The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 24, 1871, Image 1

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    Omljr a Flflwer.
Only ft simple ftower,
Th.t never could bear Urn wintry blast.
And I know but ft frw short hours osn Ust,
Tef Oh ! raoh s priori** dower 1
A few pste buds of white ;
Yet desrer to roe than wealth untold,
Prised ft the miser prises (told.
For it lsy on her breast Isst night.
Ly on her ihir white hressl,
Ross snd foil with her booting heart;
How gladly would I feel life deport
if there my hood might rest \
tea, 'tie a simple flower;
Put given to me by her own dear hand.
And therefore a flower of fairyland,
A bud fro in Lore's inmost bower,
It w die : but not the spell
That hand and that boeom gave.
Our lore will, I know, outlive the grave,
For aye unchangeable.
Tale of a KM*.
Such a wiwdTon* kite to tv !
Tinted iwjht six Re* high.
Nothing email would do for htm -
Roy 1 nil C Boasting dim.
Piirpost kite of all the M ;
Mibw of strongest twine he got.
Small onee go a eertain herght;
Hi* he'd send clean out of sight,
IViwn the street, one day in Fall.
Wont our Jim, kite, string, snd all.
*' Kite!" his oomrsdes shout in ioy,
*" Where are ywu going with that boy ?"
AH wue ready soon, aml -whew 1
*>W the trees the giant tlew,
Wlueking Jimmy from the ground,
Just as if he weighed a pound.
Vp they sailed, close to the moon,
Heard the man there aing a tune.
Foreign taints Jim MI and knew
Tar in ami Tuubuctoo.
JM a comet in hia flight - -
Silver tail, just Uke a site.
GooMaY starve, rou well might say,
I'p there in the Milky Way.
Across the sea he flew, and then.
Fondly sighed fur home again.
•'Smaller kites are safe," he said ;
l\>pl he woke np in his bed !
Few readers, perhaps, have ever seen
the name of Simon Weaver in print, and
fewer still would know who the man was
should it be seen.
Diver*, a* a das*, ami in spite of all
the sale-guard* alßuded tbem by modern
scieacw, paas a mo*t precarious existence,
and <wch time a descent is made, be the
water deep or shallow, tbe practiced direr
teels that perhaps his last glimpse ot sun,
shy and friends has been taken. Those ol
the most experience feel this the more
One night while tbe snow drove like
lail against the only window in the boose,
faring tbe sea, 1 found myself one of a
party of divers, wreckers and contractor*
for such work.
I had asked many questions of the sev
eral talkers forming the circle, as to the
life, incidents and dangers of tbe profession,
when Captain Stephen L , an old gray
beard among divers and such ilk, nudged
me. aud whispered that if I could get old
Simon Weaver into the talking humor my
tfesirc far stirring incident would be fully
Cautiously approaching the subject of
personal adventure under water, for Wcaver
proved a little shy, by a lew well-timed
questions, 1 succeeded in u briuging him
out'' to my entire satisfaction.
As I write tbe words of tbe old man, I
seem to see tbe earnest glance, the erect
figure, ami tbe almost snow-white head
shaking and nodding as the memory of bis
exploit* came before his mind.
Taking a fresh attitude in his chair, and
costing his eyes from one to the t ther of
us "boys," as he called tbe younger mem
bet* of the party, tbe old diver began.
u Few ot our officers on duty off Charles
ton in lfi6- will forget when tbe news
came out to the wooden fleet that a moni
tor bad been partially disabled, and that
until something could be done ber situation
was extremely critical. Sbe lav quite near
the batteries and as though divining her
danger, their guns were plunging their
shot and shell against her with the fiercest
u It was soon known that a diver would
be called into requisition to do the work
under water, while the guns of Sumter
lade t&ir to demolish the whole ship in a
few hours.
* Being the most experienced of the div
ing corps on dnty at that time, the Admiral
sent for me without delay, and laying the
difficulty before mc, asked if I would un
dertake the job. By a few judiciously put
questions I was soon placed in possession
of all the lacts the work to be done, and
the result* to be expected liom success.
*• The propeller of the vessel had been
fouled by some ol the numerous obstruc
tion* set afloat by the enemy, and not
wishiug to emlanger any other vessel in
the same manner, the Admiral desired to
send me alongside in a steam picket lioat
with my best diving gear, and try to maze
a successful descent.
44 In due time we, that is, myself and
four more whom I could trust under *ll
peril, arrived at the place of
And now, before going further with my
story, let me try to give an idea of the
situation, and its cause. A vessel had
been sent in to recunoiter, and, if ueces
serr, to lire '*l tie batteries to ascertain
their force and strength.
" Proceeding cautiously until withiu a
few hundred yard* of Sumter, she had
unconsciously drifted too close to the line
of obstructions defending the entrance to
the harbor, and in turning to come out,
her propeller, as I said before, had become
entangled among ropes and chains. All
effort* t release the ship from her perilous
position had (ailed, hence the call lor
a direr. Immediately on perceiving the
state of affairs, no hard task, the enemy
bad opened a fearful fire from all guns
within range on the single craft, and
seemed bent on ber destruction before as
sistance could reach her.
" The shot fell fast and furious against
the iron of her turret and side armor,
while the water on all sides fairly boiled
from the frequent shot striking its surface.
It seemed a veritable iron bail.
"As our little picket boat approached
the scene of conflict, the firing suddenly
ceased, and we were fortunate enough to
get below with the apparatus before the
storm again burst over the trembling ship.
The cause of this apparent kindness was
made known to us the following day by a
deserter from Fort Sumter.
44 As the picket steamer approached the
monitor, the enemy imagined t hat a message
from the Yankee commander was about to
lie received, looking to an armistice or
surrender, so slackened fire. After wait
ing a few moments, and the expected Hag
of truce not making its appearance, the
enemy saw that somehow they had been
outwitted, and the shower of shot and
shell seemed to increase in fierceness as
they reopened fire.
"In a short time I saw liow matters
stoo-I, and succeeded in finding a place on
the lee side of the turret, where, if the
ship could be kept in one position, no shot
could reach ine. Carefully instructing my
men as to their duties, I at length got my
ladder overboard on the safe side, and made
it fast in such a manner that should the
wind change or rise during my absence
under water, my means of escape should
not be entirely cut off. Leading tny air
pipe up through the turret and out through
one of the ports, I secured them to my
helmet, and requested that all firing from
the ship be suspended during my absence,
for experience had taught me the danger
of a heavy discharge directly overhead of a
" The position of the turret favored my
request, and placing its back to the enemy
enabled me to use the gun port as I have
described. As my life would hang upon a
thread at best, 1 made every arrangemei*
for safety that experience could suggest,
even going myself into the engine-room
and enjoining upon the engineer of the
watch not to allow the engines to be
started upon any consideration until my
return from the perilous undertaking, the
success or failure of which assured the
safety or loss of the vessel. The pump for
supplying me with air was fixed in the
turret-chamber, and as the fragments of
shot, which still poured in from Sumter,
miaht cut the air tube as it crossed the
deck, I had arranged a stout iron pipe as a
sheath, and discarded entirely the usual
" All being in readiness, after personally
inspecting all of the apparatus, I cautiously
made my way to the ladder, and having
fixed my Jhelmet firmly in its place, and
secured my kit of toole, hammer, MY,
FRED. KURTZ, Editor ami Proprietor.
chisels, efb., to the strong bolt attached
for the 1, Ryan my slow dmrnt.
" Fortunately, the water was quite clear
ami free fhun uiud, so I had no dlßcul.v
is seeing everything with jwrfect distinct 1
Bess, ('iridually Hearing ths bottom, lor
the depth ol water eavrcded the draught
of vessels ol' lew than four feet, I Ursine
aware of quite a strong current setting tue
•gainst the ship, which, while Ic&aemng
rat fear of being swept out of reach of hty
ladder, rendered working Uiore difficult.
