113 i 63 intb foustkuptits. iMilaill L.'dens have changed very much late aboutthe treatment of animal Inure, especially since the vetyeare ' j experiments of Eroltallior Voelcker T„b' the Royal Agricultural College at reneester, In England, the results of Sfillch are published In the Journal of • Royal Agrieultaret Society. These o Viperiments seem to prove that there t...1n0 place so good for the storing of Ntritibuid manure as the surfaoo of the ilt' where it Is to be used. The lou t* it is exposed to the actiou of the ' . (and prevented from an Injurious —imposition, as when built up Into • ,) the more thoroughly Is it pre " red for assimilation, and the more e 'elegfare its sesimilable parts distrib. • through the soil. If the manure once ploughed under, the soluble • • . of each lump of manure will taken up and held fast by the soil mediately in contact with It. So og as the manure lies on the surface, parts, instant as they are disengaged decomposition, are washed Into the Le Al by the water of rains, and distribu . RI much more evenly (carried to I - Inore of its particles) than they * Add be in any other way. i fthe object Is simply to get the ma re into the best condition for the use b the grass crop, you may safely ' t amed It upon your meadows without jiny preliminary treatment. Of course ants - best to-have the manure as tine sl3 possible, but It is not good economy to attain this result by means of "lay. !eg by for a year," nor by any other ocees which would be attended with one evolution of volatile ammonia and rite washing of soluble salts: rfaCoir manure may be kept an indell et° time if protected from sun and ~ 0112. Horse manure would be most Lively used ny being spread upon .e land as fast as it isproduced. Left / itself in heaps, even under cover, undergoes a destructive fermenta 041bn• 114 . . USEFUL PIJF7IIO. agit is stated that the number of use -411 plants is about 12,000. Of these .• Unto there are 1350 varieties of edi. ale fruits, berries and seeds; 108 eere- Its, 27 onions; 460 vegetables and sai ls; 40 - species of palms; 32 varieties arrowroot, and 31 difibront kinds of ttgars. Various drinks are obtained yenu al° plants, and aromatics from sO. There are 50 substitutes for cot. 'tee, and 129 for tea. TEII2IIIII is present ria 140 plants, caoutchouc in 90, gotta nrcha in 7, rosin and balsamfb gums 387, wax in 10, and grease and ea -Icntlal oils in 330; 88 plants contain ..htash, soda and iodine; 650 contain yes; 47 soap; 300 weaving fibres; 44 tires used in paper-making; 48 give A , ofing materials, and 100 are employ. l,for hurdles and copses. In build -Ig, 740 plants are used, and there are '.' 5 known poisonous plants. One of e most gratifying developments is, at of 278' known natural - families of snots, there are but 18 species for t Mich no use has yet been discovered I= „INothlng is bolter than akin of beef /r this soup, though pieces of the mp and other parts are need; the in should be sawed lu several plums, id the marrow extracted; this, if laid l the bottom of the saucepan, will take o place of butter; If marrow is not rthcoming, butter must be employed ; e a fourth of the quantity of ham, ew gently until the gravy hs extracted, '-re being taken it does not burn; little water may be employed by the 'experienced, but not much; when It As nearly dried up again, put in herbs, uple otcarrots cut very smell, pep. r ground, salt, a little white sugar ie can be omitted, but it materially Ode to the fia.vor add boiling water I requisite quantity, and stew gently lr five hours; when cold remove the and warm up l se wanted. ellittePre.—The committee appoint ' on the subject by the American le•growers' - Assotdation of Ohio, kited that Ives' Seedling la the beet 10 grape for the whole country ; the word is the best wine grape for the of Ohio, and the Concord the table grape ter the whole country. e are better varietlee of table ,pes—but they are sectional, and 'I only flourish on oertarri soils and 'ertain localities. ex plowing, in California, prom to be a summit. The machine le frown intention. It cuts furrows feet wide-, and from five to eight Acs deep, pulverizing fine, travels Miles an hour, and weighs only en tons. week a remarkable and sue blast was made at the Etch 'l-a.) Granite; Quarry, now hy a company In Philadelphia, ntire block of clear, beautiful measuring one hundred feet twenty-three feet thick and ty feet wide, wne thrown out the solid mass of the quarry. immense block contalas AG,OOO is feet, 8,280,00(1 pounds, or 13,1100 . This Ia probably the largest In one piece ever before quarried. -a great many years the Ras have made use of the expansive adios of freezing water In quarry- Terations. In summer they drill ices In the marble, and All them 1 water. The cold of winter causes water to act as a wedge, sad enor masses of marble are thus de -1 with the smallest expenditure wind labor. , .m.—Money is still tight and es of all kinds consequently Bat. It le generally conceded `te pressure in this neighborhood ending than It was In 1867. reign of 141114eelsit boots hat len r" &Won has utter& AP , and It bp the only sensi ng fasbloo has dQns for • king Grecian bend hal COMO to grief Two young Wiea . who out with it recently were ea 17 •ridkieled that they had to • in a shop. Poetic railroad is opened , It is proposed to put "honed :dodo oar," for of bridal parties. has ever been Consider. In which # man most becomes; emptainted him- -ocularly beimrtleirfrom 1121i3 'ni ( =ui tom vegetiggia.Pittos up ' it IrUl coma down a 1 4 11 E GETTYSBURG COMPILER, 'FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMI3ER 13, 1868. QOE'S COUGH BALSAM. TIID3 longg tried and popular Remedy la eta in celled to the attention of the public,. iss otten an the year rolls around, the proprle• tore annually make their how to the people, and swains; them that amongst the WWI required for the health, efornfbrt a = austeminee of the rowdy through the long and tedious months of winter. Ck.e's Cough 