tftgsburg. kompittr; vitip.ty, SEPT. IL, 1/444 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET. 1 , .)R FZIIJE'NP, lloratio I= 1 12 17 , 1:-PPI AWL r GIL F. P. Blair, Jr., 11111= DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKNr. IT , ToiT7ft,ONNIIIIAT Hon, Charles E, Boyle, Fayette co. I=II - {ien. Wellington H. Ent, Columbia co. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKIT IZESE2 I'. 11 I: /MM ELL, of I• rank!' Li county, I CIS \I DUNCAN, Frouklln \ It 1111,r„0rp,i,,th0r,..:,(v.,rkf,wh.f.:4, ViIIION , ITA t , ll '4E1.1 'ORS, 1:s41 ,aNlotmf piellSitnt t rt: .11•00 K, ../. J. I.: Uli y, or twit 11“ lin Ms11(1(T ATITIK.MLY. If .1.1 111 1. MINOAN, 1,1.) ~,r(ktty:d.urg euitNONSIoNEIT, 11.111111 AN, 1.7,41., M Mountioy twp ll= PEN 11l1IN IIIi.t7tIURFF, of Pranklln twp, 6)I`NTY A1.741J 11011; vr. li, (:.111+AffY, of litrobon towoohlp, Cot•NT? NUILVICYOR, 36, , 11 I) liELLt;lt, utmowolo twp Democratic County Committee, The Democratic Committee of Adonis coon- In meet at the'"llll,be lam" In Getty. burp, on MATUIttIAY, the litth day of BEA , TENt hmt., nt la o'elt,ek, A. M. The prcn. t. of e%t I y Menthol' Is Jodie . I= cviir._ 11;, I'olloi...lElg pen4on• conotitaite. t 10111iiitleV: t., tis,hurg- II D Chairman, If. J. Etlssaul Truxel, A \ llt 1111111212 • it S h Bishop, 7. 'Vann, it I. tit. St I:ticlatr, Henry U.: Layer. si hI. lep—fllmly .11111titr i Samuel A. it/ 11101,1—'4 31 I nit illirti FilLgerlll.l. Li ill N 1 ILL Sinnigler, Frank l'ionwr. and A. tiWopt., tiearg, Lady. i• tk,doao—Allehadi McFadden, Abrattam 1 [Min J. Enii, Mint Conrini George Mat 111,11- V 1 1 / 1 1111 Shier, Daniel Slimly. Mmluo , Mln (111111011 r. ~t -1", I ,It Iluu tngton—M, It. 1,.0 .111111, jIICOI/S/1,11014 111 1111 Mo- rolal Itlltl, floor.) Bohn rot r* —Wm 111,1111,C1. Ilyerm. .oloiz N W. S. I tilde } I athl.inil—rtonlii II Golden, 1 , , li. Ketten -10.1,. Alottlitpleati,litt—butonel J. Shorli, Edx oral ki% et. Strubiln—Elward Mor John F. Little. Menalliin—liarnet, Myer., Faint* Itoutzuhu. lamb 1.. Ulna, Will. T. Wed. loon, I'. Topper. l'iniowngn—J. 11. Keller, Solon:toll SthWartit. tript 4, IVA t - SEYMOUR AND BLAIR ! leml4 n 1 HEYMOUIt AND BLAIR s 111 Raise a hickory Pole, in front of the Hotel of John M. Ilutrold, in the Rormigii of I,ITTLESTOWN, on SATUR DAY, NEITI:muNit 12th, at 4 o dunk, alter 0 filth there will be veveral speeches delivered by prominent spoallern. All In favor of a White Man's (loyernmtnt-141 to hp, or of taxation, and one Currency for, the Goy et nment aml the People—all In tent of a J ost and impartial execution of the Law ti—oLl Sitio oppone putting the Negro on an equality with the White Race, and all who onpoae it Military Delpoloint—are requested to attend. LET THERE BE A OR/LND RALLY BY ORDER OF TUE OOMMITTEE. pt 4, ISO. A RoUsE 1 eIIGAMUX 1 Democrats of Adams, AROUSE! Our enemies are at work energetically, though quietly, for their minty ticket. They hope to gull Democrats into the ht lied that they entertain no- hope of locting any of their candidates, and Iwnee are making no light. Don't be ii 't ivcd , lellow Democrats! They ate [lying to lull y3u to sleep—to cheat yOu. and then defeat. you! It is their usual game. Don't trust them! itl` nu ynur guard! 'Watch them at all points! Find out their matueuvres, and eapone them! Democrats, keep In view the impor tance of the Oetober election, not to mention the national conte 4 4 of November. With State - effieers, mem ber of Congress, titan Smiler and Assemblyman, and a large county ticket to elect, there is sufficient in centive to activity, but ,with the opposition adopting the &Junking tac tics, there is double reason for clot- LANCK anti WORK"! AROUSE EV ER W HUM: ! ORti ME EV- E in"Wl [ESE ! =I The living issues of the campaign are the abominable corruption of the party in povier; . its recess extrava -4 gance, its atrocious' negro'supremacy policy, its despotic, unconstitutional usurpations and the ramesslty of an economical and better government. in these there is matter enough, if • properly handled, to sink the Radical party 'into the lowest depths of Infamy and beyond the hope of resurrection. The facts must be, put tersely and - squarely beforetna people, or they will r _be smothered up by the adroit man * sgement of the Radicals In Contusing ' the public mind with past and aide Is =rues and political clap-trap. I 1 It should be• understood by every Democrat in Pennsylvania, that this State is the battle-ground of the pres ent political contest. It should be uu deistoode furthermore, that the great deelairri baffle will be fought on the thirteenth of-October next. If that bitile be won by the Detnoeragy, nothing efu tb cii k u pre% eat, cur wue• 100 .Novetuber.• ix la sayAudjpotopplie negtoesln the .3eutbyffigil AIRS, Pu6vTaig the Radi calpontr. fil th y thing it must hi down theta ifaTen the Wal tlig gere can't d it: MWOM I!O'. 1. Rt. 141111111P4f.L. lion. 11. F. Meyx•rm,.. editor or 13,•rllord Ger:rite, avas a prt)opineNt candidate I,efore the lilernaeralle Ceti,ai rl Conference. Indeed. the onto-A at ta't riarnevetl flown toJudge awl hine-elf. Lid, Mb rly ga; Ali earnest I ionioci at aslic lii, hogsiesintothe eon , t for the J edge's election, and Cess iiti's defeat, witli-sleevetosollesi up,ku• the one as vigorously as he it the other, We sup join his ar ta le, as follows : Hox. P. M. KINIVVI.T..—We place upon the ticket printed at the bead of our editorial columns, the name of E. 7+l. Kiminell, of Franklin county, as the lb mocratie candidate for Congress in this time lett)) dfs.trict. It ishard ly necessary to commend - this noinina turn to the voters Will/ ftel , to choose our next Cong.! t1,1»:411. Judge Kim mel! 1$ known t 0 itillleSt every man in the district, and no outs will deny his ability, or dispute 41,7 eoundinss us a Democrat. He is 110 t Only capable, Ina honest, and holds correct views on all the great Issues now before the peo ple. He will //Ake such a representa tive as the people can well be proud of, tied In his hands their lute/este will always be safe. During his services as Judge, lie was universally respect ed and admired, not only for his abili ty as a jurist, but for the proniptness with which he conducted the business of our courts, and the care he exercised in lightening the expenses of his administration. Think of him in conipidison with John Cessna'. A true man iwatiist a traitor ; an tom ',t man against ft corruptioni-d , nn able mall again -t a pettyfogger Bat persomilitie- are us nothing in the '.sale between thesc 100 candidates. If he elected, 'be vi 11l vote for all the devilish and in fivinotk. schemes of the Bodied's ; he will reCoril tuts vote on the sante HMO. with Item. Itnt ler, Ashley, Bingham, Kelly, and the rest of the reckless revolutionists who have brought Ihocouutry to the verge of ruin. If K immell tie elected, he will vote for peace and recoheiliation With the Southern people, for a reduc tion of the Standing Army, for the Ott olition of the Freedmen's Bureau, fir the payment M . lie , Public Debt, tie speedily as prnsible , nceording to the contract, for taxation of hovernment Bonds, for tho u Donal powers of the President and the independence tif the Judiciary and ter the enfranehise.