TUE GETTTISUURG cOMPILEU P1:111.1381[21 AVERY rRIDAY, 131 H. J. RTAm.r Tenve.—TWO DoT.7,Mte per en nnm fa nrirtney —TWO **WARS Ann Firer Peers rod in duller. saisseriptiest Etta continued, antes at the option of the pub- I fisher, until 'all ariearegea Was pal& ADMIT/ =lOll Inserted at LIM naval rates. —Large Ted*Otion to those who advertise by the year. Jon Pinorrso, of every description—from the smallest label arcard Qn the largest or:poster—done with dispatch, in a worktnanllke manner, and at the lowest Bider rates. • Orrice on Baltimore street, a few doors shove the Onurt-House, on the opposite sill% with •"Gettysburg Compiler Unice" on this building. A:ttornies,'Physicians, &c. =I A TI% 'IC , . 1:17 AT LAW, WW promptly utti•nal to all legal b 1.1141110148 ellt.r.lol t, hlln, Inelethns th roringor PenAlm,,4, Bounc,r, fiatelc Pa.Y, onWil otlarr clairm4 airaluxt We Li:aced tito.to* Roil state clot eramettla Ottle e n, North-West corner of Diamond, Get -13,40,1,g, P. MP. - April 1667. tf J. C. NEELY, A ~ TT,LN TX AT I. %.W. Partirulnr nttentbon wild to ol Feet lon of Peoolon4, Bounty. null Back pt. y. Unice in the:4. h. uer of OW //Wound. Getty rihurg, April 6, 10.1. tf =1 A TTORNEY AT LAW,. I.ITTLESTOWN. PA.. Will pronaptly attt nd to oollectlonii, cons r 3 - lw., u riling .4 deeds. team. 5, etc., cud nil this r nuwinraw entriuded to his rare. littler on Frederick street, at the ottleo for /11 rly of lir. stroth, and latterly that of Lint. nytr .L rd Nlclaillg. 1)• r;DlF.tlen B. BUEHLER, 4 Tei,llNl,Y AT LAW. NN 111 Wailfully and ionmpt 1, .111..0.1 to al! 100.1ne , ...0tri0 , te.1 t•I IMO If.. 19.4 ~ 4 . the (14.11111.111 Othue at 11.4 Name pt..ly In .1,...111, 1....111010re elr. 42t, I,illdrk J. 7 e.t.a.., an•l arly ohl.o -s.OO r 7.l4.Wert , ;,•it) •hur7, Mulch to 1). Ile( 0 VA/Min', ,r 0 //A N. h 11A L ArllUN ES`i AND 1 urN , LL.Lun--. 4 . Dilol o?., “iiv Ilan to.auchttect t!IS .X. ItAl.l 11, Loot., lit the P.M i/... Law. nn,' door wen , of Doehler“ 1 way 4tote. 'hamberahurg xtro4. , n ,„ou ra alert “Ills • tielllt lit 01 tatate.4. All 'l. 0,1 laud. 711, and 1 !alum , . to Petimlona, Bounty, link Pay. HIV Daonageri agaluat United Stater, at. all times, prcgarti) twat ant. whtl,) attend- M 1 to. Land Warranla located, and rhnlee Farrn• for sale in lowa and other V. eetern states. Nov, LOU?. = Jll.l. relucurd floru tbc Col% oral- IN of Mar. Land awl flo4pltala of 1(14111- more: )1, lotrilcil at li and Otter. t,lw probliaional sort I.es W Id, public. Aprll L, PAK tf Dr 7 4 4RMSTROY4-0 I A , . I Nti 1s aa•d la NEW SALEM, Ifatablalmvn P. 0.,1 Franklin Iwp., Ad• Ulna county, otters lila professional set, let. to the public. Ile hope., by •trtet attention to pro(.4lonal dotter, to merit, n share of pat , .I , IIIIIVI I May V, 18114.. tf Dr. I. L. ILI trn, 1 )11YRICIAN ADD SPIV:MN, MITIPLE Ti)WN, Mama non nty, Pa. Office In C.l It e Nrom.re. Wlll promptly attend to all calla mama otlaerwlar priejoaelowilly to/gaged. Aug. J. pIfYIItIrIAN,AVRGEON AM.) AC(AIIICHEUIt, Having permanently located In New Oxford, lllpre,. too Ids profession in all Its brenellee. Ms fru it and all others desiring lit pro ft... Annul ten lees are requested to call and temailt hint at big unit e, In llanos or street. Ma) 1.,07. 11 • Dm V. C. 'TY) LP, L o D , A 'IILT) 6 4 , I44 , t y T , 'T BERLIN, liopos that by Istria mXteutlon to btu profe*- illonal flutter It way merit a othare of the pobtle utroage. Aft!! 2, ISM tf =I 11ro l i t A lVll2( ' )V r N ... , Pr"Ci l l Tli o e f rfi l'i l e l1 1 B"hineer % tees to ilia public. Ounce at Ida Imola', cor ner of Lombard street and Foundry alley, ar the tpealnl attention given to /skin Litt lestox 11, Nov. 8, pr. .7. W. C. 0•1711.41,78 OFFDT AND DWI7.7.LING, A Ww door. from tho N. F I or., of Dalllttuwe Illglrwtrek4, near the Prt , b3 terlan Church, Detty.burg, A poll 15, lwr7. = r%ENTIST, has locatmd perinsuently lu Gat ti t‘sburg, mutultsrs his survives to the public. His room fr over John M. Mlnniglie tn tort lonery, on Baltimore stmt, a, few doors from. the Poblla Square. Persons 1u want of full ur partlatiETrt OF TEETH are in% ItAin to roll. Terms reasonable, TEETFI EXTRACT ED withlittle or no pets, by 10(.0 amethehla, i.nmu red by noreotle sprty. Sept. 1 , , MA. tf .1. tfrrlZE'NfE HILL, 1 )ENTST, Ifas hde ofnce one door weet of the Lutheran 'torch In Cluonberslmrg street, and Otipt/4111. Dr. C. thaw., s oßlcc, when, Wu. a 1.10 ug to huh e any Ih•uhll operation bier formed are reapeOlully invited to cull, lira , - V.a t. 5 t Dra. Horner, Nov. Prof. M. Jacobs, prof. 11, L. Sttever. 1101) aim rg, April 11.'51, CANNON'S WORKS, 0e Ileltittiore St., oppoelte the Quert-Ho 4R7TYSBUI2G. P&VITA. every dascription of work executed Ist the =1 June I, 146. IS Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all the purposes of a Laxative Medicine. Perham no one medicine le so universally required by everybody aa a cathartie, not Will er before NO unit rreally adopted. into over tit 4 4 ery county anti atnong all cla.ptert, xa this mill hut eiticient purgatilvo Jill. The "Myna.. reaism to, that It In a more reliable and far more etrectual remedy than an„) other. Those srho More tried it, know that It mired them, those who have not, know that it curve their, neighbors and (Honda, and nll know that whet 1t does once It dors always —that It cover falls through one fault or no -alert of its composition. We have thousands lapin thousands of ecrtlfleutss of their re lt.at kable cures of the tattoo lug complaints, but such (urea are known In every nelghlror hood, and we Ueol tint poldiah them. Adap t, tt to all ages and condition. In all climates; containing neither calomel or any , leleterloll,l drug, thee ma) he taken with nfaCtSt by any hod). Their sugar mating preserves them er fresh and makes thorn pleasant to take, while beingurely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity'. They up, rat, h) their powerful infitume on the internal Viscera to panty the blood unit 01110, Otte It Into ht althy at I un—rt move the uhdti unions of the stomach, bon els, I is tr, and other org - ins of the Maly, restoring the it Ir regular a. 11,111 to health, and he eorr, wherv,, r they t skt, such derangetmn , a. - tel might of disease. Nlno 111 re, 110110 are I.:10 en 111 the wrtlPl ,,, to. the