El -, tinning ant tzataikttpin. NO *t* CANDIDATE! IT 01 Tart a 'were party trfamplo /trek.— 'tare triltag to raw oar country from Mr Rein re tchts6-arrrhatat tt. We W./. off (ha' t ride-aril., and the .ha..; kw at Mob, to the Ahlapt 4 , 1,.r1 hat and al tatntinaa, nnaa ,Nied loom . of oter Iona:. Ir. hop, o, Ma/ 10:ron 0.0 onfre, pruperitp (mai kappa• . 1 , , thou au, inn. elf et r ananaa y h toff, 0 tierply 10-oOry u Mr, innate., owl an all 11. Ir y,ironi the mihnrry er.. - ist.sl/ the taJJ elght tli 0.-11 iMATIO SELYILOCIL r.• 14, give value ta our trondabynxina is man, drawn by taxation tithe pay morn one i1t4,1, and not to the zntilLary and ul ern nhall relit, the tax-payer, the .11-1101 Joe, and give Utength end Virtue in the I.ktros of the public! oseditar. - --Iloaarto SRI - “Tat nazielection will turn di:Km thl, on : Can the l'ongrentonal party suite, ti lu net: - efforts to exrite anti array the I,l4w:trial 11t1 nmnyy Interate agalnet each other, or 14 ill time unit, and turn out the author of the roil, r it Such tiny etc all iniftering.” -IfonATlo tit t 3ifit'l2. enter to came the Routh with military negro rule, and dlitorganlzed laltor 11.1 in 1111.1,, they d'ottureoutteurond the tollll. o. of the North with taxation, the 111111010,11Irs II h hour" , of toil, the tattorem and pen !Ono n Mit!, debased pamir, the mt rchent titl e.hl ft ne Mandan!, and the iodine tired!. dailudlored and tainted untlortal I h. —Hot:Arlo *inform. TitFs AND Now.—On Llie 31st of March, -- 1865—50 says Edward Me 'herson's History of the Rebellion, p. ;ill—the total debt bearidi Interisst• vas $1,8i1,418,8110. - On the Ist of August, 1868, the total lebt bearing interest was $2,023,588,- The increase is $772,000,000! ! On t h e 31st of March, 1865, the an laid interest was $102,836,531. In IB6a, it nun $128,2M,268—an increase o ti $23,600,000! In 1R45, the coin interest was $04,000.- ”15 : it is now $123,600,000—an increase 4 1311,01N1,000. I f, an is said, $1,200,008,000 of debt is Lehi abroad, then are we tributary to Europe 872,000,000. And for this commerce is strangled Ind the people are taxed. • The poor man's tea, which in 1860 ‘O-1, 7,3 cents, now costa $l - .78. Elk coffee, then 18 cents, now 40. His sugar, then 8 cents, now 10. Ills rice, G cents, now 151-:-Age: l'or.yric-, Awn Firratica.—The New York - Journal of CoolMem, In reply to tut Inquiring bondholder, thus de fines Its poisitlon as between the Demo crane itml Republican parties: "As a I,l,lr:financial question, we think the rilallClB of the bondholder quite us luverable with a new adruinstratlon under beim:erotic rule as with the present. It could not well treat the public creditor worse, and there nro reasonable grounds to hope that a ful filment of its promises In other direc tions would lead to a restoration of national prosperity, without leaving further excuse for the plea that Justice to the capitalist is intolerable oppres sion to the laborer." The Journal of Commerce is an authority than which there Is none more shrewd, far-seeing 111111 reliable in financial matters. Cmei, Scuraz, who said that "Clod was ouly an imaginary being, the Bi ble tit only to uniuse children, and the Chri4tian Sabbath a relic of barba rism," is still employed by the Radl. call to defend their shattered cause. LET ALL THE PEOPLE COME ! Goods & C'onilylionety Store. /PIM. onOcritgoeil, having bought out S. I M. Warner's t envy Hod. anti Confec tionery citore. on halt re ettrect, newly on ptc,lte stork.' In Place, itictrgeburg, invited i plaint 'it patronage. Large anti %guileful as rho t.tt k hag been, no etlbrt be ripened to rii; - niter It .114 inure attract's° and dettira hie. He Rom offer , . Writing Deets, Plain Candy, Work Boxes, Fancy du., Porte Al., Plekleg, Piartcheig, Surd/nog, Pocket Booing, Lobsters, 'alma Toy., Chow-chow, Poclectl'otlery Van& Oaken, .lewelr) , Perenit erackera, I 'he., Wine Blaming, limalies, ietninoOn Perfumery, Fire Workn, koala, Penn .t Penedn, Comb., Writing Papers, Envelope* Toimmo & Sagan F rult , Nut,, svrope, Re. Re., Re. To NUMEROUS 'PO moritoN.. , Ile 'Mende to melt ever/thing at the lowest eevible primes, believing that profile" p rong “qu Irk eaten," and are therefore beet for buyer and seller. Conte one—come all I A. It. FItIsTEL. ?starch 27, 18111. tf DR. R. HORNER, lIITNICIA.V A -VD DR morn: link. , and Drug Store ell AM11631.48UR0 RT., mersuuno. .Veilleal advice without charge. I= DRLOS,MEDICUMPAYESTMEDTCLNEB, PERCERY, SOAPS, Lz» ftTIOLIB4, BRUSHES. DYE STUMA SAMIMO SODA, CREAM or TAR. TAIL LAMPS, COAL OIL, AC.. BC. PURE LIQUORS for Medtehial purposes. Pr. M Horner's MEN, a reliable remedy for chapped halide, rough akin. de. _ AU artleles warranted pare and gruutne. Dec.a, 1867. U It DODUABLIS7. 1888. NEW GOODS! Mat - l scetl I atssorhitent; ISELL for very small pronto., and slut at do ing o ery large busluele. ASHIONABLE "WADI.). OF FINE SILK rzzza FASHIONABLE SHAMA _OP FRENCH WOOL POPLINS, PASHIONABLH 14H AUP24 OP ALPACA MX= FRF.NCTI (11-4JNT'APJA, PICAUF2A, PERO.II,IOi ANL) LAWNH. BLACK AIWA; PLAIN KILICP, PLAID SILKS, SWISS 3WALINPjACONET EIMILINF4 CAM tatl4l.l. BLACK ALPACA. CAW RAD ALPACA. - - - - , 13LACK ALL WOOL ORLAIN. 'iusToru SHAWIN,CASFINISRK SHAWLS TIIIDEP SHAWLS. 11,6T0S CAWIN SION, CLOAKING:4, I,IN EN DRILLING, CIOrPONADE. "TABLE ('OVI(as TAPIA LINEN, NAP K I Ni4,_ TOWELS. E kI,MORAL SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS. IN I,TNATN I;ROMEREVANDRERCIIINFAIIEM - I TM! HANDKERCHIEFS, 'JEN 4, LA DIESZ t AND , CH 1 LP xt:~ - 7+ i~r , ii~ - kxi :+ gin gtrx•xtvi:ci. nm constantly receiving the latest ittles nt llress And Fancy Good, My stock corn p:++• usually found in it tint .e DRY th:XIDM aintßE to which I Invite atielitiqnlll the yohile, feeling assured olt•,1 I All comparison with all qtores In tibulit) of 'prds and low -11,, May Lint. If El= MORO PHILLIPS' amt.! Supek-Phosphate of Lime. ST.4 11 7 DAIRD CrARANTSZEk 11F*BitlithlaistlftlYhetTitint'll niscrtn, ; -f` • - • No• North Frotn Street, Phlladoiplita, - Ann • No,* South &root, Dollhouse, And by Dellkelh th 'geneal throughout the Country. Two SOMSRERO ARANO of witteb MORO PIIILLIFSP •EIKISPIdtVF L sun always has been ntonutheturesl, (sou of 'which be h. sole OC4ltelg Ibr titter!~ Ntuteso contains per (11111,..11,111111.101111.1r0n from an cari, grate, If> 011 would have health and energy and strength, again c bee yule try one bottle of COE' 8 D I'SPEPSI.4 C IT RE VIIII will 4.10 e 110 w ram It 11111111:Tel our b+ul holing. and gloomy forebodlom How 400 n It will cluow away any Novel. of byx pep.la. Bow soon it willgiro you new lifetn.l vigor, and how soon It will make a well roan or woman of you. For your own wake, for the make of everybody 'sutra:ling. we beg, we eti• Lash you to try It. For Liver Complaint k Whole Derangemeots it is • Sovereign 1tem...41y, while torTever and Ague, and all tlinte diseruses which are gen cratoill n a zolasuiltie climate, It is a certain preventhe and cure. That Its wonderful medloinal virtu p e ed y not standalone - on our statement,'wen pr w i u i n n o I li n c i ww d l t e e t s y t i a m d o n r a puetno n h Mss c e lU wh e o n e *lll place their evidence beyond all question, and carry with them tarength 1 convictisin„ to the Mont Mere...MMus. Mr. Teener Sexton, a who)nmale merchant of br yearn, In Milwaukee, one of the most relia ble and careful men In the Stale, whys, wader, date .11111.W.10latg, hi., San. 34, 18118. MRS. C. G. CLAH & 00.,N01N 11111011, COOD. B r o Alt myself and wife have used One's Dee p° a Cure. and It hay proved PERT/X.I%Y lahtetory a a remedy. I have NO health. Oen in saying that we noon received GREAT BRITERIT from Its wee. Tory reapeetfalty, fgheill LEO ER SEXToN, krec0i.50,4,.1i...f, Wi t ted. duos, Lour Lo? ea., 0 ) STRoso aciattemes—ltglves mignon pleasure to state that my wife bee derived great benefit from the use of Coe's Dyspepsia Core. She has been kw a number of years greatly troubled DYBPeliaba, accompanied with violent paroxysms of constipation which so prostra ksl her that she was all the while, Ibrtithilitita unable to do anything. She took, at your in stance, Carl Dyspepsia Cure, sod has derived QREAT BE EROII IT, and is tow Com paratively well. She regards 'his medicine as Mmosa blessing. Truly yours, Jan. 13th, t L. F. WARD. , tillyst,*". /war 4/Weri, littyhatty, Pod J wren Fainting Ilrengist, Sillarket Street, 1 4 1nabrirg. take great pleasure in stating that, atter has tug suffered from dyspepsia for about niteen years, at souse periods much more than others, I has e beets entirely eared by the use :H of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. y friends know that of late years My ease has been an en trant° one. 1 bad great suffering from eating any kind of food, and on an average would vomit about one-third of my meals, u a sour Indigestible Muss. When the severe attacks would come, I would lose all strength and be utterly helpless. Some of the attacks would be 10 ses ere that fur do) a together I would not n-tain anythingowsay-slasuach, save a little dry toast anti Sea. For 3.(14114/ thew not what it was to pass live consecutive hours without intense pain. Front the tin- I took the nest doneof this medicine I eii.nied s molting, grad ually ill soreness pared away, sod nein and strength returned, and es er since I have been able to rut any kind of food setupon the table. Sixmonths has e now passed WtthOnt any symptoms of the return of the illkeass, case was considered by all, Men phystelanii, eo num chts, that for a time It was leer d It might be tietitioue Olt L lin now an well convinced, that' I have been not merely relies ed, hut permanently eared, that I can rolaelentliolsll4 roetinaMelatl COW* Dys pepsia Cure to all victims of uyapepsla. ISAAC AIKEN, Lae Pastor sit the Seaver' At, 111,,b1„ Church, CONCL E VIDENCE. 11AvnN, (r., June 2, 1867 Unman. C. 0. CLAIM a Co. ti n anxious, from the gnat hen- Co id winlittilift the Puns of • Dyspepsia Cure,a I wonid State In) . !VW. Sounet Max over a year am I had a violent at tack of egb.rehess Whlett basted eight weeks. during *Melt time 'I employed three phyel clans, but without relief, mall I tried Cot , a DYerepsla Cure. The first d&le helped me I took it three times a day for a week and was entirely cured I and I believe to-day that it saved my Ilk.. Illelag attMlla4 1k a stmt .. way Ibis season, took one dace, which put Me nal light. di Wida Id advise every (notify to keep it on hand ready for immediate nne, In -tiny of Summer MI flowelrom pin C. DUNN, The e Mr. Imam is to oar emp'ny, and MIRIAM v °nen for Mu shove statement being E. ARNOLD dt CO. Cuo Y ri *iiikeli4ta Cure will ale.o ho found invaluable tw all oldies of Diarrhea, y eentery, Cone, Bomber er Oorn *hate, ng and In fact every disordered enlin the stoserseli. 1- • Ydifey Dr e eel el el In stir sir eacwary etiV7- "hem at It per liot.4sl.orpilittptsenissesto riPrO4i!"abi, New - Haven, Cl. .7nly 24, INK ellarty I , trE s tql ef ottilXElii lttitt• AAT: b wthit G tv''di 2, - ts 6s. 'Mk Oft! A MART C.d..Y .VRlll' .4170 N BUTTON-HOLE, OVERSEAMING AND SEWING MACHINE le warranted to araeute In the bent manner every variety MI airy :Ina, Hemming, }Win. Cording, Taoklaa, 14ruldln a, lottberina...ta lib log. Overmanlog, I In brolderlug on the And In addition loin keit ultful Flu Iton and Fj Met Holes IT II I , NO LCTAL. BEING AIWY iLITTEI.I"rHE ROG' FAXIL MA C 14.1 E Is, TM. WOULD, Nit\ AIL INTILINAIt ALLY THE. CIikIAPPT. /for fl fs fun Madan' ronabfned fn oat by ki Not phi and benvilfla nwebanfeal towrope-mini Circulars with lull particulars .. isslbpied of work don. , on this Machine, eau tia had on application at the (Mice of the Agi at A. IL Felsters Confee- Gorier/ wad Variety Idteire,Naltlinore Wt., Gettysburg, Pa. 71. W. fIuBLSON, Agent. air All Machines wamumted one year, and Ituitructions al% en gratuitously to all purcha sers. May 2e, IN& if New Boot and flee Store, D. KITZMILLER Zz BRO. GETTYSBURG, PA, YORK STREET, OPPOSITE! TAE DARK, Sign of the Big Boot. rlllll.l .144441i11the1l Aria c re r a ct i- 900 , and gaol Stan% ha nick , yittirg, 41 the room reettutly necupted by Soper di Melatrtney, andltnee4tet received from tht city a large autirtmeat of BOOT'S SH OES, for blentlenserea, Limiles . and Chilkirens' NVou; culamioting of CALF AND KIP rocrrFi CONODF:R. ft AND kiALmuip. oxrr . AC Etut, ,DERF4. We also MAN I'VAA_TURE TO ORDER, all kinds of RI Krrs t s HOESl—the work being made up of best materials and by brat-elan workmen. The senior partner houi.been In the business for of er 15 years and perSerm ally superintends all work made up, We respectfully im ire the attention of the pub. lir to our establishment, and hope by strict attention to business and by selling at lowest nu.lt prices, to file entire RITZ:H Fustiest:Don, 11,5V1 11 ILLER., It A. Rff7.IIILLER. June 26, if BOOTS AND SHOES. ywir E.S7 t BLISILSLEXT. ull r e a rslgnciO n l i l ereettil i a Lt ur .h b ,u n c tl n d t : on street, near the Railroad sta*4on, In Gettysburg, when he now oaten for sale, Boots, Shoes, °oilers, &Well, for Men, women and children, of different styles and price , . lie has a line meiortmerit to select from, and sell every att3ele at the smallest prms. WORK MAUL• /Mint, of the best ma terials and work...m.lllp, Every ellen made to render soldeftmtlon. The pa of the public is PlOildleti. Cali in, and seh-ct from his stock or let" e your measure. In either ease you cannot fall La Unpleased. JOHN M. ItEua.aNa, July 3,1868, I y GILLESPIE & CO., _Dealers in Flour, Groceries, Notions, GETTYSIIURCI, PA., TNVITI tt e attention of the public to their large Mock of thaals, at the old eland, on YYorktdreet., Gett)ablarlktflia dinag to the tilobe Inn, mutilating of the best of - oitocintuts, Anttetre. Syen pa, Melemee, Coffee', Woe, Spires Salt, 4e.; the ,B1:147 . 11R.111113 OF FIAUR In the market, With Hams. Shoptiders, Milks Flan, Dried Fruits, Con feetloun, &e. Alan, In great variety; et-clar•and Stone and Crockcry-ware, Baskets, Fiegarß, Tobaccos, and. a Annum:nut sad ans eLaar art ICUS. BUTTER AND EOOl3 ntre and fresh, always for sale. Ofllespte & Co. u If t Aram no effort to please, and are ronfident of being able to do lie by constantly ligeeptug, a full and chola, stack, and selling at the very lowest weals. COUN TRY PRODUCE wa ted, either for the cash or In exchange for geode, highest market pricie allowed. JOREPIE B. GILLESPIE, DANIEL CASHEAN. June 19, 18111. G REMOVAL! E firm of fiOPER A McCARTNEY have removed to North Baltimore street,uear t e Inartitinfl, east MO, in the MOM formerly occupied by Div Id KIMMIUer. W 6 have on hand a etiotsettssurlment of CLOCKS, WATCH.ES, Mold and Silver,) JE L of aII kinds and latent styles. aid Plat ed Ware; also nue Gard, Silver and Steel SPECT ACLES, of the best ;moan theture. Alan, Vlrilinbi Gui tars, A ceurdeon s, t , s, Fifes, &a. Violin and Gultar Saimaa K , ey, a,c. All Linda a/ Bepatring .4 our line done at curvet swab& price+ .1 eLrovhere, and warranted. Thankful for past favors, we solictt a eon tlauance of the 4,11%. Jul. 19, laid. 1J TEE MUSEUM GhS MEM FOR SUPPLYI7VI DWELLINGS ErrORES, FA VOMMI4NMA t ekr iI. 10121SEASII SAS WITSCRITSTASOS 610.111• • E A llBSiollgietLy toss by which this /air 44=kustaagra, an also Its oatanatuy , osoolusuoad ta to pubtio tram— and osasuitehtne In oponaliou aitistitonst XASVSACTUIRS A'SD BOLS MUST, • DAVID JONES. Tilt Furulahlag Store. No. MS Woes St., Phila. Sir Send for Illustrated Circular. Aug. 11, MS. tni 1 , ;141;.eff CZE.F4i" PLANING MILL rpHE undernigneti hns eetablinhed n MAN- I MCI MILL, on March creek, tone nillee fretu (lettychurg, at which he will manulse- Ince DOORS AND Doon FRAMFA, WII_NDOW bAsll AND FRAMFA FLOORING, WEATRERBOAR.iILNO, Chair , i 4 Wastfoords, fistbt rx iwthlng else 'Mee at uttorY.Olott In the bulldthg MI& best of luta I always be axed, all thasonghlY drlM,a idilL been put np for the purpose Orders solicited, nod promptly attended to, Mete ee tow us the leweet, and every ef fort made to accommodute ttuttonera. 30111‘ D. PF01.11%. .116 Y ly LUMBER YARD I' E. 1f 0 ) nVia: untlerslnc.l tiaA fennivrd ton Y ifiWlatiltriiiki s =d,'Oren t from his old tocatton. where he ielltnetiad to have all In went at Lumber to call. ILIK stock is than ever before, and constant additions are [wins made to it, He baa WITITE PTNIE PAK, rsarx AND HAL-F -INCH BOAltid L el, FLOGGING, SCANT LING. PALINGS, diC4, *C., etc. all of, which he amid Id We lowest liv ing rates. Call and judge fur youragres. My Lumber l good and cannot IDII to give malls faction. JACOB l i =t mi IfirrA large let of RIVER PINE formate very cheap. Gettysburg. May 1.1, IOMt. tf Pennotvania, Elnan, Sponge Co, nu CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC SPONGE, A 81:11.9TITCTE FOR CURLED NAIR UPHOLSTERY PURPOSLS. CARAPAIR THAN FEATHERS OR HAIR, AND HU.Ph.RIOII. The lAshteet, hottest and meet Media hid Deteable material k mem lbs MA1TR.t.7431,13, PI LI.OWB,QA.R. CARRIAGE AND CHAIR 0..8R10N14. M;lM;al=ii=l IT DON% NOT PACK *r ALIA ar:ltt l y W i r tLMlLl ' LM:y_lalat e . rfecti7 u non.. in any Ware t , ;11_ Ssatartited quicker and easier thou any eta fr Matt:rum , =MANG M il a n i 8, BALM, &C. .Italtroad men are especial," Itched to ea 44"..8.013C,IrttIEJOITERI). The Trade Amp June 28, 18 t 1,4 ROW iivim!, May I. MI. U CIKOTHING, Every Kind of Goalemen's Wear, LINEN COLLARS, cxnvoN STOCKINGS, POCKET B003:8, I keep Gentlemen'. Wear of all kinds find will sell them at the BOYS' HATS AND SHOES in greet satiety. as.Oive me a call before 4n(eu else CM April 24. I. tt B.P.G.A.MC STORE. NOTIONS, The undendgned h. removed hW Sew Store to the NORTH-HAE3T OOHNEROF THE DIAHH:pip, where he flake a continuance of the public's patronage His new location is one of the 12:!1 and Ma Meek of &Fire among the meet eleilee and satinnetory Tie inn keep on hand the beet MAXIM and wilt asaanfooftera for general .ate thnlaii# oaf Ae wawa,. Hi will sell at the lowest llv lag priori, WI at 'Who/*NOMA retail Remember the place. In the DiaMohd t be tween Brinkerhotre Store and ItleCtetten's EM2 April 3, 1808. tf 1414 SUMMER GOODS • • • as Adoi •44r•- smustaissi 'Wel • PIQUES, SPRING CtOASISGS, ALPACAS Also kozge teldttlons to our olosl 'apply of with every variety of Goods Ror hlea's and Boy's wear. We have added mvideribly to our awsortinent of which we are melting at greatly reduced prices. .s.immandftVit'tis'** rainuerroar BROTHERS, . u editast in! tem Front. : . Golfolstei,, =Ma On Batavia. Elk, imolai) the Osairt-Fiesse, t wpotOtWa s, 3Dreii dediel44 o*7 . 9 ,4 t7A l t 1 ,6 Nnii; tii,* Able#' J_l. vor. John W.%tax ItINNT2EuNNINNIg, Northeast soy set tlaNaelbelltliaeleaelt dMMlllrtttqha- NaiilbLaGltPllLdlrbl!S all thamiat bawl ipladeessae 107 - 4 - Zet awl, ha bet MM. Ma lad alewexoeltent m ad ame aad will erasure rtiseartlow. else hlm a call. per, e, WO. GETTYSBURG MUltblElo linvsmc Day DRAM 0001:18. NOTIONS, Lmi LAMES . IMAM CH ILORMi'S swim itiarcirati atm tothiinv. HATS FOR CHILDW; MACHINE COTTON, good as Coates's, at much less pet*. HOOP SKIRTS, to greet 'misty BALMORAL BMWS& MEN ANEk BOY'S WEAN,: at low pries*. • littlescß, of at miser- ALL SOLD CHEAP. HEAD-QUARTERS I. HATE AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, MEM PAPER CLTPtE, o ELPER 11060118, GLON FS, lIANDKERCHIEFS TRANTLINO SACKS, = CANES, IC., IC Lowest Cash• Prices CM TEEM. C. NORM& DIAMOND .71.E.)(0 r 4 =I 1114NTLIAL AND OONV KNIEIIT, WAMHINGTON BIX.SBOWER. FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. bIM lityles tif SILKS, POPLINS, PERCALES, DELI/NEN, C.ALTOOES, LAWNS, &c. 1703110 OINOHAMS, CLOTHS, EASSIMERES, JEANS, CAtt'PETB, ,JitT;L:i r . 1411 ARIFIAIUMMICIS4.` • ' TA imiLtaxo•arAygmAta, of the P ur O a l r .,lP urciA,Zr.3m uL IRON AAD .111141,114}~4 Pll4 owl AND Pxfirfiti•st knr note: • alkyaratik (A2'1146%0. Give in a cell and be oonvineed CANNON'S IfARBS-E- =WORKS, NORENEW Oidlillltge Al Al 5" OF THEM! JBRINIZERTIOFF,eurnespf the 'Diamond . and York strt44, hal:Just rtturned truni the city uu unusually uttnii..W.e assort ment of CLOTHING FOR SI'RINO & SUMMER W iVilth‘rh IrtM at. eudl prices as can. take thPm err Very rapidly. Chit and Judge foLLouraelvca. To look at the ex an At i Wtri t t . a rttrot prices —milers cannot help but but, a ton the} See It SO 1131.101 to their to de so. . . He has Coats, Pants , V....i5, of all styles sod n Tl i a ' ta ri 7rots an Fhoes tildrts, of ad kid., Hosiery, Gloves, hand kerchlefa, Neek-tiett, Cravats, Linen and Ps per ColletrEizenders, Brush., C oats; ~ a l2. r ttau , Untbelkt.kl33ok=4 tag and titheighte (-locks, Wetche Sr a. Jewelry, whit a thousand sod one other artieles, entirely too numer ous to detail in a newspaper ads ertisement. Hs asks the attention of the public to Ititt now stock, elmarlent that it plea.ste—and no one can or will sell cheaper. Don't forget the pieec—corner of York street sad tLe Diamond, Gettysburg. JACOB BRINKERHOFF. April rr, MK V' NEW FORWARDING COMMISSION HOUSE. AVING purobneed the ealemdee Ware house, Gire, &e., of Culp & Earnahaw, underalgned Intend to carry on the bunt nem, under the 'Britt of Bighorn & do., at the old eland, on the corner of Waahlngton and Nal host streets, ex a more extensive wale than heretofore. We are paylug the hl gh eat market Prices for NAY, FLOUR (i !IA IN AND ALL KINDfi MIMI FLOUR and FEED, SALT, and all kinds of OROCERIns, kept. constantly on band and forsale, eheoperthan they can be had any where else. PLASTER, and au kind. of FERTILIZERS, constantly on hand or finals:NM to order. A REODLAR L.II OP FREIGHT CARS will leave oar Wa case every TUFBDAY MORNING, and aneammodatlon trains will be run as occasion may require. By this ar rangement we are prepared to convey Freartt t at MI Bluer to and from Baltimore. All busi ness of this kind entrusted to us, will be promptly attended to. Our cars run to the Warehouse of ste,mon 8 Foos, 165 North_ B oward street, Baltimore. Being dtdertalded to pay good prices sell cheap end deal fairly, we Invite ON erybody to give us ot call. WM. M. I3IGHAM, ALEXANDER COBEAN, BIGLIAM. Jan.l7, 1863, tr dffitiGE' OF' lii 11E undersigned have leased the Ware• C I house on the corner of Stratton street and he Itallmad, In Gettysburg, where they will PUT)" on the Grain and Produce Business In all its branches, The highest prices will always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Coro Oats, CIOYet sod Timothy Seeds,Flaswed,Suunte, Hay and Straw, Dried Fruit, Nuts, Soap, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Potatoes, with every thing else in the country produce line. Groceries, of all kinds constantly on hand and for sale---Col lees, Simon, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Stphes,Sult, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard. Starch, Brooms, Buckets, Blacking, Soaps,..t.e. Also COAL OIL, Fish 911, Tar, Ac. FISH of all Mits; Spikes and Nails; Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. They are aalways able to supply •tirst rata article of Flour, with the dlifervitt Wilds of Feed. Also , Ground Plaster. with Guam's and other fertilizers. COAL, by the bushel, ton or carload. We Will aLso run Lines of Freight Cars to No. 77 North street, BALTIMORE, and dB Market street, PHILADELPHIA. All d_iod sent to either- of tlyeatanw plums will re- s eelved add ferrawirdedpeuditly. Goods should be marked .BennenV Car... T i. S. BENNER it. BRO. April 10, Nei. 1.1 McCIIRDY & HAMILTON, DisAtrits Tr FLOUR, ORA IN, GROCERIES, &C. rimE undersigned ere paying, et their Ware house, in Carlisle 'area, adjoining Bueh ler'. Hull, the hlghesj, pries. for FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN OATH, BUCKWHEAT, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY BERME, TOM, &CI. and Invite producera to give them a call be Ibre soiling. They have constantly ou bond :or sole A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, aid 1.12 Tobae ,,, e, &e. A to t. ran of FLOUR, with FEED of all Utile. They likewise have SEVERAL VALUABLE FERTILIZERS, Soluble Pacific Goan°, Rhodes' Phosphate and A A Mexican Guano. Whilst they pay the highest market price. fossil they boy, they selFat the lowest living profits. They ask a share of public patronage, resolved to give satisfaction In every case. WIBP.RT McCURDY, MM. B. HAMILTON. Gettysburg, July I, 1977. THE GETT TEE CRC SKY-LIGHT GALLERY. rpHE andenslgned takes plesmirerpitnnonne publi lug generallto the citizens of Gettymbutg and the c that he has removed from idlroldftouts on y West Middle street, to Bahl. more street, and nearly opposite the store of lithiteriteek Brothers. The room he now oc eupleit bag been recently ailed up eXpreealy Mehl"; business. Melee/Won Is en admirable one, enabling him to take pictures luall shades of weather, and with starreetneea anequalleil any where else. LIFE: LIKE PROTOGRAPIIB, of every size and ibmoription, executed hi the linen style. Particular attention given to the CARTE DE VISITE, and to copying AMLBROTYPEB and DAGUERIBLEUTI(PrEa ol deceased friends. Also— THE GiTTYSBURG GEMS,, a ne ry yo w of w te l' trMblrc h , i to l' ur be rh . 21 ,1 cvs y v for 811 eir I=OLDA.III= Liao —THE PORCELAIN PICTURE:, which for their beauty and durability are uneurpoesed. We are prepared to carry on the huelness In all Re various branches, and having had con alderabie experience w e, run no Halt In GUAR ANTEEING PER SATISFACTION. --- - - . Our Iselin'ee for a full display of our skill Wu unequalled by an other Gallery in the county, and *a wou therefore invite every one to chit at the WE GETMI3I3tIR(I SKI - LIGHT GALLERY. 0,11 tuld examine our fillGuitromil and Judge LEVI MUMPER. f lti ' ll72l P , 1116 a: HAY. AND GRAIN liE und7rslgned would announce to the I. citizens of Adams comity that they still Mary on the GRAIN AND HAY BUSINESS, at the old stand, GRANITE STATION, on the GclB2lolllklellaflrelut., Tim , are prepared to paythe highest_ prices for UF.AIN AND HAY. They keep all kinds of GROCERIES, SALT, GUANOS, :4 4 411 1 tve t ti t i Vri l onlag• Mtv7.. t ' PHILIP HANN & SON& Dee. 20,1807. ly him Altend — To . 1 lifirreiti _GETTYZEII:IIta FOIDIDAY. fwboariber would Worm las. mato- Tillers mild other., that he la ain mono No =m yarloun klzalo of crating's_ and Ma as; Made - 'toter, off .epee, such an • • • VAIREIRIEMW AND POWER'S, (Ave different sizes of Powers.) CLOVER -Bpevacwg Saw CLEAUNRIS, CO RSH AND SEPARATORS, 00111N RODD OUTTFAZI6,_ _STRAW AND HAY CUT TERS; ..70115( PLANTERN. PLOUGH'S, mien ea CMS Plaaffna,llMennew floualeaSide- MU and C 0.,, Plough:, the wiss4Pae'Etoßas R AKE. the latest Improvement also 8 IREMAN'S SELF-DISCHAROING HORSE_ RAKE. He will likewise manufanture. , MOWERS AND REAPERS, METAL Ike IRON trPM 'IRE ' S7j: at taw with e rates. VoR BALE.—A One.horse Wagon. DAVID STEILNER. April 10,188.1 U CABINET:MAKING. w_. R. Slidler, IIIAPING IoiVINI In tbe Wei 'Of NEW OX FORD, Adams county, will curry oa biaißemi of Cabinot-moaktof., in an 111 brunches. FURNITURE kept oa hand pad made to order. He will akar keep ter side atikofeeemortMeot of CEI4,I,Re• He invitee 'the rttleerut of the tow n and surrounding, oattotry ,p4ve 4dra aeall, as he will sell Ma to Watt din tie pat...famed at say other Qlaee. He will guarantee his work to I* la Oa batasilitiumc; lash MJIMA material*. New Oxford, /am 81, MP U ABIIING COMPOlTH4—Janksore n uat w Waabing Compound. by Me aae uoor IZ , Vi cti tV w a a vi Etgla PIN C 'm crgiVdrit with s(4mM' um - ULLA pelt Inter. SPEINO kA.NI; , suiftetro • CLOTHING. GEORGE dIRNOLD ILIA now oposzest lots* Stook of =MDT:. MADE CLOTIMNO, molar of his own mom o facture, consisting of aTI &Ism of (10 ATh , PA NTS, PESTS, SII I RI'S, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, hosiery, As. /se. s ai prime to suit tt. Mosso. Coll, smuts. and joduelbe yownelves. Aril qi, fd . tt CHEAPER THAN EVER E. EIITESHEW, T_TAVING WM:Med or Tian Varl4rETtl, .1.1. Klock of Golds to 01 and being determined le reduce his stock du ring the warner &at auxsol. W/1 1 OVA GREAT BARGAINS before Invoicing. My stock of ALL RINDS OF IfXRCHANDIZE Z f? Atr Plnee"nt. and tllnoltt reduced prices. F. HITIMHEW, York Springs, 'My It tf alr - A II persons knowing thenaselees Indebt ed to me are requested to come forward sold make settlement. GROCERY & FLOUR STORE. .2411 - 0 rA MEALS & BROTHER HAVE removed their Mare to the gels:i etndt property, on Chambersburg stroet, where they propoae to keep constantly on hand ALL KINDS Or GROCERIES, Flour, .fted, Notions, &c. Also, VRORTABLEII In season, ITesh from the city and country. They are determined to sell chp as the chespeir and as t on ly ask th em e -lowest living prolitis, they hope pa to tr mer itnag B and receive a Ilberal share of priblie o MEALS & BRO. April 10, 1868. THE OLD FREIGHT LINE TO 13ALTIIMRE. M;M=ii=l Freight Line to Baltimore, - twice a week. Depot—corner of Itailmati and Washington streets, Gettysburg. ears rim to lid hea ranenimiti,l2l North atre.•t, Bahl mare. Freight carried each way, at the low est rates. The patronage of los old friends and the public solicited. Goods lobe marked . 131ddle's Line. WM. K new Warehouse Will soon be up, when the Grain and Produee business will be carried on as heretofore. Highest prices now paid for Hoy. April 17, enel. tf BARGAINS ITEMI NEW G-PLOCII,'"Z ==! JOHN CRESS & SON AAV IF apart a sew IMOCEItY, IA Ost er/00MM the north-west comer td.the lc ua lkl=gi t la/7 m M received a GROCERIES, Including Sugars, Coffees, Molasses, Syrups, Tess, Spices, Tobacco, Salt, Fish, Hauls, Shoul der., dz. Alpo, QIIBETISWAHE, CONFECTIONS, „ Nate, Frutio Soaps, Fancy Articles and No tlons_renandlir. We *III also keep on band FtelA g . and FEED-STUFFS. purchased for CAST', we are pre pared to sell very cheap. Give us a call and Judge for yourselves. JOHN CREN.R, 7: W. CHIE:3B. Sept. 71. ma. tr NOTICE TO CAPITALISTS ! Persoeut desirous of Investing surd resilllng nearly NINE PER CENT, are requested to Pau at the Gettysburg• National Bank, and obtain aroulara at the radon Paellas and alO Clelates) Puddle Maihead Oti• These investments are daily growing in favor and sales Increasing Bonds can be luut at all Utiles at this Bank, wean, all latermatket °appareled said itbr velitroeuts will cheerfaMy betiview. ' J. EMORY BATR, Quittler. I= UNION P4CIFIC RAILROAD BONDS. EMI First ilatilffiti Bank, of fiettisiturg T:f agent tor the este of the IMMO MOW 6AGE UNION' PAVIPICI RAILROAD PER CENT. COI.,1) piitriEST BONDS. at market rateearellnierest ./ras Interest pare- • tile sentl-annually at toe counter. An necessary Laronnal*lt given. GEM ARNOLD, Cashier Gettysburg, Ifrar,lo,lBlll. GETTYSBURG LIMB K/41CS. THR undelatised ble !testa out hie - limner miner, Wan, Mid nots , empires the THE LIME-BUHNISG BillarCESE himself—at the Ciettyetrttg lalbe Kite% 14, the ember t r the itittiresd tiodiftwilkettotkon Street. Thanitibi for pest patronage, he Will endeavor to deserve its con tin =los, by geese euting the business as vigorotesly Ind on as hugg a veal,' vainible-thlwayg ailing a good amide and giving good useusithe.— Farrneca and others may look for insiinimpi Alik/ al orders. lle alsocorillause the . COAL BUSTNS£LEL-' orikuliglibib. House keepers and [Akers plV!pp 'Ave him a ealL—, HiseksraiCk Cult abibbisay to hand. • Lime ,nri4 '4ontdepieni4.wwitore in eninkranng. Ir,oo:so , unzio FAItME:11 . 8!!! ratrns 1 A r l" wt 1.4.±. PHOSPIitATEI aiz= ALTA VELA. Contain ti three m ant. i of AleliONidpln ma aniplb ituanld, le • lictisur Mahout jury> to aim sad m Imre qloommity °lsolable SONS 111013PHATS OF LIVE, together with Stash stia Sao. the eaathilel elemental of a oomnarrs The hlah=o6l4 jug 1116140. It le held by the many d Mermen who am nide* la preferenew 46 41.1 , 44146 mumistee of liewebeet • nwa tftlgelf_rrit TOl • Or )101 . 0s, lota ylmorphim. Addreee ' 4 TILE ALTA VELA GUANO Oa, - 57 Broadway, New Ma. July 71, IW, ly .GettyaNn Rai road. GEZETEEI TRAIN lonise Oettysburg at 7.15 A. li r i lErt i ceznects i ttlf iinr , er r Juarion t la i h . mare at 11.101 W, A. M. Also Train Norther. IG.* A. 71., rmehing Harrisburg at, 1t414,, K. Returning arrives at (lettTsburt et P. 13 :in TRAIN Waves Gettysburg at I, P. N., 'and oeistaxLs Hanover J unction vilt4 Mali Tnsin Routh at LOS. I'. IL, reaelnng RAI- Renrn inn arrivi. at Get- The Prelerl 'Tulin lir Rik Pewienner Cur at tacked, leaves Hanover at 0.30. A. 31 , lug In Cie(, at 1.0, A. 11, Leas or Witty *burg for Remover at Y, P. 31. R. 11(CURDT, ISIM Hanover Branch Railroad. j'AN and alter MONDAY, Dee. att., 1567, paw NJ longer trains on the Hanover Branch Itudroad will lrat e as follow*: FIReII'ItAIN toll 'hit e Hanover at 9.:11 I. with passengers for York .11altnuore, liar rinnurg, and the North and West. Thin train arrive, at the Junction at 10.16 A. M., con necting with the Fantlane South, on the Northern Central Railway Well ur rives at Baltilatord aJ. L 2.10 P. IL, anti 10%)soll.lirlia Metl Train NOrth, %Odell urrlvcs at ITarrianurgrn 12.15 P. M. . . 470-ftda train return. to Hanover at 11.511 P. M., and arrls ea at Ue* rhbo rg at 12. W P..M. SIOCUND TRAIN loaves Hanover at 2.45 P. M., and arrives at the Junction at LW P. M., connecting with Ute Mall Train month, which arrlvoa at Baltimore at i 1.20 P. M. Pasaertgere Ary thin train for York lad over at the Junction until 6.11 P. M. 444411118 Train returns to Hanover at 4.4 S P. M., with posaengera for 'Hanover, Chntyabura and Littleatown. • • _ . T....f1y,. leaving flaMalmo , for Manor-yr, Q.'tivßhn, - g end FJill,wlo wn, will tike wither or thrt t Line at 12.10 Y. M. JuSTA'M LEI B. Agent. Doe. 20. 1957. If Pennsylvania Central Railroad. P°V IILE trnek route running between Phil adelphia and Pittsburg. Troths inavlng ttyaburg make the following connection. with tide freak line: Gettysburg leave at &Li n. m, and 12.45 p. rn Hanover June. arrive 10.(ki . leave 10.59 11.40 " Harrisburg, are, a 11. sp. ni. 11.45 . Besse 4.10 2.45 a. M. Philadelnilla aeeho 0 . 10 " 7.10 Ilarrisborg leave 1.15 12.15 Pilthbarg c LSO a. tu. CAI At Philadelphia clone connection. are made with the trains for New York, Boston and all Eastern Pities. At PI ttahurg connections are made In the New Union Depot with rho trains for all Western points. afa - For further Information .poly to EDWARDAMS, Gen. Su L, Altoona, Fa. Htnnx W. GUINNE'', Gen. Purr As L, Phila. June 5, ISM. tf ADAMS COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATES, MARCTI IR, I 8 1 OFITICYRIS. Pretildeal—George !Swope. Vito Prealdunt—eou.n...l R. RussalL Secretuiy—D: =MEM= . . - Executive OtielettLee—liutrit hieCtiedy, H inne. SLanagerei—Gerurge Swope, D. A. Buehler. R. hlnA.Mrdy, M. Llehellarlp r, S. It. liutoell E. G. Fahnestoelc. A. D. Buehler, IL. O. Mc- Creary, Gettynlaura; Jaeoh I.(lngletrabau townnhlp; Frederick Friank'lln; Wux. D. Now ortor.l; WM. 11. Wilson, 13t mlerws tile: it. A. k I Stralxtu ; John Wollord, IJAIIIIIYre• John Pick lop, F.ana 5, l ila; Abel T. Wrighi, Benders, 111 e•, .llnliel I. Gilt, New 0.1.14.r.1; Jan. 11. M.traltall, /Lamal. Johu utiunaw,hain, Frvedoill, Julio Horner, Mot; ;Joy , Wlu le, her! airTnis Comp:l. 7 lly in /muted 111 his opera [lima to the amid) of A.diunv. It lout 0.011 in operation ha I.llole than li )cart, and In that period has made lint tie iteseitiment, having paid limeea by dre during that peri od amounting to /11A,0400. Any person de. Siring an Insurance can apply to either of the Mildwina_gelitlemen : D. A. Buehler, Ut t*sburg. E. U. Fulinceitcv.k, " Jacob King, titration townehip. 11. A. Picking, Frederiek Diehl, Franklin " Wm. hoed White, Liberty " If. C. Peters, Petcreburg, tY. Sa - The ExecuUve Wininittee moeta at the °aloe of the Company, on the laid Waluea day In every mouth, at 2 o'clock, E. IL Jane la. lalitl, tr IeCSIZAIIT. JOAN F , ..we4Emity "Best always Cheapest." rpi E That ind tlzeopest T _ _ _ SADDLL'B, 13RIDLES, COLLARS and HARNESS of all kinds, in the County, are always to be found at the old and well known stand, Baltimore sL, opposite the Presbyterian Church— McCREARYS'. Our Riding and Wagon daddies are the most au Whin bully built and nealext. Our Harness, (plain ftnd silver mount ed,) are complete in e\ cry respect and war ranted to be of the very best material mai workmanahip. Our upper leatber Draft Collars CANNOT BE 111,T, The) are the bad FIT TING and niont durable. • Our Heavy Draft Harness are made to order, as cheap an they can he Made ntlYWhere and lu the most sunertantial 1111111fteT. Riding Bridled, Whips, Lashes, Draft Humes, Fly-nets, and ever) thing In the lino, 11 . OriG bell, or eh< ape, Our prices have been REDUCED to the loweal living stand ard. • A ilharal f* ca*, artfli bills amounting to or [nom, We work nothing bet the best stock and will warrant every article [Arno& out to be In every respect as represented. .ThaMul /or past amaze we Laid teatiention to our parent stock. si-Give us a call and examine rumen and gamier. Jan. Y. 18817 tf D. YoUREARY & BON ;OW:!.:1,1414! rruiE eubvera berm beveling returned from the 1. Miles with en homermesupylr of HARDWARE & GROVENIF79, =ran 000111104 their old stand In soreetnoinnens to snit the times. Our stuck oonairta to pert of BUILDING MATERIALS, GAILPENTERII RI -s CKSMIN3 TOOLS, • COACH. FINDLNGII, SHOE EIJNDLN .INET OMB TOOLS, _ RODS E ER'S FIXTURRS, ILIA. KINDS OF IRON, ke., GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, OILS, PAINTS, Ac., Ac. There Is ne article Included In the several departmeals mentioned above bat what can be had at this entre. Ewing Macs of Mechan ics can be aceommodated here with tools and endings, and tiouselmnperselut and every ar tlele in their Line. Olie im a real, es we are prepared to sell as low for cosh an any how* out of the city. • JOEL B. DANNER DAVID ZIEGLER. Gsttyaburg, stay 15, lbdl. ofrup - tva CASH 1 NEWSTORE: GROCERIES. LIQUORS. de. The undereigatel Las renting to Gettysburg, nd opened a nen_ Store, on, Sere street, ; li tutt door to the rod Ornee, and nuarly unite Use Court /Twe, 'wheal lie offers for e CHEAT' FOR CA large choice inteortutent of Groceries,— SUGARS, COFPERS, MAR, NIOLASKIN, SYRUPS, SALT, &V., w,th FISH, BACAIrIe, LARD, dC. Alsol44queisi , WINES, BRANDIES, GINS WILISKIL, and every and everithl*Ase In the line. eve un ry tA r unet . thy of ellen*, to sisal say Recollect th e tho place to buy =ZAP FOB EASEL OEO, F. KALBFLEISCIR. April =MIL A gteSTANYTOC ----- M.IIA. 111141VnimmiLronorsamat gam Cho • aims mod late drag M.ll.7ebataotigal to may ,gateand aAarlnman or aactale , hir one flealred I Firm fyora the "Ate— dosed one point, at any tame front the gate. This Improvement i tilf a A 4 tga s =rtur ea gg t brit ' Lll l 4 ` : . :ltoi gate, nor by the Erma talslWmta; may be made,Vaoustag,gl tth's, and madly attae to gate. le undersigned, having the tght for Adams entstr, sail TorraWip end Mann Rights of this improte team& _ • Atm, ROTH & SHANE* AHEAD...7g 1.8- VIIA OATR—obieb will be found vakuble awl eteteeittent, to all who have gated todrive thiougb—as tboy nistabt by IWO testa, open, time Nati With a gate, wit%tut tbe neeeently of getting lo the wet er mud. For Pottier inietteration &c. add re., rmit,it Menallen P. 0., Adams co.. May 1, e U HOUSE PAINTING - 0.£01201' IFARIVZIL, HOWLS P. 41142274 aosib , Wahahlastosi st...oett r ysbang, IPOOD WOMUK AND'II4I3/111ATE Miens 151310.1* - 11 4 1115TBEL1Y LAM*. *seta valuabbeirMOUNSlF Lwin taidelbraollrow mum F I; SM 11111 r. IYi l &sgeewelHOustak maid = elitist.%or i • J. Buirmr..JuioFP. ja IX, HIS tt WAXIS-Tati bterg, Mak • erVitturortenno, Nate at CM PHOTOGRAPH APU,M4 LADIES' COM. TO/LET SETS. IVII,ITING DESKS, PERPUAIERY, Fancy Chba and Boliamian Vans, TOYS, &C., &C., &C., AT A. R. FEIgTEVS, Opposite Pahnestooks• Stare. CieUpham, March I. MM. U EICELEOR GMBH. PHOTOGRAPHS, Photo Miniatures A3IBILOTYPEtti, e&C Stereoscopic Yicws of hile BATTLE-FIELD, rirrevoBcor,eB PHOTOGRAPH PRANIES, A. 1., 33 TT 1.1 B . =1 AND AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 4//rWe clenl In nothing hut the-bent of Its k Md. Call and examine our Mock C.J. TYSON, Proprlebr Ayrll 3, ISCot„ 1( LEWIS STROIJSE Has I.Jought back his old stand, on Ct+llste s t root, and to gulag Into business again lieitylor than scar. Ho asks his old it feuds and Um public to oalL NOTIONS, OROCERI E 4, NN FIXTIoNS SEAM RN, TOBACCthi, &C., &C. In large variety, and • little cheaper than the cheapest. Don't forget toe place—nearly typo it la the nal land Station. Go 1 :k....„, sham Oct. Oat. 11, 11M. OTHER BAKERY. T ETE andera l sued has opened a B&kory at ite corner of Washington and nigh atreets. Gettymburc auk brawl silo public's pat ronage. FItEBH BREAD, - CARER. PMTZLILEI, 112711iEEE By rising the beet of doer and other motet ale. and &Meg hie work well, he hopes ki give satisfaction In every wee. Call at or WWI your orders to the Bakery, corner ig Wash- Maton and. High streets, apeman , * the Ye• male Irrattate and Powera'a Granite Turd. I= April 17, 1869. tt KEST NATIONAL BANK =I WIII allow interest on Mpedal Deposits, as follows: 6 Nor semel. per &mak (lir I your. 4 u $ 114 44 HI 64 3 u Wal CASH 0111111PDIJND INTERMIIT NOTEAI mdCX/UPONN. Will also purchase or , rl.l STOCK'S and BONDS at'every Ilnd,lesii or cluing sui rim- mlemienotadi will et all times pay the MOH EST MICE for POW and lALVIt" and wW, with Asmara, capon& all ireetbeas promptly, as hmelmirre, yertidirldly to sikmmil regulated Bank 0164). ARStdb, Cashier. Gettysburg, Nov. S, ISO 7 GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK GOVBRNMENT BONDS, of 41 kind; BOUGHT mud BOLD. BEVEN-TIIIRTT BONDS converted into ftViterWMITY ISONIni without ammo. COMPOUND IZITDILEST 1TOTI!S CAEMIta The 111WIEST ralthiDpir paid on GOLD and BILN DAL , FitriClES sod B6MI, RIMS, bought tor persona without WII- M 116810 1 47. • Oftittilii *loint Y'Etim'ertv. Interest on StrIXIAT. DEPOMTA tshsrneed I /MT cent., I.ls, O glypr rent. for 1 year. 4 per cent. for 4 speutkoh It per *rut. liar I. osestkii. Persons wishing tufonnation.la stiptril to U. S. Bonds, sad Stookii of ore In vited to glee WI a can, and we WM Wye all laktramialep aMI4,It:InY J. KMORY.BALL Csialkr Oettyahurg, Oot.'Qt, 1967. tf UWRENCE;•D. DIETZ & CO., WIIOI4IIA,LU DEALrit9 t i lif ' FANCY Goopei BOSIXIZT And lIABIETHCP _3O Vett Erpe /Red, Bet weelsAFTAikt 4 Y Strt . .U. hCay 7. Mt It.lwro. • Pension Itsmovaise, EYE Vie tur, the untletstaned ta_aur ..e.2 O h reescor ops th t= rennyval Dries senualris of &- tamed ddliatatier er Mende will avail them salve* fre e of Use year to kayo it done. Ritas mode with promptness-7 forma 1041 P, enema effort smiled to *mem PETER THORN. March kt. te.. Keeper of the flemeterY. Sale Crying, A W. FLEatI , 4IING amtlnue. the btuat.ce. Q4E:ILK CltYlinUnd er i tnis i t ht . c.:l; oonstant r := ... or D Zi eton glrr: in ne6 , ! v iogat i l i o i t 0011101IIMM s.--kge le • licensed At/On:neer, ender 4lielliticisrs alba United nate& • soczutEs, &C.—Country merchants sap ghtlol at IrbOloraerorKtt Growridi Ala, at 011.14811111.4C0V1. eto a totarNQUlt a Banritaitla to boy 'roar Dry Goods, Notioniy Qieetowar, Ake., on the marthifiet, Comer of the Dimmed, Qttty4Dargt rm. VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IA WHAT IT PISIIIVIITIC TO A °VIC TINE FIAM HIPPTORATIVII chant liett LAO lOteti w Faded hair to the Don't barrens Entre Tresses, vrttlelt ao orttgr. It will ponith,ly 1 , 11•41- CAIO ARlnon viol Ilinkleett (ram the scale and where there is ter In the alen.l%, will nese a 11 , W groxtfl of Nair to put forth on hold seas. Thoessetts are Intl() leg In the aIISIN , PUKE• BLOO PER 110171. E. D. Davitler, Wholotude and Cr6ttynbunc—itild (or Kul.; ht m(411111) %II =TINS. 17 BAUGIPS COIERCIAL lIIIGEF,S. v ot. MARK Zif =ME BAUGH do SONS, PAthuielphia, Northwestern Fertilizing Co., ( ILIt 1(to, =I Priv.. 3 BACtilfg It A IR BONR PHOShITA TA; 850 per I Vee. 8..4 rail's C'ILIC.Itd() HUSE FJ ii TIGIZI:It CV per 2,000 11,41. rO 3' CHICAGO ;awn MA SrHI. Vol per 2 • INMI lbe, The al.ve Manure. are 1:n1111311ml In both Iwu• and barrels, wlll4 I ter ennioan r r. air - The Lave are uniform In Wrophl loe lbs.' *a The fattentLon of Farmer. I. esp., WIC It rectefl to the fact t hot tho a almost of the now Material of *bleb the itboye Mg 1.111 5 ,, ikla• oonipmed, tilre 00 Will Thad,' foIIITOI that Ni• thrill 01 *tali ti3tatulforto tomtit) and conflation, owl ttrat tiny fLoatalta .f !Ai, wrentaltalac ot ammonia than nu) , oh or of nowolot LLnrfl 111;111lIfen ll> the I. ItA IN/smith I.t veurin t111•11v, P 1,111,1.1. 1 ,1111 NOICTIIW EMT ERN FERT ILI ZI ( Cur. l oin S Lunfle nth 4r4-11.11.11111'4 COMM Eitel AL MANURE , may N. wturd from .1. 411.“, Bny prinalipnl tolvas In 1110 tutted litattei or Dylnlnkin of 111mida. Stub 19, I• 6?.. 4in CARRIAGE- MAKING BUSINESS, 9111% undengligned hire reatuw..l Chu utu" imalo-lautktuyi Luslue., AT TII Lilt 01.1) qTANI) I■ Lite MWWe Bfree, Gretgesurg, At Veero thvy are proper d to put up work fu t town fiteldonuble, substuollsl sod mope,- tor manner. A lot of neer mot out:owl-hood C ARFLIAOES, BUOGIVI, &C., ON MANI) *Well they will diwponi. of at the known pewee; and alt unions w aupplied ad promptly and ballittetorlly ue poaelble. REPA/RTHO DONE WITH DWIPATCIi and at cheapest rater A Iwo lot ut naw gal eid HAtikt l o.B to hand a 4 tor sate. Thankftlt bat title literal patronage beret"- fire arnoy,4l dash, Wag &AWL and yr 111 endear, to ileserr e a loin alum" In the Winn', TIMMER & ZnMl*l: t July 10, IRO. YE TO THE BUILDING OMMUNITY, 6=l WHO WISII TO IHP.R.OVE rrUIE undersigned respectfully Informs tlin 1 public Unit lie still continues thu CARPENTERING] BUSINFAS at his old stand, on West street, Gettysburg. and V r , ndy at all tinins to twenni utodatellioas wanting anythlos done lu )11,11111V. Ht. hunt , - pared to turn ish all kinds of work for building purposes. of the la at' material, and as neatly and cheaply us It can he demo at any other 14- tiblialtlneut In the county. Experienced hands always In re:l4lll.K and work eaectilcd with Pnnuptileas and dispatch. Thankful tor past favors, he hopes, Ivy atten tion to boldness, to tel rive a Marvel share of ynhlic patronage. WM. CiIItITZM AN. June 17, 18117. If NEW DRUG STORE 1=1! rplik: undersigned Luis opened a Drug Store j. la New Oxford, Ad6lllB eouttly, and re spectfully rallathe attention of the public ti, PAI ILH„ NTS O V MIN NH h. 1% DYEMTUFFII__, WINDOW MARK PATENT MEDICIN E_, and a fall inosortment of DRUOM •, lb a word a eotnpletestoek of Goods gi uefully kept In a Ilustrdank Dreg Store. Alf of arhleh hit re in en purehseed during the p nit two werkg, and e. be ebb! low. All tlre ut ticks Wlnutfly mauls leoloired at the old estubitiehmeut lu List lb.- tin can be had hue. bu Unitereiou inis m wigs perfectly, soil selecting lila gorodg h s lihbeli, he Is aide Co WILMIIat /lie D rugs purr and r • represented. The puldieure rotitlcnted lout s hien a trial. • I). M. MILI.Eit, New Oxford, Mey 6, 1641. tf ~,~~:►;~~:~:~~ni -ADD CORSET 4 CO mind. WM. T. HOPKINH, No. 803 Arch Street, Philadelphia XANUYACTUALLIt Or THE Celebrated "Champion" Hoop Shirts FOR LAOIFS, MISSiI.74 AND largest assolitneat.and 'lna II lY Oa, styles In the American Market. Every lady should try tlteiu, nu they rerontinettd thew solves by wourlrfk longer, retaining (DLit shape much hetlei, being lighter and more elsatte Utah all 011lans—WAltitANTED lu es c ry respect, aced sr at NOT, law priers. Ask for .. l'11.1311'1()N" SKIRT. Muperlor Whale-bona CIILL,ETH lu k Ifteen different I, ruder, Ito hlm.; the ••Ine porlar' out/ Ttled.i.Sov &1,A:46002.'s "t; IA" V E COItIiETS, ranging In Irmo Si (Aqui& to , cult ImLen Hal K EL'S CELEIMATAI) PRENCII WriVF,!ir Cldt , Kll4, superiorisituiven ail, linable. T. u allierent tltmles, from f 110 to !FP Tnoy oho the finest and hest geoids fur the price*, eve isnportEd. 'rbe Trade so pitied with 11(401' SK I IRTS and VOlL11;t14 ut tae 1,41 , 1 rot deity, 'those visiting tire City shoutil not atil to rva and examine our Hoods and Primo, as w e defy all comp. - 41E1ov, Sept. 1, 148 Wea2.3. ' LissivaEß SWEMAXT ( • NO. 2 WEST MARKET STREET, 1,4 =1 =M==ilMt= AND ALL YLNIISS OY. MUSICAL INSTRUMKNYA, respectfully Infortu the public that the) ore prepared to furabill Ilenod of the following manufacture or of our other make that way be. preferred: MS*WO. &elites & Rehmllll, eltleatoalni fit !lam, Ar&lb. , , r, Malabo & Son. .1 00es, ICSTRT S CSIZIOLA.TKI, .110 LT DIJI it U•=3 These (witrumentx .Incdt unrivalled by L 11) thing found In thin enuntry or in Europ/ , , 00 la admitted by all tut part lulindiges. The meat eminent Pine Organ )414111.1er0 and Performers, the Lai to discover excellence In reed Tone, pronounced teem vasty iniirernsr W aU Wien' for exceedingly troika. articulation and round Tone, the etasffsl feature in InatOuntents of this clams. We invite the severe scrutiny and criticisms ye - • PATENT VOXWatANA TEEMOLO. Thla late and most wonderful Invention (ao aokowsrlattged by all kaddlalr arts") b u band only In the Eatey Instruments. In at tempting to describe the enact of thla stop, we are at loss for language. Ile Lemil/lea latunot he a cities, but utast be heard to be appreela bed_ By this taw an ordinary paribruier can produce an effect which towline a life time of practice !brows/ MK upon a aloha. It en tirely change. the rued Zuge,glvlng, the .3, - rathetic sweetness of the tiMall mak• fa u lla ti to "' enZtl i r listener. "Y" "'"r iiii,usiudoNli; ORGAN for Churches, Public Halle arid Parlor. kis * powerful sah-Bss with hide yendenS reeds, Lia.smostia R4sehnient , and Vag Humana Tremolo, and le bellered tie be the most power ful reed omen node. being neartyregual to a Pipe Organ ot three Woos the oast. All inetrumente vrarrantedlibli *ye years. 40/1111/Ond SAADn In s.. l== 'negro. sessineltbdininwat A liberal ollbonuat allowed - for Machos and Sabbath Saharan WW,lnstrnctlws given both in Vocal and Instrumental Musk, at our rooms, and at pti humee either to iedivithuis orolasses, on reasonable Dee 11, bet rwiLf% 4 l7ll:l l W, sed.reikaisable El MEM