f E\AURAS REPORTER Fill DAY, NOV- > *'*■ LOCAITrrKMS. I.OvJii WKW. -Our friends will oblige h !y .V'ur I ' lend* < he west, many of whom got the Report' r. Vv" • w >aid esteem its favor ifwur kind pa •r.ai w .ald oceasioaally nimU copy • ■ - Ranortor to relative- ami acmwv*lly ttrude, wih ivi'i v their own interests, by ad veil tV-i,u ill Uic lii-diUTKU. Our suhscrif-j lioa list is open to the inspection ot nl who wish to advertise. tJcLUKX KeVNT-VIN T*> Something j w and novo! Ho w and rwl thc ad [..vm-nt la ou r paper, hoxded X- | - 0 PRICKS ILKDT'CKH. VV.v TKR s ,V S i's Car-n.ge Manu i ~-tory. Mitroy. Pa mayvYOun. j - 1 ■0 * - rix \ \ NOTICK In accordance with 1 ai of A— amb'v. notice U hctvbv . 0 nto the eiiisen* of Potte*. 0w whom tax.-s for school purpo.es for the present vc*r are due, ibat on all such taxe ".. . 1 to the undersigned Treasurer. l hi* i - lonce on or In-fore t-Mh oi November Mth >n will be a de luclion of |ve per . -Itaitt. On all taxes paid within one j . , - .th after said date no deduction will '' 11 ule. and that upon all eehool taxes r.-- l-. lining unpaid after December loth n. vt j i i >re a ill W an addition of five per een lly order of the Boar-f r nttgSxStw T ivA*urer. i , % • Our young friends. Jack W i son and | Jack Van Yalaab, of Spring Mil's, lave bought out a store at Tyrone, | and intend to "carry on" then-. Sue* j cos to thrill. There will be a meeting >f the Potter school board, at Centre Hall, on &t --unlay 4th in*:., when all teachers who have been engaged by the same, wi" appear to enter into articles of agree ment. The sclsool* c mmeuce first Monday i.i November, 6th inst. ♦ ♦ 0 Wc were in teceipt of some choice slices of venison. la*t week, tnmi Thomas Hartcr, of Aaron>bwg, who has beru very fortunate at deer hunt ing this season ;he must lie a crack marksman as he always seems to returu from his hunt, loaded with venison. Thanks for the veniaon seut. Co. Svp'T. —Candidati * for Co Superintendent are already on the, move, with an eye to the election to conic ofi in May, next. I lie nanus | nentioocii iu this connection are Prt. j rhomas, of Pine Grove; Prot. Hast-j ing* of Bellefontc, and Prof. Henry Meymr, of Miles, and some think the j I rt-ci:t incumbent. Supt. Magec. fdwmld be re ejected. Hew Groh v. ill atlnnutr the l.ortl** i[>|>eriu the lleformesl Church, at Bsutkhurg, next Sahhalh. in the forenoon. Rev. J. K. Miller will edminisltr the Lord"? Supj er in the Luth. church i:t this pittce, next Sabhth forenuon. w.(ave voa ever tries! N" VTIKK'K LI.XTTI RESTORATIVE? YOU will BE deliglifed with it. Clean, safe, and ejpi eienL It is driving all the |K>isomnts contpountis out of the markel. It is as clear as crystal. Bee advertisement. Wo reported the burnii.g of th barn and mill of Mr. Way, in our last >. sue. The Tyrone Herald says: On Friday night last, the Flouring Mill ■ i'T. Af. Way. valued at 110,000. ;.r:d 1 am of Win. Way. value! at 8-l.OOtl. v ere consumed in Half Moon, Centre couutv. On the ham there was no in surance. On the grist mill were^insu rance in the Farmers, York; Wyom ing; Lancaster, and Alps, of Erie, . mounting to $7,000. The Pcnnsvalley trade always being anxious to reach "the store at Belle fonte which offers the best goods at the most reasonable prices, it becomes our duty to say, that the handsome store of Young & Devling stands fore most in this respect. A most goiitle manlr and accommodating set of pro prietors there wait upon customer*, ai vrav? ready and willing to show you an thing in their welle'ocked estab lishment. Lad its and pnthmtii will fin 1 there the finest and latest styla? of drjss-good*, as one of the firm was long connected with the merchants of Philadelphia, and hence has advan tages of knowing what iseuited aiid*in season, possessed by no other merchant inthecounty. TheykcepofaC wop e e assortment of every thing dry-go d*. groceries, queenswaro, clothing, hats, can?, hoots, shoes, &?., all fresh and of the latest styles. They are in con stant receipt of new goods, and keep up their store with the times. try them, and vou'l find that money is to be saved by making purchases can store of Young <£ Dcvling • The "Juneauta Chub," of Tyrone will accept the thanks of the Editor of this paper, for a complimentary to the course of lectures to be delivered under its aupices the coming season. Goto Hoffer, Bros IGUefonte, for your dry-good?. Go e seen, is a round again with his wagon, loaded down with the best of Halfpenny's manufac ture. Mr. Kemp, as all who have done business with hiin will testify, is one of the fairest men to deal with, that has vet traveled this part of the state. Wait until his wagon comes around, if you want nice goods. I'of the Reporter. lioalsburg, Oct. 30th 1871. From Iht h blavetl ul Potters Mills, (Vt 28th t otw o'clock. accepted tlm challenge, atnl procuring team at a high price, anivnl lit Potters Mills ul 12 o'clock. We went ell the ground at the ap poiohd liuor, ami held it until 2o' clock and there agreed U|KII calling the game on said Active U. It. Club, under the rul s of lt \s,< Hall associa tT! sv . would he '• to 0, So it tint i* n g it'emnnol the Activ< B It. C. he wi:i plea- m :uia our lal! which liny Wen etl'o- part of our clul-j on Saitinlax Oct TiSi, !