0 AO COMPILE& LS PUTIII-1111, LI F1:1" F qt, {Ti E=ll t ,-7,\%) bOLLAI, r r.mr, nth .1 r - I'WO DOLLAR . / AND xrr ro.t subw r!ikt Lou dis• e, wilco.' ut the opthha Of the pub it‘libr. until all arrehroges are paid. ALI EP.3111111.11X1C.1 in/krtild 1:11, the usueirkb, —Large reale:flea to thees whrie4verthse by the year. u.s Pity. Zinn, of every deorriptiaa—from the eumilleet I.dxl or carat W the largeol• hand bill or poaier—done with illopat,h, in a workmanlike manner, and ai the lowest living rotas. On. tf s 01111 C tin:tore street. s few iloory olnive the (*ill-H.4w. on /lin opowilto bide, l; f I L , tintt)siliurg Co u pl 4 r ou the tow, Attornics, Physicians, &c. FRIT 17D R. BUEJILLA ‘ . l - 11,1:•1.1 AT 'LW, 11 lALLIJuiII ,all.l prompt,- ,cf, , ed to 11J M.— ?q,..11.1., fferlllllll Mit 0 at the 01,111 , In Month 11.1timore st I eq.., I lAther'l , l drillg Stole, 01400- , II I/. 11.1 , r 4.1. IMO( ell I:, it, 1,,'• •roll.frci II Y, ,? , 111 IV M. KVAIUTII, \, 1, , ItSl.ll , A4 ll 1'4,11 NAP:IAA/M. . lV•' NC' ' I Y4" -- ' btdl':ND. ~,,1, .1. ~t,,..,,.., 1 ...,„„„ ,„, I-I4ini— ~. ~.of Itu. Wet'. 1ntg , .. , t , , '.. I -.1 , ..rg Mn M. 1.41m.,•1.1 , .. , ,11 , 1. ~i m n In son+, vonnettnnn and m't lenient, lai eMatet, ,\ 11 1,0.1 1nnii ,.....,..$ ...4 ..t..., to 1'..,1.,nn, 1'.../..nt) t It.i.ek P 1, , 1011 II MI W.) ,11WIIII , t 1 , 1111,1 `-.7,11,4, At „Ii t I mg•••, pr' ntrrly and enlmiefoLly Ilitoll4- ..d Vll., /.411/11 W Irrann 1 ,, .., 4, anti els , ,lve Farms 1 , - ~ I, 1.1..) tn.! ”Ilit I Wt St. 111 !-•tikieS. - ----. 4 .' I), ' ' 1 '' .‘ 1 V. j ..il \ p ' n,• . !npl IN nttcn.l 'O.Ol I. ~.1 1. •iners en,lllllllki II) 41.11. litultttlihg ~.Pi 1,11,11 , , Pa.. 11111, , ILI , k PAL:, •tl, 1 •i ~ I . n.• 11 itn....,....,... ii,el 1.11,..1.1a1.64 1.. . - ~ ,I.lll‘. Li, ~, „I, '. , ..t. , ,WeM .orlll,llrithilittill.l,CieL- urt'a A prli 1 , , If = 1 - 1(,11' , 71.1" AT I, \ I , ,, , lftilttratteo(lno vtld to "r wiel It kelc tol' I 11.1 I, . I i.it 6, ar =ll J \ TPA:NIA A r sn,ws. \ ”ii. nd ,1.1:114 41,...11. L....1,i, undall tith• r titrustk,l Lu ul4 ~ire. t , ak t!, at the far , t h of Dr. Shari', curl lattarly a of 1.. r, 1.1”1.e., , 1 51,11 ring. 3110 I)• = ti \H 111: , 1"Mr.ri the rr..,.ti„. of Ni dfrin, j I In not :4, Awl ofThre his Nut - - N.li to tio• 0111 c. at kilo hunuu, or• ittr of 1../I,lpar I htt, ut unit Fuuntlry (1, 11: Speelal itttltation given to 11, r, p... J. fr. C. 0'.11.;,1/:8 ( ) 1 Fill. DW:.1.1,1N(1, A I. rirr.nrs frnnllll , Nlrny m r it 4i tiMllll. 1110 1 - 1 HU vet, tin it - tin Pr. , 1.) naill .tuts ti li, 1t).1mr4,1 . .i Aln 11 I = d at sing I 1 hi , L'il /ILO .4 I ‘11 . 1 . 4 1.1 k polii,‘ \ yr II .1, It IN= I I ~11 11. to 1:. , t1i.1..11.1,1 1 1.111 to I . .o. it .1:111i^, to mum Ir slia, pAt• lilt T/r. .7. L. -II SIR. 1)',) t M 1 1 , 1 ,1, 1, A,".,N..: 0.1. 111, 7,1` , • tr = I )11A Accocriwrm. I I a I • I 01.010:111V lomtol 1, Now (Ic, , tft, Ile 114 t• profeetsloll in all ttm hrrtualliv. 11Ia oaten. tla-airl 1114 In,- It •• •otlai ••• • • ale /. , L . 11,1e.1 to (Id a.t 001,, in tlaunvtr 'street. 1,67. = I \_VIN,i 11 t N , I \ I , T nr.u.r.rx, I. - " 1,1 .t tl t pnofos ,l, I I 1111)' lilt rllof ,tin rsktf,.ll,ltP. .11 , 10 11 7:. !WREN - cif MIA, M. D., 111. one door wrist ,11 the I.hthLrll Out t hlVlttuttbenolgpgstrevt..nd IPr. t • liurner'n alley v. title thoNe !.li.g to ?In,. MIN Denll,l atter:Winn per fr,rt"..l An. Veqpei tinily (n\ lied t. 1...- 1.1.1 .st I,: 1t1.4 liortlvr, Res. M , I. 0 1,s. r, `.pill tl,' I= ) I' , . I I, 11. of In, ntett pernono oti) m tt, and tailors lint Poo . to in • iqn•lo town I.* tt, .1 Tulin M. Mltukt;ll't , t tiont ry,ort tltiottorestre t,:t Wlill4l, I, lliii nil. Hnn.tte. Pntsons In ulna ui Mil 01 1 , . Ok , II 1.1 II Int. lit, .1. In n.ll 'I, TEl'.l 11 I'\!'l+ \l'l'- Il,w Ili 111114 , or tin pato. Itylenntl non I I• 41.1. Imo to,' torn Ii 1.,t1n rlpt.ty. . 1., NEW BAKERY. N vt,nr = ts tut It WI-Ittngt.tti 4ttPnt, tot.. squire from Ili« I •IC 411,1111SItUltli, I'll. I?iti. nt intl Imlttl, lln•Iw st of BRE VI), Cll.l.M.l:ltg, C-1.15R1 S. PItI•7PZELS Pe.riions wlrlitog frrsli Etrmil will lie nerved bv , rY 3 , kor ttttt by louving thekr Yam., bud resident.al the Bakery. Every elliort. walla to t. omit. April 2.1). tsl.3. tf. PO'CrTZ'S w iLouw.ALE DRUG AND PTENT ifEDICIDE DEPOT, NO. LIG I'IL.I....NELIN STREET BALTIMORE, MD ( -) tbo ,11..solutIon of axe copricfnprvhip of S. A & Om., AM:II4 Ia ISILLNIM OF FLOUR In fl,•• mlrket, with Hams, Shot,Hem Rides, 1 LAI, DLit ,1 ct tuns, &e. Also, 2:01.10:48, Ifi grf n t variety; Cedar and Wil/ow-Tare, Stone and Cmeiterv-ware, liaaketet, Segars, Tabu. os, and a thousand and one other mirth Its. Burma AND EGGS, inlet, and fresh al wal a for Sale. Gillespie & Co. 1011 spare no effort to plena°, land are etnitlthnt of being able to do au by con,mutly keeping is full and rholee Mork, and selling at these ry lowest prints. COITN. THY Pill wanted, either foralleoash or in etelbinge for goods. highest market prtce allowed. • JOSEPII S. G11.1.K.4r1F, DANIEL CABHMA-N. _ June ID, IS es. 11 NEW DRUG STORE =I THE utult..rt4l.4l h npaleil a Drug Store Y 1u Ni W , xfor.l, Adamr rminty, and re- N 14.1011) attentl,4l of the rublic to Ins stoat. of PAINTS, OILS VALLNISIIIN, 1)11. srt•ri St, PW i'ATENTII7.:DICINES and a W U atwortment of Dlltait4; le a word a emu pleic sunk of Goods generally kept In a IlrxDrdarat Drug Itnrn. All of whloh have beta purchased during the past tWu a eeka. and will be t law. All ,the art telt" Intmerfv mann facturod at the old tatablinktuent lu Raul Ber lin cm. be It.ul here. Under , tundluu his Dusi nen, peen t ly, and ea looting hh taaolls !dowel!, le Is able to warrant his Drugs pure and as rep. even led. Tun public art. re,feented (*give lam a trial. • • D. M. MILLETL, New Oxford. May 15, ber. If KISSINGKII & SHIRE: AN, N n. 2 Wri4T MARKET BM EET .11}RA7, P. t., ArntVr.4 ANTI DEALER.. IN PLANUn,L AJLIIN ET UAW A NS, Al ELODELIINS AN!) ALL A K IN of , ASITHICU. iNsIIII,3IENTS. • reepectfully 1010110 tho public that they ore or, hared to run - hell , the follou 00100fao4ure or of any other 141.4 e lilJl4 hay lx: pre re rred: Albright. nelkos 111144uldt, Bradbury, Bab, & Boy, MIEMZII wirEv Y (10.1 , 111lATAlo O.