The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 17, 1871, Image 1

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    Bub j.
Oar Rnmmrr morning Raby rwr,
. To lav nnon my ;
1 kissed her Httte ftwie, sod arid,
"We have an wnH gaoat
That Snmmer-time wis* glad and gajr
With habv Uttfrh and glre;
The dearest thing in all the work!
My darling war to me.
Bnt when the friwit-wtaiilatoiichad the flrtwrer*.
Uke them rhe drooped away,
And died within iny inkling rtu
One aad, sad Autumn day.
We made her httle narrow grave
Clone hv the garden-wall—
It aermed that some time ahe would wake.
And for her mother rail.
I planted rone and briefly
Reside her grave in Spring,
And robin* nestled there, and learned
Their little oner t ring.
It i* a aaered rpot to me.
That grata no green ami low;
Ah I Heaven cannot be fcr away
From Baby's grave, I know.
Trouble at Twenty.
IXxo this seem strange to yon, my own boat
That I. who yesterdsv gave back like one
Too snrelv lapsing to the straggle V eml,
YWdav -sti draw down rapture from the snn,
A ltd drink the biasing Woe above iv head, •
And flit my sight upon tlie tfcfck-riogsd hills.
Till their' sniu-cntcty-slrcngthciMus U sutv
My heart and strike* a spring into my trvad f
Mv youth baa risen np in me tike a sea.
To swell above the fainting want of him
Whose fkee and life and hive are far Irian me ;
Am' on this sea a short swift while I swim :
I loft hi* picture un-hroucht-furth to-day,
The better to har ont the I dank of lift"
Without hun yielding youth an evencr
With sorrow ; and casual victory by the way
Has come to wath. This thiag but feebly
This, strength to cast aside the kuawing
For swift and sudden • burning chorus hums.
Aad whelm* the short resistsiH-e of mv brain ;
Aad off I rush, and set the trembling key
Within the kick, and snatch the picture onl.
And drink the light the features shed about,
And hug the banished pain again to me.
You sec me now with rapid feet, and eyes
That take the sun's broad laugh and laugh it
hack; _
But all too soon the weakness will arise
Weak a ~-h to strike anew the toilaocn, track :
The da nee will tly my feet, the light will fall
Out ct my eyes, and I shall fetch in haste
His fsee ouce more, and hold the pain em
The precious pin. the worst, beat thins of *h.
The manager bad tendered the services
cat the company for a benefit to a hospital
which needed hunk, and there was every
prospect hi a fashionable, as well as a
crowded house. Ninette, our equestrian
queen, had entered more fully into the
spirit of the scene than any of us, although
we were all more than anxious to make
thr* affair a great suecws.
How I loved Ninette! So oddly, too,
that sometimes my own love almost be
wildered me; Its persistency having no
hope in it, yet its hopelessness having no
dcspur. It was a love that never was
moved by her indifference or acorn, and
never weakened by her coutemnt. She
was proud of her own beauty awl of her
power over us all, and she never attempted
to hide this—never domineering over the
female performers, who were all older and
plainer than herself, but domineering roost
despotically over every male performer in
the cirrus. But she did it so prettily and
bewitch iugly that I was not the only one
who had laid his love at her feet to be
trampled 011 at her giriish pleasure. I had
but poor health then, and this was one
source of Ninette's merry sarcasm.
We moved into the dimly-lighted build
ing which surrounded the tent, and looked
in at the performance.
44 The circus is crowded," Ninette whis-
Eed, as she sauntered out with me. 44 1
dly eTcr rcnicnibei our having such a
crowd, Ricardo."
"And 1 hope we never shall have R
again," 1 panted, unbuttoning my coat.
"The place is stifling."
"Oh, I hope we shall," she laughed,
merrily; " I should like to see hundreds
turned away from the doors, ami no room
left inside even for one child more."
I went into the ring amid the deafening
applause of the crowd, ami, bowing slightly,
walked coolly across the ring. 1 thought
nothing of the mass of faces rising in rows,
but 1 remembered that Ninette could see
me. and that she had said I was helping in
a good cause. I felt that I had performed
as 1 bad hardly ever performed before, ami
the long applause was again and again
renewed as I left the ring. What would
Ninette say ? Would she congratulate
me ? Passing through the dimly-ligbted
building outside the tent, where the horses
waited, I caught sight of two figure* stand
ing aside in the shadow—Ninette and a
gentleman, an army officer wham 1 had
met that morning—talking low and ear
nestly. I h|d often noticed him in the
circus, and noticed his evident admiration
of Ninette, still I had never seen him out
there among us before, and I started as I
came op to them in the gloom. Ninette
carelessly turned her eyes upon me for a
moment, then went on talking; coquet
tish ly am! flippantly it seemed to me. I
took her horse from the man who wa
bringing It forward, and myself led it
toward bar.
" Are you rewdy, Mile. Ninette V I
asked, my voice trembling against my will.
"Ready? Why?" she inquired, with
slow contempt.
"Allow me. O, [way allow me, Made
• moiselle," exclaimed the stranger, starting
forward. And Ninette, smiling, put her
foot into his hand.
Seating herself in the saddle with the
utmost ease, she carelessly, as it seemed,
backed Black Hawk against me. " Signor
Ricardo," she said, haughtily, 44 Is this the
spot where the gentlemen of our company '
usually rest between their exercises in the
ring T* An ironical answer rase to ay
lips, but I withheld the words.
41 Stand bark, if you please, Signor.
Must you always follow me 1 always haunt
me ? Stand back."
With a quick change of voire and a bright
shy smile, she bent to take her little
gilded whip as the officer handed it to her. j
'■ Thanks, Monsieur le Capitainc." Ami
while she bent gracefully, and seemed to
be only stroking the neck of the splendid
black horse, she reined him in, skillfully 1
ami imperceptibly, until he touched my :
1 turned away without answering; and
for the first time Ninette performed with- j
out tny eyes following her graceful motions.
<Tbe strange gentleman moved to the open
ing into the tent, but when she rode bark,
flushed and triumphant after her success,
*be came forward again eagerly. She drew
up her lissome little figure with a dash of
odd pride, and turning Black Hawk rapidlv
asidc, sprang to the ground unassisted.
Her part was played for that night, and,
while the loud clapping within was con
tinued, she walked slowly out into the
darkness; her long ctimson habit over her
arm, her little cap pushed from ber bright, I
excited face, and her eyes raised to the
young officer who walked beside her.
After that, all is a burning confusion in
my brain until one evening when I awoke
to consciousness in the hospital for which
I had been performing, and heard the physi
cians (who had seen roe fall, and had at
tended pityingly upon me ever since) whis
per that all would be well in time.
4 Ricardo, dear fellow," said the manager,
coming forward softly, and bending to
whisper to me, " Tbank God all will be
well. The worst is over."
I hardly know when the knowledge
dawned upon me, or how; but as I lay
there—my old companions clustering round
me—l knew that 1 bad performed among
them for the last time. I knew that life
had most wonderfully and mercifully-been
spared me; but that I should never walk
again. Ido not remember tb-t the knowl
edge came with any sharp or bitter pain ;
1 think it was a quiet, hopeless conviction
from the first. Ttioy had given me a small
room in the hospital to myself; partly to
spare others the sight of my suffering;
partly, perhaps, because I had hurt myself
in their cause.
So the days and nights passed on; and
slowly, slowly brought me a little ease at
One morning Monsieur, entering my
room with a brighter lace than usual, told
me Ninette had come to see me. I fell
the blood rush into ray wan face as 1 took
- her little warm hand in both my own.
" Oh! you are so much better, Ricardo,"
she said, her small lips trembling a little
as she looked at me. "We shall soon have
you back in your place among us."
1 shook my head slowly. "Never again,
" Why?" she asked in feigned asto/h
FRED. KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor.