>\ a scorti of l v i to 26 : anil w. tibl !>o vcrv thankful i ! itin y would nturn the other hall thn: ! they appMpi ated to their own •><• We know, thai they wefo not active enough to gel to I Potters Mills on the 28th. If you do not want to play our full nine don't tool us to the hank quite so often ; our advice to yon. box*. i* to turn your bats into pick 1 audio and come over and wo w 1 1 v and help vou ?v 'and ot 11. FOTTIT, t !., m'.i'.li l)J- land of William M.tye- and • the west hv land late of jOaorge Fou-t. div'd, containing oue bun | ilrnl ami twelve acres more or init, ihcre <• creeled a dw tliag h'uc, ham and saw mill. Seized, Uk.nj into xocutioii, uud to be -old a- the prop< rtv of Stephen (iarratv. A LSt All the right title and interest of the de fendant in and to ail that certain lot of ountv. Pennsylvania, hounded on the north-ea-t ly Calhoun street, on the -outh-e--: by Grant street, tin the south west by Sherman -treet ami on the north *f4t by lot of liarr, being lot No. 7 in the plot of -aid tillage, I hereon erected a two story frame dwelling home and out building*. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold a> the property of B •ujatiiin S Crain. A LSO : All the right title and interest of defen dant in and to all that certain lot ot ground situate in Kush tow nship. Centre county, Pennsylvania, bounded n the north east by land of Morgan, Hale ,V Co., -<>uth by lot of Jerry Keirdan anion the West by land of Morgan, Hale Jc Co., containing one half acre, more or le--, thereon erec ted a two -lory plunk frame dwelling house and out-buildings. S. .zed, taken it: execution gmJ to be sold as the profertv of John Donahue. ALSO : Ail the ri. L:. title and interest of defen dant in and t • all that <■ rtain tract of land • ituate in Mil •- St : -hip, C ntre county, Pennsylvania, 1 in.led on the north bv hind of Thomas Woifand J .-hit Sholl, east by Inn 1 • 11 \\ \\ and John Sholl, -oiish by laud of J. K. itei-h and Jonath an Aun.an and t :i the v.. -t by land of Pe ter Auni.in, containing fort* two acres, more or le--, thcr. m erected a dwelling hou-e. b • and :ha outbuilding, audi rvhard' and having about twenty live' acre- cleared. Seized. taken in execution and tube sold •i. the projx rtv el David Wolf, executor I ' ALM: Tii • an-liv detl one |.>urtU interest of all ! that certain mc-uage ami lot of ground I situate in the borough ... Belief >nti, begin- ! nine at n jn-t u public r.wd leading frohi I iteiletonte to K • lire. the .ee aui'li if. i, perches to poet, Ihlim - .-.lb 68 d. grte west '.MO perches to I* >U In -aid road, lltencc alo : ( -aid road north '-•! degr< . - east UK- d itervlics, thence along ;i r qal n irth J degr.-es eastS 10 were .e> hi the place of begin ning. containing two acres be the same m>re or les-. ha 1 , ng there >u cr.-<-'*d a pla ning mill, dry bouse ami other outbuil dings. Seized, lak ii i.i seeut.-oi and t >be sold i. the property : \t dli.-.tu 11. .Saiiili. ALSO : Ail the tindh siud half interest in all that cert.i'li Tannery pr lp-rty and mW- I -uage or pire of la.nl situate it. Millheim, j Cntre county. Pennsylvania, beginning) at corner near Kik creek and corner ot j John V.-rker- !..:.*! - Utli til degree* west 1 1-8 perche- l> corner, thence along an alley north 88 degrees wet 17 3-10 pr ehe. to corner.'hence partly in road lead-! ing from Millhe.iato I'tiin* creek north i 13 degree* we-t '< pen-hes to corner in said road thence north j degrees west 8 perche-, to corner, then, along Rebecca tinkle's I mil!race south KS degr.-- cn-' 19 8-10 per- i ches to corner of said John Yorker's land. | thence along same south •" degrees cast 124 perches t • place of beginning, contain ing one acre and eighty seven perches net. Thereon erected a large brick hou*e, bunk barn, tannery, burl* house and other out buildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold -as the property ol George M. Swart* and Martha G. Swartz. ALSO: All that cert*lt; me-suugi. tenement and tract of land, situat# in tho tqwnabip of Ferguson. Centre county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described a* follows, to wit: beginning at a white oak corner on land of Sauitul M William-, thence north :9i de gree? west 186 perches to white oak, thence south 3~> degrees we-t It-fJ! perches to stone th<-?ice - Williams and link. L. William*- ALSO : A two st'riey land ofJo-eph Green, and on the east by the railroad, fifty feet in width on Mi !rad and running hack one hundred and -ixtyfeet. Seized taken In ex. cution and to he sold as the property of William Kcllcrman. ALSO: The r.-ri 1 e.tatc f the R.-llcfoiite Gla*- Mnnufa'-tur'ng Company. Isounded and de-cribed a- follows, viz: beginning at a IN>4 on bind of M. Maekall ami Win. A. Thomas, dee d, thence -ouih 'ill degrees cart to a post on road, thence hy -aid road north'i-i degree'east 72 feet to a post, thence north 2*i degrees >-at SfcSO feet i" i p"t. thence north 241 degrees, we-t 184 feet to a pot, tlisnco north (►>} degrees east 130} f'.ct to a post, th'-noe north 32: d'-gria— c.i-t b.i f■ * yt to n piist, thence north rl 2-10 dcgiees west W> foet, thence - uitli 241 degree* .