The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 27, 1871, Image 1
Kitty Wklt*. Pvwaeea in many a witching mood Rome pretty forma, Uke fairies light. Bnt all that's lovely t new viewed. •Till I aaw thee -awvet Kitty While. I love to gaae on * tarty skies, Or newly dewdropn glancing bright, Bnt more upon tboee sparkling sves, Of thine, Vhoti charmer, Kittj White. Upon the waves Ais sweet to gaae, And see the moonbeams play, at night, But sweeter far the smile that playe Upon the lipe of Kitty White. The wee theft justly Flora's pride Jiav well eotuparisoa invite ; Bnt where Vita beauty when heaide The cheek of lovely Kitty White J If f perfection wished to draw. And had the akilt to draw it right. To paint a phve without a flaw rd draw thy portrait, Kitty White. Safe. I knew her by twr angry air. Hsr bright black eyes, her brisbt black hair, Her rapid lanehtern wild and shrill, As laughters of the woodpecker From the bosom of a hill. Tie KaU- she aavvth bat she will; For Kate hath an unbridled tongue. Clear aa the twanging of a harp. Bar heart ia tike a throbbing star. Kate hath a spirit ever strung Like a new bow, and bright and sharp. As edges of the seymitsr. W fc, nee shall she take' a fitting mate ? For Kate no common love will fcel ; My woman-soldier, gallant Kate, As pure and true aa blades of steel. Kate eaith "the world is void of might." Kate eaith "the men are glided fires." Kate snaps her Angers at my vows; Kate will not hear of lovers' sighs. I would I were an srased knight. Far Aimed for well-won enterprise. And wearing on my swarthy brow* The garland of new-wreathed emprise ; For in a moment I would pierce The bis ok est files of clanging fight. And strongly strike to left and right. In dreaming of my lady's eyes. Ohl Kate loves well the held and fierce ; But none are hold enough for Kate, She cannot find a fitting mate. RULED BT EISDNESS. The fact that there is come a crisis in the live* ot my nephew and his wile, and I want to see how she going to manage it. The crisis is a very simple one; it comes at some time to most mar ried lives, and much of the misery of that Mate is due to the feet that wives do not always know bow to manage it. The crista ia that one which results from the change common and natural to all human ity. when tba passion of the lover changes into the purer but quieter affection of the husband ia possession. 1 doubt if any young unmarried readers and married folk* yet in their honey-moon will under stand what I allude to, but those who have been wedded a few years will com prehend it. It is usual hi- every lover to swear that though there have been in stances where the Affection ot bus ham b has become less demonstrative after a year or two of married life, Ht case will prove an exception ; and it is because hi* young wife, who lows him just as in tensely, does not comprehend that be is mistaken, ami must of necessity grow less demonstrative, just a fire goes out if more coal Is not supplied, that they are so often unhappy. I thiak my little lady is too sensible to wreck her happiness on this rock, and I have looked forward to this crisis with eager interest. She and Petsr have been marries! three years now, and He is just beginning to now cold. I ion't mean that he is lons fend of Nellie, but he doesn't tell her so as otten as he used to. He is not as persist ently devoted to her as he was two years ago, and even a year ago. I don't mean that he does not love her aa intensely, but that be don't tell her so as oftei. He used to kiss her frequently before me; he has changed hjs idea on that subject, a* 1 knew be would, and now thinks that it is unnecessary, not to say improper, to be too demonstrative before folks. Of late, he has even taken to dining out without Nellie, and a couple of weeks ago he joined a club! The idea of an American gentleman, with American habits, belonging to a club! It's preposterous. Their whole education unfits tliem for enjoying club life; and the institution would have no existence if our society did not posses* -an insane de sire to imitate foreign aocietv. With hardly a taste, idea, or principle, social, religions, or political, in cuounon arith the English or French, we are always imita ting than—weakly, of course ; and ao ap pear to Ihe foreigner! who come in con tact with us like parvenus rather than gentlemen. And the most pcruiciou- of our imitations is the social and political dub! we shall have religious clubs eveut nally. Peter has joined a social club, and be wrote a note from the office to-day say ing be would be home to an early dinner this afternoon, m order to attend a club meet ing this evening. There is to be some sort of a reception of sort of a person— disreputable character, I suppose, as ladies are not to be present. Nellie did not get the note until about three o'clock. She handed it to me with out a word of comment, aud rang the servant's bell at the same time. " Peter s an am!" I exclaimed, on reading it, and finding she said nothing. u oh. Uncle John!*' she cried, "ain't ▼on ashamed to talk so ot jour own blood relations T What am I to think of you 7" "You might think the same of me— and think just right, too—if I neglected vou in this war," I answered, a little tim idly, for I wanted to draw her out with out making ber think I was in earnest. She did not answer for some seconds, ap pearing to be in meditation : I think she was waiting, however, for the appearance of the servant, who came in answer to the bell before Nellie spoke again. " Dinner at five to day, Jane,'' she said, " and the nicest you can get up." When the girl had disappeared she added, I don't think you do Peter justice. lie does not neglect me, I sin sure." " lie's not as lond of you—" "Now, 1 think he is, Uncle John; and I must say I don't like you to you tell me he ain't. He's hardly—well, not C" sso noisy as be used to be; but you used to preach to us when we were *in our honey-moon that we woo Id get over our foolish billing and cooing." " Well, you have." *' And now you blame us for being eco nomical of our demonstration*. I don't believe he loves me any lee*; and I am sore I love bim more than I knew how to tben. He doesn't neglect me be cause he goes out sometimes without me; and I don't complain of it, and you must not say anything to him about his going out. Do you hear." " Yes, ma'am, I do; and I'll promise to faithfully obey.'" And very glad I was to promise, for 1 felt sure she was going to play the wise wife. We did not discuss Peter any more, and relapsed into ailence, which the arrival oi his note had broken. But we had not long to chew the cud of our fancies. I don't know whether they were bitter or sweet to Nellie, but mine were pleasant enough. The door bell rang about half past four, and, instead of Peter, in came Mrs. Perkins, Peters partner's wife, a very ele gant but rather high-strung woman. She was evidently in one of her ill humors, with which we were only too familiar, and 1 at once anticipated a scene. '•Good evening, my dear," she said, when the servant had shown her into the sitting-room, where we sat liefore the comfortable fire. "Good evening, Uncle John." She always calls me Uncle John, though there was no relationship between us. tier father and I bad been business partners for years. At his death he left bis share of the business to Perkins, and 1' retired in favor of my nephew Peter. "I j have come in to condole with you," she added, to Nellie. " Indeed ! And what for I" " 1 suppose you are left a widow for the evening. My husband has gone to his confounded club, and he writes me that Mr. M'Leau is going with him. He adds that he will not be back until eleven, and that he will dine at the club." " Peter is coming home to dinner," an swered Nellie. " I expect him every mo ment. 1 am just wanning his dressing gown and 6lipners for him ; and now you are come, I'll have a nice, coxy dinner set here instead of the dining-room, and we'll all have a nice time of it." And the lively little woman i ng the bell, and gave order* to serve dinner in the sitting-room. FRED. KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. IV. 44 Welt, if Mr. Ml.can can come home to dinner, I don't see why inv husband can't," 44 Oh. business tuay keen hitu later to-day than usual," said Nellie, u Okßu | it* nothing of the sort. He says o rather often of late, but it's all a fib. A*our husband dvesn't stav too." 44 But t.e \>ui* late aometimes ; we have to wait half ait hour for him frequently. He aays it's the huav season." M So It is, so it is," I said. 44 This is the busiest season of the year. lam glad to see Peter late to dtnuer occasionally, tor I know- then that thiugs are goiug well." 44 And then, L>idw, there are so many thiugs to keep a business mau that we don't think of," argued the uolile little wouiau of tnv choice. 