?RR SETTYSRPRO COMPILER 111 PL`III.4IIIIID EVERY 711IDAY, EY IL J. RTAHLE. DOLLARS perlllUm in Meaner —Two Bobbas• AND Yxrrf CR.rl9li not m id in advance. No subscription din. continued, anima at the option of the pub lisher, until all arrearages are paid. ADVIIITIMILI In/:sled at the usual rates. —LAM reduction to those wbo advertise by the year, Jon Paurrifth, of every descriphon—from the smallatt label or add to the largest hand bill or poster—done with dispatch, in • workmanlike manner, and at the lowest living rides. )ire on Baltimore street, • few doom above the Court-Rouse, on the opposite aide, with . Gettysbora Compiler Write" on the Attornies, Physicians, &c. J. C. NEXLY, A TTOILNEY AT LAW. Particular attention paid to c . itlectlon of Pensions, Bounty, and Buk. pay. Udine In the S. E. oorner of the DLaniond. Gettysburg, April 6, Md. tf so.. H. LZPIrrEB, A TTORNEY AT LAW, LITILEBTOWN, PA.. Wlll promptly attend to colleettona, convey- Imam, writing of deeds, lancer, etc., and all other hominess entrusted to Ma rare. Office on Vredartek otreet, at the Mite. for merly of Dr. Nun - b, and latterly that of Drs. Kinser and Mehri ng. May 22, IRK 11+ .EDIirARD B. BUMMER., A TTORNEY AT LAW Will faithfully and prompt ly attend to an Dominos's entrusted to Wlar epeake the German Itinstosite. °Moe at The Ine place, In South lAltsmore 'street, new . tber'N drug tame, noel nearly OcIPO - Dona , t 'Lleleerlsetore. s tt,.1,111 - g, Marco X. JOHN M. KRA CM V. Xt.( ONAI-17/11", ATTOIiNEYS .I.ND Cf)UNNI.:I,I.OfDI. DMeCcr! . .ZAUtillY hoe natanclat.4l JOHN . M. Kit.‘u fit. Eaq., to the Practice of I,u, al 11111 Otnee, 011 C 11.10/ want Of liuebler'a lira , a • Cluooboralrorg etrei t. Ik. lid attention W.% 6.11 to suite, colloctlons 111111 401 11.111ellt of eNt.iltd., All lentil boot 114,1 and °lentil to Pousnotta, Bounty, Back Pu 3 , and 1)15111114ov; against. United States, at all Unica, promptly and efficiently tetrad- Od to. land Warrant• locatrd, and choice ins lac sod,. lo lowa and other Vir',..ta,rn istatea /SirL =1 A TTORNEY AT LAW, Will promptly attend to all leant business entrusted to him, including the procuring of Pensions, Bounty, Back Puy, and all other elainni aaultuil. the Knited &Rates ant mete fioverumeuts. Ofliee in North-west, corner of Diamond, Get- Penn'a. April 15, lag. tf Dr. W. ar,,crtuts, HYBICIAN, BURDEON AND ACXX/UCHEDR. Airing permanently located In New Oxford, will prnetlee lax profoesion In GILDA brunette., Ills Mend. and all other. desiring his pro. fa/.loud *review. are ragman& to nail and ernmalt him at bin Quinn, In Hanover street. May A), leaf. tf Dr. F. C. WOLF, LIAVINO LOCATED AT EAST BERLIN, ADAMS COUNTY, 514.... that by strict attention to Ma incites alonat dot'w be may merit a ahare of the public patronage. April 2, Ma tf Dr. C. W. DDNSON HAft RESTIMFD the Practice of Medicine In LITTLEXTOWN, and alts his ser vice; to the piddle. (Alice at his house, cor ner of Lombard street and Foundry alley, near the Railroad. Eipecial attention given to Mkt n Diseases. !Allentown, Nov, 8, ing. =I OFFICE AND DWELLING, A few doom from the N. E. eurner•of Ilell,trouce end 11101 muvetm, near the Pr,by Leann Church, (Lett) etturg,l4. Aprd 15, M. DR. D. 11: ZCKENRODE, HAVINO Just returned from the Untveral• Ss , of Maryland and liospitals of Balti more, has located at HElDLEltitlll'lln, and oilers his Tfrofesidonal serviced to the public. April 24, SINK tf rh, -uursrtioxo. HAVING located at NEW SALEM, (He- Knighlatown P.Franklin twp., Ad• anis county, offers his professional services to the public. He hopes, by strict *Mention to professional duties, to merit sabers of pat. ronage. May W, tf Dr..l. 1.. a.46./In, Pynierm, AND g(TROPI ) II, MIDDLE TOWN, Ad me county. Pa.. Ogles In Oen tre Square,. Will promptly attend to all calla unless otherwise professionally- engaged. Aug. 7, ISM. t( J. LAW:RI:NCB RILL, M. D., ENT/ST, idas Ids °Mee one door west of the Mheran church 1a Chatnbersburg street, and opposite Dr. C. Horner's *Mee, when: those wishing to have any Dental Operation _per formod arerespeetfully invited to oth. /tar- KRIVIVIN: Ara. Horner, Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs, D. D., Prof. M. L. Nuever. Gettysburg, April IL = DENTIST, has Wafted permanently in Orl tvabung, and offers kiln servieea to the public, Hie room is over John M. Minnlglea Oontertionery, on Baltimore strert, a few doors from the Fi.blie Square. Proem. In want of lull or partial SETS OF TEETH are Invited to Term. reasonable. TEETH EXTRA(7.. ED with little or no pain, by lam' ainethoila, procured by narcotic spray. Sept.. 18, latla, tf A L LYG BL' 8 Boot and Shoe Erni-m.4lin, BALTIMORE STREET, TWO DOORS MOUTH OF THE PRESBYTE 8.141 N CHURCH. • E undersigned has Just returned from ale elty with the best n d cheapest male ,.of Boots,Shoos and Gaiters, for Spring and Hummer, ever ofibred In Gettysburg. His hook anodes of LADIES' CONOREXS GAITERs, TAMEN' BALMORAL GAITERS, LADIES' COMMON GAITERS, LADIES. KID SLIPPERs, all styles, LAMM' IdOROO(N) BALMORALS, IN LARGE VARIETY. GENTS` *FRENCH CALF BOOTS, GENTS' AMERICAN CALF BOOTS, GENTS' KIP BOOTS, GENTS' CONGRESS GAITERS, GENTS' CALF BALMORALS, GENTS' SUPPERS, all.stylea, GENTS' BROGANS, dC., &C. MISSES' CONGREI3I4 GAITERS, IIIisWEIP BALMORAL GAITERs, MISSEN MOROCCO BALMORALS, - &C„ &C-, &C., &C. BOYS' CONGRESS GAITERS, BOYS' CALF BALMORAI.4, BOYS' BROGANS, &C., *C. INFANTS' SHOES, all styles, IN LARGE VARIETY. Also, Boots and Shoes of OLN own manufacture constantly on hand. All will be sold at the lowest living •twotits. Buyers, from town and country, are invited to call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confident that I can please all w Ito may call. The gIANUFACTUR/NO of Boots, Shoes and Ratters will - also be carried on, in all its branches, as before, Repairing done on short notice. By employing none but first-class workmen, and tuning none but the choicest leather, he feels confident of maintaining his former reputation. Certainly nothing will ix• left undone to deserve it. Thankful for pear favors, he nwlicitin a con tinuance of public patronage. D. H. KLINCIF.L. Ciettysbnrg, April It. ISON. rotr-rz.s WLIOLFSALE DRUG AND PATENT MEDICINE DEPOT, NO. Ile FR.I.NICLIN STREET BALTIMORE, MD N the diasolutlon of the 00-partnerelilp of O &. routa & Bro., August let, ICC, 1, David E. Foals, Junior member of odd firm, parehaaed all the right, title and Interest of the retg prtner, P. A. Mut:, for all time, In and to the manufacture of Patent Neil clues; and, having devoted much time, cure and labor In gaining a thorough knowledge In the compounding of these preparatlone, ant fully prepared to offer to the Community FOUTZ'S FAMILY ,MEDICINES pure and anadulteruted, unmet', Forn.'s .Ilisruna—Fours's Lira laviooltsros OR HeALjH kitifrODND Fours's Vitoorsaus Lavas Pam—Fours% Counif SMUT Voirfirs CELIDELATAD 111211111 Ann CATrLR Pullmans— Itstiusgsalt BALAAIIIIC COVea elysur—iSsuUnita's Vsalttnuur. DAVID F.. YOUT2, Bole Proprietor. Meat for "Da. 011ovICS Maass - 11c fishvs AND PLARTNA," the "Dssit OINTIANNT," and the - fius.AT &DOA= BIITZDA” Sri also have on hand a full assortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, Wiudowyglass; Extracts and Essences of all flavors; all the popular Patent Afecitelues of the clay •, Perfumery, Hair Oils, Hal r Dyes, sod hundreds of articles needed by Merchants, Farmers and nousekeepera. Oome and ex fllllllle my stuck and priors. and if I eunnof salt you, you cannot ho suited in Baltimore. DAVID E. FUUT7 At the old stand, lid Franklin street. Feb 21, heik 17 NEW BAKERY. 11.7EN4 PORT & ZIEGLESt, lv MEGFL437CAL RAKERS, 14 , ,nth Waoldni,,ton Monet, one square from the }lt gle ffO I, GETTYNBURQ, IW OM• taunt!). on hand, the Mit of_ • ISREA.D, CRA err • - CAKES & PRETZELS. Persona wishing fresh Broad will be served every monolog bao . o ... wlfys t.i ttV earn and reoldenemat, the effort made to plow,. Olv OSEL =al.ens Aprlllll, rassonable Prig" an _ , ..4 1 4 - N, -f4 COMPILER By H. J. Stahle HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITARS. E IM Hoodancl's German Tonic THE GREAT REREDIEU ►OZ AU. MINIUM o► THE LIVER, STOMACH, OR DI- GEST! VE ORGANS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS T. composed of the pure Juice( (or, as they are mosalcsily tenant, Jrags) of Roots, Herbs, and Barks, making a preyurati 4,11, high ly Concentrated, and entirely free from aka- Wks admixtures or day kg ad. HOOFLANDS GERMAN TONIC Is a combination of all the Ingredients of the Bitters, with the purest quality of &riga ergs Rum, Orange, &e., making one of the most pleasant hlld agreeable remedies ever offered to the public. preferring a 'Medicine free from Mere oils :uthmlature. tt Ili UMa. Roofiaud's German Bitten. Ttotec tho,f, no objection In the combi natluu of the LlttLens, to ?Stilted. will use Hoottand'B German Tonic. the bath oita 4 h.) ,taval, and eont.do toe ie meal leal o, the chalet be te ern the ta, being 11 mere niatter of taste, tip. Tonic being the aunt palatable. the stomach, from a variety of causes, such se Indigeatlon, spepala, Nervous Debility, etc., is very pt to hate Its functions de ranged. The User, mpatlnsing as It does with the Stomaeh, then la comes affected, the result of which is that the patient wifere from several or Inure of the following dia./as; _ CONSTIPATION, FLATULENCE, INWARD PILES, FULLNESS ill BLOOD TO THE HEAD..\CIDITY OF THE SToMACII, NAUSEA. 11EART-BURN, DISGUST FOR FOtili, EULLNEss oft W 0/1T IN THE STOM ACILSOU H. ERUCTA TIONS, SINKING OR FLUTTER INIS AT TIIE PIT OF THE STOM ACH, SWIMMING OF THE READ. HUNt~tI:UU f{ iiii'F.B2.ULT — ii/ii.::CrVi- INO, FLUTTERING AT THE HEART, CHOKING OR SUFFOCATING SENSA- T/ONs WHEN IN A LUNG POSTURE, DIMNFRS OF VISIoN, DoTS WEIN BEFORE THE SIGHT, DULL PAINTS THE HEAD, DEFIcIENcy OF PERsPI RATION, YELLoWNESsuF THE IiRIN ANDETEs,jAININTHEsIDEBAcE, CHEAT, LIMBS. FTC., SUDDEN FLUSHES or HEAT, BURNING IN THE FLESH, CoNSTANT IM AGININGS OF EVIL, AND GREAT DEPRESSION OF SPIRITs, The sufferer from these(Hammes' s hoold et ereise the greatest caution in the .lortion of n remedy for We more, purchasing only thst which he le moored from his Investigations and Inquiries pommies trucincrit, is skillfully compounded, he free from Injurious Ingredi ents, and hoe established for itself a reputa tion for the core of these diseases. In this connection we would submit those well known remedies— HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS IM3 HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. PREPARED BY DB. C M. J 4CK .7076 PIIILADELPIIIA, PA. Twenty-two years since they were first In froduned into Ibis country from Clermany, during which time they hal, e unfloubhdly performed more cures, and benefited suffer ing humanity Ma greater extent, than any other retool I es known to the public. These remedies will effectually cure Liver Complaint, Jaundice, li)spepsia, Chronic or Nervous In blllty, Chrbniclaarrtwea., Dlsense of the Kidneys, and all Diecawuwarising from a Disorder.% Liver, stanywh, or intestines. DEBILITY, Resulting fromany Cause whutever; PROM TRATiON TIIESYIiTEM, Induced by - . &sc. L bor, Hardahlic4, Expo Buren, Fever'., &c. There Ls no modidne extant equal to these remedies in such ittses. A tone and ',lgor Is imparted to the whole system, the appe tite Is strengthened, food is enjoyed, the stomaeli digests promptly, the blood he pet rified, the complexion heroines sound and healthy, the yellow tinge is enutteated from the eyes, a bloom Is al , ' en to the cheeks, and the weak an.l nervous int alid Mottoes • strong and healthy being. PERSONS ADVANCED IN I.IVE, And feeling the hand of time weighing heavi iy upon them, with all Its attendant Ills,will find to the use of this BITTERS, or the TONIC, au elixir that will tuetil new life into the veins, restore' in a measure the energy and ardor of more youthful dal et, build up their shrunken forms, and give health and hoot:d ates to their relmuning years. NOTICE It Ina well-entablialit d feet that fully one half of the female portion of our population areneldom In the enhlyment of gond health; or, to tote their own exprk Aging, "never feel veil," They are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely nen nun, and have no appetite. To thlm eines of persona the BITTERS, or the TUNIC, In ehpeuLtlly recommended. WEAK .E DELICATE CHILDREN Are made Strong Ly the tute of either of these remedies. Theya 111 cure every ease of MAIIASUCTS, without fell. Thongs Luis of certilleates have aecunuilated In the hands of the pmprleturs, hot :gm,. will allow of the publication of but few. Thew, it will be observed, are men of note and of such standing that they must be believed. TESTIMONIALS. Hon, Geo. W. Woodward, Chief Justice of the Supreme Otani of Pa., writes: Philodelphig, Marritlo, Ifan. "I find gionfland's Merman Hitters' is a good tonic, useful in Macaws of the digestive rgans, and of great benefit in tames of de bility, and want of nervous action in he sYs- Lein. Youts truly. GEO. W. WOODWARD.' Hon. James Thompson, Judge of the Supreme Conrt of Penney Dania. Philadelphia, April 28, • .r consider •Iloodand's German Bitters' a tutrable asedfeerge In case of attacks of Indlges- UOll or Dyspepsia. I mu certify this Mon my experienoe of it. Tours. with respect, JAMES THOMPSON." From Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, D. D., Pastor of tho Tenth Baptist Church. Dr. .fackson—Dear Sir: I have been fre quently requested to connect my mane wilts recoustionsi of different kinds of medi cines, but regarding the practice as out of My