%)TTAUE, HARMONIC AND BUUDOIIS, un(..iss AND Jr ELoDIALv.v. Thesaan.trunlectmatand narlvaJlefl by any thing found 111 (Ili. I,IIIIIIJ 01 111 /.1111)1/V. nll llinindtted n, all linimrtnalitulvs. ('he . 1 kirguaa llnlhk.rataal rerformera, the last to excellent e In reed Tone, 10/INIOIIIItIA 1114.111V111/41) Mipt. rior W all Marta for exerelllng4 gulch nillualutlon and round Tone, The essential fedi Late. lu Instruments of the. Id. We in% Itt the 1,1 rutluy and erdn edoofall. PAPIST \ 111 - M.\ \ Tile lat. , . and most 14 0,0.11%111ns entlon (so ~,entioa ',had Lyall artiste) will be found only In the Vnti p Instruments. Ili at tempting to describe the etiot of ibis MGM we are et hoe. for language. Its beauties cannot Uc written. hut must 114, heard to be appreela tod. liy Lida stop am ordinary performer rota produce an effect whirl) rimiulres a life time of pinatas tor ap artial. upon violin, It ou tirely eliatigts the reed Tone. Os ing the sym pathetic us crineas of the human Mee, Mat ing It an melodloue and pure that it never falls tot nrimni the listener. THE HAItMO.NP! UU.UAN for Cho reh,, Public Haas and Purim% has powerpal w4b-Up.* WWI Independent reeds, Harmonic attar uncut and Vox Humana Tremolo, and is believed to be the most power ful teed organ made. being nearly equal lo a Plbe Ore:M at three timea the coat. All Instrument' warranted tor ave years. 411 - 111t-kiet HANDS a r upplled with Matra- Menisand ;mole at reasonable terms. A liberal diaaouut allowed for Churchosand Sabllmth Sawa, Ce-Imtructlons given both In Vor.Al aid Inedln mental :Hustle, at our rooms, and at pu- Ml.' home+, either to lull Maids orelaaaes, on reasonable terms. lk•c 17, Isis, tr. - - NOAH WALKER & CO., CLOTRIA:22B, WASHINGTON BVILDI24O, AND 107 11/61.111101LE ST , DAATIOI,9II/4, YD r l F;? 7r=rVfl d grr en iaesort ar goods moderste•prices. They aunt! orders for the finest to the low. est priced articles, either ready mails or roads todlielmu re, to any rt of the country. They keep also an nstenslve sliwk of FlfFtleigHlNG 000IM, embracing every ar ticle of Gm:diem n's Under•tresr. glom ILI TABY CLOTHS and every Vuriety of Mili tary Trimmings, as well man assorted stock of REAMMA U.k hiLL/TAll," ULNAS* Baltimore, Feb. W. CANNON'S MAR WORKS, • On Itettintove SR; opposite the Coact-Ho •0417778-ISUAG, PaN7ltol4 , Ever 7 41seeriation of work exectit,a,l4.l,4 INE STYLE:OP THE AR Sone 4, NM ti EINEM A troloron inaeided to flia . late firm or rri led di Bonder are 'hereby' nht/fied to mating settle befornAbe Mihail' DAY Ulf OW iilf4lll3B4tileXtrr unsettled eposanis_als that date will he hold In the Moan of ah Meer fir tolleet Boots are in 411& hands of Wm.. casaAs..of RotlroW ..IWaithington streets, who I authorised to iwttle the maw. - . . _ . . . *A. I. smß, , „ • =IiOFF AT, roc!, • IrtlE'undeislsnerl, to elbso'ont the Too,!Meta, 1, W SEI4A tl OFF AT (DST, at tile Btore, on the yeeu Turnpike, three miles east of Gettysburg, a good Stock of Cassiirteres, Cassineto, Boot., Muse% Hata, °love*, tlloelelkas; nv, LAINE.w, CALICOW , Glngludna, • Berages kfuldln , t, Tine I.adlea• liaildkreblefs, Hosiery, Hollows. Sc.; also Queens-ware, Mono-ware, (Baas-ware, Buckets,a, or all kinds; Cedar Wan., Tubs,and a thousand other articles. I.lkewlsellartle,an extelleni 81/4E-bla. BBEI-b:// :OW 1011 1 RUA INR! Maio one, come all, and be suited. You'll notwagneLlt. JOIISINCBIJ3ECK. Aug. 11 , INR trf WLSTERN rre-E l Mptloll. Lands. ntlttA VIC trn hand • felt TRAM* iitNo. I ennel, pinA. 1 21gion jean% hear limtrocali,Lounty lowns,ao, to mi o - ties, oeighborhoodii, which I will OM 4111. 1 amigo 4a fitililliwawlitalitoWo in Adams county, ra, WIX?Self. AIroOLIL Yeo.7. 1868. EZEMM NE.T GOODS! Most Excellent elnortments ! 1387. E for very mull profit., and alm at do- Fit i al t = l ll4: Sra t ar OP FIVE SILK MMNI! IMMEMME C=lllE3 O:=MWM = CaMtMEIE=I I , II.NNCII CillalTY.l,23, PIQUF-9., PEIteALL AND LAWNS. BLACK SILKs, PLAIN SILKS, PLAID tiMiti =5ll =WM Gama DM lIM=I OCZEI MaI:IMM2 =tam= EIZEILEMICI! CLOTII4, (I),AKING4, UN NO, ooTroNADE. IMAIRMEM=M ttentzsm2mm= MMEri \'111:1 1tc1111.1. , FM 1W1t142 , H lN1)1:1. 101111.3 HEM •:111C1ILD 11.1.N1.N. I 1:(1111.1,, =WM MEM MEM EMI! ij .- ) ,‘ " I tit+, I too e,ot-tartly revel, log the lott,t shire of limo and iaticy Lao aim. My monk corn prOws to. er) Unto( tttttt lln firn- Ouss PRY iOTIN to which I Invit t e the 'ln ilium 01 the pnhltr, teelln,t that I eon safely Huth Hun t'oinPalawil with all 000 r ',torts la quAlity of good, and low nuts of pet e. (I..ttyaburg. MnY 1, rqlB. tf =M! NEW STOCK Op NPR I NO .1 Nil 81'..VMER 0001)9 AT NEW OXFORD, ADAMS 11-0., PA. Our Motto ie Sum 11 l'rrVilea• Quit k Sake. I "E rril u„u ut a nd lit luny, that they in e iitia revel! a large am! desirable stock of P.FAV Canons, bouglitainee 11101i:cent det.line,nnd min otter nivel tut India eini•nts to our co•lioner, Our stork to *people, and purchased with an eye U. thew tutu of tills set ti ~,, consisting of 'Pry Goods," Groeerlea, Read v.in.ole ('tattling, Fancy Goods, Notions, Boots, nate, Bard-ware, 1,/titit us -Mare, Grant...tones, de. Also, Steel, Bar Iron, Horse su b nil kinds of Ito.. Top to with runny other arti cles too tininern, to meniltin, all nt whit h have been. bought at lots rot tigures (or cool, We n fully null I t Call, believ ing that we mn make it to sour linen-a to buy of tit, I.lr. • are cl Ili Kell goo& at short pi Come on with your money and no a 11l give yon Hill talue (or P. Olin ue, a (all Itel,ort. guru 11,Ittg olsea hole. PREY A. buIiNELL, F , tl,et slots to J. C. Zolick it. Son. May f,19, Inn,. GROCERY & FLOUR STORE. h'.llo 1:1 MEALS & BROTHER HAVE removed th.o Store to the Nelu- Medi prep:rtv, 011 Clemberehurg Street, where they plopuse to keep vonntautly !mud 414. KINDS 01' GROCERIES, iccd, Yotiow, dc. Ala•n, VEGETABLES In aem.on, froth from lin. env and nonntry. They are determined In anti elhrtip a.the aboapeed, and a. thry o n- I, nl4: the I.4nt In tat; pront4, Eno Inme to merit and receive a liberal tdwreot public p drunage. MEALS & BRO. April 10, tea. tt DR. JAMES CRESS, I)1 G ST, 8T 111 IN : BRANT 5 BUILDING, bT., LITTLESTOWX lily litecJc ott . tUrti and Leah Litt. (in to the tiiiZetni of T.litlextoWn and Vicinity at the lowest uurket faLea, toteaLostif hi putt of mrns AAD PAMIIX 3rEntcrNEA, PCTU. Ic Ll4.4lJUliti kUK'.N F:LJCINai.PU4vo, I= I=== Port, Izlplov,'Dy'r.; and Drug Stuffs, Uedhpo ery, ToLet I,uap,saukt Fancy Ar't I.