As usual, my progress was atteuded by
numbetw tif curious fish, ami as I neared
ihc bottom ioe or two huge fellows pa**cd
close by, lait seemed ntcut 00 othct prey,
leav mg me in peace.
* Once or twice I wa* sottu-w hat started
by a heavy splash overhead And A dull
th .d, fhtHiWvd by the tspiu descent of a
i shot or shell W thin c v view, aud as it
would scttV into the soft, eoay bottom, a
tiny cloud of mud would for a moment
obscure it from view. I felt a constant
feur from seeing these oft-recurring clouds,
lest some ot them might 1* the spluttering
fuse ot an unexphxhd shell.
** Altt.wigb an old hand at the diving
bwsiwesu, It hail never before been my for
tuite to o|ierate in action, so 1 was not a
little anxious, a- you nlAv imagine, a* to
the effect ola shell exploding on the
bottom. 1 was not long waiting, and louici
out to my int're satisfaeiio i, as I will
pracatlv tell you.
'• Well, at length I reached bottom, and
slowly trod mr way along t ie bend* of
the ship to the ta c of operations, tile
disabled screw, sometimes st> i ep i rg lira
ni-sty shot, and one* f nrallv tripped over
the stock of some old rust-worn tnchur.
Being bur fifteen or sixteen feet below the
surface, I had no difficulty in perceiving
the trouble with the propeller, which wss
this : a niece of chain attacheii to the
floating obstructions had ktWR* so wouud
aUuit the propeller s'rult, between the
blades ami st en-post, as to become per
fectly rigid.
" Sly tis Is preporcd for iu*t *uch
work, 1 began operations at once, and soon
bad two or three of the links, which *iw
quite small, severed, ami as I afterward
learuesi, released the strain so suddenly
that the engines gave one quick, short,
partial revolution, 'on a varum,' cne of
the engineers told me afterward, and one
of the blades stnkingjin expiration tube,
threw me from my feet, and for a moment
it seemed that my fate was scaled
44 The screw stopped as suddenly as it
bad started, and somehow I struggled to
my feet again. Seeing ut a few strokes
more were needed to complete my job, I
soon had the good old-ship in fighting
trim again, so far at least as her propeller
was concerned.
" Being now at liberty to return, I cau
tiously retraced my steps to where the
ladder hung idly swinging to and Ire in
the water, and was about to mount to the
surface, wheu with a crash ami roar of ten
thousand shots, a big shell fell ap|>arently
right over my head, and after what seemed
but the traction of a second, settled, as 1
thought, directly upon me. l*assing but a
few :eet distant, it bad scare ly reached
the bottom when the very earth and sea
seemed shattered to atoms.
u The shell had exploded almost beside
mc ! Bv sme means tie hooks provided
in the breast of my armor had become
fastened to a rung of my ladder, else this
tale had never been told. Stunned and
racked as it was, the instinct ot self-pres
ervation urged -i e to attempt the ascent
ol my only read to safety, the ladder,
when, to iny horror, the current began
swaymg me back and fotth in such a man
ner that I found it impossible to do aught
but bold ou and trust to the chapter of
cridents (or relief.
" In an in*tant.a(ter I became aware of
the current, a dull, regular beat, united to
a seeming tremor ot the ship, convinced
me that the ship was under way, and
probably steaming out to the fleet. A
glimpse or two at the bottom assured me
of tbi*, for 1 could plainly sic it gliding
past u til the shoals deepened and nothing
could be seen underneath mc but water.
Imagine my situation, jm youngsters who
think you nave seen danger—towed to sea
under a monitor!
"The motion rapidly grew more violent,
and had it not been for the hooks I have
spoken of, death would have Wen inevi
table, for my strength would not have
enabled me to retain my hold on the lad
der, and I should bare drowned, my body
weighed down by armor beyond recovery.
"AH of this time, in reality minutes,
but seemingly hours, roy faithful meu
within the turret chamber had not ceased
to give me a plentiful supply of air, so roy
only danger lay in being swept away.
After what seemed miles of gtound passed
over, and hours of time, the beat of the
engine grew gradually slower, then stopped,
and no sooner did I feel the pressure of
the current relax, than I prepared to make
the best of way to the surface.
" I remember no more. A deadly faint
scixcd me, and for hours I lay without
life, vibrating between this world and the
one beyond. Returning sense* revealed
my four meu around me, on the wardroom
table, doing their utmost in uiy behalf,
and only gave way to the surgeon when a
heavy groan and slowly opening eyes told
that roy life was safe.
'• I s eedily recovered, and for the first
time learned the details of my great peril
and marvelous escape.
" Immediately on the strain being taken
off of the propeller by the chains being
cut, the engines gave the quick partial
revolution which I have mentioned, nd
the engineer, as in dutv bound, of course,
reported th t the disability to the machin
ery being removed he was prepared to go
ahead at any moment.
"It wa but a few minutes after this
that the tide Iwgan to flow, causing the
current I have spoken of, and the devoted
vessel bade fair to be again drifted among
the dreaded obstructions and still marer
to .Sumter, whose guns never ceased their
roar all this time.
" Captain , to prevent this threat
ened catastrophe, and feeling certain that
I was clear of danger from the propeller,
determined to go ahead a short distance
to clear all danger from the obstructions,
and then to await my return to the surface
before proceeding farther.
"Can-fully watching theair-pi|>eleading
overboard, tlie engines w*re started slowly,
and as the ship gathered headway, and
the pipe remained without visible strain,
it was concluded that my ascent had begun,
as in truth was the fact; so instead of
coining to after steaming a short distance,
the ship was headed for the fleet, and
only came to anchor when within hail of
the flag-ship. The rest I have told you.
"As no result of that day's work, I
was sent home, on the siok-liat, and from
that day to th s, young man," turning to
me as lie spoke, •' I have never been rnsidu
a diver's dress, and never intend to be
As the old man approached the conclu
sion, he grew quite excited, as indeed had
his listeners, and as the tones of bis voice
died away, the wind outside, gathering
fresh fuiy, seemed to shake the old house
to its very foundation.
WOMEN VOTERS. —The names of severs
women were inscribed on the voters' re
gister in New York. Mary A. Leland
writes describing the courteous treat
ment she received at the registration
office of Nineteenth District of the Six
teenth Ward. Learning that Victoria
A. W'oodhull and Tennie C. Claflin had
registered their names, Mary A. Leland
determined to follow their example.
The registrars referred to the Constitu
tion of the United States, and not finding
any interdiction of female registration,
politely acceded to the request of the
lady aspirant to the privilege of suffrage,
Den a in the Mine*.
We are now in the earil. tblfifl, says
one who has lieoP there, and the passage
we walk. aiouK no freely was the led of
a acaui of euai, long since rauiovud by
the miners who have pushed on into (he
IHIWCU of the hill, and gre no# AT work
mile* away teeriny out the shining
walla that uUpute their further progreto.
To tlie right and to the left uarrow
chamber*, such a* we are in, branch off.
some on upward grades, some down
At intervals we are confronted by
mamive woixh'ti jjoor* ted L> control
current* Of Air and secure ventilation.
