Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, November 27, 1868, Image 3
t §tttpsburs (capita% important.--Wo need money—count Bare it—to meet a large bill for paper now title. • / odeetl Itehould have been paid a week ago Friends ha arrearss we beg you to give this matter prov t it attention. Don't dismiss It with e Idea that "acme, other time willcllvas well." Until that., "some other time" the printer may' be pinched and cramped, whilst If he hod in hid pocket *hat he has in his haulm, easy, "owing no man." To those residing in s county, Court, this week and next week, will afford many opportunities for re mitting. Let them be taken advan tage of in all quarters. Won-rest dents are urged to remit hy To all Indebted we make this loud appeal—Plat . CTI NU" la Tlus nme.--Hotisekeepera can Penn.:maize by ttteiepila ter coal at once, as freights ar e now 7ou•cr than they will be n worth t'onl will Ileee.s:trlly rise. to 1 , 11. , (e looney, will du %%ell ' Kean at once. oft C'ul. C. H. ho prepared to II I ;i,.1- of Stove, wan and C0,.1 aL lu • ace.t Litar ) t - , ;:kl.l pig:, go ..• I !Won h MyPi'4°S. AllO AVIIO., ay., Tv!). tow. Ty-. : tml. tt •%chful, Bencoole of N'up.../Nor Ner d -.llre. A. ALLLN's IsynovAm serer afifr) itArry) or Di.lB- bm(;, (to Ow Every Drupilat ache i t. Prior One Dollar. Nor.o.lru IMAILKET REPORTS Onttyansrp. FLOUR, ILYE /4 . L0UR,.. WHITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT,. .• /i Y ......... OATS, HAY, CLOVER-SEED FLA X- EEED PORK 850 if 700 2 00 1 40 0 1 60 8 00 0 10 00 6 00 2 00 9 00 =9 FLOrk. WH. .......... RYE, CLOVER-SEED,- ..... T I SI OTII Y-SEED, JRNIS, htlUd ...... . BEEF CA111.1.1,10 Lund JIAY, 0 7 00 1 80- 2 40 125 140 85 1 17 62 73 7 30 7 73 210 aj, 2 Co JO 00 (1 12 00 C 00( 9 004 18 00 @ XOOO tiot,D, Pblla., REAI & MOM PROPERTY SALE, =I 4IOTEL STAND, Ili LITTLESTOWN HATVHDAY. ilitlyasy of DECEM -I.J _HER nett. the untlerglgut..l, - Amlgneer for the benefit of cr editaun of John Green nod S; Ire wilt at ru bile:4'lle, on the premises, the Ibol Estole of said Assignor'', ',roasting of the following: NO. I. THE HOTEL STAN-D. mat unte'ln Oettyellurg otreut, tliromv/witp,,meer tie Public. Nut a In the {Wrung', of Little", town, udfoin ing 1 an Lis & Stover an the samth and Dan .1 Crouse on the north. Thu /atrtlf.t. 11.11i:,4 it. trmue ueltther- •••,. boarded, two-story, with But It-hu/kI• lug, tlar whule ocumnrollowt, awl rttlunted fur the Inaslnmin. There to large Slat hit ng Attach.' tothe ; also Xt. ash Jirnobte }loom, and WOO.l UMW% With CIA o es ctaleid. Welle of water, ono la front and the Arthur 11, the yard, no•nr the kitchen door. There it ///%1) 4.11 - 1 I.Jur Hotel lot Is twootiory 1311.1'K 1. , r ELI.INI Rut NE—heethie varie ty of CIIOJeC fruit truce. 'fhlv stand 11.118 s good ralt of prolltuble el/m(0111, and ?Weald attntrt the t&tielation Of all dodrlng to eUgage In the 1141,1 hattlimw, Such tin oppurttlnkt) to pur wham: Is nut often pn, , eu teal. NO. Y. A LOT OF (MOUNT), nopo,lte the Hotel adjoining' the \V olow Lan• talliter on the Sellth and the AS.ialler9 on the north, hnviniz thereon II T,lq, •44,ey Frame berboarded L WELf.tNU HOL , E, 2 NEW 4 4 11111'5. 1111 Pen, nod other out-I,ohllno, 711thn nevt•Nalling Well of watt r In the ,>:trtl. O. 3 TWO IRTILD , NIi LOTS, nearly opprwlte. the 'Hotel, each 86 feet front null rUni/Ing hark Inn Street. Theme are both • 110 hie lots—none more dead r.thir In the town. Also, at the name time a nd pitwe, will be 'Old the following peroonal properte, Ott I MtfLX. I Hog, 2 Government WagOng. 1 kw/burrow, Halters and Chains. Ilynets, Porky Shovels, Itakes; about ot goal 'rhootity Hay, 2 tuns of :lea:ond Crop Ila,, a lot ..f Long &trim , . lot of Sfanure, raving & lartria of riarsl, &c.; 1 Plana, I Sofa, Beds and Bedsteads, Chairs, Lookliig Wass, Chs•ls, Table covers, Wagh Stands, Boats and Pitcher, a lot of Kegg, Ash Hopper, it of on glivt.and R yarioty of oilier artieles, Ito ;aerie" to dt,•4Unn. ' ' Sale to coiniurneo at 10 o'clock, A. M., on gold day, When attendance will be given and 11.11110 Math, ktiown Iv ' G. B. Y.II`ITIR, AliOlitfir I'IIIOIISE, =1 FOR SALE OR RENT. My Coach Factory, ITUATH In the renter of Ctuirlestown, Jef. S (organ county, West Va. The shops are tabetantlally built, of Stone, and huge enough to work fifteen (15) men. For twenty-five years before the war I man sdaetured and wet fifteen thelmand dollars' <S13,000) worth of Carriages annually. Letters add missed to meat Chmieldown, abbots° prompt attettllen. W. T. HAWKS. Nov. 27, Itws, Sin D0881N13 1 .- ELECTRIC II 0 0 P 01, I II MAKIN A LASTING SHINAy. 171110eiii; Week . Welt_ boots pn . Sot_O . lqay L risk[ Irina Ikr(PqatY b 1 .4 4 4“ 1 1.Ptu. 14 Vnela *A Aloe no MiWoOp.oe we Poww Loom orr, but LlssekiPie of 1013BrNS' BLACKING liais Wacky Stgit add ill Illy Sunday It brats wog other Itiadriap MausSectored ant i la, J. B. Dobbins, at las ;kW, VI Illacitteg Works, Sixth Strt,t tuld A.V.11110, Pl. S l a For tale by ilr.ll. J. MARTIN, Gettysburg. Nov. la, 14.4. Sus JESSE D. EULER, • COUNTY SURVEYOR, - -arrt - Vprontptlf at4ca4 t 4 nu pipi4 ;Le nue. ILAndeneelnConowngo toy, nsl4p. one mile bnuth of Mailiergolovrn Post Unice nadress—lianover. ('barges mod :erAte. Nov. 27, Ihkia. 3aa• Take Notice; yintE unekimesed hereby vanllin:Were and ttehern (mm tresparelng on Ina premises, on Iliadic Creek, In Freedom unenntdp. inner wtm dleregard Ulla mate* tuna expert to be draft with to the WI extent of th• JOUN WOLFORJ). Not. 41, 1!A k' Dissolutioa of Partnership. rtE partnership heretofore existing be; mom the ustderstryted, w llso merews alusaut.luns beep Wass rod by *mutual bow awn. Thy Woke arc In We Sauter Parther's Lands for settlement. Ile assa be Award. for souse Uwe, at the sahl Weald. The bus/new twit be euutlnowl, at the essmee plasm, by the es:Wog . pursuer. F.U.,LigrHORN, N. W. StIJYYSIAft. Nov. Pl. IN% tf To all Whom li. may Cowan. NOTICE is herebygtven that an appltattion is about to ha made to the Ouvernor of Pennsylvania iu behalf of laser Kam , . now In the Eastern.,l'Voltentlary, under sentence 01 the Court of Quarter neashnts of Adams runy. for a pardon for ale unexpired por tion of the term for which he was rent, naval. Nov. 27, IMAL 31. NOTICE. 1 I" SALE NO ES will be due on the ha _lly tbay of January. 