44 Oh, that's all gammon, Nellie," said Mrs. Perkins, -and you don't believe it. My husband has said those very words to me a thousand times, and called me incon siderate because 1 did m>t credit it." 44 Why, it 4 # business, of course, niv ilewr; if it wasn't for business, you know, they wouldn't go awav at ail." 44 It isn't business which t* keeping them tonight, ia it f Nellie had no answer to this. Mr*. Perkins saw her advantage, and would have launched out into further argument* and assertions, and prrhap* iudulged in a tirade against husluuid* who neglected their wives, if the servant had not at this time begun to set the table. She was dis creet enough not to talk before the ser vani* : lam sorry she was not wise enough to talk less before us. She had not time to commence her talk after the servant had finished before Peter's key was beard in the lock, and Nellie ran rapidly to the door to meet him. 44 Ah, little woman," we heard Peter my in his cheery voice, "am 1 late f' 4 ' Oh no," she answered ; "dinner is not served yet; but it's ready, and you won't lie delayed. Here is Mm. Perkins," she added, as they entered the door. I saw- Peter drop his arm from about her waist, and Nellie took her hand trom bis shoul der, as they did so. " Here is Mrs. Per kins. come to dine with us." 4 * Ilow- d'ye do, Mr*. Perkins J" said Pe ter. " Glad to see you. Ilow d'ye do, uncle 1 All well I nope 1 Any news, Nellie r 44 No, I believe not. The gas man came with his bill, which I paid—s3.7s; and I had to have the plumber to ofwn those pipes again. They are sac* a nuisance." " Well, 1 am sorry, my dear, but I don't see bow I can improve them. Nothing else 7" 44 Xo, 1 believe not. Here's your chair." w If you have finished your domestic af fairs," said Mr*. Perking trying to conceal a little the contempt she had for these little thing*, and also tue chagrin she felt that her husband bad not come home to b%r, "will you tell uie if you know when my husband is 7" 44 I left Perkins at the stoce deep in ac counts with old Chatnlterlain. You re member Chamberlain, of Chamberlain k Gould, uncle, don't you ?—St. Louis peo ple. Perkins has sold him a big bill, and is closing up with hint this evening. Did n't you get a note from him 7 lie wrote by the messenger. He is to take Cham berlain to the club to night—reception of John Duttcn, big English steamship king. POM know of him, uncle. I'm going my self. Can't you tome 7" 1 had no inclination, and said so. 44 Peter," said his wife, all of a sudden, "if you are going, youll want to atav late, and you bad better take a good rest before vou go. Here are your slipfwru ami gown. Your feet must be tired, cased in those heavy boots all da v. Take off your boots, and let roe have them blacked, and your coat brushed. I've bad your gown airing, and you won't catch cold." She did not give him time to demur; but while he was vainly striving to "edge in a word sideways," she went on: "Mr $. Perkins will excuse your changing before ber. Won't you, my dear 7 Of course: we are all old married folks now. There I Don't they feel easier now I Let I me take your coat now. Here's your gown. I'm sure you will have a good rest now." "They art comfortable, I must say," -aid Peter, lying back in his easy-chair and stretching his legs 44 This is enough to come home for, without the addition of tbe dinner, which I already smell not so very far off." "It shall be served immediately," said his wife. "You shall not be delayed at aIL What time do you go to the club 7" "It will be time enough to begin dtess ing at six or half past." "Oh, then you can chat with Mrs. Per kins an hour before you go. Talk to ber while I see that dinner is ready. She is dying to hear you say something about Mr. Perkins." And Nellie ran for a nun ate or two to tbe kitchen. "Oh, Perkins is all right," said Peter, thus urged. " You know what a capital clerk he was, uncle. Well, bo is a better partner. He is carrying the concern on his shoulders, I may say, ami be is very deep in business matter* just new." 44 So it would seem," said Mia. Perkins, 44 if we are to believe the statements of the business men themselves. Y'ou support each other in your fibs." "Fibs! Y'ou certainly don't suppose Perkins is fibbing V "White lies—only to deceive his poor frosting wife," she returned, trying to laugh merrily, but not succeeding very well. " When he stays out of an evening, and says be was at the club, or down town on necessary business, you don't think he is really fibbing 7" " Ob, you know yon men do fib to de ceive us poor wive*!" 44 1 worder if Nellie really thinks that of me. Nellie," he added, as bis wife came into the room again, " Mrs Perkins is as serting that you wives never believe your husbands' business excuses." " Of course I don't,'' said Mrs. Perkins, * and I don't believe Nellie does." w I don't know." answered Nellie. " You never have any excuses to make, you know, Peter." "Oh yes, I do. Quite often I am late, or dine out, and go out, as I am going this evening. It isn't business, exactly. I con fess I have some curiosity to see this great ship manager. He must be a great man, for he has built up a wonderful business in his day and generation. But I do some time* make excuses." " Not excuses, Peter. You sometimes write me not to expect you ; but you do it so that I shan't be disappointed in look for you, not liecause you think an apology necessary." "That's very true, tny dear. Of course I write only because I think you will be uneasv." "So I would, Peter; but not angry, 1 hope." " Nor suspicious, either? " '• of course not. I should first have to think you were willing to deceive me, and that 1 know you are not." Mra. Perkins had noopportunity to com - ment on this revelation of mutual confi dence and consideration, for dinner was served at this moment. I think she was puzzled at this time for a reply; perhaps she was also confused at hearing herself thus rebuked out of her friend's mouth.— During the meal, which Nellie, by a little effort, made so pleasant, Peter enjoyed himself more than usual, and laughed heartily and repeatedly at her little say ings and doings. He is very proud as well as fond of his wife ; and though often when only she and I arc present he relapses into thoughtful silence, and is quite absent minded, he is always attentive and inter ested when company it present, and takes great care to draw her out and show her off. THE C ENTRE REPORTER. And sue is a woman who shuns to ad vantages not only in person, lnt uiatm-r. and conversation ; and ou this evening, by a little effort, I bad my eyes and ear* open, and I fhneied I detected au eflort on In r (■art to U- as entertaining a> passable, not only to Mm. Perkins, but to her huslnuid. Anil wonderfully she succeeded, too.- She talked little domestic natters noth ing high flown and distant and grandilo quent, but the little bits of domestic and social gossip in which all men are inter ested, and to listen to which i. otteii a positive relief alter a day of dollars aud cents, or diy-goods ami groceries. Ami in list cuing aud replying to her aud her friend's remarks, with au occasional w.rd Irorn myself, the dinnei hour passed rapid ly awav, au hour alter that sped quickly by, anil Peter's wife suggested to hiui that it was time to arena lor the club. • 4 Now, Nellie M'Leaii!" exclaimed Mr*. Perkins, 14 1 thiuk you are really stupid. Mr. M'Lean would have forgotten all about the club; I sin sure he had already for gotten it." 44 And therefore 1 reminded hiui of it,'" said Nellie. •• 1 know Peter wouldn't go if he did not expect to egjoy it, aud I wouldn't have bint miss an evening's en joyment for the wo!id. Of course I would tike him to stay at home, since I cau't go, if I thought he would enjoy home as much j but I know he is curious to see Mr. Dutton, and I don't want to ee him dis appointed. Will yon go dress now, Peter ! Mrs. Perkins will excuse you : won't you T' 44 Oh, there's time vet, my dear, sakl Peter. 41 I'll rest awhile longer." " Oh, wise young wile," thought I. I thiuk Mrs. Perkii * wa* hall inclined to think so too, from the way *be looked at Nellie as she spin sat down by Peter's side, and took ni* hand in her*, and played with it while she talked as lively a- ever. It was eight o'clock when Peter M'lx-au jumped up from hi* chair ami said he real ly must dress. If I could by any means have stopped the pendulum of the clock on the mantle, so that it could not have struck eight, 1 don't thiuk he would have thought again of the club, for it was the striking of the clock, and not his wife, which reminded hiin of his engagement this time. He did get up this time, and saying be had half a miud not to go at all, be went out of the room, with many apol ogies to Mr*. Perkins, to <lrw. Nellie,of course, went with him; and I had a favor able opportunity of studying the effect of this lesson on Mr*. Perkins. She remained in deep thought lor several minutes. She had womau's wit enough to understate! Nellie's tactics, and she **< evidently reflecting on what she had seen and heard. But. a little tearful that she did not fully appreciate the moral, 1 ven tured suddenly to ask her if he had ever read or seen the play of "A Woman killed by Kindness." "My goodness! what a funuv question "' she exclaimed. "No. What is it about /" " Nor ' Rule a Wife and have a Wife P" 44 No," she said more seriously. 44 But why, Lnde John 7 " " They are very clever, sensible things to come from a tuau ; but I fancy Nellie could have told hiui more ab>>ut ruling a husbind ami having a husband than be knew about ruling wives." • •'She does get along nicely with Peter," she said. " Doesn't she 7 " " Very—and it's just o all the time.— The fact i*, Mrs. Perkins, Peter is a ntau killed by kindness." She was silent for a moment. 14 I know what you mean. Uncle John," she said at length, hatf angrily. 44 1 am glad you do," I answered. 44 You mean that Mr. Perkins ain't." "Well, you know best about that, my dear; and since you say he ain't, I believe you. Hut I think you will flnu that it's the easiest way to rule any spirited man worth having for a husband, such as 1 think Perkins i." She had neither inclination nor time to answer this, lor Peter and Nellie came in to the room again —be dressed very hand somely, and with hia bat in bis hand, lie was making his apologies to Mrs. Perkins, ami about to leave, when the door-bell rang. The servant answered the sum mons, and admitted a gentleman, who was at once bown to the ■itiing-room. "Why, it'- Mr. Perkins !"' exclaimed Nel; lie. " Why, George!" cried his wife, ntnning up to him and kissing him. 44 Hallo, Perkins," said Peter; u home so soon 7 44 Yes; I came home, found my wife was here, and |o*ted after her." 4 * But the club! Sit down, sit down.— How about the club ? " •'Oh, a swindle! Chamlierlain and I went there. The place was so crowded that we got a late dinner, and not the choicest at that. When the reception hour and the distinguished guest came, we found the place so crowded that we looked and felt what vulgar tractions tve were, go ing along with many hundred others to make up a contemptible whole. The guest was a little, dried-up old F.nglishinsn, and nothing like our beau ideal of a great mer chant. Then the introduction* began, and tne amount of toadying aud stupid, un meaning and unmeant compliments was so disgusting that Chamberlain, with bis usu al Western brnsquencw. said he wouldn't condescend to IKJ introduced, and left. And so did I too. Don't you go." And Peter did not. lie and his wife chatted with the choice of my heart and her husband for an hour, during which Mrs. Perkins was unusually loving and kind, and then they went home. Then I thought it was time lor me to go, and leave my young folks to themselves ; but it was not until 1 had seen Peter back again into bis gown and slippers, and domestic n* a ait. P. S.—l wrote all the above a year ago, at the time the circumstances occurred.— I have nothing to add but tbe fact that M' Lean k Perkins, dealers in wholesale dry-goods, 100(4 Church Street, are not now represented in any social club; and that 1 do not know of* any two bnsliands more thoroughly and discreetly ruled by kiudness in the whole of this great city of New York than they are. As ELDKK'H MISTAKE.—A United Brethren presiding elder, out in Min nesota, ((reaching t>> a strange congre gation, was much annoyed by some of the young folks talking and Iniighing during the service. He paused, looked at the disinrlierH, and saiu : "I sin al ways afraid to reprove those who mis behave in church. In the early part of my ministry I made a great mistake. As I was preaching, a young man, who sat just before me wns constantly laugh ing, talking and making uncouth grimaces. I paused and administered a aerverc rebuke. After the close of the sevioe one of J the official roeuliera came and said to me, ' Brother you made a great mistake. That young man whom yon rebuked is an iiliot.' Since then I have always l>ecn afraid to re prove those who misbehave in church least I should repeat that mistake, aud reprove another idiot." During the rest of that service, at least, there was good order. FEEI.IKO FOB IT. —A soldier was seen in the trenches holding his hand above the earthwork. His captain asked, " What are you doing that for, Pat ? " He replied with a grin and a working of bis fingers, " I am feelin' for a furlough, sure ! " Just then a rifle ball struck his arm below the wrist. Slowly drawing it down, and grasping it with the other hand to restrain the blood, a queer ex pression of pain and humor passed ovi nis face, as lie he exclaimed, " An' faith it's a discharge!" A the press—"Pretft not a falling man too far. CENTRE 11 ALL, CENTRE CO., l'A., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1871. The Prairie Folic*. Co-operative with the regular soldiery of the frontier forts in the West auil Southwest, for the pursuit and capture of ludi.iu depredators, hal' lm-cd out | laws, white horse-thieve*, aud other crimiutds of the plains, are a class of j civil otHceis kuowu aa Deputy Marshals of the United States, whose skill and daring iu the arrest of do*|M<rute am ages, ttye reeoverv of stoleu stock, or the slay ing of defiant desjs-mdoca, are often worthy of the most heroic soug of a Joaquin Miller. Not long ago oue of tlio.*e IIIUVJIie- of justice, familiarly known a* "Joe " l'eavy, was glorified iu a telegram to the press for having cap tured, single-handed, and brought into Fort Smith, Arkansas, no U'* then seven lawless whit • adventurer*, who had bMn guilty of slaughtering and plundering the rneudly Ckmgea. That was deemed a brilliant exploit ; but the Memphis Am-en/think* it hardly espial to thesaiin oftieer's less ptiblishtsl prowress with the Indians in time* not long |ta*t. Dure, when a noted chief of the fierce blown*, a stalwart aud bloodthirsty aboriginal calhsl " Ix-wpiug I'auther," lital brutally murdered and scalped a whole family of a settler on Canadian Hiver, a strong military force from Fort Smith scoured the country for miles around in futile search for Hie iusiw.iu, and it waa re solved to try what the individual track ing skill of a deputy tuaiahal could ac complish. l'eavy, who kuew "Leaping Panther," and was familiar wiUi every rod of the Indian countrv, volunteered to work the case up; with the stipulation, however, that he should la* allowed to prosecute the adventure alone. The projected feat was full of mortal peril; the red slaver was with his warrior* in - the heart of a country murderously hos ; tile *o the pale-face*, sud the ides of at tempting to capture him single-handed seemed sheer madness ; bnt the indomi table prairie policeman confidently un dertook the achievement, doapite the misgiving* of his own usually dauntless