The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 17, 1871, Image 3

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FRIDAY, KOV. IT., 1871.
LOCAL HEWS.-Oar friend* will oblige
u by sending in any item# of local inter
st, including deaths, marrUgej, v\,
such are esgnrly read by your friend# IU
ill# wMLmtny of whom get the Reporter.
\Ve would #toem it a favor if our kind pa
tron# would occasionally mail a copy o!
the Reporter to relative# and acquaintan
ces who formerly lived in Centre county
rid removed to other pact*, which would
induco many to become subscriber*.
The circulation o! the RKFORTKR, on
side of the ©twin ty, is now greater
than that of any two )*pvrs in the
county, hence business nii'.i who wish
to roach the Ponnsvalloy trade, wilt
avivanco their own interests, by advell
RISING in the KKPORTKR. Our aubecrir
tion list is ojxra to the inspection of al/
wito wish to advertise.
IIALBKX Foexrvis FXX,— Something
new and novel. Be sure and read the ad
vrtiscwent in our paper, headed '"Great-
Invention of the Age." Wo believe
the Golden Fountain iVn i* unsurpassed.
A good pen i* a ueee- ity to every man,
woman and child. Agents, here is a
chance to make money in introducing a
!"• 1 and saleable article. jau 5?7 ,V. i
fix v \ NOTICR. In accordance with
L an act of A---amblv, notice i* hereby j
given to the citiaor.s of Potter, from whom .
taxes for school purjev, oa for the present j
ve .r are due, that on alt aucli taxes.
1 tot lie umiersigiud Treasurer, at his i
MKt on or bef.>re loth ot November
next there wiH he a deduction of five per i
contain. On ali taxes paid within uie !
i 1:1 th after sanl date no do taction will be .
idc. U.i 1 tUi.' up >n all school taxes re-!
maitting unpaid after December l&Uk next j
there will be an addition of five per cen-i
turn. Bv order of the Hoard.
aug&Sm Treasurer :
• -+■- ♦— -
lVoplehav* bctitaahuiubuggesi with.
dirtr, pooioa hair preparations. I
that they hail with delight the new 1
article styled Nature's I lair Kestora j
tive. Clear as crvatul, and it does the
work most effect nail. See advertis
uteni. 2t
FIRE. —On Inst Thursday night, be
tween 8 and 9 o'ehieK, the large straw ]
stack, in front of Mr. Daniel Durst's
b.itu, two utiles from here, wits discov
ered do be on tire, and was entirely
c tisuiaed. Mr. Durst's family hail
j,. red to bed just a short time, when
the i-gbi was discovered, and they, |
with the early arrival of neighbor*
and a parly of Suit's railroad Lauds,
who hastened to the sp t, save,! tie
d struction of the !a*ge and fine bam,
ami it was only with the greatest diffi
cult) they succeeded in saving it,
Thcbara was sever !y scorched. Ilis
surmised that the stack was set ou fire,
is: order to burn the barn," and thi
villain who did it, came wgh haying
h: devilish plau executed. A little j
favorable wind, at the time, aud the
bam would scon have been a heap ot
r- . with ali its valuable contents.
BOY WANTED. —An honest, smart
c y, desiriug to learn to be a printer
ami editor, is wanted at this office.
; c right sort of a boy will be receiv
ed itno the editor's family. —Aesris-
i -rest Demoerat.
A "smart boy" over this way wish
c- to know whether by the closing
s lttnce iu the above paragraph, the
t .it. r means to say that he want's a
devil to become his son-in-law !
Jlifflin County.
TheTiua Democrat rays:
On Tuesday the case of common
wealth vs. Wnltcr (>, indict
ed for selling liquor to miuom nn.l cn
."sundays, was tried. Verdict guilty.
A petition has been uunferously
dgm-d for his pardon.
\\ mM. Walker was convicted of
h rsc stealing, and Rennet and Mc-
C mb for robbing Flemmirgd store.
Orders have aiready leeii isued for
g it'.ngotit the necessary poles, for
i e er xti'in o"teiegtaphic wires along
the whole length of both the Suubury
and Jx-wistowuand the Mitfi.n and
Centre County RR.
Tim Gazette says:
JauifsStrunk, cue of the hands ofEs
icrlinc'sdiviaion cn the Pa.Uß.whileat
work near the culvert at cterrett's
farm, in Granville township, on Fri
day afteruomi lu.-t, seeing a freight
train approaching, stepjied on the
• thc-r track, and was almost instantly
killed by a passing train, having
naid fairly split open and being
thrown 20 or 30 feet.
Mr. Fulton, aged a!i.ut 70 years,
captured a buck, the other day, in a
field, about three niiles east of this
place. The deer cause running to
ward* Mr. I'jilton. and when quite
close he hit it upon the head with*
stone, which stunned it
ioenablehim tograpleit by the horn*,
when be succeeded in cutting it*
throat with his pocket Inife. A dog
which was in pursuit.Tamc to his as
sistance afler he bail taken the buck
by the horns.
THE WEATHER. —The weather lust
we*k wa* rather cold, hut clear. On
Tuesday, 14th, it rained all day. and
during part of tho night. Next morn
ing the Mountains south and north of
us were white with snow. Wednes
day, *lsth, we had a snowstorm, the
wind blowing fiercely ail day.
On Thursday morning it was very
cold and *tor*ny an d the ground eov
ric"l *iightlv with snow.
imrv -icxL tb" we '' koWII fi"' l vfi
Hir'fh A Br'.., will leave Milroy for Ku
rope, and therefore they mu*t mid will
l! off their large nifd well relected Uck
of Clothing, at the very lowwt figure*
They therefore advise :beir friend* and
i telomere in Centre county, not to let thi
rsre opportunity to pas*. u there ate rtwl
y K „od bargain* to be had. They make it
an object to off.-r such inducement* t"
• u c ir patron?, a* will enable the n to und
it profitable to lay in two or three *'•*
u time, us they.must dip<-e of the woca
between this and next month.
Their stock complete in al kinds oitliw •
inc. and the prices are M> low that people
in that section are parch**
es, and Centre county people are advi*e<l
oi'thi* chance for bargains too.
Come one—Coine all —Men and ly*
for the good* must be sold.
llli.scH <Jc Bro.
novl~.2t Milroy.
wish Outre Ilall boys to
understand that a printing office is no
place for loafing, and that we do not
wish them to talk to the compositors at
their cases, and crowd so closely upon
them as to be in danger of having
their toes trumped. It is also one of
our rules that boys keep hands off of
all books, papers and material. We
aiso wish boys to understand, that
when light can be seen at our office
windows, in the evening, that that is
not to be considered by them as a
jial to come and lounge around in
this office. Since the printed rules
; >ut up iii our office are not heeded by
boys, we print them in the KEPOBTEK,
and shall he glad to have them strich
ly observed.
The tiiue for the running of train*
ii awl from Miflliuburg, litis been
as follows:
Truiu Reaves at 7 in the moruiug,
returns J2 noon ; leaves at 3in
the nftermmu, end arrives at Miliiiu
iiurg at 8 iu the evening.
Says a late issue of tho Philadelphia
1 Cify It? m : Ingenuity hits born taxed
jto find the *urost and most direct
) moans of teaching the public, and tho
business man who would advertise a
specially, and get the greatest go< d
out of the greatest nunthei', in tho
shortest space of time, is compelled to
go to Geo. P. Howell Co., of New
York, for ad vice. Why to this house '
Because it is the head and front of tho
advertising business It is prompt,
possesses the confidence of all the
nouses which advertise most
In another column, our correspond
ent. Paul Ward, gives a very interest
ing sketch of the early history of the
Moravians, which will repay perusal.
For the Reporter.