irts, for the follow:11g ,um plaints, a Moll these Pats rapidly ears l'or li3.petrain or litellireetion. Lice row. nem.. I,itigtter , nail Lows of Appetite. they .nll token malerstely t,,•lllllalitte the tonuteh and restore its health) tone and lc !lon. 1.1, ee t'onaplalut and Itn varloug ,o 101,100,, ltemlaehe, bleb hleattaehe. Jaandiee at Green Meknes., niilol3ol Colic and Miens Fewerx. they should he Judiciously taken for each on.e, to correct the illseneed action or remove the chain:action.: whleh rouge it. For Dysentery or Iliarrhaat, but one bold t 0,.. la generally For ithenmalism. t.ont. trnalvel, Palpl tattes elf the lleadri. Pula in the =;t===t====l • • • /3 as r,//tlro/l; W //1/./ /my the disef.ed at thin Otti`e Fyirte to Witilsach change ilh.4c cmplah, ttlis For 11rop.Gy Dropmleal ROolllnitre they t.hoolo he taken In &see and frequent Boxes to prod oeethe . .efrerrnt n iirri.xtle park, For Sappressaion a large do., •Itoulrf ta. ttn&en, .t prudaeos the desired elreet h 7 Beliellt3)• AB* /Nester P:11, take one or two Pitts to pro mote dig... aloe and realer* the Morose& testeekronl dotes eUmulates the stomas& head bowels Into healthy action. restores tine weal Invtattenten the sysk,ss. Heuce ^gliet is Mien advantageous where no serious tie. raneement vibe& One who Kelm tok.sebly writ, often Wok that s dose of there Pius ;tithes hoax feet slevestraily belle; from their Al... Hung and renovettnit Alert on the dikes. I. ii. & tt h rneritcal Chemises. - 14.1W131.1.., A. For isle bat A. BU LIM, Agent. Oat- NOAH WALKER & CO., CLOTNIXAS. WASUUNGTON BUILDING, 163 aim 167 HALTINCMICST.. nu...themes, T TEES constantly au hand a 'lame arid wen Ik. assorted stock of all kinds of maids at modem:pees. They su ly animater thalami to the low est prl ankles,, Mody. smile or made to measure, to any part of the country. They keep aloe an ostensive Mock of FINISUING) GOODS, animas' g_. ova ar ticle of Geittleman's Uridermear. n Aloo, MLLI TARY CLOTHS laid every variety of "Mili tary Trimmilserksa Melt man satorted stock of READY MADE MILITARY GOOLM. Baltimore, Fob. t 4, DiSki! xYqu et Tide It -Culp laberebydiasolvid, Zarstaal oar . dr- badast t. Perry at- Ta,t d e. Par Ili liabilities doe b 7 P. T. TAT& iittlialt,lllllt.f WM. E. MP. _ • • ,:ct C". • • r • . • , 4iTTYSBLEG f . - • . By H. J. Sta, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BMUS. MEI Ifoofland's German Tonic TIE GREAT REMEDIES Ton ALL DIBEAJ4 OF THE LIVER, STOMACH, OR DI- GESTE VE ORGANS. HOOFLANDtS GERMAN BITTERS Is composed of the purr pllees (or, as they are mediesally termed, P-Wrar4s) of Helots, Herbs, and Barks, trialo.ogu pr,paratton, ooneentrated, and entirely free hula We, hallo aftratzturespl tiny kind. HOOFLAND'S OILMAN TONIC enrabln.t , lon of all the intrredlents of the Haters, with the purest quality of Mato Cruz Runs, orange, dte,, to tallag one 01 the nt,,^t pleasant 311 , 1 agreeable remLoles ever ott , red to the publk. The. , preferrine-a Mevllelne free front Moo oil • udittnialut e, v iii use Hoofland'A German Bitters. Thor. v uo bovn no olot, tion to the eumbl nati.Jo of the Litters, ue eluted, w tll u.e Iloofland's German Tonic. Th., are both equlaiY good, sod er.dain 110 e same medu at var...., 4, the choice br t,rt t o lite l‘ro at: a mere brater faille, the Took. beblg, tle mutt palatable. Ibe 6 bao, t eb, groat •1 surf, 4,1 0011000, saeli a. ludigc..•oll, L 1 np. pnfu, \m.l4 La ight . } Iv St .) ..1, h ne 11, foornolos r-algtod. t r, I}lllpattorina :us It 'loon tole Stigli. 11, Ott olilt n 1.114 Led, the n 1,114 OrNlhgt h 14 (ht. 16:tient aulrers trout hi le:al or more or the tultiorin dlsea6l CON6TIPATION, FLATI'LEN'Ii!, INWARD i I 1'1,011.0 TO 'FILE \ 0)1. THE Kt OM AVII, ,E A., 111 , IRT-01 HS, FULL3I.I-41 Olt V. hltilhT /ti 11,nnUlt LIINFtINII not ilxrrEn, ',VI AT THE PlTth , TliE ACIL tiK 1511IIN(1 of , TILE //LAI), Ill;ititlEL , 1./11-FICI - I,i \ • ING FLUTTEI:I NO AP THY. HHE4 FIT, CHOKING nit I FoCATirst, IN A I.YING DININEsB ot , 1 IsloN, liOrs Olt WEBS BEFoItE sum'', num, rAiNis THE HEAD, PEFIcIENCY OE 1 . 1,1t.5yl- RATION, t;LLOK'NI.S -4 o TiIN"RIN A.NI) El ES, N LN THE ..,I1)1.,11 tcl:7, (111.14 T, 1.141135, ELI'., St - OP EN YLUSITF...I. OF HE IT, BUItNINq IN THE FLESH, LONSTANT AtitNlNGs OF LVIL, ANDOItEAT ffle;l=2llMMl The tfotrerer trent these flleeftee, Itoulfl I z ',mew the iv Leh Mt fauti,al In the sell etlon of a renttelv for Ins roof., porelfaeing only that o Well he In fteeftrefl front Wm ins stleatitate sill Inquiries taesseree, trurentrit, le ekillfully cum tom, itol ls free fruits Inprfoof• Inge. dl ant., and 1,24 retabllsheft for fleell 1100 (Or the ooze of these flleethses. In thle elemoetlen wa would etaftelt thole: v. ell k noNt n remedies-- LIOOFEAND'S GERMAN BITTERS ANI) TIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. PRBPARED BY DN. C. M. JACKSON, piriLADELPITIA, PA. Twenty-two years Weer they were diet In troduced tutu yi,h, toiletry from Genunny, daring whl,h hunt th,•v fume nritionbt.dlsi. ronortned moo• Cures, awl lo•netlted nott,r -d Kr.at.•r cxt.•ut, than any otber retnetlie , 60w.,11 to tilt. pulalr, 'I hese renlerll,. will r fleettailly rare Liver Saulolleo, lis•pepsln, Chronic or Ntryou. 1/Iwane °l lk,. Ind., • 4, tool all ni4C•aq, angina n otii a Ditionlered Liver, Stomach, or Intevtlnea. DEBILITY, Renilllna, from any Call.. Lotus or, PROS TRATION intlnred by Severe Lnim,r, Expo suree, Fevers, .t.c. There is no metheine extant equal to these reznethes In such cast 4. tone and vigor Is Itututrted to the whole system, the appe tite is strengthened, tood is enjoyed, the alOnlach algr,t4 proinfalv, the blood is pu rified, the complexion ht tomes sound and healthy, the t c itto tinge iv el adtented from thie'm to it bloom IS given to the rl e and the weak and • nervous invalid bewaines a strong and healthy being. PEIMONS AD f ANCED IN L11.17,- Anti feeling the hand of time weight , ;a . g heron yy upon them, with sit its of TONIC. an eli the xir that will instil new life Into Ow veins, restore to s measure till, energy and nectar of tame youthful days, build up their nlirunkeit has, aturgive health and Imppl nes. to their remaining yearn. NOTICE. It Iv a xrell-e‘tabllsheal fact that fully one half or the female Portion of our eoeulal ion are neldom In the enjoy meat of good health or, to u, their own expt wallop, "never feel well." They are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely nervous, and have no appetite. To title ehtua of persona the BITTF.IL4, or the TONIC, le espetlally recommended. IVEA.47 are DELICATE CHILDREN Are made strong by the use of either of these remedies. They will cure every case of ItAmMIIS, a ithout fail. Thetesands of rertillmtes have accumulated In the hands of the pnprietors, but space will allow •,'" mbilcation of but few. Those, It , ed, are men of note and of such • they must be believed. 