The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 17, 1871, Image 2

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Centre Hall, Pa., Nov, l7^2L_
TERMS.—The CrRTB* lb"
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Poor Mexico.
The country of the Moutexuiua a, if
would seem, will never get rid of in
ternal war. The latest advices from
Mexico tell of anarchy, revolution, ra
june and murder. News from the
capital, dated Oct. 30., rays, that an
archy prevails in mauy State* of Mex
ico. The revolution in Nuevo Leon
still continues. The revolutionary
movements are spreading in other
provinces. The Revolutionists in Za
catacas have invaded the State of San
Luis Potosi. Numerous bauds of men
are sacking villages and haciendas in
the States of Hidalgu, Mexico, and in
the Federal district Robberies are
committed in sight of the gates of the
city. The authorities of the State of
Oaxeoo have neglected to promulgate
the re-election of Juarex.
Our readers may with to know what
has become of tbe movement in fisvor
of Thomas A. Scott for president.
We can say that it has not died out,
but on tlje other hand seems to be
gaining strength. Many democratic
papers have expressed themselves
strongly in favor of making Mr. Scott
the nomiuee, particularly tbe Cincin*
nati Enquirer, which has published a
strong ami able article in his favor.
Mr. Scott would undoubtedly be popu
far, and thore is no doubt about hie
democracy, it is vouched for that he
never cast any other but a democratic
vote: and that he possesses great ad
ministrative and executive ability,
needs no endeavor to show, as his
whole, life, since he has attained to
manhood, is abundant proof of it.
Thomas A. Scott is no second rate
man; he has done more to foster the
great railroad entcrprixcs of- the Uni
ted States, than any fifty men living,
and look at the results of bis labors —
the country has been built up, by a
development of its resources, the aril*
dernes has been opened and made easy
for imigration, and towns and cities
almost numberless have been called
into existence, as if by magic, throngh
operations of Col. Scott In short, it is
doubtful whether there is a man now
living, between Maine and California,
to whom the country is more indebted
for real, substantial benefits, aud for
what it has gained in solid advance
ment, inside the last fifteen years, than
to Col. Thomas A. Scott, and should
he he the democratic nominee, we
would cheerfully work for his elec
In a solemn proclamation, under
date of the third instant, President
Grant corrects the error in placing
Marion county, South Carolina, under
the suspension of the habeas corpus.
He says he has ascertained that un
lawful combinations do not exist there
to the extent asserted in his former
proclamation. Union county, which
was omitted in the former ukase, is to
be placed under martial law at the
close of five days.
Grant's Thanksgiving Proclamation
must bare been written by himself.
It has all the ambiguity of a speech of
the ex-Emperor Napoleon, and gives
signs of intellectual acquirements of
of which the best expression is silence-
This perspicuous document says that
"the calamities of some should be an
occasion of rejoicing to the many who
have been more favored," while tbe
"people"are recommended to invoke
the Divine protection and kindness
"for their lew fortunate bretbern."
We agree weth tbe Louisville Cou
rier-Journal that tbe administration
has a queer way of showing that it is
no respcctor of persona —Pardoning
Boxven, and prosecuting Brighani
gome of the leading democrat* of
New York are in favor of nominating
Chas. O'Conor for tbe presidency.
A very excellent man, an honest and
faithful president would he make.
There is no duller blunder, says a
writer in Harper's Weekly, than the
suppositon that the schemers and, trick
sters and unscrupulous men of a party
are in* shretvdest ©anagers, and that
honor and decency are impracticable
in |)liticß. And the writer in Har
jier is right.
Says the Morning Patriot:
It is reported that the Hon. Famuel Jos
ephs was a perfonalappiicant for the par
don of Irwin, the radical deputy sheriff of
Fhildelphia, who was recently convicted
of extorting illegal feet. That fact need
not have had any influence on an hone>t
Soiue people may know what kind
of a fellow this Sam Josephs is—a
prelly hard case, and ten years a mem
ber of the legislature; but not all
may know who was "Sam Joseph's
candidate for speaker."
Inferior lawyers, sometimes bring
reproach upon their noble profession
by insulting witnesses, and it is then
comforting to see them disagreeably
rebuked. A Mr. Watson, of Indiana,
when a witness requested leave to go
to her sick husband, answered no ; if
her husband died she could easily get
another. The woman then slapped
his face in open court, and the verdict
was that it served him right. Again
in a court in Philadelphia the judge
fined a lawyer $25 for declaring that a
witness was guilty of perjury. -In this
country, then, witnesses have some
rights that lawyers must respect.
The ties that connect business men
with the public—advertise.
A Governor who Doe* hl Duty.
The fccU as to the killing of Thom
as W. Grcwvenor by an extemporised
sentinal in Chicago we havs a I remit
published, and we arc not surprised
that Gov. Palmer has required tho law
officer* of the State to have tho case
judicially investigated. Ho has writ
ten a letter to too Attorney General
of lllinoi*. showing that the Mayor of
Chicago had no authority to raise
troops or to cetabliah military law
there; and thi letter he conclude*
with the following word*.
"It is not ntccasary in determining
upon the line of duty to be adopted to
inquire whether the Mayor of l htca
go, Lieut-Gen. Sheridan, and Frank
f. Sherman and hi* associate* and sub
ordinates, who were the agent* by
which the death of Thomas " • tiros
venor was produced, in assuming now
ers they did not nossesa, and which
cannot be conferred upon them, were
influenced by proper or imporpor mo
livee or purpose*. They awumed to
ruspcud ths optretiou of thd CootUlu*
tiou and lawa of the State, aud übeti
lute in their etead law and military
force to be defined and appointed by
themselves. They, by their la *1 we
acts, atUcknl and insulted the dignity
and authority of the State, and have,
by their daugerous example, weakened
the public confidence in the Contilu
tiou end law*; and in their attempt to
enforce usurped and lawless authority,
they have aaorificed the life of a Peace
able ciliseu. Auimated by the confi
dence I have thu* expressed, and con
fident in the belief that the Slate of Il
linois, acting through the projier de
triment* ol" iU governmeut, i* c*l*
ble of protecting it* own people und of
enforcing the dignity wd authority of
it* own law*, 1 have to request that
you, in conjunction with the Mate *
Attorney of the Seventh Circuit, will
briug all the facta before the Graud
Jury of Cook county, in order that all
(teraoo* concerned in the unlawiul kill
ing of Thouia* W. Grosvenor may he
brought to a psedy trial."
The iwasona here given by the Gov
ernor are moat weighty aud cogent;
and we do not doubt that they will
hare the approval and support of
thinking men everywhere.
( harlt* A Dana on tbe Situation.
Li norm's Amrfaift Soertiury •/ War
Comp.i ret Grant vitk Tweed.
The New York Sun, of the 9th pub
lished the followiog editorial, double
leaded :
All other queatious that have hith
erto divided the Amrricao people dis
appear before this one: Can public
corruption be stopped? Can public
robbery be put down ? Can jxilitical
frauds be suppressed and prevented ?
Can bribery and present-taking be
banished from political affair* ?
Ten years ago the great question
was slavery. It was settled through
the war of the rebellion, with its im
mense losses of life and treasure and
its gigantic heritage of public debt
Since then other questions growing out
of tbe war have arisen, bortunateiy,
they are now all Ibded and cleared
away ; and there is no other subject to
distract the attention of the
people from this one supreme is
sue : Can robbers, thieves, bribe givere.
bribe takers, present takers and otacial
blackmailers oe driven from power and
honest men put in their places? Can
the fatal svstem of corruption now so
universal be brought to a close, and a
svstem of honesty, frugality and puri
ty be substituted in its place ?