18119. inatundlato pay. In at to expeesni. •a-Alwe-1 hove • artit-rate FARM DOG, four t. torn ottl, for ado, inquire 11 my rent. , 4010. tlhO. r. MILLF.R New ebonies . , Adman , on.. Ft. Nov, 2J, lash s 4 DISSOLUTION rya E GM of Tate &Culp is hereby di/Nave& k by mutual (=went. AU penftwat ladebted to Icald Ilrtu will leek. mriuetitto Pesl7 J. Tat., wile will MOO pay an habllitiee A; Wi hem. - P. J. to Aug. ia, isis. t.t Mil, A, . LAST ''NOTICE toile-c16147 Collectors of dainty and Mato Taxes for ItM7 and precious years are hereby mailed to not:- Ile of their DuidlUistes IX lIILL on TUES. DAY, the IStb day of DECEIMFIt next, on irhiett flay Ile ORM" Counnissioness meet to wake the seeleeery exoneretione. 21 Safti.Colieefors. oroo7 of thew, fon to com ply with this notice, the Commissioners will be under the necessity of brtnitlng suit in ave. 27 case of delinquency, without respect to perworm The moody' b geshiterr needed, and wage indedgenee annuot he granted. Collectors of County sad &do Twos sbr MI" wl/1 make all orticips laud. cask bemade, and pay the same to the County Treasurer at the time above stated, without fall. NICHOLAS WIERMAN, JACOB Idyl, /1011101 HARTMAN. Alteil--.T. M. WAvris. Clerk. Nov. 270E1M. td NEW GOODS • . AT • L OLD .PIZIOES The piodensigued Alm taken the Store former ly oerupled Ily Impbora lloilnian. and Wu Just returned from the cities with the best stiochni.stocit. w:or brought to this town Which conelxtO In part of MODE MI cAssiNEZI4, I= PLAIN POPLINS, MIXED POPLINS AI PACA.B, E"EZEI 811 A.WLS, 15A11110/IALS, HOOP SIMMS. . . 1 .1. 1 404.3 OLUVES„ IS 81.THPSNDEPIK I:= Q.VEZNSWARE, &C. FRANK D. DUPROEN: Don't forget the place, Northwest Corner, Centre Munro. Gettrnburfr, Pa., Nor. W, INK ef FARMERS, Attend to Your Interests I I have purchased the Right for Adams county of KOCHENOUR'S HAY 'FORIC, patented the 171 h day of Deeember, I. by .3 S. Kocheaour,of York coaat.Y. Pa. ..i)I1 consult their own interests by gly ing It the pnrforenctovrnU tt ctithetp: • I *lll sell Tbmpiiirr meniTs, as Well as single.l'orlgn In ToWnshlps not sold. MUM GEO. F, MILLER, New Chester, Adam. co., EZI:MEM=1!1:11 PUBLIC SALE. ON SATURDAY, the 98th day of DP:4EII- BER next, by virtue of an Order of the orphan's Court of AdaroscountY, the4 ll . def signed Administrator or the estate of .rams Timmins, deceased, will otter et Public Sale, on U. , Premises. the heal ketate of said dece dent, viz: A TRACT OF LAND, situate In Oxfoni toWnithip, Adatnit county, one-fourth of a mile east of irlehlown, adjoining lands of Samuel flnteringer and John Yoke, sad containing 4 ACRLIS and W PERCHES, more or lese—hav lug a one and a hall story LOO DWEI, LING, Stone Spring Hone... Log Stable, of Hog Pen, and other out-buildings; a variety of choice fruit, and un excellent well ofweter neuritic house. The land Is 10 a blab stale of cultivation, and the fences are good. It la a very deirinible home—convenient to church, school, mechan ic shops, ,ge. Persons wishing fe view It are requested to call nt the dwelling. gale to commence at 1 o'clock, P.M., on wild day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by M. 11. TIMMINS, Ailm'r By the Court—A. W. lIISTea, Clerk. Nev. 18V. Register's Notices. N otheef br ereb e ll o i ncL D •rn b ed ali that the zftkndd min istratlon Accounts hereinafter mentioned will lwpresiented at the Orphans' Court of Ad ams county, tcr eoultrmation and allowance, ufs TVNIDAY, et,o 2901, d0y,91 DECEJLIER nett, to o'clock. A. ?of : . 117. The first uud final amount of Martin L. Stud. ely, Atilllllll6trutor of J1u..01. Stu , . ely. de ceased. HS. The flrat ond annl account of Henry Moyer, Executoryldarsh Dull, lealmaed, 179, The first and final neeount of Miebnel Bohr, Adm Inbar/oar with the will annexed of Ignntl o' Bold, deeraNed, !mi. The Una and final account of Peter Sterner and John Dobbs, Administratora of Jacob Sterner, late of Berwick township, de eetued. - . The first and final amount of John Wertz, Eirontoc of the Wit will and testae mentor - Henry Warta, itorksitaedi • In. First and Ilnui account of William U Nitta's. Adiainisi,ratar pf pliv!‘t Its Elprimer • liii iee rttretacisiunt:df ...Mt, of Jacob Criswell, &roused. Int 1 be SeCOMI and fluid amount. of James- W, Uubernrtor, Adminintrator of Henry A. EM/Y. deoenned. W, D. notrzwoara, Ratisier. Nov. na 1., Jo . GRECIAN BEND! W. J. MARTIN'3 , S the place to get 1R wyeiiieteb, end where I You can get everything expected to be toned at A 7111111 , -caws Grocery and Liquor Store. The OroViefelleatitgfal Clita . beat Syrntal. i o cl te l ' lsc e = n l 4 , ./C. '" erns ' AC ' aUva Prirne Always on hand a large quantity of Liquors. of all /Wide, from CLIAMPADNE, to common PUKE; RYE 11/111FSK.P.Y, IDIANDI? AND DIN. for mettle/nal and other purpotest U st•OTCH 'W POCKY and JAMAICA KUM for but punches. A. !Veers pure Grape Winn, Nitild.Wa f Dant. Zingari audCk.etnan Bitters. Hotel Keepers n ill find by giving me a call that they can be supplied Irish liquors at all Dines aabefore, to please, at reduced ruler, and SAVO freight and package. Thankful for past patronage, he sollidls continuance. W31..1. MARTIN 13.41:1m0re areet. Lietcyhbuilt. Di.w. uc U John W. Tipton, r o' tNIIIONAIILE BARRER, Northeast cor , ner et, the Dianiutai, Omit door tolteLlei sflote,) het Velem& Pa., where he can at all times be round ready to attend to all Jowl. ness In his line. Ile has also excellent asttet- Anda .4.4 AS will ensure satisfaction. Give hhn a agi. Dec. mass. A PPIL,EXt. :tar, Citteia :ir : • : 14 alp. 7 . THE _GETTYS.BURG. GOMPIL Tu GREAT OBJECTION TO LIFE ASSURA.NCE Mein; are not for( Ited In the MAN rNACHUNETTB .11t:TCAL LIFh coNIPANY. or ivringdeld, Mara., by ntm-IttlyMent Of Prete/trete when due. but Are lII.INUNUED IN Flint 1: FOR THEIR FULL AMOUNT, for anon time Oa woutd be yottrehased by their equltahl. , value under the Nottgoefel tore Leer of the state of hiSitinall, Beata. ORDINAILY POL/eY, And 2i.—lee Annual eahh Paymetit WU/ enntlnua the policy In force. 2 Dean and 3 days. Annual t..luin Paynienta Will continue It In force, 10 Yew'. and VI daps. . _ . Onnre ART ENTWOWIIIIVNT P01,R(7. Ann 31. Payattlo at 'Math or to Itumrrot at Are of tlo. One Annual (Leh Pa} meet vrilrenattnne the 'Jolley In loree, rum 011,1 10 months. Pis , Animal aulb Payzuenta will txpottatte the Mune policy Ili rum* cents. TEN-PAYMENT L'N ' /JuiVillgliT POLICY, Anal."... —raynhic at Derth or to Susurect at Age of 60. —One Annual Cush PaStaent will eontlnue the polley in foreeo pvnt. rive,Annnal Cash Pnyrrientm will continue the 'ante porn 7 in lone 26 Y can. Prow Mt-worts of the t'unipriny t2,5041;001. KNOX, .111Ait&HALf. & General Agent* for Pe rnanyl vonla . • New Vora City and OFFICES c..