-rt-t 4 f.-et, thence south tV>) degrees west 119 feet ton post, thence north 215 degree, wed 83 feat to a post, thence hy land- of said Thomas A Martha Maekall, south to place of he .'in ning: thereon erected a t*!ass Factory with the nec.--:iry outbuildings, including four dwelling house- and a hoarding house, with a branch of mil-road running through or under a part of said factory. Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as tliu property of Tin Bcllefontc Ola** Manufacturing Company. Sle to commence at I o'clock of -aid day. |> W WOtJDRING, Mh'tf. Sh'lTs Office, iuilefoiite Oct. 81, '7l. - ITLKCi'IoX VOTBJK.—Tliaatnck hold- A i c-Mofthe Centre Hal! Mf g Coiup., arc lierehv notified that the annual election for live director*, to nianngc tlie affairs of -aid company f'r the ensuing year, will be hold at Centre llail, at the office of K#. .Shannon, on Saturday November 4th, 18,1. at 2 o'clock, p. m. By order of the board J JOKEI'H CROTZKK. J so. SHANNON', See'y. Praad.t. 27d idea for throwing out heat, that is |oaesel <>l all ; >,. nd* nl v.. t> lutiitl, aiitl richly deserve. ( c jMtrio.ago of mir |H-•. m. | > Kti ISTK It 1 * XoTli K-* The follow- It U'g -• wi low b>'-'i exaiiiitied , b> iii- H I remain Bled "I ro .l in Ui.. i- ill. 1 , i-'i ibu i|ei-lmii>ithiri I. -aU->- l'te>lllor Hint all oilier* ill Hliy v iNlorts-nl iiiiii will be presented |o It tic' Orphan - ('curt >•: IVntre couaty to be d at Bvlte .-iite for allowaliev and eou naliou mi W'dne day, th# 'Jfitli day ot N \ ember A 0 I'm I \ TbaltMWl <-f William U Metigla, h .inUtral-ir >l all uiol >iuaular the gu-ai* I i listll- right- and cr-slil- which were John Kraiik, late of the lown.hip of li . in-* ill ttie o-iuntv >f Centre dee d. The ae-xiuut of dame* NV Sarikev one .•! the Kxcutor* of th# la*t wn'l ami lu-la t of John Sail key late of Centre couti in the Stale of Pennsylvania, dec'tl. The account >f tiaorjfe Jack Kxecutor iml of W illiaui W agucr late of llarro township dec it, I The ACC-'Uiil of Henry Zeigler tJuar* .1 ■:i •' K Pioiua llov, (now intermarried w hJ. K. Tibblu.) Miuor child of tieorga it-.y, lata of Marion town.hip dee d. >. tiuurdiau.hip av-eouut of Jacob C. Walker ttuardiuii >-f Coutan, Sauiuel M chaet and Sarah Jane Minor children of J n Walker late of Hogg* township dec ,1. ' • The tauardian.hip account of NVilliaio I'.M.raialj tiuarxliali of t,e*>rge \\ . tiar b ck and Kli&abelh A. tiarbrick Minor c'.iidren of llctiry ttarbrick late of the to v n.hip of ltenuer ilec'J. T. The account of John 0. Ziuimeriiiau • lardiaa •! Naacy Klten fiiiMt aud Francis 1..-lura Segtur Minor chlhlrcti of >:cion Segner late of Centra county doe'd. ■ s The adiiiiui.lralion account ol Henry Kt-llcrand Kobert Uotieou administrator* ot and of Jauic* T Johtutou late of llarri* township dee'd. The account ot John P. llarri. Kvecu >r in the la.t will and Te-tamentof Klira* b. h Carcv late of th • Borough of Bellc fonte vice J. it*. The account of Jauie* li. Liuu und U ui. P. Wil*ou acting au,i .urviving Extcut-Ts of the la.t will and Teataiuent of the l.ev James Linn DD late of the i> -rough of Bellcfunt-- dec,d. 11. The account of William It. Hay, ad- m .uiatrator of and ofCatharrn Human late of Haines township dee d. J. 11 MoHiaaoK, Kegister. List of Jurors. 1 :of D.*u.t Jurtn drawn fur .N'oieialwt T*rtu l i si A- U hCI, vottpucu. llh UtNiJajuf S, in>* liv lJuicA. X i jpr N, .tig Juo A J* Ifon. Jnu lUfol A MliWr, >1 uttrf, H Uogeti i r '.-fjr > J Dip. -u K Kuthsrd Pr And t.r Hl rn I> 1. Krff H*ld* Jm> VftiaJt. N \h ts iatii ti< . rlo!tU- Jno Hußcr |V*.:t S. Wcff. II H V llnct V ..via- J it 'rb*.*tugweuu. t: -;i j AIL- r Waiktff AtUtu Hninii Mi • j M D(eo. ih os'i it Juv i draw a if NutrmUr Tf mi .rt A U I ATI. CU.UIO u i t it Mwda| .Nat li at Vh** II -a'rraitii, 11 A MugU I, -*rt> J lXianlßft. i li ilttr, U ollur r II I. Mnry. M M •*•. J J William* .ikr A C liwry. f >Uidji l"ti'*n I fi HUck M sxrd K u-r. .1 V KnatgiUMVf • arUa J brwktjf. U lW\b>! i L: Wn Wior, II Kruturlnr llan • !***.- W oiarr. H (•lliUand. I'a.'ea A lla-Is*, ii MaHr.tt. t Mil* M ItaakiJ. M IUkW. W I* l*unc.a. I I: -*ilr. \l Msilrr. V* m iLw.l .1 " lUml. J too iWwu. H. ibn.. It Mto'n l Khius-wmlia. J I M II Y-*ru k. J*v II z. jr . J l' K>a*lun. li N lluy etlpavitt* W 11 Ntnilh. t PUncd.Lin. M * KU*-tier*of, It w** .1 C 'nn, J I j cum. M TrU*U- Mi .corf J M Cirntm. g A,, Hal* M-. * Jvafpi) litoily. LM of PlHit tut r* tiftog f .r KufntHiar tan of , > . .yt:uiiM.t .nd M utilt) "I-- Sthof |b < A 1> Kl } ati- J \ W Isaibralth, K Lr'#. S \ 1 ill I' 'i ll k"r*L*tL r, Wm A :n>anUr. . yLr J * ujuw iA*r . \ iar l|-i,"tr It -rd ji; Izmi, II Ihyp II i Hs! •'imam T iH.jf. r \L> Kloicl, im K atnucvl. I* t |Mi V. tfe. J G Jen***. !U- :>*. ia Ha. i t. Adam V Hi.wf.m. J S riumiiom. II W ll.dl W ij lt*r; Jno lh* n. I .v-rtjr. IM ifwalir M>: w; Joiulti kfatner. S K I'uOtl. I Ite(g{|kw JaNIMsM) Sisrmtc; li* MtJlcr, J |l l||l)?r. M "ttrf . I I 'lfi-j t n V (i 0 OILS ! We would most tbspoctftjlly I'ifnm his friends, customers, and the public geuer illy, that lie has taken posse,,ion of Thompson's old .piarter*, which have been remodeled and improved, and is now pre pared to accommodate all who may favor him by calling. NEW (IOODS! ilha*just rm-iyed one of the largest stocks "f all kili.l- of Merchandise ever brought to Centre county, which he inlands to sell at sculi figures . will make it an ob ject lor all p< r*uii> to purchase. Families laving in winter -applies of (jroccriea, Dry t.0.a1,, ski-., h >uld not fail to give lorn a call. It- he feels confide,it his prices mid superior ,|uality of go t: K K I E 8 consist* of Offer, of the hot quality, Tea*, > , _ :nr , uf nil kind*, Fish, Salt, Clnese, I>ri<-d Fruit, Spices, Pmvii ru. l'lour mi l Feed, Ac. Our -lock **l 1) U Y I. OO D i- hirge and varied, nud we will just say ,i) supply any article in that line, with out < numerating. HEADY M A D KG LO THING , la,-,-!- -lock of randy-made Clothing for Al. n and boys' w ear, which Wo will dispose ... .t a very mimll mdvanco on cui. B">U iiml IUU l Hl ,4 i llnrtl- Wltff*, Ulli'i IHWItrU, Wood itlitl Willow W:ir\ Noiiond, I'mirv • mutter, being high-toned and moral ill it* character, ana will he read with inter .•■t, both by old and voting. It gives the graphic and thrilling accounts of the ctfects of hi* wonderful feats and magical trick*, causing tbc most uncontrollable merriment and laughter. <"iri-tilar-, Terms, A'c., with lull in orma iion. sent fineuii application to JHFFIKLI) ASHMKAD. Publisher. 711 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. 0ct27.6m. I CKNTRKCO OKPIUI VI. I*.L VN4UH AA*MU(' ? l\ i I | I * s | ? P R ■ * 2 IRJ ; W } C ;| Mj l 11. IIEFT WW T' :T TC. ID •• • w IOA I*' lit.' to lit! U II Vt T'J I• ■ 7 fi'i illj I " Mil...burg, D? 71 I; 17 71 0 IN I? .it H. Philip*big, 11 10. lit 111 |;h ttf Itogg. 11l I I T:I I .IN O. . 71' Iteiilier, I' O N1 till 1 .VI N7 > 4 Hum id- ' II J; *J7 II 8* t 'iirtiii. IS "N 1. OL .11 '.'J Fergu >n 7*l' ;I,| o|| YTO ltd IW TJREGG. _S.I .1. '.v,t *JFT ;T 711 II hi. 11 NIL j PA MI H; NT llallinoii, 0 NO T;, 4;, NN NN II am I 178 1711 j Itowsrd, t i In* tW 71 Nl M llU.li.lt, 11, |'l ol lltl 111! I I liberty, 1 I )'.*•• o 47 } |.H M*J Marion, hi* II S( 7tl II il Mull- .VI 007 VJ7 .1 M 'l' lU.Ui, . t *l .1 HI NI NO Penn ■ I .;t SH MI : ' :U Poti , 1 1 .s uvi pji pjt; itu.ll. *1 •*.' •*; • ) SI. HO , lit ni I.'T IIYI NI ni ; Spring, I Ini I 111 lit |m. fa v lor, I- ... II II j Union, 00 '.* l 11N tIN 0", ',IJ I \\ ilk. I.U 0! 17.. 174 07 04 Worth BI NT IN In N 14.0 FT: j BCO 1 1 I S HDT V'.CI (Villrc T rtlllllj iHliciai is* 1. PUR coin .-U .-nce it >UA ING EOUIJIUI*on with the return* of IN7I we fnrni H la*T year* eb-I tion return. : Artiltv**tg ibrtauiij lU8 W >k Uellcfontc W .1 ] ol I 4* ; 00 ,S W NN 117 | NS II . N. W. LLOI NI tin NL M ilc*hurg LN>r. 00 j 1 IU 1 I'TI ion villi hot ■*'; '.T'! *' IS Howard L??>r .. L> Y< J -J Philip. burg B | 111 I.V* I 1 I'J I 111 Hogg, twp .... 100 IP* £l7 L'T" Heim. r | HI IT'4 , NI TIL lluni.ide. Hti i I'N , ! 'J' Curtiu j .15 J 4) Kcrgtuun lot 1>" IV I>* (•ri-gg (*7 If -7 7 , IF! Haiti.* 77 1 I**4 j N>! , 117 Half MEON ... 70 I ! *V> ! 4N SOtrri* "JO4 171 JIB LIB* Howard 78 '•* 71 .- Mu-toii UD | IJ 'i j ' Liberty ......... Ill] ID 1 IHi j flu Marion ID N* ol | N Mile 17 171 TJ" Paitoii I 7TI; VI! 72 ! 11 Pcnn I II U4N I 21 Potter I IFL HI TH ltu|, J Sm>w Shoo 70 1" 72 j lit' SPRING IV. ll* IV. 11. Tayb.r II j 4'-' 41 f-' Union ! NI ..41 NO J Walker I 08 1 INI j 00 1 Worth I 78 . 1 7.1 I 4' TOTAL I 2C-VI ,8411 | 2*' A* 88'.; MAJORITIKN | J 7N4 i I 714 DEATHS. Died OIL the 2oth nil. in Haino twp . after a lingering illne--< of about one anil 1 half y enr, of heart di,cn- . Mii had K reui er, ag -J 05 years, 10 month*, and 24 day- In Fergu .ON twp., on the 2LT U'T., of Cancer, Mr William HIo.NU, aged 80 y ear* (IN 21.H ult ,in llainmtwp., AU lro* Stutir, aged about 70 yenf*. MAK RI AG ES. At ti -ILE. burg. 'I th • IMLLI ult. by HE\ M ti. Karbar: Mr. SOLE'iion (ial- and I|IT. KUl.'lilie Kii"ubet..>r, I- t 1* (iati-.- burg. tin the 17th ult .by p. Robert lUmii XFR .lone* |T Mat*"-, TO MI.. Mary I*. Hr.'Wn, B >lb *•! llarri* twp., M I I.HRT V MAUKKTS. Correct.-d by John M 11. well White when-. I. IV 11..1 . .1 1.4* ,ty. 70 Corn 70 4* .. Barley Clove". ee l V,'l ... TfUlOtb| ■•'.■.!, BD : Salt 2 .Viper .... k Haeoit Ilk 11 -tt)i I'. ...ll,liter'.U , Kgg> AL Pla.U-r iO ILKLLV. F<)NTF.X! Alt K KTS Per - I tby Keller * Xlu..er White IV N•• T 1-1 ' !J II !" It- TTL Corn 5". ... ''at* .4" BARLEY 70 Clover- .-! V*l —. Potat> . • 87 I.ar-I par pott - I I- r PNILLTT liuttei 2-V Kgg Pla'ler per L floTallo*' LT P Ham 18. Good News for the Lauics. I 11.1. OPLMM. or Hint lit*! S, TrimniintP 4 MllliiM*R.V, at MRS. MARY E. SHOOPE S In Ctmlri- Hal.. MR* M K SHOIP , HI. JU.L reltitiieil from Philad.-lplita, with tin- LA IKBI FASH ItINS, AND a "I| --te *lock OF New lloliiielt-, NCV* lloi*, J-. EJAUT I'nutittittg*, AC., which will be -old or made n|*. A* UMTUL! at reasonable price*. AI old idle lire.. L'a{l, The nuw ,ty !e. are 1 cry pretty. 1. idio t-all and *EO Ihe IN early, r ir-T come, tir' wrtlnl. not 3 4L Fanners Head! Keui|>'S New Wagon, with N splendid A.