tettysbure ontpiler %CV VS STAVE ieAtEr, As one among the first "peaceable fruits" of Grant's election, we hear of a defeated Radical candidate for Con gress in Tennessee arm in the negrurx to force a return in his favor. Hero is whet the telegraph reports: Ai - MPH is, November 10. —A dispatch *as received by General Granger, last nightnight, from H. P. Price, Comm issioner of , at Mason's Depot, Tip ton county, stating that the greatest excitement existed there in conse quence of a report that General Smith, the defeated candidate for Congress, was coming there with a large body of armed negroes to take depositions for the purpose of contesting the election of Leftwich, and asking for troops to preserve order. This morning a dispatch was ret.ettr cd horn Sheriff Slaugther, stating that about one thousand armed negroes, principally from Fayette county, had arrived there. The greatest apprehen sion was fell, for the safety of the whites, and many women and children had left on the train, in consequence, since noon. It j, impoefahle to COM in a n Mato hy telegraph with that point, and it is believed the operator has been driven away. fleneral . (;ranger dkpatehed fifty men of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, un der three oflfieera, by a epecinl train to night, for the purpose of preaerving o drr. "Let um have peace!" SPEECH OF 610VIERSOR HOFFMAN Ni.'. Yong, Nov, 6.—The Empire Club serenaded May or Hoffman, Guv• error elect, this evening, at the Ulm.- etidon lintel. He returned thanks, an 4 spoke at some length un the result of the recent election, and said that during the canvass he bad never said an unkinil word regarding Lien. Grant. If lie should adopt a constitutional pol icy lie would earn and have the imp port of the Democratic party, but if his administration was of a Radical parti zan character, he would fall never to rise. With reference to himself lie said that as be had once proved that he was not afraid of rioters, neither was he afraid of those whose conduct tend ed to produce riot. In response to the threatened contest of the election, he said that while it might bepossible to deprive Senators and Representatives in Congress of their seats In thita way, It would he found "Impos rible thus to deprive him of the (Ace to which he had been legally elected by the votes of the people of the State. REVOLUTWN 1116 broken out in Cuba. The revolutionl4s expect help from an expedition of 3,(010 men .:ad to be fitting out at New Orleans, and healed by the old filibusters. BEAR limixo.—Our friend Morgan Miller, with one of Ids friends, after a hard run and a beautiful tight, on Sat urday last, killed a bear cub, weighing 100 pounds, near his fariu adjoining Sharpaburg. Ile was of the bluek•bear family.—Hveratown Mall. ' ■.ARKET REPORTS rfillis=l FLor RYE FLouo,. .... : - WHITE WHEAT, RED W HEAT,- CORN .OAIR, _BUCKWHEAT, ..•• HAY, •CinwEic-bEEu ..... FLAX-RVRH PORK 00 I (,!) 1 91) 8 0 0 6 10 00 00 10 00 == 650 04 700 1 50 64 23 0 I':s 6 1 &i 70 6 I 15 05 6 68 7 2i (4 750 3 00 6 3 12 /0 Sc) 0 X5O 0 00 0 16 50 13 00 (c 20 00 invit, IN , .111 AT IGY WoRN T 5,.... AIVAELTEEED,.. ..... T I IN.CYr MiS, yt hullJ EBY CATTLE.? hunt' }LAY, Cohn, Phila., I =1:32 On the Mtit Olt— by Ituv. Mr. ; F.O. T. Ii EI'FC ENLUV ER, of Fent rlt II n town tr..2tifkir, CE.C.F.L.I.A. U. B...LTZtiIV.V.It, of I tntlty towuottly. th‘ the sth Innt.' In riettshurg, by Rev. John .11.1111.11/1, Mr. A. M. I%IA NAII.\M, of ederlek oninty, Md., to MI. J. WALK ER. or Aaiun!. °aunty. Yu. On the 4th Initt., In Ottty.bursr. by the earn( Mr. JOIN Mcf'LI:NIIY to Mr, ELIZA. USN Y, path of Getlyshur.t. Ou Llte sth tmt., by the Ih.w. F Ylughug, Mr. /A.4'011 D. sI,ENT7,, ot i onum,go glalp. Mama county, tap 1.11. r tItAU Bt)L ',INGE it, of 3lualieun towtuallu, eo. On the Bth Inst., by the sane, Mr, LEWIS DILL ER, to Moot CATHARINE APPLE MAN, both of Union township. if,‘ the 11111 ftev.7.ll. Zelittrlg, 11r, 7101PEliT Flit AEFFER, of Ad:tn.. eounty, to s.klt.lll Itollllll.ll'Uli, of SI allat township, York soniny. I= On the 25th of July Isixt, In Middletown, Bo t ter town‘hip, Nlrs. 111.A.14Y, wire of Tublus Iluy M. age }eNv t month All Itf dlt) q. (.h. the 2nd (net , Mr. JOHN BON% MAN, of .f-nrallon townxidp, In the7Oth y.,r0(1.14 age. (hi Saturtlttymorttlog week, at &h. rEtklettro of big lather, In rile plate, „Nlr..ll,WlE , it.f E, sl I E kllS, eon or Elias mhends, aged nbou yearn. The (leceaied win n nmeritter of I b; let PerillSy IN MALL Iteaers vm,tttly.ers td through the tromotrallle cautpalgok to which duct ,tal lauttorps dhillugulalmed HAW. Its was tia)l gerowtly womiucled at Weldon, Railroad, the unitpaa.lng through lmla,law and reek, into, which be never i otlrel) resat crest. lie wan hurled with time honors or war on Mundu, - week, hla funeral being attends-it b, tie :taus entllnmnlent , ll. " Inthe tablut of the we are In death.' litow true le this sad expre.lon us we eec It verified in the sudden death of MA6, , bl /E3JAR511.1.1,1,, Ns nose protgpeasi s few wvekv Lnrk bid lair for n long life, Thou%ll who has 111111411,i bee enltil- Iy I t1e0,....4110 Is row In tw.mth blooming, u plant In Fannin.," Not al he 11, 1 bm eit frlondn will nhe be mom nod, but II ull a 110 Li , h, r wile will tea fn.nli In the Motto," or her to:11001111,4,A, to whim who ~, WWI), kind and elwerfol. II ut they, With her reintiven, will r. I, not lend but gone beton," Fart, 11, Maggie, but net fur. Only re,t thou till onr longer rut, And lienNder Gni* Khali done, Then uhulrwe ne , ,k the renting place And ...hare thy long repose,. Farm for Sale ‘rii if E undersigned offers heiL V A LITA BLF. 1 FARM at l'ricate Yale . Itmnd Bawd and xrelleut cowiltioo. Buildineg and fences west. Meaty of water and fruit trees Situ ate within Y miles of Petersburg, (Y. S. Ad ams county. JACOB B. MiLLAR, Nov. 13, I$A 3E ESTRAY LAMA to the premises of the subscriber, In liusolltouben townehlp, nhout the lit of Jliat.,a dart red limply Bull, about three rears trklte along the breast and knee, With ear ,o wk. The owner to requested to prove pro. perty, pay chervii, end Like It away. M. 13.NVDEFt. Nov. 13, NM X' BROOMS' BROOMS! ruing tlndenatteid.. eigitHotle• to manufacture I Homing wt. old litwatt, in ()senile stew* lJointwic the litultrouil Depot. He will hove te , many; the Pall, a lull supply oil hand, and will .41 able to furnteli them WHOLESALE Olt RETAIL, Brooms Lauder to order or on aheirea. Persons Laving Broom Ooru would do well to give him a call. is. 1 Nue. 13, 1864 am I= DIVIDEND flhll F. viderat, and illireetora of the Getty a j_ burg NatiOnAlillang have this day de...Jar ed eaal-nrianal Dividend ofEIX.YELI CENT. m Capital &tack, alearof all C. b. farce, pay ithie on and after Nov. 9. .1. EMDEN" DAII4 C.O 11, 0 X• Nov. C. I.`b6.St DIVIDEND. TliE First National Rank of Gettrabunr - hat this day declared, a aer - artiiiial or FOCA ANL A HALF MG' CENT. clear of all Government Taxes. GRA 4640,41). cashier. Nov. 6, MA tit STAVES , ,F4)k ! SAI-E. - STAIDIVIBAKRICI.triA IQ .vms a k turodp i ==r thre . Nov. iry law it 7 OE Mit! FOR CAE. WY: have this dnyrnark ed all our guests' le the LOWEBT CASH PItICP>I, end to give our customers furl benefit of mall pro fits, from this dna' we purpose doing a strictly ...lulh bush:tem, and will sell at THE VERY LOW EST CASH PRICES to all who may favor us with their custom. ROW & WOODS Nov. 13. 