- ment of the hundreds of thousands of white Americans who are now mere , vassals to the negro majorities of tiwl BoUtliern Ptates Between these men and the pi.' neiples they represent, the people 1119 , t ellOo4e. Who then can Ite/itate - to vote for Judge Kimmel', able and upright, on the White Man's Platform of Liberty to All, Equality of the States, Civil We hover/in/cot, Pcitee and Hormone be tween the North and South and thee Reduction of the Expeoses of the Cloy erninent, •is against John Cessna, 9 mere trickster who wits never known • tit be true to any man, upon the Black Platform of Negro Rule In the South, ' upheld by e bayonet, at a cost of hundreds of per minuet? • Democrats, Republicans! Make your choice and choose ye wisely. I= Fellow Democrat, when you are ap priiXtehed by a Radical candidate for your vote; "tu give him a Litt fur good fellowship's sake," tell him you have peineiples at stake—that you betide° 'this was made a white man's govern nitd, and that white 'ilea should rule *that, the burden of taxation,should bear on the bondholder, as welt as on the farmer, the mechanic and the la borer—that Radical thieving has been going on lung enough, and that the old fashioned days of honesty and economy should be restored. He may reply that he ix only sunning for a County office, and that national poll ties has nothing to do with the case. Say haelc to him that IT it tx, and he bleu, it—that if he shotthl be elected the Radical leaders iu Gettysburg and throughout the wanly would eet up a great shout of triuinph'aud claim it its an endorsement atilt the miserable doctrines and thieving pro tires gf their party. The country has - had enough. of Radicalism, and no Democrat can vote for one of its candidates without endorsing it to that extent. There is but one safe course for Democrats and Conservatives to pursue, and that is to give all Radical otllse•beggars the go by, and work rind vote for the whole Democratic or While Man's ticket, from top to bottom. •Ily the official statement of the inci demal expenses of the United States House of Representatives it Is shown that they have Increased since the war, as follows: • • - Increase In 1865 over 1864, $1`28,254 108,808 $. 1867 " " 148,4.51 1868 .1 371,9 A. Aggregate increase in 4 years, $767,488 Tax.payers I look at and consider these figures. Here, in a 'period of profound peace, we have an increas2 of seven hundred and fifty-seven thousandfourhundred and thirty-eight dollars in the contingent expenses of the House of Representatives alone. IN the report of the National Know- Nothing Convention held in Philadel phia in June, 1855, we find the follow ing Ilst of representatives from pill : William Comstock, :IQ" SCIIIIYLER COLFAX,..A. tiodlove t 3. Orth, John Harvey, F. D Allen, James 8...1r. Bryant, Thomas C. Slaughter. Mr. Colfax is understood to deny that he wiOt a member of the Know- Xothing order. SMALL favors are thankfully received by people in despair, ancbit drowning ruin will catch at a straw. The Radi cals aro wild with joy to think that they did not lose VERMONT, which no body tried to take from them ; and the 75ibunegravely in forms us that"irlien a poll, taken ou a Ilarlem train, re sulted in a vote of 49 for Sitvuotlit to 2s for GRANT, the (IRANI' men were much elated!" If this sort of thing "elates" the Grant men, they will have a veryjolly time next November! lrop/d. Tun Lebanon Advertiser charges that Henry L. Cake, the Radical oand I date for Congress iu the Sebuyikill and Lebanon District, has obtained from Washjugtion a large contract for coal, for the government, at an advance of fifty cents per ton over and above what ant,- one attic would furnish it for. This niee little arrangement waanutde to AM him in securing a reelection. How long will the people continue to support a party which Is guilty of such infamous outrages? DEatocita.7s, see that every Demo cratic voter to yunr neighborhood is assessed tunnediately. We must get out every vote this time, and give Radicalism u blow that will knock its already shaking fabric into frag,tuents so small that it CLUJ never be rebuilt. Tom. of Pittebur,g, one of the most protnitioat Republinan or. 4.,.;,Statesent in a , spt.celt at oittetTO , • s shouts have the right to vote.da the Northern States, and I siiti cow into•Usts Vudgruusidulti 01 ,7 tries and help,sleei emua bs asst. gross on this issue." QETTY§BURG COMPILER, FR DAY 31ORN.QTG,,_, „1867t3. NOME PLAI rAtilL It hta plat a, t thatwhilla the Dem deratle party N% MS in power, the times 4rre Inky,' the taxes light, and 'the whole country prospered. It k a lii t that ever :.-inee the IludicAll have had the power, the tioaca have Lee it hard, the taxes high, and the a bo de ti Mon (mrage,l in civil War. it—is* plats- &et &kat while the- Demo ratio patty was in power, our currency was as good as gold, our na tional credit was above par, our peo• pie happy and our land united. n Is plain (net that under the Radi calm, our coun try has been flooded with a currency which at times was not worth half its _face, and which has never been evlth its face at,hotne, and is not at precut worth half Its face abroad. It is a plain fact that Radical power has severed all o n e national ties, de stroyed all our political confidence, endangered all out social relationships, and prostituted all our institutions to the basest ends, degraded our race and elevated atinther. It is a plain fui that Iteniteal rule has flooded our land with crimes, filled our prisons with bad men, luduced our ministers and the. church to wander into evil paths, and ruined and blight ed the hopes of millions of our people. It is a plain fact that our rulers are all gone astray, atud that our people will rise up and ( rush out all Radical power at thi w ,t election. It a t that the loyal mass es tire Demo rolls, while the 51 , 4101 u~urpers ate 12,11e1,10. It is a pl,itn tact that our people want a change :Lull will have it. = The public thbt statement, just pub- Ikhed, sham. an "INCREASE OF• TWELVE MILLIONS OF DOL LAIIS during the Mouth of August. The total expenses for the same month were , over THIRTY-SEVEN MIL LIONS! How touch longer can the country stand Radicalism at lids rate? TA X. PA YERS, R EFL ECT ! Ex-Uov. Wu.. F. JOHNSON, hereto fore a distinguished• opponent of the Democratic party, .and elected Gov erinl• by the Whigs, has seen the error of his way and Nunes nut :..quarely for Reymour and Ihair. he add rested a Democrat, mn s meeting at Pitts burg recently, and In an able speech urged all who loved their country to vote against tyrannical and ruinous Radicalism. .In. the success of the Democratic nominees he Saw the only. hope for the peace, Prosperity and progress of the nation. 110 N. Eon Alt COWAN has taken the stump for Seymour and Blair. He left the Republican party from honest convictions of public. duty, at a time when by adlieting to IL he might have been re-elected to the Dulled States Senate without the slightest difficulty. That act attests the purity of his pa triotism. NIL • l'owan is one of the most effective stump speakers in the country. Ex-tlnvmtvim KHERWOOD, of Wis consin, deserts the Radicals and conies out in suppoi t of the Democratic nem , inees. So ado HUH. F. W. Johnson, of Quincy, Illinois, and xo does eolo . ucl M. 11. Brook., of the saute State, living in Churls-town. A LARGE number of prominent Re publicans in Westmdreland county have declared their intention to vote the Democratic ticket this fair. They have become tired of Radical misrule and corruption, and d therefore look to the Democracy for deliverance front impending nth: Tim statement that Gen. - John A. Dix, United Stlites Minister to France, and Hon. Henry .M. Watts; Minister to Austria, favor the election of Grant and Colfax,, is believed to he untrue. A com.pondent writes that so far as Gen.