The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 03, 1871, Image 2

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nxo ITOT* .. WIT"
Centre Hall, Pn.,Nov,3, *7l _
TERMS.—The Cxxva* MALI. Rxroa-
T*n is published weekly at fa per veer in
admnre. or $3,60 when not ptdd in ad
vxncrHslfyoAriy end quarter y sub
scriptions t the same rnte. Single copies
fine cents. _ , , n
Advertisements fI.W per sqimre (1
rinwO forthape insertion*. Advertisement*
for a longer period, at a reduced rate
Bwslnwi card* of five lines, P*
Communication* recommending I*™**
.or office, & cent- per line. Commamca
tions of * private nature and obituarx no
tice* exceeding five line*, five pw
line. Business notice* in lixal column 11
cent* per line, for one insertion.
Notice* of deaths and marriage* inserted
free of charge. Our friends, in all parts ot
the countr vrill dblige by sending u* local
Items of interest from tlioir respective local
-11 The figures set to tbe •ddres* upoa
oach *ubscribr'* paper indicate that the
subscription i* paid up to such date, ana
answer tho same as a receipt. Person* re
mitt in* by m*U, or olhertbt, will unutr*
stand from a change in these date* that the
money ha* been received
Tho Pittsburg fW workiug up
Thomas A. Scott for th Prmideiicr
with all its ability, nnd really makm
him out a pretty formidable candidate
should he be nominated. H ithout ex
pressing ourselves in favor of t 01.
Scott or any other man, at this tirna,
we kniw oue thing that ie true, that
tlte great railroader would secure the
support of a large and powerful elf
ment in this country that could not be
commanded by any other candidate,
and which would make hint a etrong
(live Is Homwt IML
All over the country, from all par
ties, goes up the cry for honest men.
The masses are getting to see that ras
cality must be put down, if tho coun
try is to preserved. The New ork
democracy nobly put the heel upon
dishonest men in the party there, and
has strenghtened itself by the step it
has taken to punish the Tammany
thieves. Jerremiah S. Black, of this
state, in a recent letter, sounds the
alarm and begs Democrats to put
down rascals in our party, when they
ask for offices, and even went so far se
to advise the democrats of York county
to scratch their tickets if a dishonest
man was known to be upon it In
some few quarters honest republican*
fioe that they must do the same thing
to prevent their men, who are now
holding power, from stealing every
dollar of the public funds. The
thieves in the radical ranks are thiek
as dies in summer, and it is there ee- j
pecially where reform is needed.
Where occasionally a democrat is
found dishonest in a small amount,
there can be found ten radical plun
derers guilty of stealing, each to ten
times the amount The REPORTER
stands among the first of journals
to enter its protest against longer nom
inating scampe and rascals for office,
aud we are glad to see the good men of
our party everywhere taking sides the!
.same way, and the radcials must fall j
in too, for the men they have placet! in |
office are committing the most gig.lll-1
tic and unheard of stealings.
The Pittsburg Pari, that able and
staunch organ of the democracy of
western Pennsylvania, has an article in
this same strain, from which it will be
seen that the people are becoming
aroused, and that the cry is for honest
men. The heart of the honest Centre
county democrats beats in unison with
this cry, and wc mistake the signs of
tbe times, if the democracy of this ]
county will encourage roguery and j
empty, silly paper statesmanship.;
We here submit an extract from
the Past, and ask the democracy ofj
Centre connty,whether they made any
efforts in the same direction, and
whether such eflort was put down by
an honest expression of the party, or
by fraud and rascality.
The Pod says:
Iu Chicago both parties have agreed to
select the first citixen* for municipal offl. es,
and in New York, such men as Charle* O
Conor and Bamnel J, Tilden have content
ed to take the nomiaations for Assembly,
to endeavor to rescue tbe city and State
from the bauds of plunderers- Thetimehas
arrived all over the country, whea the con
tent ofleadine citizens, outside of political
rings, should t>e secured to serve society in
what has been deemed insignificant OCCM, !
for instance City Councils and State Legit-1
lature. Ot late years these placet hare
been left to those who souirht them, not
with a view to the interests of the commu
nity so much as to accomplish some private
purposes. The stern enforcement of party
fines has thrust forward weak and corrupt
men for public poeitions, and kept back I
horo-t and worthy citizen*.
Unworthy Candidate.
The leading Republican paper of
Yates county, New York, openly an
nouncee its determination to oppose the
the Radical nominee for Senator in
that district, and declares him un
worthy of the supjxirt of the Republi
cans of the district This is as it
should be. If newspaper editors
would more frequently condemn un
worthy aspirants to office, in their own
family, and refuse them support, when
by bargain and intrigue, or other
fratidulcnt'ineans (as they always do,)
they succeed in obtaining a party
nomination, there would be fewer cor
rupt meu holdiu" responsible posi
tions, aud tbe public service would lie
correspondingly benefitted.
The above from the True Democrat,
the democratic organ of Mifflin coun
ty, is sound advice, and it is getting
to be high time that bouest men of all
parties act upon it, if the scoundrels who
arc creeping into place are to be put
The Reform Democrats, at tbe iu
stauce of Charles O'Conor, have nom
inated Horatio Seymour, of Utiea, as
candidate for Assembly in New York
city, against the Tammany candidate,
Thomas Field; Seymour telegraphed
his acceptance.
Good ; let tbe democracy thus con
tinue and nominate her best meu for
the legislature, aud soon the right kind
of reform will be had.
The Pittsburg Pod vouches for it
that Col. Thomas A. Scott is not a re
publican, as many suppose, but is and
always was a democrat, never having
voted a republican ticket in his lite,
and always a consistent democrat.
That is the right metal.
Death of State Senator Connell -
The Senate a Tie
Philadelphia. October 5hV- Hon. George
Conned died thi* morning.
[The death of Senator lonnell leavesthe
Senate a tie. Id to 16. Hi* district, the
Third, i* strongly Radical, and if the
Speaker. Mr. Wallace, fallow* the exem
pie sat by tho opposition, and which they
have declared honorable, he will refb-e to
call a special election, and tho Democrat
ic Sena-or* will he respected by their op
poncnt* at the commencement ot the next
It seem* almost that Providence is deter
mined that the Pennsylvania senate shall
not be in radical hands again, or at lea*t
that one of the branch** of the state legis
lature thall be democratic. Lal year a
radical senator wa- taken off by death,
when the democrats elected Col. Doekert
to the vacancy, and gained a majority of
one in the senate,
Through the death of Mr. Council the
senate U left a tie, and the rad* will not
have ftill license to do a* they pleased, a*
they exulted on account of their recent
victory. Really the hand of Providence
seem* to be in all this.
Gen. Robert Aadtnott, of Fori
Sumpter fame, diet! vt Nice, France,
on the 2tt tilth.
♦ ♦ ♦
Ou tbe 7th of November, uu !c?
than ten State elections take place, vix.
in the Sute of New York, Maryland,
Massachusetts, MiunoesoUt, MisMssinjM,
New Jersmv, Illinois, Wisconsin, Ne
braska, and Virgioia.
• •
President Grant has issued bis proc
lamation nxiug upon Thursday, Nov.
30th, as Thanksgiving day.