L. C. A S V. Kftil Road.
From the great uumber of slake# to te
teen frim the turnpike a hort distance from
| tho Old Fort, be-penkra thai our engineers
I' have not been ivile within the past few da,\,
and they #cm determined to takeadrau-
I lage of the line weather, owing to the fret
1 that the serviie, of the former engineer#
i w ere wanted on the line of pie South \Vet
IVnn'a Railroad
I The service* of C. 11. Spearing, K>p, of
[Lack Haven, formerly af the Cosni Valley
railroad, have been secured, and with hi#
ia#, -tents Mr (1 B. Campbell, of Belief mte
| and U. W. Bryan, of Fbilndalphla, have
i been actively engaged in slaking out thai
J portion of their divisin from Spring Mill#
| to Oak liall.
hike the Central Valley Railroad, the
first narrow gauge projected in tho I'nit -d
! Stat,-#, the grading, bridge# ar.d culvert# ,
: are all that can be desired. The manner
•in which the weatern division ha# thus far 1
i progressed, is a jut encomium on the
' skllftil management of the contractor#.
; Vandyke and Brother and Col. Moore
' ably assisted by Mr. Lynch, their foreman,
I an experienced railroad man.
j The work i going on rwpid'y, and from j |
j, very appearance there i# nothing objee
' Lettable in curvature and gradients.
The work ea-t <>f Spring Mill# under the
able uianagoin, ni of the I*. A of the road.
W. 11 Snyder Eng., aud aids, E. Reberand [
11. Boal, show* that they aredstcrminml
to hurry thing- through.
Fur the Reporter.
LeiUel, formerly a resideat of this place.
BOW a student efthe SeliixgrovcSeminary
ou lu-t r-abbnth. preached in the Lutheran
and Retoyned church. The pcple ot th,
comtnunify were highly pleased by thi
favorable sermen. We believe if he will
improve the remainder of hi* time in the
Seminary, a# rapidly as hi ha# the past
yean, he will become an able and *ucc**-
fu! worker in the great work he i* purtu
ing NVe wish hint the greatest succe**,
and hope he will call soon again. M.
Those who wish to lake a relisiou* pa
psr, sound in us principles ami f-srle-s in
th>* ndvocscy of th* truth—which at the
same time has a Department of Secular
News, and exproaee- freely its views on
public affairs, maintaining the riaht n 1 de
nouncing corruption wherever it is found
—will find it in the New York OHr.*\ e*
The Publisher* announce that it will en
ter upon its J übileo year in 1872. and that
the event will '<• signalize 1 by the issue of
a Nkm Y KAR-ltooK, an encyclopedia of
information and statistic* n regard to
the Church. and civil an I business affairs,
such as can be gathered only from an ex
tensive Library. This will k> scnt"freo to
eaory subscriber t.> tho naper. Copies of
the OasEUYEK ami a Pro-peel us of the
YEA a- BOOK sent free to every one who
will apply. New Sulracrihera will receive
the paper free until January Ist.
The iVsnrri for November, is a pleas
ant number, all the little ones will be de
lighted with it.
of the few'-clt arc publishd
at the present day for the radical benefit of
readers,—i represented on our table by
its November number. The content
should interest every live member of our
community. James MclV'h, President
of Princeton ; The Educated Man in Amer
ican Society ; Aiex'rll. Stephens; Thoughts
ot Phrenology; The Tscsli and Yieayans ;
Healthy or Diseased Children ; "b ill up
the (Mental) Measure-; ' Prc-histaric
Man : The Boa Constrictor; Consumption;
Hi- Keconniendatioi.s, or the l>oy who
wet a situation ;vtc. The publisher offers
tho last three num<-ers of !?71 fr-c asa pre
mium to subscribers for 1872. Terms s;'■ a
year, Single No*. SB ct* S. It. W ells.
oiii IV way, N. Y.
The slate of New York bus gone
republican b\ about 12,000.
The city ire ve 30,000 democratic
in New Jersey the democrat* chct
their governor by 5000 najoiity.
Maryland has gone democratic by
20,000 majority.
Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin
luive probably gone Republican by re
duced majority s. Returns tr.eagre.
Virginia is Democratic by an in
crease*! majority.
From Mississippi and Arkansas
only a few returns have been received,
but these look favorable.
In Mamach uasetts t Washburne,
Rtulicit!, is elected Governor over sev
eral-opposing candidates nnd parties,
bv abiut the usual Radical majority.
Another Kni! Munler.
Nineteen Soldiers Killed or Die oj
Their Wounds.
St. I>iuis, Nov. 10. —As a passen
ger train on tlie North Missouri Rail
road, which left here this morning,
having two cars, containing ninety
five recruit* from New Albany attach
ed, was approaching Wallsburg.
ninety miles north of here, about noon
running a d.wu grade nt high speed,
a rail broke and the rear car contain
ing the recruit" flew off tin; truck, roll
ed down an embankment turning over
two or three times. At last accotiu'..-
sixtien soldiers had le i> killed out
right <r died of wounds.
A IVfliiitf Republic fur Francs
I'm is, Nov. U. —In mi interview
President Thiers ha* euthorativeh
stated that when the legislative as*cm
bly meet* in the beginning of' Dece
mber, Ihe go vinnei. t will propose to end
tiie pro\ isunal rrjrinte and establish n
'definite republic.
The Arotie- whaling fleet has been
overtaken by att rrill disaster. The
atcamsh'p Taylor, jut arrived
at San Francivco from Honolulu, it
porta that the fleet baa been caught
ill the ice, nod that thirty-three vowels
bad belli crushed or uliaiidoiHsd. On
the 13th of September 'he captains cd
the fleet hemmed in between Point
Belcher and Wainright Inlet held a
meeting and resolved to abandon the
vessels in aider to save the liven ol
the crews. This was done npd 1.203
sailors took refuge on board the re
mainder of the fleet, which had got out
before the ice closed around them.
Before the conference of captains was
held several vessels had been crushed
like cggtslmlls- It is not expected
that any of the abandoned vessels or
their cargoes will IK saved. The Mo -
ts Taylor also reports having boarded
the water-legged brig Shclekoff, from
San Francisco to Callao, and found
all on board dead rxcept the captain
who was almost exhausted.
-jtyuTlCK.—Xotiee is hereby given, that
J\ tio- hooks and notes of the Centre
fl H || Manufacturing Conipeny, have bo n
placed in the band* of Ate*- Shannon, at
Centre Hall, for settlement and collection.
All person* ha vine accounts in *id books,
uie requested to call at his office, in Cent o
Hall, Centre County. Pa., before the first
day ot January, 1872, and settle the same,
otherwise alter which time they will be
proceeded agaiuit according to law.
t Here is mnk trMMon a* ever wns
I committed. While Grant has been
1 siispeiiding the writ <>f hnhra* co.-pu#
s;ami harrying plain country folks iu
t Ninth Coroltna with Wk mluivra, trca#
1 sou has broken out in loyal M attach u*
j # its. The blood runs cold in record
i ing this instance of disloyality to tlm
• best government It apjwars that in
' c.dor to prnpitiato southern customers
n Boston firm of shoe manufactures got
, up a trade mark containing the names
i nod protraita of l#ce ami Jack no.
This mark was *ut to the patent otficu
at Washington to secure a patent,, ntteotioti was called to its treas
onable character by some rivals
iti business. The examiner lmt jut
n.ado itis decision. Tho Jacksou
tiade mark shall uot be artixed to any
shoes or boots or other article mnou
faclurcd and sold within the bounds i
of the republic. His reason i, pro
f< ttnd ard patriotic; "It cannot bo
law At I to encourage anything thut pro
mote* partisau strife." Grant gi
tcr" may be encouraged, >r "Sheridan
L tecs," hut it is impossible t> calcu
li to the amount of Ku-klttxistn that
I; rks iu a Leo Jackson tiudc mark.
1 is well that the matter received tho
a teuti m of the authorities at Wash
u gtou, else the whole Mtuihcru coun
try would have been fioodcvi with this
ti asmisble nnd obnxious device. |
Who could have answered for the 1
i dreadful CQtISCIJUPIICCS ? — 1 'utrivt.
