i 11 CI , e llitztuins it3Al Soulkupins. ODDS Alt D'ISNDS. • C hang —the Old Year. Coming—the Holidays. 14 Delighted—the children at the H - near approach of Christmas. r_Scurvic—Greenbseks, bottnr and -BodiceJo who don't want office. What profane persons should bas ilica to do—swear off. The gayest smilers are often the , 4 saddest weepers. Pride inereaseth our enemies, Mit • is putteth our friends to flight. Troubles are like babies; they !s grow bigger by nursing. —William B. Astor Is said to be worth $90,000,000. New York has two thousand slx Q hundred policemen. Mr. James E. Murdock has been ,f giving dramatic readings at 011 City. There are HO secret political po• le Barmen in Paris. Corn sells In Denton, Texas, at 10 al ceute a bushel. rt The oil wells In Barren county, dkailentuCky, are said to be yielding well. Awn, rept I re genius proposer ant- 4 -braille with a gutter and spout. 0, —lock of ants, ten miles in width, recently crossed Shasta Valley, call omia. A New York church propose* to hare a full band, string and braes, In the ptice of an organ. Most of the shadows Ulster*s our st path through life are caused by our lug In our own light. o Orant says that If any one knows 1 -who Is going Into his cabinet they hive an advantage over him. - j i Washington owned at the timeof if making his will, 63,878 acres of land, In six States. - - 'd A Londoner advertises for a , 'hatiiited house,' for which he will . pay *good pries if thegheat is lively. In Connecticut, recently, a man . paid an election bet by standing on his *bead for fifteen minutes. • 4 - A western egg dealer sells his cora -1 fluidity by size, pushing the eggs through hole. In a board as a test, A three million Catholic cathe dral 1 . 4 beinit'built in Canton, China, • and anotter in Pekin. ' • • . --Hartford is going to have o Ore „ elan bend ball, with a premium of ten it dollars for the largest bend. A movement Is on foot to astablleb " a rolling nil!l and nail factory at Rome, lr d Ga. A stove foundry Is also to be ai d tabllthed tt Traveieni any railway traveling is slower and less comfortable in Italy ! than anywhere else la the world. A machine bas been Invented In u New England which embosses and d cuts two hundred thousand paper ool lass In ten hours. Mrs. Beecher Stowe told her Flor tda•lrlende that she %kilted to write one more book to do Justice to the peo ptcrof the South. —On the first of January the La Crave Democrat will cease to exist, and lu its pions will be manned the New York Democrat. - A grubbing machine is one of the latent Inventions.- A machine for sup plying - grub would be rather an accept able Invention these high-priced times. If a man has got any religion worth having, he will do his duty and not make a fume about It. It la the emp ty kettle that rattles. —lf you would be pungent, be brief;. for it is with words,as with sun beams—the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn. Miss Major Pauline Cushman, alias Miss Harriet Ward, the noted Union spy during the rebellion, was arrested lately in New York for the larceny of forty-one dollars. She was committed. There lea difference between hap piness and wisdom—he that thinks himself the happiest man really la so, but he that thinks himself the wisest man is moat generally found to be the biggest fool. In Tennessee they have organised a "Confederate Soldiers' Asnociatkm" for the purpose of buying artifielsl limbs for the maimed, at wholesale prices. Fox Hunting has begun In Eng laud-and already one Lord end two or three gentlemen have ridden Into eter nity over a fence that wawa few lochee too high A Washington couple having the misfortune to lose a child, and wishing to cor.vey the body to Baltimore, eva ded the express charges by dressing lid in its usual clothing and took In between them on the oars. The other day thirteen head of cattle were killed by grazing in a corn field near Melrose,_ Wisconsin, in which several runt:tears had been left. The costumes of the ladies who onenitde Broadway now surpass wee of the theatre in gorgeousness. ich brilliancy in colors was never tore witnessed in the arena of thion. All the Congremmen elect from idiana, including Julian and Moor sees, have received their, certificates of election. OUB . WILZAT CROPS Or 1867 AND 1866.—A recent not* from Mr. J. B. of the Department of AgrtcuM Washington. to the (beattry Geo. kenos, contains the following inter- eg statements: TheOetober month report wilt not show more than throe r cent. increase over 11367, in the Wheat Prop of this year. With our present papulatkm and the marvelous increase of wheat production no the Pacific mast, we should make two hundred and sixty millions of bushels, but we shall full at least forty millions thert of It, after counting from twen ty-Ave to thirty millions for the Pacific States aid the Territories. To have full supplies, we should have at least lee bushels per capita for consump lon, as follows : v 41,000,000 people, 6 bushels each, 190,0‘0,000 • seeding 20,000,000aerea,--.-... $0,003,000 plea for exportation, waste, tom WONDER OF MODERN engin/b. VF,—About 100 tone of guano from übrera, in the Weht Indies, was re- Ted at Southampton, last week, Birmingham, to assist in the man- Iture of Lucifer matches. Mixed sulphuric acid, this guano is con- _ 7uto an excellent manure. If, stead of being - made Into manure, the osishorle acid is extracted from It, extract is made to form the 'gutting Arts of Lucifer matches. Thus mine material that rakes the,fc‘d man and beast, lights the cigar. It lids up the hay-rick and wheat ' and helps to form the lustru with which the Incendiary burns i town. Wealthy fanners, and it Arabs, who sell half-penny boxes niter matches, are often depend the-excretions of sea-birds who it a &sett rook In the Wait In •ss. JOB PRINTING. TILE GETTYSBURG OOP/FILER OFFICE la new one ogling most templet* Job Printing Eatablishments In Pennsylvania *Waldo of Pbiladelpida. Withthabest machinery Wbehad—sPOlTEß DRUM CYLINDER POWER PRESS,. DOR- DON imams, a NONTNII NAND PRIM *O. —and the noires/ mid most Onahlonablo styles of types and borders, with gooey inks and We different bronzes, we aannot hall to Bawdy every taste. Titus amply supplied, besides having good workmen, we confidently invite ob. of all k ludo— rosters, Handbills, Programases, Circulars, legal Blanks, .42ites, Cheek', Orders, 27111- .ffeads, Letter-Head", 22 urines: Cards, Ball Card:, Wedding Cardi, "Ple-.Pie laritatiolu Leetarre Pawl*, Labels, ,be., .te Indeed, everything entering Into the pritit- Ind line. All done with dispatch, and at res. sonable prices. Orden by man will receive prompt Mitten Uon. Acktrese, H. J. STAHLE, COYPU.