-ortmeii, of FONIL* will >Mn NPPPIIR Al VO 111' DOUNT) loaded with a great variety oft, OUT.. *uel. a- Plain and ralley CatMinere* of the LA-^ TENT Fall and Winter Styles. Beaver Cloth, Tri> >l, lloe.kili. Satinet.. Twei-.l*, .lean*, waterproof I'laid*. ami an altuo.l endlc-* vari ety of Flannels. Kittf, Metlitiiit atnl t'onraf. Stocking Yaitii uf nil kiiul-, lilankcta, white gruy. nit*! Imrw lllntiki-l#. Stripud Carriage Blankets. The ino-t be mtifiil .triped earriagi- blan ket., made in the mo*t *U|erior order, and for *alc at U RI nnoiiublt! ligure. • C.AKI'KTs, heavy T)NIIIA*k, Flowered, Ingniiu and Striped, PARLOR and Stair (7ar|M-t-, all u --perior, bright fu*t eolor.. Wool., LARD, andSOAPtaken in ex change lor GOOD-. GOIMIN, of every \arie ty, always on hand at hi- residence. JOHN C. Kemp, Centre Hill, Pa. novl.lt. Agont fu* Halfpe .ny' p u ri w rr 3J a £ i AT RF.iJI'CKD PRICES! A LI.KINI' OF i-'URNITITRK ATTIIK "MAMMOTH" Fiiriiitiire SLURE! THOMAS LINN. On Allegheny Str- * t. NELLEFONTE, Pen 11 a. | ADOPT thin method of inlurioing my 1 friemD that I have |iu."clin*ei| th iiilere-t of lleury P. II irri- in th-- almvi nniiied etahli*bment. Mr. llarri- haviiu retired from the IF rut. Will Conllnue tlio Business of Manufacturing all kind* of Furii'tun a hi* old -til to I MI Howard SI. lie ill make- a *pwi!ty of In all it- hrnltche* The het ol ColHii-. 1 (■•aid llear-e at all time 011 hand. F.M-r; funeral will he ntti-rideil lo hy him ill per -on. I|ia many year* of expi-rieiiee WIL recoiiimend hint 11- one of the Y OLDKST A N D HKST PNDKRTA IXKLH in tin- State. AH orders PROMPTLY FILLED. Orders for Cofflmcati B- left at my tore O Allegheny Street, THOMAS LINN, iiclleloiite PH 1 0ct27.1y. - GREAT I'LOOB * a run* of Dry (ion "T. M UL 'gllifleant 2 auortmenl ofov ryihin • GOODS VERY NEAR AT TDK : OLD PRICKS. 1 Drew Goods A nio-T b> "toilful varely,' -n* tingof all the hot. Ute* ol the eaoli, wlnli' 0.i.h1- eiithroi'lcric.-. Ipaip *k irta. 1 BALMORAL SKIRTS, All we :t-k tltni you will I CALL XND I \AX.I N il ot'R STOCK A 1.1. KIN D- OF LL.V It.N KSS, , tilx'.-r plated DYUIILT. lUrie * doubl* *ml -INGLE, br ■ and Hr- apr 1 Pro.-pecU of HIGH PRICES FOR GRAIN '• The under*'-. Ili .ie taken P uinulm • ftlin Wat In •• ( ('* Mill. "J Milroy formerly VE up .-L b > REED A 1 imiiuon, I -ml are now prepared '"buy all klnd*Cl ' Grain and Seed-, HI the highe-t mark el pri'., for CVNII COXL PI.ATK an. ■ -RI r, con*tantly ON band, for -ale, a- LOW i *1 the I"WR-! • FARMER* ol C.-ur - cunty arc re- Iwet ' ftillt invite I TO givi 0* 1 Mil. 1 WE guarante. t ,-i\ 01-t . . on In all " 4,,.. MCM X SKi AL & lIItOWN. *' epl7?J.3llt. _____ J I AND A I PRIX XTL SALE. A lot of la I. lying in GreggL'Wiwbip. ■ on tli< bank* of P. UT 4 irnb*r, the babtUCi elearwl and under cultivation—a acre* art meadow. '': For ftirthor particu *r- ajiply to C !! IIKNNICK, J! LB.H-t.TF Gregg twp H'OPSE AND Lo 'uood. ulid 111 one of tin - bel location* IN th- town. There i a new I .table upon the lot. F-r futhar particu. Ur* -.PPLV TO ALEX SUANNON. ! epl22 tf : rl F|X Wo FARMS AT PR! V \ I K SALE I Tho und-rigne.| offer* l< - valuabb farm, about 21 mil. ea*t of C<-uUo Hall, at prixale -ale, it contain* 101 Acre- ■ fruit U at . the hIU E Thi- T.iroi ml Ja- M CHn- ITICK, Widow Gregg, T'.IIII* Dura, and 1 J farm oecupe-d '■> Pn.dp Dur-T, Vl>• al ; ; 1 f>'-< ''<> •> a '-he Hor ner farm on N - Vll -tnlaiii, about 1 mile front Cei r- Hid I. e>ii|t aiding 2.7 XCRKN, of wlii. h alv'Uf 12 • 11 CR - • roii-wt >u giM-d young c!N -riul tittiK.-rl .> - K< IRGI" DPTTST. 1. P (im Centre llall. The First TI ml the Rest! The Lil'grst 6* CIIEJI ii slock FALL (iOIM)S! .JUST UNPACKING ut AEL LEU A MISS Eli, * • In .Sr. . <:F 1110 •!*. LLI.h Street, Hellefonte, where have ju*t open. I the hc-t, eh<-aj"-t Urge* a* well :. tile l.e.t 11 -orted '.o. k oft.o.Kl* j it llellefiinle. ij lIEHi: LAMES, I* the LILAC* - buy your Silk*, Mohair* Moy.ainl.NllH—, Rep-, Alpaca*. LRIIS, lirtlliaiitff. Mihiius rick ' ing*. Flatitda, OP.-ra Fianel*, L idie* Coat • ing, Gent* Cloth*, Ladie* SW.-ijue*, XX II it* Pekay, Linen TableClotb*, C .unterpane* " ("rib Counterpane-, While UML C.doret ' fnrlton. Napkin*, lnsertings audKdgiiig- Wliit'-L ie- Curtiu*. Xepltyr & Zctilivr Pal tern-. Tidy Cotton, Shaw 1-, WorkßaakH HOOP SKIRTS, Thread IL i >rv. Fan*. Head*, -(earing I. X DL ES A N D .XIISSKS SlloKs' F.x NCV GOODS UK NOTION hi NI toil a EXTREMES. RTTClymi- Ki-ription, for .Men ami!toys. Their *!... k . "H' KKNS \\- ARK AG IK CKRIKS ENNIK'T bccxeeib I in 'jujility or ' Call in at the Philadelplii iSt.'. e and con L. vine. - votir- dv.-- that Ii I'.T.I.HH .V XI US. SKI* llave any thing you w ml, and do HU *itie m the |irii|.'iple >('"(ptii k SALE- OLD Small Prolll-." aps-OL' till \ I N A \ K \ U F TNKKN I. \ • I THE PLACE. TO BUY r " lIKAP SCHOOL BOOKS. ill IS AT LIVINGSTONS ,„ WHOLESALE BOOK STORE. uug26.3ut Bvllefuute, P. Sloven! Fire! Sloven! • I ' At Andy Het-inuii'r, Cdiltu HMII, arts I Ute*l mid be-t ||IVI nut. he litV- jul i rtwivvd a large lot of Cnok Ktovea, the lMoiiecr Cook, the Krlijup Cook, the Reliance Cook. I' PARLORS The Radiant Light M'lf fi'p ; * .lor, Ga* Horner, National Egg Jewell, 1% mill itiHwi • t"W a* anywhere it MUBiii or IVnirr ea, -*/ , TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE Tlit< under-igm-.l hereby inform* the cltiaent of fi>iintvlly tli.it lie ha* loir i the Tli.-V.|i heretofore . arricil on by that'. M. MI'K CO., and nil. continue) the ••ma, at the old l.uid, in all it* Oram h *, in the manufacture of vrou: I*IIK A *•► ri*u. All kind* of i.pairing dune. He ha*, alw ay* on hand Fruit Cniin, of nil Hi'iea, BUCKETS, OUPH. DIPPERS. DISHES, AC. All work warranted and charge- ri N*OIO ihi • A *hare of toe pohlii -patronage u. Itiited AND ItKkSMA.V, 2*ep7oy Centre llall Y .N-RRP * 4 f!1 iOn I. ,'• ,j• |. tVniri and S|lfoee Creek It It. Co I'hil.i lel|dii i ll •• I 'lh, 71. N oticc t* hereby given that the ltrt in* •taluient of live doliai- li.-r •hare, to the ■aiotal -lock of the L"Wt-burg, ('eiitreand ■xpruee t 'reek Huil It md Co, mO-.tiOni n do* tnwn-llip* ut llarri-, Potter, Gregg Penii mid llaitie*. Centre t'nuuty, a ill In {lovable on the fir-t day o| duly I*7l, and .'lieeiJUellt lll.' illlloll*.* of live Jollrliel • hare, will lie due and payable on the Brat 1 lay id each Mirci-i-dlng moiitb until the abide i> |iald Payment- of the above in .Utiilelif- are hereby feipiired to bo luadi i to the treasurer of the Company, at tin 1 otliee ..f flie Centre County Hanking Coin panv Hellefonte Pa. JOSRPIf LESLEY, Treaurer. N. R. Any peron tearing ran pay the; a hob-off at onee. If pavuient> are not! I puuetually made the Inw allow, one per) Cent pel luoiitb to he diargcd in ndditi n Attention Farmers of CENTRE COUNTY T I lit N M'DOXY ELL tt having lea-ed the Ware. h.ui-t- ofCoplin ,V Strunk in Milroy. i* now prepared to pay the highe-t mh price* for atl kind, ol Grain Coal, Pl*lrr and Sail, , cou-lantly on hand. iiiay'JOOni (' KNT II K II A I- I. ONAOH MANUFACTORY. L R v i M II r r it V, t hi- c-taMi-huieiii at Centre Hal!. Pa., keep* on hand, and for .ale, at the mot re*, mahle rat.* 4 , a large .took of Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, „ 1 PI *L\ and FXXI V,! and vehicirtofavpry lerrripliott made tuj •r.l-r, and Warrant ■l,to be made of thai bi*l r**ottcd material, and by the mo*t •kiPml and caiii|H'teTit workuit" . Perron* J 1 Wanting any thing In hi- line are reijuorted 1 .o call and examine hi. u ok, they will Snd ■ | i nut to b exedhd for durability audi •wear __ •P r ? fl r I ttAltfi XK. FOLWI J. A .1. HAKItIS. N0.;.. BROCK KltllOFF HOW A new snd coin pi'He Herd ware Store ha i been opened by'the uaderigti.-d in Brnck erholf . new building hete they are pre- , | . .. Hall kind- of Buildingand HOUM ) urni-hing llar*lware, Ii • . *: -1 Nail*. H ,ggv w heel- In wett*. < ha itpion (I.*le. W. .Mill Saw*. *r.--_i; .r and Ham ->■-. TettnonSaw , W>d.h - iw. leeCrextt !. r—l-r. Rath Tub., Olthu* IU. k>, a At! ' of Gl.a- and Mtri r Plate of al., !•*, Picture Frame*, Wheelbarrow* Lamp*. Coal Oil La up-. Rolling, Spoke, j Felloe.,and Hub*. Pl>wCultnalor*. Con Plow-. Plow Poitil*. Shear Mold Hoard* nd Cultivator Teeth. Table Cutlery, ShoV- U, spade- and Fork-. leak-, llinge*. Screw*. Sa-b Spring-. Ilore-Shoo, Natl-, Norway Rmi- Uf* Lard, Lubricating. . Lui-'-ed. Tatini'r*. Anvil*. X il-*'-. H'-l- ' 'ow*. Screw Plate*. Wackatuilh* Teil*,i Factory Bell*. 11-.u-e Bell*. Dinner Bell*, (long Rell*. Ten H< ll*,Grindtone.. Carp.-n ter Tmd*. Fruit Jar* an I Can-. Paint*, Oil*, Yami-he* received and for *ale at l„ne.V'~, The ftae-l iplal ity of RA/. oit POCK KT KM vita. Set--on* ami H xr.ou*. W A 1.1 PxCKItIN tIUKXT VXRIKTV PRESCRIPTIONS, eonipoiutded hy coin > p..lent druggi-t- at all hour*, day or night. Night eiutoiuer- pu I night htdl j ZKLLEU -V JARRKTT, Hi-hop St., Hellefonte Pa. iitn 1S 1 CENTRE HALL Ta) a rd. The uttder*igtied would re*|wetf.i'.l/ in form the citiaen- of Centre county, that the above Tan Yjtr.l will again be put in full operation, in all il* branche*. by them HIDES AND HARK WaNTKD. The bigbe-t market price will be paid for llide* of all kind Hie highed mar ket price will al-o be paid for Tanner'* Hark. Tho public patronage i* oiicite] Sati*faction guaranteed. .1. XIII. 1.1 Ii ,V It XItGKIJ CHEAP MUS C. Hrnacninma to PKTOK 4 ' M I>*IV;AI. Mom Nil gel hH (be 1 111 -t mm! be-t Mu-I. I at one and two cent- a pieco. Kveiy num ber eoitlain- from Sit" *'• worth .-f new XI u' to 2H i*r n ml and iJur.h. ', Our t*ri. Wo villi aa enmliuti a of our jj'wii.j The Pemuvail.. tr.l • • , ia'i. in-j vile,l lo rail and stH? Mr . f v*tliifti j we can pleaae till who rail • t 1 -tyJi • I i|ii%lity, and price*. W'e : ly to r ml,* ati-faction, and although We liavc bad si. j extended trade for year*, we ho * n . ■- '..vi.wki • rnxr, irUHoi* ri . ii ... finale IV I N I: S A X 1) C1 11 V C 11." Tn .übucribc r inijira tfuiiy call* thJat-j lenthna oftbe pubt!< to hi. -u).i..hated to furni.ir ail kindwui I Forv ign and I kunriiic Li-, 1 w!i i- di j at the low est ea.-h prii- ■, vrni.'h arc a .irrme j Uti to be the beat |ti*. iii. .0 . • rdliir ;• j their re pective free.. Hi, i*m,iai I 01 Uyi. Moiiottg ili, !'i, 11 •'i al.*- utilet j Whi.kie,, I! kind* o! i;. • • , , Ilolinlicj (Jill, port, -II * ;: 5. .-r , i .0 kle rr* I and other Wmtv :b-• l> 1 .■ - -.ii a.) FP RWL^ FC II- PJTN }>S- j, { I*.' city Chmnpsyne, Ch-rry. • fifrv. tiiagei and Cat! 1a ay Ht m. ii' - I New Knglsnd ICu i, C -.1 .1 ali . md* He would p.irtii'uiai . t'..riicr. Il.e lei ki**|o r. wtid oth. r i • ■ til .*n i cvutiiim hi* large iuM.lt TO Judge i.-r tbpntelre< and be certain ..fjlf... tiring c i.-.i they buv, which caS celdoni bed tie when {.'.rehi. j 11 g in the city. Y*R PI >)'NIFDUMTFC ULIY RO JFIC*{*NI J <1 fflrr h > ii-|tjor- I rial, Wall Papt r, r!i; % ap fruuipj to cent* per 5. i I Hetir.l.r'l nriK\i.' ■ t) on It: if - < apKTCb. I*, WIN v Wi < hUV !OA UHS P I v for.ale by : ,V,t.,N. . apltTiiH. I, (~tuo>H.ccr Xmi i.ii.L .saiv*. .i I s y make at 1., am a U ILWII, apltrcs IUMPS! .1 Wooden I'Tl.iips, AND PIPIK G. The tin ler*ign-l would t p tfully call ) the attention luthecUiAcar etc • n'.ri . .uinly,. , and Pentiivallcy tn parti, lar, |o the fact,. that he i* matiufav'turing ~rZ 3EST flliUP, made al home or e!-i u here. He u-e- .none but the b *t material, BK WA:;UKK"T- TIIKM T to give Mlbfulkin, n* being the m.*-t Uat ing and durable, MT'ttutou in ntx ott' wooden pump, being arranged to jet tin : water off ami prevent t: 7 ir. winter.' I'inc, poplar UTCII.MIiot of she lu-t nigleriiiL <0 live inch M antling, joiucii together w tli coupling block-, thoro..gi.!y l .-ndcd, anu . wat rallied to-Land any j r ire re.jtiirt?.; for ordinary u<\ Pro of ).i ing rang' IVom 12 to Iff cento |er foot. oul ..rdera l * -ept.BU.ly .1 I.'.LLKK. vliic-iiurg. Pa j It uri a f (! as e s AND GASKET . AIR-TIGHT AND 1 Nl>Ks 1 HI CTIBL! tx>U Pmterling and the Dead The under-igtHal tnk -- pl.- i-urc in an nouncing thnt he ha* -. eUtrd the *ole agist cy in llit* county fur METAE 1. 11 ANl>(11, -I Si llttrlnl CMW* NUTL (.IAKRI-. which arc -u widdy kr .v-ni 4>l > iu.iv -peeiul commomlati T'. MKT ALLD lU' RIAL CASK. with 8- |u>—ent Itu J proved -ty !e nnd 111.1- • it* eutil I: : with the idelingt ol the her. 1 veil, tl- pet footed aa!}n-U*m and ■; ' ■ 'U.e. 'il* ti whatever re 1 at* 10 to the 1 ervuli .1 tail (irol'- lioii ol th, I "ly .lie r .1 ■ , coUlirtt it* utility an I < uftre < Ltpt -to the pur pFF!NSof all fc.miahw.| al the -tiorbrat notiec; at. " H 0.t1.c it Ila > ; promptly night or day F 'i. 14t.nl kiitlua . with i .r.', and tanet'i.l- tod e-'..: t* -ujw-r j intended in permit. IIL.X >.l UAlUilx IIOV 41 |I • 1 . ei.l . I'a. \ j 1 LLKIPS HOTEL. W- p. t* | Slasy. itrrixean.! j.. . d.uiy. I hi* favorite hotel 1* now in ev iy Wtj**" one of the in >-! pieaeant ■ xun'.ry it ud- n ■inilrnl Penit-ylvnain. The tmveii'tg emu munity xvill al way-Hull tW. be-t aicoiumo diition. D rover-can at a! I lion - At** nia.Mii I niodntcd with -table.- and pi tore Ixtr any number of cattle or hor . -. julyTiWtf GEO. MILLER. S PI N DLE SKEINS for u-,.; oi*, all to no*, at the nigu of tho Anvil. apllftW. litxx t.N A XVn.sosi. I" A MPS OF EVERY VARIETY ami i kind at aplff.oß IP-WIN A WILSON S. CLOTH 1 NO—^Overcoat-, Pant*, Vo-U i and Dre** C.mU, cheap, ut Wolf *. POCKET CUTLERY 11 waka* nrice* at IRWIN -V WlliHC* IOO KING-GLASS PLATKSofaIDia j for-ale hy lltxvtx v W |j.aux. |a 1 10" OS, I A PAN NED TOILET SETTS, AND ♦ I other Japanned ware, at the Anvil Store, jl, plff 08. IRxv tx .x Wll.coy. I* tOFFIN TRIMMINGS, a large aaaurt meut at IK WIN X WILSONS ACAHD.— We hava removed uppo.il. tu tk II• inutii obliged to una ami all In rail and .utile their account*. W mi Id nay la on numeral** frirmi ami vu-buuer*, Uj pica*. wpvapt >ur alno tv iliauka fr If'-nar u- piilronap* tiny hava alway* b-fi Sowed mi u*. burhbide * thomas. j 1 < ioOJ) N KWB FUJI TlfK PEOPLE. iiruut Attraction uml Ureal Bargain*! r JAlffc under-igficd, ilcu-riuiiid tiiuellb* 1 iK'j'tilar demand fr I-ower Price*. re* IM i'tfailr call* the attention of this put.lie to 111* of SUMiEKUY, •jaw ii red ill the old -find. Designed r i ■<•■ <*li forthnj opUniidtbellnv#,t briar-! /•■Hand ni*t varied and complete **ort-j _ i'< llnrurw*, Collar*, Rridlw, i if every detoription and quality ; Whip*, J,j i everything ci.nipli-fr to a flfwt . !** ••-laldUlinu oi, he now offer* at price, villi h will *uit the tittle*, \ biii'T variety, better quality or ffner ty! of ••iiddlory ha* nof brfora Wrn of •n d i.i lit* public. Call ami ciamine variety f Em ilea liroa (iw*o ir .tf Bargain* in Mualid* ami ('nltn**. dead*- Made <'lulling Warranted U Suit. )(ir Cloth* and CM mi mew, . Cant be excelled TIIEI li OHOCKEY DEPARTMENT. ';<• every one in aaw-rtnirnt and low yriee*. Syi up. Sugar, Tea. Coffee, Canned I!nil*. Jeliu*, Domestic and Foreign Frnh*. Cbmwe and imitrin of ail kinda, sad every other tilb-le be longing to the Grocery Department. Thry IFWc-a it at PhilaJrJftkiu Huh* ■ Partner*, Mechanic. ami Laborer* <*•1; to your iukriuL One dollar avdi • In packet. Then r.ll and •-e at what astonishingly low price* KOHSTKR DKVLINU A WILSON. liing iheir Dry C ood* and Groeerie*. ; -CrXo trouble to bow tiwdr "dt If they iff Out a- represented, we will •ty u for your trouble. Don t forget the dace. rarfCRNKR HlTlLDlNOt** i;CUf Ailegheny St., B.d!efont I'a. |UWiN dc IVll>STO K K [ti a.ip -iruct, IJeliefonte, in the Stonabuil ! .ii - tormcrly wet upibd by the key. rt.ine Bakery fr.t - pleasure in iufortniug the public tbat S< kit p O'iiitiftth on band a supply to ibofee i'-'Pfigil mil Domestic Liquor*. AH v. AVy* amd 'oil nirr*/nf .fn. , fi,i F .jHnnUtf rrprrmttitoL T< aif. utiwn >f practicing physician* i> iHc l to hi* -lock of !'CRE LIt|ITOILS, ■uiuhlf for wtedlcnl purjoVio. Bottle*. !),; . and demUohn* coti-tantly on hand, ft. i i. .inj Spring ft agon*, tltirli l< now offer* for -*le as ipenor in | i*iity and tjrlr U v. irk out of or in the Ka.tern Htin trnl.jr.ui W*ld it lower prices than tbiai iiaiititactured in large town* and eitiea, amide high r nt and ruinous price* of liv isf Being wair of hi* own situation, in vion* li excel in hi* artislical professioi rt'.i free from any annoyance* in hi* busi *-, he ha* time and ability to devote hi* entire attention to hi* profession and hit customer*, rendering *.ttifaction alike W ill patron*, operative*, hi* country, anc himself. Call and examine hi* stock and learn hit price*, and jrwu cannot fail to be *att*fed. it i: r a i it i n ttle, nindc expressly for it. with the nnnie of the . licit- blown in the gin--. Ak your Drugal-t for Xa- Ttißk'e H.VIK KVSTOKA.IVK, and take no {other. 1 •- Send two three cent stamp* to l'roe ter Hi other* for a "Treatise on the Human llwir." The information if contain* is ~ i\ ortli to auy per*on. lseu.ly For sale at Ceutie Hall by Win. Wolf Sjaud Ucrlacher ISE Croumilier. Impoxrtant Noiii To tla I'liklla—Th Wilson New V ler ft*wl KliutllcHewinp* Mnchii *■. Bear in mind thU thct, th*t tha Wi!i*> •.wing ina< Nine • oinfwny are the )rfo:o --ln introducing a tlrvt-cl*** SluUfle *•*)•■ machine at a rcaonabk and tow pro Tlii* machine combine* all the eh** •bwidk-lty, durability and *irt nglh |no. S fto any -ewiug nine hi ne to attain, and ttn arc the ISr-t and nkii Br*t-ci* lw-p-j< • mnchiM* put in flo* market, MrHmi without rover $45 It it abo adapted t iary variety of family *wing and . HMUiufaeturing. It embrav - all >f 11■ pwrtai:' ami * i a nil a f element* end id mnefiine* pateidad wifhio the po.i !*• fear- iwkaiellt* for doing niiu " •ml am- made lor the machine. The Fiddo have believed for a li l.p !*.< that a jrd reliatile Htwing machine < he niai nfaiHiev d and *ola eta ri-*-e price which, we have found the Wil li *w t ad-1 f ad -owing n.achwo-1 \ All W< a*k til C*n%"ince the "—t iU| , ea* • hut we have the be*t Rearing Ilia ha critical I'liwinitim of the nw W !<-• Machine will be delivered anywhere lliAm u> ( cut• eountie*. All uun hu warranwd for five year*. Zrui't oa | Kntae A A Lxmo aur?o.-tt> Agct't*. Miltvjf I' On Mftrriage. F*ar* at Teaiif Van. on IIIIAT ffl tnLf 'uud ABVxif which aUrJ.fi - Varrlage. and rain the happ'.ne** of iV i and*.- wiflt *r np* of relief f * Erring and L'nfortunate, di-aaml a-< fi* biliuu-d Sent In cenled letter env I . ft A*HOCIATf- Vo 2South Ninth St., Philadelphia i a oett.q.ty. l TiriiTs wmmm s m c w. t l\ ter* of aduiitii-trnte-n U>th*e' Mo-b.el Wo-iaiid. tale of llnrri* tw Outre county, dee d , having Imew gi b> the uwdcr-lgued, au prfoui* Iml. } the *ad e*tate are requmted to taifcr mediate -dltvuicnt. and thow I>=. claim* U-proei t them duly anthem ■< for payment D- T. Wittiir s D. Mmu., r>e,.U Admlnhdrato |.V\Kt l*TB S NOTK"K I- :• Ju tamantaiy to the mint # * f Kerr, late of potter townaint*.tt - ty, der'd , haying hern gr> >4 to t arraigned, all pewon# ii*t* ... prci-nt them duly authenti- *iol (h: went iacvn Scaxoi t ert 22. Car. Kieci* t>.A i.TS tor ituggiet and CarH I)> tw in om; Plra Bolt*, ditto, at Pit/or law iv awit THEONLY Moathty tiift Kntorprie I 150,000 Caah and Valuable 1% December IS, WTI C-p la 1 pi*< ■ ...sf,ttt)fiold. Tkhef. $1 *i* i > Send for cirectar*. A. It W. TA Yld ., P. O. hoi IIW. Cin'ti. t). STc.' /NBVTBAL HOTEL, torn r... 1 I Vd and OBcaumtßlrimt, it .tH. -lobti Sbowert", Pt-qri. t- i it* Cenlrnl leoCaliow make it ;<*r: p 1 ] datirablc in prraon* vieiung T-m it bunaM or plea are H. A. Taylar'a livm Altai I ! jwnSS.ly Dr. Crook's WIKLCF' • Thraat tad Luajt 1 4 • Dr. Crook's Wlf£ Of't. Cexfbi k Connsptica (a-. i Dr. Crook's WISE OF T. bw-ue* - • rnanr. **rra inn* 4 t* Dr. Crook's WIN'OF 1- . *;#fr* li*r <1 r i Appatit*. SwbcV. ttn T.:r* Mel (wo it— , the IWKi o. • Dr. Crook's WINE OF Ti It- Miw* a* ft •* *•* Imlti i .*■ tg' ______ Ml liwt-1. . *l-i, Sf. | DI'dUTIC. iqo-laii v r-s>'sß •O -'-CM WW er p-w-ehtl d i .*-: t~.- i-.au. Dr. Crook's WINE OF T£: I- rtefc a the ne m ■ •I**! I—* rf Tft, sroxaa M*l ww-i eo .*<•■ rt—lieet* mt Miio<::v. Snftitttixi. "tw . wbe-h m*e* . ter the r*-oti* n.neiktt : Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAE K*tti.OFe* paw in DYS?l?ttk --V..r M**r al ihd Mm. "Dr. Crook's WINE OF TAE ii • wi i> aurnv aaf 1 ' < fHwg *n t healft T' higflj •. .i i*m oa.l v i :vraa f lu aai Kaaltk viiti Mb lifp-c t! j Tl** "hNUtV i Jfjjtz; I>K* CUVOit SYRTL7 FOKERCO nW-S *r the |nv flkyh the I** *ir* • iwuM kauwa ■ lewlhlh. flcrsf. HDaues of th. All luffarin- Chroßiefiiaeai kea-4osr& CCL. . tio&s, er raquir.. aaricb'tJta S&& : - WQfflmihV /findDr.CSOOII - ipeuadSYKJPt:! iBOCT to ba carl: tad raliaWa la Its r {CAXVAMSKJkS Jl I V Far "Owe Van Fir. An |lln*lried Paper. • ' Ihheit Hnalhlr. Knte... ••• s!..'>. I irrr nl*tert. • • % wattle • lli wutu A >. t mill* lor US. fcet ft r <>i nample MU*l Prenuuiii 1... W.E.UMN Pulditbtt - U>}