aming aub §oustitaping SOYG OF TIM TAXED. BY mom' w. CONY- - Rink a by`babr —your fathers a slave To the fanatic fool and the Radical knave Mid even the mune yon sleep in, poor dear, Inky be pay taxes In lea than • year. tte works for rola harder each day than beibm. But each night brings him home a lessening store For, ail that ho earns, there's bat I Ittle it leap 00, After T .e.ling pet nettroos anti Radical' thieves. Oa the hat that he wears on his The Made ma hie feet, and the sheets on hhi bed; Every mg that he wears; ercrry morsel hermits; We ton end lila coffee; his bread nod Me meets; c pot Us y are cooked in, the cup that he Every implement used on the land thnt.he tills; Every tool that he works with; the lamp that he burns; The thing that he works oh; the wages be `Darns; Ott r the stove In the kitchen, the coal, too -.till Maher; All! even the match thateete light to the Are; On ill ptpe or tobacco, hie whisky and beer; On the . ..din/Iwo he Will for you, poor little dear. To the taxes he pays we now see no end 2io, not even Death, crushed humanity's &lend. ,ey tan e'en Ida mina, Itlishroud and his grave; Ana lila baby annul starve and hla widow must . . slave To hide In the earth he hes hopeleeety tilled The heart-brokea husband whoa Taxi:shave killed. Ttoek a by baby, sleep on trhßat you on, Thank (led! for the years ere you grow , to a • - man Pm though your poor father to-day M a slave To the famine fool and the Radical knave, 'felt-vote for you, baby, that you May be ►Paled The weigh t of taxation that helms long shared, And pray thalyour life may be saved from hie -- - And the birth-right of freedom be more than a name. Rock b by baby; drop round while you rimy, And your father will work, odour toolbar will pray, st the Risilesl sharks, with their taxes end Iles, _ Way itke swept In &Mond from - America's skies, milL Mit bow of promise be set in the air. Witt; the nattering banner of Minions and - SLAM. NO NUM CANDIDATE! £? 1T 10 itifrir mere party Wimp. esek.— We ore &Five, awe oar comity from the dan arrs whit* oorrhaoy U. We wish to lyt qif the crates and the .hackles usiddt, tit the shape bad lairs and of crushing tasallOn, now para• Use the tautness and labor ty owe land. We hope, too, that ur ran give order, prosperity and happi ness to those saveloys, I oar country which atter so deeply isadag in their homes, and in ail thair • • ' from the unhappy eventia/ the tad eight roes.-lloysmo Sivrmouni "W uxn we ive_vaine to our bonds by using the money drawn by taxation to the payment of our debt, and not to the military and Petro scheme, we ellen relieve the tax-payer, the iditdmider, and gi ve strength and virtue to the Mime of the public eieditor."—lionartoßler itOtift 'Tux next election wilt torn upon this tido : ran the Conaretutional party sitroeod in their etTorte to excite and array the indnatrial • ud money la tercets age hist each other, Or will hem) unite- and turn out flak authors of the nisch ler !touter Willett they WV tall aulfering." —lie rt.trio HEY %tor it. ontOr Gi curse the Routh with mijitary it.potkm, negro rule, and disorganised labor nd industry, they (Con`ress)enreedthebrm era of the North with taxation, the mechanics Ith more bourn of toll, the laborersand pen loners with drteaed paper, the Merchant with a nhining etandard, and the public erect'. or with a dada:atonal and tainted national aft 'W . —lli:m.(llo ElsYNOlnt. THE ONION PACIFIC. We are reminded anew of the eaten t mil progress of the Union ruffle Ball read by the reeelpt•of a copy of a pam lbletiustlasued by the Company, eon aining the Treasurer's report for the Pear ending June 80, 1868, and many Alter matters of interest connected with thisgreat enterprise. The Trees /ter% report, by the way, shows that the earnings for the year reached the sn - or:nous aggregate of $4,2416,010 72,- while the expenses were but $2,601,- i57.t4, leaving a netabalance of $1,581, 1'82.59, upon an average distance of 172 miles.• These figures must be en tirely satisfactory to the holders of the Company's Bonds, the net earnings being very largely in excess of the In terest upon those liabilities. _The Company's pamphlet is the handsomest business document we have seem issued by any corporation. 411 accurate map of the Union Pacific `its relation to all parts of the 0011:11/.. fully enables one to see its impor as a national work. The "Char-. of the work ' Is an Important 'ter, answering in detail, by the mony of many intelligent exam!. the question, "ls the road well .?" All this evidence—qdotations ig given from more than a score of item—goes to show the road to be Toughly built and well managed. ,hapter upon "The Saving and Profit the Government," gives facts and rtes from official sources at Wash. ',ton, showing that Government I almost two million dollars In rear 1867, by having Its freight upon route transported by this railroad ter than by wagons, as formerly. Treasurer's report follows, to .•11 we have alluded, and the pain t closes with remarks upon the re of the Company's Bonds, which I First Mortgage upon the entire , andatiamply secured that, paying they jdo six per cent. gold interest, • ninst be classed among the safest most profitable securities. The Imation is given, in the Company's 'Ailment, that the period during teh these Bonds can be obtained at 'resent rate may be short, as it Is unlikely that all which remain un- I may be taken by some combination apitalista and ,withdrawn from the •ket, except at such premium as holders might see fit to demand. ,pamphlet is superbly printed, ',s ous characteristic vignettes, initial rs and tali pieces making it an al ive illustrated work. Copies of camblet may be obtained free, of if the Company's agents. White Woman gootraired by Three Negroes. MOBILE, October —A. white wo n, sixty yearkof age, wee assaulted ravished by three negroes in the kirts of tie city yesterday in broad fight.- Her life is in serious den from injuries inflicted. The cili ate in pursuit of the negroes. market man was assaulted by ne- yesterday- morning a short dis from this city and was mortally ided by a musket shot. While la de, they lobbed him of every. even his shoes. 1/b/11,1116kaliet by • Negro. Waaansawcoll, Oct 21.