Afbv walking a good mile, and seeing
nothing but uiuhw hauling the coal car*
along the track to some place in the
mysterious distance, we come at last to
the chamtiers where the minora are at
work. We find these chaiuliers to he
{auwagea like those through which we
entered: some bl"o I aud high, some low
and cramped, all supplied with iron
track* leading to the cnj. At the ex
tremities of the**' ChaUilter* or work
ings the miner stand*, pick or bar in
hand, delving and wrenching to remove
huge masses of coal from the seam whoae
lead he is following. Here is the coal
we seek, and here is the miner, laboring
patiently l>v the dim light of bis single
lamp, isolated by walls of rock and earth
from his companions, water dripping
from the rtof and standing in nooU at
his feet, in constant danger, and alloUsl
to incessant toil. The huge chunks of
coal, wrought out by manual force or
Masting powder, fall into heaps on the
flour and are loaded ly the miner or hi*
help into a car that stands tTady, then
drawn by muleft along the gangway to
the shaft, ami hoite*l by machinery to
the surface above. This shaft is the
commencement of o{aratiotis in opening
a mine, and is connected by gangways
with every ehamlier worked, and some
times extends a hundred fathoms into
the earth.
A mine rnanv hundred feet deep is in
splendid working order ; tuen, and
horses, filled with animation and indus
try, throng the chainlrrs ; the sound of
the busy hammer, pick iud car enlivens
the sense, and everything in cheerful
contrast with the gloom that envelopes
all. Suddenly, by some unseen cause,
the eircuUtionio! "air is interrupted : fire
damp immediately accumulate* to an
explosive degree in some portion of tho
mini*, and an unthinking miner enter*
the region and sets the whole in a blaze,
which suffocates and consume* every
thing in reach. Such is the force of
this concussion and those succeeding,
that those out of the range of flame an'
stnnned or prostrated by tin* shock.
Their lights are blown out and the warn
ing that the explosion may tie rolling
along the rhandlers to meet them,
causes many to hurry to the nearest
shaft Unusual heaps of rubbish im
pede their progress, and they wainler in
the wild confusion to uncertain alleys,
and sink down, overcome by noxious
vapors, or are swallowed up in the seeth
ing atmosphere of flame that may pene
trate every part of the mine.
The miners of this region earn very
high wagi-s the year round when they
work. Those who are aolier and frugal
own their own house* snd save money.
The life is rather an adventurous one,
and the temptation is to sjiend their
earnings freely. The grocery bills of
some small families average fifty and six
ty dollars per month, the women declar
ing that their good meu work hard for
their money, and their only comfort is
in what thev eat and driuk. But tin*
underground work is not necessarily
more severe titan certain kinds of labor
done npoa the surface. It is seldom that
a miner will leave the works and come to
the sod to earn his living. The mining
is done at so mnch per cor, and they cau
have their own way. and in a dry' well
veatiUted mine they suffer no severe
extremes of weather, and are generally
healthy. But in mine* where the beds
are thin, and the way in and out is
through narrow, cramped alleys, filled
with fon! air, water streaming from the
roof and knee-deep on the floor, and the
air so heavy that a candle shed* no
light ten or fifteen feet awny and mnst
tie, constantly swung to keep up the
flame, then the miner's life is one of un
ending hardship, and must he endured
to be appreciated.
The tabor Question.
Some time ago it was stated that ar
rangements were making by the Trade*'
Union Hocietios, for a general strike, not
only throughout the United States, but
throughout the entire civilized world.
This labor question is aasnming formid
able proportions throughout Europe.
In England, Belgium, Franoe, Holland,
and Germany powerful organizations
exist among workmen for the ameliora
tion of their condition and for the devis
ing of schemes for the efficient proaecti
tion of the great war on capital. The
workingmeu'a committee of the varions
European societies have summoned a
general congress of workmen to meet in
Berlin at some date this Winter, and in
the summons the committee suggest as
their platform the arganization of a
general strike for the daily term of labor
and for a general increase of wngea.
Wendell Phillipe lately delivered in
Boston, a lecture, the first of a course
which he is to deliver in varions parte of
the conntry, on the labor question. Mr.
Phillips' discourse is a strong denunci
ation of the wrongs inflicted on labor by
capital, and an argument to prove that
the tendency of the present great move
ment is the equalization of property.
Mr. Tbomss Bramey, one of the largest
employers of labor in England, proposes
the adoption of the system in vogue at
sea, namely, the employment of three
seta of men to work eight hours each ont
of the twenty-four.
OIL WELUI. —One of the chief causes
for the cessation in the flaw of oil wells
is the aommnlation of paraffinc. Tor
pedoes discharged with dynamite, or
other explosive compound*, have leen
used for years as a means of removing
the paraffine. Thin device, however, not
only failed to remove the difficulty, but
even increased it sometime* by wholly
stopping np the wells. It is now pro
posed to born ont the paraffine by means
of oxygen, which is brought in contact
with it by means ef pumps and pipes.
The fire is commenced at the point near
est the surface, and is continued down
ward and out into the lateral crevices,
wherever the paraffine is located.
WATCHIKO THEM.— Forty thousand
dollars was collected on passengers' bag
gage at New York during the last year,
being a larger sum than has ever been
collected before on such goods in one
year. This is the result of the examina
tion which is considered so obnoxious.
It is estimated that in nine cases ont of
ten the owners of such baggage would
smuggle through the goods thus dis
o ivered and taxed, and cheat the govern
ment if it was not for the inspectors.
THE HUFFEREBS. —Rev. E. B. French,
Chairman of the Relief Committee,
Hartford, Wia, in acknowledging the
receipt of a remittance, states that the
losses in Chicago cannot compare with
the northern conflagrations, which des
troyed Whole families and their posses
sions, and maimed hundreds for life.
Many hundred families are, he says,
thrown upon the public for help until
ant harvest,
A Tragedian'* Utile joke.
Our of the iioldt-ht tragedians on the
stage, Charles Young, was an irrepreaat
tde/ororar in privaW- fouiety, aie> con
stwntly playing with itnpcrhilimbic gruv- :
ity, Uic tniist whimsieid pranks in pub
lic. He undertook to drive Charles
Matthews (.d/s) to Cnshiohtiry, on s visit
to the Karl of Kss.-x. Having passed
through tin* tuiiipike, and istnl tlui toll,
he pulled up at the next gate he came
to, and. addreaaing hiinaelf most pohudv
to a woman who Issued froci the toli
hfliW, inquired if Mr. , the toll-tak
er, whose name he saw alsive the door,
hap|**ned to l>e iu the way. The woman
answered that lie was not in the house,
hut that she would send for him if the
gentleman wished to see him particu
" Well, 1 am sorry to trouble you, i
madam ; but 1 certainly should like to
have a few miuute.-t' conversation with
him." replied Young
Upon this the wouian called to a little
boy : "Tommy, rtut and tell your father
a gentleman want* to a|>eak to him."
Away ran Tommy down a straight,
long path in the grounds of a uum-rv
and seedsman. the entrance to which
was close to a turnpike. Young sat bolt
upright in the tilbury, solemn and silent, j
to the astonishment Mathews, who >
naked him what ou earth he wanted with
the man.
" 1 waut to Consult hint on a matter
of btuuuess," replied Young.
After some five or six minutes the boy,
who had entered the building ou tin- ex-!
treme end of the |MVH<, reappeared, fol
lowed bv a man putting on a jacket a*
he walked, and in due time both of them
stood beside the tilbury. The man
touched his hat to Young.
" You wished to sec me, sir ? "
" Are yon Mr. —— ? "
"Ye*, sir."
" The Mr. who is cntrnst.xl to!
take the toll at this gate ? "
" Ye*, sir."
"Then yon are precisely the person
who can giro nu- tue information I re-)
quire. Yon see, Mr. , I jwid six-,
pence ut the gnU* at , und the uuui
who bsik it giitc me this little bit of pa
jwr" (producing a ticket from hi* waist
coat ps-ket), "and he assured me that
if I showed it to the pro|H-r authorities
at thift gate, I should be ollowtxl to drive
through without payment."
" Why, of course ! " said the man. '
staring with amazement at Young.