1 iM. tf PUBLIC SALE ON P c Ii.PkIONEL PROPERTY ON FRIDAY, the 7Ath day of :COVEITAER inet.. the tobeeribet, tutead# fl to remove to Virginia. will exp.., eL Public (ale, et Six rtildetiee, in New Salem, Fr waglin townstilp. .1, elute ,ouniy, the 0.A.0w mg Persona/ r r.Per tY, viz: • USL, YDUNG 1101 F 2, 2 'logs, I Spring Wagon, I Spr. ad or Carriage Tongue. I Post: Isirlng Frame and Pu'.t Aug. to, busy and Dung Forks, Si riga. and I k.uble.t. eta, st,L,ll - I . l,enttlut Posts, ~Crlti hundred tke at,, ut 14,us alai Stake,., two's e or faurte.gr Loris. I Baal., t steigh, nearlY 111,4°., al,ll I Vie sod ~11 Iron, '2 Patent Boa l'itrz I 5, a nolo of 11141: Vitus; rr find nil Tram is, Kek•, saus..u. Cutt.n, I,ong Lavider, Moo log tier ur..l Dilate, Po. s nn ! Cow and uth, r email tot of Hay, Se. Also, :TAM..., Oltoamteartn, ri t• of ("balm fie, - rol Rock hair., I I/eok, ..:St:sids, a Sialefi, I/: nen a awl I elotla s o,tt, SU, efi, two ton-plate, one six-plat,, and one cooking toy,, with pow, an, kettle nut tripe all (uni on te,l K and Botea, l largo Quo eel, oral small iron Potai, Pot itack, find Earl hen-u are, Bfipilei Bafiketfi, Vl, - "oo.1 and Tin Burkett., 1 large and 1 t ttII nin nor ng \Vtre'ol, I. las Ha, kit`, Mlolllt. 1:0014 and small Shot a, and 1001) inumfons to men tion. sale to canna onee fit 10 o'elnek, A. 31., on %aid day, a lien MEI nilanee will be given and la ring mad, known by JQIIN CARPENTER. Nov. 13, La.i. ty NATURES 'fiREATIIE3TORF2/1. SCHEETZ , S CELMORATEII BITTER CORDIAL. finis Inedkal preparation is now offered to j the ' , ohne u , a reliable eittiostAtute Or the min", w ortitlist, compound, which now 1100.1 the market It io purely .legetatblc , , composed of various herbs, gathered front the groat storehouse of nature, and selected with the utmost care. It Is not recommended an a CI LI, A but by its threet, and eat:Mary In tl Lience Li pon thelfeart,"LlVer, fda eys, Lun gs, fitontulil and Bowels, it acts both an a pre ventlo e and cure for many at the disc.. to it humll, e,tli)jo.t.l. It lan reliable Faintly Medicin g.l e, and can be teked by either blunt hT adhit With the same beneficial re sult, It Is L ertai 0, prompt and speedy rem od} for DI ARAUJO, 0, BOWEL 1:031I . 1,11N /Pi A, LOWNE,S, HVIRITB, FA INTIN4,O, SICK HEADAIIII4:, tor Ullll.ls, and of all kinds, it in tar nett, r and safer limn quinine, Witnout all of Ito r ;EL t , . It i re , d, san ap p, tile , pr o ' 1, . 1 p,pw. ful Illgo,t,r of food, and will counter. t the effects of liquor In a few IIY JACOB vlicurz, vole Proprirtnr. N. W. Cur. Fifth and Rare :its, Philadx., Pa. SOLI, 111' .'LL DRUW.4IBI"6 Nov, 13, INN. ly TESTIMONIALS. Pht.tairrelphht,.lfarch 10th, 1880. .1 (Con Sellhirri., Dint Sir Some eight trundler ago, When suffering troll!! are it nervous prostration, the resultof egposure as and overtked energies, I was indured h) you tan old friend) to take aux tonic your eel( - United bitter Cordial; and so agreeably sur prising lave helm Its beneficial effeCts, that I 0555514)1 I chain num thus bearing testimony 10 Its Int or. As LI he, erage, It Is as pleasant and delightful as u glass of rit It dark brown sherry • ua un pppetlier h. foto toads, perfect ty magical; and tr dlihmter of fond, the most potent compound le‘ er knea. Altogether, I cousider It one of the happiest consbistallotss of medlehml herbs B. cr otteleff to the public edratls e I nibst cheerfully and cond. dentin l'y ret,timit end It to et ery sufferer from Dyspepaia and Rheumatism. As a substitute for the ‘111.1,11,,,114 aleolitille and Sttlang cOnCottlehr , InffllbOff at too Many of the public Luna the Kest u t du) , It meat also p teattiexxing. Very trlify yours, ALEXANDER W. P.LACIZRUR.N, lire Marsluil. EEI 700 EEI Philadelphia. &` b. 10, I. ire lit slit • This is to certify that I nave been Intimately acquainted with helleena sCelehre, tt'd lanKa COIWIA 1. for the past four 3., ars, anti have Spit In. effects In 1/yriperna, Ner vous 1 ils,ases, Itheuinatisni, anti all the va rioult !Drina Itt littler:Ai Debility Wadtag lode ellne, and troll 1,13 knowledge at sald Bitters, I have 710 hesitation in pronouncing theta the best general repo dy Inv the above dis'eares that 19 now kilo% n. You luay tae 111111 in any way 3 on desire. Wit. Cf..tirK, M. D., 611 Market ht., and N. N. Cor. hilt and (allowhill. J./alt./4)Jan, .elfn-t/ P 2, 1468. .1"11.71,1i `+‘ nrl"M.—lkarblrl It gives liteldet.- tire to bt.tr testi stony Cottle rniCaer of &hertz a Itb , retett /biter tbrdati." Bly il.iughteir, who ban been atllli ted fee the lust o tar , till 11rifa pßia, for VI II tell she hail the sk.n.b's of medical skill, and also tried ine,lles NllllOOl. 55.11, V. at Itttd. 111d11 , ed to try your "(',lehr.lted Litter cur dull," and I ion !nippy to s.iv her health h Is Ifeen direly restortd by itY 11x03. I would refork re, 0111111.1 d II Isothers sntlering 11(111 the nadllt• o,lllw, as I bent ‘e It to kc an ins Ouable r. inedv in such cases. ME Very r.ptx.ttully, W. I:As I LO(K,lttOthltreen St. nth. Soli whet LS 7 huvo ueed the BIIVIMS obtained ftnn, )'ou, hod 111.1 darn to be all they itre rorornmended jo hr. I found •enr Ih.lllo In ;Moot it euneWer..blr rubor. I reel I+ though 1 t.uwut do very wetl withputtheut unit In) pro,..nt Stale ot bt ant:. I'. ESIOF, 141 South Sixth l'a,tor Haw rikss) u lilt Church. Mn JAWI.I Ettttr..rf—Sir. I council refrain from ex pretttnng cmtildence In the numtl, at.' myour `l'elehruttli tlernta/: mlntluedereil it to toy child eigh teen moot La Old, tor Llowel Complaint; to Inv neighbor,i' chi ((trey. Iv 1)31114 111 Lite stotmith and other tO MY adult friends for I)larrhoet, w ;lb unlonishing Lure : l wan tirCtialfUUY wirillyz. .1, aid tor fib y r em , gpr• teroliwvotdy mrlU , Itlideu4o.4lall, • irf all the talker( t tires without [elle , Mid 1)'. twitting ndt :stied I hat the tf,e cen tre hoot v. hien /thelautatlxvi eluditateli, I mule a trill stnati ;Ignited all liquors, Intrfin nl.trly tont!, altif U. 041 Your 1 - 4,110,10.1 Herb dr Bitter Corrnal exclusiveiy , result Nava toil no Ithettinatenn during the %%litter twit Pe-d, ilglwiltedandlng tin ill erlty and eltdngeg. Y0U1411.141r, I'. JACOB Svl-11.1PT7,-41r• I was suffering F.n . ntmte (line u LLL Ly .pepsin, and a/Nv weaknrnn and !Jaw., 01 the ntutimell, turd after try lug some of your 13trretts It ente,ed me to throw uff 11l tin, foul matter, and reins igernied nip n.,tom It Inty ;•Iteeted, I think, a perma ent Lure. You are at libert) to u , se tilts certificate if you flf.ak proper. ANN rl.kr.L3f A x, 3f all] St, Gerwautowu, Mr. J tielth.t.T7.—Sir • I su floret/ for over la., l L' .14 fix/In U 5 blN•lial.l, x all a at /1//u of „ur. tan .111011 and SerCl, p.llll 3( il'l Illlnit , and al tilotikat I tried S.iriuuo I, in, dies, and took meth rum ralvlre, y.t. I found nit relief until I tri , d l our ° Celelorated 'Slider Cordial," Which ted liiie magie upon lily syStal,), and before / IL/1 cited OLIO LOttle, I laund myeetf entirely tom it, /111/1 Lint e 1101 Lunt any return of the complaint r. I can therefore recommend It an au los aluidde retinalY to th o ng afflict." in the time Way. Joi-ust .tiawTHENI, tr.uperfoteuflent ut Frunlai 6citiare-- 109 N. He, each St., PhiludelpWs. Pli,P.Rjetphtu, March D 3, 166:3. 11a, Scitarcrz—De4r Sit: I have used your Hitters, and seen them used by others with gods effect, rind in no ease without producing good results. In one case a lellow workman Was taken with vomiting and purging, and was so reduced that he was scarcely able LO walk. I got your Bitters and gave Mtn threcl •tioses in one hour, which entirely eund tutu THUS. BROWN-, }riot Otis St., Olin Ward. Jews Scream—Mthsr Hirt I hove be's af flicted for the hog tend earn; n nib the Rheuma tism and (out. Your Bitters was recom• mended to me. I have used it, and lam glad to Hay it has effected a perfect cure in a very snort Lime. Therefore I recommend it to persons afflicted with the same disessm. I consider it the best Curt in use for any dis esose the human body is subJecg. to DS YOUNG, Philadelphia. It gives me plgAnmns pg certify that Mr. Halseets's Brrita 1.415914 f. mr Opinion to purely vegetable in its constitution, and an excellent tonic, lasing harnalesa-la itapfsaraa ter, and not being au a1...M0h0 stimulant. ELE STOCKTON, hi. D. Jncon Kenna - re, Enq.