El D 11 -a •• - jtipsbtirg ompfltr. FRIDAY, DEC. 4, DM iti•i-As-stiertmsta Oweerfinnsxter.--Tbe felting...helms of Congress *lll rtLitiesenti r Ca to In the lqationet Capitol on Minn fhlay next. It will be the last session Boil the Fortieth Congress, and Its con tltuttonal will cease at noon on 4th of March next, when , the For ii",,,tirst Congress will , initnediateiy wente Its place, under a recent law, in fulrder to be ready for the exigencies of 4 1 eile Incoming administration. We trc?euppose that on that occasion the two tiLMAOtiseg will await the inaugaration of ~, f ikrant and Colfax as President and President, and that then, after a organization, a joint commit 14'),?e Will be sent to President Grant to det-poit progress and inform him the 1?alwo Houses are ready to restive any cuommunientlon he may hove to make. l elltereupon, In addition to the MUM in wilinugural address, we may look for a Ita ie bsage to Congress foreshadowing the teneral polley of General Grant. 1 ; eLleantime, however, we may expect oirom President Johnson, ou the re-ae• wennbiing of Congress, a pretty txten• !wive and comprehensive message. •, all— _ P wl Arran TUN Euprtoar.—Since the '' '.loleetion s ; Radical papers urge Oengress tip force negro suffrage upon all the fratatea. 'Why didn't they advocate Vanilla doctrine during the campaign, Itotutt make it an Inambefore the people? in IrVe know the reLson—neither they rinlor their party dared do It. hea Al Radical Miseourl has just reject- Jed negro rmilVage by an overwhelm- 'nog majority, would it he, right In , rirougrese to compel dint fltate to de• ltmept what her people hate so eoleaunly itiund emphatically declared they do Vo:ot want? "a , Besides, do Weise Radical editors so Awirman forget that the Chicago platform, !won which Great era* noiniairted and lected, declared that the "question of l ultrage in all the loyal titmice belongs I 'I) the people of those Matte?" y ip To violate this pledge now would t fd oir only be brazenly dishonest, but i f iein outrage of the moat grog* and in. •pbiefeneiblo charseter upon Ws tights I d ithe Statee and lAA people. jjyri INEQUALITY OF REPSIIIIICKTATU)N. --.- quihe inequality and injustice of the sew nnottiournent of members of the Leghe f in ittire of this State la SOIOSI WihareVai we to / ciek. Laserne county polls no mare ! m otes than Lauwoder. Yet. Luserue as one Senator and three Asocial/4 , - 4w ten, while Lancaster lute two Senators - t hird four Anannblymen. Lucerne is elemeeratio and Lancaster Radical. ,eh; hat Is why re unjust, • distinction is opatle. Lancaster is a Congressional mirtriet, and another county is added L A W Luzern. -In lists we have another c d r xhibatlon of the palpable unfairness of the present apportionunini / by rldeb the will of the people is defeated. Tat I'll Soar: negroes In Wapitingten had a oneetisg In that city on Thanks -41 lying night to consult about lay luig the corner stone of. a Church. i iphe colored brethren debated the star -et fora while, the stoutest of words " rew warm, the participators came to 4 -lows, nearly a hundred were speedily 4 4tgaged in a regular fight, the police „nd to be coiled in, and the casualties . c iere one negro killed outright and ta uitcn nu tithe rse rkme ly injured. One „ i f the racers was badly hurt and [ ,,,nother slightly, before the belligerent t iaek ehristiane were reduced to order. he Degrees vote and hold °Mee` in ilashington. **Let us have peace." l th . 1 Tax Radleals have a new candidate r U. S. Senator. It is now -sit• mimed that J. Edgar -Thompson, , President of the Passkey/Iva/As /road Oompany, , had the inside , - ank. If Mr. Thos. A. idoott , is Iri ism of the project, and will visit liarris iurg, and stay long enough to became ereenuity acquainted • with the Me ublienn members, we are inclined to ellere he can conitinoi the mat, cans- Abed man among them that Mr. temp/ton Is just the man for U. S. nator. .EAT Indignation Is expressed A. Washburn°, American [ulster to -Paraguay, for permitting o Americans attached to his sullies• to be arrested and imprisolied by pea. Ho Lae left the woeful , and Intlianed them to their feta, It is ly necciuntry to may that he lea Rad• ,1, sad values the freedom of a uegro me than that of a wttlte matt, to ex• itt hie conduct. Ix Mobile the other day the lawyers 'ld other officers attached to the U. 4 States District, Court assembled, uo Judge was present. The notori• and 'miserably corrupt w,retcb, 'lt Busteed, was detained at Wash• ,ton to awiwezattriulackarges Which lve been made &gal ast Linooln .sre twine queer specimens of Judges Southern Courts, and Dick Busteed one of thorn. ()RANT'S CABINET. Cell. ut recently expressed to an army 141 hls utter contempt of the poll• init who are urging their owp,iner sutoffice-holdepi on bin. He said it be would wake up ids Cabinet he had received a certificate of !lion, and then uo one would kuow no he ha , ' decided upon until their got inio print. 'nu Radicals are puzzled to know r they are to (none au antendineut the Constitution of the United otes that will reach the negroes, 1 yet leave out the Indians and the nese. All these classes are colored, inn , used by ths fanatics beeadre r all know. hgar distasteful the rd negro is. L. Gao. Ph..-W-LANTWILO , a prowl- Radical politician or Franklin ty, is out - ti a manifesto deuoune ,,he editors of ttieFrankil a Rpos sod their aliettpos in the con by w lunki theitadical ongres oenferees from that cennty irried for John Cessna. question of doubling the nein eadeta et Weet-Puint ia being d iu BadWel circles. Who more nsilliery• oithsers? We nongtr - tartretr who have seeu t women , iiidiers we are , to tooploy for yes* ta come. LCAL capitalists Akod ufa c balartlllMnigiciwiM4le of their .00 Jl, the , ofishilrilimiedvaechml the pri f_therebaei.pee,eo the Tacoma • lifer— glirtfionA, ,44fUegea met at their State espir i atit /eat' Weil " their votes for Prtahlent sad Meat of the United t3tetee. r THE I Gr,EryTY,-SBI.T4V( cOMPILER,_FRIDAY MORNI.NG . , -D-Ey-FTMI,3Ekt ; 4, , WILL TH SEP PLINIT aril! Not, we suppose, De,riu +lt muetnig.i. Greet hire selected his Cabinet and be stowed his other pal ronsge. Hls char acterlstie reticence will prey, nt an early germination of the seeds of schism whlail are plentifully twirled in the Republican Doll. General grant was note, se ever} body knows, the spontsneope shoice of the Rad feel or , stiotir Wing'of the party. The so-caned conservatism Reps id lean s began to mar his claims early hat year. They were met by I resolute eppesition from the Bulimia, led by the 7W terse, which smelled his preten- Lions with scornful ridicule. General Grant's supporters dealred,`aud were charged with covertly aiding, the de feat of the party in the State eleetines or last year; expecUng, by such tactless' to bring the Redkale to perceive that unless they did, the Democrats' week! take him up, and, with the aid of We early Depublleau Implanters, elect him. Tide management was suenessfuL The Radicals ware• compelled, to make a virtue of neoesefty. They irhere_fain to be satisfied *ids very slender proofs that General Grant was a Republican. Hts esruplicity ,in the restoration of Stanton was their strongest, almost their Only evidence that Grant wet with them. The feet that it was their fears, and not their Win, that ,criasewl ed to his nomination, wilLmake squar ed envy, if they ehonld 41nd that-they cannat mated him.. .1-11sAyeepatlaies and