1 \issaLWtax Nituiii.- hereby giv,n
| * that the iMrUtcrship >i the firm >d
J ink .v Itali c#, h< rctofure existing at Re
t burg, art# Ui -olvinl en the 80th di'.y et
O,'.eber, Inst All persons kn -wing them- I
indebted t<> >aid firm are r*jue#ted
t eeiae and inakr settlement.
j X.'ricx i hereby given that tho in r
,# .till!.' busilles# i continued at tho ,>!d
#. ittda-hi rotot'ero under the firm >f S.
K.wnk rn>a Thankful for pat tuttrvn.
sgs, they invite thrir old friend# andeute '
i ler a continuance of the tame.
! 1. uov.dt. Rebcr#burg, Fa.
1) KUisTKUs NtinCKS ft.,; t-d:ow
k tug account# have been examined
I a..a by me and remain filed <d re
> rd IB th.- orfice for the in-pection of heirs
•I. gstee# Credit.>r# and all other* in any I
; way interested, and will be presented t> i
jt • Orphan# Court..if Centre county *<• be
ti.U at Uolieinnte for allowattt, and con
£ i.iatiett on Wclnesdsy, the'JlHh day >f
j N x ember A II lb", 1.
t The account of William B M.ngle,
I a minUtrator of all and lingular the good*
1 and chattle* right- and eroutu which were
|o: John Frank, late ot' the tuwn*hip of
I! ,:ne* to the county of Centre dec d.
The account ot Jattic* \S . Ntnke,y ~;:e
o the Kxcutor# of the last wi i and t, #ta
n. tu of John 8a n key late of Centre coun
ty in the Buie of Pcnn#ylvaitia. d,**- ,1.
Theaeoount of George Jsck Kxectt'or
or and of William Wagner late of llnrri*
township dee'd,
t. The account of llenry /!< igler G ir
--d .ut of K Ktiiioa Hoy, (new intermarried
w h J. k Tibbitu) Minor child of <> rgs
ti y, late of Marion township dee d.
>. Guardianship account of Jacob C.
alker Guardian of Constan#, Samuel
M ohael and Sarah Jan, Minor childr> nof
John Walker lato of Bogy* lown-hip
d c d.
Tint Guardianship noun lf\Y Law
P •rwan Guardian of G< reo W Gi.r
--b ck and Elizabeth A. Oarurick M inor
children of llcnry liarbrick late of tho
i. .nhij of Beant-r dee d.
The account of John C. Zimmerman
(i .ardtan of Nancy Elleu Segm-r ant
Franci* Laura begnvr Minor cluldrvn of
Si uou Scgncr late .-f Centre count* dee'd,
8. The administration account of H. nry
K Iter an 1 Robert G>h.-en ac!mini*trwir*
o; and .'f James T Johnston Into of llurr:.
It v n.-h;p dec d.
i The account of John P. llarri*
t< in the last will and Testamentof Bltxa
b h Carey late of the Borough of Hello
fo itu dec d.
it). Tho act ount of James H. Linn and
Win. P. Wilson net in,' and --.irviving ,
K\tcut >r of the la>t will and Testament
of the K**v James Linn DD latu of the
B rouir > of B sllcftinio J -c,d.
11. lhe acoHintof William IV i!ay <l
- .nistrator oi and of Caiharen Human laic
of Haines township dec' -J.
J. II Muitntsos.
List of Jurors.
! Awl of .•rstt<lv'arar drawn for Jfo* r Torn *.f
C ft A. l>. KL owmmc* eutg iUi dve kj of
S rabw iijuvohk. N Slower.
S; Jan A 1L Spy, Jlti KffM, Ja® A is 1 r,
• Muttfr, W K-Kxa.
L ttj .t PA-iii 4, J iLmgsrJjtcf
It *u K Kirluni
P :usr And II t'r*. ford. II L Kwrr
|| >im: Jm VdOhJS, X t.lkan.e.
|> .irfont. Jno
I* tn S. ffIVtSMNr. II SssrtJ
I tfCUM li M H+ol
• rtA Jan Humi?wo
1 -ff Jo* Allot*.
v ifcwr Advm lirttaa
3t "sntursc > M trm.
:it of i wli! Juror* drasa for 5 >ttl*r Trm f
C sit A. l>. lfl. cwnta utciug *! i Monday >
li tlan l ot* ll'MirriMl, II A Mm<|o
I. crtj Jl> G>wbii, Cff tillor, DBRnif.
t .nor II I. Ita tri. U J J M.UUni
V MILos A U*M7, Ir fed fy
t ton * co hUrk
ft Yid M I'irUlcf. J 1
Canfal J Brtcaly. D Ircbdal
I' g| \%'sn Wnavor. M. Kmuirtne
H rru. !*-*• W r. .< iMiUud
I lb* A Sfylirn
I' lafca c d tlanklo, N I'
I' :tor >1 Mt iior, Wm MaJ, .1 i Boat. Jno I'wdJta,
• *o lU'lWrf. M, i I C ktlirr.
V irtcw.: II doo Rai, jr., i C ioatian. I* h lij.
! "HMHillr W|| hmt.i,
I. rgtuos.. P lADah, (c V-ta r 4 It'l- nic'|er
Msaton.* A Cnsgaimv
1 r* JC nrry, J Ljrtuna. M Trl*U
-s'.'* j U <.runn
\.> vt< wni t>al
MJ wo:-It lilrrlj
IJt of f*tH juror* (!r.\rn for %v*Mnl*-r Tr no
• >art commnaciim Monday lb Ub wf lJoc. A I* I*l.
1* lioftinto i J V ThoiaM W (itlbnitta, K Oiwr, H
r-ntt H K rtUllcr. Wr.i tleu j.l.'r,
7 ylor t';en:a**r
I rftuon A Utsipl*. Sam# Hrpt*r
I! war 1 J C Ua|, li J>l p. II t; Hollor
li illwiKia T ftof>
INsttor AI like'•!. Jan w*nf
l allipdMirj A f> I, W*y.
I jh; A WUn W f Thtmpaon
I >*%. IH Ammmon, W II Krai*.
V rt h . J C JaaM
Hurrta, jm lvl*na.
i' law; Adam F Wantrr
I tiaum . i h IVunpoJU. !! W ilo!L
afkrr . Jo > lll.on*.
I trrijr. D ( arr*tiic.
Vttoa. J inath Krarowr, S K Hotit.
I f rocv: ' •" JnmoaQa
> nag; Jo* Millar. J U Miliar
'il~*l*nf; f> Vnrmr
• noonbo*; H K Hnstoa.
j M.;rlon,S flott*
On Hitfh Prices.
11. R. SMITH,
ofl'ottcr* Mills.
N E W (J 0 ODS !
We w->uld moat respectful I y tufrom hi
.iend". customer', and the public
nlly, that ho ha* taken possession of
rhoatpson * old i|unrter<, whie'i have been
("rniHi.lcd ami iaipruvca, u'>d i- now pre
pared t" scroniiiMKlstc nil who may ftvt -
iiiin by calling.
lie hasju't rect ived one of the large t
lock-i of all kinds of Merchandise ever
• r tiioht to Centre county, w hiclt ho intend
sell a*, scull figure* a* will make it an <b
eel for all j.erM.ri* to purchase, hamilie*
ayiuz in winter supplies of CSnioeriy ,
Dry uoods, Ac., ihotild not fail^ to give
him n call, a* he feels confident hi* pric *
and superior quality r good* will amply
•atUfy nil. Hi stock of
GROG E li I E 8
-on.-i-l* f Coffee* of the best quality. Teas,
Sugar* of nil kin.l*, Molasses, roll, Salt,
CheDmd Fruit, Spices. Provision',
Flour and Feed, <ko., Alt'. Our stock of
is large and varied, and we wil. ju.-t .,y
can supply any article in that line, with
out enumerating.
a large stock of ready-made Clothing no
Men and Boys' wear, which we will dcpue
of at a very small advance on cost.