" I ahall never walk again anywhere, I
think, Ninette; certainly not w the vitiiat
ing wire. I know I must he a -be iame
all niv lift?; and I'm trying, aa 1 lie here,
to gel accustomed to* the* thought, and to
feel preralrd.*
"No I no!" ahe cried, ouickly. " Dont
try to get aecu-t timed to it, Rieardo. Tiy
to think of getting well, and that w ill help
you to do *o''
"Will it f Then I will try,'" 1 answered,
struggling with my sadness. " When lo
you leave here V
''Leave here t 0, I don't know. Not
till you ate well, I should think. Why,
Rieardo," -he added, as I Mailed incredu
lously. "dont you know that to-uight we
are all going to neribtni for your benefit /
You've not heard, you say f Why, what
has Monsieur found to talk to veu about,
then, for be talks to me of uotluug else t
I wish I could have Ivrought you one of
the enormous bills, headed ' Rieardo'a
Benefit,' in letters a- large aut myself. You
always were loud of reading your own
name in the bills, weren't you P f
'• Yes—with yours," I answered, intently
watching the bright lace.
" Well, you would have seen mine, too,
to-day, iu letters almost larger, for I'm
going to—ride."
" Of course," I answered, with a taint
smilo, while 1 wondered a little at the
sudden change in her voice. " What audi
ence would there be if you did not, Ni
nette ?"
44 None," she laughed. " You must wish
me Miccro* before Igo away. But here's
Monsieur cwue to di*mi*s me. I've been
telling Signor Ricardo," she added, as the
manager joined us, 44 various particulars of
his benefit. How very willing we all give
our service*, llow all the town is patron
izing us."
" And did she tell you," asked Mou
situr, with a pleased and excited look,
•'haw 1 offered to double the price of
admjssion if anyone would promise a nov
elty f and how she herself immediately
proposed to perform her Moorish feat f I'll
show you one of the handbills. Here it
k: "Mile. Ninette, the equestrian tiueen,
on ber magnificent steed Blurt /fori,
44 0, no, no! yon most not let her," 1
exclaimed, in hasty bar. 44 Oh! Monsieur,
it is most rash and dangerous."
Monsieur smiled as he put the handbill
hack into his pocket, and Ninette arose
with a vexes! glance across at him.
" I)o forbid her to do this," 1 cried again.
"Mile. Ninette is such a superb boree
woman," the manager said, "that if she
feels she can accomplish it safely ami bril
liantly, I feel it too. And it will make
to-night's performance an unrivaled success.
She has done it before, you know; and a
gorgeous and unprecedented triumph it
44 It is a willful risking of life," I faltered,
the tears starting in my weakness. 44 1
shall be miserable."
" I shall not," laughed Monsieur, rising.
44 1 have too much confidence in Ninette."
" Don't thiuk about it at all, RiclWo,"
Ninette said, giving me her hand as she
prepared to leave. " I should never have
told you myself because I know how
invalids worry themselves about the safest
and most trilling things. I have tn ado up
my mind to do it, and Black Hawk under
stands that same entirely."
"Oh! do not venture it, Ninette," I
whispered, ap|>caiing to her in bittemear
nektnes*. '• Say yon will not."
44 No—for 1 must," she answered, laugh
ing lightly, though she spoke with odd,
steady quietness.
Then I covered my eyes with my feeble
hands, and let t he tears flow on.
" I shall come in and see you before the
per form once," Ninette *aiii, after a little
dismal pause.
" Will von, Ninette V I asked eagerlv,
as 1 battled with my cowardice. "Will
yon come in just as you go 7"
"I hardly know about that," she an
swered, with a quaint, shy smile.
Monsieur bad left the room then, and
Ninette was standing opposite me, about
to follow him.
"Ninette," I said, slowly, as I feasted
my eyes on ber sweet face, "when I saw
you first you wore an old black habit,
quite rusty, I remember; ami yon had a
hat in your band, with a long scarlet plume
almost touching the ground. And how
ever I have seen you since, yon have al
ways been to me as you were that day—
and you always will be, dear."
"I remember that old velvet habit," she
laughed "It Is a superanuated aiticlc
now ; and—what did you think of me then,
Ricardo /"
"Just what I think now."
She laughed again, but her step wa soft
and lingering when she left me.
Until evening I lay and thought of ber ;
picturing the beautiful little figure that
would come to me iu its gorgeous theatri
cal drw. The twilight glided slowly in
to my silent room, and then I lay and lis
tened breathlessly, for I knew she mast
come soon now. Yet so noiselessly she
entered at last that even my waiting ears
could scarcely catch the light step. With
out a word she shut the door behind her.
Then she stood looking at mc; her red lips
parted with an irrepressible smile, and her
ayes brimming over with fun. But she
vt< clad in no gay, unusual dress ; she
stood there holding up in one hand the old
black habit; from the other dangled the
little hat with its scarlet plume; and her
head was only crowned with its bright,
fair curls.
"Ninette," I said, breaking my wonder
ing silence, "seeing you so, I feel as if,
through all the years that I lie helpless. I
could dream that you have been to me all
that I wildly dreamed you might be when
I saw you so for the first time. Thank
you for coming a* you are; but you will
have to change your dress again, you ride
in such a different costume."
The color rushed to her check*, and her
eyes grew hot and dark.
" Yes, very different; but cannot you
think of me always a* you see me now,
Jtieardo—as you saw me first 7 The peo
ple are passing the hospital gates in crowds"
she went on turning and looking through
the window ; I expect a fuller house than
we ever had in England. It is for your
sake, Signor."
" I wish I thought so,"I said very earn
estly ; " I wish I did not know they go to
.see your wild and daring leap, Ninette.
How terrible it will lie to witness—for
those who love you ! "
She laughed a low, quick laugh, but did
not turn to me.
You are.thinking of Captain Attendant,
I dare say, Ricardo 1 But you need not,
for 1 have never spoken to him since the
night you—fell; and 1 never shall again."
■A wild, proud joy sprang up in my
heart. " Ninette," f cried, "my darling,
turn your face to me. I am so hdpless
here, and shall so soon lose the face 1 love.
Come to me for these few precious momenta"
Verv gently she came up to me, and
laid her cool hand on my forehead.
She bent ber head, and as I laid my
weak fingers on the soft curls, one deep
sob shook the little kneeling figure, but
when she rose her eyes were very bnght
behind their glistening lashes. She did
not say a word of farewell to me. With
a strange, brave, struggling smile, which
would have vanished with a word, she hes
itated a moment; her checks flushing, and
her lips wistful Then quite suddenly,
with just the slight gesture with which she
acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd,
she left me.
1 lay and listened as the carriages rolled
past the infirmary gates; and presently,
across the river, 1 could hear our own bami
strike up merrily. I could follow in fancy
the whole performance as I lay with the
programme before me, and the well-known
airs to guide me. At last, with a quicken
ed beating ' of my heart, 1 felt that the
time was come for Niuette's appearance.
I knew the very tune with which thelunid
j would greet her. Ah ! there it was ; but
j drowned almost in a loud prolonged applause
Then—knowing he wa* perbmning I lay
there quivering tu every limb.
It was just as one of the h*|<ital physi
cian* and a nurse came Into my nann that
a great shout nee on the other side of the
river, and rolled joyously across to me.
My blood burned in my veins,
"That is to greet her alter her leap," 1
said, -|*-akiug aloud and rapidly in my iti
i ten -e relief. "Thank tlod; it V* over."
'* I, too, am glad it is over," said the
phyaiclau gravely; "such a feat should
never have been attempted."
" And yet every one lias gone to sec it,"
I ntisw<Avd, |<assionately, as the nurse turn
ed my (lillow. " Why did they eucourage
her f"
"Such thing* would lie done in any
case," he answered, "at least we Judge an;
though |a<rha|is ar do not try it ; lor cer
taiuly every on* has gone to sec this leap
to night; all our own household, lik-every
one else's. Yet how can'we help disap
proving such a dangerous act, pcrfimned
too by a young and beautiful girl, w hose
lite must be one long temptation to display
—if to uothiug worse I "
" Listen!" 1 cried, in sudden terror,
pushing away the nurse, and starting up
with panting breath. •' Bid the band stop
then—suddenly 1 Hark! it i* all silent."
I rvmember faltering incoherent appeals
to Weaken to the circus; and 1 remem
ber Bow they tried to soothe ue, laying
me back upon the bed. ami diawing down
the bliud before my wild aud staring eyes.
Rut in that hush ai;n*s the river I knew
that I bad had tuy death blow.
They brought me no tidings lor days.
They kept mo in darkness nil bin and
without. But when at last my braiu was
calm a-raiu, and my eyes had lust their rest
less fever, they told roe some few pai ticu
lars of that fearful night.
