Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, December 11, 1868, Image 3
IE2 k ! itttisbars tonight. GY.N. GRANT'S FORTUNE.— The Washington correspondent of the St. Louis Democrat says: 'Gen. Grant is rich already, and by cautious in vestments he is destined to be very rich one day, ranking with the Most opulent. He owns thirty-eight ores of laud within the corporate 11 its of Washington, worth $2„000 a acre. His house is held at $410,000. farm near St. Louis and houses in talents and in Philadelphia should d $lOO,- 000 to the former Semi. Three hun dred thousand dollars will probably not be in excess for the President elect's possessions." I=l Gera f yoburp • FEuun, RYE FLOUR, " - HITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT,... Com( , BNB, OATS, ......... BUCKWHEAT, 4.. CLOVER-SEED FI.AX•SEEID PORK == FLOUR, %V it tAT . ......... ......... •••••• (MIS, ..... II MOTH -ShEll t ... ..... 11(H.S, .0 !Wild ULM, CAVII,E,T blind Uur.u, I'l~ilt =BM NI Mr.'n Stole!, le Ar odiv Ille, en the 21114 ult.. tryßea. 11. W. Wo 11; !MY -tANlit.lth to Mots MAHN E. tiTtiNl,ll., of M1114..r.t.,wn. Al ttK maim rlner, br the same. on the .14.1 1 uNt , W M, nT1J1 , 1.311..CK F. 11,, of Tyrone Inn .114 N. I,J MI. LIZZIE Mcl RE,of Nee .1 foder, On the I MI ult., by ReV. Donlel I.ngebeek •Pi, Mr. ,ROE W. I,IF.ItIIY to BAILAII .1. 1,1.1.11 i, till nl Nfenallen,lownship. On toe 2Oth the Prosbyterlan church, ,/ .51erventhoro, by Rey. Thom. Crelgh, Mr. .I(lll\liei'AU4+l.,A NI ), of California, to Mlos 1/t.)40.111.111, It. 14 11 1F.1.U94., of Mereeroberg, for merly Nu" eounty. oil the I tat alt., by Mee. Mr. Patterson, Mr. 111E111)01W. bleA LLIKTI R. of curnbertand bat nOtlp. to Mae MARY IRN PM, dough ter nt Capt. John Hamner, of MoontJoy twp. (111 (Ile:nth alt., at the realdenee of the bride's father, II) Rev. J.Y. ker, Mr. JOHN HMI ~1 1t.0,1111`, to Miss ELIZABETH ItlsW ELL, V Pet ersharg. On the 12th ult., try Ttev. M. Ilnetrmarr, Mr. Jot 1 N KWlttillElt MIN. M. J. MOI4E, both ut l'umberland townehlp. on the INalt ult., by Rev. Mr. Mauer. Mr. 11111 V ‘5 01.1 , to Mil4l EN NA 1.., daughter of stinotel All tier, both of Ilanilltort towituthlp. 1111 1111: 21th tilt., by Rev. M. fin Pier. Mr. O. W. W AftFl.7l.. of Centre county, to Mims MOL LIE A. 6MITII, near Centre Mille. =I ' • On tin , 41h Mr. (11 , :ORGE IIEAGY, of , Conowtisii township, aged 83 years 3 months and i3l days. On Ale 911 of September. at his refililenee near LaLtlnelova, Mr. .I.OANIKI. MUIR' aged alerears 6 months and telays. On O i lcloth ult., at his home In Fnyettevllle, Mr. !STUART NIcOOWAN, In the 18th year of him age. - ONLY FOE CASH. undendgned, Dealers In Coul, hereby lic, g i ve n o u n this ce to their customers and the pub date NU CREDIT - - will 'wallowed, but all coal must be pald for In .Wye/ice or on delivery. Our being requir ed to loW Can't for Coal and Freight harmed laden take/moue, andhereafter the (-twit Stye tem al be rigidly adhered to. C. U. BI EAGER, JACOB REILEY, BENNER 41 DUO. tiett3, 4 aliurg, Dec. 11, PM. 8m ,THE CASH SYSTEM. VI U i iso l d e ers .t lened 6 Dpaie v dnee, i &: 4 . to I, tristne! th “ e r ttAttli reliSTESl hin Y ln ilt e e r lr m buti n 1- .111101. MI goods roust be paid for In advance .or on delivery, no the email HYIIIO6I will ,he .rigidly, motorail nfter thin date. 1314111 AM & CY/ WM.E. ALEX. SPANULEII, MeCtiftLY & HAMILTON, CIENNEIt & HMO, 'Ed In either of the above firm, 41.1 t .rettuists& t 4 eali shd make mettle nient, 0", 11, mak. Bm'• STRAY STEER CASE to Me presabea air th e sabre:ether, In Ilenellen townehlp, be September Isar. a Attl rITEEE aupposed ta Pe between two and t hree 3,q um old—la prinetpally wlttleowith mixture of white , ettlei red along tbeV44l-- iortin rather etratlahL The owner la mote*. prove property, pay chariot alai lake Id FRANCIS COLE Dee. It, 3t THE BEST IN THE WORLD, NEW VOLUSIK JANUARY 115 T. THE Scientific .4n&eriean =En 14S ii 1 rII MIE 'IENTIFIC AMERICAN la the ji largest, the beet, the cheapest, and moat Popular J i rual In the world, devoted to In . vs:sliull, ochaulcs, Manufactures, Arta, Science uu General Industry, and contains a • iost amount of vorrloteremlng and N alea- We reading emitter for all dame.. A g theilarnany Important subject. dis cussed, are Stettin and hiechauleal ing in nil tit brunches. Chemistry and all Its varied 1 . 1 . 00,101111 and Discoveries, Agriculture and all linpro•ed Farm and Household Im plements, Architecture and Building. Mining and ' Metal ~. Working, Firearms, Manttiao it taring, Hy, manes, liallroad lunprovemla en. l'indrigrap y and the Fine Arta, New htveti atom., rkle title and Mach/tribal rathjoets, Ar ticles by We Writers, Pnactioal Workshop and Household Hovels..., and many other f things instructive and useful to all claws of readers, . • Each number contkina from five to ten Orlg mW of New Machines and Pro envwnw, also tun official het uf Patents grunttal . nit tine Patent 01110. with narrow of Patentees, t.,sretherlr..ll illusarations and editorial sloth • eaa Of the prnse i put Inventions. The numbers the SCI MERILAN for one year 'states u two Ikafpfsouie t °fumes of 410 p •ges each full en.,,il.u/ce reading and illustrated b) each ofFnitLitlN,Win ENnallAVlNtaid. Tine New Veleta.. ..insouenmis January Ist, Thereto, now Is Lite nine to send InSubeerip liun. to begin the Volume. TICS Mts: Tine mg r.:. firth! .I.IIERiCAIf In banned et ery weak In la large quarto pages At PS a thr ;ft for six months; Clubs of tea names or upwards $.l SO each per annum Specimen Numbers sent free. MUNN P CO., PUbliabers, Park Iton, Now York, ?The IMbllsht no of the =SCIENTIFIC AMEItIC&N, for more than twenty-three ear.. have been the loading Solicitors of and European Patents, and have ..0 We n over thirty n th Illousand applications at tin e!a ustrated Pamphlet of Ito pages, containing the I'I,MM Lawn and 111101 . 111jili1. to Inventors, sent free. Dec. 11, idtfil. CARRIAGE FACTORY FOR RENT. E undersigned has erected, Mr rent, In 'Y rs EW oXFoRIi, Adams con n ty, an elitist. 'at for the manufacture of Congas., et, dc. Persona wishing to engage In things will Gnu N ew °Mont an excellent Early application desired CORNELIUS W. MILLER. 0 %ford,. Dec. 4.18 M. If 'ESSE D. gET.TS:II, COUrVTY" SURVEYOR, Ilt ILL prc attend So all Wl* la the s a „. aa rs ag tam BostdanoelaCeoowago toaa kd a .. smile mouth or MoSherryeloon. i ta t, ciat aa ad 41.reee—Ltanerver. Changan !mai. Nov. V, wee, 7m• SETTLE UP ! THE underwr. 'abasing ekeed ont nem mci r ..p.stm lata,on the Gettseou road. desires an la Ml4ldliiie w e nsettle or Kr coo ant. Alt bills nt S. paid by the A Starch net. will tar Mooed in Um hands of it proper officer for coneetten. Q, Dee. 1, 11111. ti WOOL! WOOL! THE undersigned anti pay for WASH • WOOD 45 cents, and for UNWASHED WOOL 31 mots per pouud. HMI eouatontl y on baud a lame assortment 01 CH AMBERSHURIa FCTOILY 000De4 VeeryFA. D. DUPHORN. liet tyslnoir.. Dec. 4.:018. U. Dissolution of Partnership. . partnership heretofore oxLstlng flthe undendimest, In the mermottll.- I.b.mefh, has been dltwolyed by unutusl con sent. Tlfe books are In the Junior partner's Inmds for settlement. He can be found, for armor time. at the t h estan The busmen& trlll be continued, Et same phme, by the *mbar partner. F. IX DEft'HORN a. W. 11UFFMAH. 1i0r,27.19/18. If DUMF. ee HAMA ual * qity, and reasonable 412 W. san be ba4 as AWES wauNegs good ankle of PerrfaP• iJ erY. nary dap. or Hair Braabes, can -AaPPileil RA le OCLURNI. RE.4L E.STITE AT PUBLIC BAWL - rundersigned winoffer at Public 9.M, n the premises, on SATURDAY, the Mb bley o R Estat f DECK/SHER, Is, the following valua eal e, els: A LOT OF GROUND, situate In the Borough of Berwick, Adams county, fronting on Water street, on which are emoted a large T WO-BTORY DWELLING, watt s one-story Beck Building attached a Log Barn and au- 1 . 1 Wing, Carriage House, Hog Yen, An., l• with a Welt or water 011 the premises; also • fine assortment of Fruit Trees, This is a very desirable property, being the late residence of the Rev. IC. Hogneins, do maned. Persons wishing to it Jew the premi ses or Melting Wilber Information ' will call on the undersigned, who occupies the above property. teat. to commence precisely at I o'clock. P. M.. on said day, when attendance will he giv en and terms made known by JULIA A. 13OFFLIEITil9. Dec. 11 , isaa. NEW. BUSINESS. Upholstering and Trimming. EILLIAM E. CULP has opened an estab lishment opposite Weaver's Live in Waehington street for COPEAUNG ISCIPAP CHAIRS, MATritEiglEd, am Up holstering la all Its breathe.. lie also continue. his old business of TRIM MING CARRIAGES, Ac., sad so licits from the public their patronage. Charges moderate. WILLIAM E. CL'LP. Gettysburg, Dec. 11, INN. ti s5O 7 00 Y 00 1 40 @ 1 00 MI 8 00 ®,lO 00 6 60 200 9 60 NOTICE_ IN THE MATTER OF FRANCIS R. HILDE BRAND, BANKRUPT. THE sold Bankrupt having flied his petition for a discharge from all his debts provable under the sahl Act, and for It certificate there of: It Is ordered that a meeting of the Credi tors be held on the 7th day of JANUARY, ISUS, at le o'clock, A. N 1.,, before Ilaxtings B ehr, Esq., Itegister, at the office of M. & W. McClean, Rags., In (let tysburg, kr Penn hen and where the examination of o ld Bankrupt will be du b:lied; and it Is further ordered that a hearing he had mam the said petition for discharge and certificate thereof on WEI/NM:WAY, the An b day , of JAN LILY, 1 Wl , before said Court at Philadelphia, at 10 o A. Pd., when and where all parties I uterehted can attend if they see proper. 650 (4 725 1 85 () 250 1 46 (4 1 50 85 09 105 70 ® -75 7 50 ® 775 2 758 41) ® 10 50 (4 11 00 6 (41) 64 15 00 Is 00 20 00 HASTINGS GEFIR.,, Itt*lxter In Bankruptcy Dec. 4, IS S. ftt Mg L M., 18M, S. 2. CONSTITUTION THE BEST TONIC.AND STRENGTHENING BITTERS • IN USE. Also, s most delightful and exhilarating I= A w 1 !te Casa full of tX)NSTITUTION BITTERS ",ree Mot, a day, will be the best preven tive cliscase that ran be need. CONSTITUTION BITTERS et ." Dsopeprta. huhp-te.tott. Cbthrettees, prevent. FEVER AND AGUE. anti all Bilious diseases. They are the STOSIAOH BITTERS OF THE AUK They are prepared by ward, Bentley & Cheney, DitutioisTs, BUFFALO, N. Y. S.. It. d. C. also prepare the ALLSMA FOR THE HAIII, Which is the beet Hair Restorr i,r lterzer. and Hair In the market. It prevents BaWoe., frees the head front Dandruff. and thoroughly eradlottca all diseases of the mad p. • SOLD BY ALL DitUGGILSTS. , Dee. 11, ICBM, ly ALISMA, THE HEST Hair Restorer and Renewer Restores luny and faded Uair to Its ORIGI NAL COLOR, removes Dandruff, CURES ALL DISEASES OF TIM SCALP, prevents BALD:CP:43, and makes the Hair grow Mitt, Gloomy and Luxuriantly. Alisioaa is the Beet, The Cheapest, and most satisfactory OF ANY ARTICLE IN USE, ,peel should be used by every one who admirts a BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR. Put up is two az% Stull (8 oz.) 81.00 ; Large (le et) ILSO per Bottle. EACH BOTTLE IN A NEAT PAPER BOX. Seward, Bentley & Obeney, Dm : oak Bunlido, N. li...Prwrletors. Thal aro also proprietors or SEWARD'S COUGH SYRUP, • splendid &alai* for 1 4d4, Bronchial, and all dleisitmo of the T II 13. 0 ,9 T MOLD BY ALL Dujusupers. U, 111118. COUGH CURE, A Safe, Certain sod Speedy cure for Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchi tis, Hansom:44a, Croup, Influen za, Whooping Cough, Inel picot Cousumption,and sIY diseases of the throat 4 Lungs. This tX:11.7011 CURE has been Vied for years. and the experience of THOUSANDS WHO HAVE USED IT to the diseases above enumerated, has pro. nounesd It • Safe and Melina'. Medicine; and at least ONE BOTTLE should be kept In every lam Ily as a ready remedy. Don't ne. Meet a severe Omagh. or throw away money on worthless medicine. Price 50 Cents per Bottle. YIIIITAIZZO BY Seward, Bentley & Cheney, DRUGGISTS, GUFFAW, N. IC., wbo ore also Proprietors of the Celebrated Constitution Bitters & Alisma. SOLD BY ALL D1W001319. • Dec. D. 198& 1p BROOMS! BROOMS! Tl3 E r.",a d . e ltr d oiS ° 4t in ng e rn t Carlisle nufacture street, adjoining the Railroad Depot, He will have, during the Fall, a full supply on hand, an d will be able to furnish them WHOLIOIALE or RETAIL. Broome made to order or on the shares. Persons having Broom Corn would do well to give him a mil. B. R. TIPTON. Gettysburg. Nov. M. Hag. 38/ To all Whom It may Comm .kinOTICE 1 hereby given that an application in about to be made to the Governor of agyivania in behalf of ISAAC *sae, now in the ginner& PenitanUitry. ander asatanes or the Court mortar Co urt . genalons of Adams torinty, fo ra for the aueildred Por tion or Um for which be wee miateneen, Nov. $7, Me Ma g. underslirned hereby warns hunters and I fishers (won trexpanalnd on hie penitent. on Middle Crash in sysodont township. Those who disregard this puttee taus& expect to be dealt with to the full extent of the .aw JOHN . VVOICIOAD, . . Way. ZI, IBIS. 311. Executor's Notioe. = WIL B. NAGLE'S ESTATE—Letterstal tameutary on the estate 0( Win. B. Nagle. late or Hamilton tarp., Adams acrintY, derealted, having been vented to the under signed, residing In the same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons lit debted to said estate to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly autheutkaanl Vi• settlement. GEORGE KING. Oet. 73, IRK ft Exaeutcw. Administratriz's Notioe. TORN BOWMAN'S ESTATE—Letters of admintatration with the wilt annexed on the estate of John Bowman late of Strettan township, Adams county, deoeased, having Men granted to the undersigned, residing In the same township, she hereby gives itioti'wo to all persons indebted to said es tate to mate immediate itoyment . and those havtaL agitge ,egainst the same to present them propertir feeMieutiented for settlement. WITH BOWMAN, Administratrig wisp the Will natnesed. Dec. 4, 18113. tlt PPLES. flulalna. Citron, Curtains, Cras beer les ' andPrun'a int. I. arainws. v. 30. het rt inrilablHN'§ farailiking goodsZals V &SiVete 06 X THE GETTYSBURG COMPILER, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1808: BITTERS IN THE WORLD! AND LUNGS SEWARD'S Take Nance! rl7;c INCLUDING A VA%UABLE HOTEL STAND, IN L ITTLESTOWN 2N SATURDAY. the 26th duy of DECEM BER next the undersigned, Assignees for iICURR I. of creditor. of John Green and Wife, will offer at Public lisle, on the premises. the Reul Estate of wad Assignors, amslaiting of the following: NO. I. THE HOTEL STAND, situate In Gettysburg atrewt, DroadwaV near the Public Square, in the Borough of Mies. town, adjoining Yantis ck Stover on the south and Daniel Crouse on the north. The - HOTEL BUILDING is frame wcwther.4 boarded, two story, with Bark-build. Ins, the whole commodious, and aell • in adapted for the burliness. There is large ism. bltng attached to the Hotel ; 11.1110 'Wash amt., Smoke House and Wood House, with, two ex cellent wells of water, one in front and the other in the yard, near the kluchen door. There is ohm on the Hotel lot a two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE—beside a varie ty of choice fruit tries. This stand has a good run of profitable custom and should attract the attention of all desir ing to engage In the Hotel business. Such an opportunity to pur chase Is not often presented. NO. 2. A LOT OF GROUND, opposite the Hotel, ad3olning the Widow Lan• singer on the south and the Assignors on the north, having thereon Sk Two story Frame Weatherboarded D WELLING 'LOUSE, Y NE W SHOPS, Hog Pen, and other out-buildings, with a never-failing well of water In the yard. NO, & TWO BUILDING LOTS, nearly oppoalte the Hotel, each 88 feet front and running bark to a street- These are both eligible lots—nose more desirable In the town. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold the following personal property, via: 1 MULE. 1 Hog, 2 Government Wegons, 1 Wheelbarrow, Halters and Chains. Flynets, Forks. Shovels, Raker; about f• tons of goad Timothy Hay, 2 tons of Second Crop Hay, a lot of Long Straw, lot of Manure, 1,220 Paving Brick, 5 loads of Sand, go.; 1 Piano, 1 Sofa, 4 Beds and Bedsteads, Chalrs, Looking Glam., Clock, Table Covers, Wash Stands, Bowls and Pitchers, a lot of Kegs, Ash Hopper, lot of See 'gars, and a variety of other articles, too nu merous to mention. Male to comments. at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said clay, when attendance will be given and terms made known by 0. R. YANTIS, AUGUSTUS CROUSE, Nov. 27, I. to Assignees. PUBLIC SALE ON SATURDAY, the 216th day of DrA,'Elli liElt next, by virtue of an Order of the Orphan'. Court of Adams county, the under signed, Administrator of the estate of James Timmins, dreamed, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, the Real Estate of said dece dent, via: . . • A TRACT OF LAND, isltuato in Oxford township, Adams county; one-fourth of a mile east of Irletdown, adjoining lambs of Samuel Sneerlnger and John Take, and containing 4 ACRES and WI PERCH EN, more or beau—hav ing a oue nud a half story LOU EL -I,INU Spring House. Log Stable, g Hog Peu, and other out-buildings; a oriel yof choice fruit, and at exoellent well of water near the house. . . _ The land Is In a high stole of cultivation, and the fences are good. It is a very desirable home—convenient to church, school, mechan ic shops, die. Pensms wishing to view it are requested to call at the dwelling. Kale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendauue will be elven and terms made known by M. lITIM MINS, By the Court—A. W. Murree., Clerk. Nov. 27,1005. A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. ME underalghed offers at Private Sale, Ids /TI VALUABLE FARM, situate in Weals horn' district, Frederick county, Md. a quarter of a mile from the York Road Station on the Western Maryland Railroad. ad)olulng lands of Frederick Blerly. Mr. McGinnis, and Whets and conutining lid Acres, more or lean; about 2fi acres are in excellent wood, with a sufti ciehey of meadow'. All the cleared land has been heavily limed Within the Into three years, and is in a most productive condition. The fences are good, as are all the improve ment., consisting ora Two-story 110LSk:, with BaAr-hall.ling. 11. 1;1 SpringSpringolllle, Smoke 11.444.4.4, 11 11 • hu•lt.v,..aonalt.l,antl " lugs, linit.rate Apple Or, hard, 1.41(10,6"1 fruit, on .the premise.; a never-faillog spring of eater near the house, grid a small stream through the Ware. Little Pipe Creek runs along the east xi , ' Of it Thu. ' , ln all .egp,ta a deldrable property, and Milo4/d at art the attlentlon of buyer.. Personq , glll 4to nice It are requested to call on th, .n vralifned,r.idlng thereon. Terms . .y, and made to suit mirth..l3oN.ger, IfF;NTAMIN D. WFnr further Information, Inquire at the Commuca Mike. Nov. al, Pa& Inn FOR SALE AVALUABLE MILL PROPERTY, with 00 Acres of choice Land, on the turnpike leading from Abbothdown to Hanover, one mile from the former place, known ma Hol linger's Mid. 4140, ONE OTHER MILL PROPERTY, with.o Acres of Land, or 1M Acres, as may be desired, on Marsh creek, 0 miles S. W. from Gettys burg, and known as Bandoe's NHL LM*, 14. MODEL FARM. A 291 Acres of Land, In a high state of et:titivation, 100 bushels of Lime to theysburg sere, No. I bulidings.2 mile ARNOLD.s west front Gett GEO. llettysburg, Ps., Aug. 21. 1109. 41.591 A FIRST-RATE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE, WITHIN two miles of Getlyaburg,On the itarraMrg rand, with all necessary Im. prominent*, and in prime order. I will sell from 15) to lOU Acres, to suit purchasers.— Terms reasonable. Par anther Information, ip WM. WIBLE, Sept. RWRF. it,;( Gettysburg, Pa. RIAL ESTATE AGENCY. I have opened an neney An the Sale of Real Estate, In commotion with my hia! bnetneee in Get ;Pl whaling to mU, pr buy lands, may tin it tp thew introntaii.penti. Severe Farms awl Voiliawl, A No, I /Agar, pipm,mwes, A TRACT, 90 ACRES, rdr n AA GOODM, 13/ AC FARM, RES, 290 ACILFR,airy ciApAp, FAR 11pr A FARM, 65 ACRID:4, for 1 12 , 27 . 5 , A FAR! 64 4C4b24. for 14 A itn, A YNE 'an r wAmm, 1110 CRER, A FRII. GOOD FARR 126 AC6.14, A TER , 011 PARR: A-CK R BR. A No. 1 FRUIT FARR,CRI.) 4 , A GOOD FARM RN ACLI. 00ar Getly A mburg, A GOOD FAIII i 160 AC nod *1 CEtki woonLANAkorss" . A GOOD FA/RR, 1211 AXKIF)4, pt $33 3 per DAM A VERY GOOD FARR, 110 ACLIA.B. AL 9 4 4 A FARM 1110 A.CRE4 at 930, A r,nni _l3O ACES AND VERY GOOD BUILDINGS, at 0311 per acre, A GOOD FARM, Hu ACRES and GOOD BUILDING ~./3 A 00011 FARM, /60 ACRE& Very desirable property 1p Littlestora, Al so, several Houses snit out-lots la Gettysburg for sale. R. (i. McCREARY, mummer •t Low CieU.yaborg, July 17.1888. U FOR RALE OR BENT. My Coach Factory, s ri e VA . TE co lo u lti y egZe r . ..of Charlestown, Jef- The shops arc substantLidly built, of Stone, and large enough to work fifteen (151 men. For twenly-five ,yeare before the war Z mon nfaCtured and sold nfteen thousand dollars' (515,000) worth of to annually. Letters addressed to meat Lkkarlestown, will receive prompt attention. W. J. HAMM 11/70V. 27, UK Sin GRECIAN BEND 1 W. J. MARTIN'S T 9 the place to wet It, if you wish, and where you la esa ip4 ererrtAtne up•• 104 to be 4, RIAIT-C4AIOII Grocery and Liquor Gtore. The Groperles consist Spices, of hest Syrups, Codees. Sugar.. Tess, ie.; also prime No. 1 Mackerel, te. Always an hand a large quantity of Lmors, of all kinds, horn CHAMPAGNE to common Whiskey. FURS. RYE WHISKEY, BRANDY AND GIN. for medicinal and other purposes; %WPM WHISKEY and JAMAICA RIJN A. zilsMl4; sflutiiikalleea•Bwi" land's, an erman Himq Hotel Keepers wUI god by Vilia me • tall that they eau be supplied with Noma at all Woes as before, to glen*, at redizioMintes, "and 14 ," Int 41 , 44 Pedtar , •haPw.R 114 r pea patrol:Mr, hi, solicits a coalJpastlM. WY. 64Mr• Baltimore t, tug. Nov. at tf DOBBIN B' =acme BOOT POLISH MAKE'S A LASTIMNSHINE. IMIOSE who bt their boots on Baton's I. night with Mdia&TY Woo/Ong, don't have mutt shine on learn y, as thepolinto Wel otr. but the shine of DOBBINS' BLACKINO Lute St•Urhy Ilikt aid all day Egitay beats aby giber Blackfly wile. 10448(F I=d .0 4 , by I. a Dobbhaolt his Immeeee p pp Illieptitig WW Street an (Firusawa ATMs!, phis, Pa. Nat irk by WW. J. want, cwitionszig . VT. 1 11 M Os TIM VERY BEST ! .Bierbower's.Segar Store , - GETTYSBURG, North East Gomm of the Diamond. TIRE andrign m e i d il trkfa f or pesitavors, It to trt "Irtoeot "" ""`"" pub' Sega" Smoking and Chewing To baooos, Pipes, 61. which he le roimered to sell at the lowan ggpiALE AND RETAIL, lie will keep oa THE BEST BRANDS, and will manufacture for general sate throughout the Countg. Remember th e place, In the Diamond. between litinkerbors Mare and IleCiellon'a RoleL WARRINGTON RIERBOWER. Dec. 4, ISM. It OYSTER SALOON 1 . JOHN GRUEL, CILIMBERSBURG ST., LiETTYSBURG, 4 his 1 next door to Eagle Rotel announ ce r to blends that in ad on to his CONFECTIONERY, he has opened an Oyster Saloon, at his old stand on Chambersburg street, where during the meson he will keep constantly on band PRIME OYSTERS, the beat the market can *fiord, with special dOCULII mod:along (or LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. gar - GIVE US A CALL. 411 Dee. 1, ltste. t( CLOTHING. THE eutewri.,er law }net returned from the °HY with the LARGEST AND BERT sELEcryD STOCK • OF CLOTHING ever opened the w r nu p na s w . h s r i ttel , l .u h n /! gilds of OV - M1 , 10 4 0_1-I. I I'S, =I DRESS COATS, BVSIND.S COATS Fancy Caaglinere Co to of all Pitying, batittiet and Jean Coats, very elinny, Doeskin, Fancy Caaalmere and Padinnt Pants, Wool Slung, Under filtlrta and Drawent, In stil:Manta of all kinds, TOBACCO AND CLARE, Razors, Pipes, Brushes. Neek-tiex, and a thou: mind other articles, too miniermie to mention In a ilea epaper advertisement. = =DEMI THE LATEST STYLES FALL AND WINTER Hats, Cap, Boots and Shoes, Just received by T' V ERT C. COBEAN, *burg St., First Square, GEITITEII7UG, PA., Where the public can and a lam ~d varied assortment, which he is selling , geap. He also mau ortactures and repairs HARNESS OF ALL KINDS, promptly and on masonable terms. Bridles. Halters, Whips, Trunks, Valleys, Tobacco, Cigars. and a great variety of Notions. Clive me a call. (Nov. 6, lea. tf WM. BOYER & SON, mucus I 1 GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, &C. ALSO, .5 ORA, Wooden and Willow Ware. I gaud luertaelit si W Gods uso•Lly kept In • FIRST-CLAM FAMILY OROCEitY. 111. MK It ROWE MACHINES THE LATEST IMPROVED AND GENUINE ELLtS MOWN, II?" SNWING )(AMINES, as WNW lad sold at /*CODA; 4 73/(o'4, STORE, CUALIIIII,IIBIII7I/0 IrriLILT, Orßif WOW Orders will be promptly attended to. Ma chines dells/Ned to all pals of the metal% Arnie public are eautioned retaillet parties who am the name of HOWE in connection with their machines on amount of the popu larity of the Howe 'Wahines. There are none 011:111711111 unless they have imbedded in midi nutehlue a medallion having the likeness of ELIAS HOWE, Jr.. on It, de. OEO. JACOBS & BRO., only Agents for Adams county, Pa. Aug. '7, USIA J. M. MINNIGH. Diamond Confectionery and loe Cream Saloon, BALTIMORE Street, two doors above Center Square, Gettysburg, Na Having return ed from the city with a full stock of Conk*. Mouseyac, ludwing ill Mal at tM sfir7 lowest phi fits—h FRF.NCH 4 COMMON CANOIgg, Oranges, Lemons, Toys, Nuts, Notions, Sad everything belonging to • Orst-ebuis Con fectionery with CAIN}, MEAD AND LEM ONADE. Also, ICE. t CREAM 'supplied on short Erotic& May IS, MK tt MI lIPLEIENTL WILLOUGHBDS GUM SPRING DRILL. CC beat Drill In nee, will sow all kinds of Grain without changing any part of the ffintail PIM 'frith or without the OIJAIW 447AcilligXn Guaranteed to do wood work. Also. the ArarriebrirglMPlNT mad* to Mew Pork. P4USIUY 1111 goad as SO mill* funned,' m*4 is Vl* mAlut,Y, AR./%l*l AND TURFS ',AMA OWVKII, AEU STEEL PLOo* JAL, I ,7 __lNOriTli CHOI %vat. wuu.g. Aug. Mk U. WOOD FOR SALE. MR CORDS OAK. HO CORDS HICKORY. at Suadoe's MLR. Pries, XX And!! par cord, an the ream& pg 9, AIiNOLD. Jam. Xi, LEI. it STAVES FOR SAW, 15.w)110. Iraa 'MUM MAVIS tor i g is br MBA maray. tlsees WM* s w thweal otOmatienra. Adapts Molar. 11911, 1/414 IS THE GREAT OBJECTION TO LIFE ASSURANCE I 8 REMOVED! ESLICIES are not forfeited in the MAS ACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSU CE COMPANY, Of Spring fi eld, Maits., by non-payment of Prentiume when due_ but are CONTINUED IN FORCE FOR THEIR. FULL AMOUNT, for such time as would be puretussed by their equitable alue under the non-forfelture Law of the State of Massachu setts. EX AMPLY'S ORDINART POLIcY, Ao6 Si.—One Annual Cash Payment will continue the policy in force, 2 year. and S day.. Five Annual Ca sh a Ptair z ielits . 7ill continue it In furoe, 10 years ORDINARY ENDORRENT PoLICT, AGE E.S.— Payable at Death or to In at Age of El.— One Annual Cush Payment will continue the policy In force, 3 year. and IV months. Five Annual Co..h Payments wilt continue the same policy in force, U year.. TEN PA YEENT ENDOWMENT POLICY, AGE RS. . —Payable et Death or to I nenred at Aim or SO. —One Annual Utah Payment will contidue the polity In forme yearn. Five Annual Cash Payments will continue the same policy In force, 26 year.. Present assets of the Company 12.500,000. KNOX, MARSHALL & GeneraLhgents for Pennsylvania, New York City and Vicinity. OFFICES W. Corner of 7th and Chestnut street., Pldladelphia, and 2113 BruedwaY, New York City. itie.loliN KNOX MARSHALL of the above firm, will be In Gettysburg during the next three weeks, to receive applications for luau. ranee in Chia very desirable Comperiy. Nov. 27, MIL 31 The Oriental and Empire BiISE BURNERS QUITE a number of these Stoves were put In Uae but 11.1.11011, and the univenal saUs. faction they gave induced the subsedber to order another lot. They are decidedly the beet, cheapest and moat perfect stoves ever offered In Gettysburg, and when brought In competition never fail to assert their superi ority, being sell-feeding, perpetual burners, with mica Illuminating windows, ventilating` and anti-duet dampers, cleanly, and easily managed, they become a favorite wherever known. • Also the ORIENTAL PARLOR COOS BABE BURNER, a heating, halting and cooking stove combined. --. • . Persons should examine these stoves before buying tiny others, as they embreee Improve meant and advantages not found In any other. Call and see them. Also a full hupply.of COOICING STOV ISS at reduced prices, warranted to bake and give satisfaction In every remx,..t. Also u general assortment of arUclee gotta-, ble (or kitchen use, de.,ineludlng TIN-WARE, Metal hollers, Cott.* Had Irons. Table and Tea-spoons, Knives uud Forks, Iron La dles. Shovels, de. I:=! Gettysburg, Sept. 25,186 g, tt BENDER3VILLE FOUNDRY. ITIHE undersigned having purchased the BEIVDEH,B%II.LE FOUNDRY, would In form Its old putrope and the public generally, that be will contain° the buaincsa, and push it fully up to the demands or the times. He will have good materials and good workmen —and always enough of both to All even or der promptly and autisfactorily. Ho lectures THRFAHING YIACHIN EH, of the very boat kind, and not to be beat. The celebrated BENDEFO3V MIX PLOUGH - - - that has beedrue such a favorite among the farmers ofAtiams and adjoining ouuntimmade in the most reliable manner. Ile is determin ed that the plough shall not lose In reputation whilst Its maintfaattira Is in he will see to It that a sulnelent supply be kept on hand, so that all diaappointruents may hereafter be avoided. Mx different patterns of ploughs mule at this oatabllshment. Also TEN-PLATE., PARLOR—and COOK STOVER—aII well-tested and popular—among the a cry be/li and cheapest in the market. REPAIRINU done In the 111.4 expeditious and satisfactory manner, I. vt rything at the lon, at living rates. A share of pa tronase Is /millet teal, and every ellort will la rust I.'te, to servelt. ENUCH 11OUTZA I I N. Nos • 21), ltaYL ly PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! LONDON BLOOD PANACEA. The Great Alterative and Blood Purifier. IT Is the moat perfect vegetable compound of alteratives, tonic., 4.llumt We and dlup..oret log, making It the moat effecttve, Invigorating. renovating and Wood cleansing corallai known to the world. For the cum of Scrofula or King's Evil, Cutaneous Erysipelas, Huila, PIM LOkLya pl. and illulenea on the Faro, Sore F.,), es, liksild Head, Totter Affections, Old and Stubborn Elvers, Rheumatic lAitorders, ELOOD Yellow Jaundice, Salt Rheum, White IS wellinipt, Mercurial Manses, General Debility, Palpitation and Fluttering at PANACEA, theUWrt, Consumption,Asth• me, Syphilis and Syphilitic Affections, Inflammation of the Bladder and Khlneys, Fannin the Raek, Dropsy, Perna le Complaints, de. To the broken down female it given life and energy by restoring the lost powers of na ture, when health again suoreeds the feeble form and pallid cheek of t h e sufferer. Nothing can be more act rorlsing than Its in vigorating effects on the human system. Per sons all weakness and lossitude by using the PANACEA, at once become ro bust and lull of energy under Its influence, Ladles who have pale complexions and are dark about the eyes, blotches and pimples on the time, rough akin or freckles, and are 'Mut of spirits," should use a bottle or two of LON DON BLOOD PANACEA. It will cleanse your blond, remove the (reek kw and blotches, and give you animation, sparkling eyes flue i spirits and a beautiful complexion. Try t. PRICE 81.00 PER BOTTLE. ...S . A . P' C", T_T 'T .Z. • Attoistoteseturer awl Proprietor BALTIMORE, MD. For sale by druggists and storekeepers throughout the United States. A. Lk BUEHLER, Agent, Cietlysburg, Pu. Nov. 27, kW. ly Register's Notices. 11LTOTICE le hereby given to all Legatees and 121 other pentane concerned, that the Ad ministration Ants hensinalter mentioned will be prevented at the Orphans' Coort of Ad am. county, L'u - eonfirrnstlon and allowance, Ott TVENDAY, the Zath day of DECEMBER next, at 10 o'cloak„ A. hi., VII.: 117. The fleet and final account of Martin L. Bravely, Administrator o Jacob Stavely, - 1711: The first and final amount of Henry Mayer, Executor of Swab DolLdeceased. 17V. The first and final amount of Mich ael gity cloyloltarato,tht. WI) annexed The rrart 4 4 l al 'amount of Peter Sterner art Wm Da p. Administrators of Jaeob /garner, late of Derwielf tovrtwop, ceased. 181. The first and dual account of John Wertz, Executor of the last will and testa ment of Henry Wertz, deceased. lat. First and float account of William H. antheAdministrator of David IA tilt-Toed, rs Flrst nceount of Maria Criswell, Admin• istrator of Jac Criswell, deceased. 184. The second and final account of James W. (hibernator, Administrator of Henry A. Lilly, deceased. W. D. TIOLTZWOHTH, Begtster. Nov. Ti, Ida to Gettysburg Railroad. E13330:33 FIRST TRAIN leave. Gettysburg at 7.15 A. M. and connects at Hanover Junction with the Fast Line Smith at %11, reaching Balti more at 11.20, A. M. Alec with Mall Train North at LO.SM, A. M., reaching Harrisburg at 12.0 P. M. Returning arrives at Gettysburg at WM, P. M. SECOND TRAIN !caves Gettyaburg at 1 P. M., and connect. at Hanover Junction with Mall Train Routh at 11.08, P. M., reaching Sal 'Macre at 5.0, P. M. lioturningarrives at Get tysburg at 5 P. M. The Freight Train with Passenger Car at tached, leaves Hanover at. 0.30, A. M., arriving In Gettysburg at 10, A. M. Leaves Geuysburg for Hanover at 2, P.M. R. MCCURDY, Bap% Sept. 18, 1808. Assignees' Notice. BE undersigned, Assignees of John Green and rife of of Littleetown, Adman counts., Deed of VolUnlary Amarameat, fe trust for the benefit of oreditore, hereby give notice to all persons indebted to meld John Green to call and snake immediate payment, aud chipe having clef ram/140111st hl m to presets. t them to the entiseribere, reatdtng In the same place, properly authenticated for settlement. GEO. B. YANTIS AV warms Citot7SE, Nov. 20, IRA. et. Assignees. NOTICE PParfnerahip heretofore extating be een the undersigned In the Produoe and rding businen was dissolved on the Ant day of January inst., by mutual con sent. The books of accounts and all tumettled business have been left In the hands of Rufus E. Culp, wbo is duly authorised to settle up the Name. He will be found at the Wale hones now in the occupancy of Slesara. Bigbam & Colman. All persons interested are requir ed **call and nettle. HY CULP Ge E o NR . EARNSHAW. Jnu,lL IWo, t Job W. Tipton, ErHION.i.4I4C 1141113f.11, Hartheaei or.r. rs of the Diamond, (next door to IleClel, W Hotel./ Gettysburg, Pa., where he oan at all Umes be found ready to attend to all bud. nae to bis line, He lute aleto excellent esalst. -ince and win ensure NutWhistle's. alve him a aidt. Mee. 11, 11110. 1868. MILINERY. 1868 MISS McCREARY HAPI *et retueued trout the city with a Is TALrDL DONN AND HAUL Alma Ikmatmetetwattuaretauwiags fajta, Watt =widish. VIA as simartgoest ed bah- TOILET 000061. t* rr44 o 4 NM my knweli APB WINPINTA It= WI. emir og 1.0 444 wis supplied with goals he Sea . *di sere. Dlth Wallis. mid /mew is, isa als LAST NOTICE To Collectors ! Collectors of County sod Slate Taxes fur 1867 and previous years are botany notillod to sot- De of their Duplicate* IN FULL ou TUES. DAY, the lath day of DATEKBFR next, on ',lda day the (knotty Comerdaidoners will meet to make the swearer/ exoneration'. If saki Collectors, or any of them. WI to coin ply with this notlee, the Comb Widowers will be under tlig newsgirl o!brioging suit in eve- ry ease of delinquency, without tospect to persons. The money is positively needed, and longer indulgence cannot be granted. Collectors of County and Stale Taxes kw INS will make all collections thst can be made, •nd pow the same to the County Treasurer at tha time above stated, withotit falL NICHOLAS WIEWLAN, JAODB LOTT, HOREB HARTMAN, Commissioners. Attest—J. M. WALTZ., Clerk. =1 OILY FOR CASH, WE have this day mark ed all our goods to the LOWEST CASH TRICEIt, and to give our customers full benefit of small yro gm, from this date we purpose doing a stristiy cash basliiiva and will sell at THE VERY LOW EST CASH PRICEStoaII who may ramie us with their ematom. SOW a WOODS. Nov. is, 18d$. U More New Goods AND CHEAPER STILL I .REBERT 4• ELLIOTT, Oppoette the Otteet-Amtie, Gettgostotext. "[LAVE Just opened a new and largo we 11 sortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, OF ALL KLYDB. crams, CARSIMEREA, TWEEDS, BILKS, GINGRAMS, LAWNS, PRINTS, BEREGW, MUSLIMS, &C., &C. to which they invite attenthm—being deter mined to sell et the lowest moth priors. Nov.ll, 1101.4 f FARMERS, Attend to Your Interests 1 I have purchased the Right for Adams minty or KOCHENOUR'S HAY FORK, bleated tbal7tb day of December, lea 2, by J K. Koctionour, of York county, P. This laths beet York yet, and farmers will itotteult their awn Interests by giving It Um preference over eh Ohara. I will sell TOWNSHIP =WITS, ea well am single Forks In Townships not sold. ITC= GEO. F. MILLER, New Chester, Adams co, Pa. Nov. V. I. im SELLING OFF AT COST ! Having determined to dose out nix entire stook of Ready-made Clothing, ECEMI AT COST, OVER COATS, DRFAS - COATS, PINTS, VESTS, DRAWKII.B, de., de. Those donyouo of securing !good banfalwi. can now Inikve eyp opporl;unkty by telling st my RPM g94IBPAP,P4PIenP; QT22)4OE A4)10 Oottyeborg, Oot. 2, INNt tf FURNITURE, D. C. SHEAFFgR, PE7`ERI3BURG, (Y. S.) PENN'A., Le prepared to odkr to tie Addle aaythrog in his line ea cheep as eau ha Lad In tle eomitry sarParchasers will do well to call and exam Ina our stock De mi baying elsewhere. FURNITURE Dade CO ardor. Reimilring dime wear. ches4.- ly,.and with ihyptitotilt. =1 WI C. STALLEMITH & SON U.ETTYOURO, PA., i tARPENTENS AND CONTRACTOR% Ario prepared to da klndi el Oarpealtretog ug and ersollag Milldams of all kinds, Itepshing, &e. They keep ecaslAntly on hand and manareetare to order, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, SASH, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, 001INICR„ DOOR & WINDOW BRACIEDIS, And any other Mild. In the Xtulldbet Line. Seasoned material constantly on hand, erne- dented workmen always In readlnesa, end wadi executed with dispatch ...114.0atto promptly attended to. Sept. 10, UM. If CASSIMERS, CLOTHS I=l 0 VERCO 4 raras, All 84ylirs wed Pf'kea, by the /lard. or Wilde OP order, AT IHIPHO3III,. amen- warew moms IMPILME. AlitrillPNlKE4 l /IP. it WHERE TO GO. L. 0.• Now Drew, gootiad cheap, every I l&dy should go to _ ..... ROW & WOODeV, For good and cheap Muslin, always go to ROW & WOOLXV, For Flannel insult everybody, yo to ROW & WOOlee. For Canton Flannel, white and colored. he sore to go to t ROW & WOOlstr, Fur chesty and pretty Claim, don't 601 to go to W & WOODrc. For Table Linen, at low priers go to ItON) & WOODS*. For bargains In Dry Goode, it isyour interest to go to 11.0 W ,h WOODS'. For a Double Shawl, cheaper than any where else,golo ROW & WoODee, Fur a Single Shawl that wtil please you go to ROW a For Children's Shawls, the le:ttt *an!. - NOW &WO'. For Mourning Shawls, very superior and cheap, go to ROW * WOOIPV. For bargains In Shawls, Ho.sis and hearts, go ROW & WOOlitc. For a Cast, Pants or Vest, es err limn sod boy should go W HOW d Wialfis . . For Balmoral Skirts and ladles' Vests, so to HOW * For Corsets and Hoop Skirts the best niece In town Is ROW a Witollir. For Stockings, Gloves, and all kinds of No' dons, bargains at ROW & WOODS'. I. or Lath.' Hata, always the latest styles out, In greatest variety Ina low prices, the place to go and be pleased Is ROW I WOODS'. Fors Hat or a tap, ha rasa or boy. go to HOW & WOODS'. For Shea of all kinds, good and Miceli, every body that wants the worth of their mune.) , goes to ROW I WOODS'. We are receiving new floods every week and are determined to make It advantageous to all who may favor us with their melon,. In priors we invite comparison. HOW * WOODS'. Nov. I, ISM. U Clothing ! Clothing NEW AND LARGE ARRIVAL! iBRIISIERHOFF, earner of the Diamond and York street, limited. returned trout e city with an unusually attractive wort went of . . CLOTHING FOR FALL AND WINTER weer. whhth he will roll et Knelt prices us can not fall to mire theta off s try naphlly. and Judge for ))ourselves. To look at the ex cellent material, tasteful cutting, and neat and aubstan tint sea Itut, and then to get his low prime-4.101er% cannot help but buy, a hen they see It an much to their Interest to tin to, lie has Coast, runts, Vests, of all +axleu and inatortata; Hata, Boots and ehoes; , . , tiltiris, of all kinds, Hosiery, Gloves, Mind. kerchief. Neek-ths, Cravats, Linen and Pw. per Oal Kuspenders, Brushes, Combs • Trunks. Valises, Umbrellas, Pocket knives, BNB Mang and Chewing Tohneens, Ationery, dre Clocks, Ws:sties Jewelry, with a thousand and one ether arliensi, entirely too limner one to detail inn newspaper ado ertisement. Ile asks the attentionf the public to his new stock, con fi dent that It will ploute—and no one can or will sell i limper. Don't forget the place—corner of York street and the Diamond, Gettysburg. JACOB BR' N ICKLIJSOFF. 04. 30, Ida If GRAIN AND PRODUCE 17813^888. NEW WAREHOUSE:, rrMirew "firdl= T , u " ""r"`" .1 0r l t h i l: finished, and the undersigned has optsted bu siness lu It. Ile desires to purchase any quan tity or WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, MASTER AND EMOTED/ SEED. LILLY AND 9TELA.W. with country produce generally. paying the taighiet taarket prima t herefor. Ho altto ii.P9lll tar sale all kindle( rocerlea Coffeee, - Syrup., Mulataget, l plow, Putt, Plait, 011 a Tobaeouti, d r , together with the bent Laud Fertilizer —WIIITLLUCK."B: He runs . FREIGHT . remtlarly to Baltimore and Philadelphia—to Hughes & Ementon'e, 121 North street, In the knitter city, and to Bushy & tVa., inland tIM Market street, In the latter. The patronage of the public whetted. No vffort will be *pared to deserve a large share of d. WM. E. ,lIIDDICE. GlettymbUrg. Oct. 9, 4368, If AS AN APERIENT, 1 here la no Medicine eo much In favor with Omen who are ...vain tod with their Melina us Roback a Blond they are safe, pleintant and mild in their operation, and are purely rentable; C4lO be taken by children as well as adults; try them. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. As a remedy to soothe all nervous excite ment. and In he truest sense, a 'terrine. Users la, perhaps. no median° extant widen Is re mil yeti with so much favor aa Roback's Want bob }Utters; a wine glum full on going to bed le all that Is required to produce - mound and N5614111/I sleep ERYSIPELAS, Or, Bt. Anthony's Fire, can he effectually erad icated by the nee of Runners Blood Penner in conjunction with itoback's Blood Mlle. OPTHALMIA. or, inthprautuaa of the WM. not [infre quently mime from • disorderwl Mate of the stomach: • few dorm of }Lubeck's Blood Pulls will, In moat amen, effect a eon, by removing the came. KEEP YOIJAt OLoop pumE. There &reit°reloo.llm.lpOw before the pub lic, well calculated to parlfy the blood arta Melinalnk% 116 ro 0 1 Ile MIAs aa Bobackli Blood 1111er, 81004 klUe arBI Stomach Bittern. LEUCORRHOEA, Or, Whites, wit Mh tolloW Meal debility arid CODUCUtII2.I *8•1111.1, can be effectuatly cored by lbe use of Itoback's Stomach Bitten. Do sot let the druggist sell you may ni her rem edy, as these Bitters are prepared with cep. chat reference to this complaint, sal are war ranted to cora BAD TASTE In the mouth In the morning la one of the symptom of a btliona condition or disordered 'tate of the liver, and should not, for a alnele day, be neglected, O. It Ix bat the premonitort ayington of a train of ova. and the very seeds of disease, Procure at once Rohack'e Blood Pills, administer them according to the direc tions accompanying each box, and tho diffi culty find danger of disease will at once be removed. NOT A BEVERAGE. Unlike moat of the bittern of the present day, Dr. Holsters are not, Intended as a plemant stimniatingwhiskeybeveraw, but sue perfect. ly Medielnal. conUdning onl y maleient Pure bourbon hold In solution the me dicinal extractive matter from which they are composed. WHO SELLS THEM? The Agents Mr the sole of Itonsok's Blood Pills, Stomach Bitters and Blood Purifier sre A. 11, ST/EULER sad ,J. BUBB"11, Get tyre Oat.Ps. • OM 22 11lit 2m BUGGIES & CARRIAGES. REMOVAL min undersigned hie removed his Curri -1 egeinakiitgehop to the rat end of ?diddle street itheavehavia Pa, wherein, will continue to ladki all kinds of work 1n his line, vie CARRIAGE& MOWING & FALLING-TOP WOWS& /AGO= WAGONS, &C., &C. Hi s week Is al pot gpot good material and by tbs brad at ataalisaleg, aad gambol, tall to gimi Mit&Mietbal_ , H 4 swims ale always Ha sonatas seders, coande :i t. be t ma 111114111,LN0 promptly dose, at - ataigMa. W. L. GALLAGHER. Ism KOK ly FAHNESTOCKS nava an elegant tuaortment DRESS GOODS, 1r hteh they are Rolling very cheep. lU4 8 . Fahurutocks have the largest stock of FURS ton 11. If you want irnlllo.l l / 1 0 colt and buy tram Weal. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &C A great variety, and at lair prices, otiband at ll= FAIINESTOCKS' Is the rime to buy ehenp goods of every de scription. It you would Nave mousy, buy al THE RED FRONT. U:,:. 4,48@. U NEW GOODS OLD PRICES! Theutaderelgned lute Liken the Mtore further ly occupied by Duphorn & Hoffman, cud has Just Menem! from Lilo cities with the best molocted Mork ewer hsookhi , to tliiii town, which consists ill part of 10112 CASHIM EIIIM, CABHINETS, FRENCH DIERINOI.I3, PLAIN POPLINN, IN ISSN) POPLINS. ALPAL:AFI. DEIAINIO, cALlciw.s, 11USLINN, 1311 AWLS DALIIOIIALS, XIOOP SIC I ItTat, GLOVER 111.16}EILY. SLITSPENDVIRR, • ' ccorivi, CARPETS, go MENOWAILE, AC FRANK D. DIIPHORN.' Jena Inset Use pews., Northwest' comer, Centrelievare. Gettysbers Pa., Nov. V. WA DR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH B 1 - T PERS.' A. mild and agniesbl• TONIC STIMV!...INT, 9 TOW4CWC , %id cAktiflNAvyr. BITTERS, Extracted enUrely from HERDS and Room Welly bow eficfsl DIMPBPSIA. GIESIBRAL pIiLUILITYt AND LON OP APPETIPN; and to excel eft CORRECTIVX tor persona suffering from Dlsonlem of the BowelsrFlatu- lence, &e. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Depot, No. 411 Intel, liinct, J. IL TAYLOR & CO. Sept. IS. IPS& 17 BEST . NOTLON HOUSE IN BALTIMORE. LAWRENCE D. DIETZ .k CO.,' importers as 4 Whelasal, Driers la GERMAN, ENCILISfi AND FRIMICEI VAN- CT GOOM HOSIERY. NOTIONS, act., 3118 and 8W West 13%'Watts Street. (betyttit. Howard and Liberty Strretaj BALTIMORE. MD. 4.-. oa.aa;~eee. _~ ~, FOR SALE}. w A CLOTHING STORE', in( • veil iiglogod . good Tall of TT outer's. obil &bookstand. Ontario All.. S, MIP4 NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER: ° 8 CHEETZ'S eiharmuaso BITTER CORD IA rillird Medlrnl prep:million to now 1.11. 1 tho Pilate th• n reltoble anledllnte I n y wl.lltlllwa Mal Nal U.ltt It W.llll ll O the Markel. Ilia purely of Various herb..., anthenal From the stonarouao or naLure, nod radr.ted unman Can% It la not reeroonwnded I'ULY ALL, Ital. by Ito duvet. tutu Allrllee Upon the llaorl,l .lvrr, )C ldwy a, Lt 510111414 . 11 and Dowel.. It a.da bath itok Vt• 111.11,0 and tare for mall y lit" alio,. which those oetottitt ammo Idert it Oka lrli rajIIIIY bled Winn, niid ran 1w taken 14 , y1 tomtit or adult with the lame beitel 441 lOTA It IS a rortalit L yndatt owl Aiwa.' edy for 111 AREA, 8 Ilu 1 1 11‘11 1 1..‘ INT DYSPEPSIA. I.OW NE FAINTINtis, SICK II IkIA de. For and FDA' FILM of till ft la far lantana.' alley Dow <wittily., wL any al 14t perillelonnor,u, It Mena, a I*llte, proven n 11°M cMi dlaean'T of Gaol, wlll ronatenta lite elrerla of Ilirtior lu g minuted.. =123:1 JAi."Olt HIIENTZ, bole I'MPrklor. N. W. (ur. F'ifll end /tA..O Ste, Yids I Kol.ll fIY AI.I. IIIIITUuIt4V4. Nov. LI, INW, ly ELECTRIC Telegraph in China, THE EARS INDIA TrzisonANN.() tiYll OPFUJN. No. 11 and 14 Nassau Street, NEW YOBK. Ortyntaad umies‘ Aporial rhartorr from State or Now York. ...... ........ 119,9011 SHAMA 611110 p DIRECTORS. Ifon. ANDREW O. CURTIN, PAHL 8. FORLIKS, of Palatal a. Cu., Cr FRED. RIPTPERFIELD, of F. Batterar Cka, New Xork. 14AfrirIVERDITE Mich , Treasurer M Central HalD U err. Houton. ALEXAN DEHHID.J.A NI), Trel,AU ror, Icon Explrmo Company New York. Hoa. JAM&N NOXO syrnettoo, N. Y. 0. H. PALMER, Tr...surer \Vattern Telegraph t'ompouy, Now York.. ELM Cil Eit WESTRAV. ta \Yoshio., UII & flarttorittle, Now York. NICItuLAS MICKLIat, Now York. ' OVFICA'I7,K A. O. President. N. dIICKLIta, Vire I.lesl.tent. GEOIItIifiIXIDIANT Secretary. tiEllktOE (I.'ualller National On Comulonwealtho Treasurer. HON. A. X. bf,vt.,unx, Phllatle I talt4 Tjae Chinese (lot eratuent having Ohre% the. Ilan. Anaou Ilurtlnormal coarade,l to C oinpe the prl‘llege coda...l:ling thee emporia Enl faro I.) aulnuaraurelet telegraph cable. we prupoee eau:mewl ag ra t i ona in Chian, and la) dowu it II Mae hundred tallea at alley, beta 0011 tl luartria purls, s thotno t ..... HopviCoofg,.. tlwatow A N m n o ypo ~. an(lluW lg ... .... Hlisnattul,.. Total Thew ports have n foreign mount 11011,0Utwoo, Mad *ll coorntuuy .Inlutolle• Wilidl the 1111‘, qtr 11111111 1 111 W 11111 Cofilloereelli Minpire. rsidiuting Irurn I pulp Ix, tisiougl, 11,4 egaudn and uu rli The Mild , el told, this Company item 1 reeling haul lines, and .at 111;11..111in, a tip, nntl truetwortliy ntelthe of eommunleat which must etneimpal there, as e%erywl else, thacommuniculicute of the (low rirtr of Iwamoto, and of canal h r, especial China, Nile hue no Jambi' of slim, and to Ay means /IMF Of 0 0 1.711tharril Mg Unpin; 111 by couriers, on land, teed by itteav , wither. Thu Western. World It.uftwii that I'lll Very large country, In the main dear..'. piwl; but few yet realize that she con mare than u third of the human rave, latest returns iamb. to her orntrill nil I hart Ilisr taxing purposes by tint beat nutlet', make her population ILrer Atuutirt,l and IL end that is more likely U, he , der that, alt r the actual atom gate. NC/ ' all of thew, who are n, cr tell pea, old only an hat du read end NI rile. li. ruN I lion is peculiar, but her ill, nit., in an eh NiVO 11111 that 01 Eurotw. China In it lat teachers tied traders and the latter on etesl 'ugly quick to a% al I tin Inset, is 111 I proniired Isselllly for proctlfing vorl3 that. Ti Is °herr, ea In a 'aliforma Chinese melon great use lite teles though It there i.runstalts nitswagemlU bal alone. To-day great numbers of fleet stem are untied by Chives.) merchants, and by them excloelvel) fur the tratisitilio early intelitipmee. If the telegraph patio, convecting all their great Iwo port. now 11 1 1 ellst/ 1 /1,, it in U 0114.110 that its netts-Would pay tile cost within the dr, years of !fa NUiVwstall operation, and v steadily increase they, No enterprise roinniends Itself en ins gt er degree remunerative to eapitalbits, sin par Whale people, it le •1 • sleet national porlatmeeolgamerelall), politically, and treptailly, runs, tll ..__.„„ Slitrihrs stork orris!, emu Imlay talichere fllnstilled!). recommended to capitalist uallasar awn, tat a thairable Iles/mime atilt:trial articles in the NOW York liere tefte Warid, Than, roe, alipl in We Philadelpina Sara Atrocris Ledttree, !weaver, Age, Bulbit. and T, liihstrna of this Contrstpy, Iv a Jinni bee, rutty b on olotan at fso each, Ito , down, Ift6 the /at of November, t Parable la sursalltly tutu/ istelLeof 12 eonataencing Ikteernber I, JIM, on al `DREXEL & CO., 84 South Third &reel, lto . l4barea can be obtained t 1 Gettyabii alt i rtr . p . 1 tt i1f401,116114011 co the 1111,Jewit. IW ONLY LADY'S BOOK IN AMES CODEX'S LADY'S FOR 1869 TUIEUFIE&PFkIT OF LADIES' MAQAZ RCA Utill IT 18 TIM REST; The friend of woman, the arbiter of fai the encourapir and publisher of thelle sulfate of tlie day, Ui mitt/lan Irwin w) Other% copy. THE HIM WRITKRA In the Munn , wurld wIH tontribute gem of the Lady'm Book during the yett, MARION IYARIAND, Atitheresu of ... .clune,.."lllrklen Path, 81 de," and tributes story every month. tin r fort clauleortos at writer's have also been n THE 0. 1005: PAPEllti ARE (X.'NTI Braulpla ..Werl Plates. 'Of Weise the Lady:s &suit contains each year, superior (we challenge corn to bay pubilelsol In this oonalry, el heat or periodical. OtTtf. FAfifflON PLATIN. The original double flashiest-plates tsmalhatuti. Monet' Corrsute.—The only maw Ibis eountry that glen' these dot's' }eadY's Book. lteawren Leath:la.-1n this we .11lent% OItIOINIAL MertlC.—Thxler. le 11IP 01 aitlne la which intone prepared Sot It We have also a 4.30 huatti's, a float eat. and a Ifentrti department. islogaix'S le ye PJ &MX. WU:SI M)li subject, for the Boudoir, Is ursery, Hosteetend Lauf:salty. Tpl4su Es u ass ne —Th Is Pia net gra ?lap that. it o one NM Id tehip . nl -selves. They glve great aatleasettou. LALY'II FANCY V, VIM DEPAICIIICT of the &coigns lu this department r In *dare, to a style unegnallud. TERMS . FOR I. One copy, one year Tao copies, one year Tbree copies, one year . Four oopiea, one your .. F l t v o e t g.;iiels, one •Au, and r. ev Jugl.l X Cpp ........... ...... the` club, person -g,Ser Elet tropleie, one year, and ito extra copy to the person wetting up ille club, unah. Ing.nkno copies. .. Eleven coact., one year, and an extra er py. to the person getting up the elul making twelve eopterr.; ....• ...... tlodey r Lady's Book and Arthur's Idagasine will be sent one yea ou rec 14 H ea. aley's Lady's hook and Once a /Cub be sent oneyear on receipt of al Oh Gala's Lady'. Boult and the eta Hom-wlll be sent one year on receipt of badey's Lewly's Book Arthur's I/mac aalne, and Chtkfrat'sHour will be set year on receipt of 6,5 W. Uodey's lady's Book, Arthur's Home acme, °neon Month, and the Children will be alit one year on raw Ipt of al Serhe money must all be...Ler , o" for any of the clubs, and mane to clans at elide rates. 44 Canada aubscrineni Must urn additional lorever7aubscription to r/ Wok, sad 11l mats for eltber of the Ma to pay the American pottage. /lOW TO ILEII/T,-.ln manning la Peet Moe Order or q Draft, on Phil or New'YOrk,..payable to the order the Order er ... l, l ta l le ba wt n e k r stolen , renewed without law to the sender. It or Port Ogles Order ammo* be procure United Storm or National Bank Noire. Address L. A. 0010 otb Dec. 4', lea. CARD. EAVINCI d - 61 the (JAL/WO TLPM. eels. pliglOrto Ity 0 r'sterk aleptVre thanks tor Wets to the post, and ktr i r e wing . : 142tialltirrn e " ool albs ton*: ' e lan tar tire control qf gm O'' last two yehre,' i' k ear every effort tufuuder full , Unnu. cwt. 28, 11101. ' Mr - k TE N. NIT GOO tk. DIFV ed o a u titt asautizio am. .. GM