-13. W. Cercier of7th sad Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, and 213 Broadway, New York CltYy 4/4 - JOITIV KNOX MARSHALL of the aborr liras, will be in (iellysburg during We next throe weeks, to ninny° applicationa for lase mince In this very desirable ConapanY. Nov. 27. ISM. SI PURIFY YOUR BLOOD !, BLOOD PANACEA The Great Alterative and Blood Purifier, to I lie moat pol,et s egl•I able compound of latertitiVes, tonic., 'fit, FY tiPll and ,linphoret tea, Making it the most Mill re, Invigorating, reonvolingand blood ch . anglng cordial known VI the world, For ilio cure of Serofnla or iiing's llutunnooti Ers , lpeltus, xane, Pltu• LOND pt.. and lii 0000 on the F nee, Sore - Ryes, lifttld Head. Tette( Affectform, Old and stubborn Rheumatic Inner di on, BROOD lullow Juuudke, malt Rheum, White Swellings , Mercurial I)tneniten, Ocneral Palpitation and Fluttering." PANACEA. toe Heart, Coo mulitp t lon, Asti, ma, Seplillis and Syphilitic Affection.% littlinarmation of the Bladder and Kidneys, Pains In the Rack, Drops) , Female limn plat n ts, d.c. To the broken down female It given life and nuorgy by row ering the lost psswera of na ture, when health twain ante de the feeble torn and pallid cheek of the sufferer. Nothing can be more surprising than Its In vigorating effects on the human ay hien. Per sona all weakness and lassitude, by using the .PANACEA, Mace herniate robust mud 441 of energy under Its Influence. Ladles who have pole complexions and are dArk about the eyes, blotelow and pimples on the love, rough skin or reeklem, and ore “Out or spirl tm," should 1.144, a bottle or two of LON DON B LOOD - PANACEA. It will eleanse your blood, remote the freckles and blotches, anti give you animation, sparkling et es, One spirits and a beautiful complexion. Try'lL. OASSISI EREZ; PRICE 61.00 PER BOTTLE. S. A. FOVTZ. Manufaciarer and Proprietor. BALTIMORE, MD. For .ale by drugglsts and storekeeper. throughout fire United States. • A. D. BUEHLEIt, Agent, Gettieburg, Fa. Nov. Ti, 181/8. ly DELAINEB NATURES GREAT RESTORER. EEMM BITTER CORDIAL. THIN medicalpmparutton now offered to j„ the publlC am a reliable tritharitutelnr the many worthleas compounds which now flood the Innvitrt. It to purely vegetable, composed of varlets herbs, gathered Mom the greet storehouse of nature, and Fele, fed with the littnatit care. It to not na...111 Me. atled as a (VLF: ALL, but by its direct and aalutury in fluenreu pon the Heart, Liver, S olneys, Lungs, Stomach and Hew els, ft 'A r s both a pr, volitive and , krAnim. or the to aIN len I lin., oren s are.fihject It 1,1 reliable Family '.‘ledit toe, and u.ll b.• r Intant or adult "Ito the same Leneftend re sult& It la a eertnin, prompt and speedy rem edy for DI A ItEHINA, DYSENTERY, HOWIN, (USIPIAINT. DYSPEPSIA, LOWNINS OF btalttlTS, F'a INTINGS, SICK KEA DACRE, de.. for CHILLS and FEVERS of all *laths, It le Isse better and eater than malaltle, without any of ILs pernicious effects. It creates an ap petite, proven a powerful digester of food, and will counteract, the et&ets of liquor in a few ILOSIEItY, OIL CLOTHS, PANYAKILP UY JACOB ItHPIETZ, Role Proprietor, N. W. Cur.; Firth Cud Rae., PM, Ybllud6., Pa 1301.1) /1Y ALL DRUOGISTB Nov. 13, Ist ly DIVIDEND. rplIE PITAWent and Tdreetors or the °attys. 1 berg Nattonat Bank have tie day declar ed a Semi-an n oa I Dividend orslX PER CENT. on Capital Btack, clear of all V. S. Taxea, pay able on and after Nov... J. EMORY HAIR, Cashier. Nov. e, MK Et DIVIDEND. , T rirlftla nn y!trettareril ItriII e TTITDIVZ= or FOUB AND A IiALF Pk ;ii (SENT. clew of Wl Gloveraioent Taxes. OW. ARNOLD, Cashier. Nov. St STAVES FOR SALE. J,OWONfi BARRET, RT , Aj i 'ES liles anothwest,of nifty, Nov. 6, 'bet 46 Cats to thttPrig. HamiUrethan tea J u ne, a dark red moot; oW, white along the mark. The owuer perty, pay charges, Nov. 13, Mk 7t.• BROOMS! BROOMS\ /Mfg Undendimad continues to istamsfact4w 1. Brame at Ma bldiStand, In Carlini. n, adJoinina the Railroad Depot. He will have during the Fall, a roll supply on hand, and will be able to tomb!' them WHOLENALE or RETAIL Brooms made to order or on the ahares. Persona having Broom gum would do well to give him a call, R. TIPTON. aettyabnrg, N0v.13,1803. 3m IVCYTICE 2 tIIHI tat ' i t rd o l I the un pe t r " . un la t? i i!t u nt e o r 'f StTn - Gin 1 uter, a Lima' , of LLB &Jauntily of Franklin, Adams count 3 -, has - been Elkd in the Court of Common Piaui of A11.11:18 ouunty, and will be confirmed by sold Court on the Matt of MOVFLMHKR, Iden, unions canoe he/shown to the contrary. J. A. KITZMILLER, f'roth'y. Oct. SO, 1861. to NOTICE. IIE first and final actmont of Henry F. M. T Teton, oommittes of 111.facsairet Mowry, Lunatic, of the township of litettallen,Adanal county, Po., ban been flied In the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, mid will be coutiritted by sold Court on the QM' of NO VEMBER, 18a, unlco cause be Rlaown to the contrary. J. A., KITZMILLER, Proth'S. Oct. 3Y, 111011, tc =LE partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned in the Produoe and Forwarding business was dimwit veil on the tirst da y of January litsto by 14 . 1 Con sent. The hooka of 6..4301;1111.8 Dud 11141 n 2144.01,11 business have been lett In the hands of Rufus Culp, who is duly authorized to Bettie up the same. Re will be found at the Ware house now in the °mope now of Alessrs. Ingham a outman. All paeans' la Wrested are maln ad to call sad 'KU.. • km. 17, us& re •Licanaed Conveyancer. wlll attetul to flat WRITING • 0, DYED% HUNKS, iLti grEmEN•rn, ltiTtlAtlinek'do., and tif thr nutting out d 1)4 usg, L 1414% with accuracy. Any. Wog enPusiotlkl atm or Iv prinuittly oh; tended to ffitut W Oho calirP4 uir.:.ters.buY' LL Indebted to the'elrm of JaCOl.lll I Bra. toemit and Bettie cm or be. Jimeary is_,-Gmirise theiE T ials will Do pimatie beta of ttra alai lot tothatom Tba boat Old at tittle al Mead, olt Camber,. burg •tenet. CiF.O.IMIXIBIi t NMI Gettysburg:s6d. E, It W.A..1•7 7 1'MD. /,000EPATCMUL . KATIN, and 1011 AARON SIIEELV. Onßyanung, Y9v. iw . wi t ..44- 4,- a: 14. pm,..l6lebted- flee tete firm of matte • 0111111tT flie hereby' 11.14.ified le iaja n d tellte before the FIIISTI)4Y OF ItEr CFAIBEIt NEXT, tia anaettk emaciate at Drat date trltt ba tamed In the bandit j u 1 alltater ter .t feet The Waite in. I the itaadrat WM, IMMO, earner at )4) and Washlngu/detatets, whop /nonairized cp atatte the tata• BIDGILE • rarglirig, 2 :0 to DUPEIORN t HOFFMAN'ti, to MO Dettrahoort. 'oar Dry Notions, laftetriswani, oat the north oody, grrat. Coruat at lie Dlrimma4. tureambias Gliparc IS Ejt,;INIOVED ! MOM= LONDON BCFIEV.TZ'S NOTICE * HENRY CIII.Y, GEO. A. EAUL.TiSHAW NOTICE. PAY UP ! A VALUABLE FARM I=l MITE undersighed offers at Pit , air Sale, his YARN, Misala ly Woods bocce distriet, Feederlek county, Md., atmarte r of a tulle from the York Road Station on the Western Maryland Railroad, adjoining lands of Frederick 'Hell y. Mr. Mctila In, and other's and no Ink Acros, mare or leap about, Wet Ste Fn esell/lont wood, with, a Stith elency of meadow. All the cleared lanikhas been heavily limed a !thin the tel ree ears, and la In a most productiv e condition. The fences are good, us art all the improve ments, conenittns of a Two-story STONE HOUSE, With Ilackdallitling. • I Spring Mouse. Smoke House, a King !turn, Wagon Shed, an other out-bud Id- I rigs , a find-rate Apple tirchard,betildes outer fruit, on the preiniset; a never-falling spring of Winer :Para,. house, and a innallatream through the place little yip, creek runs the east ni,te of It Tilts is In all eespt , ts a desirable property, and should attract tile attention of buyers. Persona wishing 10 view it are requested to sell no the node-m.4mM. reiddina thereon. Terms may, and made to suit purchaser. BENJAMIN F. BOND. iirFor further information, inquire at the C,ASPI Lint unlee. IZME=IOI TWO DESIRABLE FARMS AT ptuvATE SALE. rpriE undersigned, desiring to rollout:dab farming, offers at Private Hale, his Two VALUABLE FARMS: No. 1, situate la Liberty tulebahlp. Adams county, Pa., on the public road leading from Fairfield to .4[4.1/Iva's tolll, g miles south of Fairfield, 4 miles west ofEmmittsburg and i,t4 miles north of McDlv Ws mill. adjoining lanai of Jacob Elise sad otheca. There are moat 295 ACRES in the farm, of which about lUD acre. •re In timber anti 33 tter,At In meadow. The cleared land has nearly all been limed, and all the fields have retuning water. The buthllngti are n Two-story wrosx HOt,4 W/11/ Stone Kitchen 11 . P01Y . new, stork t,pring , llouse and s4uoke two R mann shims, he., " falling spring of water near line house, ...led so, t rat opt mug to the fields, two orehards of Peaell and .tpplit trees. No. 2, ielJoihnig Mutt No. 1, old lands of Ja cob Knoe t /,111111‘.1 Knee, and othata, 1 tulle not tin of .51e1 'le le's mill, containing about.:os A Es, of %bleb there are about tvi acres In excellent timber and Marne in good, tnetolnw. The farm has intuity all been limed in the lust Inn,. years, The buildings nee a large Tw tot/too 1.01. 1101%1E, newt.) repaired. with And frame Kitchen Rhone Bank lion, lit art) new, II a.ton Sba.l, ta //Corn Cribs, Hog 41111 other ion.-bolltlimp, Aloo, TWC, LOU; 14.1L,Vb gad Ll,llEit4Tt/hE (4r.kitßY on Co fat In, Tenant House, With Is good orchard of choice fruit—apple, peach and Persons desiring to view thefarm, are re tittet,Lt‘l to cull on the underel i rl , residing on No. /. N CLAItK, Oct. I, lefli, Lf , REAL ESTATE AGENCY I have opened an agency for the Sale of Real Estate, in connection with -my law bubinese In Get- tysburg; and will give personal attention QM EXAMINATION OF TITLE.% CONVEYANC INO AND INVENTME.NT OF MONEY. Parties wishing to sell, or buy lands, may dud It to their ad vantage to call. Several 41 thoe Farms and M oodhaid A No. I FARM, Price, $7,000 A TRACT 90 ACRKS, for SI tioo, 61.1.1./ Zl/4 ACILFSS, e ery CLesl h A FARM, I.IOACRRIA, for 53,964, A FARM, 65 ACRES, for 5.1,275, A FARM, 54 ACItI.r. for 52,490, A VERY 1.40441/ FARM, 196 ACRFS., A VERY 0114)I4 FARM, 125 ACRES, A VERY GOOD FARM, 11.5 A NO. 1 FAUFF FARM, 25.16 Actufo, In the'nelghhorllntsl of Gettysburg—filar', pro • 1), rty In loan, fur sale. R. G MisCREARY, Attorney at Luiv GatyabUrg, July 17, 18801 tr . Farm for Sale, Tunderblgned offers his VALUABLE j FARM at Private Bale. Land limed nod In expellent oondlUon. Buildings and fences good.rimy of warradd, n 2 mile* o Peters WI trues. Situ ate,„lo. I 6 8.0 Ad ams county. JACOB 13. MILLAR. Nov. 13, USK at VALUABLE FARM lES= Sitaxatil nh the TontAnil Gettysburg Toimpike, it' in lie from Get tysim rg. eon tat ing in ACRE'S ALIGIgILLI;NT LAND, In convenient, pro. portions of wood, meadow aug funning laud. Dtilldlngs &nit fencing In nnenondit.ion, and plenty ofwater. Any person in want ohn find-rate producing Imo, with plapsant residence„tkrosill do Well to examine Wet property. Fur particularg, apply to the sub:crSl LE itter, PA living on the place. lID STA/Oak:RS. Sept. 11 , 1801. If FOR SALE 4 VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY, with 40 „ft Atm, of eholoo Lami, on the turnpike leading front Abbothdown to Hanover, one mile front the former piece, known am /Wl linger's MIA. ONE OTHER MILL PROPERTY, with 40 Acres of Land, or Acres, as may be desired, on Mandl creek, U miles H. W, how Gettys burg, and known as Sandoe's Mill. AUK'. A Noma. FARM'. l Acres of Land, lu high state of cultivation, ISO bushela of Lime to the acre, No. I boiltdingAlmilee vrrst from Gettysburg. GEO. ARNOLD. MM==;2= OR: SALE A iratVE:.:l"l'l Tit " nis county, Ps. ORO. ARROLD. Gettylsburg. 1808. tf A FIRST-RATE 'FARM •" AT PYLiVATV SAM . WITEM two miles or Gettysburg, on the Ilarrlsburg rood, with all net:emery Im provements, awl le prime order. r wrdsell from 100 tm LOO Acre., to eult purchasers.— Terme reueowable. Poe further ,lufrenteUme, apply to WM. WHILE. LBept. 27. M. If trottyehuru. 7i. ono THE LATEST STYLES FALL AND IP,TNT.EII Hata, 6ipa, Boots awl Shoes, Sail received. try ROBERT C.,COBEAN, Chowbersburg SI, And Amara. Wbeie ttre public can ttud's Turin' And vetted az,VMarti W he te ,clwup. lie 6 0 I pu4l op A+4 ffiNps, Pufand oa cessonable Canna Bridlei, it E ry s e int by r i d a= ma a call. [Nov. 0, WS. U IffWr MWMff A. tine Literary Entertainment Rill be glveti . 1 4 A aszcmrirnlL Bait, .041 DAY Evrargo, Dear 4th, by rtt;v!...2. ClAtort babied. •" floe go Recut sEith /2000;dians. TiOileisl 2 l 3 , 3ll .' 1 3 20ce0tts W tM 4 0/ 1 544 1 33 Pl ll -AP104300 111 of tOlt T00 0 1h14004 4 k0 1 3 1 420 , /, • Spy . . 20, IPI. 143 Q l WOr i e j aker P4 For dOldir a *Os Valhi hi *sum fittd dump*. isikait ai rteAutosi 0 411$ 1 ah 1 0 T is taw world t lb/140'11 , 1110h el 4, wisp with the mild wed teliewist pouts. Omaha. Try We lame, add by the ALDEIII= \MUT* le North Pivot *Week r I 800.14 LIR ER, .FRIDtAY fRAY BR ROL WE haws Ws day reek, 6d. on oar goods to the LOW LISTS:WM PRIORS, mei to give au:mm*4loam full booed% of small pri me, ttoos thin date WO Purpose dotal a akietly _ cosh bLueness, wed will sell esTHE VERY LOW EST GLELL PUKES to all who may - favor us with their custom. ROW it WOODS. Nov. 13, MSS. LI More New Goods AND CHEAPER STILL ! REBERT 4.