Boot* and .Shoes, llat- and Cans 11 ia ; >l
- Oueeiisware, Wood and \1 iil"\\
Ware, Notion', Fancy Goods, Carpets, Oil
cloths, \V H 11 Papers, Window Shades, A •..
net lib ly,
i . ■■■■ ' t
•r-Any puroui sending us eight sub
scribers with the cash, 5>ll, will receive
the Keportor 1 year tree; and for fc.ur
names and SB, the Reporter G months free.
' A mo>UUMi idling story vomn from
1 Wa^hiii.,ion. through Rtdiiul source*
> din tli Pivaid. n having found
i hilt a with* ,.roal ooiwpir*
' nej exists in the S milium Hiilm,
j which was organized in llic North,
having for i' ohjnet the defeat of thi
Radio il candidate for President in
1872, lit will take vigorous *te|s to
prevent the consummation of the con
templated outrage, pulling nil the
Southern under martini law if
nofta*ury. There wan u time wheu
•ucli h J Kip. >itioii would linve amy
ed the people •i; unit against the iu
cipieut tyrant wh i would propone such
an intaiiioua Aii l unspcakaldt outrage
Hilt to-day the h-udiiig Radical j ui
i .tho: tl.oi utry hail it with delight,
niol d'-pclld it i. ilicll ti step to keep
thuuiiiigovt'ti • ut | aironagc fotirveaia
1 km. or. Tli | top -.lion completely
Ulllna'i the Pfo lent. He will
gradually >\ ul '.in military rule
nUt :> I :< , i . ell ig tin North,
it n■ ci -- ry, until ho comjith the peo*
pie to v> to lor his iv election. If they
tanu-1 *lbaiit to it, they am tit oitlv
to l e law . It i. istotltslitng to be
told in t:it> o iunti v that a deU-rmiuu
tiou ot the p epic to change the Chief
Ma; i-Irate ia the mode prescribed in
the CVtistitutiou, i a conspiracy to ha
•upprc**-d I y i!u uilitary power iu
, the hand , of a candidate for rc-clec*
tiou. Ani\et this i> what Cram
menu Arc we ready for d capo tie m 1
r ;w "
! (ri s'. (.. ]■ : | ... Arrt*t by the Lai
.In e., < l\, , t (j.| / Opt it Eire from
tirir //on- —The Out-breaHjurtl
r 4 after Illicit Ctiinete are
I-jii. il The Caeun/itiee.
San I rait'-ixM, October 25. A tcr-'
riti tut ia :i • g.-ing on iu the Lo*j
At:ge V light having occurvd in
the C: . e rjuarti-;*, officer Hilderianl
atUmpU'd t. arroi a Cliiuauiau for]
nhotitn another, when the Chinese on
both sid<- of a narrow street ojHJiiedj
tii*. UHi . Thomjwoii fell, shot;
thr..ll:ll the hmisi, ami died. Officer!
] Hild e:i i shot, but succee.l-j
eh ii gotti • on horseback and:
j esc.tped A Mexican boy, named j
.Joan J. c M.itidre* was shot through;
die leg. H mob attacked the whole!
C!j;:u ' ipiart.-r. The attack was ic
si-ded hv the Chinese. Five hundred;
armed men pi vented any from escap
ing. and rift, a Chinameo were hanged'
by th nub. Fire was applied to the;
' hous-.v, but was extinguished.
At 5) p in. or.! r was partially re*
stoii-d by ta aut'.i irilies. There will
pri ab| v !:•::• rn ire bloodshed. Sev- 1
era! Chianm. !mve been arretted and
aie n'W in jail
A st org mil;, b > mctinu-* inorecas.-l
Iv npi - I limit a weak otic. For
cxntuph y a * miiiot -i easily convince
u f< l that you art a philosopher us
v ii tun n }•!... • pher that vou area
On 'th y H v J. T Williams'
Mr v <" It f (ItfiHil.i, ami Mi.
f. r •> Y I lldlii. l lie.t, of Lin
deli Hail. j
On Ht , in Boalsbarg, John Keller,'
*£<Ni I*l * r.r- an I - u ton th i.
• ♦
I'jt .. I v J..lui M'Oowrll. ,
W ii - \ t,l > lit.l wheat 1,40....Ky*
7 ■ Oats 40 Bsrwt ;
i I ThaotliysMd, AM 11
Slt 1 si. r t. k I
It.t,- in H' HtcO 10 Uullef Jl l'Vj;.
3D I'lnH V :*♦
i'■ .; . f K •• 4 M imt-r. .j'
rt : A'■at jl I" tl.-.l 1-• U\ .-.—.
; .l -i. <i •- HI Uarh-y <'• -
70. ...CI h; : o *' I'utstsn A"., 1 !
larl -r c uiui ...I*.rk p?r |><>uutltia
Hut • i Ki --V Tiaster |o rton||
iloT".. lie... Ha. .n 10...Ham an. 1
I\r r NO. ICK Notice U hereby
j . u t . • I t elor oi eounly ami
lux • iu l'i ..l:e cunty, who have n<>l
•r'tlct! up t• • for the years prwj
vioti. >JI, ... tme in and settle sid
dup'it i. an ! wiu'i. payment of balance*
due,. . ' :• tl" twenty-seTeuib tlay'
of Ji ivembcf next, iml4nlHMtsvMbt||
placed in the hands of on ittontf, wiiei
10. ruction toCH.iircl the -ame witiiout dh
l.'.v . .lion, ■ indulgence can be given ;i
Ti<.r, t:.:.'-sl;.'e, v.ill any percentage*|
nr ii. .(> .ti>.n* I," all*, ed. By order of
t'oi n.: :
\VM Ft lIKY, (let
Farmers Read!
Kemp's New Wagon,
w il 1 •-i n>-' rtim-lit of g."Mt, Mill
- on appear
AS Your Honrs,
loa ied wit:, a cr at variety ofOoo-l*. uclij
r. I'hiin .il l I nn. / Cuoiincrcii if tho la
: s.
Fall and Winter Styles.
Beaver Cloth, Trie..:. IJocskin. Satinet*.'
TotU. .1 . ... waterproof l'laid*,
arid an nlro l erullens vari
ety of
Kno, Medium ntnl Coarse. Stocking
Vi.n; uf nil kinds, BlaukeU, white |
ur.iy, ami horse Blanket*.
Striped Carriage Blankets.
Vii • u <t IM' mtiful 'lripeil carriage blan- <
L.R'HI B* in the ra> -t mpcrior order, ntui
I'nr -i at ar< oonable figure.
VX Iti'KTs.
hc.ivy {'..HI: k, Flow ered, Ingrain ami
Mr p il. l'arh>r :r 1 Stair Carpet*, nil *u- •
peril r, bright fast -.ilira. 1
WOOL, LA Kl>, HmlSO A I'taken in el- '
ill iiiire nr (In L. ti xnla, of every vane- t
;y. always on hiinii at hi* residence.
Jnliii C. Kemp, j
Centre Hill, I'M.
HIUS It. A ;ent fur Halfpenny'* '
/uijj]j-r un £ J I
Furniture Store!
[ On VlJojtheny Streit, Bellefonto, I'enu a.
1 AI'DI'T thin method of informing niy
friends that 1 have mtrchanod thoontire
intc-re*t of Henry P. Harris in the above
' mimed establishment. Mr. Harris haviug
j retired from the Arm,
Wil! Continue tho Business
] uf Manufacturing all kind* of Furniture at
! hi* old utiind mi Howard St. Ho alao
make.* a specialty of
In nil it* branehf*. The best ot Coffin*, a
tin id Hear-e at ail time* on hand. Kvery
full end will be attended to by him in per
■ iii. His many year* of experience will
recommend him a* one of the
in the State. All order*
Order fpr Coffins can be left t my store on
Alleghany Street.
liellefoiito Pa.
