Fl K . . 4 .41+,4a,42' EEZ 1 II =mins AO *innOttepans, WOW BIZNIZACTONII? . 9 1 Iftiblesa,Walce business men, who flpake work for themselves nod others, reter) who are alive to the interests of • to individual, the State and the Ns, "Hon. Idle capitalists, who withdrew Ind lock up their means, are not ben factors but, by "foreciesgeg" and utting down the gates, actually -,„,,ompei honest industry to go into • , r,ankruptcY. On the other hand, Mr. — , Ktiterprise mods about, finds en open -ytug where men and women may be and usefully employed, as t ~ ell for their own good as for that ' of t) Jai whole community, and he sets the ' heels, for a whole nelghborbtxxl in notion. This tweets' a demand for .roduce, which benefits the farmer, t' - 'intkes a market for dry goods, which fltenefits the merchant,. and thus one hotelps the other throughout the entire amificetion of society and the world. Pet he man who advertises_ the most lib apgrally, who gives pleatable employ t, to the greatest milmber of per one and thus aids fa the develop- A nest of our resources, to enrich the A vorld, is the real beuefkctor. A Seeder, would you be a benefactor? hen help ,those below you—or, we „„, hould say, those lees fortunate than .I ?•oureelf—•'to help themselves." Put ou hem all in the way to earn or do "k ir °teething, and thus confer benefits i ipon countless thousands who are " • ti tiling, but who have not the where ',ervith to set themselves to work. There are so many ways of Lemur- Ting benefactors, and all those ways are rrd'unediato and permanent sources of nelson:Ll benefit to the men who will 15 engage in them, that we are only as onishea that, the world is not full of A )enefactors. The farmer who allows pe.ile fences to crumble down, his fence Naborners to grow up with alder and Tisoke, and who, for want of time or only scalps instead of he,,,lows his hundred acres, rather than ' , make fifty and work it well, only gets a IN)artial crop of an inferior quality, and 'Pluuslittle to show for his labor. Fifty I ' l litre* properly cultivated will yield a :r Arg? recompense to the laborer, more sin the consumer and consequent "'l.4y a more liberal contribution to the "a general supply than hundreds (decree, ( Xorked as we have intimated. And , at who has traveled over this broad ter 11ritory of ours which might be made a 'l i very Eden, in point of richness, and AI not been pained to witness the sloth 'rfulness that exists here and there all iti l )ver the country. Well, such far- S mere ate not benefactors. But might ".• :hey not be? If such men were sus 42,eptible of Impressions at all, we B would naturally conclude that the in ri selfishness of man would move T hint to activity in view of the extrav t,itgant price that every article of food A l lemande at the present time. But, , a,tome persona will not become benefac tors when they have everything to gain and no risk by making the eflbrt. L I The man who is engaged in raising L l 3tock may in an eminent degree be a A r public benefactor, whilst at the same .retime he is adding to his personal it wealth. Who is It that has not veri. • s. , fied In his own experience that a good 0 article fe cheaper than an Inferior one r nt any price ; and especially is it not 'er'less applleable in the propagation and 4 1 , -rearing elf stock than in any thing *lse. It will cost no mere to raise a r thorough bred horse, worth $BOO, than vs It will to raise a runt of a bush-whack he x2r, that would disappoint the man tic who buys him at $4O. The same with he stook and beef cattle, sheep, hogs, and A every other species of stock that Is 'h produced ou the farm. Is there any ' I thing to lose in the improvement of 1 stock up to a standard that will bene. It fit the country at large—the man that I °Abort as well as he that sells? But n 'rather is not the man who strives to 'give everything about him a pleasant in:cheerful appearance—and whet. else Pathan Improvement will do this—a Ithonefactor? b" We have some men in our country 'tl•gwito are striving with commendable 'l' energy, and we add successfully, to elevate the standard in thin respect. a / a All honor to such. 'We have the oth 'f er class also, what shall we say of giber° ? Keep ou till your stock dies zout by natural process? No, we uiewould rather say be benefacitors.—Nts e'Uonal Agriculturist u it gI S I, .. ri ABOUT GRAPH - vnixa.—The A Journal of Horticulture P• ks V rocks are an advantage to n i erspe vines It says: The whole se. ai cret of the thing is, the rocks absorb . m ale heat of the sun by day, and give it Imatf at night; keeping thu, temperature . pbout it more fully equalised. The tome principle is observed in cities, trap/here grape vines are trained in front -. 1.3 f brick wails, which absorb the beet f 4F py day, and reflect it when most need °Lod by the vine. We propose to test : ,tiatore fully the value of such treatment i t e 'or the vine by placing stones about -*he roots of several bearing vines, in /different parte of the vineyard where t r hey failed last year to ripen a single .agniPe• -ro EXPUelaa Pon GuarEs.—A writer Ain the Cbuntry Gentleman says : "We ea)refer first of all, for grapes, an ens ' Arra exposure; second a north ern; third a north or south deolivi- Fogy ; preferring a north eastern to a Tiouth eastern, and a northern to • a reouthern. West of this we are not in aufavor of planting a vineyard, The yenta writer prefers a northern to a eihouthern slope, and he gives theme babreferenees ea the result of years of ueareful practical observatkm.', Lovs not your children unequally ; if you do, show it not, lest you co nake the one peoud, the other envl tailus, and both foolish. If nature has w inade a diffkrence, it is a part of the T ender parents help the weakest. .Tres Radleaho an parading the aus launess of rinaper M. Wetmore and 9-11 ram Walbridge as aceeselons to ' ae, heir mks from the Democracy. NV rhey have been watt the Republican Ic‘ r . ry for the last eight years. Wet "Aore was one of the leading men to ° 4 l tart the Radical commlsodon pro , ;ramme for the government of thie .Ity, while Walbridge turned Repub. lo‘ican several years ago bemuse the ,)emocraoy would not send him to 1,-;ongrees.—/V. Y. World. tett Su far is the spirit of Dor people from -Mg east &irks° . far an Weir hearts 'roes being dlintiagetrgrith the dread w 4 a repetition in 210.0,11b 1 / 1 of the ad t7 'eras result of 'the' October • eleetiolw, Mee , at there rises up with au unanimous try] weaned .solword Trout ovary rank r tad trfel Wean of our gallant heats evokeotwieslaclbieooenge, pm hutng ihargpigkiesiee that victory viand Oimikt ...l. ==rkt. &Emma briadloi, in itordon, is on increase : ../Ma t ottoglveelgar deal • • in , the cny Aim fMAltodia average _ .I . III tPT • • '111111111 11491155 * petday at rout axe gekttlaillY*Aftlir. 110;-. Thia Vo b° " t llB },,' s w ei o ft 'troPiitifta to autwatut •• • JOB PRINTING. TIIF. GETT'YSIIeRG COMPILER OFFICE is now one of the most complete Job Printing Establiahmeati In PennPylviinle outilde of PtalimisipEds. WI. 11 the bent ninehltsery Lobe-tact—a POTTER DRUM CYLINDER POWER MEM, • WE, DON JOBBER, a PONFER HAND P=4l3, ac. —and the newest and most Leehionable st4ruia of types and borders, with fancy Inks and the different broom', we cannot toll to artist/ every teats. Thus amply witpplied, betides having good workmen, we 000lldently Invite Jobs of WI kindx— Foster: , ffandblits, Prop`anunet, Circulars, Legal .191remtv, Abler, Cheeks, Or(krs, Letter-Beads, _Easiness Card:, flail Cards, Wallis), Carrts, Lecture tekeis, Labek, Le. Indeed, ever/Wan enlegliag to the print- lag line. All 4aike With dlapidch, and at tea- sonable prima. Orders by mall will meebre mamma attest (ton. Address, a J. BTAHLE, Coicetuen Onrum eirnitsvaa. PA. July 24, IMIL ROW & WOODS, GETTIFSBVRG BUMMER aro= DAMS 1000141, maticuis, LAMM' HATS. LADIYI3' BROW 11111)1E, HATS TOR" BOYS, RATS POS MEN. OE= NAOHINN COTTON, imml ca Coates 's, at much ler price. HOOP SHIRTS, In gnat variety; =I MEN AND MT'S WSAII; at low prloea TRUNKS, At All star— ALL HOLD WRAP. May 1, leal. If HMD-QUAII,TBRAS I=l CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Every Abed fy omae•new. Wear, Well AO • LINEN OOLLARS, PAPA= CIIFYS, P..\ PLR D0E10314 1 GLOVEN, "'' A SERVANT FOR ALL awe. Improvemesit far 4111=g, Cho. Log and Latching dfr, be attached in any gat* anti °per *led from baw, - Peam or saddle, try one la any dealred direction from the Wa— ned and closed iron one point, at any QLtanoe from the gate. This improvement Is simple and cheap, yet perfect and i will not be disarranged by the saggiu s tr r r tM. e gate, nor by the frost raising the posts; may be;Stade at • country blacksmith' an d matt •LidatlMl to • gate. The enders haying the MVO forAdants Mashy, wl eel Lowest "Cal -Prizes. Tcorlp and Farm nights of this Improve- Roma. NANDICEBOIIIiarB POCKET BOOKS, latavilurro iablw UMBRELLAS, CIANICS, O:C., M. azwe Goalless : lea's Wear of all Wads slid will ion Mem at the BOYS' HATS AND SHOES, =l= ••••01•• Ilk• • sal Mere pitehatloe W. ca= TH:EO. C. MORRIS. Aprllll,lB4. y CANNON'S MARBLE WORKS, Oa Baltimore at., opposite the Couri-Reame, - airman's o, Y►ery aeeerlpUoa at work assealed la the MUST ERTL' 0? ?RR ART June MIL It F A R AfE R S ! ! ! „Tay THE ..4...t7AIVELA , PHJOILI3t4A/Al rrL oommoaed principally of the celebrated I Guano tram ALTA VELA. Contains three per mitt IiMONIA, an ample quantity to give aratvity (without In jury) to ibe vftrotation, and a large quantity of stitebie BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME, element together with of e. Potash and Soda, the essential s COMPLETE MANURE. The high estrasatkui in which tt Is held by the many thousand farmers who aro using it to preference to all other kinds, Is a sure RCEE e S t L is v aPIuER TON OF 10 BAGS, 298 b. EACH. Send foir_ii pamphlet. Address THE ALTA VELA GUANO CO. Broadway. New Yorit Icily 24, 38.3., ly WATCHES I WATCHES!! LEWIS STROME Is In the Watch trade,. mid It l Ma i ru 4 7l2latt Rem York with an na usea& earactivesaseetaseat, Ho o0•n each ect cannot 'fail to be acceptable to balers. Rla stock embrace' a Large let of the CELEBRATED . AMERICAN WATCHER" GOLD AND SILVER, VIE "P. Et. Barnett" Wm. Finery." aml "Apple ton .t Traey;" with Walehe* et &Mott all other mikes. Urea want CHEAP and GOOD Walsh, alike LEWIS EITItIaIIBE, At Is old M rlisle ood, Ca nearly oppoette the Depot,Gettprabo g rih. itiel eeleillitel the etweetrOtetehert *Ad Coefeethhoerr totaloeim es heretofore. Jam Et, MT. tf W.IIB7BRN LANDS. HIVE noses vestgable waTearr which will trade for ono z or more Mß u Ms county. The lands are wellionniell,nad Leg desirable for Sarada j osi Oestystning, April S. Mk. tt Aft W. 71110. -- 14.11111= Neitha qtAthe Dlioatood, (_ door Oco *DM,- Wet NOW.) Geuyibmeg. Po., whore be CM at. W tiates be bead reedy to attend to ell boat men to hie Ile; He has aim eseeettot SEIM ir l / 1 aware asiteteetimi. OM= seal. Dec, 3, 1809. 'refit • 6 - E ; l"l"igiir : RG VIVIDAY MO E IINTVG; I 4)CI 2 OI3ER 1,23, :1848. 1. IeaILILY. "Best always Cheapest.' SADDLES, SRI DLI*4, COLLARS and ILAILNEBS °fall kinds, lu tile County, ere Mays to be found at the aid and wait known stand, Baltimore sl, opposite the Presbyterian Charcla— McCRFURYS'. Our Riding and Wagon daddko are them.% subatantlally bunt and Deadest. Our Harness, (plain and silver mount ett,) are complete n every reaped, and war ranted to be of the very beat material and workmanship. Our upper leather Draft Collars CANNOT 51 /INA?. They are the beet FIT. TING and meet dunk I.lr. Our Heavy Draft Harness are made pa "ardor, NS Oleo. II they can be made anywhereatel Lanka Mast aabstantial Runner. Riding Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft Homes, Fly-nets, and everything In the line. Awe bagger or . Our prices have Dean 11.7.DUCCD tO the lowest living stand ard.... liberal percentage for cash, off all hills amounting to 55 or snore. We week nothing but the best Mock and will warrant every article tamed out to be as repniesaliel. Tt ar ranierr past favor* we invite attention to our present *lack. SlPOrre us a call 101111 , 197IMairb pawns and OIIALITT. Jan. al, Ina It P!rrUrrTMrM7.MMI rnu trobaori bora hat-eh:int fen:wood from the j„ cities with an Immense supply of HARDWARE & GROCERIES, which timer are Osiris at Mktg aid stand in Baltimore streetAt prices to snit the Limes. Our stock consists in part of BUILDING MATERIAL CAEPENTEE'S BLACKBMITEPR TOOLA, - COACH FD/DINGO, SHOE varDngoli, CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS, HOUSEKEEPER'S IXTURER, ALL ICLRDS OF IRON, akc., GROCERIES OF ALL RINUR 01.U1, PAINTS, dal., Ike. There is no article Included in the several =Eta autetteievt above bet wlu e t e lm ar. ttas store. Eirery class aid Ice can be accommodated herewith tools and findings, and Ibmaekeepers out find every ar ticle In their line. Give us a caLl, as we are prepared to sell as low for cash as say bongs oat of the city. JOEL B. DARNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysbarg, May 15,1884. ADAMS COUNTY MUTUAL FIRS IROIURANOR OOMPANY4 /31100111POILIITiD, MAJICEE 18, MI 017,L... a. Vice Yrn t den Duelt. RumeelL Sexietaiy—D. A. Buehler. Treasurer—F.. O. Fulkoeuhrek Execid&W. Mniatinig, A. Picking, Jacob Xing, Managers—George Swope, D. A. Buehler. R. McCurdy, B. Eieheiberger, Russell. E. G. Fahutabock, A. O. Jitiiihkr, 0. Mc- Crenry, Gettysburg; Jamb ging,Strabon township; Frederick Diehl, Frankin ; Wm. D. limes, New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, Sandersville; H. A. Picking, Btraban ; John Welton", LoMmore; Join Piing Boat Ber lin; Abell'. Wright Basidensville Ahdlei F. Gitt, New Oxford; as. U. Idarshall, Melon tonban ; John Cunningham, Freedom • John Homer, MounlJoy ; Rosa White, Liberty. Oompany is Bruited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been In operation for more thon 17 years, and In period has made but me aasesement, having paid looses by fire during that peri od amounting to 513,000. Any person de airbag an Irusurunm can apply to either of the following gentlemen: D. A.linehler, Gettysburg. E. O. Fahoeotoek, Jacob King, stratum township. H. A. Picking, Frederick Lid 1, Franklin •• Wm. Ikea White, Liberty . H. C. Peters, Petersburg, CY. 8.) ail-The U E m x eCcouti p v o e Committee meets at , the day 1 M eT7 momth, ny, o'clock,Pt W arias! J lait CHEAP FOB CASH! VIWSTORE I a C ROCltPEtlte, t iy ety s, CA itte enderattned he eered to sours, and gowned• new ritoneun Bettletire street, neatdeer be the Poet Mee,andl warty op• pante the Court House, where he offers for rale, CMAP FOU CASH, large and choice antortment of Groatrlea,— SUGARS, COFFERS, TEAR, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, SALT, IC., with FISH, BACON, LARD, IC. Abe°, Ilquars,— WINES, BRAND/ES, GINS WHISKIES Rums, and everything else In the line. Also, anuritity of Notions, to snit any and every Reediest th is the place to bay CHEAP FOR CASH. eizo.-", Apra 93, tea. .• Ale°, ROTH & SHANE'S AMERICAN LE VMR GATE—which will be found valnable and oonvenient to all who have gates to drive through—es they remain bz their testa, open, ekes and latch gate, wi oat the necessity of i ctW t i llz r wet t la t r zn o r oiddra. Mennllen P. 0., /Nal l : el m e l: s j i. May I. US. 1.1 Gettysburg Railroad. 1= TRAIN leaves Gettysburg at 7.15 A. trlr T and connocts at Hanover Junction with Past Line South at SLR, reaching Bahl mars at 11.20, 4, M. Al with Mail Train North at N.M. A. M., reaching tiarriabarg at at P !W s :IL Retartillas arrives at Gettysburg 131200 D TRAIN leaves Gettysburg at IP. M., and eunnecta at itanover Junction with Mali Train South at 1.01, P. M., reaching Bid ttnidre at 5.45,1. Y. Returning arrives at Get triburEaUTtie t n with Passenger Car at tached, leaves Hanover at 9.110, A. N., arriving in Gettysburg at ia, A. N. Leave. Gettysburg for Hanover at 2, P. M. McOURDY, Sup't. Sept. 18, IMB. Pecosylvani4 Centnil Railroad lIOUBLEgeack route running between Nal l/ adelphra axed rittaborg. Tralna leaving I . .;lTtnnm u st i ner w t/1 „ o following connoetnnui Gettraburg heave at 9.3.5 a. m. and 12.45 P. m. Hangar Jen e. ive 10.05 " 2.3.5 leave 10.38 " 9.40 " Hariialwirg arrive 1:;545} in. 11.45 " rttMlMil Harrisburg Iwwe 1.15 1115 Pittsburg arrive 1.30 a. to. &Ai 4. At Philadelphia clice connections are made with the trains for New York, Boston and all Eastern Mies. At Pittsburg commotiona are made la thisitiess Untowiiepati with thwiratna for all Wartem ridatin i ag - FOr lieu. Supt., AllootiNt i .. .. Ilmarr W. Hwinitmi, th.n. Paw Apt., Jane 5, 10118. Hanover Branch Railroad. ci N and atter MONDAY, Dee. Ilth, 18w, par uslas 00 UN , ilassek 1W11= 4 ;111 leave as Wow: remerreeine wW ieuse Hover at eao se. psimemger• tm Yert,Holtliadre, }far. and the North and West. This train arrives, at. Na tiOnstiont at 10.10 46 It.. cm nesting with the Feet Line Boath,-_on the Northern Central Railway, which salves at Baltimore at 12. Se P. M., an d aim with the Mall Train North, which artists at Harrisburg at 22114 P. M. Vain returns to Hanover at 1140 P. H., and itZslinse st. , Oetlysbeg at Alai P. Y. HEOGISD TRAIN i...htves Hanover at 1.45 P. and wets at the lunation at P. id., eo nnectln h tire Hail Train South, which arrives at tlmore at Age P. M. Passengers tertil M elleta Turk lag WV lit the In SWUM un P. gili-Thla train returns to Hanover at i. 15 P. to Plidtdole re for Hanover, Gettysburg and titeatotra. Paseitagers leaving Baltimore it or Hagover, t ryttr aod ittlestown, will take etther at . 1.9. 11 1:7 , PlitiNar " 1.411 e Agent. Dee. 904 it Robert .Ariper, GAS FITTER . , PLEARER - HANGER; kat labile a., V4 st ..,. i ittz, etere frets 11441 ar- TV L Tattwie. iCialt. dame la the meet seta p=ltrwsztrMattatirletr, ". ASPIP'6MII.III4' 1111.6111111 M Inlay" every=hleataillag Se=riratee latexes. 'lletisrassij thrtilitted fotratt. von wen,. Gooda. Ls MaasMEM pi to I lliug N Mrd SOUN I.4IIMAILT LIME itIENS! THE undersigned bar mint out Ala former partner, Wm. Oaten, and now renames the THE LIME-BURNING BUSINESS himself—et the Getlystnny Lime ICIIns, on the corner of the Bel'road and North Stratton Street Thankful be past patronage, he will endeavor to daserre its eontlnuance, by prose- noting the bustnes as vidoroualy and on as large • wale as yotaible—al ways soiling a good article and giving good measure.— Farmers 121 d others sag look for We fo'omPt Alling of orders. He also continues the ofikehlt the mast Popes kla44. Humor. keepers and otheni aboard gee Dim a call.— Bisedreuen Coal acesianttp ea hand. Wee and Coal - delivered anywhere In Cietiyebarg. JACOB 111111LEY. I). XeC/LEArtY tr. SON Glattrebarg, Nov. IS VW. tt SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTIIING. GEOJWE Aft,7VIILD Nas now opened a law 6toen of READY NAVE OLOTHTNG, of his own =aft cincture, consisting of all alms of COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SIIIRTS, DBAWZRS, CRAVATS, hosiery, &c. Wc., at prices to suit tLe times. Call, examine and judge ibr yowled's& Apell 91,1909. U SEGAIR, STORM_ The undersigned bee mimed his Sega for men, women and children, of different styles doo m, an He w a l l sell tine amartment to select arid wilt sell every article at the manliest pronto. WORK MARE TO ORDER, of the best ma• tertabi and workmanship. Every effort made to reader satisfaction. The patronage of the public is solicited. Cali in, and select from has stock or leave your measure. In either age you cannot fall to be pleased. patronage. :His new location is one of the I JOHN U. REILLINO. Jut/ 9. 190, /y I=l3=l IZZEZE where to pike& ewitlinoance of the publie'm sad kla stook of Belpre exams the Ducat Wades and a51446424ary He will keep on hand an bein.BHANDEI, and lad! akaaWasture frr pew! sale *roach- set ass sow*. Ho will sell et the lowest liv ins pram, and IL wboaands aad nnan. Remember the place, le t h e Mamboed, be- tweak Bsinkarhors Sion and MAClAllan's split 3, 1 M& tt RAILROAD BONDS. First National Bank of Gettysburg T i t!agent for the ale of the FIRST MORT 6ADIr lINIOR PACIFIC RAILROAD SIX PRE, GENT. GOLD INTEREST BONDS. ai market rates arid Interest. Sir- Interest pays- bLe seuii-anatutUy at me counter All necalearr Intermation tiyira. Gettyelborg, Nov. 73,18117. CHEAPER THAN EVER HAVING disposed of his Store Rouse and stack of Goode to GRUNT & BOW EBB, and being determined to reduce his Mock du ring the mummer and fill months, will give GREAT BARGAINS Is lull and complete le every depirtment, and will be closed out at reduced prices Turk SPIED, July n nos. 14 J All persons knowing themselves indebt ed t ake o me mollaloest. are requested to come forward and THE OLD FREIGHT LINE T HE undersigned continue. to run hi. Freight Line to Baltimore, twice a week. Depot—corner of Railroad and Washington streeta, (3ettysbil nit Cars run liasihmtEmerson's, 12i North atreei,Raitl mom. Freight marled erica way. at the low. eat rates. The patronage of his aid friends and the public solicited. Goods to be marked 'Riddle's Line." WM. E. BIDDLE. lifghe new Warehouse will ,on be tip, when the Grata and Produce bash/cgs will be carried on as heretofore. llLisbon prima new paid for nay. ; April 17, IS GEL tf - • Affl TISZ NSW , 0.14.00 E AMP 144 m 7.10 " EAVE opened • new ORCiCKFLY, fn OVt tyalxup. on We moth-went. earner of the .pland le id Sqaportuare', ve m et" F and ha NatIES.II - received a ent GROCERIES, including , Cnettint, Yalamei, ByTope, TeskelOces, eq, t , rii h t.# 4 ..u/Y 11 "1 4- miiitrlswkitz, ocurnorpq, Punk Seam FekleY_Aet r nnee nd No tional nenely. wUI einio Weep en Lend FLOUR end FEE Hwirlag a relesol foe - WIET. w a . prej r ea ibr yo=v e er 44 " eaM " Man. Sept. 11, tf GROCERY FLOUR infAi. ar Rif 0 'WA MEALS , 4IE BROTHER "(TAU removed their Store S e ae !TOA DS. stodt property, Olt chambeistreet, where thew ProfedS keep 00 . 4 44414, ea hand ALL ithque OP G 11.0,CE RIES, 4111E1 1 ,;1401. ItiMons, 4c. Also, IfilyalaYibla sessOd, the otiy esmiat. They are dr i t i t NialMdier rhlAr ellsemm ..01 also. 41.1011" MOVA4 Anil" '4 , Q. , G 116.11011 d. V Ali.s7l:lolDVlii lo*4, 000 D WORK AND YDnasuas hitylklNN. „ " A-if good ageortanied, * efr*. GETTYSBURG COAL BUSINESS, DIAMOND .A'MO rd Ea OF TS! bunioND GETTYSBURG. lIENTRAL AND CONVENIZNE WASHINGTON SINIUKM:IiL UNION PaICIFIC ISM OEO. ARNOLD, Pughler. E. HITESHENV, before invoicing. My stack a ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDIZE - E. ELITEWHYIifi TO BALTIMORE BARGAINS JOHN CRESS .k Sp* AMARICAS COMBLVATION BUTTON-HOLE, OVERE4ELMING SEWING MACHINE is warranted to ax to in the best manner rn tmg .. 7 . .ariety er Sewing, Hentinint eL Petling. Triaging, Brai (lathe , quilts iThe Welr on andtn atiatrseaml ng, illan makes ding, beaut ing iful Button= Eyelet Nola In all flanges. re NAN NO /OVAL. BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BERT FAMILY MA CHINE TH THE WORLD, AND INTRUIhICALLY THE CHEAPEST, Far g fa ihmitheraiw eonstatted to one by a nue pie and bewattrod tarettenteal Ch`Clasti wilk full partteularsta of wort done du this Machine, as be bad on applleation at the 01Boe of the Agent., at A. B. Felatel'a Confec tionery ant Varl y Wire, Baltimore St., Gen Pa. D. W. /W BlSO N,year Agent. AS Madame warranted one , and laatractions Wan gradultourdy to all teuretue sem. May* t9eR tf New Boot and Shoe . Store. D. KITZMILLER & BRO. GETTYSBUBG, PA., YORK Erniarr, OPPOSITE VIZ SANK' Sip of the Big Boot undeNignod have opanett a new Beet and Blue Store, on York aUwt, Ciettain er at in the room recently occupied b KOCartallY, and have Just received from the eigg a large assortment of _ _ _ BOOTS 4 SHOES, rat Genitals:ten* Ladies' and ChiWane' Wear, c.onalaLlsor of CALF AND KIP BOOTFI, CONDREE&B AND BALMORAL OAITSRS, SLIPPERS, AC. We also MANUFACTURE TO ORDER, all kinds of BOOTS d SHOES—the work being Wide cip of best materials and by first.class workmen. The senior partner hes been in the business for over 15 years and person ally superintends all work made up. We respectfully Invite the attention of the pub lic to oar establishment, and hope by strict attention to bustnees end by selling at lowest cash prices, to give entire satisfaction. DAVI D JACOE A. KITZM June 25, HEE If BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW ZITABLINTIMENT. THE undersigned has erected a new build lug fora Boot and Shoe Fatah] istunent a= Carlisle street, near the Railroad Station in Gettysburg, where he new of fur sale, Boots, Show, GuiterB, Slippers, &c., GILLESPIE & CO., -Dealers in Flour, Groceries, Notion's, 4.c., GETTYSBURG, PA., INVITE the attention of the public to their large stock of Goods, •t the old stand, on ork street, Gettystonrg, neat door to the Globe consisting of the best of M .F . 74'o ,e Ps, Molarem,Cotreee, Teri, Spices, BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR In the market, with Hama, Shoulder., Bides, nab, Delon Yrulta, Clonteetionaonc. Alen, NOTIONS, In great variety; Cedar and Witiow-ware, BWne and Croekery.ware, Baskets, Flews, and a thousand and one other articles. BUTTER AND EGGS, nice and fresh, always tor sale. Olllesple 4 Co. will spare no effort to please, and are ooundent of being abbe to do so by oonstantly keeping a full and choice stock, and selling at the very lowest pro fi ts. COUN TRY PRODUCIL wanted either for thecash or In exchange for goods, highest market price allowed. JOSEPH S. GILLESPIE, DANIEL CANELMAN. Jane 19,1868. tf REMOVAL! rE Ezra of SOPER & ISIcCARTNEY have rensoved to North Baltimore strcetowair t e Diamond, east side, in the room formerfx occupied by David Kitzmlller. We have on hand a choice assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, (Gold sad Silver,) JEWELRY, offal klnda and latest styles. Silver and Plat ed Ware; also floe Gold, Silver and Steel SPECTA C L E 8, of the best manufacture. Also, Violins, Gui tars. Aecordeons, Plates, Fifes, he., Vlodu sad dY Guitar Strino, Kam &c. ktnets of Rep Wring to our line done al as res. easstste prices as elsewhere, and warranted Thankful for past favors, we solicit II Wnl. Wausau. of the same. !SOPER & McCARTNEY. Jane 19, 1868. tf IMINEHOLD IiCRINE! FOR SITPPLYING DWELLINGS , STORER, FA CHURCHES AND ME. LIC BUI LOIRE* WITR OAS) fir..XUallejeltialrinitiUltii,flrtiact this 1 - at7lit - e7te managed, as Id esae io Its economy and Beat merle. recommend It to public favor.-- eftll and see assehiste It operation at the store! XANCIA.C7I7IIIER. AND BOLO AiliLlrf, DAVID JONES. Tia Furnishing Store. Pro.7k3 Gteen St., Phila. ISFSertil for Illustrated Circular. Aug. u , In& 3m PLANING MILL 91HE undemirmai her established a PLAN ING MILL. on Marsh creek, four miles from Ciettynburg, at which he will loanable tare DOORS AND DOOR FRAMPS, WINDOW SAS W H AND FRAMPA, FLOORINO,RATHRRIwARDINO Chair and Wash Boards, with everything else made at such a tactory. and nemled in the building line. The best of lumber will always be used, all tbogoughly dried, a kiln imirlua been put up foe the purpose. °Mars solletted, and promptly attend to. Prices as low as the lowest, and every et fortmado tO aosommod aterl:r enstomera_ JOrratin, 13. Ink 3.7 LUMBER YARD rwlr. TiPusiderilined he. rowval hist /Amber tukto the tuarttpeost.earsee . too Knot eSet tbe Aar trout ids old loostioo, w_ here het will be glad to have all la want at Lumber. to rail. stock is larger than ever begore,all4.oooll4ll4 .0,044 1440 0- en beteg. MAWR. to U. Beim WHITE PINS P INCH AND RAU,- MOD WANDA P WANT love, PAutios, 44, E. all et obi& will be mete at the low& v. tug eaten. unit eau page for youreetvea limber is goal lad eatueot fall to give MAW- Seiko. JACOB 1911VADS. IYA largelot of ILIVEIe !UNE allelfeLlSB Wreak - eery cheap. tieMilbuft. May a, 1867. tf Pennylvaidi 'll/1 0.171/1616T1' at3r, cch PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC SPQN A stinsTarrs CURLK ion ALL - VP44 - 04671.4 rPM /Wag& - preeirgigHATlL AND TAN — a9 O Thudleasdit ittd 114 1) 171:4Ne t iA lU zy "" Is era indertnteUble; dean and Anent= dust. Pr Foams NOT rAIII A? JILL? Is alwars nee from Insect We: Lparhsetly hU mood ealthy, stay . = aaectalled. US Vey. ann reaevated -ar eltrearg other " 'an " " G Ar traWM. tlt l ahet .4 • *OVA JOHN; 0.-ZOUCK, Land Agent, NSW OXFORD, ADAMS COUNTY, PA., L5O FAILMB, _ MILLIS, rotrirnirisB; MACHINES 7111, TAVERN [MANDE ODUNERT SEAM STORE STANDS., TOWN ROUSES • WIS, IN PENNSYLVANIA, MARYLAND AND OTHER STATES. Persons wishing to punkas° as well as to sell DmSmell lYet me II Min at MY Ofilasi oredieela W . latter, ma they will And It to their advantage May Is. naL ly E. H. MINNIGH. CH A M BRIFIbitt7BG. STREET, 1111: DOOM TO ass KlilrliEro2l3 111QTZL. GETTYSBURG, Pd., Confection, Periodical and News Depot ALL'EN&366l4,4,elAi4i,Uithili, 01:141COISS; NV7IO, &C., .w., &C., oonstantlY on how/. ICE CREAM AND CARES supplied to ... 0414W* IMSd p.,4lPsat shortest THE DAILY PAPEIO3 OF BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK., AND eROICE MAGAZINES, supplied to subscribers at lowest rates. =1 I==lEl IN GREAT VARIETY, PARASOLS, FANS, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, &C., AT Row ct Woods' May 51), ISM tf' NOTICE GINGELL'3 MILL. IM;=I I Wal. be in CleadablutsitUnOtra.ac» on every MONDAY and FRIDAY, of week week. Persons who may desire me to tar nish am with Wane ?kW or P6sdBtUßwdl leave their orders either with John L. Tate or Damao! 4 ILlV%,,PhiUst,ttle and and quantity, when the Mae 10411 be de/leered at tbeir dwellings. GEORGE GLAWELL. March 14. IWB. V WIC O. STALLSNITH & SON GETTYS.BtIRG, PA., CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS, Are prepared to de all kinds at Carpentering —contracting runt creating .40114/Inv of ail kinds, Repairing, he. They keep constantly on hand and manutoetare to codes, coons. BB TMERS, BLINDB, BASE, DOOR. ~, AND WINDOW PRAIIBB, CORNICE, D4XOR4II WINDOW BRACIENTB, And way other Article la the 31:aiding Llise Seasoned malarial oonstanUy o band. expo- (ended WOrkental 111 Wed's In randin&a, and work execoted with dispatch fir - Orders promptly attended to. Sept al, ltilt U NEW SADDINR, SHOP. ro the Hiß. Baltimore ittreet, Clettysba i r : g . , %-/ PL — Cogetaltti.9 On hand , or made to r der, all lamps of RIDING SADDLER, WAQ4T4TI 841:!DLEeT 1 , 4 ' DATLITTAGE 'TURNERS, DRAUGHT EURNMS, RIDING BILIDINB, BLIND BRMLEB, lEZIOM I=2 I= J. /4 %MIL Jane 21. 1847: tt CHEAP SHOES. Prices Reduced I N 0..8 R4l-(1, B UT A FACT! COME AND SEE. ! • ac itinierlirelt&n‘ i r =lll. '" WWW,T d-C111111 ": 1 14 4" 444 M 4 who want. to plg.haao to tk a owl% coavlnowlot OM. ROW & WOODS. Sept.. 4, 1868. DR: I HORNER, .PHYSICIAX 4.ITA DiUG@lii, ' I Otttee sail Drug Store, CitSmunisalarna Sr. GETT YSEURG. 14dkal &Metes Eliiiolit agorae. IS DRUG_ _ES imuormovroarNT CMS grATIMIENSY PERFUMERY, 119 AP MEDIS, JO!., ATAV4,Batraw TALI, C. PURE uquoss lar Medleteat'lnu t. Dr. R. Roimer's OLIZN. • MUM° ages eliapped !Amis. rough tAtn, *a AU azWks mannialAi pimp awl genuine. 11ee.11, LW, If Odletery• Removal& MO the Kee/Per. the elezterehtited la en. do. 0 tit 4711: Vr1:4... /16 " 4 1 6 !0, 1 k, • . .: 4 . l.istaisancE • ..--• .-,-f.., ;,- 4 ,:; rfu l = 1 11 1 ..,1 34.0 0 . . 4 ' "be nib* ' . 0 . ' • ... 1" 4 Oft VOW V MccIIM)Y &IWPELTON, FLOUR, GRAIN,GROCERIES,OkC abdiv4Moo 1/repaying, at Utak . Wire. j_ 1.0-44 In Carlisle strixll, ndionAng Bnob- Ices Hall, thablebast prism for • FLOU R . WHEAT. RTE, coax OATS, UCKWHET, CLOVER AND THIOTHY SEEDS, POTA TOES, at'. alai invite predawn to Ova thank a call be. fore seW ng. They hale constantly on hand for sale A LARCtiI SUPPLY OF CHIOCERIES Molasses, Syrups, Cot Toes, Sugars, Ate., with SEA, Fish, 01la, Tar, liosps, Bacon And LAM, Toblesm, au Also the best brands of 11,0111 t, with VE LD of all kinds. They likewise hate SEVERAL VALUABLE FERTILIZERS, Scalable •Pgkelllc Guano, Rtio4l/ 11 Phodsphote skid A A Meslcon Gamin. ' MEWS therm the highest market prices total ttiqy bay, they bell at the lowest IP/ Wit profits. They 1.814. it Share of public mama:mitt, resolved to give satlabietlim In every cage. HOBERT MeCtinny. Wht. S. bIAdIiLLTUN. Gettysburg, July 1, Tho 7. NEW FORWARDING ♦ND COMMISSION HOUSE lIAVI2 G purchased the extensive Ware. Lk house, Cars, 4.e., of Culp I Illarnshavr, thectindereved Intend to curry on the bud- WPM, ender the firm of Bighorn & CO., at the old stand, ou the corner of Washington and Radroal streets, on a more extend , ' o scale than heretofore, Weirs nay teg the hlgheat market prim* kw RAY, FLUtft, Ef/3-4 IN AND ALL EZ/NDS 1MM262 ?LOOM. and FEED, SALT, and all klnda of GROeERIMi, kept oon.dantly on hand auditor kale, cheaper thau they tan be had any when ago. and nll kinds cd FERTILIZERS, csmatiantly an band or to rntshed to order. alslllll4ll. or Mb:l