'ESTIMONIALS. Geo. W. Woodward, Met Jn►tke tha Supreme Court. of Pa.. writes: Pailodetphia, 'March la, 18r7. .1 dad Moorland's German Hitters' is a good tonic, useful to diseawes of the digeottve organs, and of great benefit in mores of de -1)1)1 ty, and wan t of nervous action , In he spa• tern. Yonea truly,__ .(DO. W. WOODWARD." Hon. Ames Thompson, Judge of the Supremo Court of Pennsylvania. PM/oder/Ain, Apill YR, IMO. i,nslder `llonflrind'a Ciernian Bitters' a ratan Lir inediehie in ease of at melts of Indiges tion or liyapepela. I can certify thin front my experience of it. Your+, with reapert, N 11 . JAMES T011PSO." From Rev, Joseph H. Kennard, D. D., Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Phila delphia. Pr. Jackson—Dear Sir: I have been fre quently requested to conrieet DIN name with recominendations of different kinds of medi nine., but reganillic the prarthe tts out of my appropriate sphere, I tut% e in all cases doelined ; but with a cle r proof in %axioms instaricia and panto ularlv In as own fatuity, of the wtetulne.tle of tie. Itooriand's German hitters, I a,* to tar once front my usual course, to expre , s my Pall einivietion that, f a , gcn nl richalty of the synem, and crpretni ly.for Lit to Cbrapitual, u fs a ante and inheibte pe.pnration In tall Miele. , it may fali; but usually, I doubt not,it will be very heneticLal u. those who suffer from the altos mime. Yount, very respectfully,J. IT. KENNA/ID, Eighth, below Castes St. From Rev. E. D. Fendall, Ae.,lcbmt Er'nor eh rhalao Chronlele,Phllada I h ry a derlN etl (Melded benefit from the nse of !lon/truth ti,ruota 13Ittum, imp feel It my privlltge to reemontend theta as is utoftt Male. to all a ho.tre suffering from gen end. l i ilitr or from (lehtases arising, Umrt derangement of the liver. Yours troly E. D. FENE.ILEL. CAUTION. German Remedies are cm:inter felted. See that the signature of('. M. JACK SON, is on the wrapper of each ',Male. All others are counterfeit. Prolcipal office and Manufactory at the German Medicine btore, No. 631 ARCM Start, Phtlattelphla, Pa. Clf.taLEß If. Er.cvs. prerAetm, Formerly C. YACkr,UN & Co. PRICES (e-ntall !later., per bottle, - 01 00 "I,alt dozen, • 5 00 Germ Tcoll4 put up la quart bottler., 51 W der bath., er a hatf dotet (or Sr ill. gige_Do not forget to.examine well the Ilr tiele you buy, In order to get the genuine. ark or sale by Dragglata generally. • 1• 21 . r 7, ig ST3MA:ISZE. ==l SAFES. SSA born 'a Patent has peen demonstrated, by the most thorough practical testa, tote nutty superior In are4proof qualities to any other makes, (being water le ooppertabes hermet ically sestied,) preventing lineopletely any evaporation sad ke the driest oath in min The patent inn be applied Wan) safe. Before eliewhere oill end [MNIIIne, Or send for pamphlet containing the eertitientes of trials with all other makera• oaks. AMERICA :4 STEAM Fl RE-PROOF SAFE CO WO BmedwtiP, New York. Oct. 30, MIS. WESTERN Pre ; Emption' Lands lIIA PR on hand Akw TRACTS of No. 4 second hand, pre-emption mooch, Ixgtwj fttr Rallroodx,Coonty Towns,do., in well met, fled neighborhoods, which f will sell or ex. ' . ixunge at n Mir prier for Real Mania La Adams county, Pa. GEORGE ARNOLD. Feb. 7. tt I rARE!—W ARE !—WAILE'—A One assort- Y men! of Soma 4 1 u& Wsze, aJzo,Sions Warr, wILIo s nessiolo ISLOILre Pot,* iltil-rste ArtiaLe, an cheep, at, , L olizilseiz a" riNto,DirMioa.N a HOFFMAIPISLo boy .1,71 MeV _ MplikNo 4 6c, ea Ohkeerib 43 =o:4lOSPOLd o OVAPINIMPL • ISI GLOBE INN, I= LtTIT,ERTOWN, ADA3D3 COUNTY, PA. undersign, hos ono purchaser' the "Litota• lon ' property, in biettylstoirg are, r, ',nth-tow n. would most respesAftilly Int.tu Amhara of the pahlie. putr... 4 4. Re pr...lsea tile boat the 'Earket eau altorti for hie table. with the ehoieeet liquors In hie bar, soul notalortithle heala anti ellalittsers. With ennalderable experienee, he thinks he J.ll Ju.tly tialln that 11: knows how to keep a hnt..l. • lell'herrt Ig large sl.thllng attorhed t as %veil as gross lute hit dru,s. Anatieutlve ostler 611114, hall•i—mate other than au M•cow usodutlns 0110 ulfow edon the prehlte,4. Ile 11, {IAA a large shore td custom, and no clll,ll to desert e tt. _ JOHN GREEN Littiehto% Um) 211, KEYSTONE HOUSE, CRAM PERSIILTRG 6T,,C.I,,ITY:ABLTE.G, PA., Wit E. MYERS, PROPRIETOR. frOfflti I, a new Howie, (Med up in the moat I.uppros hty ]to 10 , ,t1011 In pleasant, central and cons enlent. Every arrangement has been made for the accommodation and comfort of smite. The 'labia , Win always has t• the beet of the tottrltet;utot the Bar the I art 04 WIZ.. gild liquors. There 1 4 1.01,111.11011 S StaLl.ng kith an xreonnwslatlng ovtlt`r always on hn nti. Lug 77. Itl Is now Open for the entertano mein the public. and Arno eot pillion -lee ie hole ee/. then alit be ple.ot_el to re inter hat lathe t Inc .1.m.14,1847. If EAGLE HOTEL, NEW OXFORD, ADAMS COUNTY, PA. 1E utaleralnell having purelifisi d the 'Mar tin Hotel properly in t•evri-igloril,Ailants eautit.), will cot - WWI IL ill future under the mint.• or the - 1...agt0 Hotel." Ire liiedges hhn neif to apace no churl nor the contiort of his euestc. him table shall have the br It One row 1,1 ran Mined, and ills bar the eliolurvt i is t ham lin, lire hrat lOUS, alld rait not fall to give eatistiction. There is min ruonilous stabling attack. .1 to the Hotel, u inch M 111 be attended be la reliable rind tie- Latiliocalating opal. r. The proprietor hopes to ran, tea liberal share at public picranage, and v. ill always try to deserve It. liternern, ber the .