= Orrics, Cherrrescrao. PA. July Sl,lBBB. LUMBER YARD I? R.VO rEv MOM undorelg.ml Wm removed his Lumber I Yerd to the north-met corner of Meat ton street end Me Railroad. but any yards from his old locatioe, where be will be Out to have all In want a Lumber to call. His stock is larger than ever before, and conetant additions are being made to It, He Ms WHITE PINE PLANK. INCH AND HALF INCH HOARDS, FLOORING SCANT LINO, PALINGS, •C., Ac.. Ake.. all of which wlll be gold at the lowest 11.- tag rate.. (h al and judge for yourselves. My Lumber la good sad cannot fall to glee malls fiction. JACOB SNEAD& ,itA lame lot of - RIVEN PINE NEINOLEES for sale 'eery cheap. Gettysburg. May s, 1/18110 tt DR. JAMES CRESS, DRUGGIST, GROCERIES, 'Whidbey 801,04 Morsases, Syrups, Tesa, Spices, Tobacco, tia Havaa,ftoul, ALo.QI7EENSWARS, °CONFECTIONS, Nut., Frutripe Fancy Articles and No- Hone gene . We will also keep on band FLOUR and MED-STUFF& Having pore/lased- for CASH... are pre pared eosin very cheap. Olve sea call and ledge ler yourselves. JOHN CEIDIR. J. W. CRESS. DRUGS AND FAMILY MEDICINES, PUREI Se p t tf MGM IN BRAWN BUILDING - , BALTINONNNL LITTLESTOWN. th HA 4 =pene a New DRUG STORE It " p In the best style, I oaks my Mock of pure and fresh DRUGS to the eithiumis of Ultlestown and vicinity at the lows{ market rates, eonalstbsi In part of LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PUMP°. 8113. PATENT MEDICINES HORSE POWDERS, Pure Spiogs, Dyes and Drug Staga, Perfum ery, Toilet Soaps And Fancy Articles. Al MI assortment of Brushes, Stallonory otall ki.nda, agiare,Tobsam and Snuff. Electro-liagnetto Soap will wash with bard or mat water, cold or warm. Clotting washed with this map are made beautifully white without boiling or blueing. This fa the best Soon in use, TrY It, It Is warranted not to Miura the hands or labrio. JAMES CRESS. Llitlestown, May lb, iBElt. ly I''' :. DESIRABLE 1 ;' ' ; NEW GOODS! Arm , Excellent atesorinteeu's T SELL for very mall . profits, and elm at do ktlaleae.,3l=l72l73 * OP VINE BILE MZZI ==l 7411311ONARUC I=XMM .81!ADEM OF ; ALPACA =M _ . POPLINiI CHINTZEILPERCALID3 AND LAMINA BLACK SILICA PLAIN BILKS, PLAID PLAIN SWD3S MUSLINS,_ JACONEr MVSUNS, CANBRICS. BLACK ALPACA, COLORED ALPACA, SLACK ALL WOOL DELAIN. RISTORI SHAWLS. CASHMERE SHAW!" SEIB= BRAN. CLOTHS; CASSIIMEEES, C W LOAKING/3, LIN DRILLING EN , GOT TONAD TABLE DOYENS, TABLE LINEN, E. NAP KINS. TOWELS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS. PLAIN LINEN H AND X, EM BROIDERED HANDEER(IMEPS HEM STITCHED RANDKERCRVEN MENR, LADIVP. MDMIOP AND MD. REHM ()LOVES AND STO=INOB. I im oxistantly receiving the latest styles of Draw end FpneY Ocrola My stock tcori prime everything tunt W l i t found In • ring. class DRY GOODS BTO to which I ylie the attehtlon of the pub e, Iselin scoured that I can solely challenge sompsrlion with all other stores lu quality of gaols sad low. nese of prim J. L. BealteX. Gettysburg, May 1,1818. tt GROCERY & FLOUR STORE. NEMO YAL - HEALS I BROTHER vv AVE ressOved theb Blom to the MID- I" audit prvputr, au arustrembiug rinet, where they propose to keep coostantl7 head ALL KINENI OF GROCERIES, Peter, I4ed, Notions, he. AM, V11:4311TABLINI In emmon, heat from twill ty and country. They nee determined to s sheep an the clesspeet, and as the gele ly ask the lowest het pendia,they to merit end mode. a Mond share et pub lestroespe IMAM • IMO. Aped 111, IN& II Honorer Branch Railroad. nig end after MONDAY, Dom 104 MO, pa.- tl=frilVerverskt.lr —" Bc--"' • • • • Flßarnum wUtleave Hanover nt. SAO A. M. with peallengeri for York ,Baltimore. liar riannri. and as North and Wert This train ailivas at the lunation at MAO A. IL. Gan ntiating with the Fast Lina Booth, en the Northern Central Railway, which arrive. at Baltimore at LIAO P. M., iusd abro with the Mali Train MSS P North, which arrived. Harriaberg at . hi. Sir - This train returns to Hanover at 11.59 P. M., and ►rrlvea at Liettystvark at 1246 P. M. HE(X)ND TRAIN Leaves Hanover at 2.45 P. M., and arrives at the Junction at MO P. IL, connecting with the Mall Train Mouth, which arrives at Baltimore at 6.33 P. M. Passengsru by this train for York lay over at the Junction until 6.11 P. M. 41P•Thni iVain return. to Hanover at 4.45 P. 11., with inwannorn kw Hanover, and Uniontown. . . Pasweagers Waving Baltimore for Hanover, Gettysburg sag Lattlastown, WIU take either the MOM Trilln at EDO A. Y. or [Belem*. Line at 12,10 P. M. JOISEPII LEIB, Agent. Dec. 11). MIL tf HOUSE PAINTING 410,C00,0130 GRORGE 4. WARNYR, HOUSE PAIXTER, South Washington •t., Week/MAIM Pa. GOOD WORE AND MODERATE PRICES July M. OW 11. 8. BOND. fp BE Natioaal Bank of Oettrabag 1, trill Ftzst, cot 641 sad 10-19 U. a Banda; also 746 aad Cain paaad Marra Maas. Oct. 0. Idea 01110 ROIL ARNOLD, Oachter. 1.1 LAST NOTICE. A LL persons Indebted to the late firm of A HoCURDY a. DIEHL will plasm call and meths If not mid diametee he of Denessber, the Books will be left in the bands of an oM oer for eollection, withoutretard to pennons. IiLeCURDY t DiSIiL Oat- U. DAL If MINCE PIES. k ,r, o to WM. MARTIN'S If you suntan the necessary Ingredients for agood Min Nov. W, HAY WANTED waideralased will pay the hiettieet man ' pekes HAY. laquireet Opew WWW eilwee agel4ls 1 1 17 iik U n I: fiITRICKHOUSER. Nov. 110, MA II THE GETTYSBURG COMPILER, FRIDAY MORSING, DECEMBER 18, 1868. LET ALL !'HE PEOPLE COE.! Aviv Goods .1. Competioturry store. frlEundersigned, having bought out J. L Warner V' Fancy Goods and Conner tionery Store. on Baltimore street. nearly op. Melte Fahnestocks' store, Gettysburg . In viler the publir's patronage. Large and wale/tit se the stock has been, no effort sill be spared to render it Kin more attractive and desira ble. Re new offer. Writing Desks, Plain Candy, Work Boxes, Fancy do., PeetSoldoe, Pickle., °W Pocketooks. alarelnee, Lobsters. China Toys, Chow-Moe. Forget Cutlery, Fancy Oakes. Jewelry, Fermis Crneken, Wine Eiseulte, =tea, Musroon do, Perfumery, Fire Works, Seam, Pens at Pencils, Combs, Writing Paper., Fruits, Envoi° Note, Tohisma P nagius, 137ru 4'00 NUMEROUS TO or gENllol.e." Be intends to sell everything at the lowest possible prima, bettering that 'Small prollw. , bring "quick sales." and are therefore best for buyer and miler. Come one—come all I A. R. FEISTEL. March 27,1,118. If CHEAP FOR CASH I NEWSTOILE! OItOCERIFIS, LIQUORS, &C. * Ass undersigned Into retuned to Gettysburg, and opened a neer :Store, On Baltlmlre street, next door to the Poet °Moe, sun* nearly op pestle the Court House, where be offers for sale, CHEAP Pult C. 11.111, a large and choke assortment of Grooerles,— SUGAILN, OOFFE.ISI, TEAS, MOLAitliiltlil iSYRUPS, SALT, - &C., with FISH, WINES, BRANDILR, GINS WHISKIES, Haw., and everything else In the line. Mao, waLlty.uttlty of Nottotug, to salt any sad ev Recollec ery t this le the yhtee to buy CHEAP FOR CASH. GEO. F. R.A.LBFLEISCH. April 7e, IFR. FARMERS!!! TRY THE ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE! TT la composed prbtelpally of the celebrated Guano Item ALTA VELA. Oontainz three per vent. of AMMONIA, an ample quantity to give activity (without in jury) tu the vegetation, and a large quantity oral:dahlia BONE PHOSPEIATE OF LIME, together with Potash, and hods, the erentlal elements of a . • . COMPLETE MANURE. The high ceUniutton In which It Is held by the many thousand harmers who Ire using it In preference to WI other kinds, Is n sure guentathe a Its value. PRICE .011.00 PICIS TON OF 10 BAOO, Sena 6or. pourophlot. Address TUE ALTA. VICLA (*UMW OD., 57 Broadway, New York July 114, 111 l ly BARGAINS NEW CIROOMMVI" JOHN CRESS 4 SON , IVIC opened • new GROMRY, In Get tysburg, on the orth-west earner of the Gssare, •ond bess a hmt remised • splendid eamortaneut of P rn w Tii: 4TME imbued ber• havrJust returned from the I. einem with ea humerus supply of HARDWARE A GRCKWRIEB, which they are oderlop at their old stand In Baltimore etreetott prams to salt the Boma Oar Mock consists in part of BUILDING MATERIALS suarzirrawn Tobut, BLACKSMITH TOOLS, EACH FINDINGS, SHOE FINDING/1, CABINET MAKER'S TOOLM HOUSEKERPEWS rixh7rm, ALL ICINDS or IRON, se., GROOMERS OF A LL KIN OEM. MINTS, ate., de. There Is no article included in the several departments mentkined above but whit can' be at this shoe. Every4l.•• of Meehan- Ica ean be accommodated here with thugs anti findings, and Housekeepers can And every ar tlde In their line. Give us a call, as we are prepared sell as low for sash as auy house f thi ty. JO= R. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER, Gettysburg, May 15, MIL CARRIAGE- MAKING BUSINESS. ► I tHE undersign have remind Dee Car 1. aeloesa AT R OLD STAND. Is Mug Midair tired, Gateleery, Pa., when they an •prepared to pot op work in the roost tsaltlanohle, antotanUal Mel super ior manner. ♦ lea of new and setond-pond C ARI lAOII3, IlUG(11/21,-MC, off 8/1711M, which they win dawdle Mat e lowest pram.; sad all °edam will tat supplied th se promptly aad mathalatelortly as postdate. REPAIRING DONE WITH DESPATCH, A bulge luL Zocan;o7 Gni - 44 HARMERS on Misdeal tiro liberal patrons". hereto &we enjoyed b y thou. they solicit sad vW ltsiboarrer todiservo a lame olutrida limitation,. DANNER Ik July 111, tes. U CABINET-MAKING. 11/04 IL StMaar, HAVING locatol in the town of NSW OX FORD. Adams mon% will awry on bro'minas of Cobloot-making, In all Ito nchs. kept on band and made to order. He wth also keep for We a choke sweetmeat et C II A I R S. He invitee the citizens of the town and surrounding country to give him a nail, se he ;will mil as low as can be perrnared at any other place. He will guarantee his welt to be made sp in the best manner, and of good materials. New Oxford, Jan. 31, INK it TO THI BUILDING COINUNITIP, WHO WISII TO DIPBOVE. TlipLtr=e..itr=tiVrasan'w the CARPENTERING BUSINMI, at his old stand,_ on West street, Gettysburg, and Is ready Mall Maass Peacoatisodate those wan ugunythlngelnoe In his Pug Reis pie pared to furnish all kinds or work for building purpues„ iiIS bast material, and am neaGy and ensselY as It ran bedone at any other es tabliahment In Use rerinly. Expertimeed hands always la readiceas sad work ezisented with gorptaess cad d Posted tor past Prop, he bow by atten tion to bestow, to rouelve a liberal share of public patronage. WM. CHRITZMAN. Jane 17, 1•17. GREEN RIDGE STORE. rrar, undersigned has opened a (MOLEST AND NOTION Brom at Green Midge, Harmon township, Adams a:minty, (Hew Er's old stand.) on the (Sullen, Tarnptke,to whksh he invites the attention of the 'owe generally. HD stock oansists cd SLIGAM_COEFIGN, TZ , A19 11, , STRUM IMOLA Fa API ESSENCES, OI MEDICINES; MEWS AND WOMEN'EIiOSE. it GLOVES. SIIVENDELEEE TIES, ounrENDEBS, HAISDRERCHIERS BUTTONS, THREADS, BRUSHES, :E. ttc., ctc... In short, lb run smotortment of everything usu ally found In a dna-dues store of the kind.— His stook all) sdwaya be toaad fresh sad ball. and his prices among the very lowest. No eltort spared to please all who may patrotdze him. April N. ROL ty SOLDIERS' DISCHLROEE. TT/LYING premed Pia Doeket, la am mooted to EEO RDDOLDINEW' DJri- CHARQOI, to amemiatiee Isith a meant AM of the LeglaMtare Fortmaylvania. Boldbetto are =aliened against delay la this matter. Y. L. EIOLTZWOWITI, Jane Me Register it Hatratder at Admits county. (IL ASS-WARE—TumbLeds, Maks, &e.—ii Ur good smortment, v=im, at LEI SOIL BACON, LARD. &C. Also, Liquors,— IN OrITYISBIIILG. sad at cheapest attest FURNITURE AND ALL OTHEEB I= L K, ISIA, & & CONSTITUTION BITTERS TM: BE6r TONIC AND STRENOThIM BITTERS IN USE. Alss. s moat &BOUM and exhilarating JULDICIXAL BKVELEIACiE. A wine item full of Wools s x UTION BITTERS three Wars a day, will be the beet preven tive of dbeesee that can be limed. CONSTITUTION BITTERS Dyspepria, liedigoesekft, Chrthenesa. prevent FEVER ANDACIVE. and ABB/Raw dleenees. They are the STOMACH BITTERS OF THE AUE. They are prepared by • Seward, Bentley & Cheney, DEUtH3ISTS, BUFFALO. E. Y. IL, B. A C. site prepare the ALD3RA. FOR TEN RAM, Which la the best Hair lasiarer, Sesserair sad Hair Ihresidlar In the market, it yrerventa Baklueds, frees the heed from Dandruff, and thoroughly eradicate. all diseases of the imdp. BOLD BY ALL MIDUOIETTB. Dec. 11, UM. ly FURNITURE. D. C. SHEAFFER, PETERSBURG, (Y. S.) PENN'A., 1. prepared to offer to the Public anything In his line as cheap ea ean be di lb the country. airPotreheaers will do well to call and exam ine ma stock Wore buying eleeirhere. FURNITURE =Waite order. Repairing done neatly. cheap. ty, and with dispatch. Ism. 24, line. tr FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GETTNSBIRIO will &lbw lateral on Special Deposita, aa loilows: 5 per .at per annum irr 1 yerw EMM:2 liM:=M:l Ezmi ►:Y~~[N.c~a~U'I:Q~Yo~7 yt~r:.~>:ria~i•.:~ end COUPONS. WM lap parebsse or sell NTOCKB and BONDS M mom kind, tree of charge as nom alls Goo, sumd will ai all Ulnas my lb. HIGH EST WULF, liar GOLD and SILVER, and will. with plaarare, transact all banns= promptly, as heretofore, pertaining to ► well I OZO. ARNOLD. Dobler. Gettysburg. Nov. S. NW GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK GOVERNMENT BONDS, of oil kinds. BOUGHT mid BOLD. SEVEN-THIRTY BONDS converted Into FIVE-TWENTY BONDS without charge. PU'i:gi);/Qf The HIGHEST PREMIUM said on GOLD and MIXER. eirOCKS and BONDS, of an klnda bough for persona witland CHARIONLI MISSION, ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED Interest on SPECIAL DEPOSITS advanced =ln L per emit. Abe 1 year. •w_ amt. /Se • irenUis, a prr east. Nur a asoulba. Pasoan wishing Infatitudion Is regard to 11. & Bondi, and Stacks 40 all kinds, aro In. rito• to ip•ii an • ••11. mad wit will sty* all IrrT''l7 J. EMORY HAIR, CmatiMr. Gettysburg, Get 25, WWI. tf PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, LADES' COMPANIONS, TOILET SETS WRITING DESKS, PERFU.AIER Lucy China and Boliesisa Vases. TOYS. IC, IC, AT A. R. FEISTEL'S, Opposite Pubseptimive Mom Gettysburg. March V. Mk V ANOTHER BAKERY. dimadentroad Dam °patted a Dixon al earner et Woad:erten and NW greets. Gettpsbara, and inviter the pablle'm pat- ninera FREER BREAD, ROLLA, TW7BT„ CARSS, PRESERIA, NJ EVER) DAY. By siithir the heater *sat aadl after lasted- Ws, sad doing Monfort wea.lis hopes to give h.... 4 ewe. Call at or .Is your orders to the iloitory, arrow of WIN& Litton and 11101 strait; opposite Ow I* male Instigate sad Powees's °malts 'fwd. April 17, MA if NEW SADDLER SHOP. oN,theHill. nr i z , c uirr n. t,, r .=ar . , der. all kind' of RIDING SADDLES, WAOON I RADDLER CARRIAGE HARNESS, DRAM"? HARNESS, RIDING MILDLY" BLIND BRIDLES, COLL& RS, PLY - NETS. &A. ea bw as the laweAlt. FIEN=3 Jane SC*. GrIBOCZIIII3B, da—Cottabir meretiakti Yr puled at wholesale wi Chocolat, 4ka., GILLES/IX 41/00V. New Boot and Shoe Store. D. KITZMILLER & BRO., GETTXSBIIRG, PA., YORK STREW, OPPORITE THE LINK Sip of the Big Boot TYundersigned bare o pen ed • new Boot E nd Shoe More. on York.. ura, In the room recently oceppled by- Soper & McCartney, and have pat received from the city • Mine eaeortment of BOOTS 4 SHOES, fur Gentleman's, radio.' and Children.' Wear. Cul/slating of CALF AND KIP BOOTS, CONGRESS AND BALMOIL%L GAITERS, SLIPPERS, AC. We also MANUFACTURE TO ORDER, all kinds of BOOTH A 81,10k}3—the work twine made up of test materials and by tirstedem workmen. The senior partner has been In the banner for over 16 years and person ally superintends all work made up, We respectorMly Ins Ito the attention of the pub lie to our establishment, and hope by strict attention to Dumdums and by selling at lowest mall prices, to give entire satisfaction. DAVID KIT'LMILLER„ JACOB A. EITZMILLER. June 26, lelfl if BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW Z3TABLJNIMILVT. THE aaderalgued has erected a new build lng, fora Boot and Shoe Entablishxtent, ua litrbal• street, hear the Railroad Station, lb Gettysburg, where he now offers for male, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, &c., for men, women and children, of different styles and latices. He has a lane assortment to select from, and will sell every article at the smallest manta. WORK MADE TO ORDER, of the best ma terials and workmanship. Every effort made to render satisnactlon. The patronage°, the public is solicited. Call In, and select from his stock or leave your measure. In either case you cannot fail to be pleased. JOHN AL REILLING. July 3, 1868. ly Robert D. Armor, GAB FITTER, PLUMBER AND BELL HANGER, Mug Midelke !IL, liteste=qemsre from the awl- GETTYSBUttEI, PA., , WlLLPrompily attend to all 'dreier@ In VT his Line. Work done In the most satis factory manner, and at prices as low as can possibly be afforded to make a living. OAS PIPE furnished, se well as Chande liers, Brackets, Dom Lights, de.; also WA TER PIPE, Stops, Top and Erost Spigots, and, Mabee, everything belonging to gas or water As tures. Dells and furnished If desired. 1.1. and .3141i'Sh' cwREA. PLANING MILL rllfn undersigned him established a PLAN '. LNG MILL, on Marsh creek four miles from Gettysburg; at which he will manufac ture DOORS AND DOOR FRAMYS, WINDOW RASH AND 'FRAMER, YLOORLNO, W ATOM/BOARD/NCI , Chair and Wash Routh, with everything else made at mach a factory, and needed bi the building line. The best of lumber will always be used, all thoroughly dried, a kiln having been pat up for the purpose. Orders solicited, and promptly attended to. Priors am low as the lowest, and every ef fort made to aooommodete customers. May 16. lIMS. 17 rns GIIZAT AMARICAN COMBINATION BUTTON-HOLE, OVERSEAMINO SEWING MACHINE la warranted to execute in the beet manner every variety of dewing Hamming, Yelling, Girdhig,Tuakkkg, braiding. Gathering. lug Ovormarning, limtavddering on the edwe, and In addition make. beautiful Button and Eyelet Holes in all &brim. TT HU ao scivAL. BEING AI3BOLIITELY THE IHNT FAMILY MA CHINE IN TUN. WORLD, AND INTRINSICALLY THE CHEAPOIT, ibr It U two 3fackbaes estmadned u owe by a sim ple and broutlful swelioakial arremperetent. Mandan with full particulars and =dimples of work done on thls Machine, ma be bad on application at time Odle° of the Agent, at A. R. Feledul's Confee• tionery and Varlet • Store Baltimore a. .. id etz .:i. „.e tz D. W. ItZIIIIION, Agent. Machines warranted one yew, and instrusensa given gratuitously to all purcha sers May 211, MK_ LI CHEAPER THAN EVER E. HITESIIEW, AVING disposed of his Store Hoax. and II stnric of Goods to ORIEST & BOW Eitel, and being determined to redooe his stock du ring the summer and fall mouths, will give GREAT BARGAINS before invoicing: ]ti stook of ALL WINDS OF SIER&IANDIZE Is full and tionsplete in every 4epartment r ed will be closed out at reduced prices. York SpelAga, July 17 VOL tt CAB poisons knowing themselves Indebt ed to me me requeoled to some forward sad make SILL AL 3'CIIVART. JOS/ V. I'CRIART "Best always Cheapest" T HE Best and Cheapes; SADDLES, BRIDLES, 'COLLARS and HARNESS stall kinds, in the Lbauty, are always to be found at the old and well knows stand, Baltimore at., opposite the Presbyterian aturclo— McCREAiIYS ' . Our Riding and Walton Saddles am the most substantially built and neatest. Our Harness, (plain and silver mount -4114) WV M l l en every respect and war rantsd to ha ofl very beat material and workmanship. Our upper leather Draft Collars CANNOT as SCAT. They are the beet FIT TING sad mast thimble. Our Heavy Draft Harness are made to order, as cheap as they can be mode anywhere and la the most substantial manner. • • Riding Bridles, Whips, Lashes. Draft Hamm. Fly-net., and everything in the line. /roar boner or "Amps. Ourprices b e Loan whom= to the lowest liviag stand- A liberal percentage for au* odrall Wile sonunting to 15 or more. We work nothing bat the beet stock and will warrant every ankle turned out to be in ev. yrinatu r rCget . Zwers we lailteattanUon to ow present sleek. fir Give as aon and examine raw= 111114 QVAXJTT. D. ItcCANABY I SON Jan. SI. 11101 tf REMOVAL! rArm of ROPER MoCARTNEY have mineved to North Baltimoro street, near Diamoni4 met aide, in the roan formerly 4LeiedWy David "Blitioniller. We have OD a choice seewtment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, (Gold and Sllver,) . JEWELRY, oral Wade said latest styles. Silver ant Plat ed Ware; also ane Gold, Silver and Steel SPECTACLES, of Ins Wet niantineture. Abp. Violins. Gui nan, AosainkiowS,ll l lsies, ta. VkWin and ilitrinkn, Kw" lie. .41islads f Jlepalrlay or ILa dew at as rws sswitils prise ea *bet rv, owl rensingei. Thsalittal kw pant Invoni, wilicis • ono- Sinnwene of Ins seam . ~:p7a'r~:r Jose B. Ire, it DR. R. HORNER, PHIMICIAN ANN DRUGGtB7, Ofiloaaad Drug &we y CHAMBERIOURG Iff. citcreaßuna. Medical d•lee wlaKittt charse. RUOA. EYED.PATENT DIMMED, EITATIWEBY. PWUMERY, SOAPS, TOI LET ARTICI_ BRUSRM PYR STUFFS, SPICE:B, BAKCiI SODA, WAX_ OF TAlt- TAR, LAMPS, COAL OIL, PURE LIQUORS for meal:OW purpose& Horner& °LIEN, a reliable remedy for chapped bands, mash skim, dn. dB articles warranted pare and son ainfei pee, ff , U HONEY.—Tba real, dear, atom pus HON EY, can be had at GILL/DIKE& 00'73. E. H. MINNIGH. CHA - MBEResBIIRG STREET, Nm DOOl. TO TUN KATIPTCLfi 110T/1, Confection, Periodical and Ne we ALL KINDS OF oorufscrlONs, CANDIES, ICE CREAM AND CAKES supplied to families and parties at shortest TUE DAILY PAPERS OF BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK, AND supplio/ to subscribers at lowest fated. =3 JOHN C. ZOUCK, NEW GAMED, ADAMS COLIN 77; PA.. TAVERN STANDS, COUNTRY SEATS, STORE STANDS, TOWN HOUSES & LOTS, N PENNSYLVANIA, MARYLAND AND Persons wishing to purchase Is well as to sell property will do well to give me a call at my offloe, or addrem by letter, an they will find It to their advantage. Nay 38,1888. ly CLOTHING, EffXota= Every Kind of OenUemen's Wear, LINEN COLLARS, I= POCKET OOHS, I keep Gentlemen's Wear of ail kinds and win sell them at the BOYS' HATS AND SHOES, gape me • mil before purchasing elm I= April 94, lINNI. tf F. funteinEw TIPTON & MYERS, PHOTOGRAPHS, Photo Miniatures, AMBROTYPEB, de , Stereoscopic riews of the BATTLE-FIELD, STERZOBOOPZIt PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, AND A 4 I•VIREATLY REDUCED Plil S 3. a?We deal la nothhuf but the beet of Its kind. OW and examine our stock. STCopies can be furnished from all Nega tives ever taken at the Gallery. 03213:3113 I W.ILL be to Go&tysburs .11,017111,./e, on ovary MONDAY and FRIDAY, of min week. Pavans who mai desire tee to fur Dish than with eitherFiour Or Feed/Muff will leave their orders either with Jolts 1.. late or Deaner a Ziegler, Meting the kind end quantity. wben the genie will be delivered at their dwelling". ILtreh It, I. It RAILROAD BONDS. 80Pg8 I MaIIAILTNET First National Bank of Gettysburg I li agent for the este of the FIRST MORT &OR UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD RIX PER CElrt. GOLD INTERN? RONDO. at Enarketystesand Interest. Sir Interest pnys• bla amat-aanttally at tae counter. Au naaattary laforauttlaa Area. ORO. ARNOLD, Oa War. Gettriberg, Now. 19. lift - alilt Of WINIALAW, WREN OF ANGLANIi 80A.F. QUEEN Or ENGLAND SIOAP. P. (ri Per doing a fandly mashing In the best and cheapest manner Gittiabtred equal to any In the work, I Basalt the etreagth of °Merida 484 P with the utll4l and Wheelie* qualitles of aennine thaelle. Try this- splendid Soap, ftid by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 48 North Pront Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 11, 18e8. ly GETTYSBURG, PA., Depot. ORANGES, LEMONS, NOW, &C.. •C., *C., 000stantly as hisad. I=3 CllOl MAGAZMM, Air CALL AND EXAMINE. Land Agent, = 1O FARMS, M/LIM, FOUNDRIES, MACHINE SHOPS, •: HEAD-QUARTERS EEO RATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, I:3EIM PAPER CIJFeB, PAPER 1300G11/4 OEM =I TkANELING FUCKS, UMBELELLAIi,. CANES, AC., &C. Lowest Cash Prices In great variety. =I EICELSIOR GALLERY. AND .• A. la Et T. 7 ME Et . 11l arts! VAlltfirlr, TYSONI3 OLD STAND NOTICE_ GIXGEZL'S evriz. GEOWIC GINGY4.L. UNION P.,ICIFIC I=l NEW COACH SHOPS. 'YANTIS, ADAMS k CO., LITILESTOWN, PA. UTE take this method of Informing We pub- VII le that we have establiahed new Coach Shope at LAttlestown, where we ore prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of BUG -01103, CARRIAGE :A, SULKILI3, de., on the atiertart notice and most accommodating terms. Oor hands have been procured nom Baltimore, and, as we use none but choice material, we mn pot up work to compete with any shop In the State. Old work re paired and tak en In ln exchange for new. Aug. 80, IM7. McCURDY & HAMILTON, =I FLOUR, ORAIN,GROCERIES, &O. rrni: ondenra nre paying, et Melt WElTEl hnume In rlhtle floret, ndjolnlng leen Rale, the IthSheet FrWee f or FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, BUCKWHEA'f, CLOVER AND S TIIIOTIIY W:DR, POTA TOES, &C. and Invite producers to give them • cad be- =WM ~, Thp have °manual) , on hand for male, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, laears, Ryrupa, Canoe, Sugar., with Malt, Oils, Tar, Soups, Damn and Lard, TM...v....Ft...11.a the beet brand. a FLOUR. with FELD of all kind. They likewise lease = Soluble Pacific (Juana, Rhodos' Phosihate •n 4 A A ►irzlwn Guano. Whilst they pay the nialleat market prices for fit.y buy, tbe at the loareat Living pro They oak a char, of public patronage, resolved to give aatirtnetion In ever• case, Irb 'nI:RT mwt , tun', W M. S. HAMILTON. Gettysburg, July I, Pei. CHANGE OF FIRM THE undernigned hate leased the Ware borate on the cornet 01 Strad ton street and e Railroad, in Octtyaburg, where the•} trill carry on the Grain and Produce Business In all Its branches. The highest prices will always be paid tilt Wheat, Rye, Cum chits, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Flaxseeil,suiuse, Ray and Straw, Dried Fruit, Nuts, Soap, llama, Shoulders and Sides, PoWorm, will. everything else In the country produce line. Groceries, of all kinds constantly on hand and for sale—Coffees, Ragan, Molasses, Sy wisps, Testi, apiece, Hall, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Jinni.° rd ' Starch, Boma., Buckets, Blacking, Soups s.•. Also COAL. OIL. Fish %ill, Tar, ate. FISH of all kinds; Spikes, and Nails; Smoking and Chewing TOIMICCON. They are always able to supply a first rate artiste of Flour, with the different kinds ot Feed. - • . Also, Grontul Plaster, with Guano,. and other fertilizers. COAL, by the bushel, ton or car load. ==l Lines of Freight Cars to No. 77 North Street, BALTIMORE, and MI Idarket street, PHILADELPHIA. AU goods sent to either of the above places will be re ceived and forwarded promptly. Goods should be marked . Derusenf Qtr." BENNER d BRO April 10, INI. If NEW FORWARDING COMMISSION HipusE HAVING purehaved the extensive Ware house, tart, &0., of Gulp & gartuthaw the undersigned intend to rarry on the busl nest, under the firm of Il h & Co., a the old stand, on the eortierof Wasitingto and 'Wilmot streets, on a Inure extensive seal than heretofore. We arc paying the highest mark e t prices for HAY, FLOUR, (MAIN AND ALL KLEDI3 OF PRODUCE. FLOUR and FEED, SALT, and all kinds of (iROCEltIkli, kept aNinstantly on hued and for sale,,ekeoper than they can he had any else. I , LANTEIt, and all kinds of FEGTI LI z Ens, constantly on hand, or tarnished to order. A REGULAR LINE OF FRIG' GUT CARS will leave our Warehouse every TUQ3DAY MORNING, and arcorurnodatlon trains will be run as ocean:dun may require. Dy this ar rangement we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and from Baitr more. All busi ness of this kind entrusted to on. will. be promptly attended to. Our ears run to the Warehouse of Stevenson k lions, hid North Gowanl street, Baltimore. Being determli3ed to pay good prices. sell cheap and than fairly, we Invite everybody to give us a call. W.M. M. lIIGHAM, A I.F.X A N DER COB EAN, JAN FA I.ll(iliA.M. Yan.17,18413. if Farmers, Attend to Your Interests GEFTI'SBITRO FOUNDRY. rriHE imbarribet would inform his custo mers and others, that he is still manufac turing various kinds of =Minim and Ma chin., mule to order, on short notice, such as ST/RESITERS AND POWERS, (ndifferent sizes of Powers.) PLOVER ERD HULLERS AND CLEANERS, CORN SIi.ELLERI4 AND SEPARATORS, CORN - FODDERCUTTERSSTR.AW AND HAY CUT TERS; CORN PLANTERS; PLOUGHS, such an Cost Ploughs, Barnbeer Ploughs, Side hill and then Ploughs; the WIRE-SPRINO HORSE 'RAKE. the latest improvement; also SHIREMAN'S SELP-DISCHAIWING HORSE RAKE. lie will likewise manufacture IZ=MMa=l METAL RCRRWS for Cider Prague, IRON RAILING (or Cemeteries or Porehea with everything elan in hie line, ►ll et lo retest YOB SALE—A One-horW• Wagon, DAVIP RTSRNER. April 10,11014. tf = SKY-LIGHT GALLERY ITlMOundersigned takes pleasure In anuounc 1, tog to the cithens of Gettysburg and the public generally that he hat removed from his old 7vemg on Wait Middle ►tree[, to Balti more and neorty opposite the More of Fahnestock Brothers. The room Ile now Go copies has been recently fitted up expressly for his badges& The location is an atm Imble one, enabling hint to take plctures 'nail shade. of weather, and with* correctness unequalled any where else. LIFE-LIRE PfIOTOGRAPIIs, of every else and doscription, execided In the Gaeta style. Parttouter atlantic.. givencopying to the CARTE DE VDSITE, and to AMBROTYPOS and DAGUERREOTYPES: of deoseaed friends. Also— THE ETTItiBURG GEMS, a new style of picture, u hich ha, become very popular with the public, not only for their beauty ,_hut for cheapness and convenic oe. SIXTEEN for ONE DOLDAR only. Ito —THE POW:Er...A.IN PICTURE. whir for their beauty and durability are unKurrx ked. We are prepared to curry on the ludo in all lie vartara branctiew, and having ha eon siderable experience we run no risk. in UAIt- ANTEEING PERFECT SATISF.AtTI N. - Our facilities for a full display of ou skill are unequalled by any other Gallery toe county, and we would therefore Invite very fine to coil et the NEW GETTYSBURG El- LIGHT GALLERY. Citll and manatee our Specimens and J dge for yourselves. LEVI MIJMPER. June 26, ISM. McGUIRE'S SPANISH HAIR DRESSER, voR Promoting }be Growth, Beautify Intl the V Hair, and rendering it dark and glowiy. No oat. compound posseaes the manlier properties which so exactly suit Theuse of this oil a.• hair drawer has been universal In eve ry section of the in the Spanish Main for centuries. No preparation of art could give that Mega tt luxuriance and abundance of hair which have so often been the admiration of travelers In Spain. This oil Is highly and delicately perfumed, rennin. an article unri valled In ezeellenmend upon whil h the Spa n people for many years 14,e set Its seal of enduring approval. EXEMMEI Monks' Wild Flower' Shampoo Lotion, For removing dandruff end scurf from the head, whitening and perfuming the skin. rot. article 1s entirely digerent from any - halos of the klieg over oMred lu this country, amp Is warranted free from all poisonous Nobelium:ea This valuable lohlou was used by the Emperor Maximilian, and Ein Onions, of Yes lea. and universally mead by llesicant for three hundred Frans. As a wash fur the bead—it Is cooling, cleansing, and refreshing. When thus Owed IL at oboe relieves headache. ULI3UIRWS Wild Flowers for the Teeth. AU them who are In favor of white teeth and • plesaant and ?minuted breath, should at once use Nefiatre s Wild Flowers for the Teeth. Alt these preparations are put up In the most &Minot and ornamental manner. We make no exception to anyinifthat they are an Ornament to a lady's toilet table, and none complete without them. Warranted satisfactory or money refunded. Damians will bear this in mind. Sold byall m ax: m table Drsrists , i r n a t r. to the United States and RICHARD McGUIRFI, Depot and Man ufactorY, Z 3 North Second SL, Phila., I. Sept. It, ly Cemetery Removals. PICING the Keeper, the niadendgned is au thorised to make removals into Ever reen Orimetery, and hopes that such as con template the removal of the remain, of de. ceased relatives or friends will avail them selves of Lids 101110/1 of the year to have it done. Eentovals made with promptness— terms low, and no effort spared to please. PETEfi March 12, MO. Keeper of the Crenstery. VOR aim Prints, Obeeka. HOW W Oilliam4 r t i lp ii• C Ilia, Ate 6, So to E 13211 HARDWARE STORE, irrrzirsro WA: The undersigned have opened an anom aly(' Hardware Store In Littkatown, Adams oounty. Pa., and having purchaaed their stock from Eastern kfanullocturers, are pre pared to sell goods In their line at the LOW HOT cash primes. Their assortment Is huge as well as new, and einbracca (they can only enumerate part in an adverUxement) ths fol lowing; IRON, STEEL, Building Materials. NAILS, Carpenter Thula. PAINT'S, Miners' Soppily' OILS, Sheemakeni Inndings, GLASS, Saddlery rindinve, serrums, ck.ch a ea, Material% PORIK Red Role Leather. SPADES, Memnon, he., (Warware, he. MOSS, de. With a tall new stock, bought at the stoat advantageous mites, we invite the panne— town and country—to Ball and be suited. We are contklent of plisse/nig, both or to goals and prices. Mechanic., !armee., and all ',bout to build, are specially urged to come. They can do better with no thee at any other store lu the county. ellollll d i,tirAu.r. Letlestown, Muy ly HUBER'S DRUG STORE, Fbrneke old Slaved-11«lati4or, .Sl't GETTY:AIUItIi; PA HAVING purchweal thla old and pop nlar Ktan•t, and held In nn entirely 11e NV freak Sto, k, offer full nawirtmeat, canal. ling in part or DRUGS AND FAMILY mEmersoi. MENiMEM PUKE LD,WORN AND WINES FOR UEDI CINAL PURPOsEs. 'PICES AND FLAVORING EXTRACTi. DYES AND DYE STUFFS-110W & STE ENs' DYES, EXCELSIOR DYES, ANI THE ANILINE DY CIIEA.FFNT AND TILE BEM' IN THE MARKET,. ALL THE NFAV AND ELEGANT FEE- F1:111.14 AND TOILET ARTICLEN. COLGATE'N, AN I) OTII Fit t,UPEIt 10It 130AP4, lIA I It IlltUtillM—TOOTII MINH ES from 5 to 541 mil to. FORNEY•s ItoltsE IatIWDEIts—TIIE 11138 T AND CHEAPEST; AL O, Fot II ELLN, DALE's FERsIAN, STONI•JI RA KER's AND ROBEItTs. STAT/ONEDY OF ALL, li/NDs. WM/ I=l B EST BRAN DS. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTION'S t NI)P M ILY II ECEIPPS CAREFULLY 0".).11 POUNDED. ANTI COtNTRY MKRCIi- A\TKSUPPLIED AT RgDUCED RATE& Medicine. furnished AT AL!. ItOPRY OF THE oar. Night bell at the door. April 3, 1888. tf GETTYSBURG LIME KILNS. THE undersigned ha brught out lils former partner, Wm. Quinn, and Dow coullummi the THE LIME-BURNISIG BUSfNEBB himself—at the Gettyabone Lime Inns, on the corner of the Railroad and North Stratton litreeL Thankful lkw past pulrunNie, he will eliavwthcleserv*ltacrol amo, by mse. curing the business as vigorously and on as large a scale as posslble—always selling a good artielo and giving good measure.— Farmers and othere may look for the prompt filling of orders fle also continues the COAL BiIdINESS, otterteg the meet popnler kind.. ROSSO- keepers and others should give hint a Blacksmith Coal constantly on hand. Lime and Coell delivered anywhere In Gettysburg. 34G013 NE/LNV Clettyrburg, N0v.1.5, Lf AYER'S HAIR VIGOR, For the genovation of the Hal". THE GREAT DESIDERATUM Of TEE 3E. A dressing which is at ones agrees ble, healthy, and elifecniel for preserving 'the hair. Aided sr gray hair is some restored I.) fin original color aielf 11w gime and frralmra, o your. Thin hair is thickened, haling hair checked and haldneas often, though ail al ways, aired by Its me. Nothing am Re 'eve the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atropled and decoyed. lint such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. instead of fouling the heir .11th a panty sediment, ft will keep It clean sod vigorous, Ito oeesslusal itna will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling of and Nan. sequently prevent baldness. Free from tiose deleterious substances which make acme preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not num It. If wantodmezely for a - HAIR DRESSING, nothing ebse can be found no - desirable. ton brining neither oil nor dye, it doe' not soil white cambric, and yet leafs longer on the hair, giving it a rich g'iney metre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cr., Practical and Analytical Chemist; LOWELL, MAW. Price ELK. For Bale by A. D. BUM:IL:En, Agent, get tyabarg. Oct. 2, lea. ly Aottolicomi 4 Mrs. S. A. Allen's IMPROVED HAIR RESTORER I= HAIR DRRSSING New Style, in ,One Bottle, will quickly restore Gray Mir to Its nature ee,lor awl beauty, and produae luau taut growth. It Is, perfectly luumaleth and lo pre- (erred over every other pr , paraUon by I one who have a Ilea head of haw, se we 11 as those who wish to reetorplL The beautiful gloms and prattle.» imported to the Hair make /A desirable for old and rank& For Salo by all Druggists. Depot, lie Greenwich Street, New Yor t PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Feb. 24, 1869. ly WABLIOO COMPOtltl).—Jarkaon't Uol- TV venial 'Washing Compound, by the nee of which much labor Is saved, and the work done in the best manner. Ow vale at OILLIKII. PIE it CCM. A larva yeah can be done with 6 vents , worth In hard or son water. 37.1. E. 2'113111S CO., k . '"... \ V't' o \ Vt.\l/ RING'. Vega Atka! • _... • • Illintorm Gnarl!mita c• IU orlglual cuter. • ' • Eraal.cataa Dand,'/ and 0 H U ti 0 R$ 11011 t TIIII OC•LP ;" & O P. *1 0 \ l' is, \‘• 4P '44,c 2,1N(1 , 8 VEGETABLE AMBROSIA lb WHAT IT I'VIIIVICHS TU UK. AAtNUI StillA lit 111,14TtIR V,ehang- Om% I.lght, Had or Faded Hair to tho /ktrk. ixotrutta isiLtra Tresoes, M hieb adorn youth or W°. It will positively emit rota Humors And rattolroa from the scalp mut wit there la the in the glande, WHlrAame • new growth 01 /lair to put forth on hald Ittottaatohi Ai o test/4111g to the shoo e. I= D. Truelller, INllolertale and 1t tn❑ Airent,X: 01341 mm—tool for lotle ol ootall to mil frggliktx. •rh. 11, IVii, ly MONEY ►BAYED I Iri i :k , rt• N ro eu natr!ly 'purebatting for kinds of •1 rk until Boston Nlotk.ih, o il 111tY AND FANvy (.70011s. l'oNs Doirls US) , spinr.s, W klylll,s, CU:'l.l 111, 1.111.5 s 1. , 111.1.1 . 11' (111(111S. A*.'" N 1 Well we Pre ttotily illov ol nnc prier ol One Dollar for rorh ortletr, Jo nat.n brio.; tarlith lor ouch lamer Limn that al goty eije.lLt, ll eoeern, eitAblem Us I, Se IS loner than esal otultile;l4.llte, TIIE L.1141:S nre 9, 11,c114. glw• u.n 111 11, ===iffall ourrinb ~\nir 111 to 111:1_, 0 , 11 , 1‘.. 1 0.1 0. , 10001 p, t. 01 1.. it 0.0 .1011, and I 1.11 11. "Ilrrlll~ ::011111k .; I, .1111 14 Irk "IA 1 16 t 10111: 1 1. lA/ 1 , 01 n! 1. 1 (.10 1J,../1. 1.4 thll.l /16• J rd). .W. a , 111 , 11w II) • dub. '...001.