Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, August 28, 1868, Image 4
A ,,trcraing ant *ntailzesping islets ainnut.Agrieultural Machinery and Manual Lobar. Tn response to a request to prepare n Taper on the foregoing subject, non. John Stanton Gould tviitcs a fol : -r will give you the facts upon which such a paper should be based, end I thick you may venture to rely upon them with considerable assurance, as they are based upon n pretty extensive correspondence with men who are most likely to be well informed upon the subject, and from sources of know -lege-- Which are open to me as Presi dent of the New York State Agricul- Rol 1. There ' are 800,000 mowers and reapers in use in the United States. 2. The average cost of mowing ma chines is $125; of reaping machines; $175. 3. The average life of a machine is five years ; some will use a mower or a reaper twenty years ; but the average number of farmers buy a new machine once in five years. 4. Of the 300,000 machines, five tenths are combined mowers and reap ers, tbreetenths single reapers. 5. Assuming that meadows yield one ton to an acre on an average, one man with a scythe will, mow an acre a (lay. G. With a sickle, a he& day's work Is half an acre; with a cradle, in wheat, two acres; In rye, one and a half acres ; in oats, two and a half acres ; in bar. ley, two and a half acres. It is possi ble, perhaps, that the average work with a cradle may be put half an acre higher than tile above. 7. A mowing machine will cut, on an average, ten acres, and areaper will reap ten acres S. Siix binders will keep up with a self-raking machine. 9. It Is well settled that a mowing machine will cut closer and give more hay than a,scythe. A reaping ma chine will also cut cleaner than a cra dle or a sickle. I know of no experi ments made with a view of accurately testing this difference, but I think it -would not be over estimated at 5 per cent. - 10. I estimate the total prodtiction of liay in the United States at 25,008,000 of tons; the amount raised In New York at 400,000 tuna. 11. I estimate that-15,000,000 Beres N4ere sown In wheit in the United States, 2,000,000 acres in rye, 900,000 aerev in oats, 100,000 acres In barley, making an aggregate 0f.18,000,000 of 12. The average length of time oc upied in securing the hay and grain, I estimate to be between all and seven weeks, in the United States. 13. It follows from this that the mowers and' reapers in the United Fitates dispense with the labor of about 200,000 men for about six or seven weeks in a year. 14. In point of fact, by the aid of harvesting machinery, the women of the country secured a greater number of the crops raised in the country dur fog the war, without which it would have been ImpOssible to have main tained our armies Id the field. This labor, performed by the women, was hot exhaustive of their physical strength or Injurious to their health, nor did It impair their delicacy. It =consisted mainly in sitting In a com fortable spring chair, and In riding about the Held. 15. About 60,000 mowers and reapers are annually made in the United States for this and foreign markets.— The Intelligent part of labor dispensed' with in the field is therefore in market at a much higher rate of remuneration in the workshop In makirfg the ma chines,' than is realized from the held by their Introduction. Yet the aggregate amount of wages is greater. —Country Gent. Cunt: rim Rmosimie—A correspon dent of the Rural New Yorker says that he has known a home that went fir twelve months on three legs, from ringbone, made perfectly sound by the application, once a day, of an ointment composed of half an ounce of red pre cipitate ; half an ounce of blue stone ; half a pint of turpentine, thoroughly mixed. Keep the hoof greased. Amothee Neves Outrage—A Meek Need Attempts le Initiate the Peewee of a Respectable White Lady. Bribed into committiog acts of law lessness and crime, by a confident ex pectation of release from the Peniten tiary, if convicted, it must have been noticed that iu various localities of late, negroes have been guilty of out rages more or less aggravated. The last we have to relate occurred in Springfield, Robertson county, on Fri day night, and was no less infamous than the attempt of a black scoundrel to outrage the person of a respectabie white woman. It appears that the wretch dragged his victim into an out house or barn and would have accom plished his purpose if the screams of the frightened woman bad not attract ed a number of white men to the spot. Th,.) hat the satisfaction of arresting the sillainl, : who Is now confined in the Springfield Jaif.'-' - Last accounts from there are to the effect that the prisoner is apprehensive of being forcibly taken out and lynched, but, as we learn, there is no disposition on the part of the citizens to anticipate the course of the law.—Nerahville Banner, Tuk Republican Governor of Ala bama has vetoed the bill to take the election of Presidential electors out of the hands of the people, and his ac tion is sustained by the honorable portion of his party in the Legislature. The veto created a great flutter among the Radicals, but finding that they could not pass the bill over the Gov ernor's objections, a resolution was in troduced and passed for the Legisla ture to take a recess until the Ist of November. In discusalag the bill the Governor says: "It cannot but be regarded as re markable that the first Republican Legislature convened in Alabama alkali, in the face of the principles of its organization, which every Repub lican professes to hold dear, deny not only to the colored, but the white SUM, the right, by his vote, to Indi cate his choice for President and Vice- President of the United States, and take the matter in Its own bands. What ,exezuto can there be for it? Is t mere party_ e xp ediency? If so, At -Is au abandonment of princi . . -or an 'acknowledgment that the aterial out of which the Republican is composed cannot be trusted 'other words, it is to say that the -.