professional brethren. Armed with two " navy sixes" and a well-worn bowie, clad iu a fox-skin cap, hickory shirt, and buckskin paiitaloou*. aud mounti-d on a tough little mustang. Deputy I'nited States Marshal Joe Peary started forth upon his detsl of high surprise, as sure of his foetnau a* any knightly Orlando of the olden times. Littering the Indian nation on its northern verge, he made a circle of the Kiowa country, so as t< en ter it from the extreme west, and come into "I**a|iiug Panther's" woodland eu campnu-nt as a wayworn wfugw from the fatigue of a hunt. The wary chief looked on hitii with suspicion at first, but by a skillful use of his whiskey flask, tobacco pouch. gnttenl Kiowa tongue, tlie more astute intruder quickly lnllet! the warrior's distrust, aud even persuaded him into a confi dence not often exacted from red men. After some days of tactical tarrying iu <amp the tamed Panther consented to accomiMiiy his white guest on a visit to ■ neighboring tribe, with no mure of a train than two favorite squaw* who clam ored for the privilege. The possibility of this fetniuine complication did not enter the calculations of the wily prairie detective, yet he accepted it stoically and was even able to turn it to emi nent advantage. In his curious fatuity the chief allowed himself to be led by a detour out of his own Kiowa country into the neighborhood of Fort Sill, where, without a moment's warning, he fouud himself lialted in mid-mad by one of the pi-tols of his treacherous guest, while another revolver held the astonished squaws at command. Thus at the mercy of their suddenly unmasking enemy the terrified wives of the Panther were ruthlessly compelled to take from the entrapis-d chieftain his now useless rams, bind uis iiaud* lehind his back with a buckskin thong, and place him a helpless prisoner ujxiu nua of their own pontm. Tliis accomplished, the niHrahnl turned the horses' head*, and drove hi* captives toward the east. The journey of captivity extended over 200 miles through the heart of a wilil and hostile Indian couutry, and lasted nearly two weeks. From the mo ment of his arrest the Kiowa preserved a stUlcU silence. At uight, when they rested in the wood*, the captor tiisl the squaws to separata tree* am! bound the fettered chiefs right arm to his own left Every hour'* march or halt was at peril of discovery by roving Indian* and the exemplary disjmtch of the prairie po liceman : lint on the twenty-eighth day af ter hi* departure from Fort Smith the deputy marshal reappeared there, bring ing " Leaping Panther," bound hand and foot, to expiate the fenrfnl crime with which lie stood charged. He had practised for hi* purpose n craft which hiul accrued both cowardly and cruel, but for the con*ideration that it WHS his only resource as one insn against * na tiou of foemen. bored to Death by a Ball. The Detroit Pr*r ssys ; A shock ing tragedy occurred on the farm of John Mnney, twelve miles out on the Pontine Road, Mr. Money was the owner of a very fierce hull, the animal lwing so violent at times tlint no one dared to go into the field where he wns kept. The farmer hud often threatened to shoot the unimnl, as no one would purchase him. It seems that the bull broke out of his field and got into the barn-yard, where he was annoying a jmir of sbs'i-s to such uri extent that Money decided to risk the chances and drive him out. He entered the yard, armed with a stout club, and had succeeded in getting the animal nearly out pf the vard, wlien he turned short about and charged Imck at Maney. The unfortunate man ran for his life, and had nearly reached the feuce when the bull overtook him ami tossed him severs! feet into the air. As he came down the animal ran one of his horns clear through the mnn's head, pinuing him tnst to the earth, and causing his death in a moment His wife and daugh ter witnessed the afl'air, and they did not hi-ar even n groan from the P M,r man after striking the ground. They were, of course, terribly excited, slid both ran into the yard and triisl to drive the aiiiinal sway. Still more maddened, the bull pursued them so closely, that both came near being impaled on his horns. He then had the yard to himself for a time. While the neighbors were Wing summoned, he charged back and forth across the yard, tossing the oorpse on his horns several times, and tearing up the fcuee in his rage. After help ar rived, it WHS some time Wfore the dead Ixxly could be rescued, ami it preeentsl a sight so shocking thut it made the stoutest heart faint. The lmll was al lowed to live two days after committing the deed, his fit of fury lasting him nil that time. Mr. Maney was a well-to-do farmer, and much respected by all his neighbors. A HCKNK IN CHIKCU.—The place is a sacred edifice in Bath, Maine. The pew is crowded. The sermon is long. A respectable citizen gees to sleep. Tn close proximity to him is n lady. The preacher was in the midst of the closing prayer, when the slumWrer astonished the congregation by grunting in a tone of complaint : " Come, come, Sarah I lay along ; don't crowd t>o ! lay over ! lay over !' " Sarah," who waa fortnnutely in the pew also, never for a moment lost her presence of mind, but administered a timely poke with her parasol, which awakened her dormant lord, and pre vented any further remarks on bis part wA arning to aieepy auditors. ('or*. Cora t Wt ui li> lJ lli> ItMtil, 11*11.1 Ml UtftiU* li tli lirii to Milue , !'*•' slung tin MMthlig tlud, W'Mlc tin- ruUil> mifi "hi IH . OVf tli beartn-* step-iliig "In*. KtaU-ly lu lit* r' fuliio"", Ntill 1 m* I lire grutly JJ. Kissing with tin dark t'uri! kit tun hold lliv litiiil, OrtirrutM hand *Ull lirvat to MUM , Hluwly All (tie * mm* alraud With that faithful brart ofthlur. rth'i) uura, drar Cora ! yonder boat. Mark LIM rlnaii *|i*r that IMBUI( ataud. Mil tai"-r *aiat that lightly alii*. Ami the dark ropes, a prudent hand. Hhr'a nur tot'a oil and roll away iit-)oud the hue that wall" our !•. Without the fetter* of delay, IN ar Cora I Jo*a are all our rr*. I'otue ! lot tin flv tin- loug low tieaeh. The cln riabwiV told. ha*ru* (frrtt, Aud from our bark l4d h aaoua teach, IVai Cora! to the dark aoa-brtue. A BujHt Trtmblw. Harry waa a good little boy, but he would get into trouble. Having played ir trick upon wiiu IKJYK, they retaliate!! by lucking Harry in the cellar, where he hiul hid. Harry took thing* coolly aod knowing that it would be two huurw be fore he could be reloaacd, laid down und went to aleep. He awoke verr much n frvsh.-d, but, very hungry, there was pleuty of fiiod of varioua kiuda iu the cellar on a awiugiug ahelf, but it waa too high for him to reach. So he jumped up aud atood ou the edge of a aoft-aoup laurel. He leaned forward aud granped an apple-pie. A* he waa leaning back h slipped and went notiiw into the aoft aoup up to the neck. Theu, in flounder ing aroitud, aud trying to get out, he tipped himself aud the aoft-aoup over. They both came aprawling out aiut i ultaneoualv. In atruggling to pet up from the door, which w.i* very slippery, Harry atuiubled against the uow empty laurel. Exasperated. he drew up hi* foot aud gave it a smart kick. It rolled bark, and knocked out tin faucet to a barrel of mnlamw. Now followed a great flood—mulattos sndaofl soap, in groat 411011 titles, mingled to gether —enough to float the little City of Hag una. Hut the liewt of it, or rwther the worst of it waa, that Harry did not know that the wolaaset barrel hail been broached. It waa very dark in the cellar, and even if it had not la-en, he might not have discovered the leakage ; for the tiarrel which he an unfortunately kicked lay clone up the ntr<-am 'if molasses which was running, so that Harry did uot then discover it, and it nlid into the uoft-wntp no cosily that he didn't hear it running. The fact in, the Iwy'i mind wan on hta new suit of clothes during all thi catas trophe. They were completely natural' <1 with soft-snap. He waaafrwid they would lie entirely spoiled, or at least the colors would come out, if they were not imme diately rinsed clean. It waa iuipoasibie to get out of the cellar, and there wan no water to be hail iiu it. He had sishled three auitn of clothes lately, and now, at the fourth one, he waa afraid mother's patience would give out. What should he do ? O, what ihould he do ! A happy and origiual thought struck him. The door lov showed real geuiun. He said, " I will wash thetn out with cider!" He strinpeil naked to the skin, hud bis soapy clothes under the eider-barrel faucet, and then turned it- When they were well saturated, h took them, a piece at a time in hi* hands, and robbed them lwck and forth over his knuckles like a regular washerwoman. J tut then the father and I came home. We wen- told by noun- bovs wbom we met thai Harry wan asleep in the cellar. As soon as we arrived we lighted a lan tern and went down, and there we found him. stark naked, nlandiug In*fore a lur id and washing his clothe* out with cider. O, he was the mint comical ami laugltable sight that 1 aver In-held ! His face was a* him k as a negroes, the burnt i-ork not having ln*eu washed off since the ja-rfonuiuico, aud iu contrast his delicate littlf body in the gloom looking na white an marble. The cellar flimr wan •ovcrvd with soft-soap, molasses and cider, and in thee mixed liiptids pica, cakes, cookies, apples, pears, in-aches, three loaves of broad, aud two lumps of butter. All this we discovered in an instant I was making the whole house ring with laughter, but my hits- Itaud bail thus far kept on a sober face thinking. I suppose of the damage. He 1 mked terribly cross st Harry, ami said, sternly, " Come here, sir, and tell rne what you nuwle all this mess for : You will catch it. young man, I can tell." Harry was frightened and ran. He went racing around tlte cellar, still naked with his black face, and swinging his ! pants iu his left baud. My husimml caught him by the shoulders. Tlte little rogue gave a dive hcudf<>rcm<>st through his father's legs, aud they both weut down into the soap, niolawaat, and cider. | Harry was up in au instant, lie made for the stairs ; but lus father headed : him off, and the little fellow *e obliged 'to take refuge in the ash-bin. His body Iteing wet, the ashes stuck to him, which math- him the most ridiculous thing iu ! existence. I was so nearly killed with laughing that I expected to fall down from sheer weakens. Just now Harry came up and clasped his arms around my knees. He had just tinietosav, "O, mother I mother ! please don't let father whip me !" when like an avalanche, his father bore down uixui us. The floor was so slippery, and he had got under sneh headway, that he could not stop. The consequence was we all went down together into the slip pery flood. The lantern went out ami we were left in almost total darkness. Mv husband now liegwn to laugh; 1 joined him; llorry came in on tbechorua. We all laughed together for fifteen min utes. Harry now stood up, and putting his gnwsv arms around his father's neck, said, " Dear father, I did not mean to ; indeed I did not I" There was silence for n moment and then father answered, " Well, Harry, since von are not alone iu it we will be forgiving and let yon oft this time." A HINOI'LAB CASE. —While the work men on the Hhepauy railroad were blast ing on a rock culling in Washington, they threw out a slab of rock too large to be loaded on the drag. The foreman directed one of the hands to break it with a sledge. A few blows parUnl it, and also liliereted a frog that was encased in the solid rock. The frog wus alive, gave a few gas|>s, and then died. It was of a color closely resembling that of the rock. The animal was enclosed in an irregular oval pocket about five inches high ami four inches in diameter. The rock was perfectly solid. Immediately around the ;scket where the frog was confined the stone hail the ap|x>arauce of having l>eeii injected with nearly pure quartz. Mr. Steven, the engineer of the road, placed the frog in u bottle of alco hol ami took it to Mr. Ford's house, intending to send it to Yale College for examination. Most unfortunately one of the contractors on the road found the bottle, (it is supposed), drank the nlcoiiol, and threw the oottle uway. At all events it was lost in some nnaccountable way. A spider waa recently discovered simi larly encased at the works at Hallett's Point. The new shapes in bonnets are still made very high, but are somewhat larger thru they have been for some time. A new style is nindeof seal skin, trimmed with feathers the same color. Heath In Uu> Air. A correspondent writing from Paoli, ludiana, says : Should 1 live to be • buudrcd year* old tlie horrible scene witnessed bv me UU Saturday last will never be effaced from my memory. I see it lief ore me now, sud wince that day have been haunted ever rim*- in d reams l>v a sea of upturned face* and siiguisliej eyes, straining to watch in its descent through the air the body of a human Iwing, which in a few ao-ouda was dashed, maugledaud bleeding, upon the earth at my feat. I would have written of it lieforv. but the aight so un strung my nerves that 1 wa* rendered utterly iu<-apahlo even of collecting my Uioiights, much leas of puttiug on jw pcr a deliberate account of the facta in the case. To see a man whom senrvely a minute before I had spoken to aa a friend jerked up into the clouda and then hurled dowu again, his hair stream ing wildly liehind him like that of Luci fer, hurled over the laittlemauta of heaven, falling, falling, whirled, doubled up, and then spread out. his arm* apart as if nulling to embrace death, might well unstring the strongest nerves, and when to this are added the agonised dies of Hie dying man's wife aa she clutched by arm aud shrieked : "My God !My God, will he die V I wonder that even yet, with theoe things ia ut mind, I am able to record what I heard, felt, and saw. Yuti have doubtless received by tele graph a brief dispatch telling bow Pro fessor Wilbur, the well-known aeronaut, fell while attempting to climb into his balloon and how he was killud, but facta so meagre aro but au aggravation. 1 will therefore state the affair simply aa it occurred. The Agricultural Aaaoria tion of this county had been holding its annual fair fur some days, and no greater interest attached to it than is cum* inouly connected with such exhibitisus of the industrial products of a large and flourishing community. The farmers cauie iu their wagons, bringing with them their wives and daughters, all dressed in a gorgeous array as their circumstance* would permit. The large pumpkins and enormous nqnaabea, the uew )iat ui ehurn and washing-machine, and the country boys lounging a Unit and gating in open-mouthed admiration of the voluble gentleman who displayed with all the eloquence of a Cicero his infallible I xtlhacbe e radios tor, received their due sluire of attention, and Iteforo long the interest in the fair was on the wane. But it had lieen annonnced that on Saturday, the last day of the exhibi tion. Pro feasor Wilbnr, the groat Ameri can aeronaut, would make an ascent in his lialloon, a< he had done one week be foro at Croydon. It ia not often that the inhabitants of Orange County have an opportunity of witnessing such a sight, and, enrioaitv beiag on tip-toe, it ia not to lie wondered at that when Saturday arrived the fair ground was full a)mu*t to suffocation, while on the outside of the enclosure a large crowd had aascuiltlod to witueaa the flight of the groat ship of the air. It was the gayeM ilay of the week ; everybody was in holiday dress, the girls looked their prettiest, the farmers their florid, and the countrv beau* were lic-necktied and invested in colors wing not only with the rainbow but with the utmost powers of snokne. The center of attraction was, of course, tlie enclosed *|iarw where the balloon was to be inflated, sliout which gathered an eager crowd, looking at everything connected with the expect ed event, studying the rapes, peering shout to And where the gas was to come from, and pcalcring the amiable pro feasor with uuestioua as to bow the gsa was made, what made the lialloon go up, aud other tliiug* of the sort. The pro feasor laughed good naturedly, expuuu ed as much aa possible, slid everybody was jolly in the anticipation of witness ing thai to them moM uuiuusl of things —a balloon aaccuaiou. At slxmt 4 o'clock in the afternoon the inflation of Uio balloon was com menced. and a* the bag swelled out al miwt to bursting aud struggled to be free, fvcrybtidy inn on the qui rire, Una*' remote frni the spot straining their urrk*, climbuu into (arriijm, and even ujwiu the Renews to see the car. It luul I>eeu announced that the editor of the Orange Count r Union would accompany Piufwor Wilbur in hh RM-ciit, aud (treat things were eijxct ed from the report which nia well-known ability aa a descriptive writer gave every reason to tielieve would be forthcoming in the next issue of hi* newapaper. I waa standing Iwaide the professor. laugh ing and holding a naeewtarilv diajointed conversation with him, for he waa busy with preparations for hia flight. He hail juat nodded hia hoed and said laugh iugly, " Well, good-by, old fellow. I'll see you again aoOB." Then Mr. Knapp stepped into the car, aud Uie profeaaotg who had hold of the rope fastened the car Ui the laxly of the balloou, shouted " Let go!" But he had sjxiken too MKIII ami was unable to reach the cart but still unwisely kept the rope in his hand and endeavored to climb to his place, succeeding only so far as to get one arm over the rim of the basket, where he hung dangling and struggling. His motions and the fact that the lw*- ket came in contact with a rope which had (iistcm-d the lialloon to the earth while it was being iufiatod, upset the car when it was about twenty-five feet from the ground, and Mr. Knapp fell stunmsl to the ground. But there wras no time tor caring for him, for terror held every laxly spell-bound. A shont of admiration went up from those who were too far distant from the scene to know that an accident had Ix'fallen the adventurers, and who supposed that the ascent WHS Wing made arms Hut to those in the immediate vicinity of the car the sight was an awrfnl one, and for a moment eveivlxxly seemed paralyzed with terror, and sUaid rixted to the spot without uttering cry or word. The balloon lightened by the fall of Mr. Knapp. shot upwards with dreadfully increased velocity, and s scream of terror which chilled the blood of the hearers came down from the upper air, where the doomed aeronaut linng utter ly hopeleaa of escaping death. At my side stood a woman who, ON I afterwards hoard, was the professor's wife. Her eyes were bnrating from their sockets, aiid her face pallid and ghostly with tear. Hhe clutched the air as if for sup ixirt, and with one hand grasped my arm, still hxikiag upward* at the hal hxui which, swifter than an arrow shot through the air. Up, np, it went, grow ing smaller and smaller in its flight, sxd then, wit h increased velocity it gave a sudden start and shot yet faster to wards the clouds. Then a speck was seen far np iu the air, growing larger and larger aa it fell. "O. my God," cried the womau, who clung to me with iron grasp. "he will die—he will lie killed !' Yet her eyes remained fixed upon the falling body. At first it seemed like the stick of a rocket coming down with the speed of light; then it was doubled up like a ball, then seemed to unfold, and whirling about with a gyratory motion, with hands and legs spread out It seeme d an age while the man was falling, for before he loosened his grasp the balloon must have been at least a mile from the earth—and what on age to that poor wife who watched her husband rushing tow ards her and death with the speed of light. When about half a mile irom the groitud his Ixidy ceased its gyratory motion, assumed a pci-iendieular posi tion mm emu* down hen ! I < It struck the earth nuns diatanoa from ua, and then rebounded, fa Hi Of again within a few foot id where it struck. Then, from jural* ring fear, the crowd bloke forth into -brick* of terror, women ran wildly •Ihiul screaming and actually tearing their hair, ami a rush waa made fur the spot where the man had .struck the ground. There was an indentation not less that eight or ton inches deep, and fill ed with Wood aud brains a hieh bad burnt lrm the skull then, like a cannon ball let drop from an immense height, it crushed into the earth. The dead man was then taken up end carried to the Alltert House where the poor wife, who bad often safely traversed the air with her husband, cam! fur it The excitement in the town waa of the must fearful uttd intense description, as may readily be believed. Those who had mime out for pkscmrr returned home in aorroa, and the town wore the aspect of a place which had been visited by some fearful calamity in which its own interests had suffered. Thgre waa no more of the fair that day, and the remetnberance of the dreadful occurrence will long lie a story told by tbe inhabi tant* when those who witueased it shall long since have died. A Weed Word far Bridget. My dear Madam—l might agree with you "entirely, that servant girl* are a uuiaaiKf; that thry hava followers, that they spend their money (or strew, and that they pal about the street* just aa often aa they can Meal awav ; that they will hare forliiddco shindies in your kitchen, and tth h your tea and sugar by the pound You oattuot possibly pro vail upon theui t tidy up their own room ; they inevitably May out till mtd uiKht, when you pom lively limit them to ten o'clock ; you may he sure of im imdeuee unlimited to your very face, and Roaaip in abundance behind your back ; and truth i* aa foreign to their tongue* aa tatter* or tawdincwa ia osarei tial to their drew. Ami then, when, aa TOO truly aay, you have given them a home (or year* and year*, and treated them aa kindly aa yon know bow. o# they go at three days' notice, make fools of themselves by getting married, and take in washing—aud youro-lf. And, in abort, to quote your admirable sum ming up, you roally cannot trust them out of sight. But, my dear madam, but —who is to blame ? If Amanda, up ■fair*, with pale. spirituelle face, and delicate, do-nothing haad. is to spend all ber time and educated brilliancy in catching a husband, and spending for him ber annual ten thousand, why ia j down-stairs Bridget, with tuddy, health ful face, and stalwart working' arm*. to be debarred from joining her honest heart and helpful hand* to some piece of maacnlinity more naefnl. after all. than many an Amslnu of the parlor * If Dulcinea and Flocibcl and Lilian are to do thus and ao in their way, why not Mary and Ann and Margaret in theirs ? Your astonished eve* open very wide. *' Why, they're onfy servants !" Ys dear" madam, only aervanta—only human beings For w< have beard it faintly hinted—don't whisper it to Mm Grundy, it wasn't from her—that servant girla are actually constituted much aa we are ourselves. "You have given them a home f " Has it ever been such a home aa. poor though yon might be, TOO would for a moment think of for Vouiwelf ? " You have treated them aa kindly as you know bow ? " Don't you know a much better way for " better " people ? Kindness* and a comfortable (tome coat little pains and leas money— have vou spent either f Ah. msdara, if commence make* cowards of all. how you ought to quake before that *' ,uly a ■errant " re*jx>nihility of your* ? (luutAjnt nt TUB Uxmro .STATS*.—The total number of German* residing in the United Stat** ia 1, thai,s33, distributed aa follow* : Alalaatna, 2.482; Arkansas, 1.563 ; Cali fornia, 29.701 ; Connecticut, 12.443 ; Delaware. 1,142 ; Florida, 507 ; Georgia, 2,71 ; Illinois, 9UH.758 ; Indiana, 7*.000; lowa, 66,10*2 ; Kansas. 12."74. Keutncky. 50,318 ; Ixnusuua, 18,933 ; Maine, 508; Maryland, 47.045 ; Massachusetts. 12,072; Michigan. 64,443; Minnesota, 41,364; Mississippi, 2,960; Missouri. 113,618; Nebraska. 10.954; Nevada, 2.181; New Hampshire. 436 ; New Jersey, 54,000; Naw York. 316,952; North Carolina, 904 ; Ohio, 182.897 ; Oregon, 1,875; Pennsylvania. 100,146; Rhode Island, 1.201 ;*South Carolina, 2,751; Tennessee, 4,539 ; Texas, 23.985; Vermont, 370; Virginia, 6,232; Wisconsin, 162.314: Arizona, 379 ; Colorado, 1,456 ; Dakota, 563 ; District of Columbia, 4.990 ; Idalio, 388 ; Montana, 1.233; New Mexico, 582; Utah, 458; Washington. 745. aud Wyom ing Territory, 652. A if rave Man. The Springfield i Illinois) Jowxuf pub lishes the foUowiug : " A man. whose name wedid not learn, while engaged in the North cool-shaft mining coal, fell and broke his leg. He was brought out tiy a fellow-miner. It appears that the two men were engaged in puttiug in a blast, and the fuse had been lighted, when, in running from the place, the man referred to fell within twelve feet of the fuse and broke his leg. He called to his companion, who was some sixty feet distant, and said his leg was broken. The man immediately re traced his steps, seized the fnae and threw it aside, thus preventing the ex plosion. which would probably, under the circumstances, have destroyed the lives of botli men. He then took up his nnfortunate compauion and conveyed him to the shaft, and both men were soon drawn to the surface. It was a noble and daring act HTHANOR KITES —At the great religi ons festival of the Todss in ludia.*tronge rites take place in connection with the sacrifice of buffaloes. A herd is driven into an ciieloaed space, and at a given signal, the animals having been iufuri ated with shonts and blows, two yonng men each throw themselves on a buffalo, and seizing the cartilage of his nose with one hand, with the other shower uix>n him heavy hlows with a club. This enntiuues till the animal becomes exhausted, and it is then let go. The whole herd having undergone this pro cess, the young men taking turns at the exercise, a dance and a feast wind np the proceedings. During this festival it often happens that one of the men ia overpowered by the tmfiaio, and receives severe injuries, bat it is iioint of honor among them not to reuaer him-any as sistance. IT is MILIUM ted .that during the last five centuries more than £50,000,000 worth of real estate have been washed from the coast of England by the encroachments of the sea. A number of villages and towns which used to be set down on the old maps have entirely disappeared. It is said that there are now plenty of snake* in Ireland. Several experiments were made three four years ago with vipers and such thoroughbred specimens, which failed, but in 1831 the common snake of Ireland was carried over ond baa since increased rapidly. . Tuns are two reasons why soma peo ple don't mind their own business. One is that they haven't any bnaineai ; and the second ia that they have po mind ty bring to it if they had. TERMS : Two Italian * Year, in Advance. Elephant m 4 Bet) Fight. A combat took place at Madrid. lit Slain, tb# oeJebrstnd elephant Piaarro and a wild boll. Tin* asritetacnt among tb pojmlaoc of lb Spanish capi tal, for day* prwriuqi to tb fight, waa : tremendous. Th# prioe of seat* in tb# amphitheatre ram to • fabakma figure, j and tb# tiriu-t-oftoe waa beriogad by a crowd of IMJWI, in which tb# nobility and tb# commonality. tb# rich and tb# poor, bunded aacb other regardless of rank or the want of it, and only intent upon securing a place whence to witoea* the strange apecUel#. When at length tb# eventful day ar rived, tb amphitheatre waa packed to ita ottuoat rapacity. Thar# waa some I by-play of tb# nana) boll-fighting order ; ! but tb# jM-tatora bad com# lor apurt of a dittereul kind, ami auun giww elainar oua tor tb# elephant Tb# barrier galea | were at length thrown wid# open, and tb# iutuMtat form of Pitairo waa seen •Jowly advancing into tb# ring. To bb ! hind-teg* waa attached a mamive chain, lb# other mid of whiab waa immediately meuml by mean* of a ring to a puat which bad been firmly planted in tb# centra of tb# amphitheatre. This pre 'nation waa nereaaacy became# Piaarro waa anbjeet to rinkmt fita of anger, dur ing which he waa liable to do a grant deal of ui*ehi#f. To the inteaae diagnat a4 the andiene#, the oomtxa waa very tame. The bull waa apparently awed by the immena# sine of his opponent; and Pisarro oared so bttb tor hia antaguniat that he occu pied himself with picking up oranges and cakes thrown to him from the hose*. j At length, irritated by darts and fire iacker, the boll mad# a desperate charge; bat, being thrown back on bis liaaneboa by the violence of the shock, jhe could not be induced to renew the fight After atamling still atow minutes, ;a* if to recover from hia aatoniaimcnt, be alunk, tboronghly intimidated, into a corner, from which neither fireworks nor the irritating rod mantel could make him star. A second bull succeeded in inflicting a alight around on Pisarro'* j trunk, hot like hia predecessor, soon J gave up in despair. The singular combat waa renewed the next dar, with just an tame results. The I mils were apparently perplexed to know what to make of a monster from whose j huge bead they rebounded as if rhey had ' charged against a solid wall. Altar one <4* two attempts they would retire, and nothing could drive them to make an other charge. As for the elephant, he took thing* in a very oooland philosoph ical manner, and ate hia oranges and drouk hia wine, which waa freely sent him from the boxes, with the dignity befitting a monster of his importance and prowess. Bat aa no man waa killed, and aa none of the brut# antagonist* received a serioos wound, the gen tie audience came to the condosiou that a I mil and elephant fight waa a very tame and uninU resting aflair. Something better waa expected of Pixatro. who is known to be a vicious-tempered beam. In oue of hia fits of fury he ones made a raid through the street# of Saragoaaa, in the coarse of which one of his tasks were broken. At Madrid he seemed to look upon hia antagonists aa worthy only of; J weave contempt. Fashionable follies are usually destruc tive to thoe only who indulge in them; j but revelations'recently made in Lon don show how the health of the poor may sometime* b# made the priee of the luxuries of the rich. Ladies have taken to wearing in their hat* little tufts of artificial grass, sprinkled with gfeas beads to imitate dewdrope. In to* man ufacture of this kind of adornment a virulent pawuo called Kehrile'e green, ia employed, which is a compound of ar senic and copper. The color is applied bv wi >tuen and children, who earn only .'pittance by the work, and who by in haling the fume* of the prison become dangerously sick, and eron die. A re porter of one of the London daily pa pers has been inquiring into the matter, and a# the remit of hta inquiries, pub lished toe following paragraph : " It ia aiinpie work and aoon learned, but a great deal of it mutt be dene to caun any money; and thus plenty of the dusted arsenic ia imbibed by three vic tim* of I* made. Our commissioner visited a family engaged in the prepara tion of this grass of death. little, pinched, white faces, dull eyes circled with red, inflamed lid*, a perpetual ca tarrh, and a constant whees# in the throat, marked every member of the group. The## |ainful symptoms, excite tittle notice, but always occur when 'a large order few grass' is obtained by such a household. What ia more serious in the pcrieuoe of these scatter#!* of dredly d#wdrops on dnatofnl herbage ia when to# #ue bleed. *lt ain't a good sign; many in our line gets it,* said the mother of' the tamtij. But to# cough's the worst The ouagh from three sham pastures bH 'killed a beautiful little £1 last year.' Hb# went on steadily he wing the devil's grass aa she told her storv, and the little giri beside her who had'the bleeding ears stopped them by a piece of wadding from her brother Joe's cap. and went on too, .Sneering ami mopping their running car* in the midst of toe arsenic dust, the family could make twelve shillings a week out of the buriaaaa Thev had to work early and late though, snd 'work all hands,' bleed ing or not deeding, coughing or not coughing, to earn as much ax this." When asked why toe exposed herself and her children urns to certain death, the mother answered : " The onS' trade we should find if we cut thia would be stanrin'.'* THX PRUKMX or FOOD. - For what is lood given ? To enable us to carry on the necessary business of life, and that our support may 1* such as our work require*. This is the use of food. Man rets aud drinks that he may work; there fore, the idle man forfeits his right to his daily bread; and the apostle lays down a rnle both just and natural, that, "if any man will not work, uoither shall he retbut no sooner do we fall into abuse and excess, than we are sure to suffer for it in mind and in body, either with sickness or ill temper, or vicious inclinations, or with all of them at once. Man is enabled to work by eating what is snfficieut ; he is hindered from working, and beeomes heavy, idle, and stupid, if he take too much. As to the bodily dis tempers that are occasioned by excess, there is no end of them. SOCIAL CUSTOMS.— Many of tha social customs of Han Francisco are peculiar. A lady writes to a paper of that city to complain that at social gathering* the gentlemen all get intoxicated and there fore unfit company for the opposite sex. W hereupon the paper cites as a well known fact that in what ia termed the best society, at parties and balls given at Jirivate houses, there is a room set apart or gentlemen where brandy and cham pagne flow in abundance, and where the visitors may engage in "monte" and " draw poker" for unlimited amounts of monev. This reveals a rather bad state of'thinga, nor is it certain that these Han Francisco revelers are with out imitators here. It ia not for jour nalists, however, but for the ladies them salves to devise and apply the remedy. Pi e*h/tnri* mumiwyi. ____________ TEXAS paper* estimate that U-n or fif teen thousand Germans alone will arrive in that State the earning autumn NO. 42. A fieri#** Matter. Onlj a Bream. °*nxsz tet,. ami i way t Only a dream ef IsmJ I Of IMMNPI Hi Am tpiifffHtlff tiini tij tlir Win* cif hm&m tnnn#^ Aa white etowta < Hnf rod part. We dreamed ami m awsfe# : N" mraf JM ah. ite dramas ■ngimdorM of tb* subtle light of Bright with Ma irta gtoacm! Again ttw maadow Itarow. Tha wtliow* w*rTa to dw .tream j het I~ Why aboaid I, aeWng. haadt Bhadow* of leaf and htod fall oe tha sunny rima, Bat ovar it tha shadow thai! leva Mevar SRsin ahaß pass. The aomrner roiem Wand la amine aa of yam But ton., o, has dropped* rate: Ttoawwfll be sen* *#■***. Tha etajy and tha wsaMb ofßataraJllitoga lMMlMU , Bat to my heart to so reapiiwaiva ibrto Thai telta aw It ta lair. # BMk At It litvn >i, maataimiw owiUv I inn mm men lag uaum* Bat the ataar aWatstar of its gtary threw* A shadow oa my days. Pads and rands*. A high authority atntasrtlwt not one American in a hundred knows how to manage a trail. Klmms and slipper for house wear •* made of the mm# material and ootor aa tha dram, with high French bads of rilk or satin. Large bows of ribbon tor the hair are mixed with lace and small fc>wn, and are worn on the top of the Mgh Fwpv dour rolls. The average aaUrv of toadbera In ths priLry wXdTri the city of Beriin to L|jTS. and throughout FtrniaM B juo per annum. railway station* in Wales which trouble traveller* to proeoanee. The Mayor of Macon, Oa., hit offered a stiver service premium, worth SSO, to the prettiest girl in the State under 17, who appears at the fitoe fair hi a home spun dnam. Vegetable leather is now externa rely manufactured, the principal totcnah. being ceoatebamc end naphtha. The product is only one-ibird aa oorilj as oniutary leather. An indignant St Joseph, Mo., hna- | whose wife bee sued for e divorce, writes a protest to Judge Adam*, in which he says, "this thinu cad divoum faaain my opim-m parted many a man and his wife." Gentlemen hero adopted the fashion of wearing charms cm tb# odea of their hat* We ha v# seen thus worn ttttls gold bogies, ivory croquet mallcta, and some hot-headed youths even sport a small thermometer. The Arabs say that the occasioned tha oat's first appearance waa m follow* ; The in habitants of the ark were much troubled with mice. Noah, in hie per plcxitv, stroked the lion's nose, and *de him roeero; whereupon • oit appeared, and cleared o* the mice. It is staled that during the month o HeptomWr last 3W,fiW hetera, from all noorcea,' wars received at the Dead Imttor Ofeee. About 16C,CM letters were in that period wtofued to the writers. Isn't it a rost amount of care keaneae among rorrespondenta riter neb tepeatod warning* an to the result* of negligence f The following rodp* may be ef una to not tried it. bow ever: A tow drop, of oartmhc mud rota lion on the hsevee in various perfect old bodta having* mnety smcd, and doe# the book for a few day* nnlfl it beeomee tboronghly impregnated with toe odor. This wm destroy the mnaty amelL Tb# Deto# Aleri. i. a bandroew jmng man. and bwu* a more ririlring Menem to his grandfather ihau to the pwejaot €nr. He is a great smoker and fin# horseman ; a desperate flut; dieUkea Englishmen; ! nmgv at or / never dnniu or en mi4v riser, no mattear whet time nn ra tine ; has bo a a most obedient son. The wif# of President John Adeem was bom ia 1744. and afae saya of ber vonth : " Female edacatturi, in toe bed fan.iin-s, went no farther then writing and arithmetic, and in some lew and rave instenoca music and dancing. When the Boston schools were reorgaa iral ta I7W. giria were admitted during the summer months only, when there were not boy* enough to till them. These fact* fceaa hartaarom now. Ike Advantage em ilr Bye. A clergyman in Maemrbasetta, who ha* aeeii In* three core and ten, waa (complimented on hia hale and youthful lockN the other day. Smiling. 1m touched his handsome brown hair and rep.ied. • Yon know they l ;' old men a little these days "What! raid hia friend, "have you been entering vourbair?" "Te*," replied he ; "I ! have been doing what I onre thought nothing would induce m? to do. I have been turning aay grey hair brown, and I will tell yon how I was brought to it. After leaving my position at , I pro poaed to gobeek into the ministry, and liecotne a parish minitter. Accordingly aa I bad an opportunity, I preached to Mmte few deatttnte churohea, and waa gratified to bear at the conclusion of the Mwricea, that the people were well pleased with my to-riling, and bat for in v grey hair would be glut to have we for their minister; but they could not think of ao rid a man. Well, while I waa going through this experience, an old friend oggeatod that I should outer 3y hair, and thus remove from the eyes ' the people the reproach of being an old man And I consented, finally, to MM make thia experiment. And what do vou think ? The very find time that I ' preached with brown bair upon my bead 1 sua greeted with a call to settle in the ministry, and I have ever sine# been the happy pastor of • united and apparently happy people. So much for toe cote of one's hair—so much in proof that there is something in lookaafte* all,not withstanding the old proverb that looks are nothing and behavior is all. SICK W* rr—Judge , a man of high standing, and eftarecter beyond re proach, who year* ago was elected to a judicial position in San Francisco, met a friend who hail received nomination for s municipal office in s late campaign, and said he was sorry he conld not con gratulate him on hi* success. " Why," said the happy candidate, "I was nomi nated. I have won my fight in the con vention ; 1 have not lost it." "Aye, replied the judge, "that ia exactly what I regret. I had rather go down to the city front, and crawl up one of the fil thiest sewer*, than to run for office again. It is now over five years since I ran for a judgeship, and I give you my word that to thia dav I can scarcely appear on the streets that I am not ' struck by some bummer or wind politician, who wants money for having snpportadtp w #-^ ,— ** l five years ago." 'y Canada.—Frequent instances of the core of cancers by means of a tea made from the common red clover have been published of late ; and aa the remedy is certainly a harmless and inexpensive one, the qualities claimed for it aboaid be generally known. The Boston Ber- 1 aid say* thut a well-kuown sea .captain of Newburyport feels certain that he has been cured of a cancer on hia noes by drinking tea made from red clover tope, and using the same preparation as an external application. .... What was considered a full v developed cancer two years and a half ago has now almost disappeared under this treatment SAILORS FCKWKBD BT HTHKHWO EACH OTHER.—A comical passage appears in a letter from the Rev. J. P. Newman to the Methodist, describing the voyage of the United States steamer Oougiees to and from Greenland. Dr. Newman sayt: " On oar homeward voyage, two seamen were reported for fighting, and they were sentenced to hug each other for i four hours, with a sentry over them, to | see they did it affectionately. '*