Ottigsbut4 TWENTY - 1113 -CENTS! FOR The COM I.lmm witl,tie'let.thil from tills time until 'after the Preelilet;ipd election of Tipeofyfire Cots! CHOOSE YE! All who vote the 'Democratic ticket next Tuesday vote for ECONOMY and REFORM! All who vote the Radical ticket vote for continued EX- T RAX AG A NCE,_ STEALING; and- SUPPORT OF NEGROES IN IDLENESS AT THE LEO EXPENSE! CHOW YE! "Ikite:* With the,wilito inrufati,',UP with the (adored man, ,, was thesnotto earth:ll in a liatileatl.preijiseldhat.Ak lanta it fete day's since. urn men have to make their own living in ILis cotiniry nr starve. S'e• groer are provided with rations and by a Freedman's Bureau. si s the'NeW York noiniiiallons, liepoidlean papers in lowa Inlet; vie to the mullion ta • i•. , eyniour mot ltinlr. : haq•beeti re-iionti A -1..1 for '1 Mit LIIt, .1484letils 111 lia‘it , put up ttootbor I t.;01b.1.i, nl ninvt 111 m. P , ,enintufn a ill it Init.!! road to travel. Loot; At (;‘,4 , tv.•%' imrtrvitt, by wt our fir-t "1\'ol:1:1:001119 the!r. - 5t0.41 lii thy tintpe Of 114:11 J iCeit y eat, dritll: or ‘v,.nr. ,, \'t)ll.: I..Mt A ()it:\ NUE! You n..tirrs :tny I:k .L3witri .th, ,Y9 l " ly allil 3/11I\ QVIScY 111'1 bp..11!: in i.isi,l:ll of the !• t:itc Wan'. 'lle InVvly on ! v,•110k C(I(TN'11"11(Il(- On' topreiontallVe of tvery plinciplo .1 rood pii‘',.lllllWllt, And vary Ins n on It Is n I)(nnocrnt good :HA tb(lEfic;e7 'jun, TUESDAY NEXT. 11.tItI IBC nEpon (~ ttyst lif if F1.41' It; Itk FLot:li, W II EAT, MI \ V Cult], . ATS, • BUCKWHEAT, V Pull I: 1 05 8 00 ()) 10 00 7 (H) 2 01) 10 00 MOM AOO (iSk 000 2 00 (o 1.15 1 40 @.) 1 .12 110 (, 1 2 05 6 711 A6O (t 9 900 3 CO (r,4 0 12 12 T,9 (..!) 13 30 700 (6 175,0 113 00 0. 20 (0) ...... . ..... ‘V If EAT. . ...... . . Its E, •CoRN ...... CA:r hund ILAN' • (oiu, lllilz, EXIM3II2 by Huy. A. MAI, Mr, tt' ILIA AM bri' C to lAN 1- bnth b1e111111,,f111114 townytiiy. ' On the tone day, by the Paint", Mr. VllAN ctri ,t. I ryrani uto mrp. MA at m • WIIOE7 K EV,1,4 - Alt t,i OrtlyAburg• on the Itt Inet., nr. the .1411lienos l'urron '"o• Ilr);. I). M. lbarktveltler, Mr. incva 11. JIEMA fo .314 P 1MU.,11..: Y. NI . I V lik\htlugtolLtkvimill.4), ltb in‘C., AL the minas plate, by the sm... Mr. JiMVN It. DUl.l..olFitrubutt tuwn• YEIN, DI Bullet IVA n 11..• litqcrk", Mr. (W.f.,: iq:l.l.ll' V. N. Gerninny town onniny, I, Hi,. 6.L.W.A.111•111 A PAN ICAI4II, of (Amull on., 31.1. on 11. • W. “f•A5v,,,..1, in,,l%, Lc the 1 . 11., I , k of Aklntith cnuty.. . ' Al the nelidell , o of L. Vi hs the fir. 1 k \ In An.. ! 11.1.11115, all of It. uu Ilir• litT, tll My. M.\ It S. ‘1c.‘1.(.3.: 114:4 \ of )len.vr,burg, = In r;rll.y.l,t‘r,rOltio,Kept.9, Mrs. 51.‘11- 1;.1.11E.1' ELLE:, 5/.1,11.113, olf.• of 51r. John 11. lart.lii,tto , t of itst tliaighlor of Mr. Simon But L. nvql fkdard month,' out (P4ay4; On the Jitit ult.. —DAVID, butt ut Mr. 4V4 l/ 1101.1uu, of 'Ty rungtownutlli,, age.' 4 yuunt. MN w (,vstx Ittllt ult., Mt.. URI L :-•gA V., • eitnnort. of 1)ay.1,1 lloko , pionl &Y your. and W6hyl., • .Near A 1)1,011040dd, nn the 1.",1 t&., Miffs LI'..\LI, tl.walder of Henry rintelf, aged al y 111.4 t. 1111/1/i Jul.) I I days. M.1.1a.t It, rlin,ua the '..11111 ult., Mr. :ar• d 78 yr.:r. f Inoinlim (mil 41413,4. LOST I) N i c. ill 110 )1.1i.1, .lelivered a Nlalelliin'et Hotel. (41.10, FOR SALE IJ,ENT /11 . 11.1)1:1l LbT:-4. on 'J,Font Wax..llgtoil strvet, Gettysimr“, lot &Ile. Apply - I' - A. It. FEST lEL. t. U, ct FOR SAt.E. . • ri 12 IA T • T wv. tort - ItiontbnAnnaNlea . ‘ L I klliti li, iu 10. , t Mallut , treet. Iluw 'l' In Om onup.lin'y %I . 31r, llentlrlekl , . The 1 , 414 44,1-.... ( runt, withostabtow:..l I. ) .Nv 01 of exot)lent \Y .1.... a on it. ApVv to WM, A. .t..sre.4-11. . .. Oct. vo ilyer's Sarsaparilla, 1 Mint THE BLOOD . . Tiol reputation ,his excellent medicine en -3 eNs, 1n no rl% 0.1 loin Ito Cures, malty of which inn 'July morvelioug. inveterate . eases of hivrofuitios disease, where the system scone,' `,wily wall curt unarm, hove been purified mid cored by It. Herofelous WMO,IOIIII a n d disorders, w li lets were aggravated by the scrof- Mons conteni Pod lon until they Were pninful.. ly afflicting, born bi!en rediertlly cored In suet, grest numbers In inmost every seetlon of the ...moldy, that the petilki scattily 110e,1 to be Informed of Its virtues or ivica. ''' Trthilmie poti o n Is ego of the most il, , st roe ttv e diciiile, of our rove, ()fun, this unman and unfelt tenant I,lllle orgoulton nivierntlnta Ittc coidi Hutton, Mill moll es the nttnelt of en • f , ehliog or fatal !Hamad:, wlibitrit eSchhig u ainiphiiiii of Itii presence. Again, It amilis to• br. , ..1 I is feet bout II rolvglinut tin' tinily, a nil then,' 111 10111110 iItYOPII I / 111 LN,llllloll,lllpl , lly derelopB ute OllO4 01 . '111 1115 . of Ita hideous terms, either on th e snr r s ee or norm]; Itte•vltals. In the bitter, tubercle , msy be suddenly deposited In the linotii or hrort, Or trintoratOrnio.l in the AiVor. or I (Moires - 1N presetuo by erbplibthoot, the .ttfu,or Wel tileerellorus , erhfuone Omer Ihe ouali. It fen r a oecesleteee of a bottle of this Wftdrautl is MatrWiti *feu' when no active itynt ' br elicteedi appebr. Par -04000 alltirted with the folteethst _oimpitthts' genaradt3f lied tattdedlete Oiler, elloiLat length. € ll Te by tho-thw' Of tille'SA R/PA PAW/Li...el : .SZ:dinilianytt Fire , ..14 , 0“ OP-InFooptimi, leder, Rheum, Scald Wield; Ritfrorawk filer awes, Sere titiot, and other eropttone or stable forme of Ser@roletat disease: , Mgr It Ottrotore cmo. coded forme; tut 'D,seeptritt i tspay..tteert. Marmite, PIM ' Epiletecr.:.N4 Lei 'and- ato various .Ulecions affection or Attbseater unclitelvout eyetttnui. ‘• . - .11 i i... 1 f.. i AyptilltigiirfV67,.., ,, ...... , Dkeiscs arttnathyttith ebh it tont Motels required methbdehteh obstbtatObudatHee tvy telf; • Hut - Itrottobtlutuld Awe' of thin utraltlitur Vitt tufo gre , sitaiplefoit. , Leetor, rt , ire, IW NY blteli, -71.11,6finkrtIltsellitimuli .isine, Yet nude . ' theronce, ere rwretrionly Wdear.bultrored and tittleistUdgiedi 0401 • by its borriltinilitod tri rlzeratleg• crecl°llllbetc directlone for !tab out° are foe , r lii bar Almabod. awl@ led retie. Alocuiluttp, Wad flout, wteu 'named by mien mu tattoos I if.ttrlttlepfill meteors Itt It il blood. yield ettleir I y ge It via Mew Liver Complatate. forghltfy„Congeiditof or.ltilleddelittoo of the Um - . end Jaundice, When lidding an tHOT.Or- Ith tHg.frOlnAhittattitttlaggoolgetustillaigiblgibl. "JIM harshfrtrille -le I , t Veit iblderetlbt , the streogth i rl Tor blgt&Those wild ere tau trio pea , text, tOI teen -10 , 111 t • @b ird i e, ebbe or rot" 'any p- AornaUe ofWeblitOMS, *MU re . I., l l l =p tc o Tar f r, l e”. l !ttl/trt u. ? pqfRA R mar; .... - titcrrt ' . • . i. , YE'S 6 , 00 le@cal=g ue - ' . Frictkel barn Misty . - &Id by' ellDttiestite ev@tycrbere.. , cl ....1.4 , For sib by A. D. t1U 1 30114 Attak Oet. ..lberg. t.: .5..... ! ° . ' . l .l ll t r t 11. lap& lye3w A' DEMME: , DM kl AT PUHLIC SAE. O N TUESDAY, DAy,tlo r 7ttf OCTOBER In it, cdAAed'u g 4 r farminilTft aC rtv.407,.e pettiL tiln • • • r _ VALUABLE FARM, Monate in Ilunthigton lovvnalilp, MAIM, etilllity, on the public roods lending from air nrdit lisle to trees Ox( rrl and front Hunterstovrn to I rtet . llro P l .. kiZrill'AufklikUr being abou 2 mine southwort of Petersburg , and 12 miles east of Gettysburg. adjoining the Wiermani :11 properly. There are about 16$ ACIIPTI he Form, of which about 60 Rennin° far/ übert 11 1 higulicehtios i lietin, all Ilmed in In an exee lent state 01 en ea- Bon, with fine 31eadowe. The build- ..._ Imo arc a Two•Story-EITONE HOWIE, lif with Brick Back•balbling, Bank Barn. part log and part frame, Wagon jibed, •gr Smoke Rouge, Witsh Rouse; and 'other oat bantling'', and a never-billing well of water near the bongo, non an t ryq 4pple Orchards, with it variety of other fruit, on the farm. Bermudian creek passes along the border, and hithfine alteclor Mill heats on the farm.— It Is In the neighborhood of Lime Kilns, Hillool Houses, Churelien„da,,, of this farm and its snrroandinFaVidie' 'Who most (lenient& propert es In Adams comity. Persons wistrillgtte;Nietv It, are re tioest..4 to call on the undersigned, residing Ze . r i f l o p t iti l t t: At . rta Irprhi. be sold whole, or renetemangnt deelre. male to continence at I o'clock . , Y. M., on sold dliy, when attendance will be glyeakandprog ninde known by JACOB B. miLLArt. ()e.t.a, IBM. - !'it -. . , ~;::.' , . ::' • • TWO DI2IItABLE FARMS • • AT 13.111VATEJ1111...7, 1 iindersigned, dodring to relingUinit thrmlnk;,ifrerw not ralVateftYo,.lllll' TWO VALOAI.II.II4OkBSIB:,' 11,. No. 1, taunt° in Liberty township, Mama Palrilelti, nit lee west of Enunittshurg and 134 miles north of McDIVII4IOIII, adjoining landit of Robb Knotti and others. there nre about Atitikl,ln the farm.. u( wt ui tleh about 100 'l7tr l ele t tt t renTill i tl n t=l 3 lo ' alt L IS tn. 1 4111113 1 1!' Idol nil 110, Oehis inn, running water. 'tile building 4 are a, Twmatory STONE ROUSE, with SMTP. kitchen' nearly new, Stone Spring Rouse ante Sntoke ilenue, two. Wagon Stotts,. at.. payer. it fPituog npeltig , of water near the house, on several spring) in the fields; Iwo Orchards of feast and Apple trees. .2, adjoining tonna No. I, and hinds of Jas eon Krafft/ So innot grist., and °them, 1 Mile notob ,if .11, , DIvIt's mill, countinlog 100,4120 Aciii-ls, of tilll,ll there are tthobt tn,•Ado,v. The ft rift win n,nrliidi bran limed In the last !Mee years. The buildings are a la roe *Pirriltore Ll l O JIM UW* r 0,11114, frith toninvi fsinnin•H(trlo••tfM Herik:Barn, nearly new, Wagon Shed, Iwo Corn Cribs, lion pen, tins other nut-buildinng, Also, 'IWO 1,1.1111 KILNS end I, 6I EsTo.NE q F.% .1, tio farina Temmt House, with II good Orelinn nt *Moira frn Ortn-telipl; n peuell and pear. P. room. ;bath 1114 to view the. farm, are re quested to call on the undersigned, residing on NO. I. JOHN CLARK. oat. ti n ; . n, PUBLIC SALE ON Kit'e SUfh IoY 0(.0(3'0101i the sol.e•rilter, Lo xeutorot tholttst 0111 entlfieo.oktextt of tronry 11...yvry, will iit I til,!loSal,%ai ntik rt,ltlenee of 111.1 n St, L'l,l,,ter,vtlforrt eyonly, p• t .. t,,Powingt Pel , tonol Property, tax: I PitW, 1 PocKASVAI Pr(atl,', I One hoe', Wogon, ,Atil tl owl I.loy l'Aphter.,4,l C.rt. Ffornest, I.llf-toter.4llo a Thresttliltt )InelOne, I,of-toterent Iu 11:41,1:31, Winnow .lll II,1:: , o;,..10.;.•11'lot:.,11, ton, • - 1 :=Ei:IIETA^.I:r AND 1;001C Cdt,sc, 0.1 1.:1;e:A.: '2. Till-pilau Sturca, \Vire Ili ca , l Sato, SI:11,, Itt.w I owl I'it rimy, vial R r nrtetl et ulher art Irk,. Al so, ~,hues m if et ty,buni Notional lionk fitnek, Sihbores of York find WriglileYlllc Bath. road Ht , , , k, 11111 i a our hiindrol dollar Gellys burg 11.1tilroutt Bond. Halo to comMenle nt. 12 d'ebi't, . 32.;o11 Odd day, when ottembinee will begivenand terms nbale lctioWn . 11. J. 31YEILS, Executor. LEM 1111:1 (It t. li p 1864. (111.1 IN A NI) I'ItODUCE 2 50 ISO 0 . 6 00 1 05 1 21 rVI.:I 'WAY, NEW . w A it It ! thflAt.d. Mid nay undermlicitthl ha. opened bu nlncn.+in 11. to purclinnenny quan tity of • WHEAT, EYE, COHN, OATH, (1.9V1111.; AND TINtOTIfY,tiEED, TiSY 'AND with country praltico generally, ynykrtg the highest market pile. therefor. • !lo also keeps for sato all hinds of fironerlon —Huears, Cotiees, Hyrups, Molasses. Spices, Halt, Fish, 011 s, Tobaccos, he , together with the beet Laud Eartlitzur—WitlTELAN:lol Ile runs' MS FREIGHT LINES n.ntilarly to Ilailitnore anti Pinladninhlck—lo Jingly & F.;l:nersun'n, 121 North xtreet, In the former citY. 'unitl9l3uzby eyn,, 431 and 433 3farket otreek 1,1 the latter: • - ' ' pationago of the i yubtle /whetted. No (Tort tv ill Do ?war& ;V 01...13'1: It larxcialwe 44 It. WM. E. BIDDLE. •(; 0 44. 1411, 11, OCt• MCA Cr. „. „ EXCELSIOR GALLERY. TVTOisi MYEIIS, • SVCri:,,OILS Ti) J, TYHUY, • ' Pll 0 TiO b . I?, iI 8, .Pltoto 3finiatuyes, Siereoscuple Yihra of the BAT T E-F STAR noNcoPrs, F,R4L'AIES, 33 - C3' 'VI .E• , /NOW:AT VARIETY, AND , AT CIItZATLY Ard-Wo Scat In nothing but tho bon of it. Ind. rail and - exatnlnti out Wm*. • av-Copics can bo furnbihed from all Negri- Ives nyyr taken at UreanneF9.7 = CLOT - RING. f .r i rEv .u w l z r n l i e,r Just returt?eS from the N4.lltOgra AND BEfiTSE . STOOK lIIIIMM ever opened In the county, which Ile Is gelling nt resnarkahly do:t prices. 1141,4 stock eon slrd4 of OVE.I4,COA-TS, OF ALL,STII./g5 ,AMISIZFA, I)ltggs C0..,i1 littAlNEss (OATH Fancy Vauoiliner° Cls of all Myles. 'MUM% nod Jean Coals„ , vtry titeita.apenkin, !Pitney (112.1111 cm and Rnllnet Punta,. Wool fihlrts,. lader Shirt.* and Dlowere,Cltioks, Musical la struniOntri of all klndk, TOB ALI* Atti WO A RS, Razors. ripen, Brut bi Brushes, eek.tlea, and a thou- Rand other ortloNak n iantormis to mention . In a naulipapetathre Mont • • ' 43 . cubrimieng434 Oct. 1% ISKI. I t PAY 14W , 1 Ltv,ont-ioetico. i a r nia o a or A", Hi A'peoner &reit tO call am} settle before the FIRST AY • go cEunint =makes assaistailloobunts et that date willptnektegt Wtbe hood,' of m Co sal °fae for ufttion. 'Tne'BooXs ore In the hands of Wm. ~,,J)ldtilek. corner o( Rent Ted nn' -- • ttinAspaypott .1 NER ,(€ Ell 7 are mut Gto oblura jEit a ; :tiii) Atia .7 4 PrIVA TPPTAPI.F.RI • TH E E fi L YI OF CIETTYBIL Ult‘it NALLTIvNAL BA, Diane and d15c0nnta........ .».........1150,815 Oa 17,15.110dd, loseause 110,000 lOr U. FL,BOadaol2 WAG 007 •,40,8 1 ~..:.. • 7 • I Tslxeo. „.. .......... ........ ..... • ' . I (Includluir • Exp.:news 811 . • '„ - • . „, :t Capital ....AZT • Mime ...... IL e lni m . 1,t00 1 . 4 13LnIe ...... 1 raellanid 1 if DIV/ I A gv fil t. la. • .4.: 1, :oi4ttiagt n i XtVe 140.beatattly waled,* and ..E 2 40,114 . H*l • pet. 3, 1814 . 1., .111. .1.1 AT PUBLIC SALK ',I -711 ,1 ArAN FlAUetli the uth ars - of. IER 1,;) next, the au baerlber, Intending to remove, will Direr at Public dale, on the premium, hla DESIRABLE LITTLE FARM, situate ton the OkLithritele Moth Inlituntgre latta . townablp,AdatallomMiriol4l42%mtles, from , thttlTainorte Ottlollatelg,;Ateheod,Mll,., Diehl, Samuel Militnt! and othenta,geaUdgn, log 45 At:lt FA more or leas, lu excellent condi tion, Meet or t i l li tvlng been/tined; at= It well a n Tbouoni,kate 44, atone post and rail. About 12 Berea are prime nlesduw. The thipmvemon ta area Twoltory Westherboarged•MVlqlNC.l 11011144 with I:4o4llTut, o 4,O4ARYtt, d;ol4r, o f iv op a , #psicr7l;,,, some . . At L e4aa ' }lllth Nld Lbe.o.Skiti f)e. Amour; Were mteta<, o ritt , rete TIMBER' , l i AND, near hlt.tlner'a Saw Mtn, in thesoul :uollondo. • rein , Permws wlsliftrg ate pronerTTare re. ,no Kull In cull on, the antlemtgried. realdlog ott the term. 'Ternm—mni.hall In and the; otter ht -Nur tuttarmtlunal teiy anenta, wlthunt intervat. , Wffo eeenmlla. 04.1 Al toulanee 111 r by' ' GEORTni.rNIITIL 54.0. lA, 1864. - TQWN .PII,OPERII,Y . rim v I,,,,v•migkiffi.rdrev., ii.ttrvntefittle the ji ph! 1 1 0131:IN bwErlaily, at file,. 40 11 ." tun, lion' of thp Titheytpwn 'stud Env. 1' if InltthhurgrorttN; In the borough Of GeV.' !! ty..l,li,rii., Ulu Ilousu 13 so Ostantlalty . built, nr Mahe, and' etsbtnlny twelve large InOlilF. There is II Htrong, nevrr-ftttlingSpring of Itrd- rote Water In the basement and Pi Vb 6 Welt ti,'-trn.4lCrleVitl.Vi'.:4glne,v r f) . l)4lth'alittle atltlti tonal outlay (Iris could be matte one of ille Ittot comfortable and deiylrable homes lit .e latrougn or 1111'101111i. . . . ..101.1.:4 11,14 T. N0v.15, WT. 'te.'" Ft O S . VALT`ADI.F. Myl7, Aero4 of choke Larni, on lin? Mrnpll.o.' IknOlm: from .16 , 01114mwn tor'Firntmo.; one lio. nom the Lamer 1:1.•••••, limorn ur 1101- lingrfB AU:0; . .. • ONE OTHER 31114 G PFIRPRIITY, ultb PI Laud, or 111 Setts, wlnuty 1n,110.,1re11, 3!1,1,11 creek, ti 'anus S. \V. froin th•ttyli• burg, qlllo o...tyltheii, 31114 . . A MODEL FARM, 1::llAert:14 of land, In o high stole of WlLlvollou,lllo hoshelm of I..hne to the nere, No, 1 bulltllngA,l2 miles neat from Gettyklntag. , tih:O. ARNOLD, (lettykliorg, Po:, Mg. 41,1141. 416 in • VALUABLE MILL ,EBOPEETY FOB iiALE, • -• • CAITT'.kTI , 7.II In Hemlltmilmn f ti lilpp Ad -17 1111114 County. I'd., containing WA ACItESS, will In] pr 00,41 Mud, "wit 11'11 TWU - Mtder•STONE MI.:Lid:SO, large Hank Itarn, and all neens nary; lAltobil nisn F LOU HA 3111. L. .1111ern owl Tenant llnnses, *x1{11,4%1 . 0 Ortilinrtin—wli kb will bn nobl °tinny by apply ukg,, to Jolls C. ve4roi, Laud .agont,, New Oklord, l'n., I'. 0; 'lox 40. A. ;..N, . . Xl'. 'RI V ATE Situate on ll.' Yorkomi tietiyaburgTurnike, II; in 110 frwa,Cle t tribu re.coutilp l g,97A ,ILIO4 OF. EXi:lllll.litZU WU. Jo: oolownlvitpro port lona of wool, meadow and fanning fund. Buildinga and fencing In lino condition, and plenty of water. • Any person In want °fa drat•rate producing litchi, with rietiamitteeldonoo ‘ eite., Will do Wall to examine this prowtp. For partleulans, apply to the anineriber, living on tint place: • 1311IIPAItl) Eiepl. 11,1 W. if'• • - • A lAftall find 'very' viteeirahl , ? RUICK A HoURF, and [,OT, In New Oxford Adam!! county, Pa. ' • um. oettloputy,'oct.A. , 4 to,. •(r• : • • • Notice in Ilivorsieo , MY "k. by toir Altos flutlixena In DI. ok i ti`9,74po r. lone, 'Y - 1 yAInSaIll 1 4:IWPr,, - v . 4 [.., I .‘ gU i ttAr l , r ag 017, aannael Q. pita oce, , Aut t he countx., T. t.i...‘4.1 U. Kluoic, Ituu.jooPti.ri'li,!. i. ~ Kir—TAic.. nollonSV4l , mu Ciii/rI "U, , itrardr e.‘ n, cute uvsnx, .Yqn IA) lIII , nw e 45 4 , 104 volV , lt • vonrs gincuplpilichnon/14fhop ~ ;In• de. ZEjli t tl ' ONPl h :k ar 0)Y211 144, Si A. .. Innl, irenuniqu *onion huv/ 11 111. 1 . 1 0,4 Pu tuvouut ot your rdromeo. mirmr Jl4.2sW, FiDerlir, . ,90,1,1*, - .• . - : To Kimmel thrhatk, Respondent: . • You trill take notice that that/elm/111am of Ittr)at i re - , kbaiet casauovitl be LI at the" IN IV In ( tip*, m, K. It 5 i le 11 At nt In stant, between iito lumr. 10 tieloek lu the forenoon tutd.thteciarli ld Ihd afternoon of said day, then and where you may attend and gross-aNatutnoftytat trait laryPer...4 O B. VOW.): ,Dee Oct. , ", rij> on arwel. "74ra Tp l U ' ut A luts, V lott ' tO l at tl74o7glro ' r l ß i tfirrgl'till i t gliaeti change at a lair prim tor IWO Estaite,l;l - A r gli e t county, Pa. '.:3Y vit-H1P409-,A9,I•Wi FALL Mill ENTER IMPORTATIONS, DiIYLINILRY GOODS, •1' 12Lbe, 24smaieo Viilvi4 Maoris, , MAN, 13ATINS,' VEINP:TA, FAArcy no 4 v - iter 11,41444k5,, ,!' -Reptpo,,citAmi,mmtni, I ruivsou ruotit,,A F xsuatil 7 . oun-Ax Wants 'WA Wits' . Vats, in gttnio, i'elood. dna, Alt:. Wo beet ft Menet and beet *moiled Stock tit the VOW ,Iletelc i totatti;lk i til he rent Mirletint or tee,' eta , oet tut eV ehOpt variety and db 6040, . " AmisruoLcf, riATort.4 yay . irooppAr,l. ;‘). . . 44'141P TYBON'S OLD STAND IMMO _ . {4OTICE riE partnersnlp heretofore eX)stliti r tween the underefirned In the Produ }orwordlog httetnnse 'was jilssoltrod o the nest thin or Pert'lp{4.. lor ;410 41 con sent. The Gooks of Accounts Mat an unsettled' i 111 1 ,111013 have I,sien left In the hands of Rufus n Culp, who is"Ottly . atthotlzed to settle u may mom, tie .rorni. be. found AL a ' -' house turwiln the oeettponeyof I & u5e.,,an.../tll. persons. Intentsjolt ed to call and settle. .. , ..w ......! j A r . ?AN . 1 1 . r .,,.......4 :, , ,:1 ... 811:A.W. Ilesolla ie d A Joig47 IMS. C DIR Miff: Rim et NI ! milt i, Bereft I 01l mottled co • nsert. - All V, n PtiAo ti 2to lIYIU will mike pyinmy A A st Wh ' 4 , 4 • 1w50 p aItIO4III T 7 T Aug. 2.1,1863..1f tyl1q1:91, 111 . 1• • ;l tters rradirat ' atiVesK " tit Ty extman, Late to Franco 4 Ad u antli n erxi . thioNhhaytusbeeniVed , to ft looderett, TelliVithilk4te 1 4 1 ,Pal Ant siv,e motto to gm • rsorointteuteu taut te " tn. • la.* 4 . u" • "'Wet V 174 ==iiiii BAIALE . 1r4R.44.., A. bEiilltAlii,ll ~•i AT PRIVATE BAl.i• VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE EIIII 02E • A ' BP,AI. & PERSONAL PROPERTY . ATPIIBLIC SALE, ii j fi a t ‘#.4_,7 t i if . P• NSA, iiii IPti fin Alf 1101 M inst., esubscriber s willsolTat Publ dole, the premises, .7 i . A T OW LA4' situate In Illgol=ltairmi4Ail/11118 n. four Pir“, four tulles west of Fairtle , adjoining hinds of Jacob Musselman. James lifccontey, :and others, a n d containing 713 ACIIE., more or legN, 25 acres cleared, - The balance covered Willi thriving chestnut. locust, rock oak, hick ory other timber. The , farm is under good sara ft htilWril tillqqa,Vl l 4lFtettllE ß , a; stone and part log, two Stables, a ghod apple ,EJ chard, besides peaches, pears, cherries and SI intler-frilling Spring ti. f Matt!' at thf .. . doorlra°, one at the stable , an d two otners on UM tam This LS a Most desirable proerty, docatisi In ft pl eas ant neighborhood, mu alone to SehOW Witd , preatithig. Persona wisidnipto .yew It are requested to call on the subscriber, residing thereon. • Illtet t aiit ' AltlTTWA ' Afffiabi N viT, , eanialning 8 Acres, more or less. pli r s . o, at n t a h l e i s , a ro me , ti t T . o and place, the follow ,it? Mitch e WA ' , 1 Lend of Young ("tittle, 1 dol. Corn and Potatoes by t h e boshel, flay, Corn fodder, Straw, Oloverseed, I set of Breech bands. l set of Front Gears, Coliarsjilrlilles, Grain Cradledicythe, Rakes, Fm9N.P4 iill turiA Fledges, Slattock, Pink, Shovel, Sledge, A kes, I atclicts,Cross•cutSaws,Wheel-burrow, Lobs r a two-story house, a Int of Oak Boards, GOO Joint Shingles, SO Ciusinaintdkititerti, 400 din Ii : 3 BUREAUS, 2 TABLES, Cower Cupboard, Beds and Bedding, Chairs, 2 Clifks, loon Ket tle, Pots, Pons, Queenswarv r 2 harries of Vine .gar, Tube, Barrels, Boxek,ll 611118, and n varie • 1 7 of other articles, too numerous to mention. .‘0 1( Clly o , Zi!l l i ' e n i n i e a l i k t7itla t il l e ° o o 'c lock , ~..ib gl'eli " ain inns nul4FIM?)v-9041 i Oct. 2, ISGS.iiii V I A LENTIN E. Jit• - . i 4t , : Ej . /CII.t ff.LIBLE _FARM- -- AT PUBLIC HALE. I 18tYt0t)igrdit11PlnitiggBti. reinlsAil-110 le, on Use p eo, GE12139 mI t ant f n 171iyuk lln tow i) gli A da . mq tkrceoluairlorri or it Mlle tutu. LIR' TUC OPP hullo frum Nees I , lllllil. ullll five ILLIII . I{ '4Ollll l;elq..LurfLullolmupB lauds of likac. , klitll ;Let.lono. J 611 1 ,1 that, Jr.; paolol aka' others, Mid t maul fling 1:51 .‘1211.1 . >1. more or ehout 50 ncret, ho to. ily Tiniburod oud elceil Mekll,o44loffrw. 'lll.l-IVllolP)TrjnentN in. it T o - kt On' Wtglllortft..frtltgf I.I\IIY,LLIN 110Us1 . 1. Oul-kllolloo, Log luau,to w lVogoli 1 -, 1“..4,1 Cork Crib 1,11 , 1 Cot - ring.' liougeolow troll orgoo,l 11 ,, weier 11;11,e, ruts near tho II ht;I:InI1X1 , , find crook nkno.; tone the Tlicie Is a limes yntktN A 'plc Orclutrtl..besitlo 111.• 1)111.V. The Loot 1, lo 1.;./od domtkloil, purl ntel the I -OCes • . Lain all lie 011 . ,,rtNl Wlzole or 111 tau barb., ns mat best mill 1 , 4re!..,4ec.„ Pert.,;no; to vlow Mt+ property i.e., r.,• querne4l to cotlt lyl 11.1,,, lb Novllllllll. ;l1;' bale to Nlithitgb.i.flt I lc,l'. It,, Mt !laid An}', Whet) t , e :tin] len., Intl4l , Itnowit by r. M 11MA Ont. 2, is SE(liillh A 1101 IE! wow) Cris AT ITLUdr RNLE //''AN IiATI'ItDAY, 11,17111 day of u(ronElt v; nom, Ili, nubentlier wlll nen at Ca , .Ale Salo, on the 9 Ai,fEs' br Wo() 1 / 1 . A NI), IN ONE AND TIVO LOV,4. The 'awl 1, a•at ,. 0 ,,, 11r,,,11, at n, rtatrt tho 111::_,swan Wad to Walgla.a 411111 stet Is well rover, lliil Ilotrwr. Thm lots Ince Lite road, war auuti: Holt udul . for 1,1111.11 m; It' of treighbo:thrlo.l for .trtnrisia Vouplo, will could f NtA urrl . .e 0,01111114 i plonk:Olt Hata le, aonuarnm yr I ciclo , k,P.ll.,oa said. day Wltch att,talant, will be given ulna terms Intuit kawrahy.!., ' • • KELLEIt, voila la, 11361 t. to • • r, FO FO • , SALE. A VERY DE IRARLE PROPERTY, TN tlotintpli• sag, Prit4ll).7itetkr; Bo:11 jCltuu snob • mac. Kixtrea hcr,*,,, In Iwo cialvutiull.. %II cldulltl4! Prirri.gcliT'i?s! fin.t.nt o Ina ~ ntl(lebolve tot l, At. „ .11, Pliamb3nd6ii" ' J:ketill E.. 111.1•VIt• 11e;fa'..91 . , !kV% 'lli :Orientaliand,Einpire BASE BURXERS QUIT P. ntio4nkeY oSihng the hair with n pnety,sedi Litt, Sl will kees Omit and vigoroiti.r Ids eale.lonalttyviliictirevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and con vequeutly bo(lnem Free from those ihlicierioafe . ‘fhWh:/ a PP' " 0 '49 preparations tiangerotti kind injurious to the Imit.4ll l l y iscd 'O4 sollx,ll o •Aqt.t?Rillol , 4XTa it. If wanted iperely for .r ' t IIAIR DRESSING, • nothifig else" aid ha fouild so desirable,' Con tidying esliher,ql, nap Op;lt.,Juu' sol) white cambric; nint Yet Ins% longer on the hair, rich ow* , u p 44, a grateful perfume. P'repar'ed by Dt: Ayer i & 'Co q Carinhds; Prieo .1: 1): iIUEIILEIT, Ai ioor bale b iyebarg. ." ' 1.V.017Y jlr - MOE TO • ASSESSORS, t y T HE. Assessors cleated at the t ,Sprh)g • Election ire hereby notified atteml at, the coliptniseeesorel•olltee,-01 the °rough of OeWtalltitii larleald4c Mut , Nutt tnebl Du plicates and the necessary instrnettons, as follows: ~- ~., .. ,• ~ „ , ~,, .. e. Tile Asseasers °Milton, Contistigo,lldrval , Berwick bonomh_, Oa WO, Hamilton, Ms g,; Nfountpleastnat,Getalinly,litraba and LlttliEz%gill attend on DAY, the ocronErr. heat. - And the Mes" soave of the klotough of Gettys4 hat, ellitlflallillid, Highland, Freedosn,Llh erty Harnlltonban, ' , Mukha Hutherailehttl- , i1414%11 1 14 HatAinilloM owl Lett inorc,rtil alum " •IW, the th day of OtnU , BEA uttt. • ~ • Arordertptitiefkinitbsilfoilono. ••" 'l el. , , 0061. TWALTI4II, Clerk. •BY•pt:11 ita . . -- •... ; 1 11 1 10011 WON! gelenOt NCRF.'SE•OF CAPITAL. • I WitiVAiiiiClnia t;ti tfi&tiumuiya Hay: tugs Inatitutiou, neeordi It g lofted In Con formlty with the provielehe of the &I Hoak.* of the Act of Aireepthly, passed the go a March INO. Wear ft=tttgi I t i rt i ellw i t : r I saItMWNTII . Vthßitir stitullon tope [(mount of fr 25,000. !.. NOTICE Butescriptiphs.erth4A.l47 the Mock,- holden. en. niber to 20th of October. AU subscriptions not taken by Stockholders by the Xth of October, will* open and bee to other persons. The firstof the four eyttat monthly Instal. ninoveava),A,TFaristk, JOR. 1... tit, Preshtent, Rep 155,1863. '`l 6!'LL QEJi!i~j ~pEjSf TO HORSEMEN AND YARNINRS XU COMM' GREAT HORSE POWDER will ewe NO the worst Galls, that. and Open 31 1- 1 1 4 172 1 1 r e t e ri roni n e dURB ' 1; Bold by all Dntimbita, ' All SiaMAlNWilikk kr mall.: OfflaySl Ifog=treet, (so Floor,) 411. • ONSe • :; - 71 Sr-AS I ,. .trwr • r.r~.~~~ 7~~~ . , VALUAI3LE 110t*Al..AOPERTV. -,.._ JAN. 71.RIPIPAX, u litsr „.„„.., 4; ~ 3 ,4, u,„.0....„.. ir , 3 .. ' 9 t famous, will itt.romo, . 6. A , • de, 1c „,, i ,. hi Tr,„,11 ols,lewruchlty dam . 1 0. 11 4 y; on ithullyg.t u i % 4 l ll C,driline I.llrnptite. tu,d, tnl4l. troy*, Y fdA Wee tull*frpnit uuduptan, t fe tollow tig • vAltlAblOipactll4.l ProncreX% viz , •., ..1 - f o ul , `,„, .0, ~, Tlvtj, 4,„ o/ko, with - A 16.,S yearlbm ond one uuc.cllt,' 3 g00d.,3111c ' iti ~,„‘„,„Au,„,;l hem' 91 ogpg 1.11%d tlheep, 1 new Reaper:l diThel rw x Madge, iiatl-D.uaw 'rgiroattuuA • 4na; Ile loguir'n tuukee_both lu euhrto o .0;1 tin ' mon !hire littke, selfol '' , lldrglug.. Lpag' .114111.0, 1 Two end Three-11 AO .A ogyld, A agon bed, otopytup Deily. Iday CarrlitKe; Dung lied nig, • I ,Trottl ng 'llogib` n till Itprentl, 1 liockuwuy , . llinw, 1 Three-horn l'iongl). 1 TWO-hOnse Plougu, i lil i ii;rol i t Shovel Plough, 1 Double titOvelP A n rk ,PkoWIN -,l,Vltividor, S elgli„ tiled" "WI, unoo.lo`'.M. 111 t; Wog liok,•24e.tai3Of. 11.rateliblindsc aSO 'quppord:, 1 - . set ful‘ Doggy .tUrneueo 1 . ddle 2 - , sots Buttlranen2.setu Brant. 11,. 1 tietelUsi,atiretslumna Tree,.l.louhlednd sun -i gle Treem, Mb (Wu, lug ChalthOow cbullitru, Ifulterg, .Ctollors,. Blind Antl..ltiding „Liriillert, Ny *goo tad PldUgn Lanes/ Aturtloiplu Lund CUro !Vaulter, id, Otani. tlnsdles‘i A kaorepeed Clirle: t•tdortnifit i lerbitglalitotl,llll., Crow, joulag awl* 1311.414x,,.Uakig .Irolicay n .4lll l 2 1 -I = ri. i chi,. Ilettaltak ,I, Axes naul aud Nirmig,s, 1 LtitAillt [oe, &An ! ...r,rll-. -•- ...,1 - • II WOW to ieove.,,,hiiplkqrA -sc. ipot-pialo siovor,:n. AA 4 21 , 01.0904410; litiul OA Mel snit: ileo,iianteis eadTaba,n lot ulTgllmietthainW7 lOundlaziclkgib, gouts TiniVlrOf otl , " 010 4 too nun:wrung tantenuwe., - . , ,',: j ! r liale!to , onto:mom al , ll.Valpaki A. DI.. ait 411.1 day, when attendatice Will h4llllvou and teridg idudotknOWn4)Y, -.e.;.t ,1 -, .• .t.. 0- • ... •., 41' ,--. 1 4)4141,r4 Attiii:uMlT, AnAu onsTrit, Auctioneer. ~ -, , •., t . , mop', .11,11100. .is . ‘:.-.1; .: ''. ".••• -t• . • ' l . A' HOUSE Ai D' LOT AT PUBLIC SALK N IA MAT. I II A't',.th 7 7vi4o 4 . f(ji ;; '‘.." the undersigned, Adolinitunstareath the wit! annexed oriCatharine Welker, demoted. Will sell at, , Pnblie Sale, on the. pretnines, the following property of said tleactlent..via: A. .141 T IS! Cilttli.F.,4l), ,In, the. Borough of I,lttlebtoWn, Attains . enthety, , Tu., fry llOg Co foot on Vrederiek street y und running bark 2CI feat to nu alley,dory on 1.1.1 e lot a DU: pai W l iteu-Slory:lindpart''gr. ono and a half story,al4fahle,ullil oth q al-bulifilifun; noon well Willi a rata,' Ili it, it. l e t Trull, Kuril us up-, 10 , pouts owl pmp , x. 'I:lo• lot It+ 'a I , Jelpiiilf part of town, and hut tlin toltrihtn,hn Klanoll(2y Un row l'tsf , snr; view jrtivni•lV ma 1 . 1 , 11if-40,1 11. lit 00 ill urnlerfilgopf, to•la. by. ti al, to rommento. at 2 weloek, P.M., ni. Anld day, Mad, ti,ltedtlatw, witt ht giVeti and tunas It.nottt iJy If Eliytl y, Atimlnkindor vAthi),6 will rtnnextll. lIEN I: V 17VSKItT, A u,ti.,ll,•Qr. • PLTLIU •StLF Three Farms and Four Wood Lots. rp: I E will hell, 1+04114j. Sale, on Lio• of o•.;iocii, on:TUE:3- D , I.IVItnIF.II, Mhmlng in op. ty,sllu.a.l Itaritylo tion.uuth ennt co; nor ol I.ll3trlot partly In Om o :tL cornorol er,nnivnlown dlstrlot, I , 6llerloli vlnnity,iil,unt itoutik ...,A Eannull.Our6, .4 (list Vl; li.wwid , triii.ll;t.lilt o 1 Mt.l-q. Cnllcgr ) olid i.' mikes nurth6(ll64y ittago 64./11 ;kla rinnol At.nolnid, A LeA Idy th CV100110:a11 , 1 4'ol Pt :L! Lill- VilU cult withlitli: 1111 W or 111,4,11 y. NO. 1, CONTAINM .1.1100: noon: or 10 , 9, 61 . lo od oy , ,i, novel+, or Wto)TlL,%."lll,l.lirroolslo4..rOnibkooti onod ow owl won wotorttl, ronolog spring utt:tor in OTT) . 1i It ro t,pt OM:, ne, eon r olit to tliu houvr... ' l'herinproyo.' noolt%otr.• gOOII sTosii DwELIANa reel hact lahldlng, a large Two-story Stone Spring llotthe,/lank.dara, Wen Ilnuhe, Wag. on Shed, hr., a n d A racily 14i2te Apple Orchard, aud many l'eaell tvtd (Illerry ;Ina other Ira I in., .1.1,01il o,lAltl bushels er here appllod ITIAIIIII *Aired years, and inns phosphate !vett"' freely. NO. 2, CO2TAINg/ 1 41110UT 3 , 1 AL911.1. 4 3, of: which nlidut 12 unres nin in it ond TIIIIIEII. L.11i1), and imprnrnil by 0: 10 ; DwELLiNG, Darn, Corn Homo, n goo] (arson, Fruit, ,te. And line n splotitild ,pring ut , nr Ilto 1161130. ESE eqaally ,11C111..d between W , aki +mot arable Lulu!. it has on It a Ilse nev.r-falllug 6{ , rlug, goo,l al le for bantl/ligN elope by. NOS. I, 5, U AND 7 • An• Our WOOD LoTh.lylna tvip6it to NOV. and 3, stud cuiltaln 11, 13 u.l Pel7lollll:Wittltinp to look It Illy propo,rt y, ore ITforr,:tl to ;Ir. Loionuol Tro;o:1, 41.1111 g on N. I. • JOHEPII WTI. 11,1864 to • Frederick ty, Md. Fort EsALE A .TRACvf: OF LAND ; roar Innen north of Millondown, In Ilamll tonhon township, Adonis county, Pe.., adjoin. lug [Linde of John ellainberlaln,lhaliamln Mar shall, David Stets and otllerd, on llsitah and 00qtainIng 10114E'-i. 01 1 a - indf In ladain Chetantit Umber—the Itqlanon linprov ed with a 'l'llw-story rjASi ,HOUSE, .1 Frain,: Darn, Shop. aq Orehard of eholed. trult, Ilfere 15 a dna propOrifon of . meadow. This fn a deshablOlrmperty—tron • vnnient to mill*, one Kw milt at tint honor, known as Diehl's, and grist mRII sdhbol house and ihntoh within one and tswo would be a good Store Stand.' • Pentoun wishhia to view the prantKA pre requested tO Saw 11111, whOrdedi Inturrnittlon Can he had. Ang 7, fett: , i. 10w• A FiRSTTATE 'PAM • . AT PRIVATE AXLE NlTYll,lrillflit,uwn,°7moattr:; l ltlri•all tinnootionnt, and In tonne ordt.r. Iwlltnell front 100 to 11 to Non purchsers.— Tdruud reasonable. Fur fultitur latforniallun, apply to AVM. Kopt. .tial4tblag, Pa. .J. MINNIGII. Diamond Confectionery .and Ice Cream SAlqo I)l,L q 4n.retliik't.tigftligj°°l7uaviltri4 . er!fujfir of from the rity with u full Nitwit of Confee tionery, I will Hell ut..lJto. 40Nunt pro. . FliF;1401 ,COI+IIOII CANDIES Oranges, Lelnouq, Tom liutx, Notions, ctc. nod evoixOlug txdoogDig lua lln4rlus (on teelluniay, with CAKES, ...M.E.AD AN) LEM ()NADI:. Also . " ' ' • I C 1...: Clt E A AI supplied on snort ponce ably 16, MA. If 'EYRE & LANDELL, • -pourfirtA Arch 814., GOOD' ISLACK GOOD COLORED SILJCS • ' 1 ' FALL tiOOD» OFF:NINO, • FANCY AND 5 . .7'4-I'LL'. INunisil.K VELVET». • . , NE W: »Alla.; Kll.Wift. NFW Dit Sti GOIAS, _ 41 OD DANEET», TATILE,I 4 INENB, HIIEET/NO» AND 8.41E1120:ilk ILS,AND CA iikLMERES. .. 11.-New Goods reeelVeddatiY 1 1 1 .:iiitohlta for ,bblna. tio H. (Gs. .6t, __:,._„._ ._ • 144 11\ . - Register's Notices.. xi OTI ,Is hereby' given to all Legatees and 1,11 o • persons concerned, that the Ad - . rota )".{. j i w.....!.. • ' • ' erelttal tar mentioned ~ 44 ..... .. , r. ,at o r rphens' . yourt of Ad ,n MO' I ,1.1:‘ itn i h r r ti. . .I ' n Olt?lnext • t 10,o' ' k A, Id sta. F • , d , I' ,;, . 4 .• • a,.. son, .• - ' 6.'” ... ' ' 'r'.4l.: 1 . 11 ' • , O - r .„,„ = • rmf of OM/Ol E. 0, UV :MO • -t • 13 , ; u of Dttyld .. • 1 , 'rut account of Rebecciti.fyirs,'Ath in+, l l ill Y e t et to, of tpt Myers, du, cm: ,j . , jf_ ,-,,,, W. Dt. Ora 4 , 1401ani fiegbiter. fit. 10, MN. to - eut, bet: onral 0t..1.2 q 1868. 4118$ 74c01t 1141-Ju•vxduriud.e.4 - u. y Nrit . flu raM e AlL AYll).,kers„ , Aliorßunuelt AIWA*, Truniu Pus i t tkelatont 111 17 ,10 A o libigh. wiltvias luvrartukont. *ay. ‘I4I.IiCri.ARD t • a i li v elitteraained . taiyalcoatt .oryty Juwet4 WOO ' itly' Ap .- 'llaz4u, and llopfiets maue oruer tllsite RIGACRIPLAI/ f.- I ti I ..1 t! billginezripacq, 6 iiktaad4l9,PrkPirldn 411 lAD 113 10 re.Ur kluso,fiuiti*isglik, With ~r ~.NW,V,PiCH"SHOP. YANTIS. ADAlitg - l• C 0.,. 117 % 6 1 1 . 1 4. 1 T he 11 : : 1 .7„F„,,lifji,iftzl; m'Pf.l,2l 4 .rtnifek,nririn win': I °o n i• akiiRtAIMBi•MLICUM, &aeon Ulu tr i g. WIT atirbutataFuVi l ti Wilmer*, and, es we use ini Wee uuttertal, We eon put up work to compete With Vat ts tilligaftirvork rt • •, , 341 w r si f I Oar' kat priceii tailattirami I„ telt , Aori.l•J, '7 f i t 4,r1.) Wt 1 )4 TOR :PP !' AlinCY Goods et Conjictionety Store. . SEI underslgneti, having bought out J. 1174. Warper's Fancy (lasts and Couree- Lmr Ott Botruore street. netftly , up.l ra Istrlteßture,Oetlyttilorit •fliWiTrlbiArt _CpAttilr. l'Argntid thetetn,lne the lifott N•bk.+ll, 714 rnbl4 111. be eletn t.l render it atilt more Itttmettve and destra bi#,) iiipi*Dflpyr,l , • • Irthilt • l*slttl, • ' Plarrr Candy, ' ork 1 kea , Fancy do,, rtfollos,••• • It Plokfc*, I ' • • , ' Satchels, Sanlince, i '"let• +l 22 llters, Utlfut Togo I tow-eltmC, 'ticket Cutlery Cakes, •Jewclry, • ''Wenn (:rnehet ft,' • ' dies,, ' Wine 1114(411N ' • . Alusneth tlO., Perrnf iery, 2 • ' Fire Works, Soaps, , reux fi Pelf 114 . COmbe, „ Fl at,, '. sitts •' rat'CYopes • 1 ' a , ' tat, &C. s M • a TOO NUMEROUS .t;lXat ,Mtpt,,.. ,,. osgitcaril i i , l2s442ite r ang t‘nd. aro . theref , o . ii m b i est r buyer and c "11.rt • .; " 11' k n ic.1 2 lit ' s r , Alarch 77, 1868, tf - - 4- * 11ARDWARE STORE ; : • ) iThe Ittideintgned ) ILI \'' . o opened nu ex tett 'hive llardwarq JlAttlititowacAdattis county, l'a„ and having purchased Bade etclefOrli,rif'takte'rti Mahuhtekilie's; iry l / 4 •.:' 'pared - ta - ttedgoodi tine lIST, mete *leech Ulric nsaarununtio letgesit well tre , rfOlk, and 'embraces (they' eat' only eiminemtojart,ll; Up advert I wines q ' the fol lowing: ; i Roil ; , • . A T. 114, ,‘"arventer Toot" !diners' littopllo4, 0114, 'Shoemakers' ' , fruitage, • I,As teold le: y'n , lnd n W1'1'111 , 14; '• et'ettr MutCriAls, : ' • •"Red ' 2 M'orocene, he., • 14110 \ 'ELS,' • ( I, 4lartear; he, • With n full now steeL-, bought nt taw what tulytitilageoui rntcv , we 111 Vitt , the plihtle— tt.WlLVillt tioeutry—to call anti he ,tillt d. We art. ceulicinut, of pleasing, both na to goods anti prima lleehnnfex , (Maoris, nun allahout to &alit, are specially urged to come. They can tlo' Lotter with as tittle nt Wily ether attire In the county. F 4 Littlest own, 868. 1 , 11811t.111/.1.; 1868. 0;.() • . . .7fus/ , • : v.ry. niny ' 09. 1)14 i,ety Ittrgc '• • • • IA , ADION.1[11:1; SILIIfF., OF MINI; PI SILK-' I..'OPIA N EI; ' • £4IIAI+4V• OP FItPINC/I woia. 'PLINK F.%.Blu9N.ttni,E $U' 1./P.M ,\ opLis. • FRENCH' CITIVIV r A•IsI, I'ItZPFIY,TPLICA.LI•Ift , f,‘PIC PLALY • PL.IfD • AILISMNR, JACONI:p C.5.3111ft1(7.4 ." • ' • ISLAcK, ,11A`AC.A., 0,01/11tED NV4wir, D t. l rd,r ; , T . • RISTUELI ktllAWLS,C,ttil lNVafLs. falP,•lslLA.illLa, A CAfkiIIkIEItEM,PLO.kKINIIB, lAN - E cy N Intl LLIND, urro..k xrTi•:. • T.ATILL: CON - EIZR TAISLE LINEN, NAP-. Kfllr TOWNIS. (Intl, HOOD PLAIN LIVEN EM. ItlJli Ttlr F l LA A IPIrI.H. E aIFN4, LA eILII -11EN.i I ,DVE4 AND STOI'IIINGs. • I inn constantly receiving the latest styles Of Dress slid Fancy Goods, My stock eon, prises everything nsually found In first clays 'DRY tiODIW,RTOIIP., to which I Invite the attention of 'the public, feeling inviurcit that I enn safely clt:illenge corn parlann vrittt all other stores In quality of Inaslsnini Intr ne,s price. _ . seiner. • •• GetlyabFg, May 1, 1!4.1i. St 7 - 7 -7 7 -1 ESTATE AGENCY. • • I hay owned 1.34 agency for tto) Sale of Real Estate, connection with my law inoilueem to Oct pilirg; and will give pertonal atkntlon 1311 E EXAMINATION OF TIMER, CON VEY ANC IND AND INVESTMENT OF MONEY. 'attics whibtila to soil, or buy - may thul It Co tkelrzulvaulugo to call, fioverikl Farius mid WoAlaild, A No, t FARM, P1 . 1( . 0,1'7,000 A niatur, 90 ACRY3-1, for SI F. S 0000 FARM, ZIO ACIU , N, very chap, A FARM, 130 ACM" for 13,900, A FARM, 65 ACRE 4, for $2,Z75, A FAltNt, tit APRES. for C.% 400, A 1 - X,RY.OLILID FARM. likrAClllisl,- • AVERY 000 U FARM, LO AVERY 130013 FARM, 1051.1 . , A No. I FRUIT FARM, ASIRE,4, n the neighbor 1A1)04 avn,yelnug—utio. perry In town, for mite. It. 0. McCREA ItY, 'Attomby ot. TAW (I,.llynburg, July 17, IPlfol. tl _ . . THE LATEST, STYLES OF SPRING a sulaiial Hata, Gal Boeta-wd Shoos, ) rvilved 11:0BEIIT d. dOI3bAN, Olumber!ture ' rtk., , Whrze the paplie out Owl it huge Ana V 1414 *hteh he , le eelllnN dWap)ll, nli,o map ufactures and rupalrn 114.11.1•1F,,5S OF ALL KINDS, promptly EitM moommple tmpos.,. 11,11111311, /falters, Whip m, Tra aka, Valltaw, Tobacco, Weans, awl a Krvat awl let y ,o 1 Nottuass lilac an, , a tall. IMay 1, 1141 1 . tt (DR. JAMES GRESS, bRUOGIST, fiToia: IY BRANVei numni Nu, Ilm.iiMuitr. HT LITTLESPONVN. Hnviziu 01.044 f. New, DIW“ STORE and fitted dp In the that, hfyle, I offer my atoek of pure and fresh DItIICIS to the clUseus of .:Littleeituwat and 44 the lowest market rates, comdating In part of • • •• ,• • • . . •. Ditl.lol3 ANI) FAMILY HP,DIVINtI3, PURE LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL pURPO- . PATENT • EL= . . w -11179, `,fir'?' teadiri rtjitle c altufra, lerfum.; fall • ~ a. amen.. oat t erf eta kinds, Chum °bum and fieetr.. Wal i elrhlirir k.i ff rtl i,i g i te C t l , l ioltl E Vrwlk w rt i l l t i , taethea..waaphod with this warre lawle beautifully white without boi o r blueiu. This le the bert,daap lu, 4a44 . Ili IL It ` is warranted not td ltdure the Maeda or fabric. .14.11/311 c1ik.768. ~, w",awy , /3. WIC' IX,, . . "RIM AS CllMaUg"—Tremen.lotta Excite sunlit , ljapfuesd4 l 44 47tii .for Abe 12 .47 1 thuinscs .:•., ,o;I • . f ''. ‘Pr M a lik IPIP. W W SM C i f V43./ 1 9 , T.Iiike.4 nI T marvelous. No person who has aver trlisd It will do wit liptig iti• lortivONfivappOtillons are pArieCOtrigg, • ti4ir! Itiiiiditathmeas and wonderful Elitism'''. ‘"%ifttrrusttgrtgogintatu more washing power to the dollar's worth , thadiiitrothel hi Ile giliikki+4ltcre fo re . , the men eel. Try it. hat's:action guaran ttifee si it de& sieeo*Ullig &VI riejlon . err nu : 11 a 1 Ask any grocer for It. Manufactured only . ' by IIfECKL.EY .0 IEIE4 (13 4 11t311S bcrAV4ol\9%3 , ird: 418 Yorklv.; Old 'hit ikiid, Phila.. ~.,..., ~., ... e ,. - ...• A ~ :1 11 1••.: if;: I N. July 111,11411. gull Q VEEN ' o l r 4 IEMNLGLAN D 8 o Nosy Q q E ßlir G AN ND& AP U . V. " ' Pur dolmtfiunGurlll7l2 , n the trst and fattfoUrft i artre it7rAC l Mlrrukiff soopjillt thir a m . , al f ClVthe ALDEN LVIIMICAIi WEEN, iltihrt l / 4 4 1 040014404,.... • • ' sliLlop:.,c).FF: AT,„qo§Tf,! deterntined to close ont toy entire stock of R eady-ii;nl , zivtur,ep AT CIOST, OVER COATS, 1)1t1. COATS, I'ANTN. pitAwEIL-; Those ricalrous of securing gout bargains, ca; ROW have an orportunity. by calling at. my etch: 0,4 a; ml conic • h GEOttUE XlVitil,t) GettymburiuocL 2,1M1 ===ffil iNt \IT G (),0 I),S. 11 .11 II laina.' than' Ever. =MIM=;I REBERT 4. _ELLIOTT, (6i4481/6 •Mirt.liouse, ;, AVE; (11WIWki n stew lama largo as liortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS Op ,ALL • CLOTI N, ettECII StEll 1...1i, • , . • 81 LKH, • 0 INOITA Stti, LAWNH, .R FJlilAlt9+, AP. which they Invite [Mention—N. 441 g doter -01111,1 tilt:01 111 the IllWela MAI ju Ire% April $0,1543,. if • • • 1301:Elt &.SON, HH GROCERIES, 770X8, TOBACCOS, &C ALSO, 57one, Wooden and Wittun , Ware A General bisortmeut of nil Cowls' kept Itx a Filb4T•er,m4s 1:A7,1I1.1 I= DR TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS. A ,utie, and agtrenVG'.:lCotilt) sT4trIANT, STOTIA (111.1 C atilt N ATI VE BITTERS, Extracted cuti rcly trcaa, E,F.RES and RooTs Ilghly berkelltinl to DYSPEPSIA. GENERAL DEMLITY, AND LOSS OF APPETITBi. and an espeUent (X)IIItECIIVZ tar persons from Moulders ut t rlluweltl, Flat u EIZI SOLD , EVERY WHERE. Depot, ha. 411 Markel Wert, Plelladelpiii, J. K. TAYLOR & CO I.VA 4 . ly DE lAN CROWNING VMS& .11rs. S. ✓l. Allen's IIII'lt.01'F.J) HAIR RESTORER IZSIEEO HAIR DRESS I N 61 'Aleyr Style, in One Bottle, mill quickly rtliture (irnylialr to ttv imturnl atul brautr. ap4 proOneii ippileirtt growth. Ic tit perfctly hstruilesti. niU is ore term.' ovkr,;‘ory Qi. r pr,l,...aullmv ty thou who .have a glad 11,...1 of hair, as well a• thone who winh to rehtorn It. 11245.1b•sutlfu glow huttpetfunto lettphrted . to the Uhl'. make 1t ifebtrobtr tbr 011 Ed riii(ngt For Male by rtll Draystata., 103 d44rpfich Istreet,liew York 'PRICE ONE DOLLAR. f l• • • • Feb. 28, IMP. IT. fflMl IEI - C. , :§kIEAFFER, PETERBINRO, (Y. 144 TE.NN'A preperul ofier to the Public Anythlti In his line as cheap as calf ba.hiSil In tlip country Kir Pa rchateni w Ido well to call and exam hp .ur stock beton buying elsewhere uiddito MAC% . /Jeri ripg flop beat ly. and with dlvalch ; 'WOOD FOR SALE • • wrinn moo evii,Da,Al4=ltY. • . • #4 . 404.0.,•■ )411., p l , o 4.ll,tiid , Siker cent, on the around. GEO:ANNOLD. /117 g. Val V . , • 4.--i-,4- P 0. 1 ;" SALE_ ..A ,C L 0 T IN ( . 1 4'lo It F; . , Iv MI 0.1;441 maiseleti,444o..mpod ion of ctakIIOURAL glipttlek.l.ll6ll4, - Matdre al WU 411 Z, Aux. .. •, ~tolc ~' ` "lIO~► 'x4N 8 P N LES ; ortiic • ' I Union Pacific Railroad' ..kro now tlnklit,l on.l In lipentlfon. thongh thta yolni fa sryrt rnry‘n! y, tbn work la thoronOly, 114;41'l, nouncett by the ['ultra sinks Colombo!lonon! .0 !ea. 11111.tivt1,111,env ream!, Insfore, I; !a , arorpterl, nn, benire thaJAAntai rin,!! It. Rapidity' t , ud io•ulh'aeo .+:f con,truefloti haw beta actars.4tioy ti . cfaiAllyto klldhlon or 00.1 hp dt,hrtinvong . tho tw,aty tht , u• sautt wen elllployed AIM'S the l tnufor at t I II I.liili\V that till! Whole Line to the Paciflo.will be coin. ploted in 1869. s k , ' The Company Inoiti amigo =MP' Or Willett the bole I nment grunts the right of way, and ullnee,aary t I pilrohantt otityr muteriala found ttlong the lino of Its 1111 e Mtlllll ; also 12,000 nerve 'Of taint to the mile , Inkonin nitornittereetions ton Ottit'aLle of Its road; Also nailed Stated Thirty-year hoods, nutount lug to (mot Q le,ooo PlO w ooo , pur tulle, Wonting tn thodlflloultlest to ho hurniountol on the various sections to be built, for which It taken n second wort rpge tot security, It to extutottal that not only thu litttryst, hut the principal amount may Is , 1111k1 Int' t:er'vtoes retharrett'llY thu Corn patty In trioNtorling troops, he. THE fARNINOSOVTIIEIIfttONDAIIIFIII RAILROAD, flout Ito Way or Local Business only, during lite your nutting. Juno 30th, ISttt, ronounteA to over Four Million Dollars, whb•h, niter paying all expennelt, was much more than outllotent to pay the Intoreat upon Ito Ilondo. Thew earnings ,are no Indication of 1 Ito vaot through trnthe that mull thlloW the 9p9Lh.g o f the Lino 49 he Pacific., but the certainly mon, that. ' •.. 1 . • FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS I 3 htIVII n pbri,erty, htitrty three thilen their, Aro Itntirely Seam Thu tq lon Meals hunts run thirty yearn, 1110 for tiI,VAI r flee, and hot i. e011100111141111.110‘1. They 'bear 1101001 11Itereet, 11411440 0.11 the ilrst days of dimwit) . and July, at the Coin paity'x Wilco In the City of New Torkott 11in rate of six per cent. In gold. The prinelpal Ix Inynble in gold at idly. The prima IA P.r:, and at the present rote of gold, they pay a 1111011 d 11111.11111 e on their tont, A very important otinxlderalion In deterral• flint Ihs rattle of these bonds In lA,. frltltA t/ time ihry hire to rim. 11 In etch known (lint a long heath plwaym commands a mincli idgtu a price lltit4 a short 011 e. it 14 safe to 141301110 tlll4 4111 . 1111 j the unit thirty yearn, the rate Of hiterext In the United Mutt* will doellitenx It luau 40110111 11114 WO %MVP It 1.0 e:S1,11:^,1 that much xl x per eetil..nurltlo•Witho+.3 wUi hu held at nit high a premium iix Moir of tills (hverrinunal, which, in 1.47, were briusglat la at from 20 to 23 par cent. Above par. The export ileinand Dhow limy prodnee this rrhalt, sad as.the hi t.u. of a prl vat carpal - 101"a, they are lipyinitl the renoli The elliiipatly believe limit their 1101111/, at the I,resvot ratArttrit the Oh api,,it,neciirity In the nciritl, and the right to nilvance the price iit any (Inlets reserved. Subscript lone will be received In (tot tysiiiirg ity the FIItHT N N.A.• 'lll iN 11A'.411 tiLlTrit4l.ll-111 1 ./ A - Tit iN AI. 11.‘N I.:, and In Now Pork AT TUE 1"4 01 , 1 7 11 X, No. N AA:4AI! HT., JOHN J. (1,470 &soN, BANKER:, No, ro W sT., And I.y till' Company's lolvertloted niont.t throughout the Unit...ll'oo4.g. N.-miter/71c,, tiondd be made in droft.g Ar ofher fund, par in New lurk, Una the BOW,. rrilf fX JCIIL fere of dodgy. by rig giro erre , tr. tallib JlthdePliPMl/ du - fogy?. lured Egyeadr, will look fa litem Jar ih, gr stile delivery. A PAMPIIIT.KI . AND MAP FOR 18141 hattJust INwo, pttltll- , lteit by tltu l'otopany j gfv lug fuller Informal lon tietn In ponslblo In tin iiiivertllo - resp.wotitt•Ott• Pr"gr , • , .. or the VW*. tite 11.wwn,• , 4 t , f the Country tras . (l.,l by Ilos 11,, Mt .1111. and tlie V o lotl of Ow wriloli trill bo sent free op a pp:Co a tli i ii nt ilio Cianinny'ti ttllltct or toot. of t..l,.lt•tyco le. ,1 tagott.t. • .rotr:c" J. t• IFAID, Troll Lt htit t. .s.wttlst , HUBER'S DRUG STORE, Furney's old ,S7and—liciltimore SYrcet, (W,TTYSBURG, PA 'LT AVIS() purchnocal this uld aud popular “ Mond, and laid to on entlruly Imo &Ulf rcalt Stock, °net n full nutortluant, consisting la part of DRUCIR AND FAMILY IVEDICINV.I. ATENT MEDICINES-Ai ARCIE . MSORT ILENT. . . WINFIS FOR AiEDI CINAL PUBPOSFii. SI" [CEA A,ND navonrsa FiCTAAMS. /i 17. 1 ,1 'PAW 0 11 7" 1 " - Alar . 1 11 WlTE saws' DNys,Exc'Euiwn. irupK, AND TEE A NIGIW: 1.11(E*-7111.; CHEA PENT AND ME 111- 4 4 T IN Tllll MAILRET. ALL THE NEW AND. ELEUANT VEIL FUMES ANT/ TOILET ARTICLEIL COIAIATIVS, AND OtILEI. tilIP ERIOII SOAPH, 11.1111 IIItrIATIEN—TOOIII 1111.1 1 %11Y-4 from 6 1r) MI con tn. yultNErti POWLEIO.4-1111.: IiFAT AND CHEAPDiT; AI 4i, Fourz's IIEI L'H, VERtiIAN.IITONIIIIIt.I - AN I= =I MEM BEST BRANDS. BYBLICIANS'IItkIseItt I.'llo ANP . FAII ILI BECSII'M CA ItHFULLY' CUM • NIII-11). 11THICIASH AND co usrur MER(II. ANDi PI'LIVA) AT IWIDUCED HAT F.S4 Metlitinem funtiAlitql AT ALL 1101111 A OW Till /4/WIT. Xis Lit 1.11 ut the door. April B, ISO If HOWE MACHINES ! THE i.A.TINT TUPROVY:I) AND “ENVINE a1,L48 JIOW g JR., SE WING MACHINES, on liana J A to BRO'H, MTORE,'ao ffirurrr, .drrrtgerllo OrJr•re will 1.0 promptly atieldrcl to. if chine& deli,. er,tl 4, oil pert& of the county. 13 4 T1iti046114 are ylWglt wiles who use the 111111 P at HOWE In connection cfltll their tonetanna op liconusit of 91,a pops- Laity of the Howe Machines. Then art 40110 WOW INK 4n1e.4 they have teobedeled fa slat machine a medellton having the likes= of SLIAH 110%1 , 1.; Jr., On It, 4t.c. only Asenta for Adams manly. Ps. Aug.?, Imo. if RE-BUILT ! Confectionery and Ice Cream Saloon JOHN GRUEL, Chaniberthurg Street, Octisfeburib next door to Eagle note. having !Oat *fad his new Walla& Wm °per tli” largeid mmortmrnt of OishecAlebiiirref oflered lu 4Jetlyisbunr. tndwllus , • Fraztai AVE/ 'coif xim th.Nnits, Toys, Nuts', 'Cr., and everything belongt•• to •, tin -clans Confectinnery with special an rommrktationx for /444181 r Wad Onellemeu. A•M supplied oat ?tartest notice • Fob, 14, 11+4 1 , if • FARM lIPLEIENTS. WI I.TA)Vt1M111"14 GUM 81)11ING 'DRILL. ryip t: beet Iniliht uae, will row all kinds 01 11 tintin without changing an)' pan of the 11(111. Chti famish them with or it Ithotti the (I' NO ATTAVIIIIEST. thiaranteh• ktellt Went wiAlle. Meet the • : fiegr . MirkEPO, /4newing NW) lawn in )1(4 Or • gyPI4I7 a 4 040A 'the mill* formed, .{{picytuar. eItrARATORM ' • ; A 0141.0Velt. '• 11171.1.E104, 1.2! • ; :;e1114. 3 71111.1 , ... Aux. '2ll, Igd4: TIV4 °l 4.1 3"t " tj alo g 74r f r . l l .1-- I ,11. c; Oribl r. ==t nrolerstarapdAtralome oat Hob - L. hi MELLING OFF AT COOT, al bui on the York Tuniptkr. throe Wks teat riot Irsim nt, n go,nl Riot* of • .Ca.v.tinetireN itsweri 110„1,,, m„4,,, if n i .,e ; DR. 'A •.: , :,tpe; :tttp , ltt,?, it • . N•tti•tto. tVI • • . • 't• I.lkovlm.lot...". , ,mtiliartithtpUuw t14,11,1)14111-1.3) (WV, NOW FOlt' HAUG Ai:Mk' -Calin6 into, cafes.' t!c ettincx.i. YutelJ O/Lt2m, me n. If .NEW a4ot4 4devalesulatr, • 111 F, tnidernlitned hove leaned lho nnloll4 t l. W W AR-R.l Kai, in New Oxforal, whew ry are corritttn Ott the .. tiltAls k ND PtinDllgliFltitliti • paying AIM_ aabe i g. klrloal in NlWvi h rlye, ti, Oats, Clover anal 'C IO IotOYIV*4 Orled Fruits. Hoops, Bouts, filloal.lors tlialesi Potel eel .• • • • ••• • : • , • Or ell. i tglx.„ool=49ll7 lintel nod tor solo -4V rontari., tlitalt slolesves, Tenn, 414cca, Hall; Moos% Viticips o f i Iliwkets, Hotqw_t Fish of all kat= also Quit 111, Fish 011, Tat, Mal tlidltiec a Nnhln: tan king and Cthealus Taltaccus,_Jtad a thotosont other ettleletilmllactld at OM loW eat pronto.. bee,, ilral.rote 'Fleur emit 'F Foal; Muter . Ph,•cidottes, Litiones, Coal, AO. run to Igoronmai Abatis, North' Inmate alma; =lnmate, not, week. Goods cortical both. ways PrOzili 4 laY nod al low rates. Tan poirloinge f thapahlla anlleltrd. MT cry effort outdo to plasma. MISTAXIAN B.IIKIIDEIL New Or foal, Slay ;#), Ittett. Ott 'or BPR IVO AND Brall11:12 GOODS AT NEM OXFORD , ADAMS 100.. PA. Our Moffo4 Small Profits& Quiek Sabi.. „ i t nlitv. and rued would road reesieettkaty 1 enaounie to the elllsens of Nay Osamu and v lelitil that they a now receiving" largo and 4lntble an) now Mork of NIGIV Goons, bought sines Iliv loceUt decline, sod rat ugh, • superior Inducements to our customers. OUT. atwk le cum phste mud. putehastel with an eye t" the wont, of I his Neel ion. nonshillny of Dry Goods, OroforliN, itneVade Cruillitrit l l ' l n o i n u i l :Wolr. is tlo N e:'%ii:re. An 1 gt 71 . 1 : 61 ,, 14 ae:: Alms, tiled, I rim, Horse Shure, anu all . k Inds of I to: Pottether with many IN her ntlt• . eles A.. f toonoot to susittlou, all .Or Whloll I bind ben !mooed of the lowest ffsurra Int Co.b, n respectfully eoltelt a rail belles - ' Ito: Intl al CAII Make II to your Intertst to bllY of t e, or we err iliet:3llitinett to sell yowls Ilt Id On profit.. coine o n with year. money a d wo At lii givO you lull valor for I', Ulna 11,1 cull beton" putch&fdull, WWIPaIOI . I:e . .• . trit EY a mit Ntit,; . 8,1,0. , ..unt to J,C,Eotick &Witt. Iluy 'ANA. duo BUGGIES. & PARRIAGP. linn - rtioveit his Parrt• rtge•nink In)/ shon to the 114111111. end of N 11.1,110 street ttett%Nbunc, telterolio wtacontinuo to build 111 kinds ptworlt In hie lino. via A MO TROTTING & ,FALLISIGI I TCT .UU(1(1.11.?3,,Wi01:!1, SIIA hrok MI put up or good nuttertaltald by the best , of mrchuuln, and cannot pm lu giv, , ism Infliction. HIM priete are • reimonahlr. Ile 'toilette °Mere, confident that he eau pima , . It Ern llt IN(I .prumpll7 gone, nt m,oder• tile 'Awn. I= h i l k lneW Mu with t h e lkil,ill/111{11.. 111t11),011/ lacnory work. lie a 1: .. , :n it ~ c. 1., 1..0. khuly oI intteliux't 111.14:=4/11M1 N 1,, CUE , : th• rf ft LA KIM, &e.; and will keep the BUCK IthAPElt A MO.WEIt en )latal for Aak... All ‘ . l4wrlptlom, of don• promptly and tw ellraply 11, [IRAIu eaanertlon with his Shwhinn MAW MILL upon which he 1911 do all kJ nil, of Nvork In that _ Ile ankg the pull le" lo cull and slvt , blm a OA, cud be guaraul..C. lull RA tl„fnctl 0. JAMB EC= EWIS Inrgoly eng.4 - 41 In the Wateh trade, knd heti [net tient New York with an us. ukinilly mire, I Ivo iosortinent. Ha oßbrs such bargains nil CaMint full 10 be •eceptable 14 boys rib Ills stock embraces lb Irwin 101 of lite CELEIIILATED "A.IL IaI7ANT WATCH' "I'. H. Ilartleti,". Wm. Ellery." and "Apple= 4.1 u with Wetchra or: elmoet All other maker' If Yoo WEA CHILL? anil6OODWstab, oration A I.lgs ohl slave& traily opposite tho pepot, ett7sbt Pa. ,„TXttalmtite,tr, rebtoie Mid lona 7.4. tem tt OA% FIB L, BANDER, PLUMBER AND /fort Midair St., hat L . rineatefeses ay Cowl- OrTTYl4l " Mittl, PA. W M ' •rullOr Arad to on °Wars In Ills I ue. Wo rk one In the most wan. factory manner, and at prioress tow r eact ponalbly be afforded In make skiving. OAS PIN,: Inrntsbed, well as Chgunth. hero, Ihracketa, trop Ugh* 4 14 4 al.) W TElt PIPE, Mope Top and Prost Bplgots, sod, t, everything wooogtoig to pa oir tistures. Bells hung, and furnished If dedred. DUe. 13, 18R. it Lig puirtztrystlip beestoisrs *Listing liph , t Wee* tke untlerstine3 übdit the Ina Of AFY k DECK nt, Ar4anibut 1Y .IL,) hereby dlwolrrl. All pentona Indebte.l tortilla Arm tirUl Sane make pain:ten t "Moat dally. ElLlatir ner la authorized to, ua Dia rams of this aro In the settlement ortba titaahlan, Maid ammo lutloss to take, Meet from aka JIM ds of May, lten. D. C. W SILLAFTII:II. II Y . /1E43(.14 /My 17, let. 3m SPANISH bassaiut, roPr ontnting the Growth, &eatOrme' iots, and teedsles tt, desk ea* • other oompoaaa pomemse the pees nnypettles estkeet ea fleetly mitt eunatocass p( the 1111=ta ii s i T. me et off as boat dresser ilfal la TY rattan se Om esseetry la the tor cab (aria, Itroprepanstloe • • • • that. Peewit Teni - rtenee Mee haat Ishlpti heve P 3 SOPM of II !Posta: itrilito "Aall"k2P l P• '"' sea so la ex mare epee et= bah Peal* tartemmy Yeats /heat ash tlanN saiterlast lawroml. - • Inks* LW flaws Ono lON 'or Mewl., ilandrit lad INVPi s igri .egatitentogasic=lll tio :r a =rote SA VALraim l" . • r • Iml/I•Misprous • • • of - " • d colronegirsod 1/7 Ilacliario far .uuiirol year.. Al I Irmb for tbe eleseuelhor, cod rencialag. OEO. JACOBO A BRO., Wild Plower' foe Um botli. (sad ars la &vat td,prtilla un.l p perfatadal , W4, altentad a near s • Wed V. lit eeth. AU Lbws pfaallaillinal lift pet a t • he moat elegant- *Oa etuaatantal w e mktg. a arteept,kon la applaattatt an ornament to a tady's WWI Witte. sad • complete without Wm. orrante4 aallahtetary sa money mhos/ Walters anll bear this la %Mad. Said b 7 sU 11.44 In da ti o lJalted aloha D lt epot and Yana D ?Aorta Illaaoad 1111., Sept. 11. 17 A Leetare Yong Ne, pablisbook la • SOW A " tretlSt r i rt i V 146 albl • '•• endIUZION4 13 Wmknar, WM "ild •VNl•buss; ,sirardetgierlf_os ti latufzi ( 1,1 174 a" tm,sk.-n li6,Ne .... • llNrlirLae .ivlloo4lo, L iamint d 11• I & n . w 1 I I r k Ab 4il 11"=1es Abu n U tatu j ry ls4 11. = =1"4 IN 2 r = medlais• boa lrtiNir mna ,/• 1 ne eurrhismeirealartif. ' s1V 17 1• 1 1 16.-- Tula l'..e•sr• vim rnim• Nowa to awls ant thalami* ;• - • Stilt, sada/ mrsA lay whitlow. ea Palaalge.artaillgE A 410. uva. , rite Pktruibk Adam.. CHAR. J. C. II Iluwory, X VW* rag Sub 24. nit. $ IMMEZI rEtA SEIMG OFF LT tat! I=IMEEMIEEE3 NEW STOCK IMAIOVAL W. 1.. GDLLAO IiPfI. NEW MACHINE SHOP AT NEW OXFORD WATCHES I WATCHES l I 001.1) AND,BII,VER, visa Robert D. Armor, DISSOLUTION. cal RE'S woo lass JicOUERXII ~fl WOOL WANTED. , T He row areask Nix Oa