• . man will not do to be trusted." Aweichad a great advantage, In one '• goat, over every other husband • oWearth; hb wife couldn't •- -to go and live with her TO VSO Miaowlan. eulogising bLs • • 's beauty. mild: be sloggisue4 Cabe alai as party as a a/ wagon." SIXTH ANNUAL FAIR OF THE , ADAMS. COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, TO BE HEED '"' T GE T T FS' ht.RG, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURS DAY, September 22d, 23d • and 24th, DM. 'LIST OF PREM. Brno sad Mole Ilrepartelowatt. =Ol ilteatlons, Marrs mot Ogle for Heavy Dreophl. Beet illation over 4 rears,— ...... $l9 CO second best IMikOSi;SiMfl best stalhou between 2 and 8 years, - 900 best brood mare, . 5 “ best horse colt between 2 and 8 years,... 303 best mare colt between 2 and 3 years, .. 300 best colt between I and 2 years, ..-- 900 best colt under 1 year Claw 2. /Wooded Sock. Best stallion over 1 years,- ti sei-ontl. best . best stallion between 3 and 4 00 second best 9 00 • beat stallion between 2 and 1 years.-- 00 0 beat 110003 colt between 3 and 4 years,— 2 and 3 years,._ • 00 I and 2 years,— 00 beat brood mare over 4 years 00 best mare between 3 and 4 yams 00 . 2 and 3 yams, ..... .„ . 00 CI " 1 and 2 year5,_....... .00 best colt under I year.... —.. 2 00 Clam Z. Quid. Droauld arid Skittle. Bout stallion over 4 years around best best pair matched 'home or mare 5,... ... best and fastest hone or mare for ligt harness, owned In the county, .... 00 second best •' li 00 beat family horse or mare for general utility, . . . 10 00 . second best 5 00 best saddle borne or mare............ 6 00 . . fastest walking horse or were, b 00 fasten rocker or 10 110:2 earirotttis Zt gese L , mare or of $lOO for the gelding In harness —beet two in three wheo—open to the world. .6 entrance fee is to be paid upon entering for this premium. Anl-The Fair Grounds will be ppen for train. log of horses two weeks prior to the Fair, Claim 4. Bela team bereft, not lea! thanD , $8 OD beet teem mules, beet single dmught hone or mare, 400 00 bent Jack 5 beet pair of mules over 0 years,.-... ~,,,,, 800 beet pair of melee between 1 and Tyra,. 2'oo best mute flily, , 100 Cattle Department. GEM Beat bull over 3 yeah,..._ best bull between 2 and 3 year., I and 2 yearn,. beet bull calf under I year, best cow over 8 years, second beat beat hailer or cow between 2 and 8 yna, 400 best holler between 1 and 2 years, 3 00 beat bolter cult 2 00 . rersOne competing for Premiums for Blood ed Cattle muet give .tlefoetory assurance to tbeOommlUes of the purity of the etoek. Pre miums to be given for each of the following breeds—Durham, Devon, Ayrshire, Alderny, and Teeswater. 13=1! Native and Grade Chide Best bull over 3 year. —...... $5 00 best ^ between S and 3 years 300 best " ad( between I sad 2 years,,., 000 best " under I year, 000 beat sow over 3 years,.... 6 00 sewed beet " .2 60 beat heifer or co'v between 2 and 3 yra., 8 00 beat better between I and 2 year5,..._.... 200 htat. heifer calf under 1 year Clan, 7. Beat pen of sheep, not lota than 3, beat pen of lambs, not leas than 3, ... beat buck over I year, beat boar over I year, ..... beat under I year, beat sow over I year beat Under I year,. beat pen of shoats, not lees than 9,.. best pen of pigs, not legs than 8, Clans S Poultry. Best Cobp of chickens, not ksts than 4,- $2 00 second best " - 100 bent ntis chickens best turkeys, best " best " duck., _ = Chum la lifidenet7/ acrd Implements. Beat f..srm beet horse curt for farm,— . best hay carriage or ladders., beat horse rake best reaping and mowing machine,...._ bet mower best separator . . beet horse power thresher, best portable hay prose... .. „, .„ ,_„,„, best lime spreader bent corn shelter ....... ........, , . best clot or huller 200 9 eo' 500 893 SOO 800 800 SOO 900 900 tl_ 10. Rum implemeufs. Beet fanning mill beet corn stock cutter,- ........ beet hay and straw cutter,..,.. _.. beet three horse plough, ....... . best two horse plough, .. beet sub-soil plough,. ...... beet barrow, best eorn cultivator ....... best grain drill beet corn planter,. beet cultivator for general purposes,..._ beet best broadcast sower, .. ............. best roller for general. ......__ beet and largest collection ee hlblted by one person of agricultural ments, to be decided by the Managers, 300 (lams 11 Rule and household Implements, ]feat butter churn best milk strainer, ................ . beet washing machine, .... best grain cradle, . ........ - ..... —...... beet scythe and sunlit beet 6 band rake*, . ....... ................ best II hay forks beet axe, beet manure forks, ......—. ....... - ...... beat long handle shovel. beat short handle beet spade, best corn ha, beet set horse ehoes,....— ........... best wire tied broom:ie.—. beet twine tied brooms best 4 corn bushel beakets, best , weighing machine for general purposes,. . ............ 100 beat portabie . cider oa best flour barre 15,......... . ...... ...... 100 best shingle and etave . cutier 2 Oil beet shingle cutter,....—...... 100 beet. stave 100 beet bee hive 100 class U. AirrieuUltra( Produegions. Rest barrel family flour, white wheat,.. $2 00 beet barrel family dour. red wheat, ... 200 beet barrel flour, superfine, . 100 beet barrel rye flour,.. 1 00 aanel rye Cour , . beet 96 pound. corn met.; .... beet 25 pound. buckwheat beet red whea t halt bewhel wtute wheat, ...... bee " t, beat " white corn beat " red c0rn,......... _.._...._.. be " rye,.. beat " oats, .. beet " barley, best peck timothy seed, beet " clover seed,_. . beat " buckwheat, .—, ...... " best sample newly ltdrodneed grain, valuable to the farmer, not less than ball bushel - 1 00 1 01 - 100 1 00 1 00 Oar IS. Vegetables. For the best htlf bushel of any variety of potatoes, emery__ ................ St 00 beet ball bushel sweet potato'',l 00 beet " turnips, 60 best " best " beet " . 