0ct27.1y. •
• Good News for the Ladies.
i FA 1.1. OI'IAIM. OF
I HOIIIIMh, Trimmings Millinery, al
. In Contrn Hull.
Mrs M K Shoopc, h;t* Jut rclutrit'd
. frton I'hilnilelphin, with the LATEST
FASHIONS, Mini a cuuiplt !> t .i. of
New Ihiimctt*. New Hut*, Flcgant
Trimming*, Ac.,
iwhich will he sold or ii. • ! up, .< u.itai
at rca-onable pri-.*. Abo, ld Indie*
The new style art '•> I'.utty. I.itdies
eall and sec them "itrl.v, 1 H t come, first
I served uovfilt
T# HI |cr* -n who > on
. template mukinp. < ntrnet* with new pa
-1 per* for the insertion "f AdvaitUeiuoiii*
| liould olnl to
Geo. P. Rowell & x Co.
for a Circular, r id. 7 . . cc.tts ;.-r their
ons ilundrsd Pag# Fata|i. Ist, tout tng
I,l*l* til :t,IIt at \ .-w - ~tt;-. - ..'ut . uisUut,
bowing the cost of i*'liiitg, al-o many
useful hints to qflmrttsnri, .ind somn ac*
count of the experlen .of men who are
known n- Sueiessful Advertisers. Thi* linn
are proprietors of the American New spa
per Ad* i rtbiiig Agency,
41 Park Row. N. Y.
4% ii tl are |ioieMe I ot ui)th|tinl|ail fffilitu*®*
tor (Turiii| the iniiHi<'ii * 1 ati. crtincnu|
111 nit Nt>w •}>*!** i* m J l*orisi|i'iil at lua-
Fil rule* I
I UIIS o| Dry Goods Gi eerie*, No
tion*, Hardware, R .uly-inude
Clothing, itnd it.ou hi Is of
other urtich ■
.AMhe Cheap i.f fs -
Heriachcr & Cronmiiier.
and now offered t prieea lower than
the lowest.
Dry, Noli. -lit, fir • cries, llard
agsre, t|ueen*v* are, \\ d ttnd willow ware
j irwi, N.til, Flail and it: . I, A magnificent
i assortment ofeverything
Uresis (woods
i A most beautiful var :>*, . •!*"it>r.l alt
! the MOVelttcs of the *. . •>:!,
while goods, embroiderh hoop *kii l,
All we u*k that rou will
A I.L KINDS oF H \HN h- >
Lilver plated and Vnlt! • e llarnrs- double
and single, bridle* and Itallt i - apr I
lVt-jn t: of
The under.ignttd hve ink. ti poe*sion
of the \Yarrhot|.e at t! Mill, i M tlroy.
kformerly occupied bv R.-ed A'ihonison, t|
and are now prepared to buy ail kind* oi
(•rain and Seed*, at il'.e '• -hel market
prices, for CsMI. Coat.. I'h-k*
Salt, constantly on t .n.l i ... e. a lots
a* the lowest.
Farmer* of Centre county ar> r.-.jtsrt
fullv invitel to given a eat I
e guarantee to -tv o at all
ca*c* MI'MAM VI. A lIKuWN
*e|<t 39,3 m
J AND AT I*lll V \
A i I "fin I. h • - rg: • -*bip.
on the bank* of Ten.-., or k, between!
IV in Hal! and Spr. . Mi . 'r. rat
private sale. It adj.on- land* <>f Geo. and L. B ,; 1 i-t '. c. ta niftg
more or ls* About 44 ■■ re -twist of ,
first cl< wrhit'- pin-- rim -r. th. balance
i-leared and under nh w • acr are
meadow. j
For further i , ■ *! ••• t
t:. 11 11 K' NICK, ' Gregg lap.
The undersigned 'Ter* a! prii rt je
.ale bis house and lot, -iiuate an Church
.:rcl. Centre HaU Th" -■ i* a new |,
wo story frame build): on- oflhe finest ..
n llio neighborhood, and in one of the 1 .,
>e*l IsH-alion* in the tow rs. ' ore ia new \
-table u|on the lot. I f ful t-r iwrlieu*
ar* apply to ALKN HVNNGN. \
wpttltf. s
! el
The Firs! I
. 1
iiiui I lie Rest! !
The Largest
& ( IIEJI'ES'I '
stock' of
FALL (i(l(il)S!
lit Bruckerh'. I'* :1 ■ Bi.h 'p Slr -et,
Bellcfontc, w here
lutvo Ju*l opened the best, c!t-*Hp t large*
a* well a* the bust a* /te-1 -loeK ofGotHl*,
ill Uellefontc.
I* the place to buy your Sill.-, M.dtair-
Moxamhi<|uos, lten. Alpaca
I,an*. Brilliant*, >iuliti*, Calicoes, met
ings, F'lanel*. Opern Flnnels, l*adies Coat
ing, Gents' Cloth*, L* lies Sacquea, \S liiti
I'ekay, Linen Table Cloth*. tN>unierpaii"-
Crib Counterpun.--, White and IN do roc j
Tarlton, Napkin . inserting* andKdging* Curt in*, /e-phvr & /..phyr Pat
tern* Tidy Cotton, Sim v. i . \\ irKßaskel;
Thread Hosiery, Fan*. Bid*. Sewing
Rootiymiide Cluthinir "i Every D'-
scription, for Mu ri'l!ioye.
Their stock of (J I Eh, NSW AiIK.kGKO
CEBIK-S cannot ht .-*<■-ci'.. I in -pmlity ->r
Call in at the Philnd-ljtbiaS'ore and con
vince your*clve- that BELLE I. *V .M I S
SKK have any tiling you want, and do bu
siness on the principle of'tjuick Sai- nii.t;
Small Profits." • iP ; W.:M
Tli e !* Int; e
|aug2s.Uui * Ucllefcnte, Pa.
Stovrs! Fii*e!Stov*s!
At Aiuly lltii 'iii.ui'n, CVutre llxll, are
litwl Mil bv>t 'lixtMuut, hi lm< Juit
wivwl x |jir|( lot cf
Cook Ntovf!*, the Pioneer Cook,
the Eel if HO Cook,
tin ftclixnci* Cook.
PA U I.Hits *ll llmliiiiit I.lghl. lf fue
der, lint Itur n-r, National Kgg,
J.'woll, Ac<*.
|.wll "li ;.<v a - LOW a* any where
i; M.ill.n or tVlitre co,
Tho underaign- 1 hereby inf..rum tho
citiauiis of I'riio ll.i_) thiil he ha* pur
cha.cil ihoTiudi . heretofore <*arrieii on
hy tho C. 11 MtV and wilt ..rntiauo
the tame, al tho ..Id *ltid, in all iu branch-,
es, in tho manufacture of
N'rovt: i*i ii! & Mi'otriNG.
All kind* of i- trie* dune, lie h*
a)way* oil hand
Fruit (..'HITS, of all Sines,
All w -rk warrant, i and eharge* reason
able. A share of. in public pat r.'Uatre to-'
licitl \Nl>. KKKSMA.V,
2p7oy Centre Hall |
"***' : <li> L> .buig, Centre
and * pt-HC# Creek It It. Co.
I'lnU phi*.l lino 13th, '7l.
N >ii .' i* i . rt I- vet, ih*t the (lrl In
•tahuenY of live doilara per share, to the
capital lock of the Uwiib irg, C< ntreand
Spi-le d Creek it*.' lload Co., *uh*4 rihe.l
tnlh lown-Uij.. <>l llarri*. Potter, Gregg,
IVotn nnj Ha i.. Centra county, will he
payable on the first day of July 15471, and
uh e<|i|.-itl ll|.lalti)">l'.* of live dol|ar*tM-r
•hare, will be due and payable on the fir*t
day tl each u- •. .dtug month until the
whole l* paid. I'iivuient* of the above in
•taliiionls are h. • > oy required to be made
to the treasurer of ilie Conipnay, at the
office of the Cent i Counly liunklng Coot
pa'iy H- llefiOitc Pa.
