A Numet. Th wind nd the day had lived together, Thev died together. stid far wy Spoke fruvwell ia ths sultry weather, Out. of the enneet, over the heather, The dying wind nd the dying day. Far in the South, the Mrar Urin Flushed. a flame in th* era* soft air : We seemed to look on the nille of heaven ; Yon aw within, hat to me twaa siren To aoe your ftiee, a an angel'# there. Never again, ah. surely new. Khali we wait and wateh where of old we stood, The low good-night of the hill and the river. The (hint light fade, ami the wan atari quiver, Twain grown one in the loliittde. Salvation Through Poverty. Dying alone Booamx- he ia poor, dloing through the invisible door To the unknown. All unattended All unbefrieiided- No one to aoe it all over ami ended, Priretly or lay ; No one to pray- No one to ear Good-bye to the spirit departing t.v-dar UeoauM- be ia pa>tr. Opes Tvmr doors Ye angels that take CnfHended mortals An- rharitv V aake Up to your floor* ; Say, have ye puree Where Love's lighted fares Shall weleome him, freed from the earth s odd emhraees. Where he was torn llv talons of sreni Manfully Raw All night through, though ever more ervuu! for mom Because ho waa poor He died alone. Because he was poor ; None lingered or watched at the sad earthly door. For hearts are atone Not one t ache For his piufril sake Ah I well that the morning was ody to break There by hia bed; None at his head Save invisible dead- Who come in our plaeea to wateh, it is said - Because he was poor. I see how it ia— How it seems to me. He bread* the bright floors, which I hardy see. And the Heavens are hut; His sickness, health— His penury, wealth And bliss insupportable cornea. as by stealth From endless skies. This is the prise Of one who dies Fnsunned in the warmth of onr human eyes Because he is poor. A Strange Delusion. Placards have suddenly appeared in the moot important localities in Canton province of China, charging foreigners with having concocted a diabolical medi cine, which causes the bowela and the feet of the victim to swell up writhiu some twenty-five days after it is taken, unless the patient will consent to enter the Roman Catholic church. The medicine is said to be circulated in all quarters at foreign expense, through the agency of Buddhist nans, old women and various sorts of hawkers and peddlers. Persons are induced to partake by the representation that a pestilence is impending, from which immunity can be secured only by a doee of the powder. If, when tie swelling begins, they refuse to become Catholic they die, and report has it that some twenty thousand persons have already perished. Of course the excitement caused among an ignorant and superstitions jeople by : such a story is by no means trilling. As a consequence trouble and bloodshot have followed. A poor Chinaman was killed in the streets of Canton, by an excited mob on suspicion of dealing in this powder. A woman was killed in the Yamun. and a man was executed by the Viceroy on the same ground. Sharp despatches by the consuls have been followed by proclamations by the \ iceroy aud Provincial Judge. The Litter order the people to maintain order, under the severest penalties, bat at the same timt they assume the correctness of the report that such a powder is in circulation. J As a reward ia offered for any one en gaged in its distribution, and as the official retrospects of the matter do not affirm the falsity of the charges regard ing foreigners, the impression remains on the minds of the people that they are actually guilty. It is, therefore, clearly a matter of question whether the harm "does not surpass the good. The origin and design of these pla cards demand the gravest inquiry. To pass them over as mere ebullitions of j ignorance which cease to do evil after a InQ supervenes, is to practise political : quackery, of which are may some day be the victims. First of all, be it observed, these placards are a common agency of stirring up a popular commotion, and Elacards against foreigners Lave been nowu cTer since the oM Hong days of Canton. What distinguishes the present : movement ia the extent of territory over which it prevails, and the homogeneity of pain indicates extraordinary facilities for attaining a common understanding and concert of action. Two theori w are advanced to explain the movement. By some it is regarded as part of a plan to overthrow the Tartar dynasty, by embroiling them with for- j eigners. And it is by no means an ill chosen ageney for that purpose, as I shall point out hereafter. By others it is loosed npon as a most ingenious de vice of the mandarins to implant a deep er dislike of the foreigner in the nunrts of the common people, and there is an abundance of testimony in favor of this opinion. The manipulations of Chinese state-craft hare a special end to accom plish at the present time. The treaties are to be revised, and the inland resi dence question ia to be discussed. The Chinese are bent on refusing that de mand. The Earl of Clarendon, moved by the representations of Mr. Burlin game, gave various classes of foreigners a rebuke for not paying more deference to the wishes and prejudices of the people. The Chinese had these papers translated and took the hint, and the mandarins are now manufacturing a public opinion bitterly hostile to the residence of for eigners inland. No less than four German missionaries iving in inland towns bare been driven back to Canton or Hong Kong, while their houses have been looted and de stroyed. Since the British Cabinet has ordered thnt the prejudices of the Chi nese should lie respected (and which is all right enough in itself), the Chinese have resolved that there shall te an in creased multitude of prejudices to bo re spected. You will hear, of course, that the ostentaiious vennilion-tipped procla mations are posted after the placards, and the placards will be pulled down, and you will be told to infer that all is moving on as before. The inference will by no means be just The mischief in tended will be fully accomplished. A condition of public sentiment will be superinduced which may lie passive and dormant enough when not needed, but which can be utilized hereafter if deem ed, desirable by the crafty mandarins. Let not the public be deceived by any syren-song of mandarin desire for closer relations with the West. We are drift ing in the direction of war rather than of peace.— Chinese correspondent. AKOTHEB LABGE TUNNEL. —More long tunnels are projected. The St Gotbard Railway, with a tunnel about as long as that through Mont Cenis, will be soon begun. For the tunnel alone it is esti mated that about twelvejnillions of dol lars, gold, will be required ; aad for the connecting lines to join with the Italian and Swiss railways, about twenty-five millions more. This makes thirty-seven millions in all, toward which Germany, Italy and Switzerland have already voted subsidies to the extent of seven teen millions. The remaining twenty millions are to be taken by a " syndi cate," thirteen millions in bonds bearing five per cent, interest, and seven millions in shares. Eight years are assigned for the completion of the work; but im provements in machinery often cause estimates like these to be anticipated, and this may be the case with the St. Gothard Tunnel. A BIRD fancier of Philadelphia, who had a large collection of pigeons, Mal tese cats, Guinea pigs, and fancy dogs, absented himaelf, being on a drunken sprea. The police broke open his place yedtsrday and found nearly all the ani mals dead from hunger. FRED. KURTZ, Editor and Projiriotor, VOL. IV. Cape Horn. Cape Horn Island is the a#u thorn-moat extremity of Terra del Fuego, in south latitude &S dog. 58 miu. It is tlie south ern termination of a group of rook\ islands surmounted with a dome-like hiil out of which is a projection like a straight horn. But Solum ten, the Dutch discov erer, is said to have uniued Cape Horn from H\ H, in the Netherlands, lib native place. The whole hill is a ban rock ; indeed, how could any thing, even the lowest forms of vegetable life. And root on a place smitten as this is by the views ? Utdv the lichens, stealing with seeming eouqiussion over every form in nature dimmed to hurrenuesis succeed in holding on to these rocks. The hill is about eight hundred feet high, its base environed by low , black rooks with not a