appropriate sphere, I base In all easas declined; but with a cler r proof ill va • C inataneta and particularly In my own n ally, of the useMinesa of Dr. Houlland's erman Bitters, I depart for once from in utiutal course, to expre•as my full eorivictio that, Mr peru-rot debttity of the +yam., rand e}lreead !afar /Ayer Chmiaphaint, tits a age usad:vuluable preporatiou. In some eIfISOM , It miw-fil ,• but usually, I doubt not,it will be reiy r u pees .benh/na to those who suffer from the above a. Your., very respectfully J. H. KENNARD, 'Eighth. below Coates St. From Rev. E. D. Fendall, =I I have derived detailed benefit from the *se of Iloottand'a (ierman Bitten and feel It my privilege to recommend then, en a meat valu able tonic. to all who are suffering from gen eral debility or from ilchenses arising from derangement of the liver. Yount truly, FL D. FENDALL. CAUTION flesolland's German Remedies are counter feited. See that the signatore of C. M. JACI:- SON, is on the wrapper of each bottle. All others are counterfeit. • - • • - Principal oiled and Rannfactory at the German Mediahie Store, No. ill/ ARCH Street, Philadelphia, Pn. CHARLIE! lie /MANX Proprietor. Formerly C. 14.1ACKWON & Co. PRICES flooLland's German Inners, per bottle, - $1 O, half down, b OS Goon:nut's German Tonle. put up in Quart bottles, $1 Yr per bottle, are belt dosen for $7 60. firEio sot forget to examine well the ar tiste you bay, to order to fat Th. 'Paulus. Fl 7 . or sale by Druggists generally. Jan. VOW 17 ..Executor's Notice, T_TENRY SHIREMAN'S Et3TATE.—Letters 11 testa nentary on the estate oflleoryShire. man. late of Hamilton townehtp, Adams 00., deeeased, having 170011 suited to the under, signed, regain; tu the MDe tOlMlthip,ll43 hereby - gives notice to all persona indebted to sold estate to make immediate payment, and those having .-trims wane. the same to pre sent them properly authenticated Ito eettle menl. WILLIAM B. YOUL. Ott. la, UM. Gte Executor. Sale Crying. 4W. FLEMMING continues the bnsioess . or RALE CRYING, and solicits the met tinned patronage otthe public. It is his roustcskt endeavor 'to give satisetation. Charges moderate. Residence in West die street Gettyturg. P. H.—lf e is n,od ..I,ctloncer, under . tkP Tax Law of the United States. Nov. iI, I W%. VTBEITERN LANDS I HAVE ...se valuable WE:STE:RN LAN fig, L which I will trade for One or more FARMS In thlseonuty. The laudsare trelliwated, and very desirable for fanning. Early application desired J. LIMN E.FiIEIOFF. Gettysburg. April 3, Mrs WOOL WANTED rrlg . ttglies ail 4, market price will be given & TIOFFMAIit, May 10, ISM. N. W. Cor. Square, Gettysburg. cum, natal na, Mama ; Clamant Crag- Martha. and primal, at. .111, AETW% GILLESPIE & CO., Dealers in Flour, Groceries, Notions, 4-0., GETTYSBURG, PA., TNVITE the attention of the public to their largo stock of Goods, at the old stand, on orii street, Gettysburg, next door to the Globe ion, eonstettng of the best of ortocrauns, LIM! Sire', Molasses, Cotrues, Teas, Spiess, BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR In the market, with Hams, Shoulders, Sides, Flak Dried Prune, Owafeetione ite. Also, NOTIONS, In ganytarlety; Cebu and Inflow-yam Rime and Crockery ware, ftaketn,nniumn, TonianN and a Unnuand and one other arUden. I= nice find fresh, always for mile. Gillespie d Co. w spare uo effort to please, and are conadent ol beteg able to do so by coristantly kseplng a full and choice stock, ehd selling et the very lowest profits. OWN- Tay PRODUCE w.,utel, either for the mill or ”releingo fur ga.dr , highest market price allowed. JO , EPII S. GILLESPIE. DANIEL C.AkiliblAN. Jane ID, 1,43. RE-BUILT ! Confectionery and lon Cream Saloon. JOHN GRUEL, Chambersburg Sired, Gettysburg, Pa., next door to Taste notel, having completed bin new banding, hoe open ed the 'Argent naeortinent of tionfeetlorw ever offend In Gettynburg, Including FRENCH AND COMMON CANDIES, Tope, Nitta eke., and everything belonging to • tirat•ota•a Confectionery, with almend ite oomniodatiouli (or ladle• and Gentlemen. ICE CREAM supplied on shortest notice. IMMEMiI NEW DRUG STORE AT NEW OXFORD TIME undertigned has opened a Drag Store lu New Oxford, Attains county, and re spectfully milli the etteUtlou of the public to hitt *tor* of PALI:TR, OILS, VARNUMPA. DYE STUFFR, WINDOW MAAS. PATENT MEDIC/NFII trod a full assortment of DRUGS ,• in a word a complet e stock of Goods geuerully kept to a tirat-Mesa Drug Store. Alf of uohion have been pilroused inrinatha peat two weeks, and will be eald low. All the articles formerly manu factured at the old establishment In Fast Mor an can he load here. Understandlug his busi ness perfectly, and selecting lota goods himself, he In able to warrant hie baron pure nod as represented. The pubheare D r . e isi o n es m ted ,_ to give him a trial. New Oxford, May 8, 1987. if Also, .VEGETAFILFAI 1n season, fresh from the city and country. They are detsrmLned to sell cheap as the cheapest, and as they on ly ask the lowest living profits, they hope to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. NO, 2 Wk MEALS Q. BRO. .23T MARKET anazyr o . R jr . Aw n tf =I :41:ttitZioN:y1:4:tin5Vnzi PIANOS, C‘i..111Ni..7 0 itti Al4:-B:I4EIidaDEONS lEMEMM rexpectfully Inform the public that they are preponal to furnish Plat,t of the following manufacture or of any other make that may be preferred: Albright, Bellies & Chlekrrius * Some. Bradbury. 'Kaaba , 4, Some. Gale dic Mau. PATRI . S COLOUR krI4D COTTAGE, HAILII9NIC AND lIOUDOIIt - - , ORGANN A.ND MELODEO.V.V. These Instruments stand unrivalled by any thing found to this country or Lu Europe, as is admitted by all impartial lodges. The most eminent Pipe Organ Buildersaud Performers, the last to tilsoover excellence in reed Tone, pronounced them vastly superior to all others tor exceedingly quick articulation and round Tone, the essential feature in instruments of this class. We Inv fie the se, ere scrutiny and crit ivism of all PATENT VOX lIIIMANA TREMOLO. This late and most wonderful Intention (so acknowledged by all leading artists) will be found only In the Estey Instruments. lu at tempting to desicribe the effect of this stop, we are at loss for language. Its beauties cannot hew ritten. but must be heard to be apprecia ted. Ity this stop an ord I 111,1 y performer eon produce an elfect which requires a life time of pructiee for an at Ilia 01001 0 violin. It en th my changes the reed Tone, ON Ing the sym pathetic sweetness of the human voice, mak ing it so melodious and pure that it net er falls to enchant the &Welter. _ Tll J; IiARMONIC ORGAN foe Churches, Publid Halls Kati Parlors has a powerful sub-liam with independent realm, littrulonic attachment and Vox Humana Tremolo, and to believed to be the moat power ful ned organ made. being nearly equal to a Pipe Organ of three times the oust. All instruments warranted for nye years. Elaffiffi2EflMM MNMANEI=I /6)-thatructlons given both In Vocal and Instrumental Music, at our rooms, and at pu pils' 11011 MON either to individuals orulamsea, on reasonable terms. STEAM 032=3 SAFES. ganborn's Patent biusbeen demonetrated,by the merit thorough pratalcul tests, to be vastly superior In fire-proof qualitleg to any other mattes, (being water In copper tube. hermet ically sealed,) preventing completely any evaporation and Is the driest cafe In use. The patentenn he applied Corny safe. liefnre pur chasing elsewhere call antierainine, or send for pamphlet containing the eertificates of trials with all other nruilera' &atria. tl!MtEgt===d!= soe BmadwiY, New 'Qt. 30, IMA. 3m. NEW FIRM 04ord, Adams county, Pa. ITIRE undersigned have leased the BRICK I WAREHOUSE, lu New Oxford, where they are carrying on the GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINF/3S, paying the tdghest mires for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Dried Fruits, Isompe, /lams, Eihouttlent and Sides, Potatoes de. GItOCEIt/ES, of all kinds, constantly op hand and for sine-Coefeces, Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Tree, Spices, Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Brooms, Buckets, Soaps; of all kinds; also Cool Oil, Fish Oil, gar, : !VW. and Nails; Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, and a thousand other artichwe-all sold at We low eelmo.f-t;;-st-rate Flour and Feed ; Plaster, Phosphate a (lame, Coal, cc. FREIGHT CARS run to steveneam & Rona, North Howard street. Baltimore, every week. Goode carried both ways promptly and at low rates. e ; y rbAct i Tzr e e t u o t . the public Is aollcited. Ev Sew OZ lord, 3SAN : , 1 1 1 2 11 1 . ; BE-NWER. BELLINO OFF eT cos?! ITWE undersigned, to close out the bust, 1 Is SELLISIS OFF AT OOsT, at Ms Store, on the York Turnpike. Ulf. wiles east of Gettysburg, s good stock of Cassinteres, Cassinets, Boots . , Shoes, Hats Gloves, litoeklngs: DE, LAINES, CALICOFIO, tlinglsams, Dosages Muslin., tine Ladles' Dandkerchlel., Hosiery, Notions, Eitc-; also Oseens-ware, Stane-seare, Olasts•wure,, and Tin-ware, or all kinds; Cedar Ware, Tuba Dneketa and a thousand other articles. i hitelsise for sale,an excellent 1/011. lILE-BA. LA) GUN. NOW PO 114-I . IQA/4/3! Como zzne all,and be suited. you'll 44 regivt t Aug. It, Mg. U WESTERN Pre-Emption Lauds I [LAVE on hand .new TRACTS of No. 1, second band, pre-emption Ueda located near Rallromla,Oounty Towns,&n., In well set tled neighborhoods, which I will sell or ex change ate fair price for Real Estate In Adams county, Pa. GEORGE ARNOLD. Feb. 7. tf For.ecutors' Notice. JOITN MARTIN'S DiTATE.—Lettere tcsia monlugy on the estate of John late of Lot'more township, Adents Cu., &ceased, having been g - n.nted to the undersigned. the Grit-usznod resldlnx In the same toirnehlP, end the last-named residing In Iryttaburg, they hereby glee notice to all persons indebt ed to mid estate to make immediate pay. sent, and those having claims aping:CLe same to present them properly suthentlented for settlement. JOHN 8. IfAETIN, LEWIB MARTIN, Nov. I, VOL tlt. Executors. C:ooLiki.—liorrts ham NA nioniall tram Uwe dig w illi e s large salorluaist of Uia aft moats, tbaa. " Rim 11. 1868. Drala&BLE NEW GOODS! Moil "greener,/ At:or/men/I SELL for very small profits, and atm at do -1,A1011027ZBLY: BHA DIT . OF FINE BILE MWM =7l BHADEd OF FRENCH eMn?3M FASHIONABLE OF ALPACA POPLINS. - FRENCH CHINTZES, PIQUES, PERCALES AND LAWNS, BLACK BILKS, PLAIN SILKS, PLAID BILKS. SWISS MIISLINS, JACONF.T MUSLINS, lEEE= EMNII arMIVIUSE! IBEZI .MCWM=IIIM . L RISTOCLI Sti_ktVLS THIRD{' SHAWLI4. CLOTH:%_CAMeSIMkta.,cunicINGS, UN EN DRILLING, COTTONADE. TABLE COVEHR TABLE LINES, NAP KINS, TOWELS. BALMORAL BKIBTI4, HOOP SKIBTS. lite==llll nu= F 1311.0111i;RED Ii ! 1NLIiI : Ii('HI} ; Fl+ HEM PTITCIIED ILAN DK ER( 1111:1.14. MI ESZttti Dona OXIIKEECI 112!1. I am constantly receiving the latest sty lea of Dents and Valley (Asada. My ',tuck cont prim.% everything usually found In a first class DRY GOODS. STORE, to Inch I Invite the attention of the nubile, feeling [assured that I con safely elialltnge compariatm with all other atom. In quality of gouda and lots neat; of uric e. Gettysburg, May 1,103. tf =! DR. JAMES CRESS, DRUGGIST, Brous IN BRANT'S BUILDING, BALTINORN. Dr. LITTLESTOWN. LTAVING opened a New DRUG STORE II and fitted It up In the beat alrle. I Direr my sloe► of pure and fresh DRUGS to the citizens of Llttleatown and iitclotty at the lowest market rates, consisting In pert of DRUCIB AND FAMILY MEDICINES, PURE LIQUORS MR MEDICINAL PURPO• SEE, PATENT MEDICINFNI, I= Pure Spices. Dyes and Th - rtg Stuffs, Perfnm ery. Toilet ekstps and Finley Artielts. A fail tonortin en t of Brushes, Stationery of all kinds, Cigars Tobacco and Snuff. rifirMoore's Electro-MagnetJe Soap will wash with hard or soft water, cold or warm. Clothes washed with this Keep are made beautifully white without boiling or blueing. This is the best Soap In use. Try It. It Is warranted not to Injure the hands or fabric. J A plat CIIkISS. Littlestown, May IS, 188k8. ly GROCERY & FLOUR STORE. 7.E.11 - 19 )1.1.L MEALS & BROTHER 'ET AVE removed their Rtore to the Nein la stedt property, on Lbambershurg street, where they propose to keep constantly on hand ALL KIICDS OF GROCERIES, Flour, Feed, Notitma, NEW STOCK OF SPRING AND BUMMER GOODS AT NEW OXFORD, ADAMS €O., PA. Our Maio is Sinatl Profits& Quick &des. rimE undersigned would most respectfully 1 announce to the citizens of New Oxford and vicinity, that they are now receiving a large and desirable eta It of NEW GOODS, bought since the recent decline, and can offer superior inducements to our customers. Our stock in complete and purchased with an eye to the wants of this section, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Itead,v -made Clothing, Fancy Ckads Notions, Boots, Shoes, lists, flanl-ware, querns-ware, Orlnelsten., Cr. Also, Steel, liar Iron, Horse Shoes, and all kinds of I ron. Together with ninny other arti cles too numerous to mention, all of which tutus been bought at the lowest llgurt, for lash. We respectfully solicit a tall, believ ing that we eau make it toy our interest to buy of us, forwe are det2rinined to sell goods at short profits. Come on with your money and we will give you lull value for 1.. (live us a call before purchasing elsewhere, FREY & SCHNELL, Successors to ]; C. Zouck & Son. May 29,1104. tim• LUMBER YARD 9.'A'.710 7:ED FIVIE undersigned has removed his Lumber 1, Yard to the north•eust corner of Strat ton street and the Railroad, but tltty yards from his okl location, where he will be glad to have edt In want of Lumber to cull. Ilia stock Is larger than ever before, and constant additions ara being made to IL He has WHITE PINE PLANK, INCH . AND HALF LNCIA BOARDS. FLOM:LINO, SCANT , LINO, PALINGS, &.C., A.C.. all of which Is 111 be sold at the lowest lir log rater. (WU and judge for younielvoc My Lumber-Is good and camma felt to give Watt.' Notion. JACOB BHEADfI. sirA large lot o( RIVER BlBBlstiol,}24 formate 7ery cheap. Gettysburg. May 19. 18118. tt MORO PHILLIPS' EINNI7IIII INPROVCD Super-Phosphate of Lime. STANDARD GUARA NTEED. FOR BALK AT MANUFACTURER'S DEPOTS, No. V North Front Street, Philadelphia, AND No. lei South Street, Baltimore And by Deniers in geneini Lbsougliont the Coantry. The SOMBRERO GUANO of which MOW) PHILLIPS' PHOSPHATE Is and alway. boa been manufactured, and of whleb he line sole control for the UMloll stateed contains arty per cent. more Roue Phosphate than itlt O' Bone, therefore It Is more durable. The ad (talon of Ammonia gls ea It grotter fertilizing value. Over seven yearn' experience has proved to the Farmer that It makes a heavier grain than even stable manure, and is not only active but last ug. SsrPrice O",iG 00 per ton, 0,000 lbs. Discount to Dealers. _ _ . MORO PHILLIPS, Bole Proprietor and Manufacturer March 13, IRA. 628 HOOP SETS 628 AND CORSETS, CORSETS. wM. 110PKINS, No. Ins Arch Street, Philadelphia, XANIMACTCHIti or ?Ili Celebrated "Champion" Hoop Skirts FOR LAMM', HISSES AND CHILDREN., The largest amortinent, and best quality and styles In the Aumrtean Market. Every lady should try them, as they recommend them selves by smiths longer, retaining theli akape much Letter, being lighter and more elastic than all others—WARRANTED in eve or HUCKINS" respect. and .CIIANICION" sold at very ho SKIRT. ar po lices. Ask Superior Hand-made Whale.bone CORSETS in Fifteen different Grad., ineludln g the"' tu herbal" and Tnonesuis A Lamiona's . GLOVE FITTING" CORSETS, ranging In prices Man St C.epta to 14" 501 together with Soaker, Emesigt.'a CELERRATAD FRENCH WON 7s t 7 IBSEI7I , so rbr PriPmat Te n the . i . xl end bas T, tcds for l ed w las , The supplied with 00Ii SKIRTS and CORE at the LAwest Ito ea Tlweevlaltinri theelty should not Dania mll sad examine our Goods and Priem, se we defy all oompel Mon. Sept. 4, WM. tDor.2s HOUSE PAINTING. GEOROS A. WARNER, HOME PAINTER, South Washington M., Gettysburg, Pa.. GOOD WORK AND MODERATE PRICES July 29.1917. LAST NOTICE ALL persons Indebted to the late firm of McCURDY & DIEHL will please call and icttle. It flattish] beforetho Ist of December, s wit be left In th e hands M to ttookon Mil ner lor cOtkc on, wit=gd to peg Y & amts. oat. 11, DC. It 11. B. BOHM VEPlrst National rank at r g I will ea* ail and We U. L Nosaia; also 7411 and Or upwind [Manzi Nada DEMON WOW. Osabled. Oat. 11, IMS. it GETTYSBURG, PA., NOV EAGLE HOTEL, Iss. NVW OXFOIRD, ADAMS COUNTY, PA. F. undersigned having purchased the MIII , 1 tan Hotel property 1 a . Z;ey Oxford, Adanui county, will conduct it in future, under the name of the Hotel." lie pledges him del( to spare no effort for the comfort of his guests. His table shall have the beet the . . market can afford, and his bar the choicest liquors. His chambers are spacious, and can not fall to gis e a:1(1.4w lion. There Is com modious stabling attached to the Hotel, will be ntt,•nded by a reliable and ae commodatlng Wier. Ti. proprietor hopes to receive a tit end share of public patronage, and will alwto s try to deserve it. Remem ber the '•Eagle • ' in the nurtliesiat corner of the DLaniond, New Oxford. _ I= KEYSTONE HOUSE, CRAM BERSBURG ST., GETTYSBURG, PA., W.Y. E. ..111'ERS, PROPRM'OR ritirrs to a new House, fitted np in the most central Pi s ' n r cr i eu ' u " N :l e ' ffie l n i t, I E v t e i r7 a" pl easa nt e n n t ll hue been znade fur the ac ab le and comfort of guests. The Table will always have the best of the market, and the Bar the .. • . best of la Ines and liquors. There is eommo4llmus Stabling nttattied. with an arzontmodathig ostler alwit3 n on hand. his Fists! IA now open for the entertain ment of the pu Idle, and ,share of patronage le solicited. No effort will ho spared to render sittnifeet lon. lan. 14, 10 , 37. tf GLOBE INN, YORK fSTREET, NEAR THE DIAMOND, G1i371 - 611URG, PENA - A FIIIIE undersigned would most respectfully Inform his numerous friends and the publte generally, that he has purchased that long established and melt known lintel, the "(Hobe Inn," in York street, Gettysburg, and Will spare no etrort to conduct It In a man- nerjhat will nut detract from its former Mgt - reputation. Ills table will have the best the market can atford chambers are spa cious and comfortable—and he h. laid In for Mahar a full stoek of wines and Wpm. There L. large stabling attached to the lintel, which will be attended by attentive ostlers. It will be his imnsLanj endeavor to render ch i fullest .tisfactlon to his gnents, making his house HS near a home to them ell puasible. He asks a share of the public's patronage, deter mined so lie is le deser, e a large part of It.— Itemern ber, the "Globe Inn" is in York street, butt near the Diamond, or Public Square, April 4, 18C4. tf GLOBE INN, ==! THE undersigned, having purchased the - Globe Inn" property, in Gettysburg street, Littletdown, would most respectfully invite a share of the public's patronage. He promises the best the market can afford for his table, with the choicest liquors In his bar, and comfortable la de and chemb,rs With considerable experience, he thinks he tan Justly claim that he knows how to keep a hotel, alThern is large stabling attached as well as `rasa lots for droves. Anattentive ostler always on band—none other than an accola niodatlns one allowed on the premises. Ile Invites a large share oh custom, and will spare no effort to th , ...erve It JOHN GREEN. Littlestown, !day 'X, Pain. tr EVERHART'S FRANKLIN HOUSE, CORNER OF HOWARD & FRANIELLN STREETS - - BALTlMtiltti, MI% This House is on a direct line between the Northern Central and Baltimore dc Ohio Railroad Depots. It has been refitted and comfortably arranged for the convenience and the entertainment of guests. Nov. 21), Inas. tf ‘ll - 1110118 FOB NOVEMBER. I= Freedom—Abrabarn Krim. Elbert)—Wm. C. Seabrooks, Jam Corey, Washington ighover. Cumberland—Jonas Johns. Union—Edward nborb, John Krrimrln Jacob Baschoar, George Ilaischonr, Jr., tie "I ty, Jos.eph f. %hurt>. Reading—Peter Kaufman, Jacob MI er, An- .. - drew liroctigh, sgunuel B. Miller. Strulati—Jarob "fonder, Jacob CaAsatt, John Brinkerhoff. NI nun m. Cow novel.. Wm. fine. Oxford—John C. Zonek, David W. Lawrence M raw is X. Smith. Llttlearnwn—John Spangler, Br., (1. B. Yantis. Monntplensant—Charlem Mlller, Samuel (3eLelman, John Stallem I tb,lJuvld Destrlck. 6ett3,llurg—lM• 1.1 Sweeney, H, J. Stable, A lex,nder l'obenn, Dao. 'Z Id iegler, John S. Crawfoni, George ( dyer, Jacob Trozel, Jere miah Culp. Franklin—John ilairensperger, J. H. Plank. Germany—Jacob Yealy. Hamillamban—George Treuble. Butler—Martin Thoinns, Berkhart Wert Menalleri—lsase Bender. Huntington—Jesse Johna. TAU inore—Miehael Stain II iglikind—lhtumu Ileretur. Ilniiltun—John Picking. Oct. 23, IBe4. te Register's Notices. NOTICE Is hereby given to all Legatee. and other persons concerned, that the Ad minietratlon Acoounfe hereinafter mentioned will be pro/tented at the Orphans' (burl of Ad ams county, f:tr confirmation and allowance, on MONDAY„ ILe Nth day of NOVEMBER next, at lOo'clock, A. If_ Di! The uoen rd of JE;ertash Diehl. Ft Pea- . • for of John Diehl, late 01 Cumberland town ship, deceased. 170 First and final neeoun• of Samuel A Smith, Executor of the last will and testa mewl of Judith Gallagher, I lecemed. 171. The second and final amount of Arnold Gardner, Administrator of the estate of 11,n,la min Gardner, deceased. 17.1. The first account of John lAllich and Frederii k LIIIIch, Executors of Jacob Lilnch, late of Berwick township, deceased. 173. The first and lion! aseount of Hannah Margaret Gilliland, Adruhtlittrutrlx of the es tate of Marsh Gilliland, chorused. The first account of Jacob March, Ad ministrator with the wILI annexed of Jacob larch, deceased. 7771. Trie nrst and IS nal amount. of Adam Hollinger. Adrainhandor of the estate of John Brown, late of heading township, Adams county. deceased. 176. The second account of Albert Van Dyke, now sole and acting Executor of the last will and testament of Thomas McKnight. deed. W. D. UOLTZWOBTII, likvister. Oct. 30. 11Ws. tc WATCHES 1 WATCHES!! LEWIS STROUSS la largely engaged In the Watch trade, and has lust returned from New York wfth so un usually attractive assortment. He otters such bargains as cannot fall to be acceptable to buyela. Dls clack embraces a large lot of the CELEBRATED "AMERICAN WATCLIES," GOLD AND SILVER, viz: "P. 8. BartleU," Wm. Eltory." and "Apple tou I Tracy ;" with Watches ol; almost all other makes. If yen want CHEAP and GOOD Watch, cation LEWIFI At his old Stand, enfilade *treat, nearly unsielte the Depot, Gettysburg, Pa. $6l-8e continues the Grocery, Notion and Confectionery bulginess, as heretofore. = NEW GOODS. CIIE.AP—CHEAPER--CFIEAPEAT ! IF you wish to bay good and cheap Goods, call JACOBS te 5110'S. STORE, near Ulna's hotel, in CRAMBERSBURG ST., Gettysburg. They have the very best se lection of goods, niches CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, IC., the market can produce, and are determined to sell them as cheap as can be sold any where In town or country. Any person wish tog to have them CUT, can have it done free If charge. Those donring goods ]LADE UP, can also he accommodated. We warrant the boot work and the boat JIG to be had any where. No humbug In what we oaf. m We have op hand the very best and ost dur able MEWING .314ENIXEM and are always randy tO wall on costumers,- Fnll eatisfaction given In operatiug ma chines. Call and examine. We warralit them to he the best in use. _ _ . April 8, in/. if NOAH WALKER & CO., CLOTELTZ.BB, WAI3HINGTON BUILDING, 14 4 4SP 414fArniOlf WU. BALTISPOLS. 11D. ITEM' constantly on band slant. and well 1%. assorted stork of all kinds of goods at moderate Prim.. ili TheAWi tojekto y orders orir lor tbs imiallitro lloost tettka7- G%OBl ant 4Bl . "-e rwaaL W" s9 , note a Gontleosumes Wider-wear. aZ ssILI TLRY menus sad every variety of Jell- Ivy Trlnsmlttaa, as well masa assorted stock of It UADB ItILI I TABY GOOLIEL bailsman, Yea. flirafTsamania aiszarroos Glows liN Ids& ‘7 mg MOes sa, NOWIIIIIII, 27, 1868. Down with a rush and a roar and a clatter, Down from the peaks of perpetual •now, To crush and to chill, to smash and to shatter, Riving the pine trees while laying them low; , Spoiling the vines, and then spllttlegaminder client granite arks with the blast of its ' breath; Down with a boon), and a bound and a tbliti der, Ruthlessly dealing dastrnctiou and death, Down like an army to waste sad to pillage, Thundering down tbesnow•concueruraaatc, Doing Its work 1u our bright little village More sharp than the sword, more sure than the flame; Its vengeanoe on lowly cots soon it Is wreak ing, Quickly it tolldth the poor peasant's knell, Mournfully mourning and savagely shrieking, Like gibbering fiends In some glacial hell. I= Down It cornea, down, like • grand giant crashing Poor Pony plat nine ehatatand la Jul path; Down with the sound of a mighty wind rush ing, Breaking the bridge likes reed or a lath, Through pleasant pesturai 'Us fearless]) flying, Crushing the crops with a shower of Reedier alike or the dead as the dying, Prayer. dlaitgerdlng Mine:siren and groans. Down It conies swift, over cherub, list, and eltoLef, Down the steep bill-aide 'Us hurrying cost; All that Is bright In the sweet smiling valley Bows 'neath the blight of Da withering bleat. Men cower down In a wild consternation, Ogrolla LONIPiIIC, and soon it Is past, Dal E. la the day of the dire desolation— The work of the snow• Bend is over at Lash. I= This number le frequently used In the Bible. On the 7th day God ended his work ; In the 7th month Noah's ark touched the ground, and In 7 days a dove was sent out. Abraham pleaded 7 times for Sodom, Jacob served 7 years for Rachel, mourned 7 days for Joseph, and was pursued a 7 days journey by Laban. A plenty of 7 years and a famine of 7 years 'were foretold in Pharoah's dream, by 7 fat and 7 lean beasts, and 7 ears of fun and 7 ears of binged corn. I=EXtM2 On the 7th day of the 7th month the children of Israel fasted; fasted 7 days, and remained 7 days in tents. Every 7 . years the land rested ; every 7th year all bondmen were free, and the law was read to the people. In the destruction of Jerleo, 7 priests here 7 trumpets 7 days ; on the 7th day they surrounded the walls 7 times; and at the end of the 7th round the walls fell. Solomon was 7 years building the temple, and feasted 7 'lays at the dedi cation. In the tabernacle were 7 lamps, and the golden candlestick had 7 branches. Naaman washed 7 times to Jordan. Job's friends sat with him 7 days and 7 nights; and offered 7 bullocks and 7 rams In atonement. Our Saviour spoke 7 times from the craw, on which he hung 7 hours, and after his resurrection appeared 7 times. In the Lord's prayer are 7 petitions, containing 7 them 7 words. In the Revelations we read of 7 churches, 7 candlesticks, 7 stars, 7 trumpets, 7 plagues, 7 thunders, 7 veils, 7 angles, and a 7 beaded mon ster. r Till ROSE IBLZED. There are two little arteries whiciel supply the whole face with blood, one on each side; these braneb off from the main arteries on each side of the windpipe, and running upward to ward the eyes, pass over the outside of the Jawbone about two-thirds of the way back from the thin