MEI TAE GETTTBIIIIIII COMPILLS IS PUDLISIILD YVERY FRIDAY, BY H. J. HTAIILE. rt:l9lB.—Two DOLLARS per almnin in athwart —Piro bomatis awn Firtir.Ctottli II not paid In advance. No subscrlptiop Oen t lutteituniesi►at the option of the pub lisher, until all ant.arnipg are paid. A byzanessrcirm inserted at the usual rats.. —Large reduction to those who advertla• by the year. Jon Pamirs°, of every description—from the ntuallest labeler card to the insert hand bill or poster—done with dispatch, In • workmanlike manner, and at the lowest living rates. Oryiee on Baltimore street, a few doors above the Conrt-Shure, on tho oppoeito side, with "Gettysburg Complier Odice" on the • building. Attornies, Physicians, &c. EDIT.I./TD n. nuEinEtt, A 1T01.114 NY AT LAW V.. 111 faithfully and prompt. lyto o c . i n f ‘ 1 1 ,,5 11 h a e l I Af t t , i- r ;i ‘ I n . n .efs enlrustmmt .n l4 ( ) lt Ll/ . 1/.; the sumo Au , South Pultfujore street, near flubf.r's tliug store, and nearly oppo site Danner S Zleg'er's store. •- 1 Oettysburg, March ,IfeCONA RORY, JOIE': M. KIRAVTIf, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS. - - - P)IeCIINAUMIT Rua associated JOHN M. KRAUT'', Es q., in Om Practice of w,nt Ids offitx., ono th/Or Wll4 of lluehler's Drug Store, t!lnnberhtrurg !street, Kpeelal atli.ation given to mulia, collecilonn and settlentent of cotales. All legal Wed neva and claims to Pcablomi, Bounty, hack Pay. and Dam mi agrx agait United Wales, at ell Moen, proMptly Mal efficiently attend cd to. lAand Montilla located, and clinic(' Farina for sslc la lowa mat other Western Swim Nov. 1,47, WM. A. DUNC'AN, k TTORNEY AT LAW, j k Will promptly satend to nll iegal ',twiner' entrusted to him, Including Ile proeurlng orVetudons, Bennie, Back 1,11,1 nil other claims against the tinned Hides end ?date tiovernmennt, °lnce In North-wed corner of Dnunoud, Get,- tygoorg, wee, 1,1 , tt11. If I= TTORNFS AT LAN', Livri,DiTowN. PA.. 1111 promptly ettl.nd to eolleetio 8, convey 11111,A, writing n(11001.1. I efigt.ll, KC., out all other iiii•lncaa eutruated to 1118 care. Frederick atreet, et the °Mee for merly of Dr. Short,. and latterly that Of Drs. lilazer and Mehring. May 7.1, lllk. ly• J. C. IirE.ELY, K ITORNEY AT LAW. Particular attention paid to collection of Penxluns, Bounty Oct t flack pa. Dince in the IL corner of flie Diamond. (Ictty.bug, pr It 8, ISt d. If Dr. J. A. ARMSTRONG locale,l at NJ W, sA LEM, (Mr -1 i s olghoitown ranklln two.; Att• aniq county, .011.111 him profe.slonol Kerviees to the i,01,11,.. Ile bola s, Mrlel, attention to I,l,,firmional duties, to merit n xhare of pat• votage. May 1...4A, If • _ _ Ile. J. L. Ili I:1111, i v ! ystetAN AND sr iv;P:ON, MIDDIX TIiWN, Aaatits county, Pa. mitre lit Crn Ir, Sqltare. WIII promptly attend to all mills ottioi‘uk, look st-lottally vllgagetl. Aug. 7, NW. tr - =il 1)IIY,411'1.\ N, AND AUMIICIIEUit, lug I ty 14,1ted In N.:w iixford, 111 1.1... A 1., hi, 1,,,,...M.11111 hrnitvlie4, lln ul. wis and tat it b , r , 111,1rIng Ids pnl - r...itli , t4qt I, 1,111 11114 1,11.11111 111111 ul his oillce. In linnovereart:et. )lay 156 r. if Dr. F. C. TE01.1; ll A\* IN" l'\"l;.\l\ ""tr*lN' 11. rirrr that try ,Itlct attrilth, Irl his tlittlex ha hilty uu rll a Mlkure of Ilm April '2, If Uffff=l=39 I I the moot ice of Mi.dline I,II•II.ItiTONVN. tind olnira 111.4 M 1 r - to tie puhlte. t Olive at Ilk lionFte,• nor of Lombard atreet and Foundry near tile Railroad, Speiliti attention given to 1-ildn lAtikstown, Nov. 8,1E437. J. 1,111711:N(,Ii 1117,1, N. D., DENTIKT, II:or Ws olileo our door west or the Lutheran ehimth In Chatnbershurgetreet,rutd opposlle Dr. U. {turner's "Ohs., whore those wishing to ii.tve any Dental Uperutiou per fm riled ore respectfully luvlled to call, ItEr- Y.ltt:Nek . 4 : Drs. Horner, Huy. Prof. 31. Jueubs, D. D., Prof. M. 1.. itreyer. (Jetty/dm - Iz. April 11,'::1. Dn. ;rm. :cr.( r.r.m.o ENTIST. lan loisitanl permanently in (let tynburg,rg, nod oilers 111 x tierOITA to the poblle. 1114 tu n a In over John M. Minnlgit'n t 'oille,tionery. on Baltimore ntreet, a few dooni limn the Public Square. Personn want of foil or partial SErrt OF TEETH are Invited to call. Tenon reasonable. TEETIL with little or no pain, by local aniethenla, precut - 4411)y otomtle Sept. I'S, ir4:4. tf A L 41Y) Boot and Shoe Emporium, isALTImoitE STREET, Two mom sorrn OF TIIE ItI.IN f 111 Y. undrolgmd Illy Blllt the tas ,t Just ty returned fmm 114)010,81)es and 11 alters, for trpr h l fa{ n t '. .1 Summer, ever olTentd In Gettytilltir it. . Ills 140e11. tA)lllii of LA r),1E.4) coNclitKss GAITERS. 110; 11A1.1)1 011 A I. UA ITEIL9, LA Cl/II:110N (1.%111:11.4, - K I I/SLIPPERS, 01l styles, I.:\ DI E.-r I10110l11.1) IIA 1.1)1()I1A LS, IN LA ltilE lIENTI4' nth:NCI( CALF 111101 S, tIEN I'S' AM t:ItICAN CALF 111X11 4, 1 K t lEN'rts' GAITER-4, ti ENT's' BA L)11)It ALS, I.IENTS' SLIPPERS, aU styles, GENTS' 111USIANs, AC., AC. ISSES' GAITEIteI, 3110.41.71' ISALItOKAf. GAITEICS .111)44E-4' lIOIIOCCO BALMORAL:4, AC.. AC.. RO I AU. 1101'S` CONOII.PAS GAITERS, 11(11(S' CALF lIALIIOItA Is% 1101'S' lIIIGGANH, AC., AC. INFANTS' Slloi>t, all style'. IN 1,.%1t01i Ain°, lknito and 1411011. of Ills own Diana lactase eotistan All will he bold at the lowest living profit*. Buyer.. front town and eountrc, are Invited to tall and examine goods amt pricesbefore rchatlng el...where, feeling confident that I plca‘e all who may call. The M A F.L(.lllltitill of Bouts, Shoes um! (totter* will alto be (tittle)! on. In all Its kattivhcA, nu before. Ihp:tiring done no abort stilt lee. Ily emploving none brit nrst•chous workmen, and using none but the eholerut 'clatter, he feels onttitient. of Inallltainitig his former rupututhin. tkrtaluly nothing will Ito loft undone to del:two It. Thankful for peat favors, ho soliclig a con tinuance of public pain L. 11. MANCHU). Geltymburg, April 17, ISO. FOZT'I'Z'S IV/lOLFBALH DRUG AND PATENT IinICINE DEPOT NO. 116 FIi.t:TKLIN BTRITF.T, MALTIMORN, MD (N the dissolution of the co-parlocirdilp of VI H. A. Vont% st Sim., August Ist, tnet, 1, I cseld E. Fouts, Junior snenkber of sold Ilan, pureletsrd thu right, title and interest of t I tece t Irl tkg pArtner, rt. A. Wools, for all time, In and to (Ito tonna facture of Patent Modb sinus; and, haehlu devoted lunchtime, cam ais.l labor In .41,111111 g a thorough knowledge In the compounkllng of these inulkanstlutts, I alit fully prututrodl to oiler to the wraustinlty FOUTZ'S FAMILY MEDICINES pure and nfifolulteinte4t, namely: Fourz's M ETUI It E—FOUTA'S LIMB INVIGORATOR VII 111141,7 D Nn— FOUTS'S VEDICTADLN LINER r ILLA-I , uura's COUGH SYRUP CELELINATNN 110 HAN AND VA ITLD I'\lw DEIN !AD itIN EWA lOU GU Ji - /MINED'S VARIDYDUR. POUTZ. Solo Proprietor, Agent (or "Pit. Ottovit'S 31AUNKTIO HALVK ASU OIN 11 1 14 Wtr " thc , "thig.t? ZIMOAN/ 11117ERN." Sir' Moo have ou Mud 0 gull tUsarl.Menl. 101 DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS; k'judnu . -gluo; Extrauiß EsAtonel% or all v.rury.; Oil the populnr . Putut4. Viuthitica of edn> . fa awry, lialr 011 s, flair Dyes, nod hundra4s artioc_, *mind by Merchants, rarmems Si 4 liousekee i teni. Goma and :Cr y u ou n , o, y • gr.elcutive. salted I t If cannot DAVID F. AITL, fie old sto44, ILI lornoklin strort. Feb, 21.1303. k 7 • NEW BAKERY.' NEwmRT ZIEULEIt, *ECIIA NICAL BAKE.RS, Routh WeAtitsttoil ett 4 boC, .64 V, 4 4. Matti. the Eagle Hotel, GETTYMBUITUI, Pa. Cba ataxia: oa hand, the beatrot , • intratp,citActiFte4p4x , O .. :4 1 310 . 70113. Persons wialtbag freer Mewl! -um 1300414 every morning, by leavttag th eir ematatariald realdeneasall. Ma Raker,.~ gyeayoettoti loads kt Olva tat!) call. aiier i • ex Wait : 11 ••• rweeek the imn ed.underthe EAPTZRAU othilltstmuz,(7,A,4 L hereby dlasalved. i i mi rion r • • AU pumas I WO* a mate Aß pead nd fiVd*Ny , Wxi I,lbs , Asia laam a gake 041,147=4614 147q' ,, • kvtatok, .• • .11.W:Llorar lY t Pur. liCff. ..,................w . . . • . . _ . -, ' I . ! , :-... •. t :', 4 :1 t - ' f. I() T r I): .: '4 .r# I'f r : 7l r 'l -; ,'. • -' I . ? ( 1 1 ( " 11/. (- ': i c 4 1.i,:- 0 ' J o ' ) 1 " j ' C ) . ~:' • f i l l '!-!-) '.? I' 'T .... a_ .11. i.. . -X . . 4 - . --- - • , , , , . . . . .• . ~ ~ „, , .„ • • ..k....). .„ .. . , ... a. ...4zth. , e4.. „ t,i, .. .. t4p .rtji ii. r,.i a ,. : , l - ; ; . ! 111. . .. ----.4 0 ....,..--7.4 _ • ~ .-.t..Epur. _ ' .. . . . ERE By 11. J. Sttihie HOOFIAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. AND Iloofland's German ,Tonie. TILE GREAT REMEDIES I= THE LIVER, STOMACH, OR DI- GES7'IVE ORGAIV'S. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS lo compooed of the pureJuleen (or,aa they are medically termed, fartroar) of flooto, lierbs,and Itnrknonaktiign preparation, high. ly eoueentrated, and entirely free Iron aloo /toile adon.rturct of any Oaf. GOOFLAND'S GERMAN TOMO Inn ocanbluntlon of all the Ingredlenta of the 'littera, sltb the mutat quality of Sonia lava )4um, Orange, ac., making one of the Most ple,thant and agreeable remedlea Wirer Offered to the 1:11.10 preferring a Sledlelne free from Aleo elle adlimixture, xlll ueo Hoofland's German Bitters, Those whit, here no oldeetion to the count)! untie', of the linters, tut Panted, Will 1100 Hoofland's German Tonic. They arc both equally goal, and mania the • imme medical virtues, the choice be. to ern the two being a mere maker of Mate, the Tonle being the most palatable. 'lto' stomach, frtita a variety of astute% such r il ,i n digeriouo, Dysmsils, ISUrVOUB etc., is very opt to hove its -functions e ranged. Tito Lim, sympathizing ag IL does with the Stomach, then becomes affected, the reanit of which k that the patient stiffen; from soyaral or tours of thiGollowlng dkeaata: CONSTIPATION, FLATULENCE, INWARD PILF23, FULLNFIiS OF BLOOD TO THE IIEAU, ACIDITY OF THE KTOUACII, NAUSEA, HEART-BURN, DISGUST FOR FOOD FULLNESS OR WEIGHT , IN TIIEHTOUACII,SOURERUCTA TIONS, SINKING OR FLUTTER ING ATTU - K(ITM , THE BTOM sWIMMING OF TILE HEAD, RIMMED Olt DIPPIOULT BREATH ING. FLII/VERING AT THE HEART, CHOKING OR SUFFOCATING SENSA; TIONs WHEN IN A LYING POSTUR,F OlmNEss or VISION, DOTS OR WHIM BEVoItE THE SHIRT, DULL PAIN IN, RA T I H N.V D E M DF MN E rNOCO P O THPESIt E S PN AND EYES PAIN IN TilEslßli BACK, CHEAT WH1. , 4 NM, SODDEN' ILI:SUFI.; DP HEAT, BURNING IN THE FLSSII, CONSTANT IM ACII SINGS (IF EVlly AND (MEAT DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. The sufferer from (holm diseases-% tumid oz onise the grenteNt MIIIII , II In the selection otts r‘mitylv for his ease, pUrvlutsiug only Clint which Ito Is assured from his Investigations and 111,011,109 prvBsrAso,4 trueinerlt,lsskllltully cam pauudrvl, i s from lopirlotis haired!. max, nail has established for Itselfai reputa tion for the cure of thiao M 5111,4011. lu this conneetholi Aro would submit dluroo well 11110W11 HOOF L D'S 41.:5.; BITTERS ITEI 1100FLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. pREpARED By lfit. IL J 4 CIC 1Y 410, PHILADELPHIA, PA Twenty-two yeurg three !bey were first In-' irodnetni into thin country front Germany, during which time they have undoubtedly performed more cures, and benefited Puffer ing ',unfunny boa greater extent, than any oilier remedies known to life nubile. TM', remedies wall enenitrailly cure liver Vomplifint, Inwollcr, Dyspendu, Chronic or Nervous Debility, CifronleDifirrlifeu, Disease of the Kidneys, nulnlllnneasenarlnlng Irma n DimmirTell Liver, tnatfmett,or intestines. DEBILITY, Itanilting fropn any Cause whntever; PROS TRATION OVVIIMMYSTP3I, illthlted by Severe Labor, Hardships, lapo stiren, Fevers, There Is no medicine extant equal to these remedies In such canes. A tone and vigor Is Imparted to the whole system, time appe tite Is strengthened, food Is enjoyed, the stomach digests promptly, the blood Is uu rfilemi, the complexion becomes wend and healthy, tile yyclloW tinge In ermliented from the eyes, a Hoorn Is given to the checks, and Iho weak nail nervous invalid tweines strong and healthy being. PARNONB Allr ANTED 11l LIIP, And feeling the hand of time weighing heavt- IY upon them, with all lin ntimammiant find In the use of Itdno istrrEits, or the TONE', an elixir that will instil hew life Into time veins, restore In n, measure the energy and ardor of mare youthful days, build up their shrunken forme, and give health and happl 111,S to their remaining years, NOTICE. It la a well•rislabllshed (net that telly one- Lnlf of the female pmtlon of our population are seldom In the enjoyment of good health ; or, to use their own expression, "never tee{ well." They are languid, devoid of all energY , extremely nerrmis, and hove no appetite, To this doss of persons the BITTERS, or the TONIC, la especially recommended. l IVEAK A. DELICATE 0114 DERN Are mute strong by the use of fiber of these remedies. Theywlll cure ev caw of Id AItABSILIB, without fail. Thousands of certificates haVe accumulated In the hoods of the proprietors, hut spnoe will allow of the publication of but few. Those, it will ho otteterved, are men of note and of such standing that they must be believed. TESTIMONIALS. Hon, Geo, W, Woodward; Chief Justice, of the Supreme Court•of Pa., writes: Phikuielphia, 'March 18,1867. "1 Sod German ititlerst Is a good tonic. useful lu diseases of the digestive organs, and of great, benefit. eases of de bility, and want of nervous action 1n he sys tem. Yours truly. DEO. W. WOODWARD." Hon. James Thompson, Judge of the Supreme Court;of Pennsylvania. nlkulrlphla, April 24. °I mushier 'Howland's German Bittern' a valuable isrdicint ht case of attacks of Indiges tion or Dyspersdn. I enn certify this trout my experlento of it, lours , with respect, JAM h TII0.11MNO." From Rev, Joseph H. Kennerd, B Pastor Of the Tenth Baptist Church, Dr. Jackson—Dear Sir: I have been fre quently requested to connect my name with recommendations of different kinds of niedl clues, but regarding the pmelito an out Of my appropriate sphere, I have In all canes declined ; but with n clef r proof In various instances and particularly to my own family, of the nsefolnerin of Dr. /Itrothind's Gentian linters, I depart for onee from my usital contor t . to xprens my full donvleflon that, for giNieral dr6lllll, of the rodent, and espeeka !plot Lire,. fbinplitint, Ufa n safe and 'valuable preparation. In some canes It may fall ; but usually, I doubt not,tt will be very benefleial to these who sutler from the above muses. Yours, very respeellully, J. H. KENNARD, Eighth, below Coates td. • From Rev, E. D. Fonda'', Awdstant boater eltrintian Ciironlele,l , lllbula. I have derived decided betiellt from the one of Hoolinfid's German Bittern, and feel IL my privilege to recommend them an a mont valu able Tonle, to all who are suffering fromgen end debility or from deranutes analog from derangement of the liver. Yours truly, E. D. FENDALL. CAUTION Hooflatt's German Remedies aro counter felted. Soo that limo signature of C. M. JACK HON, to on tho wrapper of each bottle. At others are counterfeit. . - . Principal °Mee and Manufactory at the llerman Dieeleinelitore, No. all MIMI Street, Philadelphia, Pe, cuABLEs M. RVANN, ProyArtar, Fortuerly C,lll. JACKWN too. PRICES Aqmrtmak - 'Poals. pollup In quart bottlev, 81 M per - Leyte, or u half Wizen fur ME3 &iglu , not forges. to examine yen the ar lisle yea buY, In order to get the gehtane. VrPor gale by Drpgglata generally. Jan. 11, IRK 17 , i i• Torn tt:Cyoung Nem. apeit2p6. ° Wir a tr ial " . A =alu ° =lt " m h z, Remittal Weakness, or epermat in duct:4lly Batt -Abusol Invutnntan Iglu us, Impetent7 ?fervour Dentnty - , Lad RaPedf- I Np am lle ta , t y ° : and kinth rFl fSletN • rFsitt 11 %A itiZor the 4 BOrir B L'ega, h Id-renowned Maher, la Me mour- We Lecture, clearly proves, hall tais own . ex perlence, Pull. the awlU4 etweelpfelooee • lf• AlAtee May be elfeetually d =l w • medicine, e Want .9'f' openstfont; nstruntenla, • ' an te —poht oat a PIA* tif NNW* • • • certain Ord ~nal by vilflett elfeelf, , , no matter What hiss oondltton taw • veld p 0 , ‘ „ 4 ,4 7 .,,,,, , Tata 4 M NKI: .. 1/10011 - ..... WWI Bent, unite it 1111114 envelope, to any addnees, on receipt of 6 eenta l i a Volltage alanips, ex ! Alpo, DR. CUIAMLWILL,LiI ••. Guide," price Mr • , , Address .9. gril i ikg, I2R Bowery, New Wag, r nin 0 co non tave• —July WI, IPA Art'' , ': • mum' PRI 14419.. u., Eviikicmn :ew ta aastesiearrlgratde 1410 4, et taw Leataleuue se Peraierila ate alatkisad 'atalese:. •-i .11eateet Itecankteatailease Vaasa. .t •mu MliVres' ,(ll '%l?fWi GLOBE INN, CIETTYSIIURA IFTXttrt, Lnvoinowx, ADAM COUNTY, PA fIIIIE ondersigned, having purchased the J. "Globe Inn" property, In Gettysburg street, I,lttlestown, would most respectfully Invite a share of the public's patronage. He promises the best the market can afford tor ills table, with the choicest Liquors In Ma bar,' and comfortable bed's • and chambers. With conaidemble. experience, he thinks he can juatly..ctalm that ho knows how to keep • hotel. 'limn+ is large stabling attaehed, as well as gran lots ?Or droves. Anallentlve ostler always on-band—none,other than an s000m• modeling one allowed on• the premises. He Invites a -large them at custom, .and will spare no eltbrt to deServe JOHN GIiEEN. Llttlestown,Alay .20, 1841„ tt EAGLE HOTEL, NEW OXFORD, ADAMS COUNTY, PA. ITHIE undersigned Lacingg pnrchased the Mar -1 tin Hotel propertyittNew Oxford, Adamscounty, county, will conduct It In future, under the name of the. Eagle Hotel.'t He pledges blot self to spare, no effort for the comfort of his guests. ills' table Shell have the bestille market am 'Mord, and his bar the choicest liquors, lila chambers are spacious, and can not fell to give gatldfaelion: There is com modious stabling , attached to the 'Hotel, which will be attended by a reliable and ac •contatodat lag ostler. The, proprietor hopes to receive n liberal share of public patronage, andwltl always try to deserve It. Remem ber the .lingle" In the northeast corner of the Diamond, Now Oxford. HENRY. Aqua: March 13, 180 g, tf KEYSTONE HOUS E , CIIAMBERBEttIitO ST., ORITYBI3IIII.O, PA., Wit. E. MYERS, PROMO:TOIL- nut Di In a now Muse, fitted up In the most 1 approved style. Its location Ix • phloem[ central and oonvenlent, .lEvcry arrangement lota been made (or the accommodation atid comfort or guests. The. Table will always Lure the best of the market, and the liar the best of wines and liquors. There is commodious Wahling altackod, with an accommodating ostler always on band.. . Thin Hotel is now open for the entertain met or thoymbile, nod n iflinte of patronage In tro effort will be oared to render Hathfaelloh. Jon. H, HB7. tf GLOBE INN, YORK HTEEET, NEAR TILL DIAMOND, GETTMIIURG, t r r l lt l ; ; f( s ) l r i t i t ' l ler ll ' i l irrt i '' n ' e o r u o l l ' i li s m f o rle t n r d e : an t t i fu t i l i t ) e ' liddle genendly, that li' lots purchostsl that ung established and well known Hotel. the "Globe Inn," In York street, (letlynburg, and will spare no elthrt In conduct. it In a man ner ghat will not oletraet• from Ito former high reputution. Ills table will Imre the best the market ear afford—llls chambers are spa cious end cotilfertahle—and lie has fall in for his bar a full clock of wines and Ili era. There Is large•stabllng attached to the Hotel, which will he attended Ity attentive callers. It will be Ills vomit:tit 'endeavor to render the fullest satisfaction to Ills guests, making hie house as near n home to (twin as 1/08811,10. Ito licks it share of the publie's patronage deter mined us lie In to deserve a Large part of it.— Remember, the "( th aw Inn" Is In York street, but near the Diamond, or Public Square. SAMUEL WOI.E. • A prll 1, MI. •If ' • EVERHART'S 1101.781 i, CORNER 01 , 110 WARD FRANKLINSTREETS, BALTIMOLLE, MD. Thin 110 Inn; 1s on a direct line between the Northern Central and Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Depots. it has been rotittnd and comfortably arranged (or the convenience and the entertainment of guesla. - Noe. 20, IW, tor 4DOIS COUNTY AHEAD! Ythe .R.reeltior Putent ikm,efaclured entirely q Leather, and much nerd er than Wien or Linen Nets. !air service uniairraued. FATENTF.D FEBRUARY /BTU, BM, BY BURKHOLDER, WORLEY St GROVE, J. L. WORLEY, Solo Agent for the EXCEL tiIOII PATENT NET . for Adams eottnt3': HAS constantly on band manufact u red Nets of Dia Libor° Patent. Also, NA DDLES, • lIA RHEAS, COLLARS, BRIDLES • W 111143, • • . TRUNKS. . BLANK ITN, • BELLS, AND EVERYTHING pertaining to a Horse furnishing establish ment. s„-AGEZ•VD4 WANTED to sell Territory for Potent Nets. also to sell Nets on tOMIXII. .sion In the county. All communications should ho addressed to . S. L. WORLEY:, York Sulphur Sprl ago, Adams co.. April 8, IV& tf NEW GQQIS. CHEAP- eIIEAPER--CiIEAPEAT I IF yon wish to buy good end cheap Goods, call at • JACOBS & BUG'S. STORE, near. Myers's Hotel, in eIIAtIDEMIIIIIIG BT., Gettysburg. They have the very best se lection 01 goods, wieh u. • CLOVIS, CAMSIMERER, TWEEDS, &0:, the market Can produce, Ind are determined to sell thrill. Its shosp as can be sold any where in town or country; Any person whsh- Ina to have them CUT, an have it done free sf clutme. Those desiring goode MADE UP, can also be arcommodnted. We warrant the bet work and the best Me to be had any where. No humbug in what we soy, • • Wo have on hand the very beet nud MOeidtur• able SEWING MACHINM, and are always ready to.walt on customers.— Full satisfaction given In operating ma chines. lgll and examine. We warrant them to be the beet In use. JACOBS & 111 W. April 8, 1867. if NOAH WALKER & CO., CLOTIVIERS, wminsowil nunadNo: 166 Minter BALTlnoact SC., riAlaisiolus, YD. _KEEP constantly on band a large nod well suisorted stock pf all kinds of geode at moderate priors. They supply ordcra for the finest to the low lot priced articles, either ready made or made to ineemire, loony porter the country. They keep ohm an .03iterucilie clock of VIMNIIIIIINO GOODS, embracing every ar ticle of Dentiernenl Under-wenr. Also, MILI TARY El.OTildi and every variety of Mili tary • Trimming's. na well maim assorted Meek of READY MADE MILITAIRY WOLF!, Baltimore, Feb. 22, PlUi. BIeGUIRE'S SPANISH HAIR DRESSER;. , R Promoting the Growth, &au tibias the sold rendering It dark end glossy. o other compound possesses the peculiar pnrperties which so exactly Butt thc various conditions of the human hair. The use of this all as. hair d maw has been universal in eve ry section of the country in the Spanish Main for centuries. No preparation °fart cotild etre that-. enspot luxuriance and abundance of hair which have so often been The admiration of travelers In Spain. 'TWA oil is highly and delicately perMmed, forming an tinkle unri valled In excelleneeand upon Which theMptn -10 people for many years lutvo set Wisest of enduring approval. - . . /103 Untg'S • Meilen Mit atoll libtapor Leitch Fut; Yeinorlise dendrite' and iced hdlg tkin head e erhitantagend wasintAttboania. TW$ article Is eatlrely different from anything of the kind ever aMrod la thbvtiounVid warranted tree Inlet ell pobtorietto aa nom This value hie IMI4OI was used by UN' peror Einpreaseartotta, of Mexico, arel.pnbranielly need hy Ankeny len At se tained = An ng a aaatA for the ttenu.7.l Mini Booting, it at layar ing h=tael/Y . Akatlntira • • _, Mild Wens, for tho ,Tooth. '. Militate atheists I • favor at white „ t straw ;at kW " li t: 4 1 4 , 1 th w will 7 •.r.r wir t letetyiki • tflpd AK° gclltritig; •••• f;1 • idir . pot . )ryWH wit u Tt''Prf "11 • 11; rsitt t rat' mieciirek•uore,l Lreamsla AUCTLONES Al IMO dais iterto 4111PIAAILi ildirkltertiVeg•=• "`"n* wg le ritiot *w e ir l+4 ts-t. t.• 1) I ( Gat Eimoli?if*,4 ME ELEOTION EROOWIATION. . - EAR; In and - by the' Act of the Gen eral Assembly of this Slat e, ent I tled "An, act to regulate the General Elections of this Commonwealth," enacted on the at of July, 10311 It is enjoined on mu to Om l'ublic Notice of such IfJectlem to be held, and to enumerate in such notice what officers are to be elected:. And also In pursuance of nn Act of Mimeos* hrescribing and fixing ono uniform day of olding elect-former Elector* of President and Vice President of all. the States of the Union, approved January fl , 1851, therefore, I, IP HANN, liheriff of the County of Adams, hereby give thin public notice to the Electors of said County of Adams, that an ELr.miox will be held in said County. on TenisDAy, the day of NO,/tlehltf , next, at • which time Twsters.stx Etscross for President and Vice President of the United Hutton are to he elected. In the First•distrieL composed of the Bor ough of Gettysburg, at the Court-house, in Get tysburg. • • . In the Second dbar lc t. composed of the town ship of Germnny, at Golden's School-house, In the township of Germany. In the Third dist rise, composed of the town ship of oxford, M. tile bongo of I. B. Iloww, In the town of New Oxford, In the Fourth district, composed of the town ships of Intlmore and Huntington, at the house of Jane Heed, in the township of Hun tington. fifth° Fifth district, eonnmeed of the town. ships of Ilauditonban and Liberty, at the pub, lie School house In Si illerstow n. . . In tim Sixth distriet.cempeeed of the town ship of MIMIIton, nt the house now occupied by F. Ramer; In the town of East Berlin. In theScrenth clhdrlet,eompoluNi of the town ship of 31411111 km, nt thepnblio Schad-bonne In the town of Bendersvllle. JO the klighth district, compo.ant of the town ship_ of St hthalt. at the Louse of Jacob Lt.:rags, Inllunlerstown. . • ' • In {he Ninth di strict, colnposed of the town ship of Franklin, at the house now occupied by Jelin F. Butt, In said township. • the Tenth district, composed - 0(01e town ship of Conowago, at the house of Jeremiah. Johns, in McSlierrystown, . Iu t he' Eleventh distrtet, composted of the towruthip of Tyrone, at, the b uuso of It. B. Etone, In llchilershurg, In the Twelfth district, 'composed of thn townidi ip of Idottulloy, at the house of Ifni. V llous, In sold township. . • . In the Thirteenth dhdriet, composed of the Mwnship of I , l°mill:dement, at the peblic Sehool-house In silt SownshiP, situate at the ern.' rondo, th y ono toting from Ox ford to the Two Taverns, the Other from Iluntersinwn to Ilanover. .• In the Fourteenth district, composed of the township at•Headlng, at the house of It. Idekß, in }tampion. In the Fifteenth ilktriet, composed of the Borough of Iterwick, at the public School-houso In Ahhotheown. • In the Kixtectith district, eorepoied of the township of Preedoin, rut the house of Samuel Monte, to Kohl township. In the Seventeenth district, eomposed of the township of Uulon , ut the house 01 Enoch Lefever, In sold township. In iilo Eigillkenth district,. eon ,e of the township of (huller, ot the pundit. Seim°Lhouse In Middletown, In Kidd township. In the Nineteenth distrlet, composed of the townshipof Berwick,nt the Pigeon 11111 School ' house in sold township. in the Twentieth district, composed of the township of Cninberland,nt the house of Mi not Stu) der, in the borough of Gettysburg. In the Twenty-first district, comps"' of the township of ilighletud, it the 1 4 elioot-house at Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterian church, In said township. • • In the Twenlv•second district, pomposod of the borough of Llttlestowo, nt ti n , nukst WeSter ly SOlOOl-110lItio In meld bonnigh. The election to bo open between the boursof Rand 10 o'clock In the forenoon, by public procininntleti, and to be kept opeh nntli 7 o'- clock In the evening, when the polls shall be closed. And the sevend ledges, Inspoetorn and Clerks, who shall have attended at the last ebttion for metnliersof the ((corral Assembly, KIWI attend andperform at the said election of Elea tots the like duties, and he subject to the like penalties for neglect or misconduct as they or,. or shell be habit! to at the election of members of the (loners! Assembly. And the Judges of the respective Districts aforesaid, tire by the said net required to meet tit the Court In the borough of Oettym• burg, on the thin! tiny niter the sold day of Eleetlbn, being Friday,the flit day of Novem ber, then and there to perform the things re quired of them by law. Ity an Act of the General Assembly of this Bette, it is enjoined upon Inc to insert in my proclamation of elections the folkowing see- Conn of laws poised by said General Assembly, ns ItliioWA: WitvateAst, fly the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled '"An Act, Moment' the aeventl acts heretofore passed to provide for the enrolling and calling out the National forces, anti for other purposes", and approved March third, 011 C thousand eight hundred and slaty-tier, all pertaalf, who have deserted tile 'unitary or naval grnice of the United states, and who have not been dbudirtreed, or reliev ed from the penally, or dtsultility therein pro vided, ore liet.inell, and token, to have volun tarily relinquished and forfeited, their rights of sitlzesothip, und their rightn to become citizens, and are deprived of - exercising any rights of ellizene thereof; Ann %via:to:Aß, l'entons, not entselist of the United States, are not, under the Constitu tion mid laws of l'eliusylVania, mutinied elec.. tors of this Commonwealth: Szczibri I. 1111'it enacted by tin:Si-tousle and 'louse of Iteprotentutlvcs of the Common wealth of l'ennsylvania In General Assembly met, and IL is hereby t Jowled by the authority of the saute, Tlint in nil elections hereafter to Ire- held do this CoMmonwealth, it shall be unlawful for the fudge or Inspectors of any such election V receive any ballet, or ballots, from any per or ponn.ins,eruhreoed In the provisions, an' übpsit to the disability, Int. posed by Id n of llangress, approved March mnbi 4 third, ono o Anil eight hundred and sixty flee, and It I be unlawful for nn y such person to etre vote any ballot, or ballots. St.:mm:4 2. ' ant If any such Judge and in spectom of cloation, or any °nerd' them, shall receive or consent to revolve, any such unlaw ful ballot or ballots,frotil nhy such disqualified mason, he, or they, so °Wending. Winn be guilty of is igisdesqor, and, upon conviction there of, Id soy e of - quarter , missions of this Com monwealth, 0 shall, for each olfenee, be sen tenced to pay u line of not ions than ono hun dred dollars. and to undergo aulutprieon meld, In the Jail of the proper connty, for not less Stud; sixty days. , • • • Bserioa 3. .Vbat triply person deprived of citizenship, and distplafilled as 'aforesaid, shall, at any election, hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, vote, or tender to the officers thereof, Selloff& to vote, a ballot or ballots any person, too cdfending,. shall. be deemed guiltt of tnlsdesnearair, and on con viction tlrereof, lu any wort of quarter ses sions offtlils Colunionwealtli, ebnil, for each Or ghee, be punlitiell In tilts binuuer es Is pro v't ed In the preceding section of thin net, hi the come of °Moore or election receiving such unlawful ballot, or ballots. Seeman C That Natty portent shall hereof. ter pensuadr, oral vise, any person, or persona, deprlmi of eltleensidp,_ find disitmlfied as aforesaid, to offer nay ballot, or ballots, to the otticers Many election, hereafter lobe held In this Commonwealth, or shall persuade, or ad vise, any such °M eer to receive any ballot, or ballots, from any person dapdvesl of ()Risen. ship, and disqualified as albreimid, such per. son, no offending, shall be guilty of a inhale• meaner, nod upon conviction thereof, Iµ any court or quarter sessions of this Common , wealth, shall be punished In like manner as provided! In the second section of this act In theatre of otticom of !malt election receiving such unlawful ballot, or 11411101 n.. PHILIP HANN, MmHg. Sherill'e Office, Gettysburg, Oct. la, lank Idle lion olficeas will Pike native that the set entitled °A.' matter Supplement to the Election Laws of this Commonwealth,. dis qualifying deserters-Ram the army of the Untied Sudo' from voting, has recently been declared unconstitutional by the Supremo Court of Peattlaylvuule, except so use SS it di.- quallfiku from voting ponans duly fried and cenricfcd of desertion awl is now null sad void with said exception, and that persons formerly disqualified thereunder with the exception twined, aro now lawful voters, If otherwise qualified. DION) PHILLIPS' 1ir.M31:11% 1111.110VIID Siiper-Phosphate of Lime. Brel 2 , 1 ARD 011 . 4.84 4Y TS ED. YOH SALE AT ltANorAoruEzn'a DKPOTS, No. 27 North Front Street, , O. ni South ntreci, BaltlworrpP And by Dealers In general throughout tho The 00M0LiEll0 OOANO o( which upuo PHILLIPW PIIOSPRXTE•ts unit always has been manufactured. (and of which he has sole control for the United titatea,l nontalitt tt pen mint; more Bone Phosphate than JIMW 110110. therefore It 11 More (Intel/le. The dltlon of An:it/taunt erred It gnftterthrblllidnir value. Over seven years' expclrliken liks proved to the Partner that It tanker; aluavler main them even stable manure, and Is not only Itch v e but }mating. 'lAPPrlefflsolo Os tou, moo lbq IlbuMuu " mono mums, • • • . Sole Progetor and ilanufsattunr.! .4,4"4:4.,rdVG-0 17 2?' ..„, 4f NOWA. 1 01 9 1 , oak mantArAIFIT , 0,110CE1110; *,411;ip,94 . 13, ttAvnio Jut ret s tirn'ed troniltle City With Lbe_n.t And inOst 114W/smut 'pent et ti t z t uewe ever catered were. i expert eV err to look .to lhalr , lfro Awl boy where ey can pt the eh aad beet tot' the CASH, as that buoy mo o.' . ~. . 1 0 2111ILY GROVEBIM. otall kiwis, consist -141 /kg .1k Pu11011fj1,....,_ Pe an k er , Molusee, PtirM - do • toil* ton . MY' IlaigUOlia I. num". , . ( It . arrtaird m .c iP,== al omp_q itY ' rr° , l lousal airing lIM . : - 4.°171.146,111M fu A.B... ,,....lo l * i b p f ui .iusd t Atetit=4 - Illsarlll,ollk :1 , 1 ,, ML.1.., std It , 1•. r ..-Wadl;llMttE6: - . • aZefeo,,,,P '4l . stodiurtimiii k ern 455 ap, gr igow 11l GETTYSBURG; PA., OCT. 23, 1868.. Fbr Ous Cbmpiter. THS HtART THAT 64A1114 NO HOKE. In eorrow'e deep end bitter vale, And pain's dark, lonely night, „ When grief tutd woe our blies Atwell , And dim 11/e's radiant light, When everything we hold most dear Is called front beauty'e store, Ohl then I drop the silent tear— kly heart can bear no more; • Although n.eWIIe may rreuti.e the taco And seeming blisa be too: 'lliough every moven, e , , t's fun of grace, There may be lines of cure, - Ohl look within the aoure de peel', And find Ilte's blighting ser6, Her =dada kpepeth secrets well— My heart am beat no more.' A gentle net, a sunny smile, A kind and cheering word, The weary trout dot h oft begun° - And Its deep fount bath stirred. A friendly, loving hand ;nay save, Or hohlotern despair's door, And keep from tui . lintlinety ' The heart that bears no more. Llttlestown. .. • M. C. W THE ROMAINE OF r► LEAIk . MIME. A correspondent of the Chicago Re publican, describing a visit to the lead region of Illinois and Wlsooneln, tells this story: "One of the , riehest mines in Mineral Point bas'a - story of some' Interest.' Many years ago. a • party 'of speculators, adventure re all, three in number, bought up a treok of land on which to demonstrate a.theory in re gard to mining which one of the party had originated. The other men, his companions and 'partners, were 'the money-men of the company, who had. been duped by the one who 'had tho pet theory. Ono entire . season, from early spring to autumn, was spent in hard labor by these men: Their ex-• penees were rutnouS. No matter, it was all in' vain; labor and money were. alike unavailable, and wince the whiter thitt year (1848) came on, they found themselves' unable to pro ceed, and still very far from success. They "pulled up stakes" and 'went away to a neighboring settlement, where they tarried for a few weeks, putting up at the only public house In the piece, hoping, as n Instresort, to effect n sale of their property find utensils for a sum initlicient to help theist Out of the scrape somewhat. At length a stranger arrived at the came hotel. He was n Welehman, a miner of some experience, and honest and credulous as the day Is long, but un used to dealing with sharpers, having traveled very little, and recently • ar rived is this country." He was looking about, undecided as to what branch of the miffing business in this region he would engage in, if any. It was not strange, therefore, that three bankrupt speculators should succeed In roping in the believing Welshman, and In duce hint to purchase their old traps, together with the land. He purchas ed the whole for $3OO, and thought he had p nice thing, as the rogues had as sured him that, having made a large fortune each, they cared little for the land on which It was secured. The poor fellow went out to his place In the dead of whiter, wallowing through a deep - snow all the way. Once there, lie found only a wretched little cabin, which would but poorly shelter a man at such a season. However, lie held on hopefully and patiently, confident that his day would soon come. So he was out the long, hard winter,-and when spring arrived he was found at work with a will. In spite of con tinued failure, he kept on month after month, loth to leave all in.which his money was invested. In time, how , ever, just as the poor man was on' the point of abandoning the place, stranger Caine to hie cabin. He was a geologist and a miner of practical experience. Ho hail traced a rich vein of the mineral through a long distance, ' and located It at last right the midst 011ie poor Weishmaiiis possessions. Tine two men went to miningtogether, and before two years were the wealth iest men In the region. A GtisTiiii NEST.—Yesterday att.ernoon some workmen In Om repair shops of the Louisville and Nashville railroad were engaged in repairia - g the end of an old box or freight car, when one of them, Mr. John V.eeley, discov 7 ere 'rat's nest" In ,the lining of the car. Upon stirring up the "ttesp,'!, he discovered and . pooketed• tivesloe, 61118, three of which were interest bearing notes. It. was rather a costly bed for rats, and they had been living high at somebody's expense, for the most of It was mutilated to some extent. How the tuquey got there is a win tery. 'The car was used .daring the war over the read, and the, general supposition Is that some officer or aol• dier,. perhaps "sutler," happened •to be hi that car when the train was at• tacked by guerrillas, and Co a moment of "temporary, fright," slipped the money between the lining and theout side of the oar, and forgot it.,. or where he put it. Olti.:0011 CounTattte.--A charac ter In a well-known ploy says—'ll nev er respect a man half so much mi after I have fought with Min." There lei good deal of human.. nature In tho re- Mark. An Incident, illustrating thie satnevluelple, occurred lately in Oro gou, ,k country sohnui•urtruktes- neer Corvallis uddertook to 'chastise one or his pupils, I large girl, endowed witb good health and plenty of muscle,.. A long and Spirited boniest ensued, the met& id- Arbltth ass' .'awaited with breathless Interett by tlieentkusabooll Thb teacher' Ovally .iniducted.o , She spunky girl tetuittittbtfon, but billy at 'ft-gallarit%itenggle , ion. het -pat, loweVer, Inspired them with such ' a triable] respect fdir each other, that slow days finer-limy were Monied. -We' don't admit% 'the Ora gon'tityle of 0, I, AN exchange, in speakintof absent miudedneirl, - Mirirfeiffiftkably tough story of a Imeheterifilend. It • says: Mole in the habit When - he iMmeeto his tea of putting the/ kettle 'otethe itove,• end 'hiking a 'Soho* %Intl, the kettipbosipp tiuistpg, when tife•Wauld get up and make his tee. The ether evening, beinjijittiespadrated otl a c cir ig ?!9 l 4t§ l r l Vl:#,f t o l k e f OA // I T °l4PH9i'itretto put the ket tle , I!? AI! stove himseif, and'. nerei."dlimoveFed his misMke yntll lie bei.w. to Two iC.Neas i bmi wen) sent o, pur isit'afk a Wei* tiringtag It fionie s t ifit'4lie to tfie otti e.r *e'll 11106 i tc,st'i It :40\ w, gain' tike BIJA inesidd II ifouiddoi ; 'tont Ina' ALL AVITING Old farmer Gruff was one morning a tugging away with all his might and main at a barrel of apples, which he was endeavoring to get up the cellar stairs, and calling at the top of his voice for one of his boys to leud a help ing hand, but in vain: When ho had, after - an Infinite amount of sweating, accomplished the task, and just whop they were not needed, of course, the boys made their appearance.. "Where have ydu been, and what have you been about, I'd liketo know f couldn't you hear me call?" inquired the far mer, In en angry tone, addressing the eldest. :"Out In the shop seitlu' the saw," replied the youth. "And you, Dick ?" "Out In the barn auttlue the hen." "And you, sir?" "Up 'ln Granny's room eettin' the clock l" "Ami you, young man ?" ' '!Up garret, satin' the trap." "And now, Master Fred; where Were you eettln'?" asked the' old fernier of his youngest pro geny, the asperity of Lis temper being somewhat softened by this - amusing cataloguo of answers. "Come, let's hear I" "On the door-step, settin' still," replied the young hopeful, seri ously. "A reniarkable set, I meet confess," added the amused Sire, die panting the 'grinning group with a wave of his hand. - A MAN WITH' A CIICATIMF'D ; All githxt cities ars full of strange char acters, but arqirosentSew Orleans ex cels In this respect. Living here Is an Individual whese remarkable career Is almost without a parallel in the an nets of romance. He was borp In Indl ann, and is now for i ty yearsof age.•"ills name is EdWard Caruthers. "Being en-' gaged In a personal difficulty with a man named Simpson, at Madison, In the fall 111840, he killed hisantago nist'end tied to 'the American army, then entering Mexico. At the battle of Chapultepec he was taken prisoner, and laid for months In a Mexican dun geon. Being released at last he marri ed a Spanish girl, and settled on the Rio Grande. Hers being attacked by the Indians, himself and family, were carried into captivlty,"where he again spent two yearn. Effecting his escape he joined'anOther company, and was shot in a tight with the Camanchck, scalped, and left for dead. He how ever recovered, and Joined the Walker expedition to Nicaragua, where he was wounded, captured, and again Impris oned; but being released he sailed for the United States. The vessel he was In was wrecked, and ho barely escaped, with.his life. He was one of the pas sengers on the 111-fated Evening Starc . and again escaped death where sct many perished. lie is now a resident of this city, and delights In relating adven tures which arc certainly remarkable to 4 last degree.—f cw Orleans Pied role. "WHAT noise is that?" eald Mrs. Partington to Ike, as that,hopeful was looking through the window at a crowd collected one evening In front of his mother's humble dwelling. "They are giving three cheers to the newly-married folks across the way," was the answer. "Only three cheers?" said the widow, as her mind darted back• to the opening of her own married life; "only three cheers! It seems to me they make a great fuss about such a little thing. Why, sakes alive, r had half a dozen when I xds married to' . Your father, Isaac, and he bought six more at auction when. we• went to liousekeep• log. I don't see how they eau got along with only three; tuft it Is al ways well to begin .in a sing! way." Ike gave a most unilllal atiMr ; but the widow , waa.toe deeply obsinbed In the memory of other days to heed the ungracious act of her sou. . . r How A GANDER WENT FIKNINO,-, A farroor living near Elizabeth, Not Jeutey,..was perplexed by. a gooze of the nummilittegerldef that every, spring would lead the dock away to the utter most parte of the pond and there. re main with them quill fall. Arm April morning he apprehended Use culprit In the very act of enticing away life floes. Taking him In hand, be tied a couple of yards rf ilsh-line and a baited hook to his leg, and gave him permission to leavo. — Ho wns'eonvey ipg the Beek grandly across the water, when he.apparently esperlenced a fen- Batton .uuder the water. His terrified wives and children withdrew tea safe distance,, and looked ou wonder. After a long struggle, the bird dragged ashore rt,huge pickerel, mid since that time has entirely reformed.. lookjug upon the pond as a place to be care fully Shunned. Tun hugest dog in the world, accor ding to report, was one raised In Penn ivania from -the Itliberion blood hound stock. when but a year old, bad attained, the length. of seven feet nine lathes, was. thirty six and a half inches high, and weighing two hundred pounds. eliallengrvof a thousandluineas wasoffered In Ma when his owner exhibited him ti Lon don, for the production of a larger specimen, but the artiblewasnot forth coming. • • PITII9LE Arrazira —The Tlquedo Bee gels : "In a uelghboring viAlage lives a family , who Keeelitly emlgrated. from Tithole, mid which contains amongOther t asemhera, two Iltiths girls, Aunts and Mlzinie, ageslrtispeptlvely four And, eight yeara. Ono night, a ishoet time elllemee her 4te t ti4er 04..4 1 ;1f ,11 9. ( 4. POtt, B 4 pear: fp be Ai, good nut, air), eta Bleep, 044, the, augebs • would, come to . w,atelt bet all,; .P4lO Aiude's sleep as eoand as the,na tureof herrest would admit, lief iesitler Ash helug a eons (eget for tlgim luta tufe sintAPlag turtie*USlll infested her bed. The next, morning, When her mother came to take her WV. elle gave the -following--opinton of the angels: ."Mother, shifetillke them angels. I doll'wai L them to wateh any., more,. Ahoy hiledae mei!' ( , (111 mother, mother,!' eaelalswe:l "I know witattiltiitesatiiigela theM Is; titeaullikPlthelawagobi.V. • J ~,$) feltdill h.:: ‘ . 'li • litidio .4%thatter. , at..opOloosiar, Lou'Mans, She itherliktneiy; - told bla congregation that will - UM:Ty lacked ill gttua'tdeyeonld"httko'iile outtakes, "Therare.ehisp; ilve:teeta Let knit thooe'* , ha can't shad 'can WO ; '18 1 , 1 4 1 3 014 hoops i1r4043456 I. Fbr the Ontopild Tiug“noym KM MLVL" =1 We're asked by Ruda, "How do you dot You're ono of our dear boys In blue, Who fought and bled fur our flag, And to/round crushed the rebel rag." Yes; *Oll3 the boys Who wore the . bnie, And foughtthe Isar clear through and through- Our banner sated both near and far, Nor blotted out ouc tangle etar. When war was o'er, and peace wax due, We give' that barmier unto yen. • Did you protect, dl.l you take pales To keep it clear !rem Kers and otalnst Now, Iladleals, what did you do? You tore ten stars from out its blue What have you placed there In their steads Alba) ideal a ningelre Maul I The White turned out and nigger In I Who ever Lean! on black a sin I .. And yet you any, "II", vote for Want," Titbits . h under taxes we do pant; And you will yet repluou those stare Out asthma gabled by bloody. ware. Can we believe you when you prate . How we'll resells our former state. When yen our Constlthlion broke • And killed ten Mates with ono fell stroke; And still do crush and keep them there, tiroeullig and writhing in despair, And yet uphold the Iron rod O'er lands through width our adhere trot With bloody feet; for Freedont's muse, Aud (muted our. Constitution—laws! Think you we'll vote our rights away . Anti for supt.ort of Wagers pay? Your Maim( we all might have borne, lied you our banner not have torn`; html thy , we're soldiens, we've got eur passes, too, Clads, you eta' writrkuo such asses. W.l.\ NO numvAlN DI DATE ttrd'iT to Nora mere party triumph we reek.— We hying to trout our mrntry/rost the don arra Oda overhang it. We with to IV( f/tr PerPtesU,ter mut thesshacklei which, in Mc shape of had latot and of orodking laxallo t , nolo para. We the Muffler. and labor of our land. U'' hope, too, that we eon give order, pratgertty awl happi ness ta those sections ay our country videh suffer so drplgia.dav iniketr:hotnee, and la pit Are Indostry,from the unhappy erode of the but squid years.-11ORA4IO REV itortn. "Wtur's wo give Taloa to our bonds by using tho money drawn by taxation tante payment of our clobt, and not tattle military and negro raolay. we .1.111 reltevo the Lax-payer, tho bllt•helder, and glee xtroiakitli and virtue to the clalimi of the public creilltrir."—lfonatioftry noun: "Inn nezL election will turn upon Cita ques tion: Can thri Congressional party stic , cood to their efforts to °tulle and army the industrial awl money Interests against each other, or will . these unite and turn out the authors id the mischief under %Odell they nee nil suffering." —llonm - to ttsmortu. "IN order to coma the Booth with military ilcapallam, negro rule; and illsorganirei.l labor andindinttry,tll,T (Congrelia)entwedthe farm• era of tho North with taxation, the mocha nice with moro hours of toil, the laborers and pen. Morten; with, debased never, the merchant with a'alilithig idandard,eint the puMis emit tor with n illahottored and tainted national lir.lCXorll.. • A Fey Plain Facts, fbr Voters. - 'Fho taxes collected Tor the year MU by the United States qcyOntnent, un der the administration of the Republl• can party; were Five Hundred and Eighty Millions of Donark The taxes collected by the government of Great Britain, for the same year, were Four Hundred end Eighty Millions of Dol- lars. Taxes pald by the people • .of the U. S. for IWO, . $580,000,000 Taxes paid by the people of Great Britain for 1800, $180,000,000 . . Great Britain has property, real and personal, as a taxable basis, aineuntluir to lltirty•six thousand millioits of dol tars. The',Urpted States has proPerty, real and persomii, as u taxable basis, atuoun ling toslx teen thousand millions of dollars. (treat Britain has a pope. lation ofabout two hundred and thirty sii of people. Thes , Unlted States has a population of about thirty mlitiontiofpeople, Wealth of.tho people of Great Ratak}, STIA,OOO,OOO Wealth of th'e people of the Uulted.hitates, • $1(1,0Q0.01)0,000 Population of Great Britain, 23c00d,000 " United States, 30,000,000 Thus It will be seen thatthe Repub lica}) adminbitratioucollected (for the year 1si10)' llont 30,000,M of people 'of the United States, $100,000,000 more In the shape of taxes than the Govern- Merit of Great Britain for the Bathe year, collected from her poptilation'bf '40,009,009 people. Who tire the tax ridden people neti? • '.," ' During the three 'years, front Jiily 1, 180.5, to July 1,1868,11 a period or Polite.) the expenses of the Cloverin&ht of the United States, indeitendept of Mein!. rerest on the public debt,- were $820,- 000,000, or $270,000,000 per year. If the Interest on the public debt be edited, the expenditures for each of the thiee yearn will he at 1ea5t5420,090,000. The whole expense of the Governinent du ring the four years of Mr. Iliteliahan's Adirilnistration was $238,909,000, or 04,000,60 per year. That Is 'to ,rai Die expenses of the go'vernmept tinder the administration of the party" are $038,000,000 greater per year than under the administration of the Democratic parly,''and this . 18 hide pendent of the interest on tite' public debt. , The taxatten'of tlicear 1860 iirrount-' ed to $580,000,000. The taxation of the last year of 'Mr. Buchanan's admirtla- Aratb)n amounted to $80,000,000. The etpenses of the'Wor Departnient ?lu ring administration, the Mexican war, were $00,640,000. The expenseir of' the Wilt Department for the yettilB67,' aihnioe tretiou or "tt(e"'"ltevuUtit•iiii were $123,814:00()„ Inoue year Publican" attn:llolriitlen. In lime of peace, the War Department spent $30,800,000 More 'than It did In four years undertt Democratie Adnllnistra tibra In timer of war. • The elvU serried of the Government oflitirlJnitetilitates, irrider iattatiou tge,Witiii4l - iii party, coats $10,000,000 tier 'year More than that of Great .Bribals. • -The war of our, War Department 114 year, ,watsl.o,Bll/ ,009, while the British, Army toes only $74,- 000,000, and that too with a Mice war ty lour limns as large as . ouric...)lo armed numbers, our army la composed of 60,000 nien; - 01110111S - British army has'jita,ooo tnen. That 10, oUrarmy of 80,000 men !ONO . Mi t ' under Maki! rate; $131,856,000 per year, 4 while lrtl grmy of 218,000 inet costa' tll6 , llrltish Goveilutuentimly $74;001800 pkieyear. What think YOU,-tiutptifirit '" The4kperitie of the Government of States' • ibrothe- , hibt. year, eltdingllthe't $178;6 958,112 Ai/U. the mgagjpte w6reonfy 64111"04*. ~ PiAllefmeNliY. there was an inciVattiOr.449.f9llll9 404 zqg of 1fe4,8104 23 ....410Pm51 11 .10Hu1t7 (*wary.— Volunteer. • ,„ 'Tsuir nierd,Ormatuidnie*ltattiter•VOll6l 51st.Ye,ar.- , No, 4, TWO HUNDRED D04.14.111Di VEIL DAY. We see it stated that tbegovemment is . paying about two hundred' dollars pet day for . keeplhg nti telegraphic eommunicatio' betweeo Grant' and the WM' Department. The no trolley , candidate, It Is well known, Is simply hidden' away In the ohieure town of Galena, In the North Western pattAt Illinois.: why is Ito there In charge" of Washburn° ? Simply because they dim 'not trust him In Washington. He might say something, orhia old in lirmity might manifest MTH. Hence It Is deemed beat, by his 'tidiest keep ers, to exile him within a reiv 'days or the election." All business pertaining to the miry, and that Is Very heavy, Most NM through his hands, there fore the oppressed tax-paysrs are Finn pelted to pay trvolttindrttl dollars per' day to keep tip telegraphic enrintittni cation with him, when lie shOuld be at Ms office and transnettlig his Wit ness there . . Ills headquartetir are fliett In Washington. by special Set at con- . tress —when were they ehangi'dY but Radlealisin ettll'A nothing ataitst the ex penditure of public Amite. It la their delight to squaniter, the liard earnings of the people—to Push the government to the verge of bankruptcy. : What &Sorry tiger° their .ilumM , tko policy candidate cuts alongside the el oquentoratorami statestuumßeymour. Tho latter•mingles with the people, .speake to them freely and. expresses his sentiments without reserve; the other hides away like a criminal man obscite cilisge,&freld to face thmpeo ple'or speak to them upon any of the great queiitionwer the day,. and; der to tr - ansrictAilsoillotoi Walnuts, for which hots paid the.munlfloont salary, of twenty thousand dollar& per annum, :vend,' Iwo huthlred dollars per day of the people's money I . . EiNCOIN,RT 6666 !V !AIM roarrilt ' INDOMME SZYNOUL \ raiicor;:r To sui-ifciun June 19, 1903. To Ad./Wu:lf ocm-rid Sprague: ' The President directs me to return btu thanks to hislixcellency,l3overner Seymour, and hie staff, for their error. Kell° and prompt action. Whether any further force Is likely to be renelr , ; ed will. he communicated to'you to morrow, by which time It In expected the movements of the enemy will be more fully developed. • " EDWIN' M. STANT N , ' Secretary) of War, STANTON TO sEptontt WAR DRI.AUTIIHNT, \VAstliNorox - June 27, 18(13. DrAn Hitt:—r cannot forbear ex. pre.slng to you the deOp elillgetlen 'I feel for. the prompt and candid sup port you have given to the Govern ment Ir. the preset , v. The energy, uellylty 11 you have exhibited I' nl per sonally and (Met 'ledge without , . arregnt I .. sounl 61Am on my pat lee, ar to any.seryfee NO r shall behilpi bo es teemed your trim 7:i% ON. War. . , 1114, 4.xcelleney !ymour, FOIINEy ON szoloun. In June, 1b63, John IY,Forney thus spoke of, tiovernor .Scyrnour In We Philadelphia Press; "Honor to New York! Her Gover nor bas acted like a man who know, wheh the time for partisansbin, is at au call. Her gallant &email' Is now at Hurrhiburg . , and side by side ;with our brave Pennsylvanians, preparing to reale* the loyaders. is true spirit of brinlierly love. Ternisyl mania Will lint forget Hey. Seymour." Cut this mil, and keg ii in your pocket. ; '}nu hour Itad .si as. oallhig the loyalty of Seymour, show . hlm what Lincoln, Stanton and For. ney said of biM, ttntl he will be sure to keep lila mouth shut In your preetniee after that. GENERAL' WiLLIAIf HILLYHR, (formerly of Gen: tirant's IstntY,) In a ecceat speech before a Detnoorailo club In Now York city, made the ro b:ming statement conoornitig Dutlor's appolottneat to onmnrointl In New York during the oar, ambhow the old reseal pro posed to quell ti:rlot "That such a mail slietild , be sent here to command tho ty,• was Tegtird ell as worse; than •au eVcily good' ellisen:' 'Dlothiug but the for bearance, (awl judgment; leepeet for law and unflinching-loyalty •of the leaders of the Demooratie party in this city restralufal anoutbreak of the pop. ular indig t qathi„Ttle, ,atmosphere was heavy with the explosive gases' of •• parsion; a spark would have deed the wholei;• It Was at such a time. that Benjamin F. Butler, in' hls privath parlor at the Hetlinan house, made this •statement to AU , ofticer.of ;high rank in the army, who had called him out at his request; 'I am phipare4 tat any emergency. my. phininteall Per rectEd. General . MCCiellan Is • at Orange.. Within an hour aftwallhe first - riotous ;dentoostrattoti• • ill this city, the dead body of George 13, Mo. Cleilan will be hanging from •a tree in Orange. , • I vouch • for the troth.' of What I•say. I had It from thpJlps of the °Meer to whom the statement was. Made." • ' •• . • • ol4.l43 , o,,cAuper,.—'yhp ,Pittsburg Post publishes the toliovrin,g ; " liftyaift4 11101 l ref(a4o: ricqoona for/doling ;,FgnOis . Will p c Grant', wur..s f er,ct f iro, Q' iit shall be ehxied. :And ke knot them are thousands, even pineng the Audi. cats, who ~would shudder at; his being recalled to, power.. Let all Such; make sure, as far as fbeir votes may . ash ; tVil ! ,(lysipt shall not have the, pp• portuafty to dean great wrong. Mr. Pfleinfa. of *fie Who. •lhitief says, hung an Innoceut woman - , ()Ira. Surratt i ) . ts to ; ha GrtilWil AIPTfIeY• General. This. too, eiould.l#4 1 “'"? 0 AJ l t lutlii i., ,lint (Ye must do as . glya " a Mlle° lo the nwSt odious Radicals he eau, find:" The qt;rtalqy that OrOut t If elected, wn,uld put such infinious tutu lido Ids cabinet, ought to defeat liil l / 1 4“ellt!tig OR) 14.010. WAR T 0 211RXIIIVE.—The head or the El ran t gletOrtkl Alettet.lll Alabatna Is a rebel 'Colonelotho while the war Wain progretts,taytechte tdiake ito fruit. fqlßoheri 'allirkt hat kW th:aliel the geld; ':tlht presenCiffifocaery' - Or Grant Mut eoridonill all Ilihtjtteititrai &lai r In the eyes Imitiseulati tealla . 1 • i! Mftrinnineriella , . k. UR Freedmen's. limorano %Supports the negro. - - Wtaterwaglrhognieu et the Nortle- eluppirt the rinedinen'a Bo ren, °Lie lonyo OW* V When's' 114tlIcal uke yoa Ofant an Colfax, motet', how much' benefitlou Wouhk.doelve ho 0 such a • to that In ttin.oO price, asks you to auppott keep army thit 'oats tiui tup country one hundred o' qf 4 `egral Ow. , MAKE Wilt TELL hu become of thopisitUluto norm of dollariElat hN WOG the iubllo trewati sth oe thW Suit lion of blew* latoixiwer—pit la no account4tiow. • ItAICE 11,124 TELL .YOU why that with all the' taletabil aro wrung frowrlhe *Ole want, the publle 11114, la atillisoreaalat the micro( Wirt : thaw dollar. Per !ROSA. • • : MAKE. HIM TELL. YOU why party . ntkes negro voters In all States of the litouth, runt then dr helug In fAor of negrossuffrliffe In the North.' MAKE HIM TELL YOU Juane° there Is lu the Radical di. of taxation—wlliOh Itawilipts the from all taxes and pliers Omni trim shoulders of the poor. MAKE H thL TELL YOU wh; laboring men at !the north lhoul and %wear., day hlet r!rtr, to foci of n euroes an d fotterillti4Ok Of . Who ylilrlyi.t4e from nubile tremptir over FORTY (tolLari. • • MAKEfilht TELL YOU.* will arise . - from voting for (1.., lunch it will lessen your tares- , q the prices of the necessaries of life, how poon it will restore , tho Ut and make one governmen't a tiinn anent of white men—establishat, white men fur fin bepeUt Of WI men, RADICAL RULE:OP IV O; Title nation cannot Omni ft r yt moroor Congroerlonat despotlenKet as we IntrO had.. (front tleeleresi win have . no ttbliet;!n j .opinieltlo' the tanethl,,tehe : e4fiioj. con, Ho Iti pledged tu int:them ihavii own way In ovory.thfriq He Id tho more tool of tho Nose 1111(11(11s.. Fueli itn t ittlntlnhltrfAlkit the Government .tntteLltrltts•ulanui bored end unentlunible !lie people, 'The Vaton will,he,lo3l4.4iVidttffe The Negrci (lover/mettle in Southern Staten will bermalnta by bayonetm, ' tOgnatiii Mniy tm• • CPI for that purposo, • et the costot thr lug mimes of the Not th. The roen'a Bureau will be contioued. The'South will becoftio loss td live each year. The people iv I II ho conllnually rm ed leas capablo of payluff share of taxes.' " • Tho i laptlacos of every ta;paye tlio worth U;111 1 ,13e thcroby conela Increatied. •-• the Radicals, belt)); unribu i kod, contipui to pltiuder ry itt., will. Congreea will .appropriate mi with greater reekteeeneas. The (lood-gates of Mind and eoi Ron will be opeitetl.still ntoro' wit . A vast horde of dreetly and bui partisans will bo well fed,. If . Ilia d try should be bankroptedin 'um? CCBB. .0111clal atcaling have been, tinned by the verdictl4TO trek's. to The mllleolu for, political till( wlll have been ushered In, and full vantage will be taken °fit. • ~ .1-, Even the preeent opprwilve eyes of tazation will lint (utiitelt tuoi enough to Tllc (IJ;t continue to . Inert he'St hae bedn doing tor No atteo4 will lie'id° to pa) dolfur of the principal,, • The flouditultlerb 4111 get itik fer a wtillc, but euenplet p vi *lit certainly folia, fa . tio relief for payer, iio prospect that . ever be. paid, uuksneouaonry ara form are speedily luituk4ak4l. years niare of Radlcat rulo will Oak ustlei).• ":, Tllle(lueen of Spain has Peen viding against a proriitysda3l mr 1 titnd'pait,SOlliat In &pecuniary i of 'view the revolution does, not her ueprepared. 1466 has been sel her property at every ehanie , an' Noting t• - atur from the • j 4 'Wo;eti . of efula ilia could b nunle!up fti behalf, or that. of '. faintly." It' been' allied that alio has carried twenty-tiire s o'culillons of rents that lung to the treAti'ry ; but this to btf n only nu incorrect version "oi hidt which we havostated above._ money, has been uialuly Invaded ',aiiii,on.: In tills she Ijas fitily; %II ed the example of her mother 4 o,iidirai l , whole'ft the ,throne of yitii:A niliheY..fa4tit ue, Mid- i' c4i , ustu`o4ll - cie 1/ 7 , *l4 Ciar)bah not drive out of Naples unUt'h placed pillions enough' . in ;An aount;lei tip, way!. him oiipiq, 40 Inen,of gnrOpe., Coto iVgAinin A ND 81100.:—T1 was a strong torehtitiiif North' awl Mit onitrhiaritight Bait/May' nuireing last, counts for the spikiest elist ftil itlittitit` &Olken. hi Mar hid on Orltkytilglit:'"Attkkihnit. 'nom Were 'two ami L iAtiftlt anew 'and ft*wirig, with &brit atom all areind the . .coilA'44 , , vlelntty . ,` grAW, woe iho teriii`t Watertown,, aid it Lewtol Mc. • Dispatches (row Concord, St yi.vw )y. r c Ostei . 164 other ollle~s'repkirt arum from tile ortitweist; it lid raid,At Wallop , a think' tint snow•sitornt Conimeneed sit Moe , buSaiwitay; th4ortootnabir ling' forty deg At" l'hitit aud.liarrtstuirg,'Pa.;.s,' slight snow °mulled on *Corday 73111/ There was snow altmfou the Um Erie* riilliosnt, betwoorißtuminel and Dunkirk, from one, hifutfi ,Al tho the Weather generally -Wear. wine o'elock statultug 6Q Ilk tun, 51 fu , _ 14 )4 1 4 041) Z 144 74,1 ' Solis Lather) '• a do** Ferepaughlt chew,' quirstkuvrmltteetite thmpeople hare Itiget pp ..nt Er; work until 30-40, In order, ' bontlholdeissalay)le,litt betlni and retire at 740. The tarp the 6•9o's'hr, -- At-takor - the tii4htytiligt 'iipo64t five: 1 ors 'fii filleittno.' / VtO) fsdot 'OW% of Ii oortituito and . r the bakdkubleri. - " ..,....• vial. .11----- ..„...). Tii" colon_ ... 41—,.., / ' • , - ~„,,,. aid ad d ' horisß• -- 7- - .4, . .. .• ' tt , "t .- ('_•~ -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers