Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, September 04, 1868, Image 2

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    •. ,, Arkaw It&
ftftpsburg §ompiltr.
- /EXOtRAM menNAL flown
d: PI: 1:SI I
v.l NIIW 1,711 E
(iii. V. P. I>htir,-
Hon. Charles E. Boyle, Fayette co
Gen. Weßington H, Ent, COttmbi6 co.
ClAnnstc.4, •
InN I M. 1:1116M1 3 1,1, of Frnntlin ronnty
kt, \MN M. DUNC.VN, 1.:.11, retai6'lln It/
)1 . . A 11, I 11,1., (York Springtio
N 11,1,11( 'RN. U; 11MIII11 , 11 :mint tr.
VIP' it . nr,
.1 4ir V-14.1 fiortln.
VII lIA\I A. 1 , 1'N('.% 1..,••1 ..ot
11.1111 Al ..N, tiwl , of MounlJoy tvp.
- IJI II IA TOR Olf Tlllt 1 . 006,
\ I.IIII N DI.AIIIX/ILFF, oh Franklin L. p:
ol Ntr Al I,lTlilt,
AI, I- 11, III: N 1 rol Strnban
\I .Mlll,lll/U,
1 . ...1 ~r l unowo r to I wp
Democratic County Committee,
'I he I iviimertAle Committee of Adam,. entail - -
tti will meet at the . 41Whelan.' In (Jetty.
nire, on HATIIItDAY, the 12th day of SEP-
Th NI 11Elt Met ,at 100'010.1k. A. M. The pre.-
..reef every, member lat &wired.
Chalrhaan Cd. Com.
0.-The following pergolas constitutti the
.111.t.t M. Wattling, Clickiermin.,
Eth•nr‘.l Ilimelley, Jacob Truxel, A.
P.' VI. mu. Ing.
Illhhop. I i. It. Yntiliti.
is Um her, Henry C. Mayer.
!.. , p.--111nry Omixtiel A
I I .
trt,,t.,1a11,1 -Win. , pungler, Frank
.1. riwup.., lioorge Imly.
3. Kuha, It Al. AIM , r.
11,01 Woomo Model Hhel lv.
O, Cownol I , r, Peter /I'llOrtr.
Ltlinolo--Jool 11..e.t„.100u Albort.
, iozOot
11,,10 Iron--J„1 „ 1 Roll, 11,,13 14 , 1111,
rtr IIIN -NN"rn Jol , n flyer,.
t.king-- coolant. N..lOck-., 11. 14. ,11 , 11110-
n Golden, -I'. 11, Eck.,
, loontiolcos int,...konflel 3. tCllorb, 1.1.10 . .0t1
1%. f.
apt 11,11/, Joltn little.
4 , 11,11,11—R0me t t.:nock Itomcnho.
Ilutolltonlotu--.11i,01,1.. ,tor, N In. T. Itced.
1.11.10-11. A ILloolon, (J. I'. Topprr.
.• ,, floo,cgo—.T. tier, Solomon Sato attn.
..c.lll. I. I.llq. Ivo
Hulse x Hickory Pole,
l'‘.• Borough of 1,1'1T1,1 , - , liAV:k;, on t4AT
I \V, SEI`I'ENTiIEIt 12th, at 4 o'clock, after
1,1( h tla re 44111 ha ere end •nem:lnv th•llvered
to,ninent ..tker4 All In favor of a
\l laity Man'. (loverntni nt—alt In favor of
,0.,1 taxation, and on.. IN•3lry for the Gov
.. n toput and the Prople—all In favor of a Ju.4
to I Impartial executhot as the Lawy—all who
niquo.r putting the Nigro on ada equalli{•
uu W bite Race, and all whi:rorpoaa a Military
I h .potion --are requerted to attend. LET
!HER}, BF: A (111 %ND RALLY !
,p 1
Is a complete refutation of thy
[Midi ng assertion of thli Itadteal pre
that the public debt has be;en
d mince tife close of the war, it is only
nect,sary to give the official figures of
Mr. Secretary of the ...Trowel ry M't
,According to thus the debt was.
March 31,1865, - $2,336,1A15,077.34
July 31, 1668,,, - 2,5:23,334,4*.1.67,
Showing an irwrectse, at the public
debt in three years &lad four ionfll4
FOUR liuNinpa),, TWILL:
DOLLARS AN 44, altilAtl'l-Tiii;p4
Unless the figures of the Secretary
le, the Bathe:J.l prvzia must. AL pros
•nt decidedly of opi*4eu that It
4 not titeigurea..
.1011$ (BB.' SA
The Republican Conferees spf this
deArict met at Mullvaine's,.o* Wed
nesday, and nominated the bellowing
hypocrite, John Cessna, for Congress.
How any one can cheerfully vote fur
so cold-blooded a demagogue is beyond
our comprehension. 1,
He enjoyed oillee time and again
at the hands of the Democratic party,
Lilt conceiving the clance forCongreas
IR this district better on the Repubit
can than on the 3Democratte side, he
turtied his coat for taut object, and
now, by characteristic trickery, has
ueceetled In.seouringahe nbanivation.
,h - oncit 'aoters'_islect bitch an un
prineipled'e*ture over an upright,
ableiragad, piltiotic man like Juilge
K mtnel I D. !Vt'etkaal believe it.
Te4F l Dlttibtfrl; Poet gays Ititet Debi°.
cratie clubs have,beeu establiiiled fu
evory Aliegleeny.eowity.
This lookilike work, and is worthy-of
mitation;py Democrats everywltre.
'l4l are'yery effective when proper
ly handled.
.7 7- ..3.1,,,-.('IMSN
.111.316 E ft' _
.I. Rami,n(•ll, the
mooratie nmnineo ()engirt' , In
di , trivt, gentrdm eh o f large'!
.ttimumontN„md nn efree
t,‘, t; In ( he
‘‘onl,l rmik nmong it. :11:. , t
ins The Democratic aid Coppery:l-
Dye ,01,•14 IlOrar(1, Fit!.
V : ra..1(10*.m1111 - 4.16(1 . 1.1«mht ,
n. 111.111 to 111 , htipi.”rt, and thus •
his deetiou by a rtna(iag
A, In Lim awl mkerable
mogue kleirm a, WI otor 121imild
lit , .tate. With Kirotrill's
olde na earnest tol.oe de of the
of lie lindes mid the •people
would be secured. Ceornti'a election
wind(' send to WaThangton one who
would dciightTu further;agitation and
turmoil, that the Union lon
ger kept asunder and Radical thiev
ing continued.
Hollow-hearted creatures of the
Cesium stripe—Butler, Logan &
have ruled in Congress long tough.
The interrats of the people delnand a
honesty and patri
otism, inetrad orcorruption and ty
Elect illtuntol, and the cause of
right, and good goveriuyent will be
Ac to Caw na>"Oget 110 . :511C11 111:1 n be
trii t dl"
Sir}? the- Chamberidang Spirit of
Wednesday: Three }eats ago the
atom+ Of M. Leman, as against,
those of I). jlitsConatighy, weie thor
oughly eanvaSsed and The people rice
led hinite the position by a clear,
fair majority. But in the State Senate
the must glaring outrage wits perpe
trated of turning Mr. Donee') out,;"
and giving his seq . to his' defeated
competitor. Honest men in the Ite
publican party of -thiS district every
where hung their heads in hlitarie,
whilst the indignation of the Democ
racy kneW no bounds. So notorious
did the fraud become, that •du man
who had the effrontery to strive tor,
and take, the seat to whieh the people
had assigned Mr. Duncan, became the
object of general ridicule and con
tempt. One of the members of the .
Committee that reported in his favor
h.ts since expressed the hope that (km'
WOllll4 ("Wee him for buying per
jured hini.elf to putt that d d
..coundrel in the 4,nate Chamber
So overwhehUllig, Wan he popular
feeling in this district that- Mr. Me
Conaughy did not dart to announee
a 4 u candidate for e election
tic 'was afraid lo attempt to t recast the
current or popular indignation.
Dunesn's ,l Ilion is ieriain.
lie will be • returned to the Senate
by a majority that will admit of no
trilling with-the expressed will of the
Add wheu elected, this district will
have Jecured a Senator who. will de
vote himself to the faithful discharge
of the duties of the position, one who
will endeavor to advance the best in- - ,
terwits - of li,ls constituents, and' one
who will over he found laboring to up
the constitution and to restore
and preserve the Union.
Adams county, lirNented u most es
timable gentleman for the position in
the nelson of Mr. Josepli . y. MeDivit.
Under °thee circumstances, the peo
ple of Fradklin county would have ta
ken pleasure in bp:mgwith Adams
in eon ferri ng the Motor of_thls nomina
tion upon him. But we - KWh a , 01-
emu duty to rebuke the' . inen who,
three years ago, thwii r rted the wishes
of our people,' and for this real ii Mr.
,Duneau's claims were pressed with
such earnestness bylour Confeiees.
McDivit and xhe Adams county
Conl . crees tit pease accept the
thanks of the Democracy of Franklin
County tor their generous, action in fio
gracefully surrendering their own
claims, and so mesan i wens y
making our ehorce their own.
witkr A sEvtuAL sArs
The Round, Td/de, a very ably eon
dueted literary journal printed in New
York, neutral lu polpies prafeasedly,
but in reality having strong Republi
can teutlenclei+, at the time of Gov.
Seymour's nomination for the Presi
dency, predieted the defeat• of the
Democratic party. It ban :drive had
OCCiltlitoll to chaugethat view, and now
kiyB: '
l' We have become persuaded that
there is • powerful : undercurrent - of
popular * dissatisfaction s ilk Radi
cal rule and Radical measures, which
is gaining rather than losing strength
with the passage of time, that,
consequently, the chances, which at,
present we estimate :is nearly even,
may incline in Novembei, in a vic
torious degime, to the Demecratleside.
* tom present indications We
arc led to believe that the throe great
States of New York, Penn4ylvaniauhd
Ohio will throw themselves into the for Seymour and Blair, and
'timid they do so, not mil the hosts of
New England, backed as they may be
by the \Vest and South, by voters
I lack or white, constilutimnd or un
constitutional, will avail to prevent the
Republican forces from kicking the
beam." -
The Chicago
.Convention resolved
that' "the government of the Upited
States should he administered with the .
strictest Otnanotnx " This WAS a pledge
dot country that the Radical party
would so administer it. One single
item of expenditure by-the Radical
llouse of Representatives will show
how faithfully they redeem their prom
tees. The Sergeant-at• Arras of the
House is an pincer. of the House who
receives a salary 0f52,503, and ten cents
per =heft'''. traveling in the Service of
committees, summoning v.ituesse4, &c.
Acoorilusg to the Clerk's report, Janu
ary I, Lille, the Sergeant-nt-arnis re
ceived for services of this" kind, during
the prveediug year, over $2,0,000, hav
ing r.i.tiarged mileage for two hundred
and cr",Ar thousand Jour hrrndrcd and
three miles, three times the dis6nce
;atm the ilobe an (116;103 mires over !
How ;many travellers. have done as
much eethis ? IV hat man, dead or Hy
log, can : - cOmtete with tilts Radical
ric;rgeaut ! ,aterius? And what Must
the peopte think ,'of thewilY in whialt
the Grant and Coinix parts redeem
their pledge of strict economy?
olz; r tusccasioN.—Jud g
and John Cessna have been invited to
a joint dkrusslon at Waynesboro'.—
The Judge is ready, and will demornih
Cessna if he appears.
I UN -
'EL E.
e for
WILKES, the gambler who edit the
Spirit gr 'the Times, has hacked watcr
on the 44 of $lO,OOO to $.7,0,000 offered
by him that Seymour and Blair would
not be elected. The Radicals are evl
dentlyl'esing eChfidence:
' TuAt ,NtWitg,,Nd 6444'0144,110t-,
Deohoomtks , tooloaittte of, I
itgiartat - wilrue roqulreti r tO °amino
the tki9iialt strwer in the - dflie# of thi)
deo re
TUE 111.1)11r itA SCARED
Th a t th e . to, of coniblencea-au met]
by thelkal ;oyes gent:tally is all
'sham, mere "a to keep their
FlE . nrage up," by the
avowal of tit-, of , , tin very "licail and
front", of ii id:ell Joni
soya, lit allu,,on kr/hie
demo, "theicitivn thin thattien. firant
_po-.tidy I e. Iniaton, to at Act ,
unit-in- and p Henot only iortii,
but welt be beau!; unless the -Repub.
Ileaus work is ith more energy and ern.-
lency tl..tu Coe, have thus far done."
"Men and bret hi en ! (lie conthitte..l we
roost earry Connecticut, New York,
New Jersey and 'Pennsylvania for
tiatnit Cto'd.lX,” ICC. at
least boo of teen n Led! fe flatlet." If the!
Ends - ennliike any comfort out of tills'
cold water Lath, administered by the
Philosopherpt 0., white het, we shall
not envy them their momentary en
joyment of It. ',Which "two" of the
I Klatt* named as necessary to success
I have the Radicals We slightest 'pros
pect of carryiog Is Lire Philosopher
himself, or any other intelligent WWI
! of the party, eo politically demented am I
even to entertain a hope of carrying'
New York? That State is as certain I
to go for Seymour and Blair as that the
earth - revolves on its 11708 or ate atm,
trivets light to the World, Con nect Lent
; and New JPEOvy ere, , we think, equntly
certain; and from the most tellable
information wl i vall e glean, we
consider Peon !canto a• little doubt—
ful an either at I 44 , 111. Wt . carried it
last year undor fir greater disadvanta
ges than we ,ball,have to ClWOUtilerui
the pre , sent tiniest; and .41 we• are
shriving for is to shell the majority 4 to
a"4 - many thon.trolv rt, liosnihle , ,
feat we ,to not dream of—tiolhnnoerat
is troubled Intl the least a.ppreitcti
awn of sueli insafortlinci the only
point upon ii hit It we iliKr at all in as
to the irice-nic of the victory which
we are eel tom to achieve, motile claim
ing ;to high le+ '',1,,60t) inapt; ity, while
others of omie moderate view, ranee
in their ettintates 'lrom 11‘e to ten
thoussatl. Und. r these Inreutustati
cea, taking theeley'e I:•iews . to be cor
rect, there is no possibility of the elec
tion of Grant; to faUt we belitt:e the
Philosopher has already come to that
. conclusion, but lacks the moral cour
age to avow it.—Potriot:
I2o]•ti IV BLEV! IN
,I'correArg rotont or the Now York
World, writing ~roue Cleveland, un•
der dale of Auqutt 214 t, r. ports the i i
prcupeet IN very
,nright In Ohio, fit ! I
The grail •t m inizath. it ever efreet
.l in any Shoo 1.. 1.1414 country, is the
"NA'llite Ho) , m 11111.•,•' ring heing
mar , lutiled J ar , i,e ,viintc.t in Ohio.
11111 101 . 11 i 01 11141
( . 1111111311iV., - rally ti informed and v 4,11 n
pert, with ti.e.l•Xl'eption of carrying
muskets,. --tniMi-lights being used' in
stead. Office'rs-are elected by riiiiipa
nies,and also in large places where lull
regiments are
, organized, regimental
officers are cho-en. No one not a vo
ter Is permitted to Join, neither any
man who has not an honorable dis
charge from the army. The powerand
i-trmigth of ilia gland array of the
"hone and sinew" "four recent armies,
ran readily he imagined. They pre
sent an undivided front, and it Is esti
mated that ,ct le.vt, forty thousand
(.10,000) have :Already enrolled them
selves for bvivive In the cause of-Sey
mour, Blair and the Constitution' 111
fii Cleveland nearly one thousand
names are alicauy upon the roll and,
with cotifidenri., it is believed
two weeks the nuoitber will reach fif
teen hundred.
This splendi I army of "White Boys
in Blue" tut' gitutly dispirited the
11,,ve signally failed In
'their organiz dmos of "tanners,' aud
the like. Thvi, attempts have boon
nufde by the within the
last, month, to !mid mass meeting, in
Cleveland, a Melt have [wen total fail
ures, both iii numerical point of view
and in reference to the enthusiasm of
those pr,escni.• the Radical readers
are disheartened discouraged, and
are using the nio , ,t bitter threads and
curses against their State Central Com
mittee. The skys look bright- for the
Democratic cause, and If a vote were
taken in the State to-morrow Chovei n
or Se mom's majority would not he
less than 50,000.
The defeat 'of Ashley, Ithigbacu,
Cooper, NV il son , Stevenson, and
Schenck is :thuatly conceded by the
Radical presses, wink the Democracy
tire eontialent of their ability-to carry
twelve, and perhaps thlrteen out of the
nineteen Cum; r..,-;ortal distric4s.
Your readi is may rest ausured that
Ohio is alive , to the work before It, and
alit give no tiM-. tain sound when
Abe battle ido-es in October', which will
be but the bugle call for the grand
conflict to cony., which will bring vic
tory to the DemoL , ratie banner, under
the lead of our Chieftains, Doratio
Seymour and Francis P. Blair, Sr.
AN attempt o s recently 'nude in,
Ilhiladelphia to • colonize" ilfty Rath.
cal iMarder in a house in the 'Paten ty-
Seventh Ward, known M "Belmont
Cottage," the lautliord of which had
always been tilt ltettl When appli
cation was multi, although the bontd
bill was guariaeed to thelautiltirsl
the "Committee," he flatly.refused,
and•told the "Committee" that lie no
Ringer ran with the Radical machine,
nor would he itbsidt them iu their
frauds. The sueakii'vanished.
PROP. WICKERSHAM, who draws a
large salary as State Superintendent,
proposes .to erect montirnent to ibe
memory of, Thaddeus Stevens with
money bogged Worn the Behar)l chit
dren of the Slate: This dethagogue
so ignorant 'of the lilstOki of Pennsyl
vania as to proftssi to believe that
Thaddeus Stevens, was the founder of
our- C,onimon School System; When
everybody ought to know that
Gov. Geo, Wolf le entitled to that
TRH. PAT MEN FOR anstsibun.—The
(at men's plemic twittreed on Wednes
day week at 'Utica. From the follow
ing, taken from the Utica Obaereer, it
will be inferred that the avoirdupois.
of the country is Democratic:
"A vote \was taken at tFreueh's
Grove, which resulted: Seymour, .128;
'Grant, .7. The ltlaviegt &Ma present
was from West T.oy. .11is weight is
expressed in (he figure* 373. A gen-
Atenal from Beaufort, Zr. tif, weighed
354 pounds, and Ewa. beetle's ttwinsl
from Rochester weigbed 278 and
2.:A Vinod, The" fourteen . heaviest
rumi weighed respectively ns
200, 210,216, 241), 2i4. 255, 270,
27},, ;03, 051, 275. The fat bo,'s had a
jolty time."
IS litthardson's book, "Iteyoud
the AliSsissippi,", there IS a notice of
Gen. Grant when be was stationed in
Oregon, whieli,-atter giving the gener
al characteritties of a attipttl felLew a
winds up thus: ';l4.e , was habitually
given to epnvivnihtx." Whietr is
soft name for rlremkenneed.
IF greenbacks are good enough for
the andther, the laborer, the farrier,
the nailer, the blather eid the sivop
keeper, 'ttro tlltty not gooiPefttnigh fon
the bond-holder?
Slirttigtield, Abis.B4T4il444ara,
' is fearful tbaF A.14 - INicuwitod paetJ
may be !`galisanitwxl into numilitalf
, Tho•giltig &Y ell lota- asirkl4l.4earAbat
"• • •
STATE C4lol3tirrEE.
DE‘IO , IIATIC STATE CoM. P, , 01113,
901 reit ,treet,
• 4 PHLLADELPHIA, Aug. 24, MU&
Ti 1 llr PEorLE, OF PENNsYLVA :
The thou uly, re produce the stale
min.ltkr. of the past, and try to ignore
the grave questions of the present.
They prate of their loyalty and furike
it the excu-e for their corruption,
bvir Wray/Astatine 111/ Li their 111611%/44
Thy ituagiue tir‘t, you have slept
guying time 3 ears of their Iniquitous
nth ent, And that you wilt
forget that, taxation oppresten you,
that your tonunerce languishes, and
that out ba , ine,s Is broken up.
They 'hay: proveu themselves pow
erful to de,troy and powerless to re
Their only policy is bate, and upon
this they ask a new lease of power ; for
getful that a thinking and a practical
people require them to answer:
Why is the national debt greater
now than when Lee eurrendered, and
why does It still Increase?
ind has become of the fifteen hun
dred millioua of .dollars they have
wrunt ; from the comforts and necessi
ties of the people since June, IStl3?
Why are more than one hundred
niilliout 01 dollars annually wasted on
the itnrecnuetrueli•d 6t.tuth,and why is
it not 'nude to yield us as much, to
televe us from taxation, and aid in
paying our debt?
Why i s the white man made the In
ferior of the negro In every Southein
'State ?
Why one class of aunt totally ex-
Linpt IEOIO taxation whilst ail others
gt oan beneath. the load they should
aid in t sal mg ?
Why shall the 71 bonds be paid in
gold when by the express Lermeof tie
Conti act they mete made payable in
legal-tender notes "
Why n, the('ouatllatlonviolatedand
the Union not restored, and
.mdiy are
our ri. , ourees wauded, .the people op
the cost of living trebled and
our Mph. tls4trayetl?
Ds.moc.unc - rs OF PENNSYLVANIA:
01 ganize a speakingcauvassinCVc ry
Ititalay. 'Au into the ~trnnglioltl, ot
Radicalism, alit!
Direct your rgurnentu to reason and
not to the passions. Confine them to
tt,e [twin! I , ..ueu of the preuent and of
the hont,,liute future.
Our grand old State moves steadily
but surely into her true Once in the
Donner:ale line.
Flom every seetion comes the' glad
nett, Of a defiant and united Deinoe
rac,', and of a. to.rind and
organization, energy alid united
will bring 3 ou a glorious victory.
Awn S 1 THE PE(H.LR.
By order of tloi Democratic Slate
COMlliittee. WM. A. WALLACE,
—The Democratic papers are 'fillet
u ith account, of immense mass meet
, r
—Gen. Butler has lost all ;pita. -Ire
gettins. tawy as a (leant reception.
- T A negro plot to burn Ne..hville,
Nfurfree,boro and Pulaski bus been
iqeovered. "Let its have peAce." '
—Charlet+ Ft ands Attains, Mr.
coin's miLlster to the Court-of St:.
Junie.+, hus declined to address aGraut
meet" itg in Boston.
—The Quincy (Illinois) neraid sapi
that in that city there tare been not
le,stban fifty changesof German Rad
icals from Grunt to Seymour, in the
COW se of the past- month, end in
Adams county not /Less than two hun
-Col. W. B. Thomas, uf Philadel
phia collector of the port tinder Presi
dent Lincoln, has'retiouneed Bathe:Al
bin and supports Seymour and Blair.
—Butler's partiality for spoons is at
length explained. It is said of him in
Scripture, "Anil Benjamin's mess was
five times greater than his hretbren."
lie stood in need) of them.
—Couldn't some of our troops Smith
be as well employed defending. Wliite
women and children front. I ndhin out
rages as in protecting a rascally lot of
tegroes from dangers that do - not ex
—The New York Herald says that
the Radical "pewee" means a ponce
with the nigger in the'best place;
—John htorrissey 'denies that he is
betting against tieymour and Maim
He says he eordially supports their
—"The McClellan ,Legion" of New
York is now working forSeyinourand
13Iair: The- members propose to give
Gen. McClellan a dinner on his ar
rival iu New York.
—The New •York San (Rtulicall
states that a month ago betting en the
Preshiential election was two to one to
favor of Grant. liicat.ll then Seymour
stock has advanced to par, anti within
the past week it is at a large premium.
:—lt is said that twenty-llva preach
ers 'were present at a recent Grant
meeting in Ohio. Preachers are Drell
eut ai exceutiotts, but that does not
save the criminal.
—W ti have now nearly sixty thou
sand men under arms in a time of
hence, and the exieneetrof ench-rcad
renent. according. to .the pas record of
the War Depactnient; will reach two
millions of dollars. the tax-paytm;
may well exclaim, "Let ,us have
—Senator Richardson, of Illinois; is
stumping Wino:welt' forSey mom.
—ln consequence of an intimation
froiu ex-Governor ) Curtin, that the
Philadelphia .Preae "had better shut
up about iieymour having been dis
loyal, for it made him (Curtin) out a
fool anal :char," that paper has closed
up that vial of dirty water.
—The Poetihasters kick 4G the mem,
rueuts of he Republiean Committees.
None need pay who 'prefer not, 'find
.nearly all prefer not.
—Edwin ld,Stautori I t us_announced
to take the stump in Illinois. The
Radical vemanithee sefueichedltini, by
frankly declaring that ill; 'appearance
in the State would basilatigeratis to the
party, and might be dangerous to hfiti
—The New )19ek TiNlOB " sees noth
ing but harm , ' in a September session
of Congress. That elf the country
bas seen in Ite,aessions for several
yearn. .
Dot Me. .Grosir: awk..Getserat
Uartrxinft ' something about the $7OOl
Bald to ••• 2 , 4
—The .4adie:al loi,decs are doiog , A,
zrieat:tiesa of low .lying; about these .
I days, but they will httiotr I'lle
after the E•ieetloll, 't • /
4- 11;t' P rct i fig Yet ;'t0 1). 4 t :Vn
Mari dIAW U. t oath maistraistomletbing" ,
ioro iiimikii"40 1 410
(48 04 . ': - .* 1 1 4; 00 141:44.r
Grant. Four days ago It published
that General Steadman pad spoken to
/in' Orleans for fiernitnr. Wbere is
the "brandedJkar and villain?"
—The Roisnd .71gde snp: 1. That
Ohio, New Yoirk nod- Pennwylvnia
wall go Deinoeantie. 2. That as these
Stairs go v.lll the election be decided.
Sul Fed. •
acetrOos' the bemocrats with
having "invoked the country In civil
welt-. The Itadtetthr hare ett the
tin , e -charged the Denfocracy with
he'ng a "pence party."
—The Dernotlnatlieeek to train power
in the government by the ballot, in
order , to priaserve the' liberties of the
people ; the liadiealsaeek la maintain
thetnaelve, in power by the bayonet,
tit destroy the public liberties.
The RAdiVitill Its'ettinn n War of Reef"
la Order to Prevent as nJecillon.
OverwriteLudas Evidotpea of tile Exist
_ lento of Great Radical Plot.
Temilmmay from Severnl 11Mtm
.Yertrort; Obey Imiti . uction." to Born a
White Atun's House—An inecntilarY
Sprecn Delwered la groey n the
Court-110 use &aim ut 11141,e4s County.
WlLAtiNcrroN, N. C., August 3I.—A
difficulty occurred in Wilson Camay
on baturdity between Zeno H.' Green,
u 'white man, and David Rutlino' col
ored man,' lit which the latter` Was
shot and slightly wounded in the leg.
Green was arrested and bound over
to appear .before the supreme Court.
Afterward 1301.0 rimes, a negro, made
a haw Pperd , h fi Out Mr theta-house-, in
whirt ht veiled the burning of Gretn'd
bali t e. About 11 ,A't lock Urcen'd bunt
wa•d diwort rid to Lc on fire, but he and
his family were afraid to venture cot
of the house. tirinus' was sten near
the barn Just before the fire. Ile - was
arrested and brought before the magis
trate, and in default of $3OO security
was sent to jail. The community is
greatlyeacit4d 4 but no furtherdisturb.
aunt is ariprehended.
The governor Authorized (o Disband
Armed Bodice of Negmes—The Ne
groes Resist a Bherif.
ATLANTA, f.i/L,AUgliet aL—TheSon
ate has unanimously passed resolu
tion authorizing the Governor to Issue a
proclamation disbanding armed lissO- -
(lotions throughout the State. Armed
ioegro hands eXist throughout the
State ! and In one county have rekinted
the Sheriff.
Important Proclamation by the Gov
ernor of .Youth Carolina.
S C., August 31.—The
Governor to-day issued a circular re
lative to armed organizations, and the
introduction of arms into the State.
Ile disapproves of both, and MIN on all
persons to keep the peace. lie says ho
will exercise all his authority for that
A Woof Room Ilemaiprol—The Wrenn
of Bodies.' Trambhgo.
(Prom the Charleston farreary., august 2 74
In another cohiMu will be found the
beginning of the results of •Radical
teachings mid instigations in this
State. Not only lire the negroes in
every locality in the Wintry organized
into military companies officered,
equipped, nod regularly drilled, but
they , have at. last begun to' put into
operation the rule of yiolenee. Organ
ized and receiving secret ceders, they
have on the Combahee River, surround
ed the plantations of ,gentlemen, mid
prohibited by•foree of arms all laborers
from engaging in labor on these plan
tations. Thus at the very time when
labor is promptly needvd, in order to
secure the results of the year's work
'and expenditure, these lawless semi
savages by violence and threats to
wards each. other, are attempting to
bring to ruin the only meow.; existing
for their own support in the present
or future. Not matbaled with this,
they naveluit f.eized one of their own
color, fort he purpose of exeentlng him
by hanging, for disobedience of some
secret orders. The man belngfeleased
from their hands through the courage
and ieeolution of Mr. Camhell, the
agent' of Mr. Lowndev, and the mat
ter having been immediately placed
_befbre the United States authorWjes at
Walterborough, ppOn the attempt be
ing made by Colonel corn
-mending the post, to arrest these ex
pounders of Lynch Law and public
violence, the Colonel and his posse or
United States colored troops, in full
uniform of the United States, are un
hesitatingly tired Into by these Midi.
'cal-mstrue.ted•pegroes. One of these
negro incendiaries and rioters was
heard distinctly to say, "now'the war
has begun . .toul we must.. spare not
one ot,theM", Inuit at sucking child to
the oldest man." To what paw have
we some—to what passim. the United
States Government conic, when these
things are perpetrated in open day,'
and far worse are threatened, and are
imminent! We 'have also just been
informed, by a gentleman entirely
trustworthy, of nspeiteh lately deliver
ed to the negroes ou John's Island, by
another negro, one Johnson, Senator,
so-called, front that district. It was
openly urged by the incendiary that
the.nogroes there should be organized
into seven companies, of 100 men each,
and that one company should be ou
duty night and day for thirty days,
when they should be relieved by
another company doing duty fur the
same length of time. He told these
people further that their duty was to
keep down the white people, and that
it must be done. T-o this pass has the
so-culled "Recoustruction madness
brought the land. And the cud is not
yet. Throughout this State the armed
negro OrgAniZation Is coniplete, and
day by day their outrages more unen
durable, until at 'last they have tired
upon the United Stites uniform. In
Georgia and North Carolina, and we
throughout all of the South
ern States, the same organizations ex
ist. They claim to receive their orders
from some secret higher source, and
that these orders must be fulfilled.—
Here is civilization, here is progress ,
here Is "peace."
TUE /311.10 Lt .—The VailekSpir
it says: A highly respectable citizen of
,Chambersburg was at Bedfbrd, a 'few
days ago, and heard John Cessna de
clare imblioly, in his steam whistle
v Mee,' that eleven Democrats of Green
castle, men of influence, were going
to vote for Grant. Now we say that
ten-elevenths cf this story is wholly
'false and untrue, atitl we dare little
t .yohn a to name the men. He can't , do
it. We publish thin:stiternent to psit.
the Roblin on notice of We manner in
which our old Democratic (demi: is
'going to conddet' the" ca'rnpsign. it is
. to brag. One thing wecan assure him
of as well as the pabikiii, that for every
Democratic change, we will show ten
Deputrilcan chatt4es:
C. IL DUNCAN, Esti , has been nom
inated for Senator In the Adams and
Franklin Distrsk -Afr. Duncan was
fa irly:elected three years age - , but was
turned eat of hie seat by the Raditso
tositirity. How_this was done may be
iudged, when Stift knOwn that a prowl-
Relit Radical Senator afterwards said,
Id a fit of pmalenvsplaktitg9SAcCon
ttughy, pa wbora _l4r, .Duneart's seat,
tot* been awarded, "11ml:wed r.yfireif
, 51 „r414TIVUtr.4 3 ..#40PAie*.9 11 C.:trt: 1 444
es 1-
I)*lt"‘ilaelifil allll%
by s4O l Askjoribt : ituit the
1 4n°!. 4 1 0 te ualp 441348101,99 fr
oral 'll . patinven' t
Sc/cct School.—Mlin 11fcCleilan will
resume the duties of her Select School
on the illth of Septeinbet.
Cr el :teeepted.—ltev. J. A. Hoff
heins , has resigned the pastorship of
the Reformed Church at Carlisle, add
accepted a call to a church the same
delionlinftlon at Pottarllle.
Called —The Presbyterian. Church
in thhiptdie has extended well to the
Rev. George, N. Johnson, of K. [lox v ille.
Ills., paying $lOOO and parsonage.
Mr. Johnson - is a nephew of the late
Robert Johnson, formerly pastor of the
church. It Is thought he - will accept.
Coatnittlec Mectlug.—The nettled's/-
le County Committee will
: meet to
morrow week. In times like these
not a solitary member should fail to
Club Meting.—The Beymatir and
Blair Club of GettyAburg will meetlu
the Arbitration, Room on .bfonday
evening next. Speaking may be ex
pected. A full turn otitis urged.
ildrsh drcek Oub2—We are request
ed to state that the filen& of ' ,Seymour
and lilair in Cumberland and High
land townshlrs will meet at Francis
Bream's, on Marsh creek, on Monday
evening next, to organize a Club for
the Campaign. Rally, white men,
Buller Townghip Seymour and Blair
Ciub.—The Democrats of Butler town
ship recently organized a Seymour
and Blair Club, electing us officers the
following gentlemen :
Presulent, Richard Fitzgerald.
Vice President; Jacob Peters.
Secretary, Capt.. 8. hi, Eicholtz
Treasurer, ➢I. L. Hofilutiu.
We comanend this example of our
Butler Demociatio friends to all the
districts. Organize Clubs! Do It
without delay! In no other way can
you better assist ! n defeating corrupt
and thieving Radicalism.' '
Prf, MitllllB. —See premium List for
next Agricultural Fair; on our fourth
page. The premiums have been large
ly increased over last year. Let this
be a GREAT FAIR, creditable alike to
the enterprise Ind resources of Manly
county. We have gond land, good
products, good stock.; a thrifty and
intelligent people. Letthe Fair prove
the assertion•ln every particular. All
can help. .No one should hold back.
Attempt to Steal. —An attempt to
steal a horse from Wm. Patterson, in
Cumberland township, was made on
Saturday night, about 14 o'clock.—
Hearing some commotion among his
'purses, in a field elms by the house,
M.r: Patterson arose from his bed and
went out, when the 'would-be thief
took - to his heels. Though pursued,
he was soon lost in the darkness.
In matt calling himself
Charles Messersmith, charged with
being concerned In the stealing of Col.
Waugh's horses, is now in the county
jail. He was arrested In Baltimore
and brought here by officer Boozer.
His accomplice, named Hagerty, is-in
jail in York, being charged with horse
stealing in, that county also. •
Caine Merting.—Tne colored Camp
Meeting broke up on 'Wednesday,
having continued a week. The num
ber of persons in attendance on Sunday
was estim:tted at from three to four
thoto.ami. Good order prevailed
A AN bite man= named Howard=
brother to Ueu. iloward, we believe,
held orlh ouSunday, "at the earnest
request or Hon. Edward McPherson,"
he said. •It was a political-religious
harangue on nbgro schools in Mary
land, but its real purpose seemed to be
to reconcile popular sentiment to a
continuance of the Freedmen's Ilu-
Howard Wit In the
Bureau, - which accounts for the
"milk in the-cocoanut." .He had bet
ter kept himself and his fancy mous
tache'at Washington."
Ruth:owl lifeeeing.—Aliother Rail
road meeting was, held in reteuzburg,
(Y. 5.,( on Saturday last. The Com
mittee appointed to collect funds for a
survey or the,proposed, road„reported
that over 31.400 had been subscribed.
Gen. W. W. Wright. was authorized
to orgauizee, eurupzity to mike ',sur
vey of dale ratite thlto Petereburg or
York Springs, byway of Dillaborg, to
New Cumberland, on the Northern
Central Railroad. We understand
that Gen. Wrigtrt expects to commence
the survey about the 10th or 11th of
The ...%qhnes. at - York—The York.
Gazette 'of "Neat* sari 'fever of
typhoid tendency has been prevailing
in our town for soutigiteeks past. At
one time as many as several hundred
cases were reported, (though errone
ously, we - believe,) but our, latest in-
formation was fo the effeet that:it was
on the decrease, and that considerably
less than one hundred edges were un
der treatment. We are pleased to be
able to make 'this statement, for, not
withatandiug the fact amt the disease
is not of a malignant or dangerous
type, it, nevertheless, is of a contagi
ous or infectious nature, several mem
bers of the same family generally be
ing prostrated - hy it. No deaths ,of
those afflicted with ft, that we know
of, have yet occurred except where
the disease was complicated with oth
er complain tgf.
As might be expected, the most ex
aggerated reports in relation to this
matter Wive reached other places. To
.note art oontoadicf them All anoyld
occupy more space than we think it
worth • while to spare. The above
statement gires i a Wye ytictiorithe
case as 'far as. ceififfi be iteartiketr be
fore going to press, and lea sufficient
'contradiction twaligroundlessand pan
ic-nearing rumors. Speculations as to
the cause of, the disease have been as
numerous he rumcirs'of its effects,
but, as yet, no defluite-cause has been
ascertained. We hitope soon to be able
to chronicle the entire disappearance
of this remarkable,. though now com
paratively harmless, malady from our
midst, fol . fear that later in the season
may assume a more tuallguaut and
fatal character.
Strange to say, that while this -sick
ness is prevailing toe mortality in our
borough is remarkably email, the list
for the month .of August, just closed,
showing fewer desths than have oc
curred tit a nunper of years (iring .
the same month.
Qharters.-43herftt Haon, last
;Ms*, took Abraham Trekle to the 14..
sane Asylum at Harrisburg, Geo. W.
onaker to the Ileum at Refuge. as
'Philadelphia, and Wm. R. Anders to
;Lhe Eastern Penitentiary.' "
L iha 41 P ) .Pe n3 / 4 f V 4 IiPPRP-41ar";,
Ve Fair Grounds.-43V bitewarshing
ofstallsamillinces, smoothing of the
trick, and brushing up in general,
have been cominenced on the Fair
Grounds. Refreshment stands are also
being l.ooked to—so that there may be
no want of accommodations for the
thousands expected to be In attendance
every day.
The Exhibition promises well in ev
ery department, but we cannot let the
oceadon pus vvithont reminding Our
county midget of the Importance of
making it as creditable as possible.
The surnnmding counties ate earnest
ly at work for weir respective Fairs,
and there is no reason why Adarnlt
shoold not be up with the beat or Went.
Farmers, mechanics, all having any
thing In the stock, implement, ma-
Chinery or produce line, that might
interest anybody else, should become
exhibitors,. Room will be provided
for everything. The ladles are also
'appealed to for a helping hand. The
departments made up by their handi
work are always attractive, and . it is
hoped that on this oecashlit they u ill
even excel the display of last year.
The Fair will be held on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, the
234 and 2.lth of September instant
Monday will be devoted entirely to the
reception of stock and articles for ex
hibition. This should be done with
out fail, that time may be allbrded the
managers for the proper disposition of
Agricultural Fairs.—The season of
the year is approaching when the
happy Fair days will come. We are
not certain OW scone poetic feeling
does not overcome us when content.
plating these ihippy gatherings. Here
are the mellow days of autumn tinged
with their Indian summer haziness.
These are happy times for lovers,
for It is such a sweet occasion for them
to ride together to -the fairs, and then
walk around arm in arm, and view
the miens objects of interest. It Is A
happy time for Married people, too,
for the Whole family must go to the
fair; and husband and wife, and the
dearly loved children, are Up betimes
and pack themselves snugly away and
tide to the fair. Old and, young, little
and big, male and female, all attend,
and are happy. Fair days are huli
days—rural holidays—and delightful
ones, too.—E.cehanye. -
Cure for Burs—The Best remedy
for burns, in any stage, is a strong do
lution of Epsom salts in water. The
application at once relieves the pain,
and healing takes places with wonderr
ful rapidity. Our personal experience
furnishes several instances of remar
kable *cures from the application of
this remedy.—Exchange.
Adams and Franklin.—The Senato
rial conferees of Franklin and .:dams
have nominated C. M. Duncan for re
election. It will be remembered Mr.
Duncan was unjustly deprived of the
seat to which he was fairly elected
three years ago, and the Democracy of
his district have renominated him and
Intend to elect him as a special re
bake to the partisan committee of the
Senate, which ejected him th'defianca
of every muse of right a nd justice.—
Harrisburg reitriot. 7
BeWord, Feaallin, Fulton and Soln
crsct.—W m. J. Baer, Esq., of Somer
set, is the Democratic candidate for
additional law Judge in the Sixteenth
distriet, composed of the counties above
named. is a gentleman ad
tnirably tiled for the Bench, and no
better selection could have been wade.
Large (teakletsp.—We saw a cants
leupyesterday that weiglied .
It was Bent from ii47.l3sepit's, Ern mitts
burg, to SleCtellan'ti hotel, in this
IM 21==!
, Johid Cessna, who Is to be the Rsdi
cat candidate for Congress in this die=
trict, *as chosen by the Pennsylvania
State Temperance Convention that
met in Harrisburg a year ago, to draft
a Prohibitory Liquor Law to be pre
sented, to,the Legislature for adoption.
He did not draft it. Why? Was it
because lie made up his mind, after re
eeiving that appointment, to be it can
didate for Congress, and because he
taiga afraid he could not be elected ou
the prohibitory platform? Bur al
though he evaded the performance of
the duty akaigned to and accepted by,
him, and failed to make his appear
ance at the Temperance Convention
held in his own town of Bedford early
this summer, where he was expected
to explain his omission to draft the
law, he did not abandon the .Proltibl
tionists. He attended the National
Teinperance Convention at Cleveland
a few weeks ago and was honored with
Its temporary chairmanship. Athome
he stands aloof from the prohibitory,
movement, but Ives abroad t 2 push It;
on. He wants the votes of Republican
distillers, hotel keepers, liquor dealers.
and others opposed to a Prohibitory
Law; and to these he will say, •'I did
not present a Prohibitory Law to file
Legislature, nor did I attend the-Tem
perance Convention held in my own
town." tie also wants the votes of the
Temperance men, and to these he will
say, "I was Temporary Chairman of
the National Temperance Convention
at Cleveland." John is 118 m -tat fellow,
but can he serve two masters? Which
of them does lie intend to cheat?—
Which of them will be so foolish an to'
be cheated by him?— Valtry Spirit.
It should 'be remembered by those
who have been deprived of their gut
hugest by the infamous Deserter Law;
that that odious enactment has been
wtml, out of the statute-book by the
deeielon of the Supreme Goan. Lot
all such 'persons his assessed and pre
parey! vote.
IT is quite unfortunate for the Radi
cal party that the tree(louin cannot
rend •the cart loads of copies of the
Press and 7).i/mne bent down Sot
every week. The Northern
hwiegrown tired of them, aud they are
compelled to seek, a new market.
TUE Lancaster Intealgencer offers to
pay 440 e to•ituy person who will prove
that there was a negro Relegate in We
Dertmemtie Convention in New York.
Who speaks? Come, Rads—you start
ed the story, now prove the truth of It,
if you eau. -
GALUINIA A., Gaow, Chairman of
the Radical State Committee, has pub
lished an address in which be nays
that if Seymour amaci Blair should be
elected, there'Witt-Ilie - Who
will make the war, Sialuaka? CertEd •
lyntrtalicidd2epoteats, for , they will
too ataiimliWaedao want to fight. Try
Tae Miter of the Elmira (N. •Y.)
Gene(' sayer the &news who put:Mau:44
ia'astrlajimilho Bitair tltats.hiti pie
Per.IMPA th t imged Ita,support from Bey
moor aa - - Mar to Grant and Colfax
s are ,0004 00 and 41*r
sdun u off.—rt v 111 be been by their
advertlaement loanotbercolumn, that
Du pborn Rot:Wan, co rner of Carl isle
atreeiand'ilie Diamond, are selling oft
their large stock at cost, with a view
to changing their blislness: They a
-1 fer astonishing bargains—such as can
not be had anywhere else In the coun
ty. To prove the senertlen, give them
a call, and be convinced. They mean
what they say and will do what they
RemeMber the place,l`.7orth west
corner of the Diamond.Ciettysburg.
HaasaxepeCs and othcrs wanting
good ChOleing Stoves, the best in the
market s warranted to bake and glee
entisfaction;or any thing in the line of
Tin Wam. Japan Ware, Hollow
Ware, Chamber Seta, Bread and Spice
BOICEI4, lea Cream Freezers, Water
Coolers, liird Cages,
Fruit Jars and Cans, Waiters, die.,
find just what they midi Pt
the Ware.roora of Col. C. H. Buehler,
corner of Railroad and Carlisle street,
opposite the Passenger Depot, and at
prices wh . ichdefy competition. tf
The Aaention of our readers Is di
rected to the advertisement of COB'S
DYSPEPSIA. CURE, to another put of
this putier. • This truly valuable Med
icine Is recommended by all who use
It. Rest/ Lao certificates. eow
A Fart Assortment —The attention
of Farmers, Builders, Contractors,
mid others' Is Invited to the large
assortment of LUMBER of all kinds
suitable for building purposes, to be
found at Col. C. H. BusuLca's Lum
ber Yard, at ember of Carlisle and
Railroad streets, including Boards,
Planks, Flooring, Siding, Lathe,
Pickets, Shingles, &c. Also Poste.
hewed and sawed, with prime Fen
cing Wards, White Pine and Hem
lock. His stock Is not only large,
but his arrangements are such that lie
can sell at the very lowest cash rates.
Also, constantly on hand, Black
smith, Lime-burners' and Stove
COA L. tf
There is no medicine prepared that
has a reputation for excellence superi
or to that of HootlaarPs German Bit
ters. This article is looked upon by
those who are not acqUainted with it,
as most patent medicines are, a mere
clap-trop to catch the, simple. It is
not In reality a Patent Medicine, but
a genuine article, prepared by men who
have an Intimate acquaintanee with
medicine, and the requirements of the
system when laboring under disease.
For Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nei ,
•VOll. , bility, It lots no equal.
We know of a !lumber of persens who
s,uffered for years with these com
plaints. until they Were relieved by a
tiial of this remedy, and one person in
particular, who euffered from Dyspop
but for ten year% desires us to state toe
the information of the public, that he
has been entirely relieved anti restor
ed, he believes, by the use of this arti
cle alone.
The above is taken from the editori
al columns of the "Dispatch," Erie,
Pa., and , [Teaks volumes. "Woof
land's German BiWts" is entirely
free from all Alcoholic admixture. •
liootlamPs German Tunic is a com
bination of all the ingredients of the
Bitters, with Imre Santa CrUZ Bum,
orange, anise, .Ere. It is used for the
same diseases as the Hitters, in cases
where an Alcoholic Stimulant is re
quired. It is a preparation tif rare
medicinal value, and most agreeable
to -the palate. Principal 011 ice, 631
Arch St., Philad'a, Pa. 'Bold every
where by Druggists and others. It
The Ancients proclaimed that ,
maids, Nymphs, Naiads and the Gra
' ees, had long flowing tresees which
made them envied by their sisters of
earth.. But they arose out of the sea
foam or bathed in fountains reached
by no mortal hands and kept their
locks of Gros deneBs dark and lus
trous, anti thus had uo need of Ring's
Vegetable Ambrosia which is doing
the same thing for thousands of peo
ple in our day. Sept. 4. 4t
Ba/dAeag, Grayness, and other Imper
fections of the Hair will be regarded as
inexcusable after a trial of MN. S. A.
A 14,tus's ImPuovuD (new style) HAIR
UP:STORER or llamas) NO, ( en one bottfe.)
Every Druggist sells it. Price One
Dollar. Sept. 4. lui
If oar friends will use preparations
for restoring gray hair they should
use the neat in the markets Our at
tention has lately been call to au arti
cle which has aft exeentive sale and a
very high reputation, known as
King's ! Vegetable AtubroMa, and et!
are Weaned to think that it possesses
more desirable and less objectionable
qualities than any other in the mar
ket. It restores gray or faded hair to
t a original color in a most remarkable
manner, and by its invigorating and
soothing properties resuo% es all dand
ruff' anti hustiorsfrpm thescalp. hive
it a fairlrial and you cannot fail to
like it. Aug 7. 4t
- Hall's Vegetable Slclllinir
The iambi:a propertim ic veg
enable complained.
It will keep the hair from fairing oat.
It (Maumee Use wolp and makos the bad'
soft, lustros& and silken.
t is a spletatid hair dressing.
IL P. HALL di CO., Nashua, N. IL. Preprie
For sale hy,all druggists.
July Id, 18Utl, tacpl
Abirafaeits„ Bllnduces and Catarrh,
Trent 1, with the utmost enema, by Pr.
J. ISAALti, (feulilt and Aurlst, (furnierty of
Leyden, 1lLoIland,) Nu. 00i eet,
PhihalelpLLt. Teatinunilals trona the wpst re
liable bource. In the City and countiy can be
seen at his office. The inedlcul faculty are
Invited W acoompany their patients, as be
tufa no seerett Irt his practice. Artificial eyes
Inserted without psis. No charges made for
May I, 1808. ly
A New Remedy for Consumption.
A Physician ahe had on.mniption for see.
eral years, with frequent bleedings of the
lunge, cured himself with a nicilinine Un
known to the profession, when his case rrp
poured, hopeless, Its is the only physician
who has used it in Ills ow n person, or who
bus any knowledge' of its virtieg,ntal be run
uscribeethe degree of health he now calul s to
nothing hut the use of his, inedleine; and
nothing but utter despair snit t ittlre.eztinc
twit of all hops - of IT . , (.IY. together 'With a
want of col:indent,. in ail others, Jodi... , him
to hazard the experiment. To limo suffer
lug With any disease of the Lungs he prof
fers n tmatment he confidently beisoess
eradicate the disease. Medicine sent by ex
pre,,, bend fur a eir‘alar or call ou
No. '23S North Tenth Aced, Phila.
Maya, lead, ly
met i ng _intinaliatea. • ita*Mivlall O>aatryr
LiOnalet Me Monthly Tama, from whatever
Caasa, w 1 alwa.ya autmiardl as a PFeteit
Females pacallorly sittanted,or thaw suppos
ing themselves so, are maitloned snail:lst un..
lug those Pills while in that condition lest
they "invite nolscarrinore," after which ad mo•
nitien, the Proprietor pesumes Ifo rerponel•
bil 3 / o "knoulth: Wei , mildness will Prevent
any mischief to health.
x.I. SI paS Box. Itir Zones SS.
Hold by JilaN Rruiglet., 801 e
Agent-fibeGettyabarg, Pa.
Ladino, layaexalbag him Si thtangh the Poet
Office, can have the Pills lent. (ocuadenUal
ly,) by Mall, to any port of the oonntry, "free
of postage." • .
May 1,1858 • ly
new illarrlsne Omar*.
logical Ear" Abuser and, Tinwares, lA*
dent to youth and Early Mandaixalownlek
area* Innnallannita b , MairepOS,
ranazawura of relitpt. litaat ID aaa)ad_ latter
iinvolopea fires at dram. Ad.lnaw. .I.
MULLIN sopoirrem, Howard Saindarka,
blip; OAF. ' ty • •_
Real and Personal Property
the of HEI . TEMIIEit
V 1 next, the anion, I hors.EXhaeltifirs of the lent
Wlll and testament of 5111 . 11401 11114 . 1.0.1(1, (14.-
ceased. tu ',umlaut e of nn order of the Or
phalli* Court of Adams eimn:e. will olfi, iht
Public Sale. on the ii,,•lth Ise, the Heal Esithie
of mitt deeeslent, Via. •
A TRAtT or LA In Lattimore
township, Adam,. nub,en within slttht
atiottown, adjoining lambi of Jo-ine Leteu,
henry Chronlidor, Washington Push ors, Mg
i. FtelllM., and l'eteh vontnlthlog Lein re,.
and IA: 1)01001, tient tin rem re,—on wltleli ale
oreetod Two-story I)WEL
LAND HOUSE, Frame Barn, I ,titli Pen,
Whheonnial:er Shop, sold Miter eat- to
buildings, wit ll n To•roe Atilt on well uT III
excellent a atter near the du riling; alto
thriving Young Ordain( 01 elude° fruit.—
The land ban been 111111,1 partly, lo under
'emt*, thud is Lau good stateut cultiv.htion
AtlyForsoft dewlellig to view the prl , pt•ti,
will 11111 on (it,' 0 ftloo . , welding thei eon.
Kale to ism ttttt 'non nt Li 4,b'elOck. AL. on said
lay, when at leiblance will fie elVell and tut in,
inade known by
DANIEL W. /IA It lit HA),
F..xevo tor,
Aug. 21, IPIN. to
ALSO, at the Same time and pltiee, _Leah
linrhohl, the widow 01 said decedent. will , Il
at Public sale, the following Pereonul Prop
1 . 4 A RV., 1 Cairo, 4 1 togs, 1 Itoekalruy Uu.yy
and /farnesa, I Two-hosto K ago.,'l brush
Machine and [foray l'owur atol strop, t 1 to-`
nowinx-24111, Whirl-harrow, Rolling semen,
Grog Plough, 1 Corn Fork, 1 !farrow, Grant
Cradle, Cloverseett l'mdle, I , oubind rot.,
Ilmeehlutnda, Grindstone, Filinvelm, inannon
I ron.4.t.P. ; 110oit Stov, Ten•plate-Nitwe and
Pipe, Corner Copirdard,Toldes, Tuba, Harm..
Clock. set of Chain', Rode and lbaldln,, 2
Chelta, Kitchen Itremser, Iron Kettle, Nleot
Atand, awl other article., too nunteruna
locution. L! . ..1A It HA !flit b.
a Desirable Farm
undernlaued, Intending to relingnlgi,
j,,'lkrtnittg, otter* at tins ate radii, lila
ol l unto In flnbtlngton tdannltlp, Adams
county, on the puldh ro,oin lending fnml •nr•
Inde to Non . Oxford and front Itottlendown to
York Springs, tool aim, noiolututt Ito, Sotto
road Wailing [nun tietr\ Kiang 1,/ liarrhobure,
being about ttfha noltlllo eh' of Petolabliig,
trot 12 tones went or Het., dung. Raba, to g
Wleriaall Mill 1.441,1)- ill, It alt thorn
1:4 Al 11.1,4 In the Form, or a Moll Malta in:
aiatta ate lii Timber, the 44
11ton o Intl 111 g h t .',
all. Illued lo in nil ect erelit slate at t not% a
non, with tine I,leadon , . The 1 , 1111,1-
MO alas a Tiam•Stary 1 4 11 r. 1 ,111 Itor:4E,t, l "
o Brit k ha
g-hulltilter. nk fiat., mi
part log dud part trtine, Ishett •
Smoke !tonne, tt 11,11 and otti.
and a UM, I •ttillilit, at ll of nat.
none the Immo ,
1101 - iiindboi I tittrk p:145,4 Mon:lAMe bortit
anti ham line vitt ~tor Net to on the talitat..-
It In In the Itelglnlrorllollal of 1.1111, 1 , 1111 , ,
SOPIIIOI MAIM" ChM , lita, &v. The mittnithat
of Ulla Rein mut tag ntaTtallttlinga ntal,e 1i,.,.,,
of the Moat Ili-druid,. pnwertnv In Alilllll4
etaml+. i . ,114/Ilm wishing to It, nt
quested to call an the 1.11.10 , 14(11,1.dea1ing
nierv.lll. The 011111 001141 be .111 .11111. , ,
ill, I,led, an pureltanors might deNlrt.
Ang. 7, 186.). If
Real and Personal Properly
On TIII'IL4I)AY, !ha 17th thy of SEIn'EM.
RIUL next, the uutlerehtueti, Aduiluletiutrint
with the will annex...LW leinlel !Settler, th•-
neunied. *ill offer ut Public ti /de, on the in Lt
tam, the reel eelatte of la ,
"Moot.. In 8011, tootothlp, Athona root.,
near 111.. N. w. 111 t. rood, loot hall a milt . tot
‘4' NI ithilchot n, adjoining tooth. 4,1 Int, I mo, Tottitimito er,, Ocorge If 011c/wog/I, .1, -
,nu Itulli hhl rger, and othern, flit ~,otam 1114
NI All'lt FS, it cue of 1."1„111/011( .111.1A:rill 1111,..1..
1110 :I lltlreh Tlitilter. Tho Ito 111 Is Willer µ.,.d
(11111Nallon, tall of It leo log Itt ton Ilitooloticl
Ow It ot t . Mt. good 1 ht. lotprot clot lila ate
large Two cior) 111111 K ILA ~.1 , dill `..1 -
to o K Iloilo. allot hot, a 111 lel< 'Loth ...
'lam )t ogot, alit ti,l'oro el lb Hog la o, I , A
Wood Hoot., alt h too floe well,. of I. '
water, oar at I.l,ltotow tool the othat 4.k 110.
hart, Thore if tot Iro yr, 11.41...4 ll lwrgc .1.1.W.t.
Orchard, lawltlua pe<a lit, la ars, cherm .., At ,
two strettata 1,1 water litrottigh the plate, too
'1 hlv
in nlinen tlentratolt la opt ty El
- In a plettnant nelgtnatrio4l. Vet
wishing to View We Furth are I,llll,teli i nn
rail Ofi the re:titling thereon.
Also. nL the katott limo and pluov, tvlll
HOW tile 1.14,1114.11111 111,Di•li) Or
vb.. •
2 Slit/11 Orkv., 2 11...,211 oio wautlt
ing between twelve and tutrosen lent ti I
Ito kawa) ittlaa.t , I larte ss, 1.1111,i Com
I.owk, Cr". Istr, Moats, S. Ohs, Is, Rakes,
Forks, Ax, s, Maul /Mil Nl east s, .1 In,
Tull, 0, 5 It drat4.ln owl 11,,Idlura, 14110 t
heLloo, t fluor I, hlu licn lan:till, Cook Drum
null FL:Aurora, Hulk, Lookl Ulutolora, 1,
Maud/4, 11010, Olusra-u
ix, and Iron Kettles, Tubs, ',antis, It, itch! s,
and a varlet) or other at thlts, 1t.,, noun teas
to nienLlon
Rule to commence at 10 Wt. k, A. M, oo
sold day, when attendance a beigiv,ll and
tedirro, made known by
Adfn . z. *Oh Mown! annexed.
JAM., CALDWI.6I.I, Auctioneer.
Aug. 11 , P•ti , In
l'idattble Real Estate
On SATURDAY, the l'ith of SF
next, the subeeriber will off. rut "'able.. sale,
on the premises, the lollowlug valuable iie
Letate, vet
A ROUSE AND LOT, neor Mount lloelc,
Mounlyleanant ton ushlp , Aiilllll/11,9t111 EV 111
The house it a one and IL half pinny
Frame Weallierfroardefl; also nn the ".
lot a new Frame Stobte,,yeri well of In
water, troll try..., grapes, &e. A very II
flevlruble 110111 e.
Alm), A LOT OFACRE: 4 , In Mount 14. k,
u.lJulnmg 1. E. glittnit'a attn., 'I Itlx lot to O
of the 1110,1. %tililuhlt In lh , ••• „ uut)) It Lots .o• no
large iNAV of the beat 1.114 El , ri)Eni upon It,
and would he itempltal he anon nn taw
Klllaa. It will ollaml wlkoln ur
may best stilt.
PrrNona tlmlrlmg Information In regard to
thew lots IMO r.4llloA4'd to apply to Lou •
Toney, llvtlig In_lllo. neighhot haul,
Sail` tO 1111/lelWe I o'clock, P. 51., on Nub%
day, when allentlunco alllbugivun and i ` ' l.
made known
Aug. 11, /iG.M. LA'
Real and Personal Property
N pnraininee of an order -of the Orrin. n
I Court of Adams oonntg,t_br Ado. t
of the ("Stale of Julin ill
c ff /fl r iltibr b , ll 4listr . cl:3 " oPjl i r IISFAIrt
the Reid Estate of 1.111 etlent,
Mountohniotatil lawn/411A Adana* r oust)
No. 1. TILE Y1.1.N.111S mitt.
Btatn-Hand bid VrOgn Hanover and Clettyshurg,
ladies I}olll II it,
r.lllll. uud
ei mili x II Mil Li._
latter plane, awl 1 Ma. train At twat Rock
Limo kw:to:lea, adjoining lauds of Pah r
.18810k1 Notd,..lolin Hay era and otherx.
laud containing tid A. n.4a of good hin well
limed all over. The buiblinga are a
large Tao-atory DWELL.IIIti HOUSE g
containing tiroomn, with oStone Kitch
en attached and a goon nellor under the
house, a /urge 13ank Baru. with Wagon roo.d
and Corn Crib. There are 4 wells of uev , r
fa 111 lig water' near • the Lulld tags, 1111t1 u good
Orchard 01 chalet, -
Nu. R . A
TAt I.A.N_D,ad/olninglanda
of John Lcvi Schwartz, W.
and othen, and containing It Afreli and 10
Perches of Meadow and N.Voodhand,
No. 3. A woon IAI rof 7 Aore and :,Perehro,
1 t uut,• near the first Tract,lulJuln I um lunch 01
Egbert Etkert, lituumlut r and others.
tittle to armament* a iu killuck. A. hi., os
sent day, when attendance Will be gls en and
terms smile knows ny
L /MORD, Aths'r.
By the Court—A. W. Iftenk Cl•rk.
Ale°, at the ..the atm) and place,
sold, the iollowlng Pero:haul Property
LOW, 2 111.1/. / Carriage und. darner+,
4,000 Oak Shliagleta, LIU Spilt I'ush4, 3 Axes,
W4.lges, Sart ; Iledk,
lot Of LUTPOtinkr, l'uoX lug o,lw
Fliturim Ten-plyte Stove a n d Pipe, Iron K.•t
tle, 8114
. Barrels,
ot 14481 Let. Bak., Tule,,
Barrel., eat? Vessel, flirted Apple., und
other articles.
_ .
Aug: It. VW. ' ts
Public Sale.
ON SATURDAY the 12th day of SEPTEM
/36kt next, sti u t . )'elock, P. In puran•
anon a decree orphan'a Court of Ad
ontacounty, or, red at Public hale oli
the Prcloha , . the Real Eaton. ot John dart
loan, deroomed, eotiaisting of 'I WO TILA(1).:
OF LAND. alluate In Latimore to.
adJoinUAg tonelf of J'au{ Troup,
My era, Peter Binder, Tr th
od e public mod I. oat
h* from East Barlo k to Alifellall len, We, eon
toinlng v Acres, more or l,r.a , Inept cd
with a Tw9l442,r,i i 4r il i fit trtrr, ,61T
allfrrar:ki=n 'fait h' a goo ( Ar l iaa
attached, Hoy, re/1,11 ward Men of note, ot i
the tenure VIM 'pomp, gent Oreletot, with
kliel, of ehoheLrult. aliole Lind. rgo , l
oeing, and /still ft good state of Ctlithall. , ll
Thlm property IX near Meehan and 111,- g
near the liernOnlyhuralc
No. 2, A TitAC r LAND, (tents ,ul
- townshln i ir) flint, laada IDnry,N,
Peter 'Ran an, Da , . Wittier and otherq,
eontalplfig n Mr4 64,,and cur erect will, a 'rankly
' r ratttn c e 111 , ,RIveu, tiPd terms mode
known on flat-Gra:oe '"
111.-rmt x FrnAN, Ex.r.
By the Mart—A': W. If Clerk.,
.144. s 4 IX* 41, , ,
*vow& pa.
'PRP. FALL Pitinwhanht Col
-1 lege Will bergitt On4HUBIDAT, the 11th of
SEPTEMBER, and continue thirteen VI Y•k K.
With a large oorgt of Prokeeors, the institu
tion to furnished with extensive Plitiottophi
eat and Cerudear Apparatus. nod (Itoto
gleal Cabinet
The new Preparatoryßutldlegorlll be reedy
for occupancy. Tee room to this Department
will be rarraabed. • Itapearree, ezolUelve of
/Woke oudistatlepery, trove Oa to $a per ser
aloe. Waft eltnaeo extra..
"riripto z -A or
Itev. . Z 8
Aug, 11. DP: .
AnditoiNi SOlice.
lenleae~ harms - been
rn 2.1 1 711 be Orpban's llotlrt oP l .a
ano county, to . inake distribution of the bal
fer7 P 3l7 . l 4 4‘lCirtiV 3
rt ill i I lwrilt he A =e ° tiy 44 e= r, lu lt
hereby 711.xep_60 pp 11111 Methane the
17V=Inbtt Iva , =Mit
tot t
the nth day of HEMS next,at lOcc'elock
in the foreracognu s wiMn and where
W , parties in belitti c tigd, ,
, .•. ' ' , Ail M 7
Arg.lllol/ML IC .''-• -, A •
ralt at Zet i e .‘ Cheib itl — I ri b MlY ".7 '