• fountnsu lunil ciot k. 10 et n!.. 1%10100101 it niale 00..nts It 1111 toil. hvntt 11101 i - ey In Ilex. I•ler. d 1.4•44 cm. club, and sOll neki3O It .Ig. that N.Ol 11. I, - not alretr.l b 1 tln g 00. 1 ,4 it all.) altar 11011... there:lll.r. ''TM N h KENDALL, 11,010‘. Oct. 628 1100 P 2KIIiTS 623 A S CORSETS, CO ETS WI%I. T. it , K I NS, N0.•1C4 Anit Ktreet. 14111,0.40.1 n KAM:FACIA:It/in 01. TIIK Celebrated l ' Champion" Hoop Skirts FOR LAMM, MISSES AND VII lI,OIrr The 'argent luagort melt t itlttl beat Uill II V et .1 id, Ira In the Atnerleata Market. Isar r) should try thalltl, We they rerommelvt the 121 WI, vet LY lovkrltyr longer, ri tattling shape nillolrArtter, bring lighter and twe elrurtle Marian other—W ARRA NTFI, to - ry respect and gold al \l' r y low prteeti. sk tor IlOPKINS • HA:4I'ION • SKIRT. Superior Iland-muds Whale-lame CORSI"rs In Fifteen different Oradea. Including Ilie "I et perla.l" 411 , 1 Tsionews 'S Le , N FLTTING" VOMITS, ranglng In prier r free, 81 et nla to 85 hi' together xith Je,.l en 1161•ICKCNCE/4.1311.ATAD FRl.Nt'll \ I \ a/METS, kuperier 11/1111,411 and anent.), 'I. alarrent Gratles, front 51 lit te 15 ht. The) lire the lineal and Lem gun& fur Ile. prices, .o. r Imported. The Trade auppllr.l a telt It,. 21' 14K-Iltrs and I 01ZSI S tl the lAM •nt Rat., Those visiting the should not G II to and eIBITIIIIP our Uonds and friers, ns %% c CI. I) all compel Itlon. tient. 4. IVO!. tlec2.s. MORO PHILLIPS' BIM trIN 6 11l PROVIIII Super-Phosphate of Limo 674 N.0.12t D H6ARd NTA3:D. FOR RALR AT RAN OYACTURISNI MC/W . No. 27 NurUs Front ktrot I, Plalludelphin its. tc South hitreet, llultlmurp, And by benign* In general throughout Mt:. Counts*. The MONIBREIIO (WAN° of yoldeh MI MO PHILLIPS . PItOPPIIATig - la and always has Wan manortietured. (and i 4 which hr has sole eontrul fur the II ollettlitalcs,) contains tidy per cent. more Bone Phosphate than now Was, then•foro It Is durable. The sok dltlou of Annuoula gives IL greater fertglallut value. Over *even yeses' experience Is.. proved to the Fanner Willi, makes a heuvier small than even stable =wore, and es not, only nett %entit hutting, INI-Prtee SU 00 per ton. 2,0064 the. Inset to Dealers. • - - MOHO I'H I LIM*, Ails Proprietor and Manufacturer !born 13, MK 9rn Pennsylvania Mastic Sponge Co., 1111 CILESTN UT STREET PHILADELPIIIA. ELASTIC SPONGE, A SURRFITPTE FOR CUILLED HAIR, UPIIOLSTER Y PL RPQS'F..S 011EApER, THAN FE,ATHEII.4 011. LIAM, AND FAD Ht7PERIOR. The - Llubtest, Fkofleirt and most Mastic um Durable material known, for . WiIM2S%MEMME It Is entirely indestructible, perfectly elean and freeTront duet. • rr DOEB NOT PACK AT ALLI la alwaya free Irian instet life; la perfeet I) healthy, and for the idea to unequalled. If willed In any nay, can be r•noval, d quicker and antler than any other Maltreat/. to 7 , V13 1 43411%°Zi1Va116, liar. lA, &C. Manned men are eapecially invited t 'c antina the Cushion ltponae. SATISFACTION GOARANT*ED. The Trate supplied. Jane 21, ails. l'' A SERVANT FOR ALL Mathes linpravensent fee Opening.. Clew tog and Loathing Slated. ;AAY be attached to nay gate and oper ated from buggy, team or saddle, by one d, in any droned direction from the gn te— opened and closed from one point, at any distance from the gate. This Improvement 10 simple and cheap, yet perfect and strong ; will not toe disarnum..l by the sagging of the state, nor by the (mat mixing the pros; may be made at a country blacksmith's, 11111 i, wally attached to a gate. The tindenduned, having the Right tor Adams county will sell Tonnahip and Farm Rights of O i de mprove ment. Also, WITH & SHANE'S AMERICAN Lr VER. BATE—which will be round ralautde and convenient to all who have ash.* to e through—ea they remain by thidr tcwm,otx n, dome and latch a gate. without the neeeially ol getting In the wet or mud. For furiker Information, tro, addtepa ISKICICFM. Menalien P. 0., Adana co_ Pa. May 1.18 G& tt - ADS COUNTY MUTUAL FIRM INSURANCE COMPANY Orman/m.7ND. limecu 18, 1851. 017146113" Preeldent—Oweree Hope. The Preeedont—Momoel N. Rowell %,liminiKary —a A. .7Ye;,,;.;.,,r-.16. a: NMPMM=UI jignsgeno.-fteore !trope, D. A. Buehler It. hlctnntly, M. Elchellorner, K. It Rummell PI U. Fahnesinek, A. 11. linelder, H. O. Me (:miry, Ciettystourx; Jacob Eine, etrahan township; Frederick 1)1clal, Frtutklln ; We,. It, Almte , NeW t)Sford; Wm. A. Wilson Bender , . Illc • 11. A. Picking, runtime ; John , IS'n/ford. Latin - lore; John t'i, king, Enkt Iter lin•, Abel T. Wright, inlen.ville; Alell. IP. Ultt, New °Void; Jo- 11. 311Inthull. tonborn ; 'Lino kite m, I 'recrioni ;John Berner, Stone troy; White, totem Y. rarTbfx Pominin) Is Minton; In iirt ninon tlons to the et/Inlly et Adams. IL b. heels 1,, operation for rimer then 17 Irani, and In that period has Imola but One ammeter...et., havlnpg paid hewn by no! during (hot peri od amounting to 215,wit). Any permit de siring an iltaiurgnee tsLn apply to tither oh t4ie lutiwe i t upottleutan I). A. Buehler, BotlY.bnlit• E. (1. Fehttentock, Jacob riticuretrubtau township, If. l'it •" Frederick Meld, Franklin Win. Meow White, I.lht•rty H. t Peters, Petendrurg, t N.) Menet Enctottive (.2etunittee iambi at the alike of the tlnneany, sit the boat Weduce day In every tilt, at 2 o'clock, F. M. June N. ISO. U Manhood: How Lost How Restore d . a ./ TtBT published, a new edition of tof Dr. Culverweirs Cele/netted Es onNa the rocitesi.car4=o t it Medicine, of kperma or lia admit Weaknowt, /tt °Notary hem! , Impotency, Mental and Phys ical Ineapselty, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also, Co nsumption, Epilepsy, and law , lodated by self-indttligance or sexual astray', guest ag-prios, In a sealed envelope, wetly II senor. The celebrated aro bor,in tide admirable • A - ' , AY. clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' sueceasthl practice, that the Manning conse quence. of selfgtbuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of lntarnat medi cine or the applicatban or the hal/a—pointing out a madcof owe at once sintple,tertgAn, and effectual, by talabliot Shish evt=er, no matter what his condition may may cure Mansell cheaply; privately, and This .Leetnre should be in the bands of every youth and every man In the land. Sent under seal, In a phdo envelope, IA any address, fd, on receipt of WI dents, or two stamps. Also, Dr. CalverweliN two Guide," price ti tents. Address the Publishers, CHAR. J. C.KLINK t 00. 127 Bowery,NewMk. P. *am 411111.1 7i,l*. 3m