If onr public affairs continue for five
years longer upon the same downward
course as they have done for five year*
since the closo of the rebellion, wc shall
no longer have a country to be proud
of; and the great American experi
ment of selt government, in which the
hopes of all humanity were bound up,
will end in rottenness and shame.
This is not a matter to be disposed
of by either of the existiug parties.
Both of them are alike in a state of pu
trefaction, and no spirit of life and of
safety can come forth from either. If
the Republic is to be raved at all, tbe
work must be done in tbe nation as it
was done in this city on Tuesday.
Upright and patriotic men of all parties
must combine for this exclusive pur
pose. Democrats and republcan- must
forget their old quarrels, and strike
hands in one united effort. What are
the difference* of opinioo and of policy
that have hitherto separated them,
compared with this one all-embracing,
all-absorbing danger? And of what
use will it be to them to continue to
call themselves republicans or demo
crats if all that is worth living for in
our free institutions is destroyed by
robbers like Tweed and present-takers
and corrupters of tbe public conscience
like Grant.
The New York Tribune of the 9th
rays that "in New York party organ
izations coalesced, and the grand Re
form victry was the joiut triumph of
honeit democrats ana bouest republi
cans against tbe thieves." In another
article it rays: "It is a great and in
apiring triumph ; but it is a triumph
of People rather than Party. We
have no desire to claim for any politi
cal organisation in this city the fruits
of a victory which has beeu the result
of the uprising of a great people."
Mr. Greeley's candor will hardly be
relished by the minions of Grant, who
loudly boast of the result in New York
as an administration victory.
A Model Congreeaman.
Washington, October 26.—For the
past three months tbe government de
tectives have been on the track of a
number of southern bounty swin
A whole nest of these has been dis
covered in Tennessee under the leader
ship of ex-Congressman Btoken, work
ing in collusion with a respectable
clerk in the second auditor's office.
The latter, who is named Victor G.
Powell, was arrested last night nnd
held in SIO,OOO bail, which has not
yet been procured.
Mr. Stokea was arrested this after
noon, but was afterwards released on
$15,000 bail. The amount involved
is over $60,000.
There are other well known politi
cians connected with this scheme
whose names are withheld to enable
the detectives to arrest them, all radi
cals of course,
Petition from Morman Women
Fity Feet Long.
Tbe character of the petition irom
Utah, fifty feet long and signed by
about twenty-five huudred woman of
that territory, was unintentionally
misstated. Instead of being "against,
it is in "favor" of polygamy, aud
was sent to the executive mansion
by Delegate Hooper. The petitioners
say their husbands, fathers, sons, and
brothers are now being exposed to the
murderous jxilicy of clique of federal
officers intent on the destruction of an
holiest, happy, industrious aud prosper
ous people; and they therefore ask for
the removal of the federal disturliers
of the peace, or, at least, to stop the
disgraceful court proceedings, or send
candid and reliable men to I tah to in- i
veetigate the queelion of the conetitu
tiouai rights and liberty of the people.
The petitioners express then approba
tion of polygarov, asserting i hat it was
•auctioned by Christ's teaching*, and
that the institution is living perverted
by federal officer*.
Kcverdj Johnson* Speech.
How, KrvirOy Johnson, l*li\ ured * very
ahls speech at Baltimore, on the 2nd inl ,
from which make the following el
There is one consideration, however, of
a general nature which *houhl persuade
the people that the party in p.-wer, legis
lative and executive, have no:. since the
termination ot'ihe war, wisely uduiinUteriHl
the government. Hie war ended in April,
18tl&, Since then no body of men, nor. so
far as 1 know, any individual man, has
raised his arm against the authority of the
United Stales The judiciary ofthe United
States was alni.wt at once reinstated in each
of the Stales which had been in rebellion,
end they have ever since administered
their I unction-, not only without reals
tauce, but without the show resistance.
All the fori- in these Stat -s have re
mained in the quiet potessioii of the gov
ernoienl. Our commercial marine visits
every Southern port without opposition,
and is as safe there as in any of the Other
ports of the country. The law of the U nl
ted States have been administered without
opposition, and the general acknowledg
ment of'he authority of the lulled Stales
aud of the duty of allegiance has every
where prevailed. Each of th>-e Stale* is
now represented in both brandies of Con
greas. Each has its governor, legislature,
and judiciarr. and has enacted and admin
tered iU own laws, recognisiug throughout
the paramount authority of the Union.
Notwithstanding ail this they are now üb
tctvd, not onlv to oppressive laws, but to
wt which 1 think are in direct conflict
with the Constitution of the United
State*, and in their nature destruc
tive to the liberties of the people. So far
from this conduct having brought about a
restoration of good leeiir.g, which could
have been accomplished by friendly and
constitutional measures, the p.ople of on*
of those State- are now subjected to the
greatsst conceivable oppression, and are
denied rights which, ia the nioet express
and unambiguous terms, arc guaranteed
by the Constitution And the Mates them
selves are practically treated at if they
were not Stale- of the V nion and a* sucn
entitled to all the power* not c< uferred up
on the general government—powers be
long to them by force of of the I .institution
itself—the Constitution expressly provid
ing that "the powers not delegated to the
United State* Vv the Constitution, nor pro
hibited by it to the State*, are reserved to
the States respectively, or to the people."
Now a word or two more to show that the
particular measure that I have in view,-,
and the manner in which the l're*idenl i*
carrying it out, are at war with the Con
stitution, and inconsistent with every idea
of civil and political liberty. The measure
is the act of Congress, AKh of April, 1871,
called the Xu-Klux law. Its title is "An
set to enforce the provisions of the four
teenth amendment to the Con-titution of
of the U. 8. and for other purpusea." It
will be siren that the only authority assert
ed for this law Is the tourtecMh amend
ment. Of the meaning of that amendment
I shall hereafter speak. But let me first
show you what the provision in the law is
which is now being enforced by the Presi
dent in certain portions of South Carolina
After giving to individuals whose right*
under the fourteenth amendment may be
violated a civil action against the wrong
doer for the recovery of damages, and
making such wrong-doer liable to a crimi
nal prosecution, it provide* that in certain
cases mentioned in the section the alleged
offense* "shall beemed a rebellion against
the United State#," end during the exis
tence of such supposed rebellion and with
in the limits where it may exist, "the Pres
ident, when in hi* judgement the public
safety shall require it, is authorised "to
suspend the privilege* of the writ of habeas
corpus, to the end tnal such rebellion may
be overthrown." It will be seen from the
title of the act that the only warrant assert
ed for it isthe fourteenth amendment. The
inference from thia is, that in the judge
ment of Congrees, independent ot that
amendment, no such authority could be
found Now, this being conceded, let me
for a moment examine into the meaning of
that part of the fourteenth anointment ro
iled upon. By a clause in the tirst section,
in connection with the fifth ac tion. Con
gress has assumed the power to pass the
act. By thai part of the first -return it
provided that No State shall make or en
force any law which shall abridge the
privileges or immunities of citizen* of the
United Sute*. nor shall any State deprive
any person of life, liberty, or property,
without duo process of 'aw ; n->r deny to
aay person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws," by tbe fifth section,
"Congress shall have power to enforce, by
appropriste legislation the provisons of tho
article." It will thus be seen that what is
prohibited in the portion of the tirst section
quoted is that no State" shall do the act*
prohibited. Before 1 proceed to consider
the meaning of this section, I cull your at
tention to the terms of the fourth section of
tbe act. By the ninth section .f the first
article of tbe Constitution it is declared
"that the privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus shall not be suspend'*! unless when
in esses of rebellion or invasion the public
safety may require it" In commenting
upon this clauc, Story says: "It would
seem, at the power it given to Concre* to
suspend the writ of habeas corpus in the
cases of rebellion or invasion, tliat the right
to judge whether the exigency had arisen
must exclusively belong to that body."