1161. WWI should - not he forgotten, rar years It hos born a liouseliciid ittedlente—and mothers anxious foe the safety 6l HMO obligees, and who suffer from soy disease of the throat, dust and tangs, cannot afford to •*• without it. In addition to the ordinary fohr ounce so long hi the market, we now furnish our 11111111- moth family size bottles, which will, In ison. mon with the other else, be found at all Drug Stores. ff 2 FOR OBAI7P, M;== WHOOPING COUGH. nu, testimony of all who have need It Ow this terrible diem'e during the hest ten years is, that IL invariably relieves and wares IL 80B.E THROAT. Keep yonr throat wet with the Beloam— taking little and often—and you will vary soon dud relief. HARD COLDS AND COMMIS othe Yield et ortee to s Moody use of this' great rem edy. remedlea IL succeed In full.ing relief where ell hove SORENESS OE ,THE THROAT, CHEST AND LUNGS. Do not delay procuring and immediately Wring Cbe's Cough Balsam, when troubled with any of the above named digicaltles. They are all premonitory symptom; of Con sumption, and if not arrested, will sooner or later sweep you away into the valley of shad ows from which none can ever return. In Consumption Many a ears-worn eallfroree has found male( and today reloloes that her lite baa been made IlaeasWain . y and prolonged by the use of Coe's Comb In short, The people know the article. and It needs no comment from as. It Is for male by every Dram' and Dealer In Medicine* In the Unl ted Mates. Tag C. G. CLARK Sole Proprietors, New ilsvg,4et. Reid whit you own Droggist ugo. Orrersarrao, Ps., Oct. 19, 1808. The a G. Clark Cb., New Howe, Cum. • Gentlemen—l have now been selling Coe's Cough Babam for the pest 8 rears, and take this opportunity to my that it has given uni semi satisfaction, and as; • remedy for all Pulmonary Complaints it stands unequalled. I always keep myself we/1 supplied with this truly valuable medleirea and carnally and conscientiously recommend it to my cus tomers. yaws very truly. A. D. BUILEUXR, Ortigaist, Gettysburg, vs. Read 1 Bead 1 1 Read 1 1 1 1 THE ITIWTHII IF TN filetLE ISCAT T i'D TO MC World's Greet Remedy, COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. This preparatkm Is pronolinead by tics as Me only known remedy that will sure ly year s at aiggrating and fa:al malady. For It swept o nts fearful Ude, carrying before it to an untimely grave, its millions of sufferers. CpePo Dyspepola Cure Imo ootlto to the leu ae Indigestion, Astoseipsta, Ittek headache, fibur 94 . 10 or Aciiii4 o/ the CitentacA, hieing Piaddmeqe, Lasettude, Wearineni, finolty termi nating in heath, Are as surely cured by this potent remedy, as the paUent takes it, Although but eve year, before the people, what is the lerdlet, of the masses? Hear what Loiter beilkin, of Mil waukee, says: [From Lester &extols, of 311Braukea.) MiLWAUZIBe, Jas.. It Mi. Maas. C. G. Clark & Co_ New Haves, OWL*. Both myself and wltispra hare mad Coe'. Dye =Oe n% est It m% patleetty !yawl, taw . have Be haittaikia lu 013114 saU worived Met Benign from no WIC. Very respectfully. (Signed) LMTER MENTON. ♦ Great Biassing. [Prom Rev. L. F. Ward, Avon, Lorain co., O. Messrs. Strong A Armstrong, Druggists, Cleve laud, O. thallemen—D. gives me great pleasure to state that my *die has derived great benefit (rein the tme of ()Ws Dyspepsia Care. She has bee itha do . • number of yearn greatly two hled w Dyspepsia, semmpanled with vlo lent paroxysms arcoustipation, which so pros trated her that she was all the while for Months unable to do anything. She took, at rA r verAMT CC' REl4 ll l l ' l " . "T "d anti ts now comparatively welt. regards this medicine as a great bit:Whig. Trulyyo i tia . Jan. la, Mk L. P. W Clergymen. The Rev. Isaac Alkali, et Allegheny, tehtl. Ilea that IL kw awed Olga, after L7 other rem eater heal tilled, Druggists. Any i&to Ha 440 00011141 yOO, Ilya" Wks sae %room* keine, every one 1661 boys Wale e Dyit io = at 4 a spew ilk probe of Rs peatneedielnal, virtu**. bo; ortal you olos Drs ght an, OrntlEstree. Oat- A, um, The C. G. Mae Cs., New Been, Own.: tient*--/ have now been sel/las Cods Dys pepsia, Cars tor Me pest three years—and take oppartmatly to say. that In all mess It has given no t nathsbetion Al • remedy. and la h a . ineen f In the hirbest terma by proved * great MP/ Vzsdernsi r = in Misemons anis—es a certain Ind speedy cure of Dyspepsia, Ind st.lon. Menem after rating, *oaring and ani. at Irood. Cane, Fe er and A.gne, &hoax Derangements and in fact all dimness mining from • Weardszed OM dltlen of the giemark or Bowels. I !alms keep myself well 'applied wins Ike sad - most MeerfnW sad conselents omunend lt to my conemers. T°l 7. rinViza, coloopZrZlAL cue's Dyspepsia Care washy be bead kuvalunble In all awn of NlMlKlN ee rzsater, Colic, Summer Cora• .V . 10,2 &., , and f ir tact every o Ws stonssah. .W . f .xn, s troT i e SW or not o lQ son s tr a. 4 /. • sir.o D. l tt s tMa=i ea. -. OctoVilik M . PHOTOGRAPH . ALBUMS, 'LADber COMPANIONS, TOILET BETS, WRITING DESKS; PEEFV.M.E.RT,• Panay China sad Bohemian. V Tors, ac, aa, !C., AT• A. R. FEISTEL'S, Opposite tabsoliOsio' Ronk Gettyskos. March WI, aft it SELLING OFF .QT COST! The andaelvied, tete:l(lln to Make • leMily In their badness shortly, will sell eat their entire Monk as CONT. Many goods will b gold ILEGARDLEFE OF 0010. Our stook cons Lita of Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets Queens-ware; Glams-ware, tc. Pastas desiring bargains should avail themselves of this opportunity at ones, as the whole stook will sows be dispossd el. DUPHORN k HOMLAN, Northwest Corner Spume. Au& 28. usta. API OTHER BAKERY. undinsiggied has opened at Baking Enter or Washington and High streets, Gettyibasg. and invitee the public's pato mayo. ' mum BREAD, 80r.r.8. TWIST, CAKES, PRETZKLA, AWL, E By tinlngthe best of dour and other Mated ale, and doing Me work welt.he hopes to dive satladteYea to every owe. 0111 at or send parr indent to the Bakery, corner of Wash ington sad High streets. opposite the Pe