•I:agle," In 1.110 LUlllieLat, writer of the Dla mond, NeN, Oxford. LIE.N.fIY W/ EDT. :starch 1 1,154 4 . If GLOBE INN, YORK . SIItLET, NEAR THE LLAILUND IP= undersigued must respectfully 1. Infto hk zndnerour inends and the puhhc Kruerully, that be but purelia.ed that ham establinhed und wall Itnnun fetch, the 'Globe Inn," tu. York accent, Gettysburg, and s 111 spare 40 effort to conduct it in a mau ler that VIII not detract from Its former high reputation. Ills table wall liars the beat the market tan afford-1111 chambers are spa mous slid comfortable—and he non laid In fur his leir a (1.11 stnek of a 1 n e•, and tapas. There Is large stabling attached to the Hotel, w hind will he at tenttod lot' 111Ittlitt‘e enforce. It null be hit conntant end., or to render the (I.IIIFSI Aaitlktutioll to lAN guests. Making his hoe , se to.. near a home to them no po,:ltle Ile spike a Share of the pribl.e's patronage, deter tamed he 181 , , , It e a large Dart , et It.— Ile member, the •Oticilo• 111t1 WTI York street, but near the Diamond, or Public Square. , --.IIII.'EL 01. F. • April 4, 1 , 4,4. tf NEW GOODS CHEAP-CHEAPER—CHEAPEWT! IF J r . t 7lbh 14. buy good and cheap (load., JACOBIi a BROIL Frron.E, near 'Myers's Hotel, In efiAliltratSßUllo ST., at lq nburg. They have the very beet se lect ion of good% sue/Aar CD tTHP , CASSIMEEF-4, TWEEDS. the market can produce, and are determined to sell them as. cheap as can be sold any where M. town eir conntry Any person vial,- Ins to have them CUT, cam have It done free et charge. Thoee de•drine goods MADE VP, can also be nonommodated. We warrant the Mat work and the bt , t tits to be Mut any here No h timber: lit what we say. We have on hand the very beat and moat dur• able = atul are nlw II Vb.l ready to wait CM customer's.— Full satixteetion given i tt operating tua ohlne~. Cnil and examine. We warrant theta to be the best in its.. JACOBS & • _ April 8,1867. Lt 111 PO - 01"Z'S WIIOLFSALE DRUG AND PATENT MEDICINE DEPOT, I= BALTIMORE, MD Os the illimolntion of the co-partnership of S. A. FOutz & tiro., Angus', lat., I,Stn, I, lAN Id E. Foote Junior nielither of mild firm, purrhaaed till the right, title and intereat or the retiring twther: H.A. Pfouta, for all time, In and to the illantlfarture.of Patent limit eines; and, havinß devoted much trite, rare and labor in gaining u thwrough knun ledge In the mmpOUDgling lathe.° preparations. I am fully prepared to offer to the community FOUTZ'S FAMILY MEDICINES bore and unadulterated, namely• Folrrz'a uITIIRW-FOUTY.,I LIFE INVIGORATOR OR HEALTH RESTORER. FuCTZ. S V2GETABLU LIVER PILLS—FOUTZ , S Causal Stare FULTT2II (.3[I.RBRATED LIORSE. ARO CATTLE POWDERS SCIRINER'S 11 tI.StYIO CoUhit tivitrre—ftrlalivva's VERMIPI*OIS. DAVID E. FUUTZ, Sole Proprietor, Agent for "Da. WWI% MAGNETIC HALVE AND PI. ANTE[ the "DEER DINT,/ E.NT,' ' Um) Die "GltikT ZING ARI BITTRICA" air/ also na,e on twat a lull assortment DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, Window-give; Extraeta and Esacnees of all orm, nil flu. popular Patent :Nledfetnes of the d..) Perfumery, Hair Oils, flair Dyes, and hundreds of artles needed by Merchant( Farmers and lion,ekeepers. Caine and ex nintne my stnek rind price., nod. If I cannot Milt you, you CS/11110t be salted to Usitlmare., DAVID F,. FOUTZ, At the old ,tand, 116 Franklin street. rob. ly NEW DRUG STORE I= frIIIE undersigned has opened a Th . ugfitore In New Oxiord, Adams county, and re pectfully calla the Rtten t lon of the public to his stock of PAINTS, 01L+ DYE STUFFS, %I:UN - 1W GLASS. PATENT MEDICINE and a full assortment Of DRUGS; In a word a list-class it of Goods generally kept in a nrst-chuis brug Store. All of whlolt have talon purchased during the Past two a eel., and will be sold low. All the ortic ley formerly mann fartured at the old establishment iu East Ber lin eau be bad here. Ulster landing his Mail uess perfectly, and selecting his goods tinsel f, be is side to warrant his 1/rugs pure unit ns represented. The public are requested Logic° hue a trial. I= New Oxford, May 6, tqr. tt WATCHES I WATCHES!! L zwis ErrnousE Is largely engaged In the Watch trade, and has lust returned nom New York with au mi nimally attractive assortment. He Winn suck bargains as cannot tall to be acceptable to buyer. 111zinock entbnkten /Urge lot of the CEUtBRATED "AMERICAN' WATCHES," COLD AND BTLVER, viz: •'P. R. Barklett," 'Wm. 'Eller:F." and "APple- Wu Traey;"' wlth Y,'LLtohea of: almost „all other Lunkm f yOtt want CHEAP and GOOD Watch, eallorl 1..P.W1S Snit oUSE„ AVMs oil StandtCarlisle nearly opposite the Depot, GettysturfT, Pa. fire-ile continues the Grocery, Nation and Confectionery business, as hen. tolbre. Jobe 24,11 EA. tr NOTICE. ted toe in req d nessted i° iO call it ' r k aVsf i ttle e s n * or bet fore the day of January neat—otherwise their accounts. will ita pistol in the hand. of We °Mawr for collessUon. The book. f.Tll:nd at their old stand, on Gluon bet& borg erect. GFAXJA.OOIII4 fts BRO. Bettipilmint, Stow, 0, Ida. ti NEW BAKERY. • NENAPORT ttr. =EULER. .3 ECHA N ICA L BARRIGH, Sonth Washington street, one sonars from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYABIJEG, Pa. Con stantly on hand, the beat of BREAD, CA4CF.F.JI,B, CAXES h PRZTZFaJa. Persorwr wtsbitit Rinsb *midi ',tit toelierred Zaiii=ealik i rkti# :MU to=.l6;t7ltti," GETTYSBURG, PA., DEC. 25, 1868 = ii 3, 4 56 ,1011 12 13 17 IS 19 t.)O 21 25 26 2i 2S 25 30 31 i FEBRUARY. i s ..; 1 2 3,4, 5 G 7 8 910 11 l'2 13 14 15 16 174519 20, 1 22 23 34:25 26 27 2S ;s .% ...-----,___ 4.1.. A• ,_., ; Lorgest ter”lntive. iep ennui y. ".AI and 11140 U. S. Bonds; alga 14Tolee 131311.A,V8 Bcu.ntsc, II ki.TIMOItE LITTLESTOWN HWING opentsl a New 1311:1111 RT4 - 112E and fitted tt up In the Lest StV/0.,` 1 offer Any stock, of pore and fresh DRl.Nith to the ettlaena of lattlrsnowu and %faulty at the lowest market rates, conrlst log In pert of DRUGS AND FAMILY MEDIULNES, PURE L!QUUP FOR M EDICINAL, IMP° SES, MEDICINEB. I LORHE POWDEIO.4, Bale Crying. A W. PL1.'30111 , 70 continues the bneinese rt.-uremia: CRY! :70, and gaiicit. the con tinned patronage of the Willa. It la his eonstant sialeavor 1 to giro wane ration. gga=tri c iVgte. Ro.niertovin Waft P. £l.—ile la ru bO ease Aveiro Ake Tex Las of United finites: N0v.24,18131 HAY WANTED. - • . . . /PIM untlerdigeed wilt my OH NWCWIV I I Zor=4 IL ket priced Ow Luty . - bagel= " r w"'"'""rt irraragammus. . I =dr ocasin• Sims% MI 6, 11. I NO:* UNK br' Qettysburg Compiler. f3Y ff . I. STAHLE TWO DOLLARS, JOB PitrNTINO, =I Handbills, Posters, Blanks, Business, Wedding and Visiting Cards, Bill and Letter Heads, Checks, &c., •I.