sign even of uiariue vegetation. ; One line of these rooks looks like a fort, the soeuriug gateway, higher than the rest of the wall, beiug composed of jier liendiouhir fragments. All aloug the i ivisc of the nuigh hill, low. irregular piles, like a growUi of thorns and bram bles around a boulder in a field, consti tute a fringe, as though nature felt that the plaee needed some appropriate dt ae ration, and what could lie more so than that which she has here given ? For a loug space toward the termination of the Cbpe, sharp rooks stand up in group*, and some apart, making a gradual end ing of the scene, all in agreement with the wilduesM which marks the region. The sight of this spot, the landmark of our continent, can never fade from the memory of the beholder. Like many a remarkable object, it is of nuxlerute 1 size, its impressiveuoss being due. not to its bulk or height, but to its position. At tirst you are disappointed in not see j ing at such a place something colossal; yon would have it mountainous ; at least I vou would have thought that it would be columuar. Nothing of this ; you have the disappointment which you feel 011 seeing for the tirst time a distinguished man whom you find to be of low stature, whereas you would have hail him of imposing appearance. But soou, how ever, you feel that you are at one of the ends of the earth. Here the Atlautie ; and Pacific oceans begin, the great deep dividing itself into those two principal feature* of our globe. Any thing tnonu | mental, any thing statuesque, or even , picturesque, here, yon feel would be trifling. lake silence, more expressive at times tluui speech, the total absence of all display here is sublimity itself; ! you would not have it otherwise than an infinite solitude, unpretentious, without form, almost Vhaotie. Around this point it is though there were a contort to which ocean each billow shall divide; here the winds and waters make inces sant war ; the sea always roars and the fullness thereof. The rooks whieh filially terminate the Gape stand apart, as you sometimes see corners of blocks of build ings where an extensive fire luus raged, and the most of the walls have fallen in ; but here aud there a shoulder of a wall overhangs the rains. We stood together as we passed the last landmarks, and sang : " Prmixe taxi from whom all blowing* flow." —K'~r. Dr. JTehewi*th Adam.*. Harmless Amusements Necessary. No particular possession, or condition or course of conduct, insures happiness. The rich pine over what, when poor, they thought would be sure to make them happy. He who in his days of toil, has sighed for leisure, finds, when it has been obtained, that the |i&ins of vacuity are not less than those of op pressive labor, lligid adherence to par ticular systems ore alike found to disap point their votaries of the calm felicity which was expected from them. But let us think what sort of world it would lie, if only one particular tangible thing, or one particular condition, or one particu lar course of conduct, were to confer happiness. Evidently it would be a world of atter sameness and languor, in stead of the world of infinite variety and incessant activity which it really is. We may be satisfied, then, that happiness was not designed to Ik the invariable con comitant of any such particular things, but to be a temptation toward an infinite variety of pursuits, and a perpetual ac tivity of our faculties. How otherwise could we have been active beings ? How otherwise could the whole of our fuoul be* have received employment ? It is true that some things continue longer to give satisfaction than others, and that some of the highest of our sentiments and affections never tire of exercise. We do not, for instance, so soou weary of bread, or sound animsl food, or aiiy other of the staple articles of life, as of the luxuries which are more rarely presented. Nor can the practice of nnv lofty duty ever appear less excellent than at first, "but rather the contrary, "as streams their channels deeper wear." Bnt, while the reasons for their pecu- Rarities of our economy are obvious, it , is equally clear that change# in diet, and varieties*of object and of employment are necessary, in order to maintain the | stimulus of iife. There ought to be much amusement, and ample facilities for ob | taining excitements of an innocent kind. Mental laborers should endeavor to ob tain occasional physical employment | Every one should endeavor so to vary his employments, and so to mix them up with amusements and recreation, as ; to obviate the inevitable consequences j of monotony. Marriage Relation* in France. The following statistical statement of the nurol>er of applications for divorce, or rather for legal Reparations, in France, is interesting. In 1869 the petitions for separations rose from 2,999, which was the number in the previous year, to 3,- 056. Of these, 2,611 came from the wife, and only 445 from the husband. Four-tenths of the whole number, that is 1,290, emanated from the working classes, 545 from landed proprietor*, 490 from peasants, and 485 from the commercial classes. In 442 cases the judge succeeded in efleeting a a recon ciliation, in 282 the petition was rejected, and in 2,332 the decree of separation was pronounced. The reasons given in support of the petitions throw light on the character of the lower classes of French society. In 147 cases the wife had leen guilty of adultery ; in 65 the man had kept a concubine in the same honse with his wife ; in 230 one of the parties had suffered a degrading punish ment, and in 2,959 excesses, insults and ill-treatment were the cause of the separ ation. WOMEN IN ENGLAND. —A lady in a re cent letter from Liverpool says : " Here, as in every other hotel in England, I found ladies at the bar, keeping the re gister of arrivals, and assigning rooms to guests, receiving payment of bills, Ac. So in the telegraph office, and in all the stores and shops, young and well dressed ladies form a large portion of the attendance. I was greatly struck with it, and ljelieve it would be well for our people to adopt tbe custom of thus fur nishing employment to a large and most dependent class of our people. Where ever there is light and nimble work to be done, we found universally ladies em ployed. In* tbe extensive draper estab lishment of Lee, in Liverpool, frequent ed and patronized by the nobility and wealthy of the land, the long lines of t counters were attended by scores of beau tiful young girls, tastefully dressed, and who were waiting upon the crowds of ladies and gentlemen purchasing sup | plies." THE CENTRE REPORTER. The Country Stare. Awsv from the cities the whole rang, of leaser everyday want* turns the fulfil ment to the country "tore. And *0 il become* a clustering point for all ol village life. There is no limit to it* pusibilitica. II Aunt Eunice wants anvthing, from u wad-,tub to an ounce of |>!iregori , > she know* where to get il; but when *li broke her only pair of spectacles, tin other day, she earns to us in doubt. " Yon kesp 'most everything," die aaid, hopefully. * Yea, I kuow ; but we don't sell spae tacles. People are so diflereut yon aee. But there are a pair or two about here aouif where, if they will do you uuy good." These hal come to us from some auc tion or other, where were congregated the quaint ami usoh** relics of mnuv a previous sale—relic* that are still des tined, 1 doubt not, for further kick# adowu the vole* of time by auctioneers yet uultsru. I have them la-fore me now stout-rimmed, cumbrous, brassy staring owl-like at me, a* if from out the deepeuiug twilight of the |m*t ; the glasses so or retched and dim with use and age that it is easy to imagine that within their misty lenses lingers the re membrance of mauy a vanished scene, and that they feebly "attempt, as 1 placid them astride of my nose, to twist ths familiar things at whieh I look into an unique picture whieh shall be in kcep iug with their own venerable aspect But they are * pec t soles. A rare apee tade, too, was the good woman's face as she hold them afar, that she might better inspect them with her crippled eyes. " Goodness I Did vou ever I How could people ever wear such things as these ? I nope you don't ever expect to sell them." But" thus happily were the resources of our "establishment" vindicated : though less ready were we