•e. A suit imorttn'ent of Itromll,,, t..intionery of cal kinds, Ulgttr.,Tolmo 4111 , 1 1 , 11 n tr. Fileetro-Nlagßeiir Soap will wean M lit, haraior 5 , 41 water, vont or ainana. Clotlies a aislati.l wilL Ilia troop are ;mole beautifully while altliont boiling or blueing. Thin la tint total acme lu use.. Try It. It la warran nil not to injure the tinnily or fabric. JANIL.I4 /41.tIcatawn, May i 184 A. ly LUMBER YARD 14E. 11 0 ;WA Tlotol,,iidg.:od has a, aim his Lumber )114 , l lc, the north-east corner of 14trat ton ..teal and dhe Railroad, but fifty yards from Inc 14,1 location, x lit re he wilt be glad to hove nil to want of ',timber to mill lilt stock, is larger Wan ever before, anti waste/a additions are being made to it. Be lant winTE VCR if &Lk - 7 INCH. MANOR, FLOG/I(MR, neA,IT- . .141411. Al:., sc.. sc.. MI of , bleb 4 11 III" 1.1 , ' iota ra, the to iegt 11v= lug Estee. Qin aisrldudgetui yetimehrea. Lumber 14 good and cannot fidl to give sat's frieUrm. -•- . JACOB SITEADB. Ark large Int WIIII7EII VINE BTiIPVLi•YI fa+ .nle 7rry cheep. bett3 slat rg, May .3). 1868. tf - MORO PHILLIPS' IiZZOINA INPROVILD Super-PhOphatz of Lime -I.374NDAADGUARANTW. YOH Y4Lg 421 . kitla YAM V ILEUM TEMTS, No, 27 Vora' Front.treed, Philadelphia, AND No.24South Street, Baltimore. - And by Deniers In general throufhout the • Orman try. The SOMBRERO GUANO of wtikla ,110R0 THILLITS" PHOSPITATR I. and tawny. h. beengaanutriotareil. land of which he has sole mutual for the United 6tNtem,) contains fifty Ott rent loots Rene Phosphide likan Raw 11 , X130, 1.14 . 041141- , At la more durable. The ad. dition 4n11061110 gives it griater to Wising valuer over seven yearn' expet h Dee Las proved to the Farmer that It ',mk t , a heavier grain-than even stable 040004 e, and Is not only at Ilse Lot lasting. tiai 00 per ton, 2,00 u lbs. Discount to Dealers . . .11080 Matchßole Proprietor mid Manufaetorer, 18,181111. tim 62 HOOP SKIM i2B ANIS CORSETS, CORSETS. ooricoo, , was Rich Street. rhumeTonii. MANUFAMVHEROFTHIC Celebrated "Champion" llooOriAti FOR, LADISS,DiSibIiI AND curiAUEN. 'ti. largest siutortment, and best quality and styles in the American Market. Every lady should try them,, as they recommend them. wives by wearing longer, retarihrng theft tape much iltaAltr , lgttag lighter arid mitre male Otan . til othUI—WARRANTED la eve liZ:rriirVt.rl4ATiriliktold ' *brat 41* iinperior Hand-made Whate-tione CORSFTS In itWosenitiderent tirades, Imitating the "Ins perlal" ant Taottesual & L AanDOX'S "Li LOVE FI171140" CORNEIIS, ranging in pairtegl/11M St cents to lie; together with Treee tt 8ac*,[1:44.3.:1.F.,11M.ATA1> ,WOVDN VOligliTS, superior shirpret and q Ten colketnit railast front Si is to $5 N. .They are lite finest and best goods for the prices es er "tied. The 'itmle snimibid wtth WOOF. SIC Tti asitl•OODSl4,-Tri St tite Lqweat Rates. T osevhilftng Inertly Ml d im id not to rail and uzandne.tur Owls an Prime, as we defy , m il HOUSE PAINTING. GEORGE A. WARNER, 110 Milt PAINTER, Soutlx Wutlthrgion st., Cietkvabuzil, I. , (400 D WORK AkiD .1101)V.ILATE PRICESi July 21.11407. • U. S. BONDS. rt BF-First rSa4onal Bei* a G ettyaWrg 7 will t or .. 5- to?m su i xo u l l 7 lo-10 %. 47u7. 8. . Bonds; also Oct. et Mi. V/431" AMOLA Oehler, LAST NOTICE. .. 9, 7: 4 7aUection. na Ih" settle. le. If bot7 u d r be_ i fOretbe t in of Dmember, lbe Bookold.ll be Ws 11 ,i le a re et au oat. Y GETTYSBURG, PA., DEC. 11, 1868 GLOBE INN, YORK STREET, NEAR TUN DIAMOND, CLETT.YSII CR (I, PENA" -4. rrlnE nndersigned would most respectfully inform bin numerous trlemis and the public generally, tlast, he has parchseed that ng established and well known Hotel. the "Globe Inn," In York street, Gettysburg, Mat will spare too effort to conduct it in a man ner that will not detract Awn Its former high reputation. His table a 11l hate the best Gatuattrket .insflord—lns al...Olken. art 814110 clouts and eomfortal,l.--and lie ban laid itt fur Ills bar a fall stock of wit.. and 11. ors. There in Ito ge stabling attached to the Holt I, • tili.ll a 11l ho attended by attentive It will lie lila con 4tau t ende a or to render the fullest satiquetion to lib guests, making his house at near a home to (trot AY possible. He asks • sintre of (tar pol,lll.'s pat rotoaf* . . drier ra Int al au tie it to ,Inert a Jars., part of It-- 14 the - Ulobe I un ' In In York street, but near the Diamond, or Public !square. /SAMUEL WULF. April 4, ISSI. If 1868. MEM GLOBE INN, I= LITTLE,TOWN, ADAMS COUNTY, PA filtHE undirrsigned„ haring pnrelisueal the .. (iloisa Inn • property, In (lett) shun: street, lAttlestnetn, Would most reMpErtiully Ins to u altsse of We pa blle's pate •a 111. prole tses the best the market out afford for Ida table. a ith the ehotetat liquors In his bur, and etantortable beds and that:Mem With con4idemble experlener, he thinks he tun Justly alien that lie knows how to keep a hotel. /rile, is large stabling attached, as well MX gram lots or druvi a. Anattentive ostler always on hand—none other than an ACC9IIk. moduting one altos; td on the ;mental.. Re Ins lies a large Flom all custom, and will spine no °that, nt deserve