Now, whether this be absolutely true, and
that they cannot confer the power upon
the President, yet it i* obvious that to do
so in a measure defeat* the object of the
prohibition, a* it practically leaves to the
President to ae< id* upon the existence of
the exigency, lie is, in other w >rds, to de
termine not only whether a rebellion or an
invasion prevails, but whether the public
safety require* the suspension >f the writ
How formidable this power ii, and how
dangerous to the liberty of the citizen it
may be when ri sted in one man, howov
,er exalted hi* official position, must be ob
vious. Without, however, denying that
the power may be delegated to the Presi
dent, one thing would seem to be perfectly
clear, that the privilege of the writ cannot
be denied to the citizen unless there be in
fact a rebellion or an invasion and the pub
lic safety demands the denial. Can it for
a moment he reasonably maintained that
tbe fact of the existence of either rebellion
or invasion is to depend upon the mere will
of Congress or the will tbe President?
This is also certain, that Congress, if it ha*
the authority to delegate the power to the
President, can only authorize biir. to sus
pend the writ when there is, in the sense
of the prohibitory olause of the Constitu
tion, a rebellion or an invtoion. The
meaning of those two terms now is whnt it
was when the Constitution wa. adopted.
Neither that clause nor any other in the
Constitution gives to Congress the right to
define what rebellion is, and by such defi
nition to make it what it is not according to
its ordinary and wail-understood meaning.
A different doctrine would givo to Con
gress the power to escape entirely from the
prohibition. If they can deeltire that the
acts specified in the third section of the
statute constitute "a rebellion against the
government of the United States there is
no limit to their power to defeat
the obvious design of tne clause. I have
not time to quote the acts specified in the
section* referred to, but many of them are
clearly not within the meaning of the term
rebellion as used in tho constitution. Re
bellion, in the sense of the Constitution,
mean* revolt, rising, insurrection, or, in
other words. Insurrection against lawful
authority. Now, there is not the least evi
dence to show- certainly none has been
laid before the country—that there was any
insurrection of revolt against the authority
of the general or .State government in South
Carolina. Outrages have, perhaps, been
geipetraled upon individuals in the
tale, as they have been and w-ill
be upon individuals in every Slate. Kor
their redress the law* of the State and of
United States afford a remedy. This very
statute gives such a remedy to the parties
who may be agr.cved, ana subject* the of
fender to a criminal prosecution. There it
not enly nothing to show that the Stale
courts of tbe United States have not the
power to enforce these reinedies, but, on
tbe contrary, no process of oitlu-r of these
courts has been resisted by arms, or resisted
at all. indeed, as is now seen, there has
been no difficulty in making arrests. So
far from there being interference by force
with this authority, the statement is thnt
hundreds are flying from the State to avoid
thu illegal captures which are now making,
and the imprisonment consequent thereup
on—an imprisonment from which they
cannot he released by virtue of any legal
remedy. Tbe arrests are made without
any warrant coming from any judical of
ficer known to the constitution, and the
prisoner is not informed of tbe cause of hit
arrest, is not afforded the security which
the Constitution provides of a presentment
or indictment of a Grand Jury, but he is
subjected entirely to the will ami pleasure
of the President und his officei*.
And one thing more would seem to he
Pirfectiy evident, that to authorize the
resident to interfere by force in any of
the States, another provision of the Consti
tution must be complied with. The mem
bers of the convention by whom it was
framed, and thu members of the several
State contentions by which it was adopted,
were most sollicitous to exemptStatesfrom
the power of the United States in all case*
over which the States bad jurisdiction.
They were, therefore, careftil to prohibit
the government of the United States from
| interfering by force of arms with thu legal
[jurisdiction of the States, and permitted
it only in one condition ol thiiig~-th< ex- b
intcnvs ot invasion or deniMlit- violence,;
The language ot the provision it that the
United State* "shall protect each of litem"
(the States) ' against invasion, and. on ap-)
plication of the Legislature, or of the Kx-j
ooutive (when the Legislature cannot be
convened), against domestic violence '
Under this latter authority, I'ongrot* pass
ed the act of Mh Fwltuary, 174h\, by which
it is provided (the restriction of the Uon
•ttution being reserved) that in case of an
insurrection in any State against the gov
ernment thereof, It nhntt be lawful fur the!
President, when ealhd U|an by the State
Legislature, when in o**ton, or by the ex
ecutive during tlie recess, to ue such
force a* he may dtein necessary to suppf>
the Insurrection. The statesmen of wi were
csrefol to ob*ei ve all the limitation* on
the |M>w er* of the general gov t-mnient, and
not to interfere with an\ >l the power* be
longing to the State*. In pa*>ing the net
under which the l'rwideul i* now proceed
ing in South Carolina, thi* constitutional
security afforded the Htate* of not having
the armed power of the general govern
ment to suppress domestic violence within
its limits, unless applied tor by the govern
ment of the State' t* totally disregarded.
Congress, in the first place, by the acL de
cide* for Itself when lire force of the I'lil
ted State* is to be used, and the President
is to decide for hiui*etf whether it i* to he
use t or not. lie mav, therefore, ue it,
slid Conger** may authorise him to ue it,
not only without the request of the Stale,
but agaiusl Its protest. Can any Olio fail
to see that this it not only a v lolatioii of
the constitution, but necv-**rtly serve* to
make the United State* a consolidated and
centralised government and, IfMqu
ill by the people, will vest in Coligre** ami
the President every politicsl |H'Wi-r, ami
thus defest tliu*de tared purp*>*e of the con- 1
sUlUtion. and sooner or later be lalat to lib
erty itself It seem* to me inCompr- tieti
• ible that Coligre** should have suppose J
they had authority to pass the law In quest
ion under the filth section of the fourteenth
amendment. That, certainly, doe* not, in
express words, give such a power, slid 11
think it may be considered a> certain that
if it bad, in terms, given it, the amend
ment never would have been ratified
The word- used are, "Congress shall have
power to enforce, by appropriate legislation,
the provision* of this article." Can it be
maintained that the mean* which Congre-s
is authorized to adopt are to be any every
meant without any constitutional restric
tion" Congress, under this provision, can,
it is true, legislate, but csn they legislaiu
iu utter di-egard of every constilitutional
limitation upon its power This can hare
ly be pretended. Indeed, the provision
clothes Congress, with no power which it)
would not have possessed without It , but
this power, whether implied or granted
betaken in sifbordinstion to the express
limitation* upon it* authority, and these
are that the rightful power* ot the Slabs
are not to be interfered with—that the
guaranteed rights of the citizen* are not
to be violated and as one of the securities
of these right* that the privilige ol the
writ of habeas corpus is not to be Uehlt-d to
him in lime of peace, and w hen there is no •
armed resistance on hi* part, in coqlunc
lion with others and in IM- State, which,!
in view of the Constitution amount* to re .
bullion or insurrection, and the public safe
ty require* to be suppressed by force of
anus The effect or the suspension of the
writ of habeas corpus and declaration <;f
martial law i* to place the its citi
zen* without any security, constitutional
or otherwise. For, a* was correctly slate-.
od by the Duke of Wellington, "martial
law i* no law at all." It ■* the mere wilt 1
of the commauder,,and during it* contin
uance is an unmixed, de*p.Hi*ui. Can the
people of the United State- be so blind,
and so forgetful of the duties which they
owe to the men who achieved our freedom
at any longer to permit a outiuuance iu i
power of the party bv which such a law
hat been enforced. It ba been said by nu
Englishman thai our people are more in
different to the importance and value of
the writ of habeas* corpus than his country
men. for our* did not, as hit did. obtain it
by force; in other words, jig At far if.
Ine right* secured by our Constitution *:e
iu substance, but transcript of the ctmsti
tutional right* of England, and especially
is that the case with regard to the writ of
habeas corpus. Many of these rights are
in England's great charter, which was ob
tained, sword iu hand, from King John ;
and our constitutional provision in relation
to the writ in question is taken, almost in
words, from habeas corpus act of Char
le* 11. I feel satisfied that if •uch a law as
the one I have examined, and such an ex>-
cution of it as is now going on in South
Carolina, was passed by the English Par
liament, and was enforced by the govern
ment, the peopto of the country w.>u>d
with one voice drive from jmwrr ail tlio
parties concerned ;n it. Are American*
[essdevoted to liberity than the subjects
of Iter majesty 7 Can we who often boast,
and heretofore with truth, that we are
amongst the freest, il not the freest, people
on earth, submit to suck legislation, or
will we not, when the prop, r tune come* to
speak through the ballot-box, with one
voice discard from power those who have
abused and are abusing the most sacred
S revisions of our Constitution and the
carcst right* of freemen? 1* not the
right which i* now being denied ta
South Carolina one of the most vita! to
political and civil freedom ? l>oe* li! crty
exist anvw here x> here such a right is d -
nied ? It must be very clear to the . >m
prehension of any reflecting man that it
cannot. In the word* of Hiackstone, biro
telf the advocate of strong government
and the warm and able •upporter of the
prerogative* of crown, in referring to the
value of the writ. "If it were once left in
the power of any, the highest magistrate to
imprison arbitrarily whomever he or his
officer* thought proper ( in France it is
daily practiced bv the crown), there would
toon be an end of all other right* and im
munities. There are various other view#
in which the question I have discussed
might be presented and enforced, hut I
have not tne time to lay them before vou
1 believe that I have xai't enough to con
vince any reflecting and impartial mind
that the act of Congress of April 20, 1871.
in the particular* to which I have referred
and the President's course under it, have
no warrant in the constitution, and are de
structive of the right* of the Htates and of
individual citizen*.
Sketch of the Early History of the
LA> AYKTIK COLI.KJJK, Kikliik I*4. Nov.
9th 1871.- Dear Editor:-In my lat 1
promised, in connection with Bethlehem
the Moravian town in Northampton coun
tv, to give a few fact* in connection with
the history of the United Brethren church
In the ninth century, a sister of the king
of Bulgaria, vu earned to Comtantinople
a* a prisoner and became a christian ; and
through her means, on her return to her
native land, a church, of which the king of
Moravia and Duke of Bohemia weru mem
bers, was established. A part of these
churches were forced Into the Itotnan
church, but a select few refused to bow the
knee and do homage to tho power at
This little remnant, adhering tc the sim
ple doctrine* of the primitive church, suf
fered many prosecutions for several centu
ries and were at tat permitted to live in a
wasted provinco of Moravia. Ifere they
established a church in 1157, on what they
denominated the "Rule and Law of Christ
and finally called themselves "Unita*
Fratriuui," or "I'nitod Broth#rn."
They were a pure and sound evan
gelical church a century before the
reformation of Luther, and were not in in
timate connection with the Wnldenas*.
who have been preserved uncorrupled from
the day* of the apostles. In 1720 they re
moved to Georgia and established mis
sion*; but refusing to take up arms in de
fence of the colony, were obliged to leave
and aought qn asylum in the peaceful do
mains of WiHian Penn. about tho year
1789. Rev. George Wbitcfleld, who had
labored in conjunction with them in Geor
gia, had begun to erect a|lnrge building in
the "Forks of the Delaware," II a school
for negro children, to which he gave the
name of Nazareth. At his request the
Bretheren undertook to finish the building,
though attended with great danger the
Indian* refming to quit the country and
threatened to murder them; they were
compelled t< leave it in 1740. Some time
after tho Brethnrn purchased tho "Manor''
house, at Nazareth, from Mr. Whitfield,
and finished the house.
Bethlehem and Nazareth continued to in
crease and prosper; new Hrcthern came
from other stations to labor here, and
many believing Indians were baptized.
Bethlehem became a eentral and controll
ing station from which the liretaeru took
instruction front thu elders on thuir depart
ures from lime to time, for the different
out-po-ts of the mission on tho upper Le
high, Susquehanna and eventually in the
distant wilds of tho Allegheny and Ohio
rivers, Little villiages of christian In
dians, Huts of Grace, lluts of Mercy, liuts
ofpeace were organized at various point*.
8o frequent were tho visits of (lie mis
sionaries and christian Indians to Susque
hanna, that a beaten path was soon run
across Nescopock mountains, between
Gnudenliutten und Wyoming. Among
those baptized in I"/** was one La-dcus
cund, called honest John by the English.
His baptism was delayed some time because
ofiiis wavering disposition, buthnving boon
once present at a baptism, he said to one of
the Brethern ; "I am distressed that the
time is nqtyet coine that 1 shall be baptized
in the blood of Christ." He received the
sacrament soon afler, hut finally showed
tiiat the doubts of the missionaries, con
cerning his steadiness, were too well foun
ded. He was like a reed shaken with the
wind, and when a scheme was laid to in
duce the. Christian Indians to remove out
of the settlement, in order that the oth
ers might fall upon the Brethern with the
exterminating knife, he * otio of the;
iiiosi active in the work. The defeat of
Rraddoek, the following year, brought a
desolating spirm of a age warfare on the (
whole frontier. Many while settlements
near the lllue nuHiuliiMis were cut olf and
(he poor lirvthern and Indian* nltinaden
hutt. n did not escape. The Moravians and
tuelr Indian converts wore in danger be-/
I ween two lire#. The hostile Indians ware
burning and ravaging their villages on
The Lehigh. tin the oilier hand. Ihe Irish |
of the K iltatiniiy valley viewed with jealous
eye, liot without some tensed, the ussyliiiti
ntferded to parties of hostile Indian* at the
. liri-llsit Indian village ns they passed j
'it'k and forth through the country. 11l
was charged, 100, against the llreiheru,
that they would not lake up arm* against
the common enemy slid in defence of the
colony, and falsely charged that they wore
tu league w Ith the French It was difficult \
tu eon v nice men enraged mid exasperated
at the lu ofthelr families, that the charge*
were not true. They openly threatened to)
exterminate the Indian convert* and it was
(dangerous for friendly Inilo# to hum in
ihe woods. The missionaries themselves,,
were insulted and abused. Under these
circumstance*, the affrighted Indian*,!
wlioe towns bad been burnt, took refuge;
nl Bethlehem.
The Moravian establishment* were a,
great obstacle to tile design* of the hostile
Indians, silica they could not persuade the
friendly Indian* to destroy the missionary
town*. Hoinetlines well disposed Indians,
hearing of a plot, would walk mites during
,n whole uigiil to inform the Brethren ui
[their schemes, and lliut tliey were defeat
li-d Great numbers of the distressed while
' -ellliir* found refuge in the Moravian settle
! mcnts. Hundreds of wonu n and children
. ante even fr-on distant places, crying and
'hedging tor shelter, some uluioal destitute,
ha* lug left their nil mid Had in the night.
Some Brethren, going in their wagons to
fetch Corn from the mill, byond the Blue
mountain*, were met by great numbers ol
white people iti distress, tin- savages having
j attacked their luwu*, burned their dwell
ing, and murdered many. The Brethren
loaded their wagons with these people and
brought tii< ui to their home*. Atler the
treaty at Huston, in 1758, it was determin
ed to hold a grand council at l'liilndidphis,
for the purpose of making a general pence
with all the Indian tribes, and It la-came
necessary to dispatch a messenger to ibe
hostile tribes on the Ohio Tins was a dan
gerous errand, but christian Frederick
I'ost, one of the Brethren, undertook it,
and alter going twice, was successful ill ills
I mission. In I To 1 * lie arrived at Bethlehem
with the deputies nlld llirnee proceeded
with thorn to Philadelphia The journal
,> !' I'osl, a most interesting narrative, is
(published in the appendix to 1 rad's his
tory of Pennsylvania. A'l the property
at Bethlehem formerly belonged to the
Moravian society, who leased out lot* to
members of their own community and
communion. K*ch individual, when of
age, became a voluntary subscriber to the
; rule* of the society, with the right of with
drawing hint self at pleasure. 11l each ease
lie was required to dis|a>s of his property
and remote Ironi the town. Ksch member
) pursued hi* occupation on hi* own private
; account, but if any particular trade suffer-1
id, on account of too great competition,
the society would not permit a new coin->
, pctilor, although of the same faith, to couic i
Ito the town. This secured to all aeompe-i
tency. Bethlehem was perhaps the only)
town in the United State* in wbieb the
common pro|a-rty plan wa< successfully i
. arried on for any length of time—morel
than a hundred year*. It is remarkable ;
that there was not a single lawyer in the
place, nor wa* there one needed.
Our next will be devoted to Eu*t„n.
llow the Two Purl lP* Treat the
The Hrouk lyti Kagle say*:
We have referred to this humiliating
rpct-Ucle to illtistrnlu lite licpublicnu
I way <>f dealing with the corruptioniat*
in their own ranka. Honest Kepubli
'can* must now ndiuit that the (trccley
campaign ugninst Murphy and hts
swindle* amounts t nothing at all.!
It ha* completely failed success.,
Tora'Morphy oompeU his traducor to)
preside over his owu meeting, to otuti
tenance and co-otieratc in servile
praise of Ciraut, mi i praise of the ac
tion and nominees of the Murphy Con
vention. The Republican party sur
renders Li its own scoundrels, and
Greeley the Joiidest to denounce is tne
I first to capitulate. On the contrary,
, mark how the deniocrats proceed
ugain.-t the seoundrela in their rank*!
Here is the tiohle record : Santuel J.
Tihlen and Win. F.Havemeyer. Dent
>crats, protect the treasury by getting
) Andrew* H. tireen, a democrat,
made Deputy and Acting Comptroller.
Andrew 11. Green, Democrat, causv-a
the arrest and committmcut of voucher
thieves The Rochester Democratic
Convention exclude the Tammany
Delegates and reorgmme party ma
chinery in New York. Attorney Gen
eral Champlaiu and Juo. T. Hoffman
Governor both l>emocrat.*, prosecutor
of the frauds and thieve*. Chas. O'
Conor, Democrat, on the affidavit of
Samuel J. Tilden, Democrat, firings
Wm, M. Tweed, the Murphy of De
mocracy, branded into Court, to be
tried for hi* crimes. The Democratic
press and orators of the country over,
not only denounce hut they are the
only onca to call for the punishment of
the seoundrela. The Democrat* of
the Union have fumed (he raacal* out
,oftheir rank* and given them hand
cufied into the clutches of the law.
This action, added to the injunction
of the Democratic Judge, Geo.
F. Human), procured by John Fooler,
Democrat, all show that the Demo
crats punish their scoundrels, while l
the Republicans.lake tliem to their
bosom and kiss their sores till they
glisen like diamonds. let this differ
ent treatment by the different parlies
of (heir similar rascals teach voters
which side to support.
Hon. Wm. M Evarts Denouiicps
Dishonest Mcu.
In replying to an invitation to ad
ilroetlie kcpublicun* of Broome ooun
tv. New York, the Hon. William M.
Fvart* threw a heavy bombshell at un
worthy candidates for office gonnrally,
as fellows:
"The favor with which you look
upon my efforts in the cause of com
mon honesty, and earnings of thegreat
mass of our people against the rapine
aud plunder shown by asking mo to
address you at this time and on this
subject, justifies me earncs'.ly urging
you not to underrate the weight and
! completeness or the issue as made up
for your suffrages. Upon this issue
every candidate fur the suffrags of the
people for a place in the Senate or As
sembly should be free from the least
taint in the past, from the ienst fear
: for the future. If any candidate ia in
'the field of wh.m this is not t rue. let in
dcpetideiit nominations lie made to
meet thisditticnlty. If of the two can
didates of th< opposite parties one be
clearly honest aud courageou* and the
other knavish nml uncertain,let no par
tv considerutionsordUtinctions prevent
a conceit rt at ion of votes upon the, wor
thy candidate. The people of this
State are tired of the government of
rascals 'without distinction of party,'
und now demand holiest und incorrup
tible men without distinction of par
"The whole question is in a nutshell.
We lire free to choose whom wo will
to the Legislature, nnd the legislature
which we choose has in itself substan
tially, till the |>ower of the |>coplc. A
fortnight of tho session of an honest
Legislature can make it impossible for
H knave to keep his foot In office, or
even in the State itself, unles with
in the walls of it jail.
"Prvsa, then,all yojir efforts to this
one point, ami prevent the confiagra
tiou of every institution of free govern
ment and every interest of society now
raging in this city, even creeping
tli rough the State, from covering us
all with one common shame in one
common ruin. '
The first snow of the season fell iu
Maine, on Tuesday night,covering th.
ground to the depth ol two inches.
Hore KmbmlluK
It ap|XMtrs that General Halloch,
disbursing officers of ilia Kr>•mti*
Htirouu, liu*l>M*o(-tintmitliiia sotnbril- {
linut financiering, as (he phrase gots,
uiul JMH'U luting with bureau funds to
the tuna of about a |tut rtcr of it mil
lion. The Wnailing ton correspondent
jof the World says :
An order win iMtird from the War
Department for the nrrtmt of (leu. Rut
.loch, and Col. Sohriver, Inspector
General, took him into custody. Hal
loch ut once said that he could ac
count fur the missing money, and pro
ceeding to the Trotuury Depot with
the officer lie produced, or the clerk*
did for him, package* of eoupoti and!
registered bond* uiiiinjutihg to the mm
unmet), und iti Hallocb'* own name,
i The officer impiirod if he had any more
Hi Vestments, whereupon the clerk pro
dnced another filly thousand dollar
pat kagu of
a*Led to explain why he had invested
this money HI violation of law.
To this he replies that lie had paid
some colored soldier*' bounty claim*
which afterward* proved to be fraudu-,
lent, and he had invested in govern
ment fund* toaocure interest enough
to make him whole. No audi eon-!
ditiou of affairs, however, ujipear* in
Halloch'* accounts, ami be stand*
clear on the record of receiving thous
and* from ihe interest on thine bond*
How long thi* has been going ou the
Lord only know*. Hal loch came here!
|>oor enough a few year* ago. Ho re
turn* poraooal property alone includ
ing his*, for $71,000.]
The law covers Hal loch's ease thor-j
ouglilr. remain* to Ire seen what
the official* are going to do about it. |
Why is n shoeblack like u clever)
schoolmaster■? Uecausu he fiolishc*
the understanding*.
IJ dry writ* of fieri lidu, levari facias!
venditioni exponas, issued out of the Court;
of Com loon • tea. of Centre county, and to ;
toe directed, there will be exposed to pub-)
tic sale, at the court-house lit Heilefonle,
on Thursday the 23rd day of November, j
1871, a> follows, to wit:
The foil. t ins reel elate of defendant,!
•ituate in Cotter township, Centra county, j
Pennsylvania, t wit: Bounded on north)
by lands of Fradertcks, cast Is>• land ol If. |
roust, et. at., smith by land ol William;
Mayes and on the west by land late of
George Foust, dee'd, containing one hun
dred and iwelvc acres more or teas, t lie re
in erected a dwelling bouse, barn and taw
I milt.
Seised, taken into execution, and to be
Isold as thr property of Stephen (iarraty.
j Ail the right title and interest of the de
fendant in audio ail that certain lot of
'ground situate in Stable wn, Kuh township
Centre county, lYiintylvania, bounded on
the north-east by Calhoun street, on the
south-east by Grant street, ou the south
west by Sherman street and on the north
west by lot of —— liarr. being lot No. 7
tin the plot of said village, thereon erected
a two story frame dwelling house and out
Soiled, taken in execution and lobe .4d
n* the property of Benjamin S Cram.
Ali tile right title and interest of defen
dant iii and to all that certain lot of ground
•ituate in Rush township. Centra county,
Pennsylvania, bounded on the north cast•
iby land of Morgan, Hale A Co., south by!
! lot of Jerry Reiidan alii on the west b.vj
land of Morgan, Hale A Co., containing
: one half acre, more or less, thereon croc-)
jted a two story plank frame dwelling house
iand out-building*.
j Soiled, taken in elocution and to be sold
at tb<> property of John Donahue.
AH the nght, title and interest of d< f< n
, dant in and to all that < .-rlain tract of land ■
-ituate in Miles township, Centre county,!
Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by
land of Thomas IS olf and John Sholl, east
by land of if S\ \S olf and J.din Siioll,
south by Ixud of J. K lUish and Jotiaib-i
.in Auman and on the west by land of Pr
ior Auman, containing forty two acres,
i mure or less, there -n erected a dwelling
boa-a, b<rn and other outbuildings, (and
orchard) and having about twenty five
■ acre* cleared.
Sied, taken iii execution and to be ...Id
as the property of David Wolf, <-x< tutor
, of A- .
ALM) :
The undivided one fourth interest of ail
Si at el rlain messuage and lot of grvuitd
situate in the borough of Beilefoute, tu gin
. tiingal a post in public rad leading from
ilelietontc to Roopsburg, thence south S3
dqgros* east 18 2-10 per ones to post, thence
south 58 degree* west ty.s-Ri perches to
!post, in said road, thence alo ig said ro*J
north ".f degrees cast lOS-'O perche*.,
thence along said road north Sol degrees
cast 213 It) perches to the place of begin
ning. containing tvro acres be the saute j
• more or le#. having thereon erected a pla
ning mil!, dry house and other nutbuil-j
1 Soiled, taken in r xecution and to be sold \
, as the property of William 11. Smith.
All the undivided half interest in all
Jtkil certain Tannery property and
•uage or ph-ce of land situate in MiUheim,,
: Cintri county, l'enntvivania, beginning
~;at comer near Klk creek and comer olj
John Yorker* land* south 111 degrees;
west 11-8 perehes to corner, thence along)
an alley north 88 degree* west 17 8-10 per-;
Iche* to corner, thence partly in road lead-!
ling from MiUheim to Pcnnt creek north!
18 degree** we*t 6 peiche* to corner in *aidj
road thence north 5 degree* watt 8 perches
to corner, thence along Rebecca 4 inkle's
tnillrace south 88 dogres* ra*. ISHO pet
che* to corner of saiu John Yerker'a land,
[thence along same south 5 degree* east
124 perche* to place of beginning. contain
ing one acre and eighty seven perches net.
Tuereofl ereptod • large brick house, bank
j l>arn, tai|Uury, bark house and other out
' building*.
Seized, taken in execution and lobe sold
I! as the property of George M Swart/, and
Martha (. Swart*.
All that certain messuagi, tenement and ;
'tract of land, situate in the township of
Ferguson, Centre county, Pennsylvania.
I bounded and described as follows, t> wit:
beginning at a white oak corner on land of
Samutl M Williams, thc.nce north 38 de-
I greet ymt 186 perches to while oak, thence
south :io degree* west 1021 perches to stone
! thence south *0 degrees east 141 perches t"
stone, thence north 4V4 degrees east 82 J
perches to a stone, thence south 86 degrees
east V> 3-10 perches to a stone, thence north
It degrees e ast 611 perches to place of le
, ginning eontainii g ninety acrr* and al
lowance, be the same more or less, togeth
'j *r with the appurtenances. .
Seised, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of Julian D. William* ami
i Robt. L. Williams.
1 A two storied frame building, twenty
I live feet front and sixteen feet deep situate
jon a certain lot of ground in Bogg* town
ship, Centre county. Pennsylvania, boun
(deii on the north by a lot of James Aslon,
,on the south by a lot <>f Lewi* Fulton and
on the west by land of Joseph Green, and
lon the east by the railroad, fifty feet in
width on railroad and running back one
hundred and sixty feet.
Raised tnk<'ii in exception and to be -old
as the iro|iertv of William Keilerman.
The real estate of the llellefonto Glass
Manufacturing Company, bounded and
deseribod as follows, vix: Beginning at a
post on land of M. Mackail and Win. V.
riiomas. doe'd, thence south 244 degrees
east to ii pott on road, thence by
said road north tli degree i east 72 feet to
a post, Thence north 251 degree* east :UlO
feet to a post, thence north 241 degree*,
wet 181 feet to a post, thence north 654
degrees east 1304 feet to u post, thence
north 824 degree* east fH loet to a post,
thence north 64 dngiees we*t 80 feet,
thence south 214 degree* cast 00 feet, thence
south 65) degrees west IIV I'eet to a post,
thence north 244 degrees west 88 feet to
post, thence by lands of Thomas <&
Martha Maeknll, south to place of begin
ning; thereon erected n <JU< Factory with
the necessary outbuildings, including four
dwelling houses and a hoarding house,
with a branch ofrall-road running through
or under a pint of said factory.
Seised, taken in execution, and to be
sold us the property of The Bellefontc
Glass Manufacturing Company.
All that two storied frame building with
two one atoned frame buck buildings, the
mailt building being 64 feet, 5 inches in
front, by 80 feel, 6 inches in depth, and
the back buildings each 21 feet, 8 inches in
width by 15 feet, 4 inchea in depth, and so
much ot the ground covered by said build
ings as may be necessary for the ordinary
and useful purposes of the same. The -aid
building is located on a lot of groqnj, part
of a tract of land situqte in tho borough ol
Bellbfonte, purchased by the said Glass
Manufacturing Company, from the trus
tees of William A. Thomas, dee'd. Siez
ed, taken in execution and to be sold as the
properly ol the llelletonto Glass Manufac
turing Co.
Hale to commence at 1 o clock ol said day.
D. W. WOODRINO, Sh'ff.
Sh'iTs Otflce, Bellafonte Out. 81, '7l. I
■aaamHwsasHsaatsssaß>wwsa*aßa si
A hou.oand lot f.v r. !v at' ion
Main-treat. Ar<>iiburA*, is offer*l at pri
vate sale. The In tt' a '>d on", and
the lot among tin !•( lu.t iww, uhh an
ahundanceofrriilt ttprw"ii. A I*# lliacrw'<4
)mountain land. Fr further particular*
!apply to Jo.untA H. KOXTZ,
octiff. A iroii.hurg.
i) arr i a r
t'.-nire Hall, I'm.
11a* on had aud for *!• at the most rea
sonable rate* ■ spleudi'i stock of
an J evary de-criplicn "f Wax •-•< blh
warranted to h made ,! the be-land in t
[durable materials, and by the m >.t expe
' rieiieed workmen. All rU -cut .ml from
j the establishment will found t" he of
j the highest class suid - aV' g ite pert- t
j satisfaction, li.-will n i have * five
Uortment "f
4 all the newest an I u l fgJliionabte
jslytas well ali t eareftit? made and of the
] host material
) An i*|HHTi' rof hi* urkix iokej a* it
' is believed that none superior can be found
| in the coo li try.
IJ.K Caldwell <fcUo. I
No. UOJ cue* rxuj nr.,
I Desire to en vile the <• ecial attention of
| purchaser* an J other voting the city, to j
Sthrir unusually large :nl varied assorl
! uicnt of
or UOr t.KLIAIti.S MAgggr.
OF J fKiarr qt'tutv,
Received DIKEt l FROM I'ARW]
during the pre ot
Courteous and polllc r'.'ent m ia extend
ed to all who may be i Inc. I I . aocept a
cordial invitation to * : their beautiful)
! store,
uo'j en i"vr vir NT*
j jul 14.6ns •
j v -
Jons B. LINK. P. U**xi a Wtwtos.l
1.1 N V *k H ilsSB t,
Suctxarorr of F. P. iWtt, Ilchcfoiilt
Petto' A.
I Have secured the oe e ol Jao> - il.
: Su—n, of Philadelphia, a drug,, t f tior
jteen year* experience, e- as! have '-lie
|charge of their pre-< rip m.l ;i:iie*.
Anight bell is atta 1 to. their rt <
! r|ir. and the employee .eej mis Within the
budding, will attend t" Uie * t* of the
puhiic at all hours of t: • night
Linn A Wilson !• • <. '■ .xotly en
hand a Urge stork of
Drug-. Paint-. Oils, P Iu . Tru>- j
and Medical Appiia: tilt . iu t*.
together v.ilh a very large .oek of
Patent Modicim-'. sucli n
Vinegar Bitter-, and -<
Pure Wine.*, and li
[ • quors, ol all kind*
fr medical
ijuly 14.3n LI NN A WILSON.
HOUSE AND uii OMikit
The undersign i offer- at private
M -ale atw o story dwelling h>.ae aud
Lou on > ain Ci U C :tre II;i i,
with stable and all if - ■ try • t: : .
and choke fruit on the premise, and x ;-
tr in the yard. The i* a* good u
near. For (uther parts, ular apply to
Ilaug tf Centra Hall
qoubt i* HOC LA M .TON
Wi arena the Hon. C harle- A. Mayer,
I Preaiilent of ilia court • CTotumon l'loas
in the 25th ludicial Di- riot, consisting ol
! the counties of Centre, t'Union and Choir
tield. and Hnorabl* J. m !i '.'.erman and
the Honorable William AUi-<n, Aatociate
Judge* in Centre county, having i.ued
their precept, bs-aiing ii ,5e the i'kth day of
Octh'r A. D., 1871, t me directed for
holding a court of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery tnd ty.iartcr He*-j
sion* of the Peace in it Hcfunle, for the
county of Centr.% and : "moi ue on the
4th M'ondav <>t Novrmb i M. !■ ng the
27th day of Nov. 1871. a i t" co tinueone
Notice i* thoreforc In -by >.- .\eii to the
Coroner, Justice of the Peace, Aldermonj
and Constables ol the i county ot Ceii
lr'. that they be then d there in theiri
proper tsersoii", at 10 o'i '>cl; In the fore
noon ot said dav, with :her rveorxla, in
quisitioai, examination' :.n.i t .rown re-)
menibrancet, to do the ■ thiac wiii.-h to
their oflot ipiHtrUini ti i loo€ii und
ihiwe who arc bound in reC >g.usance* to
prosecute againrt the pri invr. that are or)
ihall be in the Jail ot ("outre tunty be
then* and to prosecotc ar .in-t them a* snail
be just.
(liven under my hand, at ! < iefonte, tlie
°2Bili dav of Oct. iu the mi )' our Lord,
1871 and in the ninety;-! irt'i year of the
Independence of the lit '<d tie-
D. W. WOODKING. Sl.rrif.
A Book That Will Sell!
This i ar, original, tnlore-iing, and in
•tructivo work, lull of rare fun und hum- r
being uu account of th< VL'l ill > 11',S PRO
FESSIONAL LIFE, le wend: ful trick*
and feat*, with laughable incidents and
adventure* a* a Magician, Necromancer,
and Ventriloquist, lllii-trat d with
16 Full Page Kngmvinga,
beside* the Author'* Polrait on steel, and
numerous small cits.
Tlio volume ii free from any olijecliona
bio mutter, being high-foiled and moral in
it* chnmeter, will be rt id with inter
est, both by old and young. It givei the
most graphic and thrilling account* of tho
effects of his wonderful teats a:id magical
trick#, causing the most uncontrollable
merriment and laughter,
Circular*, Term*, xke., with full informa
tion. sent ffeeon application to
DUFFIKLI) ASH MB \D. Publisher,
711 S ansont Street, Philadelphia.
Th undersigned ha* a tract -r limber-j
land, located between the Brush and
Thick Mountains, nearly due south or Be
bersburg, containing IT! acref, which he
offers for sale. It is well timbered, and
easy of access from Brush \ alley.
b\>r all desired information call on the
UlMlflTiignod. c H KIITEI ,
19ocUf Aaron dmr§, 1^
The OlicpHst,
piirust, heatt
On Allegheny Street.
Coffee, Tea. Sugar, Syrup,D r ml Fruit,
Canned J'aiit, Hum*. Dried Reef, j
Salt. I'ieklta, Hutter, Flonr,
Corn Meal, Huckweat Flour,
and everything utuely kapt in a well ream |
lated #r*t clam Griwery Btarc
tnnrS.Ciii -'III.* GAULT.
a nil POWDER!
COAL—\Vilkwh*rr COAL, I'liMUßt
Slav, V-sx. farjiwre and foundry,
Coal —orb M quality, at th# low
e*t price*. Customnrs will please'
note that our coat f* housed un
der com modioa* *hed*.
LI ME- W<Wl orcoat-lmrnt Lime, for sale!
at our kilns, on the pike Icadirig Ui i
Mi'.eshurg. * !
* I
PO \V DKtt.—Having received the agency I
for Dn Pont * Powder AT'
WHOLESALE, we shall be
plevud to receive order*from
the trade.
Office and yard near -ou'.h end of UaJdj
Uaglc Valn-j It. 11. iiejsot, Bt-IU-foule. Pa. |
Ha* been to the extreme end of the j
market For BOOTS k SIIOKS
to Boston.