-Dix is concerned he "has good reason to believe it altogether destitute of tlutil," and with respect to Mr. Watts that apocryphal.— Butt. Sun. How IT WORICS.—Mr. Sanford E. Churet. (who was held up so long by the New York delegation as their can didate fur President in the Democratic Convention,) in a speech lately made in New York, brought before the at tention of his hearers what Radical reessastametion is °eating the people of the North, besides the evils it has brought upon the Southern people. Mr. Church said that while the Southern States contain a population three times greater than New York, yet Co impoverished are they that the State of New York for the hist year has paid double the amount in inter nal revenue that tho whole teu State& paid. But for the despotic system which prevents the South from its natural development-Instead of pay iug s3o,otki 3 OJO, they would pay $150,- 000,000, according to the amount of taxation. So that the result le, as Mr. Church admonished his Northern au dience, that they are not only obliged to contribute by direct taxation $ll,- 000,000 a year for the freedmen's bu reau, and $10,000,090 or $90,000,000 for the army to back them up, but they are deprived , of $150,000,000 a year which ought to go into the treasury of the general government, In conse quence of keeping that country as it VmorocisT Lr.E:c•rioN,—The Radicals are resisting ►owes, Their majority in Vermont will not reach 27,000, whilst the Democrats have elected twelve more members of the Legislature than last year. And this on the largest Vote ever given for State officers Radical bragging won't save the party. TUN Bellefonte Watchman has on hand and offers ko bet $l,OOO on each of the States of Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ohio, liCentucky, Indiana, Missouri, California, Maryland, that they go for Seymour and Blair ; $2,000 that Soy moor and Blair will be elected, and $5OO that no Radical will take the bet. Tics best campaign document just now is your local newspaper; and It should be in the hands of every Demo crat in the county. Will our subscri bers take this matter in hand, and each secure a least. one more name to our list. Circulate your home organ, DEMOCRATIC prospects in the thre giegt States of tile West—Ohlo, Indi ana and Illiin) growing bright er every day. The conviction Is now strong that, Seymour and Blair will sweep them all. With New York and Pennsylvania In t#e same col umn, where, tp.liirarrt Simpson to get his votes frotn 9-- THE Radical papers iey "If * wo Wee Grant's eleetloal 4 1 l le / 9 "." There hi one comfort, their lose will be Mrs people's eternal galn, - - SOHN CONON& toSIIMUSISIMMIA.L The Radical candidate for Congreis TheDeusoaratioCondlereisiof the 16th in this diatrict, John Cessna, raids, Congressional District, composed of in the town of Redford. TheVilazeler 114 counities of Adams, Bedford, of that place has this to say °thin] Franklin, Fulton and Somerset, met Jolts Ci...soNs.-- , -This man is now a at the Bedford Hotel, in Bedford, on candidate for public office. Ile has Wednesday, the ult., to place in th rue. 0 down the gauntlet and asks the people to pass judgment upon his nomination a Candidate for Congress. claims to their support. I Alt the (situates sere fully represented Is he honest'? In he capable? as follows: Thaw questions would .have liceu Adams, Samuel Wolf, Abraham asked if John Cessna had hem. a Mill- Krise and Amos Lefever. didnte ' twenty years' ago. Perhaps ip - dforii, I'. O. Mingart, EF. Kerr they Are obsolete now. Perhaps in and James Sill. this clan:let and crime-stained age, J. McDowell Sharpe, J. R: people do not care whether they are -Orr and O. W. Brewer.. answered or not As far ourselves, we du care; these questions shall be Pulion, Jacob McDonald, J. A. Role and J. It. Donehore asked and answered. Somerset, Ih rtun Findlay J. B. Rich- Is John Cessna honest? Ask the unison and Fred. Groff. railroad company whose passes he has , used as instruinentalitles of corrup- The conference was organiaell by the tiou, the conferees he ha s bribed, the election of Hon. O. W. Brewer as friends lie has betrayed. Tell us nut President and J. R. Donehoo awl E. of his professed christlanity. It is F. Kerr, Fags as Secretaries. The hollow as a diem. The man who fblinwlug pertains were placed In nom could erect 'a gallows for his fellow creature With whom he drinks the illation: sacrainental wine, is another Judas Mr. ICrise named Wm. McClean, Iscariot as black-hearted as the first. Esq., of Adams,. The man who thirsted for the blood of , Mr. Morgart named 11. F. Meyers, of young Reed, his fellow church-men.- ' Bedford. her, and the son of a true aim Mr. Orr named Hon. F. M. Kim friend, could hardly claim credit for ,„11, o fFrat,kliu. much piety. Tell us not of his correct Mr. Robinson named Geo. A. Smith, business habits. They are correct on- I o f Fulton ly when correctness "pays." Tell ns Air. Findlay named Hon. A. If, Cof not of his friendshiplor those in die- froth, of Somerset. tress. lie generally manages to make The Conference proceeded to allot, himself "whole" for the friendship I and up to the thirty-fourth - ballot each was ed such eases. Is he honest I optically? Great God! What has I candidate received the three votes he left untouched that is vile, foul and from his county. On the thirty-fifth in polities? He sold him- i ballot Adams withdrew William Mc self to the Republicans in LSO for an elm-lion to the Legislature, sold Clean, Esq., and cast her vote (or Mey self back again to the Democrats for err. On the forty-sixthballot Hun. F. M. Kimmell was nominated by the s a el r i e u t:l t tl eti bfcane l rill ies-6,4o,hnur the i following vote: Kimmel', 3 votes promise of a Congressional nomina- I Lion. In Ihiit he ,Ixied to (tribe the II from Franklin, 3 from Fulton and 2 Denowratic conferees to 1 10 111 mate (Groff and Richardson) from Somerset. him for State Senator and ill IS6 he Tota l, 8 votes. Meyers, 3 votes from bought enough delegates' to the Red from Bedford and I (Find jeloi A lay d r a ) m fro s, in Somerset. Total, 7 votes. H t beat m l (bunts politics has always been Guying coal I On modal' the nomination was made ( tan for G ' e l :,i v e e rn 9 o ti r i Kiting. Is such a mau /Lancet /unanimous. Is linable? Yes he is caable— committee, consisting' of Messrs. "tit for e tre u ason, stratagems and s poils A " —esprially- the aipods." . I Findlay, Brewer, Sill, Krise and Me to is capable _of represoiqing lliy Donald, was apPolnted to Inform Judge ' people of this district in a Collgi'ess Ritornello( his nomination. The-con compossed of the Ashleys, the Butlers, renee was then addressed by Mestere. the Muilinses, the C. C. Rowena end that sort of cattle. If the Constitution Brewer, Kimmell, Meyers and Mc is to be trampled under foot, If the Lean. negro Is to be made a voter and MI of l'he committee, on resolutions, Con lice-holder, if the white man is to be . meting of Messrs. Orr, Robinson, Groff, disfranchised, it the Supreme Court is to be gagged, if the President is to tie Krise and Kerr, reported as follows : Impeached for partizan purposes, and Resolved, That we cordially endorse above all, if the public lands are to be the administration of A inlrew Johnson voted away to sonic gigantic corporik , in its efforts to maintain the Constitu twit, whose agents ass so the lobby, Donal authority of the Government Cessna is capable of accomplishing us I against the usurpations and inticeo ' much as any man -in the district. tiollB of a partizan mob, claiming to But if brand views of public policy are ' represent, but misrepresenting, the demanded, if Iniud mud corruption, I people of the United States in Con malignity and devilishness are to be I gress. banished from the halls of Congress, Rely - deed, That in the nomination of then is he incapable, for lie cannot Horatio Seymour, for l'res't, and F. P. exist in au atmosphere of which Blair, for Nice Pres% we recognize these are not constituent parts. tried statesmen and true patriots, men • Is he honest? Is us capable? We whose ability Is surpassed only by defy any Man who knows him as well their devotion to their country's hest, as we do, to answer these questions in interests, and that the platform of the affirmative. principles adopted by the Democratic National Convention, meets not only with the hearty approval of this con ference, hut should meet with the ap proval of every man who desires the prosperity 9.4 d happiness of his'eoun y. tr Resolved, That in placing the Hint. F. M. Kimell in nomination for Con gress, we have selected a candidate of marked ability, of known integrity, and one who, as a member of the 41st Congre.s, will be an honor to our dis trict, and we earnestly urge his claims upon every voter who desires that-the malignant and extravagant legislation of the present Congress shall cease. Resolved, That -the proceedings of this conference be published in the Democratic papers 01 the distriet. On motion of 800. (Erman Findlay the conference adjourned. G. W.,I3REWER, Pres't. J. R. DONE/100, }Secretaries. E. F. Kenn, =CM:=! The people of Lancaster _county, says the Intelligericer, had the plea sure of seeing A few negro rulers at the funeral of Thaddens Stevens. They also saw the white councilmen of Washington city walking arm in arm with their black fellow-members. All distinction between the races was completely abolished. Many Repub licans were disgusted at the exhibi tion. How then can. they wish, to force a worse condition of anirs upon men of their own race In ten States of the Union? The election of Grant, is urged by the Radicals because it will make n .gro supremacy in the South permanent and lasting. The Democracy arc denounced (1.4 tionary, because they insist upon giv ing the white Ite4 of that section a fair chance, - by removing the army and abolishing the Freedmen's Bu reau. Such a peaceful and desirable revolution as that would be, ought to 'be sanctioned. by evegf4shite man lit Pennsylvania. Any white mutt who votes for negro 'supremacy in the South ought to feel that he had coat- Milted an act so mean and despicable as to sink him beneath the dignity of a gentleman. - THE Maine election will take place next Monday. The Republican ma jority in 18(343 was over 71;000. Last year, owing to a split on the prohibi., tory question it was red_ uced to 12,000. The Radicals are now throwing Into the State any quantity of men and money, and are making otte, of , the 'most desperate fights on record, wick the hope - of securing such a majority as may Infuse some life Into their sinking ranks in other States. But the dodge won't deceive anybody. Congress has been legislating exclu sively for the negroes In the South and the manufacturers in New England, and it would be strange if these two fa vored classes did not stiek by it. But the great middle and western States, as well as the white men of the South; are disgusted with Radicalism, and will say so at the ballot box, to the ut ter confusion and dismay of the Pampers. - TEE expenses of the Government for the month of July, as reported by the secretary of the Treasury, were 549,000—0 r equal to five hundred and fifty-eight millions five hundred and eighty-eight thousand dollars a year. All this sum is extracted from the la bor, industry and enterprise of the males. It is no wonder the people complain of hard times. ON the 55th; Attorney-General Stanbery and GenCral Tom. 'gwing, Jr., of Kansas, - will speak ut Zanes. vale,' Ohio. The Buckeye State is waking up gloriously for Seyincrur and Blair. JOHN CEsNNA IC now sneaking around the corners tryitik to induce Democrats to vote for Lim. A few nights ago he said there was "nothing meaner in hell than a cop perhead."—licdford todzette. SECRETARY EIEWANZ, who was ex pected to announce himself in favor of Grant, is said to be fully convinced that the interests of the nation de mand the election of Seymour and Wale. "\Viry don't the Southetners be have ?" Tribune. "Ma, make Dill' be quiet—every time ,I_liltjklin on the head be hollers." , • CARL Seftunz, after stumping In diana in German, declares that the Dutch are no more intelligent than negroes, necause they mean to vote for Seymour and Idlair, A POSTMISTRESS, a soldier's widow, in Adair, Adams county,. Ohio, in re ceipt of a salary of SL,X), has been mulcted of inure than 4.12 of it by the Radical Assessment Committee. WE have the most cheering infor mation Trout all parts of the State as to roemocratle'Prospetla. Otiinges in our frivol* are everywhere reported, and as adrahee of Vetnoerntto streetstl coulee Ifirxtrri man ! to 'Wuliont, If you bod~t riadi to fie pdt dik 00410_ with the negro, vote for faiyrnbur THE BRIDGE AT -CobumntA.--The Columbia Telegram says that the building of the bridge across Alio Sus quehanna river at that borough con tinues to progress finely. The two Iron spans In the centre of the bridge are completed, as are also two of the wooden ones beyond. There . are twelve spans from the Iron one to the Columbia bank and fifteen to the Wrightsville shore, making twenty nine iu all, with thirteen yet to put up. Indications are favorable to its completion by the first of January, when trains and teams V.ill undouLt edly be crossing. SioNiFicANT.—The Harrisburg pa pers state that the reieut visit of Com modores cloldstiorough and Taylor, of the U. 8. Navy, to that city, is full of , eiguiflcance and has canoed quite ix sensation among the quid manes. IL has been suggested that their vtstt has relation to the opening of the Susque hanna to that oily, and making it a harbor for the Iron-clads of the navy, HON. W. McCLEAIs, who was pre sented by the gallant Democracy of Adams, as their choice (or Congress, spent some time with his friends In this place lust week. Mr. McClean is a lawyer of ability and is one of the rising men of this congressional die district.—Bedford Gazelle. A NDERSONVILLE.—The real respon sibility for the suffering at Anderson- Nrille is now placed upon the shoulders of Gen. Grant. Read the startling letter of Robert Ould on our first page. MAYOR JOIIN T. HOFinIAN has been nominated for Governor the De mocracy of the State of New York. He will - be elected,by something like a hundred thousand!, GEARY has been making apeeehes in the western part of the State, abusing vastly better soldiers than himself, because they etipport Sey mour and Blair., Geary is au ignorant, nialignant.and ooueeited ass, and his own party are ashamed of him wher ever he goes. They had better tie . him up. As a practical illustration of Demo cratic economy, the recen LDemberatlc Legislature of Ohio saved the State more than half a million of clonally, compated with the Radical appropria tions of late years. FROM one end of the country to the other has gone up the cry of the Radi cals, ,"Let us have Peace:" They know when they utter it, that it le ut tered in a splrft of falsehood and de ceit. They do not desire peace. They want to gall the people into electing Grant, that the rule of the , bayonet may be made permanent. "Peace" will kin their party, and the leaders know it. MR. PE.Nncrroar will speak In Cen tralia, Illinios,onTuesday the 15th, at Springfield on the 17th, and at Dixon on the 19th. SECEEtARY hiceuta.ocif is using all his Influence to secure Seymour's election. He has always bees-a Ite rdblicau heretofore. . • • A DnrovitATlC torch-light Vrc'ee'' elan, lu Wew Orleans, a few nighta ago, numbered twenty tbousand,peo pie! I, ireP dos't wept pesrnoi lAthp juriAtol, vc4e {he Democratic tkk fact,h; rowx, mom tul ilfß maid Come Co the Fair —Cheap find con venient railroad arrangements will be made for the Fair. Conowago Phasphale.—lienson brans's Phosphate can be had at H. S. Benner* Brels. Price**, per ton. New Sired.— Igirki that the new street between Carlisle and Washing ton streets is to be opened immeillateV, and the diamitousburg road atv...tpe crossing point closed. ..Inotlwr 119rse Stolen.—A horse val ued •ut was ktoirn from Jacob Deardorff, Jr., at. ArendLavine, on Weduendny Sale ql a liorix.—Wu un derstand that Mr. Harry J. Lilly, of Isfountpleasent Dtllla, 'littely Hold fils flue trotting stallion, "Andrew Jack son, Jr," for the very handsome sum ef tad° eash: The horse was purchased by Jas. IL Hersh, of New Oxford. eowity annmiltee. —The Dtoucierntir County Committee will meet pa-mor row. It is (very 'number's ditty to be present. Club ..Ver ting.—Thp Seymour and Blair Club of Gettysburg had a capital meeting on Monday evening. The turnout was large, arid tench interest manifested by all prudent. Win. Mc- Clean and J. C. Neely, Esqs., made able and eftbetive speeches. The Club meets every Alouday evening, in the Arbitration Room. The friends of the white than's tangs cannot spend au evening mare agreea bly or profitably than there. The at tendance should always be. good. Lialestou% Bole ,Raising.—Demo cruts, don't forget the Pole Raising at Littlestown to-morrow afternoon. Turn out in your strength, and give the cause of Seymour and Blair a glo rious start In the lower . end. Several speakers will be present., Hamilton Club.—The Democracy of Hamilton township organized a Sep mour and Blair Club on Friday even ing last, electing as officers the follow . ing gentlemen: President, Dr. F. C. Wolf. Vise President, Samuel Orendorft Secretary, Geo. R. Kuhn. Treasurer, Frank. Ramer. The Club will meal agate tomor row ißaturilay) evening, at 7 o'clock , at the house of F. Ramer, VAst Tlerliu. This is starting right. The Democrats of every district should follow suit, and that without delay. This campaign means work. The eyes of the whole country are upon Pennsylvania, and a vote for the Right made or saved here iu "Little Adams" will tell as mush as if made ur saved in Berke or York. Improventent.—A. D. Buehler has had a handsome open front put 11 . 3 his Drug and Book Store, on Chambits burg street. has alio introduced cosily show cases, dia., the whole making a decided imprtivement Supreme Court Cuse.—Tha t case of Peter Diehl against the Adams Coun ty Fire Insuranee Company, has been decided by the SupretneiCourt in favor of the Company—duk suetainiug the ruling of Judge Fisher. Menalien Building Assn,iutinn.— Thiu assoclatian itirOtti ized itt vino on .itturdity last, by the election of the followinf,uflicers: l'resident,gas Itouarizzi/in. Vice President, Isaae. Bender, Secretary, A. (I. Peters. Treasurer, Samuel Meals. Directorn. _Ptnratie, A. T. Wright; lie irge Bender, 11. N. Ma ntel, W. Wilmot/, Witt. A. Elutioan.V.B4. Railroad Mettin.qafEointillaburg.— The friends of teat . E tainittsburg Rail road held a meeting In that place on Saturday last. Joseph Byers was chosen President, John Witherow and James Trottel Vice Presidents, and Ed ward MchitireSecretary. Tho report of Engineer Glenn was read. The road will be severmillgain length. with easy grades and curves, and will cost $llO,- WO. Capt. Irwin and John 'Wilk*, Esq., made practical and. forcible speeches. The President then railed on the people to subscribe, *filch they did so liberally as to put the , building of the road beyond question. New Houses. —Wm. libillenn and John'Norbeek have their new henget', on Baltimore street, well on the way. Jacob Stock has made it' fair start with his, corner of High and Wash ington streets. It 'ls to be 'two. story. with a basement, and to be built of brick. William Kelley isabotit to commence the erection of a handsome cottage at the ,east ~endg York street,' Grumbine ditto. ]Les Martha 'Warren will have a dwelling erected in Chandbersburg street. - J. 3.1. Rowe le having a brick resi dence put up on Baltimore street. Heury Mealsiastbeutlo build a brick house on the Afurnmasburg road, a short distance from town. Mechanics in the several. branches of house building are. busy la every quarter. Native Stook.—At the Fair last year the stalls for .native cattle , were net filled. This struck many as Singular, with so'many fine native ed*fv,' duf., in the _county, farmers have an idea that blooded cattle are only wanted at Fairs. This is a great mis take.'loth classes are desired, and it is hoped that this year the reputation of the county will not be allowed to suffer in this respect,. Bring your na tive as well as blooded cattle. "Queer Chicken."—J. A. Danner has in possession a chicken about half grown, which walks more erectly than the pOrtet; andis'prtrt 'web-foot ed. This curiosity wan presented tp Min' by Mrs. James FL' Marshall, of Carrell's Tract, And will be exhibited at the coming Fair—with several other oddities In the chieken line. Race.—A, race for $4OO a aide will come oft' near this place on Thurs day next,- between, Dr. illitte'a-house, "OaLder," and a horse from Lancas ter. The recent race„between "Put and F. I:tatter's black mare, "Lady Jane," wo won by the former by tnirty feet. s2ao stakes. Arrotted for Theft —Frederick Kiln ard was arrested and brought to this place on Monday morning last, charg ed with stealing a double-barreled en u, shot pouch, powder flask, gum blank et, carving knife, and -other articles, from George C. Cameo, in Butler township. In default of $3OO bail, Billiard was sent to jail, there to await Presidential Campaign-Capes, ems, de., advertised in this isernelji ELM, Fhlia. Rea Adr. ' It .. • N . mi.-Oho "ciiiittysburill Ka. talisiu Cowpony" hilive pu ased t.t* fa of peorge StroMmel, (farruer lyltiejillugigh Vara:444ola* the other property of the Company on the Chombersburg road, 1.5.3 acres and im provements. They pay $15,000, in de. (erred payments. Mrs. Clara M. Baueher has purchas ed from Rev. Dr. Valentine hn house and lot on West Middle street for s4,fitlti. Dr. V. moves Into the President'i house on the College campus. Daniel Ehrehart has sold his farm, in ITamilion town,hip, to Wesley Heogy—fteacres for $0;200. Mr. }rex gy has sines stil4l 17 aunas , of the larm to Samuel Wiest at SO per nere, and H aorta to John U. Hnfrad $75 per acre. Dlfiltd:Uhrehart Luis puroliaaed a house nod two lots of ground from Nieholmilleltael, Esq., on time corner of Peters and High streets, iu :New Ox htrd, at $1,'200. - •.21'cle 04/ord.—The march of ilia proventent is :till "onward" at New Oxford. MIKAN' the preSont evitleneeb of progress May bo mentioned,—at large - and tasteful building for drug store and dwelling by D. M. Miller, on one of the lutist desirable eoreers of the &Awe ; a new brick residence and of fice by Dr. A. J. McClure; a two-story frame house by Z. Hersh, another by Hagarmatt, and another by J. Mil ler; • also frame houses by Miss A. Myers anti Martin Heitzel. Mr. Stol ler has put an addition to Lis d we'll ug, David Hoke has done the same, and Mr. Swartz has enlarged his store room. Miss E. -Miller has improved her house. 3:C. Zonek has had anew railroad switch constructed, and an oMee built, for lumber and coal yard. A. Sheet) , is also in the lumber ;and coal business. Before the railroad, this village consisted - of but a few houses, and was at a stamtetill, but now, says the Hanover Citizen., it has five dry good stores, two tailor shops, four _shoemakers, two blacksmiths, tivo milliners and' two dresi-makerA, (bar physicians, two hotels, four res taurants, two grain and produce houses, five carpenters, four churches, onsdrug store, a post office, a machine shop and steam saw mill, a land agen cy, &c. Torn .Down.—The old brick school house at tho junction of Carlisle street and the Mummasiburg road, has beeil torn down, Mr. Wilde intending to eject a dwelling' hou,c on the site. The echoed house was built In 1P42, by $25 shares of steel:, "to-to rented to the most approved Teacher at a sum not exceedlog 7 per cent. on the wig !nal cost or caphol Invested." The stockholders were : M. McClean, John Garvin, Robert Smith, T. Ste vens, T. C. Miller; D. Horner. J. L. Fuller, Wm. McClellan, S. Fahue stock, S. H. Buehler, Dicky & Hones, A. G. Miller, Jas. A. Thompson, War: S. Cobean, T. J. Cooper, S., S. Sehmucker, and Danner St 'Ziegler. Of these only aiz are now living -Messrs. McClean, A. (I Miller, Coop er, Schmorker, Danner and Ziegler. Severe Acckten f.— We regret to learn that Samuel March, Esq., of Reading township, met with a very severe accident on Monday week. Whilst backing his wagon out of the barn floor, the tongue struck hint with such forge as to break his arm, fracture the ca of his shoulder and break his Jaw in two places. At last accounts lie was getting along very well under the circumstances. Mai/ Roure.—The mail on the We,d. minster and. Chambersburg route, vip Gettysburg. has again been chattg,e,t. It now leaves Gettysburg at 4 A. G. and raw:ll)es Westminster at 11. A. M.; leaves Westminster at 2 P. M. and reaches Gettysburg at 7 P leaves ChamberbbFg .11. 7,A. M. and "caches Gettysbureat M.; leaves. :Gettys burg at 2 P. G. and reaches Chambers bum; at 7 P. M. Acadenele.—Rev. J. B. Van Meter, pastor of the Methodist church in this place, has'kccepted the Principalship of the Mate and Female Academy at Westminster,. succeetlingt Rev. J. A. Monroe, who takes charge of a Semi nary in the North. Rev. Mr. Cheston, of Carlisle, will succeed Mr. Van Meter here. Pole .Raispig at - Sabillaeville.— k friend who was present informs us that a beautiful hickory pole, 107 feet with out a splice, was raised in horror of Seymour and Blair, at Sabillassille, Md., on Friday last. About 500 work ing Democrats of liauver's District were present, and the pole went up with a rush. 'rho meeting was ably addressed by Col. „Maulsby,. „Maj. Daughertyad Dr. Herrin, and ad j. g. Journed w la cheers that made the welkin rin for the Democratic stand ard bearers ____ Storekee cre, pieade take notice ! The, urniersigned are furnishing their whole line of Goods, in large or matt lots, at lean prices than they can be pro cured in the cities. All unsatisfactory Goods to be returned. Please call and learn prices, or send for pcice hat. Salt, .and Fish In large quantities. We..B.r.A.ta dc Sox, "South End," Carlisle, Pa. Beilit; 114,1g&S.tril i . .. .) A Full Atiortment.—The attention of Pirsiars, Builders, Contrite-Lord. and: - othe4 is invited to the large assortment. of LUMBER of al/ kinds suitable for building. purposes, to -he found at Cot C. H. BrELILER,H Lum berVaid, at corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets, including Boards, Planks, Flooring, Siding, Lathe, Pickets, Shingles, &c. Also' Posts. Ivasvici and sawed, with prime Fen cdpg, Boards, White Pine add Hem lock:_ ills stock is not only large, but his arrangements arc such that he can sell at the very lowest cash rates. Also, constantly on hand, Black smith': Lime-hum ors' and 'Stove COAL tf The' Ancients proclaimed that bier niaitls, Nymphs, Naiads and the (,ra ces, had long flowing tre,.ses which Miladhithenr envied by their sisters of earth. Bat they arose out of the sea foam or bathed in fountains reached by no mortal hands and kept their looka of detest softness dark wad lus trous and thus had no need of Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia which is doing the same thing for thousands of peo. pie in our day. igopt. 4. 4t .11u,lcineas, rayneas, and other Imper fections of We Hair will be regarded !IS inexcusable after a trim of Mrs. S. A. A/A.B2es ImPEol - so i ncur /ONG') 11.1.114 RESTORER or DitssiNci, (iii °nebulae.) Every Druggist -sells it. Price One Dollar. Sept. 4. lin PENNSYLVANIA STATE Pszit.---111r Pennsylvaula Btate Fair will be stliairisburg, coma eneth; 130,4 en ber nth, 1888, bud - coutiemiug four days. It proralsesl4 be one of am isegestoser beldJii.lbe State. "Tuomas x. BErmoor dtgli at .rarkkoos, la Hartford., 6nu, ou TAilitodlsr . wpolf, of typholdteyorogoll The A" —Tho Mims County Ag cultunal naked In a large umtier 'pour elchange4. We give a w of the4weicee.aatipecimene: The Adams County Agricultural So ciety will hold its annual exhibition at Gettysburg on the 2221, 23,1 and 24th days of September. Exhibitors •Ag riealtural products, machinery, dtc., from abroad ore invited. A Ualt tulle track for the trial of the speed o rhorsvi has been made and a prtiminni of 'MO will he awarded Mare hest trotter The °erasion of the fair will affirrcritti elcelient opportunity to these aho have never visited that seetion tx, viettt the battle field of Getty:dom.:. now 64- mons in the world's history.— Loot rp te r rp f The AdaMs County kgrieultural Se- eiety will.hold its sixth annual eit hi ti on on t hid r gioands at tiettv. , tnlrC, on Tuesday, Wednesday and 'Him,- dav, and 2104 lasts in addl. till to their liberal premiums for Ae rieniturtil producTamn, ,te., they ietN , fall half mile track in gaol condi- t ion and oirer a premium of iii hun dred &lima for the best trotting horse, from any iiwetiou of thi s habitable IL rightseille ,Sirup. The Snth Annual Exhibition of the Adams County Ak rioultural ctociet v will be held on Ttn , day, Wedia,dae and Thursday, the _id, mud 24th days of S.lrdenitter. Among the at traction, will he a full half-mile track, in excellent condition. A premium of one Mind' ed dal lnri.lY odertal to the best and faste.d. trotter, open 10, the am Id It Is expected that the pre, opt meeting of the Soelety it ill surpass all former one-, mud the public every where areinvited to attend. /t is also a pleasant time to visit the weal bat tie ground of Penn , yleanla. —Ship pervibrtrg Nentiurq. The proi-peet is that large numbers of etrangets will visit (be Fair—even more than last year. Adams counly must dolits b6st. Our people have plenty of everything— horses, cattle, products, machinery', fancy and domestic articles, to make a highly creditable exhibition. Let there ben united end In that di rection, and such a display will be the result. The premlums. ‘ are more liber al than ever, and eMnity pride should every - year be growing stronger. Farmers, mechanics, all, don't wait on your neighbors to make up the Fair. Help to do It yourselves, with what each of you may have. The trouble neces sarily incurred will only last a few days, and even if you receive no pre miums, you will have done youcduty. Selling Off: —lt will be seen by their advertisement in another column, that Du phorn & Hoffman, cotuur of Carlisle street and the Diamond, are selling oft' their large stock at cost, with a View to changing their business. They of fer astonishing bargains—such as can not be bad anywhere else in the coun ty. To prove the assertion, give them a call, and he convinoed. They mean what they say and will do what they say. Remember the place, Northwest corner of the Diamond. Gettysburg. at Howiekeepers and Olen wanting good Cooking Stoves, the best in the market, warranted to bake and give satisfaction, or any thing iu the hue of Tin Ware, Japan Ware, Hollow Ware, Chamber,Hots, Bread and Spice Boxes, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Cooler's, Cot Tee Mills, Bird Cages, Fruit Jars and Cane; Walters, &c., &c ,- will find just what they want at the Ware-room or Col C. H. Buehler, corner of Railroad and Carthde street, opposite . the Passenger Depot, and at prices which defy competition. tf The Allention of our readers is di rected to the advertisement of Cot i's Dvstqa-ata CtrpE, in stiotli&• pan of this paper. Thiv.truly valuable Med icine is recommended by all who use R. Read the certificates. eow Eyre & I.,cutdclt, 4th and Arch Sta., Philadelphia, are now otrerlng a lurge Stook of Fall Goods to purchasers. Is an 0111 established and reliable Dry Goat& Hearse. Redd -advertise meut. It SPECIAL, NOTICES Gray II air Ile:dosed to Its brtginal Youthfof CY)for, by the use of thuti , yluutitlelOsuoery. culitsl HALL'S V 1OP:1'A BLE SICILIAN 11Allt RE- It will ;lake Haw grow upon bald heads, ez eept very aged p•rwroa, as It furnishca the nu tritive principle by which the th,, hair is nourished and aupported. IL will prevent the hair from falllagoat, and does not stain tho akin. No better evidence of Ita huportortty need be oddment' than the fort that no nanny Imitations of It are 9MT:id to Lae Poblb IT 111 A SPLENDID Itelit-DRESSINU! Our Tra.Use on Use ILsir sent free by mail. H. P. BILL co., Natant's, N. IL, Pro prietors. For sale by nil di uggist4. tiopL 11, 1&W. Int Deaf, Blindness and. Treated wida the Mutant 161101.104, by J. io.cwt:• M. D., Professor of Disease.) of the Eye and Ear In the .Mencal Wiliam of Pennsylvania, 'IX years' experience, (larmeris of Leyden, Hol land,) No. SW Arch st reel , PI) la. Testi num].) is can be 8001 at his alike. The medial faculty are incited to accompany their patients, as lie has no secrete In bin practice. Artificial eyes Inserted without pain. No enlarge for exami nation,' Sept. 11. IM+. [(May 1, 15t9,1 Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, 'treated, with the usenet sup, 1.0 . Dr. J. ISAAC , t, o,lllist and .Ihrist, iformerly ol Leyden, 'ld'laml,l Nu. ani A li.rll Street, Philadelphia. Testiaioutras from - the most re- I/obis Sourvew in tan Oty and louutry our be seen at his oilier. The 1a5,111.4.1 bacuity are invited 'to serompany their pot tents, its he has no soctetafu lifityraettou. Artitleisti eyes inserted without _ pain.. Diu chsrges made Par examination. Ma,' 1, MN. Ty A New Remedy for Conenneptiota. A_ PhYllietaa who had ConaultliriltM for ne . ‘- erni yeses, with frequent blewlings of Una lungs, cured hilinudf with a medicine un knoWriki tlie.profesolion, ,vlieu ids case an• peered hoiteles2t. lie is the only pli.olcipn whalliga need 141 n lala own pels ic. yr who itaildrirtiowludito of its Virtaes,..nud lie can ascribe the degree of health he now s t4l nothing hut the bee of hie medicine ant( nothing but titter delimir and entire extinc tion of all hope of raw % or), together with a want of otnifidenec In all °them indue...d Inlet to hazard the experiment. To thug., Buller lag with any tllseaae of the Longs he prof fees a treatment hoconridently believes will eradicate the char..e. Medicine sens by ex ores.a. Send fur a circular or tall on Da. S. BOYLATON.JACKSUN, No. 2 - r1 North Tooth xtreet,-Phi la. May d pai4 ly • A ire,rd to tam Ladle*. DR. DUPt)NEO'S tIOLDF—N PERIODICAL PILLS FOR YE.ll,lLY:l4.".luat&Uhl° lu tor• meting Irregular Wa ge Reluavlas Olvarucs dune et the Slosh/ly Tura; !rein whatever Calm, sail always ittleetwafal tut a ' , seven. Ova, Females peculiarly stituated,or those suppose- , Ina themselves no, are cautioned against us ing these Mlle while In that condition last they "invite Inimairrisige," after which B.llne l-titian. the Proprietor assumes no responsi bility, although their mildness will prevent coy mischief to iletlnil. Price SI per Box, itilx Boxes $l. Haut k J4l/1.11.1.L;ti1/ill4ll, Druggist, Sole Agcni for tieLtyeliurg, Pa. Lndrat, hy'aienalug him $1 through the Poet °Mee, Can have the ems Sent, (eonihiential ly,) tor Malt, to any part of Pa ,ountry,.sl,4l of postage," May 1, hulk it . lire* "tarring° ()vide AST E3S 1Y Fp][ YUCECI Met, nn Snyder Errors. Abuses a nd iSseatess, ltel deut is Youth and Early fdanboodd, Which create titipettintents to tfAITEMOS, sure means of relief. Sent ln . sealed teller etwelopee free of charge. cAddreas, Ilan 1. ENIELISIigIIGETO.W, Howard esaydaPogill. Philairapalla Pa.. ' ; 44. E3i2=llEll Real and Personal Property AT MIMIC SAM IN pursuance of an order of the ehtilian's J. court of Adlinle county, the Adutrithitrator of the estate Of John RI hibletriffr, eieneased, will offer at l'Utiete elate, no the itrl4llll.lll. Olt TiltrltieDAY, the let I[lo 11l OCIOR} If tt,t , the Real Notate of veld ililt tit, ii , liii.iti th Mountpleasant township, A alt tit, emu,' v, , I, No. I. TILE. LI.A.NeIeJ.N 'I Ititt:T, hour the Atate Head beta ern Lanes, tont lull, .burg, 6 tulles front the Lamer unit • mites horn the latter plece,..ettil 2 roller. frion Wont Ito, la Lime ractioli.iii, adjoining Jahn,. or Perri t ;,,,,itte, jiteoti Novl,Jiii'lli glut Cr, eit,l others, litil iontitining try ketei, of giciit laud, •1 ell limed all over The te nithnoi arc a . is i Large Teo story IIM ELLINIi 110Unl, ~L. , t ttllt.ltlltng tt , r,..m., at 1(1110 , 1441V li.ttult- in it at ha 11,1 Anti t arsal el ill i omits the il ' h i , a r i m, Beek Rat at, tulle Wee., t.urn Crio. ur, wv11,4 u. 1, Una klu.tut , *ear lho 1.411.11mq:1, am/ t fault. S , J. 2. A. THAI 'l' I .\ ND, adjoin mg John 1)11..1.1, AtVi SI.IIIV Nene, NV In. 1.1i4111 .Lll.l othoix, m10)1111114( 11 Aer..n awl lo i'erch. , of Meadtm and Wuodhaitl, nrur Tia.l So. a. WOOD 1.1)1'1,1" 7 AervAnpa, Z.' Pen ttcn, he till, rritCt. 1 0,1111/I , l* .1 Lt'.l: L, D., s Stoat n 1 .1 uml vtla n., tide al ID i.5 . .1*L. A. 11 , tal u.l.e eh, ei .141. alo.ll. utllik glt 1.1111 fly J 0,1.1.1 1 101 th, tTh , tti t —.l. W. rk. ,U 1111 b . . 110 WHO Ind i/11r, %/41 1. Nola, l't.rsonal : NV. 111ais, ~1 14 I , xOl "[Alt 1 11.1...1 NIN ; 1..1 iML 1 aria ling% 1:44.e1t:, Coaleilia mat 1 !stun., and I . lfro, lima hut" 011111, it,: 11 Ihl.JNdlt alai 111101, '1..110, rvls : NI. at Vas.a.l, 1 krted rpl.„lull ..1.11.r al tit 1. I= MEM -I Desirable _Farm AT I'ItIVATE SALE. tll.l, ulcn , a, 1111..411m to r.l4llKuilli farming, Oh N AL pris .110 iliN A. I. t. 7 11 I. I: F Nr, NI a tto In Ilantlllo.l WalLhitlp, Adams waikly, 011 the phl4l. rozela leaulltim In ml Ca., - 11.11.1 to Neat I latiorsl ah.ll - 10,11 litillteln4o.ll to York 'spring-, i.i..1 ids., ItUjOilliiit4 WO Mute rend lending troth te tly ..I , ulg I. 11,,e4 5 i,,,, IN•111g111101IL 2 iiiiits ,veil liss .....i el Pi tembliii2, wthl 12 hilloa east, pi, a.. Us •hriig, ...11,1111,..; the \VI. neitit Mill prop, it). 'liter, an. 0,0111 1, ArIIES 111 OW l'arns, el' stltioli siketil 2.0 newt art. Mr TWIN, ; the V hits lug heels ial 111mal I+ In Olt is. client hint.. lif 11.111, it r ttnn, *lll,lin , 11t.“1, , u,t 'rho 1 , 111141. ,L lA, 'g.+ al. it Fs, o-story St 1/Sl.l Horst , ,„ is 111, Ilmii. ILL. 1,...111.11,1,,. Batik 11.trit, ",.. 1 , 0 1 h.:4111 , i part frame, 14 arm Nlied, hi , 3101, 111,11,, \ \ ,1 ,' ./ (loan., and etht I .L/I• halidthi,,id a ties .7-fulling well of sines near tlAe bot Ne. DoranldlAn ewe!, 1.,,,ee eleng the herder, and hax flee slton,fer .Nllll See tx en the fon,- It In lu the in I. htelrl,..l of 1.17er 1.11,,, 110110.,, 111.11 , 11,, Re, The nittettlee ‘,l Illy f 11111 ktn , lltkk kmrrolindlnk, nkrike It ono ni in 0.1 prkkik,rtn•kk In Al•in, fillips'.Porkkkkkok N bklulng 1.. k ten. 11 . Wt. It - to tilt the ukidtkodkoik I , I Itk It it ukkulkl be ~kklkl Nk hulk ,11l pule/meters knight tl,lre L1..11C. Aug.?, luta t I Real and PepsonalProperty AT PVIILIP HALE. lAN THURSDAY, the 2lth of hEITILN 11 i .1 t V la ,t. the nabxeriben., Rzoetitont 01 the boo will and teutoineut of Michael Harlan d. de eenoed, in pursonnoe of nu orslerof !he Or pn fill'fi COWL .if AclAu. ,t 011,,, 1,111 oil, I of hiblie Slssle, on the pr . , 1111/.41M. 0/1 V0..111i F.Aillie of Kaki dk`l Vdt'llt, vie k Tit kt-r op I. % NI , , ollautt• In Lisllll.lo, ion reship, Asian, counts, wirlllll fin.rlit ot th,oftoe ii. n‘liondtar y IfiloN-or Jesse I A I. n, Hen IN I ill on 14Ier, nfilrinclon ron. ~ ll .- es Helga/4, and Pftei Velar, containing Ptah let , find 1414 re 111 : Fenc., oral nil: , I, fill 1 1. erected 0 l'worfitor s FiLANE DWFL, ~., Id NI! HiM'SF. Prattle Born, lion h,,,,, W.m.numker r•ltop, mot other 0116 , 0 i" I,l,ll.lingfi, n Lill II nest I f killng . 1 ell of 1 i excellent nut, nunr the the. Hit;: nor .4 thrls log Young Ordiard ol t In.. o 11 lot The /and NV beett it We'd 11.1 r( I> , 1 i 111141 1 ult" oi lending, and In In u good filfill ot 4 ollls./1 lon Any Tremont tiegirllll4 . to VIPS, El, plain ill win eoll on the widow, re,ldiug tit, reon Sale to nntillitellPe nt 12 Welock, `ll,, 46 1..1.1 day, when at tendance will be given nmili`llll4 made k n own by HENRY II kitil(11.1), 11.tNIF.1, W. IIAitHOLD, EvAtitot Aug. J , I' W. to AL.•4O, ut tile mune time place, Leah Ilaritold the widow' of hula ifeerd• ot. will men at l'olde Kale, the following l'o.onal Prop erty • . . I NIAIRE. l'olva, Ting", 1 Rex Itowny Palk} , y mot 111,11..14 Tu. IL.lnorae Wagon, 1 Itr,n I Mat nine and Horan Power and Strut], Win ii Ink Milt, Wheel-barrow, Rolling I, n•, u, 1 Long 1401.11111, 1 (2.113 Fork, 1 Ilarrovi, Orkin Vrtullo, CtuVersetal CI houble•tce, Brent Idtncht, tirlutlitune, Altovria, ettltig Iron, ; I COOk 141001., 1 Ten.plat, Mt/no and ripe, 'orn er Mart rtl, k, ptet. n 1 Chairs, Bella and 11,11t1Ink, ChestA, Imoowr, Iron Kettle, Mi mi Stand, and utloo at tl, ha, too nuenorint• Lu niit II 11A121101.11 FOIt SALE A TRACT OF LAND, Four mil,. north of If illeiwttovit, lii floioll toill,to towiolltlio, Albino. °minty, l'h ,lislloin ing hintls tlf John Cluanilo rlulii,lh of am lo Nilo - 111111.11, fray Itl Met. anti oft wro, 011 lifuisli c rnt I, tool contolulug 55 AClttli, oat.-linlf In }what i., Chwitritit limber-11111 habit., lloprot - --...., Namewith 4L -two-moo !Mil Illalliii, Frame Ifurn,tilv.p, an .n.l.rd w01 a ,1,,, Ili troll, &r. Thore I. ;t cloy in °portion of " tnerolow. '1 lila IN a tit nit ahlopropel Is —I on - vonion t to until,, ono Now null lit Lilt. 111111,.,, km... nut Diehl 16, Will ittlrit until, wilool 1000 , and rhun It Within' Olin mid two wilee. Il would bra good St., ',hold. renumu wimltlng to 1. lew tilt• , 1.111i141,1 numeuliul ut 1 ilt re til I information eon Inc listd. Aug 7, lueA. luw D. n'ctu.Aut , . Jon: , k. )11 . 11t1 A "Best always Cheapest rpm itogatollbeapent tIADDLEI3, HREHLES, c ,, COL ARCS anti HARNESS of all kinds, little County, are always to be found at the and a II known stood Daltintory at., uppomlte th.• Presbyter/on =meet— -MeCREARYS'. Qnrll,ldin - g..and Wagon Sudi!lt* ore the Maid etibetentinUy built and neatest. Oar Trarnetta, (plain and silver tnount rd,) are nouiplere,--1u ovary respect said wur raaled to b of the %en" beat malarial and workmanship. Our upper leather I)ruft Collars CANNOT HE IiKAT. They are the beet FIT TINTO and must durable. Our Heavy Draft Harness are made to order, us dump theycln he matte anywhere and In the must substantf manner. . - . Riding Ratites, Whipn, Las I)r:tit Kamen, Fly . ..nets, and everything Lu the line. arße *saw a, cheaper. Our prices has e been MIUUPCI, W Ina knis oat living stand ard. A liistral percentage for moat, Mr all Mlle antountliut to to or more. We work nothing but the he'd stock and will warrant every prtiolo turned out to to In every respect us represented. Tbauktu I for past favors waluvits attention to our present stock, /Waive us a 4.11 and examine ruins and QUALITY. I= 12M=1/1 Register's Notices. a. Cher rre.•ns that the .td- attulatrylltut Ai mania be - relhailtar ntenttun e,l will be presehhst at thu Orphan' Court of Ad- Nan eou uty, „nd „ii,..(" nu TIIESDA tlo d duy of tilt:rrEmr,Eit next, al ICLVelock..t.)l., yl4. ' ThaneatoUal dual atihrthanship aeren t of kiourge Tartata, quartllap aatonet, J o b and 3fargart Pea tdotfr tnlnOr Lididrial DonJani In Deardorff. 157. The account of IkAa a Mt - 111th and A lao r S.Binder, ExixlltOll , ,td. tii , l‘ PeD I D. Smith. deveta. it. . . • 158. 'fl/e nerslnt kt.ivrard Long alltl A',.it hisp t4rtg,Vxqgs t iory itrim deceased. Tisooccotult .'4191:1,‘ tor of the will of Dunk! M t, /". riot IlcOonot Of JlLitiom Lrefvils, r a , pii tor of JohoHet, tube of 131, ,,,, 0 -9.aymscouuty In. First alt Aet.oiltzt of 1;• \I - bert. Adtallt, than,. of 4n,TAhed. Ihr2. The rirxt iterentirof - Nneh motor the las c t 0 111 owl hl.Lni. , •ut oh .2 i lot lira Wesley V. Mmtl. r, I • • u for ot',4o,tUf leceused. let. fieoood Ilostacobunt of.hinlro owl), Eed., admiring k:xecnurr or the We .111 nod temernent of Yet," Wougoner, orerpard. 186. Amount of Wm, It. U , “Mi White, Atlministratoro - of Andrew White, Jo ceased. W. 1). HOLTZWORTH, Register. Aug. 21, NW. lc OTITM7nMiIM 1 8 8 8- MILLINERY GOODS, Robboas. Trmens(ng BM"111, Vtirel R bloo. SILK* HATLN* ET* FANCY BONNE7NATRRIALS; BLOND* CRAPE* N ES* etch YLOWICI/d, -PLUMIOI AND pats AM IC% *mete and Ladies' Hata, in Straw, 6Uk, .V.ivet and Its. We otter tbeWinn nttilknt aenorted st. k In th e tinned !WNW, tfuitnnteisignll the tacit =MIMI" Mgt nnegUttlled In choice led elfbarneet. AuusTia.tx:o. CAI W :417 4nd zto imathouruiµreet, Sept. DJASSOLUIIOX. rPUE heuaitara calla/et; be tween the undersigned' andel the firm of } i 4 s t=l= . l , Vh4,tstVelkisstrurg,(Y .+,l All perstkm Mdebtrki fo Skid Arm will ;ramie make payment without delay. Either part ner la au et the firm In QM sett= ttr ILVil= e Mnld dlmo- ImiSerrimkalte flit dem Ulm Ara duly pf My; • jt r IL -IN 11r • JWY V, 180.