than other shopkeep ers of these parts, who laid a wager that lie could till any single demand, and tri umphantly produced a second hand pulpit which was called for. Such enterprising spirits are not liar rowed by any study of the kuown laws of supply ami dematid. Within the i>re- I oinots over which 1 have lieen called to exercise a temporary charge, have gathered mauy thing* that have long failed to excite the appreciation of our plain country folks—jietont medicines, powders aud onguents, of happiest effi cacy and ißimitabla range of cure ; pol ishing powders, enough to burnish the world until it should shine like another sun ; preparations and contrivances need ing a second inventor to discover use for them or to tell their efficiency—and which are here waiting in dingy and fly -.pecked stat. 1 that happy niUlemal time whieh shall find for ail inexplicable ami alighted tilings a full and legitimate use. The country storekeeper is in some sort a public character. He fiuds him self used in a dozen different ways— aa banker, orracle, referee, newspaper, directory, intelligence man, etc.. almost before iie is aware. Gossip and small talk he should retail with the same grace ful alacrity with whieh he dispenses macebov and peppermint drops. Thor oughly democratic as an institution, " the store" recognizes no caste, aud it* door swings freely open to all who come, whatever be their errands. An inviting haunt for ail the idle one* among us. its little circle, that is ever shifting its char acter aud its subjects as different charac ters come and go. A Remarkable Family. Here is the history of a remarkable Kentucky family, as told by a Kentucky paper: Aoout one mile from Jamestown, Itussel County, there lives one of the most remarkable families in all this com monwealth. and probably in the United States. Mr. Jan"S Jeffrie#, who is now in this city, serving upon the petit jury in the United States Court, laufl his own story, and says that he waa married be fore he waa seventeen year* old, his wife being only five days younger than him self. Thev lived* together seven years without children when his wife gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl In the fifteen years which followed, nineteen abildreu worn Imrn to the liappy oouple, cash of the first tiiree births Wing twins, aid each suliseqnont birth alternating between twins and single births, until the fifteen vesrs were accomplished and nine teen children composed the family aide, seven pair of twins being born during the time. Mr. Jeffries is only 45 years old, and is still youthful in appearance and very stont. Hi# wife never had bet ter health in all her life than at present, though she will not weigh a hundred pound*. Her gri-atest weight at any time was a hundred and ten pounds. The boy of the first twins now weighs a hun dred and sixty-five pounds, the girl a hundred and twenty-fire pounds. All the boys who are grown have mule large men; the girL* are of good size and all die children healthy. But five out of nineteen have died." Mr. Jeffries has ten brothers, all of whom are large men. and within the families of three eleven bro ther* there are thirty-seven pair* of t wins, making seventy-four twin children, to say nothing of the boat of single births. Five of Mr. Jeffries' children ar# mar ried, and, added to all these singular facts, notwithstanding the absence of silvery locks on his head, he is the grand father of five children. To Exterminate Rat*. Being sadly plagued with rats about my house and farm-buildings, I tried in vain to catch them ; they are too cun ning to be trapped, and to hy poison I dare not for fear of killing my dogs, cats and hogs, and to wait for them with a gun was a loss of too much time, though I have dropped three at a shot. At last I purcliased two goats, which I kept about my fold, barn and stable, the pig styes bemg in the fold. In a short time all the rats emigrated—they evacuated the place, cleared right out every Jack of them, and I have not seen a single rat about the place for npwards of three years, but my neighbors who are within eighty rods have plenty of all sites and ages. Perhspa it is not generally known that where there are many horses stabled together very little aickness pre vails if there is a goat about the yard and atablea. A friend of mine in lowa was ao infest ed with rats that they were to be seen running about hia fold and farm-boild ings by the half-dozen at a time and playing like rabbita (his farm-buildings are* extensive!. He tried the goat sys tem, and to nis astonishment entirely cleared his premises. He could not leave a rng or buffalo robe in the stable a single night, without having it cut to pieces ly the rats. The smell of the grflkt is ob noxious to the nostrils of the rats, and the two won't be friends and companions on any account whatever. Farmers and livery-stable keepers, try the goat. FRENCH TOAST.— -Beat four eggs very light, an J stir with them a pint of milk ; slice some liaker's bread, dip the pieces into the egg, then lay them in a pan of hct lard and fry brown ; sprinkle a little powdered sugar and cinnamon on each piece, and serve hot. If nicely prepar ed, this is an excellent dish for breakfast or tea ; unite e<jiuil to waffles. In response to an inquiry of a scientific publication, "Whence comes fleas?" a Western journal says it does not care a pickle, but it would like to know where in thunder they go when yon go for them. VENTRE lIALL, VENTRE CO., l'A., ERID It i* estimated, upon what may Ih< re- I guttled a* good authority, that the fire cover*xl over S,WHt acres in the heart of the city; over JO.fHIO building* were de stroyed, ami ninety-three thousand |er son* dittKMueaaed of their homes; ninety thousand buildings are left standing, fifty thousand people huve left the city, aud two hundred uiul eighty thousand remain. Five grain elevator* were harnad, with one million, six hundred thousand bushel* of grain; eleven ele vators remain uniujured, containing five lutllion btuliel* of graiu. t hie half the entire pork product was burned, with the same projKirtion of flour. Eighty thousand ton* of coal were consumed, and alsuit the mime amoiuit i* on hand. Fifty million feet of lumber were burn ed, and two hundred aud forty million feet remain unharmed—nearly uue quar ter enough to rebuild the waste place*. The atiwk of leather wa* mlarwl about one-quarter, the value of that burned beiug alKiut ffift.OQO. The greater jsir tiouuf the atoeka of grooerie#, dry gtsids, and boot* and anoes were burned up, with more than one-half the ready-made clothing, bnt the quantities destroyed were scarcely equal to three weeks' sup ply, and are Wing rapidly replaced. Tea jer cent, of the currency wa* burned. A careful average of these* larger Items with smaller oues shows that the city i ha* Huffeitxl a loss of not leas than twen ty nor more than twenty-five per cent, ou her total assets, real and personal. The terrible pernotiul experiences published in the Eastern papers are *tted, almost without exception, to he fabrications. The bauk* are oil in full operation. A Nevada .Silver Mine. Say* a correspondent: I put on an old suit of elotli*, and, with the Sii)M riuten dent of the Crown Point Mine, drop]**! suddenly down a perpendicular shaft one thousand feet into the earth. The tem perature was ut more than one hundred aegreea Fahrenheit, and the miners were sweltering at their labor like the work men in a rolling mill. The only air tbey get to breathe is forced down iu air pumps from above, and with the best appliance* the thermometer rarely goc* I*-rood UN) degrees, and from that to 110 and sometimes 120. I asked the stijier intendeut how men could stand it to work in such a temperature. "They have to stand it," said he. " Sometime* a fellow faiuta aud lias to !>e hoisted up. but gen erally tliey sweat it through." "Is it not unhealthy ?" I asked. "On the contrary it seems to be very healthy. Men are rarely aiek who work iu the mine*, and they an* never troubled writh the ordinary cohla that so annoy u* poor devils above ground." "What wages do they get?" "Four dollar* a day." '* How many hours do they work ?" " Eight hoars at a time. There are three relay# in every twenty-four hour*, and th - work goes on day and uight without stopping." "How much further do yon HupjKxc this vein goo* ?" " I don't kuow, but the prelwi>iliti<># ure that we siiall never reach the end of it." "And it grow* wanner the further yon go ?" "lea, warmer nud warmer.