male Inetitate and Powins% k3rsalte Yard, CHRISTIAN HOFFMAN. April TT, IN& tf LEWIS STROUSE Has bought back his old eland, on Carlisle street, and It going Into business again heavier than ever. He asks ble old friends and the public to calL NOTIONS, ortocErtan, OONFMCTIONS, BEGARB, TOBACCOS. &C., &C. la large variety, and a little cheaper than the cheapest. Don't forget toe plans—neerly oppo site the Railroad Station. Gettysburg, Oct. 11, leer. tt FIRST NATIONAL BANK rria will *lbw latinost au ilinrial Dapaitt; as follows: 6 pee sem& per mime= ler 1 pear IMI « « It musualbs. EN:=l 1;i;E:M::1 Will CAM 001IPOUND INTERIM? NOMI sod WUPONS, will µis purehase es sell EMOOD3 and. BONDS et 'wry kind, tree of °lwo wecan mission, and will at alt times pay tbe HIGH EST PRIOR for UOLD and SILVER, and will, with pleasure, trammel, all bustasas PromPUT. le heretermr, pertaining to • well nigulated Bank OEO. ARNOLD, Mahler. Gettysburg, Nov. 8, IXU GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK A BONIN% at all am., 110001 IT and SOLD. BEITEIVIIIIIITY DONDB oonvorted into FIVIVIWICNTY HUMPS witlical, dams. The HIMIDIT PREDIt7II pal 4 as GOLD sad SILVER. STOOKS sad BONDS. st ID bought kw pima" witt;zatatauge it. •.'°l Intarest:os SPECLU. DEPOSITS adedneed per ecaL, vls: i per Mat Mir I yak/. 4 par ant. Noe 4 maallbs, • per *amt. Sir $ aphealha. Perilous wishing lotormalion in reined to U. B. Haws, and Stocks at all kinds, ars In Tiled to ewe ogi a oall. sod WO wlll give all ebeeritaU,sr J, MORI' BAIR, aithser, Gettysburg. Oct. 35, 1.907. tt WESTERN Pre-Emption Lands. 1. T RAVE au load •Stiw 2111A091 Ngt , mama Isaiah_ prarai t aaaa kaa b wax la wall sal. Eel osighballaamilVytlok NE or az eoastsagagklr, pita Nallaal Meats la Adams eoa. 43ICOIIOE ARNOLD. ," VW •E (~ua..~e` O w w DIAMOND SMC3..A.R. STORE_ IP A' Afo r.zi Z . undersigned Dr mussed Ids Oleos Store to the NORMA-2AM 0011X7A0/1 , TM& DIAMIUM. 6STTYBBIIKO. wbenya oaks , oortinnaoa of tb public's patronage * ma new location le one of the V . ...I IPA sad Ms stock of stststs somas that most cholas sad saisfo:ikwy, Us Ni beep on band Use best BRANDS, sod rag skatiWcittialm pr piserat sae wowtr eat Da etatatet Re will 'ell at the lowest Ilv- Ing Wow sad at, wholesale and MAL Ileenember the pen, la the Diamond, he. twoork Brinksrboffs Store and 11oClellan's HOWL WASHINGTO'S BIMBBOWYM. April A, UM. u E. H. MINNIGH. CHAMBERSBURG STREET, NZET DOOR TO Tint KRTIITONII It VTIL, OBITiSB MO, PA., Confection, Periodical and News Depot ALL KINDS or OONFEOTIONIL CANDLED, ORANGE% LEMONS, NOTE, IC.. to., &C., constantly oat hand. ICE CREAM AND CANES supplied to Wallies mid patties at shortest THE DAILY PAPFUIS OF BALTIMORE, PELII:ADELPECIA, NEW YORE, AND CHOICE ILAGAZLNEB, supplied to subscribers at lowest rates. Si. CALL AND EXAMINIC,'SA Feb. 21. 1111113. VI JOHN C. ZOUCK, Land: Agent, NBA ammo, ADAMS Comm; PA.. I= ISO PARKS, MILLS, FOI7NDILIEB, IL&CHTWX SHOPS, TAVERN STANDS, COUNTRY BEATS, STORE BT&NDS, TOWN 'HOMES & LOTS, IN PENNSYLVANIA, MARYLAND AND OTHER STATE& Persons wishing to purchase u well as to sell property will do well to give me a eall at my °Moe, as address by letter, se they will And it to their advontase. May 28, 1101. ly HMD-OMBTERS I=l CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Every Mimi qf Gentlemen's Wear, ' • mat AB LINEN an.L0,748. PAPER cuprs, COTTON IMCWII3B, OIA3VER, POCKKT DOOKS, McCREARYS'. Our Hiding and Wagon Saddles ere the most substantially built and neatest. Our Harness, (Wain and silver mount ed.) are complete In every respect and war ranted to be of the very beat material and workmanship. Our upper leather Draft Collars CANNOT BE BEAT. They are the best FIT TING and most durable. I Lowest Cash, Prices. Our Heavy Draft Harness TRAVELING RA.CIEI3, • was, ao.. au. wI nu th keep Gentleman's Wear of oil kinds and in ew ak She BOYS' HATS AND SHOES, in peat variety. iiB.olve me all before purchasing else TRIM. O. NOtiaLil. Aprl!111. 11114 u NoaricrE, G .IX6 B`Z .1' 8 .MILL . / WILL bo la OctOsitavi leth nous. *a.. as every MONDAY sad PNYDAY, of each week. Perooas wbomay \ desire ate to far- ulais tamp witts ett4er FUrvir tor Feed Staff will leave their ceders either wttb John L. Tata or Darindir t ZOigler, stains" the kind and quantAty, when the serge will be delivered et R'Rl~+!~sf}!!w GRORGY GINGELL March V. IN& St UXIOX .P4CIFIC RAILROAD BONDS. TUN First National Bank of Gettysburg vs wet for as We et Uhe FIRST NORM. aAos 'UNION PAOURIO RAILROAD &X PLR MM. GOLD DRILLIRT BONDS. at market rates sad fatarest. Air Interest Ms- rt. aeinliinanally st we aoartlar. AU neoemsy tiaAhnilmaks Mr. GEO, ARratAckue• Giettyabius, almv,Al.atb. Cilosigx6Vi REMOVAL! rAna of SOPER Rs IdeCARTNEY have emoved to North Baltimore street. near Edsmood, mat side, in the room formerly oevlad by omid Kit=lller. We tame on hands ehoios assortment of -CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, of all kinds and latest styles. Silver and Plat ed Wars; also floe Gold, Myer and Steel SPECI'ACLE of the bele Manufacture. Also. Vlollns, Gal las% Asoludeons, Flutes, File% an, Violin and gs Guitar Strin, Keys. d.c. ALI kinds et( ..li.ab.hsp is our tow dune al as ewe swerieeprion ue the-where, and warranted. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a con tinuance of the same. June 111, 18118. tt New Boot and Shoe Store. D. KITZMILLER & BRO., GETTYSBURG, Pd., YORK STREET, OPPOSITE THE BANK Riga of the Big Boot. Tlundendined have owned a new Boot .7.... Store, on York etreet, Gettysburg. in the room recently oocuplod by Soper a McCartney, and have Jost received XIQW the ally a large assortment of BOOTS Lad 4. SHOES, Mr Gentlemen's, les' and CMMeans' Wear, *Auditing of CALF AND KIP BOOTS CONGRESS AND BALMORALGAITERS, SUPPERS, &C. We also MANUFACTURE TO ORDER, all kinds of BOOTS A SHOES—the work being made up of best materials and by first-class workmen. The senior partner has born in the business for over 1.3 years and person ally snQerintends all work made up. We respeotfnlly invite the attention of the Dub- Lc to our establishment, and hope by strict attention to business and by selling at lowest cash prfoes, to give entire satisfaction. DAVID KITZMILLER I JACOB A. KITZMIII June 24, Mk if BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW JWTA.BLISTrwmVZ TifEundersigned has erected a new build ng, for a Root and Shoe FatabiLshment, On Carlini* street, near the Railroad Station, in Gettysburg, where he now offers for sale, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, &c., for men, women and children, of different styles and prices. Re hue a fine assortment to select from, and will sell every article at the smallest pronta. WORK MADE TO ORDER., of the best ma teriale and wortimsuaahlp. Every effort made to reader satisfaction. The patronage of the public L solicited. 'Call In, and select from his stock or leave your measure. In either case you cannot fall to be pleased. July 3, 1863. ly JOMN M. REILLINO. CHEAPER THAN EVER E. HITESHEW, IMAVING disposed of his Btore House and Ea stock of Ow& to ORMIST & BOWERS, and being determined to redoes his stock do. ring the summer and bill month., will give GRE.IT .13,4RG,11NS before invoicing. My Mock of ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDIZE LawltaroZroVlVATL7dtegicelm. department, E. HITIMIEW. York Springs, July IT tf sirAn persons knowing themselves indent ad to me are requested to come forward and make settlement. M. 4. IMY ciewer PLANING MILL. 9 SHE undersigned has established a PLAN .II. MO MILL, on Marsh emelt, four MI/ea from Ciettyaberg, at which he will manufse tare DOORS AND DOOR FRAMES WINDOW WINDOW SASH AND FRAMES FLOORING, WEATHERBOARDING, Chair and Wash Boards, with everything else made at such a Cacto and needed in the ry. building line. Th e test of lumber will always be used, all thoroughly dried, a kiln having been put up for the purpose Orden solicited, Anil promptly attended to. Priest as low as the lowest, and every ef fort made to accommle customers. OHN D. PFOUTZ. May 13,1868. ly DR. R. HORNER, PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST, Officeand Drug Store CTIAMBER.BEDACi orrivouna. Medical advice without charge. DRUGS,_MEDICIN ES, PATIOIT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, PEF.PuMEItY, soArs, TOI LET ARTICL ,ES BRUSHES, DYE sniffs, SPICES, BAILLNO SODA CREAM OF TAR TAR, LAMPS, COAL OIL, &C., &C, PORE LIQUORS for medicinal purposes. Dr. R. Rormer's rough, a reliable ternds, chapped halo* MEM, &c. remedy AM latialee warmated pare and gtanalne. I=l=l3 D. D'COLILRY. JOHN 7. lIVCRE.L97 " Best always Cheapest," Best shad Claespest ttADM4EB BhUMES, - - - PAPER /MOAK, COLLARS and HABNESEI oral' kl4(18, in the Ctnitity, see awn," to he kind at the old and well known sta ian uck— nk Baltimore et., opposite the Presbyter M ‘ lIMMULLAg, are made to order, as cheap as they can be made anywhere and In the most substantial manner. - Riding Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft Hanle'', Fly-nets, and everything in the line. Arose better or chew.r. Our prices have been irsuptrar.n to the lowest living stand ard. IC liberal percentage for cash, off all bills amounting to $6 or mere. We work nothing but the beet stock and will warrant every article turned oat lo qe in every respect aa represented. ThaWt4l4l for past gillora we invite attention to oar present Stock. ihr-Give as a call and examine PRICES and ovazrry. . _ D. DL READY 4 6i4Di Jan. al, UM. AMERICAN COmEnvATFON pIITPON-HOLE, OVERSEAMECM SEWING MACHINE is warranted to execute to the beet manner every aa= mi,. r ea r zs : =i t me all In addltlaa a ta i r beautZTutton ed M Eyelet Soleil* all f a o, it WA NOVAI4. BEM ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FofNikr 4 C E II MS WOW" AND IETEMEICALLY THE CHEAPEST, l is Ace Madd ul en ecsabised oworroaprow Op a id. as pic wad beautif sweertniest Om:tiara with full particulars and sample. of work done on this laraldne, can be had cat applhatiaa at the Mot or Ike Assn, at A. Re Fehrtehr Clinteo. tionery a d yl . l_i n, Siolre ir 2sltaolore 6 .44 . Erik, Agent. HaOhinj l ajted one rear, to lostroetions given sratnitOusly to all pimbe, w ay 77,1761. It Robert D. Armor, • GAS FITTER, PLUMBER AND BELL RANGER, Abel Mitkfte 8., leaU2quarlt from Ae Cburt- GET TYE I=kl : d, PA. 4 ~....-.,,,,tari&eitt: aearaer. tad at pekes ea low as a ma in be atheaed tOlilake • living. 0 PPMl a it a Vt . Im C am% -' = .7 lritVelt% IPA Or Dells bam rl4 OO=2llg gIIUNIIL e sad foralsbed If diringd. Dee. 111. leW. tf - pro' Pit ausicalpisre $Olll- 14 IMAM* 1144 a a. t ocrik (Gedd and fillver,) SOPEU dt IIice.A.RTNEY JOB PRINTING. ~ YtiXH ]IY~IY:INN:{IIR4 • i Jiilal:;N:J YtN:~A now one of the mast complete Job Printing Fatal)liniments 0 Pennsilva,niti outside of M6outia lphl4 With the beet machinery to be bad—AMMER DRUM CYLINDER POWER PRESS, a GOR- DON JOBBER, • FOSTER RAND PRESS, ie. --awl the newest and most fashionable styles of typal and borders, with fancy lulu and the djfferwat bretutot, we cannot OW to satisfy every taste. rims amply supplied. besides having good workmen, we ooeuldently Invite oba of all kLuda— fbsters, Bar !bill:, Program:saes, Circular:, --- Legal Biwa*, Check', Orylers, Sal-1760dr, Letter-Heads, flusheess Card, 21a11 Card, ragbag Cards, tic-.Y * litrilatione, -lecture ricketi, Labels, de., tc Indeed, everything entering Into the print- Ing line. All done with dispatch. and at rea- sonable prices Orders by mall wild receive piompt eaten Uon. Address, ' H. J. STA.HLE, Cox - ramie OrrxcE, Orrrrnacaa. PA. July 24,1888. NEW SADDLER SHOP. eklf the 11111, Baltimore street, Gettysburg, 1,..1 Pa.--Constantly on hand, or made to or der, all kinds of RIDING SADDLES, WAGON SADDLES, CARRIAGE HARNESS DRAUGHT HARNESS, RIDING niunLrs, BLIND BRIDLES, OOLLA.B,S, FLY.NEnk le„ = = = GETTYSBURG illpormClilleZo THE undersigned has hsUgh% out hie former partner. Wm. Gittizin, and now continue/ the THE LIME-BURNING BUSINESS httaself—at the Gettysburg Lime Kilns, on the corner of the Railroad and North Stratton Street. Thankittl kw past petunias's, he will endeavor to deserve ita couttuusnos, by prose cuting the business as vigorously and on as large • seale as poaalble—always selling a good article and giving good measure.— Farmers and others may look for the prompt filling of orders He also matinees the COAL BUBINEOB, offering the most popular kinds. House- keepers and others ahMild give him a call. Blackzmlth OCalaaastantly on hand. Lime and Coal delivered anywhere in 0 ttyabluir JACOB BEILEY Gettysburg, N0v.15, ISM It BARGAINS I= IN. • ii.v.v/Mtir , ZT•14141 , ...- 1.-4 121 OETITSBUREI JOHN CRESS & SON AAVE opened s new GROCERY, In Get tysburg, on the north-west corner of the lio Square, and hove Just received a splendid assortment or FREN-1.1 GROCERIES, Indudhig Sugars, Clorgws, Molasses, Syrups, Tesa, Spices, 'Agwooodlialt, Fish, lioniA,,Shool dor, &a Aso, QI7EENSWARE, CONFECTIONS, Nuts, Fruits, Romps, Fancy Articles and No tions generally. We will also keep on hand FLOOR and FEED-STUFFS. Having parchaeod for CASH. we callpre inr.to sell very Cheap. Glve UN a and ire for yourselves, JOHN CRESS, J. W. CRESS. Sept. 27, 18/37. If HARDWARE AND 8105. TITRE enbscrlbsrshaveitust returned from the 1 cities with an immense supply of HARDWARE k GROCERIES, which they are offering at their old stand in Baltimore street,at prices to suit the Glom Our stock col:Wits In part of BUILDING MATERIALS, CARPENTER'S TOOLS ELAcionurres TOOLS SIIGE FINDINGS , COACH FINDINGS , CABINET MAKER'S T001..5, HOUSEKEEPER'S FIXTURES ALL KINDS OF IRON, die. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS OILS, PAINTS, etc., Ac. There le no article Included in the several departments mentioned above but what can be had at this store. Every class of Mechan ics can be accommodated here with tools aro finding's, and Housekeepers can And every ar ticle in their line. Wye us a ball, as we are pr e pared% a ) rty itielQW ler each as arty hocute a ctt the . JOEL B. DANNER, DAVLD ZLEOLER, gettyabarg, May 15, 1884. CHEAP FOR CASH I NEWBTORE I GROCERIEI3, LIQUORS, C.& 'Vire undersigned haa retured to Gettysburg, and moaned • new Store on Baltlmlre street, next door to the Post Offloe, 11114 0W 1:1iy Op. prone the CoggFFrobas, where be °Mem for sale, CHEAP POE CASH, a large and choice assortment of Groceries,— SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, MOLASSES SYRUPS, SALT, AC., with FISH, BACON, LARD, &C, Milo, Liquors,— WINES, BRANDIES, DINS WHISKIES, Rums, and everything else and s ' v an 91 Ignidons, In WI any Atxaleet a. th la the place to buy CHEAP GEO. F. KALBFLEISCH. April 23, 1867, THE OLD FREIGHT LINE TO BATITI4o4g THE undersigned conitnthee to run Ma POeight Lbw. to BA/Howe, twloe a week. Depoc—eorntr of Ftalirgisiaud liciothlogtqp eteoets, Gettysburg. cars run to Hughes & Emerson's, 12l North street, Balti more. Frebtitt marled each way, at the low est rates, The patronage of his old Mends and the public solicited. Goods to be marked 'Biddle's tine." WY. E. BIDDLE. April 17, IBM tf Oemetog Removals. RRENO the geopwev tradersiiptod Is so thorized to sooko mot:midi Into Evea ea Oneuttery, and see Mat math as oon tesiplido tito POONOVIIL eids Mastnit did do welled relatives or trim& will avail Stow selves af= . lWs xasr iv 16 dons. *am* low, end ° RIM e g , ILardi LUSA Xeopar ikt HAY AND GRAIN WANTED. THE undersigned would announce to the citizens of Adonis county that they still carry on the GRAIN AND HAY BUSINESS, at the old stand, GRANITE STATION, on the Gettysburg Railroad. They are prepared to pay the Inghand priest for GRAIN AND RAY. They keep all kind. of GROCERIES, SALT, (WANGS, &c., which they will sell at the smallest profits. Give ns a mil and see for yourselves. PlI/LIY SONS. Dec. 20, IRV. ly McCIIHDY & HAMILTON, FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, &C. THEundersigned are paying, at their Were bouse, In Oesdisle street, adjoining Bueh ler's a4ll, the Wettest prime for FLOURuaK , *REArAT% RYEN , , D OATS, awa, CORN OVA 11,110 TRY BENI*, }VIA , TORS, C. and Invite pledueere to give them a ea/1 be ewe They have eonstantrly on hand for sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES; hfclas.ses, Syrups, Co ff ees, Sugars, &c., with t•lait„ Fish Oils, Tar, Bacon and Lard, Tobaccos, &c. Also the best brands of LOU R, with FRED of all kinds. They likewise have SEVERAL VALUABLE FERTILIZERS, Soluble Pacific Guano, Rhodes' Phosphate and A A Mexican Guano. _ . Whilst they pay the highest market prices for all they buy, they sell ut the fewest living profits. They ask a share of publlv patronage, reitOlYed to give ilattsfuetiou In every cu,se. itoutatr MeoUlti)Y, .1.1.AM1LT(.12.1. Gethyabutibl i tily 1,1817. NEW FORWARDING COMMISSION HOUSE LTAVLNG purchased the extensive Ware house, 0111 - 8, Sc., of Culp .4 Earnithaw, the undersigned Intend to curry on the busi ness, under the arm of Bigham dr. Co, at the old stand, on the corner of Washington and Itailroal streets, ono more extensive scale than heretofore. . . . We are pa Lug tbehigbeet market for HAY, FLOUR, GRAIN AND A.LL RI:NUS OF PRODUCE. - - FLOUR and FEED, VA LT,. and all kind. of GROCEltlkls, kept constantly on hand and for .ale, cheaper than they can be had any else. PLASTER, and all kinds of FERTILIZERS, constantly on hand, or furnished to order. A REGULAR LINE OF FREIGHT CARS will leave our Warehouse et ery TIIISDAY MORNING, and accommodation trains xill be run as occasion may require. By this ar rangement we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and front Baltimore. All bust ness of Oda kind entrusted to us, trill be promptly attended to. Our curs run to the Warehouse of Stevenson at Sons, 165 North Howard street Baltimore. Being determined to pay good prices, sell cheap nod deal 'May, We invite everybody to give es a call. WM. M. BIGHAM, ALEXANDER COBEAN, • J.A..a1t.13 !MIHAIL Jan.l7, 1161. tf CHANGE OF FIRM. undersigned have leafed the Ware. house on the corner of Stratton Went and t e Railroad, In Getty eburg, where they will parry on the Grain and Produce Business In all its branches. The highent'prizes will always be paid for Whtsit, Ryw, lbrn, Oat., Clover and Timothy Seeds Flasseed,Sranae, Hay and Strew, Pried Print, Nine, Soap, Hsnui, Shoulders and Sidon, Potatoes, with everything elite in the country produce line Groceries, of all kinds constantly on hand and for sale—Coffees, Sugars, Mo}Rama 13Nrups, Teas, gplces, l Cheese, Vinegar, , fkala, Mustard, Blare Sat, Brooms, Buckets, B lacking, Ssoaps ao. Also COAL OIL, Fish Tar, &c. FINK of all kinds; Spikes and Nails; Stocking and Chewing Tobaccos. They are always aide to supply a first rate article of Flour, with tile different kinds of Feed. Also Ortiand Plaster, with Guano. and other fertilisers. OCIAL., by the bushel, tou or ear load. We will also run Lines of Freight Cars to No. 77 North street, BALTIMORE, and 811 Market street, PHILA.DELPRIA. All goods sent to either of the above places will be re ceived and forwarded promptly. Goods should be marked "Renner' Car.' 11. S. DENVERDRO April 10, IM. tf Farmers, Attend to Your Interests GETTYEIBITRG FOUNDRY. riIHE subscriber would inform his snot° men and others, that he is still manufac Wring various; kinds of mating, and Ma chines, made to order, on short notice such as THRESHERS AND POWERS, ((eve different sixes of Powers,) CLOVER- S:MED HULLERS AND CLEANERS, CORN SHELLERS AND SEPARATORS CORN FOTERSE; DDR CUTTERS,Frf RAW AN DIIAT tX ERs ; CUT PLOUGHS, inch an Cwt Ploughs, Bareheur Ploughs, Side hill and Corn Ploughs; the WIRE-SPRING HORSE RARE. the West Improvement; also SIIIREMAN'S SELF-DISCHARGING HORSE RAKE. He will likewise msraufheture MOWERS AND REAPERS. . _ . - - - - METAL iteliEWS for Cider Presses, IRON RAILLNO for C,emeterles or Porches, with everything Mse In hls line, all at low rates. FOR SALE.—A One-horse Wagon. DAVID STERNER. Aprlllo,lB6B. Lf THE GETTYZIBURO SKY-LIGHT GALLERY. MEE undersigned takes pleasure ha enflame to the citizens or Gettysburg and the public generally that he has removed from his old rooms on West Middle street, to Balti more street, and nearly opposite the store of Fahneatock Brothers. The room he now oc cuple. has been recently etted op expressly for Isle buaineaa. The location is an admirable one, enabling him to take pictures 'nail shades of weather, end with u correctness unequalled any where else. _ _ . . LIFE-LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS, of every else and description, executed In the finest style. Particular attention Riven to the VIS U E E, and to col/ A3.IBROTYPESCARTE a D nd DAGUERREOTYPES rin 01 g deceased friends. A if.- THE 6 - E - ITYSBURG GEMS, a new style of picture, a hich has become very popular with the public, not only for their beauty, but for cheapness and convenience. SIXTEEN for ONE DOLDAR only-. Also —THE PORCELAIN PICTURE, which for their beauty and durability are unsnrpassed. We are prepared to carry on the business In all Its various branch., and having 1,61 , 1 oon aiderable experience - we run uo risk in GUAR ANTEELNG FERFECT SATISFACTION. Our facilities for a full display of our skill are unequalled by any other Gallery In tne county, and we wouhl tlier,tbre invite every one to mil qt the NEW GETTYSBURG SKY LIGHT GA , f FRY, 0411 And examine our Specimens and judo, for yourselves. LEVI MIIIIPER, June 23, IMO. LET ALL THE PEOPLE CODE ! limey Goode Conftetionery Store. TIME undersigned, having bought out J. M. Warner's Fancy Goode and Confec tionery State, on Baltimore street. nearly op• positerahneetocits' Store Gettysburg, invites the public's patronage. Large and tasteful M 1 the stock hes been, no effort will be spared to render it still more attractive and desira ble. He Row offers Writing Desks, Plain Candy, Work Boxes, Fancy do,. Portfolios, Pickle*, Satchels S ard i ne s Pocket Books, tt l or h , Rik:LW - 116y Finley (kites, Jewelry, • Fermis Ornakefs,, Chem, Wine Blsertild, Brushes, Maroon do., Perfumery, Pew !S pencils, Writing Papers, Envelo Tubarcnkiegull. Nuts, BYra ' Pa T ti N ) UMWelirfg av itTEPdiall." He intend* to sell everything at .oe lowest powdble priors, believing that "amen profits" bring "quick sales," and are therefore best for buyer and seller. Come one—oome all I • # .4 . EzvcrEk , MarchHeitat,l CABINET-MAKING. Wat. IL Illddcw, rjr AWING leaded In the town of NEW OX VI. FORD, Adams county, will carry on the to of Cabinet-tanking, to fill.lts branches. • FURNITURE kept ou banal and made to order. Ile w4l also keep kar male a choke assortment. at CHAIRS. invnes the salaam of the town and surrounding country to give him a end, m he sell as low as can be pnr baled at any other pbses. Re will guarantee Ids work to be ands *pin the beat niminer, and of goad materials. New Oxibrd, Jan. at , lBBB. tt • ' 14 4 4 : l°);r4il n l n'pcnint s tiry the a o~ A !ii• • •• is and at WWI& t ,tkowsio (4**"l,9ter. - • AYER'S HAIR V i IGOR, For the Renovatio4 of the Hair. THE GREAT DESIDERATUM OF THE AGE. dreaming which Is at ones agrees ble, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Fluted or gray hair is soon entered Is U. original color and the Riau and I heehttakt of youth. Thin hair Is thickened, felling 'oar checked and baldness often, though not al ways, cured by Its ttse. Nothing can rtatore the hair where the follicles are destroy.', or the glands atropled and decayed. list such as remain snif be savedqor usefulness by this applicaelon. Inhtead of fouling the heir Ith a pasty sediment, 1 will keep It clean and vigorous. Its occaalonll rase will prevent the hair from turning gray or tolling off, and con sequently prevent baldness. Free from loose deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, thilligor esti only bone& but not harm it. If wanted merely for HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found ao desirable. tin• Mining neither oil nor dye, it does not, *oil white cambric, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving it a rich gicouy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cc., Practical and Analytical Chondata, LOWELL, MASS. Price 111.00. \-.., For Sale by A. IL 13U11ILEIt, Agent. liet tytbuytt. Oct.% 1961. ly THE LAST CROWNING SUCCESS, Mrs. S. ✓l. rillen's MEM= HAIR 'RESTORER 1232EME1 HAIR DRESSING New Style, in One Bottle, Win quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural tailor and beauty, and produce luxuriant growth. It le perfectly barzuleee, and he pro- [erred over every other preparation by Anoae who have a floe halal of hair, as well as those who wish to restore It. The bewoUrol glom and ?ethane Imported to the Noir make li desirable roi old ead young ...For 8010 by all Druggists. Depot, led Greenwich Street, New Yer..l PRICE ONE DOLLAR. =I HUBER'S DRUG STORE, Fbrney's old Stand—Baltimore Str eel, GETTYBBge, PA lIAVING purchase.' this old and pop alar ll Stand, and laid In an courtly new and fresh filtes.k, offer a full ELl.Ortnient, consisting to part of DRUGS AND FAMILY MEDICINES PATENT MEDICINE -A LAIIGE ASSDET ME M% PURE LIQUORS AND WINES FOR Mif.Dl CLIAL PURPOSE: S. SPICES AND FLAVORING EXTRACT'S DYES AND DYE 14TUFFS-LIOW & STE VENS' DYI EXCELS/OR DYES, AND THE ANILINE DYES-THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST IN TIIE MARKET. =I FUMES AND TOILET ARTICLES. COLGATE'S, AND OTHER SUPERIOR SOAPS, HAIR BRUSHES—TOOTH BRUSHES from 5 to 50 cen tn. FORNEY'S HORSE POWDERS-THE 13 &ST AND CLIRAIIRST; ALSO, FOOTE'S, BELL'S, DALE'S PERSIAN, STONFII RA KER'S AND ROBERTS'. STATIONERY OE ALL RINDS. I=l BEST BRAN Di. PEITSIVIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS AND V.kll ILY RECEIPTS CAREFULLY Coll POUNDED. PHYSICIANS AND COUNTRY HER CH ANTSSUPPLIED AT REDUCED RATFN. lied'eines furnished AT ALL HOURS or THZ itiotrr. Night bell at the door. A pill 3, VIM tf EMI HARDWARE STORE, lii zzrrzffsro WA: The undersigned have opened an exten sive Hardware Store La Littlestown. Mania county, Pa., and having purchased their stock from Eastern Manufacturers, are pre pared to sell goods in their line at the LOW EST cash prices. Their araortment la large ea well as new, and embrace. (they can only enumerate part In an advertisement) the fa. lowing: IRON, STEEL, tattling Malec MI; NAILS, Carpenter Tools, PALNTS, Miners' Supplies, OILS, Shoemakers' Flndlnlr GLASS, Saddlery Findingu, SCYTHES, Coach at Car Materials, FORKS, Red Sole Leather, .SPADES, Moroecos, to., SHOVELS, Cad:amine, tie. HOES, &o. With a full new stock, bought at Ws most advantageous rates, we invite the pnhlic— town and oountry—to call and be suited. We are confident of pleasing, both as to goods and prices. Mechanics, fame's, aud ail about to build, are spechdly urged to come. They can do better with us than at any other store In the county. 811010 & BIIEEL r. kittleatown, Itior 31, 1863, iy wed. C. STALLSMITH & SON, (lETTYSBURG, PA., 6ARPEFTERB AND COSTRACTOIt% ire inepared to do all kinds of Carpentering --contracting and erecting building" or all kinds, libtopairirst; As The? keep ammtweitly on hand and manufacture to, order, DOORS. &ROWERS, RIJN QS. SASH, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMED, COLNICE DOORI WINDOW' BRACKETS, Awl :Ay other Article In tlio Null4lng,L,fle nensonad material constantly on hand, erne rlonond warklin sairaya In readiness, nod work caseated with dispatch, PirOrdets promptly fillesidat to. 61 414.* V@!. U CANNON'S MARBLE WORKS, oa lesittlasarsi It., opposite the Mart-Ile toe, 12JIITTOLOU420, PXPIVA Every description et work executed la the IrtnerraLL OP ?kg AMP: • asai. • Jusa4, u .E. 11E. TrrE3l.39 Az C 0.., lenta'S Veletrile ,„\ !u orlli *1 Sob ettiltaat. Dandruff I:nd O . NUMORS 0. , • „'4 % ' o oo M\ st `?) 0 BISNO , N VEGETABLE AMBROSIA 115 WHAT IT PIIKPOUTs 11X, GENUINE LIAIRREBTURATIVE,cItang - A Ina Duty, Light, Itrot or Fudod Bair to the Dark, /Anteroom Sham 71-esets, which so ador n youth or age. It will punitively mode gots Huturtni_and Dandruff trout the moth and where theft, in llte in the glands, w (II mums n new gmath of Halr to ut forth on bald spots. Thousands aro teaUfy lug to the above. IRICR• $2.00 PER 130T17.1: liarA. D. Buehler, Wboleaale and Retell Agent, Get yaburg—and or !lulu at retail by all Drunlata. Feb. 14, 1468. I y ADAMS COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY' INCO . ItPoRATED, MARCH IM, 1551 OFFICEM. TivxMen( --(ivory° Hwopo. Vloe r L reohlen--okniuel IL 'twinell - • .....wetury-11. A. Buehler. Treftgorer—hl. ff. Fahnt,tock. klzeentise t MeCurtly, Ir. A. Plek Mg, 30401, King. Itanttgern—licorge ope, 1). A, Boone, It. MeCur.l3 Nf. Elehelherger. B. It. Ittowell rolmeatock, A. D. Buehler, it. U. .%lo- CroorY. Gel tl , hut IS lug, trot an tow uSIllp; rederl. k I nehl, Prottiditt ; Itt. 11, 11110,0, ticx tat. tt Wm. 11. 'l\ ikon, limitieres , 1 1..1. Pt. Kum , Clralt.lo; Joittt Wollorti, 101111101 V 1 011 1 / 1 1 101,11,, / . 111,t It, T. Ab..l I'. tonit, itendet, illc • Aittitei M. lift!, Neu /Nllll 01J1, II ` , 1,1.1.11. II LI -11,11641il J ll llll ( 1 1111111110/, 011, ' l, l l lllll hn mom, ty,t,) Wnt. It,Mn 11 hl 10, LI berl y. ('.OO puny In 111011,1 In ILA um in flow, to Att,tin, IL. Lo tt I n en In operation lot atm t (loot 17 t ars, and in thot peril ham matte 100 „ate tv.,,,....t0ent. !loving raid imotca by ill. tiornig {lull od amounting to $1 ',Pt" \n3 1* non de nlring on hownince can apply to either of the following gentlem. u : • D. A. Buehler, Gettymborg. E. O. F010...t0.,k, Jacob King, Strait/10 too nithip, H. A. Picking, " Fratlrriek 1110111, Wm. Itom Liberty " H. C. Puler., l'eteraburg, (Y. 14..) Sif-The Executh a meetit at the offlee of the On/opting, on Mc Mat Wedneg. dey In eN cry month, Moll o'clock, I'. M. Jane It tf A SERVANT FOR ALL Roth'. Impressment for flpets Inc Clain bag. and Latebing Gates. ,{AY be attached to any gate and open ated limn buggy, tea or saddle, by one ll ‘ and, In any (hatred, dine thin from the gate— opened and closed Runt ono pond, at any distaste° trolls the gate. This Improvement Is simple and cheap, yet perfect and strong will nut be dinartanged by the awing of the gate, nor by the frost raising the poets; may be made at a country blacksmith's, and easily attas hod to a gate. The undersigned, having the Right for Adams county v 71110.41 Township and Farm Rights of thislmprove ment. • Alit., ROTH. FtTIANEI4 .IMEItICA T.E- VkIR liATE—n Iv , found valuable and COI" ru lost to ail w :1,1 hate gates to drivo through—an the) remain theli team,open, clone and latch a gate, without the heeenalty of Y li ti e rTu n i 1 1 4 .1 l i t!: i t i i i l f e or% t d?f r ,l ' , ' Ve . ,, nldrrnv ISRAEL ,BILICKER, Metiallen 0., Adman co.. Pa. May 1„ Gettysburg Railroad. QM= 111IRRT TRAIN leaves Ueltyahurg at 7.1 a A. M. and anal:tit at Ilan aye r Junction with 10 ro P'ort, Una South at 0.12, roarlitng Mitt more at 11 20, A i M. Aloo with Mall Train North at 10.91, A. M., ron !link Tlorriaburg nl 12.55, Y. M. Raurning arrives at Melt) sharg at 1/30, P. M. EIFAXIND TItAIN leaves Gettysburg M I, I'. N., anal eenneets at Haunt er Junction with Hall Train mouth at &as, P. IL, reselling Bal timore at 5.4.1, P. M. Iteterulng arrives st Get tysburg at 5, F. N. The Freight Train with Passenger car at tached, lea% es Hanover at 0.32, A. M., arrlt lug In Gettysburg at 10, A. M. Leaves Gettysburg for Hanover at 2, I'. M. It. MeCHRDY, Sept. 1,1,1A68. fennsylvania Central Railroad. (POUBLE track route running between Phil adelphin and l'ittvlairg. Tmlns leaving lysbuTg make the follow Jug connections with this Trunk line: • Gettysburg leave ut 8.15 a. in, and 1.,15 p. to Hanover June arrive 10.a1 143,5 " leave 14 .. 9.41) n rrlvel2.:l,l p. m. lea% e 4,10 " "4i a. in PIIIInAIeI 13111. i arris e 9.40 " 7.16 Harrisburg leaVO 1.15 12.15 Pittsburgrrive 1..10 a. m. 9.2.1 At Philadelph ia close connections are made with the trains fur New York, Boston and nil Eastern Cltk, At Pittsburg tsmnertlons arc made In the New Union Depot with. the truing for all Western points. AS-For further Intone:lnm) annly to EIJWAII.II 11. N't I L1.TA.51/4, Gen. Supt., Altoona, Pa. Hmc ay Gwx,salitit, Goo. Puss Agl., June 5, MK tf Hanover Branch Railroad. ON anti after MONDAY, Dee. Iltl7, 18.07, pos. 'winter tnillis on the Hamner Brunel. Itallrowl will leave as follows: . . . Fl.E.srri [AIN will hwve IlanOVer at 9.25 A:. M. with p.tasengeng for York, lialtimonc,,A.ll, riaburg, and the North and West, This tntini arrheo at, the Junctiou OL 10 10 A. hi. QOll, heeling with the F.l.Line Houtia, lAA the, Northern Central Ballway, ittrivim oh. Baltimore at 12.30 P.M., anti alno with the Mani Train North, which arrives at 1Y ,rrlabtuag nit 'J.:A P. M. sBl"Titia train rettirna to Uanover at 1 4, 5 9:r, and orrivca at Gel tynnarg at 1,8,a, If. as. HI:MIND TRAIN Imivva IlutioNek p and arrive,/ at th Junction wi Ytlp P 1 4 • connecting with tho 4.l.lxilTralweklutti. arrivea at li,dtlmoro at e, by thin train for York lay knoi . at Ur i u . ct i ou until 8.11 r.. 11. Train ""rns to Trw %over at 4.16 P. pasaeugerei for Baur Geityaburg and LI tti.ou g. P '"' en g e ' teavin g Bair more for Ilanover, Getty_alat and will take oimei i. 1" ll Train at 8.48 A. AI. or theFaat Line '4 1:1 1 : 2 n;r2O P ; 11 1 47 . t [ PenasylvE,i a Elastic Sponge Co., 1111 CHESTNUT STREE7; PHILADELPHIA. EI , ASTICSPONGE, A SUBSTITUTE FOR CURLED HAIR POS ALL UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES CHEATER THAN FEATHERS OR HAIR, AND FAR SUPERIOR. The Lightest, Softest sad most Elastic mud Durable material knoan, for MATTRESSPIt, PILLOWS . CAR, CARRIAGE AND CHAIR CUSHIONS. It to entirely Indestructible, perfectly clean and free from duet. IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALL! Is always tree Wein insect life; to perfectly healthy, and Mr the wick is unequalled. If soiled in any way, can be renovated quicker and cooler than any other Idattrota. PUZI I I/ZIVIZTA I M4I6I, HALLS, &C. Railroad men tore especially lIIVILCti to ex amine the Cushion Sponxe. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, The Trade supplied. June 211, ISIS. IT Manhood: How Lost, Row Restored: ......._ A 7 WIT published, a new edlUon or tY Dr. llverweirreelebtated Ms. Kay on the radical ewe (itont medioluel of Rpermatorrhata or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Lin an saes, Impotency, Mental and Phys. leaf Imupacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; al., Conatiruptluct, Epilepsy, and Fite induced by acildudnigence or sexual eztrava: gallop.. Es - Price, in a sealed envelope, nal ideate. The celebrated au thor,in tills ad err. my, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alar=„coose quenees of self-abuse may cuted without the dangerous use at Interns med• clue or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure at once SI m pie, certain. and efthetual, by means of which every satterer, no matter what We condition may be, aura himself chealli.V.PrllehdY. and This Lecture s hould be In the bands of every youth and every matt in the land. Sent•nzaler seal, In • plain envelope; to any address, paegookl, on receipt of six cents, or two peat 41,napp. Also, Dr. Cutverwell'a MaTiallm Geltie,” price 26 cents. Address the Publishers, CHAA. J. C.BLINT., tOD., L 27 Bowery, New York, P.O. Boa BM Oct.'s INN. Ma THE HOUSEHOLD GAS RCHEE! FOR SUPPLYING DWELLINGS!, STORPB, FACTORR, CHURCH WITH AND PUB LIC B u m f:UM:lß WITH OAS! a int Ewer= Oki wrrnorT rigs OR BRAT r.f. KR simplicity end ease by winch tads Ma thine tamenaged, es also its economy and great, merit, recommend It to pnbtic fever,— Cell sedate mehine In operation at the store: MANCFACTUDER AND Said Antler, DAV ID JON 88, Tin Fortilehlnitatoni. Arci.7ffitarerm'St., Piffle. an-Send for Illustistatt Circular. Ann. 21, MB, am O rzy o 3'eB I 0 Ts:f., =6=3l LICENSED AUCTIONEER, nrimits igislordento-4_iirtmitti-esles ‘,.1 Cited ttrwty Vortex thetoooty roman tibia rates. Hallo& ooaddeloble eroortmo, In tits badness, bo ittorualt ;Polk ao will boob% to reader seitolbotion Past rno widows, Oramulio SC /7 m