For DRY GOODS to New York.
For CLOTH! NO to Philadelphia.
h article bought directly
from the Maiiubulurar, with a de
fire to suit this market,#*
FIXE ALPACAS from c to 76c the
finest—equal to $1,26 alpaca*.
SUlTS—from $lO to SIK, best all
wool Caasimeie*.
("irpt-U ut old rale*, trom 60 cent* to 76
ci nit per yard, for the bert.
A A *liiglrom !2J to It cent*, tbe baa
■liooea, >M iiiusiin* in prai>ortion, at
Womeo's Sbt . .mm • gd, to waa
.ill funtnu-r at $1 per pair
Fitia Bool* from $3.50 ta $7,60 for
,l the low, -t r*: , r.J .Id at 1867 prica
from $10,(101< sls for the Wl
and if it aiattru , Sternberg will I real.
Thcv only #k people to come and *e*
even if they do not *ri*h to buy.
r IMIK A N VIL S FORK i> now receiving,
I a a;, 1 well -.rtsl Stock a:
Hardware, S. , v .,. Nail*, Horse Shoe*. Sad
dlery, Ola*-, Paint*, Sl'ect, Bar and Uoo|
lr ri *1 > Buggy and Wagon Stock •:
rv.-ry dwripti in. -Call and supply your
iclvi * atllm lowest po*#ible rata* at
HBARGMETKRS :M i Thrrmometar* at
PR UN I - Dll RD fi'ltßvNTS.
the vrry Vv-t quality Just receiveda
Wolf # old taml
Laiiic* Tru*u*c.
Thisin* sltmhlr article for female*, i* now :
to he had at Ilerlacber'*store, and no other
place in tVntr? county. Indict n-member i
that these tru##e* can be had at Central
Hall If- !
Chas. H. Held,
( lock. RnlrhmnkrrA Jcweln
Millheim, Ceatroco., Fwit.
Respectfully informs hi* friends and lbs •
public in general, that he has just opeced
at hi* new e.-uhlishinent. ahova Alexan •
dor's Store, and keep# constantly on hand
all kinds of Clocks. Watche* and Jcwdn
of the latest stvlw, a* also the Maranvilu
Patent Calender t'lick*. provided with r
complete index of the month, and day oi
th month and week on it* face, whicn it
armnted a* a perfrct time-keener.
Watche* and Jewelry ra i
i,aired on short notice and warranted.
*epH'Bß;ly i
tf .
he! we. u Market and Arch, formerly 104.
Carpet#. *>i 1 I'lotli*. Oil Shndo*, Wick
Yarn, Cotton Yarn*, Carpet Chains, Grain
Bag#. Window Paper. Batting, Ac. Alto.
Hrn-hes, LfHk!ng Glatstw, Ac. dod*-ly
[{. L 1 IXT A(IKNT,
tiiil Conveyancer. Deeds, Bond#, Mort
gage*, and all in truments of writing faith
fully attended to. Sp'cial attention given
to the collection of Bounty and Pension
claim*. Office uearly opposite tbe Court
ilousc, two doors above Ma#*r*. Bush A
Yo, un's Law Office Bcllefonte, Pa.
in u*eai IKWIX* WIUOX'H
' S "?' '
TABLK CUTLERY, including
platod fork*, anoon*, Ac, at
apIO.GH lit WIN A\* ILSON.
I)OoTS, largo atock. nil *tylos, izes_and
Djiricc#, for wen and boys, just arrived
at Wolf well known olu .Stand.
■ tr
OOALl&S, at Wholesale and retni!, cheap
O •> lIiWIN & WILSON. (
Great Destruction
of high prices!
&at the Old Standsj
•t CVotre Hall.
Hate, Cape, Boot' , Sin.
ala© • Inrgw u k o!
! FISH, the beet, al! kind*,
the beet and cheapen in the n rl ■ '
' "■ ■ ' -
Furniture Rooms!
eftfpecttuil > infant> the eliluu of OBU
county, that ha bat constantly on bu4,Wi>
mtko to order, ell kind* of
II i. tcck of Furniture bll
,nd warranted of cood wrkman*fctpaid *
.11 made under hi# own immediate mpsri •
.ion, and is offered nt rate* a. cheat. ,#! >
where. Thankful far put f.rora, he l
it* a continuance of the Mate.
Call a.d tec hi. stock before pureh >
. Uewhar*. •I-"' '
<S? 'fil \
Parsers. Pacanata yen. rSOp
i pj
j Wmftfit-w' ,>wa in a. h. ]
j j |
I ___
j WM. it. in. A la, ii v .tiuta
AUorney. at Law. IK lh f
Joffio \ on the Diamond, next door to Gar
jtuan't hotel. Cencultatiot.* in
i Engl ah. febiPT.inf
OHN F. FOTi'l.lT. Aticraey 7( law. '
Colleetiona promptly nude slid ipMta
attention given to h<#e having land* -t
prapritr for ulo. Will draw up and have
Hi knowledges! Deed*. Moitgage*. Ac. Of.
jfiee in the diamond, north aide of th.
, court house, tteliefonttv ocKJ2"ui*f
IICXKT mw ukHnrt. j jt
President, I -h >r.
(Late Millikcn. Hoover A Co.)
And Allow Interest,
Discount Note*,
BUT slid Bo
) Government Securities, Gold nnd
•aplO'dthf Ota upon*.
JXv H'MANUST - Attorney Et iTu
Bcllefonte, promptly attend* l. nil hti
| inc. entrusted to him. jul-16- f
F.~ FORTXKY, Attorney a~t iTw
* Bcllefonte. Pa. Office over Key
'noid'shank. niayM'Cßtt
sa'ALUSTSR a beiives
i Bcllefonte, Centre Co., Per.n'a. p j;
IBA C. MITCHELL. Attorm.x at J..*
Bcllefonte, Pa. Office in iiuruain.a
new building opposite tbe Court Boutc.
SrinM* on th* Adramct.
C. H. Gutellus,
Snrjreon and Mrchauical Ec-nilst
who i* permanently located in AST n-hura
in the office formerly occupied b.v Sir. N ,
and who ha* been practicing with utin
ucee*—havingthe experience of n nut b I
of year* in the, he would c-c-r*! i
ally invite all who have a* yet to t givi j
him a call, to do *©Tand test the trvthfuln<
of thic assertion. JSp-'feeth extracted
\: _ tct;
iV" UHFITM i>., iM. ratcnlnTnTSuT
• Eeon, Centra Hall, Pa., eJli-r* hi*
professional service* to the citixem 11 Pot
ter and adjoining townships. Dr. Rett'ha*
the experience of SB year* in tin active
practice of medicine and surgery. aplO'fcS
cian and Surge.<n. Potter Mil!#. P...
oiler* hi* profeional service* to the cit -
ten* of Pottet township, inr2ti,ds>,t:
rx°. u. OK via. c.T -LYjvAXprx
Aitorneyi-at-law. Office itiOonrad bou.i
BeHefontc % .Pa.
with Orvi* A Alexander, attends t<- collec-
m the Orphan' Court.
SYHUP, the finest ever made, just re
ceived, cheap at Wolfs old stand—try it.
Parlor Stoves, and four six soft.
U rnert comtantly on band uud t\ r -al.- a
nnlO'6B. IEWIX** t
BELLS, at low prices, at
uplO 1 68. IKVVIK a Wit-ox'
HAXDghi iS and Belt#, ail
fee a* kind* at
. apW lawia tWuux*