Treasurer, j
N. II Any per ot < o.iring can pay the!
whole..lf at one,-. If pay meltU are opt
punctually ma i the law allows one per
cent. pel in tnlh t > be charged in addili n.;
Attention Farmers of
♦I '• ! the Wart-1
itou* ofC plin A !r..nk in Mtlroy. I* now
prepared biiiy (lis hi*he*t cah prie*s for
all kinds of Grain. Co*!, Fln.tcr and Halt,
eotutantty on hxad. inay'jb Cm
C*ST4!! Ha 1.1.
Coach oAaiiufac topy.
Levi M u r r ay,
at hi* ,-tab!i*h(:: tat Centra Hail, I*a..j
keeps on hand, m l for sale, at the most |
res- mable rat. t, i large to-k of
& Spring Wagons,
IXus and Faster,
and vchietc.- • •> •> dscri|>liol made to'.
order, ar.d Warra ted, to be made of the.
best seasoned tuat .'tai, and by the most,
skilled and com, .'."A worktaac, !'• rsons
wanting anything in hi- line are re<juestc*i
to call and i sarniec hi* work,tkejr will find!
it n.a lob" i*. died for durability and,
<< ar aprtfltljr,
i; , ■ \!. dTOfttfl
.J. ,v J. HARRIS.
A new and *-.' el. Hardware at.,
been opened by . undaoigued in Brock
erhofl* new In: Id.t.g n here they are pre
par**d i t sell all ..ii. isof
Furnishing Harduart. Ir-'n, Steel, Nails.
Ituggy whee'.s .-t eti*. Champion Cl~Khe \
Wrin • t. Mil! Sf-■> *. t rcular and Hanc
Saws, TonnonSaw V "t.b Saw *, IceCresn
Freezers, Bath i . % C.othe* Ks. o, a ful.
assortment of GL -and Mirr>>r Plate of all)
tixe*. I'ictur" i'iame>, V\ heelbariatw*
Lamp Coal Oil Lamps Belting, Hpoktss ,
Felloe*, and Hub Pl- *. Cultivator*. Oorr '
Plow*. Plow I* •!!.' "hear M-"d Board*
•nd Cultivator T -th. TableCutl. ry. Shov
i-b. Spade aJ Fork-. Locks, Hinge*.
Screws. Sa*h Springs, Hor>e-Shoas, Nails,!
Norway Bd* oil*. 1-ard. Lubricating.; (
Coal, Linsi-e-l, Ta .uer*. Anvil*. Vice*. Bel-]
|.ws. Screw Plat -•*, B!a>-k*Tnith Twd*.!
Factory Bell He Bells, Dinner Bells, •
li<>ng Bell*. Teal' I". Griiid-t.o -. Carnen j
ter Timls, Fruit Jars and Can*. Paints, Oils,;
YnrnUlies re< •!*> d aiid for sale at
{unco tU4,ly. J. V J. II ARRIS
dealers in
j i
•isoall the
Av.-ry large iw
sortm-at ti Toi
i kt Articlks,
Fax C v
S a;i, kc., Ac,,
The lic *t ijual
ity of Razor
"1 Kl ! , I'OTUT
K v i v ;*, Sciwio tt*
an! RazoM.
\V ALL Patrr in
PRBSCRIPTI* iNS. couijKinndnd by com j
peteat druggist al all hours, day or night, j
N'iaht customer •-1 1 night b-ll
i ZKLLKR \.l Alt RETT.
Bi*hpSt., UeUefonte Pa.
funis I
Tan lard.
The undersigned would respectfully In-
I form the citinei.* ■< f Centre i znnty, that
the above'Tai. Yarxl w ill again bo put in
full operation, in ail ita branches, by them.
The high, t market price will be paid
for Hide* "fall kind . Fiio highest mar
! ket jirice will nlso he paid for TanneFs
Bark. Tho public patronage is solicited
i Satisfaction guaranteed.
dciUuf Mi LI.KB & BADGE II
i Mu.sviilv get all the latest ami best Music
'at one and lw-> ci ut.-* ii piece. Kvoiy limn*
I l>er coutaln* fr n SI to worth of new-
Muaicjand it can be had for 80 eants. The
July and Augu-t numbers contain Thirty
Piece* of M u*:c, dJ page*, sheet-snusfe
<ixc.) and will I" muiled for oQcants. Ad
dro** J. I*. PETERS, "M Broadway, Now
I York, Bsafifa.
I nKUCKi&HtifF Titsl/SE,
Allngne.iev Street, lleiiefouto, I'u.
D. .JOHNS!)N A SONS, Proprietors.
Tlie preprietor* offer to the traveling
public, ana to their country friends, tlret
elas* accotnniodntionx anil careful atten
tion lo ilia want* of guest* at all time*, at
fair rate- Careful hostlers and good stable
ling for borne*. An excellent table well
served. A Bit supplied with line liquors.
Servants well ! rained and everything re
tpii.ite in u tir; ela*> Hotel. Our location
i* in th.- Imsine* t part of the town, near the
Post Ofilce. til" Court Jlouse, the Chur
che*, the Bank*, and the p incipal place*
of buslne-*, render* it the most eligible
place for those who visit Bcllcfuete on bu*i
o'r pleasure.
An Omnibus will carry passengers]
and baggage to and from all -trains
free of charge.
Young and Buvlinge!
< ITV SioiHi j
Th lar(;>'t : d (
llrv (jmmm?
7 if
1 1
k U
Notions &c.
in the county, give u a lit! 1 **• '
from 15 2'' ; . -.i ;.ur- J
*— • - ■ • j
(■raiiaiu ' on.
Boot&Siir, :• '.it crs
Next door I> Wit. :tr. : ri
We manufacture !• urdft.
Our work 1* je*t and >lurab}t
Our prices are very >. > 1 *i ■
Wa warrant la glvi :
We hare ; LAP.G! . . BEST
stock of Ln lie a **itj I . - if
Wear. rvee*vitijj j.; .
We viiiiu>iinba*i *i r ■ ■ *l*.
Tb- I'uitttirsiley i"id h * -)* -llj t-
Ulcj I'J nl! tn.l tcr our - i, v i: Mi ink
*o catt |i|iiw ail wj . .11 a- ; 1 titli-t.
quality, and pru ■ . V". \y . . 4i
sail-taction, and alt' \ h-I an
extruded trade for year*, ■ hsro never
given a customer <*•"• ow !uin.
eptls tf.
AUAUM, ** S;I • act. r tf***.*
. fl.-M
Ti.e *ub<crl i r c.v - ni-ut
oftbe public t > h<> oit* 4 „iUkta at,
where he is j%sv,>at*j tv fur air h ali Umd*of
Foreign and Don MM . .e i,. . . .• .•>: -r.1,.
■t tbr low est rash j>f„ >, uhaUV • .>rctu-
Jed to be the beat ;
their respective j ri< -.. 1! .
of Rye, M..ji *£'• ~ . 1
\t hitKjc,. ail Is :t.j- ■ ■ H Slarid
0i, I'uft, l*dria. < ei. s. t.< Ltcr*;.
and wtfaer W m- • M *
rea. nabie m: • • 1 •, Ijy.
Ohtcn |n. w, I'
and Carta wag lir*u
New England Kw fail idttde.
lie would particular.*,iio
lel k< |>! tr all.] ittln - - , < i .dm
hi* largo supply, to < i i' . .
and be certain ofpr otiri j\, hat tbuy,
which can seldom be dor..- when purrlio*
ng in the city.
Mr Phytsr>:ii. \re
0 give hi* liquors a tt uL .plO
Wail Paper, rheap
frotu 12 to 20 cent* j-i t t ol tr. Id-i'i tltr'
I> CKFA LO St" A ! . '
£> fr mt IU •; • o .
aplO'dS. isu;-. i V^iteo*.
OROSS-CVT AN MILL • A V.">, 1.. !
Umakcat Ii; w a \Vh.mJC, i
IMMI'S! ~j
Wooden lAs nips,
Tho uadcrsigaad would t ;i.iHycallj
theaUcutiot,ofihecilisc > ■ : . untj*,J
andTennsraltyy in par. ; > tho fact !
that lie i* manufacturing
-me Msr s>mp $
made at home ort-r wher. - . lie u<ei none
but the bi at material, ttE v.AnstUS'M Tllitu
psg'vea.ati lac-lion st : lent
ing nnd durable, atmrtion m ra* ot.t
woodgn pump, lieit.t arranged to let the
waterou and prevent Ir ring in winter.
Pine, poplar of cueuin r putnp* always
on hand. His tuaUrt.l for PO< IJW i* all
sawed front largo ti\ , and are thu*
S-curitl against f iicck• vr (Varking.
All order* !>v in.- ; |>r :• ptljr tilled.
PIIM.VtI. made'of c atcria!, ot
Gvolnch scantling, join 1 i .g,-. her w th
icoupling block*, I ! ■ ted. nrnl
watranted to stand any pi .ore nnjuttwd
1 for ortliaary uw. Pro - ot }tt :tg range
i t rout Id to ih ct nl* jr-r i Seud urdera to
scpl.UO. ly . KLLLU,
Mik cbtirg, P.t
li uri at Cas e 8
i ou
Protecting and l*r, nrviiig ihe Dead.
The ucder.ignei take.; pl*ure in a
--! nouocing that lie I.RS >vur, d the *O!e agen
cy iu tlti county fair "
jMK T A L LIC .1 A1) (i LASi
'Jurist! Ciucn itnd (askri*,
which are so widely • a 4 ~ ■•.uir' 1 no
iMw-cialcontntendal . 11' ■ MKTAMAC
BCKIAL CASE. ; 'i its |>r -ent itn
-1 proved style nnd lr it, ishlu* harimvij'
with thu i vling* of th* vtt . tv--1, iu |er
fectod adjustiuerit' and *j>p< r iwluicnt in
whatever relat i tU.t ] ervatta* nnd
i protection of ilw b-> ly after d ith, confirm
it* utility nnd ••ntire i. i.tptm-- to the pur-
I pose* for which it i lieigubd.
.j tXIFFINSof ail vi - riMton. furnish,*d
at the shortc-t notice, 1 nii mior* illed
i promptly night r d ty. Th •11 ud laid out
: with care, and ptiteral and >rU auijer
! intended in person. HKNIiY H AIIKIS
|nov4t 'tile. Pa.
MILLKk'S Bofki: Woodward, Pa.
Stage* arrive nud l"part daily. . I
I Thia fuvorito hotel i* now in everv roapcct
ono of the most pleasant , --.nitry hotel* In
central Peiinrylvania. Tlve traveling Mia
munity will always ii:;J th hc>t accoiuiuo
dation. Drover* can n". all time- be accom
modated with utabhw n* -l pa-tnre for any
n utnbcr of cattle or horse*.
julyß'6Btf OK'). M ILL hi'..
SPINDLE SKEINS f - wagon*! all si
Jte*, at tho sign of tho Anvil.
I nplO'tlS. 1 HY. IN a Wtuaox.
j kind ut
• CLOTIIINU—Overcoat , PanU, Ve*U.
1 and Dress Coat*, cheap, at Wolfs.
nrHSO*at IRWIN Jb WII.S() 1
J for sale by lu.vix,, Wii>oN.
a i 10'tlS.
other Japanned v. a -iv 11 Store.
aplO'liS. IKW IK A Wltwx.
* i "tOFFIN TRIMMINGS. B largo amort-
A CARD.—-We have removed oppeeße
o li II oh l(eue and *r selling out our
►took iuft from the Are at bargain*. We
ore "ttl mg up our book* and account* and
will be much obliged to one and all to call
and settle their account*. W would any
to our numerous frlenda and customer*. to
! please aeerpt our tine, re thanka fcr the
goaarou-i patronage they hare alwnv* be
►lowed on ua,
Greet Attraction and Oraat Bargains!
fpilK under.tgn. d, dHormind to moat the
jL popular demand for Lower Priest, re
pct fully calls the attention of tba nubile
to hit t>>ck <>f
now offered at the old aland. Designed ee
r..rthe |M -opto and llintin.'s, thelar
gestaud moat varied and < <.mpta* aaaoiv
uicnt of
Hruldk'i, Harness, (.'ollurs, JI rid lew,
of every description and quality; WUml
and In fact everything complete to a first*
claaa establishment, he now offer* at price#
which will suit the timet. '
! |A better variety, a better quality or finer
style of Saddlery baa never before been of.
•ered to Ibe public. <*ll and etamiae our
lock and be satisfied before purchasings
el few here
Ib 'ermined to please my patron* ead
thankful for the liberal tbare of patronage
heretofore enjoyed I respectfully solicit a
continuance of the tame.
JAM ill HINGES. Centra Hall.
Panic Prices.
Having purchi m J the extensive ttore ml
oweff. Gi!iilar< 14 Co.. and oddedlothvm
l pni.ii price** large a*oitni< nt of
Tliey arc enabled to tell at
A iargc variety of
Ladica' Drew Guucie 1
" I
Croat Bargain* in I
MuaJiua and CtlieoM,
Ready Made Clothing
Warranted to Bolt.
ilur Chub* and iWimen, •
Cant be excelled.
Astonishes every one In ateortmeat end law
riyi up.Sugar, Teat, Cofibe, Canned truit*,
Jelli. >, liimiMtic and Foreign Fruit*,
Cht-osc and pa*trie* ot mi kind*,
and every ether attscle be- i
longing to Die Grocery
They M'hotemle at IttUadelpki* Halt*.
t*r Farmer*, Mechanic* and Labevev*
ook to yur internet. One dollar tared ia
i * do! lar in pocket. Then call and tee nt
A'bal astonishingly lew price*
Area .ling their Dry Cood* and Groceries.
jtMTNa trouble to thow Good*.-MM
If they are not a* represented, we will
pay you for your trouble. Don't forget tba j
place. j
Allegheny St., Bellefonte Fa. ]
| RWIN £ WILSON are constantly re i
ceivlng new good* in tbeir liaa
•fevt ry description at pricea. no*
being j nod every
'"• v _ aplfffifi.
Vlf J. s. KTTKLK'S
Bishop *w 4, Bcllrfonte, ia the Stone bail
ding iorwiaiiy occupied by the Key.
•tone Bakery
Tal< ► pleasure in informing the public that
constantly on bund a supply e*
iuoo. Foreign ana Domestic Liquor*.
All lUrrtit, Krgt ami :mrrmmtmj
, ; tit quantity reprttentmd.
The attention of practicing physician* i*
I.wiled to bi stock of
i suitable for medical purposes. Bottle*,
Hug*, and demijohn* constantly on band
VVHI-KY in town.
All liquor* are warranted to give satis
l.iquor* will be sold by the quart,
barret, or tierce. He ha* a large lot or
Ineat grades on band.
Coptident that bo can nleasa customer*
(be nspectfhliy *olk*R a share of public pa'
t T 11 IS manufacturing establishment at
l\. Veagrrtoan, on the Lewis to we
irid Bi'llefonti Turnpike, haa now en ban*
a Urn- stock of Carriages, Buggies. Sulkia*
.ring Wage**, which be now ofet*
! for .ale a* superior in quality and ttyla* u
nr manufactured in tbe country. The*
arc made of the very best seasoned stock by
,irt class practical workmen, and finished
[la a style that challenge* comparison with
an v work out of or in the Eastern cities
and can be sold at tower price* than tbea*
manufactured in large town* and citie*,
amidst high rent* and ruinous pricea of liv
ing Being mastor of hi* own iluati*W. |
anxious to excel in his artiatieal (trofemioß
and free from any annoyance* in hk bush
no**, he ha* time and abilitv to devote bit
entire attention to hi* profession and hi*
cu- tonier*. rendering satisfaction alike U
all patron*, operative*, bis country, sua
Call and examine hi* stock and ienrn hi*
price*, and you cannot fail to be satisfied.