" That ticket clears this gate ? Then
yon do not require mc to pay anything
here ? "
"No ! Why, any fcad "
'• Mv dear Mr. , I'm so nmcli
obliged to you. I should have Ixx-n so
sorry to ImV# don* Anything Wrong, and
therefore, wished to have your oinnioti
on the subject. A thousand thanks.
Good morning, Mr. ."
Aud on drove Young, followed, as the
reader may easily imagine, by a volley
of imprecations and epithets of any
thing but a flittering description so
long as he wu* within heariug.
Protect lan from Poison*.
At a recent meeting of the Boston So
ciety of Me,heal Scienc*. as reported in
the owrf Smrqieai Jnnmul, the
question was discussed of the protection
acquired by the human skin against Ue
action of certain animal poisons, aftrr
re|>eated iiioculatiwu, one gentleman
claiming that the frequent inoculation of
some poisons gave a gradual immunity
from any poisonous -fleet*. He in
stanced the eflcets of mosqttito-biUw,
which he thought were more severs in
children than in adults, much more
severe iu foreigners who hud receutly;
arrived in this country than in natives,
and in support of this spoke of a whole •
family, recently arrive! from England,
which he had just warn, npon the mem
bers of which the bites of tmmquitoc*
had produced a violent eruption of the
akin resembling pemphigus. Ho thought
that the immunity derived from frequent
inoculation* was analogous to that from
vaccine matter agaiuat voriola. He said j
that he considered it ns established that
poisonous snakes were not killed by
their own poison*; iuseets, however, he
naid, did not enjoy this immunity, as
wasps and Isv* werr< known to kill each
other by their |>oison. He was sapport
ed by another gentleman, who said that
in regions where black flics alaumd.
itersous after a few years are not aflected
lv the iMiison. this immunity is not
! obtained in one season, but only after a
prolonged residence ; such persons are
bitten as nt first, but escape all the
•lisagivenblo effects from which a non
resident suffers.
of Hntland, Vermont, relates an inci
dent occurring iu his army ex|erionee,
illustrating the power of chloroform in
detecting feigned contraction of the
limits. While in Jeffemou Hospital
there came a man who had run the
gauntlet of several hospitals, having
been discharged on the ground that a
contraction of his arm. which was bent
np so that it nearlr touched his shoul
der or breast, was incurable. It was so
rigidly and firmly fixed tluxt I could not
with any strength faml the doctor is a
"heavy weight ) which seemed to me
not to* risk the breaking of his arm,
straighten it. I directed the nurses to
watch hiin at night, and go to his bed
aide, and suddenly try to straighten it.
They uniformly rejxirted that tiiey were
unable to accomplish the desired result
He was then allowed to pass out and visit
all the rum shops at will, in the hope
that under the inflnenee of alcoholic
stimulants the ease might be solved, but
it found no solution. I then put him
tinder tlie influence of chloroform, and
as soon as the chloroform Itcgan to act
his arm was straightened out, and I tied
a board on the back of it, and when he
awoke and looked at his arm, he aoid,
" Well, doctor, I suppose I will have to
go back to my regiinr-nt ?" I replied,
" That's just where yon will have to go,
my friend." He went.
FISH IS JAPAN. —Mr. llrooks writes
from Japan that the national food is
fish. Tucro is not sn ocean or river
creature that the Japs do not eat, even
sharks, and the nglier the more appetiz
ing. And most of the fish sold are not
dead fish, but living, jumping, wriggling
fish. You buy an eel all squirming.
The fish-market men bring their fish to
market in water tulw, and the fishermen
keen a huge bamboo water fish tank on
each side of the junks, into which they
throw the creatures that they haul up, or
in. Ho much is thought of the fish
here, that on a oertain festival day every
family that has had n boy born during
the year lungs out a great painted fish
to boast of it.
engineers resumed work After a- five
month's strike. Yon may, says an Eng
ligh correspondent, almost say it was
settled in five minutes. Mr.' Joseph
Oowen of The Neirautle Chrtmick, and
Mr. Philipson, town clerk, found them
selves all At once endowed with the re
quisite cleverness and good sense,
coupled with an intimate knowledge of
what both sides would insist on and
what lioth would concede. The men go
to work on a 57 honrs time-table froin
now to Jan 1, 1872, then the nine hours
pure and simple are to be the rule.
A Colorado man has organized a com
pany for catching wild horses and tarn
ing them, and it pays well.
An Agricultural I<ociuotive.
We saw recently at an agricultural fair
iu England, says a (xirraapoudaiit, s
number *f epi!H'/S of Various pstu-rns.
AU are on wheqls, *d either move
themselves or exit Is* dragged along by
hotiMvi. Due particular engine st***!
alone on the graas with steam up, and a
light blue cloud of smoke was escaping
from its slender smokestack. Near by
was a broad circular track, showing
where it ha.l l<een driven round to allow
its panes. The grass near it did not
seem to have Ixvn tujuml iu the least.
The l*>iler ro*tol upon four wheels.
The forward truck was movalde. A
small platform iu front, with a steering
wheel, showed liuw the machine axis
guided. The driviug-wbeels were six
feet in ilismetcr, and shod with rubber
tires two inches thick. The cab far the
engineer hung over the rear and earned
the coals. Tin- wuter-tuuk was under
the Kii!.*r. The exhaust steam cqukl h*
turned into this, thereby raving fuel
greatly. The cylinder, safety-valve, etc.,
were placed on top. There was a piece
of short shaftinggu top, with a fly-wheel
attached. From the wheel and shaft
power was token to drive the saw, run
the thrashing-machine, elevate the hay,
or do any farm work required.
Willi a push the train Itocks up to a
hage straw-elevator. This machine i
on who-U, and resemldes one of the ioc
elevators uiu d in our ice-house* at home.
It is u-d to lift straw in bundles to the
lofts or to the b urn ol rjeks- The eleva
tor I<eing coupled tlie whole train is
ready to start. It consist* of ths loco
motive, twelv* feet lung and weighing
seven bins, the thrasher, weighing five
tons and fifteen feet long, and tlie straw
elevator, three tons, and twenty feet—a
total of fifteen tons sua forty-seven feet
iu length.
When all is ready, the engine start*
gently and easily, takes a great sweep
over the grass and start* for one of the
entrance gate* of the fair ground*.
This gate leads to a narrow, winding
lane, wifii only room for one team.
The HigUie enters th# lone at ail angle
and the train follows after, without
touching the gate post*. It would take
a careful driver, with s docilo team, to
do as well with horse A.
Immediately on entering the lane the
engineer come* to a soft place in the
road. The wheels sink into the u.ud
and stick fast. The crowd gathers
around, and become*, after the usual
English manner, d-risive and donbtfoL
Really, if this ia the style of the horse,
he devclopc* fault* suddenly. Without
a word tlie owner stops up to the driver,
aud asks for a "claw." This is a cast
iron al,i>e, made to fit the wheels. The
gvntlfihan quickly laden* it ou; the
whei turns round, and when the >harp
edge of the claw strike* the ground the
train moves on a foot or so. Thti claw
is used again, und tho slough is easily
He remarks . " That wss an extra bad
slough. Don't meet such greasy mud
often. When we do we unshackle the
engine or use the clsws. With s chain
wv can drag tlie team through, and go
on. The engine, when alone, will pass
any ordinary mud-bole with east'."
Prinking heather In Tea.
After the many revelations recently
published on the adulteration of tea, our
tea drinkers ought to be pre}tarrd for
worse urwa than that they arc, according
to the discovery of a French savant,
consuming a quantity'of leather in their
favorite leverage, sufficient in the course
of a year, for the manufacture of a stout
pair of l>oots. The consumption of this
wholcsome article of food is not confined |
t, the drinkers of "lie tea,'"btlt includes
even stit'ii as iudtilge in the most costly
and genuine qualities, supposing them
to mix the beverage with milk or cream.