—Dear Sir: At the In stance of me husband, I was Induced to try your lirrrnit Contakr. for that dtetreastag 04 ..P1am p)aPenate., front which I have suf fer.. fox yaw), It anorMs me ph:enure, Amain Juatleo to you, to Mate that alter ushan the content* of one botlie health ban been en tirely restored. I choirrrialv yonntonzond It to throe afflicted blinilarly. Very reqpeettully yours. &c. H. M. TROil.bs, 1411 Park Avenue. JACVn SeSitkrrZ — DUir 8(r: It affords lite much pleasure Se Inform with that after suffering for fifteen months with Chills awl Fever. t Was Induced to use your justly Cele brated RaTTlLaLidaPlaf, whleh eweeteff a er /n*lmA cure; ouly 5.154 oue half plot tad A aloud, awl lusil not aCU I slAab 1 ware at liberty to use this as you please. DANIEL S. GRICE, Fraisitila W., Pptla ¢ dphla, PAY UP ! A LI, persons, the Jot*. firm of 11 ihdille h Theausernot— to iatll and settle before tte FIR ET DAY 0F is:- cEmlikat Ek:XT, tW all unsettled flernaras nt MALL data W 1114140 Obleed in , the hands or nn utfletir for collection. The Books are lo the hands of Wm. S. kliddle, earner of Manned cod Washington streets, who is authorised to sifttle the szfue. 11/DOLE" et ItEleliiErt. Ott, 9,1 W. 24a • LASS-WASF,Turoblem 44.• r good gttigagtaisiebt, • THEE GETTYSI3ITRG COMPILER, ?FRIDAY athalqVisTar\ MOEVTliatlinqvibl, SHERIFF'S SALE TN pursuance of a writ of Vetolitloni I:x -points issued out of the f ourt of Com mon Plena of Adams count). Pa., and to me directed. will be expreed to Pnblic sale, at the I bunt }inane. in Ilettesburk on SAT URAY, the 14th d." of NuCEMBFR neat. at I o'clock, P. M., the followLng dtlandbod Real E,,,etate, TWO LOTS OF GROUND, N0t.93 and DI, si in ate In Matumaabstra, Frank lin too oship, Adaratcociaty, Po, fronting on York street, running beck to a twenty- Let et alloy, and bounded on tile west by lot NO b 2 and on the east by lot N0.1}5, contaJnlng one third of as acre each ALSO, A LOP ON GP,01:: , .:1), No. ItS, containing 2 acres ana 124 perches, lainnded on 10 0 too‘t by lot Nu. 135, on the north by No t Ili, OD the annth by a twenty feet alley, Mid On Elie west 1,) lot tio ALSO, A LOT OF GROUND, No. 110, c •nLalning 2 acres and 137 perehea, bounded on the south by R.Le euty feet alleY, on the west by a twenty twat Kiley, on the north by lot No. 139, and en the east by lot Yo. 13$1. ALSO, A LOT OF GROUND, No. 134, coat/doing 2 acres and GI perch.w, houndod on the south by a twenty feel, alley, on the west by lot No. MS, on the north by lot No. 1,11, and on the east by lots N 05.128 and 127. Seised anti taken In Lzeeutlon nn the real estates of JaeoFul wetter. The town blot. embracing the above lots, can tie ;wen by evil leg on Jame. , IlunctAl, }Ng., lu Mummiusburg. PHILIP MANS, Sheriff. Sheriff; Wane, Gettynbarg, out. au, LAW. as - Tin per rent .•1 the paietntse money up on all Colt, I, the Sheri It meat be paid ON er 11111110 d 12w pneperty In atruet: tha n lir upon !allure to ntroply then, lilt the pro- In will be agaln put up (or sale. A SMALL FARM =! ("),N S kT[RDAY, the 11th day of 11Eli next, 1,3. orar of the Ot plum& Court ol Ada], ennute, the riber, Aclulluli tratT of the ofJoseph :Tangier, theue etl, u tsll, rat 'ln. hale, on the prenalgte, the litul Laaute of n deceit ut, A I3MALL, FARM, , hunt. In Rending townehlp„kdame county, un the banne of the (treat Connivagu, nbratt n cent ut New Cll,ter, n. 110116014 lands of h, ire of Rudolph Spangler. dectillßed, Thomas N. Dlek, John I tat holt, HIM othern, and con la in hat Cc At( 'lt I c•andi 11 • with due pi °portion or Woodland and He l.lutr. The ernt goo , lnt.ctu of eulttvatlon, loont at the 1. , u4 bac Inc Leen 1100,1. and tht n net g , t , el 'I he I top f etnent, are a ung and n Iwll ~.tuc> MUCK HI I 1 / ' ,Sinn(' lit tell to,g Barn, a th Shed, attaelted, Corn ( Llh, Hog Pen, Sr. An elLellent 11l spring of outer neat Inc house, and a I. young Apple Orchard, becldcs peach, pear and cherry trees, on the fartn. Me property a . convenient to churches, EV hoots, mill e nd mechanic ,hops. relemoi wishing to view it are requested to call on the Adm t u istra tor, 0 tug doe, by. Sale to eormot nee at I o'clock, P. on .1d doe, when attendance Will be Ws . , n and terms made known by KA NIVEL MARCH, Adifer. Rylbe Court—A. W. df urea, Clerk. ao - tf not sold, the Farm will be rented on said day. Oct 24, lqft.i. TWO DESIRABLE FARMS I= THE mnl r,ignwl, to r Itnqulth Lirmin , ntlPrd ~t Yr.vNt t ht, ttl~ TWO VALT'ABI,L; FARMS: No. LI situate, in Liberty tovinsilln, Adams count,, Fu., on the public road lerJfug from Faartl Id to Mop, It a mill, 2 notes Nolan of Falrileel, 4 miles Weal of Etnuelttsburg and 1 , ..; i , es north of .NtrDis nail, adjoining Mists of Jai oh KriNe nod others. There are ahout 1.111 RE, In the of tetlii fl oboist IVO ie re!, ire In timber and 15 acres to meadow. 'rise ele.irul lend li, nearly 1.11. b, en Inin d, ant ell the field% have rntaiing water The buildin,s, are 15 • Two-Aloe,- eTONIt with ,tone Kits hen, nt aril o. new-, ~tone spline and Strisoke 11,ame, Iwo agon Sheik, , I.er. I. felling spring of net, ne. - 11 the lion, , end rem,' ,pringt: In the flehhi; two Orchard of Peaeh end Apple tete,. No 2,, adjoining tract No. 1, rind land: or..Ta enh Knee, mu lime, and "tht I", 1 tulle noith of , Dlvit 05,51, vont/offing ,oat AC, of whick there aro aboito, Cd aeren so exeellent . t !nth, and feinereqtn teal rneedow tares Oasis, ,r;l4 all been limed In the last three year, The bnildings are a large T, oenery 1,04; 11000 K, newly repaired, ltO log nth! frame Kitchen mole Bank Ilium, in, arty new, Wat.mn Sho-d, two Corn Cribs, Hog Pen, tip lo' 1100 , e, and other ctrit-lentlthngs. Al ~7 W&J LIM and Ll'elli4TONE ll L'ARKY on Ihi ntrtn, malt with a ;44,/.: oral:11,1,n choice ft tilt pe‘nis and pear. Pelson. deviring to NieW the farm, at„ lo 45511 014 the untleisigutel, residing ten JOILN CLARK. L 9. 1949. REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTY =I ON SATURDAY. the 141 h of NOVEMBER next, the subscriber, Executor of the last will soil testautent of William S. Naugle, tie cra,nl, 1h ill oiler 01 Public Sale, on the prom ises, the Real Estate of said rleeedeut, vI A LOT OF GROUND, situate in East Marlin, Tramilton toWnstilp, Adani. eounty,frunting on King street Ylfeet, and running Wick to an alley, adjoining Goorge Hollinger 01.1 LI. ou at and an Bile on the west, having thereon a Two-story BRICK HOUsE, with Bitekr.building, Frame Sinop, Fruit Trees, Lee. l',.rsons wishing to slew the property are requested to call ou the kao..utor, trtng opposite. AL the same time andiMiee, will be sold the per , mal pmpert‘ of sant decedent, vii: I COOIC STOVE AEI) FIXTURE(, • ,1 Ten-plate Stoves, 1 parlor Stove, Tables, Clours, Itrd.te.ols and Redding, Knenen Cup board, hest, Its, Bureau, Looking Glass, lot of Stu, e hbve Drool, Moat Voolakel, lot of Intd, lot of Corn, .7,'lleelburryl, Hod tiler's Tools, OW. ('ese, and a varlety of other artkaeu, too )MllOlOl3B to MU al.lon, sale to commence at 12 o'clock, a 914 , hen attendance wIU begh eu and terms made known by GEORGE 'KANO, Executor, Oct. 23, 16118, to VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE BALE, Situate on the York and Cettyshura Turnpike, , tune from tletty anurir a eouta in tug IS7 AC13.11611. 01,' EXCELLENT LAND, In convenient pro. port n as of wood, unatdow and farming laud. Buildings and fencing In nue oundition, and plenty of water. Any - iierson In want of a find-rata producing farm, Al t 0 pleasant rehldenee, Sc., will do well La ev amine this property. For particulars, sldlit 'ae Criher. ou the pluer. SLEEP Alt.o nTAILMEIt..S. Sept. 11, PIUS. tf FOR SALE. A `.