Wolf * old stand Lad lets TrnMM. This invaluable article for females, is now to be hed at Herlacher's store, and no other place in Centre county. Ladies remember that these trusses can be bad at Centre Hall * If. Chas. H. Held, Clock. Watchmaker A Jcwclci Millheim, Centre co., Pea ML Kespectflilly informs hi* friend* and tb< public in general, that he has just opened at his new establishment, above Alexan der's Store, and keeps constantly on hand all kinds of Clocks, \V*tcho and Jewelr of the latest styles as also the Maranvilb Patent Calender Clock*, provided with r complete index of the month, and day 01 the month and week on its face, which li warranted as a perfect time-keeper. 4®,Clocks, Watches and Jewelry r paired on short notice and warranted. J P. ODENKIKK, WITH ARTMAN.DILLINGER A COMPANY No. 47, NORTH THIRD ST., PHIL'A between Market and Arch, formerly 104. MANUFACTURERS A JOBBERS IN CarpeU, Oil Cloth*, Oil Shade*, Wick Yarn, Cotton Yarn*, Carpet Chain*, Grain Bag*. Window Paper, Hutting, Ac. Al*o, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, Bru*he, Looking Glasses, 4c. decO-ly |> C CHEESMAN, NOTARY PUB IV. LIC AND MILITARY AGENT, and Conveyancer. Deed*, Bond*, Mort gage*, and all instrument* of writing faith fully attended to. Special attention given to the collection of Bounty ahd Pension claim*. Office uearly opposite the Court Houae, two door* above Me**r*. Bu*h 4 Yocuin'* Law Office Ucllcfonte, Pa. lOjunly UNION PATENT CHURN, the bet In u*eat lawtx a WitaoK a.* aplo*Cß. FINE TABLE CUTLERY, including plated fork*, spoon*,'Ac, at ap10.68 IRWIN *\%ILSON. T>OQTS, large stock,all styles, *ixes and Xfprices, for men and boy*, just arrived at Wolf well known old Bta OF THE W AC EI P*T*T*D On a r**- '**•■ OCR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. ISllSllill BggSßtag I WEXTOLS PCRLtttttPO CO. HuAoum' A f iMK rii-.tajgh. IV :> j ypatts ■'■apr WM. H. BLAIR, H T *TIT* ILAIH & BTIT7.ER Altortiay* at Lav. Mlrtmla, OtSe •. on the Diamond. Mt d* r to (•* man'* hotel. Consultation* in German ot Engi h. frbPWtf JOHN F POTTE*; Attorney *law. Collection* promptly made md specia attention riven to tVoit having lands a pro pert r tor tale. Will draw up end Kara acknowledged Deed*. Moitgajp *. Ac. 01. Bee in the diamond, north aide of tb courthouse. BeHefonie. odgWtf RtlrtT IKOCKMUorf, j 1 -tiGKRT. President. Cashier. QENTKK COUNTY BANKING CO 'Late MiUikcx. Uooycr A Co.) RECEIVE DEroeiTS, And Allow Interest, Discount Sotti, Buy end Sa Government Securities, Gold and aplO CStf C, upoia. JAS M MANt'S, Attorney at Law Bellefonto, promptly atu nd>- to ail ku ineaa entrusted to him. ju!s.stf DP. FOKTKBY. "ui • Bellefonto, Pa. Office *cr Key nold'a hank. • tnavHffl'tf H. X. M'ALLtSTKR. J A MEW A. BKAVKB ta'AILILISTg® 6 132AV2H A TTORXE IS-A T-LA IT, Bellefonto, Centre Co., Pcnu'a. ap6Btt IRA C. MITCHiLL. Attorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa, Office in <