-4. private an employed at , Oentre mat , tide gay, woo , severe* Slabbed It boot twelve tOclocle, by a negro bawled Sins, whom 'ln tb Ana otegifir me i wegt66w her, already teimorteath Iteallaa, . 88 70 011 , 1 4 ' Mad , 4 1 . 1...:".1.• JOB PRINTING. TH CIVITYI3BURG COMPILICIt OFFICE Is now one of the moat complete Job Printing Establishments n Penneylvanla °Waldo of Philo:le/phis. With the bad machinery to Ire had—o POTTER DUCAL CYLINDER DOWER PREM.& GOB, DON JOBBER, a FOSTER IL&ND PRESS, etc. —and the newest and most fashionable styles of types and borders, with fancy Inks and the different bronzes, wo cannot . - tnil to satisfy every taste. Trine imply supplied, beeidee having good workmen:, we coatiklently Invite obi of all kinds— Posters; Handl,llk, Progrananses, Circulars, Legal planks, .hales,. Cheeks, Orders, • Bill-ileads, Letter-Heads, Nits/nest Camel, Ball Cards, Wedding Cards, 11e-Aie imdtatume Lecture rickets, Labels, Ee., rfc Indeed, everything entering into the print, Ing line. AlVous with dispatch, and et sea sonablnaces. . . Order. by moil will receive prompt °Men Uon. Addresa, ~ H. J. STAHIsE, COXPILER 07VICZ, GIETTTISBIIEG, PA July 21, 1511 S THE LAB? CROWNING SUCCESS. Airs. S. .4. .411 en's LVPRON ED HAIR, RESTORER I HAIR DRESSING New Style, ido, One • Bottle, wlllAutokly restore Grey Bair to lUI natural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant growth. It le perfectly harmless, wed le pre- fermi over every other preparation by Those who have a !We head of hair, as well as those who Wish to restore It. The beautiful gloss awl perfunte Imported to ill., Hole make It desirable for old And young For Bale by en Druntsta. Depot, 198 Greenwich Street, New York PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Feb. !B, MB. ly HESD-QUSRTERS CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Every Kind of Gentlemen's Wear, SUCH AS LINEN COLLARS. PAPER CUP). ,-, COTTON BTOCICINGS, OLOVBS, POCKET BOOKS, TRAVELING RACES, CIANE:S, &0., &U. I keep Gentlemen'. Weir o all kinds and will sell them at the Lowest Cash Prices. BOYS' HATS AND SHOES, in great variety 111-01ve me • call before purohasing else 1:2=I April tt ROW & WOODS, GETTYSBURG =MMEI DEEM 0001$. 2 1 10710203, LADIES" HAM LADLES' SHO/D, CHILDREN'S SHORE, RATS FOR Dow, HATS FOR MEN, HATE THE CHILDREN ; MACHINE COTTON, seo4 an CosterNM mad' Yrs price. HOOP SHIMS. L past variety; Reu,atonai. luriwn& MRN AND Bore WEAR at low prima TR of Wy e ES, um - • Ate. BDLU CHEAP, Us", , 18111. ff CANNON'S MARBLE ( WORKS, Oa BalUmare St" oppodie alat Ooortdfare" GJ?TTtRURO. PIENN'A. Every deserlptket of woe* executed In Pc. FINEST STYLE OP THE ART June A UAL tt I W: MOILUILII 'Brae*ant eaer O* in i=r :kat all llamas la allied to all boa. am la lb am Illialleallaalsalki* arra sod winsome leisnaa, Wire Wl* IMP/6*AP - • *ba,!l vTHE GETTYSBURG COMPILER, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30, 1868. NEW FORWARDING I_l - AVING purchased that extensive Were house, 01-tre etc, of Culp & &armhole, the underatintod Inte d n to carry on the homi ny*, under the firm of Bigham & Co., at the old stand, on the corner of Washington and Bailees° atruets, tat o inure extensive setae We ere_ pa_ying the highest market pride; for KAY, Ifj..OUlt, GRAIN 4. trrp ALL KINDS OF I . IIODUCE. FLOOR and FEED, SALT, and all kinds Of 401tItOCERIF7s, kept eorudantly on hand and foraale, cheap, r than they can be had any where else. PLASTER, and nil kinds of FERTILIZERS, constantly on hon. t, r furnished to order. A REGULAR LANE OF FREIGHT CARA will leave our Witrenouse every TUESDAY LIGENTRO, and zu,ommodation trains will be run as 000.1011 stay require. By this ar rangement we are or, pared to convey Freight at all limos to and irom Baltimore. All busi ness of this kl,l n trusted to us, will be promptly attend, .1 to Our curs run to the Warehouse of ote, neon & Sons, North Howard street, ISLILIIAIO/0. Being determined to pay good peters, Kell cheap and deal Lundy, we Invite every'leody to give Ile a call. W3l. 1. ERMAN, ALEXANDER CIJBEAN, JALILR IHOHALL Jan.l7, 18614 tt un e dertigued have leased the Ware heum on the corner of Stratton street and Railroad, in Gettysburg, where they will carry on the Grain and Produce Business in all Ita branches. The highest prima will always be paid for Wheat, are, Corn Oats, Clover and Timothy Heeds, Flaxseeddinnine, Hay and Straw, Hsled Fruit, Nuts, Soap, Hama Shoulders and Sides, Potatoes, with everything else in the country produce line. Groceries, of all kinds oonstantly on Hand and for sale--Cogees, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, ;Spices, Hull, Cheese, Virsky/r, Soda, Mnatard, Starch, &AV:lBuckets Slacking Soaps, "Arc. Also I/IL, Flak . Yll, Tar, 'etc. FISH of all kinds; Spikes and Nall.; Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. They are always able to supply a first rate article of Flour, with the diger/ail kinds of Feed. Also Ground Pluter, with Guanoa and other fertilizers. COAL, by the bushel, ton or ear load. WO will also run to No. 77 North stmet, BALTIMORE, and MI Market street, PHILADELPHIA. All goods 'lent to either of the nbove places 1.111 be re calved and forwarded promptly. Goods should be marked "Banners' Car.' Aprlllo, 1000. tt HAY AND GRAIN 11 1 1/INTED. , ....._ THE undersigned would announce to the J_ salamis of Adams county Mot they still carry on the GRAIN AND RAY BUSINESS, at the old stand, ORANITE STATION, on the Clettymburg Railroad. They are prepared to pay the highont prices for GRAIN ANS NAY. They keep tdl kind. of GROCERIES, SALT, GUANOS, &c., which they will sell at the smallest prolits. Give us a rail arid see fur yourselves. PHILIP HAWN & BONS. Dec. 'JO, ly McOURDY & HAMILTON, FLOUR, GRA IN, GROCERIES, &C. MUM undersigned ere pirying,ut their Ware ' house, In Carlisle street, adjoining Bueh ler's Hail, the highirt prime for • FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, BUCKWII t...1T, CLOVER AND TIHOTII KEM*4, POTA &U. , anti Invite produce-re In give them a call be fore gelling. They have eouxtuntly on hand for sole, A LUICIE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES Mebane Syrups, Coribes, Sugars, &c., with Malt, Fish, Oils, Tar, Heaps, Bacon and Lard, Tobaccos, de. Also the best brands of FLOUR, with FEED ot all k Inds. They likewise have SEVERAL VALUABLE FERTILIZERS, Soluble Paoltle Guano, Modal,' Phosphate and A A Mexican Guano. WhfMt they pay the highest market prices [wall they buy, they soli at the lowest living profits. They ask n shape of public patronage, resolved to give satisfaction In every ease. IVtBERT MeCIIRDY, WM. 8. HAMILTON. Gettysburg, July 1, 1117. FOR LET ALL THE PEOPLE .COME ! Firno , Goodt ‘l, Conieetionery IFVIE undentignel, having bought out J. I M. Warners Pitney Goods and Cbnfee- Winery Store, on Baltimore street, nearly op. Ignite Fahnestoelue Store, Gettysburg, invites the public's patronage. Large and truiteful ae the stock has hero, no effort will be spared W render it still more attractive and desira ble. He sow offers Writing Desks, Plain Candy, Work Bones, Fancy c 4 ‘o " 1 • Portfolios, Satchels, Sardines, Pocket Books, Lobsters, China Toys, Chow-chow, Pocket Cutlery Fancy Caken Jewelry, Fermis Crackers, Cheer, Wine Blactlits, Brnelies, Mueroon do., Perfumery, Fire Works, Soaps, Penn di Pencils, Mini* Writing Papers, Fruits, Nuts, T iW oire= . olmaire, v Syn ` e• POO Ninasuout e 'iraWr e llON." He intends to sell everything at the lowest poble prime, believing tbst " sm all prolate" bring ••qulek sales," and ace therefore best for buyer and seller. Come one—come all A. R. FEISTEL. PAP DOEK)118, HA.NDRERCIiIEiS March 27, Mg. if IJMBRELLAS, THE GETT TSB URO SKY-LIGHT GALLERY frIHE undersigned teke. pidunire in announe- I, leg to the citizen. of Gettysburg and the public generally that he has removed from his old rooms ou Went Middle street, to Balti more street, and nearly opposite the store of Vahnestock BroUiern. The room he now oc cupied' has been rivently fitted up expressly for his business., The Location Is an admirable one, enabling blot to tali' e pictureslnallahhades of weather, and NV I L/1 a correctness unequalled any where else. LIFE-LIK E: PHOTOGRAPHS, of every size and desciiptfon, nieeilted In the CARTE Particular attention given to the D 1 VISIT E, and to copying AMBROTYPES and DAGUERREOTYPIR of deceased friends. Also— THE GETTYsI3URGI GEMS, a new style of picture, Which has become veryclar with the public, not only for their beau but for cheapness and convenience. SIXT • for ONE DOLDAR only Also —THE PORCELAIN PICTURE, which for their beauty and durability are unsurpassed. We are preparmi to carry on the business in all lie various branches, and having had con siderable experlei IVA , we run no risk in GUAR ANTEk'.INO PERFECT SATISFACTION. TILEO. C. N01T.8.18. . Oar faollitlee fora full display of our skill are unequalled by any other Gallery in toe county, and we would therefore invite every one to atli at the NEW GETTYSBURG SKI'. LIGHT GALLERY. Osil and exannue our Specimens and Judge for yourselves. LEVI MUMPS& June 25, Met • Farmers, Attend to Your interests I GETITSBUFA FOUNDRY. rnHE sulmeriber would Inform his end°. merdand others, that hp Is still manufac turing various kinds of castinies and Ma chines, made to order, on short notice, such as TECRESITERS AND POWERS, live different elses of Posers.) CLOVER SEED HULLERS AND CLEANERS, CORN ERELLERS AND SEPARATORS. CORN. FODDER CUTTERS ,STRAW AND HAY CUT TERS; CORN PLA.NT O VERS•oles • PL, each as Chit. Ploughs, tharehear Pia:Labs, Side. hill and Ours Plough.; the WIREAMNO HORSE RARE, the latest_ icsprovement ; also RHIREMAN'S SELF-DARGING HORNE RAKE. He will likewine ins nufsettire moliEttitAND REA METAL PICREWB for Oder IRON RAILING for traeteri P re c r ea, with everything else to his Mae, all at low rates. RALE.—A One-horse W DAVID Awing, Reg tf Ws. IL Midler, VAVING located In the town of NEW OX.- VORA Adams county, will cam_ on e Wallowa of Cabinet-nu/kin& In all Its Weather. kept on basal and wade to. order. He will also keep ibr sale a ebolee assortment of CHAIRS. Be Wants the animas of the tenni sod eurroutellu• eowatry to view Ws • call, Si be:will mil is low at tau be perabeeed at eam piece. lie wilt guareatee wort any to be s ate ada up la the beet ateaser, sad of good mriel& New Mice* In. 81; tt F wkk ASIWKI OOKYOUND.—,lssecasn's llnu venat Washing Ocengsand. bg. workthe ils mesh labor is llllAred. and done in the beet manner, ibr ago at OLLLWA. PIE AIF. & r ars. A WM ig web elan be done with Itoti If 9 rs 3 o. ll 4PA ILS AND COB& ISSI ON HOUSE CHANGE OF FIRM. Lines of Freight Cars EU= CABINET-MAKING. FURNITURE PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, LADIES' COMPANIONS, TOILET SETS, WRITING DESKS, PERFUJIERY,. Fancy China and Bohemian Vases, TOYS, &C., &C., &C., NS. AT ,A. R. FEIST'EL'S, Opposite Fatinestocks' Store. Gettysburg, unreal it, tt SELLING -OFF .4T COST! The anderelgued,-latending to make a change In their business shortly, will sell out their entire stock at COST. Many goods will be sold REGAILDLaId OF COST. Our stock °anoints of Dry Goods, s Notions, Carpets. Queens-ware, Glass-ware, dm. Persona desiring bargains should avail themselves of Ws opportunity at onee, as the whole sleek will soon be disposed ot. DUPHORN & HOFFMAN, Northweet Corner Square, OkTrYlitttrltO, PA. Aug. 23, 1868. I.f ANOTHER BAKERY. Tam undersigned has opened a Bakery at ite corner of Washington and High streeta. Gettysburg, and invites the public'. pat- mnove. FREBII BREAD, CMCES, PRETZELS, 4tg SPRAY DAY By luaus the best of floor and other materi als, and doing his work well.he hopes to give satisfaction In every case. CoStil at or sand your order. to the Bakery, corner of Wash inigton and High streets, opposite the Fe- nude Institute and Powers's Granite Yard. =1 I= LEWIS STROUSE Ilasbousht back his old stand, on Carlisle street, and is giving Into badness Ogain heavier than ever. He asks his obi. friends and the public to call. NOTIONS, catocErems, CONFECTIONS, SWABS, TOBACCOS, &C„ &C., In /one Variety, and a little cheaper than the cheeped. Don't Jorge!. the place—nearly O PI.O. site ihe Railroad Sidled Gettysburg, Oct. 11, 1.117. It FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GETFTBDURG will allow Interest on Elpeetal Deposits, se • follows: 6 per emit. per amum fer 1 year. C;=:M:=l CM= I;MMM;1 im;m2 114,1 . 414t % i and 6011 PONS: wtu also purehaes or Nett STOCKS and BONDS of every kind, free of charge so nom mlaakm. and will at all times pay the HIGH EST PRICE for GOLD and SILVER, Mid will, with pleasure, transact all business promptly, we heretakire, pertaining to • well regulated Bank. GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. 08 1 898borg, Nov. 8, I 2 GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK RONDA, BOLD all kinds, BOUGHT T. . a SD. SEVEN-THIRTY BONDS converted into FIVE-TWENTY BONDS without charge. COMPOUND niTammyr NOT cminV. The HIGHEST PREMIUM paid on GOLD and SILVER. STOCKS and BONDS, regal kinds, bought for persons without CHARGING COM MISSION. ORHERS PROMPTLY RXECUTRD. Inland. on SPSOLILL DEPOSITS adosseed 1 =!Ell a per amt. Ilse 1 yew, VI pow amt. lb,•mentligh per east. am i orsietiah Mrr°Mn U.S. Bonds, and Masks or all lends, am In vlted to give as a cell, load we will give all maw J. EYORT BALE, Cashier. citayasig,Vaa. zs, ay. • a Wan= • Pre-Emption Lands y RAVI ea bead 'Jew SALM ,Mo. wooed baud, pre-eseptios loads, imolai swot ItellreedepeweWrowesAle., to wedl eet tkd weeibleseliasto wealeili I will meU at =N u t ably pelanale Rad Di*, is ' Mew% 1f 010111F91 ARNOLD. 117+--(k~o aM~IrIY w ~,.. , ~~ . , i ,p ~.yat 1~: Tilsubteribere havejust returned from the l E tleeulth an Immense supply of HARDWARE & GROCERIES, Bal whic timore h they are oßerins at their old stand In Wreedost to salt the times. (kur stock oonsiSte in part of Otrumrso MATERIALS, CARPENTER'S TOME BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, COACH FINDINGS, SHOE FINDINGS. CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS HOUSEKEEPER'S FIXTURES, ALL KINDS OF IRON, ite., GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS OILS, PAINTS, &A, Ike. There hi no article incinded ill the several departments mentioned shove lint what can be had at this store. Every class of Meehan la can be acoommodated here with tools and endings, and Housekeeper/lean lid every ar ticle in their line. Give um a call, as we are pre eparedof the sell as low for cash as any house o to ity c. JOEL D. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Oettymbruy, May 15, ADAMS COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY; Isompoaerszo, MARen IS, ISSL OFFICES& Presldent—Georee Swope. Vice Pre sk ent— temuer R. Russell, Secretary—D. A. Buehler. Treeeurer—E. G. Febnestack. - - - - . • -. •• IfseetitiVe Committee-Robert MaCtirdy, H. A. Picking, Jacob King. Managers—George hiwope, D. A. Buehler, R. McCurdy, M. Elahelberger, S. R. Russell. K. (3. Fahnestock, A. D. Buehler, it. G. Mc- Creary, Gettysburg; Jacob King, Stmhan township; Frederick Diehl, Franklin; Wm. 11. Filmes, New Oxford; Wm. B. liendersville; H. A. Picking, Straban; John WoLford, Latimore ; John Picking, Root Ber lin ; Abel T. Wright liendertmille ,• Abdiel F. Girt, New Oxford; Jas. H. Marshall, Hamil- Wuhan ; John Cunningham, Freedom • John Horner, Mountjoy • Wm. Bass White, Liberty. air-This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been in operation for more than 17 years, and in that period has made but one assessment, having paid losses by tire during that peri od amounting to $15,000. Any person de siring an Insurance can apply to either of the following gentlemen; D. A. Buehler, Gettysburg. E. U. Fahnestock, Jacob King, Stratton township. 'H. A. Picking, ‘• Frederick Diehl, Franklin " Wtn. Rom White, Liberty H. C. Peters, Petersburg, (Y. S.) air The Executive Committee meets at the office of the Company, on the last Wednes day in every month, at 2 o'clock, P. H. Julie 19, 1868. tf OHELP FOB CASH! NEWEITORE! GROCERIES, LIQUORS, C.& he undereigned has retured to Gettysburg, and opened a new Store, on &Littman:, street, next door to the Post Office, and nearly op posite the Court House, where he offers for sale, CHEAP FOR CASH, a large and choice assortment of Groceries,— SUO-4.RS, COFFEES, TEAS, 110LASSOI, BYRUM SALT, with Flf3ll BACON, LARD, deC Also, Liquors,— WINES, BRANDIES, GINS WHISKIES, Rums, and everyth ing else In the line. o Also, any quantity Notions, to snit any and everybody. Recollect this is the place to buy CHEAP FOR CASH. OEO. F. KAJJIFLEISCH. April 29, 11387 A SERVANT FOR ALL 111144Y'. Improvement for Opesitog, Clow log .ad Latelslog Gates. MAY be attached to any gate and oper ated from buggy team or cuddle, by one aid, Many dmired direction from the gate— opened and closed from one point, at any distance from the gate. This improvement Is simple and cheap, yet perfect and strong; will not be disarranged by the sagging of the gate, nor by the frost raising the posts; may be made at a country blacksmith's, and easily attached to a gate. The undersigned, Vovwl=hpe Right r.illig"X:i.tVir w i llmp ra: e. " ment. Also, ROTH & SHANE'S AMERICAN LE VER GATE—which will be found valuable and convenient to all who have gates to drive through—as they remain by their team, open, close and latch a gate, without the nectswity of getting in the wet or tend. For further information, &e., address ISRAEL 'BRICK Menalieu P. 0., As eosa. May LISS. tt Gettysburg Railroad. Er= FIRBT TRAIN leaves pettysburg at 735 A. M. and connects at Hanover Junction w ith the PURL Line South attlll2, reaching Balti more at 11.22, A. M. Also with Mall Train North at 10.52, A. M., reaching Harrisburg at 12.35, P. M. Rettirnlng arrives at Gettysburg at 12.30, P. M. SECOND TRAIN leaves Gettysburg at I P. Id., and connects at Hanover Junction with Mail Train South at 3.H, P. M., reaching Dal- Ornate at 15.45, P. M. fteturnlng arrives at Get ty abnrg at 5, P. M. The Freight Train with Passenger Car at tached; leaves Hanover at 9.30, A. M., arriving in Gettysburg at id, A. M. Leaves Gettysburg for Hanover at 2, P.ll. Sept. 18,1888. Pennsylvania Central Railroad. rsOUBLE track route running between Phil .l3 adelphla and Pittsburg. Trains leaving ttettysburg make the following connections with tlth Trunk line: Gettysburg leave at 8.15 a. m. and 12.1.5 p. m. Hanover janc. arrive 10.05 2.35 " leave 10.58 9.10 " Harrisburg arrivp 12.55 p. m. 11.4.5 " leave 4.10 " 2.45 a. In. Philadelphia arrive 9.40 " 7.10 Harrisburg leave 1.15 " 12.13 Pittsburg arrive 1.30 a. m. 9.44 At Philadelphia claw couuections are made with the trains for New York, Boston and ad Eastern Citlea. At Pittsburg connections are made in the New Union Depot with the trains for sal Weatern points. MP -Pm further information apoly to EDWARD H. WILLIAMS Gen. Sept., Altoona, l i e. 1112KRY W. Ownemsa, Glen. Pau Ag t., Mils. June 8, Mkt. If Hanover Branch Railroad. lAN and after MONDAY. Dee. 9th, 1137 , pas t./ senger trains on the Hanover Branch Railroad will leave as follows: PIIMITTRAIN will leave Hanover at 9.H A. M. with passengers for York, Baltimore. Har risburg, and the North and West. This train arrives at the Junction at 10.10 A. H., con necting with the F'astLine South, on the Northern Central Railway, which arrives at Baltimore at rzao P. M., and also with the Mall Train North, which arrives at Ilarrisburg at 12.55 P. M. WFllla train returns to Hanover at 11.50 P. M. and arrives at Ge L5 - shurg at 12.55 P. 31. BECOND TRAIN 'leaves Hanover at 2.45 P. IL, and arrives at the Junction at &44) P. M., connecting with the Mall Train South, which arrives at Baltimore at 11.20 P. M. Passenger. by thlstrain for York lay over at the Junction until 6.11 P. M. Ai - nos Train returns to Hanover at 4.43 P. ..),I. a w ij ith i zasse tow ng .. ers tor Hanover, Gettysburg • Paowengers leaving_ Baltimore for Hanover, Hettyaborg and littleatown, will Lake either the Mall Train at 8.30 A. M. or the Feet Lane at 12.18 P. M. JOSEP H LEIB, Agent. Dec. 2 • 1/ 1807. tf D. IeCILYARY. JOHN F. SVCIICANY "Best always Cheapest" riME Best and Cheapest 6:ADDLES, BRIDLES, _ COLLARS and HARNESS of all kinds, in the County, are always to be found at the old and well known stand, Baltimore st., opposite the Presbyterian Church—. MoCREARYS% Our Riding and Wagon Saddles are the most substantially built and neatest. Our Harness, (plain and s il ver mount edjare complete In every respect and war ranted to be of the very best material and workmanship. -- - Our upper leather Draft Collars casairrr BE BEAT. They are the best FIT• TING and most durable. Oar Heavy Draft Hareem - ate made to order, as cheap aa they ean be made anywhere and In the most substantlal manner. • Biding Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft Hawes, Fly-nets, and every thins in We Um Rose baler or cheaper. Our prices have been asnociw to the lowest Hying stand ard. A liberal percentage for Garai, off all blue amounting to $5 or mere. we work noshlng bat the beet stock and will war en& even article turned out to be in T e=respeat as represented. al for past Ames we Invite attention to or present stock. la 11101114 10 aiireave as a all and examine mum and edlatrer. . . =END Robert D. Armor, GAS FITTER, ELME= AND BELL HANGER, Skit MAO R., koasagrarefress the Obart- GSTTYSSIO, PA. Rtlit= " ert. dose 1311Qthaellenet. olden taalain. nag at prices ea kw as as be satorded to *eke *llene. GAB PIPB ea sell ea Canute- Hen, Bracken, Drop gict; also WA, TM , PIM Stop4Sbp aa Frost Spigots, and, la Wheat, sully Wing bgowipog to pa or water &stares. . . Bells Ulhum 054 llsrsidseitirtlestred Dee. , Tiopnrc—ltia rd deibr, Anon pare SIMI ALL Wow' be bad at =WPM% OM ER fr;PAING •AND SUMMER CLOTHING. GO.RGE, ARNOLD Ilea now opened a large Stook of REAM MADE CLOTFUNG, mostly of Els own mea nies:Sure, emulating of all alses of COATS, PANTS, VESTS, sulfas, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, Hosiery, Ste.. &a., et prime to snit the elms. Cell, examine and fudge for yourselves. April 21.18e8. Lf BEGAII, STORE_ The undendgned has removed his SW Store to the NORM-EASTCORNEROY THE DIAMOND, where be asks a continuance of the public's patronage. Ills new location le one of the most CENTRAL AND CONVENIENT, and Ida stock of Sf!gers among the most choice and sananiatory He will keep on hand the best BRANDS, and will manufacture for generat rate through out the county. He will sell at the lowest Ilv ins prices, and at wholesale and retail. Remember the place, In the Diamond, be- tween Brinkerhoff's Store and Meekßan's E 22 April 8, ISM. tif RAILROAD BONDS. First National Bank of Gettysburg P agent for the Rate of the FIRST 'SORT (WOE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD SIX PER CENT. GOLD INTEREST BONDS. at market Tetaus.' Interest. ier Interest pays. ble semi-annually at the oouniCr All necemary Information given Gettysburg. Nov. 4D. 1867 CIIEAPER, THAN EVER. E. lIITESHEW, HAYII7O disposed of Lie Store Home and stock of Goode to GRIFAT dr BOWERS, and being determined to reduce his stock du ring the sunnier and full mouths, will give GREAT BARGAINS before invoicing. My stock of ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDIZE is full and complete in every department, and will be closed oat at minced prices. E arrsanzw. • York Springs, July 17 ISIS. tf 4 / 4 f-All,persons knowing themselves indebt ed to me are requested to come forward and make settlement. THE OLD FREIGHT LINE T rrs undersigned eon tinues to nin bls Freight Line to Baltimore, twice a week. Depot—corner of Railroad and Washington streets, Gettysburg. Cam run to Hughes,* Emerson's, 121 North street, Balti more. Freight carried each way, at the low est rates. The patronage of his old friends and the public solicited. Goods to be marked 'Biddle's Line." BIDDLE. as-rho new Warehouse will soon be up, when the Grain and Produce bandanas will be carried on as heretofore. Highest prices now paid for Hay. April 17, ISlig tf It. McCUIIDY, Sup'L NEW GROCERY HAVE opened a new GROCERY, In Get tam/airs, on the north-went corner of the Public Square, and have Jost received a splendid aasortment of YRM,H GROCERIES, including Sugars, Coffees, Molasses, Syrups, T e x , Sp ies Spices, Tobacco, Salt, Flea, Hams, Shoed- Also QUEENSWA.RE, coNFEcnomb_ Nuts, Frules, Soaps, Fancy Articles and No tions generally. We will aim keep pn hand FLOI.M. and FEED-STUFFS. Having purchased for CASH, we are pre pared to sell very cheep. Give us a call and Judge for yourselves. Sept. 27, 18417. tf GROCERY & FLOUR STORE. RAVE removed their Stare to the Nein stedt property, on Chambersburg street, where they propose to keep constantly on bead GROCERIES, Flour, Feed, Notions, *o.: Also, VEGETABLES In season, fresh from the city and country. They ani determined to sell cheap as the cheapest, and as they on ly ask the lowest living profi, they hope to murk and receive a liberal st ts are of public potroinge. MEALS BRO. Aprlllo, UK ti Orroosmocilezt4 THFAplerstsued law bayed out lalsi forum partner, Wm. Guinn, sad now ooutlnum Um' THE LIME-BURNING BUSINESS himself—et the Gettrathun Lime Kling, on the corner of the Railroad and North Stratton Street. Thankful kg peat patronage, he will endeavor to deserve au continuanite, by prone. Outing We business as vigorously and on as large . si mile as possible—always selling a good article and giving good mamma— Fanners and others may look foe the prompt diling of orders. He Men routines the adarlas She asof napalm Maas. HOMO' keepers and anion Amid siva lalat • ern.— Paaakanni Casa oasansany as ad. I= Lime mid Carl &Mimed arywbrir In Ciettystpurg. Gletty.barg, N0v.15.1.617. II OZORGE A. WAILNZR, HOEIRE PAINTZI2, Month Washington et., Gethrsbant. Pa GOOD WORE AND WOMBATS PIitICIRI tints WAN. erMLViltau"'" "t",. 11 DIAMOND 1? .N .4f 0 L GETTYSBURG, WABHLSOTOIC BIERBOWER. UNION P✓ICIFIC EMI GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. TO BALTIMORE BARGAINS IN GETTYSBURG JOHN CRESS .t. SON J. W. CRESS R./LVOV-IL MEALS A. BROTHER = GETTYSBURG COAL BUSINESS, JACOB BEILNY HOUSE PAINTING. New Boot and Shoe Store. D. KITZMILLER & BRO ORTTYSBURG, FA., YORK STREET, OPPOSITE THE nevr. Sign of the Big Boot. MITE undersigned have opened a new Boot J. and Shoe More, on York streelElett,yebu In the room mummify occupied by fro per et IlloCartney, and Loaf receivedm the city a large easortme o BOOTS 4 SHOES, for Gentlemen* Ladles' and Children'. Wear, erralitleg of CALF AND NIP BOOTS, CONGREMS AND BALMORAL GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &C. We also MANUFACTURE TO ORDER, all kinds of BOOTS & 8110 ER—the work being made up of best materials and by first-class workmen. The senior partner has been in the busltiees for_ over IS years and person iteneY " M ID I:111 8 e Vi l e ten '. k tfr i o e f ge p:24iCe llo to our establishment and hopo by strict attention to business and by selling at lowest cash pekoe, to give entire antleaction. DAVID KITZMILLER, JACOB A. KITZMILLER. Jane 5111. ISeft if BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW ESTABIJSHAfE.VT. THE anderslgned Wu; erected a new build lug, for • and Shoe Establishment on Carlisle street, near the Railroad Station in Gettysburg, where he now offers for sale, Boots, Shoes, (Jailers, Slippers, for men, women and children, of different styles and priors. Re has a line assortment to select from, and will sell every , article at the smallest profits. WORK MADE TO ORDER, of the heat ma terial. and workmanship. Every effort made to render satisfaction. The patronage of the t utak is aelicltol. Call In, and select from ill stock or leave your measure. In either age you cannot fall to he pleased. JOHN M. .REILLING. July 3, 1863. ly GILLESPIE & CO., Dealers in .Flour, Groceries, Notions, 4v., „ GETTYSBURG, PA., INVITE the attention of the public to their large stock of Gash, at the old stand, on York street, Gettysburg, next door to the Globe Tun, consisting of t he best of GROCERIE/3, Sor t urs,l3 ; y t iapoi, Molasses, Coffees, Tess,Splete, BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR In e v rial r isirl . tt . H . L c mfe r. hol e d . enk i ti , des, NOTIONS, in great variety; Cedar and Willow-ware, Stone and Crockery- scare, Baskets, Miters, Tobaccce, and a thoissaud and one other articles. BUTTER AND EGGS, nice and fresh, always for sale. Gillespie & to. will spare no effort to please, and are confident of being able to do so by constantly keeping a full and choice stock, and selling at the very lowest profits. COUN TRY PRODUCE wanted, either for the cash or In exchange for goods, highest market price allowed. JOSEPH S. CTILLFAPIF., DANIEL CASHMAN. June 19,1808. U . REMOVAL! E arm of SOPE & McCARTNEY have R. r emoved to North Baltimore street. near Diamond, east side, In the room formerly occupied by David Kitzmiller. We have on hand a choice assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, (Gold and Silver.) JEWELRY, of all kinds and Musa styles. Silver and Plat ed Ware; also line Gold, Silver and Steel "SePECT ACLEE3, or the best manufacture. Also, Violins, Gui tars, Aceordemus, Flutes, Fifes, dm.., Violin and tin ItarStrings, Keys. &e. AU kinds (if Itepairing in our line done at as sea sonal/topless ehaloaere, and warranted. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a con tinuance of the same. SOPER & McCARTNEY. Jane 19, 181 S. tf M FOR SUPPLYING DWELLINGS, RTOREN, FACTORIFI4, CHURCHES AND PUB LIC BUILDINGS WITH GAS! GENERATES OAR WITHOUT FIRE OR HEAT! HE simplicity and ease by which this Ma i chine Is managed, as also its economy and great merit, recommend it to public favor.— WI and see machine in operation at the store! MANUFACTURER AND SOI.E AGENT, DAVID JONES, Tin Furnishing Store. No.= Green St., Phila. Air-Send for Illustrated Circular. Aug. 21, I. 8m CIIEEI' PLANING MILL TEE undersigned ham eatubllshel a PLAN ING MILL. on Month crock lour Mild* from Gettysburg, at which he will manillas , lure DOORS ANDD OO SASH AND R FRAMES, WINDOW FRAMES, FLORING, WEATHERBOARDING, Chair and Wash Boards, with everything else made at such a factory, and needed In the building line. The hest °number will always be used, all thoroughly dried, a kiln having been put up for the purpose. Orders solicited, and promptly attended to. Prices as low as the lowest, and every ef fort made to accommodate customers, May IS, 12ff. JOHN D. iwouTz. LUMBER YARD 1?..6.11 . 0 YAV, fEWR undersigned luts removed his Lumber _IL Yard to the north-east corner of Strat ton street and the Railroad, but fifty yards from his old location, where he will be glad to have all In want of Lumber to call. His stock is larger than ever before, and constant addlUons are being made to It. He has WHITE PINE PLANK, INCH AND HALF INCH BOARDS, FLOORING , SCANT LING, PALINGS, &C., &C., &C., all of which atilt be sold at the lowest liv ing rates. Call and judge for youreelvea My Lumber la good and manor, fall to give maths faction. JAMB FARRAR& lir A large lot or RIVER, PINE BM ROLES for sale - rery cheap. Gettysburg, May 19, 1.80& et Pennsylvania Mato Sponge Co., 1111 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA.. ELASTIC SPONGE, A SUBSTITUTE FOR CURLED HAIR roe ALL UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES. CHEAPER THAN FEATHERS OR HAIR, AND FAR SUPERIOR. The Llghtast, &deal and most . Elastic( and Datable material known, for MATTREM3ES, PILLOWS, CAR, CARRIAGE AND CHAIR CUSHIONS. It I. entirely intiest.ructlble, perfectly clean and free from duct. IT DOES NOT PACE AT ALL! Is always free from lancet Ilk; Is perfectly healiknaud fur the sick Is If soiled in any way, eon be renovated quicker and ceder than any other Mattress. Mattention glveu to IMING CHURCHES, 'HALLS, &C. Railroad men are especially invited to ex amine the Cushion Spence. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. The Trade supplied 7®e lB/13. ly • .AMALBICAN COMBINATION BUTTON-HOLE, OVERSEAILLIM SEWING MACHINE twe warfaabed to mutate la the bat awnsawnsvattirorf liN Qpa =Ovamesialleg,Titriq MaaV{ rou — Vie edge sad la atbilttoik maim beautiful Hutton sad Erobskilabio la all iebrica. Tr UAI SO 1114IIAL. BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BOIT rdiatar .111.4 CHINE 12=1 AND INTHINEWI4LLY THE CHEAPEST, NM it* Iwo Mader annionsed me be a ttio• pit sod doonodnst asonnontool elrentors Wilk MI porthoolars==piet of honk dOOO as tits Mociftl" eon S. hod Oa opolloottut al the . Ogee of the Anprat, not A-11. Pointed • Onolleo • liauery sad, Stortgrittntono St , Oat D. IV. MOM, Aron. WWI /11LoohLoost Inutonted one year, ottd lostrootlood given grataltougly le punks -1101,4 4%. .7. E. H. MINNIGH. CHAMBEMBIIIth STREET, MITT DOOR TO Till inninani ROTZL, GETTYSBURG, PA., Confection,Periodieal and News Depot. ALL HINDS OF CONFECTIONS, CANDIES, ORANUEII, LEMON'S, NUTS, &C.. &C., &C. constanUy on hand. ICE CREAM AND CAKES supplied to hotlines and parties al shortest TILE DAILY PAPERS OP BALTIMORE., PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, AND CHOICE liIAGA=NES, supplied. to subscribers at lowest rotes. J62-CALL AND EXAMINE. "full ,11.,,,\1 Feb.2l. 14, tt IN GREA VARIETY, PARASOLS, F A N 8., HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, .V.C., ROW c&.. Woods' May. W, IM tf NOTICE - I GLVG.ELL'S .WILL I WILL baba Gettysburg with PIAIIR, &e. on every MONDAY and FRIDAY, of each week. Paramus who may deers we to fur- rash them with either Flour or Feed Stuff will leave their orders either with Joha L. Tate or Dinner it Ziegler, stothig the kind end quantity, when the same will be delivered at their dwelling■. OEORGE GINGELL. E==l WI. C. STALLSMITH & SON, GETTYk'BURG, PA., CARPENTEUEI AND CONTRACTOBS, Are prepared to do all kinds of Carpentering --contracting and erecting buildings of all kinds, Unwilling, am. They kaaP golutallilY on hand and ntauntadure to unlor, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLIN DS, SASH, DOOR AND WINDOW FILANIaI, 00ILNION, MOOR& WINDOW lIRACKNTS, AAA any other Article in the Raliding Lie*. Beimened material emmtautly as D aud. OIPO [lensed workmen always In readlnevt, and work executed with dispatch iti-Orden prompUy,sateuded to Sept. 20, 1817. It NEW SADDLER SHOP. ON the Hill. Baltimore street. (iettyaborg Pa.—illimataritly Oa hand, or made to or der, all laud* id RIDING SADDLES, • WAGON BADDLI•i, Y.! DRAUGHT HARNEEk9, RIDING BRIDLES, BLIND BRIDLES, COLLARS, =I as low as the lowest. ERNECII Jun• SI. UR. tt CHEAP SHOES. Prices Reduced ! NO BBAO, BUT A FACT! COME AND BEE. dlilYE are selling off a large assortment or Men's and Boys' Heavy Boots. and La s;', Males' and Children'. Shoes and Gaiter. of kinds at greatly reduced plisses, and In vite all who want to purchase to coil and be convinced ol thin ROW WOODS. /Sept. 4, 18118. et JOHN C, ZOUCK, T,"..,T,tam. - t, MEW OXFORD, ADAM!, COUNTY, PA, I= lio FARMS, MILLS,. FOIINbRIE73, MACIIINg 8110P8, TAVERN BTAND9, COUNTRY FIKATS: STORE STANDS, TOWN HOUSES it LOTS. IN PENNAYLVANIA, MARYLAND AND I= Persons 'wishing to aarebaso as well as to sell property will do well to give was call 'at my Wilco, or address by letter, as they will tlnd It to their liAvantoge. May 21, Mt ly DR. R. HORNER, PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST,- °Oceanid Drug Stare CULAMBssuna. RICSBUREI AT., usTir Medical advice without charge. DWUAMEDICIMAI4I% PATENT MEDICINETt, SThTIO'HIALY PIMMIY, SOAPS, TOI- L= ABTI BHMITLES, DT'S STUFFS, TAM, LAMPS MOM, G SODA. CLIKAII OF TAB, , GOAL *C., AC. PURE LIQUORS for see4tlelleal purposes. Dr. IL Honore 0413121. • reliable reuks•T for Chapped Numb, eds. stin, Re. All arUeks wan••••• pure and pen ulna. Doe. V. M. It Cemetery Hewn.le. co the Keeper, th•sedershcned I. au:. thosised to mate removals nto Ever Cemetery, sad hopes that such as con ldostsiste the removal of the remains of de ceased relatives dr 11111 sods WW avail them selves of this arum of...ths year to have it done. Removal, reads with promptness-- WWI kW. and wo to V i ta piens. , P *Weft 12. Mb. gasper the Crasotari% LAST NOTICE A LLAZne tadebeht Wi the tote firm of sallf %Pt belbtithe DIEHL will a lAtt sad Beata Wass et eh tta: eeet•mir imusawrim -00. IL WW. • F. m.rtrirns AG Co, V\ irildom Our II n. 66 ' A: Its 0 , 110.1 eol n o \ indie ) :l3.: l 3 l v ß .u s f md tf / t \ 'sox Sit is • 4 RINWS VeMb imhsta! DECCEI VEGETABLE AMBROSIA 111 . WIIAT IT /TRYOUTS TO BBL A(IEN BI NE RA TR RESTORATIVE,ehang- Iog Oral, Light, Red or Muted Hair to the Dark, Lastrinse filliken Tresses, whlehl adorn youth or age. It Ill_pailtlyely enucl- Cute Hornung and 'laminar Wont the Scalp and where there le life in the alende, will cause a new growth of Hale to put forthron bald vote. Thoueande arc teaUry lug to the aboirm o i PRICE: 111.00 PER BOTTLE • /WA. D. latoeblr', Wboleivalo null Retail D A r Q p cn ~ t Gettyliburg—aud for nolo ut retail b) all stm. :14, 1883. ly NEW DRUG STORE I= Tunderelaned hate Opened a 'Drug Rime 1. In New Oaten!, Adana county, and ce• epectfully cede the attention of the public to his Mock of 'A INTg, 011 44 VA RN 'MIEN, I)YE STUFFS - WI N DOW' LANA, PATENT M EDICIN FA and a full assortment of IlltUalg; In a wont a complete atork of Goods generally kept in a Ent-en,la Drug littiro. Allot whloll have been purnbased during the past two weeks, anti will be 111 low. All the art tette formerly mann re4 at the slot est abllst tneut Ber lin 1111 6e hatl here. Untlerhlandltn: his I.lld -115.01 perreCtiyolnti selueting h fe gaols It 1111nei he la able to warrant his Drugs pure wad 'OO represetf t 'rho potato, are requested to al% u hint a trial. P. M. MILLER New Oxford, Moy 0, NM. U TO THE BUILDING COMMUNITY, E=l WHO WISH TO IMPROVE ripEuainedtr:i4linitirrZ7,l,ll2, Informs ""' CARPEeTERINGI BUSINESS, at Ills old stamen:in West street, Oettysburk, and to ready at all limes to accommodate those_ wanting an y duno4o his line. Ile to pre• pared to rut ulsh all kinds of work for building purposes, of tlui beet material, and men) and cheaply as It can be done at any other es tablishment In the county. Experienced halide always in readiness. and work executed with promptness and dispatch. Thankful for paid favors, he hope., by atten tion to business, to receive a littoral share of public Patronage. WM. CIiItIT7.MAN. June 17, 11ei7. tf CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS. 9UIE underalgned have resumed the Car j. riage,teaking baldness, . AT THEIR OLD F3TAND, In Jihst Aruidir Sired, G.Uy.burp, Ag. where they 111 . 0 pmpured to put - up work' in the mat toehlonable, extheteuttal to nu •t -tor maxmor. A lot of :taw and eland-hautl C ARRIAGEB, BULHOEB, •C., ON NAND which they will Shipment at the lowtat and nil onion will be=eled as prompt') and aatialartorily as REPAIRING DONE WITH DERPATVII, and at rampant. rates. A largo lot of now and old 11A1CNINI4 on hand and for Bair.. Thankhil for the liberal patronage hereto fn•e enjoyed by them, they willed. and will endear ri to dowry° a largo abarelu the future. I= Jay 10, lai. tt ICLS§ENDER WEIIIIELFAUN, N O. 2 WEST MARKET ETRETT O ', ja4 „A. AGENTX AND DEALISIX /X PIANOS, CABIN KT ORO ANT% MELODEONS+ ANL, ALL KINDO Or MUSICAL INSTRUMENTH • . empeethdly Inform the publle that they are prepared to furnish Planta of the following lannofaeture or of any other make that Lauy be preferred: Albrbfbt, Maker t Bebuddt, Cbillekerßur 4. 800, Bradbury, ILOabs dt Nos. dude Ik Now, a COTTAGE. HARMONIC AND BOUDOIR.. ORGA.NS AN!) )ff.'.1.0011,14.Y8:* - These lust. ulnellts Ftnud unrivalled by any thing found In this country or In Europe, us ho admitted 14411 imrthtlJudges• The imad eminent Pipe pa Organ 'Sunders and Performers, tile hest to discos...l' excellence In reed Tone pronounced then. S ustly superior to all otheiy; for exceedingly gnitk articulation and round Tune, the essential feat are lu I...struments of this class. We Ins nettle ses ere scrutiny and criticirm a PATENT VOX IIUALANA TREMOLO. This late idol most wonderful invention is. acknowledged by all leading &allele) will be found only in the Envy Instruments. In at tempting to describe the etteet of this stop, we are at loos for language. lie beauties cannot be written, but must be hoard to be apprecia ted. By this stop an ordinary performer run produce an effect which requires a. life time of practice for an artist upon a violin- It so tirely changes the reed Tune, giving the eym pathetic sweetness of the human voice, mak ing It so melodious and pure that it never fails to enchant the listener. . . . . . . THE HARMONIC ORGAN for . Churchesk Public Halls and Parkin has a powerful sub-Hen with Independent reeds, Harmonic attachment and Vtix Humana Tremolo, and Is believed lo be the most power let reed organ made. being nearly equal to Pipe Organ oisthree times the mat. All Instruments warranted for five years. Mir BEAMS BANDIt supplied with Instru ment/land music at• remonab le terms. A liberal discount allowed for Chnrchesand Yablmlh gebools. air-thatroctlorm given both iu Versa and Instrumental Music, at our rooms, and at pu pils' Iromes,elther to Individuals urebtasso,uu remouable terms. =MI=MI ;~I,I' Y; I'4 LAD CORSETS, CORSETS WM. T. HOPKINS, No. CS Arch Street, Philadelphia, CeVaIeOrACTIIIIZat Or WI rated "Champion" Hoop Skirts LADIES, MICISEeI AND CHILDREN. The largest assortment, and best quality and styles In the Annuls= Market. Every lady should try them, as they recommend them selves by wearing longer, retain! sag theli shape much better, being_ lighter and more elastic than ull others—WARRANTED In eve ry respect, and sold at very low prism. Ask (or HOPKINS' .CHAMPION” SKIRT. • Superior Hand-made Whale-bone OURSIETs In Fifteen different tirades, 'Wilding the - I in - perial" and Tuossfors & LANution's"OLOVE PITTING" 0)10401TH, ranging In prices (row sq cents to 15 50• together with hasten liscksh's CELEORATAD FRENCH. WOVEN COIRIFIETS, superior shapes and quality, Ten aliferent Grades, from 01 10 to SS 511. They are the finest and best goods for the prices, ever imported. The Trade supplied with HOOP SKIRTS and CORSETS at the Lowest !Wen. - - • - - . .. Those Malting the City should not tail to call and examine our (loods and Priers, as we defy all competition, Sept. 1, ISM. tDec3 MeGUIRE'S SPANISH HAIR DRESSER, R Promoting the Growth Bututifying the .() Hair, and rendering it d,srk and glossy. o other compound po.essare the pocullur properties which so exactly unit the various eanditions of the human hair. The use of phi• oil Asa hair dresser has been unlversal in eve ry auction of the country In the ftpanimb Main for gen t uricet fn limarpitration awl could Bile teat elega. , t - Iblarlatice and abundance to bait. which have no often been the adinirutitm of travelers In gpaht. Thin oil is highly and duLtentely perfumed, forming on urtiele unri valled in excellenceand upon which the - m Ph people for many years have set Rosen! et enduring approval 11(0171RWEI Meilen Wild Flewen Mumps' Lelron, For removing dandruff and send from the head. whitening and perfuming Weskit,. This ankle la entirely different frOft anythingof the kind ever offerml fu this mammary, mail Is warranted few from an poisonous subidanqou valuable kAllow was used low the Emperor of and universally nsad by Yet liursos Jbr three hundred years. As a wesdi fer lierbeeil—it Is manna, rimming, and refreshing% When than axed It at once relieves headache. iftetrisirs Wild Mowers for the Teeth All those. who ape lagsver s( white tooth and • plealutot sad pertained breath, should et once use McOutreb Wlld Flowers for Use Teeth. All theme are pat op to the mad eisigaut suid inept* manner. We make ho exelition saying that they are en arum:seed. to a re toilet table, sag none complete without. them. Warranted Nottereatory er motley refanded. Dealers will bear Wein mind. bold by all re epoetable Druggists is the United Sates and ()omb". Address orders to RICHARD Mc011111:$. Depot andMaautaetory, SIM North beemid Ptillb.„ Pa. Sept. 11, thin ly 0 .r.HB / 0 YAW / 0 TES! Asuistqw rottorg. LICENSED AUCTIoIifEER, 271124 kb aervloot tlitt pipe. Wei Wed la of hi : : : ;6 1 tam Es ox ktbe William Qat D 6 able to Mget i Mbto la annum. asispadarer. analwaale. Aldtgetto7sok -41 Poi - , kw, fait. 1/
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