gratitude go more naturally with the motion et the party that famed his nomination. Besides thnteu historical grounds of distrust, :there' Is' a disconformlty 'of mental organization between the staid, pit legtnatia4 taciturn, pottiest Ottnerai Grant, and the ardent, excitable, ye ' hement, detnomdrative, visionary fled lonia and agitators. Blinds Ito dTillerent ly constituted do not view things in the same light, or reach Unsterile evi dence. Se tarot Oenentl Grant/Mows his own cool, praetbeal, unenthusiastic Judgment, his will be likely Ile Alverge from 'the hot; Impatient, vindlettve, eateavatanit Radicals. Thie innenrpoti btlit)kititt ealidttterieneeeto arise eastty, and to ems rapidly - When they begin, unless there should he a remarkable pirlbof mutual Indulgenee and aeecon . modation. As General (leant has yiekt eil but little to seeore hi; election, he may be Inclined to yield kill less and have his own way nn* that he Is tie clime( his Office. The latest project of the Radicals— that of depriving the 'States of their oletrol of the suffrage—la inconshitent with General Graitt's letter of accept ance The moat memorable thing in that letter *as Its heinous entreaty, "Let tie have peace." He could not have meant by this a cessation of bee- Unties, br slum hie capture of Lee therehave been none Ff he had any meaning, it must have. been that the intereotil of tlieconntry require *Mose don of the everlasting agitation about the rights of the Negro. That language pledged him—if it pledged him to any thing—to maintain the datua quo ; to discountenance the introduction of new topkisofdispete. Taking the reg ulation of the enthuse away front the States and plying*: to the Federal bloieneneent tee the benefit of die ne. gram, would be a new firebrand of controversy; and If General Grant's desire for "peace' is Wooers and genu ine, he be obliged to oppose it. He will have no opportunity to break with the Radleallon thir question, tin ire will not yethe in ogles when , Ckue greet tomes the resolution ; but they witi.take his Minute to iseloree , lt as• a sign of •htesetiret hostility, and will dietreat him amordingly. Tt4 question of raising hFa afthiry may diarelbee to hire Who are hie ateret enemlei Ms own"'party, In 1'0;1- i:once ,ofhll In!togurg!t lon. The.ciro reastact,ailth. th,c 7f;:tie„The foremost advocate of his nomination prevtoue to tbeeletloneflast year. It ilietiYeet qat to by the Tiallotote, the foregone* of his early oppittiente' .We eorinat be. tie,* that It will pale Congtea* ildiV it may serve the pia rpose of Ind leafing to iteciawal Grant his concealed enemies 'For aught we know that may he the ch I ef *bleat of the proposal, The appli cants for Mlles will be Rodnuoti more numerous than the *dices, that there is a strong temptation both to mart General Grant's favor, and to excite -his prejudices against rival claimants. General Bo.ler owes to the new President no kindness, and will he a thorn in his side.'Fie will be always on the alert to find things that can be turned to General Grant's disadvan tage; and if his sharp observation das• meets that the Rad mils area dissatisfied, be the leader of the eorahessis. He le by mature bass, factioua,. savehg• fui, cunning, audacious; and as soon as it is seen in whatchannel the stream of patronage to Ir flow, insmill have no difileulty in finding cow/tutan• in a factions bearing towards the new atl• ministration.' ' , The Democratic party, in ti.e mean while, wilt maintain its ‘ilseipline and wait and wabeb.— World, Nog' ♦ ,Pairri T4e Spriagtleld, Mass., Republican, lo( a late date, says: "The result of the re cent elixitiou s tbouga it woe fil , the Republicans could h&VII was not ottrisimph of Me Republican party as a dislisetiee organization. • • " Atul if the. victory wee not achieved by the Republican party, as a political ()mastication In Its owu strength and by the prestige of its statue, no more does it give thatparig, as an organize hen, a new lease of power. • * • • The mute of die election does not indi cate a popular approval even of the general policy of Mingrcas. The eke tion seas carried in spite of thud Had that simple issue beet' presented, we very much fear every oue of the four MllJfe States would have pro tionneedagainst'it'' A Wksmiroeort eorrespondent inti mates that Simtur Cameron %likely to be made Secretary of the Tressurynn- Clear Grant. Clod MPS the mark I Witatert Wppointment that would be! wbo•taid the noonclatleo of tits Ihrtid+na by'palming ofif Middletown habit twined/pow the' W Intrebage antit-shn mall whom Lincoln had to turn' Girt of the 'Wag Depertment••to stop tile wholesale plunder of the nub ile ossuary—the man whom Thaddeus Stereos deaorlbed in , his grimly •hY• U1014:008 way•by declaring he "inlaid not sfeata red hoteroorr u -'-eubla a man for Seeret/1771TTERMMirtilT. "Angels and minlafe Or 'grace defend as•"— Lancaater InfeliVencer: fish floratho-Seyintour bean sleeted President, would the iltedicabs tare proposed Pci — PliEdry to $lOO,- ooerper year ? Net s bit of It I Fowr LIMAYETTS. In New York harbor, was destroyed by Bre on Tues day last. The fire Is supposed to have originated through accident. NZ==a Niticaesvirciai. - • tH. , afrth i burg Itlegrrips nit rrearailiaboak isiliong editorials advocating the infamous scheme of forcing negro suffrege upon the people of Pennsylvania, by the joint action of an expiring Congress and State Legislatures elected with out authority to decide such a question. Wa isabd. 41011 It that this outrage shall not be perpetrated. Let the titicstluit be submitted to the people at the next election (or mem bers of the Legislature, ante mem• bets elect should dare to force it upon tile people of this State, without their consent, they wilt dig thor political graves, and cunisign the Republican party to destruction. A atom of pop ular indignation will be excited such as was never witnessed in Pennsylva nia before, The Republican party would lose live v. bite .voles (or-every negrla vote thus gal ned. Common po- Mica! prudence would at-eul to de mand the 811100061 mi of the question of .peiva suffrage in the people °revery State. Let it be done. Z. the {leo without respect to party. demand that ILI* done. Let petitions be cir culated in every township ; and let all conservative Republicans unite with the Democrats in a demand that the question be submitted to the peoplefor their decision at the ballot lox.—Lan caater Intelliven ccr. COLORED 11,EPRESENTATIVE.—There is, after all, a chance, that a colored representative may have a seat,lit the Fortieth Congress. 133 , the rejection of the returns of certain pirishes in Louisiana, Menard,rinegio, isdeclared elected Co fill the unexpired term of Mann, DeineCrat,. deceased. *- nerd will get the certificate, wblCh will be prima jack evidence of his right to be Marth's successor, and be must be admitted to theseat, and Bunt, Democrat, who is defeated by fbo-e. jeetion of the returns, will have a chalice conte.t Menard's seat. But the original cent i ticate of Colonel Mann having been contested by one Simon Jones, Republican, both Jenard and Hunt will be ousted i Jones is success. ful. If not, then, provided things are done in the usual way, Meuard is the sitting member by virtue of the certltl cate, and Hunt is the contestant. But things may not I;c , done in the Usual Way. To admit Nfenard involves the recognition of the legality of the late election. Hence, there may or luny not be a colored gentle an In the Flit-- Beth Congress. Altog ther, It is a very curiously complicated case, and involveliat least half a dozen questions, including one of color.— WersA., Ex press, November 3U. IT is generally conceded that ',lhe times are hard," and that before the winter closers they' wilt be "more sot" The "good time coming" *hen 'the Radical President was . ' elected, has not yet made its appearance, and the Indications are that It will " not "set In" until the people nave experienced more suffer:l)g and distress. Whry; this? The Thu Deals promised all kinds of pleasant and agreeable things It the' secured u new lease of power. Wow that they have beet' auebeeatul, let ua begin to have simile of the berm fl,ta llUlj bleseitiqa freely promised be .fUre the election. , * MURDER OF II gi YIN POLLARD'- A despatch 'Own 'fllchtnend, Va., ?rev. 24th, seS.t : Itatnniwi- a revert was 'pUblished in trio SonfAetti ftpfht ion, relative to the eloperuefit 'of' a 'daughter o A. lkf. If. Ortetri, a 'Weaftliq tobaeeotilit of titbit airy. "Title abdtzt tett ;:feini*;:iis' Rhree Perlard,•khe editor of the' Owin. Los,• wee near liht office door, at-the corner of Main and Fotteteentli lareefs, id - 014 N; a 'elAitas Ovid' f Snit en tipper w I edbw ot. te'btilici Int Oppoelte, end. M.' PoNIeIU 'Neil dead,' ellweu buebthot. hairlitg• tittered ble.bodk, 'and one peeslng 'hittitigft tale' Innirt, searcireir the buildinioakiii font nile lianas firma, 'a brotheetrttla lady notte4; Nt it'letitticsgEll "de5.4 himaett and wairtiticiih"to'''the statfon-honse. double 'barreled Kan with one tweet theeharged,,Wita found in the room. The affair 41reates greet excitement item, and a large crowd he been 'graben/1d 'monad the Opinion °aloe elites he beau trent*. —Great has been admitted to bail in $lO.OOO. THE extreme Romfic i ttia .ftro trying to manufaolo t trit a Public, opinion fterora• Lae to aazol,ber ifupeaehinfot of Proof dent Johnson belore, the 4W of,klarch, tic, that old item Wade, may, bel put- in Wig Freakleutlal 4144 , 190 g ;luau& ,lo All all the c4cee. 3`,hjAl„leaa, become necessary inasmuch as the ,course of Grant is _pot -• Kfiwtnry, and It is thought much safer ps• fill . ,the offices before he la {usugurate~. "A actsliecßow hoe been incanted at Slahville, down East, °tan bitignio a character that the crows In the neigh herhood-are bet.ily engaged In bring ing back thermal they 'tale last SUSI ZULY."—.EXCAgnge- couldflair weention, applies- MO to human depredators, be stuak.sp at, AYashiligton, the /tactical whiskey thleyes, army suntrastoss, /shoddy itilibeni, and general plunderers, woohi at 0L1C42 , bring bitch. enough I* pay MI the tiationad debt with large surphis in the treasury fur distribution among the State*. A HARD iiL'AUTHL QLD DEMAX.SLAT —A few nights rim* • small sway were assembled hi General RrauVa parlor, among them Mr. ,Dept, hie lathes-in-law, who lives in ldissouri. Some oue asked him how kt issourt had voted. The old man said : "Sbe gives Grant ten thousand majority, but be d—d It he got my vote!" The General himself roared with likughter at the reply. Dir. Den tfsjustly proud of his patuocracy.-I.,'zchange. thmocnatic Vic CORY. Hon. Onkey Hall, Democrat: %Lola elected Mayor of Now York by 5.1,094,.0n Tues day. The adicul candidate only r'o,ooo votes. Hou lirehardO'Go9pau, bemocrat; was eLieted" COrporatiou Counsel by 53,5.",9 The Itacthnds tried to make a show or scrength t ha' failed badly. " Mlnocruta i ,tlie'saiue (lay also Carried Hudson, Itt; by'a tai a Jon jOrtty: BSPOlit3 the eleetiesi, Rad I ear editors And Speakers claimed thee dther• party 'flavored en, Motny. • Now thatOrsrit'ts elected tiler -pr:+pose to triereasel file salary as President from $33,000 ttesloo,- 000 per yea?. Does this hicik like coon- , omy ? MEmrsie. .a pt FiWad, viola fi.giti owned Kenpeo trap paw, log through thg by a negro,aud, b i outioly„ tic 4444 .7 ., Next morning he was „(aund. A).T OW' citizens, awl Identified t 7 iha fAi/d. , He was taken to the scene of violeuce and hanged. I V " 10/1 , 11 RATIVAN. 4 The clot majority for Beptto Ke y is 743,3:x. Mount 'Vesuvius is in a vt;fli i iiico .' lent state of eruption. —Texas makes flour out of sugar cane seed and out of this flow r "sweet bread." —The Insurgents in Cuba have pawed -*we 4 , Peest viefiertes-wreriehe regular.tßuopp, . • .1 Maidens arenoti tied that leap year with Atm bungle. PriYileger, hi-.€4lYring to a does. , , —A totner,-welirblog 1 pounds has lately had a lady of Truy, If. Y. removed from It. —"Linen NVeddlngii" are the latest suistrlisionlal dodge to get presents sat of friends. —Oenenit , Grant will hare Control of 53,000 offices anikofficers, whose an nual compensation will amount to thirty millions of dollapi. A Waiiiiiiigton bride at her wed ding exhibited a Hine/feet 'king 4rain, supported by three pages. —Brigham Young's Organ prints an,article to prove that', the recent earthquakes are an admonition to the world to eintirace 31ortnohisni.' The Poetmaater at Ly,nuvllle. Le high co., Pa., has held his place for 48 years. He Is 65 years old, and evi deittly doba not believe In rotation In office. —The Coroner's jury In the ,case of Mrs. Bill, at Philadelphia, has return ed a verdict that she came tal her death by violence at the hen& of George S. Twitchell, Jr , and Camilla, his wlfe. —A. T. Stewart, the New York millionalre;l'an lowest Oh the Grant electoral tickk at, the recent etectiOn. The poorer claims /moat. have "eut " him. —The mackerel fisheries in the East are said to be almost an entire failure. In Chester, Masa., malOy ° famine* which depend on the mOicercl fish. erica for allying Wave. bees Ahrawm of employment and are new in a mut t fer I n cori tl Mon. —Some enterprising North Caron. niane are planting, more than two tlintieantraeres:- Mik Ink taci huff lred thousand Irma-du penult trees, at Ridgeway, on the Pollees and.Castou Railway. . . . Careless, fanning is wearing out the wheat•landa..of Oalifornha. Tie amp this sm.'s , no larger than lash., though there was one-itnieth more abreege in cultivation. . - • — . Figs are grown , to :Chillicothe, Ohio, wit houhdiftkulty, and they are equal to any of the,losported. —The Otteyenne Leader says nine. ty-two antelope, killed by two hunters, le two days, were shipped to Otpahs the other day. There are twelve etiminale in the Maine State Parton, under sentesee of death, for murder in the Ai* degree. druokerd was picked upin•the steeple of 84 , Joseph, Missouri, the other day, with 14100 to gold in his • More, fine residelsees are being ereetedin Atlanta, Georgia, than ever before at any eue time. A Vermout turkey laid nue hun dred and thirty.flee writhe mist sea son{ end'ikee hatthed aud meted , a brood. • , t.. • ) s • TVOMAS JONES, 11" •of Weitt ltirntihentl tdirnahlp; Cliedterheounty, died on the 18th ult.,and just as the funeral was starting intithegiavi.iard 00 gifnitte.V,ltleber6nied wife felt dead upon the floor. ygailYLca t 11" SYS AFTER a few weekereentothoo:th4) elephant has eisergtO.frest,hin den .with a batch of lithselsoods Jo Justify , the diateraorsfolvonaluat of tho eolonkl syrapathisens a& /last 13erlin• on. the nlght.of. the.= of Nintember. "kap lola Vitaiikay't;tis itoideatty• 9dead duck" So Alleawnd4 Lek uowlediting his troth/11410.ehore6o kela;tooae.of event. Lions from that of a pogilistio:eseshat. sant Mahe !witier• of , newispopp s art I rood therolose:ealls ta.oue. of his Poiria"-leAko theitiewissary work, Lost what hove thoyhronght.forthar„They have ezpoewltlkeureelsria, beyond es. cape, by the pek nfmr lethi 'neat that, ! the deroopetrations of .',63 aud '66 were aut• riclent jUtitktleatiou for the ountermis tovitationweateti4d — oo 4 004 1 oolo6' con e9L 44geliwor • 40111001 S ,nunaper of ,"gluga" to torow:10eo4 au,d gait all, those opposed to the colored programme. After these ktlarkott d4)4 , lend:lons, no Judge or jury, even the most igrnwoot wooly head, would,hess• itate to fix, the guty intent, wherei Js belongs. , • ~ „. • "prey u Aim a 194 neorsomni. 14, ,ge8V to a scurrilous remark in. relarst tam, rasaatitSailsiztlik'.' We the Skutueor respondent. Oh, no!—and yet Lo.t.lie same 4reigh twdascoutis 4.91b0r jowes,s eaurrOltY kle, cannot alas eztrtcata ,his„"JeCerssoulote! triett4i *or p d hinweir.44l.4.6Rod Poalt.tan h3r aaelanstlaaa or ; stern ,ilewatiou to the tlear aklllag.‘”; It was quite as ardent a Radiosl-aa Le who wrote— , "rear dawn theitattating Iles Half-mast the etarry, nag, Igsuit no sunny eky ' With hate's polteted rag." It Would requite 'very little histdri 'cal 'knowledge toget at the 'political standing otthe gentleman's ancestors during the days of the Hartford Con- vention, which body Was engaged in throwing out blue lights as a signal to it foreign ibe. Nor *litany one dispute the honor due for supporting assumed "military necessities, "viz: John Brown's raid, Lincoln's bullies, sire, flurratt's murder, and a host of other outrages perpetitted In the interest of the "God and morality' party." * Usti - Wes efttelai 'natality in Califor nia is &l. Owing to an Informality in printing the name of Rolrmnn, one of the Republican Erectors, it is stated the SeCietary of gtatc refuse's to certify his election, thus giving the Dedfocrnts an Elector: The mattkf will be sub mitted to the Stfpreme' . 'Goan: Softie 42,11X),001 fstakesj' de l pend tpou the aecision. • Dematrats Claim 'the 'bets unleris the elgtoril vote Is iinaiariticius for Grant and Colfax RICHMOND, Va., Nnteulberltd. l --Thls me ming, lit the tlititti Stet* Often I t Court, Robert Ould, counsel far'delfet son 'Davis, Made ortnogion to tortinh the indictment against Dreisi,—otr tire groand 'that the fourteenth imend meat prescribes the mode of punish ment for participation in rebellion, Which is disfranchisement; 'MA Jolfier putilsimitro t •"The irrobeturtimtattoeney Moved rto 'pavane the motion , unail.the , latterpail of thei term. Chief Justice Chase denided.b& ; 'hear the eirguerest on the triesitiltr on 'Ttrunsday utiza. ' , -,. TUE -. 134, 0 41 , Nat MO 1,6•414,3b0Ugh ALA Itrcsidetps ide a's , noli base ,contriVefi in %Withal coo be bilet! 'The eitiati a d'lrls4ififel 41 e the y, respectable fasattlaa 'Jere aim- Sous to occupy It, notwittuftanding its in conveniences. : . 44-tspartn!ali. Bridgc Grunted.--The Grand Jury, tart week, granted a Bridge across the Conowago on the road teal tug from Millsl-1 nterateira Lecture.—Don't forget that Rev. Dr. Mona; of Baltimore, will lecture in Agricultural Ball this csetilng. Su h leot —"Row to Read,"withillustration.s. An urruSally tnterestingentertalnmeut mar be expected. Dr. Morris, always an engaging lecturer, tt ill be found peculiarly at home in the holdout &D -i:warmed fur to•night. We take the liberty of hinting to hint that his audience will expect a rxidly number of ,Illustrations." There is a very decided, and laudable, "harkerltic" in this community that way—and few, Vany, elm gratify it to a more general extent than be. Lccturc.-kßorge AMA: Townsend will lecture in Agricultural Halt on the evening of the 15th—at the Invita- Lion of the College Boolellea. Su "rhe Pennsylvania, llutelt." The pa pers speak of tbo leeture as decidedly mirth-provoking. Lecture.—Prot George H. Mies will deilvtr a Lecture in Ht. Vineentts Hall, Ent Illittsburg, on Thursday evening next, en "The Influence of Neatness and Beauty over the Growth of Towns"—for the benefit of St. Vin cent's Library.' We bespeak a ftill hawse. All who miss It will miss a rare lutelleetaat treat. New Dircelor.—On the first Movii:lay in November t pliephimin Deardorff; Esq., took tits seat - Vette board of Di lectors o(the Poor. Mr. Nunemaker went, put, his term havlug expired. The latter made a valuable officer In all respects, and w•e are quite certain that Mr. D. will prove to be the sa. The New Prothortotary.—Jacob h1el• horn, Esq., was sworn to and entered upon hie duties ea Prothonotary on Tuesday. Re at once took his place In Court, and got along so well as to lead strangers to suppose he wee an ttld hand at it. Oonfirmation. Bishop Shanahan, of the Diocese of Harrisburg, wiis here last Supday; and administered cOnfir. mutton to fiftylenie vers.:y:lHW St. Fran cis Xavieirs Chureil=aasisted by the pastor, Rev..l. He also con doned thirty-twu.,au St. Ignallus's ehurell, In Buthanan Valley, ontalti. day morning, and twenty at Fairfield In the afternoon. • The new Bishop made a vary favora ble impression, and bids fair fora long muse of usefulness la his ch uroh,. lie Is a thorough scholar, a fine speaker, and has high admlnhdrafive Cktrendar airds.—We are prepared to print Calendars for the year 1869, with Tinniness ,Cards attached. They are done either on oardteard er paper, in one or a variety_ of colors, They are not only attractive because showy, but useful for daily reference through out the year—and hence doubly valua ble to those who avail themselvettof this means of advertising.' That the COM PILER ortirre will do them neatly it guaranteed by . the very handsome work constantly turned out. Bead ill our orders. Rates always reaeonahle. Hew rhiertiftliught—On Monday night, stoat II m'clock, as severs! Itlecithin:lt of. J'ACi-tkl i .iontt:ti faintly,. In Highland township, were retuning froth 9spelling.sethoul" in the neigh borhood, they found two istrangettor sce tied ill the isne. Suspecting some thing writ - % Jiiitl_hettrbitg a noise in the barn, they went in, and discovered twat stratippatt In the slot of , stteedl oats. The thieves were 4 once "cap tured,n and taken to the house, whets tiley.were UNA tinder close guard un til- some one came to town to :Idyls° calker Rouser- of Use arrest. lie premptly went Out ' , and in the indiu. tug the thieves were brought' hi ; nod taken before Esquire Cover, they were Cumanitted for the larceny of the oak. One of Vied! gave his name as Wm. • . 11. Mangum, from Georgetown, (for merly from Clinadaj 'and the other as John M. Longabaugh, — from 'Juniata county. Their stories, however, dif: fered Considerably, and netdoutd ; wan entertained that they were horse thleiniti, , toodittend, stiblieqwenity, by , Unegittnitiettee disipoettiou N 00n. "State's evidence." •In the evening, (Tuesday, ) re enough, handbills were received here desegibing the hories found to 44e—one, a black,,stoldn froot„Abral ham Mentes, in Neveberry township, York Cioanty; and the other;:a sorrel mare. stolen fretut Abraliagt MlllEr, hi the same township—the former offer-. log sieward of $25 and The latter $lO. 