• ELLIOTT, Opposite the (bul-Aram. 00414641r0. II /AVE just opened a_ nes' and large as sortment of FALL AND WINTER GOO-DS, OP ALL KINDS, CLOTHS, CARiIICKELES, TWEEI)s. SILKS, GINGHAM'S, LAWNS, runs m 3, MySLINS, &C., 40., to arbich they 111 Vito attanttos—being deter rattled to . oU at the lowest cash prletra Nov-11. latd. HOWE MACHINES ! intit.4.61137111111410ai IND GENIIINE Xf.JAH WOTAN. .T&, SE WING MACHINA% on hand and *old sL JACOBS I SRO'S. STORE. CIIAMIMASI3CUG STREET. aszrvanwaa OnicA. Win be Promptly attended to., Afa cblues dellvereal to aigs peat& o! the county. *echo riblte are twotionea sigfitnet OweVes who one the IMMO or ITOWE In ennui:Min with theta machines on amount of the Vopia -4rlty of the Howelfitchines. 'There sre„tone tfinkialat imiese they Lave Ittkbedd'aa ha each mac/tine a medallion h&vtb the likeness of ELIAB 110 WE, Jr., on it, &e. GEO. JACOBS A. DILO., only Agents for Adorns aourry,Pc. Ans.?, IM. tt BEST NOTION HOUSE , IV BALTIMORE. LAWRENCE D. DIETZ dc Importers and Wholesale Dealers In GERMAN, ENGLISII AND FEENCIL FAN CY GOODS, HOSIERY, NOPIONS, &C., 906 suid,3lo West Itzelthtturoni Ottect, (between - ' Howard and fAberty StrreVid BALTIUOILE, Mb Ott, let NOR. tr EICELTIOR GALLERY. TIPTON & MYERS, SUCCICBSOBB TO C. J. TYSON. PHOTOGRAPHS, Photo Miniatures, AIII3ROTYPE9, &C., Sterept.seopicriews of : the BATTLE-FIELIS, 8 TER 808 COPES PHOTOGRAPH FRAMEg, .A. Z. 33 T.T IVIE S , ll= AND AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICER. 461 We deal In nothing hat the bail of Its kind. OW and esilhhiSis our stock. ai-Coples ean be furnished faun nil Nega tives ever taken at the Gallery. TYBONI2I OLD STAN.D. Oct 11, iyes. WM. BOYER & SON, LIZALINJUI 111 GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, &C. ALBO, Slone, Wooden and Willow Ware. A Ueneral Assortment Wall Was usually kept to a FIRST.CLAA9 FAMILY CiROCTAY. Jas. le, Mk tr WX. C. ST.ALLSILITH & SON, OETTYSB URO, PA., CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS, Are Ptep4:o4 to de 411 k/11.15 of C09E1340114 —oootracting sad,areatiag buildings of all 411 : - /faSirfult ‘ jtai coddiaty D0:•= L AND 7 POOlt wizmow ArtectErs, 114 t . , , d4od imagusticiara o °Alec. BECTITEItS, OLINDA; HASH, 1:)0!)}1 LOW YaLIISS, 1'431i2(1019, ew m tbn Iturll hit Use. And way Witmer itantly Oa In mad, ezye- Seimoned material Is madness% •'nd ,mrP;lleu rN mirk timoortoid sirdromormaltiz of = CANNOT' MARiIi•E WORKI on imd,dik, - ,4„;.'divit,l, .Cl.rntrSil CMG, P14V1V.4.. Sorry description of work anceated in dflis rntarr Errt!.s'orirns ear 10410151 1112111 iar.oo/ ,WROR, AWING Itreesred the thi! ti a gti -P r e4 alo. ' thiswhe ßECAMllMllll° _ „ M i l . with a neebet AO N the wads. &Odle:* Pi.AiIIiFISIVA LL Me r s iteutster.ll4shimilir Mim' ip. Jens & IteS AIN; L,w4.lpc t—W A US L-4, nate alatemt. astiviao4l ciapipoot QILLMIPLO t MIL KORN G , ; V 131:13 B ;2 7 4 11868. A 3 AN APERIENT, . , Therehl qpjnetlicette waroucli I n wrt with Ohne *4O e staitutioted-kltirt ae on as Roback's Blood Pala; they "resat , . 8k..", andilldJiLlß upaaml,bol, pod AM Pwreq vt104.4•1,; can be Luken tty children as well as tlultr. Sr). tarok • ' SLEEPLESS NIC HT.t. Asa imusaly to *soothe all ncrinne excite- Meta, main itN truelt Kellam., a artrine, there perharw, no medicine extant which la re °Arad tonna ao much ndror as tioback'a ono. - .113[14.11.; a wing 10.1..$ al.lll gp tug lu 13.1 an that hi tequited to poxlimc hound and insattlifleisalenp. ERYSIPELAS, ovok.Apthen 3 o. 1 , La% ow be edeetuaq cold ioaeOby gle WM, or llobaek'm Ba) 1 under iu coulluletion with RobaelVe Blood ' OPTHALINIIA, Or, WU:mumWu of the Eyou, hot hilfre qttently whit% from • dluordered elute of the ntomerh; 16 few doom of kluhocit'ulauul ripe 'NM, let Whitt mom , etreeL ta cure by renION the muse. POMO KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE. TI) Rau ere pp rituuttliept,lloW bullore the pub -11; wy we qi xculawa to purl ry tlle bl,md Ash' emontitruet "No to spettk) the Whole NY•telsl ea tiotalwk•s•ltilood runner, Blood Pit& mut kileanack Wigan. LEUCORRIMEA, o'r. Whiten, ~11:114.h follow local debility and emettttUttoltal Wealtntle4, utn be cit.( tuallY aired by the awe of Xoblaklaitomael. latter. out let We 41u671,iat youstuy other rein ed), tbut.e. I,tit.t,ra are preipsed, reference to titla complaint, and are war ranted to curs. BAD TASTE' In the mouth In the morning is one Of , the Syimptornsiot•bilious condition or illsonierell state of the Liver...4llB4oof snot, for a slnAe clay, Ire neglerteilmi It hi hot the premonitory ailopton of a train °revile and the v ery aee4a of iinxio.e. liroeprs nt. roe [till , . Mood a•lnt NLntoti nein 6eciirai lig to the di rtie- Winn iieconipanylm; each bIIX, anti the Mit el . A.n t 0 t 1 utter will lit %Lepbe I 1 111 - NOT A •EVERACE. , I}llllke most oche hitter* of the present Aar, V*. Iftrollarles am nor Intended not rs pkwimint ell tnulatlng w hla wre perfect ly Vhrtllelnnl, t.nntaln Inv. only sum. lent Vnre Inurtoon whiskey Co hold to *Ant lack.llku me dtcutul m.,Cter fr,ro which they coMpOeed. WHO SHIMS THEM? Tbe-AfriaaftA itrr Ina BMA of Rnhaelea Mood iitianaell Ilit,4rr. and Wood l'unavr are A. I). Itt.rEHLErt and S. SI. HUBER, (lettys -4 w.. oePa. t.. '23, 1869. Ayers Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, sueh as Coughs, Colds, .Whooping Cough, Bronohltul, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before to the whole history of medicine, ham anything Won so witiPlY and SO deeply i 1,01.1 the emindence of neinki int, as this excelreall "iffriedy• for pulmonary com plaints. Through a long set les of )ears, and lotion' most ofthe races of men it bra risen higher la their tatimatlou, as it. Imo lanCutne better known. IN uniform char/lett r and rai , wer to cure the various street ions of the tinge and throat, hate made it known LIN a reliable protector against Ihe tn. While adapt. ed to milder forms of disease and to young children. It is at the same time Inc most etree ttaill, rellastly:lhat can tsi Wen for MOP. of Stutrlpttosi,al2ll the dangerous sfrectiong of the throat sad lump. As a provision ngaivat l sudden attacks or Croui It xboulil be ki in on hand In every faintly, n d Indeed as all are sometimes subject to e. Me and coughs, all should be provided w , this ilatidote for t qltoligh 'willed (bmninipfir is thought In curable, still great numbers o cases where the diaease seemed setth d, have,heen completely cured,and the patient restored to Round health by the merry Pectoral. Ho complete its Its masiory over the disorders or thy i t =i , an i 4l t7 l( ll l : A Nt il 4to "' n e n( hl ii g /1 1 f. lif i reach them muter the Cherry Pectoral [bey subside and disappear. Singeni and Public