Gov. Geary has tixed upou the same
BOM Tweed will have a happy time
in geUiug away frotu such men, as
Charle* O'Cooner, Samuel J. Tilden
and George Tickuor Curtis, who are
after him and the other thieves of
Tammany. These geutleuieu are
among the first lawyers of the country
aud recoguixed leaders in the Demo
cratic party. Will leadiug Republi
caus profit by the example iu other
ciliw, where corruption has gained
headway, aud strip pompous leaders
aud politicians of their ill gotteu
gains f
Guilt of Tweed and His ti>n fed cr
New York, Oct 28.—1u the case of
Tweed twentv days were given the de
fendant in which to answer the corn
Charles O'Conor states that it can
be clearly shown that Tweed aud his
associates fraudulently obtained from
the Broadway Bank, without color of
right, some* $5,000,000. Recovery
ess be obtained against Tweed unices
interfered with by corrupt legislation
within ninety davs. Woodward was
the corrupt agent through whom
Tweed worked. An opportunity will
be shortly given to show how the war
rants were obtained front Conuoiy's
office. O'Conor doee not believe that
Mayor Hall either had a dollar or
knew what was going on, but blames
tbe Mayor for standing by others and
acting as a shield after the facts be
came known. The burden of proof
lias against Tweed, aud tbe enginery
of the law is directed against him.
Plenty of Work for Mechanics and
The Tribune this morning editorial
ly announces that five or six hundred
additional brick aud stone masons can
find employment in Chicago through
the winter, at from four to five dollars
per day ; that two thousand carpenters
can find employment all through .the
winter at high wages ; that in March
there will be employment for twice as
many more of both these trades iu
addition ; that of workers in wood and
irou, plumbers,gas fitters, and worker*
in tin, brass and copper, a whole army
will be wanted.
London, October 23. —The ex-Em j>e
ror Napoleon, wbo is now at Chisel
hurst, has issued a manifesto, in which
he denies any participation in the Bo
napartist intrigues and avers that the
alleged attempts of his adhereuts to
create a popular reaction iu France
in his favor with a view to the rcslora
tiou of tbe imperial government were
conducted without bis knowledge or
sauetion. He states that he does not
accept the vote of the Assembly by
wbicb it deposed the Bonapartist dy
nasty from tbe seat of government as
tbe voice of the nation, and claims, as
he always has done, that a plebicite is
tbe only just and recognisable medium
through which the nation can speak.
He refuses to release his officers from
their oaths of allegiance to his admin
istration, but meanwhile counsels them
to support any party of order which
may appear to be best suited to the
country in the present crisis.
The Polar Sea Discovered
Gotha, Oct. 20. —Full reports of the
last German expedition to the North
Pole are published. It is claimed that
the expeaition was successful. A po
lar sea was discovered free of ice and
swarming with whales.
George O'Connor, a Mormon leader
in San Francisco, is taking! counsel on
the prosecutions mow progressing at
Salt Lake, and says, if !the convictions
continue, the Mormons will burn all
they have and make another exodus,
as they did from Illinois.
The air of England is full of start
ling rumors. V ague many of them
aasurdeiy are, but their very existance
is remarkable. First we are told that
Bradlaugh, extending Disraeli's in
uendo about the condition of the
Queen, actually declared at a monster
meeting held in Londcn last night
that her Majesty was insane, and that
a regency should be intrusted with the
care of the "tight little isle" until the
republic should be declared aud ac
cepted. Aud uext, and if anything
more rensatiooal, is the storv that the
great landed aristocracy of England is
endeavoring to form, or has actually
formed, an alliance with the laborers
as against middle-class rule. How des
perate must be the political and social
situation be when such a measure as
this is even thought of; and that it is
thought of, and that seriously, is
shown by the citations of our Londcn
correspondent. While to add to the
whole bewildering mass we have the
clamors of the British working-men
ior tbe separation of state aud church.
Is England on the verge of revolution,
or are these rumors not signs of the
At Chicago wages are :
The average rate for laborers in the
ruins is $1 75 per day, there being
very few cases wherein u larger sura
is paid. For teams tbe rate was ad
vauced to $4,50 per day, and carpen
teJs, wbo were receiving $2 50 before
the fire, now find little difficulty in
getting $3 to 3 20.
The wages of bricklayers remain at
$3 to 325 per day. Brick has riseu
iu price from $6 50 per thousand be
fore the fire, to sl2 and $lO per thous
and. Tbe supply seems to be ample,
a lot of two million beiug offered, on
{rerterdav, for sll per thousand,
aid down in Chicago, but not in the
LAFAVttfTROot.I.KOIf, CARI ll.(, Dot, 34.
D<ar Editor: It 1 relatod
of Sir Robert Wl|>le that, !nvii>|f re
(jucttinl hi* son to read le hint in
hi* l*t IHne**, ktttttolliitttf lor hi* enter
tAlnntent, nn<i hi* -on askitd kkn il iie
-houhl read history. he replied j "No *trl
n<4 Ithtory— anytniti* •!• hot history—
history is >ll lir><" tV do not propo-e
then, io4eM you "lie*" in the following ar
ticle," hut -imply to slate In order, under
the It end* of North nut pi on eount.v,
KM-ton it ltd I.nfnvelte college, it few feet*
nnd IneidenU which hitory in hi* stalely
march cannot tnp n*ide to notice, hut
which, we conjecture may have *otticieitt
interest to the several reader* of the Ite
jHirtor to insure their publication. We
will he compelled, on account of spare and
time, to abridge these t*teme*U varv ot
ten nnd entirely exclude other- which
might ho given under more fhvorahle cir
cuttt-Utnce-. Nortantpton county wa iq > -
ureted from Buck* and etabll*hed by act
of March 11, 17.14
It included. originally, Wayne, I'iUe,
Monroe, Lehigh and Oarboiioootttie- I lie
county of which we -peek lie- aluio>i w hol
ly within the beautifVil and luxuriant hit
tatinttv valley, bounded kt the Blue or
Kittatlnny mountain* on the N \\ by
South mountain* r Lehigh hill* on the
S. K. with the Deleware river Mowing "it
the ejt-l and Lehigh ou west side, j'he
lit ore iutperlitlit creek- ate the Mn-tius,
Uti-hkill, Manor kasy and Mockendoek.
Each of the>> are of .piite considerable
-ire and furnish water-power for numerous
mill- aml factories ot ditfertul kind- which
line their hank*. The Musltkill especially
is noted for the purity and fVeshiie-* of the
water at all time- and the beautiful scenery
along it- bank-. The northwestern -ide of
the valley is composed of *lale lands; the
southea tern of lime-tene. A great many
of the lime-tone bluffs are solid rook and
furnish the be-t quality of building -tone
The rocks are regularly strati tied and are
arranged at all anjele of about seventy de
grees to the northwest The easorn bor
der of the county on the Do lew are is in
many place- exceedingly roc key and it
secnis a- though the river in it- grand on
ward march to the ocean had forced it*
way through fnounUint and impregnable
rocbs. Iu many place* the rock* and pro
montories as it were rise almost perpendic
ularly t>' the bight of several hundred feet,
their side* skirted with tree* and shrub
bery which it would be thought cauld not
survive on such sterile soil. Oue rock in
the Delaware water-gap, purUdarly de
serve* notice. It rise- a solid body of
rocks, to the bight of three hundred feet
from the water's edge, and project* over in
a long nose at iu apex, from which il is
called "St Anthony's No** ' On the top
of the "nose" is a natural carved scat, up
on which the observe! may sit and take in
one of the tno-l beautiful -igbts which the
eye is permitted to behold. Here students
repair to reeieve inspiration for "prophi
cies" and aid from the muses. Tradition
states that Vulcan carved out this chair for
Jupiter attd was the place of the assent
bly of the gods in ancient titue*.