Ninette had performed her dauntless
feat with dauntless success. While she
stood daiutily upon his neck, Black liawk
took his leap smoothly and safely. But
the astonished crowd had not been satis
fied with this; with a persistent cry they
had summoned ber again ; and summoned
her m mv name.
"As the seat* for to-night have been
taken at double pricw," she had said laugh
ingly, to Monsieur, " 1 owe the audit-nee
a double appearance."
Ami so she had ridden in again tri
umphantly, and springing lightlv upon the
neck of her home, had prepared again for
her wonderful leap.
, Then came the hush—though no one
ever cuuid tell me exactly how it had oc
curred; seme saying Ninette was unusu
ally excited by her brilliant leaf ; and
some that she was tired. She fill—fell
with a light, sudden fall, which would not
hare hurt her, perhaps, but that her tern
pie struck the boards which separated
the front row of spectators from the ring.
Thank God that there had l>eeii n •strug
gle ! There was one deep red stain upon
the soft, fair curl*; but no anguish on the
young dead face when they lifted it *0
In the rare, sweet dream* which visit
me as I lie here, I always see Ninette just
a> I saw her first--just as I saw her last.
And when 1 awake, I am almost glad to
see, in the faces round me, that the tune
is drawing very ueir when I shall see her
once again— London Society.
The Power of Lightning.
The concentration of power iu a stroke
of lightning, acting through nu incon
ceivably small interval of time, may jKr
luips be realized after examining it* work
of destruction, yet it* inductive action
on the earth'a surface is not less wonder
ful. Prof. A. M. Mayer made ah ex
periment, some time since, which de
monstrated the extent of thi* action.
|He connected the wire-of a galvanometer
with the water-pipes of Baltimore. Md.,
and joined the other end of the coil to a
gas-pipe of a boose in the south-western
j jwrt of the city. Thus a vast metallic
i system of electric nerve* stretched three
mile* towards the north-west, to the
I reservoir, and about as many railed to
the cast and south-east, over the eity.
A thunder-storm was raging at the time
in the north, at so great a distance that
only the illuminations of the rlotid* told
when a flash occurred. Yet whenever
that flash took [dace, the needle of the
galvanometer was instantly deflected
through ten or twenty degrees. S.v
nc irly simultaneous were the two occur
rences fluit no difference in the instant
of their manifestation could lie detected.
Shutting himself up in a dark room
containing the galvanometer, he signaled,
wlicn the needle moved, to an observer
of the storm, who also gave n signal
whenever a flash occurred ; and the ex
change of signals was always found to
be simultaneous. It was ascertained on
the following day that the storm was
more than twelve miles distant, thus
showing tliat over 500 square miles of
earth's surface was effected at each flash
of the lightning.
44 Llttle Hoy."
I was much touched says a correspond
ent writing for the ruins of lYshtigo with
the story of Joseph Lasne. lie was a
fanner iu the Bush, with a wife and
five children. They had fought to the
last, and left only when the flnincs flash
ed clean over their building. Lasure
carried his three-year old boy, and his
wife a fcabe. All kept together, with
the flames striking them at every *toi>,
for 30 rexls. The wife could go no fartli
er, and dropped with her stifled balie in
her arms. The father had now to drop
his little three-year old, who was picked
ni> in turn by the elder boy of thirteen.
'Die brave boy carried the little fellow
for nearly a quarter of a mile, when both
sank down together. Little Floy, nine
years old, and their only girl, stood it
the smartest of all, and kept ahead of
her father for half a mile, cheering him
on with bravo words, when nil tlic rest
had perished. She hail now to pass over
burning grass, when her dress wns en
veloped in flames. "Oh, if I could
have saved that girl!" said tho grief
choked father, anil his story was ended.
A young lad, next neighbor to Lasure,
who was sived, had mueh to tell of little
Floy. Hhe was the smartest scholar at
school. Hhe read finely,in the sth read
er, and could spell down all tho scholars
She was small of size, exceedingly bright,
beautiful, active and sweet tempered.
All the living in Sugar Bush will rcmcm
l r long and speak tenderly of the little
IJusiNKKsis Paws.—lnvestigations re
cently made by such adherent* of the
Commune as txxrkroy, Allnin, Targe,
Murat, Bonvalet, ami others, who are
memliers of the present Municipal Coun
cil of Paris, show that while the business
of restaurateurs, shoemakers, tailors, and
many other tradespeople yet feels the
effects of the siege in diminished receipts,
the occupation of milliners and makers
of artificial flowers is utilise remunerative
and prosperous as ever it was. These
two tradix are prosecuted exclusively by
women, a (act which, coupled with the
fuct that they exist exclusively for wo
men, may to somo extent explain their
E resent well-being. Attempts were made
y other countries during tho war to
compete with France in the manufacture
of flowers, but they were without success.
A PETITION has been sent to the Presi
dent from the citizens of Arizona asking
him to allow Gen. Cook to puisne the
Apache campaign uninterrupted by
Peace Commissioners.
The Everglade* of Florida.
Tlu Evergladca art" just a submerged
pruirio, and (hey exhibit the manner tti
which tint great Wiatitrn prairie" were
formed. !>rttiu the Kwrgtmlim, (it could
l*e done,) niid the present i-damla would
be lull*. Submerge a prairie, and its
hills would become island*. No tree it
found on the Evergladca, Woanae they
are eouvhuitly covered with water; 110
tree* are found on the prairie*. I >eon use
they went loug covered with water.
Time will come when this vast plain will
lie clear of water, and then we shall hate
a large surface, like the prairies, clear
of tn-ca, and tlttitd for cultivation by
man. iu these little Everglade island.*
the )KUUI flourished, and also the orange
and every other tree of Florida. The
eastcr-oii plant grow* up to be n large
tree of several years' lifts. The arrow
root and sweet-potato patches mi rely re
quire that stirring of tuc ground u.-oes
sary in removing the full-grown roots to
cause the younger ones to grow and keep
on growing. It is n<a!ly not necessary
to plant uwrr than once. It is a laay
utau's paradise. No wonder the Indians
wen* unwilling to move to tin* Wat ; it
was uot tin* graves of their father* th* >
were uuwilluig to leave, it was their
potato and pumpkin patches. Their
pumykiu is small, roundaud sweet ; they
cut it open, put iu a raccoon <>r opossum,
cover it with ashes aud bake it in the
fire. The lniutcrs think it a superb
dish. Another plan is to take a fish ju*t
off the hook, and without sealing or
cleaning, wrap it up iu gn*eti leaves aud
bake it iu the tame way. Hunter* use a
wet newspaper. It is done when, if you
tear a piece of the wrapping, the skin
and M ales oouie off with it. You tear
off skin and wrapping trom one side, and
eat the flesh, turn it over aud -at the
other, and throw bones aud inside away.
Indians iu small number* arc still
found near the Everglade*. They do
not like the whites, ure not sociable, but
there is a talisman that will move thciu
out of stoicism into cordiality, then* is
a sesame that will O|H>U an Indian's
heart and mouth, uud that is whisky.
They are the only savages who have
never invented an intoxicating liquor ol
their own. Th. ir only i!n of civilisa
tion is to get drunk. Hide into their
own country, put up with a Chief, give
him whisky uud promise him more, uftd
he and his are at your service so loug its
your whisky lasts.
What Men have Wed for.
Colonel Montgomery was shot in a
duel about a d<>£; Colonel itnnaer iu one
id suit u servant ; M r . I'Vatlu rstono lit
<>ue about a recruit : Storm 's father in
on* aUuit a goose ; and another geiitle
mail in one about all aore ul aurhoxicx ;
on" officer was challenged for merely
aaking kin op|M>uciit to enjoy tlie aiviiil
goblet ; tuitl another wan compelled to
tight nlwut*!! pinch of snuff; ISenerul
I tarry was challenged bv a Caption Smith
for declining wine at dinner on a steam
boat, although the General bad pleaded
iu Ul cxeiMtlut vine invariably made
him kirk; ami Lieutenant Cowllicr lout
his life iu a duel Imiim' In- wan rcfuootl
ulmittnttee to a rlub of ptgtoti tboultm.
