Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, October 30, 1868, Image 3
Mkt P zi ettesburg ompiltr R A DICA L HATRED OW CATHOLICS The spirit of hatred toward the Cath olic Church which was so rampant a few years since still exists. The other fight the Radicals of Bellefonte had a procession to celebrate the victory in this State, and when passing the Cath olic Church of the town they stopped and deliberately gave hideous groans for It and Its pastor. Here was the same spirit which excited the Phila delphia riots. to burn the church in Bellefonte existed.. Yet, strange to say, there are Catholics who vote with this despicable party. Wit have no doubt enough of them gave support to their mortal foo in thla State to make up the majority that Harty received at the recent electiou. roue of these days they will see their folly, hut it may be too late then for them to arrest the evils they have hiought upon themselves.—Laneasier nerr. Hoy. HEanv D. FOSTER has been elected to Congress In the Westmore land district, over John Covode, .by forty-one majority. "Honest John," however, is dissatisfied, and title to Ilk former professmn, is to contest the rcncrl' , seat. Result, anotherstuell ing committee with a large till of ex penses for the taxpayers, but before they get through they may wish that they led let out the job, as the evi dence will prove that a large majority of ill( gal votes were cast for the Radi cal candidate. (4 . N. JoSErtt F. KNIPE, a gallant soldier in the lute war, has been de featHl for Congreaa in the Dauphin district by a stay-at-home named ]'esker, by a small majority. This shows the honesty or the Radicals in their proteeeons or attachment to the sold ler. THE Radical party Is, year atter Inning ground, -and mast go The DemoGrutic party is constantly growing btronger,nmi must triumph. Er. T SI;VMOVR and we shall have real peaec.L-liot, the armed peace that flrnnt's friends promise in case Sey mour is noi elected. 1.11 , an honest election this yeitr an& c Shall Lave peaeo, which can only be secured by the election or Sey- Ir the lt.elients wean pence, why they runiove the army faint the :-.nithere States? 311 . who 14 hit howls. Hear the Ita , ll,alq marl lit every stroke Govern- or Seymour la3m on Tut: Denineratti have gained three inembeis of Congress In Pen n.ylvania, boor nt Ohio, aud one in Indiana. =! Gettymbmgb FLOUR, RYE FL0UR,...... ErE W 11 LAT, RED W HEAT,— RN' E,. OA BucliW HEAT,- HAT', CLovEß,SliEll FLA x-scED roRK 8 00 0 10 00 ; . J0 00 10 00 Fril=2 700 e 4 70. i 1 -70 (.0 40 1 40 e .1 95 bU (q) 1 15.5 .11' LOU It, . . . WI I EAT . ........ E, ......... •-•••• COE \ .............. CI ..... 'l' I Nlllllll*-:4:1:1/,.. ...... OtiE, tlllunil CATTLE,V hUnd .1 - 1 A 'Y 60 4,4 73 7 25 (2) 7 30 300(53 12 10 '6O (al 23 60 0 04) 6gi 16 60 18 00 ( L 4 20 00 Cum), l'hlla DE3=1213 Un the I'oll,lllst., by livv. 11. A.1340r1,, Mt \ (As LIAGIM.M.A.?I to ll.ks L.‘V INA 401.1.0 t t t ruban tow malls,. on lb.' 27th !be mime, Mr. FHA ti cp.4 FELIX, of Oxford, to Mb. CA 1201.1 NE 1:11 , 1 , 111, of .3(otiolplelutant towtotli I p. IL the ,t Inet., t,>>• Itn•. Itreltinnbnugh, 1111. J .IME; 11 NK ARD, of I.lttlentown, to ]ll, JANE 1f.. , 181C1i..", of this place. 144 Elie 22d Jolt., by the 811.113 Q, Mr, .Alltri 1.1 1411:11. to \II%...StAtitUAII.EI' K 1« 111.0:3- '11.1 , , 1,, , th of t;untherlandtawnwdllp. 141 the 3111, ultby A I' %Itunelmstn. Fag Mr. PR A R11.E1.4 BRIRAIF,N to Mine MARI F.. VII lit:P.4 , lN, both of thin county. in the 90tb Init., by Rev. Mr. 'Tatter, Mr. 1,1*.x11',4 (4111. M, tutu rolmty, to Mlle, K 111.71.. L, of rel . ry comity. =! On the 11th 4t., JOHN LINCOLN, vton of Jhu and 1 9 .trb, t A. Doltrlalc. tord 9 yew, 31nOntha and 19 drys. 0,13 the al. of Augui /845. JOTICA. MARY F.T.TZ \IIETIT, , daughter John T. awl. S.trAlklkert, of Comberlaapl township, I u eek. 111] t III• 711, 1 8 6 P, IDA 111.14 Infant I er ut John. T. an.t $ rtxh C. woken!. of CwaliKrtah.l LrwaMNp, owed 2 weeks anti Alas, Ma, the Ltml bles4 them. l'onitruln tented. 6 11MILillk morning, Sept. Yhth. INGN, !ter. it EN ItY :,TEWAILT s. p.lor the Unitett r Church orJailiestoun, Pa. L heitnl l wail , . irnin Ileavun. inying 1111t0 me, write, Blessed are the dead winin die 11l the 1,..n1 (rota Item eadth t. saith the NOM.. th at lA, mug reolfrthe their tabors , and thole work, dr, ',dime them." Orplran's Court Sale trl INT HEIST IN REAL ESTATE. IN 61 gut order f Orl 's I . 1 alrt 01}NliltUlft voclly, the o subeorlb the e p r, tttttt 4lnvior ot the estatool leallter itleKinne , Iry e. 0.0,1, will oiler 'at, Public Sole, on the prkiiike, on H.\ (.31.1.)A.1 , the ?M. LW,' of NV \ EMBER neNt, the Intemet of Bald tiecodont, THE UNDIVIDED THIRD PART OF A 'lit 'CI` OF I,AND,aituatu lu Mountjoy town ^ll 1 1.., Ada.. co,, o. Om mad leatllug from (let t %%hulk L(.. rya...) tOWII., about 111 X 13,t108 (.411111 a ny.lourk, near llama'', MM. 1/...UOLWIIIk 1 t. / , 01 . l'l el/ lon ifornrr, John Horner Woorge _ML hr ink. Ilenca D. Cronwr.uforeattld. WWI M. A Itraor, and null, rs, uud coniwlnlng 112 Aorta. "I 1,4 1.1111.1111,S swa a tine-ovary 1.00 4,7. w., if 11" E m I" , ei 1 , , a I:ara. Then , In an( •••, 11... i oil,( 11114 .1 Well of neeel.fadlnk , 1 1 ,at .r Then. are about 2to Heron of .1.11. M , le !awl .ante tit, Meadow land. .--• de loconaneneent 10 octet, A. M., on 4old N ma de nal It Udall., w ill be kit , n and terms male known IT DENItY R PROMETt., Ad min ktrutor. Ilv Ih ,, ~w irt . 1 / 4 . W, MINTt..II, Clerk. Oa ta, Iva., la NOTICE.. /Di: tslow/ Bucher, (Men 1. m u lid areount of Win of the ponen and estate of John iiininter, a Lomat of the township of Franklin, Adam-. county, Pa., Lae neon filed In the C iiurc of Common Pleas of Adams and a ill tie confirmed by said Court ou the:Mho( NUYlo2lBllll.,ll2l2, , aatess cause shown to the contrary 3 .11411111/LIECK Preth . y. (lee. 20, IMb. is NOTICE_ IrlEftrat and fliauuua th . aer. f il l e r of Menry w F r . M. a.rac!;l• towin ' alaip of htnatoa ll" AAlLA: 3 ., hos obal In tko toori of Contnaon Plcaa of Idotal apanty, and be 4 . .othrink.,l by aid Can 04,41.0 301 . 4 . 1 `; V I,MnEtt, unletio Coulon Do shoo n tot o•ont ram J. 4%, Xtrf.MILLE.II., Proth . y. • Jot. En, 1841, te OA, ST-lEl"..tvft ruAls.tleoula. • SAFE.S., bantam alatestaws Yeas araumaratod. b 7 lowa thorough prom:llMM testa, to Le,epeely mtporior In Ere-proof ryr.lW. t.Oy other -.mare, (Wag water la supper to bee, Ismer. lwtlly seelatj prey &Wing AWN= pletely say evaporation and is the dfientaateln aim The pate.. can be applied/a any afar. Iteloro par .thmtlag elsewhere cell aad examine, or send for paulphiet—roackishmi the or rti floater of rta la with all other makers' oaten. AMERICAN STEA FIRE-PMOOF SA FE, CO 300,11roadMAMI. Now Yprk. Oct. AO, ISAR. 3m. , - 404** 1 1 1 *ZED • • , : : ing,AN AWAY him ate liateereber ti It', Ili tisgbwi- teWitiabil i tZeofit e i t fr.'en ism tan.; N ENRON' YAM color .it boundl boy. All pereme kril ri ot to towbar or areal beet oar toy eebeleb V. will be paid for Mt retain!, be l ic i °II W I Zablilo & um 30, qv, st ,- , - • ,': SHERIFF'S SALE TN Intnruatiec of • Writ of Venditbani Ex , 1 points Issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Adams county. Pa.. and to me directed, will be exposed to Public Hale, at the Court Ronne, liettymburg, on SAT URDAI , the 14th day' of NOVEMBER next, at I o'clock, P. ,11., the following described Real Estate, TWO LOTS OF GROUND. Noo.lMand 4,ellostelnMatnmesbaeg,Prank lie town-Alp, Adams county, Pa., fronting on Teri/ street, running back to a twenty feet alley, and bounded on the weet by lot No. 92 awl on the oast by lot NO. hi, cont-doing one third of an acre each. C. ALSO, .11 LOT OF GROUND, No. PM, containing 2 tierce and 124 perches, houndo.l on the rust by Int No. 115, on the north by No. 14,4n1 the south by a la only feet alb p, and on the west by lot No. 140. ALSO, A LOT OF GROUND, No. 110, c Ittalning 2 acres and 117 ps rehm hOUIDIed On the South by a twenty feet alloy, ou the meet by a taunt) , feet alley, on the north ht lot Nu. Ist, and on the east by lot No. I.N. I=l No. 125, containing 2 acres and M perches, bounded on the south by a twenty (vet alley, 2n.the west by lot No. IA on the north by lot ifi - Ja4; and on the emit by lota New. h and 127. rlotad and taken )11 execution as the real to of Jet ob Fulweller. The town Mot, embracing the above lots, earl be seen by calling on James Russell, E.g., In Aluinnumbutg. PHILIP HANN, Sher/12. Shelia's Office, Gettyaburg, (let. SO. MIK .11.0-Tt n pet cent. of the purchase money up all sole% by the Sherirr must he pad over nutrition ly after the property is struck down upon (allure to comply therewith the pro •rty s ill be again put up for sale. Clothing , Clothing! ! NE AND LARUE ARRIVAL! 7 ,--- I ~... DINKERHOFF, corner of the Diamond J . aml York street, haelnat returned trom the Mr> kith an unmorally attractive nemrt- Olellt Of CI Of lIINO =MEM o ear. wh Leh he N 01114441 at such prive, as trtn. OM fall to take them MT t cry ralsdly. Call and Judge for yoursel% ex. To lack at the ex lOh nt tasteful cutting, and neat and tot Loasmthil rowing, and then tort Ids low prlees---eallera cannot help but buy;when they - HI, It NO moth to their Intereat to do so. It. has Coats, ?ants, Vaal., of all lit) ICS and materials; Flats, itoots and Fhors; . • . Wart's, of thr kinds, Hosiery, Gloves, Hand kerchiefs Neck-tles,l'ravats, I.lnen and Pa jar Colitila s ßit.periders, Brushes, (koala; TrUnkti,‘ Mho/4, Umbrellas, Pocket Knives, Segara, Fintoklng and Chewing Tobaccos, PI pelf, Sail loner) , Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, with a thousand and one other articles, entirety too numer ous to debit! in a netrspaper advertisement. He asks the attention of the public to his new stock, confi d ent that it will please—and no one enn or v. iii sell cheaper, Don't forget the place—corner of York street and the Ditiniund, GeW stairs. JACOB BRINKERHOFF. Oct. O, tf APPRAISEMENT OF DAMAPra. "VOTICE is 111,1,y given that the under nhotetl, l'ontrneeoetters to appraise 1 . .. Damages tinder the Act of April n, 11.01, enti tled "An At t for the Relief 01 Citizens of the Counties of York, Perry. Adams, Cumborland, jiedford, Fulton iintl Franklin, whose proper- V 5 , ,. /la destro3 oil, damaged, or ilpploprlated -for the public serrlce, and In the rum tnon de deuce In the war to suppress the Rebellion;' will meet for the purpusoof complying with the prti, (stains of ',tut Are, AT TVESDAY and WI:ONF>iI , A V, Not. letli n o d 11th . . The Coinini.s , iont ri4 want It (11%01101r un eh,rp,too,l that 11..1•11.L1140 It. Made for Blank Ah .ina•h. Tin petit lons are prepared by tutu at their own expet,s, nod are not tur ninheti by the Board. Per•ons can pregent their Old Ill Sat. the place of meeting most *sm. ventent The b,114" 1 ru, rules will be Btrletly rullrered to the adjurlleutlou vf eluirne by the Corn- Inkstoners I.—Apolteantx for damaKett ,tilt apply to the ('lark, either In tiottysbnrg, or at liarrlaborg, ho (Ut limit (he'll St It h blank Abtitriteht, It Will 1, d addition to the detailed ntatetnent. antm will be roottiral to mate nut a detailed statement of their horses, ehlikiir3llllll and enumerating the different articles, and giving their diner, ut values. 3.-I.llcy will :dull be ft tolrt tl to state the time, nth.. manner, and thre•lelll.ll.. their losses, an d whether they were caused by the deprettattonsof the rebels, the demands of the llovernment, ur the excesses of the Union 9 50 7 00 4.—A II claims for !owes must be proved by one or more respectable witnewses In addition th the oath ot the petitioner. s.—When claims have been assigned t wo wl tresses In addition to the oath of the as signee will be required. e..Asalgriers claiming damages will be re itim{ to prove the actual wish value of the conallierritlen paid to the luislgnor. 7.—A1l eorrespondenee relating to claims sheikh' he directed "Damage Couninlaidonera," eAre of M. W. McALARNEY, Harrisburg, Pa. A. S. ELY. I) W. Wth)DS, W, S. WOODS, Commissioners. Attest:—M. W. McALAuNgv, Clerk. td oo I So® 190 1 (10 1 Register's Noticeu NoTIVE In hereby given to all Legatee% and tither per.onn concerned, that tho Ad - IN I. ration Amounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Ad aiumunt,y, r r contirmat lon and alloWance, on WINDAY, -tiro :Soth day of SINEMBEIt neat, at lu o'clock, A. M.. en.; lee. The aivonne of Jerem Mit Dien Faxed tor of John Diehl, late of Cumberland town aliip, devetwed. 170. First and final accoun , of Samuel A. Smith, Excentorof limo lant will and te.da moot of J tall t h G 1111,01,, dillt•eased. 171. The sevond and final 141,11)0 t of Arnold Gardner, Adininktratm of the rytate. of Benj., 111 in (.1:1 11 ne r, dece.wod. 172 The Heat act ouut of John lAIIIOI and derit k I.llllch, Ext altars of Jacob Lill ich, Lite of llerwlak ton nahtjl , 1,71. Tlo , first and final savant of Hannah Margaret Gilliland, Admi nistrat rix 01 the va lid, of tvrah 174. The 11011 account of Jacob March Ad in I ni,drator with the will annexed of Jarob Mon.h, decruseal. 175. The Unit and thud account of Adam ilollinaer, Admlnktnitor of l lle eatate of John Brown, lute of Reaching tenaratittp, Adam,. minty, deoellited. MU MC 'hie Wood atteount of A lbert.Van Dyke, nos sole and avtlug Executor of toe lust will .... and estutuenl of rllOlllllB MeKals,lo., died, - W. D. uoLri.wouru, Register. Oe..V, DW.S. , to ,_:_+__ _ AlOll4/1.- • WE aro 4 , onatantly pnrohnalng for men 1u lry the New York and Lldn.on 'Markets, all kinds of DRY AND FANCY 12100b8, BILELS, COT - TONS, ROOTs AND SHOES, WATCHES, SEW! NO MACHINES, CUTLERY, DREss uooDs, DOMESTIC 4te:, Which we are actutollyttelltfig' at an are ce Mir Tri 01 One Dollar for coot, a sales being strietly for cuslt, nun our : trade much larger than that Of any other edmilar concern, enables on to give better bargain,. than can I,c ohlulneti or any other house. LADIEI S are specially Invited to gin e Lisa (slat. Sr.n n - el: A Cater t...kit AU!) t List. Otukfulf sy Itfuarallefuir: For o e send 2 pattait tell full itt.flint and elicits dem 1 ihkila 20 dlnereut artleles to be sold for a dollar Caen, 4U tor 4 , Wf o l be; 'Off f 10, Ate. s. Ili by Ittyfi p antstatssauis Insure than /how birered by anywthrr yrm, aeconling to size o club. Single fount/ill] and clas k, IU 'onto. Male and Icinale agents Send mos sy in. Registered teller*. vend us a troll cI üb, on it 111 x, I.llllWiellge list! 011 tiol allonl lu Lut scalds of .111) oilier leanc tifirs.fftt r. EASTMAN tt KEN!). s.llllllloSur Mt., Donlon, Or!. 34.), -111 POCKET BOOK FOUND Av.,s found, In the Court Hooke, on the evening of Mt+ Mb Vocket Rook eoutalnunt 11 6111:di 11/€lollllt of money. The on r ttl requ,st..,l to appl) ut the COMVILEII Lint, t. 21, 3t The Best Family Journal Waffigl.Y St - N is the best family and T newn Journal wilt out to the country It in admitted by all a lio have had opportu nit len morn to erosive It, that they tind It indispeis sable afters unto, both 011 ALI:011UL of Its great llbeltllUt no anal ll...generally epic rldinlng, liar net tr. fur tin elution, always hi rze. con la m a to Increase rapidly, North, south, List and West. and has mg the opportunit;, again for free intercounte with the South, the evi dences 01 public appreciation from that quar ter are nail tip!) ngovary day. The effort.. which have been hitherto made to promote the latereat and usefulness of thin journal will be stimulated by the gratifying iiigna of public favor with which It la being greeted. hill eiPpLUStlit,wy tea, will be inaintaipek Mid MI ia ea, *l4.4.yti d poetic gents a ill contln ue to be carefully drawn from the beat sources. No Taber on care will be spared to make-the richest resburcen available R. the entertaberuetitOf oar realer*. The ag ricultural departnieut, rvill Continue iii practi cal and lompeient hands. While partizan ship and sectlonalliwn will be rigidly excluded, the WEKIi Li Sea will expres. Ira views here after, nit heretofore, with Independence and moderation, upon nil queatiorm of vital pub lic Internet. It may budependeld opou to Wee rho l'itewl , heh P. teleiraPille. and otherwise, at Inane and abroad; atolading innernesional proreedints and Kaahleittonortaispentbelleei; wh Ito relathia awl emulate reakornvof the InarketoNell as mann, and mon pima, afaaind;mailkwanaid)llllo(ll/3Xlllar *Natio. file !all and harmonica., combine lion at all of be Undid not. bu which has dhatinaulinpiaLthe Wat.ias.ratpn Its the past Is a sufficient guaranty of lb tvpi duct andmiteritits th the Suture. , EMI AS AN ADVY:RTIsING MEDIUM. Mpertally adapted to that 01.8 La 114.1vertletiug rhte4 ooti• nerns thu liusbanduum and lium,...v.afe—lands, fertilizers, tigrieultuml Ito pleuctits, useful books, tr., tlwnnsurpass ed. nburpass 4. reumottai+lo • • he * 11, 4€1.4 each tweets In 1t.b.e.0 Oct 30, 1063. . CARD, ill IT Agri lga grnitreir the ItKelet VIM U UAIX.F4M tresara,TIPTIODAT 4 241 - hAti I taw the op It - cif extenbing to•ai public In al tthpla liberal pa tronage t 6. k iii.ft g , them to be rrittr e W‘lVriitttaKt ti1t 0 ,. 5 . wa.6 77 1.0 41 0 mit t: lariears. *al:lW Wl. Wary taw affna4air at al Wal. - • O. li. TM& OIL eel Wig. 14f . . . THE GETTYSBURG COMPILER, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER .30, 1868. DESIRABLE 1868, ESP GOODS! .3fort .Bicene's/ Assortments . 1 ISELL for very s e mall profits, and aim at do fns a very leng business. FASHIONABLE 1411AtiK8 OP PINE SILK WM FASHIONABLE RHADES OF FRENCH WOOL. POPLINS FABILIONABLE PO SHAVS OF LPACA PLI. rumcar. CEILNTZED, PIQUES. PERCALES AND LAWNS. BLACK SHAN, PLAIN SILKS, PLAID SILKS. SWLSA JACONET lIUSLINS, CAMPRLC BLACK ALPACA, OUIA) RED ALPACA, BLACK ALJ. WooL DEL kIN. IIISTOII.I NHAWL. , CA.BII.IIEBE SHAWLS, 'IIIII 4 .IAWLS CLOTHS, CAStitME Et - , CLOk KIN GS, LIN . iv - rrioN ALE. TABLE (X)VEH.4. TABU; LINEN. NAP TOWEI.4. BALMORAL SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS. PLAIN LINEN -HANDKERCHIEFS. 'EM BROIDERED HAN JOKE/Lull I EFS. ILEII errucHED lIANOKLILCHIEFS. • MEN'S_, MI S:'4' AND CHILD REN'S CiLOVS AND STOCKINGS. I am coaastantly receiving the latest styles of Dress and Fancy Gouda. My stock com prises even thing usually found Innjirid class DRY GOODS STORE to a Well lie the att. ntlon of the public, feeling tu..urel that I can safely challenge eomparhom with all other stores In quality of goods and low ness of price. J. L. SCLLICK. Gettysburg, May I,IPiN. tt DR. JAMES CRESS, DRUGGIST, STORE IN BRANT'S BUILDING, BALTIMOR,E IT, LITTLESTOWN. HAVI36 opened ft New DRUO STORE and fitted it op in the heat .ty le , I offer my stock of pore and fresh DRUGS to the citicens. of Littlestown and vicinity at the lowest market rates, oonMsting In part of DRUGS AND FAMILY MEDICTSO3, PORE LRINORE3 FOR MEDICINAL PUMP° I= HOR.SE POWDELS, Purr Spices, Dyes and Drug Stuffs, Perfum ery, Toilet Soaps and Palley Article,. A full aweirtmeht of Brushes, Stationery ofall kinds, Cigars, Tobuxo and Snuff. Aw-.Yoore's EleetroMagnetic Soap will wash a lilt hard or soft water, cold or warm. Cloth. washed with this map are made beautifully white without boiling or bluelne. This is the best, May in. use. 'fry it. is la uarranted not to Injure the hands JAMESCRESS or fabric. . Littlestown, May lfi, IMA /3" REAL ESTATE AGENCY I have opened an agency for the Sale of Real Estate, conneelfon with my law Imslnce. In Get- t)sliurg; and will I{lNo penional attention EEO EX A NI I NATION OR TITLES. OON V ETA NC ING .II.CD INVESTMENT OF MONEY. Parties stlfthlng to nen, or buy lands, may find It to their advantage to all. several Farms and Woodland A No. I FARM, Price, 57,000, A TRACT. 00 ACILF.S, for ILSOO. AA (404 - 43 FM - OCP) AVll7lt, very &leap FARM, Mek ACREI I I. for *ow, A FARM, fti ACRES, for 12,275, A FARM, 54 fur $2,400,_ A VERY DOM) FARM, 100 ACRE% A VERY 0001) FARM, 125 ACRES, A VERY 0001.) FARM,Acara, A No. I FRUIT FARM, 2ACRES, In the nelg,lllxth nod of Gel Lymbn rg—alito, pro perty In to‘i n, fur eulle. • - .H. G. MctR E .\RY, Attorney at law, Grnyhburg. July 17, Is4l. it THE LATEST STYLES OF SPRING & SUMMER Hats, Oaps, Boats and Shoes, Jost received by ROBERT C. COBEAN, Manilkribuilg Sr., Sqturre,- GETTYESI3ISRO, PA Where the public can find n large and Varied assortment, whieh he is selling cheap. He also numullu:turetrisnd repairs /lADNESS OF ALL RINDS, promptly and on reasonable terma. Erikles, Halters, Whips, Trunks, - Villiers, Tobacco, Cigars, nod a great variety of Notions. Gtae Mt' a call. IMay tf isaiW HARDWARE STORE, .13 LI 2" L TO The undersigned have opened an esicio sFee rfardyttre *More In Littletdown, Adaqui wanly, Pa., and having purchased their snick (ruin Eastern Manufacturers, are pre pared to sell goods In their line at the LOW EST cash prices. Their assortment la large as welt M nor. spd embraces (they can only enumerate part In an advertisement) the fol. IRON 1j lulhUng M& terlYltl, NAILS, Carpenter Tools, P.iINTs, Miners' Supplies, OILS, Shoemakers' Findings OL 188, Saddlery Findings, SCYTHMS, Coach & Cks . Materials, 1 1 010:IS, ' lhsi ffult.l.44tlact, FfPWD444, • ytemeekot, Ike., • SHOVELS, Cedar - 47W, &e. HOES, &c. ith a tall new atock, bol)ght at the most advantage on, rates, we invite tin, nubile— town and COURI/T—to nail and be Malted. We are confident of pleasing, IWW pa to goals aad prices. Mechanics, (linnet Pi, and all about to build, are specially urged to come. They can do better with as than at any other store in the county. Mllolbl3 R SHEELY. Littliatown, May 29, 1Y TEAGBIIIS' INSTITUTE. /TTHE Adams Connty Teacher's . Institute for Reel st 11l be held In the Court I ionae, OK tyirbUrg, commencing on MONDAY, Novetn nor 91h, at .2 o'clock, P. at., and closing FRI DAY NIGIiT, November 131 h. All teat hers, Arllonl d I reetom and friends of education are invited to atteml. No expense or pains will he ~pared to make the exur.neee ItilWcesttutt, practiml and omiltable, and the Instruction to be given a ill be just such as teachers can with itelvialtege put 12,10 praellt e In their schoola. A full corps of first-elass lecturers nll4l In gdructoris has been aecused. The law rontem- Phates t h at loddirds of daceturu shall grant mashers the time to attend the lieditnte and count it the saute as bmeltiter, mat It Is hoped that all will do se. Friday will be "Directors' day " when mat ters and onerlliona relating to the duller. of school direeters will Ile mosidert.l. " The smu t-hitt, on Permanent Vertiemtes will be hdieted un NOLI4III.y afternoim. .trraoligefflente ave been matte for a reduction of railroad anti hotel fare to all who may attend. It It earnestly desired that every dratrlet be fully rePretaalted. Lef. tot a single teacher bo ab amt. : • A prggramnse mitre Ited appllegUou to AARON' SITEELY, Co. Supl, Gettysburg, Vct. 16, 186.>. Manhood: How Lost, Haw Restored. jitaITUST published, n new edition of 4P tf 1)r. Cverwelre Celet)) aked /A any on the mune& cure (wittiotit medicine, of rpe)ukutorrlicea, or iiietnlnal Weaknese, Involuntary nonat 'Amgen, !in potency,,llen tul and i'hys teal Illcup!way, Impedimenta lo Slarrlinte, etc,; also, r opturkin lon, Entlepey, and Fite, Induced by belt.' udoigente or sexual estrave ganco, - - ' aa - i . rice, In a sealed envelops, °gig 0 acntg r The eelebruted land in this admirable e$ say, elgarly demonstrates., tram a thirty years' Odheissilei practice, that the alarming Mau, gum,v on hell-abuse 1.1163 be radientilY eared without the dangerous use 01 internal tnedl tlgogitlev=o4thkgrAzil 7,tlmT,ty Means of which to cry suirrer, no ressurrnsilmable.oettltore• a n d Bs; WNW tears Oxman door" diqvlstedy and res,frc te , rot eiwy-routat slid-tary7 nissain the With • Bent ender Baskin TVratir Address. paapaid, cmli= two post sous , CUlvertre s Marriage Qui ,'"thig l irMallt. Address the PublWheW. biA . SI `b et , 12r .t r e s tlirlCYork , 0,136x110- PAY UP4 .1 of fig. . .x, i n mozi p to,,l : l4 :. . ttrz , fo o f 'Ay sit vauen g he.. That. w iwt , M. P laspgie of an =for . BowLe.are , In Moe at, ,w, ,warrisr. at iilaticasd and WaahingSdak Viba la altiiised 1.0 get* , the slaw I, ,L . J , ~ BIUDLJA & BENNE& VOW. Wlkite Goad Itafill low m rpm? . to VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC HALE.. Olg FRIDAY, the 13th day of NOVEMBER next, the undersigned, appolutod Trustee by the Orphans' Court of Adams county, to eell the Real Bantle..flit:nate' M. Oubrecht, late of Unit% /owned:tip, Adams coutUy, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, the following property, viz: THE MANSION FARM, situate in maid Tinton township, adjoining lands of John Baker, David S. (tobreeht, Jo siah W. (ii t 4, and atUtt at, cOnithttning 27 At.. 11.1.8 and 'Ai I'LItCREM, having proper proportions of Woodland and :SI.- dow, There Is supposed to be a large deposit of IRON UltE on the tract. The improvements a, a large Two tor}Clt s 1)%1 LUANG AND C.Utlil NO A t ' FULLING bilLI., Frame Barn, \( axon , Shed and Corn Celli, Sitrtits 'louse, and ,1,11 l other out-buildings, un elegant Or. ." chard, and a rst-rate sprlnri near the none. A reliable stre.ant eons through t h e Iran t. Abob A I'llAl2l' 01. IttiN lb In the saga., Lost la ship adjoining John Baker, Daniel Kunkel, i lit, d h. toibrt i ht. anti at ae: , , containing to -kClilits and 7a Pl:llCllE.—tilaint 11 aeres cleared and the balatiee in good Timber. Tills tract has bt eti laid rain 7 lots, running from 3 acres and •iti per he,, tot; acres and 30 perches —and s 111 be so elf, red. Persons wishing to slew the premises are rcquestLd to .11 on Mrs. Golirei lit, the sr ItloW, resiihng on the inan•ton teat t. 'Sale to commence at. 12 o'clock, M., on said day, wilt. n attendance will be gl,ll and terms made kilo. u I.y'trit R. 00BRECHT, Trustee. fly the Coln t—A. W. MINI tat, ClLrk. Li, t. ill, Istim. toil TWO DESIRABLE FARMS AT PRIVATE SALE. rJIUE undersigned, desiring to relinquish farming, oilers at Private Sale, lit TWO VALUAI3IJeI FARMS: No. I, situate In Liberty township, Adams mouldy, Pa., on the public road leading from Fairtlild to Melts 2 miles south sf Fat Skid, 1 mlies west ol Einmittsburg and it s mites north of ?Aelinvit's mill, adjoining lands of Jamb Knee and others. There are about 21r) ACRES In the farm, of which about 10.) Heron art In timber and Al gyres in meadow. The cleared land has nearly all been limed, and all the fields base running Siang The buildings are a Two-story STONE, HOUSK with Stone Kitehen, nearly lie new, stuns on It Ouse tool :-.111060. Haase, two IN agog ,11,13,4 c., a never II - failing spring of caret -near tile hogs,, ,gligi several springs in the fields, tsy Oruhurds of ach and Apple tree , Nuinhuming in t No. 1, Ind Linda, or Sa rob R e lic, Samuel Krise, and others, I mile north of Mc In% It ig null, containing about ;05 ACRES, of which there are about s 5 acres in excellent r and AU sere* in good meadow. The term has nearly all been limed In the last the, ears. Tire buildings ire large 'l'oo-story lA HOUSE, newly regaired, with ing and Immo Kitehen.l4tone Hank Horn, nearly new, Wagon Sind, Is, ref 'lien Cell., Hog Pen, Spring Hinew, and other nut-buildings A Iso/1 LIME KILNS and LI MEsToN E QUARRY on the farm, Tenant House, slth good Orchnid of choice fruit—apple, peach and Persons desiring to view the farm, are re quested to rail on the undersigned, rAhling on No I. JOHN CLARK. ULL U, Aso, If REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTY AT I'UBLIC SALE. • ON SATURDAY, the 14th of NOVEMBER next, the subscriber, F.mecutor 01 the last .111 and testament of w illinlll S. Naugle, de calt•ed, P. all offer at Public Sale, on the pecan 6es, the Real Estate of said decedent, ale: A LOT OF anor - ND, situate In East Berlin, Thandlton township, adana• county, fronting on Kiag street P 9 tent, and running back to an• alley, adjoining George Holtitte, nn the east and en altoS on the vest has In bar, on a Tat, o-3tory BRICK trupsl3, with Ilaek-huddling, ul Frame Shop, Fruit Trees, he. Penonnawl•lalng to slew the nroperty . 1 tare r, questeal to call en the Ist-cuter, Is tog opposite. At the same time andplace, will old the personal property of decedent, vie: 1 COOK STOVE AND IXTI'REs, 2 Ten-plate Stos em, 1 Parlor Rios e, Tab!, a, Chain, heist. ada and Bedding, Kitchen Ca p tward, Cheat., peak, liar au, Lots/Limal;laoe, hit Stove Pipe, 4oye Drum, Meat Veasel. rut of J.ard, lot ot adorn, TelmelharroW, Sod el Nee To (+lam Cue, and a variety 01 other arthle•, too nnmeroua to lot titian. Sale to commence at (2 O'clock, M., on said day, alter: al.teardanee wall Leigh inland (semi made known by GEORGE KING, Executor, Oct, A SMALL FARM AT PUBLIC ,SALE. SATURDAY, the 14th day or NovEm- 1 V HER 14.4 t, by order of the orphans' Court of Adams county, the sulmerlber, Admints tratwr of the estate ofJwiwadt Spangler, tl etin. yd, will Mier at Public Sale on the premises,. the Real Estate of said iteceitimt, it. A iiNI.I.LL FARIT, situate in !funding township, !Lanni:, (.011111, On the banks , of the Great Conon ago, about n Lillie east of New Chester, adjoining hunts .4 heirs of Rudolph Spongier.: noreasod, Thomas N. Dicks, John ILabolt, aud others, and cinn totntiguli AClthlidatut 144 PI,.RCHeM, wi th doe proportions of Woodland tad Meadow. The hunt Is Ina good state 01 ealtit rtlwa, mast of the laud has lug bows hood, 4111.1 tit. Maces ' l2=4 15 1. 11 1 1 C R a ltalVl•?, e ern r k : i n t A n - e no d s en, Log liars, with Sheds attached, - 13 Corn Crib, Hog Pen, .Se. An exec lira spring of wait, r near the lunt , e, and a young Apple Orchard, beaddes peach, pear and cherry trees, oil the Lai The property Is convenient to rburche.t, schools, mills and mechanic shops. 1 , , mom, wtshlng to view It are rogues ti,l to tall on the Administrator, living t lose by. fiole to oonimuipm at 1 o'clock, P. 11., on said day, %hen nuemlablee h i , given terms indde knowil byy IL-111.C11, Atlrn'r. By the Court—A, W. SI nitwit, Clerk. Si.,-1( not sold, the Farm %ill be rented on said day. Ott 22,tuidd. to HOUSE AND LOT AT PRIVATE SALE. IMMIIMMA= IItiUSE AND I.QT IN lITTLE . STOWN, sltnate on 'Wilmot,' street, and adjoining inane snyiler on the north and the heirs of Morgan Swope, ileei-si est on the south. The house Is a new TWO /MILT b7IAMIE, ealt.ulateil few tau fanstiles. and wall nraLsbeatinossowrespeet... • • The location Is One of the best In the tows. Buyers are regyealsal to rail soil see the pro perty. II tItRIET GULDEN. u - EsTER GULDEN. Oct. 16, Ifitgl. .tts A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE HALF., C.! ITUATE, 1n ilimettplanalittrit toannhip, .'.d. 11.0111 COUllty, near Un, Two T.l6YrrtlY, , t.O the road leading to Benaughton u, containing LSD Acrel-33 acres In thriving timber, le iu meadow, amt tho Ludlw,' earellent farm land. Improve.' with a Too-story STONE ROUSE, Stone Spring Howie, do:, all in good repaig. Good fencing, plenty of all kinds of fruit, ex cellent wateret barn and braise, Convenient to Whoa.", churches . and mina. Price fl 5 per sere. Early appliention de sioanal: 0,40. S. AVIA SHAN. FOR, SALE A TRACT Of 'LAND, Four miles north of Mlle/gown, in Ilamil tonhan township, Adam• county, Pa , adjoin. Ina lands ofJohn Chamberlin u,lteklani In Mar shall, David Meta and others, on Marsh creek, and containting :+5 MALES, our-half in prime Chestnut Wolfer—the holauce linprov. may ed With a Two-story LUG atilittE, ?Mine Thum, Shop, an orchard of chtnce fruit, &e. There is udne proportion of meadow. Thus,Ls a thatiruble property—con venient to Ind us, one saw mill at the hou,e, known 4i/4.1/tent's, rod gllrt Inlit , school house and cheircb within one llad two tonic& it would be to, 'goad Rtrapstald. Penult. v. thluttg to the_ preollges are reoneht ell to ran at 31111, tt here all Information eon he hod, .A t og 7, 1868. lOwe A FIRST-RATE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE, provements, and In prime order. I will sell from 100 to NO -Acre., to,etylt, pur, Terms iewaitiablii. For rainier information, apply to RM. VIIILF4 sept. 27, mg.( ur - - .getbrubtinr. VALUABLE FARM AT TILITATM SALE. Situate , on the York and Clet n t=g s Tlrrnplke, 3 Er,CELl,tram ( 1 1 11 7 ,1, 1 1 1 7e1n convenient pro portion* of wood, otendow and fanning /and. Buildings and fencing ffne e , Mnlitlon; and plenty of water, Any parson tu wont of fttt,rate prods farm, with pleason t realdenee, de., will do well to enninine this property.. Vor purlieu/am apply to the subkerlber, SARIf I lying on the_ pl n. /CDS. Sept. 11, IRAS. if STAMM FOR SALE. ftVALUABLE MILL . PROPERTY, vilth Acres of choice Land, on the turnpike leading faun Ahhottatown to Hanower, one nub (row the former place, known as Hol linger. MX. Loo, ONE OTHER ;NULL, YILOPtItTY, gnat 40 Acre. of Loud, or 120 Acre., as may be ele.slred, on Marsh creek, 0 :nibs R. W. from Oettya. burg, mid known as liuudoe's MIIL A MODPI P I AIt3IL Aertie 'Of Land, high state of cultivation, 100 bush,la of Lime te lawfwmaick beadhAlM 3VW lai were trona Gettysburg GEO. ARNOLD. Oettialrizi, Psi An.. 31Difti 4.4 an VALUAXLE " MaknOTOTT SITUATED In Hamilton/ma tow naldp,_Ad. ants ogent_y, contatrong MI ACKER, wenfinpriteved Imad with a Two-story eITUNk. DWELLING, large Bank. Barn. and all net - w s:try out-bu M 11.1 ; AO a .01.1RMILL,BANV MILL. Miller's and Tenaut Howe* with two Oreharda- , Whlelli 9/11Illowo l tll Alef elea apPly ing to /MN C. LOrtit, Ateht, New Px ford, Pa. I'. O. Box ta, Aita• 50i t LSO t..L ' ;FOR SALE. 11 if AT Two-etory liVentheracig i n lIOITSIS, In Eaid Middle #ree. c now In the ocrupsney %Oa =l4llllll. taint. st a .ff ecgaepawit Voter own.- Apo*, to ar o fbor WY . A. MINOAN. WM. BOYER & SON, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, AC N Stone, Wooden and Willow Ware. i Ostend issertmest of ill Goods vonlly kept in • FIRST-CLASS FAMILY GROCERY Jan. 10, lank It NEW GOODS. Cheaper than Ever. REBERT 4• ELLIOTT, Opporia the Cbrrt•hossae, GettkaJorg HAVE jus t opened a new and large a. tiortmt at of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS .OF ALL X7XDS, CI,OTI IS, DAMES ERF-S, TWEEDS, GINGITAMS, LAWNS, PRINTS, BEREGES, MO:ILI - NS, &C., &C. to which they Invite attention—being deter uoint,l to &Al at the lower!, eaah prices. April 10, bolt. tt DR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS. A mlll and agreeable TONIC STIMULANT, STOJIACIIIC and CARMINATIVE BITTERS, Extracted tmtlrely Irma }{ERRS and ROOTS AJghly benefkinl In DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, AND LOSS OP APPETITE ; and no eacellent CO4RFAITIVE for peeloons suffering from Disorders of the Dowels, Flat* 1=1213 SOLD EVERY WHERE. Depot, No, 414 Market Street, Philadelphia. J. R. TAYLOR & CO P 014.19, ISM. ly FURNITURE. D. C. SHEAFFER, PETERSBURG, (Y. B.) PENN'A., Is prepared to ofthr to the Palate anTthing in his line as cheap We aan be heal in the country. air - Purchasers a 111 do well Wenn end exam Ine our stock before buying eLsewhere. 'FURNITURE made to order, Repairing done neatly, cheap- ly, and n itt diapandl =II SELLING OFF AT COST! IMN Ing determlued to date out my entire 0t4x1 , 44 Ready-made Clothtpkg, X will will AT COST, OVER etti.Tlik MUSS COMM. PANTS, vissTs, tißA*, Timm, doldroue of securing good bargain, mu now have an opptwtonity by calling at my store. Clove one, come all G EOBAJ I:: ARNOLD Uettysbarg, 00, 2, 180 S, tf QUARTERLY REPORT Or the eonoltion of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or tiETTYgliUlikl, on Monday morning, Oct. 5, IRSS Ixa diseonnts and overdrafts, $110.92619 'Spuds ..' 150 , 000 Ott Other Burnie. . 6:000 OD Due from National ..-....- !I'VE, 8D Furniture anal expense,. ......... . 1,t3510 sh, . . . Ca...... ..... 2118,541 12 LTA RILITI FA. .........-..... Capital, alOO,OOO 00 Simples - 1 Aia 30 1,141 W Circulation,- ...... ....... ....... . ......... .... 00,000 00 Deposit., 1174170 fill Due to National 8ank.2,962 0 Dividends unpaid . - MS 10 1340,03 12 ' t. eestibi Mat the above etedmitent in entreat to kite bMt of my knowledge and belief. U EU. AltNoLl3,(Stshier. Oct. IQ, ISM. It WOOD FOR SALE. Rd CORDS OAK, MO CORDS HICKORY, at Sandoe's SAIL Prim, $2 and $3 per cord, on the ground., ORA, ARNOLD Aug. 22, MIL tt FOR, A CLOTHING STORE, fTEI sweet .NeetM stoat good snn• of WV matins, and iirstunte stand. Engttlin at this orrice. Aug. 21, Inn. tf DISSOLUTION. itertnesslat i t z li gi neStilltive misting- her wee* theism T nett firm of a EAFFERITISIIO TdriTtenail4rreiV-iln) Whereby dissolved, • All persons Indebted to sold dim will please make payment wittiest delay. Either part ner Is authorized to use the novae of the firm in the settlement of the busine.. geld dime. lotion to take effect from the knit day of May, IS6S. D A C. EIREAFFFet, lE. W. HECKER , ally 17,1tdift, QUEEN ' air 'ibrfri.iir; 'Arm r 443.1310e.0r ewer.... 0 too . • QUEEN OF ISSIGLAND SOAP. . For doing a fumtli stashing In t h o beat cheapest mangler, enaranteed equal to t AI in thee world ! Ilan MI thestr*/ of old soap with the mild and lath gtiall of genuine Castile. las sp endid Slaw. mold by the. A.r.imr MAI. WORMS, - 4S North Front Theo* ' kolas. RISSOLU T lON. .., rE d arra or Tate & Culp Is Serebydbaoly6d, it l i n t,ot fft eepat ii , Allmiii na l rate who wiltsigio pay - i d r r Mgenia; P. J. TATE. 5. r NA S I% IA Mit HOWE MACHINES ! TEE LArkST IMPROVED AND GENUINE ELrAs Howg JR. SEWING MACHINES, on head apd veld et JACOBS & BRO'S. STORE CLI AMBEILIIICRO PrISEET, ETTYSBOIO Orders will be promptly attended to. Ma chines delivered to all parts of the county. ErThe public are cautioned against parties who use the name of 110 WE In conneetlon with their machines on account of the tame tartly of the Stowe Machines. Them are none ussoixa unless they lave hultethiel In each machine a medallion having the likeliest of ELIAS ROWE, Jr..'on It, Sc. OEO. JACOBS & ➢6O only Agent. for Adams eounty. Pa. Aug. 7. INS. LI RE-BUILT ! Confectionery and Ice Cream Saloon, JOHN GRUEL, Chambersburg Street, Gettysburg, Pa., next door to Nagle Hotel, havini‘npleted Ms new build lng,ltn, open ed the ett Assortment of Confections ever offered ettysburg, Including FRENCH AND COMMON CANDIES Toys, Nuts, Se„ and everything belonging to a fin4-elass Confectionery, with special ac commodations fur Ladles and tient leincu. ICE CREAM supplied on shortest notice IMECIIMMII EICELSIOR GALLERT. TIPTON & MYERS, tIeCCE,E.,IItES TO C. I. 'TYSON. PHOTOGRAPHS, Photo .Miniatures, MIMEMEI3I Stereoscopic Yierrs of /he BATTLE-FIELD, =2 PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, AND ALBUMS, ===ll9 I==E! fat-We deal In Milling hat the heat of Ita kind. Call and examine our •hx.k. LirCopies ran la, furnkhed from all Nega tives ever t4/040 at the Gallery. I=l CEE2I:I CLOTIIIN G. MHE Ruh4erl , ,er has Jnq returned (ruin the city walk I=l STIOcK ,OF CLOTII4NG ever opened In the county, which he is enttipg at remarkably law prim,. Ills stoek slat* of OVERCOATS, = DREGS CUtTS, BUSINE.'SS COATs Fancy Ciuurlmere Coats of an styles, Satinet and Jean Uinta, very ..heap, Doeskin, }raw)" etundmere and Satinet hank+, Wool SlOrts, Under ISlitrta and Drawenf, Clocks, fdinileuliil strnmenta of all kinds, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Rumors, Pipes, !trashes, Net-k-ties, nit.l a thou -114.11i other articles, too nuutsroua to mention lu a newspaper ads crtlsetnent. F. I.;UNNINUILINI. Oct. 9, lAN. If AYER'S HAIR VIGOR, For the Renovation of the Hair. THE GREAT DESIDEEATUH OF THE AGE. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and efibetual for preserving the hair. Faded or pray hair is soon rrstorrri to its orromo/ color and the pkots and freshners youth. Thin hair is thikkenett, falling hair ['hocked, and baldness often, though not al ways, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are deetroyed, or the glaida ativenied esti decoyed.. Euesuch as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application.' Instead of fouling the bair with peaty sedintesit, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair Dann tat ruing way or haling off, assubcou sequently prevent baldness. Free from those defetcrieus substances which make some preparations dangermat and injurious to the Liar, Ute Vigor can only benolit but not, harm it. If wanted merely far a HAIR DARSSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Coo tenting neither oil nor dye, it dais not mil while cambric, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving' it a rich g may lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & \ Co., Practiced and Atudytical Cherniete, LOWELL, MASS. Price 91.00. For Sale by A. D. BUEHLER, Aged, (NA tynbtarg. Oct. 2, 1869. lI,UBEit'S DRUG STORE, .Fbrnejeo old Stand—.Battimorc &red, GETTYSBURG, BA. II&VING purchased Gila old and popular stand, and had In nn• entirely neer and freak Stock, offer a full aseurtment, consisting isuaut of DRUGS AND FAMILY MEDICINES.. PATEPTT NEDICF , TEB-6 LAXikip 4RSO3T, PtrenirOng 4.w.p W./NES FOR'IdEDI- CINAL PURPOSES. SPICES AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS. DYES AND DYE STUFFS—HOW ek. STE— N7U.7B' DYER, EXCgLSIOR DYER, AND THE ANILINE DTM--THE CHEAPEST AND THE ( IN L THE )14.611K£T. ALL THE NEW AND ELEGANT PER- FUJI Efi ANLLTOILET ALSTILE,P.II. COLGATE'S, AND OILIER SUPERIOR mwfinfxL-4 . o:)7'ff MI mma SSUSITES Soul 6 tq SI cep tg : VORNErS HORSE POWDERS—THE BEST AND CREAPEST; ALSO, FOITTZ'S, DELL'S, DALE'S PERSIAN, STONEBRA. /num AXD ROBERTS', STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF—THE BEST BRANDS. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS AND k , 'A ILY RECELFTS CAREFULLY COM- YOPTICP; PHYI4IOIANOv4iWV.;46.I4I.IffRY ANIS fetOPMIED FIEVITCED 1i4T03. MedichrllP hirseubqd AT All. *kali be: TUE NIGHT. - Night boll at the door. April a. 111ftr at y easVag trin, tra l lai. atilt: • 11 " "*. ' n or d an e zar N om . cum ry ost. s, Mgt W 1A 11 : 4" " - : ' ttO 4 1 :•lekil l atO •aaieziueas — o thew Oft 0, IL ONE OF .TRE BEST LIV'VESTOENTS =II First Mortgage*Bonds OF THE UNION PACIFIC Railroad Company... aao MILES COMPLETED A. limited amount of the First Mortgage fondant the Union Pacific Bailment Campo,} are offered to the public, us use of the safest and most prof table invemmenta. 1. They area first mortgage upon the literal and moot Important railroad in the country•. 2. By law they eon be issued to the l'unliainy only as the road is completed, so that they al ways represent a real t also. 3. Their amount la limited by aet of Congress to Fifty Milllou'Dolleni on the entire Pacific line, or an average of has than 1300,000 per mitt 4. lion. E. D. Morgan, of the United States Senate, and lion, Oaken Amen, of the rnit,a States House of newest - 4.lnd Ives, are the trus tees for the bondholder., to moo that All their interests are protected. 5. Five Government Directors, appointed by the President of the Unit,sl States. are respon sible to the country for the management anti C. Three United State. Conorlissioneni must certify that the mad is well built and equipped, and lu all respects a first-Clam rathray, before any bonds ran be Issued upon It, 7. The United States GON emu:tout lends the Company its own bands. to the same amount that the company issues, for which it takes a second mortgage as security. 5. As additional aid, it snakes an absolute donation of I . 2,ittso acres of land to the mile , ly ing upon each side of the road. 9. The bonds pay six per tent. in gold, and the principal L. also payable is gold. 10. The earnings from the local or aay heal elms. were es er Foca 31a.most last year, which, alter paying operating expense., was mnrh more than sufficient to pay the in terest. These earnings alll be wetly in creased on the completion of the entire line lu Iso9. 11. No political at thus eau reduce the rate of interest. It must remain (or thirty yenta— s. per Ma, per annum, in oak!, now equal to between eight and ulna per cent in eelrreney The prt estpalls &repayable Mold. If a bond, with such guarantees, were issued by the gos - ornmentOta market price would not he leas than trout 11 to at per cent, premium. As these bond. are Issued under Government au thority and supervision, upon a hat in very largely a Government work, they must ulti mately approach ties eminent prices. No OW cr corporate bonito ore made so 2,0111 C. 12.. The Issue will soon be exhausted. • The notes has e eomoLlmex been half a 1111111011 11 day, and nearly twegly millions has e al read lwett sold. About ten millions more may tie offered. It to not Improbable that at mane ttme not far distant, all the remainder Of the, bonds thoComplay can issue will he taken by some combination of capitalists and with drawn trout the market, except at a large ad sauce. The long time, the high gold Interest, and the perfkt secnrity, must make three I...mds very Valiable for export. All the predlet ions wlitell the oftloem of thiab 01114 pally 14a1e Imoio lu relation to the pm are. and Auhine,s emcee. of their enterprlae, or the value and o.lvariee In tim prim. of their 011 nrltled, have been more that. notairrllea, and tiles' therefore miggeht that parties Who desire to inveat . ln their hooda ,t/ find It lu their admalage to do so 01 °net. The piles for the ,prealmt is WY and ac crued interest at the rate of six tar coil. is currency from July Ist. and - auti.urin- Bumw will be reudved fu tletlyomrif by the I/ItliT NATIONAL BANK alai ULT TISBURII NATIONAL. BANE, and In Now York AT TilE COMPANY'S OFFICE, NO. .3/ NASSAU ST, ABB BY JOAN J. CISCO it ON BANking, NO. ~)0 1V Ai,L ST And by the Cornpab,y's adverld agents throughout the United Elides. Bonds sent free, het poroes stilownbong through toeni agents, nett look to them Arc their ink de- Guay. A NEW PA Nt PITLET A:sZII MAP was In ued Oct, ISt, containing a report of the Program of the work to that date, and a more dotuplete statement In relation to the advertisement, which wilt be sent free on ardllleation at the coupany's °Sloes el to any of the advertised agentg. JOHN J. CISCO, Troaaurae, Now York. August 91, INK tm , ,ELECTRIC Telegraph in VIE EAST INDIA TKl.EurtAzu NY'S OFF/UE, Nos. 22 and 24 Nassau Street, , NEW .YOBK. Organized under mrerial eltarfrr from the Slate a New York. CAPITAL, . 415,000,000, 50,00 u baiAsEs 8100 EACH[. DIRECTORS. Hov. ANDREW G. CURT IN, PLlladelpb lo. PAUL 8. F011,13E.8 of Rumen & Co., ClaruL FRED. BUTTERFIELD, of F. Butterfield & Co., New York. ISAAC LIVERMORE, Treasurer ILlchlgan Cent nd Raßrnod, So ston. ALE F.ANDRIL ROLLA N D,Trousurer Amer. lean Exr Company, New York. lion,AkiniS NOSON, svraeuse, Y O. 11. A WWI., Treusuier Western U.n.lon Telegeepb Company, New Yrtk, ILETCRER WIieITRAY, of WestraY. Gibbs & Hard eust,le. Now York. NWHOLAIf ILICKLRs, New York. OFFICERS. A. CI. CURTIN , Prve.lkkut. N Vivo esktlent. GEORGE CONANT, Seervtnrc. UN:URGE ELLIS, (C.lller Nutiouallank Colpulowwcalth,)Tro..urer. IloN. A. K. 31CCLUItl.:, Philadelphia, So -11, 'tor The iniinetie GoN ernment having altrough the Hun. Anson Burlingame) conceded to 113. Company W. privilege of coin necli Mt the great iea.po le of the Empire by submarine electric telegraph utble, we pi opo.e commencing ope ration. in (Italia, and la) lug down a line of nine hundred mil. at untie, betweiet the Nl port., Vt. repniatiion. . . 0,(100 Swatow • :. 200.4100 Amoy. . 1.111,000 Yon-Lbow, Wan 4uunuu • Chews, . 1,200,0f51 Hang ....... MM! These pert. have a foreign commerce of mid an enornicruN tinitlext In truth., heiddewhieh we have the immense Internal commerce of the Empire, radiating (min then' points, through U.S canals and nut igable The cable Winglnitl, thhi rompany Pro looe. areating land lip. and retabildhlnir a ckeilY nail trustworthy Means of coml. - huffiest lon, Which mast conathand there asoveryw Imre rim, the communications of tile llovernrueni, of business, and of ms tot Ilfe, rep~elplly In Oldua, She has no patch systcm,iinii bar on ly IMAM& 1.10 , " Of 001111111.111 ii ~/Ing informal ion Is by COUNCIII on lull,!, mitt by 141,..b1ers oil The Western World knons that (I.lna Ls a Very large eountry, In the male densely peg. pled; but few yet realise that she routailiN more than a third of the human rare. The latest returns made to her, enttal authorities for taxing purposes by local magistrates make low population FLar Ihonfred and Abu, fern Ififllons, and that b. th ole ilkely to he un kler than oN er the actual agai,gate. Nearly all of thew, who are over ten pears ~ht aat only can twit do read And write. Her sivllizA tion Is peculiar, but her literature in as extol, alve as that of 'Europe. china t a hind of teachers and traders; and lbw La*,,A, ate ex ceedlngly qulck tot ay.;ll the tpselves Of epee} larldildAM larltitY for to prim; early la r‘ s rto a. clop, It Is ghservet California that the Chineae fpnke great use of the telegraph, though It there transmits messages in Eusittli alone. To-day great number!, ofdeef steamers are owned ky Chinese merchants, and uall by them exclusively for the transmission of early Intelligence. If the telegraph we pro pose, nOnneniing ail ltalr great sea ports, a ere now in extstenee, It la believed that Its busi ness would pay the cost within the first taro years of Its suoriesaftd operation, and Would steadily Increase thereafter. No enterprise commends itself AS In a grqat er degree reinnnerative eupiptlista, Itail our whole peopto. It Is era vast national Im portance commercially, poll [hotly, and e‘ an 4efAtirj static of this company has haiku un qualifiedly reeomincoded to capitalists arty buidness men, as a h e Now lovestuo at by editorial *trash)* in the Now York 'Jerald, Tr, bane, Meld, Mass, Post, INpreu, Thrlepeadet, and In the Philadelphia, Meth A haer.ean, Pets., Ledger, /squires, Ape, Balkan and Telegraph. ghee. of thla Oditisuay to a Malted own ber, may be obtri Mal at :lee each, :SW payabLe down, lILS on the ist of November, and Sr. payable In monthly o mda l lmeuts of i 4 each, ciomsning December , IWB, on l DREXEL & CO., 34 South Third &reel, Philadelphia. can he obtained In Gettysisang by spVsi =so 3, Ti. BAIR, Banker, who is au thmisest taaassiseaubscriptlons.audsen giro sly asassaary Informal-KM On the liaLgaild• thd,3lB. WAS, HAYWA MED. ' z ay A l =V ed CLke lATAI G~'°`~n°°rt',~` 1868. AS AN APERIENT, There is no medicine so much In favor with those who an, acquainted with their action as Robacit's Blood Pine; they are earn. pleaeant Mid 111 lid In their opentlillll, anti WV purely % egetahle ; ran 1.10 Waeu by children .4 Well as adults; try them. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. Al.l a re ty to soothe nil 11111101111 amul, awl to tin truost sQl.usa,# nrrrin• there Is, perhaps, tint trtedlk Stle eaWttt. which In re. Pets nl W 11 It st mush ins or no Itolutek's htoni nell 11111,4; a wine Wit. 11111 on e.t.a to toll In nn hull Is rt•tlttlred to produce sound awl heaJt.ttful • ERYSIPELAS, Antlanry'sAlro, can be etrectunlly erad icated by Oto me Of )1,61.4.W. lllockl Purifier runjunctitai v. lip IWimack'a OPTHALMIA, Ur, Inflammation of the ryeß, M dot IdlfT,"" gaunt ly arbtea mom II dimorderra ate of inn whwtww a low dunes of Itoback'm Blood 1.1110 x 111, in most ranea, elbiti 401* by rq.altovllla the vonse. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE Then. lire nu reitie‘liem, haw before the pul.. lie, ao.o A II eldetilidetl to purify the 'dotal awl reeonstruet no to streak) the whole 1ty144 , 1111 nr Itotadtra Bloorl Portlier, Blood I'll's and Stoitutell !litters. LEUCORRHOEA, (Ir. Whites, Nllirll follow ',anti debility and oustitotional wvak 11, as, 1,1111 141,1U11111)" tired by I hi. use of titoniavh Ititteta. Do not I. t the drossisi Belt) (111 1111 V of her rem stly, as than illttern are preistreA s Ills espi , 4 lul ruforr nee to this couiplitint, and aro 15 Ur nakked to ion.. BAD TASTE In the aloud h la the moraine is one of the . 3 ...wt..w of a Minute el Ind It lon or disordered state of the liver, and should cud, far a Single be malt vied um It is tint the premonitory xt to Ann of a train of evllu and tact very seeds of disualse. Procure- at once Matlack?. Mond Pills, administer them areonlinito the di ree- I Moe neeoinpanylog eueit box, and the dlll vultt tlaugel of tlewow .111 11l nave lie moos mml. NOT A BEVERACE. unlike mast of the b liters of the present day; Itoltek't are not intended m a pleasant stimulating irttskeytweentepe, Dal arapspatet • ly medleltuth eontatning only sulltelent pure bourbon wlstekey to hold la satiation the me dicinal extrauth o matter from Which they are eatatesel. IV TM SELLS TTTEM 7 The AgvillA tor the 41116 of itobark'ot Blood stmoneh 'latent and P rifler are A. D. Ul LU I.ELt and J. U. lIKLIEIL, 111 IV, I 11. t, 23, h'hM. 2111 J. AI. Diamond Confeetianery and be Cream Saloon, A 1/I'l MORE Strira, twelior above ()rotor iestyslintp, 1 . I wind, retu do- Iftoin the d wttlta I stock tif Wares. Winery, I will sell at the very lowest pro. 11 FRENCH & COISIXIDN CANDIES, Drawled". Lealoks, Mute, Notlahls, he., and every thing iwiongindflo a Ilretelass Con feetiouery, 14 ith CAKkk, MEAD AND LEM °NADEL Also, ICE 0.11 EA BI supplied on short notice. May 15, 14811. tr 1868. MITITNERY MISS McCREARY Jim; Inst rotyrued from the city with a large amortment of h Al.i. TioNNETS AND HATS. Also. Bonnet and tint Trilusal no of the/sant styles, N% bleb, with an amaterthieta of lash. ionuble FANCy AND TOILET 0001 - A, xhedetermined to sell at the eery lowest. Al prtt.tA_ fIONNETFI will be kept on hand, and bonnets made to order at the short eat notice. , - . . , M stlpplledi with goods to sell again on the most lav oi able tering, anti pashas with !nut ructions gratis. Sept. IS, 1101. lint Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FOR PICUIFYINO Irma BLOOD The reputation this excellent 11letlIC1110 Joys, Is derived Item its cures, many tif artach are truly marvi lions. Inveterate mains of Scrofulous disease, where the aystena seemeil sal orated a it it t orre piton, have been porined and t until by it. Hrinfulona afreetions and disorders, widen a ere flaunts 610(1 by the error uloun contamination until they were painful ly afflicting, have been rudletill) cured In such great nunilmrs In altuont every section of the country, that the public scarcely need to be i' l l ierZ i o u u l s i ts tl ti ' slt r n " tralTe l tt ' rite net destruc tive enemies of our race. titles, this unseen and unfelt truant of the organism animal nee the constitution, and ins its s the attack of eu ft chling or land 1111114 . 1144.14. V. about exulting u stispielon of its presenis.. Again, It seems to breell Infection throughout the body, and then, on some favor° hie 11(4.41.411111, rapid') develops 11110 0110 or idle r Its hide one forms, ell hn (111 tile surf,. C or among the vitals. In the latter, tut. retest tuny be suddenly depcalteil In lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the User, tel it allous Its preaente by era {111065 on Ilie 011 111, (0 hull ljleellll.lon/I on somirirt of tile burly: . 114,K...the ocrallional Imo c , bottle 01 tins baraaisarliiit la lahisableVellr when no neat esymptoms of disease appear. Per sons onl !Mod witet the followtng complaints general I y linti Immediate relief, and, at length, curt, by the use of this fit RiYAPARILtA Si A. 4 4..41 r l` re. Rose er BrYcepelus, 7Wiee, 4111 Rheum. &old //eml. Ringworm, &,re IV., Sore I)trb, 111111 other eruplil/114 or visible forms of iicrolulous disease. Also in the more con• rsled forms, us Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Heart li e kease, Pits, .Epilep+y Ntunilgia, aid the arious L'liii , rous affections of the la llte4ll4lr and neri 0111 , 13 Ntems. i`3 Phllix or Venereal and Mercurial Diseases are cured by It, though a long time!. required for subduing these obstleato maladies by any medicine liut lung continued use of this mistletoe will cure tile complaint. Leven,- room or W Mita, Uterine lYk.erations, sad Fe male Lbws!. 7, are commonly soari relieved and ultimately cured by its purifying and In t leoratlng elle( t. Minute dtmetturm for each ,144,1 n. tonfstin unr Alelantse aupplleggratis. Rin 11111(111,411 I{ll , l Uogt, Wheli caused by accu mulations 01 eatrancouS matters In the blood, )Iylll 1100 ly 61 It, as also Liver Complaints, rot plaity, l'otigestion or Inflammation of the er, and J.tu edit 0, a hen orbiting sm they of ten J u, av es, t lee antxkling poison. in the blood. This Sllr.lparlllll in n great restorer (or the strength mod ~Iguy or the it,vstem s Thole who are lAtniguol and Listless, Despondent, ',Jeep less. and tronl(led with Nervous Apyathen- Mous or kepis, Or [My Of Ike alMclions sYmP totuatio of Weakness, will and Immediate re. fief autl etinet [lcing et itionae slits restorative power upon trial. P,'EPAR.ID BY J. I'. AVM. At l)fa , !Atwell Masa . ..910. Yroot lea! and Analytic., Chousiata. Sold by all Llrillltlaig LVer~ Where. w For sole by A. I.).loAr s iu,wi, Agent. o,4kra. tw. 00t.11. ISO. I your NEW COACH 8110P8. YANTIS, ADAMS A- CO.; = tc 'ti‘,.:?« ,im i t ht t ltitt2it r j,rii g e th w e utZ; Shops at cittleatown, where we a e preparol to matuataBtare th, ordM tilirin r dtkortiUn• WEN, CARRIAGE:I4, SULkIES &c o on the thorteut notice aud iuqpi .w*Luvundallug tenon. Onr I.Bpda Wive beet procured *dm lichildere, u 8 we nee none but choice material, two ode put up work to mm with coy aho p in the State. Old work re paired and t.a.gru4n exclaim:4erMeW. Aug. 90,1867. t.f NOTICE rfn Epartnership beretofete asietteg be tween the uodervJgued to the Produce and i erwarditt b o uslaess Wu dissolved en the first day Jtemsay Idfit.. tos! care sent. The asunitooina et ed trastrui.awristoovik lama E, Culp, *debt- Fikor .batileribis . Sse-usts6. 416 - awritor lidastbalt Weber holes sowiSabaleeitislamstalla at tielessavi'AlaipsiosstMeaseille sial ilesuete ad to sanasstaallida."-e - nom" I.eir I .., , EIVISIC Mr._ ' ' 4 1111 0......a11re Jam, 17, tem It EL CiRAIN AND PRODUCE 79 L'SLYIVBB. NEW' WAREHOUSEI4, new Wain/Wiwi on the anew flatirons! and finals Wnlltlnenen Woe. nlshed. and the undershined hos opened OW minor In 10. xe deelres tovueehnie any OMNI* LILY of WHEAT, RTE, CORN, OATS, I= HAY AND STRAW with rountry pn - ginge gp ally, pn) hut the tilk,hg“ liiiirket prlowl Ilie ,r. Ito 16100 11.1.1 bpi. wile k WO. ur (Ink ertesi --Sugar', I 4,11, ex, 14) rititil, ‘1,,1..ww, tipliva. Halt, Filth, (Ms, robuce,w, .14, lagellier ... Wll4ll the beet Land Fertillecr—W lIITELOCh. S. Ilia [tips FREIGHT LINES • reliantly to 11/all:now II twit Pl. st Etnerinve, I . :I North 1 , 111,,.L, In tIM format city, noel to Rushy nod RR libirket xtreet, In the Inner. The pitrounge of the public soltrlU4l. No elYart will be spared to drigerte u have share Pt It - WM. M. IMIWLM. Gettysburg, Get. 9, IRAK tf FARM lIPLIKENTS. =I GUM SPRING DRILL. I~IM Dome Prllll In tine, will law all fit - idol a J. (HAW x ilitout, changing any part or Wu can Ihrnisit theta with or wit boo& NW ut•AN,i A'CPActatia Ottarnoterel to do good work. Ate°, the llarr•isGlory Attuning Jill, m o o I A Nut& York, .F...mully 'Mlle formerly rout ill Me county. SEPAltATtInet AND TIMINIIER.M. ('LOVE &C., FAILMING TMI'I,EMEN I2I it ENEMA LIN. Mil Aug, 2/, 1/4/1. It, NEW FIRM ar/orti, Adam: cownty, .141. underelgned lenia , t the faille L. WARVIIOI'nE, ht New_.okluni, wha they are earn - li. on II DRAIN AN ) IWHINF244, pnylna the tett prtoeu for `A heat. IMO Urn, Oats, Clover maul Timothy Need*, It od Frollx. !koala. llnwa, libuoldent and. ntatei 1 4 otelroa, Olto(.ll,RlEif, of all Minh. ..eoninottlly band and for aall•—cafte.., bnpn , 1.4) ru !doles... Teem, nirdeee, nolt,Cheeao, Broome, Horkela Snapir; Plait of nil alma Cent Oil, Flab 111 Ter 8.'.; Spll/6aaa Nails; tiolukfng and Chowina Tol,liaakqUeid a ttumaanti other ortlelvt.- 1111110ittl•I I ltu /.11 . eat promo. • Aleo, lirml•rate Flour and 11441: Plio , lrr Plio.phalvk Unarm., ttnel, Qr. FUT:I4IIT (*Anti ntn to ittayenion North ITAwitrt rireet, lhiltlrnore, ter week. Amain carrier' both NIWI promptly and at low rate*. (.I.l:hxarvoun,„nof ti T imb Ile Is solicited. !IF:NI/ER. Now Oxford. Hey dt . 111toi, ly _ SELLING OFF AT COST ! rns I; .nannitennd to elom , not 11, hu.lness le kIbILLING (t) Moro ou the York Turuplko, throe- lull," oast • aeltygburg, • good rte', k of C'asatafterra,'Cassinefs, Mots, Rho.", Nato Movfm, Htorltllzgo; pr: Ciil.ltl)4.l, Hingham., Revery Lanni. She ladies' HandlaProhlern,llooirry Notines, eel alao Qtlt na-vare, fitotie•lnini Want-ware, and Ttn-ware, of MI kind..(WU. Mira, ruts linage* and • thonaand Mite arttelts. L i ner hie *,r is/a, an hzaelleut LOIJ lul -ANTI F:LL.b G 1 , :014' Plitt rent. one. 06211 .ult, and be matlird, not regret H. JOHN NORH)XR. Ans. 14 t INK tf BUGGIES & CARRAGES. REMOVAL MITE andwattioott lout removed hie Valli etg•-mattnitsbop to the met end° f etmet (341trehtteft, Ye., where he "tit to bolitl telt Mods of Work to We Ilse, plr CABLUAAIMI, TICUTTINO & reLtaxwrot AtTOOl,ll9. JACRIPM WACO:VP. AC., AC HI wort-I. all pelt orr of trxol ranterfol nn by the beat or mechanics. and cannot tall to alto sattitaattota,.. Ulm prime r. alway. reasonable. He aollelta orders., couddent lha he run-plower. ItEP.4.litlNti promptly dons, at moder rUsr - Aldie Si ly K. GALLAGHER. • lOW MACHINE SHOP AT NEW OXFORD nviE undersigmal culla attention to MY PS 1. Um+lhe !ahem at New oxforti, Adam, mainly, Ninth he haseput large expense with the determination to dtogood and watt (eatery Work. lie will muneiketure yeti. kinds of ACIIITerLITITR.tI. (111 - NYRY, zgalts&241110:&1112.1(1 IVACHINFI4, KYRING TOOTH nmals, dr , and u kerp lln UUCKEVIL RHAPEIL & MOW Elr'es_hin. (o Ue. - ilegertfitiohe of RKPAIRIIpI don, ProWRO-Ylifhl aa 0006 W Ile naa In conneetion with lite Isfactil Mope. 017116.CN1 MAW 11111.1., nobly which will 40 all klnde of work In that line. He, mike the patine to call and Wye Mtn trial.atalateMaranho full miliaria-non. - Mart* 13, leek eat 1868. Thu Oriental and Empire BAB -It URXERS. (Wham they owe (Minced the eubeerthee order another lot. They am decidedly II ehelipest and moat rfeet .tot pa ewe offered in,Getty shiny and" when brought competition never fell to iweert their eopert arr. biting eell , feedlerg, !terminal born will. Won I u I oat I lig Willat4Wp, veptliati • an antl.dton' dernivert, cleanly, and ~all maiunied. Way Nieuwe a favorite who won 0110INTAI, PA Itt - ATIR - COOK BAR UR:CCM, beating, baking 1100!/ Ntact. eaMn.trn't .1 4 4:1111011$ ZhoL4ll tAanaJ no, Wm...10y of, 1." tau lug any others, um Liu.) euthrovw improve woW nut ad yardage& not found in any oti tali 11/All xve them. . - AI. n fUlllmpnly nreOIIKIIIieiRTOVggI• redwood lulu., warninted in links and SI Ratletltivtioti In t, vry re,pert. Also a general atutnriment or nelleies mi l la hie kil , hen use, de, rns Ta nseladlng TIN-Wd Metal liedlers, llnlgie 111111 w, Mod fe b! and Toadipuons. Knives and lurks, 1 IXISI I illesd3hOvels, N. G. COOK. Gettyhburg, Seyt. 2.1, 1866. Li GREEN RIDGE STORE. TILE tuillemlgned hwa °ghost • OItocHEIY AND NOrloN BTh at Grpew Ridge, Hamilton townwhip, Achim county, tileaerm Old stwol.) nu 1./au ragLial Thrupike, to which he ihVI the uttentiol of the public te.. ic (Chorally. Ms Res& custelhUi BUGAES, COPEEES TEAR, 14YRUM eatn'Asonv, EttBENCM, OWS, ILEDICLNER MEN'SAND WOMEN'S HONE ULOVI•I4. SUSPENDER.B, TlO4, HANDKERCHIEFS, HITITONS, TITRE.% 111.1.13811k2i, 4C., IC., 44.:.,44%, In 'abort, • full assortment Me,lrythlns nen atly found In • flni-clnes store of the k I ad. 11114 stock will alwaye be found fresh end Al end tW prima among the very loweet. ellort •parmi to Arum all whre way patruul blot. .10.111 i PAM'. April 24, 18% ly Notice in Divorce. MaryYtank hy her Alias sulipuras in pi next friend, Jacob F. corer, No. 3 Augno Lower, , Tenn, ISM. to v. ' CourtorCommon Plc Rinnuel G. , Mak. at A4ants county, To Satpuel U, Plank, ponsient: Itir- , Take 'nonce Hist the Court tottli grant MI a rule upon you to show eau. why a 111 sores • vi Patio nal rlinonli should not.lse de erred In the above Owe, retuniable op tb FOURTH MONDAY OF NOVEMBER HEX A. I).. lou persstiar service having failed Pepottpt of /oar " %TUX. MANN, Sheriff. . . Oct. 2, IS6A To Bimini %Plank, Respondent: tt Yon will tee notice that the depoidllosia whom.* th OW above iAlie •be Likens a the odles of Ravld Wllia, fieltyalts oh MATCBDAY, the Nat day of OCTOBER n toad, between the beano( 10 o'elaelk . fr a n t , X1 1 4 . d 2 o'clock allen tnp tou u 4 and etuarassuilue If whte Ofd you Welt WORK. B. B. WOOTB, ColumfoutlY. Oct. Y. IRK la 'Epoutor's Notioe; ivrm. ~ !_Atir.t., intrAt.r..—tette., d i 4l .o.4o 4le ig retiilese s, u ilgoed, reehllug /11o ~ b ( stto sualpqtp hereby gives [unite to I dehtod to asarelielFteto nab, tato WS meats 444 lOW *I'HW 4111.014 'Most; tig Immo to present these properly autbeutlein fur settlentrt. osones•vreco, .°ol. 2141140. It. • 414•00#2. itporOF BOXIMILDEIia E IrOl * masibirel the Bs M I co'ammr..P. eit V V, • r GEORGE Oct. ie, teas. rintaidrea.M ttz. .471 . .:2 1 =a, • ' dt MIL El W NI t ;.W I nI.E„