'The homes were taken front The sa tiles of these gentlemen on Sittuillfty night. We suppose thatatangutu and Long :Mauer will be first tried in York coun ty for the stealing of the horses—alter that here for the stealing of the oata. Mat Estate Sales —Joseph Barker hassoki his hotel property, in Littles town, to Levi Hamer, sf, $9,000. We iniderstatid that G. B. Yantis, a first else& kintilorii, will take possession of the hotel In the spring,. Nicholas We.tver has sold to David itisehaugh a part of the old Presbyteri taoldrcla Isit, oti.Wiesidsgtosansitretit, 90 feet ?AM, fHl$9DO,,on Will tilf Mt.' ft. Is building a neat cottage. Abottt two years ago .9tir. W. purchased ties whole lot at private sale from the church trustees at $6OO. He has !Oboe sold less than one-half of it for $l,lOO. Richard Crouse tins ezf'hanged Ills farm of 190 acres in Freedom• town ship, for property of heirs of James Cunningham, deceidied", iiirthe same township, 10 acres with hurrays menia—receiviug $2l per acre for Ms farm,. and paying $1,190 for the Cum ntnglism property. Jeremiah Culp :hail sold to Aaron Elheely, 3 Jots Otk,tound Ott ' corner of Liberty and EtuA Middle streets, for 81,10Qoasii. SUSgli etllli4llll 841 d to .111.0.0 b El.141?1 t her house and lot on York street for $1175 cash. Jall 3 o.4LHaJwlt4.9 l . l ,4olXxitthouse at Granite Station, on the Gettysburg nellroad„,to E.. Ecitenrode, for $2,lglD. John C. twee •hss purchased train George Arnold w two-ilory brick house, with lot, in New Oxford, at $3,600 cash. Shepard SWltwers has sold his d'arN, on thel'oi-h i tSidipike, one mile from detlyshuoi—ti7 nem, with itu shAvesinciits-,te..John' Eckert, for SG,- ~,ProlecL—WillMto M. lierih,"?- 4 ct , formerly of this itott•ty beetl-eite- , tett - President of the PiUaburgh and Itaftted."="A l "Thw monia wanted to rent. Apply at the COMPILER office. Court Prageedifint4Witiontleue dor report of (marts Sestionii cases trild last week : Com. vs. Alexander Brasbears.--Se duction, fornication and bastardy. De fendant not appearing, recognizance forfeited, to be respited upon his ap pearance at the January Sessions. • Cont. vs Wm. E. and John King.— Assault and battery upon Joseph Orn: dorff, at singing school. Verdict guilty, and 4a - et:daubs sobtceided,lift p l y a tine of; 3 each and the costs of prosecution-. Cunt. vs. Tlicodtwe Richards and Win. Dlunitiamm.—Larceny of hand saw, plane, chisels, dm., from John Kreta. Verdiet ;talky .as to Slnsn bainen—not guility as to Richards. Blumbannu sentenced to the Eastern Penitentiary for one year and three tivnit Cotn. vs. Thezdore alehards awl WM. ..lilumMuutu.—Lais‘par or flour, blanket, &0., from Jacob Raker. Ver dict guilky, and iletendauk , Asatemast —l3lurnhainm five days to Hie (7trlnty Jail, and Richards sixty days to same. Coin. vs. Theodore Rickards sm.! Win. Illumhainm.—Larceny of oats and buggy 1 , 14 ii) fruuk\l4Y/..i V. Rea ler. Verdiiti add .dieleentiailts sen teneed—llieli;trqs thirty days to the County Jail and Blumhatnin one day to same. • Com. ye,. Theodore Richards and Wm. Illumhainm.—Surety of the peace, on oath of Jeremiah Fratirr. After hearing, complaint dismissed. Court adjourned on Friday night; did not, of course, sit on Thanksgiving Jay. Second itkck.—The last Legislature past,e(l an net requiting the Novem ber and January tertuaof the Courts of this county to commence on the tout th Monday of the month, and continue each two weeks. The Second week, or week for civil business, commenced last' Monday. The following' cases lus*e thus far been disposed Of: Levl I). Malls, surviving partner of SWope, vs. John Coshun.— Action of dvitt, ou book account for .takt..kitfal :bad to .trlebt or 4W.kku t , and for 4io lent her., The deteure was that the defendant was in the army at the time, and did no; authorize the loan, but that the money was paid alter as part of a legacy due her by onb 'of the partners, who is now dead. But the Jury, from some conversation of the defendant, incerrcd,a, ptomise by the bustiatid p:,* , it hack.- Virdirt for plaintiff for $5B 83. Motion for a new trial. - Samuel B. Miller and Lemuel Ma hlon, Executors of Benjamin Distant', deceased, vs. Virginia Wilson, late Vir ginia Dtalatt, and Francis J. Wilson, her husband.—Debt on three notes un der seal, and e byok i spotammt against the wife, &intimated 'Before her mar rlkge with Mr. Wilson. The defend. ant plead payment, and proved that elle hatt,paid and settled with Benja. min Metrical for them before hie death, but dad not lift the'notes from Mr. Ma taut], among whose papers they were found after his death. Verdict for de fendant. Chrlatinn Keckler and Mary Lis Norg, in right of said Mary, vs. Phifip . Blt- Ungar, and against. John F. Mutat, Executor of Jacob deeease4-- •Ejecntntdit for 3 acres and Ur 7 pOtolues et faMl. ..Flaiutlff claim,, andtar the wilt of Jacob Fidler, Whe'deVlsetl her certain hand( part of his tarn]. The EicecOaw set apart torlier use a por tion of the farni, but excluded from Ow:draft the,latulitt dispute. Atylte will contained a "latent atirpigui , j.y," or imp! i!fete deacriitinn, Mut ad mitted the declarations of the testator rea4,lo N ritec tbe , .wilti&jag of Ule wM, to Itkutte the land. Jury out—Thursday 'afferhbon. Shut.- 7 -tiol: John H. Nicelel -Ith, One day lest week, brought to tearu a very flue dew,' the_irceult of a hunt in The South "Monlittift'by 'Mutat If- end Joku Hell. The Ont. ham on. thanks: r. G;r cthUut: stloe— frony the,"dlectnieloti" of which we conclude that Adorns county venison le, like almost everything else grown in this regibrl, "hard to bent." ' —Niesers. David Stever and G. W. Irwin returned, the other tiny, (pail Juniata county, with two einhe very, largg,fottheir age, ebot tittrttig a , vialt former neighbor, John Sennett Froderkk sad , 1 4 cou1s:yivanta, Litre Railroad.—The periplir of Frederick eifY'and county; Nays the .12414tic4n, will bortal4y to learn that President Louts and a number of the board of di. rectorr..ll; (111.1 road,, with Hayden 'as civil 'engineer, .turted oul:otr Ttreaday for the purpose of ruakiag.,a prelituinary.observOlon for illitit-iet`brlllitiLlvittir, and ;dire in g it under contract s speedily as possi ble. There kilt deep interest fell in re gard to 'his Triad, 'tut - dire' are told that as prominent, to determine t push Killed.—We understand that Absa lom (.a3nratl, of Menalien township, was killed about two weeks ago In Georgetown, I). C., in a fracas with a man whose name we have not heard. We have looked in vwu in our, ex changes for particulars of the sad event. Mr. Conrad belonged to the 21st Pennsylvania Cavalry, during the war, and bad previously acrved three full enlistments in the regular army. He was on his way to Washington, to try to recei ve admission into the Gov ernment Institution for old "regu lars," and; strtrot.hig ab "bight In Georgetown, hecamo, involved in the controversy in w.hioll he-lost his life. His father resides in this county.— _ ,-, lirrrnlirritedi--On Wettnewiai - after noon last, the , barn of Mr. Samuel Grissinger, three or four miles from town, in North MitlyiletoWn lOU/instil/0, Wes 'iihicovered to be uti lire. The barn, together with the crepe of. hay . atid ' grain, was entirely 'eonsuined, ttititigh the Ilreetoek, , gears anyi agri cultural hipletnents were saved. Tlie'builtlin,g Is suppoeyl to liavq,beeti set - one tire by sonic vagrant/ 10e were. seen prowling .sroui4d.tl!al ueiglibur bowl'a iiii),Mrt lime p,ruy„lngi, Tbfire engirt to he SOME. more strinreo t Nu , enacted, by which these pi ow.hrtg mis creants who infest our county may be kept atfagt. rcluchkrtivet4 4Mfat their mercy, and though . they may treat all who pass that way with uniform kind less, yet they are subject to depteda lion, insult and outrage every day.— Carliele Voletraleer. //ey Chotma=We learn ttiat Messrs. William Ws'hey, H. E. Eiden, and others In Mena(len toreuithlo, Veva last a number of Hogs this season from the tllse4e know n us ' flog Chol era."