In 1777 a dud ooeurred-iu New York
city, lk-twii-H Lieutenant F<utlieratooe
liatigh, of tin- 7<Uh, ami Captain Alel'hcr
-on, of the 4'i.l British regiment, in re
gard to the manner of eating an mr of
corn, one contending that the licit fat
ing was from the cob and the other that
the grain should !*• cut off fn>m th * cob
In-fore eating. Lieutenant Fealhcrstoiie
hAugh lo*t his right arm. the lull from
his Riitiigouiat'a pistol shattering the
litilb dreadfiiHy, ao niilrh so that it had
tola- ampiitaUsl. (iraliam, Major Nnuh'a
assistant editor on tin- National Advocate,
lost his life in 1K27, at the iluclling
ground at Hotmkcn, with lkirton, the
aon in-law of Kdwasd lavingston, in a
simple dispute id* nit "what was trumjsT'
in a ptmo of cards.
How THKY Fixrn HlM—Albany start
CMI a kind of a relief fund a fin
days since, and tho reeeilrt of which
in likely to afford any tlnnp imt satisfac
tion to tho recipient. It appears Uiut a
gentleman was rii|iiwtol to contribute
something to the Chicago fund. At
And he called the fund s swindle and
then gave ten dollars. The exclamation
was merely a ltsslr one, and the gentle
man evidently .InJong* to that class of
person* who always grumble, although
possessed of the kiudest intentions But
mark his punishment. His lrnrd criti
cism was made public by an evening
journal, and penny contributions wca i
railed for to reimburse him in his un
willing outlay. Tlu- result was that
lennies came pouring in from all parts
of the city, county nnd state. As soon
as the thousandth penny was received
the whole sum was put up iu a package
and sent to the gcutlemnn's office.
Worse punishment is rarely inflicted for
a hasty word.
HKS.H IN FUCK OR Dons,—There is
hardly a family that does not throw
away enough table scru|tft to keep nt
h ast a down lieus ; and many that keep
a nuisance iu the sliApc of a dog, that
does no good, but cost* more than a
dozen good hens. One dog in a neigh
borhood is generally a greater trouble to
the ncighl>on< than a flock of hens would
ho; for if hens are well feed at home,
they will rarely go uwny. But who
ever saw a dog that was not a j**st, run
ning across the newly made garden, and
sticking his nose into everything. Kill
off curs and give the food to the liens,and
you will And pleasure as well ns profit
in so doing. Wc wish there was e tax of
8100 on every dog kept in the country.
These that are of value ns watch dogs,
could IKS retained, while the host of
snarling, dirty curs would givcidaoe to
some more useful nnd less troublesome
Br AM, MRJUU.—A shrewish wife,
unite sick, culled her husband to come
and sit by her bed-side.
"Thisisn sad world, my dear," said
the wife, plaintively.
"Very coincided the man.
" Were it not for leaving you I should
love to quit it."
"Oh, k iny dear," eagerly reanonded
the fellow, "how can yon think I wouhl
interfere with your happiness! Go by
all means."
The lady got well
How THEY I>ii> rr.—There are more
ways than one of resenting an insult.
Several Prussian officers in full uniform
were present at a concert in AmHterdain.
not long ago. The musicians struck up
" Die Waelit tm Hhein," when the
audience t><>k it iuto their heuds to hiss.
The bund in order to allay the tumult,
glided into the Dutch national air. At
the fir*t strains the Prussian officers un
eovered their heads, rose and stood dur
ing the remainder of the piece.
It is significant to learn that, in con
sequence of the famine prevailing in
Persia, the exportation of dates from
tluit country ha* been prohibited by the
authorities. In England alone wo an
nually receive from 12,000 to 15,000 tons
of these dates, which are consumed with
considerable appreciation by the chil
dren of the {K>or. — The Grocer.
After the great tire iu London, iu 1060,
Parliament enacted that every house
should be built with independent walls,
aud all iu front raised to equal height,
and those, walls should be of stone or
brick, aud that uo muu should delay be
yond seven years.
Mi one lu a California Rambling House.
" A tu uncut, if von phase," quietly
remarked an almost beardless desperado.
Covering bis pile with a llrui baud, aud
filing dangerous eyes on the burly deal
er of iiionb' wboui bo mlilnsmw: "you
can stop there."
•• Well, air."
" Well, excuse me, but I think you
drew two cards."
" I la'line not. I'll take your pile if
you please the kerwajo takes it.
" rwo-canls!"
Your money!"
Ami in each rase the words were ac
companied by a quick and quiet move
ment which disclose* a revolver. With
the apjiearaueoof these two new disput
ant-*, poinded, curt, of brief but sharp
agd downright speech-there i*quick bnt
fluMleasstir uiuoug the spectators around
the table. In a moment a clear space
is formed, in the tuidst of a still circle of
(lushing eyes, compressed li(is and clench
cl hand-." Y'ou may count twenty d
liltcrtiUdy en? you hear a breath or **•
the slightest movement.
" Well, air "
" Well ! "
" Your money! "
'■ Your earth?!"
L'p at? i?s u bystander—some cool,
.-toady Wetonui, ex|M*rt in the game uud
versed tu the law of difficulties—u man
of awful nerve, wluar tynqiaiium, n?t-tu
touii'd to the crack, no pistol shot aWnis
" Oentlcnicn," nays lu>, " try arbitra
tion first."
Another ipiick change of euontring
uud responsive glances between the dis
Not * word, but the eyes of each
plainly *>av "agreed." llotli throw them
selves brvk in their chairs aud withdraw
their huuila from the table, with tlx- air
of nteu inviting examination, aud rr*s
olute to abide the result. The veternn
call* up two brothers of the Green Cloth
coin | a*tent to act as umpire ; and three
minutes, fnuight with mortal .lauger,
an* |maaed in deliberately oouuting the
cards na they lie on the cloth, aud nam
ing them slowly—like the tolling of a
boll, or the measured pronunciation of a
d. ath scut once. Except that there has
ln*cu uo nuim* but tbe itiwultaitoou* click
ing of two pistol locks. Tbe dealer and
his young r.s-o-ri* are seemingly iiucon
eertietl for the event " You are wrong,
uiv friend," savs Veteran.
"No cunt w:v*> drawn here. Mistakes
will hapiM-u to the mat careful gentle
Front that derision then- is no appeal.
Hi finger on the trigger after that
would have cost the young fellow ni*
life. So pistols go back to their resting
phtees, hands an- shaken wnas the table,
drink- for the company at the expeitac
of tlie " btK-ker"—U be who plays
agaimt the lunk i* called and fhe gnrne
proceed* with n b -t'.i-j understanding.
Ilistorj of the Cent.
The old red cent is rapidly juasiug
away out of the Ultitod States currency,
aud it w ill not 1- long before it will only
1h- know u iu memory aud numismatic
collection*. Its history is a matter, of
sufficient interest for pn-si-rv.ition. The
cent was first pn ptwnd by ItoU-rt Morris
the great flmuieicr of the revolution, and
was named by Jefferson two year* af
tcr. It Is-gwtt to make ila appearance
from the mint in 171)2. It lain- Uic head of
Washington ou one siij- mid thirteen
links oti the other. The French n-vo
lutiou soon created a rage for Fn-neh
ideas, which put on the cent, instead of
the bead of Washington. the bend of the
(OHldeas of Liberty—n Freneb Liberty,
with flowing locks. The chain on tin
reverse wusu-placcd ly the olive wreatli
of peace. Put the French Lilx-rlv was
abort-lived, and an was her |>ortrait on
tlu- cent. The next head or figure stic
ecssling this- the staid elaasie dame with
a fllht a round her Iwir-eanie into fnidiion
alHiut thirty or forty years ago, au 1 her
fiuely chiseled Grecian feu tares have
lawn but slightly altered in the lapee of
TK Comer. Enckc'a great comet,
which make* n tour to the region of the
sun once in Miami three year* and at
quarter, is now on it* way thither, and
w ill reach the jtcrihilicu some time in
January. It will very soon come within
the ken of the astronomer*, but person*
who have only their eyes to see with will
not have the pleasure of Is-holding the
erratic visitor. It " rounds " the siui at
a di*tunee of thirty-two million mile*
and then darts off into space, and liefore
it turns to roan- back reaches a |>oint of
thn-e hundred aiql thirty-seven million
mile* from that luminary. This comet
is an olip-c! of eij-msl intere*t to schol
ar*. owing to the fact that the pericsl of it*
revolution is gradually diminishing.