• ••11, FANCY CCleitS NEATLY AND CHEAPLY DONE. i • 4' :.•- •,-- ~. ' • A. — A.l. w wx.e • . oc, 1868, DLSIR BLE 1868 NEW GOODS! Yost Errelien/ d soi Imenir ! IfilE , LJ , l . o o r ry v ;1 , 12 1 1 ” 1 ,, 1 1 E e rr .. )8 , U, and aim at do- FA:sil l lONA:JILL?t4UAI)kk UN FINE RILE MGM =3 riHAI*NOF FRENCH tSEIMMIDNI COMMI =I _ IN)pLINei. . . . FRENI•Ii CIIINTZE:4, PRICES. PERCALES AND LAWNs. BLACK SILIL,+, PILELAIN SILKS, PLAID SN ENUMNiEN=M =M WM IMMEZIMISSZI . . IILA , 1: ALL W"uL DELAIN. RWTOII.I sLiAlVir: eAsIiMERE , ALAWys, TIT rriri• 1. , 11.‘wr....; _ .. CLOTHS, CAK-.llllEßati INGS, LIN EN DRILLING, C 4 n7O NA DE, TABLU CDVERA, TABLE LINEN, NAP KINo, TOWEI.s. BAT.monm, SNIRTs, 11+'01' PLAIN LINEN H A_NDE ELIA:111E11N. ENI. lilC F 11(111EFS, 11E11 ciTITUH DKERCH 1..1 , AND (111 LD REN's 01.0‘1 , 1g AND P.TfieKINGS. I ain constantly receiving rise latest styles of Drees+ and Finny uoodi,. My %melt nom prises everything usually found in a first class DRY GOtilim sTintE to which / invite the attention of the public, feeling assured that 1 can safely ehalienge comparison with nil other shirt, in quality of gouda and low near of price. Gettysburg, !any 1,1 1 111. LT NEW FIRM In .li.n• Or/ord, 4dana.r coun?y, Pa. nuin nnalcralltned have Irsaseal the BRICK WAltEditit In New Oxford, where they are carrying cm the tiltAiN AND I . II.OIXCE BIJAINEBS paying the highest prices for Wheat, I!.e Corn, oafs, Clover and Timothy Seeds, D ried Fruits, Swaps, liana, Shoulders and bides, Potatoes, etc. oitock,Blus, of all kinds, ronstant/y On hand and for sale-ruff Sugars, 'tyrant!, 31041.111... Tree, Bpi, es, halt, Cheese, Vinegar, linsans, Buckets, Soaps; Firli of all kinds; ttlsoCoal 011, Flair Oil, Tar, ete ; Spikes and Nails; Smoking and Urea eg ToLeilee:o6, and a t h ou alnd other artleleb—all sold at the low est profits. Also, first-rate Finer and Feed; Plaster, Phosphates, Uennse, Coal, fie. I. r CALLS run to Stevolnwn tt. Botta, North tioward Parrot, Baltimore, even, week, Goods carried Both ways promptly and at low rates. Theluitronsge of the public Is Ev cry t made toplen%e. SI gulf) tex R lIEN'DER. New Oxford, May ly• LUMBER YARD b:1( 0 l "ED Tund. , ,lg., I ham 1 os Ws Lumber k Yard to the north-east corner or ktrat• ton str., , t amt 11-ulroa.l, but Arty Tanis from ',mold locution, where be will be Cad to have all In want of Lumber to call. lifs stock Is larger t Imo eN er berg ore, and constant addalons are being road.. toll. He has WHITE PINE MANIC, INCH AND HALF INCH BOARDS, k.LOoklallo. SCANT LING, PALING,',, all of which will he .nll gt 11 o l owe „, ii r . log rate,. Call arm judge ft , r3..0u11a.1 . , es. My Lumber ls gouti nudvammt foil to give aalia (Action. JACOB t , IIE.II_ , S. sink large lot of reiVl•ll4P IN E 6111 NE/I.ES Ccred ery Uet trrtrt:rg, MnYZ, ISGq. tf '..onpotinil Interest Note.i. GEORGE ARNOLD, Cashier. Oot. 6, ISC.C. MINCE PIES 0 to Nl4 - .1. 51AW1 . TIVA If you want all the ueceasery toseedieoh, for a wood Mince N0v.20. ha. under Ell 35 262'7011'30 31 S'SITWIF 1 2 3, 4. 1 6 6 7 8, 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 22 23 21 25 26,27 28 IN ADVANCE SEPTEMBER. lA, T 71±'111 I -1...1 12 1 3 t 5 6! 7 s 91011 1 1•213111516171S' 19 162142 23 24 25 27!28'29'36-1-••• M T'W!T'FS :t 1 3,6, 7, tt, 9 10 11 12 1:314 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30, NOVE}IBER. 2' 3'41 51 6' I 7' 910 192)3 14'15 16 17 18i19 20 P 2 23 24 25 26 37 1 2A :xl3O . 1 1 1 ISM DEcrantEn. - 1 r 5,6, 7, s 910 11- ,12,13,14 15 16 17 18 ,19 30,21 22,232425 ,26 27 25,2930 31;•••• .GILLESPIE & CO.: Dealers in Flour, Groce Hes, Notions, 5c., GETTYSBURG, PA., NVITE II e altesitlon of the pub-c IL. their large stock of Goals, at the old .laud, 0 fork. street, GllttYPinirgr next door to the Globe Inn, consisting of the Intel of Sugar, Sy )Musses, Cu Rees, Ti•a.,S pleas, 341 t. Se.; the - BERT tiltANDe3 OF FLOUR In the market, with Hama, 81.nalem. Rides Fit11,1.1.41.N1 Frulll.4 Confections, ae. A lau, In great variety: Cedar and Wlllow-xare, Stone and Crock -ware, Baskets, Tobacco., and a thousand and one other articles. BUITF.R ANT) FT.105.1, nice and fresh. always for sale. & Co. win spore no ettort to plenum, and are confident 01 hying able to do so by constantly keeping a full andchoice stock, and.selling at the very lowest proftts.... COUN TRY PRODUCE wanted, either (or thccush or to exchange for goods, highest market price allowed. JONEFTI A. GILLINPIE, DANIEL CASHMAN. June 19,156 a. tf =I GROCERY if; FLOUR STORE. R.E.m0)14./. MEALS & BROTHER AVt removed their Store to the Nein stedt property, on Chambensburk street, wnere they propose to keep constantly on hand • ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, Flour, Feed, Notions, &r. Also, VEGETABLES In season, trodt tram the city and country. They are determined to sell cheep as the cheapest, and Os they on ly ask the Joe's.' Wan /MAW., they hope to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. MEALS & BRO. April 10, Int U THE BEST IN THE WORLD, NEW VOLUME JANCARY IST. Scientific • FOR 1/410. TIE RCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Is the largest, the best, the cheapest, and most Popular Journal in the world, do.• n t d to In vention, Ileelmulcs, res, Arts, Sib nee and Genital Intlustiy, and contains a vnst amount of very interesting and Nalua blo reading matter tor al!clue. s. Among the many important subjects dhe. missed, are Steam and Mechanical Engineer ing la all its biro[ has, Chemistry and all Its varied Processes and Diswveri,,,, Agriculture and all Improved Farm and lion.etedd I In plements, Ai chitocture mid Baddin Mining and Metal Working, Fire-arms, g. lattillat - [tiring, Flydraullm, Railroad Improvements, ri l oTi t e,ii r e " gq - lllT ' a d n t d he Arts, t F :c i ll ' a " t;a '\ ll Vec l t n s, s .Vr ” - Itch* by Able Writers, Practical Norkshop and ousehobl v i e " a ' n e t ' i P t t i * te rueful to an d in,tnp other ( reader, Ewell number contains front ft, r to tongtrig trial Engravings of rr w Maenine, and Pro. eesta.s, nigh an °Mend 11‘t of Pat, lit , granted nt the Pationt Ottloa, with tiames of Patentees, together w ith rut inns and riittorial unit cea hi the pet 11, WM 101 entions. TM' numbers of the SCIL:I , . f irre AMERICAN for one a ear make up two handsome volume-, 01 11, p •ips each, Nil of choice rending ilitviitrati it by hnhdreds .31 SPLENLII ENultA . _ - - - - The NyNC V0)1111/1' bores,January Int. Therefore now le the tone to semi in Subnrrh p. [(owl to begin the Volume 'lt Int., 'l he NNTIERI AMERICAN in Issued evcry week In is Jorge quarto pag, at 5.; u } S.l .9; fir six months; Clubs of ten UM., or tape anis $2 feiese h per annum. Specimen Numbers bent fi re. MUNN & ccl., Publishers, 37 Park How, New York. , The Publ,la of the ,4CIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 1, more Loan twenty-three Years, hale been the leading Soli, I for,, of American and European Patents, an , l hat e prosecuted over thirty thoueand apph.dions at the Patent Office, An 111o , druted Pamphlet of 110 pages, containing the Patent Lora and Inforinallon to In) eutors, sent free. - Dec.ll, leak LAST NOTICE LL pereonq Indebted to the late firm of Dit:ll T. will pleo, call tool settle. If net 1141.1 Leforotho Ist of Iteexmber, the lloolui 11111 be left In the hands of en OM eer for oolleettein,Witbout resoird to perssonl3l...e. IILeCU Oct. 11. INI7. tt lIDY VIE HOUSE PAINTING. GSORGE d. WARNICR, MUSS P.AINTEIZ, South Washington at., Gettysburg, Ps. GOOD WORK AND MODERATE PRICES July 21. Mt. WESTERN LANDS. HAVE some valuable WINTERN LAADQI. whirl I grill trade for one or mare FARM* thl=Zhe lands aro woUlocraed, and COMPILER At OTIST g 1 4 I , 1. 0.7 M= CTOBER. DZIMEEM NOTION 9 T H E anter ? ;ca,n CIIIEJUITNAS ICAISOL., Little children, elm you tell Do YOU know the story well, Evel7 girl end even• Loy, Why LI/o*nel. glut ror Joy, On the ClirMines morning' Yes. we know the story well, I.lmten, now,onel hear us t. Ii— Every girl nn,t e, Cry boy, W..) the nrigas sing for Joy. (hi the chrisimas too. slog. Shepherds sat upon the ground, Fleecy flocks were pe.d loud round, When the brightness tilled the sky And it song wee henol on high, On the Christmas morning. "Joy and peace," the angels FaMt. Far the ploalbant 001000 rang, "Peace on earth, to men good snit Hark! the angel. sing It sUll, On the Christmas snort:dui. For a Mae bate that day, Christ, the Lord of augelm, lay, Born on earth our Lord to be, This the wondering angels nee On the Christmas morning. Let us sing the angel's snug, And the pleasant eounds prolong, This MB babe of Bethlehem Children loves and blesses theft On this Christmas ening. 11033 Hark! NVIIIIt. IIiCSIAI Owed hby valet*, il) suitutilug through the ski Lui tli sutzelle bust rtdolcuis, Ileav'uly hallelujahs rise. listen to the wondrous story. Which they chant in hymns of Joy "Glory In the blithest, story! Glory be to God moot high I "Peace ou earth, good will from heav'n, Root hing tar as men to found Souls redeetu'd, and slits torgtv..n, Loud our golden harps shall sound. t " Christ le born, the great Anointed, /leaven and earth Ills probe. slog 1 0 receive whom God appointed For yonr Prophet., Pelts!, and 1.:114 I "Hasten, mortals, to Wore !Attu his ohne, and taste Hie Joy, Till In Heaven ye slog before Him, Olory be to clod main " TUE EDVCATION OF GIOIA. Attend as much to neatness as you do to economy. Accustom girls nev er to suffer anything about them to be unclean or in disorder; lead them to notice the slightest derangement in a house; show to them that nothing contributes more to neatness and econ omy than keeping things In their proper place. Tills inlay seem trifling, yet it Iwids to very important conse quences ; for then, when anything is wanted, there is no ditllculty in find ing it; and when It Is done with, it will be returned to the place it was ta ken from. This exact order forms the most essential part of neatness. For instance, a dish will not get broken or .soiled if it is put in its pmper place ae coon as it has been used. The careful ness which makes us place things in order, makes us keep them clean.— Joined to all these advantages is that of giving to domestics a habit of neat ness anal activity, by obliging them to place things in order, and keep them clean. DEFISITIONI OF BIBLE TEEM A day's journey was thirty-threemid one,fittll A Sabbach day's Journey was about an English mile. • Ezekiel's reed was eleven feet, near- A cubit is twenty•two inches, nearly. A hand's breadth is equal to three and five-eighths inches. A finger's breadth Is equal to one Inch. - A Sbeckel of silver waa about fifty IBM A Sheckel of gold was $8 09. A talent of silver was $538 3.3. A talent of gold was $13,800. A piece of silver, or a penny, w thirteen cents. A farthing was three cents. A gerah was No cent. A mite was one ecnt. A homer eofitallmi seventy-five gal• loos and five pints. ; • - A neptia, or bath„contaitta seven gallons and five pints. bin was cote gallon and two pints. A firkin was seven pints. .Au outer wan six pints. A cab was three pints. TOBACCO--•BY A &BALL BOY Tobacco grows something like cab bage, but I never saw none of it boiled', although I have eaten boiled cabbage and vinegar on It, and I have heard men say that cigars given to them on election day for nothing, was cabbage lefties. Tobacco stores are mostly kept by wooden Injuns, who stand at the door and try to fool little boys by of fering them a bunch of cigars which is glued into the Injun's hands and is made of wood also. Hogs do not like tobacco; neither do I. I tried to smoke a cigar once, and it made me feel like Epsom salts. Tobacco was invented by a man named Walter Raleigh. When the people first saw him smoking they thought he was a steamboat, and as they had never seen a steamboat, they were frightened. My sister Nancy is a girl ; I don't know whether •he likes tobacco or not.