■ fall kind* done neatly, promptly, tea
Ycagcrlown. June 12.11*58 —ly.
fowling piece* at
! aptOftt. IRWIN 4 WILSON.
Joitx SrAKOLXa, Proprietor.
I Stages arrive and depart .daily, for all
I points, north, south, vast and west.
This favorite Hotel has been refitted and
i furnished by it* new proprietor, and know
|in every respect one of the most pleasant
i.vmntrv Hotels in central Pennsylvania.
Tie travelling community and drover* will
lwav find the best accommodation*. Per
son* irom the city wkhing to spend n few
rocks during the summer ia toe country,
' will find Centre nail one ef the most beau
jtiful locations and the Centre Hall Betel
j all thev could desire for comfort and eee
venience. aplO'fißtf
Hair Restorative
IjCoutaitM no LAC SULPHUR-Nu
VER, and is entirely free from tke
Poisonous and Health-dratroytßg
t Drugs used in other Hair Prepaix
' lions.
- Transparent and clear as crystal, jt will
- not soil tne finest ''*b[ic,—j i H'ra>ct!y SAFE
I CLEAN nnd E FFICJIKNT, —aeslderw
It restores and prevent* the Hair from
" becoming Gray, impart* a soft, glossy ap
-1 pourance, removes Dandruflr, is refreabmg
to the head, checks the llair from falling
off, nnd restores it to a great extent when
it prematurely lost, prevent* Headarhes,
cure* nil humors, cuUnwus eruptiims,
nnd unnatural heat. AS A DRKaSING
DR. G. SMITH, Paten tee. Ay er, Mass.
Prepaiiii only , by PROCTKR BROTH
ERS, Gloucester, Mass. The genuine is
put up in a pane! bottle, made expressly
for it, with the name of the aiticle blow*
in the glass. Ask your Druggist for Na
tvhk'* Hatn Rkstora-iivx, and take nc
other.' m _
t <> Send two throe cent stamps to Proc-
D ter Brothers for a "Treatise on the Human
Hair." The information it contains ii
worth $500,00 to any person. l*cp.l>
f. For sale at Centre Hsll by Wm. Woli
S and iierlacber 4 Crouiuiller.
* L I
Important Notic
To Uw Public—Tba Wilton Now I
dtr fmd Hbuttle Sewittf Moebir*.
B*ir in mind this feet, that the Wit*
•owing machine company ate lt* p<o<
in Introducing k £nt-elnw Mb utile sewir
machine nt n ritMubi. rd low prir
This machine combines nil the elegat c
simplicity, durability and strength poesih
for may tearing machinate attain, and tl
are the Am nod only Arabclaat low.prk- -
machine) put in the market. Much
without aovar $46. Ilkllw adapted to <
try earlety of family sewing and Hgbt
manufacturing. It amhraces nil dike Is
part* r. i and amentia! al am an la em bodied
machine. patented wkkkUupM turn
year*. A uachmentt for doing all kind
•ark are made for the machine.
The Pabtie have believed for along tic
thai a good rtiiabia wwiu machine r.v
ba manufactured and wdg at a raaaom.l ,
price, wkuh. wa baea found the Wit
If ear Under-fead aawtag machine to be,
Ail we a*k to convince tba meat eke)
an! tkat we kava tka kaat sawing macbr
. a critical examination of tka now WUe.
Uadsr feed machine.
Machine. will be dalieared aoywber*
Uilit or (katti counties. Al! aaaeki-'-
warranted for dan yearn.
Ziioun P. Kxiac A Oao A. Ltian Agents. Mltroy, Pa
On Mnrriag©.
Baaaya far Taur lm. on XSAt MCI
mu gad AVMM whiak iatorfera a
Marrtag* and ruin tba keppiaam of th
nada,—with aura moaaa of rallaf for tl
Erring and i nforutaata, diaaaaod and d
kliltotad. Heat in sealed latter envelop
free of charge.
AddroM. ftoWABD AH6OOI ATI. t >
Ha 2 South Hiatk Bb. Philadelphia, Pa
A bWWIsTRA fMNotI.~!
J% tar* of adminiatration to tba sets
M wheel W inland, lata of Herri# t
Centre oooaty. detr'd.. having baca gra
ta the undersigned, all parsons indent<
ike eatd aalate are regwialed to cask#
■dwu settlement, and tboea ba
eUw to preeact tkam doty authentic. •
for payment. 0. T WtSb*>>
D. Htao, f
jfetylt AdminUtr*
"p XjECUTOE' S M ■
fi tameaiary to tba estate of i)
Karr, fafa at Potter township, < eatro t
to, dee d , keying been granted to th.
daratgnod, all peron ind.bted to the
Ma aao lagumOad to amk*- (mated
set ti element, ood tkoee kavhg claim
peaaent tkam duly authenticated for 4
moot. Jacob Srxxoi.
•opC SI Aw.
tor Bugiw and Ctorriaje'
JPaiaw ia uaa j Fire Bolts, ditto, at
pio m lawta a wuw
ff HEONLY Htt *
Monthly Gift Enterprise
I I 150,000 Cash atxl Valuable Ft
' I December It, ltTl Capua! Pr
■■ ...SI,GUO Gold, Tiekats |l -t f
Hand nrcircular*. A. 8 W.TAYL'
00., P. 0. box 1401, Cin'ti, 0. Co
CBHTRAL HOTEL. Garner t *i
and Chestnut Street. Mifltaburr
* John Sbowera, Pp>prie4r
j Ita Caatral Locotioo makes it panic
|| daslrabla to aowoat v#*ttiagTown
• busMHMM or pleasure
J H. A. Taylor's Livery Attn# I ■
H Dr. Crook's tSU"2 JT
fl JSaXi? .'V
, Tkmt and Lugs.
!tm' at
;! Dr. Crook's WISE OF.:
ft | |M HII7 11- r.
Oi at ixfea
*! '■H** kSMtaytki ET M 'V.\.
j Dr. Crook's WISIfoF 1
" v " It** *iwd # ■ •
J •< dUd-HBt*.
f ..a
. Vfal bW.IHW'I 0 OJ
i • y+m
aftpww (HvtiEi
! Dr.Crook'sWIHEOF:
; bsuUi ik
vausTt, Erri":;
f I ten *•■
mm* .a MM...
f Dr. Crook's WISF OF *
Upwmrwa Mi*
' . u . . . Wfc-agifcem
< Apfotita. Btaooak m
TJrar. m"* <w
| j i■ 1 1 the w<
;l Dr.Crook's WOTOfl
■ It* net tea <e H
iHtsa ere hoc'
eae tnarhee
Diuixns. hi n|i.ife#i t
awry aso'u fuf iot>a *
pr ibifpHW 41
** aM.
Dr. Crook's WOTS OF T .
4 . ■ ark Mi O*
' Srtkta daaro aieeu*<h *e*>
I ri' of eat
I ,' c Cmxtitatlans. ta. erawb n -
-er|. 4 At* >
,! pt et. oWk:
Dr. Crook's WIKEOFT. :
KteugtaHW* MUH ItS itl
I Mw mt tie. L <
, Dr. Crook's TOE OF TA
Hu made au> i
•InmeH hen!"
If ked haao anahk- 1.
j ttroigtk aaiKaaHk ? X .!*4ZK
■ aad • 1
; J-pw gapiWsi toe
Toiur ktMtm
r C.i SI ASS*: Its IV A A
\ Far " Our Own A'lrowJ lc
I lTlTGa*fcP*yi*ral>ayt