It is to this most innocuous of drinks
that wt> are indebted for the addition to
oar chori'hed evening draught of an
iugrcdicnt proverbial for its indigest
ibilitv. T<n leave* contain a portion of
tunnfo acid, which iu the liquid state is
suspended in solution. Milk, on the
other hand, contains a proportion of
wliite of egg, and the two constituents
being the main ingredient* of lesther,
readily combine on mixing tlio fluids,
lidding by the globules or leather-like
substances which tliey form to the opa
city of the compound liquid. We do
not apprehend that this disco very will
deter any of oar reader* from taking
their accustomed allowance of tea. It
may possibly, by the scientific explana
tion of the process, even mid a new
relish to their enjoyment. At any rate
they ought to be th*ankfiil to learn what
excellent powers of digestion tliey arc
gifh-d with, enabling them to digest
shoe-leather, though even this may be
no novel intelligence after the convinc
ing demonstrations furnished by their
Ntory or a Magpie.
"I will tell yon a story," says a writer,
"in regard to women who eat dainty
morsels in the absence of their lords.
There was a lady who hail a Magpie in a
cage, which talked of everything which it
saw done. Now it happem-d that the lord
of the household preserved a large eel iu
a pond, and kept it very carefully in
order to give it to some of his lords or of
his friends, in case they should visit him.
80 it happened that the lady said to her
female attendant that it would lie good
to cat the great eel ; and accordingly they
ate it, and agreed that they ueuld teil
their lord that the otter had eaten it.
And when the lord returned, the pie
begau to say to him, ' My lord, my lady
has eaten the eel.' Then tlie lord went
to his pond, and missed the eel, and he
went into the house, aud naked his wife
what had become of it. She thought to
excuse herself easily ; but he said that he
knew all about it, and tlmt the pie had
told him. The result was that there was
6 rest quarrelling and trouble in the
ouae ; hut when tlio lord was gone away,
the lady nnd Iter female attendant went
to the pie, and plucked all its feathers
from its head, saying, ' Yon told about
the eel.' And so the poor pie was quite
bald. But from that time forward, when
it saw any people who wore lmld, or had
large foreheads, tlie pie said to them,
' Ah ! you told about tlio eel."
VEHT SAD.—A lady writing from Chi
cago says, one of the saddest features is
the suffering among women in delicate
health. It is estimsited by a responsible
physician of onr city that five hundred
babes were born on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, after the fire among the
sufferers. Forty were born in lan coin
Park on Tuesday. Events of the most
heart-rending character are luing
brought to light One jmor woman on
the North Side was in bed with a babe a
few hours' old when the house canght
fire. The inmates in their flight forgot
the poor woman and her babe. She rose
from her t>ed, rapped a sheet around her
self and child, ami made her way to the
street. There she was found dead, with
the babe iu her arms.
An English journal states that last year
in the English army 41 cavalry Boldiers
were flogged, who received 19,751 lashes
in all. In the infantry 9G men received
4.H47 lashes, in the artillery 41 men
5,750 lushes, and in the engineers one
man 25 lashes, while in the militia no
case of flogging oconred. Thus, in the
cavakv, for example, each of the unfor
tunate culpits drew as his share 489
strokes of the oat, and a fraotion.
A Famous Auctioneer.
' The most eflb ieut auctioneer that ever
live.l, probably! was tie >rge By bias, ol
lsindon, who flourished sUitit thirty of
forty years ago. His oilvertiaementa
wore marvelous pieces of composition,
which none of his successors in the
same buainnss have ever succeeded in
imitating. He was a very " Admirable
C'richtou," a man of universal know
ledge, never at a loss, aud with a ja>wr
of ittawuifying the good qualities of the
wares It* was sclliug, such afl flo auctAran
eer, before or since his day, has ever
E recused. It was a literary treat to see
in sell a library ; but the place host
fitted for tlie display of lua abilities,
was the rale of a fine country house.
In IH2O, the magnificent FonthiJl
Abley, ownwl by the brilliant Beckford,
came"to tlie hammer. That it would be
knocked down for one quarter of its real
Value seemed inevitable, but Robius
was ermal to the eiiiergency. Taking
the oJvaufcq;* of tjio groat fan" Of
Beckford, and the rumoiw which de*
crilied tlie house as surpassing the grand
ret palaces of the East in sumptuoua
elegance, ho announced that no one
would be admitted to view the bouse
who did not purchase a catalogue— tmce.
one guinea. The fashionable world felt
bound to see these wonderful sights,
and rushed in crowds to buy catalogue*.
Eighty thousand of tliem were sold, aud
ritople journeved from all parts of the
ingdouj. to j'-ast their eyes on the mar
velritts Fon thill. Iu the height of the
fnmr* the sale began, and lastel thirty -
three days. The abbey was knocked
down for A3!tO,UOO—a third more than
it* worth. Picture*, furniture, etc..
brought fabulous sums. Raphael's Saint
Catherine sold for Jt&.'AoO, and the con
tent* of the bona* realized the enormous
sum of ALOW.OOO.
Once Robins bad to sell, amongst (be
effects of a deceased merchant, silver
ware amounting to over six hundred
ounces. Duplicatre of the piecM had
lanni male in HheffieUl ware, for doily
use, and by some accident, the real sil
ver. tu thi' flrat day of sale, jrsa knock
ed down as plated. The tieft day, the
Hhi ffl.-hl ware being put up. iU real
character was at ouee discovered. The
purchaser* of th* silver disappeared,
aud ltobina promptly paid tha loss out
Of his own pocket.
The Swedes is Maine.
In manners the Sw i'das who have set
tled in Maine are said to lie modest and
retiring, but noticeably kind, obliging
and courteous. To strangers they show
the politest attentions, and tender them
the Wannest hospitalities. They are al
so kindly considerate df e*eh otbar's hap
piness and wj lfsre, and train their child
ren into strictest habits and morality,
obedience and |*diteuea*. Their dress is
at present s strange mixture of American
and Swedish costume*. Those who re
tain the national dross wear wooden
shoes, made long and low, painted black,
and with hfgh heels and p tinted or turn
ed up toe*. The dress of the men does
not otherwise differ from tbe various eosj
tutnes seen in our own country, save that
they are of somes hat antiquated pattern*.
The costumes of the women and children
are quaint sud queer enough. Tbe wo
men and girls all wear h&nkerchiefs
made of the nicest silk, folded with great
ear* over their heads, and tied firmly luit
softly under their chin, looking vnrv odd,
to be sure,but at the same time lotii sen
sible, pretty sud comfortable. A long
narrow apron is also an indispensable
appendage to a complete toilet. The
dress itself has generally a straight, full
skirt, with em or two" tucks, a plaint
short, round waist, and short, straight,
sleeves. The little children look funnv
enough clad precisely like father and
mother. The panted, reeled and catt
ed little boys, end the nice little maidens
in loug dnwses, narrow aproua and ker
chief*, demurely and soberly tied under
the Pbiu, presold the appearance of
dwarfed editions of manhood and woman
hood. Some of the ladies have dispens
ed with the kerchief, and supplanting
their places arc successfully-attempted
chignons, surmounted by fiat straw lints.
Quite a number of silk dresses, s few
gold chains and some nice jewelry were
also conspicuous. It is to pa remember
ed that tficse colonists are BT no tdeant
poor, but hrtmght with them a deal of
baggage and money.
A Cohan Execution.
Lopez haajtieen executed in Havana.