** Lrwßfora Ploxts.—lt will In-a new fact to many that plants emit light. From an article on tiii* subject in tbe lUnrdtnn Scientific AVricic w ' learn " tiuit rogue ideas of the existence of luminous j plant* iu India and the neighboring 1 countries still float about, as in the days of the old Hindoo* and Greeks." There is a vague report -that in Afiglmnistan grows a bush which at night from a dis tance apjiears oil fire. Bui on Huge says that he wu* told that the Auk River, j when swollen with rain, brings down from Thibet pieoev of timber whieh | " shine in the dark as long as they con tinue moish" Tbe root of n gratw in the Himularns is said occasionally to Is- 1 luminous at night during the rainy sea son. An inflammable atmosphere is generated about the European Dittany on a calm, still evening, due to the ovn- i iHiration of a volatile oil. "If a candle tie bronght near it. thi# plant i# envelop ed by a transient Hume, without sustain ing injnry." The tuberose is said, on doubtful authority, to hove been observ ed of a sultry evening, after thunder, to dart small spark* in great abundance from such of it* flowers as were fading. (omnierrhil Statistic*. The trade of the Ohio River, from Pittshnrgh to Cairo, amount* to the fnli nlous mm of #716,000,000 jier annum, of whieh Cinrinnatti claims 8312,000,000 PiUburgh 8150,01 Y),000; Wheeling 000,0U). The irniKiri* and exjxirts of ('ineinnotti eonihined n-seh 8505,000,000. She lui# 8H0.000.000 invested in manu factures; works up 800.000,00U raw mate rial into 8127,000,000, thus adding 801,- 000,000, or nearly doubling the raw ma terial. The |K!pulittiou of 21H.000 allows an increase in ten years of 30 per cent. The whole value of the property ia eati mated at 8300,000,000. or alsmt one seventh of the untionnl debt. At the same rate New Y'ork should ho wortli 81,500,000,000. The entire wealth of the ; United States is estimated at 820,000,- 000,000. If any of our reader# are anx ! ions to sjx'nd a part of the eternity Ik>- fore them in counting this little sum, we can tell them that it will require but j 1370 years, counting 60 per minute and twelve hour* each dav. WASTS PAPKH. —Never throw away old jwper. If yon have no wish to sell it use it in the house. Home house keepers prefer it to cloth for cleaning jnanv articles of furniture. For instance, a volume written hy n lady who prided herself on her exjiericnoe and tact, any*: " After'n stove has been blacked, it can be kept looking very well for a long time by rubbing it with paper every morning. Rubbing with paper is a inurfj nicer way of keeping the outside of a tea kettle, coffee-pot nnd ten-pot bright and clean, than the old way of wnnhing them in suds. liubbiug with |>apcr is also the best way of ]K>liahing knives nnd tin ware ana spoons; they shine like new sil ver. For polishing mirrors, windows, lamp-chimneys, etc,, ]aper islietter than dry cloth. Preserves and pickles keep much better if brown paper instead of cloth, is tied over the iar. Canned fruit is not so apt to mould if a piece of writing paper, cut to fit the can, is laid directly on the fruit. Paper is much Udtcr to put under a carpet than straw. It is wanner, thinner, and makes less noise when one walks over it. TREATING. —A party of gentlemen in a liquor saloon disputing whether the Aracricau system of not treating was preferable couldn't sKtle the matter by talking, and so they went to work, test ing the matter by practice. First each man took a drink by himself. After that each single friend returned the compli ment And finally each man in the party —there were six of them—askfd all the rest to drink. When all that was accom plished, not a sou] in the room could tell where the discussion originated, or what it was alout. Mr. Parsons, in his lecture on Paris, tells about a young daughter of the keeper of the Morgue, who is in the habit of entering the room where the dead are lying on the marble-slabs, in the middle of the night, and passing her band over the clammy faces to aee if the jets of cold water, which are kept play mg upon the bodies, were falling as t < y ought. Chicago. The following adventure hapjiened iu Itath, England, many yeaj-w ago, and the ladv who narrated it to t ie writer, waa, in those days, n voiutg girl in the house. It wa* in the palmy day* of Hath, when tlmt now fulle|) city'nvalled London iu brilliancy and disaiputiou ; and when all the rich, tlio guy, ami the high-lairu of England con gregubxl there iu the season, ami graced the bull* and usw-mblie*. Mr*. R —, once the belle of the court of George tfl., but at thi* period grndiielly retiring from gener.il society, jstsseoMxl one of t' e largest of the old hotiaea, and gave in it entertainments, which were the most ]Kipular of the day. She was celebrate J for three things (oucc for four, but the iourth—her lieau ty—was of the <luva. gone by): these thing* were her fascination, her Is-nevo leuee, aud—a Set of L ie most matchless and perfect amethyota. Her house con tuined ta|s*tritxl chai uln-m. The walls of the one iu which she slept was hung aroutid with duaign* from heathen my thology, and the fluest pidw in the room was that which liuug over her drewiug table. It represented Fluzbiu driving the cluiriot of tlio sun. The figures and homes being lifi-wto, it filled up the s|ou-e lu'tweeii ths two windows, olid the horses were com caled Is-hiud the old- Lishioiied Venetian haikiug-glaas, while Phwhtu himself, six feet liigL looked down hv dar nud by uight on his mis tress at her toileL On# evening Mr*. 11—— hod an un usually largo |arty ut home. She wore all her nuietihysts. On retiring to her room, about four o'clock in the moruing, die tM>k off her jewels, laid them on the table, aud dioniiHscd her weary maid, in tending to put tliein away heraelf, but , before doing so knelt down, a* usual, to say her prayer*. While engaged iu her devotions, it wu* a habit with her to look upward, and the fare of I'Luehus was generally her point of sight, a* it were, and the object *m which her eyes most eusily mated. Oa th'.* jurtieelar night, as usual, she raiand Ler eyes to I'hu-bu*. What does aim ? Its* Fygiualrm I" ,-a at work ? His he filled those dull silk eyes with vital fire ? Or ia she dreaming ? No. I'oaseoaed naturally of wonderful court ge and calmness, she coutiuued to uurt'e her lip* as if in silent prayer, and never once withdrew her gaze; aud still the eyes looked down upon hers. The ligh tof her candles slioue distinctlv on living orlw. and her good keen sight enablr'd her, after a cleverly managetl scrutiny, to see that the tapes try eyes of Poowna had been cut out, and that, with her do*r hwked, and every servant in Ixxl in their distant apartment*, and all her jewel* spread out before her, •he was not alone in t tie room. She con cluded her pravera w,th her fare* mink in her hand*. We wi well imagine what those prayer* must Live been. She knew tliera was some one liehind the U)>e*try; she kurw that liell# and screams were equally uwr-leas ; ami she laid down in her bed a* ur.nal and waited the issue, her only omisa.ou L-iug tliat sh<>did m t put away her jewels. " They may save my life, she said to herself, and she eloaed her eyes. The clock struck five before a soub d wa* heard, ami then the moment arri'.ixL She heard a ruiUe, a descent from behind the tapeatrv, and a man stood at her dressing-table. He took off hi* cunt, aud one by one he se cured the jewels beneath his waistcoat. What would lie bis next move ? Would it be to the bedside or to the window ? He turruxl and approached her bedside ; but by tlvnt time she hail seen enough, and agaiu riosnl frer eye* aud resigned herself to the Provideuee whose protec tion she liad be n craving. Th# man wa* her own coachman. Ap imrentlr by a brief glance under hi* dark lantern that he had not disturb ed her, he rpiieUy unlocked the door and left her. For two hour*—they mn*t liave ses-nutl two days—the allowed the house to remain nnalarmed, her only | movement having luwra trwrelock the door which her living Phasoua had left aiar. At seven in the morning #he rang the Iw-U, and ordered the carriage round ju*t. after breakfast. All this wa* accord ing to her usuql habit*. On the l*,x was the man who hitd cont her a night's rest and most prohahb all her jewel*. How ever. *lie drove off ; she went straight to the house of n magistrate. "Seize tuy coachman!" said she ; se cure him and search him. 1 have been robluxL and I hardly think he has had time to disencntulter himself of the jew el* be lias taken from me." Hhe waa obeyed, and she wa* right. The amethyst* were still about him. ami he gave himself up without a struggle. Scarcely any modern structures merit the epithet of "flreprootdf It has lieen said on good authoritv that iu the city of London only one "building—the New Record Office—really deserves to be call ed mi. This is bailFof iron und stone, snd lis* no room Inrger tliiui seventeen by twenty-five, and seventeen feet high. S'fme if the rooms < jten into others,but a vaulted (manage, by means of iron doors, and if the documents in one ap)iartnient were to take fire, they would bum out with a* little eflcet on the rest of the edi fice as if they were coals m a grate. Of course, buildings intended for trade can not often be constructed in this way, but the system might lie in more general use than it m. The French practice in build ings is a good one. Instead of nning flimsy laths for thin partitions, they em ploy stout pieces of oak, as thick as gar den puling*. The*# they nail firmly on each side of the framing of the partition, mid fill the sjmec between with rabble and plaster of Paris. Tbey coat the whole with the plaster. The flo.ir# are managed in the same way, a* well as the underside of the stair*. Houses are thus rendered almost as near "fireproof" as if built of stone throughout. In Nottin ham, England, where thev have gyjisuin in the neigliliorhood.nsin Paris,they form their floor* and partitions in the same solid manner ; consequently a building is rarelv burnt down in that populous raan faetnring town. A Strange Tale. Fireproof ltnlldiug. A BATTLE FLAO.— It will be remember ed that the (term IUIH lost one flag iu the late war, and that Menntti (iaribnldi took pains to inform hi* antagonist that it wan not taken in Imttle, but found on the field cowered with the ltodica of ita guard*. Tlie Emperor William lias preaantod new eolora to the battalion, on the ground that the loaa " was one of those lnmentable events which are the result of untoward circumstance*, and for which 110 one can lie held responsible. The flag was neither taken by a victorious enemy, nor abandoned by a discouraged troop of soldiers ; its position on the battlefield, amid the corpses of its brave defenders, bears honorable testimony to the character of the men before whom it was borne until the approach of night hid it from the eyes of its guardians. WORKMEN WANTED.— The Chicago pa pers editorially announce that 500 to 600 additional brick and stone masons can find employment m Chicago through the Winter at from four to five dollars a day, and that 2,000 carpenters can find em ployment through the Winter at high wages. In March there will be employ ment for twice this number in both trades ; also, workers in wood and iron, plumbers, gas-fitters, and all kinds of metal workers will be wanted. AY, NOVEMBER 10* 1871. Gentlemen's Fall Fashion#. Htriped suits complete in dark neat imttems ia the lending style for morning wear. Coat a double-breasted reeling jack et, buttoning three buttons, medium bold In pel*, shaped easy to figure, slid one inch longer titan ln*t season. Waist coat, single-breasted Newmarket, Imt toned one or two buttons at option, well cut away in front, long in tlie waist, *hort aki'rt, good-sized flip* on the hips, edges double-wtitehed, and striped but ton* to match the good*. Waistcoat double-brew* U*l Eugliah meltons, in black, blue aud Oxford, are taking the plaee Komewlmt of the diagonals so long worn, ami there are some new styles of the basket, honeycomb ami uuttted weaves in black ami blue. Diagonals, 1 Uowaver, are still fashionable, ami some very pretty new patt. ru* are introduced. The Prince of Wales frock is the coat! most favored of three gouda ; cut medi-: ntu length in the waist and rather longer in the skirt than formerly, to but bin three bullous ; lupeln fncd grenadine, barathea silk, or bouud with ilucape or ribbon binding; side elgna on the skirts, and fancy silk twist buttons. Waist-j coat, double-breasted, lapel* sewn ou, binding and buttons to match the coat. ' Ktripes or > the prevailing style for trousers, quiet pot terns in dark eoloix being preferred. Souin very handsome goml* with silk mixed stripe* of rich col oring are among the best of the seaaon. Trousers are worn wider in the legs, still maintaining the full wide bottom, and having a straight appearance. Fancy Berlin waistcoats iu ongiual patterna are amoug the novelties of the season, and are becoming very fashionable, cut double-breasted, b mud with fancy du ospe binding aud silk twist buttons. Heme, Wife, ami Saturday Night. Happy ia the mau who haa a little home aud a little angel in it, of aHatur 'lay nigiit. A houae, no mattar how lit tle, provided it will hold two or ao- no matter how humbly furnished, provided there is hops in it; let the winds blow close the curtains. What if they are plain calico, without border, taaee], or any such thing ? Let tbe rain come down, heap up the fire. No matter if yon haven't a candle to bleaa yourself with, for what a beautiful light glowing coal mokes, rendering cloudless, shed ding a sunset through the room; just light enough to talk by, not loud, &* in the highways ; nor rapid, aa in tire hurry ing world, but softly, Jowly, whisper ingly, with pauses" between, for the Htorm without and tfie thought* within t fill up with. Then wheel the sofa around by the fire ; no matter 'if th# sofa ia * settee, uncuahioned at that, if so lie it is juat loug enough for two and a half in iL How sweetly the music <§ silver bells from the time to eotne fall* on th# lisleuuig h#art then. How mourn fully swell the clumea of " the days Hist are no more." Under such circuin j stauoea, and at such a time, one can get at least sixty-nine aud a half miles n-*> er "kingdom come," than any other uoiut in tin* world laid down in " Malte ; Bran." May lie you may smile at this picture; but there is a secret between us, viz.: it ia a copv of a picture rufidely done, but true as tit# lVutateueh of an original in every human heart. Leading the Jew* Back to Patretin#. An ambitious project has been formed bv a small knot of rabbi# at Frankfort, viz., to lewd the scattered children of Israel back to Palestine, and to osteb liali a Jewish kingdom there once more. Invitations to join the project have been printed in great numbers, and are by this time circulating among th# numer ous members pf th# ancient race Ui rough ont tiormany ; and, if we tnsy credit the report of newspapers friendly to Judaism, influential moucved men iu the old im perial capital—til# headquarters of Ger man Jews —have given it their anbatan ti&l support. The originator# endeavor to prove that the undertaking is by no means as impracticable as it at first sight seems, and remind their fellow-creed#- men that it ia what they pray far—if they pray at all—three or four times every day—viz., in the "Hhemoneh F. reoh," in their noon and evening, and, in fact, in every prayer sanctioned by their law. Moreover, th#y interpret the Bible jiaaaagc. " Return to me and I will return to yon," as meaning literally that on the Jews returning to Jerusalem thr liord, and with Him power and prosper ity, will return to them. Nkw Y'orz Hotw. Ewrwirzics.—The porter# and chamliermaid# of New York hotels are Irish, but the waiter# and cooks are French and Germans and murt lie thoroughly qualified hands Tlicy are aelilom jmid less than 830 per month, while in the kitchen department the sala ries ore as follow# : Head cook. 8150 per month; aerond assistant. 8130 per month ; third assistant, 8100 per month ; fourth assistant, 870 per month ; sculli ons and other hoods, 830 to 800 per month. Besides thi* the loss from break age* of crockery, and injuries to furni ttire and in other ways is a lnrge item of expense. In most hotel* a large extra stock of all the article* in daily use is kept on hand to replace those that ore broken or defaced, while oue or two nnv ehanie* are kept constantly employed making repairs. Ax Esprit.-The president of one of the leading western road*, who resides s hundred mile* out of Chicago, wn* vis iting in Hartford, Ct, when the fire oc curred. He started from New Y'ork on Monday evening, when ia the same train he found three ears full of rnffianr and burglars, 1 mmid for Chicago, who alt paid their fares and behaved themselves so quietly, that the conductor could not eject them. Yet ho and the president snd the police knew what class of char acters they were. On reaching Albany the president telegraphed General Sher idan of the fact, and requested s tele gram at Cincinnati orat a point this side of Chicago. The General telegraphed that be had five thousand troop# and could Hofelyjirntcct all inhabitants and property. Thi# telegram was read aloud in the train, and most of the rowdica got off before reaching Chicago. REIUTED CURE FOB SNAKE BITER.— Mr. Hetiodoro Ruiz, of Opin in (Colom bia (New Granada.) reports to his gov ernment the successful treatment of snake bites by cauterisation. That country abounds in veuotuous snakes, and their bites are quite frequent. In all. this gentleman bad treated some seventy cases. His method is to drop melted sealing-wax on all the fang innrks, and he looks upen the result as due not so much to tlie cauterant action of the hot wax as to the complete exclu sion of the air which the adhesion of the wax secures. At first the wax was given internally as well as applied to the wound, but that part of the treatment has since been abandoned as useless. Unprotected female (awaking old gent who is not verv well)—"Oh, Mister, would you find the Captain ? I'm sure we're in danger. I've been watching that man at the wheel; ho keeps turn ing it round, first one way and then the other, and evidently doesen't know his •wn mind." The rage for tortoise-shell jewelry has so increased that it is feared the dav will shortly come when no more will the voice of the turtle be heard in the laud, A Narrow Escape. A correspondent writes from Michi gan : A thrilling incident and miracn i lons aanaasz from death was in the case of the family of five children of Mr. Wil liam M tun, of Rock Creek. When the mother saw that they murt leave their home, after fighting the Are all day, abe told tint children (five in number), to go to the lake ami she would follow aa noon ns she had gathered Up a few article* to fake with her. Tbey reached the lake just in time to he taken into a fishing l*at, which three net {hbors were about to shove off in. The mother in the' mean time had gathered tip what she 1 could carry, and started for the lake, i but found the road which her children ' had taken so full of smoke and fire and falliug tn*e, tliat she took another conrwe through the wood*, coming out at anme distance above where the children had. Hlie knew not whether her [wta had paus ed through the fiery onleal safely or not. Bb# naturally feared the worst, but final ly heard they had been token off by the boat. Her* commences the romantic and ! thrilling part of the atonr. There was not an oar or sweep ou board ; a piece of Itoard waa all they bad to control the j boat with. For aoiue time the boat rode gently upon the water, all the time work ing a little out from hore, although thev did not realize, on account of the .len iity of the smoke, how far they were getting from shore. They presumed they jC.uld easily return at their pleasure. It soou Ixx-ame jppar.-ut, on account of the rough nea* of the lake, that they were rapidly drifting into the lake, and they made all the efforts they poasitde could to guide their unwiekiy eraft back toward the shore. Hour after hour they iulMjred, hut all waa in vain. Tbey knew that if they continued to drift, death waa almost sure. AH were in the greatest ; drepair. 'Hie oldest of the children, a girl of eleven summer*, was the bravest of the i lot Khc held the baby almost constantly during that terrible trip. On they weui ; tbe waves frequently breaking over them ; —of course all w ere wet aud odd. Night •ameon with Egyptian darkness. After weary and long, long hours of suffering, <by break was joyously hailed. Tbey were now beyond the auoke of the I turning forest* They were sure they vrouhl soon Itaii some' veaaeL All day long they looked, until darkness again net in without seeing a sail At abont two o'clock in th<- morning of the third day out, one of Mr*. Mann's children, a boy of three summers, died from hunger and exposure ; when it died it was lying in the Imttom of the boat with water balf over its little bodv. Tbe little eleven years old girl said she wanted the men in the boat to put it on the bedding, but thev would not, and she was too weak aud was holding the baby, and could not do it. Tbe children did not cry much on the last day, aa all were nearly exhausted. Finally, after three <lsy* and nights, tbey were drifted on shore at Kincardine, Out,where their want* were speedily at tended to, and from three sent to Fort Hnron. During these three days, the reader can imagine the mother's feelings. Everylwidy that knew ol tbe circatn- Ktruioe# supposed of course tlrev had gone to the lad torn of the lake. Tire mother came into Port Huron, and at once want to the relief rooms. After making her self known, and liewailing the fate of her children in piteous aohs and moons (she had supposed them all dead till this moment), Mra Fred Wells, the Secretary of the Relief Association, told her her children were here, well and apparently happy. I cannot picture the acene. "On! is it so? is it ao?" "God Mean their little bewrta F* " Where are th#y ?" " Tuk# me to them at once!" Mm. Wells informed h-c they were near by, and she would take her there at once. Another and more painful port of the story was yet to be told Mra. Maun. How to do thi# was a query, oil the liuties in the room dreaded to break the dread ful tilling* to her. At last Mrs. Mann liegan to ask ber how Emma was, and then the next one. Finally she asked how little Charley was? No one an swered for a moment. 18he -looked up and saw at once all was not right. "la he dead ? is be dead ?" and commenced weeping as only a fond and loving moth er con. for th# lom of her boy. Ladle* IT raring Apparel. A New York fashion Journal mra Cloth paletot# are so convenient and jaunty that they will remain in favor. They*are also moat reasonable in pric#. Among those imported from Berlin are fine cloth jackets, slashed, and ia Gothic points, with velvet collar and cuffs, mad# in the best manner and aokl for §lB or HO. Ot hers of coarser doth, though all wool, trim mod with fringe and velvet pip ing#, cost from 815 to 818. I'ounon's blue-black velvet, three fourths of a yard wide, is the quality fouud most available for this Mason's garments. It costs from 111 to 815 a yard The double eapea of velvet are "much less expensive than - polamiisea, are graceful ami stylish-looking, with the advantage, in addition, of not cutting th# velvet in amsll pieces. A pretty vet vet Inverness, with gimp and fringe, is sold for 875 ; a double cape, or a aacquc with cape, for 835. Ladies who have velvet basqneins, or loom aacquc# mail# two or three years ngo, are modernizing them by adding a large talma, open only half-way up the back, and thus conceal ing that part of the velvet that has lost its lustre or become worn. Rright and warm jacket* for the house are mude of fianuel cloth of two or three red shades, scarlet, ehrrry, or crimaon, braided with white worsted eurled braid in Gothic patterns, and fringed or scal lo>ed. White flaunel cloth is braided with bine or scarlet, ldue with white, and black with white or blue. The col lar, cuffs, and breast pockets are pointed in Gothic fashion. Price #lO. The most comfortable garment for midwinter is a fur cloak. Heal will be most worn this year, and the shape is a loose double-breasted saecrne, bordered with a sea-otter or with Wver. The small round muff must be bordered also. Astrakhan cloaks are given a new effect by borders of another skin, such ss fur seal or that of the Persian lamb. Those are in fitted jacket*, slashed in cash seam, and cost from #9O to #l2O. SYSTEMATIKINCI MENTAL LABOR. —AS a marvellous instance of what one man may achieve by doing systematically and thoroughly whatever he undertaken, we can not do better than consider the life of Alexander von Humboldt. There was no part of tlie world he had not visited, and