Tlii* is supposed to prove that the re
gions of apace are filled with a material
either capable of retarding the motion
of solid bodies, the ultimate effect of
which will lie to destroy th centrifugal
force of the planet* and allow them grnd
unlly and imjierccptibly to glide into tlie
ami. It will take a long time for the
earth to rt-.u-h that destination, but
Eneke's comet periodically reminds n
that such is it* final doom.
A Voirr FTIOM I'TAH.—The chnraeb-r
of the petition from Utah, TiO ftn-t long,
and signed by ulmnt 2,5tXl women of
that Territory, luis lnen unintentionally
misstated. Listeml of being aguinst
polygamy, it is in favor of that institu
tion, and was sent to the Executive Man
sion at Washington by Delegate Hooper.
The petitioners sav that their hnsband*
fntlu r, sons, and brothers, are new be
ing exposed to the murderous policy of
a clique of Federal officers intent on the
destruction of an honest, happy, industri
ous, and prosperous people, aud thev
therefore ask tor the removal of the Fed
eral disturbers of the jieacc, or at least
to stop the disgraceful court proceedings,
or send candid and trustworthy men to
Utah to investigate the question of the
coiiHlitiitioiiul righti and lils-rty of the
people. The |N-titionera express their ap
probation of jHilygamv. asserting that it
was sanctioned by Christ's teachings,
aud that the institution is licing i>er
vcrted by Federal oflloera.
A NOVKI, GARDEN. —The young King
of Bavaria Ims an immense garden on
the roof of his palace at Munich which
is naiil to rival the celebrated hanging
gardens of Scmiraniis. In the center of
it then' is a lake with fishes and swans
swimming in it, and (his is surrounded
by woods in which there are various
animals and birds, and also rock-work
and grottoes. The rocks hod to lie hol
lowed out before transporting them to
the roof, the !letter to enable the build
ing to Isar their weight. There is in
the center of the garden a sort of tent or
pavilion of great magnificence, which no
one but the King ever enters. The
apartments under the palace roof were
formerly occupied by the ltulics of honor,
but they have 1 won converted into
B tallies, because too much time was re
quired to hoist hones to the roof when
ever the King wished to ride or drive
through this fairy-like resort.
THE cost of the war in Cuba during
the past year has been $62,000,000, and
the Colonial deficit for the year amounts
to #11,000,000. The Spanish Govern
ment asks for a credit of $20,000,000 for
military purposes.
Miss Carrie Monfort, of Boston, known
as tlut "Pat Girl," recently died of dis
eased) f the heart. Bhe was uino years
•Id,"and weighed nearly four hundred
In the Flaw*.
There ia a melancholy interest attach
ed to the incident* of the flrua in the
Northwest. A eorespoi:dout who Was
;at i'osliligo when that village waa liurn
ed say* ; The sharp air of ottrlv Ooto
lier hud aent the (ample in from lite even
ing ehureh aervieea more promptly than
usual, although numbers delayed h,
speculate on a great noise ami ado which
set iii ominously from the wrest The
housewives I,Hiked tremblingly at the
lire# and lights within and the m*u took
a hist look at the (MMsihilitiefl without ;
for mtpiy it was truly a laat glimpse,
'l'he noise grew in volume, and nunc
nanrer uud nearer wilh terrific crackling
and detonations. The forest rocked
ami tossed tiimultitnnvlv ; a dire alum
fell ui>on the imprisoned village, for Ihe
swirling blast* cam > down from every
aide. In one awful instant, lief ore ex-'
|M*-tation could give share to the horror,
a great flauic shot up in the western
heaven*. and in eotiiiUea* fiery tongue*
struck downward into tlie village, piert*-
ing every objest that sbmtl in the town i
like ar, <l-!i<,t bolt. A deafening roar,
iuirigle.l with blasts of electric flame,
filled the air and paralysed every aonl
in the (dace. There was no beginning
to the work of ruin ; the flaming whirl
wind swirled in an instant through the
to vn.
Moved by a common* instinct, for all
knew that the woods that encircled the
town were iiu(a'ueUwble, every itabita
tiou was d©-cried to the flames, and
the gasj ing multitude flocked to the
Tfin-e bttndml people wr-dgvd them
selves in Iwtweeii the rolling booms,
swayed to and fro by the current, * la-re
they roaat.d in the hot breath of flame
that hovered nlwwre them, and singed
the hair on eorh heail momentarily ex
jxmc.l aliove the water. Here des^wir
ing men and women held their children
till the cold water came a* an ally to the
fl.iiii.w, and deprive! them of strength
The wretched throng neck deep in the
water, and the still more hapless beings
stretched on the heated mtiids, were
piem-d and blistered by tlie*e bunting
, particle*. They seemed like lancet* of
red-hot steel, ja dfinding the thickest
Long after Utc flames had died out,
when then- ws no more to feed on, the
hot saml* rendered moving slsmt an
exquisite torture, ami long into the dis
iii.d midday the anrvivorw were confined
to the narrow circuit near the river. As
the dav won- on, help conn- in slowly
from the northward. Several railroad
mings had iwiipil annihilation, and one
gang, led by an ex-priae-figbtor nomad
Mulligan, came with promptness and
.-fficiency totlie rva-or through miles of
burning prairie and blockaded roods.
When the work of rescue ls-gan it was
found tluit a great numtier had (wspxl
by the lied of the river aud the northern
road to the port, aud, as the day ad
vnnod, hulf-nakixl straggler*, unkempt
and blackened, liegwn to stream into the
-parse settli-ment. A* the molten muds
IBook 1 off. tlie wofii! work of rorognition
, U-gitn. P<x ring into blackened facrw,
i mothers, fathera, brothers tr mbliugly
sought out missiug OIH*.
Some, in the imnM -euirealle anguish
of Uie moment, had dashed themselves
: against the sands and 1< t ont the life
with their own hands that the licking
flame* covwtad. Men, too distant from
tlie river to hope for rescue or safety,
ha<l cut the tlinwl* of tiieir choking
children, and were found in groups
sometimes uncwrred by the flom<-w. In
the Ktnet*, fall twenty corpse were
found with no np|iarcnt injure or abra
sion. Fatuous tnde*mtui, in the sudden 1
nodi of fi.rtne, ha.l thrown their valuables
into wr-lls for security ; every well in 1
the rity was turui-d into a flaming pit, |
and the scry waters half evni*rnUxl by
the heat. Survivor* attest that women
and children, cut off from the river*. ]
were put into well* and covered with
Iw-dding. 1 linve looked into everv Well
in the ash covered Hiwrinr, ami then- i*
no possibility that a living thing could
have eudunHl the flames that boiled and
seethed in tli cm.
Hon Hut Iron Ma; br Handled.
Mono. I. Fontelle. President do In
Sociote des Peicnccs Physi<inei et Chi- i
miqnes do Paris, Ac., has leH the follow-1
ing on nxxtrd ; " About tlie year 18lW
one Laonetto, a Spaniard, astouiohed not <
only the ignon nt, but chemists and i
other men of science, iu France, Ger- j
many. Italy and England, by the impuni-1
ty with which he handled rwl-hot irtm j
and nvtlton le.wl. dmnk boiling nil, and i
performed other feats equally mini-!
cttloua. While lie wn* nt Naplc-s ho:
i attracted tlie notice of Professor Somen-'
torn, who narrowly watcheil all o|>erationa (
and eadoovorod to discover his secret. |
He olaicrved in tlie first place, that when
! liionetto applied n pieeo of n-d-hot iron ,
to his lmir denw fumes immediately
rose from it, and the same occurred
wlu-n lio touched his foot with the iron, j
Ho also saw him place a rod of iron, |
nearly red-hot, Is-tween hi* tooth with-1
<uit burning himself, drink the third of j
a tableapoonfnl of boiling oil, and tnk-'
ing up molten Lwul with his finger* place
it on liia tongue without appnr nt ittcon- j
venienco. oomentern's efforts after per- j
forming aevend ex|erimeuts ujx-n him
self, wen- finally crowned witli snocesa. ]
He found that bv friction with sulphuric
acid, dilnteil witli water, the skin might
Is- made insensible to the action of the i
heat of red-hot iron; a solution of alum, :
evaporated until it became *;>ongy, ap- i
|>cnred to be still more effectual. After i
having rubbed the parts which were
thus rendered, in some degree, incon
bu*tible with hard soap, he discovered :
on Uic appliostiou of hot inn that their ,
insensibility was increased. He then de- ■
termincd c'n again rubbing the |arta
with soap, and after this found that the I
hot iron not only occasioned no pain, !
but that it m-tually did not burn the |
hair. Being thus far satisfied, tho Pro-,
feasor aiqdiod hard soap to hi* tongue j
until it iH-cnmc insensible to the heat of!
the iron ; and after having placed an j
ointment composed of soap mixed with |
a solution of nhun upon it, lsnling oil {
did not burn it While the oil remained !
on the tongue a slight hissing was heard,
similar to tluit of hot iron thrust into
water ; tho oil soon cooled, aud waatben i
iwidlowed without danger. Several :
Hcicntjfle men have since successfully re-'
peatcd the experiments of Professor j
Sementc m "
ON THK RAMPAGE. —The " wild steer"
steers wildly through the streets of St.
Louis at all times of day. One is rc
ported reoeutly to have " cupsixed two
men, killed one, tossed a couple of chil
dren in the air, butted through a show
window, knocked down the triune of u
shed, gone through a bar-room, broken
up an auction, broken a man's leg, nui
saeked a liarlier shop, IUUI swum the
Mississippi ltiver."
ODD MATEIUAI.. —In the village of Mun
ford, New York, there is a chinch in
process of erection, which is being bnilt
of u petrifaction taken from n swamp
near by, and consisting of leaves, roots,
twigs, muck, etc., together with lime
stone. The blocks are so cut as to show
the material of which they consist, and
the building, when completed, will be a
decided curiosity.
It is said that the International Society
is alarming the European monarchal,
Prussia and Austria being in a partic
ular flurry about it.
, 1871.
Away Oat Weal.
Tin* following extract, taken verbatim,
from a private letter, dated Cache, Ne
vada, will it is fwiml, Und to creates
prejtn.HK- eg tin-t thut calm rwtr* at t—
" J'loohe is U- county scat of Lincoln
County, a mining citmp" * year old. It**
on the (Ireut A merman Desert, and situ
ated UHwecn bare mountains, looking
over a lux dry plain, Water bus to be
brought eight nnlas bv wagon, and is
okl at six Cents a gallon. There arv
ttlmut l,3tW people hern, the haK of
whom have been In Htxte Fii*m i
and highway robbers, Ac.), and Urn r.-.l
ought to lie. Our graveyard ha# II
graves, of which but two arc filled bv
death from natural anisec The rest at)
died with tlu-ir hoots on. ftbot mo-ily-,
some cut. One *huoting scrape took
niece in the IMUIV, in whiidi Mike Gsscy
killed Tony (omain, alter rucci ving Oos
sin's fire, There is no law. Any one
feeling aggrieved aocks redrew generally
with his pistol, ft'e been a rtoae gamcl
for me h VOOI times ; I got cut In the
log once, but lam licri* yd. I xh-ep
with n bull-dug, a floury iifi and a ain
shooter. The luium (silver)employ about
tKJb men, about a hundred ere in busi
iiesa, and the mat are blocktruant* of the
w oiwt kind cattle - thieve*, renegade
Mormons, and men who ere banished
fiotu society by I heir crime*, end reedy
for anything. It's &U inilos to railroad
or telcgm|ih ; wo have three dUgc* a
week and one mail. I've done wry well
bete, and would have made some money
but two of nir partners iu a claim were
killed, aud I can't go on along. My life
ha* ban attempted twiuc by the party
who my imrUu-ts. I .lout allow
any malt to aram lae if I can have a
show; but when it gets down to eases
where you dure not ait In- a window or
by an open door after dark, it# time to
jutuu the setae. If ever I gut bock to
California, I think I'll stay there; any
way, I've got enough of this kind of liv
ing. I'm tired of necking e six-shooter
around night and day."
Hut it isn't as hopeless a* it *cenvs—
; the future of thia placid little village;
for iu a few weeks wi tha uativos will be
diapoacd of—" ahot mostly ; some cut "
and then virtuous new aftk m can be
gin tbe settlement again.
A Printer's Preverbo.
Never vended tbou an article for pul>-
licntion without giving the editor thy
name, for thy same oftcntinwM WNIW
publication to wurthhsa* article *.
Tlioti diotikl'M not rep si the door of
a printing office, for be that* snwer*th
the rap sncereth in bis sleeve and loaeth
Neither do thon loaf l*>t, oak uinw
tioua, or kuock down type, or the boys
will love tlu* like they do shade trees
when thou kuvcth.
Thon dionM'st never read the copy on
the printer's caw, i r the sharp and
hooked eouUiuwr thereof, or be may
knock thee down.
Never inquire thon of the editor for
the news, for behold it his Ituaiaos#
at the appointed time to giveth Tliee
without aeking.-
It is not right that Utou should'*! oak
him who i the author of an article, for
liia duty tvajtun-th him to knp such
things to himself.
When thou dost enter into hia oflce,
take heed unto thyself that than dost
not look at what may be lying opeu and
cunnrnvth thee not, for that is not!
tm -t in the aigbt of good breeding.
Neither examine thoa tlie proof sheet,
for it is not ready to meet thine eye,
that tliou may st undcrstAud. •
Prefer thine own town paper to any
other, aud sulwciibc for it immediately.
Pay far it in advance, and it si tall be
well with thee and thine.
To a l'ottug bill.
Tou think you love the man who
is coming this Bandar night to visit
von 1 And he acts as if he loved yon !
Suppose liedcelaras himself, and asks
ywi to be hia wife. Arc jm prejwred
to my to him. *' I love Mid will trust you
through Kfe with my hspnine**, and th*
lives MM! weal of our children ?
He is jolty, gay. Mid. handsome, and
all the dsrts of ('lipid w twinkliag in
hia eyes, bat will thoae eyes always find
eipressiori from the love of n true aonl ?
Tonight he says many pleasant things.
;uid draws pretty pictmcs of the futnre. I
Doea he go to-iuorrow to work, which
gives promise of the fulfilment of your
j desires in life.
Do hi* ambitions and achievements ut
! iafv yon ?
tWi his every-day life shine with the
uoble endeavors of *n trust worthy man f
If yon think, aod desire a companion
in your thinking—one who aon unlock
the dcepcat depths of your mind—to
what strata of humanity doe* he belong
in the scale of excellence and morwlitv ?
Is he doing all lie can to build up fn
turc unefulmwa and happiaeos, iu which
. you can share and feci blessed ?
These are the questions which the ex- j
1-erienoe of after years make many wo- ]
men weep in liittemeas of sonl that
; they had not thought of before they aa
sweml " To*- w
A SiMirtAK AixMPKirr. —A eiurioas ami
somewhat startling accident necurrcd in j
Brooklyn.N. Y. An ordimwy runm- boikw
burst and the hot wntor very liudiy scohl-;
od a lady and several ohildfeu who nt re
in tlie kitchen. On examination the'
Iwili-r wna found to be v-ry tliin. !
Plnml-crs have lieen in tlie hi bit of re- J
pn-cnting that this elan* of boilers, or. !
tuorc properly sneaking, hot water reser
voir* might 01la {se from a defective
supply oT water, but oould not explode .
—a theory under which thousands of !
families have restod in con fid iug security. 1
The present instance i* fatal to tlii*
notion of the constitution of range both '
crs, and it is to be hoped that it will he
core/ully iuvotigatc-l. Nothing wnuld j
iwlti more to the discomfort of the average j
American hoiu-ehold than a lurking
suspicion ooneernlng the safety of its j
kitchen, esjiceiallyif the siMpirhih should
gain jMi-css to the minds of the olrcoily
unreliable oook aud lauudreca.
NATIONAL PKWTH. —The debts of nil the
states and kingdoms of Europe, as nearly
as can he learned, at the present time,
including the roecut increase in franco,
amount in all to £2,500.000.000, or nearK
£12,500,000,000. The dchtof the United
State* on the Ist of September, 1871, less
cash in the Treasury, was $2.174,000,QU0;
making ft total of $14,774,f1Qt',000.
CrnioarrrKa or THE this SITS. —Among
the curious social facts developed by
the eunsus statistics is the apjieoranoe
ou the rolls of Pennsylvania of cue
family with seven pairs of twins, one
family with six jair, and another fami
ly with four {taii-s. The mother of the
last group had six other children, and
was only thirty-eight years old.
An ingenious wife in Des Moines,
afflicted with a snoring husband, has a
guttu-percha pipe, with cube-shaped
ends ; one she puts over his nose and
mouth, and the other over his curs :
thus he consumes bin own noise, as a
Rtovo does its smoke, and wakes up in
stantly. _
WEALTH. —The following figures show
the wealth of some New York people
Cornelius Vanderbilt, £25.000,000 ; Alex
ander T. Stewart, #20,000,000 ; William
B. Astor, $16,000,000; William M.
Tweed, $12,000,000; George Law,
1 #5,000,000; Daniel Drew, #3,000,000. j
- i . a k tty. x -
TKBMB : Two Dollars a Tear, in Advance.
A Chinese Batik,
, | In Singapore, **• a tote impcf of
, that place, * giml number of Chinamen j
> j suddeuly fill**! the There Mum
iliave ! < u a thou jin.l of them, ronton.''
,! along frum flu' (UnwHrni of N<srtb Bridge
r*ul, in regular rank*, four to *4* drip,
j armed with spears nad swovda. They
were in regular OhJnene fighting trim,
j naked to th* wauO; their tails wove
tightly eoitod round thrif head*. Oud
j their up sags at Urate hip*, road; for the
charge ; and noma wore one, some two
w.r j., stuck iu their wtoi fllotliSL
tl. v rubbed Ktomtily on, at the diW
quiek. There were" several ennapieutms
iiveiera tanning aAuagatete the main
! body, armed with only a sword in one
band, and a hundkreohiri r price of
, cloth iu Ilia other, with which they gate
, signals fur advance or retreat, etc., and
(Mtp a# iu the direction of their onaota.
AH wan conducted in dead alienee, fro
thing heard save the heavy damn of
| feet. Ait rm aeuddeu another formula! 4*
! x*ly of m.-n, wraiL>rij aruiedand eqoif >p
i *d, and lad. appeared ranking on law
(the opposite diro-k<'tt. wfrau the M 9
j parti#* immediately nunc into ruuiarin,
I charging nod alternately wwjr,
•and Iheo charging again repeatedly,
1 Several were seen to fall, font tney wpre
imincdlately earned off by their efrm
• radea. H<-vral Ban could ''ha aaen at
the upper windows of *lm houses in
North Bridge toad, id the cud of the
(treat, isuwug signal* a* to the police,
j etc. The eomfoaUntf mast have Is-en
in hot r ,nflwt for nearly thrwe-gu&Hk re
|of aa hoar, when atgttala were gi* n
: from the :du> ■uareed windowa; where*
upon the wlmic of the combatant* sud
denly disappeared aa if by magic- Moat
jof Uatm *numbed into the naighfooiing
shops, and the whole field of operatipn*
| became a* upiet a jxra-ibk. AIMT
brief period a poflre pram waa moo
(Mvpitig round a corner, w if to ace if
. the euast wa ohaur or how the land lay ;
I and after the lapse, say of a quarter of
:an hour, a number of unarmed penoa
i made their appearance, booti*|"WbpM
f —whore's the row * " but aa usual, they
1 were too late for the fair. Many of the
4 fighting men, who had evidently Just
: hud ankle their w< ramus, and altered
; their trim, with a Mathews-tike celerity.
■ might be seen taking aigna at the potiae,
and inquiring what waa the matter.
The whole engagement waa oonduutrd 1
in a dead silence. which would hare lav 1
come a charge of Britiah Ceenadiers with
srU *Umtr ajlremm aa the enemy, in
WeiliugtonVdajra, naud totem it. The
combatant* were, ixv-.nliiig to all so
<* urate, Tw ffhew men. font divided into
' two rival chma, the Say Tana and fS*J
' Eyoo Abe latter word signifying *he<*|>
or kiml*. The eUnldng and knocking
iof aiieare wae aHkmAhiag to be n an in
i*l, Vait otherwise Urn fighting ptueaoded
in sileiKVi. .
A New lllastraUea of aa Old Proverb.
Th- BodAD Journal aaja; A friend
i just returned from Chicago related to us
tliia morning an incident of hia visit
which is good enough to find a place
i here. He was riding iu a honmear down
j Suae Mtrurt from.jthe Poat-ofike, surrey
; uig tho rtuaa, along with a namber of
: gi iitk-iuva w bone long, nteiul faeea told
j uiuniniakably that UO7 belonged to the
• numerous eumi of "wiffprre*," when
suddenly a man at his elbow gave utter
moe, withrmt Laving preriouidy vouch
j nfai a single wiml. to the old Eastern
j proverb, "Tfaete i* no gram loss with
i out Mtme small gaaa," hot faea lighting
. up with s lauila at the apiianrntly nappy
thought which suggested the exclama
tion. Our fi icnd't curiosity was arouacd
and ho blandly inqnirevl of the stranger
hwliat asKunuxve be bml for bis faith in
! view of the tibekesred ruins all about
thorn. •* Why, fM see,"* gtrefuHy re
marked this new* Mark Taply. turning a
beaauug cuuntcaauoe on our friend and
umaking in a load tune, which attracted
j the attention of every one in the ear,
" Yon see, strangtsr, I lost my house,
1 ffi.oot t worth of furniture, and just abbut
every cent Iw as worth, bat I got rid of ,
1 an infernal oM cook store, which alwiqps <
i smoked sad wonhl not hsdm at all. and 4
which compelled my wife to asnd war
i broad to the noighooa to be baked.!
j Wall, sir, that stove was dona for in the!
' great firv, and now I fool more than f
i ever sure there is n > great lorn without t
*ome imiall gain. Just think of it, I j
! might hare had a new stove, and then
there would have Imvn ao much added to
my losa." And with an audible chuckle .
over thtt comforting refb otkm, he uulcd
the bell XVJMV stopped the car, and with
a gtnceiul *avv of liii hand at our friend,
lisapoeared among the raids—jareibly, I
s in search of the remains of that " infer- i
nal cwok stove."
The Age d the (.Wif.
HIP U'hcf entertained hy some geolo- *!
gists of the present dfrjr that the • uf
oar gloK reaches score* and even hun
dreds of inQliohs of years is vtay ingen- 1
iously ponfuted by a recent writer in one
!of the fnreigti scientific journals, a prin- j
' cipal objccttitm to the belief in question ,
Whig that the snn could urt have lasted 1
Mich a icagth of time without being 1
i burnt not It is found, for instance,
that the heat which falls oa a square ,
foot of the earth's surface exposed to the
vortical rays of tho sun is equivalent to
HS.4 foot-pounds per oeaond—or. about ,
! revcti thousand horse power per second j
is radiated from every square foot of the ,
sun's surface. If the sun consisted of
coal it would be burned up in fire thou
sand years. But a pound weight falling 1
to the son hom an infinite distance wonld j
produco six thousand tunas the heat gen
erated by a pound of coal If—aa is '
scared? probatdc— tlie snn be supposed
to ksve been originally a nebalous mass 1
tilliug tlw whole solar system and an in
ilcfimte space beyond it, the total amount (
of heat the gravitation of ,
the particles into a condensed globe (
wonM suffice to uuiintaiu the sun's hedt .
for over twenty millions of years, even ,
Ml p posing them to lie very hot, the heat ,
generated wonld suffice for more than ,
three times that period. Such a heat
could be generat*l by the collision of two j
great globes like the snn.
Too Dnr.— A farm 1 ifoorer attempting '
to drown himself, an Irish reaper, who
saw him go into the water leaped after
him and brought him safe to ehore. The
fellow attempting it a second time, the .
reapvw a second time got him out ; but
the laborer, determined to destroy him
self, watched au opportunity, and hanged i
himself Ix*hind the larn-door. # The
Irishman observed him, bat never 1
offered to cut himdown. When, several i
hours afterward, the master of the farm- 1
yard asked him upon what ground he 1
\iad suffered the poor fellow to hang 1
there, "Faith," replied Patrick, "I 1
don't know what you moan by ground. !
I knew I was so good to him that I fetch
ed him out of the water two times ; and <
I know, too, he was wet through every 1
rag; and I thought he hung himself up ,
to dry." j 1
OKM THEK.— Only when a mistress 1
knows how to cook a dinner can she |
truly lx) mistreas in her own house, j
She'wlip can at once put her own train- ,
od hand to the machine in any spot
where a hand is needed, never comes to
be the slave of servants.
There is much suffering in the Bab 1
Joaquin Valley, where the crops have 1
wholly failed * for ttfo seasons. One I
thousand persons are neediagfood. The 1
citizens of San Francisco are raising
funds for their relief. * • t
NO. 45.
He*tiaUl bosk ta kM -hvia..,
• k ■ Ti.t Mb (ban Lew's "to aMNfwmr,
Wo hii llqr esriasast he b%h. #
Awl M my paaawtt M 1 art "*.
: Bst ah m? lift b® Wwh St. hssdsff
IM tofty bwxisa towart il.y fts, ,
Awl bs MOMwCe .jxxx-hW.* stw.4.
To look 'to {rate* awl boi, to tbso.
Thine eras shsUb* th# t* Mlf :?II s
Waal Ham i srajra, mi mmM rigtitt, ?
, fbe wsraaitna o-l* "f bstf ton;
Awl I wflT lowtolhy Wsloons torn
In/anc's red resre, rM *w wsm.
Bet ttma thysdf AaH wd roia. Aow.l * j
Pram tUi pure rank* hr store ; B .;
, Bat ki*ll> tkjAc * awl ffrtir th? sreum,
! •Queen f mf heart aw! MM of tore I
A tixmarrtt n tki raatai cxalto,
Ao'l I s woeirch -a) thv torn'
Facts sad Paariea, L
Loaves hare tholr time to fsll—jaat
Frowns blight young children as Eroetjr
nighto blight young plant*.
Who ever oswaaybody near a fire who
didn't want to play poke* ?
A ifotftmr'a motto to auppoanl to ;•
" patient? and long aufiEming." • .
** Crime, sheer off." as the rata arid to
the man who waa ratttwg off his wcxA
When a maa turns teetotaler does ha
aecremrily acquire a pail eomplexioa t
A delicate parrel to be forwarded by
Sal fi young lady wwqipod w| inher
It to a mistake to suppose that the ana
n supported in the heavens by its
A teamed writer aasartn that, after sfi,
cmorgy quite as often drives off dtooaaa
us it brings it on.
la a libel suit again* a ncwapajrer at
Little Bock, Ark/for tdO,'AW. the ptoro
tiff attained in dsaaages.
Tb* champion sexton of a town in
Maine bos dug n thousand graves, and
officiated at- twelve hundred funerak.
The first daily mrawpapcr in Ttoginia
was printed in 1> and its snhserip
tion price was fifty doltow per annum.
The to tost style in wedding card* is
very long and narrow, of heavily gtamf -
with • monogram -or
stompod hi stiver.
Seven charvhra. m* ooorenta, eight
(cbooto, two asjdams, and two baapitala
belong) ug to lbs Soman Calbidtea were
destroyed by the Cbi<wi lire
A Chinaman's seeount of' the CWaigo
caSamttrteaa fellows: "Mellisan Iltoli
Ijoy take keloseuatemp and milk eow;
com kick over lamp; up go Chiesgo.
OmaibuMw were first bftmgbt into uaa
at Paris in IW, sad two yaani afterward
mrivc oatnttmms were started in Los
don 'by J. BbiUibeer, a uoaehdd|lto§
A civil mil against William M. Tweed
and other ty offictoto of New fork
for several million# of dotkn has here
' begun by Mr. Charles (POrnor at Albany.
Two Keolntkera solved a disimto aa to
the of a eslf, by placing the
animal midway between 'their retidenrea
and seeing which one it would go to
x .ml.
One of ttra eoato ami to the Boston
Young Men's Christian AsstxtoAioa, to
be forwarded to CSikwgo, was labelled
** My wedding eout"
The bteetatyle of bridle bead dress to
1 srreatli eompuseded smalt white ostrich
tips. Tlx bridal vail is trimmed with
vines of lilies of the valley and jrana
A vduog man having a late raffmad
djaasbw in bis mind has broken hia en
gagement with a young tody, bemuse
she ran a train and to negUgont about
Th< Chicago lake crib to two miles
from shore, nod vet the krepar had to
keep th. top of Aw building t-nliiraaliy
wet- to prevent its igniting on the night
of the fire.
Bix \YiaA Point cadets have bore Ato
miraed for hazing, and the nothoritrs
pcritiveiy refuse to revoke the dismtosab
from the Aaaapcdto Naval Academy for
the same offence.
An old Baeh. lor, who !<eata his lootfe
atate with much equanimity, nay*: "It
to better to be toughed at for not bring
married, than be unable to laugh be
cause you are."
A railroad employe, on being nudged
with a contribution box while asleep 'in
chuneb, the oaber day, writes up enough
to remark, "I work c this road," and
' returned to his nap.
New li.iy cent ami dollar revenue
. stamps have just made their appearance.
' They .are made of linen paper, eoioced
1 blue, witli usroß work, and boar a litbo
-1 rsraph of (hsorge Washington.
A young lady requeated to be released
from her marriage engagement on the
'ground that when she be
' lievcd her km* a "duek," hut has
f dure found him to be n goose.
The arrivals of vseredbs at Boatre, dure
tg nine months of the prevent year,
exceed those of the same period, last
rear, by 447, showing a considerable
■ increase in the foreign commerce of that
I Man* cooking schools have recently
lieon opened which are well patrouiaed
by our aoeiaty young todies, in view
Joubtleas of a time when it will be neces
sary, as well aa convenient, for them to
be thoroughly ported upon such matters.
Mrs. Leaiy, of Chicago, stoutly denies
the story that the gn at fire was caused
by the upsetting of a kerosene-oil lamp
in her stable while she was milking her
cows. Kh# says the stable must have
been fired by incendiaries. She always
mflfra by figyjjglit t l
One cord of wood cut and split fine
and corded np beneath a shelter while it
ia yet green, will furnish more heat after
it has became seasoned than two cords
of the same kind of wood which has Eg
Ixsea continually exposed to the ultmcnate
influences of storms and sunshir e.
"Mack," of the Chicago Republican,
is joooae under his misfortunes. In
pointing out the differenee between
Theodore Thomas* fugacious fiddlers
and Nero, he explains that one fiddled
while Rome burned, and the others
roomed while their fiddlers burned..
The children's parties have already
commenced and promise to be as num
erous as they were last Winter. Physi
cians affirm that tote hoars and late sap
per* rain the health and slowly under
mine the constitution of these little ones,
and careful, loving mothers shoakl be
warned in time.
Experiments made on hoard au iron
built sailing veaaal, provided with iron
rigging and lower yards of steel, and
with two binnacle ooiunsmes on her
poops, and a third placed between the
raizx-D and mainmasts, the lower part .
of which was all of iron—the deviations
of the needle were respectfully fifty-six,
twenty-four, and thirty-five degrees.
The following eharaoteriHtie funeral
item is from the Kansas City (Mo.)
firara : "The funeral of Mike Williams,
shot by Wild Bill, at Abilene, bxtk place
in this city on Sunday, Wild Bill paid
the expenses of the funeral." The
Chattanooga Timet adds: "Mr.WWi- t
liams, we have no doubt, deeply regrets
his inability to thank Wild Bill for his
A young lady sitting at a window,
tossing in her hand what might have
been a baU of white yarn, attracted the
attention of a middle-aged chap on the
street, whose gallantry prompted him to
hold up his hands for a <uteh. She ac
commodated liim. The article proved
to be an egg, and alighted 011 his imnm> ;
but it is not to be supposed that the *
lady knew it was a bad one,
A Louisville wife, wishing to get rid
of her husband at short notioe, sent bim
into the cellar with a kerosene lamp for
a pitcher of cider. She gave him just
time to get the cider in one hand and
the lamp in the other, and then shouted
" She had calculated well.
The doomed man sprang up the steps,
ibe lamp fell, and—the woman was free.