(;•',.!';',",,nerfro',.. l `mix,;. l :l".. l We'u'r . ti"PlkWe leading from Abbotnitown to Hanover , flue u.iln from bne lontrier plates, know.' Go •tmo, ONE °TILER 1111 Z, OPERTV, with 40 Aores of Land, or Ares, us May be deiml, on Marlin °wok. mil.. W Flom Oetlyr- Uurg, and known as tdandoe's 11111. ALwo, A lODET, FARM, at Acres of Land, in high state of cultivation, luto bushel,. of I Ame to Utesexe, No.l buildings, 2 tulles went from Gettyaburg. GEO. ARNOLD. (inn ysburg, Pn., Aug. 21, .14tu FOR ALARGE and very doslralde UEIOE. HOUSE and LOT, In New Oxford, Adorns county, Yu. GEO. AIHVOLII. Get is mburg, Oct 2, It t VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY rOR SALE. ITUATED In I/analtoubsso low !whip . , Ad o ama aounty, P.i.., containing .%l0 well Ira pro% ed tondos I tL a Tao-story TONY. DWFLI.INO, large Bank Barn, and all neema. sarr out-buildings; also a FLOLRMI - L1,13.4.W MILL, Miller's and Tenant lloueon, with two Orrbaraln—wllieli will be s.ail cheap by apply ing to .101 N ('. ZOLTK, Land Agent, New -Ox lord, 0. Thos 40. And. I.N, laiiat. 20x " HOUSE AND LOT AT PRIVATE HALE. BMi;i;;Al 110L'HE A.N . D LOT IN LITTLESTOWN, 'Smite on Baltimore street, and adjoining Isaac Snyder on the nurth and the helm of Morgan Swope, *era. nr. the south. The house is a new TWO- STrIRY FRAME. calculated for two limitless, and well finished In every respect. The location is one pf the best in the town. BUMS are requested to call and see the pro- PerIa%NARICILT GULDEN. orrt.T, 414 , 1>P 11 . Oct. IS, laud. 4to 4 A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE, ITVATE in 31ountpleaaaat township, Ad runs county, toutt.tho Two Taverns, on Um rood leading to fityinanaltrown, conMinlip 124 Aart-d0 avers In tiirlyina timber , In rocatiow, and ex.:limit farm and. Improved wit s T ioldriyy OTOINTE HOUSE, Stone apringc did.• Oood fencing, plenty of all kinds of truir. ex cellent watorul tarn and Itomm. Convenlaut to seim's churches and Mills. Price Rid per acre. Early application de sired. B. F. S. lIAGARSIAN. Oct. II, 1604. It A FIRST - RATE FARM AT PUIVATE SALO, WTIIIOI pia utilestett GeYtgabit a tis the Harrisburg roset,Nrlth ler net Im provements, and to prlme order. Iwl 1 sett ?rota 100 to UN Aetetl, b lull purchasers,— Terms roomonablo. .For finites. totormaGen, NPPLT to WEN. WHILE, Rept:11,1811, tt Gettysburg, Pa. . _ ovirWosvoQtpp Vitt& t'cl Fur doing 11 family waakillsg: (a Me best and theapat itt.s.tutifY, tinartti4r4 t rati to say In the world! Lisa tildthooa, Wow ma. aceP with td.tp JAW W' kollyr iltgAlit of - ger elle Ciattli, otylendld floop , sad wow C. 4.4 W0RX.d.,..110 North Front' meet, iladelphla. Sept. 11. leYiP. IY ADIES awant ingtme. a good ifa Vla of Pectum- u nen gr dog), Or L.3aNiern e f 4 ' THE LATEST STYLES FALL AND IVIN TEB Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Just received by ROBERT C. COBEAN, Chamberemra 65., First Square, GETTYSBURG, P.L Where the public can And a large and varied asmortnicnt, which he In selling cheep. He also manni.tures and repairs HARNESS OF ALL KINDS, promptly and on reasonable terms. Bridles, Banns, Whips, Trunks, Y idlers, Tobacco, eliptm, and a grucit variety of Notions. Give me a call. [Noy. 6, 8188. V More New Goods AND CHEAPER -STILL! REBERT 4- ELLIOTT, Opposite the Onat-hots, Gettysburg, AVE Juld opened u new and loop as nortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, OF ALL 117YDEI, CLOTHS, CASS' MERES, TWV.F.IN4, ' LKS, 0 INGHAM'S, ' LAWNS, PRINTS, BF.HEOBB, DIUSLINS, itC to which they attention—being deter rained to anti nt the lowest meth prices. Nov. 0, 1808. tf HOWE MACHINES ! THE LATEST IMPROVELI? AND GINULNE E4LIB E, JR., SE MING MACHINES, on hand and sold at JACOBS a. TIRO'S. STORE GRAND JI.'I(Y. Pronl.lln —Fre.l6rtek 1n td, (Furomall,) Thin; 101 Ephraim I) Newman. M...eutlongl), P. fr3herly. (It.ttysimrg— , Anmuct S M.4:rotry. (0nt1wag0.4.160r1.72 11. Kuhn. Hutuiltt ~llitesslit6mbun—,l,llln ( ~, ,,Svn, Adam (!. selmau Monalleu Cho, sostum I:ppelluan, Conrad Whip - rum Colt/1)1.21-.1'0m G..8.1 . EkA. . )lount 111lIn Berwick tp --S.tmu.2l A 1% E.rt7. • Liberty—Lorlt A. Werra, Inteplt P. Mel.lvtl. tAttimor..—P....l Troup, ",..1)K Olt.,,i—.llLcol , C. Ms Join, Unuly. Lit tlestown—Joh n 11MilInncl--..101in nun. Bailer—Jacob Epprimnn. only Agents for Adams county, Pa. I= Orders will tte promptly attended to. Ma- II Ines delivered to all parts of the county. az - The public are cautioned against parties Who use the name or nowt in connection with their machines On amount of the popu larity of the Howe Machines. There are none lICNVINE unireur they have imbedded In each machine a medallion having the Iliceoees of ELIAS 110 E, Jr., on It, Jr.e OEO. JACOWS BRO., Aug. 7, 1,48. a ~~.cELs~e~ ~e~~~t~:-- TIPTON & AIMS, = PHOTOGRAPHS, Photo Miniatures, AMBROTYPER, *C., Btereoteopte View: of the BATTLE-FIELD, BTEREOSCOPEB PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, AND L GIBEAT YASITETT, AND AT GREATLY REDUCED lirWe deal In nothing but the beat of Its kind. Call and examine nay stock. ® - Copp am be numiehed from all Nega tives ever taken at the Ciallety. TYSON'S OLD STAND. Oct. 9, MI& if REAL ESTATE , AGENCY I have opened an agency for the S Cie 1 0. stf_.:R4l;z4, E s,tat a; in connection vtsl > W bm wetness in Get- Weburg; and WIU pffffolla 04.4ti012 ei=l Parties wishing to eel!, or bilk lands, may End Uto their W vastage to eatl. Several Farms and Wocidland A No. 1 YARN. PA., MAW, A TRACT, 1O ACRES, for SI MU, .4 1100 D VARY 2341-ACRFA, very ebtlip A FA.11.11„130 .A.CRER, for , C l / 4 9014, • A FARM, M.A.PASER, for 82,275, A FARM, 54 ACRES. for $2,40, A VERY 0001) FARM, 100 ACRES, A VERY 0001) FARM, 135 ACRES, A VERY (3001) FARM, loi ACRES, A t.'o. FirSUFF FARM, TOO ACRE N, in OW 14elgtil/Urtl644 of Ge o 460 4 4 16 -- +0.4, pro pony In town, for at m, 11. G. MiI.:REARY, Attorney at Law Gettysburg, July 17, lAtllt. if & SON, /311,44,4401 ilr GROCERIES, XOTIOXS, TOBACCOS, &C. ALSO, Stone, Wooden and Wog , Ware. general luorlment of all Goods venally kepi In a FIRST-CLASS FAWY 14/1 0 CM.Y. Jan. 10, 11111 Er - RE-BUILT 1 Oonfectionery and Ice (ream Saloon. JOHN GRUEL, Chcimberaborg Street, GetVsburg, Pa., WO alba; to EPI/le /344 having completed We new bending, ham upon. ell the lergettt. assortment of Coufections ever offered to Glettdodmes. locheltnd FILENCII AND COMMON CANDIES, • Tors, Nato, &c, and ev,erythLag belaaglagto a and...4am Confattoncry, wUI apecMl ne ogm+nodlltlona lbr Ladiewan4 Omitleuten.. IPI4 eAf.kg supplied on shortest notice. Pettay TO. its BEST NOTION 11011814 ,!?emmoitz. .I..tIVIIENCE D. DIETZ dc CO., importers and Wkamale Algiers 4g GERN.AIf, MD:IRABH AND FDENp.II FA_N LT poops, nosrEay, 'NOTIONS, ed.o it • :• MS anal MO West Shaktlzaore - titseat, Costumes& • , sowasAiii tAbortv sairew s!,a , niqftw,.ltA. IMI qt. WHERE TO GO. tiOrt a 3;eve Dress, gpoti and cheap, every 1: Ldp ahould __ ROW . Woops% For goal and c11c.;,) Mustiu, nivroY. $.O to 11.0 W S. IN 0(11.X.V. For Flannel to sult 0.% erybooy ROA @ Nv,loccs.. For Canton Flannel, F o hite and. eolornd, , , xu re to go to ItoW - & NVOODS'. Fur cheap and pretty el/lieen don't fall to go to & WOOlac. For Tattle Linea, at low pri c er go to For bains in ROW & WOODS'. rga Dry Goods, It to your Intereen to gs to ROW s WOODS'. For a Double Khawl, cheaper than any where ciao, go to ROW & WOODS': Fora Fiingle altawl that will idease YOU AO to & For Chitsirs n's Shawls, the best place to RoW & WOOTIe4'. For gloaming Shawls, very superior and cheap, go to ROW & WOODS . . Fot bargains In Shay. la, Inner and :scarfs, go to Re OW W , 101)4 . . For a (bat, Pants or Vest, every man and boy should gu to ROW 3',\ Oil lilt For Balstioral Skirts and Ladies' Vessif,iso to ROW & WO(Ths.. For Corsets and Hoop Slsirts, the beat place 111 town to ROW & fops For i-ito• kings, and lib kind. of No- V,,^ll2.lfatT.