to the angle of the jaw, ender the ear. Each of these arteries, of course, supplies just, ozoalf the face, the nose being the Bing line; the left nostril Is sup plied with blood by the left artery, and the right nostril by the right arte ry. Now, supposing your nose bleeds by the right nostril, with the end of the forefinger feel along the outer edge of the right jaw until you feel the beating of the artery directly un der your finger, tile same as the pulse in your wrist, then press the Anger hard upon it, thus getting the little fellow in a tight place between your finger and the jawbone; the result will be that not a drop of blood goes into the side of your face while' the pressure continues; hence the nose instantly stops bleeding for want of blood to flow; coutinne the pressure for five or ten minutes, and ruptured ' 1 vessels in the nose will by that time probably contract so that when you let the blood into them they will not leak. Bleeding. from a cut or wound anywhere about the face may be stop ped in the same way. SOILED CLOTIIING.—CIothing soiled with tar or paint may be readily cleaned by ordinary soup, using a stiff brush, provided the stains are quite re cent. When, however, the offending Matter becomes fixed and dry a more potent agent is required. The follow- log may be relied upon in ail such cases and its application is easily made: To remove paint of white lead or link white which has become dry and hard, and cannot be removed by ben zine, ether or the bi-sulphide of carbon, a little chloroform may be used suc cessfully. The odor so disagreeable to many persons will quickly disappear by warming the fabric before the dre, or by the application of a moderately hot smootlieng iron. FENVES. —As fences are frequently renewed in the fall, we would suggest that around eaeh post used la fencing there should be clofely packed a small mound of clay mould which will keep the poet hole from filling with water and add to the longevity of the poet. In setting fence posts in the ground able to heave, a If Inch pin should be plaredthrough the bottom of the post with its ends Reflecting. The wind would thus effect It less and the frost cannot raise it.—t9mantow4 Tele graph. JACOBS A BRO. HON. CHLRL6B I+FLANCIB ADAMS made a ludicrous mistake at the polls, In Quincy, Mass., by depositing a re ceipted bill for a writtell 1+a11 , 4. liv ing alloweil to correct, be co.eil the Republican Electoral and the Demo cratic State tickets. "114, didn't the 1141111hter say Ilk SIIPLIsy that the sparks dew upwards?" "Yea, toy dear ; how came you to thluk of it?" "Because yesterday I saw eousin Bally's spark staggering along the street and fall downwards." "Here; Bridget, put this ehiid to bed, she swat be getting sleepy." [From Be/movie.] THE AVALANCHE. ♦ FIST= or PISCIONIOITY Phelim was a young Irishman who wanted to marry Kitty, who was a young Irish girl. Kitty's father would not consent to the match, end the sto ry runs thus: All of these things was Phelim cogi tating u he was walking pensively along the river on the Rile' noon after hit refusal. A splash awoke him from hia reverie—he sprang toward the place—he looked Into the water—mid, gond heavens! up came the bald bead of Kitty's father! Here was vengeance for him. The old gentleman could swim little, just enough to keep above water for a few minutes. There was nothing far him to cling to, and Phelim In eight. Should he let him drown, and go marry the girl? No, he would save him. Irish generosity overbalanced his love, and seizing a long but very slender pole lying near by, he reached the end to him. The old gentleman took It. Phelim com menced hauling In, when a thought struck him, and he ' , hove(' tdm back into the water, allowing him still to hold on to the end of the pole. "Do you know me, you old black guard ? ' "Av course I do! Pull me up!" • "Are you entirely comfortable there In the water?" "Pull me up, ye epalpeeu!" "Fait, an' that I won't. It's the forst, time I Ivey see ye In the water, ma' It pleases me." "Pull me up!" "Will you consent?" "Voneent to what?" "Kitty—ye know well enough what I inane!" "Meer!" "It's all one to me; ye may drown entirely, and who'll stop me• thin? Think twice. Will ye consent !" The old gentleman waa becoming, exhausted. "Yes, I consent. Pull we up." "Will you give us a sitting out?" said Phelim, Who knew his vlvantage, and was disposed to improve IL "Yes; pull me out?" The event proved that the old man was as good aii his word. The young couple were married, and moved, with a very.sultable outfit for housekeeping, Into a comfortable cottage which the father of Kitty possessed. FOR SMOkEIIB.—An aged negress, whole eminent piety bad secured for her an extensive reputation, in mak ing her usual round of vielts, dropped in upon a neighbor, who was equally well known m a temperate man and a hater of tobacco. After being courte ously received, the long pulled from her pocket a long pipe, and com menced smoking some very strong to bacco, to the Infinite disgust of her host.. The man maintained his com posure several minutes, but the fumes and smoke soon became too powerful fur him, and rising from his chair, he said : "Aunt Chloe, do you think you are a Christian?" "Yes, bruilder, I 'specie I ie." "Do you believe in the Bible, aunty?" "Yee, brudder." "Do you know there is a passage In the Scriptures which declares that nothing unclean shall Inherit the kingdom of heaven?" "Yes, I've beerd of 1..." "Do you believe it?" aty ft. tl "Well, Chloe, you smoke and you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven, because there is nothing so unclean as the breath of a smoker. What do you say to that?" "Why, I hipects to leave my breff behind me when I go to heaven." "THEREBY HANGS A TA LE. " Father line, the fatuous Catholic ex plorer of the interior of China, relates that, on one of his long journeys among that strange people, his oars• van embraced an unusual number of jacks among the donkeys employed as carriers of the expiditou ; and these Jacks at every resting-place kept up suet' au intolerable bray ing , especially toward morning, as to render sleep im possible to the abbe; that at last hp complained of Ns to iho imysior qf donkeys, who instantly replied that his gracious highness should be no more disturbed by this braying; that, sure enough, a quiet night with its re freshing sleep followed; and that, on inquiring Into the cause In the morn ing, he was pointed to the noisy Jacks, each with a heavy stone tied to his tail. "That," said the driver "is the way to settle them. The Jackass stands up on his dignity, uulaa he eau otmight en out his Wit and with& heavy atone attached, he caul straighten It out, don't you see? Every time he tries it the weight on his tail pulls him down, and shuts his jaw." ALL THEY Sa.tn.--Sonie mean fel low has recently taken down the en tire conversation between two ladies during a fashionable call, and reports verbatim all.that was said, as follows : "How do you do, my dear ?" "Putty well, thank you." [They kiss.) "How have you been this age?" "Putty well. How have you hem'?" "Very well, thank you." "Pleasant to day." "Yes, very bright—but we had a shower yesterday." "Are all your people well 7" "Quite well, thank you; how are yours?" "Very well, Pm obliged to you." "Have you seen Mary B— lately ?" "So, but I've seen Susan C—." "You don't say so! Is she well ?" "Very well, I believe." [Hislog,l "Must you go?" "yep, ipdped; I have seven calls to make." "Do call again soon." "Thank you; but you don't call on me once lu an age." "Oh, yott should not say so; .1 1 1:13 sure I'm very good." "Good bye l" A MARRYING MAN. Brigham Young is a marrying man, rather, ac cording to the following neWapipef announcement I ""Married, in Salt Lake City, 16th inst., in presence of the saints, Brig ham Young, to Mrs. J. R. Martin, M Iva Ewly P. Martin, Misil M, PetWet arf+stl !Cs , IonlOk 8 Oo," Fusio 01eyelooti, #II of the county of Derko, Englaud. No (mirth." Tun month of November originally eon/feted of thirty-five days, but iu the time of Julius Cw.ar it was re duced to thirty, which number it hue retalaed ever !duce. 51st Year—No. 9 WOE MID OTHERWIME. - —An old salt—Let's wife. —A fiery steed—Home —Tinle.on the Jump—Leap year. —A light ealployukeut—candle me ME —A tradealways on the strike—a blAcksinith. —Dress material for the dog diva.- ertuzzlla. —NI - oat liquors run; but wo 4ave sees tuk stand. —The child's idea of a smile la "the whisper era laugh." —Can • map who gett drunk on oxygen be sald to be air tight? —The oldest business la the world— the nursery , bual nese. —The first star engagement—when the morning stars sang together. —What part of a gun is lit for wear ing appariii—the breech is. —The original inhabitants of the globe—the Poles of the earth. —A muff—a thing thatOrlidii young lady's hand without squeezing It. —Over head and ears In dolt—wear lug au unlink! for lint. —Prentice says the present serfs of the South ilko the surf of the son, art, white. —Why aro people who stutter not to be relied uu ? Because they are al ways breaking their word. —Those who drink wine and tea show that they can staud in attack of grape and cautater. —Mrs. Ablates says it is "dreadful hard to lose a husband.'' She never gut used to it till she lost her fourth. —Why is a washer•womeu the meet cruel person in the worblY Because she daily wrings men's bosoms. —Some coo called Hiehard Steele the "vilest of mankind." He retorted with proud humility, would be a glorious world if .1 were." —Hood, in describing tlin sneeLing of a man and lion, sags: "Tire man ran oltwith all Lis might, and the lion with all his mane." —Because a mau who attends a flock ,of sheep is a shepherd, snakes. It no ,ea con that a man who keeps cows should be aceward. —Young man, don't Batter yourself that a cardamon seed, a kernel of burnt coffbe, a bit of flag root, or lemon peel; a clove, or anything of that sort, wilt disguise the "alp , ' that has gone down your throat. —A notice of a teeent steamboat ex plosion in a western paper, ends as Fol lows: "The captain SWIM ashore. do did the chamber m.kil; she was in sured for $15,000, and loaded with Iron." —A Yankee wishrng for some sauce for his dumpllugs , forgot the UAW° of It and said: "Here, waiter, fetch we some of that gravy that you swallow you; dumpliligs to l'' —Burlesque and satire often accomp lish what reason, logic, and good sense fall to effect. It le only by making men, manners and Institutions absurd and ridiculous that these qualities In them can be reformed. They are ex ceedingly good weapons, but are to be Judiciously used. —"How is it, my dear, that you have never kindled a flame In the bosom of any man ?" said an old lady to her pretty niece, who was portionless. "The reason, dear aunt," replied the young lady, "Is as you well know, that I am not a good match." A "Ostowys" ITEM.—A woman lii Detroit has been arrested for smug gling tea in her stockings,—Express. fu North Carolina the women carry nails In their stockings.—Raleigh Progress. Nothing wonderful. The ladles of Forsythe carry calves In their stock- I ngs. —Salem Observer. And one of oar ladles carries her corn In hors.—Come (Ga.) Corrr. The ladies In this section who ern. pathise with Andy Johnson in hie ftght with the Radicals, carry V-toes in theirs. l - Vincennes Sun. The ladies here nil carry 'eels (heels,) In their stocklngs.—St. Joseph Vindi cator, Down this way some of them not only carry calves in their stocking*, but they alsocarry bran to fatten them. —Mexico Messenger. Almost all the ladles hereabouts car ry Bunyan's work Li their stockings. We consider this a "sock-dolager t"— Register, A ifottssitonn ANORL.—One night Brother Neagle and three or four friends were returning from a whist party, when they met a gentleman who was likewise on his way home, and who insisted that the whole party should go with him to his residence, and take a glass of whiskey. Neagle objected, on account of the lateness of the hour, but the gentleman insisted, assuring'the party that his wife was an angel, and would be delighted to see them. When they arrived at the house the gentleman opened the door with his night key - rand was marching them into the parlor, when from the head of the stairs was beard a voice screaming: "hi that you, Mr. • "It is, my dem," waa the sort re sponse of the husband. I "Well, who are those night•birds with you? Isn't this a pretty hour to be bringing company home? I won ner you are not ashamed of yourself," The husband bad not a word to Bay, and Brother Neagle and his friends stole out on tiptoe, without so much as a good night. She was one of the hopsehold angels we read about. FRIENDLY Arivick.—A robin and Tow were sparking the e•4pe gal near New One night Archie call ed on heraud found her alone. After some conversation he burst out with— "Miss Moilie , doyou think you ootski go away from this comfortable house; kind father and mother, laving broth ers and sleteth $l4 gR 14 the far Weat With a young man who has little to iive on save his profession ?" Miss Mollie laid her mead gently on Archie's shoulder, With her eyes about half olused, her ruby lips slightly ajar, and said softly I— "Yes, Archly, I think I could." "Well," said Amble, "my friend Tom is going West, and want's to mar ry—l'll mention it to him." , • AT Vienna, from five hundred to one thousand horses are butchered yearly, and the meat of them is eaten by the poorer classes of the population. A ItTAIATWO InIVELATION. (Antral Hindman's gurder Plan Railimb' in Little Rork—The (kW Right Hundred I,k)l6