he bail been nowhere with out acquiring the most exact knowledge of the whole country, its geology, its animal life, its botany, all its physical characteristics, as well as the language, habits, customs, laws, religion, and his tory of its people. He led this life till he was ninety years of age, and even then no fact, in any part of the world, that had any bearing on scientific truth escaped his notice. His mind was a museum, where all the knowledge that had been brought into the world was placed in order, carcfullv guarded, and always ready for use. We are not wrong in attributing the boundless learning ana prodigious memory of thifc great man to his habit of his mental labor, and to his power of self-concen tration ; and to his belief in the wisdom Of God. - Seieritijlc American. A capital business—Lending money. TERMS : Two Dollar* a Year, in Advance. CMeac* . Rlarkotted Mid biMdlSf, bolpleaa, |lMa|, : On troyb*bU of W iluHmd ' throne • 14m ab who Wood bat ymrtorday stoat*. uuMd of Wrot Iby mwa eaehentor tTHifht r To lift the gtovy a# A)*d4t' ooatt, i Then IOM> ttsa apeli all that wonder , wrouxhl. !r js„ bar own prairtae by some skenea need •own, IJkm bar own iwnirww (a am totof day grown, ~ LtiU- bar own prslrtoa in am ftarn night mown, j Mia lift* bar raim, and in bar pleading call 11 W. hoar the <wy <f Marodua to Paal - The cry for fori p nul— In kin to ifl. Bat haply wHb wan flng*re iay aha IM • IV aUvar mj Hid in tit* |r4!'-r4 meal— Th* gift* bar kinship and Mir tore* r*twL October lA, WTI. By Br Bar*. Fact* and Fanetea. Tito world ia like * t rood toil) which to ma iiuwwaantiy and ianvwa no dboitsr bat to sink ar aiiab, A Tenncaacan, wbo i* already biiud of one ye, hm b#m obliged to hare bin tooth extracted to save IV other ow. Many young ladim an* aoenaod of wearing their etigngemoot ring* ia their I pocket* except when " be" in around. It ia aaid that the three hardmt womb jof the English language to pronounce, •xmaecutirelj, are—" Iw mintakeo. " It in aweet to hare friends you am I trust, nod convenient sometimes to bur* I friends who sre not afraid to trust yon. Wbee I am a ana's nau* Hcratcb'd apoa a gtans. 1 know h* owwa • diamond. And hi* Alto own* an mm. A Vermont contemporary is in favor of keeping bens, for the reason that essay kernel of grain they eat they give a i peck. A eover-lid knit of abeli-work pattern was recently exhibited at s fair in Mine, that contained 786,340 rtttehm, aU knit by hand. The average wage# tor laborers in the ' Chicago mine are |L7S per day ; for ' teams. §4.50; for carpenter*, §8 to 83.50 ; brick layers. §3 to 83.35. Young ladies declare that thin season's 1 bonnets are "perfectly lovely." Their < shape is something indescribable; they 1 become moat girls, and cost outrageous- ' : It is claimed that whan the aeornaary < , works are completed coal can be mined , iin Alaska, and delivered at Ban Frati- i : ciaeo at a cost of from 85.63 to 86 per' j ton, < In northern lowa, notwithstanding the ravages of the potato bog at tbe begin- 1 ning of tbe season, potatoes have not < lieen ao large or plentiful for years as at ' present. They are selling at twenty-five ' cents s bushel. The prize of the Cleveland County (Tenn.) Fair for the bead batter exhibit- I j ed, arms awarded to Mrs. Patterson, who i was mistress of the While' House dor-j I ' ing tbe administration of her father, ex- 4 i President Johnson, A lady taaohar in an lowa achod made a a boy stand up ami show how he kiaaed , 1 tbe fog girls in tbe woodshed, in hopes < that he would abed tears and promise to i do ao no more, all tbe bova are leaving I the other schools now, ana going to Ibis. < tody teacher. A witty clergyman, accosted by an J old acouaintance by the name of Cobb, replied: "I don t k(">W Too. air." •* My name is Cobb," rejoined the man, ] who was about half nms over. "Ah, * sir," said the minister, "TOO have ao , much corn on yon that I did not aee the , cob." 4 It is said that a number of Preach \ soldiers, who were taken prisoners w the Germans and afterwards escaped, • are now htrking in the forests of Ore- t many, and that many of them have form- , ed themselves into regular bands of ont- , laws, who ettbetrt by robbery and dep f rvdatiou. < A Chicago young lady writes to her < lover postponing the wedding a year, ! and remarks that be would be surmised ( to aee her after tbe fire, bom which she j emerged with a wardrobe consisting of < a pair of pantaloons, one slipper, and a ( water-proof. After thgt antt tbe youth t failed to press his. He, too, is a Chicago j sufferer. 1111 'IM I Pendens nd to Wham Paid. The billowing facts in rdstion to tbe 1 pension system have been compiled from J data prepared for the support of the Commissioner of Pension*: "Tbe aggregate annual amount of pensions <>i widows and dependent rvla- t fives upon Uie roll June 30, 1871, was , less than on the 30th of June, 1870. ( This was owing to the lessening of indi- c vicinal pension* by minors reaching the | age of sixteen years. There were 57,698 Revolutionary aokliera pensioned for aer- J vices, 11.808 soldiers of the Mexican war, * and 103,791 soldiers of the war of 1 1861-5 pensioned as invalids. It is 5 thought that the annual expenditures for pensions for other than the latter . class have nearly reached their maxi * mum, and that during the next tea years , they will gradually and materially de- f creese." I The following is a correct statement, compiled with great caw in the Fenaaon Office, of the total number of soldier* serving in the wars, Ac., in which the nation has engaged in sine* 1775. It will appear in the forthcoming report of the Comuiiamoner of Pension*: ftnMtrf* of Uw War oTtbr BeveiMtaa ITASto UohtMraorta* Warat lsta.. M M7.SSI loUlm of use Snalßtb War of WIT Mil Nuldkroof ta* Btaok Haw* Warsf tttl.... S.Stl ftatdiera of UM PtorlOa Waret MM to MSI.. ,fS ttotdtora of tit# CVwak AwufUaaro aC !•,.. ltW ttddtiroat Uwt .cmta-weatara AfaMrtiaacoa ofisae iws UoUUara a* th# *#<*• rowaCry Staturft inm ol ISST S^W SoUlm of Oft #• Tor* ttoattar JUtart. aaoaa. aaS af to# (WaaAlaa rrtwlltcn. UM I.MS Boldler- of tho Maskari War of IMS. MIStS BoUUr* of tto War of test . A RKMABXABUI CAUB.— The Syracttaa fburwr tolls a remarkable stogy of som nambulism. A tew days ago a lady Irv ing hi Ouftndaga South Hollow, dreamt that her tether was ill at Hastings, Oswe go County, and needed her. She rose, dressed lierself, and atortod on teot far Liverpool, there to take the ears for Hasting*. She reached the town a lit tle after daylight, and stopped at the house of MJ*. Fay, a justice of the peace, having been asleep sdl the time. The story does not bear great evidence of be ing true, for somnambulists rarefy, if ever, remember the dreams which make them walk. JTh* Mtey'** w iiunjK£auojc Oar r*adn m racaiv* tto IntaraaUaa sad vaWvl Uwt* lKk. ixwt paid. to Mfttomc on* ftt*s# (lamp to the dootar.! CATARRH. ftoKFrons.—ln the early stages of the dis ease the patient may be annoyed with " only a alight dropping in tha throat," aa many express it, tee amount of discharge from tee air passage* of the head at this stags of tbe disease being only slightly in excess of health In some case* the discharge to thick, ropy and tough, requiring frequent and strong effort to tee way of hawking, blowing and spitting to remove it from tbe throat, where it frequently lodge*. In other cases, or in other stages of the same case, the dtoharge to thin, watery, acrid, irritating and profuse The nose may be stopped np from tee swollened and thick ened condition <8 the lining mnoons mem brane, ao as to neoeaaitate respiration, through the month, giving to the voles a disagreeable nasal twang. The disease sometimes assumes a dry form, there being venr little or no dis cbarge. Is some cases the patient antes* from headache a great portion of tee time* or Amy experience dell, Heavy. dfangveeahte (alinwaar mon to the fowl, wUltranfe. Mwu, which WMtw* IM guile unit few tiwgnms, cvMelsffy eatfe M miuirsa dmp thought sod ZmJ ktor KcJ trey be awn. w MaaMtod, and the dispcv -Itkmof tedaia uthcrvW amWdTi oftwi rendered |rriifth}, c* nmnan and dm j poodsnt Th awnW iirttMin mflw to such 1 * I* amuscaawM to wait InfimMto. The antas of smell la la n*t mm iKiMlrwi (in 4 afciM - ftftrif Hirr iCMitfi, nC , taiMk and heartn* aisv twmwr'wlawaifcntsd. Tha MHawtkm whlefc k