„iwt' )4,17Ltt1t`,12,4; in greatest viiiraety and low prSials..tne place to go and pkw.wile ROW .1 A IT ito,'. Fora Rat or a Cap, ha man or boy, go ROW it WOOrSiti, - For Shoes o(all kLuda, good *Ltd ebes,p, evs ry body that Walla tbe wbsiSti f hell- money Rues to & WOODS'. Wr are receiving new Gools every week and Iwo determined LO make it adVant.ag, oug to alt also may 1., iir ith tio Lustutu. 11.1 paean we Invite comparleon. ROW it WOODee. Nov. A ISM. CC Court Proclamation, VlitlßEki the lion. Itontivr J. Flail's., V V Prttaitlent of Ilia stn era! Court., of t /1.., in tllu Qout.o., coutpuz...; .1.1411 District, and Invitee of the Court, vf a rid 'lei/nil/yr and lienentl Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offend, In said digalet, and in.r tc K V. I.E.intix and / . S , LAV udgosot Courts of i.to niOn Phan , J It tt of tilit Cot. In of fly or and lon/111.r rind Gout nil Jult unlit itr;, fur Uu trLal and othi.,. oaLn.leirk. lu Lbvtuntllt) of trued o-11,61..z.kgaultt Illt day of Au.naft., /Lithe 'Air of our L....d0n. thousand olghtlun.vlred arid sixty-1.41a, and to no dlr.—lA.4, far 'hold lug a Court of Cumr.v. ..4 atnotal Quarto+ Kevilonw of the P, ,ive, of 0, oral Jill Dolls 01} and Court of (tt. er rin I Tel Mill er nt fir ttvAllorz, on MONDA 1, trio ItZZIVEMIItIt, NUIICL 1,111 PI I.Y t , iN EN to all tLt Justify, of the Epns , the ( , roner Jlll4 tilt` Co.0111.q.,(11.11;11111e rqLillty, that tlaY to• to an , l thtri i i flit ir 1,1 "pi r here an., 1k all their Rohr Ih. or l•, Et. a zinnia lan., and Omer Rome inlininees, to .1.. those things whiff). lu their Dill r o .1.1 In that behalf appertain to hi done, aua oixo, they, WilllWill prom:ate against !he prtsonc t e tII.IC are or then shall IA in the Jail ut multi county of Attar., are to La then anti there to pro. ileeute against. tifein as shall he Just. PHILIP 11 N, Ealerlff. SherllT's ()Moe, Oottystatra. Ort 3t, lull. JURORS FOR NOVEMBER. ukINLILIIL JURY. /Aro Werl.., 1 Franklin - 101n lirniy, 'Nano ' , rock - kJ:lgor Pun I cunt ors, John l hurnbortin. IlronSflonbun—llobort Wiktkon, MICITYW Mor 1..it...,rge Wat,on,llol...rt Blythe, Wm. Culp. Huraington—Phlllp Pant. , l fitrk- IfY.J.t.l3l , ncton,Jacol , F.l4. , tvre, .Ena.ati.unl isrough, Francis ecsaltma Eltraban—,Trmtnlnh Trtualnhaugh. John G. . • lirtnlcarb,l7 Jolt Kit 1.11, Henry Tuon.u, Cu tnbt.thine.-111,01." . .• Ilc Iniltrm--A.eorg.• .I.'Atterhon. UM: R.ading—Sanlnt l Ov,..rhultzer, Vr, John Brougu. - Ltborty—William Romigte, ta}llll4el Erhr. Freedom—J. hua He oNs n. German—p,l4, 4•ntt, tCtlllam Putter. T,yrour.-3iark"..l3reetrn. ncob C Pittenturf. Ullloll—.llolll litintel .11..tintplenqaut-7. Mount Joy-1 rime!. MI lboy, 14,11301dt n. Menallen--J units ktuutZt.lu, Wm. 13. W 31,33333. 3.101.ty41mr33-1 11 Danner, W 333. %Al:Anson Oxford—Charlex 111313arti A 31.333333. Butler—Lame el 34 Couowiago--2:llgax L. Jenklos. Littlestown—R.l4. gclea, NVIn. TAusingor. !woad Week Fredom—Abraham Erlse, Librrtv—Wm. C. S,ahr..yok9, James Corey, Waal Irkgton fqx)reT. Cuml.,,Land--JommiJuhns. Union—Eklward Sllortt,latin Kr" Umelucr,Jaeol, Itaselloar, George Ilagel.kr, Jr., floury Fel ty, Joseph J.. Shurb, Readlng—Betcr Kaufman, Jacob An drew ilrough.S.a.muel B. Miller litniban—Ttigob Beamer, Jusob CaAgalt; Julln Brinkerhoff: M gun tJoy—Wm. Cowin, er, Win. Mine. Oxford—John C. Zuuck, David W. lAA ranee, FranllA Llttlastowx4—John Spangler, Er B Yanflpt. tl ountpleagant—Charl,,G . bf filler sggygy Gebel man, John vld Deatrlek. (le,Gl4l,urg—llgt ld,we....nev 11. J. stahle, Alexander,Col,evi# Id - 4eglgv, S. Crawford, lgrorge bp, Pt, JR_ m lan Culp Arun kII n—JOhn Rath mperger, J. Ti. Plank Germany—Jacob Yea/Y. Hathlllogittan.--tlrorgt. Tremk.l43. - Buller—Martln Thomas, Berkhail Wert. Menallen—fume Bender. Fluntlugtott—le.le Jnbro. Latlmore—M tlaei ntam both firretcr. Elamiltort—Jvlyn Oct : 28, to Register's Notices, 'T OT QS, Is hereby given to all teg,attes and other persona concerned, that the Ad ministration Aix...mats heretaatter usuotioneck will be presented at the Orphans: CoSuit of Ad ams county, f.iir confirmation and all.iwance, on MONDAY, tt,o Juth day of NOVEAlklifill next, at 10 o'clock', A. M.,1 is. 019. The account of Je rem hilt plehl, &Tenn tor of John bleb!, lute of Cumberhand too lA shi p, dovensed. MX First and final neconn. of %MOM A. Exe,utor of the hwt. a 11l and jest., meta of Judith Gallagher, elect:44.d. ... . • . 171. The a.ort,l pun ttnalaurssant et'Arripld Gardner, Atbninlittratot of the estat, 11..n.h, Ipln Ci4l , lher, clel•mord. 14 titbl ucuuuul pf Jahn Liam& utt Prederlrk nteeute/i of JE/Mh 1.1111e11: late of Berwick. towuahlp,dvcuttedr,lir 171. The flint and anal uo.a.mit, ot ITannall Margaret Administraltix of the es tate of liasult 01111 load, dee,as,sl. - • 174. The iirsz Mentz. Ad uthilntrator with the will annexeal of Jacob March, Aeceooe 1. . 17.1. The firt..6 and 11nel acrinunt of Adam Hollinger, Aximiinetrawi of the eatatea ruhn or 14 ' 0 " , Lang - , dece 176. The seeleadairoonnt,af Veil Hikni now solo and neta /7.6.61,M0r or the bait will Fwd testament or Thomas .11iiHnialit.citaftl. W, D. HOLTZWOH.TH, Hrgtater. ilk 148. to LICEN iqS TTHE follow 11,4 appilt.t t tloul, tp keLp Vesr bin 1.14‘ e bt.en hleft toy ott,e Ith rettntsit, unmber of signei., will to presented et the Court of ltuartor Se , :sonr on MoN DAY, the XAI. of N 0 "Inward Myers, ilundllon township, lords Fold, Butler town.htp. Connul Fox, Conowago towtuthip. John hive units, Ul LEA &burg. MiSbuel Hoff helm,l3erou.k borough. A, tlerk. Nov. h e hit , HOOP SPITS ..62,8 AND CORSETS, CORSETS WK. T. 11011iCINB, No. G. 21 Arch Street, Philadelphia, #.4., , FFACTITORII OF TILE Celebrated, 'Champion" lioop Skirto FOR, LA.DLID3, MISIMEW AND CHILDREN , . The tamest amvirtmPn t, and heat gosllty and styles In the American Market. Every lady should try them, as they recommend them ,selvsa by wearing lorwer, retaining theft shapit Muth better, being lighter and more elastic than all others—WARRANTED in eve ry mapect. and cold at very loYvlPrI. Able (or HOPHINIiP "CHAMPION" SKIRT i roheggi=ll4e)Vhll r r-tojie pelt!. With a..3.b*G4 :1 4 " N" ITTING" CORSETS, ranging in prig 'from 81. Cents to Sri 40; tactellr. with Jossett BECKEL'S CELEBRATA_D PRESICH WOVEN CORSETS superb:rt . alkalises had oinlalty,lien rent( ratfes, from Si hi to Sk I t : /11! Ve b TAWA f p " tr " lAn t a SE MTN and CORIM.Hti at We - Lc:est Ratva. !'hose visiting the City should not fa to call and akasnina Hetnismard Prides, as Wellefr Sept i_40.844, !IWO, NOTICE. „ ITlllE..bartnernblp heretofore.. exltibhkg , be tween the underhlgnotl In the Prodttos and hotwardlng bobbies' ware dlntolvett on the nt January lint., by ma tual con sent. Tint bonlbrof amounts ~n/I I , 4lntuptiltd iiskasos Dime beau left in Ow balbth et ftnftli E. Gyir, NO,o is duly aullannzp,.l bccita rip the brim°. lje will be reuzal at the • War house mon /11 the occupancy or Ili iet s, Ingham at Colson. An pampa loycrestedarorrequir. Ga to toil and • ; j; . Atir.l4lllll'7: - Jan 'IT, Imo. ff , ram/tor% Notio. , , W .I ; ,g..,trtfa , t e e tv'Tzi-I l u r tat . Nagle, Int.e.4rrlton kirl f Allg a* eq u Al ir . tlersed, having been granrgrt to ' 14,13. Untied; aligne . d, rear i ng Ip , Jbe_anntra •kgrr!gaift, ' l ige . '''7 w . * 401 ekto anajaar,Zrat „i t . Men ...1" lan Mew v ila 41. 1 146 NV • /. *Urn SO - present Merin propea,v au tneuu tor settlement. „ „ --..-- otona n4o. ' ' A C 1113111 4 1` t' t'STO It E , _2q,., 0ct.23, ladg., 114 ~..FecutZr. limn . well seieettsitim e t, lined Mr VE GOODS.—Tomb 11 Jima eieuttieti Al miaow, ueel arse.eute stand. Enquire . in*, eiey mark aakra " s ormatuesatut mos vice Prints, Cherie". allitilitt4i4; fe ebb Moe- . .., i C. ,..'1 C' 1111!,..!!0,111140 , . _ Sow vr kil r v,N: u ' - ' -•' • ..., ,it• ~ ..1., AL p ii i ii i , iii i, • • via): 0 , le l' CLOTHING. IHF. suhrwrilwr this Just rctorm.l from tin city Mitt tim LAIDJEBT AND DEM SELECTED STOCK OF CLOTHING ever epeesea m th.aoreigay,Yhtah he MINIMUM at remarkably low peens. Ills stock cos:t aints of 0-77MIICO.ZLTS, Or ALL al L/23 AND SUMS, DBMS .001i113, • BUSSEaId& Fanc,y Casa' tnere COatis'cif tfll eitylex. Aitlh . bf and dean Coate, very cheap, Doeakin, raneY Ca.huere and Satinet Pants., Wonll 4 N(ltla, , tulder sit irta and Invwera,Clockx, M nem) In. strenkataisad•all kind*, • • \ I TliilA6Co Razors. Flpm ftrushea, Neck•tles, and n thou tutu otherectlelea, tan nutohNiaa.in mosiallatt. ilt a newspaper adverUsernont. V, CC NNINUIIIsMo' I= SELLING OFF AT COST! Ha in datorpitned to claso out 1113 etair stock of Beadyryt9.ll-/Clotlting, =CM AT COST, OVER WATS. Duns cu.sas„ VF-STS, Etc., at• V. 11, " Those desirous Of securing good lia.rgril or, taut now )sA OTOr4iffPo§'4Y ' II I I PR lilt /nr store. Come one ,, come all. tiRaiGE ARNOLD. C.ettyaburg, Oct. 2, Igtki. tt FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. NEW FALL GOODS. Just received a large am) Well selected %lock o FALL tz`WINTER GOODS DRESS GOODS, of new Plylev and of every ',Lately DOMESTICS, at greatly redUcea prices. elkif AD D CASSIIVARIIB, I fllatilortMen - 111 CAMPIAS, = We havoJust tcorlved additions to our Q Li*ENSLWA of our •Own- lIARD , WARE AND BUILDING MATERIAL to .apply every Want OILS & PAINTS, at tow rates A. toll stock of GROCERIES always on liana Our-Mock comprising almost evem thing which the consumer may need. Pestles In want of goods run be supplied at low rates by patron 'tint thmuNintnsitUl4l4ll4 , SIGN OF TIIE RED FRONT, • Gettysburg, Oct. es, sees. G DR. TAYLOIN •I+l OLIVE 1313,ANCH BITTERS. Arrilkl aad agreevale TONIC STIMULANT, WOMACHIC and CAR ftAi'VVE Eirlull.E.Rg, Ettritetc‘il entirely trent lIERI3A and MOT:3. 111thly 144441c1141 , 14 DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, AND LOSS OF ,AiPPETItE; and an excellent CORRECTIVE for persons • • I r u ffe ring from Dleortlere of the Rowels, Mtn- MEM BOLD EVWf W IMRE ot3 7' - 17 Depot, Se. 418 Market Street, Nitta&lpilla. 7. IL TAY,LOW,Sts QQ.a Rept. IR, PM. 17 FURNMIgE , D. C. Edt..E , A FFER - PETERSBUtiG, la prepared to oder to the Public anything ' In hht as eheal, as eartla; . hati . In the oquotry, iliP:llun.thasers will do well to call alai C 24111- Ine our stock bears buying elsewhere. - tr, luta with dispatch 112113=121 WORD -‘ FOR ZAL43s. NM .i.icalacoaDA awacty., ground. GRID, ARNOLD. ICEZ I :o SAI GRAIN A.NO,VlWikilty, 2?£ 1.1 R. 88 N (YU'S 13! T ICE new n Wnrettotnte on the corner ibmbon.: of M the e titintliot t b Waeft irbe ter erauttliu , adrnewbee tob..r.pbbtuk Ont.% In IL. Ile dealing to pttrehase any quan tity of WHEAT, .EYE, COEN, OATS, CLOVES AND TIMOTHY SEED, HAY AIM STRAW, Anti latt Plogr kreer"furvsaltile [M e lt .of Groe,rt, —l.lGgant, 1 011 oes, Hyrum. MoLwates. spieca, Salt, Fish, a, Tobnct.)., ,N It lk the V i kalp 14:FWIter—WIIITELUCK14. FREIGHT LINES i t t en u x g lLn et, rls t a m ilg o l n n , vje I,'l o o4elphin—to t.rtner city. amt /-q.:l7,W,r!t!. iinrket .tr. In the Intt.er; The prdronage of the public solicited. N effort enl4 be @pared e o. larlptitu 1, • • *M. E. BID LE. Ciettysburg, Oct. 9, =M==l IMSE BVErVERS' QUITE a number of these titoven were put in Ilse twit satiSoll, and the universal Rath, faction they gave I intnee.,l the mile,orib, r to order another lot. Thoy are de, ith dl} Ilse bet, elieripi,t and most {n , rtect stases es Sr In •t erect ett } styar.z, anal , hen hmaalit th t 7i i •i 3 l:et i l l i a . it r , r - ili tA, a.,....ert .1 31A1t 5 a2:::r1- ulth all a I lumiimtia r .t.t Iti(J.TN 9, '.., 1, •,1,17,:( It " , ii and antinlii+t data t,,, Cl. stilt ' .11.1 015111 managed, o, , they become a t orli, .whereN er lama al. ANo the ORIV.N/'At,PAIII,OI t t i. , a 'IC ill' It.N ER, a heating, baking and cooking Move manhined. • - . Persona nhonlll examine these xt•ri beton ()wing oilier., the) iinitii.lee lm nix and not comet in nn) other mud nee then, " " Alec u full 414 , 1,:,1 0/ c001i.1.N4 nt irduced trlreg, ssarrunted to balte'rtret 'VC* tttlbla.el.l.ll la es rt. Also a general Juo.ort men! Of nrtlrl.•+sulln it%di I,f 11„11,,,,, \!l , l4t ' qton Honig. Till , and Ti re and I ork. , Iron I.4t tiler,,Yito,..i, 6. ti • WOK. Lett) shun;, brpt. 25, tI CARD. ITAVING algpoArd lit the EXCEL/44RX 11 GA LLERY to Mew,. TIPTON VETO, t tok.• Ile opportllllll% . of .1: iota flit to th public. Inv mini-ere thank.. for their Ilnrral pa tronage tln• past, end knoa/tlh Wain hi Itr prmpt, thorough, tin rat 1 1, and o. , •tirrn l'hotogrorinwr., 1.1( for Oa ro a continuance of ti. SILID, Thi•N hay Inn 1110 101110,111, ell tire &intro' of the FACE klor Uallell for 00 1 last two 3 et.bn. I koou theA they u 111 el.. i I every rftort to renal, full—nall.fm non at all C. J. TINON. that. 21, MS. GREEN RIDGE' STORE. r .Tolll.' at. (Herm Hullo., Hamilton towmallp, Afilllll mow). t o t old •Mttol, , on the rarlit,h Turnpike, to svhleh he oIS Ite , the attenttot ot tkp ipt4,l4 444k:rally. ithinto/ 1-SCUAII9, (VWFVFA, TVAA, SYRI:PS. EMENCEr , , (ALM, 311111J/CLNES MEN S AND WoM EN'S 110hE. GLOVES. SUSPENDERS, lI,ECK TIES, ATANTKERCIT I EFS', lIIITTONN, THREADS &I'., AC., AC., In abort, a ball smart moot arnefolarythinft twos amy found In a ft ret-e1.1%. slum of the kind.— lint stock will °twits,. he found fresh and full, and his wives assets( thevszy.jdowast. N , effort a pataal to *Auk all arballi.lolpattonlae m. J 01124 lb RUNT. Aprll 24 1864. ly BUGGIES & CARRIAGES REMOVAL THE underdone,' has renoteed his Carl -2 no-Making )l. libOto the enst end nf 1111dd to lo Uea.l l 6ll. build th 4 tr„tptl, nark Ist I.l4 wltetehe.wo llA; motif:lee fig ; C4SSIA,GICS4 1/1017/NO S SUCHNIA - .ULAGER SIACIONS. &C\ Hlnl4 nrk *Veil pet 1p aCsood mate Hat end by the best of mechattleir, and cannot tall to ON e antlrfaction. His prices are alert* ren..ennble. He soli, lts orders, cordident that be can please. REPAIRING promptly done., at rnalen. ate rates. Juneza, MO. Is ,W. R. ALLAGHER. ,' • FARM 11TPLUEITS. Ii'IiaLOUGHBVS GUM SPRING.-DRILL., 111,11. Z tiptita. Drill Lit nee, will iwnralltr,4lo* Gfttlu witnout Liinugpartlng any pof the KUL, • Can ("Millen Item wall or valiant • OUANO Cluarituteed U do good Nvop.k. Also, the ei7a rriturg Panning 31711, made in New York. Equally an gond es the millet formerly null In Iliw county, Iit.PARATIM AND mink:sin:lv,, cr.() vac HU1.1.1,118 14TEEI, PLOD ijJI. a.C. - PA1410,11.4.1 ' IVNt WI TILE, Ang,•2l,litat tft NEW FIRM Lt Alw azlorit; A' derv," connly, .217. (IIIIF. Under,4l,4l have It..usetl the lUUCK nWATIEFIOntM. 'ln New Oxford, Where ey ace carrying on the (RAIN AND PRODUC'E Paying the hlghe‘t Oder% fit Vi heat, rive, tturn, Oat., Clutt, and T000l0.) at 4,1, Until Fruits. Soaps, tiants, Shoulders nud Spies. Pataioes, , ae. altoCl,lllE‘.3. 'of till Itnnil , t, constantly on Mind and for Teas yolc. .dt, ttlte.o, yiwncnr, alrlmps - 1 14 , 3115,11 f t Mtn di hl o r p (..ta , ) Vaal Uit, 'Lir, de, tlintt,s mad . ails; inoktult ,and , t,lwoanett, .t . tt n r , a,en., and s'tilottattud otternrtieles —MI hold t the low pruats. ant-Mato Flats. and Teed Plaster, PbatiOutes, (Juan., fiat, d,. '1(111T CARS run to ent.ou t. o n t „ Madtknune, • weir wink.. tiokara carried both ‘iras promptl) "n 4 l ll4*6 r iu o e" o . f raa,ik Ey: '''''ln""r s '-'"' il; l r'.r.i ' fflltS a BEN Nevi? 04104,41, May '29, Eli SELLING OFF AT CGST! (ran underata . ned, to cluae out the tatainca,, Jtzt.ELLlNkr 011.. E AT 4.:11.4T, M lila Skye, on The York Tut npike, three mil,. cant of Gettymburg, a good atock Cfa .4 SN• • interes, 01.5'81 . 14'6' A 'Backup, hnoCa, flute eilovps, kaarichag.t; DE raIN ES, I'ALIOLIES, Giughatax, Burag,B Wolin* Arm Lathes , tianakerrati*,,, mot, ry, aiut low., 4,1 111,E, %Oki Sl4illo-1A ,(}loos -ii are, ay d ara, al all I; 134, ; (aria; Ware, Tuba, Tim Irak, and a thunaaad other ertlelee. Like. Ise for s.th, un ext.ellqnt DOU BLE-BARRELED t;UN NOW _FOR 11A141;4INs! come on; conic all, and Ile suited, Yon LI not, rrg , nt JUUh 2401thECK. Aug. 14, 1808, It Clothing I Clothing . NEW AND' hAll(113 AH,ltrYftl,! tiBRINK , corner of the Diamond „ and York street, Itualust returned from e city with an unnSuolly 9asort, men% sr CLOTHING FOR FALL Affli '{WINTER wear. which he will sell at suehalz as can not tall to Lake them o ff very 111. and judge for youreetvea . To, off the ex cellent mat,rlal, tasteful Ing, and neat Preeft i tre t eeriVt i rpliu yW eu they ase it so much to then . iuteregt, lo do so. , Kb Imo Casco; Paiata. Vans; Vans all at tleg mud materials; • Hats, Biota and Pillars; Border"; Moroi, Hand kerchlefs,.Seck4lo4,4.lrarsts,dAinsoussid Pa per Collars, litlßpenders, liirmikkeß, Combs; Trunks, Valises, limbrbilas, Vocket Kul V aWCadiall AWL MOM 141 r Ta. 4441118, kl..ittlenerr, Clocks, Watches. Jclrelry. __ math thousand Sad aster other slittiStes, Oniftflyi bto inurftt.r. Ass to detail in a nasispsper aiPsert hlm. t. He asks the attention of the public to his n u tty stock, conlittlifikt.t.a44.6 K4i,/,,kOsaspland Za la jd, - 34164 4 2 ( f 4 "VW 'R a t The 0 one cifew.r. nou C timer JAI,' BRINKERHOFF. 1.801111.411 , 1...“. r . '" 4 'S'I r L v A.I%/2 • •, • SAFES., Etanborn'a Patent has been demouet rated, hy the most thorough practical text!, to be vastly ccAperlor in are-proof qualities to any other ranlh ,(Iwing lgarted - len tapper Palma hermet ically acaled,) precentln4 completely any evaporation and la the dritsitaafejn nee. patent can be applied tonne mtfe. otr tirmamg ciaeWherp call nun examtrie, or gend nls with ail o c i lm k va r rttfleatcs of AfdERICAZILTEVI Plltri-PROOlrfAkWe9o. • Oct. 80,415 T -j7r ail XVI; tF. - AroaV 4 01 41 m 'T 141 1 }41 , 14 ' ' % , := !4 " r , • ' ' &40 0 4 t MBA, AO All AIE'IRAE,I4T ! , • Thom 1 e no medicine wi ouch In favor with Busetin art' aeon-Write. with their action WI Rohm it'a lire mate, ph...lit and mil.l in their operutlAn, and are purely regVit,ll:o, 1,11 N. tni,.lll ht I . llihiren 011§ .01/ Uthilta; SLEEPLESS NICHTS. As a ?crackly so soothe all 110.1101101. rand, mid 1n i trisect 141411 k, .1.111144, ibeni rookhopit, iso skicklictoo eY.lisrust which IN sic , :etve4 with oos moots tkavor M Hotiackks Mont- Ott Warr.; ki wine slam nril•oa inAnit to bad hk all that In required to prodkwo sound sod healthtul shop, =ME Or, fit. Anthony'' rire,can be effectruilly ern& Witted by tho not of Hobo, k'w Blood Purifier lit ow) unction with Roback's Blood Ills. , • ) • • OPTHALMIA, Or, Intlnnmutllon of %Io Itdrou, not Mitre• t 0,011 3, arOwn tram n dinordered slut. of flue IlLoanroi+4,6.l.o , 6‘4lfaiihis ' 0 1 , - ill, lit nova tu,s, ettect n VUN lq !Mt/ V I+4; ell (.:•1!" ' :" IIt,F,EP YOUR BLOOD PURE. 'rho, rrtn titer, now before the pub lic, P.) I%lllOlt /OUWANd to purify the Woo,' mut ret,t,truot (4t) 114d 011.11.1,t11e hole 101Itetil ". 40rcy140.4),1107,r0Lt1P1011 4.111140 Molllll ON. LEUCORRNOEA, I )rllkigh4.: VAitAiWitovr- liwitittliabatv taws I‘ , 'lT' l d l Ti u tteN...2l,.....v., ar_, - T..taJ,",..v Do wit /et tut Om tin sa34lt:ll l %:Utr 4:11%- 1,12. a,k thAe Int Wrq nre pl - Ornitiwith #ttpc t inTrvlhrnt , o it, that m 1 0 111 4 0: a ti Mt WU , ' ratil,Al to etay. • . BAD TASTE tho . 111 . 1 1 1111 . 4111i4f 'rni 0., Of H , I.:PenTh,MO,nty.t4ll.lMkOnlitlition M tittiaktest4 ottrte of trio jiyor,tthtt Nlieftl4 hot, for n into ttetlek . t.4l; 1x 1f I. Mnt tholtreinonitory igytopttm of 0 trulh Of 0% 11. 41141 the t ery 110.111.1 of gliPleili4l". PlOellfe of once tioiwk , . I . lllx, witn lulxtor tnom itf•tr waling to trio dl (I.IIIS Ilec41,11111111) ing I.IICII aii.l the dtni ;";ltati-+Lwigka al.eask! Will at unce NOT A BEVERAGE. Unlike most of the bitters of the present clay, Pr Roltarle6 ane not intended ass pleasant Stimulating whiskey ts, rrsyte , lout are jai feet- Jae, torurntrntnarrotrartkirtontitntr , bourbon alllskoy to 1101.1 In solution tilt me dletnul extlactlVe Matter tutu a blob they too comiwt,d. WHO SELLS THEN I? . . The Agrati‘itrr the sal. orfk,httek;.looil Pill.;.istamcli J 311.4 rt. awl Ith..xl Ihutiler uni A. lit=Lal. awl J. .11.111;1431, Lty Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all tho purposes of a Laxatiie Medicine. Perham no one tnedlelne Iv No unit erNally moulted by ever) holy as a eathat nor wax ever any before so universally adopted Into one, In every county and among all climes as UAL-nil/I-hut alllataa. purgative rat.- k 1 01,IVOU, rensoll Is, Llllll., It lo 0 more reliable and far snare ell'ax teal remedy than any other. ..Those who has e tried It, know (tint It cured them; those who have not, know that it cures ;Mir nehrhbora and frletuts, 4.144 all know that what It dots , (Mee tt daeic always that It nese, lulls [Mental an) fault or nu gloet of Its cote thou We have 01011PUInds upon thousands of , ertinearteli Of their re. workable CUT, of the followingmanhunts, ere knew n In es cry neighbor insal, and we need not publish them, Adak.. ted to all ages avid condltlollY Iq uL (Jig/ 41..C4: Mllta tipingaid qv* lismaiSCauy duo drug, (Ito' Int 4 M. taken v. tth hatety by 011)• body, olagur tine rre‘ersitt theta ever fresh bald...lo*r thetkntottlant to take. while I a•lng vegulabh , nth harm yan arise IfOrn.thet* its In any ttstuUtltY They Olsrote tay tuAr power fw Milan - 04 nn the Interma - vkcera to purify the Id oml and stimulate It Into healthy. action—remove thi) obstrnetionyol the stomarlt, howels,llVc r, and other arenas of the tasty, regttyrlng their Ire regular action to Iterdth and ItY turlootlog, wherever tney eskt, ,nioh derangemenis . are the (Int it t„ ht of dime., • , „ Uri 1% 4 en . rue vrra r on 11,n 11,1 x, f,Ft 1( Which these ITr Hyspepprln or I n;Algeotlon, ' nes., Languor and Loom of Ai ppettle. they k.houltl 1,, taitan nulderatelv to stim.hlate the tornach and reitttyre 114 healthy tone and 1144L1011. rut I,lser Complain/ and Int various sy7nptotax, ii•attwellte Mick lifettdathr..kittaatioe m airsaa, odakstains, ninon% l'oltr 1111101. Fevers. tboy annuli% Int Judtt %entity tat, n for each ease, to toto the ,11 , ,,kned tpal tho s uetion•••• Itiett it Dysentery ..r Diarrhoea, but (mu tnt 4re•tnertstly - rerinlyrd. • For Rkettuutthan, Gont, Gravel. Pulpl• lotion of the Heart, Putts Its the aide, nark Intl Loins. they Nhouid he eantinuode,- ly taken, u, V. gutted, to ellate.pe tine dint a:4A action ,klt.lllO SYKIMI. With eitiett titimstr , OMPiainl4 tlisappatr. lor 1)roy te-41M u%,r!i t en an e.cla tlartal a intil purgei For tiows mewed be taken, as stanductes tato dattlted ?inset by .y at pulhY. A. a De?olOr PM, htke 01/0 Or tiro Fait to pro• ittoto a mat naleVe the tiit •l l . All occasional dose stimulates the hlonme and bowel. DIN) appetite, and lit, luta - Wes the tuotteto. /fence it is oft. It ads at. taaeatiq no ge,d,,oa de. rltn.rwiatt.tal. I.•Si.lw, { the aid) p ti, tolerably xecll, oft. a m el t , Wad. a du. , of tle-, PM; awl,* s t 0., O. 1 1 1141111,11 y 1 14111 r, irlllll 111 1 1 . 1 r 110 1 111g1.111 rennNatlng ravel on the Inge,. Ili .aI.I, 21.2100, Int, J. ‘Y/Ilt & Pruett/41 iatarrasta, U.H. A. For sale by A. D. 111.1%.111LF•it, Agent, get. tyabunr, Pa. Oct. 2,1805. lyt•:%w J. M. MINNIGH. Diamond Matectkaa and Its (ham Sodom VAtart e lgltiC street, twodnora above= liqua , GAtyburg, Pa. (rota the city with , full atoek of Oman.. tiolvvvy J vvm u.O ai Wit vory louotAvou• FRENCII h COAIMQN CANDIES, Orrtngeo, Lenionx, Tiwa, NIAP, Notiona, d ev•rYtisluts bakinKilig too Arat-olimi Coo t y, with CA K EAD AND LEY. °NADI:. Al., 13--e-R-e -A- supplied on fihort lotico, t ELLINERX. 1468 1868, MEMEMI H AN Just return.* front the city with a I .9 r trit a lt i ti MANI) HAM, Alto. Bonne t liat Trimmings of the latest i'4 n u 1 1+10 ,F,A,WOX, MOD T 01,141 GOODS, ehe 11*'"deb4foluSl{ci auk*, DA the nu lowest a rV i AtZ ,4 4 36 Pred a , o r.4l ' ‘)l.44oa tdIL.AM , PO* Prii4 the rt. ontilot, 114:aitur4.4.4'tataitt. tleptittirrut NEW 'COACH 81194 1 YAZti.TSit, ADAMS .ii C * o.,' L Tyr L ini r ipic/01,1, , ' ' ~' - , I lAT r , N t lip inuellan4 pflpfoling lite pub r T ko2l tuaye c,tablisha new lbach Elops lit 11l estown, %%here we are prepared to ill anuraelure to order all !chici of BUG -1;I!, 4.4 = ' VI term, Our hands have Zell a'"unin iiiii i: e l i t all!' e ll n al?t,WV . lak: 4 plr krw 11* 1 pair d In e4l Aillia—WOlVAlittKiree yv meat at *Up Ocoee Wens, will'" siblr 1.4440 IMO -MO ida'A‘elititql • ' ' - VIELARIne ONE Or VIE ILVST" .27irrtSTAl gm] First . 49rfgage Boniles, OT rur VNIOIIT p.A.crr: Railroad Oompaay. . 311L1Z COMPLETED..' A. lhntoaf arnmil% of the !Phil' Bowls Al iii. U utosa PpostlAq Flialrugul ere Otrered tp U t pnl.ll . le. oue of tit and nluNt ptlm itablo'lnvostmonta. I. They etas fleet intirtingettjton the . lad.itoet tint - anent eh nrnse In the entu 2. 8y Intesthey emit be tsanytt In the Com) only antbe neud le cow pleted,. 411 ways represent u real Mita. L Vogt, n111(411411, 11 in nod by not of Nifty ow We watt . . llav, or ius averaisa 400 than SO , ' tlierattrere Seaats, Ind alba. Oakes Musa, of the ti . Stadia, Haw di aisocapatattwa, loath* t , wskicqr,io.,..)/fga4bdtdipa, W aqa thotao Intoroata arr protpetell. 6: 'live dbitriim'tat t loa•Prm at nr tau chased swum. Ar. Wile to W.:WI/WY 49111thi miuldigtsineni gawks. , 0. Theo Pith r,.1 . F0.t0n ct;l'L‘altarionerp, torttly tiartite roadie Mel t built and edit Ip, and In an respecta a flrat•elase runway, two any bond* can hi. Lowed upon It. 7. Thu United Slott% Uovernuient lent (ompon) its ow tl minds to the Santo moon that the tarliquoi y twelet, for which It Luke* second mortgage Lie eceurtlY• 8. /.8 additional aid, It make* art stood donation of l24B)ornei of land to the loll; Ina upon each iliac of Ilia road. ll:The bonds - pay atc per cent. in I'ol* the prtiwipal la also pitruhlo In geld. IS. Thu mailing; ft 010 the local or why stogie wore oNer 1'"1 , )tars.lort roar, which, nttca tak hitt operulltii; lras Inttelt taint° than onllll/.lent to tm the tt torest. oarnltio will ha vitativ II ern4wal Ott gin colaylatlon of LW vallre II In 1+,40. It. No potllleol artkr, ran red in, the rate Mama. it must renurin for thirty yr ars. Its per er N. phe usimint, i,, paid, now equal t betwOot eight Ulla 111114. per urut. luanirrour The proicapa9a Ihrnpurtido u, yohd, Il abut mllll gull patantt I 4,, e„• NllO,lll ths. gt ernment, Its Yanrkt t price *nunl not be h than groan to 2t par coot premium. 111tuo lotittla ambient!' nutlet Government t thorny and . tityprvialuti, itpou ,n hat 1•0 largely a Gqeeratneitt, work, they intial. ul Mat sty apktuleit tlnYornmant prlres, fo r horol, arr mode vt,•ttr.. I. The I.kie wlAnpols 4xlmuht,ll, TI kl , * luta wniArifttat 11,11 Ithtf a minion (la), and 111.1111) 1111'111) , 1ati)144..1 , 41‘v la•en s“ItI .hoot I, la 1117.1Thal, Ilitri 0 ata) °Mimi, WIN If Inljaantalne that in tan tin*" ntla tat dtatalata ail 1110 ratnaltidar a howl* tnoVn l aPatalf Van taaal.fnan lao lei by home tutt/htnath al of aavlttallsisAtql WI Ira, a (rant On. lharkt I, pt. al A tAtNi: I attee:• long llmo, liO httrit potal 10)1.1 aal the pt.tatot,stiatertly, Itittrit n alko tl rvr es 1.0. . , All the tirudirt long Idyll uttletirii of bilkin'iaile In rolittion to the I bWOTlPV.lstieritvid 01 their enhirrri or the value and BA% au" , In the prlue of th. strofriLlo-i, )14Y11. 1N.X.14 Inure 11.11 iNA/11111.11 and llkt,.} jlKru6iro 11, 41:g( ,, t , that pen t 6 w a deAlre to Invt,t In their bonds yid/ fad their othltribtor In fie 10 trt nor,' The tort, foe ti pri sent. la lIYJ nag trued llth refit at tDo sate of 'IX per ettl In currency trap July Ist. and nu U.erl timis will be re,el vent In (Jetty .burg flAYli and TYONTIRO NATIONAL BANK', sort In York AT T 1 couPANy's °once, 2oxedism,- AvD riv SUFIN J. (11406 JsrYN, 'IVALIOIT.; And by Lb% (bnipany'm advgrllsodAKA thrkmighottt 4114.61,1 _ . R.,m17 srnt !rye, tryt part.cA vlthrtcri2,ing_th,wit, I.'ll ugrnlr, ri•ttt timtk lo !Iv 111 for thrir ari/;1 ti 111, ry. A NEW PANIPIII.7I' es v ll M ano Innis Oct 111, contalylng a repot I of the In ngnu,n, tti Work la Unit linty., and A more eomplo alateMent in, real ion Dl the ad vertimenidn 11.1,1 in aa,a4 frno ou appllvatlon at, COrlipfill 'a 0111,40 r t 0,11.1.) Of LLo adrurtl ngcnts. JOHN J. Y1F701.1, fi , ethulrcr, Ya August A ISIC ms . ..ELECTRIC Telegraph iii China EZEI THE E.‘B7 tril i ggAPA CON Nos.l qpd 2441,01ut gtreet, NEW YOBK. OrgOtfizedxlv elol harter (nail ti Slate of New York. MEM ao,ooe' 111111ARBPP$100 EACH IiZR.EG"FORS'. Hst. ANDREW U. (17 RTI N. Ph Ilude P k I, 14 Ft/ItiMM, of 1tu.,•11 At rbP PE RD . BUTTERNEELD, of P. Butter/le' (; ",Npw Pi!it ijktntMoltE, Tron.uror aurbi, Central Ra.11m411,114.1.0n. A LENA NDP:II. H , LLA N I),T remoter Am. lean Vs.prt. Can - rummy, Nov Yee% F.H NON t):‘, µyracuar, y. T. H. I,!tt Trnasttrar Weatent r l oi r tf ', e,tray, lilt Ul=lo===il OFFICRIM. N t. 1114 cet:i A NT. Hccreturl oKtlit(lE YIA b 4. 11 - Ashlar Xi:Mosta! 11 Claulawmuallll,ll'resNurer. 110 N. A. K. ;11, lb.ltar. 'rt.• GOVe , nrognt haviniu Lima !hi , lion. A n.nn fiurinig , Ynol ....areNtefi-t. 1, 441444 W Rte 14.101.3.jgh11$ emulpret lip mportit of tim Empire by Hal imarl uu i•let tolovrapb sgbL at pimpomil twat menet.. pg M rat Loos in ("kt, mot Laying down a hir uttivi /IA ...o o, oft* thi lowing ports, --------. llong-k3ng VIIOyy NIA/Mo. • ' hung shanghai, _ 'ean tiortm Lure n. foreign oothmt, 8200.1100" a °dim enormetto •tusteetkf belittle which we hat e tiau Ikuipettou lut cornm MY. oT the Y.:Melee, rattlett Os front Poisitut. ttultuitit tiu [.poly apd n►vl riven. — lila — Cable being lank Shia ComPanY trailing laud Lhasa, gIUI estabilminiug a and trustworthy Means of common!, Rhbh must ortitsialltrthers. lu neer)+ , chm, ihs ammo ankations of ins Govan.] of bostrioalf, and of imolai ilk Aapec le China. btu has appestat system mut ly means now of communicating , is by couriers of land, and by FseWoolertt IParfa knows that Chi yew largo roulstot. In Ma d. Reel pled; but few yet realiae that she eat move drat •skilhlrxl of the 'wanton rat.. latest rettartliaPtutli WC:central outdo lot taxing' titerpotio. b tat, boat magi, teenlfaN=Z k i l ethat*lnc l ue ILkel) der than over Ow 11 11.110 •411 1 •11 all of these, who are over te nor p only can but do read and write. Her I, tion la poculinr fintliOrnt,Priitete kt at WC as that et Zurope. (Ulna Is in teachers And tradenal and the idtter 1 eed tarty vac* to avalt aureate:tea 01 proffered forcibly for procuring early in t lot, 1$ la sitalarrad to ValiforMs Chliterse , motto great _into of the titotarti fetherertrittouottftaateartallt BlQ4' kv 1:1 11 1. ft?t tuil d w" are o net 3. nese inerchal by them ezelttelvely for the trine.. eurly tutelliner - N, Jr tele~l eGeo, Gonnertltut thekmercet Kea part now in einineme,. It ennisirini taint , it I; e er m ii .,„ •o r t io t Ea r„. ' the Il t" Ar ni t . rt i t 811 inOrtWO. 4 farallin I f „211ejel.= ej=1,741 etgithihrtic our whale people. It le *fa mud natp portnnee ofnutniM:44l:44atinully.# gal hilly, qunlfledly r& " doiltvake la !int orin I nrpriro Nlyt Y r ..... buts.. firStrbil. Thope#, Attet, 31ltee1 •9.1 In tballtUaduiplum_Aßo4 Let, tv, Ailutre , , Atte, Rutiefili 61;ari, tblB' ormipen her, run he obt a4latt 111. JOwn. :315 ml tho 114 of Igt.rvetri ff pnyztalphpunomithiytnatalumehhialti: eunihnticlud I;:tpysetubet. 1, Mit on Lion DREXEL & 34 ,switii 17ttriat SYrcel, .1141 - 4iboree canlx. Vhtalned fit Gettygt ARIA - 10111Np to 1. M. HAIR. Banker, *b, all rll ir.7,:t.". u tr4 ITC cx.4, ssi it *I - T HE tux, Nov. lit Me rile% 1= 8°4444. ..• SO RV, rope
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers