`fit kittipaburs SAND • ICTORYI FO;2 llylo l / 2 1'itIN. • The ComriW7siliiiiripitzed from thl:> trine unttl ' aftertiie,Presidentlal elvetiort PIPTY '.."1r1 , , :TR, ihrit'PVF. COPIES fur TWO DOLLARS—III advance in all cases. • Fellow Democrats, the most effec tive way to help the Democratic cause is to circulate Democratic papers. The C0311.11.E1t - w w ill do its full duty for the enlightenment of the people, an heretofore. CULCW.ATIIi r CI iiCU. LATE ! "1Y IU N M.• give value. (Dear bonds hp uming tnn moony drsorn by taxation Wine takrnsant of our d.•ht, and not to thn Military' and n.•llro scheme. MO Ong rrllmre rho fax-parrr, tljyi 1 4 1 1=botiler, and give atrongth and virtue tellnF, /lotto. of the pul.l le creditor."—fitlit ATI° SIC] - - REA.CTIEK 0 RECOSSTROACTION A telegram from Columtila, South Carolina, etatkx, that an attempt will he made by the Leglalaturelo turn all the sehorati of the State over td the ne cio School Commiealouere. In Louis iana, the Board of State School Com mission( re is to he presided (+vet; by the negro Lietitetiant-fiovernor. Here we have one of the beauties of RadlCal Re construction; white- and black chit. drat are compelled to attend" time same sehoo4 site* -tite same berm*, arum st et t the stuntmlites, WUlte the-schools are to ire tiontrolled 14d . siarmaxixt by negroca. How 104 Will I.llo' white freemen of this country submit to this deg adation ? if they do quietly sub mit to d, tt Is evidence ttroy/are fit for new() donfinutlen and au It to wear the sol,c. The di.ection of Grant will ti x this condition of things on the coun try pe rimo I et) t ly. flos. Cit:intEs 1 1 1„ flovLt, the Dent• ratic candidate for Auditor General, when a ineioner,or the-Lektiointuse thO7, obtained the pasangebfti iWellOll In the appropriation Litt tovolect the state tiCasuly against the Incisarit assaults inaile_by the ancves, by means of special cobamitteea. Auditor Gen eral flartrantt deliberately violated Ult. law, and let the plenderera gorge thet wives on the public treasuiy.— liartranft hi the candidate of thee rink for odi tor General; Boyle in the can didate of all who inneerely deidre re form in tire allittre of the State. THE Itto!leak have enrried Vermont by from 20,000 to 28,000. The vote ia the largel4 polled in the Slate iiitmee time hod, Pre•otientitti, election, when Lin coln hod ZIMAP,ms me}erily. The• Demo crat. made rery little show of nght, (*- castle they entotidered their elianewi utter!, lioDeleot. Had they exerted them.olve, rutty , a harldsolue tedue aot its the Rtotilerd majority would /ive Levu certain. Thollcals arc Jubilant over t r tie result, Chiding immense conin/nt lo the fact, that, they have held Weir 6411 in the blackest state in' the Union. Their rejoicing win be brief. .Ar :We Democratic Congressional convention for the Twelfth district or Ohio, held at Circleville on the 6th, utter Judge Vul Trump had hest/ re nominated, ('ol. Lyman L. Jackson, of Perry county, made a speech in the convention, renouneinit Radicalism and declaring for the Dewier/toy. MEN. W3E. 11. J 02.424 eleptoron the Radical ticket lu Alabama, hag taken the httallp for tieynlollr and Blair, And so hat the filen. Thomas Masterson, Republican Representative from Lair rence county, In the same State. MAUK ET IkEPORTS. a•Nyelinry ..... ItY 1.: FLOUR,. Wl4l'l'll \ it EA.T, It ED WHEAT,.... ...... 4,A I 511 I 26 €, 2 2I) 1 IS 3,/11 6 (3 @, VU 00 mO9 EUCK WII EAT, roith ....... Ere= to 90 (4, le 450 900 49 2 a" t to tp. 142 1 14 40 1 .25 i 65 76 8 00 0) • 8 00 - 300 (.y 31,:1 1375 §, 18-76 I 00 Tr 60' 1800 20 00 1 , 1,0 t, it, .... NS' it LAT . \ E., ......... 'oits ()A rt, 1111.-SEE.I),.. .... Y-5EE.13,..,•••• ions, 7e) ikttuit E CATTLV.N hued RAY, Gold), !Ulu., =I kSt tIl Iteortned Vltrxotlage, F Oxford, 14 !Lev. W. F'. l' , poi' in. Mx. 0,•GI Et. A MI LIAM, of tef,YultAr, L. MIKA LIZZIE It'lkil.loat,ulTysuaaw on Rim ist It tilt., nt the resitirisose M thoitirirdiris fothei. in ilernisn) township, h.. Rev, l' P oti, Mr. A. WOLF to Ytn FNMA mtvg..l thiniihter of Ahrsansin kith in Germany township. / On the ibtii of 30sva hist, by Rey. E. Breei eillatugh, Mr. JACOB W. A1.1.E..N Dr, of 'Sutler to Moo It.F.IIISIXA ii.u)catat, of Cunt berl and township. ttzt the . 11.1 ult, Rev. J. M. Clemens , Mr J MARTIN, fingeretown. 31d. to Miss I- CuSou tsp., Ademn,ounty. = the thtl, ult. MI It.telTEl, GULDEN, tvalm toa asatp, aged 43 pairs 9 rodinlauf alai da, Wth nit., )1r 31/CJIAEL STA.FaiY, 1 I ..111ernuttrg, Itio,lD.l years to lUOthallo Uad Sl S.os. kt the k on Monday : morning, Mr. ANL Eht Ittml a1...a 70 Yearn. ton the I:1th nit., (.EO. MACNIMY REM. tegea l month and i 7 dAytt. . „ 1 141L.11.1.g . (rf t ,.'isk, (Ain ylat.,?e„ lkier?3l4.ol( an s4 - 1.0. on the lid ult.., Mrs. K.kTE, N, di it Mr. lleury Homer, and daughter 01 .Nll Win liildoiu, aged -11 yt , ant 7 moUtbs And (111 the list utt.; chatptorz•tmog. , .Ift e ut lry„,..llnlidkak", 1a12ni123 du ugh lt.r ni I'. 'V. Heillect, In the 44th year 01 h. r n CHEAP SHOES. Prices Reduced./ NOBRA (4, B IT T AFACT! COStE j,,tit) SEE. od Ar'i",.T,! . .'n'T'Ap . IrtF . ; M and Ciu nhoes thalcr. ~r an kinds at ir,m4.l,i, • and Prienn. a”d a, 101 who w4uL'l9 partittae to end be convtneed of Wi t ~, ROW 00013,. Sept. 4.18(K. 6t , 7 Teachers Wanted. !VHF t4ehook core of acisxhaeg townstilp j_ will meet ex Use OlusotterAnt. beisceA va ritWAY,kbeltas of bErTEdillMfa Inst. at Ito pluck, P. M.,for the purpose oX tea- P , IoY teochenk to take elkargeoCl.4eisave zul Juba:46ln setyktuwuship. PRA NCls ORNDOIMM.Prerik M. B. 131....ussit,riar:T• Kept. 4, PANS. td AA N efficient MACAWS owe Publietchont So. I. i• intrAmford, mom., Term lintinents. bakery Ithissi. By order. J. W. UffiNIONIX, Salt. t; Wit 2w , . _ - Xpectittoe4-104oe. . 'FORM! tiNFXBII7OER'S IitSTAVZ.-41het. e) tors testarehtitery &Mile estato of Joseph neerillati, hille% et OaleohOlo towieshl , Ad ams o_. deceehed, hevhDhr heels the under, , la th.e rose town 4ebte4, d to maidhe h y, ... • In d hoh* sw,yeeestt,Areditholie ' . • ITted for 141.12 . ". all ,'.. , ..” .I.`t ft a s ai k. Aug. 7, UM, It ,1 PBP.ITE =I ON FIATIIIIOAY, the lith day of rtlf,PTEni- II lat nag ,I. irtu, of an ord., of t d••• tneartornAlanse county , the onderrlgn ad, Altalthddrat els of the entale of Adana Sale rno, dr6rased, oiler at Panne Kale, on the peuhlsok .A/lrbl/IAtiLE FARM, situate la Eitaabnn townshlp, Adam* County.., Ca, sqlOining New Chester end lands or h. ten of Frcderii Ic Holt; cteadkeod, Ht nry Hoover, John C. err neer, and Others. Mahan Ping In. Ames and Paneling, with aurnelent Meadow .nil Timber. The Loin 11. under good cultivation and Waal feal'ing. The . aura onwnit ore a Twoodury Weather. boariloi I , WiLLLINtI 11013141 , „ with Ilaecuo at, LA.g Barn, Wagon shed and ..; f'orn Crib, Sprl 114 , flog p e n, and OrniPT not-Inaildingq t'llrat.rate aprlna at the hoo, nail a fountain natal, et the Witt. some fruit. The furnt v. 111 he off red entire, or In trot to to Nutt porehent to. to %love it liTeTtiluoi.i.ed to eon tot the Woletoltlkol. OcOtkilliglhektel. Abut, at the mune and place, wlllhe tat. n,.1, ntArr nF WOODIANT), liftman. In Laiti. Inwre Oro !neap, Atlanta ovonty., Ottitottliw Init.!. of Let I 4 - 11,MIStvr, (3 rti4 mn, rt, ant: tt imp„ eotottOr tly, b Arren and 111 koretoo, well reap 11 chevtout anott anttalc sett, r. Th , f , LI set o oleo ollered what , . or Is /W. Peroonv wlvlttoo ttf NI, IV It are requeoted t tit on Cl rov .I.llotrt, lit tug uear try , Or on the Adninitstratil.K. ,tle to ripIIIIIIIVIICC cintk r 1% M., nu mat des when attendan c e will be g en and tenni, nuttlx , known*y 11.71:1tif St/WI:RN, Ad rn' By the ('ours --A. W. riat,, Clerk, rhr.M thter ker, A uctlcateent. =1 raluable Real Estate Jur ruim.ic ri?f a 1.1 . 1 - Rf).‘Y, the '2efh day of Sn'f'Trt:lf- ISEII. Inst., the underslgtted, appoluto t t 111;10.e by rifpnan's rourt of /kibitz. 4' y, to sell Lie Lteal kinate of Daniel M. Qu.. 1,1 echt, late at tinkm I.nWnstl7 Atlanta coaln • t.), del eashd, offer at Publi p, c Sale, on the premises, the ft,licnrtng property, viz: TII F. MANSION FARM, situate in mid talon toenaltip, adjoining lands of Jolla Ra ker, Ina via s. t,obreeht, .I.oalt W. OM, and others, containing 27 Anreeand 20 l'erehes, 11.0 Ing pr pO opor prortionx of WOodland ,Meadow. latOt is lo a good state of runt. vation, having been timed, and Under good fen. tug. Theiels suppdavei to 15. a large Vail of IRON olt I.; on the tract The Int. pros cmrntx cry a large Two-story 11W FIJI NO AN I) I'A.IfI)ING LINO MILI, , F rante liars, tVagon !shred and t., , orn Spring and II of her out -no , an elegant bar , , and 0 01 , t-1111, $lO.lOO n , ar Ib, hollse. A reptile nt real t411411N fiaonsP 1111.1).r0eL., Also. A TRACI OF J.,:tNI), In the' Panne IL: Acre, a lid iiii.,Cile4-1.1.11,111 !eared 6111'1 the bo 010 i, in good Timber. l'ereayn% it lilting ti, Vi 4,/ the. premlaex are Iliyue‘ted to call at Niro. liollrvcit tlio widow rerl4ltur on the /1111116/011 tract. to comm. e sit I o'clock, I' on sold day - , tluJl.C.`c kil/ glyck and tcrl. znaffe Known by - JACZPII FF. fitlllitFria Trumtee /Iv the Court—A. W. -11./N mu. Clerk. t=Z= PUBLIC 3..1LE VA 1 - .C.k MA: PERS( .\.lf, PROPERTY. • ,Ault htrm- T l L F :g, n z l i t i Tell it n( o 4 l ,, u l oi t i 4 :% ll i n,g to tY, the .01 day) TIE Ott R Inal - at hLs Alen Burn hborg state rand Straban tolliflletip,aboUt flee 1.11108 trom Get. ty.hulg, the 101 l log vulual Peraonal Pro. pertN.,z: 2 BEAD (4 , 1108.,E. , , 2. head of 04 year old Colt s bea.l Di heavy .Sneers, IMI kik t'oa..t, (mils, Si'( a tUil.dd aeted Durban, and (ale a inn-blooded Be%onshlre,x Brood Now atilt I . lg, oho) Dueheye Reaper and 1110 , er, Pat. nt e-looth Hay Rake, a Two or Tllree-hkr.e Wagolu,(hie.hOrse 4 pring Wag on, Ph/aging, Harem, IN, and a ,arlete of other farming 1140411 s Oniztraamis la MI. Fuile llo,olnEriOnee.ktflo'el When attentlanCe Will be even an techre made known by C. E (101,1e,W)ROCTUH. Sept.. A, Ittl4. tb Persolutl Properly AT PT:MAC:MLR N TIT 111 1 ,11 1 ,1,1", Hee Inl 4a5 of 4)lVtlffElt O ITOSt, untlendgneti, Infenalna , to Anil latnitag, xll.l Keil lit lie, at .1, Iv u. url 31IeInw1 fluannan'a Stant, lii t:unt• h. riao,i to, Adatn4 emtnr t , e at the Ada.. log ,/t/uablt• - eadifd propel Ip, rizt .1 W IMF tlUitSl 4 2 Colts, one three cplos ,ilia Ow r a y ham and it lt.df •• It cow., huud nl'Young tattle, It Brood Norrn, 7 Slto.dx, I Throrliorec , Wagon, 1 One-I,on, W:1011, ILI I W inn". limb Mtil, 'lll,e-borne floe h,'l 11-11. be Plough, Nl ugle Mid PUULA•tilauv el 1 lung hs,Uorn C ov erer, Hur row, 1), at Ide and Single -ti era, of Breeettbands, 1 net of Front. Hearn, Cullen, Bridles, Sada le, guitar and l'olv Chains, G „LI n Cradle, scythe and Snafu, Forks, 11.14 ea, Mlllll and Nt,e,lw a, a lot of old Iron, 5,e. hold and filtl.ll,l Ore, moth an X TABLES, t halm, Gouking Stave and FIX! LI run, Utltflit, tIVB.I.4tIOVIIWOOItrg, lirs.k ery are `Ninsage Cutter. and a t tinny of other articles, too nun/crony taentiOn. Hale to cotnntenre nt 10 o`chwk. A. M., on Saul day, when attendance %ill be given and C01T11.4 Annie known by Rapt. 41, Mg. =I FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATIONS 186 8 - MILLINERY GOODS, Bitobona, Y'rganting itagknxt, Velvet lUbbonl, VEIMP4 , FANCY .1116.7+737PT MA.TEI2IALS, BLONIA, CRAVES, NETS, H 06 7 OU =E! Bonnets and Ladies' Bats, in Straw, Silk, i'clvet and Peit. We offer the largarbund best warted. Mto, k to the Unit ed `Slates, eotoprjelog all the latest' Tatetflres , Nave Klee, and unequalled ih eludee ♦orlpty,uoil ehropuesa. in,INTRAW . 0, (,74'40 st Zr 7 awl 101 LlitffWAte tarret Sept. 1,186 A 2w ii/D I T4 .01,4 CORSETS, CORSETS • last. , trAianitNe s • v = Arch Street, Phl4oolp).la, M A N VFACTURER OF THE Oel@bratad `~h mp c iHogg~ iris , FOlt LADIES,Illsrik.)3 AND CIIILD11.1.;N, The largest anaortnent, and beat guiltily and at) teem the American Marker. Every lady aboald try them, as they recommend them tick tot be we&rtng longer, retaining their shape much la inr, Leing lighter and mare elasi le than all others—WAlL'S.. A NTkI) lu t ri respect. and sold at primes. Ask fur 'ft./II:1N, , M'IIAMPIIN" . . . Iluperior IlaritlAtpaiteWltale-bongClittqrSh let Fillet irti I rgerent tiOentes,fni.lri , ling tile • I tit - pet art I L Nc.DoN • S . 'I:I,OVE } 11 - E IN (I" COUSIKTN, ranging In pm. fioni St tents to ,53 .",0; together With J0...1-1•1t licrg. CELEIIItATAD lit ENCII WOVEN LXIIir4EIN., superior shapes /gel qtratitY, Tort °Merritt I:soles, from I I 10 to rate :At They are the timer hest gotxlS for the priers, ever imported The 'Vratie supplied With 11001' ttE lit is anti (*ORS Egli at Lite I.owest Rat.. Those visiting We City shovitltyatiall to call and examine our Goods and Prices, as *e defy nil competition St pl. 4, ms, tper2.s - WESTERN 1. Pre-Emption Lands lIA VE on hand • few TRACTS et No. 1, second hand, pre-elnption lands, located near Rsdlrinuls,Clounty Towns,..ke., In well set tled ceighborhooci, which I will sell or ex change at u fair price for Real Retsde In Atlanta county, Pa. OEOIIUE ARNOLD. _ Register's Notices. N o :rth c , F. bereby e iziven to e lolLeitar and minfairaiii:Viita n te;viii.A4t, will bop n tifroOtpb aft of 'Ad ams county, confirmation and allowance. on Tl.3EbildAY, 11 - tbd day of KE'Tfila HER next, at 10 aratOek. Si., id. The rtrgt and Hoof Guardianship account or George Throne. Gruultoz of Sontool, John and Margaret Deargoil7 minor eigitalren of Agenjamiu 13.rdortt I. The account of Lewis Smith end ',Ahnor "S. II ingot, F.XCTIMOTS of the will orPetot Smith, &Tema d. The necutakt of,F4lggrd Long and Air-- burn bong, F.24nagnirg AM* 1t or ion* Long, • 'Ph.• nrrount Plutries kier, F,xecu 'or of Ow will of Dar lel liskley,necruseil, b.). First nets - unit of Amos It fever. EXt4,ll loo• or John rote of Union n”rnighlr dd.i2. county d (root:1, ociassed. 7 First 1111 ti oot 01111 f I)(lienjAlnin Al bert, Admintstrutor of 111/ingsret Criswell dereasisi _ _ let'. The and account of Nonh I).Snyder Ex ecutor of the r Ipott . wrn and tent/an tent/anent of John Warner, 11 ...6t a. AtX3. First acCouitiftsTWVilcv F. till — ler, I:3•lCC ator of John North,. docessekl , 161. Second and dual, atglunt a/ Janice RUA- Esq., Nurvivinc Executor of the MeV-trill tiatd I...lament of Peter Wagoner, decenaed. .115, Account of Wok. R. White fi nd I. H. 'White, Ad mintatrutors of Andrew White, de ceased. D. ITOLTZWORTH, litertster. Aug. 21, IsflK tc Administrator's Notioe. raiTHEM MCKINNEY'S I.l•STATE.—tatters of Administration on the estate of Bather Kinney, late of 111 on niJoy township. Admits county deceased, having been tented to th e CrP7t a rri , b=SAVerk=llt • • • fed to rad estate to make Immediate pay muint„ and those /we 'talus.,adttsl the mime to present them ptoOerly auttSSentleated for settlement., tfENEY B. CROMER, Aug. 21,18 M lb Administrator. Adiainaidirator's Notice. JOSEPH SPANGLERS EBTATlL—Letter* afatesslMSeirtieh Oki the esteampt Joseph panglot, Imo of Reds_ 00. Adams . : • !'7 0 1.' ,1 e, Adpplajpiasip. 'DITE ki-itlc§B J G coSiY. hit, DAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1868. Orphan's Court Sale. pm - sunned al nn order et the Orphan I . ourt of Adams county, w ill be .ofored at Pinata , on Coe pr. tnianny on 1 4 ATIIIDAY. the nul day or si..TTLNIEtI R next...the lii{ ni tatt• of Jacob Dressler, deetuned, oonaLit a two Tracts of Land, al mate la talon town ship Munn lz Vii. - I. d. Tirli7R - AlStailN TRACT, castainlug LI - Acre , and PdP,r, ism, tom e or /ens, adjoin ing Linda of Rilo:pli Thresher, F,nu and Li and Jacob !Wpm% ed with a LOO AN P., nue and a half stollen high, log Man, with nn exeellret u all us of wroer near the home, soil a fur It Young Orchard, Containing a great car t) , of excellent Trott, apples. pears, pewhea, Ther rien, A:fig.*, 0141/. ' hi la ay. TI trout . under gout lowing. and Is in it good state of cnitiv.l -tloll, lug Eisen limed. Na. 2. A TlS,,.t"f, containing 21 ..I.vreit, more or I-na,ijol fling Linda of W. Eiger, Donna Knnkle, damn UartitSh. and oth..ns. Psi - ) of this tract, :Mont IQ acr.-s, Is cleared and nadir wood ft Pin. og ; O ng.tsol Ile emeriti a 111, nut. n and tinther. Part of this Ls IRON OIL soil Sale to roma. nreat 10 o'clock, A. Nf. , on unl4 day. wh ( n laTernlanck be Oven not term,lr known 11y }Mfr. AllEl7l lIRE'.I4IT.Eft. I 1) tbe Court —A. W. MIN'S Kit, ("ler!, April 21, 1.04. to Orphan's court sale O.`: MITCCIDAN,Itia• 1-41 any of f# VEEN!. It Eli. , bakt.l4 . ortil,r, , it the Orntran'i.t outs 01 AAlano,l,llllls.tht Walt rtlgitt tl, 1,., titan, of *ln. t% 11l of John Itt.nlit rgttr, 11. ottattota, nlll otter at Pula. I.alit, t otn nn thereitott, the 14.4 Eittatt t of a.ini de. .... I, It, • 1/ A I.ol' 01 , OM 11'N1), enntatn Ina half do aunt. statute In Iframtpleaaartt tow n.hip . „ Ad ams eounty, adjoining land!. Ili iltfoll Law n nee and floor Forry having thereon a Tao“dor) DV.'1 , 1.1.1`.6 !fur...F.:, p irt lest and part inktite• . ~., ii , IN:a:and a tiny hit Of Fralt.Tn.e. a, , of din, et tit kinds. Per.,,ns wit.long to • • • noa the preinitintii arta ..rprltlcllt.ed to Mil Oa LIM ill.t . .nn....li.F:zi • eutur, toutt,llna.n.r by. Sole tn1101.1111.1.11/eP at I ll' clock, I'. M., on saki day, a hen atteodanee wIU be gAs en anti terms In.e.de knuau loy NA MI; 41..1. t•SHORI3, , JO/IN AI Ygas, - C.x.ecutont. By the Court—A. W. MINTEII, Clerk. OM= Real Estate AT Pt Me SALE. &Tura:, ty, the 19tli day of SEPTEN. ‘,J IMIC next, the gab. Inher, Adunnlstratuf of the Mate of Philip Hess, deceased, will of t, r ut e5,11e, cat tie. premises, the 'teal Estate of snit! decedent, Jo A TitAt.l . fir %NI), Haunt° to Reading tux n.,hin A dato4 .Lotint), adjoining lands of Wm.- f. tpltllrmn , Je•toe Clirnuister, lleurge chronp..tcr and nth, r. , eont.linlog 12 arr., more fir 1.••14, with ,Ine i•roportlon., mf ore f ir and Tirllbt`r. 1111prriVt . - :I, it fur) I 1114 SK, II IA/14 8.., atQ , abler I Ott Ildt + tlP:•a 11 well of watel near tne door, aod prime Ipple t tr, hard, l lit. all. r fruit, on the prefillaes. l'eraorui witching 1., view the pent,- erty on requefit.d to tall un the Adininietra tdr, redidlug'ocar liy. It will be offered whole or to two parttk,a. way la Of stilt. Sale to eOltillit'llVe at I o'clock, P. M., on Pahl -day, when ottandanec will be given and tering made knovi n by M. B. BLAUSFIR, Attin'r. By the Court—A. W. M.NTax+ el.Orp At thkanifte titneand pkwik Obi Wkluw "rill 10,11 a Nun. ty of l'Elkuils AI. l'lturk.BT Y. Aug. 21, Istf, la VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE. QITL'AiLEI) Hatolltonhan toe roditp, I,D °out.) , coot/I.llllllg .lotki .1(210.8, Nell / niproved laud, wi th a' wo-story liTtiNt. LATE:U.ISG, largt• Barn and ipllawea, nary out-tmildingx aLoo a FLA)blidlll , 4.,,tlAlif MILL, Miller san d r. nont [looms, with two Orchards—widLl. will be.., sold ellavp by apply tug to JOH,N (~ LuLICK, laved Agcut„Now Ostor , l, Pr), I% 0. lloXlo. 1:438. A Tract of Land AT WC SALE.' (AN S I", the Otth day of SEPTEM ki krEtt next. by order of the Orphate.st.lourt oi Adams. minty. the undt r.lguad, Aiimiuis trptor of the ealit4 01 Churl.. C. ~ Mit..l4 de n-rated, n /I/ ael/ >LL Pahlle Sale, on the prenit ant, the (Allowing, Ilea/ Estata of halt' alma/- dent, Izt A Tit tll OF' 'LA NJ), onto In Mount. ple.oattataatolOp, .S.atttn , , t the rnarthria from llotrioahloon to he Itnn. t.o.taa Ti .no 11,00 or o id, .o' . ; 01101 a hind. t•prata, Andrea Ise rroa.in and Jo "opt Lora, tnOlg la ACIILs, mum or I. Wowed with O. one and it half tilurr tot, ' I .SE. stable, Part log ottil port tr taw, and ol.kr uul,..ho{l.lanen, a well at eXt,lleur. orottol a ladot> oi 1,1)It MUrelll3l4l .'",,,tilto noughtadjoining at r,taboti .l.bk• . .n Ilil• PI Lllll, uill Inn . mbov, 5 Um., ,f.himb by tb. 1161011 , c4l4.liLig Kite (4 gob/two/et . at / 'eject, P 011111.10li dlt) . be•b gittenalatice In env.; brls tnaale knio,in by • PETE :It K. SMITII, Adut'r. 13> the roort—A. W.'MazirciF, (lurk. Aug. Lt, bibs, tb• A TRACT' OF LAND, Four milt* north of Itillerstotra, to 140.1n11- Louisan towns/144 Adman- county, Po., lultsin- In g lands o (John Chni a herinin,BenJansin shall, David Metz and others, an Atlanta/ creek, and Calittiini/eg .Al2ll}.}l, one-hail In prime Cheatitut timber—the hahmee tummy- „ with a Two-story LOU 11011Whl, Frame Baru, Whop, an Orel:win/of choice Unit, &e. There too doe proportion 01 meadow. This la a desirable propwrty—eun senteol. to. mills, ono attar mill ut,the house, known'as DirliCa, Mid grist nsir, soltooliktose and church *Ulan one and two Mlles. It would be a goat Stow. Wand. Persons wishing to view the p,inises are reouratnd to rail at Diehl el Saw Still, where all Information can be tut& Aug 7, Dos, low A FIRST - CLASS FARM AT PIALVATK SALE, 11.1/THIN two mihriot Gettysburg, on the Iturristrisrg rood, with all neeecscry Im provements, sod la prime soder. I wthsell Must he to It/0 Acres, to suit purehooni.— Terms reursuusbls. For hanker illiatttlit6ol, MSS to 14111 Lt . 24 MU. U I.lcUysheir6, F. iltaltAinont. FOR SALE AA VALIJAHLM MILL PM)PERTY, with U 0 Ames of etioiee Letig, on the turnpike len/Shag , fntm'Abbottetown to flantiver one tulle from the former piece, kuoWit ke Hot. linger. Lttll LPIO, ONE' OFITIETt MILL: PROPERTY', with 70 Maw. of Lied, or t2O Aereg.bbErmY 400h.d, on blarsb• creek, 6 miles-h. W. Prom fictky burg, and Ingrun ae librultgva a 7 ao, A MODEL FA B)f, 231 "tom ° Tan, in a high 'Osten( snitivation. 100 butilieln of Lithe to the acre, No.l butiallugs,2 m Hutt Votitfrom GettyNburr, li 4,0. ARNOLD. lietty hburg, Pm. Aug. 21, Ibbei 4Y,m -A CABD. TT ban town gone -eireulated lanai. my treatimatt of DEAb s lik.7t3 has prawn so sylvan/it* auceeastuti that, t had gtven apthe h t aural pry, ts.v. t h at I anti talky this swans of Informing my Itientbs and the public that sty special attention, and tieatassul of thor n...o'lhr sty vouthictiou whit line t loaded. Iladophafe, will In any way interfere with my at tauShasto the general pracllte,d Medicine. talks Wi LasuMoldt tiro wa, P. • Ltd. L.l. W. 1110014114, Aug. ISt& at DISSOLUTIO.4t: , , • rpm} partnooddp busstuftwe existing be. tweeu the undeurtguee under the Him of In ILEA PFEJI/RISEIGICLit, of PetersbUrp, ( Y. 5.,) la hoorrebydirwelved. • All pervious Nedebtol tumid Arm will Osseo make pe t yuneut without delay. Either part ner Y authorise{ to OM the Imam of the drug In the sethlwenent. OS the bustarnia. 5.14 al Irmo lutiess- so, lobo Wreck treen-the drat day of Ma", UM • D. C. SHEA Firtnt, 11. W. kIECKEtt. July }7,1861. arvi ...ALGENT WANTED von the Minimlar•sinti Official Laves of dEY .MOUIt and BLAIR.. A boot fuir every lamkort am &Murk of extraordinary 'Menai and ralry anytonald value. No Patriot eau do without It or have &Just. under.taudlag at the belore the country, without readfum ft. „Endormed by ijdolleadlustinoorittaiil t un torvaliv es Vie lit4 dd 4. ha e .of the Dem. ratio cancIVIEW tc e gal it of the people are as forcibly portrayed and clearly 6/town In tins volume, that f ail - ferl of mu ! atftutional liberty should to read It.— ACentn Wall Pe 414.4 cuatcy.lllra r T e this greeCaumadea wort , ably ewt ty lualLe ustmey ever offered, .1 to aloe, leiv Prier, Alia great papa/meal , lave made a positive dernaJad which canvassers only have to supply. Send for annllarif, and bee our liberal letnin and 6fOidetuerlytfon td the greatest %Mawr - 441mi bow. of the times.. Italdreva, , - • e I UNITED STAMt 1411BLIdill NO CO., 461116nolati dirtier, Net York.. Aug, 23, I,lla. Mt . . - 1.0 , 11000a84011, Vor . 'LLIWAN: l ' A t u c l itttagt%til l a t ' G EILATEs GAS WirliorT FIEF 08 HEAT ! Tick, simplicity-and ease by 'which Ws Mgr thine Is riuutaged, as also Item:V*4 Dud erten merit, recommend tt to (Indic favor.— can and are machine In operation. asthe stare: MANCFACITHEn AND SOLE AGEUCT, . DAVID JUNE:4, TinToradShlngeltoro. lio.7o4Sroeu St., Phila. Ag - liend In., Illustrated Circular. Aug. 21, MX Sin :Fo SToitz, Jlitleatod gOosk.good rem of Ild=•and.lligd-rata istoimL, Lugrides ri : • . 4thistdietratte — it notice. .' - rip'IIIIIIII.A.IIGIXIMMAT_ tetrationlokua illm ° ! beeVata . IlitiA= . ! .... . r* , ammo Dminithr4 -4.,.,- -,y 4 : t pit • 4 ;moot. stay st, sift ' iir ' . t''' h ''". •.. - 1 ~ - ~. S;a'jr~:W rlri~-,e,ra~ia nn S ITrnHAT, fid• Pith day' of 1•1.11 - ITEM• 111,11. On st.tbt,oiliaeiltier, Admit, Intro torof the eatate of Joan ph slpatuler, Ikeda...ll, will tell ut Polut, it tinelut'reald.nceoraaldde +lrnt,lu ing town•ltip, Adnlns Matt tY. about 011 f• tattle east of New ('h titer, the fol lowing personal prOpertV, YU: I WOltli II olisF., 1 three year rdil Colt, I •nek trig t mitt Mitch L'oai, 2 Hearer, I Bull, al I, 1 , 11,,, I , hout,, I k'oUr.luurue a'n'on, Lime Al tutors 'amnia, Cutting Wig', Vl4lllplp, and If arroa a, Show 1 Plough atm! Porn Fo-g, i'ortt Sheller „ Bolling S. re, it, Sin n gle ad Doable frees, Fet,l Trough, 2 nets of Brewehbandß, 1 of of Front Giory, 'oUficr , v Linea, Hall and Bregistithainx, Hatter to,lt ( tuna. Gram I 'radix, Afoa trig 80 the, Itals,, I orlig„Lunit Hook., Amer., :Maid and Wedgt m, Mattoek , lit Oak Shin4l.s, lot of Shingle Wo al, 3 !dates of Hiaal.Mlr Net, hit of Angers square. fen-plate Stone sots Plpe, Pet awl lioldlog, tattle, 2 Spinning Win els and 1 lire!, lot of ( loaiking (11.o.aeoi, r of CII/141, Iron Kettle, Tub,, horn In and Meta '1 • I Silver W:e,l,, not 4 t art,- tof othi r ariteira. Wontuttrosta ty Intro, tots, Mali. to COlLittlell, at ill 0 lock, d M , ou fta 1.1 Milttl will ell anf -tr, met bide iCirniktllll OSAXIM.:I, MARCIi, wDREw Ott r, r. Aug 11, INA tak Private Sale TIEu, ~Te‘.',„tlMtp,„lr.idek, In tint lee ton to on tile 1,..1 1,11.1 Witt Miii to 3foitliMown, about I noie fr,FM Artiolt, attaining lands fa John Manus, Wm. Tat or,l anti ot twin, tilt 1,10 ACE I-o, 110,14/ or le.. '}he In, lluprm rnln or a iw tc.tur) 1.1111 WE DWELL/NO, with a Kitchen Mint lied,a giant Frain( " ( orrainic 1-itotw,4.lolp mid daunt( House: a Apple 13reliarc1 and all kind,. of choler fruit. pruperti to in wor' ronclithio, He. hind fu at tine slate of eultiva 'Lion, line the imllillugs In thorough rep.iir— the tin elitlig to Iha sulticiently large to ne contnioeinte igoiteinttlerr. About . It be ere In diritigSe tiliogitke nitres nfi 'llllllfer. iftis Tlfe loeft- Hun and surroundings make it a very prop. nualins 'Wishing Lo ' yfew the pfeltialsm or - aseertain temp., a apply id the subourriber, ri siding DANIRL, .A.44`i DT. une itru r , If E orolemigneil, in t enajits; tp sliange lde I 0 , 14, nee, Otte e, at private Mae, the now and iv 1 Igti t nti property lw too, oecupta, xi Lite eorner of York and Überl3 Streets, liet ly %burg, Pa. IL C4lllA.tn TWO F t 1.1. LON OF GILOI - SP), atitnirablv looateit, owl has Ina thereon a large I. 1. ' 13 li , (mow, eatli erboardell, put up in the very boo, Ott le, u ithin tio last year; . 1 .0 a well of ex, ell, nt water, and a variety •- of (mug ieulflreee, The Jute are under tite bear oi woe., This L. a lefy desiral,le residence, 'and should' at enceattreet hoy GrFA)Ittik:STAIA.SMITII. • June X, lslld. Sat un b., s h oed ()frets nt Private Sale the _l_ puFitt/N. DWEL,LIVII-, ea Ow, Junction of the Taneytoirn and I.".'in• roittalmrg roads, In the Immugh of tit t 11 1 - tVaburg. The house la anbatunthilly MAU. of stone, and onntuina 1. large root y. There Is et ron g , aterer-fallingtiprinq of 4 tr f tiew lv ate rin the batneilt, .old 2 )a Acr of Land connected Wlt It. The for teen Is It %cry pleasant one, soil with a little additional outlay this could Ur made 000 of the most comfortable and desirabit. homes In the borough or Its vicinll) • JOHN HUPP. N0V..15, DC. If Bug his Insi:rot einent for 4/perking, Clon ilig antip.iiltrhillaa . Al - AY be ythe 1 ' 16.1 lo ' une unte uto.l (,per .ol , Ll 4 d Jahn 'Arian", loam . , r.u..141 . Z . , out, baud, julyrtua. clesirett 111,11.1theV.So — , opeurct atld etee , rt 1 tut Rote, Viii, iniprovelnent Is I I seal., let p. rte, t 1111 . 1 etroug , will nut be dl-.err atezeb by the huugutg of the glaY, 1101 by the ft cut tue,ltig the poet., ; 0x.., be - 111111 is It e aunt, y him Ichtullit n, till .'toll)- tarbell « a gale. 'Fite stele rnignt lop; the itight. fur A,lene. t.ounly, Will ' foirltsittp unit Fans) Rights of thb, Improve- Itien t. hick' HUTU & Ulf AXE'S'AIdEItICA IC LE VER, GAI'E—WI3/01 N 111 he 101111.1 ri , le and canoe ulent to MI 11110 hub thtvUgh—ns they remain by their letup, opt it, ulnae atu,t 1.141411 u n about the 11e.1441111 01 gettfOg . In the wet or 'mid. For further inforntation die. , auldrLeu, enallen I'. U., Adatun ett . L IWcl. U FOE 'SALE = Cd'ABR.O3. 14 13LACX ALPACA, COLORFSI ALPACA BLAcK ALL WOOL DELAIN. •CLOTIri, CASSIMI•IRD.CMOAkiNDS, LIN EN D 1211,1.1 CinTON TABLE CoVEHSNH T, LINNN, NAP KIND(, TOWEL . ~14 BALHOHAL SEIHTS, HUUP IiKPLA PLAIN LINEN HANIIKES.CHIMI.tI M BII.OIIrETIED HAND), FLtrl-IWIIVIIE. • STITCHED Ii.kNDK ERCHI EFTS. 'PttLIC SALE. VALUABLE PROPERTY I= , BUN NEW TOWN PROPERTY AT P.R.LYVE SALE A DESIRABLE TOWN PROPERTY = A SERVANT FOR ALL. DIEBIRABLE 1868. NEW Groovis! Most Breeneni pissorfpienft ? SELL for very maltQroQla, aiat aim Lt do g. lag • very large buelueas. FAMIOONA.OLF A1NA113 , 178 OF MOM SILK WWI !la:11141 OF FREINCR =EI I=I2MIM 'PAIMUONABLiBi.I3 ALPA,GA POPLINS. VIIENCLI RESCALDII AND' LAN NS. BLACK SILKS, PLAIN $ ILK'S, PLAID Elf= NM= =iffs23/41BIMEU= =CID MIMI NEEN'fi, NIDisES . AND cIiILD 'LEN'S GLOVES AND STOCKINGS. I am constantly receiving the tsjest stges of Dress and Fancy Goods. My stock com prises everything usually found in a first lass PRY GtalfroftrOltr Whiciltj a trip the plaftgien of 1.101 pub ,feelta nr that iritt safely challem, eft/non n Trt h all other stores in quality of goods and low ness of price. Gettysburg. May 1, bill. tf =3 FIRM NEW o.r/ord, Adam, Gounty, ikt TlTT: und er..1zn.. , 1 have lease.] the BRICK WABKROVSK, fn New Oxford, where Lucy lire earn lug on the AND tale. Illghrst tubes for Witt, {tee, Corn, 1 d lm ,o‘er aniothy &Wed`, Drie d Frott, t ohu e.e Ifgnu, Shnuhlerm i'UtulOCP, GROCERIES, of all kinds, constantly on hard and tor saltr—ColfiNes, 2..ugaro4 Ky allot, Molasses, Team, spree., Salt, I_ heese, Vinegar, Brooms, Buckets, Roan.; Fish 01 all Rind , 9 also Coal 011, Fish 011, Tar, .to.l Spikes two 11i ; Smoking and !'hewing Tobatvos, and s e. t t no r ojW . other artleles—all sold at lilt lolif .Atto, first...rate Flour and Feed; Mildest Plaosphatoi, Guntn,. Coal, &e. Frt."l6 HT CARS rob to RtevensOn Song, North Howard street, Baltimore, every week. fikpotis oarrbed taut ways promptly and at low rates. . . i e e ter t. t ro mu e t. o o f the public is solicited. Ev cry gf ;:I.IIORN .4 RENDER. New o.s. ford, d May R , is ad, ly SPEER'S STANDARD WINE BITTERS'. For the Weak, For the P. ' " For the Sickly, Vor the rsok Fur t entries, For lElpriltg use II I /grNO BITTERS EWALT° THEM Mil Speer'a Stasdaad: Wine Bitters, YALE OF - WINE, HERBS AND ROOTS. Speer's &eh:brined Wine, so well known, with Peruvian bark, Calninumile Fluwer Snake Root, Wild Chet* Boat ESSIISr, and 111301 other „Herbs Will Roots as will In sit caeca assist Digestion, promote tile Secretions of the syareln thattenaturatehavinetartlidgieeTOßß and VIOOR to the YOUNG and OLD, MALE and FEMALE! All use lt with wonderful success. lirhtga COLOR. to the pate . Watte RP, AILOOII and BEAUTY to the thin face and Cureseinnktatuottne. • Cures FP:TER and erenten APPETPtE. 't rry them, Use none other. Ask for SPEER'S STANDARD_ltirTmatti Ribni by Druttgilits and Grocers. See that my signature ito UN et the cork of each bottle. ALFRED SPRIER, Passaic, N. 1 , and 243 Final way, N. Y. ga-Trade supplied by JQIII&STON t ROLL.- P AY & CO., Philadelphia: OFAIRG k. A. BEL LY, Pittsburg, and by all Wholesale Dealers. July A 001, tintloo , Executors' Notice. AlltCHt.a.k.74,ltrakrivtß4O4ll,T the Er 3e L l,il. 4 7: p E l j i rLers o. ilarat, lute of Latimote trep , Adams &warty, dsweitaed having been granted to the Initr eigned, firstpalgesi inatinfig Vkaaaing ton township, ''otnt..regaliatr _alai the last. Lamed in Latitnore township , county , hey hereby to mule, to pomutu, Wed to said - tatelo 'make insuredfute Fay Sent, and those having claims against the topreenti Own propedy ninkurullattad fur settlement. KtlC l ElV i rekTlbtr. Executors. Aug, 7 , 6 t• ,ELECTION,. N Electlon fur Eleven' Managers of the "Adams (o my Untold Plro lnca pesky," will be held at the 00ft of OW' i.enpen In Get* aborg, on MONDAY, th, 114th Mani Intiman4oo; air imob Maw laid • int. _ Lertm Baracative wig Weis* 1111 o'clock, A. X, of mkt dira.„l- ISA td r 1.1“: =22 750 MILES Or liika tUitiOil Nen, Railroad Arc now fin/abed and In operation. Al thotrgh thbrroad to built with great rapidity, the pork le thoepUghly dque, and to pro nounced by the Untied states Commissioners *0 be drat-class In every respeet, - balbre It la accepted, and before any bonds esa be loomed upon it. Rapidity and excellence of construction hate been secunal by a complete division of labor, and by distributing the twenty thou. sand men emir/cored along the line for long distancesat la now probable that the Whole Line to the Pacific will be com pleted in 1869. The Company have ample means of which the tiovernMent grunts the right of way, and all net-emery timber ondother materials found along the line of Its me nation, also 12,01/U acres of land to the pale, tab, 0111 alter.intei,eetlune on nat h aide of itr. Iran!, also Mated Platen Thirty-year Bonds, union ntlme to from 514,000 810,t/tel pfrptlle,,Let urd UAL° the,alllll.cultMe to lie ipurveunted an. the, vector.; . soctiona td Mutt, fir Alin tattier a seeond -mort gage as sec urity, It 1, expel led that not only the Inter ukL, but tile principal:amount may be pall In girt bap rem red, by the Com pany la transrairtlng trooPit,tlr.' THE KAHN INUSOFTHEKNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, from Its Way or Loral Hu.ineas only, Jurlagtha you emllug Jana alit. JAN .110.111tc,1 to over Four Million Dollars, which, aft e r paying ell expenses, wits ranch more than sufficient hi pay the twofold upon Its Ronde. Thn euratap are no In4/ 0 1 1 091/ of the vast through !refit that must *Moir the opeul:.g of the Hne to the Pacific, but they certainly prove , that FIRST, MORTGAGE, BONDS upon such a property, costing nearly three times their amount, • Are ihtirOy Seam: 716 Vitlasi PacSto gains run thlrfy years, are for SI,OOO eaeli, and have coupons att. tied. They hear armpit! Interest, payable on the first dai of January and July, at the Com papy'andtto tit the City of New. Toot, at tact rate of Mx per, retit..ll:gold. The principal la payable In gold at maturity. The price end at the pouient rate of gold, they pay a 4ernl Income On their goat. A very toperturfredusith.nition In determl nine the color of these buuds la the length q/ War hey hair to run, It Is well known that • long bond always commands a math higher price than a short one. It la safe to assume that during the next thirty yearn, the tate of interest In the rutted States will deelitteaa It has done In Europe, and we have a rigid to expect Slid Hoehn:per cent. socuritiett as these will be held at as high a pnitalum as passe of this clowernmant, Which, In 1i37, Were bought in at from Mtn SS per cent. above par. The export del aud alone may produce this result, and all the - sue of a private corporation, they are beyond the reap dog on. Tho. Company • Waive that/ astir Bonds; at the present rate, are the cheapest security in the market, and the right to 1111N1111. the prloe at any time Is reserved. Subscriptions will be received In fiett3 - shnrg by the rIRST NA TIONAL TWIN. and OklITYSItyllO , NA TIONAL BASIL', and in New York AT Tar, COMPAN , PS. OFFICE, NO. 30 NASSAU ST., JOAN J. CIACN.) 3 . 019 . 24, BANKER-1, NO. 819 WALL grr., ALI by the Company's advertised agents • liirophbout the Fatted biotech. Acnelfefieer "hoard br ohmic in draft, or other euoa , par to -Vme York,unct the Booth; wid Ire brNi free of Aisne, by scours Plilette3 attbwrnoviti throrigh local uilen.ll, u ad Affut to Mena for illefr safe 't74l , r; - ;.y. A .RAIIPHLET fLNP , DIA.I , Fon bids" bes Just Dery published by the Colup.my,tilvting fuller infitnnartun than is pobsilile In an odvertise• anent, cvspet hug the Progress of the Work, the licoourees of (i.e Country traversed by the Road, the Means for Construction, and the Value (lithe Hondo, which will be sent free on application at the Company's offices or to any of the advertiond JOHN Treasurer, New "for*. Aillnist Ji, tbila. fin SELLING OFF 4T COSTy. The untientlgnell, Wending to Kosice a erten a - their bagatelle abartlj, 011 l sell oat their en We -stOok eL OCAS veal goods lOW be mAd REGARDLEKS OF , COM Our stock conoioto of Dry .Goods, "igotiOff, Carpets, Queeps-ware, } 1:,L . !, -Vt _Eflizki.'..rib: • ..1 , 1 s. . s *.c.Te0% 14 41.00P4 t03,04e.440441,,av44 .11..1120h-es at this opportnnity st once, se the whole stock will Isom beellspowkl of. DUPROBN & HOMAN, ‘l4 ; 6ri weal ' Co rue; Square GETPYABURG, PA " '• 1 m g r . id, viat_pr =I Fill lIREIgIfL wwwinassersl- G 114 I fpx.NG brin in tree, will sow,all gas of Grain Wlthouptheaglite aiy port of the tWn furhlab them-with orw_lOmut the ,: . 4144N0 ATTIA.CHMILNT. Guaienteial to 4.i0 good Wart. A ll lo,iie lirarrliturg Pluthing 11111, modeler New Tort: Equally as awed as tl/0 mills formerly cold In thin county. SEPARATORS A t grlll.ll2tE %ENVY. 11AILLF1103, 4. PLO lib. FARM' . UPI.E.O G E . .ILA r. • Wk. 1,100 MDB !ANTED IV! srprzunelf.tegamit. ' 60Q1 CSR q BLAi ,c 4 ik" for whit* hd irHtpey t 4 NI per aeW,iirvidlpW ery,lsr good order; ft tysbusr. 9titaited'4o4o. ii ,.• , 500 CORDS OF ROCK OAK BARK,' for w#o4lo•lo.lootewadto Ana) wal IPS . , ll= .70kgefUlnk- Feb. 14, Int Is ARS.—Olaaa na6 '• • ;iris, platUDg.ty? • ' taisacrutt..., ie., az . -011.996441 k lk ctrel Abilliktiantiopiguolartictr ros ot Petits. eigg, Mawr Elsompr Maly I=gin. , dia VOlt White Goode. Iluatine. =MONA p goy zdtgraX44', RE-BUILT ! Confectionery and loe Orsam Saloon, JOHN GRUEL, Maniberstrury Street, Orte,yaLurg, Pa.; next door to Newt* Hotel towing completed 611100 w hu Ing, has open ed the lament acaortment of ConlVetione ever offered in tiolAgeburig, lueluding FASNeII AND COMMON CANDIES, Toy., Nuts, Jut, and everything belonging to a not-class Confectionery, with sps•Jal °ma:iodation* for Ladles and taustieten. ICE CREAM supplied ea shmlest awes El=!Ell HOWE MACHINES! TUE LATEST IaIPHOVED AND GIZTINE ELJ.AS EfOWE, JR., SE WING MACIlthEs, on h+nd and multi at JACOB& & BRO'I4. liSTORE C1i..01010184111t0 1111tEPT, OETTIPPIMIHO. Orders will be promptly altlentted to. Ma chinee delivered to all peril of the mouly. air. The public are cautioned agaluat parties wbo use the name of HOWE In connectlim with their zmacrelnes,ob account of the popu larity of the Howe Maehln&u. There are none GLIWUINEI.IIIIftie they' have Imbedded In each machtne a medallion having the likenos of ELMS HOWE, Jr., on It, GEOf JACOBS & IRO., only Agents for Adams room y,, PA. I= CUNNINGHAM ALWAYS AHEAD 1 t I LLl\p y CHEAP CLOTIII.NG GENTLEDISaII FURNIKIIII , 7O 0001* at Ma Storr, on BALTrmarts staarr, [MTVIAMMO, PA- The public pro respesttolly Invited to call and examine his large sad well selected stock of Goods before pureholdni elsewhere COME ONE, COME ALL and treat souraenio ago.' suit of Clothing. July3l,lPM. a REAL ESTATE AGENCY, I hay. opened an agency for the Sale of Real Estate, in eunurc.tim walla-lily law 1,11.11.1 , Ms lit t tyaburg; nail will . glse personal aLtentton MIMI EXAMINATION OP TITIAN, CON' VE AKC = Patties wishing to sell, or bay lands, may find it U. their advantage to call. Several Farms and Woodland In the neighborhood of Gettysburg-111w, pro- ports In town, torsale =EI Attorney at Law (1e4iY 81 )11 1 11, JIUY 17A186& U AVM. BOYER & SON, D1L11,1015 IN GROC.ERLES, ATIONS, , TOBACCOS, AC IM Slone, Wooden and Willow Wore. Omni luortment* of all Goods wally kept in p yMm•vt.,mvii PAIIILY GROCKRY lan. /4 lON. U FURNITURE. D. C. SILEAFFIR, PETKRaIitRO, (Y. 8.) T"E.NIOA., Is.pregarell io oar to the Pubtkr istirtbieg litie as cheap' qs pin be hack ira,trbs =I sirParchasene will do well to call and cram ne onT stock before busing elsewhere PISANI TtIRE made to Oder. Ttefatang *Qs neatly , ly, and with dhspotali. Jan. 14, MS. tf ?HE LAN CROVENG EXCESS. riirs . :B:::4: Altails =il:=l HAIR RESTORER FAVOKITE lid l& DRESSING New :Style, is One &Wel 111 tittle-117 nottolro 1 41ssyltalr to Ur natiars agar , sad bearati, , mad pioduce iasyrlui growth. It I. perfect* harttlego, and Is pre *trot over every other prgiaration by Lbws , LI• 'who haws aikaa -14aa4,0r hair, as Well as those who wish to *store IL- The beautiful inns and .pertntne hotaitted to the Hair ina/cß.lVflealralilt foold Poe saiiO3/ an DrUgeiMa. Depot, leg Greenwielt Street, New York PRICE 0 1.4 : 14MAR. Feb.lB. INN Itabert- Amor, itAB FITTER, PLUMBER AND BELL MANCIER, au mkkge of, Aataslqttore from Se (kiwi . .., a1:11 111 ail 0, PA., ....., to *ll meets In IMO Ma eat done la the moet Bathe Salina/a fan at priced as tow as can IMMERMateI tielnakem Wang. . GAI4 PIPS fahallnwel, at well m Cha‘lft- Mn., Bracket., ,DroP Lights, lett: al c fci 111 A , Pat eh Arl===plg or ta, and, kens.PPL water i? irtartillia" it ~ deem& GILLESPIE & Co., Dealers in, Elbur, Groceries, GETTYSBURG", PA:, INVITE the attentlbh of the public to titt•lr larire 'dock of Uoode, at the old stand, oh ork etreet, liettreburs, next door to the ()lobe too, euneletlug of the beet of GRIXTRIEPI Z tr t s , u . L . B ; yapi, Itolareas, Coiroe; Truk Spica., sear isaA.Nve oi In the With liristi Fruits, Ctiufnuitious, Be. Also, NOTIOIkIR in great variety; Cedar and Stone and Crockery-wore, linthett, tlegart, Toharetti, sail a thourasil and one other articled/. BLITTEB AVAI HUGS, earn and frtsh, always for ea le. tialleiple At Co. Is spore 114 k oftdrt idc,c,, and MR' POSIdIdOIIt 'of Wing able to Jo an by constantly keeping a fall at.' °hitter. atoek, and selling at thu ',Cry 10,4 est profits. (bin,- TR I'IUMUL;k: wantell, tattler tbr tbecauth or la exchange for goodh,lllgriced market price allowed. JOSENI S. GILIAI4IIF, CASIIM AN, =1 Eazzam A Itmnlr.ty romitz.vA 'nos BUTTON-HOLE, OVERSEAMINU AND SEWING MACHINE la warranted to. climate in the boot manner emery variety of Flowing, Hemming, Cording. Tucking. isiraid ttutberust....tuilt. lug, Oi eracluninautlnitiroidering ttai thetas., stud in addition wake beautiful Button stud hyolet Holes., in all fabrics. 101=1=213 BEING AHSoLI'TELY THE IWMT :71T CIfI X E Tlll. WOULD, A.Nl'•lNtui'sirl.T.l.l' Tin': CITE 1.1 . MT, Fbr Ai Cu ..I.ltgel, t is, 3 pied to one by e, vie mid bountiful noel° retA4 evrrfs,gremout. I.llTotLl.tre ILL 11111 1,.111:, 111,0 and 4:113.1p1,1ii uT l ark dolt, 1,41 11,10 Ma. !solo, eon be /u1,.1 to/ .Ipl.l /Pillion at lII.' Ont.. Or it. . 1 140.n1, tal. A. It. N l llllllcro, o,llltle tl,,llefy untl. 1..1,11 Store, IS:111111101V 1.1.. (leltyKblirg, lttflarttY. , 7, Attr.t. 1-All Muchlnee warranted olio yrer, end Instructions Frivol. sTtltutioultly h. all 111/rcliii -111,.. MILK IT Pennsylvania Elastic Sponge Co., un CHE'STI+7 VT STREET, YaILADF.I4`IIII.. ELASTIC SPONGE, A SUBSTITUTE YOU CURLED HAIR FUG ALL UP.MOLSTER PURPOSES. ('REAPER THAN FEATHERN OR HAIR, AND FAR SUPERIOR, The Lightest, Softest and most Eltutic and Durable material known, for MATTRESSES, PI LION% S, C'Alt, CARRIAGE AND fIIAIR CUSHIONS. It la entirely Indestrurtible, perfectly clean and free front dust. IT DOIPA NOT PACK' AT ALL! Is always free trout Uinta life; 1A perfectly healthy, and for the siek anoint - tiled If sotled In any way, can renetnteti quicker and etuder titan tilt other Mattress, EU ISIIINCI HALLS, Se. Railroad men are 1.1111.1111/iy hilt lied to ex amine the ltinbiOn larmurr. SATLSFACT/ON (ILIAILVNTEEI). The Tra le supplied. Jun. '2ll, inlet. O . • - 1/A:le•Yli (J 1:L 'A PLAMG MILL mnierslgnealms ,extra,/ixtiod A MAN- I. If•f .MILL, on Mundt ern. k, four IDIIe from bletty.burg,ut willen he will manuLke tore - LOOM ASD 1)Q1R FR kMER. WINIx)W s ASI) FRAMES FIARMING,NVE.kTIMILLIoAItinNu Chair and Wash Boards, with evething else mega at 10/02/ g atraary, and needed in the building line. The beet of lumber will always' be used, all thoroughly dried, a kiln having been put up (or the purpose. Orders solicited,' and promptly intended to. Priers as low as the lowest, and every ef fort made to accommodate °orpiment. . . May 15, IH6B. ly BOOTS AND SHOES. = MHE undernigned ha} erected a riew . build- JL ling, for o hoot and Shoe Eatabltahment, on (Whale street, near the Hannay* ritatbus In Gettysburg, where he now offers for ante, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, for men, women and children, of different styks and prices. He bas a tine easortment to select from, and will sell every article at the smallest proms. WORR MADE TO 01tDER, of the beat ma terials and workmanship. Every ellifrf made to render eatisfaction. pathmage of the MOWRollclted. 111,11nd select from his Mock or leave your measure. In either case you cannot fall to be pleased. JOHN M. RELLIMTEI.. July 3,180. ly New Boot and Shoe Store. D. KITZMILLER Ea BRO., GETTYSBURG, PA., YORK STREET, OPPOSITE iar,A4.l4x. Sign of the Big Boot, . • 111. E undersigned have opened aloe* Boat j. andlihoeSsare,on YorirstesehOellyabarg, 'Webs. ream recently oesilabsi by bulge , McCartney, and hayelosst receives from the city a large sariart num t of BOOTS 4. SHOES, for Gentlenten'et, lAdles* and Chl!drum' Vieur, euusistiog of CALF AND RIP BOOTS coNCDIESSI AND BALMORALGAITERS, tiLIPW/s, We also MANUFACTURE TO ORDER, all kinds of BOOTS d tim_km—the work, twlng made - up of hest roateals and by prat-elnas workmen. The senior partner has been In the I'D/onm fur over li years and person ally superintends an work made up. We respectfully ins itP, the attention of the pub lie to our establishment, and hope by strict attention to bonine , s and by sellinc et lowest matt prices, to give eattre Satisfaction. DAVID 1C117.4 - JACOD A. niTzmiu.r:R. June 26, INS. it .REMOVALI reM firm of ROPER h McCARTLSEI have emoved, to North Baltimore garnet, near t Diamond, east nide, In the room formerly ooetioled . by David Kitemltfer. We have on hand a choice aasortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, (Gold and Allverd 'JEWELRY', drat( kinds and latest styles. [sliver awl Plato ed also-tine Bold, Silver and iiteel SPECTACLES.' of tie best manufnettire. Al.e, Violin.. °al tars, A.X.VIONK)U4,FIUt.s, ee., Violin and Guit.r Strings, keYa• ALL bad. of Repaarag us our low done at oa ran ...obis prow.elz run sot the choupont ninl held. fur On I' %sit, Ilint In alas motto. FAMILY Mt, /CLUJ} , S, of salt It Ind •,,,,noilmt iiiTiTlt pall ot taspn of all kit/. 1., %dabber , . 1 4 111411114, 'Otl. FLOUR, ItArDN,'"LAIIII, Dried 1, lot 'sat 1.17 XIMKI I Mn, keret, Mltull aINI 111 1.14,113411421 ,wl WA- Lu usi: pikloWit err ehnnpnelei or glint ItykiTona on) W lONIC el' to Plare F'retteh , 11011. i I(tt U1u,,,11 Vitilhkes —for m.4111:10 of oil. , Purl... , hotel Ifnepnri atmbr , onpg./le.l with T,rnunrts' nt nl.l /111t1 pass MhAllnen,lloothtnA'n_rriftl'Lltyrkrt lIU tern, Itino A. t+peer's heap,. Wino, NI 1117114, tinttllttoru street, lletLynbut* May 29, 1/44. t f M. MINNIGH; Diamond Confoutioiltry and lee Creoili 11.11 the 1 , 11) 111111 J. full Mot It U lll Lutilt•e 1101.1y, 1 o•III M•II I Il,n very 11114 . 1x1 )•ru i)I1l FRENCH & (*AMON CANDIF.,Ii, Orange', Lemonn, Tn) 0, Nuts, 'Not dud, ,te and ~,I•ry Lid g 41.1.1111 R. ton amt.:hob I 'on fv,tioner3, eAN}...4, SI EA DAND OIYADE. Also, ICE CREAM RP pilled on xhort uotUe /lay 1:4 1868. tf NEW STOCK OF sria.YO Axn sr.v.veli Grimm AT NEW OXFORD, ADAMS ro., I' A. Our Noeto LIS/Hall Proj7e4 d; Quirk , E l / 1 .41., m n. mu updorultfnett wonld moat rospurtfully .1 bounce to that Wttzena of N, w VOlord and tnerttfY,'lltitt , they Ore nose receis mir . large mud duldrit,la stork of NNW Littoftl4, I.u,litaln. tire rocout, duellniNewd can offer superior Inklueenieti tir-t.” our custuini•rs. Uur stock Is enntplete and pterrhafleil with on ern to WU want* or this 'gentian, consisting of Dry (Muds, armories, lte•sciv•uunle Clothing, FaurT• GoNte, Notloni,, hoots 86oes. Ilapd-won', (03,44,11-Wlsre, 0,111.11111,311 A, kr, Att.°, t•Ttool. liar Into, Ursa Mara, Oust au Inds of trod. Together a lilt moue 01111er Sni cker too uttutt•roto, to to, utuat, bl o b have item at the maul llsurrs fair . . • Cash., We rest...UAW:, Il.lt a °Ali, bellev ling that we can make 1.1 to 3 uur tutl rial. to buy of tui, for We are di tJrniliied to well goods at short profits. Come on with Y our money we Ulf Rive you EVIL value ftor URRo us a call helorp purchasing elsewhere. FILLY & = =I2M MMMtt! E WATCHES I WATCHES 1 ! EWIS STROUSE Is largely engaged In the trroah trade, acid hos lust retunToai from New York with on ate+ nammay sttrnetivenotortnacnt. Itas Chaos such bohlalus als cannot. Gall to be sceepttable to Miters. lits attack esc4aces a largo JO , or Ws CELISTISAYSYI WATCHIS," a ' "'GOLD AND ITILVta, V i tt. • . 14° ~ .jachstUAL!' Wat. NAM." :4,TI"riP with Whitehes ahneet :oil other rrtitkee. /(7013 . 1r,itnt CHEM' and d GOOD Watob, eallon 'LEWIH EtTitt 4TAFI, • At hie old litetoteltel Isle street, Pearly opposlts! the Depot, liellyeltarg,l'A. irjr-He contlnne• the Grocery, Notion std Cottleetl , mitry litu,inea, a here. tofore. Judetl,lB67. tf BUGGIES & CARRIAGES REMOVAL. 1 owderehgned hoe removed hle Corr!. j it6einaklnitsll/14) to theovust end of 1111,1,110 *trees lletttoborg, Ps., whore he will continue to build orl kind," of work lu Lly Hue, viz OARRIAGB3, TROTTING I PALLINU•TUP ISUGGIFA, /AGORA' WA(101.18, QC: Hie work le NI put up of good material sad by the boot of mt,ktanim, and cannot full to give malefaction. llle peke. ore ulasye resoonebte. He sudielta ontameoonadeut that he eau pleeee. IMPAIRING ,promptly done, of moder ate ream. - W. K. GALLAGHER. June 78,1145, BOOK AGENTS WANTED To pullet/ Orders for Dr. WB. Snirn's TIONARY OR TILE MALE. Tire (Rimy MU- TroN en BUSILY, IN ANNIt/CA. manger/Mu nr Du. SMITH'S OWN Hahn. In one large Oen.° volumes, illustrated with. over LIB steel end wood eogrev Insp. Agent.* ited subseribers on that yon get the genuine Megan by lb. .Sseith. The epeotejteid Republican says, this edllloly puhllabett n, liner Mow & le the ern ine thing. The Clegespetostatst Nitre whoever s to get, ill the cheapest lon e. the bent .I.ntek sty of the Bible, sbouki boy Ws. mpota ere nad;ot.lar With 1110pateil -a mat. We employ no antes/ offer ext.ni ladueements to ciLglem " Agents wilt, see the advert dtreetty with the Ftifilideldatefilli lUD scriptive cannuarik 4 pklioartk khetsz , terms, address the hiblsiners, B. was lb Elesitinci, COM: ' MayDO& 41* _„, , A Lecture to Young Va. iiigit j O tr ilzapai= e l i nzzaleti vnz , A Lecture on the doted). Treat/pent; and nediced Me : wit tietnutai Waage**, or fipannotontsdni 61. dared by Visit-Abuse; Income:dory ismisa Orte r Impotency Nervosa Debility, add Isupeirt. mode to Idenriage generally; Lionatunption„ Epik.psy. and Flu.; biennia and-Pliyaleal fn. cap..* , etc,—lly ROBE & .1. e1,11.X.E.41- WIILT.,II. It , A uthor et the "Orden Beak" etc. The world-renowned Astiltar,in this 4410/1 , . ble Locbire !Pearly provea, irOM his own OX perientio, tlist the *Wad consequences or Sail tam s, Abuse, may be eflnctually oved without medicine, medicine, and without serou gurgle& operations, _Wattles, lust m enu, Anis. or curdle di—eol nand outs in eof wee at one* certain and effectual, by w . every +.4agrart. no mattes Wind btu condition rosy be; Way cure Musson chalilf 1 7 rid 1.1444.r. " ini4i14147 ' Thla Lecture will prove a boon to dim"- ands and tbeiusard. Sent, under wad, i• • fthild rowilcilidsZ any eddies*, op receipt of V cents pr . t P I ht e irt.. " git Mil/MT ' ' . l l. I fluids." Price 26 iTai g. ! Address Cti.ddetl... bowery. Wed York. Pm* Mr Alos ef Aih t I July*, its. ire &u 4. : o gtel i t fr,,FIVLIAtj s_arthirtii eorpetthe DObslo46, " rot