Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, December 18, 1868, Image 2

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'-ree, and the Increasing intercourse
k e treen the Pacific Rates and A.M.
e naval penTsion fund, which eon
1110IPty of the in ails of prizes
1 - tltured (larlnr the war, amounts to
WO MN). Fxcept ion taken to the
''t' of id July lint , winch roluees
*le kiterest ou the fund loaned to the
• oternineut by the Seeretary, na trus
,e,-to three per rcul. , M 10(11 wa,4 or
inatly f-tiptilatea when the incest
(li was made An min whin-tit of
e pt Shill tau % I. FiliZgeSlNl to Telne
r otntrelnna and der,os 'r exiwllol•
metmentti. The expenditures of the
• •partinent during the la.t fiscal year
ere 531,131„394 and the eatimahN for
N p , coming year amount to $31,993,-
The Poetninster General's report fur
, hes u full and clear exhibit of the
mentions and condition of the leis
I service. The ordinary postal res e
e for the fiscal year ending June :1(1,
5, was $1n,:292,60n, and hunt ex twit •
ituree, embracing all the serelee for
• deb special approprlal ions have been
Lade by Congress, amounted to +,:- . ....2.,-
31),Ssff. Showing an excess of ei pe
tures of $6,437,tra1. Deducting tram
' e ex petnlttnres the sum of $1,59.1,3ri
le amount of m.proprialimis for
rent! f.t.,lllZlMilip and other reecial eer
ier, the excess of expend, titre , . we
~541,1.,e. By- using au unexpe wrist
lulasice NI the treasury of $3.+ 00 . 009
le acmel sum for which n Flits dal al ,
ropriation is requited b, nicet the de
;limey is s7ll,4titt. causes wide!'
endured this large excess of e (nJl
re over revendee were the re+ Luny i .1
service in the - late insurgent State
.nri the putting In operation of new
&vice entublielied by acts of Congress,
;Veil 'mounted within the last two
cars and a half, to about 45,700 miles
-equal to more than one-third of the
thole amount of service at the close of
he wa? New poets; conventions
ith Great Britain, North Gerthane,
Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzer•
ins! and Italy, respectively have been
&flied into effect. Under their provi
onsimportantimprovements have re
titled in reduced rates of 'titan:intim].
I postage, and enlarged facilities with
,•oropeen countries. The cost of tile
;tilted States trans Atlantic ocean
nail service since January 1, 15r,5, has
men largely lessened under the opera
ion of these new conventions, a reduc
ion of over one half having hewn ef
euted under the new arrangements
• ocean- - mall eteamehip service,
itch went Into effect on that date.
ehe attention of Congress is invited to
lie practical suggestions amid reemn
initiation% made In his report by the
'otitmuieer General.
No importent question has occurred
wring the last year In our accustomed
ordlid and friendly intercourse with
Nedit Rica, CUsteinula, liondUraa,Sall
;111Vatinr, Prance, Au Ws, Belgium,
tpitaertand, Portugal, the Nether
.shitht, Denmark, Swedeu and Nora ay,
;reece, Turkey, Persia, India, Liberia,
derocco, Tripoli, Tunis, liruscat, Si
on, Borneo and Madagascar
Cordial relations have also been
ialutathed with the Argentine end
lie Oriental Republics. The ex prese
id wish of Congress that our national
,:oral offices 'night be tendered eo those
tepublles, and also to Brazil and Par.
,guay, Tor bringing to an end the ca
undtous war which has so long been
aging le the valley of the La Plata,
nut been euesiduously complied with,
. id kindly acknowledged by all the
miligetente. That Important nego
teflon' however, has thus tar been
ithout result.
Charles A. Waehburne, late Unteti
:fates Minister to Paraguay, having
,eeigned and being desirous of return
lug to the United States, the Rear Ad
nirat commanding the South Atlantic
quadron was early directed to semi n 1
hip of war to Aseuncion, the capital e!
'araguity, to receive Mr, Wankburne
n4l his (molly, and remove them (ruin
situntion which was represented to
e endangered he faction and foreign
env The Brazilian conimander of the
Mimi invading forces rt (third pertnim
ton 14 the "Waepu to pass through
he block ad-erig`f roes, and that vessel
eturned to Its necustomed anchorage.
temonetrenee having been made
galnst this refusal, it was promptly
tea:netted, and the "Wasp" therefore
esttniee her errand, received Mr. •
Wastitmrne and ramify, and conveyed
hem to aeafe and convenient seaport.
„It the meantime an excited con Grover
.y had arisen between the President
if Paraguay and the late United States
'ulster, which it is understood, grew
tut of In is proceedings in giving asylum
, the United States legation to alleged
hernkes-of that republic. The gees
len of the right to give asylum is one
(ways difficult, a d oven productive
.r great embarrassm'etft. In States
veil orgautzed and e,tabi hated, foreign
'uweta refuse to concede or exercise
hat right, except to persons actually
to the diplomatic service.
)n the other hand, all Inch Powers in.
!int upon exercising the right of say
Min in States where the law of nations
not fully acknowledged, respected
did obeyed.
;---The President of Paraguay Is under.
tood to have opposed Mr. Wash be rOseli
rtmeedings under the injurious and
cry Improbable charge of personal
vimplielty in insurrection and treason.
he correspondence, however, has not
et reached the United States.
Mr. Washburne, In connection with
, his controversy, represents that two
nited States citizens attached to the
egatton wens arbitrarily /Wised at his
ode, when leaving the capital of Par.
:grimy, committed to prison, and there
übjeeted to torture for the purpose of I
roeuring confessions of their own
,riminallty, and testimony to support
die Presid , ."a allegations against the
Jnited States Minister. Mr. Melia
:ion, the newly appointed Minister to
'araguav, having reached the La
eta, has been instructed to proceed
flout delay, to Aseuneion, there to
nirestigate the whet". subject. The
• • ear Admiral commanding the United
.tale. South Atlantic Squadron has
n directed to attend the new Minis
r with a proper naval force to truetatu
aieb - net demands as the occasion
,• ay require, and to vindicate the
fights of the United Staten citizens re
:erred to, and of any others who may
'w; exposed to danger in the theatre of
ar. With these exceptions, friendly
elatlons have been maintained be
semen the United States and Brazil
ilia - Paraguay.
' Our relations during the past year
Bolivia, Ecuador. Peru and Chile,
oave become especially friendly and
!ordial. Spain and the Republics of
?ere, Bolivia and Knuador have ex
eressed their willingness to mutant the
• imitation of the United States (or ter.
ainatieg the war upon the South Pa
ifie coast. Chile has not finally de
.tared upon the question. In the
.etuattme the conflict has practically
"zhausted itself, sinter no belligerentor
iostile movement has been made by
later party during the laat two years,
; nd there are no indication@ of a pm
ttnt purpose to resume hostilities on
ahem aide. Great Britain and Preece
'iave eordlally Seconded our propos'.
„„ion of mediation, and I do not fun eet,
"die hope that it may soon be accepted
ty all the belligerents, and lead to a se
urn-establishment of peace and friend
, y ,relations between the Spanish
merlean Republics of the Pacific and
ipairi—a result which would be attain
ed with common benefits to the bet
gerenta, and much sdvstrtage to all
, mercial nations. I communicate,
or this consideration of Congress, a
orrespondence which shows that the
.livian Republic haa established the
",xtremely liberal principle of reasie
-wig into Its citizenship any elation of
Ile United States, or of „fitly other of
aro e Auseriessi Republic?, upon the
ample condition of volunteer registry.
-The correspondence herewith sub
(tied will be found painfully replete
ith aacounts of the ruin tied wiretob
• dome prodeeed by recent earthqunkee
f unparalleled eeverity, In the Repub
.• of Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia.
'rte diplomatic agents and lisivip offi
ce* of the United States who were
,resent la those ?toiletries at the time
!UMW disasters, furnished all the re
. In their power to diet/offerers, end
promptly rewarded with grateful
,d touebing bakuowledgments by
, e - Congress of Pere. An appeal
the clarity of -our adlow-citi
- ens has been answered by witch lib-
Arallty. in ibis eoaciection I submit
. appeal which has Mee made by the
wise Republic, where government
d institution; are kindred to our
-a; le beheir of Its inhabitants, who
ewelering estrous dertitutkin pro
- wood by recent devastating Mends-
Our relations wi th x leo during the
year hive been /narked by an increas
ing arum th of mutual confidence. The
Mexican tio% eminent has not yet act
ed upon Ilk. three treaties concluded
here last , liiiitner for e.tablishing, the
rights tit naturali/eil eitizemi upon
Ilderal still Just tiaras, for regulating
eumular powers, and for the adjust
ment of mutual eliding.
All coulinercial as well tut
friends of Republican institutions,
have oecastoo to regret the freiment lo
cal illeturliatiees u bleb is eur iu 'dime
01 the et n•titticht States of Columbia
Nothing has occurred. however. to t
feet the harmony and cordial friend
ship which ha% e for severs' years ex
Islet] between that 3 out WI and vigor
ous Republic and our ow n.
Negotiations are pending with a
view to the survey and ramstruction of
a ship Ilmal across the Isthmus of Da-
Hen, under the ampices of the Ulltted
Mr tee'. I hope to be able to submit the
re , ults of that negotiation ti the Sem
at, during the present ar stun.
The very liberal treaty a Well was
entered Into lust year by the United
States and Nicaragua has been ratilled
by the latter Republic.
Costa itica, u ith the earnestuess of a
sincerely friendly nelghbor, solicits a
reciprocity or trade, which I commend
to the consideration "(Congress.
The convent uv created by treaty be •
tar eco the United States aud Venezue
lie in N 45, for the mutual adjust
ment of claims, has ',eel/ held, and its
clowns have beer. received at the
Depsitanent of State. The lieretufore
reeug.liza d govern merit of •lie United
States of Vetiezoi a 1. s b. :fil subver
ted A Provisional g , -ninent hav
ing been instituted under circumstan
ces which promise durability, It has
been formally recognized.
I have been reluctantly obliged to
ask explanation and satisfaction for I
national injuries committed by the
President of Hay ti. The political and
social condition of the republics of
Hayti and St. Domingo is very unsatis
factory andpainful. The abolition of
slavery, which has been carried into
014 throughout the island of St. Do
minas) and the entire West Indies, ex
cept/the Spanish islands of Cuba and
Per*, Rico, has beeen followed by a
profound popular conviction of the
rightfulness of republican institutions,
and an intense desire to secure them.
The attempt, however, to establish re
nounce there, encouutera many obsta
cles, most of which may be supposed
to mutt (coin loiirindulged habits of
()Motile' supineness and dependence
upon Eu , opeau monarchical powers.
While the United elates liave, on all
occasions, profe.-3ed a decided oneii
that any part of this conti
nent er of its adjacent islands shall
be made a theatre for a new establish
ment of monarchical power, too little
has been:done by us, ou the other hand,
to attach the C4)llllllunities by u bleb
we are surrounded to ou row n country,
or to lend even a moral snpnort to the
efforts they are so resolutely and so
constantly making to secure republi
can institutions for themselves. It Is
indeed a question of grave considera
Lion whether our recent and present
example is not calculated to check the
growth and expansion of free princi
ples, and make those communities dis
trust, itnut dread, a government which
at will consigns to military domina
tion States that are integral parts of
our Federal Union, and, while ready
to resist airy attempts by other nations
to extend to this hemisphere the mon
archical institutions of Europe, as
sumes to establish over a large portion
of its people a rule more absolute, harsh
and tyrannical than any known to civ
ilized powers.
The acquisition of Alaska was wade
with the view of extruding natural ju
risdiction and republican principles in
the American Hemisphere. Believing
that a further step could be taken in
the same direction, I last year entered
Into a treaty with the King of Den
mark for the purchase of the islands
of St. Thomas and St. John, on the
best terms then attainable, and with
the express eonsent of the people of
those islands. The treaty still remains
tinder consideration in the Senate. A
new convention has been entered into
with Denmark, enlarging the time
fixed for final ratifivatiou of the orig
inal treaty.
Cum prehenuive national policy
would seem to sanction the acquisi
tion and incorporation him our Fed
eral Cu lon of the several adjacent con•
tineutal and insular communities as
speedily as it can be done peacefully,
lawfully, and without any violation
of national justice, faith, or honor.
Foreign possession or control of these
communities has hitherto hindered
the growth and Impared the Influence
of the United States. Chronic revolu
tion and anarchy there would be equal
ly Injurious. Each one of them when
nrinly established in an independent
republic, or when Incorporated into the
United States, would be a new source
of strength and power. Conforming
my administration to these principles,
I have on no occasion lent support or
toleration to unlawful expeditions on
foot upon the plea of republican propa
gandism, or of national extension or
aggrandizement. The necessity, how
ever, of repress' such unlawful
movements clear , in Icate the duty
which rests upo us n adapting our
legislative action • sew circum
stances of a decline of Eu opean LuOn
arehleal power and In , slice, and the
increase of America! publican Ideas,
interests, and sympathies.
It cannot be long before It will be
come necessary (or this Coivernment
to lend some effective aid to the selu
tiou of the political and social prob
lems which are continually kept be
fore the world by the two republics of
the Island of St. Domingo, and which
are now disclosing themselves more
distinctly than heretofore In the island
of Cuba. The subject le commended
LO your consideration with all the
more earnestnese because I am satis
fied that the time has arrived when
even so direct a pmeeedlng as a propo
sition for an annexation of the two re
publics of the Island of St. Domingo
would not only receive the t onsent of
the people interested, but would also
give satisfaction to all other foreign
I am aware that upon the question
of further extending our poesessions it
is apprehended by some that our polit
ical system cannot successfully be ap
plied to an area more extended than
our continent; but the conviction Is
rapidly gaining ground In the Ameri
can mind that with the increased fa
cilities for inter-ommuunieatloo be
tween all portions of the earth, the
principles of free government, ad em
braced in our Constitution, if faithful
ly maintained and carried out, would
prove of eudicient strength and breath
to comprehend within their sphere
aud Influence the civilized nations of
the world.
The attention of the Senate and of
Congress is again respectfully invited
to, the treaty for the establishment of
cowmen/gal reciprocity with the Ha.
waibui Kingdom, entered into last
Year, and already retitled by that Gov
ernment. The attitude of the United
States towar d s these islande to not very
drift:trent from thatin which they Maud
towards the Weld. Indies. It
end felt by the Hawaiian Government
mid people that their Government anti
institutions are feeble and preen' ions ;
that the United States, being so near a
neighbor, renald be unwilling to see
the islands pees under Glrelgii control.
Their prosperity is eau nnualiy disturb
ed by expectations and alarms of on.
friendly political proceedings, as well
twat rho United States as from other
foreign Powers. A reciprocity treaty,
while It Gould ant materially diminish
the revenues of the United States,
wonld.tierz guaranty pf thewrit
and forbears/um of all nation) good
the people of the islands shell of them.
soave*, at (to distant day, cohlutarily
apiSy 1444; mission into the Union.
The Emperor of Russia has acceded
to the treaty negotiated hareln %faun
pry hurt fur the security of tradretuafird
in the interest of !manufacturers anti
torutneres. J friss , e invited his atten
tion to the importa,we of establishing,
now while It Wens end priteitce.
bLe, a fair and equal resiliating of the
vast fisheries to/raining to the PWII
trans In the waters of the North
The two treaties between the Liuited
Sisals* sod Italy for the regulatiou of
DDlMillir powers and extradition of
eritniaale, tuarotlittalf atiii retitled here
during the lasi arseiDD of
brae accepted Lave accepted *DA Dooorfßeu skif
the Italian govertimeut. A liberal
consular eoalfection wttleh has been
negollsted with Belgium will be sub
mitted to the Senate. The very
important treaties which were negotia
ted between the United States and
North Germany nod Bavaria, fbr the
regulation of 11, right* of naturalized
cittzen., lime hien duly ratified .ind
eXelliingeli, and aitnltnr treaties
have been entered into with the
K1111;4011)4 of licitit um anti Wurletn
berg and with the (]rand buchlea of
Batten and I les,e. T tarinstatit. I hope
anon to be aide to submit equally antis
factory 4trinv ,•tt i ions of the same char•
meter now in mrse of negotiation with
the respective tliivern meats of Spoils,
Italy, and the Ottoman Empire.
Examination of claims against the
United States by the Hudson's Bay
Company and the Puget's Sound Agri
cultural Com Any, on account of cer
tain poesoo y rights in the Slide of
, i ."
Oregon and' ,ritory of Washington.
alleged by (hum- companies in virtue
of provhdow.ol hit' treaty between the
United States and Great Itritain, of
June 15,1846, lee. teen diligently prose
cuted under the direction of the joint
international ommission to which
they wets sulonitted fur adjudication
by treaty beta eer the two (Owen).
merits of Joly I, 1543; and a ill, it is
expected, be concluded at an early
No practical tegulation concerning
colonial trade ai ! the flatteries can be
accomplished by treaty betaeeu the
United States and Great Britain untr
emigres» shall have expressed their
jts I rent concerning the principle,
Involved. Three other questions,
however. between the United States
and Great Britain re-nein open fir ad
justment. Thesenre the mutual rights
of naturalist ..a, the boundary
question involving the title to the
Wender San Ju.m, le Pi c• it coast,
end mutual tla iris ar 'tig sin, tLe
yea: 183.3, of t lie citizen, nil sir
of the two countries for likinrire and
depredations committed under the
authority of their respective Govern
ments. Negotiations upon these sub
jects are pending, and I am not with
out hope of being able to lay before the
Senate, for its enneideration during
the presen t session , protocols calculated
to bring to an cud these justly-excit
ing and long - existing controversies.
‘Ve are not silt iced of the action of
the Chinese Government upon the
liberal arid au-picious treaty which
was recently eelelirated with its pleni
potentiaries et this capital.
Japan remains a theatre of civil war,
marked by religious incidems and po
litical severities lees liar to that long
isolated mph, The Executive has
hitherto maim dued strict neutrality
among the belligerents, mid acknow
ledges with pleastirg teat he has bees
frankly and 11111 y sustained in that
course by the enlightened concurrence
and co-operation of the other treaty
Powers, namely, Great Britain, Franoe,
the Netherlands, North Germany and
Spain having recently undergone a
revolution marked by extraordinary
unanimity arid preservation of order,
the Provisional Government establish
ed at Madrid has ',ten recognized, and
the friendly intercourse which has so
tong happily existed between the two
countries remain. unchanged.
I renew the reco:nmendation con
tained in nr communicatioe to Con
gress dated the 18th July last—a copy
of which aeetenpanies this message—
that the judgment of the people should
be taken on the propriety of so amend
ing the Federal Constitution that it
bliall provide
-Ist. For ati election of President and
Vice President by a direct vote of the
people, instead of through the agency
of electors, and making them ineligi
ble for re-election to a secoud term.
241. For a i 1 istno t designation of the
person who bll.lll discharge the duties
of President, to tire event of a vacancy
in that office by the death, realguation,
or removal of both the President and
Vice President.
3d. For the election of Senators of
the United Stumm directly by the peo
ple of the severe etates, instead of by
the Legislatures ; and
4th. For the limitation to aperlod of
years of the terms of Federal judges.
Profoundly immersed with the pro
priety of making these Important
nioditleationa in the Constitution, I
respectfully submit them for the early
and mature consideration of Congress.
We should as far as possible reinobe
all pretext for violations of the organic
law, by remedyirig such imperfections
as time and experience may develop,
ever remembering tiled "The Constitu
tion which at airy time exists, until
changed by an explicit and authentic
act of the whole people, is sacredly obli
gatory upon all '
In the performance of a duty fm
pissed upon me by the Constitution I
have thus cornintieicated to Congress
information of the mate of the Union,
and recommended for their considera
tion such measures as have seemed to
me necessary and expedient. If car
ried into efitiet they will hasten the
aecomplishineflt of the great and bene
Scent purpose for which the Constitu
tion was ordained, and which it corn
prehenaively states were "to form a
more perfect Union, establish justice,
insure domestic tranquility, provide for
the common defence, promote the gen
eral welfare, and secure the blessings
of liberty to ourselves and our posteri
ty." In Congress are vested all legis
lative powers, and upon them devolves
the responsibility as well for framing
unwise and excessive laws, as for ne
glecting to devise and adops measures
absolutely demanded by the wants of
the country. Let us earnestly hope
that before the expiration of our re
spective terms of service, now rapidly
drawing to a close, un all-wise Provi
dence will so guide our counsels as to
streughen suit preserve the Federal
Union', Inspire re, erenee for the Con
stitution, restore pruaperity and happi
ness to our whole people, and promote
"on earth peace, good will toward
Washington, Dec. 9, 1868.
Mkarettis, Dec. —The troubles
In Arkansas continue., The families
who fled from Augusta arrived this
morning. They confirm the former
statement in regard to the depredations
of the Radical otidtla. The steamer
De Sam put her p.tveingers off a few
tulles below Augusta, the utUcers fear
ing to trust ttut steamer within their
reach, and returned here. The agents
of the White River line have been In
structed to bold all freight for Augusta,
and points above, to prevent seizure by
the militia, The Avalanche's Little
Rock special, to-night, soya, the out
rages committed by the militia are so
tlagrant as to provoke the condemna
tion of all parts s favoring peace and
stated that in one of the late mitions
near .Neegatc, Joy mos° "Tommy,"
who attracted to mud* attention from
the American 11(lics in the duple( the
embassy, was killed. lie was shot
through the breast and leg, but died
lighting (or his chief, true to She Pair. u•
gawa elan.
TITS 110/ATICULTUITT thinks that
Apple Watt, In orchards, should be
planted only Leo by ditseu feat, and
standard pure tril by ten feet, dwarf
pears six by eight fret, with an OCCa
-610E141 evergreen tree.
SIGNOR AGosriNu llottotn, a d laths
guislied chemist of Florence; Italy,
has discovered the mean. of reuieling
wood and all other substances Nati:el*.
Ore 'proof. A theatre has etready tteen
construoled wmph O r ecllpett to
burn when set flroLlq.
THE Preis!dent of Libftria is Hato•
r4I black republican.—Detroit
Which js beP,r filial being in un
natural one, vakOy Wow fespeefik
Tits fialtimore gazelle 00111411 to us
1p a pew aulL of beautiful type, and
looks 41 we its 9 reada—ln both re
spects No. I.
FRI DAI, DEC. 18,,1863.
Deeming President Johnson's last
Message of too much Impottance to be
disposed of by a mere al-tract. we pub
lish It entire. Men of nil parties rimuid
give it a careful perusal. A large por
tion of It Is taken up with our cronies
tic affairs. The President reviews at
length the Reconstruction plans of the
Radicals. He points out their evil ef
fects upon the whole country, and
shows their revolutionary tendency.
Considerable space is devoted to the
currency question. A returu to specie
payments as early as practicable, and a
reduction in the rate of inte are
The Radicals ofthe Senate eghl ited
their petuleoce and bad manners by
refusing to allow the Message to be
read, bemuse the President exereleed - ,
his constitutional right, as well as du
y, to review the cork of Congress.
le House behaved a trifle better. It
dewed to the reading of the Melange,
but the President was afterwards
abused and vilified by the Radical
Nothing. c'• il l /have happened so
well calculate I to whet puLlie curiosi
ty respecting the Massage, and to se
cure Its 'ager perusal Ly every man,
woman a , d child In the United States,
at this 1 ettv attempt to nuppress it.
It will be M. n that President John
son has not receded one inch from his
stern opposition to the revointionary
policy of the Radicals, and that all
their abuse and persecution have kept
him nouo the less the fast friend of
constitutional liberty.
WE are unable to give our usual
quantity of general news this week, be
cause of the apace ocouplocl by the
President's Message.
IT is to be hoped that when General
Grant commences cabinet making be
will ship off the Freedmen's ItuiTao
to the old lumber room.
THE coolest piece of "cheek" we
have witnessed for a long time is the
claim by the Detroit.Postthatoutrages
at the South have (leased on account of
the election of Grant.
HORACE GREELEY writes about the
"Barbarism of the English elections."
If there Is more barbarism In them
than In negro voting In the South we
should like to know It.
TUE Flndleal leaders are about to re
pudiate the Chicago platform on the
suffrage questiou, just u they have re
pudiated every profession they ever
'ISMS& —Both Houses of Congress
Lave agreed to adjourn from Mon
day next to the 7th of Janu
ary. For the country's cake, they
might u well adjourn otos die.
has presented a memorial to the Sen
ate, asking that the newly electedSen
store be refused their mesh', on the
ground that the State hasnot been suf
ficiently reconstructed. What will
satisfy him?
Mons Murders are now committed
in Tennessee than In any other irlati
cal community of equal populaSion.
The telegraph wino are continually
freighted with reports of slaughter, la
which negroes and white Radicals fig
ure conspicuously. Such is the mod
el nigger kingdom of Brimstone
PUBLIC DEBT.—The published re
ports show that the public debt yea
been increased from November let,
1867, to November let. 1868, 5a5,,w.25,-
10'2.82. There was an Increase in No
vember last. of /11,000,000, which makes
$4 ,000,0 W in thirteen months. This
Is the way Vat, Radicals lift Wahl:miens
from the shoulders of the tax-payers.
Democrat, was re-elected Mayor of
Boston on Monday, by 1,8011 majority,
over Kimball, Radical.
The Democrats elected their Mayor
in New burs port the same day, by 18.2
' If the Thmocratle party be "dead,"
it }Hakes a very "lively corpse." •
A RESPECLABLzand wealthy ultizen
of lowa is in New York trying to die
pose of We property with a view to
leaving hie State. He says he will
not live in a State where the white
men do not think themselves any bet:
ter than negroee. Be thinks that stri
king the word while out of the consti
tution most cause a reduction iu the
value of property in t bat State.
IT Is announced that Ben. Butler
will take an early opportunity to de
liver a speech on the tinanisia, in
which he will Like the same ground
he formerly occupied It will be re
membered that he, ThAdetni Stevens,
and other leading Radicals. agreed
that the law creating the Five-twenty
Bonds rendered them payable In cur
Cot, A. K. ?Ili:Cl:rag and several
other friends of Goverr.or Curtin are
In Washington looking out for places
under Grant. McClure is pushing
Curtin for a Cabinet appointment.
The Ex-Governor is mid to have
abandoned the contest for Senator.
He has not money enough to go into
the tight with a show of success.
—The New York runes and Buffalo
Cbmmercial both favor the motion
made In Congress to appropriate $50,-
000 to defray the expense of President
Johnson's defence In the Impeach
ment trial. The Ciminieretat, which
Is a Radical journal, says that as the
President was acquitted, the necessa
ry legal presumption Is that ho was
Innocent, and therefore should not be
awn paned tO detrAy the expenses of
his own trial,
8P2C13 PAYAIMI3.-14 the United
Rates Senate, on NendaY, Nir. Mor
ton, of Indiana, Introduced a Lilt to
provide for the redemption, in coin,
of the United , filate• notes and nation
al currency, on and after the first day
oquly, ;871, the surplus gold now 10
'bp Treasury, and all thatpuiy barest
tee mamma, nap, *nu shove the aiet t uat
necessary to pay the nein
for other 'pies, specified by law, to he
set apart for thlapurpose- The bill fur
ther provides that national banks
shall redeem their notes - in gnl4, ou
and *NT " 4 144glity, vsn.
GENTLE4eat who dye their has awl
whisker should not ounip/aln of the
ladles who use powder on their faces,
Tit tar tat.
The right to regulate the suffrage is
one which neither people nor States
delegated to the federal government
In the Con:410100n. It is one of the
rights which are reserved to them. No
one can dispute this truth. Even the
Chicago Platform. upon which Want
was elected, acknowledges this fact,
by declaring that the people of the
"loyal States" 'intuit hie permitted to
?Olio the question of rulfintge for
themselves. But, -now, a Congress,
elected without reference to this mat
ter, and upon the special denial of the
Radical party that it Was its Intention
to establish negro suffrage, is about to
introduce a reticule by which the peo
ple ate to be defrauded of this sacred
right. The amendment reeulatrng
the suffrage, is to be proposed to the
legislatures already elected, the mem
bers of which were chosen without a
thought ou the part of the voters that
the persons whom they were selecting
to represent them would he called up
on to decide a Tiehtion of this charac
ter. These Legislatures are to rote
away forever this dear and cherished
popular right, and the people .them
er live are not to be consulted in regard
to it at.otl. 'Such Is the present pro
gramme of the Radical tenders.
In our Judg ment the member of the
leghdature who votes for the ratifica
tion of this amendment, is uo better
than a highway robber and ought to
be summarly dealt with by his constit
uents. He deliberately robs the pro.
pie of their undelegated right to settle
the . question of suffrage for them
selves. If he be a Radical, he know
ingly violates his pledges to his own
party, made in his endorsement of the
Chicago Platform. Neither statute
nor common law provide it for the pun
ishment of such a criminal, because
his offence Is against a natural right,
reserved by the people, and uncon
trolled by any written law. A coat of
tar-and-feathers would, however, an
swer the ends of justice.
Meanwhile, let men of all parties,
who would not sell their birth-right
for a mess of pottage, demand of their
repreeentatiete in the State Legislature,
that they submit this suffrage question
to the people for settlement. If suf
frage is to be conferred upon the Ne
gro, or the Chinaman, or the Indian,
let the people, and not thepoliticians,
do R. Who will dare to advocate the
contrary T—Bedford Gazette,
The public debt statement for No
vember shows an Increase of nearly
ten millions of dollars! This to the
old story—nearly every month shows
that the nation's Indebtedness, is In
creasing at the rate of from fiefs to ten
millions • mouth. At this rate we
would like to know how long it will
take to pay oft' the national debt.
"Our debt is sacred—every dollar of it
mast be paid," say Radical spouters,
but the very men who use this lan
guage are working harder for repudi
ation than any set of men In the coun
try. They are the men who favor a
Freedmen's Bureau, a standing army
In the Mouth, enormous salariee to pub
lic offlcers, and other extravagant
measures, to say nothing of the mil
lions they have stolen from the treas
ury. It wounds very well to talk flip
pantly about crar "plighted faith" and
the "wealth of the enuntry," but we
tall these wise men who thug talk,
that the burtheno now upon the ghoul
ders of the people are breaking them
down; they feel Mit they are already
taxed almost to death, and they
will not submit to additional taxa
tion. They see the national debt in
creasing every month, and they see
the reckless extravagance which was
inaugurated by the Lincoln adminis
tration continued. What prospect is
there then that the national debt will
ever be paid? Little Indeed.
The election of Grant, It is evident,
has unsettled the affairs of the country.
From the hour it was announced that
the Radicals had elected their Presi
dent, gold advanced, and'netional se
curities fell. The banks might as well
lock their doors, for they refine to dis
count. On account, of the fall in pri
ces, farmers refuse to eell their grain,
which of Itself creates a panic. Thou
sands of workingmen are unemployed,
imainess men are posting their books
and making limitless efforts to collect,
and men of wealth are boarding their
money that they may be enabled to
pick up bargains when the crash comes.
Avid all these threatenings, Radical
politicians, elated with their success,
advocate an Increase of the President's
salary fourfold, eulogise the Freed
men's Bureau and advocate its contin
uance, clamor for more troops in the
South, wink at government thieves,
and wind up by a mock profession of
"loyalty," and a strong determination
to pay off the national debt, "princi
pal and interest, to the last -farthing."
The people may get their eyes open be.
fore long, when they will discover
that they have been most egregiously
nt bugged.— VoNnicre.
—John W. Garrett has been re•elee
ed President of the Baltimore and
Ohio railroad.
—Beef In Zanesville, Ohio, Is only
six cents a pound at retell. filatton
tea cents per quarter—equal to forty
cents for a whole sheep. °
Mr. Daniel Antrim, of Pottstown,
caught a catfish In the Hchuykill riv
er, near Reading, on Thursday week,
that measured five and a hilt inches
between the eyes, and a foot ,and a
half in length.
—The present employer of George
D. Prentice was his Clef* twenty-live
—President Timothy Dwight, of
Yale, was the first man iu
to cultivate strawberries.
—A young man ebout jumping from
a train while in 'notion, wits deterred
by a reporter, who asked for his name,
age, business end residence, fur an
obituary item.
—Prof. Newton, of yute, says that a
comet, which is traveling at tbo rate
of two million miles per day, has just
whisked Its tun to our Mfg's.
— The Tintldell 77rries uses sle;ieu
tone of white paper a day.
—On the Union Pacific railroad the
cry Is "look out tor the Indian," in
stead of "look out for the engine."
—Some smart statistician Rays that
the births since the comtion of our
world have been 66,6.17,843.273,0;5,221;
col )eg had better believe it, than twill..
--There are only two saloons In
Salt I l atte City, nud their license fee,
loniatlitig hilllunir, le isls rod dpi_
lam a month, payable to Brigham
Young. They are troth kept by (len
Haw U km, grocer, .1..0ek Bava n, ad
vertises la the CP rtoo Jr 6 to the
aiiount of $1000• anqttally. .13ep4iNe
focal ctpartirent
Sno r es.—More snow on Wetlnesdny—
hese Inches.
Cu/A.—Last Friday morning was the
coldest of the winter, the thermome
ter marking 0 degrees above zero.
Assigmacsit.—Mr. Patio Brougli, of
Chamoemburg, has appointed Molars.
Jeremiah DIAL and 8.1?. Greenawalt
assignees, for the benefit of creditor*.
Pretty Dirk.—Somebody has Matter
ed Boston by saying it has the pretti
est. women In America. That some
body has never visited these parts.
In Luck.—An editor in an adjoining
county boasts of the Thanksgiving
dinner be helped to eat. Poor fellow!
No doubt warm victuals tasted good to
Money Is scarce, but not as scarce as
some people try to make it. There
are plenty of men who have money,
but refuse to puy It out, simply bemuse
the general seureitysglves them an ex
cuse for withholding it from tinue
Who should have it.
Stock SssLNeriptiong.—lt will be seen
by 2tll advertiseineut in auother column
that theCommimioners of the "Adams
County Railroad Company" have con
eluded to open books lot subscriptions
to the capital stock. A Rsilroad to
Petersburg would open out a rich and
productive region, and a vigorous ef
fort ought to secare its construction.
School Mow! Burnt —The public
school house lit Whitestowu was de
stroyed by fire ou Friday night last.
Adarge number of books were also
burnt. The building had shortly be
fore been put In thorough repair. No
one seems to have any idea as to how
the building caught.
Lc , ture.—George Alfred Townsend
delivered his lecture on the “Pconsyl
voids Butch," in Agricultural Hall,
on Tuesday evening, to a good house.
The lecture has many !Arresting
points, and some tanits.
..1.6 /sonic Lrequre..— The Mason le
Lodge in this place has determined to
celebrate St. John's :'fight with a pub
lic lecture, and has secured Rev. Dr.
NfeCron, of Baltimore, Grand Chaplain
of the State of Maryland, to deliver it.
The mensberehip and the Node gen
erally are therefore invited to Agricul
tural Hall ou Monday evening, the
28th instant, to bear this brilliant lec
turer. There will be no charge for ad
mission, the Lodge bearing all the
Literary Contest —A literary contest
between the Societies of the College is
announced for Agricultural Hall on
Tuesday evening next. Each Society
has selected a represenbttl ve Deci al mer,
Orator and Debater for the occasion.
The merits of the respective per
formances will be left for decision to
public sentiment, Instead of judges
specially chosen. Everybody is fr
"Pacific and Atlantic."—The Pacific
and Atlantic Telegraph Company have
extended their lines In all directions,
and their wires now connect wfth the
pritiqipal towns east and west. Their
office in this place is In F. D. Du
phorn's store, corner of the Square
and Carlisle street. Ur. Dupboris is
himself the operator—a clever and
ceorteous gentleman
Jupiter.—The planet Jupiter,. with
RA belt and sateldes, can now be plain
ly seen with the aid of a telescope, any
clearevenlng. This planet, the largest
in the solar system, is about 1,200 times
greater than the earth. As seen
through the telescope, it presents a
disk atunit the site of a ien plate, traces
of its belts bang visible near and par
allel with the equator.
Store Sate.—On Thursday, the 10th
Instant, Mr. E. Hiteshew, of Peters
burg, Y. 8., disposed of his entire stock
of goods and room, to Messrs. Driest &
Bowers, for $15,500, cash. The popu•
larity of this woll kpown house will
HOC Stiffer in its new hands. They will
make every effort to accoaunodate stud
please, as did the outgoing proprietor.
Abraham Sheffer has sold his farm,
near Petersburg, to John Wagner-48
acres, at about $9O per acre.
Judge Ziegler has sold one of his
new houses, in East Middle street, to
S. Stammers, at $3,000, cash.
Fire.--Chritsuarin'e carpenter shop,
on West street, between Chadibers
burg and Middle streets, was discover
ed to be on fire about noon on Tuesday
last. All el:harts to save it proved una
vailing, the flames Twitting over the
budding in a few seconds. A large
lot of tools, worth probably four or
flue twitared dollars, were band, ai
were a number of new doors, Nash, &c.
Nothing was rescued but some Imp-
Der from the tiled outside: There
was an insurance of $lOO oe the 'shop
in the Adams County Com pany.
The stable of Win. Z. Little, adjoin
ing, also took Ore; but was promptly
pulled down—thus securing the lum
ber, hut in a very wrecked coudition.
This was likewise insured for $lOO in
the Adams County Company. •
The stable of Lewis aumnieraat,
across the •alley, made a narrow es
c ipe, and was saved, only by extraor
dinary effort.
Mow the tire origittatetl Is a myste
ry. There was fire in the stove, but
before leaving it Mr. William Chritz
man gave It I'l'l4mi:sons' attention, se
curing it against all chance of danger.
Inauguration.—Rev. Dr. Wentl9e
will be Inaugurated President of PeA.
College, on llonday evening, Dec. 21,
in Christ Church. As this is only the
third ceremony of inauguration, in the
history of the Institution, it will be
an occasion of more than ordinarY In
terest. It is expected that many of
the alumni and friends of the College
will be present. The following order
of exercises has been adopted :
1. Address, - turd Alt:Ovary of the Keys,
by the President of the Board, Lion,
M. McClean.
2. <Wares* on belch of the Faculty,
M. L. &Geyer.
3. Address on behalf of the Students,
E. T. Flan.
4 Inaisgontl address of Dr. Valentine.
Fars.—You cannot Make a lady a
more welcome Christmas present than
a het of Fu's. Nothing tan be more
seasonable, Diplom htii them In
great Variety—Mink Sable, Siberian
Squirrel, Water )fink, Fitch, French
Sable, Silver Squirrel, and Cbiltiren's
sets. sold at small p:olits. It
Columbia Aridge.—Thu floor and
rail tack cif ale OClltpliblA bridge are
pouipleteci, and in case We rise{ 0444
the bridge Will be tkrOWn open for
wagons to crews. The arching, bow!
ever, Will pot be finished much before
tie ist of relmary.
Farmere afecting.—At a meeting of .
the ollicens of the Adams County Agl
rieulleral Society, on Wednesday last,
• reeoluttou ties passed to invite the
farmers, and all others interested, In
the county, to meet in Agricultural
Hall, Gettysburg, on Saturday, the
Nth Instant, (the day after Christmas,)
to discuss some subject connected
with Agricultural—the Board sugges
ting for the first that of 'Hough
lng." hoped that farmers gener
ally will take earnest hold of this mat
ter, and give it the attention lb+ Im
portance ilt.mands.
The idea of the Board is that similar
meetings shall be held, say once a
month, throughout the winter, to or
der that the principal topics growing
out of farming' may be reached, notes
compared, and general benefit derived
therefrom. The meeting on the with,
however, ailt be asked to decide when
antither shall be held, and what sub
jeet Anti! then be taken up. The
Board will have the large Hail in
proper trim and comfortable. The
public generally are Invited, but far
mers are opevially urged to be preza
us the meeting will li.tvo reference
now paltteulaily to their great call
ing. It should not fail of being au
entire FUCCCS.S. If it does, the Board
w ill not be to blame, for they are do
ing everything possible to further it.
Turn out, farmers, and make the
gathering pleasant and profitable.
Chrisfnios Free.—We understand that
the Sunday School connected with the
Reformed Church of this place, intend
having a Christmas Tree, In the
church, on Christmas night. The ex
errisee will he of au interesting char
acter, consisting of the regular Sunday
School service, and the singing of se
lect pieces of music—to conclude with
We distribtition of gifts. whieh will be
arranged In order on the Tire. This
to a new feature In the School, and
will, no doubt, do credit to those who
have It In charge. The public are cor
dially' Invited to attend. No admit
tance will he charged, but a collection
taken for the benefit of the Library.
The exercises will open at ti o'clock.
fiar of Mount hued.—A grand Fair
will open at Mount Rock, on Saturday,
the :lath of December instant, and
continue - during- the Ifu lidays.—
The proceeds will be applied to the
purpose of erecting a Chapel, and for
the maintenance of a Catholic school
at that place. The ladies of Mount
Rock and vicinity v. ill spare no effort
to make the Fair a pleasing and at
tractive entertalninent. The different
tables will be filled with every variety
of standee, which willbe disposed of
on reasonable terms.
"A grand Rattle of the articles inclu
ded in the tickets of the second anti.
third climes will take place on the S.'
and 30th Dee. The Raffle for the anti•
Iles embraced in the tickets of the first
class will 4e delayed several weeks-.
Christmas will occur next Friday.
Groups of admiring children gaze
wistfully at the windows of our oho
fectionary stores, where are displayed
all those kniek-knacks so enticing to
the eyes of the young, and - which are
not unappreciated by "children of lim
ier growth." Vhdons of Christmas
frees and stockings, plethoric with
candles and toys, are suggested to the
youngsters, which will not be vain If
parents take an early oppottunity to
"lay in" lb. needful supplies for the
coming holidays.
Game.—The hunters unthawing rare
sport through Ow wouutalus of Perry,
&MID awl Wale counties.
A large wolf was killed, in Hunter's
Valley, Perry county, by, Mr. Reising
A buck, weighing 242 pounds, was
shot, lost week, in Blair county.
Washington Bear killed a wild cat
in Spring township, Pcrry county,
last week.
large black bear Was killed on
Seven Mountains, near West end of
of Mifflin county, two weeks ago.
Over a dozen deer have been killed
in the . piint4lina msai M'Wytown,
during the pass two weeks.—Ex
—We suppose that as many as a
dozen deer haive lien killed in the
South Mountain, lit this county, du
ring the season.
Tie hew Eclectic Magazine, for man
wary, is on our tahle. It is filled with
the choicest selections, making it one
of the most readable publications that
has fallen under notice for many a
The New Ecketic has already attain
ed a high rank, and welt deserves the
full and hearty coin mentiattonesho war
ed upon It by the press in all quarters.
We cheerfully adJ our mite.
Published by Turnbull A Murdock,
54 Lex i ugiuq itity Ilkitilatore. Terms:
—Single subscription, $4 per annum.
Single numbers, 35oents. Five copies
to one address, sldil Ten 6ides ditto,
$3O; and each additional copy, sa. All
subscriptions strictly in advance, and
payable by post Oleo order or draft on
A Challenge.—W o have received tie
December uutnber of "Merry's Muse
um," for young people, an 4 old 'people
too, who have not forgotten that they
were once young. The publisher,
Horwitz P. if trillieir, ' Phil's's that
"Merry" ts, the bed magazine of its
kludissued in the country, and chal
lenges ediMPal !SOU. Our readers can
decide this point for themselves by
sending to hire two three-cent stamps
fora speelhaeu. The Juituary number
begir.s . a . new Volume, witted, will be
further enlarged and int prot ed.
Term's; 5130 a year in advance.'
Good kuritstit.--silike 7: loeal" of the
Harrisburg Pafriot brag of a hunter
In that vkluity, who pan shot six
wild turkeys this SCIISOtt. lAre can
beat this tastly. Mr. Geo. Stittler, of
this place, has killed eleven, and a
party. of three others have shot over
thirtic—Bedford Gazette.
Duphorn's stock of goods Is &lacings,
whilst his piques 11113 amoug the °lowest.
For the cold weather he has heavy
Cloths, Casslmeres, Coatinp, Dress
Goods, I:l“siery, Gloves, he. He has a
tine assortment, and Ilkes to show It
Call early and often. It
Bey/.—Beef from wagons is selling
in the York market at 10 cents per
pound for hind-quat tees, and 8 cents
for fore-quarters.
alienthir usis.—We arc prepared
to print Calendars for the year 180,
with Business Cards attached. They
are done either on card board or paper,
in one or a vatiety of colors. They
are not only attractive beet‘usst showy,
but useful for dolly reference through
c the year—and hence doubly valtia•
hie to these who mend them,sel eve of this
menus of ad eerttaing. That tha Coal
man office will do them tiNVLY to
guaranteed by the very handrpe
`RCA KnahanttY laVued out. *n
your orders. Rates alwaye reasonable.
Advertising Aphorisnis. —lf you
don't mean to mind your business, it
will not pay to advertise.
Stead-Is the staff of human life, and
advertising is the staff of life In trade.
'Newspaper advertisements are good
of their kind, but they caanot take
the place of circulars and hand, hills.
circulars are good of
their kind, but they cannot take the
place of newspaper advertisements.
:No bell can ring so loudly as a good
adverthientent. People will believe
what they ace, rather than what they
Quitting advertising In dull limes Is
like tearing outs dean because the wa
ter is low. Either plan will prevent
good times from ever coming.
If you would add to your business,
put your "ad." Into our list.
Cold Weal/arr.—During the last few
days old Harass has _visited us in all
his glory, wakeug up those persons
who have neglected to provide them
selves with comfortable Winter Cloth
ing Our friend, Francis Cunning
ham, has Just received a lime as
of all kinds of Boys' and 'fen's
wear, adapted to the 804:4011, including
Coats, Over ('oats, Data) Vests, Wool
en Shirts and Drawers, Boots, Over
Shoes, Musical Instruments, Trunks
and Valises, - Socks, Buffalo Robes,
Sleigh bells, Horse Blankets, (Roves,
Hosiery, w ills a large variety of No
tions—all of a itch he is off e ung at
very low prices,, having been purchas
ed for ea,h. Call and examine his
stock, on Baltimore street, Picking's
old stand, and you a ill find Just a hat
you want, and what is better still at
prices Just to suit. 2t
The MornOw Wm-v.—Col. C. 1-1
Buehler has received a large assoi t
anent of these famous base•burning
Stoves, which on the score of econo
my, cleanliness, easy management,
and general utility, stand unrivalled
mad defy enmpctithm. The great de
mand fort i them last season taxed the
capatity in the manufacturers to meet
the demand. They are much Improv
ed anti will doubtless cm long take the
place of all other stoves for parlor, of
tive, store and shop. call and look at
them, at the Waroroom on the corner
of Carlisle and Railroad atreeLs, oppo
site the depot.
Also, on hand a full assortment of
the best varieties of COOKZNO STOVES,
Including, the Spear, Noble Conk,
Waverly, Oriental, Washing, Barley
Sheaf, Prince Royal, Royal Cook, Ex
celsior, dic the., all WARRANTED to be
good bakers. if not satisfactory, they
can be returned and the money re
funded. Also, ti large assortment of
Hollow M are and Tin Ware, Doty's
Washing Machine amid Universal
Wringer. Call and examine. tf
Innter Wcar.—To provide against
'the severity of winter weather, call at
Duphorn's Store, In the Square. He
has everything needed, of the best,
and sells cheap—very cheap. t
Now le The Time.—Housekeepers
con economise by laying In their win
ter coal at once, as freights arc now
lower than they will be a month
hence, and Coal will necessarily rise.
Persona desiring to eavc money, will
di; well to call at onee on Cul. C. II
Buehler, who is prepared to furnish
all , kinds of Stove, Blacksmith and
Lime•lwrner's Coal at lowest mar
ket prices. tf
Photograph. For good Photo
graphs, go to Tipton & Myers's. A Imo
Frames, Albums, &c., very low. Ty
son's old stand
Aliaina.—Leer week we called atten
tion to the Constitution Bitters of
Seward, Bentley dr, Cheney, and now
we take pleasure in noticing their
Mims for the hair, which is said to
he a very fine article fur the toilet.
We are of the opinion that the prepa•
rations of 8., B. .3. C. are all good, for
the reputation they sustain as Dru
gads is good evidence that they wou ld
g d
not put any thing In the market of an
ordinary character.
For all Bronchial affections, try
Seward's Cough Cure. It
A Fine Head of flair Is such au in
diepensable adjunct to beauty that no
one who prizes good looks should neg
lect to use the best preparations to tie
had to increase its gmwth, rednre its
color or prevent its falling off. Ring's
Vegetable Ambrosia is one of the most
effectual artieles for the purpose we
Lave ever seen, besides being one of
the most delightnil hair iireesmg, and
beautifiers extant. It Is free from the
stinky and gummy prope,rttes of most
other dressings, and being del tali tfu I ly
perfumed recommends itself to every
lady or gentleman using tine toilet ar
ticles. Nov. 27.. it
To Bemth.o and dre.s the Hair. and
•r .tore it to Ile natural color. and 'in.
part Unit beautiful glous, odor, etc.,
u.e MN. S. A. ALLEs's Imr.ltovEn
mew style) HAIR ItE , ..croatat or DigEs-
SING, (in one &dile). Every Dru4gist
aella IL Price One Dollar. Dee.ll.lrn
Oa the rith In4L, In this pht,e, ht . We Wt.
W. IL H. Deatrich, Nr. NoAII SNYDER to
PALLIE U. F, AKER, Loth of .11(,uutjoy
township, this county.
In Chatubentburg, on the la th lust., by Iles J. Koller Miller, Mr, !I 4IILT EL WALTER, of
linluiltmlwtt lownxlslp, Ad.ornt vount3 , to
linnt JEN NIE W A LTER, of tit. Tinnoint tow/1-
,014). tv•anklln l'a.
To Fit. Thomas, on the bt It lost., Itr t h,• rum 2,
both of St. Thoma.; OW.
I,m th, 10th Inst., of loch , 'DAVID W.,
son of D. W. Itobl*oit, of [hi - spine.% aged 7 919th
I month. and 2days.
Ot, the 141.1.1, la. At. In Ifoonljay 1r4.14P
Mr. DANIEL A, 14, C .iYDER, aged 3I) year's 4
nundlot and 15 days,
(In the 901 11.0 d.., 111.1.1 . (kit tyl,bll rg, EMMA.
ALICE dauter or Mr. Jain Crist, aged el
Yea" mono and IN days,
On the Sib inst., In Stmban township, Mrs
Etl'.4AN BUSHMAN, wile of Mr. lieusge A.
Bushman, Ia the Hifi elr Of her age.
On the 9th last, In lfotinljny township. Mr
FREDERICK, :urea ¢f yi.ars 3
months and 4
Ppusylvania Central Railroad.
n.)roixtnyck mete runtlinif bet wot 0 Phil
*Wl Ilttaburk. rrotm lenvita;.;
the,t,,,,burg make the follor lug counectlows
with Chia Trump. Line:
• •
blel.ljnibuti; lam, at. 0.00 a. w. and p. m
Hun ner June arrive !IWO ••
" lemma IM.. ,• a 9:40 "
flarrlelmrg arrive 12.4,1 p. in. 41.45
leave 4.40 3.40
Philadelphia arrive HAI) " 44.10
Ilarrl4burg lane 1.10 1L.71 "
Plttehurg urrloo 1.31) .1. nt. 4.40 "
At Philadelphia Chew coaturatlous are made
with the trains tor New York, btoston and ail
g.gleru Cities. At Pittsburg muneetiohs ace
node In the New Uulou Depot with the trains
fur all Western poluts.
Kir...For further tatormetion a p nly 4.0
FUW.I III) 11.1% ILL! IN,
Ora. tiu pt., Alto, - Pu.
k. 7 ., lf W. GwiNNiut, Gen. Pass A g lla.
Dec. 18. ISOS. tf
I.urE undersigned has °rooted , for rent. In
NEW OXFORP, d.dauni Of/linty, an estab
lishment for I . bu =alio facture of Ourlages.
Busglo+, 4p. POTIOUS .141 ling to engage to
atloilmon new will Ono Plew Us lord an e XeCIA lent
Slowly application dvsired
New Oxford, boo. 1, 1863. U
ITIFIE undersigned hnvlng cloana out. bush:K.6
... at ( iruk l4, eukt4tzu. 14,3 lie k I yablirg lial l
road. dealrrll3.l.equi lute iioct lenient or ae
pow, t.. Airqlll4qot by Ow lest ol More h
4mAA,:NrIII Be placoa n the Annuls of a proper
OITVOr for oollection.
PHILIP 114riN.
Dee. 4,186 a. II
nyrierwigne4 Akil p..) , for WASHED
. 45 ants, and for UNWASHED
I cents per pound.
Has &MOW:day o t Will & large 514A%&81,
very e li esP. V 7p. .l4T'HWS., ''
Het,tystousr, Dee. 1, ISA 1.
riggiglelamit gad Clergyrsgets
Testify to the inertsO of
liAllt RENEWED.,
In restoring (MAY HAIR to Lis original ardor
Mid promoting ito growth. It mskes the hair
sort sad glossy. The old in appearance are
Mods ' , onus tWnlu. It is the best
ILtl it DitIMING
ever used. It re 1110,1.1 J*l.lllol and all ".alit.
vy liruptiolllll. It thsw not stain the skin.
Our Treatise on the tide strut tree iu uudl
I/swat - sof use hairwrows yrsparattions will, 11
are sold upon our retwitst lon.
S. P. BALL & W., Noshes, N. 11.. Pro
prietors. .
For solo by all druggists.
4, ISt:4. Itu
To Consoneptiver
The advertiser, hnvlng been re toned to
lumatit In a few weeks, by a very simple rem
edy, alter having buttered several eats with
• severe lutut initnetton, and that dread disesme.
Consumption—ls anxious to make known to
his fellow mutterers the muss of clam.
To all who dealre it, he will send a pOPY Of
the proaeriptlon used (free of chargel (he
direction. for preparing and tieing the srinit , ',"
which they will nral a sun. Cure for Cowa" p•
lon, A.thinn, Ilronchlti., de. The only oftl, t
of the sit in :wilding the Prescript 100
IX tip In orllt the arnietait, and fliflnd 14102 - 111(1-
nun Ve lilt II he conceive. to he Inaal wade; 11111 i
ho Iwpra ever) /*utterer a 111 lay thus true dy e
It Will VOW them nothing, and way toot 0 0
Partleo x plescrlpllun %,1!1 pleane
Ith~. 1 1,,W.11t1,1 1. WI LH,/S.
1 , 1", :44111 Vlllllllllhlll.V,
o, t, .1 , , 1 , 44 73. l< 1, 1,1• N 1
- •
I:nroni 4.1' 1 eouch.A lN
A titsullitittatt him suit rtstl fur ;;r it oow
Nt n. Itt LlUtt, I l tuttialtiro Nifty, mud all
the t fleets ttf Notlihtul 111.11.tirtttlui, will, lot
the Nalco Cl stilt dull iltilannlit ...Hui Ir, e
till nho 1111, , 1 n , HIV nut Ivoell/q,
Mllklrg ,11111`11.Ivil.l•~l) 1 l. u hul, lu \AUK
tutrittl. istuteters tut...huh: itrulli ad.
stuns, 1 s t ,perlutrl , t.n It)
Itt periut•i couilat
It. (It:DEN,
N 0.12( e.lar ktrele , , N rw Vo.I
Dr. inektatuS Analeptics
A. Now ithlll,lll I.olt IINNU)11.1 fon.— A.
t'hyslt•lun who hail t•onSu n iptiou for hut •
eral yearn , With 1,1411111 bleedings of the
tango, cured luunrlf will, n medicine un
known to the prifeahlon, when Ills cosy tip-
PYared lle it the 5.511, 053 Ott Sii
a Ito 11101 fried It In linf own porttott, tsr
1.1% . ,tn, I stow ledge of Ito Nit 1.11...1, Ana lie um
ascribe itottll. ;tree a health he now, is.
nothing Ind the use of his mtyllt•lue; 011.1
ntahlng hot otter cloopattr - nod t ntlrt• eulhti•-
lion of all hnpt• 4sf reyo, haft flier add,
wont of confidence In all gotherl4. holm.. II hint
to hazard the experljnent. To those Hunt, -
Ing a Ilk and dine:too of life Lungs he prof
fent ft Iron ttttt ht• confidently Istilleveit aII I
ortolit ale the alto tow, iite,llrine as 511 1$)
prep.. Send fur a circular or call t.O -
1)u. 8 BuYI.sTON JAI:NOUN,
N. :no N.. lb Tvulh stn_et, Phi In
Fur male by A. 1). Boxl.lar, lit ulrylmt , tbd ).
burg, In,, mid di uggl4ol guierull) ,
M,. 8. IN AS. ly
lilt. 1,1 7 / 1 ):41.1)14 tIi)I,I,MN Pka 1.
PILLS Pun rrAIALEM. lafa!Map In:to,
rectlng Irregular!llea, Itumov'tlµ I.)batroo
tloux of the Monthly Turns, from whatp.l
CULLS°, 1111 d alwnya auttraaflll as a PIVV4.II
Females peculiarly situaleiLor thosesu pts , ••
hug theinselves an, are cautiont‘l optimist ...-
fog these Pills while In that condition lest
they usleeartiage," after which admits
onion, the Proprietor assumes no respoind -
Witty, filth( ugh then mildness will prevent
au& mischief to health.
Price 11 per Bog. NIL Italie. P-i.
Bold by JOILN M..1.11111ML, Druggist, Sole
Agent (or rioUyilburg, Ps.
Ladles, by sending hint Il Litrorlgh the Pm t
011 ice, con have the Pills scut, (confidential -
ly,) by Mall, to auy part of the country, 'ln 0
or 'grange."
May 1,1851. ly
Ilea/sumo, lillweliseima nowt tatarrib,
Treated with the utmost success, by .1. 14AAIN,
/Lb, l'rufussor of Llisuames of the Aye and K
In the holool College of l'ennailmitulii 1 - 1
yearn' experience, (formerly of Leyden, 1101-
laud et O. *Cr, A mil stmt. Fiala. Teat Iniiin lu Is
con be seen at his vfltloO. The inetfileisl faculty
are Invited to maeompuny tbelr patients, as he
barn no secrets In his practice. Artificial eyi
Wtmorted wttlsout pain. No change for exam'
Sept. 11, 1801. [(May 1, IiON4I
New Marriage Guide.
logloal Errors, Aldose, sad Visoases,
dent to Youth and Early 1111,dh000d,
create impedlinouts to
sun, moans of tarsi. Loa waled lattrir
envelopes less of ellisrlge. Address, Dr,.J.
SKILLIN /1.0176/„133,1X,/X,p , suni Assuidialion,
Philadelphia, Pu,
Dee. 13, PS& 10.:,
Tsthe place to get it. IT you Wieh, and whet,
I yea can get everything expected to IN,
found In .
Grocery and Liquor Store.
The Urneerlas eacuaut lu part at best Byrum..
suip... T.., ti plc." Ac,: also pula..
No.l Mackerel. oto.
Always Oa hoed a large quantity o(L pw
(4 ma kinds, Irmo HK Womanish ,
IN. for usethelnal Lind other ;peptises •
tYrl.3l \to ill,k1,1" JA.Wei/LIA MUM
(or hot puce
A Spi , er's pun• arupe JUslilel's,ll.ol
- N , Zingurl and tierinalt itteiara
Hotel Keepers will Ood by giving me • call i
that liivy mn be supplied with 14wirit at all
Liutot &la beton., ILO please, at massed rules, tn.{ ,
Nut .• 14,1404 and puckage,
Thullktui liar past gstUenage, he solicits at
cue tatusnec.
1.1:51. J. MARTIN,
Ritlasnore street, Ile&Aystougg,
Nov. 'M. 1 SO. I f
E. & H. T. ANTHONY Jr CO.,
7.1 Rinnelwny, Now York,
'INVITE lb,. a/Leath* of Snu Yriodo to ah.
extronlve I, mortrnelhi or tha ntn , r , ., or lo'ir
own public.ation, stamuhKlux. taid nutkurta
. ,
We pahUAlf ems, Four Tianlasted sulgeels of
liatarnaklatlelo Ylwaa,fautenUng;
- Nlwituuut.h.CaTe,
M i nk
Prefirrni I`nrk,
• Hudson. Trenton Vella. •
White 4rfounlataa, fir...l.lYeat,
Waehlugtoll, llounttottle,
Weal ega Delawart.,
Weft Point, I wean tatteoue,
t'ulut, New arenad a,
Venezuela, The Males,
fltslne, Japan.
England. tie , &e.
Our Ifapurled flews e11thr4.0,3 4 elirill. .........
M ”,
eal. 11,Ugiii/i4 the e) , lcitiVilla plyametlct,tis . q W... Lugi.l.l, U. W. V. Illiou, [Away. Ana A,-
or eminent photograph.", contopalpatuf,
;.4.rltaerlancl, Ireland, Spain,
Rhine, Wafer, VloolvrleN,
Pymnees, l'ot.P.l I, nt, ClOged,,
Paris, ' Uenuany, 'Priihnon.,,
England, Aulttrla, °metal reamer,
Hoothud, Italy, '?yrol.
Fountalnbleart, Contnel,oo,,, Flerattlaawrirlh,
Varealllea, Nerd., Home, effb,.&,......
A now and inhereatllle_weriew.' Alma Itlfaml
n•tted and Tranaparcnte Vieww, l u oral varle
tam alwa exelUalVu Agen twist America
tar“irl itItIM4I4.43I.A.Hti 1f11411:54,” of which
VI 1• ha% r n splendidi totwortinenot Agents for,
fieriew of x In. Photographh.-
Viewa sit Hwitzorland, Idxe Milne, England..
Scotland, Waleit,_4lte,
SIF,RMSIXdoir..d.—We mandthetrire Net,'
'lunar., and lime a large Mock of the bcht
Oxles at the Inwit,,q latex.
facture of Alhafto to well known throUghotd,
the want sty aasuperior to quality and beaut.
to all other.
AU we wit*" trade in our owe Factory mot
our sty WI are ditfereut from tlioar of any Whet'
Buyers should not tell to Awe oar stuck
brfunz griAlFlug their purchaww.
CH Rollos.
There ben*Welpicture*, tFmt ennnat be dlo
tingulobed Oath the attest Oil Pu!mainlin e at
Quo tenth their coot, we import largety from
Poet* Gunattn, Berlin. Vienna utul Rome, awl
supply the Mato at the lowest rates.
E. 4 H. T. ANTLIONY 4 0%)..
501 BROADWAY, N. Ir..
/ mporters nod Ilanoffieturera of Photograph
ic Materials.
Dee. 4. ISUIL VA.
Execnitor'a Noti®.
WM. S. NAGLE'S Mr ATE.— Letters tra
%alimentary on the estate. et Wm. N.
Nagle, lute of Hamilton twp., Adams county . .
dereoWed. Miring helm gruiriel to the under
signed, residing in We mine township, be
hereby Myra notice to all IXIIOIIII in
debted to said Mate to mega iiiimmdralie
moot. and HOP having claim. , reekliet tfie
mune to present Wets property Sul ilentklaird
f r rettlement.
wt,, A ISM. et
I.ll'OltUE KING,
I s m:calor,
rtaiw. intio, z; „am