Coming into the valley through the l.v
high-gap. a broad expan*e of the valley
opens to view, oon-*ting of high y cultiva
ted fields and orchards, sloping wood-land*
attd primeval forests; neat stone or brick
house-, mostly %toni barns, commodious
and well filled ; excellent roads attd fence*,
all speaking of the general prosperity of
the fanners who inhabit there. Tne farm
ing population is mostly of German decent,
and formerly the German language wa ex
clusively spoken, but now all can speak
English and many nothing else
In the southern part or the county are
rich deposit* of iron ore. which supplied
material for a number of furnace- and for
ge*. Thi* ore i* said to be of the best
quality and welt adapted to the manufac
ture of steel. Although agriculture t# the
chief employment of the jwoplo, an im
mense amount of capital u invested in
manufactories and in the coal ami lumber
trade. The Lehigh valley and Lehigh and
Susquehanna railroads, do an enormous
business in the transportation of coal from
Schuylkill and I'otUvillo mine- to New
York and the other eastern cities. The
Lehigh navigation Co'a canal is kept in
operation and i* In excellent working or
der. About two ntiles south of the Dele
ware water-gap i* the celebrated Slate
quary of the Pennsylvania Slate Co. This
Co. was incorporated in 1811 and at that
time it wa* opened and worked for souie
lime, when, from want of skill in the bu*i
nas>, it was abandoned. Hon. Jaiue* Por
ter agaiu opened it wine year* since and
operations are continued.
It may be more convenient to notice the
Airther development of thce facts in con
nection with a few of the principal towns.
Bethlehem is the principal town outside
of Easton and was originally settled by the
I'nited Brethern or Moravians of the Vni
ted States. It i- situated on a high -ite of
ground on the left bank of the Lehigh at
the mouth of the M-mockisy creek. The
scenery in the vicinity, and indeed all
along the Lehigh lor twelve miles to Eas
ton, "is not *tir|>a**cd by the finest park and
forest scenery in England." The photo
graphers in the vicinity have not neglected
this fact, but have taken several hun
dred different steroscophic view- which
may furni-U some adequate idea f this lo
cality to those who have not had the privil
ege of seeing it otherwise.
Thotown has alway- elicited much ad
miration from travelers and viiitor-, a num
ber of whom stay here during the hot sum
mer months. In 1845 the principal build
ing* of uotc -were the spacious church ca
pable ot containing about 'JWU persons, the
Brothers house, and Sister* house where
those who chose could live in single bleated
neas and still earu an independent support;
the corp*e-houo, cemetery, niu-cum of the
Young Men'* Missionary Society, contain
ing a cabinet of mineral* and collection of
curiosities from all part* of the world, the
the very celebrated seminary for young la
dies and the water work* on the Manocki
y, said to have been In operation mors
than ninety years and to have furnished
the model for those in Philadelphia. The
Moravians are very fond of music and
have a nnrnber of bands in the town.
When a member the community die* they
have a peculiar ceremony which may now
not be observed but which wa* formerly a
part of the peculiarities.ot the sect; four
musicians went to the tower of the church
with trumpet* anil announced the event by
performing the death dirge. The body
was immediately removed loathe "corpse
house" where the remains were deposited
for three day*. The weeping willows
which overshadowed the rc*ling place of
the dead convey* an impre-Mon of the
solemnity and silence which reigns in the
narrow bouse prepared for all mankind.
It stands detached from till other building*
excluded from all coiiniiuuicatioowith the
fuss and bustle of the business part* of tho
town. On the third day the funeral ser
vice* are. performed at the church. The
i corp*e is brought from the dead-house to
the lawn in front of the church, and alter
several strains of solemn music the nroocs
! sion moves towards the grave, with the
band still playing, which continue- some
time after the coffin U deposited. Among
the grave* may seen that of the pious
Heckewelder, born 1743,|died 18551.
Here is tbe liousc where Lafayette lay
during his recovery from*the wound re
ceived at the battle of Urandynine.
In our next, we will give in this connec
tion a sketch of tho early history of the
Moravian*, iince Bethlehem U the great
strong-hold of that church in the itatc, and
near their wa- made their first settlement.
From Gettysburg.
For the Reporter.
Dear Editor.—You will please pardon
uie for making my Arat letter a #ort of
rambling talk. The excitement of to-day
secnu to etlip#e the more eriou topic*,
about which I propose to write you occa
sionally and therefore speak of it For
several week* already we had been prom
ied a ballon a*cenmn hut were doomed
to disappointment until to day. The '•ele
phant" is in the diamond, and is gradually
growing larger. Home think it will be
ready tor flight early in the afternoon, but
how p!eaant will be their suspense to stand
until at least 4 I*. M. The crowd i* in
creasing. The large square in the Centre
is already tr.ore than full. Thousand# have
been ready for hours, and although tired
and disappointed, yet, have determined to
tight it out jn that line if it t ike# all day.
l%e ballon ha* been purchased from Mr.
Wi*o, the aeronaut, by the merchant# of
the town, for a bu#ine# scheme. The ob
ject in thus delaying the people for a whole
day is evident, to every one. Hince the
above wa* written the bird has flown. _ The
weather and *ky were all the airy engineer
could wih, ami a* he ascended, thousands
of eye# followed him until he wa# at last
lost 'in heaven's own blue." A day# eu
gcr expectation, wa# tliu# remunerated
with u moment # feast Ho is it with ev
erything we look upon beneath the skies.
The scenes and attractions of the morning,
depart with the sctting| sun—flowors that
bloom, bloom only to (ado,—houses and
poc*ioiis that furnish lis security and eac
to-duy. to-morrow may be a heap of
smouldering ashes—friends, the hope and
oomfort of our Jive*, soon pass away, and
all i# a# blank a# the spot where last we
saw the evanishing aeronaut. On Thurs
day we had a fine parade of Are compa
nies from Ailentown and York. They
had come to visit the battle-Held and other
places of interest, known now throughout
many part* of the world. Of these places
aud object* we propoe to give your read
er# some account at another time.
Tpily Your#,
OettysburK Oct. 31, 1871.
Paris, October 24.—A terrible boil
er explosion occurred this morning at
Reubuix, iu the department of the
Nord, by which ten persons were in
stantly killed, and many others badly
(Viitrc Foinitj AftriruUurßl Fair. '
/Vein in in Li*t.
The following award of Premium* *
made at the U>t Annual Exhibition of tha
Centre County Agricultural .Society, held
it ffth October.
Ulna# I,—Homes fur Geuerul Pur
Willtain li, Calhoun, for best single
draff horse >s,tk>, IL-aekinh Hoy, hest
liriKnl mare $.5,00 tieorge Young, best
ltlood mare light draught l-t premiom
ss,ikl; Jtdm McCoy, beat horse coll be
tween !t and 4 yeat old ; Aiuo- liar
berk It, best mare roll between 2 ami 11
years old S2,iKI; P. F. Keller, best InWse
•■oil, 2 and it years old $2,10); Jos. K.