—Star. - laawAck .for ;•fiteri g .ch 9618 ai3d ot:lffttin sotteoe 4 l la atLatulx We abase of t Z. you ngi. people to organize at onb, a a trAN'e a good winter pass time. ine,Collotbia Brike.—The U. S. ailyd tegisift-r stays that the new Inidg aerkisa,tile S'uititiehatialk ri v at Columbia—built on the piers of the old bridge which was burned by the militia in June, 1863, on the appear ance of the Confederates on the west bank of the river—will be in condition to be crossed by trains with locomo tive power about the firlidofJanuery, The distance from Philadelphia to York,}ay nsij, '4ll)iles, or four hoUrs' time; OM the ne* schedule w111,48,.4 Tel y positive ipirovirMent, over any arrangements hitherto pitol ble between Pliltdifetphia'and York, ()Wing to the fact tliat-thene tins never been a locomotive crossing over the Susquehanna river betweiin ColuMbia and Wrightsville, the old bridge tie ing only available for horse-power to haul ears ricross It—a process beset with deftly and with taltare to sontiect on time From Philalelpht% to Columbia, 81 miles, the railroad, built by the Stide. was opened with a single track us long ago as April, Is3l—an early date In railroad ,nnuals. Wrigida vide to Yorki 13.mlles, the road was opened in April, 1810, as pail of the Wrightsville, York and Gettysburg Itailroad—a Newel, wisely conceived and intended to connect with the Bab Umnre and Ohio Railroad It Clear bilging, but never carried out, partly because Of suspension of State appro priations for railroads, and so called "tapeworm" engineering. In 1851 the York and .Wrightsville Railroad was leased by the Northern Central Ipi i ilway,Cpmilany, which in turn W 11,4 net ed j . ,',4.)ylhe purchase of a majority share interest, to the eye teru of reads operated by the Poinsyl- Venda Railroad Co. Yerk, theiefore, which now bail direct railroad com munication south to Baltimore and Washington, and north and west via Flwrg, will hereafter have magi lyl,l facilities east to Philadelphia. York is the turiving business and money c'plofeta largponni fl itrkortunt ,ouunty (the '',,vhde rose, ) ! separated froth the "red rose" of Lancaster by the liusquehanna river,) and coutaiiis about 15,000 inhabitants, having in creased Its population 75 per cent. since York also needs more direct com munication with linttysburg, imd will no doubt compass that 'desideratum, through co-operation of Interests to he Leneeltted, aline any one eau appreci ate at a glance the advantages which would accrue to York from a fink of road to Okford, which would opeu to York a region now tributary to Han over and thence to Baltimore; at the same time putting YorK on an east and west route as She now Is on a north and south route. The Southern border of Pimusylva nia Is a good country, and it is a mat ter or moment to Philadelphia to ea:ti tivate improved anti extended corn munivistion with it. • " Daring Robbery. -011 Wedeeslitty night some-daring harglara ((weed nti entrance biro' the Inatidlant.tellorlit; estabflehment of tar. prerrpnee 1- 101, on Carlisle street, below the Sayings Hank, pltd tined It of a large amount of valuable cu,tom work width had Just been tiyisbs--ineJty.ling a costly wedding i suit Mt 't.tyiing gentleman of ou t town. The 11411 t, Was a' most favorable one fur burglarious work, be ling very dark, and a heavy rain (Ap ing. This Is decidedly theLuideat,rutt bery that ban been conitnltlett to our town for a long time. No-lelne bits beeU - 11 . ad 16' perpe t rmorm. —Ha n uver Specialor. W3l+4 Large Vow Ki/k4.4-o.lht learn that some of our town pyortanitm wti‘le engaged in fox hunting hot weak among the 'Pigeon mu., kin g a a. lar g e red fox, which measured three feet u ine incites from the tip of the tail to We, head. It was, the largetitisf the species ever killed in Property Sold, —The property o , if Wauarriaker, on East Market street, four sera of land with 14 brick houses thereon, Ado sold at filterttrs eale ou lost. Saetiralay for sll,loo, J. Mo- Dowell Sharpe, puramer.—Mill bare/berg Spirit. na Y . /4.1 ' 1/V • Pear Hams burg Pqriof, now publbtµed by B. F. Meyelftrit - th".', - Pirrne t itt'fhtritibfbst and t °undo* Reffloontio • papas in. I e entitte'.'",rb4meb destrt. more t an e heft tentitter ;utile?. ere onto mend 'the Pa(noß 41t1 twins for Abe,- ensuing Orie,:ctipy V. tit ad Vance, 02.50 itt petul , ssittifo dutontbs, and so.lf Paitiontilittut the yaks; Irmivemple4 $7, ten e9.oo4t4t:LieetttY'lNAget 4 /Lie ty copies 1640.56, fifty copies $62.30, and one hundred copies $lOO.OO--with one copy fn eel casii to getter up of club. Goatees. Lades Book prorniees tn crebeed uttraetionn for thecoukiug year -JIM' which see'prospeetus In another column. This old favorite keep.. the Weld, and well it doserves to. The ,LlYffe thrpopat makes its regu lar visits to our table, freighted with origlaal matter fur "boys and girls, and for older people who have young hearts." As a magnsine for the "young folks," nothing could be more Interesting. Published at Chicago, by Alfred L. SewellPat $1 a year, or 10 canto for a single ne Luber. Why he Didn't.—" Why don't ,ynli trade with me?' said a aose•fisted tiatiesmau to 4 friend, the other day. The reply was very characteristic: "You have never asked me, sir. I have hkofixat U through the Cu/itrmilas :for Irrvitatfon In- the shape of an Ad vertisement nod found nous, I never go w6”e The Farmcre. The farmers ale about through with their fall work In this squ,tion. They are„ among the happy few laboring for a living, who !ave a selisOti of rest. ANA? such Is not the printe:'s fortune —to trim comes no bout of rest In hummer Or winter, In sunshine o'hucle. Pam D . utmgoe tioWad ,/?"Inc.c telt. th twatory. few day ago pante m 41.4144 4 lelizu • 3tEtiliokta. 'eio4sed on theft ery.brititterthioklil , e : • One had loot boils arms and legs, and -the other two both.legiti.t f i lryeyriliitsd to Com modore Yates the following fearful in cideun,ifitot Winter, the three broth ers started put to a singing -school, 'ith three young ladies, in an OX-Slea While nn the way a heavy snow storm Caine up and coaoed theta to luxe their way. After wandering about for hours they were finally "snowed in" "on the prairie. Locked up in that snowy pris on the three women froze to death, and the lorollaera were so badly froxeu as to result In their present maimed condi tion. "X44.lviry cold( tines to write editorial ir the-yard to pmve that_ ©rant Is may he the ease, but If it is, it ought not Cerlate 4 34l iffirch time and trouble to prove it. 86e. f Justran agritytt-Theo. C. Norris halust turnip froM the city with a vernlailSe and efie,ep lot of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Gentle men's Wear, of every description. He keeps nothing but gentlemeWs wear, and persona lu want of Over Coats, Dreg*, pmts Pants, Vests, Boots and Shoes, or tinder wearaany kind can do better at Norris's than at any other Hubs in the county. - Th s stuck of Hubs onifStspootunot be bent outsido,tg,the , Um I inige.dock. of 0 07 4 1 11 , Over Coats, Infantry Over Coats and Jack ets on ham!, just (hut the. .j. 11. parttnt:nt, RIM warranted perfebt. Persoga vrint of these der. As had better call soon, as they are very ikv/ree. OotPt'forget to tall at :+4;r ris's Store.' It .'the Morimiy . :Thurs." Buehler has 'receive& a large assort think of (hose tainOtea haso.tirulog Stoves, which on Ape store of IMMO !Hy, Ilea ul tneye, easy and 'genetaFutllity, stand trutiralled and defyrompetitiom The g rea t, de mand for them last mason taxed the capacity of the inattufseturers to Meet the tienthriti. They are much improv ed and oill doubtless er i t long take the place of all other ttiOVOY for parlor, of drt, store and gbop. 'all and look at them, at the Wareroom on the corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets, oppo site the depot. Also, on hand a full assortment of the bind varieties of Coot:trio SrovEs, including the Silear, Noble took, Waverly, Oriental, Washing, Barley Sheaf, Prince Royal, Royal Cook, Ex celsior, the. the., 411 WARRANTED to bo good bakers. .f f not astisfaetorY, trey can be returned and the motley re funded. Also, a large assortment of Hollow Ware and Tin Ware, 'l)oty'e Washiug Machine and Pniversal Wringer. Coll and exornina. • tf A Fine Etna r+J . Hawss such un in adjunct to beatify that no one who prizes good looks should neg lect to use the heat preparations to De had to inerense its growth, restore its color orpreveut its falling off. Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia is one of the moot elfbetua I artieles for the purpriee we have ever seen, tarddes being one of the moat delightful hair ilf easnws and beautifiers extant. It Is free from the stinky and gummy properties of Most other dressings, and being delightfully perfutued recom tnt. ads itself to every lady or littuLloll74lll usiu flue ar t fetes. Nov. 27. •It Now .e The 'sritic,—Houselieepors can economize 4y,1u3 mg In their win ter coil at mow, se .fenighis pill oft)w lower thou they, %rip he a mouth hence; and Cool 4 , 111, neeemsatily rise Pentane desiring to 'veva money, will do well to call at, once on Col. C. H. Buelder,•wbo Is prepared to furnish all kinds of Stove, , lllaekamith and Limedeareer'is Coal at lowest mar 4et prices.tf -- Photograp/w.--,For, good Photo graphs, go tio'rii)6lll l ,4 illyers's. Al'o Frames, Album, ie., very low. Ty son's Old stand: ' if Sutreorifia,. Pregame 41 . eYoperior Mer it —Nitre. $. A. ALIA:Ler, IMPROVED new ti(e) FLOM.' 10.14TOCRER or Dnrrs atsc,(Ml one battle). };very sells it. Prieo Ono Duilur. GAMBLING IN 'GERMANY awn NEW York ein • respedident maintains that the gain htlog at flatten 'Haden, (eniently, Is not nearly so reek lees as that observable litt.Wall street, New lior).t. lie alludes to an etegtint church huilding - in the latter city; In. words the eiretLlon of which one young ~ n,n gitv..s4ii,tioo: 4 ' This young: - man tivetteilw.iinc cobotry settt ou ibe ' nucleon, an 'o.logatit c4tablislinitnt to Nett yurk ; hall his test tenm on the road, made; it was sail, Eeldnin inam 4t11111.$4 1 .0(k) daY , ‘ dpjn, gao nia name was good for any amount at the banks. hits 'country house but .gone. he has given up hi.% elty e*i:Ablioll m4nt„ dntt btriltiw not npov ,looney enough to buy abag at oats for hie fast teem. Erie and the "ftil Lear ried thenruhiltr. THElseirii: . piAtennial anniversary ,of the establishment of the Lalepetideut Order of '6ll44hilicrata in the United States, will occur oil tho /ill) of April next, „ Tlio.everit.t4ll,be oeiebrateil by a greatnatiouall Ate in Philadelphia. The pro l gramme igeludee an apiniense procesill(iny'metnbdt / sl j tif the' 'order in MI regalia. A Couinilltee 'of the (}rind Lodge is already engaged lii the work of making the preisuations. seeitie tube a ruutinyiti•Geu 'erat INary'e Muir). FftzttetatiVit Uty lieb i t, alwaye luteusely' Radical, bast weak. paid the fellewbig tribute to Geary : Poor Geary les traveling and 1 , egging day and ulght to ky cu ro u re-nomina tion. Ne ooaxea, implores, threatema, whines and cries. ..Ntiver before heu Mtelt a spectacle Veep been lU this State. Mr. W. W. Ketchum and General flarry of-Indtena,'are bte eom petitura—botli. abler and Dotter Inca, mid me titer of them 1111r11. A FEW daye etnee a farmer iii lowa took a bag of buek•T beat; to tire in ill, and the miller on openlag 11. found therein another bag olu gold. The farmer subsequently claim ed hia o4m,saylug - that lie ha 3 plact.d it in the buckwheat fouryeare before, and had brought the wrong bag to mill. 'ILAILILILD On the ult., In nth pinee, IT the Rev. W. R. 11, Monttlehyllr. GEoltßiE 11. PUNT to Mn. MARY a. iini.DENIAN. uotri ul Mennl• len townNhip, OILY LUIIIIty, •t OitTlisokriglJelng tiny, be &.`v. Rtitrei,ltn bettuds,Mr, .A.LXIX of Cumber land tow wall p to 111 m (tan, st dd.:W. 4,o f WUU,u.S.Strabutt tow I, On the Rith ult.. In St. 3lark'a Luna ran eltArtdt, linnover, ley Rev. O. thenein, J. WM -1312( BAER, Eng.. (Ambler 01 the blette•Mar..; Nalttt ant Hoak, to Mk. IIfiLLIE 1.:. VIII LER., or-litteßtekte. • • M I.ltY GRiFfilrit At the Par,tonage of 1., Ktr.t‘squidge IL E. Churt.ll, Liulttutore, M.I , 1,3 L 31.11 m-d -oer . et toe fill/ lilt„ Mr. L.: F. Tl - It )IL KY./104131 I.I.I.ItDKCII, both. of York.llul.Bpritufst. Ou the Yoh lilt.,ttt Oto renoteure of Lite brble'p brother, by h v, 11. k'eyLon Itroit u, Mr. LEWIS C. of WIIII.niUMB. aline 8171. YOU:CT, formerly of .8.1141 s IR you u ty. ()It the 'Dili Olt., Tyr Rey. W. K '/,letter, Mr. JOHN WOLFF to 'Mite 11,A It./.11 MA ItCll, pout of Mum , ' equhry. On 1110 lit lnaL; a( tlO Os.(011, bv t. v: F I" I),y, Mr, t %- VII) 4Ailla %II F. .1117711.4, ,11. Sew 0.011.41. =I On T0 ,,, 1av nwqrlstng in• of Anre* Treitlt,4l4,m of Frnnkhn tno . nshnp, aged 79 year,! 11 - molly) arid 14 day K. On the Ind olt, at Haat Ilerlin. RALPII sAsbERs, Aged 511,..A.r8.1 awnLha and 2 d 8. On the ittst ult , in Franklin tnwil4hip, Mr COMP UG r, itgaitt about GI yearn. On the lith ult.. in Mountioy township, Mi. JOHN L killMhat , ny.d i 7 yen, and 5 months Cumin nn 1e.11.01 On the .2411 t nit_ Mrs. REIIP.I.7CA s rm.!, SMITH, wife of Peter Stalbonlth, of Slraloan township, agod 52 years and 5 month. Mother, thou art gone to rest— We wilt not weep for thoe— For thou art now where oft on earth • Thy spirit longed to be 31./ther, thou net cone to re t Thine , fe en earthly tomb-- But Jews nammumed lbw sway— Tn.y.Savfor called thee home. Matter, tau:tact gone to rest— 'nor toil and earl are o'er, And sorrow, main and salturing now Shall De'er dotress thee more ,4004 1. ttton art Celle to - And saint. Itt al l l lg t = " e t Weloonted thee I.`o apace the joy' of Leaven. I. J. SPECIAL NOTICES Ptiptietnnn and dbrirytnen Tontlty to the tnorltti of VP:(1 PTA IttE 11A1It ItENI . :\V ltt Vefttorlng ttlt..Y HAIR to It. and protnollnglto growth. It furt}c/o.tho hoir net and 1;t 061: The old In Rpiwaranot• no. . poring eytttle. It In the bent 11.1111 1)1tV).i1 el"Ortfloll. It retntolog FanftfutTonil .111.4,0r rt• tetilittrl4. It dock ooh the sl,lll, Olt Toentl., On the flail. start Ire., try to.o I Ilewatre el' the uu illortnv kn•punllou4 elrt.h our ropoiniton. P. 4 44.13 uu.; tcL, l osls. prMors. For safe by nll grugglnts.. line. t , 1810. ten AlaaaWag Atlantic Cabins, • steam uattiqatltto an/ those prowl te.lutitt of seir nee andact that mark the allirigaala cen tury, ant Me boat Ual.Rll err Ur. Aye ewe t el n,k, They take faith imlai( the Iti'lti•Col. of monk hid, hom tile. rapidity nail eertialto with which they rung. Try A rho's o•ti tot l'ECTtotaL 'ott 'etstath unM 11 1 1 4 What akin Jletonshof lot urlitttiof the 4316°,1 yu,- Atnua V.t.t'etti.4.ll4APA.ll.ll.l.A, Al rare 1'11.2, are the perfection ot a taitgla lie—every letitt= lyehoulttlieve them aa nlwp.t of cry (Molls does, Not O tripe to tw thank ell for err 4..4 tittttil, ills s anti t he ktiou kilo. laity to iihottooo for pna,v lion Oven illstothe. Tioqo lie. Ay VI 0. - rat rk tat }at Al lentitAti tttrrlfeh, tied 4t• ,le tint le,itetr to ettetnte,tet thentl- , ..h. I net, lANt • To comourlatl‘en. Tilt. ads ertincr, 1a..‘111,.: it en 1.1,4(11101 o. hralW in a low %suet., In n vi•ry stiooli , rein stly, nitrr It, lug both Iv I 1,, end ;vitt. WILLS n hers Ie lung allovtiolk, loud thAt rOnSilinptiltil It nut/out to 1 1.11,V kllaw ll It, 111, (Ohm ,offerrrx the seams of run., To all who d,nitr It, Ito mend o oup34of the ort•net iptlon 11.01,ft - et ofehulge,l with lii• diroettorts for proptirlott told mini; the sant. , which they will rind a mire (lire for ( • ommit, lion, ANthtno, Ilmnehlt &e. 'noon') 01..1,1 Or Ow tOlverti,er lu nendlon 0..14e...310.10v Lo houstlit the ittllielot.l, owl *pref.' I clotitto lion o 1,1,1 t he eoto eivog to be , hi• hope% es - ,ry mitt -ter wilttry thin retool), a - it ,111 0001 than 1100144, 4111.1 HWY Irtuv tt. Par(h. u 'slang Itra•RoMption will pit lid , addrcsa RxV. EDWARD A. WU:ALI sogth RCccn4 SL,,WI/114apahurt. I , t, ly Kiugh , outility, Pi. Y XfOlooo Of %tooth licullpautth who putrOrad for (fop: Neratilts 11 , 11114111 re IMr,t and CI the ellecth ur pfhthlbl IntlhirretlOn, Mt the nuke it qurrerlng homoohy. .uwi 5r..e to' all xllO nee.l It, the reelpe and dtreetioli lut oinking the slyvle rethedy by hh h h he h, cored. thWilerx ,chill by the Sortigui't. k.r..yollohee cwt du ft) by utlib.tuiply, to perlea....lyutldence, Pl i .N OUIYEN, NO. 42 re.l.ar , New Yntk. t. Dr. Jarksoss'a 4piale44lro. A Nsw Ttasts..oY you f'Ps•st'ssersos. t. - A'lonli-6,14 why hod Consusnistlon for Of - oral years, with froquessi,lbteedluas of tYI, rumt himself with n wtottletne un huown to the Kul - v.llon, sullen Ills cues tip twarcd lustwleta ttie 14 the ooly 1001111. in wisp top asked It lo /411+0,111 Wlnuu , of y. ha. fury Ishowloslge alit* virtues, Ihe ascribe the degree of health he Mr.' enJaf ILII. . nothing but the it.e of hi* lueakine; nothing lint utter tirattair alai cut e lion of mll hope of rooovtaly, kwstlp r With Haut 0t dulathlenitala all others, ludoes= tlf hasaril the . eilforlalent. 'To those Init wills any 44Noihtto ut the Lune ho prof fare a trestaneut ha essalldlaaLly eradicate the disease. Mettirine s t out by eN prtuui. head fur I. circular sir call on lilt, 11. lt(eVillcUtt 4.41“ K,I)N NO, MO Berth/Len th elrrul, no In Fbr sele by A, L. Buehler: Drugerh I: rg, Bu., suid 4 rulhOralirilTgllaif.. • Mlk3 s, 11.48, ly tAni to t49,l.4tatt, DICII'uNCIIS PEIMUPOOI• PILLF HOU, FEMALES. luau Ai tecthxyg Irregulurititm, Wry! frimitnt tign.of Llu, M0n144 Tan" 4.l6use, uml nlwMa Saeeaadai a. a Fre"° - live. Females imecallarly sltunted,ol thy.sesuptaa, lug lin nlaelvestub, gln i ettiallontal against us ing these I , llla whllu In that cc/Winton ,I 9sl, t bey "thy' c, tubing Attire," after *bleb &OWL otiou, Wu Plu t Ir, 11•141i1hUi rtu rrllPWit.eir" , thelr Mildness vUI .gruireat gaiSrPrgi W kleAni• Z. , 1100 SL p r Rios.: *ill 1..44 s euld L 3. Jon S Drugruil, Agunt tor lit•Lt)xborg, Pa. 1.411141, 1 41 14 : it k il4g Itl4o, !he l'uht I'llllllliNe the 1411. Iq4/4 1 44.* . tt .161.1,.6 any pun cbt tl6e cialat,try, Iff EM=l ' Dena AktsiAriar, Ti eat c.l with the nttn.t om cewi, hy d. M. 11 , Profemor of 1115eA.4.4 *lite 1 , ..Ve stet In the Med teal College of l'ennitylvite, Ie year.' expert/111dr, of (.g .I. eh 1101 -I..l.).N4.Mti2tryhr.treet,.lllll. 1..1.).N4.Mti2tryhr.treet,.11111. Te 4.11.1 ...... -440144otr•}t40lMaeko. Tor wok MArmiti ere Invited to ar, ontletny their jettlent 01, It. 1“ lau not weeks. tit Itfe4igeilkj. Artttlelal e) I fnnoi•tod, wit Itost vain. bko inhorine Wo o.tnntl esevt , it, 4. uric • . Nivralarrialre Guide. • AN , P-041 . 1 0 "Plat YOUNO PRy.tt,• lagiritt .ierroni.. MOM* Pima Dtmw.a., k.rl• den t, , to Noutir dna FArly Marstalara4, which creata liiip,;4lfla6ut4. to 524SUELN.OK Aura ale.at.og 1.011i4. gout 111 simil.l lot caveloyt.s Iree NIX olaarg6. Addrepal, notalf ru.Y, ILowitrit A..t.taitiatfun, la, Pa. bee. 1 1. 1187. • ly THE ONLY LADYV443OIO6: iff AILEELICA. GODEY''S LADY'S BOOK FOB, 1860... - It THE cirrApEtr ttirm. AAA Et'.l IT AM FAIR Itklif77 Th.e frhved of Ammon, Ito orbiter of Authloo the i neour:.kter and putMeltor of the best ristuts, Or lite duty, thotetttern from ',Moll ,11 other* copy. TIIE nr-Tr WINTERS in the literary world n 111 t•untributnitatkin po•- Ye+ul tbe Latay'is Bonk: tin ring - 1114 Year Um DIAR.IoN lIAM...IND, Atithnrep, of . klonc," "111,1t1e4 title,"ru,nm,"una •Ittdluo," 1%01 con - tr)bute story . t ‘oluicuab, Out furuier 011- elypt corp 4 of Iv haVe also Wen tetalucal HIE 0 1 , 00Y l'Artlh4 ARE I'ONT/Di ULU- Peaulfhel Ake( Males. Cif thuse the Lody's Bonk umlal c at jou, ter.. each year, NU (‘t el , llllll4.sl,p , Laday/a 4.4.. to +up pahlldh.•d Iu ttds olniatrr, eithtf he book or WrlOdit.4.l. UGii VAIiTfICW rt The u. Igloo! double looldub-rlzdor ,Ft'.{ MUD., COTTA(IIC-4,-7he only 9. ttC 44 4IZ gin= 1111 , 441 OM. ibt4 ore 'litho olow, Ittst,ttst 41, sls thr 0111 Mug - Ul.lllO 11l 14 htett t4huslct- wet:tart trr It We unyr also .1 Cu I t.tht • l.a IluurnLi - 0111 , 16 4 ,, PHr1.74a1(111/0.1 (111/0.1 upon eiL .uiblmt, tn, tile /3•444tir, unacry, Kibl cu, llowsr. au I I....t.ittat tr. Tl•tri.o C.N4lll.ivl . ..i.—Tuls is it aeries of en - grak lltst Ilk/ ./.14 , 311114 4(44 but uur ..h,S. '1141;., g{lc gteutrali.W, dun. , Laos iik,FAICTMKJiI . ,—YObt, 4,1 {be th...iituo w tuts itstrtittr.ht *re p4iniosl ill clAurYs (31 **Li Ir uthstoolk.d. I= One onepy, One your 7'MuuYYIV.. OLIO yvar .1 Igoe INrieN, our year Four clop oh (o. year -.. k iVe_cuptati, oueyeak'. adfAl nu r.N.lrst evyy Lge the MIKA, gettll4 pp ilao Out.. 1414, • - . . , tnr Elght EXtplett, ono yuil.r. on:111111 .X . Ctlt molly %It the penunt tip the club, - 114;1110.3 813 hio% 011 01i0..., tote 3M or, mid tty AlSlXy.ro py to 1110 pen , tsu g0a041 . 4 .1. U.. ctilit. lo (; , 01,.) Ikok and Art !Iola& Jlag,...b. 71,41 be,..1t0b ,, ya.r 0 ...1p.r. , 1Pt of t 4 lloderNii Lady's Book add Gonna Meath twilit he swat one 3 ear on etwel pl. of *I DU. Uockryla 'Aar's. Hook wad the , Chlklrea's Hotly will iwilt 000 yew ir (1111,Vetribir tib. OdN) LIV:3 Book, Arlliura Mine Nag nzlile, and l'inklreiCa Hour will be seat one 3 mr rtLeelnt 0144 UI uo.ley'a Lall . * Book, Arthur a Home aoe th l, ico a Mouth, and the l'hildrdn'a Hour will lalaent one 3 our on reoolpt 1,1 40 50, ti -The money 111001 all be sent et one time for any or the child, and aMilllona may la, made to dal. at Nob rail., _ . SW Canada subscribers must send 21 cents Widitional fur ever) salsa riptiun to the Lauf?, Itook. and 12 cent., (or elt.a•r of the Magazines, to pay the Ainerleati Ise.taite. 11(.1W TO ItEMIT,—In remitting by mall, a l'ort 011liai Order or a until, on l'hilailtlfiLari or New York, payable to the order of 1,. A. (1 , 010) to to..ft ruble to imn k notes, us, shou lit the t irvier or Drat t tie last or stolen, It can he re/tested without foss to the mender. 'Waft or loot Office I leder etihriot be prover.). bend? Volled States or Natitatal liauk A.iddreen L. A. N. E. cor. GLh and Chestnut atm:, Palla s Ike. 4,1445, WOOL I WOOL! Tr undergigned will rev for wAsirEN wooD 45 ctntia, awl 1' , 4. - UNW.V5V.141.)• MIL Sr ern tm yer po ru, Ilex ouwoalitiy.ma bond tk hive amertitAt. ot • CITA M BE 'M.8017,0 FACTORY GOoDei very cheap. F. D. DUP/10B.N. liettyaburig, Dw. 4, VON. U. .. i M h. •
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