— There is a young Man named Leroy who comes to see her. I guess she likes Leroy. He was standing on the steps one night, and he had a cigar In his mouth, and he said hedidn't know as she would like it, and shesald, "Le roy, the perfume is agreeable." But the next morning as my big brothel Tom lighted his pipe, Nancy said, "Get out of the house, you horrid creature, the smell of tobacco makes me sick." Sniff Is Tejon meal made out of tobac- co. I took a little snuff once, and then I sneezed. THE BOY'S DEB4IIIP'fIOS I'll tell you how it was. You see Bill and me was down to the dam—ex• cuse—catching fish, though we didn't catch any; I got one bite, and 8111 told me to scratch, but I didn't• Well, I felt in my pocket and found my knife and It was gone, and I said, Bill, you stole my kite, and he said I was another, and I said go there yourself, and he said it was co etch a thing, and I said he was a 'far, and could whip him If I was bigger'n bim, and he said he'd rock me losleep, tuother,and I said he was a bigger one, and he said he never had the measles, and I said for him io fork over that knife, and he couldn't see•the fork, and I said I'd 1x him fora toombstone at Robertson's, and he said my grandmother was uo gentleman, and I said he dersent take it up, but he did, you bet, you never— well, you never did—then I got up again, and aid twfWartoo much afraid to do It win, and he tried to, but he didn't, and I rocked him and throwed 51st Year- 7 40. 13 him down on top of me like several brick, and I tell you it beat all—and so did he, and my little dog got behind 13111 and bit him, and Bill kicked at thn dog, and the dog ran, and I ran af ter the dog to fetch him hack, and didn't catch him till I got clear home, ami I'll whip him more yet, Ir my eye very Muck A RINUULAR ADVENTURE. Once upon a time a traveler stetted Into a stage-coach. He was a young man starting in life. He found six passengers about him, all gray heeded and extremely aged men. The young est appeared to have seen at least eighty winters. Our young traveler, struck with the singularly mild and happy aspect which distinguished all his fellow•passengers, determined to ascertain the secret of long life and art of making old age comfortable. He addressed the one apparently the oldest, who told him he had always led a regular and abstemious life, eat ing-vegetables arid drinking writer.. The young man was rather daunted at this, inasmuch-as he liked the good things of this life. He addressed the second, who astonished him by saying be had always eaten roast beef and gone to bed regularly fuddled for the last sev enty years, adding, all depended on regularity. The third had prolonged hi■ days by never seeking or accept ing °fare; the fourth by resolutely ab staining from all political and relig ious controversies; and the fifth by going to bed at sunset and rising at dawn. The sixth was apparently much younger titan theother five—his hair was less gray and there was more of it—a placid smile, denoting a per fectly easy conscience, mantled his face, ■nd his voice was Jocund and stmts. They were all surprised to learn that he was by ten years the oldest man In the coach. "How is it that yon have'preserved the freshm lc of life?" exclaimed our young trsveier. The old gentleman Immediately an swer( d the young traveler by saylng-•- "I have drunk water and wine—l have eaten meat and vegetables—l hate dabbled in politics and written religious pamphlets—l have, some times gone to bed at midnight; and get up at sunrise, Junket noon ;" he then, fixing , his eyes Intently upon the young man, concluded with this remark, "but I always pay promptly for my newspapers I" Then the other old men also chimed In with—"Of course, we always pay promptly, and is advance, for our newspapers. No man deserves long life who does not do this." Then the young MILLI resolved that he also would render himself descry iug of long life—and immediately sub scribed for five newspapers, paying for them all In advance. He ie /itiallyci! Reader—go thou and do likewise! THiRE are some people always look lug out for slights. They cannot pay a visit, they cannot receive a frier t. they cannot carry on 'the daily inter course of the family, without suspect ing that some offence le designed,— They are as touchy as hair-triggers, U they meet au acquaintance In the street who happens to be pre-occupied with business, they attribute his ab straction to some motive personal to themselves, and take umbrage accor dingly. They lay on others the fault of their own Irritability. A tit of In digestion makes them see pertinence In everybody they corn in contact with. Innocent persons, who never dreamed of giving offence, are aston ished to find some unfortunate word or some momentary taciturnity mistaken for an Insult. VOLCANO4I3 IN THE MOrm.—Protes sof Winlock, of Harvard University, reports that lie Las seen a volcano In active eruption In the moon during the eights of December Ist and 2d.— During the past year astronomers have differed in opinion as to the dis appearance of the crater Llnnteus, marked on the beet chart* of the moon's surface till It6B. The destruction of this crater, if it should be the case, is stated to in the amt evidence of actu ally observed changes going on at the surfrosi of the moon.—TheoLstervaticips of Profeisor Winlock would seem 'to confirm the conclusions of other as tronomerson thissubject. The foreign journals announce that Professor J. H, Madler, of Bonn, who is celebrated on account of the moon charts prepared by himself, has written a letter ou the subject. Mailer has been for many years nearly blind, but the disappear anceof thecraterLinnieus interests hint as well us other emlneat astronomers. A YOUNG la.ly noted for her affected manners, recently entered the show room of a fashionable milliner, with whom her faintly were acquainted, for the purpose of making some trilling purchases. On being asked how her mother was, she replied— " She is not very well." "Ala I what Is the matter with her:" "She feld down stairs sad hurt her eourtery bender." "Her watt?" "Her courtesy bender." "Courtesy bender' - What la that?" Inquired the milliner. - "Why, her knee," wan the reply A COLORED firm in Newark, New Jersey, havingsutrered some pecuniary embarrassments, recently ulosed busi ness, and the senior member gave -to the pubklo the following notice:—"De disholulion of co-parnips heretofore re• elating twixt me and Moses Jones hide barber profession, am heretofore re solved. Piissons who oes must pay de scriber : Dem What de firm cies must call on Jones, as de firm is involved." A HORTICULTURIST advertised that ho would supply all suns of fruit trees and plants, especially pie plants of all kinds. A gentleman thereupon sent him an order for oue package of cus tard pie seed and a dozen mince pie plauta. A PARIg eccentric advertised that he was gouty, of a violent temper, and terribly quarrelsome, but that he would settle twenty thousand dollars a year on a young and handsome wife. He received forty.sli applica tions and ie uow married. Lroxs, Michigan, has a hundred acres of peppermint under cultivation, and has made this year a thousand pounds of puro oil, worth }8 petuid. pru:a nritiosest. A good Joke Is told of a proothei Nebraska, who dined with a Just before afternoon services. Ai Plloned, t 4 1s Mend oecaelonalty ' neared in a mile of the silent, sorrietlmes carried a morocco flask in hie overcoat poottet. By Mistake the minister took friend's overeoat,for his own ou departure; and wal4ng into, the pit, began.lhe exerefsee without tiairthe garment, it being rather ly in the room. Looking very ministerially over congregation from behind hiss! cies, he began drawing from his et, as he supposed, his hymn 1 with the Introductory remark that congregation would' sing from ticular page which ho had select forehand. The ritlnl.ter held the eu hook up lu full sight of the mow:. lion, and attempted to open It sl ays, but it wits uo go. The alluatlou was realised fu a meta, but, alas! too late. ithireverenqe was dunabfou' audlenco 0;1;1(41, and the whole was write ludicrous by a fellow In back part of the congregation, altogether too sober, who drawled 'Say, Water, kin we all 411 o) Pas that ar' hymn?" 1:171123 A few years ago, there lived in town of -, it eon of Judge whom we will call Joe, who frequi ly imbibed more than he could cc tunably carry. There also resided the IlalgilbarilOati a planter nan W., who kept a saloon, Now W. great practical joker/ On one stun Joe came into W'e. saloon, rather early in the morning got much Intoxicated, and finally aeleepja his chair. Joe was very near-sighted, and ways wore specs. After he had el some time, \V. took his specs, lilac the glasses, put thorn back age lighted the lamps, and then ew Joe, telling him it was about O'clock at 91ght and he wanted to up. Jbe started, and remarked Li he had slept shine time. %V. then sal "Joo, IL Is very dark, and it y will tiring It back again I will it you a lantern." W. ligitivd a lantern, gave It to and helped Ithn up Blair,. doe w (dr home (up the wain baaloess stro In the middle of the day, with his L tern, everybody looking at hint wondering %alai, was the wailer, A Isrm Nom: OF THIEF CATCIII —Traveling In the West some Iva since, I stopped for a few days at little city of Wilmington, Illin about fifty nano south of Chicago, the Alton Iteitoad. Just before arrived there, a burglary woe comm led, by which a lumber dealer Hato Couvnl lost about Sale, tekon from desk in his house in n veryjnysterlot manner Cenral is a keen-e! Frenchman, and after a few days close observation In a quiet manner concluded there was just reason suspect a men by the name of Tonal son, who had recently been in in !less with him, who ktrbw emend of Ulm affairs, and was familiar wt the different apartments of his sit ling. He felt sure of the man. Saturday night, after the burglary, went to the cemetery, situated abou mile from the city, and dug a grave a conspicuous place. Early Sun(' morning he called in a friendly I on Mr. T., and Invited him to tel walk on the river a short-distanci see a lot -of lumber pretended to I been purChased by him,- and lyln that direction. They started of gather, and on their way , through- the cemetery.. When reached the newly made gra which the Frenchman took c should be nen on their way—Me. Inquired or htm what It meant, and whom it watt dug. When drawln; revolver, he replied: "It means you ; you must be bury dare If shall nbegell me where my 11301111C4 The rascal, taken by surprise, scam knew what to say or do. He, howl er, mustered courage to deny the lc glary and assert his innocence. the Freedioann had Judged him gt ty, paired sentence upon him, f swore he would execute it unless crime was confessed and the moo restored. "Now you pray one ml ute." The victim confessed. A Goon &tor? is told on one Ha cock, a scalawag Judge in Miselselpi He had been endeavoring to convert conservative negro, and failing, ew' that any nigger who would co. against his own race and cotor outgo to be hung. Samba; hung his head for a moment, as if in deep meditation, and then looking the Judge straight in the face, add "You say a nigger who votes agin his own race and color ought to he hung?" "Yes," said the Judge, "Ire ought to be h4Ng•" - "Welloi.rdge," said Elarnbm'"wpair do you think ought trt be done wid de white man who votes.,agin hie_ awn race and eater?" The Judge bid his sable friend goon night and has never invited him to his huusemince. CAUG LIT TIM LITTLii CUSS. —A teacher lu one of the Printery schools at Brookfield, lowa, the other day, found milting his list of Juvonllea•one who was constantly engaged In souse mischief, and at the same time WWI given to swearing. Having uttered an oath, lu violation of the teacher's rules, he ordord the aforesaid Juvenile to take his place In one corner of the old rickey school house, and plaoing an old-fashion pair of iron-tongs in his hand, ordered bim to watch a hole in the door until he Should catch A MOUNi, supposing this would be a great punishment. The little urchin, gazed,steadily at the aperature, while the teacher, with hiellitee turned from him, was engaged with other scholars. At last he beard the old tongs go bang. He turned his eyes quickly upon the youth, who, with his coon tenance beaming with excitement, exclaimed, "Teacher, I!Ve got the Ht. tie cuss," and truo enough he had Mister Mouse fast by the head. A MAIDEN• in company, the other evening, alluding to youth ful smartness, sold that at Ida months old she went alone. A malicious wag present remarked, "Yes, and you have been going elope ever sintaT A LITTLE four-year old, striving to impress his sister with the vast quan• City of something he would give her, said, "Turn the sky over and I will till tt full.', SOME one has maculated that the people or the United States spend an nually (or tobicco and cigars nearly enough menez . topay the Interest on We National Debt. BRIGHAM Yocum le the third largest depositor in the, Bank of England. 113