Mitchell, best mare coll, 2 ami 3 years old
J'illi; John Musser, best horse colt, I and
2 years s2.lki, Da\ >d (iillilaiid, best luare
colt, I and 2 years s2,i*>; Reuben Valen
tine. lest sucking colt S2.UL T. R. Reyn
old-, best pair carriage horses ss,lk);
lieorge Young, b -I single liarnes, horse
s3,lk); Col. W. II Blair, best saddl* h >rse,
$8,10); Anthony Uaton, 2d best horse colt,
between 3 and 4 years >2,5Uy Samuel
*piaiiklty2d bs-st mare eoll, M- ren 2 and
3 years SI,ID, Jas. liarbrich, 2d nest horse f
eoll, betaecn 2 and 3 years sl,4ki '■ John W
/eigler, 2d best mare cult, between I and 2
years $1,10); John Harris, 2d be-t -Ingle
harness horse, $1,<51); Adam Swart/, best
double team heavy draff, $2,50; 1). John
ston A Sous, 2d best double team heavy
draft $1,40.
Ulaaa 2 —Slalliou*.
Joseph Tressler, best heavy draft slab'
lion $5,101; Thomas M. Way, best light
draft stallion $5,(0), Thompson A Moods
2d best heavy draft stallion $3,01).
Ulaaa 3—Jacks, Jcuueta ami Mule*.
It. B. Valentine, best Jack, $5,01); It B
Valentine, best lot yearling uiules s2,ioi.
Class 4—Cattle.
11. N. M'AllisU-r, best bull between I
and 2 years old $2,00; J. It. Aleaniider,
best eow, between I and 2 years $8,00;
J no. M. Furev, bet herd cows, $5,00 Jim.
M. Furey, best bull calf. SI,UO; Morris
Furey, best bull 2 J ears old $2,10); Joseph
E. Mitchell, best heifer 1) year old $1,10);
Joseph E. Mitchell, best spring calf 7
months old S!,OU.
Clare s—Cattle (Tlioruugbrcil).
John H. Or vis, best alderney bull "Ju
niata ' between 2 and 3 years $5,00 ; Agri
cultural College, best alderney bull be
tween I and 2years old $3.00; A. Hoy, best
alderney heifer 2 years and 7 month* old
$5,00; A. S. Valentine, ba-t alderney heif
er calf 3 months old $3,00, Mrs. Nancy
Reek, best Guernsey heifer calf 7 months
old s3,lk); Agricultural College, best hoi
stein bull calf s3,tot; F. 1). Liggel, host
durhaui bull oyer 3 years $10,00; Jas R.
Alexander, best durham bull between 1
and 2 years $3,00; Robert Yalrntii e, beat'
durbam beiier calf 1 year old $3,00; Jos
eph Mitchell, best durbam beiter calf 11
year old $3,10); K. U. Valentine, best dur
ham cow over 3 years old $10,00; Jas U.
Alexander, best durham heifer between!
and 3 years $5,00.
Clare U—Blu-cp and Swing.
Charles Brow n, beat pen of hogs $10,00;
John M. Furey best of sheep $10,00: Jaa.
Zimmerman, 2d be-t pen of sheep $5,001
J M Furey, best buck $3,00, J M Furey
best ewe $3,00> John H Orvis, best pen of
shoals ss,tk); Franklin B. Shafcr. best hoar
over 1 year old {Chester white $3,00 , Isa
ac Trrssler A John T. KJS*. Poland <*bina
boar 1 year old, weight 104 lbs $2,00; Isaac
Treasler and John T Ross, I test poland
china sow, 7 months old, weight 153 lba
Claaa 7.—Poultry.
Daniel Kosman, best c*op coauiioa
chicken s:t,ot); C..i. L. Potter, 2d best
eutip common chickens $2,00, Theodore
Dcaehner, be-t*liglu brahtnas $3,00; Theo.
Desclmt-r. be-t pair silver spangled $1.00;
Jas. K. Alexander, 2d best light biamas
$2,00; Daniel Xosman, mixed turkeya; Ge->. Colemnti, best coop black span
)§h chickens $4,00. William Coiner, best
pair white turkeys $2,00; William Comer
bex buff chicken $3,00; Ellis Orvla, best
coop of bantams $1,00; James It. Alexan
der, best pair black turkeys $2,00; Mrs.
K lepper, best coop of turkeys s3,tk); F. K.
Waring, best pair of ducks $2,00; Master
Jas. W. Alexander, best English rabbits
Clare 8. —Agricultuml lmpleuicula.
J Miles Green, best plow, Diploma; H.
P. Cadwallader, best mower. Diploma;
Peter Hoffer, best reaper A mownr, DlpUs
ma; K. G. Crandall. best hay York, Diplo
ma; 11. N. M Alliater, best cultivator. Di
ploma; H. N. M Allistcr, best subsoil
plow, Di|>loma.
Clare D. —Crop a.
Foster Tate, best ) bushel white wheat
$3,00; Central Experimental Fariu, best
half bushel Jennings wheat $1,00; Josiab
Slruble, host half bushel ambef wheat
$2,00; Gen. Geo. Ituchannan, beat half
bushel Lancaster $1.00; Josiab Struble,
best half bushel oats $2,00; K. I). Jolins
' ton, b*st half bushel rye S2JD; ilexekiah
Hoy, best halt boliel barley $2,00; Jas.
Zimmerman, best half bushel yellow
$2,00; John W. Zigler, bet half bu-hel
white corn $2,00; Lot Struble. best pock
clover seed $2,00; Joseph Tressler, best,
peck timothy seed $2,00.
Clare 10. —Flour and Maal.
B. F. Brown, best barrel wheat flour
$5,00; B. P. Brown, best bushel ty flour
$2,00; B. F. Brown, best half bushel corn
meal $2,<D; Geo. Jlxmer, 2*l best barrel
wheat fl< ur $3,00.
Claaa 11. —Vegmtablea.
H. N. MA I lister, best half bushel peach
blow potatoes $2,00; Kx|*eriinenlal Farm
best half bushel breezes prolific potaioca
$2,00; Experimental Farm, best half bush
el conshohockin |x>taff>es $2,00; Jas. Zim
merman, be-t half bushel harriton potatoes
$2,00; J. I>. Valentine, best half bushel
red utica p.>tP>es $2.00 Jared Struble, best
half bushel early ro-e potatoes $2,00; E. C.
Humes, best half bushel weaver variety
potatoes $2,00, P. D Ilostcriuan, bast half
bushel late good rich potatoes $2.00; \5 m.
Irwin, best half bushel white chili )M>ta
tocs $2,00; Jos. Marshal, best half bushel
breezes prolific potatoes $2,00 ; Jos. Baker,
best half buhel sweet potatoes si,oo; Jos.
Baber, largest and best varieties potatoes,
48 kind $3.00; Agricultural College, best
half bushel onions (for seed) $1,(J0; Agri
cultural College, best half bushel rutabaga
$1,00; Agricultural College, best half bush
el parsnips $1,00; Agricultural Collge, best
cauliflower SU>O, Agricultural College,
best half bushel tomatoes SI,OO ; Agricul
tural College, best turnips $1.00; M. Lo- (
vy, best head cabbagi-$1,00; Wm. Coiner,
2d best cabbage 50; Win. Corner, best
iiiumiiiotli squash $1,00; Win. Thompson
best Turlon -weel potatoes $1,00; John
Curtin, best sweet puiilkiu SI,OO, Master
Jno. Herd, 2d best-we'ff pumkin 50; Mrs.
J. O. Kurtz, best beets SI,OO ; flieorgi W..
T. Gray, best beans $1,00; Win. Thomp
son, best field pumkins SI,OO, J. Fishburn,
lust celery SI,OO, Isaac Tressler, best yams
$1,(0; Joseph Baker, best sugar trough
gourd $! 00; Jas. Zimmerman, best speei
niin pea nuts <SO; Mrs D. G. Bush, be-t li
ma beans SI,OO.