Having IHH-U condemned by court-mar
tial he wan garrotod at the aide of the
Castle of the Principe and outside the
city.. He sainted the crowd, ahowing
the shackles which pinioned him, when
at the foot of the step* leading to the
platform, and the officers in charge of
nim—volunteers— fearing that he might
address the People, harried him up the
steps, wounved as he was. When he
aat down on the bench it was found to
I* too low to allow his neck to come up
to the fntal Iron collar. The second
time he ant down he waa too high. At
last, after the fifth attempt, the garmte
waa adjusted round his throat. The in
strument waa ao badly arranged that it
broke on the firat twist given to the
crew by the executioner, and then the
victim had to be lifted np, while with
his head hanging in the collar the gar
rote waa repaired. When 1/opex sat
down the seventh time, he seemed to
strain his nerves for one supreme effort,
and lifting his liands to Heaven, veiled
forth in a voice heard by the whole as
sembled crdwd, " Death to Spain !"
What followed Is conceivable only of
cannibals. Two volunteer officers as
cended to the platform, and to prove
that their victim waa really dead, they
lifted him from the beuch several time*,
tbey made the executioner give several
more twista to the •crew, and took the
face of the oorjiae—which was an undis
tinguishahle mass of bloody flesh, with
the eyes protruding from the sockets—
in their hands, turning it toward the
How He Hid IU
A certain burglar, otxbeing taken to
Ring Sing prison was asked what was
his profession ? "A hank clerk," said
he. He then told the following story to
illustrate how he obtained his profession.
The method is certainly ingenious, though
not to be recommended for general
'•I was watching a country bank for
some little time, and I noticed that the
paying teller wore a striped coat and
straw hat The clerks left the bank at
about 1 o'clock for dinner. I got a
straw hat and a striped coat, and for
several days took my seat on the steps
of the bank. One day I saw my oppor
tunity. The paying teller and most of
the clerks were out I went In, pulled
off my hat and coat, hung them np
where I bad seen the teller hang his, and
went around to the desk. The books
were open, oud here and there were
piles of bills. I went to work at the
Docks, and made the moat remarkable
entries ever recorded in the books of
suy bank in this world or any other. I
pocketed the bills one after another, and
putting on my coat and hat, I went
on my way fifteen thousand dollars bet
ter off than ever I was before."
A Michigan doctor who was arrested
because his patient died, has been acquit
ted on the ground that he did the best
he could, giving all the medicine he
knew the names of.
About Fresh Air.
A Hootch journal aa fu that whoetfif
sWua uncomfortably aool will get
To bai#t the window sky high wh*n th*
mercury II flt aero i* MI abaurdfbr, Tho
cooler a sleeping ajmrtiuwnt la f* m<wa
unhealthy doM it lieootne, beeanae hn4
coiidonae* the carbonic acid formed bj
the breathing of the sleeper. It settlea
near the floor, and is rc-breathed, and
If in a very condensed form be will die
before morning. Hence we mast be
governed by ctrcumaUncea: the first
thing ia, fon must I* comfortably warm
during sleep, other-wire tod, grg not re
freshed, and inflammation ft the lungs
may oe cngeradared, aud life deatrovffl
within a very few day*. An open door
snd an open fire-place are salflctent fur
ordinary porpoaM in cold weather.
When outer wtudow* are opened, It is
well to have them down at the top two or
three iucbaa, and up at the bottom for
tha same spam, ia miauutc localities,
and these are along the water courses,
beside mill poul#. roW**, biwmaca,
river bottom*, flat i*UnK dnd the like.
It is the most important from the W
August nCti! aevaral sevgre (rust* hare
be* noticed, to sleep triih *H external
doors and windows closed, because''
cool air of sunset causes the condensation
of the poisonous emanations which were
caused by the beat of noonday mm to
rise far above the eaidh. This oonden -
nation makes the air "heavy "by the
great solidification of the emanation* by
coldt there resting on the snrfam of
the earth iy the more concentrated and
malignant form, they are tireatbffd Into
the iunga and swallowed into the sto
mach, oorrnpting and jrcnasiung tha'
blood with great rapidity. By dayligbt
there condensations are made so rem
part by tbe pMtnrtod wotoM of the
sight they in too near tbe surface of
the earth to be breathed into the sys
tem ; but as the sua osgut* to aaeead
these heavy condensation* Iwgia to rise
to the height of several feet above the
ground, and are freely taken into the
system by every breath and swallow ;
hence, the hours of sunrise and sonnet
are the moat unhealthy hours of the
twenty /our in the looaUtasa named ; and
noontide, when the adn is hottest, is
the most healthy portion of the day, by •
eauae the miasma is so much refilled
tlttt it r*e*mls rapid)? to the ujper re
gions. Tbe general Vwtoua are First,
to avoid exposure to the outdoor air in
miasmatic localities for the hours in
cluding sunrise and sunset. Keoond,
hsving s biasing Are on the bearth of
the family room at these hours to rwnfv
and send' the miasma upward. Third,
take breakfast before going out of doors
in the morning, and take tea before
sundown ; then being out at night is
not injmloax, ♦
The Mary if the Wrecked Whalers.
Tbe following article was signed by thd
Captain* of the thirty-three wrecked
whale** !
" Know all men by this* peasant*—
That we, Master* of whale ships no*
lying at Point Belcher, after holding a
meeting concerning our dreadful situa
tion, have all coma to the conclusion
that our ships cannot be got out this
year, and there being no hanxir that we
i-ould get our vessel* into, and not hav
ing provisions enough to feed our crews
to exceed three months, and being in s
barren country where there is neither
food nor ftiel to be obtained, we feel
ourselves under the painful necessity of
abandoning our Teasels and trying to
work our Bay south with our beats, and,
if possible, get on board of the ships
that are smith of the ice. We think it
would not be prudent to leave a single
soul to look after our vessel* as the first
westerly gale will crowd the Ice ashore,
and eitner crush tbe ships or drive them
liard upon the beach.
-■ Three of the fleet have already leen
crushed, and two are now half oot of
the water which have len crushed tor
the ice, and are leaking badly. We
| have five wrecked crews distributed
among us. We hate barely mom to
swing at anchor between the pack of It*
and tne beach, aud are lying in three
fathoms of water. Should we be cast
niton the lwaob, it would be st least
eleven months belure we could look for
assistance, and in all probability nine
dot of ten of the men would die of
wtanmtioe or scurvy liefore the opening
of the Spring. Therefore, we haTe
arrived at this conclusion, after the its
turn of our expedition under command
of Captain P. Frmxer, of the Florida,
he having with whale boats worked to
the southward as far as Blossom Shoals,
and found that the ice pressed ashore
the entire diatauoe from our |osition in
the Shoals, leaving in several places only
sufficient depth of water for our boats
to pass through, and thus liable st soy
moment to be frosen over during the
! twenty-four hours which would cot off
i ottr return even by the boats, as Captain
Frarer had to work through a consider
able quantity of young ice during his
etiwMtltion, which cut up his boats bad
HoanrabE.—While we of this country
, have lieeu suffering much from fire,
| China and India nave l<een visited by
desolating floods, which have done an
enormous amount of damagtv A Tient
sin correspondent of the Norlk Ckima
Hrrald says that after the partial sulmi
denee of the great floods, many human
bodies were found floating about in the
east plain. The distress of the inhabi
tants was great, and thousands of them
would probably die for want of food.
The bank* of the Yung-ting river—an
nfllnent of the Poiho —haa burst aud oc
casioned the mischief. Southern China
also was suffering, and Ixxliea of drown*
ed persons were floating past Swatow.
In India the city of Jouopore, contain
ing over twenty-five thousand Inhabi
tants, haa been dissolved and borne
away by the rising waters of the river
Oumti.' This disaster was accompanied,
or rather preceded, by deficient harvest*,
and the wnole section of the country is
in the deepest distress.
POTATO®. —lf kept itt pit* over winter,
select a drv spot, cover with dry straw,
and then 'throw over it three or four
inches of soil. Let them remain BO until
winter is about to set in. Then put on
tiHOther /oyer /Wrote, six or eight inches
thick, and cover with soil M belore. Thia
mitldle layer of straw, acting; as dead air,
will do more to keep out frost than a
foot of solid earth, and saves a great deal
of hard work.
CHICAGO POLUKO Pbxcm. —The poll
ing places for the Chicago election
were iu the localities designated for
them before the fire, whore temporary
structures were erected. It was deemed
illegal to hold them elsewhere, and so,
although there were no inhabitants upon
several square miles of area, the former
residents came tiack to the ruins of their
homes and cast their votes.
THE FENIAN OATH.— The following is
a copy of a Fenian oath, found on the
person of a prisoner : "In the preaenoe
of God I do solemnly swear that I will
do my utmost to establish the national
independence of Ireland, and that I will
hear true allegiance to the S. Ci of the
I. R., and will obey the orders of the
offloers of the S. C. of the L E. So
help me God."
Here is a new field for rivalry: A
Lanoesville man, eighty-seven yean old,
was born when his father was seventy
eight, and he wants to know if there is an-,
other man living wboee father was bojo
one hundred ajTd sixty-five yaara ago.
TERMS : Two Dollars a Year, in Advance.
The Weaiwi ef Tlah.
The Bell lUke roiTrapowWa* a! the
Sacramento Vmtam girse the toUowiug as
a* copy of ®* ffTwr rigoed wenf
1,800 wottiro of i uili, firil iorwwSed by
tlx-m to Washington in iWowt f
'rwtmon Of TBS MOB*'* Wowb*.—
Vn. PrtMtiml fhmmti lluimrad lady,
deeming it proper fer fIWBiW
to kkhb, we, Latter-day Haini fab**
of t üb. take tbe liberty of prvforriug
oor humble audcwruata petition foryour
kindly end generous aid; not nwsrolvbe
cense you ere tbe wife of the Chief
Magistrate of our et nation, but we
hUi ere induced to appeal to m be
oeitfe Of rtfrt fig* trnMmm tor nobility
end exoetomdPOf rfwwaotor. itoberfag
that you, e. ell true •JtiMta * J'
(for in our ttaitnation every wtfo mwww
611 the ponition of counselor to her hue
bend;, possess the confidence of end
here modi influence with hie Excellency
President Grant, we rarnetaiy sotidtthe
rurmr of thst influence with him in
befarif of our huebeode, father*, aone
end brothers, who ere now being exposed
to the rauraeroas policy of of
Federal oAmi. infant *m the drain*-
tiuu of en honest, hmppt, Mmttimm
ASd prosper**** people. We hate brata*
no oonstituflotMu lew, violated no obliga
tion, either netion el OT eeetkael; we
rmare the aecred t'onditaflcu of our
country, and here evar been enioMW
loving sod la*-abiding people. We be
lieve the lustitntton of marriage to hare
been ordained of God. and therefore
subject to Hie all-wise direction It is e
divine rite end not • eiril contract, and
hence no otea unauthorised of God ma
that God diisneieatly institute the order
of plurality of wires, ahd mnthcnsf<\ ens
honored it in the edrent of the Sew* f
the world, whew* birth an tte mamet *
ndr WUM in that poljrg*mo* ■*
He hwtified to Hie norma* John, on the
Isle of Rations. saying; * I am the wet
end the offspring of David.' And we
not onlv Iwlieve but most assuredly
know that the Almighty has restored the
fulineea of the everlasting Gospel through
the prophet Joseph Smith, end with it
the phnufitr of wires. Thi* we accept
tea pro(y "dfriae institution. With ue
it la a matter ftmsnenc*, knowing that
God commended its pflfakta Our Ter
ritorial la we make adultery and Itasa
tJoueoeas penal ofifensea, the brasch of
Which subject* the offender to line and
imprisonment. Tacts laws era being
basely subverted by our Federal officers ;
who,'after uuacrupukmaly wroatiog tbe
Territorial office* from their legitimate
holders, in order to cany out suicidal
acbemra, are substituting lieentiouaorae
for the mcred order <ff marriage, and
•eelring by thrne meaanrea to facanwrai*
the moat moral and upright men of this
Territory, end thus destroy the peace!
sod prosperity Of this entire community, j
They evidently design to ewer those j
conjugal, parental and fraternal tfooi
rhtab are dearer to us than oor lives.
We appraeiAtr ear husbands as highly as
it is possible for too. honored madam, to
appreciate room. Thev have no Intcreste
b'HuTh as we share in common with
Uiem. If they are prosecuted, we are
prosecuted aba; if they are imprisoned,
we and our children are left unprotected.
As a community w# love pence and pro
mote it Our leaders are preoe-mekatu,
and invariably stimulate the people to
pacific measures even when subjected to
tbe snneiet tionstioe. President Brig
h*n Young aM arveral of hi* associates,
allnobte and philanthropic gentlemen,
are already nndcr indictment, to bv ar
raigned before parked Jury, mostly
non-resident*, for the crime of bcentious
nem, than which a more cmtrag*<rtft ah-
Hurditv eoukl not exist Under these
forbidding ana dhiel sheumstanom, dear
Madam, our moat fervent petite* to too
is, that through the sympathy of VOW
womanly heart you will persuade the
President to remove the malicious dis
turber, of the peace, Or at last that he
will atop the disgraceful Court phnii
iugs. sad send from Washington a com
mittee of raudtd, intelligent, reliable
men, who shall inveftlgate matters which
involve the right of property-"perhaps j
of life ; and mow than au, the oontaitu
tioual liberties of more than lUO,(*X)
citixens. By doing this too will be the
honored instrument, in the hand of God.
of preventing S foul disgrace to tbe
present Administration, and an eternal
Idol on our national escutcheon. For
which your petitioners will ever pray.
A Railroad AccMeat Prereated.
A oorrrapondeut at Richfield, New
Yoik. writes: Four freight cars, hranly
laden witti lumber and merchandise, hml
been brought opto the junction near
Oassvilto T*y a coal train. Tba freight
oars ware sarstoariy nu.- erisd on sjgade
of 85 feet to the utile and immediately
twgan backing toward Utira. They gain
fdmomentdmnt a frarfnl rate, and all
efforts to stop thctu by throwing rail*
and other obstructions upon Hie track
weeti ineffective. A train hail left for
Utira but olgilt mingtet before, and every j
one was wvU swara that the heavy bright
oars would in a few minutes go cTSSTfrng
into its roar. FcwrUioatriy the engfaeof
the coal train stood cm s swith, and En
gineer Feirw At otiee determined to give
the flying cars a chase. Aft bonds n< "> !
to the post of duty, the signal is gtrtßl,
and the fearful race is begun.
There in awful danger ahead, for if the
workman should have the rails up or the
firing cars themselves should leave the
track, every man would be in eternity fa
an instant Mile after mile tbe chase is
kept up and the locomotive gains inch
by inch. At last the fugitives are over
taken ; the critics! moment has com*. A
mistake and all to over;, the flying cms
will ontv be hastened in their flight by
the collision. But tbe fireman and brake
man are reaching down from the rear of
the tender, one with the draw-bar and
the other with the oouplfag-pfa. The
cars touch ; the draw bar skilfully guided
enters the socket, and the pin drops to
its place! The danger is oyer, the speed
gradually checked, and fa a few minutes
the engine and the rescued oars are again
climbing the grade i °
deed of the engineer and his faithful as
sistant* was one of true heroism, and
will long be remembered by those fa the
crowded passenger train which was bnt
a few hundred feet fa advanoe of them
and whoae lives they saved at the immi
nent risk of their own.
Twit Cicaisax Massacbb. — From [fur
ther advices concerning the Los Angeles
(Chinese) maasarce, we glean thai the
majority of those lynched were innocent
of the crime for which they suffered, and
that most of the guilty ones have escaped
during or after the time of the riot. Retri
bution, however, will follow. Yo Hfag,
the shooter of Officer Bilderrain, is in
jail, and two Americans are also abiding
in the same place—one for breaking
open a trunk fa a China house, and the
other for robbing the Chinese doctor,
while hanging, of a dimond ring—which
waa found fa a pawn-shop. Others have
been " spotted as having something to
do with the lynching and plundering and
the officers " shadow" them day and
night. 1
A young lady who has been married
nix months, says it is all nonsense to talk
about love fa a cottage. There is more
Jove fa a full flour barrel than all the
roses and pose# wd woodbine that flw
Kgjeyawat ef Mil*
Tt Mtteaute o titfla. t *JB Mn#,
Jifmnti STeESiB fc warl/ttkemraf
• '•"l * v"T jp *
How Merwl sbonM that one Ut* mm he
Hour after hour still kfnritig im mm apofi t
■ ■■
Facts and Fanriw.
Vegetable philowiphy ~ag advice, i
Mill-dew—Wages at the factory girl*.
What drees is awet durable ♦ A katiit.
A cowardly amault—To beats retreat.
The bent plaew for the bUiid--The me
The population of Utah ta now 180,*
JtWky concerns —lamr/mm oomps-
Tbe torch of hymen—The domestic
Coning to grief-Meeting trouble
Light employment—budding oaatlea
in tltV Air.
Tlie grandest verw in exiatence—Tbn
A woman e pride and aaallor'a guide
—The needle.
When hi a bow not a bow f When
it's a bow-fag*.
The moat anything to bmwnc
woman—Why, a utile garb
Whv is the ntn like a good kwf f Be
c.raae it's light whan it rwes.
ltoM man would fain leave weQ
alone is ha therefore a pump ?
What sort of ascent is a desosktr A
trip Bp, for it brings you down.
Why ass birds melancholy la As
morning f Beraos* their little bills SM
i 0 over-dew.
What ta the easiest way fw a bad
rider to show bimaelf off ? To .stone
fptrited hone.
Why aw young ladies so pmrislto
raoU sad twilight 1 Because they aw
laughter, of Eve.
In too many lamentable iataamwe. the
" lata seeue of all this strange, eventful
atatory'i is kerrnone.
One hundred and twenty-atae eeheol
kwcJuoe were thrown out of smptay
meut by the Oriwgo flro.
A qnery tor mothers-Why is • seinam
ng baby like the goddeaa of morning f
Beeaaae it's a roarer (Aurora.)
Liberal advertisers are the mm who
'• m#*nbuaineee." Those who dim Y ad
rerltae only do a aaaan barinem
"Pataa," mid mailwrtohar oca.
'• are yon into them eweotowmU, again ?'
"80, mn'am them eumitineafa M into
of riotfi, made without alaovee,
with deep rape, lined with crimson silk,
uv very tayliah garmenri tor yuan.
Inviolable fidelity, good burner and
Bf H inrmbto
-ocmm one ilanrihfir a bate as one who
keens talking to yon shout himself, when
yon aw extremely anxious to talk to him
sJjKrtiit vouneH.
Throe Providence faariUm haw named
their cats: Maegtauns Loagtail, Nioo
demoa Prachblomom, ami Joaephas
What should be done to the ariiool
mooter who planted his pupil* up to their
necks in the garden beds, and arid he
did H to utonkl their character,?
m yw Mxkwtitute oaa there be few the
ondcacmenla of one'aamtor ? " esdaim
ed Mary. M Tbe endearments of same
other fellow's sister," replied John.
" I hope this hand is not roemtodeii- "
■rid a lover, as be was toying with Wi
sweetheart's hand. " The beta way to
fl„d out U to ring it," was the reply.
Thousands of fanas in France and Om*
many aw divided one bom another only
bv a narrow path; in this country the
Xtof fencraVratimsted at *300,000,-
The Russian style of Dram is to be
adopted here this* Winter, d Imnneta.
ptoka. boots, dresses, cloaks ondvefla
arc to be trimmed with aU sorts and
kinds of tor.
The following edvarttoement wand
in a London Dtacphiic--tV antol.
the amliifn of * kind, judicious tody,
used to girl*, and aecutacmed to apply
the birch rod.
Awarding to the Erngk* bmkpmdmi
there ate 8.665 Con . gsttoual
braidra about 8,000 premhing "atariona.
in the British empire. The number of
minister, is 2,908.
Butter was alflrat madeftw aeramette.
and was once used tor Uhmunating pur
poaea. D wuaiwt known man aaautant
in drapatehing breed, much, if any, be
fore the Christian *•
A 8L Lotus lawyer attempted to hT *
ease the other day while be wu# half
drunk, but tbe JvAge .topped torn,
ino ;_• So lawyer can practice at two
bars at the same trine. "
An old-fashioned receipt for obtaining
a brilhont complexam wee to bathe urn
face in verr hoi water, and then to wash
it thoroughly in Rhine uine, and rub off
with a courw hamfa towel
Near Manistee, Mich., is a well thirty
one feet deep, fa which thera m aban -
daat supply of water when the wtud
blow, from the weta, but which is 11
when it oomea from the easl
So much fun has bean made of Eras *
Groetay as a tmxam MksA flfcm A*afarwgw
balahaObe eboliSSfmlS Greeley pro
claimed the national game."
Twelve men out of thirteeo wrar their
hair parted cm the toft ritto of thr
he*b-wbyt Because nearly aU of our
bartmre use their right band ra their
profession Instead of the left.
" The service will lata throe Of
foar months only, and will be a aouroe
of health, pleasure and profit to aU who
In Hamilton, Ohio, s few days rinw
a fee of crota wrollectod
from *ll perron* who entered a church
for the purpose of
The monev was given to the young
couple to start them fa life.
In the Jewish Marriage ememony the
their gentlemen friend#, rod a gtoas is
used to diink wine, which is broxHi to
piece# at the concfnsion of the oere
At a horse esse tried in Maasachtmrtte,
the other day, one witoees, on being
asked what kind of medirane was oned
ia the treatment of the diLfwUtod am;
..i mid that "he would be busted u
he kaowed, but he ryfaer gura#ed it was
A Vermont man who tost' Fall took the -
agency for the sale of a patent pitchfork,
and signed what he supposed was an
order for a specimen, was lately surprised
bya notice from a neighboring bank
that his note for 890* was due-at that
At a tote New York wedding nil tho
bridesmaids and the brides woro high
necks and long sleevra. The bndtes
maids were all dressed alike in blue silk,
and all came up the aisles in a tody
dose together. This Mrrsnoemmft wss
much prettier thgu the usual somewhat
straggling procession.
fJmxxD.—Eighteen hundred sheep and
six horses brought through from Cana
da by Bugg A MeFarland, were seated at
Whfle Kvor Junction, by a Custom#
officer- to' nnder-valnation. The train
on which they were loaded had backed
over from Want Lebanon and was about
to start. Twelve car-loads were sewed
at Boxbury.
laox.—At a recent meeting of the
London Society of Civil and Meehamral
Bngineers, one of the members, Mr.
DawMO, remaiked that if wrought iron
work was always immersed fa bothng
linseed oil before leaving the
tory, and afterwards painted with four
or five ooats of the nest o*l Pnt- st
would effeotnally ktsp *k Jtoro
oQiTodfaf for tasßf ysgis.
NO. 46.