It. JOILN LlttlestoWn, May 21., MIL tf EAGLE HOTEL, NEW OXFORD. ADAMS" COUNTY, PA. I] 111 1: and. rslgned having purchased the Mar l. tin 1 lotei prop. rt yln New Oxford, Adamscounty, county, will conduct It In future, under the name of the "Eagle Hotel." lie pledges ililll - nt spore no effort for the comfort of his gli.ts. Els table shall have the best the market ran afford, and his bu,r the cliole.st liquors. iii, chambers are spaolous, and can not fall to else sail.fact lon. There in com modious stabling uttaelied to the Hotel, hit In be attended I.) a reliable and ac commodating ostli The proprietor hopes to receive a ((hero! share of public patronage, end e 111 itle „t, s try to deserse It. Remem ber the t•Fagle," In the northerua turner of the Diamond, New Oxford. _ HENRY WIINT. l'ilarch 19, 14fs, tf KEYSTONE HOUSE, CHAMEERSBURO ST., OTITYsIWRG, PA = 1111118 le a new Melee, fitted up In the moat appro, ed stile. Its Ineation Is pleasant, central and eonvenient. Seery arrangement h.s been made for tIT aceommodtOm and comrt fo of guest,. le Table will always has a the beat of the market., and the liar the beet of wines and liquor,. There 1 , 1 emnilo.thms htlng trttaeliell, lah Fn ixecon.unotl Mug miler ;asks) hand. This lintel le now own for the entertain- Divot or the public., tan! share of patronage Is sotielted. Nn effort will lei ereired to render etatlefael lon. MWEi=l WATCHES WATCHES !! LEWIS STILOUSE Is largely ennened In the Watch trivle, and h•ts lust reun mstirom New York with an un nsnsllr live nilsortment. lie offers such bargains us cannot fail to he acceptable to buyer,. tile stock cnil.races a large lot of the CELEIIRATLD "AMERICAN WATCHES," (SOLD AND DILVE; vie "P. S. lharLlett," Wm. Hilary." and "Apple ton di Tray;" of: sliu.Qxt tli WWl' Maee, It you Want CIIII.AP and GOOD Wa tdt, oaths" LEWIS Errunusg, At his old island, Carlisle streel s nearly opposito the Depot, Uettyaborg, Pa. a - d-Ite con/Innen the Grocery. Notion and Con fet thmery boldness, aa heretofore. M=ll NEW GOODS CI AP-CHEAPER--CHEAPEST! i r d lm t wish to buy good and cheap Goods, JAcOliS near Myer4'B Hotel, la C1IAMISI.:11..11(116 ST.. Gettysburg. They hose the vary head se lee' lon imods, tun ' lis CA:44fl M l t FA,. TWEETSI, d(`.,, the inarket wu pruJ nee, mid are determined to soft them as cheap Olin he sold an) - %here In town or Cannily. Any person 14 WI - WI; to Imre them CUT, ran has e It done free et charge. Those desiring goods MADE Ul', Cali nits he ritsamunedat ed. We 0 arum( the hest work and the best Ms to he had any where. No humbug in what We say. We Inus eau hand the. sery bad and stioat.dur able SEIVINGI MA MINAS, and. are a& way a ready to welt no eustomera— sidisraelJen given to operating ma• Chloee. 0:611 and examine. Wu wnrritut theta to be the best In use, April 11, 1847. if Licnied conveyancer. WOT.F w 01 atathd to •tro OF DKIE.Tar, FOND Arstialt.:3t &e., aid arnktng oat of trAMA.UL' 0144Slatii, WILIt *ttritrar. ituy , thtzrn to tru . t= l. llll .t n ,e wa r tezrir e ptiv at offal.. Galt vsburg. Pa. Nov. B , LENS. ti \OX ICE. ALL indebted to the arm of Jacobs & are requested to call and settle on - or be. fore the Met &Wet January part r -utherwise their accounts will be placed lo the bands of the carer Ler mlleottor, The leeks t i l l aggll RF 4Nrlf o ld lattlld, oR Cliaßitttni; , GEO, JACQIIB & Gettyaburtt,gov. hag. tr VWAILEt-WAAEL-Wf*RE!-A Ans siseste, meat at Stone CM,. .Lo Stone Wittn, wK4 pew style. Updee Pot, a first-rue Prpote, a l ou&k,, • eguaninv & clys. Ayers _Sarsaparilla, FOB PCsirUNU Tpe p 1,04.11. The reputut lon thin eseellebt inedlerae en- Joya, Is derived teem Its cures. slant of which are truly mart ellous. In% eterate cares Sefrifatous dlaaaan, where the system Deemed saturated it corrupt. b, have la en purlfloi and cured by It. Wroforolns a IllYrtrona and draonlera,Nrlllett wereaugvavated by the Yerof aloe, mutat:bunt lon until that were pOrdbl ly *Meting, tv...§:e beer! rut Inn? fr, en r dltr such trZttll9jtritill altttust r y e ca ' rc rr ar s v ec u t a io ca to he Infotturb of Its tritium Or 111.1, Scrofulous prawn to one of the moth dogma tise enemies of our mot Often, thhi unseen anti unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the eonsfltution, and Ins two the attack or en trebling or fatal dLsosst., without °settings. suspicion of Ito present,. Again, it neeMe to breed In fection Mien itillott I the hotly, and then, Otto ne nt t irel r t . .if u rstrtr' r u ' irf ai7 rns the r Ott ttie surface or among the vitals. In the latter. tubercles may he suddenly deposited In the Mehra? heart, or tUrnoril formed in the liver, or it shows pre•enee h,) erUfalone on the skin, or foot ulcerations on part or O l refektm g pt.lll):VA*s4rtie ° , ' :es i tit 4 4= so active symptoms of Limn. appear. per sons aillieted with the following complaints generally Mid insuiegiolc rebel...natal length, cure, by the nor of this .S'A RiVA PA RILLA St. AnAotres Fire, Rage or ErVesirein.., . ft , halt Ilheugl., timid Head, Roymorm, bore 0 Srq e anti f lc e r eruptions or visible forms or litenitutous ulastsei 4110 la the more eon coiled forms, a§ tlYttlieril4t Viscose, Fits, Epll.•^•,, Neural' , on e VarICIRIA UleertllM nfirneflclng luarettlar and nervous systems S yphilis elr Venereal anti Mercurial lihnoseir are aural lilt, [llol3ola lon time la for artbdtri 'bele obstlunienrelatilew by any Medlnissn. , knit VW Option pxo 04 4.14/0 illiegiclue will ours the complaint. Lesi horn or Whites, utoph,oUarerasJoggr, an d Yes nude Dlsertaus.,ara,Oantinortly soon reileved and ultimately enrol tilAti_fpnitin:titgittld In vigorating etlert IttliMatnit for each coo arp found,l4 ogrAinuinaa supplies/wet/a. frot,t :then otbsbd by atv . ‘ Pip u ltint ‘ l f y r. trt rt . , * anisT i Mer . I t l n i tr% pl al n ts, Tdrptary, Mn inn or Inflogresturnlon of the ton, arid Jaundice, a lieu ortolan. as they of do. from the rankling poisons in the blond. TOM Sasisspettilo is a great restorer ler the• strength antrsia , ir of the system. Those who are Innentd Domporitlant. Sleeps leas, and troubled with Nervous Appreheu siont nr nr arir of ;tic atpction/1 Wipe: loam* co %team, 0, wig thoi ltuustalbste pis Ilerand tionv tieing es idea. of Its reigoeutrva power upon Wel. PIEPASi'D BY J. C'. AYER de CO., Lowell, Mass Practical sod Analytical Chemists. gaga by all Ltrugtglentevery where. qc kalaA.,gen t, Gen ye bug. (*gig. tiN. /ygliw 71A.T WANTED. uneersicaelivrin pay - the LE est mar ket prima far HAY- loilu Ire at a atso. d wrazatriduesa. 