Claaa 12. —Fruit*and Flowera.
T. B. Rupert, best and largest ditplny of
apples $6,00; Joseph Baker, best display
tall apples $2,00, Win. Kekley, best peach
v* SI,OO, Win. B. Kekley, best pears SI,OO,
Wm. U. Kekley, best grapes $1,00; Jennie
Chambers, best quinces $1,00; Prof. Mc-
Kee, best display miscellaneous flowers
$3,00; Miss Faunia Hartsock, best display
cut flowers.
(Concluded nest week.)
The weather has been blustery uud
cold the Ittet lew day*.
The Cliit-atfo Flro and Holy Writ.'
The Ural Lao# of the OliiiNvn Tiinet
since the great lire illtitnlueea its
leuglhy sleacription of 11 ooiiflagrn-;
tion with th? following quotatiutia frout
tin liihle;
Saith Holy Writ:
* • The inerchatiia of the
earth are waxed rich through the
nliiiodunce of Iter deUcacire.
How much she ha* glorified herself,
lived (leliciously, .ouch sorrow ami
torment give her . lor ahe anith in her
heart, I sit n queen und uoi no widow,
tin 1 shall ace tin sorrow.
* * She shall IK* utterly
honied with lire*.
* * And tlin king* of the}
earth * * shall bewail her and
lament I'm Iter when they -Lull see the
aonike of her burning.
Statnjing afar off for fear of her t<>r
in*ut, und saving, Ala*, Alas, that
gieat city, that eity, mighty city ! tor
iu oil-* hour is thy judgment come.
Ami the merchants of (lie earth shull
weep, and mourn over her, for no mail
hffvelh their mercliuudiaj any more.
The merchandise of gold, nod silver,
[ami precious stone*, ami of pearl*, ami
'lino linen, ami purple, uud silk, ami
scarlet, ami alt thyme wood, and all
manner verects of most preeiyti* wood,
and of brass, ami iron, uud marble ;
And cinnamon, uml ode is, ami oint
jiucuta, and frankincense, ami wine, and
I oil. and line tiour, ami wheal, and
• bettslt.aud sheep, and horses, und
.chariots, ami Slaves, ami son Is of men
* * * The merchant* ot
j thesse thing* which weio made rich
I by Iter, shall stand sfar off " *
* weeping and wailing.
And saying, Alas, alas, that great
icitv, that wa* clothed in Hue limn,
ami purple, uml scarlet, and decked
with jfbld, ami precious -tones, ami
f ten l is !
For iu ouc hour so great riches i.
Iconic to naught. And every shipmast
er, uud ull tlie company iu ship, ami'
sailors, uud u- many as trade by set,
stood afar oil,
And cried when they saw the smoke
of her burning, saying, What c'ty it
;like unto this great city !
And they cul dust on their heads,
und cried, weeping and wailing, sav
ing, Alas, alas, that great city wherein
vvcic made rich all that had ship* in
the-c a by reason of her cost liny**! for
in one hour is she made desolate.
re -*- •
Fire proor Hiiildiugx Not Fire
When the new* came ott Monday
of the enormous ravages of the lire in
Chicago, it was discredited by many
persous, because among the buildings
reported to have been destroyed weic
several known to be constructed en
tirely of incombustible materials, and
therefore, in the ordinary ar -eptation
of the term, tire-proof. The maguili
eent Chicago Tribune building, for
example, bad nothing about it of wood
except the floortug ami fillings, the
! walls being uf stone and brick, the
:door beams of iron, arched with brick,
and the roof of iron. Of a similar
character were the Historical Society
building, the great Union Dv|ol on
iaike street, ami, if we are rightly in-,
j formed, the Custom House. That all
llu-e could have fallen before the
dames seemed impossible. Nevertbc
le the tidings have bcn only too sad
ly continued ; ami iu inference would
seem to be, that what are commonly
called fireproof buildings are not
proof agaiust fire after ail.
The explanation of the plieiioturuou
if found in the unusal circumstances
which gave rise to it- From the de
scription oft! .• progress of the confla
gration, as witnessed by Mr. Abu I
Palmer ami others, -lauding oil the
roof of the Trciuoiil House, it ap|H-ai*
that the luul was so intense that it
coubi nut tie endured by hutiiau be
ing* at a distance uf several blocks;
brick walls weakened and wavered
like india-rubber, ami niasdve granite
slalis cracked into thousauds of piece*.
Another account reprr-enta the sur
face of the river as boiling and giving
off steam. No sooner would tlie
dames touch one cud of a building
than tbev would burst forth at the
other. The city, in a w.rd, wasm
velnpcd u a sort of reverlwratory
furnace like that employed to melt
meialic ores. Il is quite Ut)philoso
phical, iu view ot these facts, to at
tribute the failure of the supposed fire
proof methods of construction to any
minor defects. Unbroken walls of
stone or brick, with roofs of the same
material, would have crumbled away
like sand under such a trial.
The only perfect protection of a city
against the fate of Chicago i* the adojn
t.on of a system of w ide streets, the
isolation ot groat warehouses full of
merchandise, and the absolute proliini
tioii of wooden building*. Ihe fail
ure of the attempts of the Commu
nists to burn up Paris proves that
where these conditions are observed a
general conHagralioti is impoaxible.
There is not enough fuel to give the
fire an oiicontrotable headway, and
herein alone is safety to be looked for.
The Nt. lands Republican thus con'
eludes uu able article on the politic*!
situation :
It is urged with much reason, that
the couulry can ill afford another four
years of radical rule, with the Union
maintained in it* present abnormal,
unrestored condition, ku klux disor
ders and ku klux laws continued, ex
ecutive interference persisted iu, uml
the process of centralization made com
plete ; ami that if these things arc to be
arrested at all.the radical |arty must
IKS unseated ut Washington, just us it
was unseated in Missouri, by the dero
crats abstaining from a presidential
j nomination, and leaving the nomina
tion of a ticket which they may su|-
port to the liberal element of the oth
er party. Even if the democrats
could hope to nominate u presidential
ticket and elect it, with G roes beck, or
Hnucock, or Hendricks, or Clnue, or
anyone else at the head, would not the
victory, it is asked, be empty and bar
ren ? Would not the radical congress
tie the hands of the democratic presi
dent, und give us the historv of tlie
Andrew JoTiusou administration over
again? On the other hand, with
I Grunt und the administration party
overwhelmingly defeated, as M'Clurg
was defeated in Missouri, a liberal
Hiid patriotic republican made Presi
dent, and u majority of democrats and
'liberals chosen to congress, would not
the result, though materially different
'from a full democratic triumph, be an
inestimable improvement ou the pres
ent order of tilings? Il would, it is
true, involve concession which the na
tional democracy would find it hard to
make ; but would uot the happy de
liverance of the harrassed Southern
states, and their restoration to the co
equality and dignity they arc uow de
barred from, lie a sufficient compensa
tion for these concessions? And
would not the real restoration of the
Union which followed the triumph of
the new party he its claim
on the gratitude and confidence of the j
|K<ople ?
Grant's sus}wusioii of the huhea-
[corpus aud his military have caused)
a terrible stale of affairs in N,.uih Ca
rolina, and the while people i<re the
iug from their homes. 1
Till* I'olui* Rctfiolls
News IVOIII ( apt inn flail* Arllc!
A private Idler received front a 1
member of ilit> Artie expedition under
IHall in the Polaris, give- an
j account of lite movement* of (Tie oxj>o
ditioti since lnl limn! from through
ih<i officers at tha Ccnpeu, Tin* let
in is dated Upornavik, September 5,
ami wa* t-ari icd tlivliceto (quiilingi'ii
jhy a Da null vessel, whence it was
;mI to tin distillation via Haul*!
, but g slimmer. AtWr leaving Dim,
alieie lie received hi*extrastore*from!
ill t'• iigi •►, Cap! mil Hall Mailed
nearly imrtli until lie arrived oil'the
Ilinrlmr of Proven, He then went}
iali >rr, ami was well received by the
Dutiieh authoritiee. Ilia principal ob-,
j < ! wa* to obtain dog-, Init he *tfts-j
.video ill securing only eighteen, ulioiil
lialt i-f which were at that time uutilj
for -crvice, but may by cure lie luitdc
va mblc. After leaving Proven the
Polaris ended tor I |iernavik, wb re
the arrived August dU, Herein* tried
' to keeure the aervieea of i-ome E-qtii
•n.iux hunter- ami dog drivers, uuti
wa uiuueeeuful. lie, however, ole
twined some d"g# and tore, v.inch will
prove of gnat value while iu wiuLr
quarter#, ("aplain Hall ui i-<l iVcso
I'pernavik ou the tilth of September,
going north. Of owrrr he ha* not
since been heanl from, und will nut
probably until winter, when he may
*end down from winter quarters to
Di-no for nupplie*. All on board are
rep iiid well and confident of succe**.
We must not lose sight of Granl'si
two la*( great ipeerhu, and for feari
that aituc of bin radical admirer*
may uoi have *<v these effort* of hi*, }
we reproduce litem in thi* article: :
President Grant, during hi* fre-j;
queut tour* through the country, ha*! 1
usually been very brief in hi* acatiowl
edg.ueul# of courtesies offered him bv
luuueipal authorities an other bodio*.
Occasionally, however, ut impoitniit
j point*, he give* hi* imagination*
. wing* and indulge* in flight* of elo
quence. At Augusta Vie., the other
day, the fact that he wa* in the cap
ital uf the State spurred our Chief
Magi*tra(e to extraordinary effort, 1
and the rc*ult wa* one ol the most!
elaborate and elopueiii specche* that 1
have yet fallen from the President'* j
lip*. Here it i vrrlMtun :
"My frieudx, 1 had a very plea-ant-;
reception on my visit to your -State and t
icily ix year* ago, which 1 have never)'
forgotten. I wa* convinced by the j
memory of the reception 1 theu receiv-
!ed that I should have au equally)
pleasant reception on the present
< weniiion. and I am not disappointed.)
. I thank you for your kiud:u>-*. !
and hope to meet you agaiu."
I* this style of thing the result of;
profouud policy ! l>oe* he make such j
[speeches becauso he wiabaa to coocea!)
Ids real purpose* ami idea*? Or uit
because he really ha* no ideas to de-J
dare that he doe* not declare any?)
Dr. Greeley said the other dnv "we
want a man for Pre*idem, who, when}
railed uj*>n for an expression of hi*
view* on political and oilier subject
of nalioual iuU-rwU, can give them iu
clcur,comprehensive language. That's
the kind ! mall," continued Dr. Gree
ley, "the jH-cqile want, and Unit's tha
kind of man wi haven't got uow."-
Hul then there is nothing like Ins;
great Portland effort, found le!o.
The President wa- received at Port-j
land by the Mayor of that city and iu
tr-duced to the IM >pte. He arose and
made the following thrilling *{eeeh:
"1 have a vivid recollection of visit
ing yur city six year.- ago. Thi- t*
the second lituc 1 have been in \,ur
city, and am much pleased with the re
ception here a* well as at other place*
i have visited in your rotate. If I do,
not ollener than 1 have heretofore, I
shall not make many more viit* here
lie fore 1 shall he quite an old man.
Good tor the old man.
ltrighani Young look* to Graut for
deliverance from the trouble* with
which he is surrounded. Having ap
proved the principle of polygamy by
pardoning it.iweu of South Carolina,
it ie hardly to he expected that the
l'r< scut-Taker will abandon its great
advocate ami representative. As
liiigham, however, ha* neglected to
evince hi* admiration by presents, it
is iHtssiblo that Grant's feeling* may
not be so warm toward him a* thev
were toward Iloweu.
Washington, Oct. 2-t - —A petition
was received at the Executive Man
sion to-day, fifty feet long ami signed
by the women of Utah, protesting
against polygamy, and urging effective
measures to sappres* its practice in
I'KTKRSOS'S Jltortnut for November
lit*.- cheapest slid butt of tins lady's books-- :
is before us, uiui n luaKiiiflceiit nuinbei it is!
"Bib)' s Auswer," its t>ru>ci|Mil staal pinto. 1
is a perfect beauty, Then come* it-double
pint-', mid "Peterson" is now the only
tiiaK**''!* Ih*l Kivos these double sized
pinto- engraved ou steel. Then there is n
superb slipper-pattern, printed in colors,
itself alone worth the price of the number.
The tnlo- and novelets, n nl ways in "Peter
son.' are nil original and of thrilling iute.
rest. "The Mystery of Bride * Bayou,"' in
present number, i > story such as we rarely
see any where now-a-days. .Voir it (4 !>'i* ,
ito ort )'/> clubs fur IKTi The Prospeetu- ,
iis/ust out. The price of "Peterson' is ,
only two dollar* a year to single su'werib-,
or. while other iiiaaaziues ot it* cla* are ,
three or four. To clubs the terms are low- J
er still, vir.: tivo copies for eight dollar-, or
eight copies for twelve dollars. Kvery
person Retting tip either of these clubs will
receive the Mzn/.ino for IHT'2 gran*, and
also a -plondid copy-rfght engraving (24
inches bv 18), "Five Time- One To-Day 1"!
\V c can -peak from parson >1 exporiencaof
the beauty and value of this engraving .
Specimens of the Magazine sent grab- if
written for. Address, j,
:lU.i Chcsluut Street, Philadelphia.
a welcome vi-ipir and tilled with iut<
ing matter, but the OcP>ber number now
before u. is ursuuqkalde one. It t*kt ttoj
step backward but improves with age. As
i USH) with inoulhlie* at this lime of year,
it i* throwing out feelers for it- next vol
ume of 1872 and offers th three la.-t num
ber* of this year gratis t<> all m w subscrib
ers who send in Hieir subscriptions before
thi llr.-t of January. It i published at the
low price of one dollar per year by N. P.
BOY KK At Co., Purkcsburg Chester Co., Pa
100 CUT FitdC L.VM.VIUN. 1
\Vi erea- the Hon. Charles .V. Muy> r,'
Prc-ident of the court of Common Plea*,
iin the 2otli ludicial District, consisting ofj
tbo couutie- of Centre. Clinton and Clear-'
tli Id. und llouorable John llostermWh and
the ll<norablo William Alli-on, A--o iale
Judges in Centre county, having issued!
their precept, hearing dale the 28th day of
Oct be A. D., 1871, t> lue directed lor
holding a court of Oyer uud Terminer and;
Ucneral Jail Delivery und (Quarter Mc--
sioii- of the Peace in Uellefontu, for the|
county of Centra, and to commence on the
4lh Monday ot November next,.being the
27th day or Nov. 1871, und to continue oita •
Notice i- thcrefurc hereby given to the
Coroner, Justice of the Peace, Aldermen
and Constables of the -aid county ot Cen
tre, that they be then and there in their
proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the fore-,
noon ot said day, with ther records, in-;
quisitioa*, examination*, and their own re-j
membrane**, to do those thing* which to
their office appertain* to be done, anil
those who are bound in recognizance* to
prosecute agaili-t the prisoners that are or
shall be in the Jail of Centre codfnty, be (
there and to prosecute against them as shall
be just.
(jiveu under my band, at Bcllofonte, the i
28th day of Oct. in the year or our Lmd, I
1871 and in the ninety-fourth year of the
Independence of the United States.
D. W. WOODBIND, Shortf.
HnnwjrhAMln OfHHn! Votp.
Below we give Ibn .ifflcial v>to in Penn
sylvania on the HHh in*l., a. fllod in the
office of tin- Seer.-tar .>f ce .iinonwanUb :
J|.'Caw-lb *. Btant ift.
Ada'ns : k r -A
Allegheny...... lit"! Jig*
Armstrong....,.,. ... . <' It lft
Heaver 25.91 -fl
Bedford ' 28- l WW
It.rk* Mi:; sk*
Blair ft
Bradford '">> w787
H.o k* '>'43 tv. 02
j Butler ... 2>;A •*
11 'ailibria ............ i"®' SCW4
1 Cameron •
Curb 0i... ....... 21'-* -f
Centre ft* *•?'.>
Chester..,, I"'4 ek**
i Clarion. 2 <ll
j Clearfield '1 Gil
Clint, n 21 J I'll'-
C-'liimbla ............. -'Cvi b#*.
iCrawforil 41? I it 5172
iComberland t-a
Dauphin.. 414
D< Irware 21 k)
Klk ' •: -v
Krie '?• si 4284
f5r5k,..mM...... la"! 2*21
Iporrwi 4011 , 4k
{Franklin.. ... 1114 T77
Fulum 2th 2W
Uireene 2*s'4 1571
, Huntingdon...... - J
flndiana 21 i *1
I.'lfrrKiH. l*Bfj Ws.
J uniata ........ 1147 12*1
Uiifastor...,,, ............ laiio IttJ4H
l,.t* renew...... ..... 1284 21
I.ebuiiun 2:."w 2tkk.
Lehigh o - • 112U
Luxorne 10551 blOt.
L.i coming il '' * , * l
MeKcAn •' '*-
Me roof < 441
M dim 17015 UP-
Moii row -'.4 735
Montgomery .15 <>>' l
M 'iitour 1 .
Nofihanipton i,!tl2 .'s2l*
Northumberland . 4<kl
lVrry 2 CO 2478 j
Philadelphia 5C.11 ttWk<
I'lke lUI3 2fJ
I'. -Uer T -.- I'ion
Sehuvlkill hl'J t/.rj3
Snyder i 4 l"5.
Somerset If- . skk*.
Sullivan 7**s 4U7
Susquehanna 2457 ••-*'. 1711 Jkilk
Union.... 1: 2 HUB
Venango Ul.t *722
Warren Hi 27 2P>
Wsubiugi.ti Ch-v 4*51
Wayne 2HUO 'A*\
Westmoreland 'Oil 4.r*
Wyoming 15bi t**l
York 7 It*} 5701
Total v01e..„ AkftSJ 'M' *.*-'
ll' P li.aj 14400
A house and lot favorably located on
M i.nsircct Aarotisburg, is otfered at j.ri*
a ate anlw. The h. use is a g> d uns, and
the lot among the best in t"wn, with an
abundance of fruit! he rcon. A1 so lOac res •>!
uiountuin land. For further particulars
apt !y t< UOAXKA S. KCUT/.
*cl27. A a runs burg
U a r ring; e
tVnlre Hall, 1*:,
tiKO. B. HAKP.-oTF.It
Has 0 bad and lor -aU at t > w<'t r. a-J
~triable rale- a -plead' I ctock of
und every description of W*g-n* both j
warranted U bs made ■! the l*'l snd mo.'
durable inats-riais, und by tk • most expe
rienced workmen. All w.r* nl ou! fron.
the establishment w ill be found to W oi j
the highest class and sure t< gin* perfect
sgtiffaclion. lie will uLo have a ttvc a—i
sorttncnl "f
S L K I . II S
>.| alt thw newest and mo,: la.hiotmtd'
.iyle> well and carefully ill ele and <*f tbej
! l-e*t material*.
Vn in|ie*ti> n oi hi., work . .skci a <t
;♦ believed that n n • -up *ri.r can be ftnind
'in the country. aug2.C
J.E. Caldwell tfcCo.
De-irw to envile lh e-jn-ciai nl lent ion of
(•urx'bascrs and other- vioiuug the city. l
their unusually large and \ aricd aort
uient of
FH KX( li < 7,0 ('k'S, UF OX7.ES
during the present season.
Courl.>u and poliie attention i extend
ed to all who may be induced to accept aj
cordial invitation to visit their beautiful,
| ,l onx 11. Lixx. P. IIKX -K WtUkix.
1.1 A\ A 11 II.SBX,
D II U (i (• 1 NTS.
Sucrcnaor* uf K. P. W ilroti, RcllofonU*
Have secured the service* of Janus* 11.
jsteen, of Philadelphia, a drnggi-t of th.r
teon years experience, who will have the
charge of their pr> *criptioii,bu,ine*a.
1 A night hell i- attached to their
! door, mid the employees -lecpiug within the
I building, will attend to thy want* of the
public at all hour* of the night
Linn Ac Wilton keep constantly on
1 band n large -lock of
Drug*, Paint*. Oil*. Perfui .erv.Tr>'- ''-
I and Medical Appliance oi' all kind*,
together with a very Urgestock of
latent Medicine*. >ucli u*
Vinegar Bitter-, and -also
Pure Wine*, and li
quor*, of nil kind*
for medieal
P#*Any person sending u- eight *ub
aeribers with tlie cadi, $lO, will receive
the Reporter I year free; and for four
name* und SB, tlie Reporter li month* free.
The undersigned offer* at private
M*ale a two story dwelling house and
led. on > aiu street. Centre Hall,
with stableand all necessary outbuilding*,
and choice fruit on the premise*, and wa
ter in the yard. The house i* a* good as
new. For fulhvr parlseular apply to
U. D OSSMAN, Centra Hall
The Uhepast,
purest, besti
On Allegheny Street.
. Cufrer.Tra. Hujrr,Bjrn,p ( Dried Fruit.
I Canned Fruit. Hams, J)riel Btmf,
Halt, Pirkh s, flutter. Fl<nr,
i C'rn Meal. liuckweat Flour,
and everything uuiJjf kept in a well regu
• lated itni ft a** G weary store
JmarMnt BUHL* OAULT. !
j (JOA• WUkr>Urrr Coal, <'lotUat
Stove, Kgg, furnace and foundry,
Coal -of h | quality, at the low
oat price- Customers will please
note thai "ur <oal it IO.UMMI un
der commodious thnli
LI UK- Wood ore alahumt Lime, for aal<-
I at our kiln>, on lite pike leading to
PO W UKII. Having received the agency
for lu Pottt a Puwder Ai
WHOLESALE, we .ball U
pleas- d to receive order* from
the trade.
Oifice and yard n<-ar M>utb cad of Bald
I Eagle Valley K. it. Ihpit, Bclh f .nlc. Pa
Ua* baen to tbe extreme and of the
market Kor BOOTS A SHOES
to I to, ton.
For PRY GOODS to New York.
For CLOTHING to Philadelphia.
*&-Ka*h article bought directly
from the Manufacturer, with a de
•ire to suit thb marketer'
PINK ALPACAS from Ac to "4c the
finest—equal to $1,23 alpaca*.
SUlTS—from 510 to 519. bet all
wtMil Caatinteie*.
at old rat.a, from JO reiiU to "4
cent* per yard, for the be.i.
And -riling front I'2l to 16 cent*, the be*
rallcoe*. and!)* in proportion, at
Women'* Shoe*, common good, to wea
1 all summer, at 51 per pair
Pine It-k>u from's3,oo to $7,00 for
'; he*t-
-it the lowest ret*-*, and -old at 1H67 price
from S|O.W to sl9 for the beat.
and if it aint tnie, Sternberg will treat.
They only ak p-..p|e to come and *r
neon if they do not wiah to bay.
'| AH KAN VI L STORK is now receiving
I n large and well assorted Hl>ck ol
Hardware. Stivr>. Nail-. Horse Shoe*. Had-
Iterv, Glees. Paint-. Sheet. Bar and Hoop
Iron *lo Buggy and Wagon Stock ol
every deecrintiua.—Cell aad -ujqdy your
■ejve* atlhe lowe-l noaib)e rate* at
anlosts. fit WIN A WILSON
t ■- -
. I>A UO METERS and Thermometer* at
the very Lo*t quality jut received*
Wolf t old stand
I.ail U'H Iruaaca.
Thi*invaluab!cartlcle for females, is BOW
to he had at Horlacher's store, and no other
place in Centre county. Ladies remember
I that thr-e truum can be bad at Centre
Chas. H. Held,
( look, Wnlrhiuaker dk J<4
Millhcim, Centre co., Feiina-
Respectfully inform* his Mend* and th<
public In general, that ho ha* just opened
1 at hie new establishment. above Alexan
1 der's Store, and keep* constantly on hand
all kind* of Clock*. Watahe* and Jewwr*
of the latet style*. a also the Maranyill*
Patent Calender Clock*, provided with t
complete index of the month, and day oi
Urn month and week on it* face, which it
warranted a* a perfect time-keeper.
SguOlock*, Watcher and Jewelry re
mired on -hort notice and warranted.
between Market and Arch, formerly MM.
, Carpet-. Oil Cloth-, Oil Shade*, Wick'
Yarn, C-otton Yarn*, Carpet Chain*, Grain-
Hag-. Window Paper. Bulling. A<\ Abo.
Brushes, Locking Glass**, Ac. deeply
cTT fhi ksTITNT NiTTv P. Y"P" CB
' and Conveyancer. Deed*, Bond*, Mort
gage., and nil Instrument* of writing faith
, y attended to. Special attention given
' to the collection of Bounty and Penkn
claim*. Office nearly opposite tha Court
House, two door* above Messrs. Bu*h A
Yocutn'* Law Oilic" Bellcfunte, Pa.
in meat 1 IUV ix a Witaox'a.*
plnteil forks, spoon* Ac, at
1 >O<yTS, large stock, all tyle, sizes and
1J prices, for men and boys, just arrived
, at Wolf well known old Stand.
Lt CALEB. at wholesale and ratnil, cheap
Great Dcsimrtion
of high prires!
U Old Statu!
of \VM. WOLF
at (Vidro Halt.
Hata, Capa, Boob,
al* a large stock ol
FISH, the Ileal, all kind*,
the be*t and cheap*-*! in the tnarkei
•pr7l WM WOLF
Furniture Kooms!
empaettully •uforuu the cltixan* of CVnti*
county, that he haeon*t*iitly on hand. an*,
make* to order, all kind* ol
Home Made Caatm# ALWAT* k ** M ,
Hi* :*-ck el imdy-made Furnitwr* il*r>
and warrant* clef good worknmn*hp<d .-
all made under hi* own immediate*uper* *
ion, and i* offered at rate* a* cheap
where. Thsnkfu', for patt favor*. In- *ol.*
it* a (teatinuanre of the axtne.
Call and *ec hi* rtoak bc-forr purrhaSr
eLewhere apJM" r> It .
fii ■*>,
fl %
FtTßvrt* Dc*ia ft* IH
J acaviaS 1 **;
ihMti.w A<**.. rmd4. g. H
ww. u. ni-Ata, u v *TITZI a
Atlornev* at Law, Bll font,
Offic S on tbe Diamond, next door to Gar
tuan'* hotel. On*ultnti**n* in German
Engl *k. fohlNCSltf
JOHN F POTTKIt. Attarncy At law.
Colleet nkpn-ti iiU.v made ,nd sprcin
attention given to um*e having laad* at
property lor -ale. Will draw up and have
acknowledged Deed*. Mortgage*, Ac. Ol
ficc In the diamond, north ide of It*
court houM Bellefonte. ocl2SjGßtf
HKanv br<> Kxauorr, jurnxßt.
Prcaidcat, Cahier.
(Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.)
And Allow Interekt.
Di-count Note*,
Bnv and Se
Government Securities, Gnld and
aplO'tihtf Coupon*.
J AB* M'MANUS, Anornty at
liellefonte, promptly attend*toajl bu
inek entrusted U< him Jul3,oßtf
DF. FORTNKY, Attorney at Law
• Belb fAnte. Pa. Office over Hey
noid * bank. mayld'CPlf
It. X. U AUIkTKt, JAM K* A. KIAV ft!
ifi # AlalailTI8l a mvet)
Bellefonte, Centre Co., Penu'n. apCStf
IRA a MITCHELL, Attorney et law
Bellefonte, Pn. Office in German,*
new building op|.oite the (otirt Houae.
Scienet on th* .Lloaurr.
C. H. Gutelius,
Surgeon and Mrchamral Dentist
w ho i* permanently located in Aamtikl-urg
in the office formerly occupied by Dr. Net
and who ha* been practicing with cntir*
kuece*.*—hav ing the experience of a uuitibwi
jofywir* in tbe profe**lon, he would cordi
ally invit* all who have a* yet not jrivej
, him a call, to do *o, and tc*t the truthful!!ct
of thi* assertion. Teeth extracted
: without pain. mavHS (Z>tf
n IVnVFF.SI I>.. IT"-!. -"
X • jfeun, Centre Hall, Pa., offer* bi
pr.>fe*Munnl <-rvice* to the citizens of Pot*
ler and adjoining township*. Dr. Neff h*
the experience of 2) years in the active
practice of medicine and surgery, apltrrx
--cian and Burgeon, Potter Miil, PH.,
offer* hi* profeskiomil service* lu the citi
zen* of l'oUet township. ui riff.,tt
Attorneysmt-law. Offiee inConrad Ilonsr,
Bellefonte, Pa.
with OrvisA Alexander, attends to collec
tions and pructice iu the Orphan'.- Court.
SYRUP, the finest ever tnade, just re
calved, cheap at WolPs old stand- try it.
Parlor Stove*, and four *ixe of G
I: rners constantly on hand and for rale a
anlO'6B. Itvixs Wiuex't
BELLS, at lovr price*, at
HANDgK. -Sand Door Bel)-, all
zs* ' kinds at
iMT law ix *Wuor