throws out in toe mar# advanced atess of C%MMrio ftdarrii ke< irrm#* itfiAi fit! Slftlimlllit :alwi tw4fi(hf'4M ii-stj ■ mm mm N W * ■ ■( ~ * ~m AAWAWA * FLWV- It prodaoas arrwe Irrttniticw and taffauamattou crli kh an (toUewad by evendatieii and uk-,* t ton of the dallmts lifting nMnliM of tha air psMufm In the bead, A* the tikwrsttM asta Its way up among the md) tunea the dischsfge gaaerally bseiwaia (oufbH ami oftsa •tcewirely fetid, rajtrina the dwgnrat aw of Hi# list cik TTWfffirF the pcMif wtt§ wflk mh<m lit AAMMMfifellS, IWM|| loUfk 4 hmwmk&i mt liiMPflsfSfsl ItittpiL, 5 Hf mwy Wmm In tKm hmd bf i>t . wMp&rmm nf tiit wUetf pftrtim ft! dto iWMßiv Tbmf lampt iff MMNMOMI i® U ; timl it k with pt mmlit tlmt Üb#t ens bt rtmrr4- 'Tiiiy are (musllv 1 di< 4 rhaigsd *vary day or two, wt only to be sac ossdad kg aaatbar amp. It ia |Matnfitly nn piMMwat to witwosi the mvapa of ttih Natfe> t Ma dhwaas, and ohasrva the extent to which it Mmettmaa programs. Hoist ate eaten ' Utiough the roof of the aroatb, sod great eavb Uot exmvatsd into the sotM boasa of the 'fees, i and in sarit mm only tha beat and moat thorough treatment, bath tonal, nod OMMdita ficmaJ, wOl ciieek lbs pragiaai and feud ; riiismlkm af tib# dhMMKft. Ottljf A ANT ®f IFEI! S®#|pit ftonflMHr of i UmtM vhtuk I lisf o oo cooifflwioi io tbe 4Mk*mt Ktofos of OHterrb will bo tlkdy to 'b# Maifeitevl si- fflfm* 1 tf • oltvirlr 0000* Al'tluntgii they are all MMmto^dsao *! i'i t f .'l ii■ ha .ifi c. ■ #Hbawlt dddr httj^lßg awawntud. Ao ttw ifiiiwiw fowipnwMOi, ov ftwfoeiitif |o 1 Its osrffer KtagM, the 'throatis apt to bacrißM 1 .sfleriedi. It biMnames 4$y t ■ote or nv, or •tiMMod *ltb fovjr wmtU oJnen, wbldb, OOMXIII h tbroogb tbe aoootti, Imik Hbe i or 4 * oMike r mwm t * 0 for wbldb Ibey oto often mtemkm Tbe Yofoe mftjr be owwe or lon# •I --: tbeOtoi( eopedoilf on enoooos*w to ootdi cie or or* WMrtfoWp mhl o birrbfrtf le Ti^f - eiftfiitlii to tbe Ibrpwr, : bf tbe mmr proovMiof tbebr^Midblel ■ - fetifi * ill TO IT I ftfcv- DW in tii# rhmt with tMflkoltf m Iboeejir pobiy beOOOM yif-t|yslow* JN9t Tftf*,. to tbe gmrm,. fWATWIBIf or * met. Tbhfeths M OBaMMB-aaasa." ar mttonal ■nmay Aga fwasi wja la diawi, fwjsgtf l l j#;f m gm WMW AA 1 1 W* VDFEMBF £S9. DTIFE WSLU' FJIDMUIAPSF FEJTOH *W reel cemr of Oniynrrb bi. So t : fi# eeelortOf *"if mretr AOHeboeeeey fedhv onadittoa af the lystma, which ia vitro I tbe ci-ooiv OBuf tbe a* oor cbief eiie ysnmrt be dtow'tNedi to tbe twooreel fEeeeee, tbe move do 1 .Obe beeper* tenor mammitf of com Mi Jog, oritii the tew of e toeel iMwi.l3.tllo end! beifottr o 1 jnti'i'iiel me of bbMM3 fleet fltioiiftbeoloe IT we wotifeS AWBSfIK* fuilr treel tbe 4kmm. T* * 1 FTFW 'I * L.|| F , GX...... g,RMV LIIN aian I'L'IOIIRR feharo aßfiro A* * looy epiHKieKafMi w in® 010* oirod eoudittaa ia 'UM head, MU ItAOS'fl sSHMif ew 'tikcorrroA, mi |Semas2 tm*. wo or pfliii etwi eon* other MiflOflU^Minctedimiteemibipb enfl wbee ufterlkbee, Ufoe wtbidb le 1 Iff the odoibiitetkei of flelt|Be : tv% 'inlpbnfr cbflMPcioel, tbe lottrodbflede em flSwpSe bet fbe praioct of tbetr wMnfobflfltlow In woodbsriNil le lie eibrie. It le je 1 wetftfl ewtiee|®tic,. eii'it ipmdiljr dmtrof* ell ml wnett wbkb name* pneiee eo mwiy omee. Hme efontMnp ** amlbri to Iboefl bo Mier in thu wny, H inctite to the Cbrocik Coterrb. Iti wißittwii'ttr, fettiiiiny ars'l besltog leowifffleii em Irtily ......... —.A MI UF,, I SGST _ _ A M INRH DBWIDTIIIS ATAWWA# [ wvmmci im, i lie 1 jet Aix 33 rw.fttt9sjr ww.iii' Pis^-uwi IKM * - M %_ J-Jf tm oy toe on m ne. mnoi i SAJuut noixnot, wbidb eerriee II blub op end efufi-fiee it to ell perls of tbe sSorted oseel effel tbe chembete end mr siire cwnmm&arttem there* with. Throt or fear packagro af the Iferocdy ascd wfth this instruotcat—whfeh to sold by •truggista at sixty r*mta—wf|] da aiwia W bik ths Catanh Staaasdy is heftag assd to eally, wc mast net atfSi'ftrt to carwt tha aon * stituttoAsi fault upon which toe dtoaast grn crsUy 'depends, ar the Oatarvh, If lawvad sA all, to very apt to tower itself agate open slight x|muv. If it AMI not, the waaknasa or hutuof oasy msalfeat Its presence by devto oyiag dtoaase ef the langs, Mvsr, haaro ar other organ# or structures. Pur this isnawa. ia partem tar. the irodar roast mm ths (vest importance <4 patifetec sad ragutetieg ths system and buildtag ap tea atrongth to a hoaltey standard at the mine time that the dtoeaee ia the head to itaaled by tha aro of Ife. ftoge'a Oatarvh Bemrdy. Kot only wiO the cars be 'thus awra aaieiy, speedily acd permanently effected. Nat yoa thereby .gasid agaiaet other fonas of dtosew braakteg aa* as the molt of humors te tbe Mood or ooaalita- For thto pororoe I have dtowvered IM| Mae teat will, 'bettor than any other, e*> onrapitoh the oWort eonght. To detognate thto wooderfal mttohftM, I have aasaod It Da. PtnMs'a Au. Ex*., oa Gotaas Manwa* ItoaoovaaT. No other alterative or Mood cfaanacr, and ao other pectoral, or throat, bronchial or htng medicine ahoukl ever btnaed with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy , aa none other to so weO cal culated to work te harmony with, and aarist It ia its operation*. Many Mood and osagh modiotew have a trodrocy to intwfero with the effetoa of Dr. Sage's Catarrh They tofeuM not MT UOIMS MamcsL DaHuvmn nva* XAWKAI. " amr-MATx " oe l>a. Sana's Cxviiama li --anv. it not onlv cieaaws, putiflaa, regu lates and builds up tea system to a healthy itttndaid. and oanquem throat. Iwtaichial and lung complication# when any such exist, but feoro Ita specific dfecta npon the Iteing mem brane of the nasal jwroagia it aids matrrislly In restoring the diseased, thickened or atoera ted membrane to a healthy condition, and thus eimikating the disease. When a CUT© to effected to this manner it to permanent Indeed vert few casroof Catarrh can be cured at all by the use of local applications only. A thorough course of altotative and took treatment must be used with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, If you woatd derive the greatest amount of benefit. This will require tbe use of tram six to twelve bottles of my Golden Medical Dfeoovery. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy effects euros upon "common-arose," rational and scientific principles, tor ita mikl. soothing and healing properties, to which the disease gradually viekia, when the svstem has been put In per fect order by the use of my Golden Medical Discovery. Thto to the cmlv perfectly safe, scientific and successful mode of acting upon and hfttog It. Scarcely a mall arrive* thai does not bring me new testimony of euros effected by the treatment which 1 here recommend. The best evidence of what MI he done ia tee treatment of anv disease to to be found in tbe prof snoeem of the treatment to be employed. An old proverb my*, "what he* fern done may be done again." In view of them facta, and knowing that /Aro* rorai ttoaasndi of <to worto earn qf CbferrA, aad hem CmMdhr In good Mih! B6ooßeward fwa esse of Catarrh which 1 oannot cure. I claim that I oam ocas an aro svwr cam or IT i* m Dtaacnom aax ramtrcu-v soukowro. Why then trifle with thto disease, raaderf Why put off tbe use of tee sure means of cure which I offer? Do you not know that "pre crastinatkm to the thief of time?" Why try to make light of it by thinking that it to only Catarrh ? Do vou not know that etmmmpMm ami inmuta ar* mmm§ to/rsysmf rendto, and that thereby SHUMMI *f gram mt filled t Do I speak strongly? Can I speak too strongly? why disgust your Mends and sasoctetea with the offensive odor of year breath, or by your constant hawking, Mowing and spitting, when relief Se ao easily and cheaply obtained T b it not a duty teat you- owe to others as well as yourself to get rid of this disgusting complaint f Do not think thto the dtoeaee will in time wear out On tee contrary, it will, unless cured, wear you out Do not think that you cannot he cured,- 7*# MVM mom, and merited stow it nrapremw. Many forms of disease, which would once have been entirely incurable with tee -means teen known, are, in the light of mote recent dis coveries to medicine, my toady eurtd. Dm. PJIXCK S Mmnmas **■■* tmxa awn iritermnu, tee Catarrh Remedy or Nasal Douche will be seat hy mail, port-paid, on receipt of sixty cents. R. V. HERCI, M. D„ fiolo Proprietor, N. Y. NO. 44.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers