Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, October 02, 1868, Image 2

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    [tttesburg tampiltr.
------- -- '
FRU:4M OCT. 2, 1468
P , R
11011 Horatio Sal -flour,
I-nR 17x1'-rnEsiDENT,
Gyn. F. P. Blair. Jr.,
Hon, Charles E. Boyle, Fayette co.
Gen, Wellington H. Ent, Columbia co.
11.. x. F. M. hiellifiLL. of Franklin wanly
CALVIN M. DUNCAN, Esq., of Prank eo.
ADNIRTRONG B. DILL, of Peteribufg
J.%( Olt AE1.111)1{N, E.y.,d Monntple6pnt tp
1,151111 CT A TR,R2,XT,
WILLIAM A. DUNCAN, Lag., of Oetlysburg
(`Olt?ArrY CO .11 MIMI 6.11, -
1103 EN 11.ARTMAY, KAKI., of Mountjuy twp.
11-FIN J A.. 11 IN DEARDWWF, d Frank/1n twy.
t'srr J. HEACIY, of Stribon township
dl.- SF. 1). KELLNII.,Eati., c 4 Comma .° twp.
. .
141491°P(', .
A grand Mass Meeting of tie,
friends of Seyrriour and Blair
will be held in
On Saturday, Oct, 10, 1868.
Among 'the sfenkers on the
occasion will be.
of Maine,
of New York,
' of Lancaster, Pa.,
Hon, G. W. BREWER,
of Chambersburg, Pa.,
and others. Arrangements are
being perfected for one of the
mostimposing political demon
strations ever witnessed in this
- The people of Adams and sur
rounding counties are invited
to come in their strength. Come
in the cars, in wagons, carTiager,
buggies, on horseback, afoot--
any way and every way! Bring
music, flags, banners, hickories,
wreaths, flowers, everything
that: may contribute to the
grand display.
Distinguished speakers from
different parts of the Union will
address you. The issues of the
campaign will be fully present
ed and ably discussed.
All in favor of ECONOMY
and REI4`ORM'i and the preser
vation of our GoVernmeut under
the,rtile of WHITE
.MEZC are,
urged to itttend—tii rally as a
mighty host, demanding A
By rirde'r of Co. Ta. Cvtriy
Gettysburg, Oct. 2,, 1868.
Democratic Meetings!
Judge HIMMELL and C. M. DrN.
CAN, 4 ddrees the people at Ab
bottatown THIS EVENING, and at
Littlestoen TCPX,O4B 4 ; O W EVEN
Democratic meetings . Will also be
held as follows: .
At Grsefrenberg, TO-MORROW
At New Chester, next MONDAY
At DiumtnastAtig,'neit TUE
'evening, , _ -------
Aktiatoptou, next W.E44,7,1131)AT
At tlaleitwalit, Cold Spring
Vot:l2lb, st 2 o'olook.
At Cleo. A. Corweil's, Jo FranYtio
law.uslap, pa 41053)..).); emu Pct.
SeverlTlF4Rlffittiarbe expected at
.eaeb meeting.
White tneti; pountry
Tuotoott Tatiroott
Vote for BOYLE sad ENT—pure
sad intetworthy spen,
Your interests decaun(s *wee ict
the Legialaturc—deTbliffil - itt* 'r too-
Lion of much wen aa Calvin M. Dun
can and Dr. DilL
Immediately after the battle the
R:ttlicali were profutte iii promkes of
aid fkori tcto State. •
la 1 , 14 appeals for your mityport were
I,y,thetri, And the promhte
of holp renewed.
1 , ;,1 you got pay fur 3 our lttltmgts?
1.:44. cot!
AruCoatuall3' 1, 01 , 14 y pro.
eITI l'f , "ncet me, rind compensation
will be sure." lie was (not ejectri l l,
butt adtni tled to the Semite. What
did hie protidde grove to be worth?
A bill for payment passed the House,
and was sent to the other body. Mc-
Conaughy was urged to press it. The
time was felt to be auspicious. But he
delayed—put it off: He bad a i"me
modal" az to grind—hie ax—and be
ground It. But the damage bill felled
—"failed for want of time!"
Another attempt was made. It
failed too. , Why? Radical /wlslaters
needed - all the State'd money to gratify
their own cormorant demandl.
And thus have the sufferers on the
border been left tosuffer on. But there
is a hope foriustlee—hope 1n the elec
tion of Duncan and I)111. They arc
good men—true men—honest men—,
able men. They will have influence—
and will adhere to the demand. With
the election of their opponents the
case will be hopeless.
The Democratic County Meee Meet
leg will be held here TO-MORROW
WEEK--Saturday, Out. 10th. Dis
tinguished speakers from abroad wilt
address it. There is still time for
preparations to make the demonstra
tion no immense one.. To WORK AT
ONCE, for to-morrow week !
Yom for Judge KIMMELL—au
able and limiest IMlll,—the advocate 'of
economy and reform—the rule of the
constitution—and a white mau's gov
.1111 IT THeltE YOIC Aar?.
One of the prominent features in
Radical Isaiah is bragging—and wipe
dally when away from the kvality
bragged about.
We are told that Clerk McPherson,
at the Radical "so-called" meal meet
ing in Chiunbersburg, last week, boast
ed that a part of the Radical ticket in
this county would he elected Demo
crats of Adams, do you "see It?" The
boast was intended to deceive the peo
ple at the meeting—or it ehowa an ex
pectation entertained by Radical lead
era that you win cut your own regu
larly nominated Ileket to such an ex
tent as to let In some of the opposition
candidates. Are you willing to mar the
victory in store for yea, and by your
own abort-comings give your enemies
the power to crow over you? We
don't believe it. We believe that you
aro made of too good stuff—have
too much party pride—to be guilty of
so suicidal an act. Rally, then, to the
polls in your strength, and by the tri
umphant election of your whole tick
et, give the lie to IdePhenton's boast.
_ .
Don't forget to be assessed. The law
says It must be done ten days before
the election. To•monnow (Saturday)
Is time enough in the estimation of
moat lawyers—but THIS (Friday) is the
safer day. It will certainly avoid all
disputes. See to It, then, 4.r.osen,-
Vorstor CALVIN M. DUNCAN, for
the State Senate. He was three years
ago CHEATED out of the seat, in de
fiance of the expressed wl/1 of the pep
ple. Rebuke Radical scoundrellent by
re-electing this able and honest man
by a largely Manama majority.
The Radicals ate at one of there old
games—offering to trade vales. Dem
ocrats, have nothiug to do with ao dam
aging a business.. The Radinalamtptia t
to make by-it, or they would uot. pro
pcKe it. You can elect your WHOLE
TICKET handsomely. But 4ado it you
Vora for Dr. ARMSTRONG B.
DILL, for Assembly. He is deserved.
ly popular, and has ability of a WO
order. He would represent Adams
county U ltb credit to its people.
A special train will he run from this
place to the Littlestown Democratic
ING, starting at f, o'clock. The meet
ing promisee to be a rouser. Arrange
ments are being made for a grand
torch-light procession. The Demo
crats of Gettysbarg and vicinity, as
well as along the line of the railroad,
are Invited and expected to turn out in
`liirge numbers.
VOll4 for Col. JOSETII J. KUHN.
A better Associateludge could not be
found in the (moldy Besides. he Is
fteth from the ranks of the people,
Whilst lils opponent has held office
(from the Democrats, Whigs, Know
Nothings and Republicans.) nearly all
his life.
Wan,: the army of General Roso-
'CII*I7: WWI afflicted with searvy en ap
lace, awl made to the loyal aorernom,
for yegstables. Every one of them,
(lov. Curtin included, responded to
the appeal of Oen. floseerans by re
(erring him to the Sanitary Commis
sions! But Gov. Seymour promptly
sent one hundred and fifty barrels of
potatoes, and fifty barrels of Onions,
raised on his own farm. They were
the only vegetables received by the'
army of Gen. tthsecranz before it was
put on the march. Here was display
real friendship fur the soldier.
Prothonotary. A sterling old Derma
erat, and in every tray qualified, he is
eminently deservl ng of the office. His
opponent has already had a three
yearn' term, and onght tete nattaffed.
THADDEpB STatvlots described Geary'
as the "tuil.appy failw e." Stevens
bad a keen insight into men and
things, „Who will say that his esti
mate of Geary was not correct
dit.Dfili SU F FEREIti, you need the
servaii of Calvin 31. Duncan and Dr.
Dill In tli:e Legislature. Both men of
standihg, earnest and able, they wilt
enforce your just claims with vigor
gait effetit.
Winn. for BEINJA/iilli
WAIF, for Director ot the. Ppor.
Who will, ,e say that he will not lilt
the position in the most acceptable
, •
TUR claturatspat ire-lelgresellor IA
11he SamAt in nay aa sl
14 Owl
hilaut Democracy. Complete and
thorough organ ;cation Is marking
every locality, vol the right kind of I
work is brought. to bear upon the can-
VIOL Among t h e many able speakers
who are now effectively addreesiug
the-perepler saps-44w Ave: ' l / 1 . 14046 •1
William Bigler, lice. Beyer,
HOll. Itodutrd Hon. reter 441-/
Call, lion, WiNiant P. Jenks, lieu.
Magner; Orc , 4, lint. Charles In 7 er
soil„hr. Jul,us Kota, E. T. 'Ap g ar, 1
Ear , Churls: H Esq.,
eral Wilhuso idetlartriless, ureteral
Welliugtoti 11. Ent, Hon. Charles E.
Boyle, Jolty O'llrysie, Esq., B. S.
Morrison, Esq., Gorge Northrop,
It'aq., Charles W. Brooke, Req., Colo
nel J. K. Kerr, general W. W. H.
Davis, J. R. Fellows, Esq., Hon.
Mester Clymer, Hon. George H.. Pe
ndleton, Hon. 'Henry a Foster, ex.
governor Johnson, Hon. Edgar Cow
au, E. 0. Perrin, Esq., Stephen J.
Meant', Esq., Hoc. D. A. Ogden, of
New York, fieneral Green Clay
Briaith, Hon. C. A. Eldrldgc, Hon. E.
F. Pillsbury, Ilon. 0. 0. li/elae, Cap
tain C B. Brockaway, and a host of
others. Betides the gentlemen we
have named, there are hirndre4s who
are raising their eloqueut velem In de.
fen se of "lieu righL" Our meetings
are everywhere attended with large
and enthusiastic crowds of free
men, and never before were the peo
ple of Pennsylvania so solemuly in
earnest in a political canvass. Demo
crats! the victory la now within
your grasp! You have only to stretch
out your Amato secure it. The Real
eels araeverywhere disheartened and
dismayed. Some. of their best calcula
tors have, wlthiu the past few days,
acknowledged their inability to carry
Pennsylvania. Their only hope now
is in the perpetration of stupendous
frauds, and they will stop at nothing,
no matter bow base and criminal it
may be, to Med: the people at the
polls. Every Democrat in the State
should bear thin hr toted, and go Ins
/tautly to work to oircumvent the des
perate enemy. Work from this hour,
until the Wall goes down on the second
Tuesday of October. Work in your
oountles—iu your townships—in your
cities—in your towns—in your hills
and valleys—in your workshops—in
every election precinct ! Work—
work —mork ! Sue that every Demo
cratic and Conservative vote le polled.
Don't, by any occident, he absent from
your homes on election day. Rave
vehicles ready to haul the Kick and in
firm to the ballot-hog. If you find a
Republican neighbor wavering, and
you will find many, plead with him
(or the sake of his country to "come
out from among the foul party" and
stand up boldly on the side of the
Union and the' Constitution. Cheer
the desponding—speed on the en , he
elastic in their triumphant march—
animate and encourage by your seal
and energy the whole Democratic col
umn—work work— work— as you
should do, and, us in days of yore,
V] Ml3=l=l
TYRONE, Adaute Co., Befit.
This certainly i, a time that men
should stop and think calmly before
they take svipther step to the direction
of their pa tan leaders. Great con
sequences are resting on the decision
of this campailin. Every man must
be floating iu itrib of two channels,
The one flows towards peace, prosperi
ty and happiness, while the other
leads to despotism, war and anarchy In
the end. And we are mow called upon
to uphold and support one of these
great"partles. it matters not to •us
what have been the issues of yeallegone
by, hut itha oor daig to take care of the
present, and to inquire what are the
great differences of '
It is evident that the leaders apart
the one hand are the men who have
ever held,up before the people the Con
stitution of the United Stateo as the
'supreme lase of the land, and as such
should be re4.trded by all classes
conditions of men, In every section of
the country; chile the Radical patty
are led by men who are wild with fa
naticism and godleseness, ttratang on
from one rash net to another, aslf their
Insatiate desire for power would never
They have subverted our form of
government They have given us,
stead of a republican, • centralized
government, giving all powet to their
RumpCougress. Tim„ they have done
more. They have saiabllshed In ten
States of this Union • military despot
ism. This Union. that you and I, my
soldier friend, fought for four long and
bloody years to save, Is now to be torn
these Vandals at Washington. Thus
these false potriote and carpet baggers
have aanomplisiled In three year* of
peace what the rebel hordes failed to
accomplish in tour years of war—sev
ered the ties of atfeetion whirl bound
this Union togethe4.,
Soldiers. this, according to Liadical
theory, is the prize for which we en
dured the hardeliiiie of the march and
the dangers of battle. Are you Nei/ling
to bow tamely down and say to these
rogues. "Here, meke us your slaves,
if you wish; we are not worthy et the
name of American ott,lzems." Or will
you roake'eak honor:dile resietonce this
fall at the ballot leoz,, and hurl from
power these usurpers, and pk.,%. in
their stead — men wire -dare, and who
uphold and sustain the supreme
*, of the Coostitution!
If we admit these renegades.ta pow
er four years. longer, they will have
fastened upon us forever the damnable
and withering curse of deepotie rule.
Let us then save ourselves by eletting
to office token who do 001 have con
stantly before their eves a carpet.bag
filled with nigger wool, sliver spoons,
and wooden nutmegs, but mew who
are truly of tho white stampi , and dare
to cermet:orate the people .with a poli
A Monett OF vas 90Tit PA. V. Is. P.
(iovnifartin Prix/rum, of Maine,
Hon. - IP4t P. Hanlon, of New fork,
Hon. Pummel H. Reynolds, of Lances.
ter, and. Hon. tiloo, W. Dreiver, of
Chamberoburg, all powerful advocates
, of the 'good cause, wlll addrees the
Demoemtle Mee Meeting In Gettya
burg, October 10th. They ere worth
comingit Etindreil Wirfealo hear.
VOTF. for M 0 ‘;2!'S HARTMAN.
The °Mee of County Commissioner
caenor, be Aired by one troll , upright
or worthy.
BMW. 47 your teams to the .Hasa
Meeting In Oetlysburgi-on Saturday,
Oct. 10th!
Vora for WM. A. DUNCAN,
for District Attorney. In no other
hands could the responsible du
tleo of the °Mee be more lately Thwed,
t; - ; Iteriti
littlestown !
MR. EIMMR:—The pole raising and
mane meeting which wan tiOneopeeil
to come oir at the hotel of John Green,
Inxt y took 3.lltee, aid took everybody
Ly hUrpriAC. 14) large "witall It wad
beyond dispute' owe of the largest
meeting') held this campaign.
sterling old lienmer.,ey of the lower
eq,vt:ere out ln'foree—ibe '6ld, the
young—the former, the tateeli.anle.
The pole measured 137 feet aft er
. be
ing iptieed, which we commenced to
raise about 4 o'clocis, under the super-
VlBlOll of Capt. Isaac Lightner, who
knows no such word as fail. After
being started, it went up 'with n rush
.-which was responded to by the
crowd present giving three rousing
cheers for the ticket. The Band taint
discoursed some ore:theft cholke melee.
At etuly candle-light the meeting
was organized by Jacob Kiunk, Esq.,
who made a few very appropriate re
marits, when' the following gentlemen
were selected as officers :
President, Daniel Lielaelinan, Esq.
Vice Presidents, James Spalding,
Pius P. Fink, Philip Limier, NVI/liarti
titaub,Levi Golden, Francis M. Bod
ily, Sylvester Harper, Andrew Kialtl,
John Bolden, Joseph Araotz,
Lewis P. Weaver, John G. flyers,
James C. Duttern, Martin Steffy,
(ieorge Hasson, Edward Shurb,
Bishop, }Award Ckillinti, Barney Au
Secrets:tee, Dr. E. F. Shorb, Dr. W.
E. Naylor, Dr. J. P. (tenter, G. B.
Yantis, Jerome Golden, David Welk
The meeting 'Awn woe addressed by
Win. McClean, Wm. A. Duncan,
Win. F. Dean, J. D. Nswman and
Geo. B. Yantis, Rage. . Upon tke eon
elusion of the speaking, three rousing
cheers were given for the whole ticket.
Last though not least, I wish to
make special mention of our towns
man and prince of landlords, -John
Green, who had everything admirably
arranged for raising the mobster pole;
besides having everything that was
needed to satisfy the inner man.
Mr. Editor, last Elatttrday will long
'be remembered as a gala day In Lit
tlestown. The lower eud is stirred up
to the fullest extent, and, you may
rest assured, we'll give the Rads thun
der down here in October, with a
double dose in November.
The People Aroused!
znolauommis *ma Zareastiirts 1
Tbat the people are alive to the im
portance,ef the questions before them;
is proven by Uwe large attendance at
all Democratie
The meeting In the Court-house hat
nighit week weal gratifying An every
reepeet---in numbers, in attention
paid to the epenkem, and in enthusi
asm. The °Moire wefe :
President, Hon. David Ziegler.
Vice Presidents, Daujel Gelseimam,
Boum Lightner, George Lady, Samuel
Hilt, Zscharlah Myers, Adam Hebert.
Henry J. Kuhn, Abraham Fisher,
Henry ."i. Picking, Henry Bucher, Dr.'
E. F. Edwrb, U. B. Yantis. t.larnuel J.
Brady, Dr. Oe!lig, Battier Newport,
George Geyer, John Ward, George P.
Kalbtleisoh, Jacob Penner, Edward
Secretaries, Dr. J. W. C. O'Neal, 11.
L. Bream, FAward Heily, Harry Lilly,
Capt. S. H. Eicliolts, Alfred Sion/titer,
J. A. Gilmore.
Calvin M. Duncan, Esq., ate Demo
cratic candidate for the State Senate,
was then introduced. He spoke about
au hour ably and forcibly, winning fre
quent applause. Judge Kimmel', the
Djkocratie candidate for Congress, fol
lowed With 4*ErUmenti of extraordina
ry power on reconstructi4n, debt, taxes,
etc , and closed amid, idAtti olreers.
• This was a glorious rally, Oxford,
Mottatplawant, Reading, . I ,3mniiton,
fitrahou, the two Berwicks, Ito., being
well represented. The Gettysburg
train contributed two car loads. A
procession with banners and music,
under the matehalehlp of Adam Reb
ert, Esq., assisted by J. W. Lott and
A. J. Bowers, marched from the rail
road to the meeting, at Wiest'e
After musts by the New Oxford Brass
sand, Dr. J. W, McClure called the
.crowd to order, and proposed the fol.
towini list of oftleers, which woo unan
imously adopted:
President., Nicholas sslued, Esq.
Vice Presidents, H T. Rohn, George
Smith, Francis J. Wilson, Richard
Adams ' John Stock, Abraham Sheety,
Daniel Heitsel, John C. Wuek, Bonn'
L. Millerichael Bohn, Capt. J. E.
Miller, J. Myers, Egti„ Wm.
Beck, Jesse Johns, Frederick Wolf,
Hon. D. Ziegler, John R. Brinkerhoff,
George Louch, Henry Thomas, Adam
Reheert, Isaac Dearlurlf, John Lynch,
John Ruff, Jeremiah Slayt 111 ugh,
George Biker, Henry J. Hemler,
Philip Donohue, Samuel OrndorlY,
Henry Dattensperger, John Clunk.
Secretaries, D Miller. A. J. Bow
ers, Joseph Lilly, Henry Cline, Jesse
Newcomer, J. W. Lott, George Hann,
(lharles Ziegler, Ephraim Fiecel,
Thomas G. Neely, Dr. O'Neal, James
W. Dicke, F. Ramer.
Win. S. Stenger, Esq., of Chambers
burg, was introduced and welcomed
with many cheers. For an hour awl
a half be held his vast audience spell
bound, so powerful was his array of
facts and so eloquently and Con
vincingly were they put forth.
Mr. Edward Reily followed with a
telling speech, and H.l. tztahle con
cluded. Ilia meeting edjenr'ned wi4h
cheers and in high Writs.
This was also a good meeting, em
bracing a general attendance of the
neighborhood, with delegations from
Mum mambo rg, New Salem, Cash tow n,
&c. The organization consisted of :
President, Christian Raffensperger.
Vice Presidents, Samuel A. Swope,
Win. H. Lott, Esq.,Michael Rice,
Hewyßitner, Mitilisttioffmau, Hen
ry Wildesin, Michael Schlosser,George
A. Corwell, Dr. M. L. Gates, 4. \V.
Lott, Jacob Schlosseri Berkbart Wert,
George 'Throne, H. W. Whitmore, W.
C. Lott, Samuel Hartman, Solomon
Hartman, Thomas F. Grammer, Jo
seph Fisher, John Pottorff, Wm. Mil
let, Samuel Wolf, Peter Miller, Charles
Myers, Andrew Carey, Joseph C. Kun
kle, James linseSll, ZtichartlFitzgerald.
Becresarlea, 4. ft. Itaffensperger,
Elias Spangler. Capt. EL 11. ElebnitS,
Jacob Deardorff, Abraham Hart Isaac
Slaybaugh, Jeremiah Stoner, Frank
lin Fromnseyer, Capt. T. n plank, S.
A. Weaver, Petet Schlosser Ihnas Or
tier. John Harlow, Samuel "12: Lady,
Jerome Keller, George Scillosser, John
Deardorff, David Wisler, Hiram Lady,
Joshua Taylor, David Deardorff, Sam
siel Burrell, Noah W. Hartman, David
Minter. Wm. Russell, E_phralin
Dastel kauver. Flaw ff t 'Orner, Ni
cholas Miller, _Liwis Carhaugh, B.
The meeting was very egeothiely
addreseed by Win. McClean, Esq., C.
M. Duncan, Itsq, Hon. F. M. Kim
mel', Dr. A. 13.Map4.V:-:WeffilMlle.
GEN. - Niceriawl anived it, New
York on 'itletwilly.
ensierima Air *Aware sem.
. A ple tutu out, .49 MMUS. Nottul
Rook Aker meetitigAtia
trot eit*ltetkes•=if showedtsitvety Spit ,
it In the good work The officers
resident, John Lilly, Esq.
PreshaintA,LalwOe .11/411,
etninget,'JoAeph Ifartfei
dawn, Francis Pohlman, Julia Reed,
him J. W. Bachman, Noah
limteisoyr, liarssey Noel, Coursal ilezi
der, J °hie 1,. Jen ktns, Atfant Noel, An
thortv'Lfttle,',lrt. 11. imentae.
Se:L."ol2de*, dawns W. ththernator,
«'tn. Duttera,vf Cu.
Frank 2 , neeringer, Templeton Noel,
Peter (linter, Samuel Jenkins.
Judge Kimmel!, C. NI. Duncan and
Edward Deity wade capital speeches,
and were listened to until a late hour
with the closest attention. Adjourned
with three rousing cheers for the catiee
and candidates.
This was a capital turn out—much
larger than the Radical meeting: at
the same place a feW evenings previ
ous. The officers were:
President, Zechariah Myers, F.sq.
Vice Presideute, Peter Stoner. Ed
ward Rusk, Aaron Woodring,
Shiuglet(esker, John Haut,
Charles iAtrausbaugh, John Watson,
Jesse P. Topper, Henry Peters. %Vll
luttn Hensel, Robert Watson, Lame
Secretaries, George Sanders, Henry
Herring, Daniel Woodring. John Og
den, Joseph Milt, Jesse' H. bLezilhall.
Telling speeches were made by W.
A: Duncan, Judge Kimmel, and
Dr. Dill, when the meeting adjourn
ed, with cheep.; and in excellent
AMPLE Railroad arrangements will
be made for the Democratic Mass
Meeting in Gettysburg, on Saturday,
Oct. 10th.
VOTE for Capt. ELI G. HEAGY,
for Auditor. He is honest awl compe
tent. What more could anybody ask
in a candidate ?
The bloody riot at Camilla, county
seat of Mitchell county, Georgia, on
Saturday week, is another proof of the
bad consequences to 1.,e expected from
the wicked, unconstitutional policy of
Congress, towards the Southern States.
In this affray, it is reported by tele
graph that the killed and wounded
number one hundred. The free use of
tlre•arma by the negroes shows they
were &Harmed, and that to place dead
ly weapons in their hands is both
criminal and dangerous. Nor Is there
aby hope of peace iu the Soath, until
arms are taken from the hands of the
blacks, and the people are permitted
to organize governments under the
Constitution of the United gtates.—
Quiet submission to black bondage
cannot be expeoted from American
citizens; and w heranegroes %rearmed,
rascals and demagogues will be eve;
ready to use them for the worst pur
In this Georgia case, it appears that
one Price. the Radical nominee for
Congreee, and Murphy, an ex-bureau
itgbnt, collected about three hundred
negroes, timed and equipped, "add
started for•Camltla, which was about
twenty-five miles distant, on Friday,
with three weeks' peevisloes, and
boxes of new arms and accoutrements.
The account proceeds:
Before starting, some friendly Ile-
Imes exposed the plan, and a negro
courier was dispatched to Camilla to
Inform the citizens what was going on.
A deputation of three prominent citi
zens met the mob at a church five miles
from town. The (lovernor's pinch's
oration forbidding armed organisations
was read, but the mob paid no atten
tion to it, and determined to march on.
Again the deputation remonstrated,
entreating the negroes to come in with
out arms, and they should not tie mo
lested. Their efforts were fruitless to
dissuade the negroee, and the mob
marched into the town with banners
flying and drums beating.
They now numbered 440, many hav
ing joined them on the route. The
mob halted and clamored for a man
named Johns. Johr s, in company with
Dr. Twenty, presented himself, when
a hundred guns were leveled at him.
The former being intoxicated, tired,
and the riot commenced, the mob dr
i n e at every one they could see.
The citizens, white and colored, ral
lied, gathering about lift) , stand if
arms. The mob was vigorously at
tacked and driven back, and, panto
stricken, took to flight. The negroes
were pursued five miles, losing thirty
flve killed and many wounded. Their
total low, so far as ascertained, will be
from seventy-live to one hundred in
killed and wounded. Owing to the
panic among the mob, only five whites
were severely wounded.
The latest news announces that it is
known the negroes &rearmed through
out the State, but that the white peo
ple have no very serious fears of tile
turbauee if the negroes are not precipi
tated into riots through pernicious
counsels or violent appeals to their
passions. Thus, in the bosom of socie
ty, throughout theSouth,Cougress has
placed deadly instruments of destruc
tion, prowling about in every direction,
always ready to he used by vile incen
diaries and unscrupulous demagogues.
Is this giving the States at the Sottell
a republican form of government, as
guaranteed by the Constitution?
Importisiat neport of as lord.
elgatlag Commitlee,
ATLANTA, Ga., September 22.—The
following report is from Judge Vason
and Mr. Johr.son, who were requested
by Lieutenant Howard, of the Freed
men'. Bureau, to investigate glaHerii:
to the Conirmittee of the Senate and
ilbuee of:Representatives of the .State
of Georgia:
We left Camilla this day at noon,
All was quiet them_ No apprehen•
sion was felt for further trouble. The
citizens sated under the ordersel the
sheriff. They noted m his pritice in
the whole affair. The negroes of, the
county are all quiet. No had feeling
exists between them and the whites
growing out of the affair. But few tie
grom were present during abe fight,
except those in the pitkeeSSlOU. There
is no ueemalty forauy additional force
bo protect the whites or Wants. The
wounded negroes are well oared for,
and have the sympathy of the wlsites.
The whole dtjiculty originated to the
right claimed by Ilfterphy, Pierre and
others to earrs , niegraea into a publicist
»feeling with arms. The sheriff dis
puted these rights and insisted that
under the proclamation- of the Gov
ernor and the law it was Mackey ns a
civil officer to prevent such a proceed
(Signed.) D. A. Vaallr,
very pan for County' Serveyor.
JOHN A. Dix, always envious of
Yulogit's popularity, has writ as a
letter spitefully abusing the hitter.'
His support of Grant Is, however, no
gain for the Republicans. Gchaebeen
acting with them for Slic last seven ter
eight year
LlnnrocicAme Mans Meeting in Oet ,
tYsbnli on Saturda,k, October 10th
Bear tt In mind.
Sl.Tl3llpkt, October Mast Seymour
and Mar' Mam meeting In Gettys
burg Conte with a rush!
The Detnocwita bays alarried Idaho,
electing Shafer delegate to Congress
by au increased majority, The good
work prospers! Hip! hip! hurrah!
Tax-Collector—Now, Mr. Jay Cooke,
you,sisr. 4.66a.tlakeek
e3 a atn.i.croilitii", show $l2l4UOe; your
bousetiold tiOntAre,
.hone and buggy, and acme more little
tliing4 feet up $4,575 more. Total,
12-4;4%5. ' Deduct $17.0,000 held tit 3-:10
Government bonds, which are not tax
able, and the bulguree lo 14,575. - Your
State and county tax on this last
amount is $ll 50. •
Now, Mr. Mellows, I have your re
ceipt ready. Your "moneys and cred
its" show $B5O ; shop fixtures and tools,
$1,875; household furoLtatte; $850;
horseaud wagon, $275. Total taxation
for State and county purposes, $4,950.
Tax $7O.
Bellows—How is th!s? Jay Cooke's
personsl ibtoterty amounts** $1211,875,
and he pays only s7i 50 State and
county tax, whlic I, Witt' less than
$5,000, all told, am asked to pay $8 50
more than he.
Jay Cooke—Ah, mygood friend, you
see my d12A,000 in bonds are not taxa
ble. In the country's extremity. with
other truly loyal men, I came to the
rescue with my greenbacks. I loaned
my bleeding country, threatened with
destruction by Rebels and Copperheads,
my mdtley, nap BIM gratitude
which becomes - a grateful' Mopletken
gaged in the interests of God and hu
manity," Tam exempt. Thus it
should be with a magnanimous Chris
tian people.
Bellows—And I, In my country's
real extremity, had no greenbacks to
loan, but I shouldered a musket, and
gave rcry body to the cense, W leg of
which I left on the field of Shiloh, as
you see, but a "grateful people, en
gaged in the interests of God and hu
manity," have had no tax-exemption
for me. This may be all right, but I
don't see it.
Jay Cooke—But you see, Mr. Bellows,
mine was a voluntary act. I you'd not
have been compelled to furnish the
money. You volunteered, it Is true,
but you could have been compelled to
Bellows—Yes, sit, I did volunteer
when my services were needed, but
your voluntary act was after the act
Was done—when you felt sure your in
vestment was safe. The policy that
exempts your hundreds of thousands
from taxation, anti taxes my few hun
dred, is founded in inJustbse, air. You
loaned your greenbacks, worth less
than sixty cents on the dollar, and are
now claiming dollar for dollar in gold
in payment. I risked my life and gave
a limb to the cause, and when I
come home to my family, and to work
mapport t i taut bad*, tQjps
full national, State, and county taxes
on my little poinenduni, while your
bootie, purchased with depreciated
greenbacks, a're exenipt.
Tiats nice little game or "(3041 and
humanity," superfine loyalty, and pa
' biotic disinterestedness is downiight
tsafalr sir and with our ballots,
next November, we will sink any man
or set of men, who stand up for It, ea
deep that the sound of Dahriel's trump
will never reach them. Do you mind
that, Mr. Cooke? Exit disputants.
Tax Collector, 80414—1 t strikes Ulla
individual very forcibly' that it ain't
all wind that blows out of that Bellows.
SATURDAY, Oct. 10th, promises to
be a great day in Oettyaburg. Let all
the people come 1
DESPERATION. -40b111 seeing
the desperate status of affairs in Soul
erset crounty, as they relate to and at
feet himself poratmallx a 44 oandida
torily, being thee-and there present
in the county of Somerset aforesaid,
proclaims that he will beat Judge
Kimmell three hundred is Franklin
county. , Re, ha, ba: Six hundred
away from the truth, on one county
and at one lick, isn't so bad !—Fulton
When here, Oesana aokuowledged
that he would be beaten in this coun
ty, but claimed great things in Somer
set. His game of brag Is very weak—
can be melt through by est-Viol-boy.
The people went no more dema
gogues in Con
T4n ItaclWO/ are trying to buy votes
la tale county. We bear of offers of
bushels of cora, pairs of
.bootS, &c., to
Democrats tf they will vote the whole
or part of the Radical ticket. Demo
crats, watch this game, and spoil it!
T/44 New YorkPriburie, of Die 24th,
asserted that "the lion. Fred. Later,
of Reading, Pa., and one hundred and
twenty-four of his friends and employ
ees, all stout Democrats, have come
out for Grant and Colfax." This is a
lie, as will be seen by the following
telegram from Bfr. Lauer:
article In the New York Tribune of the
24th, an la farumls falsehood. I am , as
ever, a defender of the Constitution
mid a strong supporter of Seymour and
Fumy LAukat.
Tile reports as to Mr.Lauer's friends
and employees Is equally destitute of
troth. This aotkokata> . wiLtiwinataaer
In which the RAN* ep4eavor
ing to prop the falling fortunes of
Grant and Ago.
EVERY DeMOßrat should temember
that-by putting a taingta ; name upon
hie ticket he will be playing Into the
hands of negro-Irwin Y a ittdebt-increas-
I ng Itatlicalrem.
Rutrour .11rstp , ige for a pieluse of ne
gro Radicalism In the, South, How
can any white man support a party
the lietlitilik44 ll PC whlitlyleadt. elicit in
humid and revolting afocittegt
GILANT wants peaCe, 'he days. But
liis peace means dtanding , armies' in
the Routh and Whits lu the hands of
negroes to elect himself. Ile needn't
be uneasy. Seymour and Blair will
preurvp thn.penca.
HON. .toss Honntssay, of New
York, has published a card branding
as fail* the statement put forth by
Radical papers, tba he had made beta
in favor of Oran ei-et!etion. He says
be bas io such' bets ehuiding ; bath on
the ether bend, eoppette esystosr and
Blots with all blis
Cesr Situaa,. one Ot de 'nautical
stamper:lo4We State, wee arrested at
Allentown for an old debt of WO;
but he wasn't inmost enough to pay,
and the $3OO law eared Minim* go
ing to jail.- !ilea paety leader!
DEl&ocxsr• of Manes, • fall torn
mit and otectitckeic Witt "cure tat a
0 0 , 1 . 0 )",t ( !l7i "• '
Tits ticket this yeairte - voted in
I 44 •411 16 ;# L- "Xildret4; * *44o,oad
"County. tl
final Otpartintut
TOW14;t000111 Allo staROURDIN6 COWITitS.
Half a Century.—The Costruxn hap
entered upon its fifty-ftret year, hav
ing been established in the latter part
of September, 1818. Half a century
ago Jacob Lefever issued the mind
• ; • ten" LUAtitn.-hut
firm in the Illyttonratlo faith. That
faith It has ever 'Ante artheriqi to and
upheld, and its part may be taken as
an itu4x of its future. its dimensions
have from time to time increased, un
til, pa'tt ra; ; Its among the largest pa
pers. published In thin or any other
State. For the many evidenee4 of
good wlll It has enjoyed, the publisher
Is profoundly grateful. He will con
tinuo his efforts to ukase his many
readers, and keep the Cotteruttt office
up to the highest. standard.
PrenAing.—There will be preach.
lug, by Rev. Mr. Vaucleve, in the
Huuterstown Preshirt*Han: Church,
on Sunday, the 11th of October. at 9
ofelock, A. M., and In the Marsh
Creek Clinteh the mane day- it 4
o'clock, Y. M. ,
Ctin. —Rev. Welter E. Krebs, late
Pastor of the Refornied Church of
'Waynesboro•, having received acs3l to
"Alt Soul*" Reformed Church of Al
legheny City, Pa., ban declined the
PositlOU In biercershurg College to
which be was recently etected, with
the view of accepting the former call.
lie commenced his labors in Alle
gheny on the first of-this month.
Forge Destroyed by Firc.—At 5
o'clock on Tuesday morning, the
Forge in this place, owned by Mr. Ja
cob !Wiley, was found to be on fire.
The alarm was promptly given, but
the progress the flames had already
made rendered all efforts to save the
building unavailing. It Contained,
besides the machinery, considerable
quantities of forged and scrap iron.
The building and contents were in
sured to the extent of $5,000—52,500 In
the York Mutual and 5t1,500 in the
Columbia Company. Still we suppose
Mr.llleiley's loss to be over a thou
sandilollars. It was no doubt the act
of an Incendiary, as no work had
been done In the Forge for a week.
Its destruction is greatly deplored.
Property Sold —The John Brown
property, on Baltimore street, was
sold at public sale, on Tuesday, to
James Bigham, at $1,8:55.
Christian Rindlaub has sold his
farm, in Stratum township, 55 acres
with improvements, to Jacob Bucher,
sen., for $4,737.
The Executors of Isaac Monfort
have sold the farm of said deceased,
in Strsban township, 180 acres with
improvements, to Jacob Hulick, for
$411.00 per acre}
Won the Trot.—The grey horse of
Martin Qulun, of York, won the $lOO
trot on the Fair track, on Friday last.
It was an eliciting trial of speed. Md
radden's bay, of Harrisburg, and
Myers'', grey, of Baltimore, eeeh
niog a heat. But teuinn's use
lug taken two heats, became the win
ner. The time well about 2.50, and
the track heavy, from previous rains.
New &refer CM.—A Seymour and
Mate Club bus been organised at New
Cheater, with the following officers:
President, Philip Donohue
Vice President, John Lyneli.
Beoretarles, Theodore Taughinhaug h,
Joseph Holtz.
Treasurer, Benj. Livelsberger.
The Char will meet next Monday
evening, at New Chester, and invites
the Democrats of Stratum and our
nap:Ming townships to attend. Bever•
at speeches may be expected.
1 0 /auktirs Club.—The DemocrutA or
Franklin townbliip niet at ?Almnus
burg on Tuesday evening, anti organ
ized u Seymour and Blair Club, with
the following officers:
President, E. W. Stable.
Vice Prestdents, Capt. J. H. Plank,
Joseph Rebell.
Secretaries, Hobert IleCleat, Wil
liam RuskelL
Trasaurer, Alxrahant. Hart
Tbro, Club will meet again in the
same 'Anne on Monday evening next.
Off the Tack.—As the passenger
train was entering town on Tuesday,
at noon, the engine ran off the track;
and striking a freight car at the
Freight Depot,badly broke the house
over the engineer, and injured the en
gineer himself —Mr. Carl Miller. Not
withstanding the danger or his posi
tion, he manfully stood by it, and thus
saved the train. Dr. O'Neal dresAd
Mr. Miller's wounds, and be is doing
An -4ecident.—Ou Saturtla'y last, Mr.
Samuel Secrist,,Proprietur of Orteffen
berg Springs, whileengaged in making
cider, had his right baud caught in
ere press and Injured very severely.
Re will be deprived of the use of his
right arm for some thus to come.—
Volley Serif.
Curiosity.—Our young frleud, Mor
ris Bushman, of this place, presented
us - , some days ago, with a curiosity
In the fruit line, consie4ing of . six
large peaches grown upon • small
limb less thau a foot long. The clus
ter lookedreallylemPting, and proved
Ss good as it looked. Morris has our
thanks for hts concideration.
"S`urpritte" Orels.—A specitnen oft:.
W. Grist's "Surprise" oats, a uew va
riety, for which he received a special
premium at the recent County Fair,
bait been left at our (dike. It is very
liehg in' the -straw, with a well-filled
tfentit,inturing a large yield and ex-
Setiordinery , weight.
Prtastager Railway —We hear it
said . that noise Railway is to he
built ltonerdiately lietwetut this place
and the Ratilyttthe Spring
• Profeesor.-:ltev. C. Stork, oflti-
Tro t hie been elected krotesaer in the
Seminary, in place of Dr. "Valentine,
saw,Pre . riliept qf the College.
Lost.--An Oval Gold Breastpin was
knit in tllle place, 4tat Friday evesaig.
The tinder will be properly rewarded
by leavlug ltaiilia C 0,111.11 uMCC.
Fire 4w liadover.—The stables of
filstueedilibirk, Sanisi Banning. Fleury
Wirt and David Slagle, in Hanover,
were destroyed by Are on Fri Jay
night week. Ineendiarbeu.
LTV* Squirret.—A son of Mr.
lilelisel Haruish, of New Saban,
rsaently shut a fox-squirrel which
girOtited tiro polnds anti a hair.
Ofai- SIGEL is a warm mipporier of
Seymour and Blair —Er.
And :its tutowslots oilaiii old friends
imidttellesit 'soldier* sibs sweat tk.Ldu•
Mel* *wags theysszeogstsi to
'2i,"ityra fiseCeeena is a !eta for a
eontinuanee of the rule of thieve. awl
The Mass Heeling.-4he following
appoidtreleetla haN bet* macie for-the
Dlllnnxtratio County Wise Meeting, to
be neldin tiligaplate, to morrow week
—Saturday, October 10th:
Chief Marshal, Capt. Robert Mc-
Aids—J. C. Neely, Esq., Capt. W. J.
Mai tin.
Assistant Marshals—A(l,4n .Illebtlith
Yantis, Wm. Duttera, Dr. Wm.
J. McClure, Francis J. Wilson, A. W.
orm, ft. - 141 , e11, Conrad - R.
Myers, Hobert. M. .Dickr„ jtleOill C.
Pittenturr, J. ' P.. I<loDllll, Daniel
Geiselman, Scuit.ll,ool.. At. C.
Swcipe, Capt. Jakob Plank, Giaorse A.
Corwell, Enoch Itoutzahh, Isaac Her
ter, J. W. Lott, Samuel Selie,artz.,
[setae LlOitrier, Philip Donohue, Mar
tin Thoithis, 1111. v.
G. I. COoni, If you want to see and
buy the newest and bent Base-borilkng
Sloeis, lie has Just received a large
lot of Oriental sad Empire ilaseobur
uers, besides l'atior, Parlor Look and
other Cooking Sloven, of the moat ap
proved makes. Call and examine for
yourselves before purchasing else
where. IQo .tttwbl4!b whoa velkatlie
has to sell. lie would cal/ special at•
tention to lila advertisement, In an
other column, Out. 2. tt
Just from the 6V4 —hummerhas
gone, 444-Zforrle t ewee reedy to, cater
ttt I t he wants of tdie people, lies Just re
turned from the city with a large va
riety and all ptyleuef Fall and 11 inter
Clothing, which he is selling at prices
rut below those of lust season, 1-11 a
stuck of Hats, Cups, Hoots and Shoes
cannot be surpassed outside of the city.
lie selects his goods with great care
and always keeps Ids eyes open to the
wants of his customers. You will fled
Norris' establishment on Chambers
burg street, next door to Bunbler'e
Drug store, where the public are re
spectffilly invited to eail and see for
themselves. See advertisement..
Oct. 2. 2t
The Morning °tor/J.—Col. C. H.
Buehler has received a large assort
ment of these famous base•burning
Stoves, which on the score of econo
my, cleanliness, easy management,
and general utility, stand unrivalled
and defy etimpetitiou. The great de•
nand for them last season taxed the
capacity of the manufacturer* to meet
the demand. They are much improv
ed and will doubtless ere Icing take the
place of all other stoves for parlor, of•
flee - , store and shop. Call and look at
them, at the Warertann on the corner
of Carlisle and Railroad streets, oppo
site the depot.
A 1 ,40, on hand a full assortment of
the bait varieties of Ctxactitat STOVES,
including the Spear, Noble Cook,
Waverly, Oriental, Washing, 'Barley
Sheaf, Prince Royal, Royal Cook, Ex.
celsior, &c. ic., all wartaarrThn to he
good bakers. If not satisfactory, they
can be returned and the mohey re
funded. Also, a large assortment of
Hollow W are and Tin Ware, Doty's
Washing Machine anti Universal
Wringer. >Call anti exatnine. tt,
Selling Off.—lts ill be seen by their
advertisement In another column, that
Du phorn &Huffman, corner of Carlisle
street and tlasiDiarnontl, nre selling off
their large stock at cost, with a view
to ehanging their business. They of
fer astonishing bargains—such as can•
not be had anywhere else iu the coun
ty. To prove the assertion, give them
a rail, and he convinced. They mean
what they say and will &:t what they
say. Recncin her the place, Northwelit
corner of the Diamond, Clettysburg. at
- Now h The Time-I . —Housekeepers
can economise by laying in Weir win.
ter coal at once, as freights are now
lower than they will be a month
hence, and Coal will necessarily rise
Persons desiring to save money, will
do well to call at once on Cob l e: B.
Buehler, who 114 prepared to furnish
all kinds of Stove, Blacksmith and
:Lime-burner's Coal at lowest mar
ket price*: tf
Every Day Brings Furth neW testi
mony to - the efihnoy of that well
known ricate4, iitooffiatd . 's Alert - tint%
Macre.. fanny thousands of persons
who are today suffering from disor
ders of the digestive organs. who are
emaciated, weak, and unable to attend
to thtir . business, could soon become
well, hearty and robust, by the use or
a few bottles of this iiittere. Dyspep
sia, Liver Complaint, and Debility of
the Eiyhtem, noon vanish before this
powerful remedy. Its effects are-al
most miraculous.
Hon. James Ross Snowden, Pro.
thonotory of the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania, writes:
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 14th, - 1867.
Hoofland's German Bitters is a very
useful article as a tonic, and as au ap
petizer. It is not an intoxieating
drink, and nifty bo used beneficially
by persons of all ages. Respeotfully,
yours, JAs. RIMS R.NOWDEN.
The high character of those _who
testify to We merits of lioefland's,
Bitters, should induce the most scepti
cal to give it a fair trial. Hoofland's
German Bitters is free from any alco
holic admixture.
Hoofland's German Tonic is a com
bination of the ingredients of Hoof
land's Bitters with pwe BOMA Ortiz
Bum, orange, /table, &c., making a
pleasant and agreeable preparation for
those requiring ar. Stimu
lus, inedicinally combined.
Principal Office, 631 Arch St., Phil
adelphia, Pa. Sold by all Ding
gists. Oct. 2. It
We Invite ALLeutiou to the advertise
ment of Dr. Taylor's Olive Branch
Bitters. The great demand for these
Bitters has Induced the' 'Proprietor to
bring them 'store extensively before
the people. a remedy for impaired
digestion, debility, dic., they are une
riallea by anything offered to the
public. A trial will convince all of
- their exoelienoe and superiority. It
4cistuivertisintrol lu autAtter column
of br. Bobb'e HOrse Pow
der, as tzeklit 11. remedy tot
Cute, &c.
The Attention ut dur readers is di
rected to the adverthwtneut of ('OE s
ThremrstA CVEr., In another past of
this paper. Tills truly valuable ?tied
Seine Is recommended by all who use
it. Read tits certificatea. sow
Tine's Jirstloolprinis are wrinkles
and grey hair; 'and although nothing
bea yet been discovered to eradkate
the former the latter may be easily
obliterated by the use of Fling's Vege
table Ambrosia. We know that it
will restore gray hair to its original
color and remove from the,agollp all
itching or irritation, whether caused
hy dandruff or humors, at the same
time Imparting to the hair that glossy
and beautiful look la much. de
sired. Oct. 2. St
My Wire's Choice, and the whole
(awilj pre(c t. ALra. . El. A. Ate
LENIC - INP/KoTHP ikclo We) HA=
ItesToßen. or DAskamo, (id one bottle.)
Dregglit sells- i O c t2. Illho DrioetDae
Alton= revolution in Spate, • The
(Pomo hi reported to hare Mei mow
the French frontier,
ear War Trader, and Trappers
is lilting O OLUero, Etna Ayer scaecilelm:s owe
of titaU• utast ofolltalrlo urt,teLoa Of ;rain"
Argued Slave Lead aral the s Ild regions of
the north, the Indlaw, 4.110 w tlwlr uftal and
leave W stdlog, faith in those. They NAY
"Assa—; inedir xitil wan," 110
Ills ridatedloN, for the ill. itnt.. (row %%lath they
Fnlier, will Ottenlug forth their mook of
salon oven pan ar I' limit nose pow, rum, or
tobaeco. eloviteee art 11,11 fouls If Ilse 111-13
utorophlatloalod 111 wowv of the arta of it
seilon.-3foreiervi /144
tlot.'2,lsei. It
Dr. Joteklion's iaideptira
A :ISM Ramaolt , pus cassuarrunt.—.%
Physician who had Conattniulion - lot
oral )earn, with frtvuout blot,ding,. of tit..
lune, eared himself with a honlh. Ine tin.
known to the proole.takina, When hi, rano ap
pealed hopshw. ,, Ho In Unu'uuiy idlynlenui
who hag owed it in lila own 'Norman, or 111,0
luot any knot. lodge of Ito Vlrtnimt, and ho otin
merlin, the it greo of health ht. , non on.lo
nothlatg lout the oso of him utedlefitc , and
n , .,tlittlig Yin tlexpalr rkail entire
Uon or ali hop. of rtyrtimory, tow then
14 ant of confident* in 1111 Oth(1/111, 1011110.141 him
tn . Itwin/al Yin expqrluivitt. lo tho•to nulftt
with any 111401/Ifte 1.1 the UMW. Ito prot
for• a treatment. Ito voondt•tilly bate ILls wilt
eradloato the 111... e. Mount 'no Rota 1 , 1
Acnkl tor a ein_tiho ar mull on
1) g. tt J.ll '1•CY(1 , :
No. 2 North l'ont,ll.trg. t. is
For kolo Iry A, lk, Ut ulll3lal , U, ttl.
hor,;, tht. , 1.11 druggist,. gmirmlly.
Grow /lair
RoRtOIRRI to tie or( ( (t mot l'Ohbr, try 11.
0,l UuU SooAtillt. 0 . 14,,0k t3r,.ilut
It Win 111114 t, Al I WI 111ilti :1( VS.
eePt IP . OO uip t,ie , It I ntzlb.lre‘lire Mi
ld-111+p prinulple the hnir //I
nourbdwl mud mippmrtya.
It will prevont 111.. ItMe fmnt Mlltop out, nsd
doe. lea the %kill.
No lootiorvv-ki ell. of UY a.uperitatll3 H. 2,41 be
luldue,l L IIIIII tho Ills l that MI Sanity
of It are °lli iv.' LU tho
is 1 nI•LtNUIU liAfft.llll.l:R.4lNl7
Our Trettllke nu t he ILMU Nwi in4l by 111.1 i.
It. P. IiALI, & GO., Nnalt tttt t N. 11 , Pro
prletura. °-
For butle by all druaatLita. _
Sept. 11, IMIS.
Dean:tem, Blledeen and Citharrh.
Treated with the litin.L ottlocel., by J. tce.,
1./..l'mfresor of Ihstaura of the hye anti J.:fir
le the Mullen' College of Pentoh icoula,
3 - eens' experienoe, (formerly of Leyden, LIM
lab:10 No. N. 15 Arch reef, Phila. Teatintlly la la
can be awn at hie fthlue. The medical facially
are invited to art:mummy their patiettia,se lm
hue no fteerete in hie practice, Artificial eye.
Inserted without puiii. No clump fur exnuti
*Mi. it, felt), Rliity 1, 180114
heafneolo.lllllladnamon and Catarrh.
Treated, with the ultimo?, auroras, by Dr.
J. D4.1.1tN, peulixt and Aurtet, tfornierly ur
Leyden, Holland.) No, MS A ittli Street,
Philatlolphin. Tent littonlitio from the moot re
liable sarer. in the City and Country our he
Seen at his otlb r. The lardiral (malty two
lur itt,l tt a...mammy their patienta, raw he
has lid Fel rets in ID. prat Doe. Artificial
Ithout pain. No Mumma blade (or
May 1,1:103. ty
_ _
PILLS FOR PEALILriI lafulllW 111
reagent Irregularities, Resnais% °lmam -
DODS at the /Suably Tumo r trout whineser
Caine, and always sueueseful a a Preven
Femalespenaliarly altuatudAt Olotie antitem
ins theentelveli ett, ave ritutioheti %valuta us
ing Oleic Pills while In that condition lett
tiny "invite saleauvriesga," alter whioli atom
nitlon, the Proprietor limiainen no nepenil
blßty, altto.ugh their matinee. will. prevent
any tulechlef to health.
Price ill per Box. Six Boxes 11.1.
Sold by JOHN Will UttElt, Orugebe ,
Agent for Cietlyebutg,
Lattice, lo mending bias II through the Pica
°Mee, can have the Ville mint, (countlentief
ly,) by Mall, to coo part of the *mu try. " free
of postov..
May 1 , NM ly
New llarrlowce Hake
AN PANAY FOR Ytineti - NM, no 'Pit
Errorw, ALuaes awl Diaothes, Wi
thout to Youth aim Laxly litsaboothl. whtutt
create Impediments to MARILILAOIt, with
sun metuoi of Nile". tient It. totted Ictt•,
envolupeit tree of cloud*. Atitheits, 1)r. J.
SKILLIN tioutiflTON, NarrurJ AMOUttlati ,
Ph Iladelpt+lrt,
Dee. 13,1110. Iy
4 S✓iMLL If .41i.A1
CEN 13ATT7R1).4.Y, the 170. ,io,y of
NJ next, the xu haeribor, httrittling to rvesuovv,
will oilier at 1 , 111,111 , oil the ioreattlAr.,
Altman on the old road, In l'unth, -
ialltl township, Adamv mm,t),liirtllit?.',
Iron, Gettyabani„ atlythilua lands
Diehl, Hammel Gilliland torn Whet., ((Alt, tu-
Ing I i ACKEN,Iume ur tees, In excel tt ut o und
tlon, mood of It baring been tutu d , :lila "t
it we-11 frrtilistd. Tr. km e, ore vet - ) g,,•“,
danw:ltnat.qpid MIL ' About 12 aril* are print.
micaker. The Begmlnverfleate area rwo•ekin
Weathertgasrdeal BWI.LLINIi 11ttUt-1, stn.
Basement, a Log Barn, and Miter
a never-4.1111.4 Ixt.ll and II( t..B.rn, an.l
Corn, trout, •
At the same time and Wave, '.t 111 be otlvr,,l,
8 ACR,M, more .1r lean, of /fret-lute TINIIII:lt
I.AND, never ltittinger's&ow 11111,1 h thoNwil,
Fenian. w loth I mg to VieNt the flrilpCril re•
rthealed to .01 en the outterNighetl.
and, a reekling
on the torte. Terms-0110-1.1.11 In hno
the other In four .jl.ll annual pas meat,,
without interent.
Sale to tst 11111 l enee at 1 o'rlock, P. M At
tend.wee given by UFAMLIE
kiepL 18, 1154.4. to
ON FRIDAY, the Oth clay of OCTODER next,
the subeerther Executor of LW: Wit. oln
tv " 111 1 rit a ktr 1:111‘/I:ehr,attrittlielYnT:iti,leZus"1.
of .1d decedent, situate in Butler tom itsllll,
A dams county. un ibtsusrago creek, adJoining
lands of Ell. Mayer, Liles Oardner, and 011/-
(4 . 4, and tout.tin lug LIU At loon. or I. MN—
IV WI due proportions of Woodland and 51, id
ow. The land n Under good cultivation, but -
lug neatly all Leen Hand, and mid, good
fen.duts, Tim? lulls to/talents are a Tv, o-stury
Wei 1/OESE, nearaw, Log Mau. ,
Corn Crib, BUR Pen &., a well id nev py
er-Lailing inter close to Ulu house, with
A y
lirsl , rate Apple OrLhAeal, htsithe
peach., pears, and ottn r fruit.
. .
The property in eano.enient to churches,
ueinouirl, 101115 ihlld 11101•111.11110 4/101,11.
Per/0111Y wishing to view it ure retineste.l
call ‘,O Jacob 313 ern, residing thereon, or Oil
the sulwriber, living near Lower's Mill
The farm, P 41,1,14, WM be Mier.] sr partat4
Iyy ,rod
l Ux — V . l, r of..4l l lmul 4t lit er a , C . rell ,6 u . s y
Sale to commence ail po
day when
be gh cu
!gent. 18, IWM. In
THE submariner, Intending to remove West,
otters at Privets life, situated In N, v. 1 ,.,
township, Clintherlalld tsCaltity, Pa., C, mitt.,
west of biewville ott Ute Ridge Itoad, leadlng
to Onstown, bad adlnlutu2 L. rine of itev Itni,
ert Uracer Jump and Robert Kilgore and
others, 1314 3 , A41.14, .atttalnlug Al Acres; I
tree eta !deb ate timber. The Ittup,OVetn.„l.,
ore a New Brick 01/(6/4,114(), %ash-
house, Le, awl Frank. lArn, lu good ,„
repair; 1 4 &goy Peed tbru Crib and !,",
other outbuildings. A. nes er-fa
well of eate rlldlage,
near Ito deer. All the ie., , , , o
good repalr. A variety of Fruit Trees on ta..
place. The land to elate, ta go , I stet , ' oh ' ul
[Nation, having !wen well haled: ed 1,,,,
Iluirstoue land, trout whirl) tide alit I,t• ~...,.,
pr.,ured; le
e ll to shn, s, s,•hools, elm, 1,. -.
ikll4l one tulle north ot (.I,davide It. It. stst too
Considering thuhltuatlou, and other ads LI,I
gem, it ma Ile (et:Utz...1,4.1 1. u d, ..,,q1
1 ,,,,,,
P.rowvid.,ahlug to N No the property l u ,
4,11 on the suntierdaer, reeldth‘ on th pt, 711-
4SIX• I''LVl"'
W T . '
Cellk% iiil • P. i I .
Sept. In, Fedi. .11 l'emb. 00., Pa.
1 - IMwtaIvTMIM I M. I • •
QITIJATED Hamllionban township, Al
us°ni coUutY. Pa., containing SOO AtIBM,
T ro s s e sd .
Lti leu nm al ikoat arlin aZ . ripato . ay .l n l
sary oat Midi a FWLtR MILL, UAW
MILL, Miller's and TedamPlltituies, with tn.
Orchards—spleen wili bd sold ninny toy apply -
itnig W JUllld C. BOLICK, Land Agent, St
Oxford, 1'.., P. (.): Box W.
Aug. ISAY. int
L1.1./E4CONE LAND, 30 acres of u hid+
are ln heavy White oak timber, eltuated la
Adanm county, on tawalfa meek, Om,
Intl. from Hanover. l the high Mad end
on Atte railroad front Hanover to Littlestoe
and adjoining Bolllagern (formerly liltarnll
- AWL property. To bulltnairs, a dist
rate ai4 new TOIAIIiL
House, and Mick MANSION 1101.1fik„
are all In sope for oondltion. This properly
la offered for sale low, and on accommodating'
Ureic Apply to P. A.•ltilL, or thopessalses.
Poet Offloe address, Hell's Station, Adams
awing, Pa.
Sep& Si. •
ELF.ttriderelpned will pay the blithest mar
ket prices fit FLAY. Lai/Meer% ftsmik,r.
Nov. VS, 11/4.