21. iIM.. if OWED TO THE OTERO DIRE ZS GI 111 Z. Ellopueslerlr* aUsing U Rkwirt. Grote Ingthe you have eradicated Fire ma- chlnea Worked by human mu —Grata !twine you 'hairt on tom of homes where the flamm Protrude, and you Immediately elvdinguhh. bruit e lug ue ! Ettupendoowunateoun pump. You suck. You Draw up, and you akwlrt water on the raging uthirvowling elamout commonly knowne 1. Ire. And you auckseat In kwenohtng the aeorelade. litopecoloowua filteenl pump. 51 ner destroyer of Ign lied knonbue tibn L 4 when you Get to a slalom, you run your auctions in. Your Enllnear puts on adfoddonal Mecca, And you proceed forthwith to darken down cullghted mai ter. Miley destroyer of Ignited komtrustibuls. Cirandekstarniinianrof bianedng material. You Must feal proud bekaw• you hiiN e plenty of water on baud and don't use Spirituous tickers—You don't cork much Belmar you have nothing to do, Grata exterminator of tangoing material! Wonderful Infantile Water Works You have fluperseaded the laboring effort. of lade ',Wuxia to perfect hand pumps. And you NUM stand out In busts rellevus to the enemy Of flame. Because you always conic out first best Wonderful Infantile Water Works? Thou spreader of the akweous Fluid—You Know full well, your hundred of 11. et of pipe in Your Wm. blz wheals, RUM wale., tie., are death to the old are boys and useful to Insurance Companies. Thou spreader of the aka mum Fluid I liteem Fire Engine—your useful. You uee wood and koal—you make a big noise with you whlntio, and You leave a streak of Ore behind you In the Wear. But oteom Fire login.. 3 our Coefti. Yoar a—a trumy—Go on— Go mrflteam Fire Inglne. Go on—Grate old likwirtl =9 Arbuta eat before her desk with the sullenest face imaginable. There was a long lesson• to learn yet, and an ex ercise full of faults to correct, and a work basket with all bee unmended stockings, for Arbuta hail lame idle and careless •that, week, and Saturday afternoon hall caught her with her work still undone. "I Wonder if there are any fairies as Nurse Hilda says," thought Arbuta. "I wish that I knew one. I would—" Here she heard a rustle and stir in the chimney, and there caine eliding down the old elf of dreams; an old man, as old as the world, very lit tle, very lunch bowed, and with a beautiful long white beard, like silver, that fell quite down to ithi feet. Over each shoulder he carried a bag of dreams; the good dreams on his right shoulder, the bad on his left. His voice sounded far off and sweet, and made Arbuta sleepy just to listen to it. "I WA a fairy," he said. "What do you want of me?" "I am so unhappy. I do think there Is no being on earth so miserable as a little girl who is obliged to learn lessons and darn atoekings. If f were only that robin, bopping about so merrily without the window! Ile has nothing, I am sure, to trouble him." "lie a robla, The elf of dreams; and as . he spoke, Arbuta found herself flattering and twittering on *bough. lidorethan that, she had a undated four little eggs; and present- ly she disoovered that it was the prima ei pal aim, of II fe-topeeseree these eggs, and the principal aim of everybody else In the universe to detest her prin cipal aim and steal, or smash, or eat them. A snake was winding In and out among •the branches, freeaing her blood with its baleful fiery eyes. tike fluttered. and shrieked, and uttered the most distressful mint, when on the other side , appeared the ourly head and outstretched hand of a Ilttle hay. Ttmsnake dropped suddenly from the tree; the little - boy wan guttens much frightened; and the robin was aongrat ulallawhenself, when she heard a blue bird and oricle talking tqmottdir. APAXIBB 4 BRO ittWas sweep ;ever seek • pessourp tiont" troth theblw•btrd. "These robins are exoeedlogiy.eene• mon penman.," answered the oriole. ' "And , have no business in our or obineed Is e wren. "I move that we drive them oak" "Oh Mari+ , sighed Arbors.; "I might as well be a MU* girl 1" wises, lot there she was. sitting .st her desk, with' the stookiage and the exercise stiii tads. ."Well?" salted Elle dream e. 16. "it, was not pleasant at all s aid nrbnla; "but, then, lOW as and little girls are, it serene, sneoially unfortu nate; but km* at that spider on the wail; I am awn I)er mltitegoe .ls Imacened enough." '.'Be ems, then," wild -the elf of drew's:l2j and- In an -inatant she had kV- too nullt 4 r 0 4 11 •t4 ute . ntlou, and eight eyes, 'and *as hanging In the midst of a pretty little silken chamber., She looked-about on her abode with very pardonable °imitation. "I have here the Mead house In the wovid,m she 'odd to 'herself r "'and I haVe built It all myself. Neither ma son, carpenter, nov. arolilleot, can share the praise with me. The 'plan not only came eut of my head, hob the material rronr my ho4Y. 'king on thfe threUels half so independent le for I am not even indebted to Nature. I am perfectly self-seffielent. It fel lows that I am the greatest being on etiftk." At thislunetare name .{tip matelot ail work. "There is another of these filthy things!" she exclaTne7 . ;Trdrat the spiders," and she attacked ,Artinta 'sb fiercely, That she tardy escaped with her life inIO the gilikien, - "This Is' certainly' a great' Iniefor elle said"; "Mit I feel That lt am a time philosopher, and Capable of ris ing 'above' It. I wlll"huild 'a "Ire* house on this leaf. I will 'haVe 'an ante-roimi, a - Jabyrmth, and 'a rbpe ladder; and at aL time when"! feel Inclined cur a party of pleasiife, I Pan throw a liddlre: Aglosirikir . little stream, and visit my neighbor, over the way." Burl alas! her work was net half completiNJ, when a fine lady trailing by, swept it out of existence with her Pt7llll4tfiii, "1 will go to the forest," said Arbu ta ; "there shall be undisturbed," and 1n the cool heart of a spreading tree she wove a third habitation, and hung Ip the middle a little bag full of eggs• - "No spider shall haves° well reared a family so mine." ahe said, 'proudly. "I will instill ruts them Mesa hitherto unknown. lirrovvrepertence ,has 1013=3 MMITIZZI MN= proved that we are philosophers, and eselbeustaluing. To what can we not then attain? Wu may even subjugate the earth." - And she wetted with the greatest Impatience for the appearance of her numerous family. Unfortu nately, however, for these flue visions, the little spiders were no sooner fairly in the world, than obeying sliders' in. atiuct rather titan the dictates of phil osophy, they rushed with one uccord at their parent to devour her. Arbuta fled, In horror, calling on the elf of dreams, and on the instant she sat again before her desk. "Exerrises and stockings are detes table," said she, "but, after all, to be eaten alive by onus own children is worse." So the dream elf went away chuck ling, and Arbuta went hack to her ',aloha. I=l There appear 'to ho many different ways of understanding the true mean. ing of newspaper patronage, as it is called, and as an Interested party we give place to a disquisition on the sub. ject by one who knows whereof he speaks. It will serve, perhaps, as a mirror In which certain parties may "see themselves as others sec them :" Many long and weary yearn of ex perience in the publishing busineas has forma the conviction upon us that newepaperputronage Is a word of many definitions, and that a great majority of mankind are either Ignorant of the correct definition or are dishonest, In a strict bibtiral sense of the word. Newspaper patronage is comrsr , ed of as many colors as a rainbow and Is as changeable ns is chameleon. One man COMPS in and auharinhea for a paper and pay. fur it In Advanoe, and goes home and reads It with the proud satisfaction that It is his. He hands in his advertisement, asks the price, pays for It, goes to his place of business, and reaps the advantages thereof. This Is patronage. Another man nuke you to send him the paper and goes off without saying a word about pay. Time pa_saes on. and you ate in need of money, and ask him to pay the 'dm he owes you. He flies Into a panaloh, perhaps pays, per. haps not., and orders his paper stopped& This Is called patronage. Another man has had a paper for a long time without payment, and he comes tired of you and wants achange. Thinks lie will have a city paper. He tells the Postmaster he don't %manna paper any more, and a copy conies back mask "refused.' , Alt he don't pay, oh no! he hits to keep your money to buy a city paper. Pay comes when you sue him. Such may be called pa tronage. One man brings In a fifty cent adver tisement and wants a two dollar puff thrown In, and when you decline he goes off mad. Even this, can be called patronage. Another man don't take your paper, it is too smaller too high priced, but he borrbaii It volularly and reads And that i could be called patronage. One man likewthe paper, he takes a copy and pays. for it, and gets hie friend to do the same ; be is not always grumbling to Touee othent_butal ways has a friendly word. If any incident occurs in his section, he informs the editor at (moo.' This is newspaper pa tronage. Another 11181111M111 taken the paper severnl yearn. but has not paid for it. nil in he comes u Ith an advertisement, which be smuts ,lmerted free because he Is "an old patron." This is called patronage. One hands you a marriage or other notice and asks for extra copies of the paper oontaimlng It; and when you ask him to pay for the papers, be lookasur prised--"you surely don't tako pay for such smell ateliers." That if celled patronage. 049. malt, 11114.4 to &owl MI Spa RNA, ammo in,aud saysithe year foe which I mid, la at , put to espies, / wept to pay for apoltier." He does so oincl retires. This is newspaper patronage. Now, isn't newspaper patronage a curious thing? In that great day. when the gentleman In black gets his dtleti, as he , surety will, bob thany of the 'Whose ennumrated above will fall to his share? While it will he seen that' white certain kinds of patronage are "the very 'llte giro 14140 . 4100 of a newspaper, there are other kinds of patronage „that are more _ destructive than the,Vdessity night shade." Reader! where do you stead ?, . "D 'T i9p 'MVsunett Me blow."— An Individual possessing unmistaka ble evidence of African extraction, was arraigned for larceny. , Thejoiglaut ea of fig,4c, ,as dignified, and said wli h severe pre-mince, "Are you guilty or not , "Bah?" • Did you thrso clothes?'? he repeated. "Golly, boss, 'elar never done U." "This man says you did." "Ms ain't nothin' hut white . trash." "And what are you?" "Me ! 'Why, don't you know tfie? I rid wid you In de peneSiduti• helped to tote ‘ you home when yer got tired dry,, night. , Don't yer 'Eneoutper me now 2" . „ Thep wee the "euckte4est" oat. pros. la that &they's OILIWI that judi olaf•aaoale aftbel arf attempt° of, 8o roxYclifer the adVanfriget of good eeele- ia rectiociate husbaud to his loving, spouse "you wank! not' he an handy about displaying thnseidg tbet of yours if yo'n knew wlo4,oequrrudgt the shoe,- maker's when I took your shoe to be tudtlifett, ttie ott*Sedsy." • ''"" ""-" "Weil; what - Was UR" E , "The - shoemaker took it IN bhottind, gazed upon itis few 'min:lent. and burst• into tatini.'" s'What Wtfts the foot crying abont.to •'>:t; seems that big grandmother raised him, and he was exdeedlngly fond of her; end during he absence from home one time the died; and , he returned only in titne to - einem! her funeral. Your shoe, rn size end shape, painfully reminded him of her cot. fln—" CLARKSON N. POTTRIL Of New Yor4, Beta it foe or 1100,000 from the 'LontiOn bankers, Overend, Gurney & Co., far prosecuting their suits again the At- Linde and Great Western railway com pany. Mr. Potter Is a son 'of Bishop Potter, and a Democratic Congressman 111 51st Year--No. 11 CI ODOM AND ENDA. —Large 'enneigninente of English game are now arriving ltj the New York marketer. The new I.nulevard in New York will be thli teen miles long. A mov einentbas been commenced in Spain for the abolition °Mull fights. Fife gents a pound is considered a good price for venkon in Western Mis souri. —firtratlng lit coming Into 'vogue again in Nay Orleans and Cincinnati. —A Oakey ltall'a OHIO majority for Mayor of :Veto Vork'oqy la 5!'i.098. —Work is about to bo suspended on tho Western Maryland railroad for want of funds to proseeuto,the enter prise. —Eight thousand buildingS have been erected in Chicago this year, at a cost of:n:5,000mo°. Among them were twenty-lice churches, coating $2,000,- 000. —The horning of old Fm t latf4ette is no serious loss to the United stater, as it wan 11.100814 flea defence agalnst.a public enemy. —ft is reported that (larlbaldi about to embark for America, he Mee. lug got into trouble among his corm patriots on aroma of the failure of his Homan expedition. —To discover him: many idle men there are In a place, all that's neceexat ry in to set two doge fighting. —The Valparaiso Republic telleof yo of couple married on Saturday night, who on Sabbath evening were made happy (or otherwise) by the birth of live children, four of whom arc living and doling well. uThat'r rapid.'' —A good newspaper Is like allensi ble and sound-hearted friend, whose appearance at tme's threshold gladdens the mind with the prom inn of a pleas ant and profitable hour. —We are inlormed that Shenk., Esq., of I'mk, has purchased from W. It. Hotter, EVI., the Wilco of the Easton Anyes. Mr. Shank is an able writer. — . Vile public debt. statement, fOr November, u e are Informed, will show sit inelonso of twin eight to nine lions. Yet (Nneral °rant, to ills re• e.nLly pullishc4,report, asks en hi en:are of the army. The Savannah irtputilicun says "the only reign of terror at the South comes front the Radical party, and ir (bu g rew nr anyhody else would aid us in suppree-ing it, we should have po objection." —A daughter of ex-tiovernor Urr, of South Carolina, has married a Phila rlelphiun. Iteconstru C LiULI is progress ing. —lf you would make yourself agree able wherever you go, listen to the grievances of others, but never relate your own. AN EDITOR IN A. NEW SI:IT.—Mr Clark, editor of the Kendall , (III.) Clarion, is a man who loves a joke, and never lets" an opportunity slip that promises a dish of fun. Here is one of his last nnlsguisM.—We have lately ,got a new suit of clothes, null no man could be more einctnally disguised. We ksik like a gentleman. rpon 'first putting it on we felt like a outin' a strange garret, and for a long tithe thought we were wrapped off. We went to the house and scared the baby. almost into Hts ; wife astall if we wanted to see Mr. Clark, and said he was at the (Alice; went there and pretty soon a Wail came in with strip of paper in his hand. He asked If the editor was In ; told him we thought not ; asked him if he wished to see-him particularly; said he want ed him to pay that bill; told him v.e didn't believe he'd be lu ; business man left. We started to the house again; meta poupls of yettug 1a414'; sine Al them tiAlied the tither, 'What bandstime stranger Is that?' In our diletn ma wc met a friend and told hfin who we wore, and got him to Intro dUce us to bur wife, who la new ah proud of us up she can be. 4 A PIIRTTT I:smote:yr —A very pret ty Incident Is related of a canary bird by a - Chorea paper. The dons of the bird's cage WWI nocasionally left open that h 0 Might enjoy' the -freedom of the room. One day 'be happened to light on the mantle shelf where Oft wag a mirror. Here was a this dia. covery of the most profound Interest. He gazed long and cutlet:hay 'at Islat• self, and cattle to lite ooneluston that he hid found a'mate. thing back to his cage lie-ealseted is. seed from the box and brought IL in his ttIW a. en edertili; hi the stemma:et. In vain the Jatiary exerttal hirneelf , to. make hie oaw found friend partake, and heozun log weary of Ltot Itled . another tack. Stopping back a few in ches from the glass, he poured forth his sweetest Motes, pauaing now and thett,Sota re ply. None come, and moody and die gusted, he fleet back ,to, his perch, hanging his head in shame and a fence thr the rest of the dity; and Al though the *sat was repeatedly open- Ad, he refused to come out again. A Fr/lA:ink story comes from Detroit, _Years ago,an English. (amity emigra ted to Ulla Gauntry, bringing their ynurigesbohitd, a girl, but leavlnean eldct brOtherla the/Ad country. The parents Loon died, and the girl, top young to have many remembrances of them ore - England, was adopted by a family at Elpijia„.N. T,. Sliegrew up, was married, and her husband was killed in the war. Soon she again married, this : time a young English man who was doing well In business Idty3 :West, and a rurally came In due time. A.few weeks ago her new hus band fell id Wjth the foster parents or *horn she had not seen fur years, and In the course of the inter vieW It was discovered that he, her husband, Was the English brother whom she had not seen since her in fancy. The husband his left for parts unkuowu, and thew ire and sister misery at the terrible crunlty of air •eu instances, "PAPA, when I grow up may t be what I like ?" "Yes; my boy, you may choose your own profession." "The n l'll be a iiiweta... foLLithianever have to %IWO/my face." A patisaraar chemist ham invented a now method of warfare on the battle field : it le .a powder that, makea a whole regiment RICICiqk for half an our. AIX OVIAI6OIII. Our local columns contain ti morning the details ern high-her eatruge has been. reemnly muted in Harrisburg. A y, named Nir It. Todd, of this city, arreited (eels time ago as s des from the military service of the Um States, by a ward constable, who about conveying hint to the oommi to which he belonged. A writ of bees corpus was issued by his he Judge Pearson, on petition of mother of the young than. The stable produced Cho body of his pt er, and Judge Pearson discharged on the tsth of No ember last, in ground of his minority, he beim about sixteen years of. tute et the of his enlistment. Young Todd It Mutely returned to-tho 110050 of poor mother and went to work. the very weeping of the lily of his eherge, two regular 'soldiers of United Batten, one of them a sergm sold to belong to a recruiting station this city, wereseen prowling about I house or Mrs. Todd, and that all young Todd was again seized, ho cuffed 1110 'dragged from his hot Since then, the sorrowing mother so that her son has not been heard fr That a great crime has been corm tot dour midst, against, an hum, silken not merely, but against t he d pity of the Valliant wealth, there Is doubt. The ease 14 1 4,t , ( proper ban aud will undergo a (*ugh Inveatl thin, and tin, guilt jiartles will brought, let us hope, to speedy Juste Whether these soldiers dragged on young man of their owe wanton w' in order to swerve the reward of nil dollars which Is due on the arrest stn rter, or whether they net me the orders of a superior, will he disc, ered when u legal exambiation eel take place. Outrageous acts like this wore co milted so often during the period tho war that they were treated sio indifference. Cinaens entitled to protection of the ;11W, were turn fts, their Moues by tinned men, and lock up in 1.1411gq011.1, OH any pretext. it is 4111 W time, nt least !Iva the should_ rectum() its sway, the tikhif the humblest (Mizell he maintain and the dignity and honor innuweulth defeated aghast asinutit. The ease of yunttt outlet, every lAIIIII In the (Minim ml weak h. the cool Is a lai%, to whtell the oliii Pees for pruteetlon, monad Alehl 111 Ida may be trampled cut and %%mut() Intaalted;ral to till. instance, 1114 ed liberty la but a Hanle.--Ihrert%la 13:=3:=1 A Watdifilgron eorrespotthlent oh Baltimore (Parte,' mays: An Interesting filet has Just emu* the knowledge of the tinvernm here, which mar aid, in some dew the ilegoliallauai of Mr. Seward fo naval depot In the NVest lndl While the !wait of Christopher I hint bus in preserved In ll.lVatill, ashes are itl an iron man, burled' neath.the floor of a chapel in an church In St. Bowing°. IC Is also tlmated that these ashes can ho wee eel by our Government and that l'i dent Baez will allow them to be in (erred to this oily, for proper in went. We hope a» effort will be made secure the ashes of the discoverer this continent for appropriate lY meat at our National Gapitbl. TL where they ought to he placed. magnificent and appropriate t should be erected over them, chin the government, or by volumari sulphuric from the penple of the ted States. Every one would feel coutributlng fur cuelmt purpose. ClF..),lRlttNu:ritiAWs Inntor. —Thekarguitiont opened In the T Stotts court, at Riehtnondr by counsel o(Jetfermin Davis, on aim to quash Ihe ,treason Indict! spinet Lim, has been brought t close, and the.requit Is a divleldit the court on tho subject, Chlet.' See Chase being in favor of quasht Tvldiu Jutigo Underwood is oppord It. The ones thus goes on appeal the Supreme Court for decision. substance the ground of the motir that proceedings against Mr. should be stopped, beeatao he luut ready been dliirntnel ment under the YoUrtecnth atm meet to the constitution, and that amendment fully expresses the la wishes of the American people as what that punishment should be, litinxisto Err immantwa UV. of the greatest hunting exploits has taken plane for many years In countyi same MT on Thursday ui last lo• Decatur-township The boys, with their dogs, startedon hunt that night, and after havil god one coon and one fox, the treed wore irupos taut game. , On lug up to the spot no lees titan hearc'were found on one tree. she (war weol grist 'Mot through It pea mut or the bead, Mit did Hot aaecond shot through the heart ever brought-her down. TWO cubs were, than killed with the after,which the third cub 08.100.1 andaittackeil Na dogs, but We ow were itoo untall for It and kills The old beer weighed something lbs., anti each of the cubsfrom to fO).-I,eudetoans Gazette. PERPLEtITY AMONCI 'PAH Hem EflB.—The bes raisers' tn the vt of .Lonieville, tor , a °trait of two five miles, were recently slant" , the diseoveq their bees had all e tansously decamped, going no knew Whither. The mystery unsolved. The deserted hiyee full , of honey, containing from six seventy-llva pounds eacb. The m lon of a majority ratite bee misers that the untesuainlidness of the eon deluded the bees into their • nous migration. A nrrudi four-yens old was ma: the Lord's prayer, and after he Anis,hod It hla soother Raid, ." Sandy, ask God tb make you boy." The 015T1d raised his eye,* Mother's taco for a few minutes, in deep thought, and startled het the followlng reply ; "It's nu us Ife won't do It. I've aelce4 him of times." A GENTLEMAN being mark al by a fellow passenger who smoke( lainotiasegar, addressed him thw "II you must smoke, my good fr let toe at least offer you a decent el "Thank you, sir," replied the "I'll smoke that after dinner," quietly poi It In his poeket, mean continuing to vltltate the atmosi as before. Ix Nor Ida, a eontempletive Imltan'est, watehthil 1 1 1 WV of ball playeteywhe seemed to him worklog very hard•• Turning to of them, he asked: "How moth get a - ' . Tux use of grope-shot bat" iahel lu the Ilritha army.