gp.kers find great pro tection from It. Axthtua le alwaye relieved it ud often wholly cured by It, Bronchitis la generally- cured by ta kl on the Cherry Pectenal In strualiandfrequent doges. So onetallr are Ile virtuetf known that we need not publihh the certlfltmtes of them here, or do more than assure the public that its qualities are fully maintained. .4yer's 4eite Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, owl Pever o Remittent Fe vet, numb Ague; Periodical or Bil ious Fever, &c., and indeed all the affections which arise from mala mons,marsh, cetraiasmatic poisons. As Its name 'Mulles, it loon Ours, nod does tot fall. Containing neither Aeoooie, qui nine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whales er, it in uo °lse injure.; any patient. The number sail lino°, lance of Its cures in the Wue districts, ore lit erelly beyond account, and we belie% e with out a parallel in the history of Ague medicine, Our pride la gratified by the acknowledgments nwellte of the radical enam afreinciddli ate /Miele Cases, and 14 here other remedies had wholly failed. trasovllmated persouq, elfin r rc , dderit In, or treed throtnin miasmatic lora/Wes, will beprOtected by taltim, the kgue tore For Liver Complaints, arising from torpidl ty Al the Liver, Itislin exJeflent remetty, KUM. Ulattng the Liver Into healthy :tcticliv. Ear Balms Disorders and ill .er ComPinnlia It In an excellent remedy, producing many truly rematimblecurelkwbornothr-rawdleines hail failed Prepared by Dr. 3. C. Area Lk Co. Practical and Analytical Chem M , a, Lowril, ittd acid all round the world. . . . ?Ritz, Pm Oat sosn.s. lbw& Ps For gale by A. 1). BUEHLER, Agent, Gettyg. I. Val's , • , J. M. Diamond Confectionery ani Ice Cream Saloon. ALTI3IO/tE Street, two doors above Center B Square, petayabarg, Pa. Having return. ed from the 'Sky'stitts wfdll stoek of Collfee• [lonely, I will sell at the very lowest pro ato—tashamap „, Fl4llOll A -amithit t'A i r.2ll6l ES, ()Ding... Lemons, Toys, Nuts, Notions, de. and everything belonging ton 01111:Clagm Con: fectionery i tth MEAL ANL) liNkt. ICE E"Abp ,- 4il6pnei 4 =41.4 46tfefk *a Ilk g • 1868, VI& larecßEAftx' noes porvetehite m* way With a jui i la , rfant a l l iterg Arm RATh. Also. Bonnet and Hat Trimmings of the latest e wtsliek, with an minarbrnest of testi. b nab FANTIY ANT) colter 0031 VI, she Is determined to sell at /he , Nor) , lONVi r Ci t i lnrifADE BON Af Lill a be kept hand; and Bonnets made to orgelrat theakiX t notice . !Inners supplied sank grada to sell again on he moat lavorabletenna, and worm; with Ina c Boas gryitisa. nu , •• .kir!Kive caw von YANTIS, ADAMS „t CO., L Larpown, N 6, itrig an ' take this etbod of Inform In g tig5 ,. z ...... t.ta le , we ye geigglialiod gßyy; .....,., ig. a. legate We are prepared to otectore to er;di kinds of BUG 010t, oAltilikelra, 81:11.P1 - M, ba.. ea the awning , notice sad oat accommodating =Our Wade , bay been Procured Prate Me. Mid. girg l i WarirMP e 4 a wane M 4 it (*ger t : " 11w= we it tar new. sir,. SO, WI.. It GRAM.' AND 'PRODUCE 21 r8A. , 175 7 ,5 . 8. !VP: W -- 11 7 It. It E 11'43 11".$ Llt2l: now Wwretropso , on IDOsorrier of tho oWoad and North M'ashlngton streti. Is ad, wed Vim undorollwowl fns mwo stasis In It. He doers. tonurultaole any %tun. at, IX WHEAT% EYE, CORN, OATS, ' cLovaft. AND TIWYPTY SEED, IL4M D STLLAW, i tal with et:elute"' &tee pr • netaltp, Mllutit the hh•heet thnrke prltete therefor. - . 4 ,,. N/IKI k fbr Sale ell kilnd♦ of Groeerlett agars, CD n, f 4) rupS, blobtetent, lApieen, Balt, tnlnft, Mtn, roentetnns, ,te , together With the bent Laud FertIIIzet—WRTTELOCIVN. Be run. FREIGHT LINES ' thirkiti+6. Hushes & Emerson's 111 North street, In the rot titer city, find to Busby t 1:31 and litti Mnrket street, in the latter, The patrothign of the public solicited. No Bart will km spored to irairv• - golargelidrioev of it. • WM. E. BIDDLE., Qe. hat Glothitigi Clothii)e. NEW AND LARGE ARRIVAL! t j - 11524 1. 1*9) ,,,, Flr .et ronter .. xf the Diamond tltt . city with an tartna=l; sit7so u tee Zinn mutt of CLOTHING FOR FALL Al'N WINTER. wear. Which he aell ataural prlnal .e two .not fall to fate them oft Nery copfilly. and ladle tor 's ouraelyea To look at the 00- rellent lAusteful cutting, athl„liosst ¬ enhe ten r t eittrt nd then gt‘t hln Wu , prmes--mitere eat no I kelp not beir,ir kik They see It set much to their In t ro Mt In do MAM;MMI= Hats ' Hriots and ftlitris, at nil Inds, Hosiery, Mows, /rand kerchief's. Neek-tioi.hisn Nfld . pa ipeß. , T Veillse., 7,1 I:iii , ves Seivirs, Smoking. twirl ChoWingi Totaieeos , Wateth as,, 3elkohrY..*Wit thott.and and (me Other arttrlett, entire itot ttos to del In n nen spa per rt i.enten Ile n+lin Lhc IttlXllll,lll, of n. ',oldie to lila nem - mock, tonthletit Hutt It IA plenueL-and no one run or Will urn rlkr4tor, .I,kof laFtiet lto tdoe.m—coruer of York atrieet attst the to.amorol, Clottystmro JA6bn nntrnr,zttlroiw. Oct,kh, 21k1R, tt WHERE TO M. Tant • h New THeas, goof, and cheep; every r t o should go b NI a 'WtMUW. For goo,' awl dump &boffin, ate o sgo to HOW & , For Flannel to suit ever) hat go to HO* & WOODS', For Canton Flannel, while eiral bred, ba ISLIUMIIAW to • HT* WWIWY. For cheap and pretty Calico, t • it fall to go to ' & WOULId'. Par Tahtc F.ln Oit low pOrett, go to " ' ' ' • ROW a' WOOW.v. For bargains In pry Pomba. b g antlt=ttot. an go to 4a W V II IT "' " I. C‘F.a ril . N .l ,* For a SI nal° Shawl that will Please ena, ROW & 'WOl.lls For Ifoorning Shewls, very . 144471 o r and Or eXt'elf c att.ta Rhawle, Ir,alx n0.10.0111R, go ItOW & Wool For n float, Paula or Veit, .very awn !Ahoy HO aboahl go tat W & AN'tK) For Haltworas4 , elobt and Ito to ItOW dr..W061 • ' Foy Comas and LlOoplitairto, the brat plow) in town IA 141 W .W.WOutar. Foot•Wwiatraga, filayea, and all ktnda t)r lto tluna,bargalasat ROW & WI a 'Hoe k or Ladles' Hata, 111,1, thelatihlt 6E7104'4 IH, 111 greett at variety it low dent, Ina place to ao ..od be pleased in lc,ltt W0.01 , 64'. F. or a Hatura tlap, for In.+ IL or I* an , to Itt /W VPOO/W. I SlioANOLlkil blot., ;0,0.1 and cheap, oVfry holy that wltata the northof their mbio3 (((e taro ROW & vrootitc. We are teeetatna new (loo,h, ry %AV.* gut are clet.aMlDaa to make It ad, .altagrona to all II ho way fall)r as o Ith It. Ir (miaow. In laitteCtfrapnriniT dw Iv, Ds,. N 0 ... 6, 1/106, tf The, Oriental -and Empire B.IISE B URNERS. QUITE a ntualwr of these Stoves nen , pnt In Use last oean,o, and the trulvoreal title faction they gave initaredir etihverther rder tinPlihat ;14r, They , detidetlly the , be+t,, ea •a moat/ 011 tat Ad, es et er Vll7 , n d ttj whurti, taut hett brought Its ettaithtitital weisclAtil lg-itedert their %Uttert otat,y tunt4L le netual lnEre, with 'in lot Illarnlnatlng Indovia, nt I and anti-dust dantpeni, cleanly, and atiennged, they become a favorite WhereNer known Also tbi QRIENTIkr•TAILIAR COOK 11 VIE BULLNER, a heating, bak lug and caul:lag stove catabtra`<l. . remote, stnaltd ellinlf AP then' , stnvelt hefire i4n3 odserk. un tilrY Otobrnt, Improve nat.nta and a'l% tilltuges not found tunny +ter. Cali and nee them. Also 4 tall supply of ('OOKING STOTEEI at minced warrented to bake Etna give sattsfiketlon In every respect.. Alxo a general amortment n artiClpp eplta- Lleturklteueuuooohe. nehlillng,Tlff , W2Sltt, Metal 'tonere, Coffee Mille, Mud frolat, Table and Tea.ele.ns, ACalves cud 1 , 1.1t.e, Iron La diet, Haribels,AO ' 1 k tr. Gettysburg, Sept. 'Si, tf BUGGIES & CARRIAGES REMOVAL THE undendswed has re al i s ed hi Carrl age-making shop to the east end of Middle street Gettd Ahura, pa., where bp will continue to build all ktodi of work in his line, via: CARRIAGE:B, TRO'ITING 6 FALLING-TOP BUGGIi., JAGGER WAGONS, &C., &C. His Work Is ail put up of good material and by the lief& 6f mechanics, and cannot fall to give satisfaction. Ills prices are always reasonable. Ho solicits orders, eaatkteht• that he can please. REPAIRING promptly done, at model. ate rates. N. 8. CIAGLAOHRR. June 28, 1988. ly WILLOUGHBY'S GUM SPAWN DRILL. HE be Drill la use, will,fw all Mods hi ny part of the t i l l e t k Own .1004541.6vitkeellIfthhut4ele GUANO ATTACHMENT. Guamtoed to do good work:' Able, the - ierarrisburg Fanstikvi,..ViLt,„ male In Neer York. Equally as good as the malls formerly Mkt In that woman SEPARATORS AND THRESHERS, CLOVER ILULL IPA i nfIa kI". MPFIe U6I" SMNTB' GENERALLY. wittr.E. Aug. 21, 180.9. tf.. CARD. AXING disposed of the F.XL'KI VILA{ GA Li,EltY to Sfessra.TLPTQN iIIEEEXi. take the opportunity of extenufhg to the tro public my sincere thanks for their liberal iss. in the past, and knowing them teb, prompt, thorough, energetic and pnieticul Photographers, limit for them a conquiatc• of the same, They having tied Mown the en. tire exintrol of the Excelsior CHtffery for the last two years, I !WOW Wet- they win exert every WA Igpander.full sittlefsclion at all C. I', TYFkiN. GREEN RIDGE STORE.' riEuntiMrytlreZrioN wroitE, 14 Orden igkiee4 Hamilton township, Aduma county, cileagy'e old Stan on the Curliele Turnpike, to which he Invitee the atdontion of the public generally. filastock cohabits°, at'OARIL COPSZES TEAS , Ylsues. mot..lsse-4 SPICE, ElstiEsuKs, 0H.4 MEllll34ifBi MEN'R ANt.Y lit)Hinr . ft He**. 4L0 7 1.421/iwesPENl)Ew:Nifix TiHs, nAstmEnciucti. nuriubis, inzwAns, , *4. OW* #4,4., IiMIAMIT4III.I6I76cFg'Jfi.r2, 'Lek will alway: l'auageru 4,14 , 1 3,111 1 :p4p1 °gas! ewho nu patro . pixe JOHN U. RUFF. Apr 24, 18e3. /y F Alt ERS ! ! I= ALTA VELA PE 0 5Y,4.4 Ty. ITleehr_hyloied tab... 10 ed lly of the celebrat , Contains three per cent. or 4261101:1A, nn ample qmstittCY to glee holitrity (without In jury) to ins velrelation, end a large quantity M t iii illOsp ' n, l / 4 17, dr tootheunt'atforti 40 Saw+, We 0.04)140 7 1i0elliPLETE Altunr. The high estimation in which it la held by it i r=it fi t od all other Me, ie l t. eur: tstE et NH or, os Am* Vitt Addreas • ALTA VELA 'oU'Alto Od A Erolloo4', Hew Yard. I 4 1* 17 tifINCI4 PIES. iprSS war.-I.)44aTuvii urns wargatitho seereawrg ingradleuts me • good e. Noy. 20. .CLOTHING. T x1 . 4.7 , ,ar , z, ha piAt mtgrue4.l trout ilao LAROMT AND rum AET.ECTED vrocK . OF CLOTHING ever ofred tho w clit) , -. rrbiailat at. On to , ft, NI, Uta, ato‘li s - 6114 OV . 0 A. rl"' I= I= Fone,v 0%40,1111er. coat% of on 144%01,41 and .1..0n Um**, vyri dom.. Pooalflo. Palley lloodutero wh,V.Flafffli4 Flffitai, Wool Slalrtk, V oder WOW I.ltßwers.lliook MIA kid In. strsualouls at TOBACCO AND CIOABB, iinutlins,Neele-ties, and a Mow amid oilier articles, too numerous to intuiting In it new speller advertisement. 0ct,4014054. 7tl' FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. NEW FALL GOODS. MEI Just twel wI a large sod wig! selertod %lock of FALL do WINTER GOODS 1TR11 4 43 GOMM; •i of new ntyluil ono of oWeftl7l4lOCY DOMESTICS, nt grently reduce"' price*. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, _ r - i Tip 'l' • .• .1 cAitentll l . . „ • & vCrX We lius e J oat received additions to our QUEEN S:yV of our own iyaportohou Alt 1) -WARM...AI.:D.:ISU I L NC MATE Itl /1.1; • to Supply every• want OILS Sc PAINTS, at low rates A full stock CI GEO Q.,4"RIES , strain on band. Qur pluck comps $M almost e'ieirthing Which the consumer may need. Thirties In waut of goodn can be supplied at to rates by 'patronizing the well known stand at the /316114 Tlik YA/i XIOTOCIC BRA,YrII,EIII4 IfikAtisbuflOoLlM, IX% tr 'SELLING OFF AT COST ! de...loinao to Qom out amy outlte =I Ready-made Clothing, MEM AT COST, CW ! F i t Cl) '4 l3 * ! /4 . 1 5 1 FM;i C66420 . !ANTS VESTS, DRAWERS, Ad, &e. Those desirous of emoting good bargains, can now have an opportunity by calling at my store. ()moo woo, serossettli • trE4(lllkAltriQLD. 't Gettiibniiir : ' bet: OS& q• kE _;4, . • P. c„„,,SI,IEAFFER,' F r El'EBBBlJitG, (Y. 8.) PBNN'A.,` Ia prep.'s& to offer to the 'Public anything In tit Int tx den bx bad I.he C=l 4Porrhasers will do well tw call and exam Ina ear stock before buying elseirilere, FURNITURE made to ordur. Tkpalrlng done n tally, cheap, 1 4.4.441 wig. 44pii4ob. If Jaa, lA, /X& 31. DR TAYtoR'S OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS. ... :J.. a 0 ii. Aland and tvolibletONJC Itrilittrrs:4slT. IMAIIACMC CAZWIPATIVE ~iTT'~~3Ti,~, Extracted entirely from IfEltßAand Ran% I ' g DYSPIIXtBIA4 . _ GENERAL DEBILITY', AND L 093 07 AIINTITZ i 411'.'so, 404;34 iiorihOkiLvls .Poilimeg I n iftri / 0 Pifortifkgrielhfike., F 214 ienee, he. t w 1.1 SOLAI),,HVEVYWHERE. 2. al r =EI . I ftMtill!•,s4,liddAttet 4~4t~ AIM .1-'3C,l*4l,lr4raz & Co. Ise*. M,l li WOOD FOR SALE. sw ea [Use OAIC ' - • 1140 OORDS HICKORY. Price, fit nod $2 Der cord, on the ground. 4#FECI. OLD. AstgAlß 0101. 1 .14' , 1 ` • FO. 'SALE- A CIiOTHINO STOTIE, wlien !Wooled ifoOd you of 4 LT .= a " nate' !WM/. P.Vagi Ault. ;MIN ONE OF THE I BEST IIifi'ESTZEN yty. ‘..711,4 st Itc.) . rtatige, isott(lB i -- Z•lt6/\17: 4 3 ; "..A.CLE2 Railroad Oompany. A''SO ES' .4D; A ,anoanl, tat Milo Plat Marl lioadibuf tolitatia. Par ',44lW.A.lrotut , roMpt uie atlvral I.lth, 1.1111( , fis and ru,al prorludlo Invenntient. Ills) , alt. a fit.* rti,llL tar Sod must ralltott 11n the sount jly Inof 144 out by istaa..t to th. , I 'ow laity aS the toa,l h ‘llollrlt 1,4 Su litat V 011.) s ropyrsent n rent t nth•. i. Thelr sfintratit 1,11111,1. tO'I or con to nay Wilton Donau oil tin° ontirs Lim nu' tun at urajitt of Ins* *hail S:itst,o4o Inn lin:. I= I'. Mrs. ft n . 3f netfttn, of the raiie,t at genatth first Hoo. °ARNO Alms, of the tin Nutt* It suss of Rettrassats %Ayes. Lee the - tees fur the bet.thohlors, to see that all tritcrrata are prot.orted. & Flee flueern Mehl Dltttetors, sittxtlnt the Preektepeet LISS MI 'test State& are nap lade to the tuntutry fan she msnagentesall ultslr& I: Three l' II rit Stott , . (WM II) i litol7ol , rertlf) that thr rund I. Drell built adßequipl and In .4 rv.pneiks ttn.t.oaasnalway, bo Any iamb can be taauad spun it. T. The Ualtpl titAtva (koNalranoui, lona. Cottitat'ar it, own 40114111 Co Cho mama auto that tho OAtapan, fitnitrir, IT wlllth It Ink sewed tneetiree an mouthy. an14.41,0a1 nh,l, It makes an aba• dotitthlitx of 1;hill/laver ot laud to We mil., In p0ne.•,,,,,h, of the rood. IS The Wads pay Alt per rent. It gold, %be, prladlpglas also µwelds lawaht. - /u. PIT IlualltiPt trots lasal or way kittens gi'!re Mut Ful. 11 1f11.1.40, I 1 .1.,LA,11.11 apt, whlell, gni r pitying oprrat 111 it 01 pen NM meth mare lash lualdeleat la tiny the latest. These caralptra a 11l Ibo ~sty 'Teased vu, thy runtp/atatu of 111,1 entice It. Yo poi tttr,d nrthm rnn rothicellto rat In.tarea, h minutes thr thirty you otrpf , rent. per animal, in molt. now equn latstworta tairktutiLl filth ter caul. in cures The principal G then payable m yob,. I( nha with latch Vainilitern,Wsre the ouvusest, Its inorlent price wouhl nalbc AMP 7ttQMti W to , *s pin Caatll prinsiesn, 14 ,411 1 , 1, 9 1 /1/ 14 IrL'bosit ,l undue tliwerwurpat luny] 3' raut nupery Sion, it thin `u hat in v arirerlquellt Work, they wu.t u latitaiyapproncliOrWlirytivnetit prlyea, No rr Corporate bonds arc tunAr n.. .1.1 1111 . Slot flaw t. RI 4401{ fp* ittill*alleft. • aNtle• have ch i ll tlmept he. a hulloMinh, dor, 'tail botany twenty u Illlnne Move tare JAbout Len nil/lions Illaeriaaball YmTold. It FM nnyrahablu that at InnonnYfkir Ahteht , hit the resnallalnr of bonds the flolntrany tots Item. *ltt to, to by tentionnultanstlon nfrttplta♦ilMa nod w o ..wn Irefltp linllunttlut. °swag at n Ilia %once. The 1011 a Una., the I, Isli it, ad JUL did the 'peottel teeurny., count woke tioida very tritlnatn 0 , tor ,nt poi t. In. Pruitt: Vona *Utah ton oilleoft of yoznintuji louts. ost‘ole la mint*at to the Itlyutintd auhltnma Patel*. LULU. ottarat ,or,the't aloe alai aIIV,I nee In the privo of It nocirtftleo, o boon nun, than ounllttl WWI they therotorn onoweol Mal Parties Anoint to littowt In Limn. hued. 0 0 ,4 „puod Mete tat, ottlewe Male a{ at <aka, pill* , lilt tile liroaellt and cram] tatoreat at the rate of NIX OP eyt". h ol) from July lot, and inflow Lion. ?r/fl reeul ott 11l 4*nel snarl( Lpc YfILST lON 11 : 11A and rypurturui had in torli EWA NY.O4 (114 - WF, . NtlintAllt i/1313) (24..4Cp s.,.vN, - A nr, •t Mitt by *Ad lulvrrtlwA ote • • - tAlltetrWlltses. • 1 / 5 141. 001tritz pirwar swim. tftrtitr ckyrnlB,lc to tiata for /Aga. oi,fe A NAlkr,t - m - rif tRP \Llr boo Dot. hot, oota,ile4ll, n rvtrurt or Ito^ prof , tltt, wttt to flint ttOte, AO/ it rum tentsiti titutentent In tit/Aaiun to WU. Ild‘rrtin,l,l whIGA twat 4wr two& Ave us appliatilewtit Ortnapttny's °Melte or to any or the wasort l Agent*. JbU N J. Cirtet ) . TN/I.4ll'er, Now 1 ur "August 11 , toNA , Snt '.ATECTRIC TtlTrapit in China Tl 4 8.4V1 X 1 Nit t . I,l,Nuall WK kat, 22 -24 AIM Strut, • • NEW YOBK. 'under Ike( Int charter (rum . - IS . !&tif or New Tort, NAPS $lOO tACII. 2).1.8.4'(.708S How. 'AND_ at.',ViL U. cURTIN, Phi Marl PAUL N. FOft,t, of Ituttio.ll Ato,C I CoVW)e*. laU for rkriSPllt.L.l), of P. Vlterriel at . 4le/AAU LIVSRAMItE, Trearmirof Mehl `entral lianroad Lloakm, • AL'EXANDEIthOLI.AND,Trraturer A AEI Ifeltpreon Company, Now 'York. AEI JA NOX 1 11, My comae, N. Y. U. IL, PA Alnk Therm, \Vattern Un T'Asit i teht i ;t 2 a i npatty, New y ot a, WP-NTRA Y, or WelotraY, (11 ' Apramakie, t,e, IVICHOLAB kitChltkel, New York. orPreEres. CI. A. N. MICKLH44, ul. 0E04.0 ODNAOM, Plearoa re, GEt.•t(JEr ELLl,r(Allahleg SaLtroaal • Comala'atioarattho Treasa ter, aipt.lirLittne Plingrialphtg; • ticitor. Glaverhmant baTlng (throt the Hoh. Arnim Ihirlityponur taaartglerl Orrtrglahrlythcialvtlegt• ofounneeting tlregr ampulla of the k:tntate t.y gstaagging telegraph cable, a e 141,1611413 COM Metlel tig rattrap, in lltu, atkrA hacrlva a a lib nine II unLited MAIMS. OeT between ttin lowing parts, s lr r Pupulati Orgllon . ....... Hang- 'g ag, Anutrc go- Pao. 1;Lio Ingpo. Hang rhea". Total, ..... ..... Aida Throe Porta hare st foreign ammeter mteueuevoo, und 411.1 enormous ea estle tr data white so have these east.i In commone of the Empire, alleging troll Pans, • lineup Its remits and nuvlept deers. Thecae& being la Id, tills Company pr away, loia Ones, and ustublishlent SPL and trustworthy means of namesake whet erase reentrant there. as eVerysr. ea, the ea ma Wallas of the Govern al of taloa, and of soelnl life, eepeemtly Chlus. the baa nape:real system, and bur 4 ly means now of rosum al, at Mg informs Jill by anent on 11114, sad by steamers wpin. - Western World knows that China very large .anus, la the ntILIE4 densely pled • but few yet realire that she eata more then a third of the hatnan race. latest rental mete to her central method Me tering tit nmeee by the Ina earners make her popular:la /Our lardred and Pb teen MUM., and that Is Ill Ore likely to be t dm. than ever the actual segregate. Nes all of these, who are aver ten pea old, only can Inn do read and wHte. tier chill 11011 IS 1.,y ll filar, but her lltenttoy, 10 as e yt, eve as that tit iieseper China Ix a 140341 leachers and trade4ll; apt' the latter are eeedl fluty gotta to 01 all theiuselt es of ev la visaed folnty for paining early I n Pan M i tita t ttlti'Prt i tte "' o li ell u e l t t lpra a ti rat i . 4 t ' 4 h lay great nutter 4 , t?' l ase Irene& by tibia 'earl ernfll once. Mfoasettingede 1 ei . ezfatence, It see :Weal PorYabe 4 vets of 414 1 1 , XV4 441 ‘ ea_ Ittly . inervase term Novul eeirpoepdigpaiwtue.ousa, rem ra e Inwp.nreconnotc Onreity. iferlitqlitock of I queltardry meow' WMterve map, ma editorial artlriee bond. 11%-1,1, Timer iptd tlje I 'Ledger, nvitarcr, A Pliarow thiS ber..inity lei °idol down. on 111/1 pogdole 11InnOOL1/1) mencing never tion to _ 34 &soHI mini ap=nto J tt , orlsad to receive I all necessary Infer 'OM tJ. Mil eatdotigyphad ko N - 4116,,c0 ~i ;.