60 , . beat " best " parsnips,..... best 5 stalks eelery, ....... ..... . best 12 beads cauliflower. —.-.-.... best 8 heads cabbage,- .... . best best 3 largest sweet pumpifins,.- ...... ..-. best 8 field pumpkins... .. best.Zegg plants,. best half Peek Innsbeans beat 3 garden squashes ..... .... =2E3 Pewits, Wines and Oder Best and largest exhibition of apples, correctly libelled, not less than Aye specimens .. It 00 best specimen of fall apples, bosh., r beat specimen winter apples, bush.,. 100 beet and lament collection o pears, correctly talled, not /au than three specimens each,- ...---- 2CO best assorted basket - or at' tot guineas, 60 best collection of plums,. of kind, GO best collection of grapes, grown in the open air, 1 00 best speeimen of mink melons, ...... 1 0 best specimen of cantelenpn--.-- ID - best home made wines, not Less theta 6 kinds, best catawba .. 50 best currant wine,—..... ---- 50 best blackberry wine,....-- .----. 60 best bottled elder, with the mode of caring to keep sweet I Year,- Alt fruits exhibited must be grown by the competitors, and the Judges may withhold Premiums if fruits of anti/slant merit ore not presented. Clasp BA Roder. awes , . honey, Harm, do. Beet 5 poondsbutler_ 03 00 beet cheese. 100 beet ham cured by 100 All competitors for hem premium/ ore re quired to have their ham cookedand trt4ll4 to the exhibition with the skim on, and to give statement orthe mode of =Ame AS. =I Oirrive, Leather wallow Department. Brit&mars airrings—.....--- 14 tia bat. Olen I al o bestatorm......—.—.----- ala best wasom-...—.. ----- Igo bed banats...-,.....-.----- 300 THE GETTYSBURG COMPILER, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1.868. best doubleharness . beat wagon hart..., hind geana..--7—. 200 beat wagon harnaaa,' front Ran • ....... to best riding saddle ...... ...... . 200 beat ladles' saddle OU best rtdingg bridle 00 004 lot sot...leather ben lot barites. leather ___- 00 best lot es skills-- 00 beet dressed Nbue__ akin. ,•• ....... 00 beat eookla stove, for wood or toal___ 00 best gas stove_ .• - ..—_— 200 best ornamental parlor stov• - e_ ... _ 200 best droln ....•.. 2 00 heat sample iron 1 00 13=E2 Best V; yards wool, n carpet,----- ...... 12 00 best I: yards tug ettrpet ...... ---.--. 2 OD best Dearth rug, 1 00 best doable coverlet 100 best pair woolen knit 5t0cking5,........... 60 best pair ball how.. a oolen ..... .-....--, 50 beet per linen stoekinipt,.... ............ ..... 60 best pate linen nose, . 51. t beet pair cotton altering; . kW best.pelr half hose, outton, ...... ....--._.- ~, 50 best pair woolen inlttens,....... .......... ....- 50 second bat best qii11i.......-.... 2 00 second best " . . -- 60 1 00 third best 11l ITJ.i .i'Rll beet delitine best counterpane, „ 100 best pair woolen blankets —____ 100 second best beat 10 yards home-made linen,— 1 00 basin) yards linen diaper,...._._..... 100 beet 10 yards tow 1inen,.. ... ....__.._.__.100 test home-made shirt, 1 00 best pound linen sewing thread,......— 60 Clari . lll. Worsted Work. Beat gineral display of worsted work.— 01 05 bestottoman cover,....— --...-- 100 best soni .. ... ........... 1 00 best worked reception ehalr,... -- 100 best pair worsted slippers, ....... 60 best worsted lamp trmt,.... ..... ...... 50 best flower vase mat, . : . ...... - 50 best child's worsted worked dress,.....- 60 bast child's afghan.-- ...... - ........ ..... best worsted tidy, 50 best worsted n unload 60 best worsted toilet cushion, ...... 50 $l2 00 ... 00 Class 19. Embroidery and Farley Wort. Best knit quilt,.. _........».__.........51 00 bent embroidery on 50 best embroidered skirt,.. ........... 50 Nat silk slippers, . beat crochet tidy .50 best lace shawl, 50 best embroidered caae...- 50 best embroidered handkerchief, " 50 best embroidered child's c0pe,....... bit bent embroidered collar,. ..... . ao best specimen of wax flower's, ...... 1 00 second hest 5U best hair flowers .50 best leather work, .......... 50 best button ................ SO hest bur baaket,- - . best bead cushion _ 50 best bead basket 50 best work basket, 50 - $l2 00 5 00 IS 00 Clair 110. Best home-made bread ..... . . 81 00 second best " 50 best live loaves baker's bread,. .... . 100 second best 60 beat pound, sponge, fruit, jek d lady, Dover. gold, silver, marble, Won, mountain and cocoanut mks, each,.... 100 best ginger and sugar cakes, maw,- rocmb, Jumbles, rusk, biseigt, each, ... 60 CUR $l, Best preserved - Strawberries, osalneee, - plums, peach., pine-apples, pears, apricots, tomatoes, end , apples, cher. rt., citron, &c.. each, ..... '.. „ . best currant, quince, raspberry, apple, wars toot, huckleberry and peach Jelly, each .. „.. best brandy pearbee, . tai best canned tomato., peaches, pears, corn, cherries, . 110 00 .. 600 .. 400 ... 2 0) .. 600 CE=E3I Best apple, peach, peer, quince and to- ' mato butter, each 50 beat pickled cucumbers, pepper., coma- Mee, canteleups, plums, mixed pick best tomato catsup ...... ....... ........ Class 23. Greatest variety diddles, roses, verbe nas, each,.... . 50 second hest varieties dahlias, 50 bort varieties German asters, pansies, collection of green-house Plants, by one person, dotal ornaments, eac h,.., 50 best hand briquet 60 for the most beautifully arranged bask etof d0wer5,....._...... —....—... ...... 60 PNW4I. Elielcut /merriment& Bestpiano , heßt 400 best cabinet 0rgan,....._....__........._.. 400 IM=E3 35 00 9 99 600 400 200 600 200 400 3.00 Cabinet Ware mai Howekola /aerations. Best variety of cabinet ware,:- ...... 12 00 best sewing placbluo,—, a 00 best case cutlery, sprclaipremlum.--- For all inventions and improvements of home - Mild amity, having valuable properties, and not included under any of the foregoing heads; discretionary premiums, or diptoutia, May be awarded, Clews ON Hats, boas, Shoes, acthinp, Best display of hats and cepa, SI 00 best display of boots and shoes, 1 00 beet display of nscu's c10thing,......_. 100 best display of 1 00 best display of smoking and chawhig best cigars made iu the oonnty, ..... 1 00 Claw 107. Paintlaps, Penns - ma/lip, tte. Best dliplay of drawings and paint -01 00 bea n tllsplay of oil paintings, drawn by • native of Adams connty,.--- ...... 1 02 best water color painting, 1 00 beet crayon or pencil drawing 1 00 best dtsplay of photographs and am brotyypes best sign and oramileptal painting 100 best marble work . 2 00 test penmanship, 1 00 inseellaueroom -Aretues. The Society Invite. the exhibition of may and every thing that may be useful or convenient In the practice of Agriculture or Horticulture, or be the product of either; all articles and implements of convenience or use In the clo• romtlo 00014 1 life, OP of "ll the products of art and mid for all suc h Mirage of merit, although not enumerated n the foregoing list, prettilums or diplomas may be awarded, 13 00 3 00 - 2 03 2 00 9 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 900 900 spo Rules and itacalatiOas All awarded premiums uncalled for, for thirty days after the close of the Fair, shall be deemed donated tothe Society. Premiums shall not be awarded when the animal or the article le deemed unworthy. All articles must he marked with cards, which will be furnished by the Secretary, dm !knitting elms apt ticonber; and there cards must aot•be removed until after the Award, log Committees have finished their exhillina tions. -.. 1 00 - 1 00 -. 1 00 ilia Executive Committee will take every possible precaution fur the safe keeping of all articles on exhibition, after their arrival and arrangement, but the Moctety will. not be re sponsible for any loss or damage that may oc cur. They desire exhibitors to give personat attention to Mawr animate or articles, and at the close of the Fair attend to their removal. No animal or article shell be taken oat of the Fag grounds without the leave of the President. NibibltOM are expected to obey the Mar. shabi promptly in producing their stock, When instructed to do so; and any person proving refractory will be ruled out from com peting. No animal or article will be assigned • place on the grounds until the entries are made, as the regulations of the Society require. Permits renting refreshment booths will not be permitted to sell intoxicating drink.. Any person found intoxicated upon the Fair Grounds, or acting in a disorderly manner, WWI be immediately ejected from the grounds. A prompt and severe example will be made of any fraudulent use of Admission Tickets. - . - Any person attempting to interfere with the judges, in their iut udioatlons, will be prompt • excluded from competition. Should any doubt arise as to the regularity of the entry or nue other important matter which tllecomm Moe feel incompetent to de cide, they may at once report the same to the Preisident, Prices of Admission. Family Tickets, admitting man, wife, unmarried daughter., and minor son., or one gentleman and lady, during the Fair, Footman, single admission, 25 Children under ten years of age-- Free One man and horse, single admission,— 60 One-horse buggy or pleasure vehicle, gentleman and lady, single admialion,. 76 Each additional person in 2 Two horse bump or pleasure vakicie, gentleman and lady, single admission. 1-iX Each additional person la , - Z Pleasure tickets, admitting man and horse during the Fair, In addition to family Uckets,....- - . 60 Pleasure tickets, ------------------ buggy or pleasare vehicle, gentleman and lady, during the Fair, IA 1144it40U to family ticket, 00 Pleasure tickets admitting twei-hoWs; buggy or plear u revehicle,gentleu n n sod led "y c to tamtty tierknett.h e Fair, In addition 75 Applleants for plea:sure tickets required 'to give evidence that they have obtained rally tickets. Pleasure admission ticket& rmutred to be tied to the right hand side of the horm's head, to avoid detessUon at the gate. Pleasure vehicles strictly required to keep on the grounds assigned them by the of Managers, and enter the only at the times designated by um 01Beers SAMUEL HERBST, Presidant , McSnentsr, Woe President, J. S. Wrimsnow, E. 0. Vsnarsernar.„, Bee. H. J. Srsair, Oar. Beep., D. WILLS. Treasurer. . ansens—Wm. B. Wiusow, El.rsHA Jamas Rorr.orssini, Writs, Jo= H., Chleddershsl—.Tonn Bcinno.T.Joine. Aug. 14, IRK tr NOTICE. rrE School Directors of Cumbetiand taint ahipwill meet at the Normal School In m, Gettysburg. on SATURDAY, AU OUST illth, at 10 o'clock, A. W. for the pur pose of employing 8 Teacher. to take charge of the several School in said township, By order of the Board. A. SPAM:IMO., Pros% Sec'y, • Ault. 10W. W COMPOUND.—Jaiimaa'a TV verse armada; Compound. by Um nie K which mom Wax Is wed, atWI tho work done in the bee mamma. for tale at. GILLIS PIE & CCM A Urge wash can be done with 6 mitts' Worth in hard or Ka water. ' IXOTL, eta — b da c ard. a am peaue C OSos. EIEELSIOR GALLERY. -....,. 00 PHOTOGRAPHS, Photo Miniatures, 3tereoreOpio rleyre of the BATTLE-FIELD, ersirsoaco Psi, PHOTOGRAPH TRAMEEIi AIaBVMB, Lli ORILLT.V•II3I2II. IMrl AND AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. SPIV* deal In nothing bet the best et In kind. Call and *rands* onr Moak. April 2, IMIL U THE OW FREIGHT LINE TO BALTIMORE T HE undoratgned continues to run his Freight Line to Baltimore, twice • weak. Depot--corner of Railroad and Worthington street% Gettysburg. Car , ran to Hughes it Emerson's, 121 North street, Balti more. Freight earned each way, at the low sat rale& The patronage of ids old &Mode and the public solicits& Good/ to be marked "Biddle's Line." _ WM. E. BIDDLE. Sit-The new Warehouse will soon be up, when the Grain and Prcaluee busintes will be carried on ae heretofore, Mlibest prices now paid for lay. April ft, LK& tt ANOTHER BAKERY. T HE undersigned hot opened e Bakery at the corner of Waal:dap= and High street; Gettysburg, and Invites Ilye public's pat, Mire. FIiEBH BREAD, ROLLS, TWIST, • caus, PR/M=IA &C., ZVRICY DAY. By wing the best 01 DOW and other mated an, and doing life work well, he hopes to give eatianietion In every eine. Call at or send your orders to the Bakery, corner of Wank inifi43a and nigh streets, opposite the Fe male Institute and Powenes Granite Yard. y: ; .r : ~ ~Y . . April 17, UK If FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OBITYI3BUBA3 will allow interest on Special Deposits, as follows: per emu per 1101141111 illtr 4 Mire 1:2=2 IMMO Will convert 7-30 NOM; Into 6-20 BONDS. as usual, free of change. CAlill COMPOUN c l o l t ilarair NOTEB and Wlll also purchase or sell iTOCNS AISI4 BONDS at every kind, free of &Area as Ann- Weldon, and will at all times Fey the HIGH- IST PRICE for GOLD and SILVER, grald will, with pkwuntre, transact all hosanna haretokore, peetaildng to well 0,04 , 1 Cketobarg, Nay. 8, UV. GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK GOVERNMENT BONDS, of all kinds, BOUGHT and SOLD. arted M:RVMy BIINIfB wa n :Rt ciMirg t° COMPOUND INTEREEiT NOM CASHED. The HIGHEST PREMIUM paid on OOLI) end SILVER.. STOCKS said BONI* of all kinds, bought for persons without CHARGING COE MISSION. ORDERS PEtO.UPTLY EXECUTED. Interest on BPSCI.A.L DEPOS/Tl3 advanced 1 E:=2El 3 per mat. 0111 r I year, 4 per 44411. Sur 4 moollis, 3 per eerit. rer 3 mrestbs. Perrone within; Information In regard to U. S. Bonds, and Stooks of all kinds, ars In• 'Mod to give us • all, awl we will give al Information cheerfully J. EMORY 40%.111, Cashier Gettysburg. Oct. X. I. , V LEWIS STROUSE Has bought back Ids old stand, oak Carlisle street, and Is going Intcbaelneas agala balmier than ever. He sake bla old Mends and the nubile to eall. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONS, SEG ARS, TOBACCOS, &C., &C, In large variety, and a little cheaper than the cheapest. Don't forget toe place—nearly °pp*. site the Railroad Station. ChAtyetatrg. Oct. 1 /. lea. v PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, LADIES' COMPANIONS, TOILET SETS, WRITING DEM, P UNE 8 r," Paaq Cada& aad 'Madan Vamm, TOTS, &C.. &CL, AC, AT A. K.PETSTELT, Oppirde rahaatooir;istare. Gettraborg. *web N. VOL tf LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & CO., WHOLINALS =AMIN ' 7PANOT G001:0 NOTION% Roof aim awl ma.zustisier a Myr AM Maillseek lia. manuumn. 141.1" AC 4 4-4 ALLLINSIS tbi," %Ng Mkt / // 4 e \ iiitteres bus HAIR \ "a erigthal 0010 r. Essibeat.s Dandruff and oa \ HUMORS 0 "ti 4 41 ,14, 6 ' 4 • • VEGETABLE AMBROSIA II WHAT IT PIMPORTB TO 116, AGENUINE HAIR RERTORATIVE,chang- Ing Gray, Light, Red or Faded Heir to the Dew*, Lautroas Mikes Tresses, which ao adore 700th or age. It will poeltively eradi cate Rumors and Dandruff' from the scalp, and where there is life In the glands,will cause • new growth of Hair to put forth on bald spots. Thousands are tesUfylng to the above. IM PRICE: 11.00 PER BOTTLE. Buetde,r, Wholesale and Retail Agen W t. Gendnburi—and (or sale at all Dia/ats. retail Feb. 14, 11448. IY BAUGH'S omisßait imEs. O Ar -IfV,DE, MARK N NVICIT rACXAOL C. J. TYSON, Proprietor. AND Northwestern Fertilizing Co., BAUGIPB RAW BONE PHOSPHA TS ;56 per 2,000 Ibe. BAUGH'S CHICAGO BON; FERTILIZER. 00 per 2,000 Me. BA mgB CHICAGO BLOOD KA NURB, $5O per 2.000 The above Manures are turulahad to both brags and burro* whichever cuatomera yorefer. or TM IBigB cwe un(foras to Wright 100 Ids.-14 The attention of Farmer. le especially di rected to the fact that the a mrces of the Raw Material of which the above Manures are composed, are so well under control that we n funds') them of strictly uniform quality and condition, and that they contain a larger percentage of ammonia than any other class of it tanMe,otured manures In the market. BAUGH et SONS, 20 South Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. NORTHWESTERN FERTILIZING LG., - Cor. Lake a Lasalle Nut, CHICAGO. Sir BAUGH'S COMMERCIAL MANURES may be procured from dealers In any of the principal towns in the United States or Dominion of Canada. June 19, DOA Out N and after MONDAY, Der. 9th, 1567, pas senger trains on the Hanover Branch KailroaA will leave as follows: . .•. . • FIRBTTRAIN will leave Hanover at 9.20 A. M. will. paseengern for York Baltimore, liar risburg, and the North and West. This train arrives at the Junction at 10.10 A. M., con necting with the Fast Line South, on the Northern Central Rails ay, which arrives at Baltimore at 12.30 P. M., and also with the Mall Train North, which arrivm at Ilagtsburg at 1255 P. M. - • • ggpThis train returns to Hanover at 11 .10 *.; Und retriyes at Gettysburg at 12,55 P. M. AEODND TRAIN leas es Hanover at 2.45 P. M., and rirriVesat the Junction at 2.40 P. M., connecting with the Mali Train South, which arrives at Baltimore at 6.20 P. M. Paesengers untllby this al train for York Lay over at the Junction g P. M. 1:=;•===1 MI 4TPhi• Train returns to Hanover at 1.45 P. If., with passengers for Hanover, Gettysburg and Littletdown. Parieeniere leaving Baltimore for liknovet Belt eburrBg and I,l s, tgellown, at 12.10 P,114. n Jag% DEA Agent. Dec, 2A, 1867. tf etHANGE OF CONNECTIONS.—On and af t/ for Monday, May 11th, lldt, Passenger Trains will leave and arriveat Gettysburg, and make connections, issfollows FIRST PASSENGERTRAIN will leave Get. tabtirs at 5.15 A. M„ with passengers for York, flUTisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the North and West, arriving at Hanover Junc tion withon: change of care, at 10.11 A. M., con necting with the Fast Line South on the Northern Central Railway, and arriving at Baltimore at 12.30 noon. Also connecting with Mall Train from Baltimore north, ar riving in Harrisburg at 1.00 P. M. Arriving at Getsysbmg 12.90 P. M., with iusesengers from Harrisburg, York, Baltimore and Washing ton. GEO. ARNOLD, Guider SECOND PASSE-N(4Eli TRAIN will leave Gettyaburg at 12.45, P. M., arriving at Hanover Junction at 2.40, and connecting with Mail train South . Arrive at ii.atitaluFr at 5.31 P. M. Arrve at Gettynburg at 4.31 P. M., with pas stingers from Philadelphia, liarrtaburg and the North and Went, and also with passen geni from Baltimore and Washington by the Nat tine north, which lenvea Baltimore at 12.10 noon. - - Passengers can leave Baltimore in the Mall Train at. 9.30A.M., and arrive In tiettymburg at 12.30 P. M. Or leave Baltimore In the fast Ilna at 18.10 noon, and arrive In Gettysburg at 420 P M. But one chatage al cars either way: at Hancrrerlnnctlon. ETrECii Pennsylvania Central Railroad. DOUBLE track route running between Phil adelphla and Pittsburg. Trains leaving liettysburg make the following connections with WA Trunk line: Gettysburg er leave i,. at e aa. and Pit s 4r6 •' leave 19 . .41 •• 9.40 •• Rarrtburg try ' : ' Et P. T. 1 / 4 1a:m . Philadelphia arrive 9.40 7.10 LiM2 At Philadelphia close connections ars made with the trains for New York, Boston and ail Eastern Cities. At Pittsburg connections are made in the New Union Depot with the trains for all Western potpie. ArFor Anther intormation apnly to EDWARD 11. WiLLIAIIS, Gen. Supt., Altoona, Pa. RaXitY S W. Gwfar if rix.n, Gen. Pass L., Phila. June , 1868. March, 1888: Now ready, the following work, containing 1038 closely printed. large octavo paiges, well bound in law sheep. Price, $lO. THE LAW REGISTER ; LAWYERS IN THE UNITED STATES THE STATE RECORD; Containing the littate and County Officers, the organisation, Jar ladktfon, and Terms of the Court. for every Hint* and Territory : THE OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Mears of the Federal Government, the Drake of the several Departments, Sketches of all tits Members of Congress, the Officer. mut Terms of the Federal Gonna THE COLLECTOR'S ASSISTANT; giving the laws for Collecting Debts, Executing Deeds, Verifying Clatme,and Taking TeeUmo. ny, with Forme for every State: WITH MUCH OTHER USEFUL INFOS- the whole oonatltoting an offidal and BUSINESS JOURNAL PIURAEND FROM OTYICIAL =IMMO NY JOHN LIVINGSTON, Of the New York Bar, Secretary of the Mer chants' Union Law Company. - . Published by the Mercbanta' Union Law 00., No. ila Broadwa c a ni Tt r ard Floor, (In the Americen Es. e National Bank Braiding. The Book will be sent, preptid. to my address In the United States on receipt of Ten Dol lars; or It will be forwarded by Express, -wi n th Mil- . to be paid on delivery. Jue 19, INK 2,500.000 Customers in Pour Years. PATRONIZE THE BEST! Hawk's the largest oapIOLI, meet experienced boyars. and ertousivo trade of sow outeern In th e Dollar Bole business. we to eviny Instance, and aloothe best selection of Goode ever caned at ORE DOLLAR EACH. No .tA tower* Ma am show WWI..? ow, Agog. ore etakm. Our motto, "Prompt and Reliable." Mole and female agents wanted In city and eountry. THE LADIES Are particularly requested to try our pop! War dub system of selling all kinds of DRY AND FANCY MUM _ S, PATTERNS, OOTTONCLO7'H,CASTORANILVER PLATED (00Dlit, WATCHES, du, (Fatabilatied 1P41.) A patent , pen fountain and a cheek describing an article to be sold for • dollar, 10 eta; 90 foe II; 1140/111; 00 for NI; 100 for $10; unlike malt Fins presents to getter op, Soar& 60 per cent sr sr /Ma aoss effeesd 0y - ether eencerao aceirdina Weise cordon. Band =atrial club, or If d o not fall to pond far a circular. . . . .. ... . _ . . .. N. B.—Oar sae abotild wer be clamed with New York dollar J Nth* we blips .res Oompintes," as ft is of the sort. juINIPLL. 811 Hanover St.. Ilstomi, Mar. July 11, OIL illa i NAT WANTED. kat=griLY. M i tt=e e lr i tox oicaol7aza. Vay. IS, Ink V .Ic. M. wcritts & co DZZII3 BAUGH & SONS, Philadelphia, CHICAGO, Cl= I=3 Hanover Branch Railroad. Gettysburg Railroad. R. McCUPart, Pree't. leave 1.15 •• 12.15 arrive 1.30 a. m. 11.31 COYPU/SING ALL THB FOR TAE UNITED STATES containing the GUARANTEE SATISFACTION BARGAINS AT TIM NEW Cl-2tOCEIVZ I==! JOHN CRESS & SON AVE opened • new GROCERY, In Get- Y l u l on the north-west corner of th• Ullc Square, and have Jest received • splendid assortment of FREBEI GROCERIES Including Sugars, Cottbus', Molasses, Syrups, Teta, Spices, Tobacco, Salt, Flab, Hansa, Shoul ders &e. AIargiUEENSWARE, OONFECrIONS, Nuts, Hs, Songs, Fancy Miklos and Ncs. Ilona generally. We will silo keep en hand FLOUR and PESO-STUFFS. Having purchased for CASH, we are pre. pared to sell very cheap. Oise us a call and Judge for yourselves. JOHN Pf'lC!3!‘• Sept. V, 1867. tf Tin-Ware and Stoves THE LARGEST ASIORTHIENT OF TIN WARE IN THE COUNTY, AT S. G. COOK'S , (formerly Audrey Pollera() slao some of THE BENT COOKING BTOVEBIN ELABEET, among which are the OLD DOMINION, COMPROMISE, ' PENNSYLVANIA,_ NOBLE COOK, . SCONQMIST, BARLEY SHEAF, Le. Also, many other articles for Kitchen use, which will be sold as low as at any other place In the county B. G. COOK June2l. Pe. ti - SPRING AND BUMMER CLOTHING, GEORGE JRNOLD Has now opened iilarge Stock of READY MADE CLOTRING, mostly of his own man ufacture, ootusiating of all sixes of COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, Hosiery, de., Ake., at prices to suit the times. Call, examine and Judge for yourselves. April 24, 1868. if CHEAPER THAN EVER. E. lIITESHEW; 10FAVING disposed of his Store House and stark of Goods to GRIEST .4% BOWERS, and being determined to reduce his stock du ring the summer and fall months, will give GREAT BARGAINS before invoicing. My stock Of ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE la and complete tn every demtment, and will be closed out at reduced pr E. HITEBHEW. York Springs, July 17 ISM. if aCTAIi persons knowing themselves indebt ed to me are requested to come forward and make settlement. GETTYSBURG LIME KILNS. THE undersigned has bought out his former partner, Wm. Quinn, and now continuer the THE LIME•BURNING BOSINEt3i3 himself—at the Gettysburg Lime Kilns on the corner of the Railroad and North Stratton Street. Thankful for post patronage, he will endeavor to deserve its continuance, by prase• elating the boldness as vigorously rand on as large a seals as possible—always selling a good article.t giving good measure.— Fanners and may look for the prompt 1111124 of orders. He also oorttlnees the COAL BUSINESS, offering the most popular kinds. House keepers and others ehoold give lam • ea/I. BMAluimltti Opal constantly on hand Lime and Coal delivered anywhere in Gettysburg =1 Gettysburg, N0v.15, NC. tf UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS. I=l First National Bank of Gettysburg r 3 agent for the eale,t4 the FIRST MORT AGE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD SIX PER CENT. GOLD INTEREST BONDS. nt par and intend. ifirlnterest payable semi annually at the oinuiter. All 12006/611,17 Information given. CFA. ARNOLD. Oiabler. Gettysburg, N0v.79, UIII7 NOTICE TQ CAPITALISTS ! Penang desirous of investing and realising nearly NINE PER C/LNT., ire requested to 1:29:13 Gettysburg National Bank, and obtain . Clrealara of the IINa• Paella and also Central Paellas Railroad Cann- pandas gratis. 'Mew Investments are daily growing In favor and sales Incoming. Bonds can be bad to all them at this Bank. where all fitornuttoq eaneernlng said In vestments will ebeerlkilly be eves. • J. BROW! BAIR, Cashier. Dec. 21, likff. tt GROCERY & FLOUR STORE. 8R.3(0 MEALS & BROTHER AVE removed their Store to the Rein. stedt property, on Chanabersburg street, where they propose to keep constantly on hand ALL YINDB OF GROCERIES, Flour, Feed, Notions, &c. Also, VEGETABLE:B in season, fresh from the city and country. They are determined to sell cheap as the cheaPest, and u_. tneT . on ly ask the lowest Brink ;down. sneY n O P. O to merit and modes a liberal share of pub lic patronage. April 11, 1913, tf EMZETZEI WESTERN LANDS IHAVE some valuable WESTERN LANDS. which I will trade for me or more FARMS UM mossy. Thelon& are well located, and rinible fir fami ran WrOFF °B . eenTabMlL Aprn 116 tr John W. Tipton, ONABLE BARBER, Northesat am Mt the Illaaamad,z. door to itoetel lidisdulhe ow at • sal rt, zy ll t I imm at =p r Mira to alt Ind. amp ta llaa baa attaalltafit waist awe as& traumata atatmatattatt, emlalsill a aa/1. Deg 8, a" McCiThiDY & HAMILTON, FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, &C. andelef i ctd . r . peytg, their otatnm ruaz lea's Hall: the hishest prices for FLCIU NI rOXWFIF3:T, Ir C Y AVER AA.ID OORi "Ta; TIMOTHYBI36I3B, TOES, £O. and Invite producers to glee them call be• fore selling. They have oonstantly on hand for sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES Tlls,...+LTcs es t Pa L B l *e" with Tobaccos, mc. Am° the best oranti:o ' rPL l Olt, with FE ND of all kinds. They 'likewise /axe SEVERAL VALUABLE FERTILIZERS Soluble Peelle Guano, Rhodes' Pharphate and A.A Mrsloin Guano. Wlttlat they fsm the higheat market priors forall they buy, they aril at the lowest living profits. They nak a ahare of publk•, resolved to give satiMartios in every case. IbMIERT MeCURDY, ' WM, d. HAMILTON. Gettysbure, 7uly 1, 11t67: s . . •NEW FORWARDING ".. COM - 11'8810X HOUSE. 111 AVING purchased the extensive Ware house, Cars, Ate., of Culp di Earnahaw, undersigned intend to carry on the busi ness, under the flrtn of .I.llfilutm & Co.. at the old stand, an the corner of W.hillgtan and Ha !Irani streets, on a more extensive scale than heretofore. - . - We are tetylna the higheat market prima for HAY, FLOUR, 9HAIN AND ALL }UNDO .. OF PROI&UE. FLOUR and FEEL), , ALT, and all klnda of GROCERIES, kept comitantly on hand and for mile, Oleo per than they can by had any.. a hen, else. . PLANTER, and all kiln's of FERTILIZERS, constantly on hand, or torn to onler. A BEGIJI.AIt JANE OF FREIGHT CARR will lease our Wareliou.o Os cry TUE...11).4.Y MORNING, and accommodation trains will be run as ocension may require; 113 this ar rangement we are prepared to convey Freight at all timeato and from Baltimore. All busi ness of this kind entrusted to us, will be v an Ktuleiiwntoti Rteerno on R cars . r;1 6, 1 I , ,y o t r tg !Toward street, Baltimore. Being determined to pay good pricey, Reit cheap and deal Ihirly. We invite ever) to lowly,: on a call. WM. DI. BIGIIAM, A LEX AN DELL COBEAN, JAMES BIGHAM. Jan. IT, IBp. tr CHANGE OF FIRM rPHE anderdighed have leaned the Ware -1 house on the earner of [Stratton street and the Railroad, in Gettysburg, where they will earn oa the Grain and Produce Business • In all its branches. The highest prices will always be paldlor Wheat, Itye, Corn, Oats, Clover and Timothy seeds, Flaxseed, Sumac, Hay and Straw, Dried Fruit, Nuts, Soap, Hama, Shoulders and Sides, Potatoes, will. everything else in the country produce line. Groceries, of all kinds oonatantly on Wind and for salo—Colfees, angora, Molasses, Serape TeaajitlettL ah ialt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mua , Brooms, Buckets Blacking, Soaps Alm; COAL OIL, Fish' GM, Tar, ctc. FlBll of all kinds; Spike. and Smoking and Chewing Tobwroo., • They are ansays able to supply a find rate article of Floor, with the diMrent kinds of Feed. Also, Ground Plaster, with Guano and other fertilizers. COAL, by the buebel, ton or ear load. Lines of Freight Cars to No. 77 North street, BALTIMORE, and, 511 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA.. All geode sent to either or theabove places will be re ceived and forwarded promptly. Gouda should be marked "Mennen' Car." April 10, 18058. tf H. B. BENNER & BRO. HAY AND GRAIN MINTED. irE sindnwigned would announce to the T ettlsens of Adams county that they still carry on the GRAIN AND HAY BUSINESS, at the old stand, GRANITE STATION, on the Gettysburg Railroad. They are prepared to pay the highest prices for GRAIN AND RAY. They keep all kinds of GROCERIES, SALT. GIJANGS, &c.. which they will sell at the smallest profile. Give us a toll raui Nee 'for yourselves. PHILIP HANN & SONS. Dee. 20; 1867. ly MORE NEW CLOTHING = STACKS OF THEIII irBRINKERHOFF, corner of the Diamond and York street, has Just returned Crum e city with an unusually attractive assort ment of CLOTHING FOR SPRING & *SUMMER wear. which he MG sell at such prices an mo no/ fail to take them our very rapidly. Call and Judge for yourselves. To look at the ex cellent mat.trial, tasteful cutting, and neat and substantial sewing, and tkellto get his low prices—callers cannot help but buy when they see It so much to their interest to do so. He has (bats, Pants, Vests, of all styles and materials; Hats, Boots and ; Shirts, of all kinds, Hosiery, filovesi, Hand kerchiefs, Neck-U.4, Cravats, Linen and pa per Brushes, Lkimbe• Trunks, Umbrellas, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobaccoe, Pr gar' ?3pm ..ationery, ece Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, with ► thousand and one other articles, entirely too numer ous to detail Ina newspaper advertisement. He asks the attention of the public to his new stock, confident that It will please—and no one am or will sell cheaper. Don't forget the place—corner of York street and the Diamond, Gettysburg, . . JAUOB BRINKERHOFF April 17.1868. If THE GETTYSBURG SKY-LIGHT GALLERY. H IRE undersigned taker; pleasure in annonne 1. big to the citizens of Oetty removed and the public generally that he has from hiaold rooms on Weal, Middle street, to Balti more street, and nearly opposite, the More of Fah/restock Brothers, The room he now ex , maples has been recently lilted up expressly for Ma bilabial., The locution is an admirable one, enabling him to take play rm Mall shades of weather, and With a correctness unequalled any where else. LIFE-LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS, of every 141.1.0 and description, execUted in the finest style. Partionlar attention spyingiv gen to the CRTE DE VISITE, and to a AMBROT A YPEZ and DAGTJERREOTYPFR of deceased friends. Also— THE GETTYSBURG GEMS, a new style of picture, which hue become very popular with the public, not only for their beauty but for cheapness and convenience. SIXTEEN for ONE DOLDAR only. Alas —THE PORCELAIN PICTURE, which Ica their beauty and durability are unsurpassed We are prepared to carry on the badness la all it. various branches, and having had cen alderable experience we run no risk in CIA& ANTE.EING PERFECT SATISFACTION. Our facilities for a full display of our skill are unequalled by any other Gallery to the oounty,•and we would therefore invite artery one to call at the NEW GETTYSBURG SKY LIGHT GALLERY. OLE and examine our Specimensisis.Mys for yourselves. LEVI NU3 June 25.1846. MORO PHILLIPS' 01:1110/2(1. DIPROVED Super-Phosphate of rime. RTAND,ARD GUARANTEED. POE SALE AT XJLEUPACTUBSDPS DEPOTS, No. V North Front Street, Philadelphia, AND No. 95 South Street, Baltimore, And by Dealers in general throughout the Colintry, Tice SOMBRERO GUANO of which MORO PHELLIPS , PHOSPHATE is and always has been manufactured, (and of which he has sole control for the united States,) contains fifty per cent. more Bone Phosphate than Raw Bone, therefore it le more durable. The ad dition of ammonia gives It greater fertilising Value Over seven years' experience hoe 'proved to the Farmer that it makes a heavier grain than even otahlemantire, and Is not only aciave but - i lkice $56 00 pt , r ton, 2,000 Ilms. Discount to Dealers. MORO PHILLIPS, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer March 11, - 18(S. ton Cemetery Removals. BEING the Keeper, the undersigned iv au thorlted to make removals into Ever Green Cemetery, and hopes that much as con template the removal of the remains of de ceased relatiree or Mends Will rival/ them selves of this' season of the year to have it done. Removals made with promptness— terms low, and no effbrt "pared to_pORN leasei PETER TH, March 12, late. Keeper of the (*meter!, Sale 017ing. W. HUMMING continues the bummer SAME CRYING and solicits eon -4U us ror oll to siiiMattit the ctition. Chitv ili ntaderate. Heeblew* in West Mid- P.• . B. is • licensed Auctioneer, under the Tsts-Lt w of Use United States. PHA." UHL B =l= x , FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. SUMMER GOODS. Wl' an ecmilmatly mettle; iww mot dastra- We styles of SILKS, POPLINS. PIDICALEB, mints, SPRING CLOAXINGB. ALPACAS. a DELAINZEI, CAL;COEB, LAWNPI, &o Also lino addltkuts to oar usual supply of rr,•Tn.l GINGHAIOI, CLOTHS, CAMIIIIIMS, JLIPS, with 8,117 variety et Goods kw Menli and Boy's wear. We have added eoneldertbly to our surortmimt of CARPETS, which we are selling at greatly reduced prim. Oar stock o QUEENS-Vk'ARB Is oumple4e. Ix. HARD-WARE, I= BULLRING MATERIALS, fie feel assured We taut make It to the Interest of the purehmor to purchase from am IRON AND NAILS at reduced prices. OILS AND PALM •t low totem. EIROCERIES, of all kinds. Was na • sall and Se to:maimed FAHNEITTOCK BROTHERS. armor the Red Frame. Gettysburg, May 1,186 IL tf ROW & WOODS, GETTYSBURG =3 DRY 000D$ I)B GOODf3 xoTtox.s, LAbIEF3' NATs 'LADIffi 13110E9. - CHILDREN'S SHORS, HATS FOR RUM MATS FOR RIM, RATS FOR CHILDREN; MACHINE COTTON, good fal Coates's, at much leas prim. , HOOP PatilLTß, In great variety; I= ming AND BUY'S WEAIt at low prima. =mom ALL SOLD CHEAP May 1. 1818. $l. HE.4D-QU4RTERS ryza CLOTH=ING, HATS AND CAPS, 8007 AND SHOES, Every /and of Gentlemen's Wear, SUCH AS ILSNEN OOLLAMS. PAPHR: CUPP'S, PAPEP. BOSOMS, COTTON NTOCKINOS, GLOVES UA-NDKERCHIEFS POCKET BOOKS, TRAVELING BACKS =I CANES, AC., At. ItteZl gentlemen , ' Wear of all kinds and will Übe= at the Lowest Cash. Prices. la=l BOYS' HATS AND SHOES, in great variety 113.01ve me a odl before purchasing oboe ID= 'THEO. C.IaRRII3. April 24, 1801. tf DIAMOND ... SMCIA.R. STORM- if 0 rat .L The undersigned hoe removed Ms Serer EZl2l3=l NOBM-MM3TCXIRIMMOF THE DIAMOND, GIITT:YEIIIIIEG; where ha asks* esiithinsalaes of the public's pstrowsre. His ries loesties is me of the 0! :3 MNThla. AND CONVENIENT, and hie stock o (Severn among the most °Wee and sailallotary. He will keep on hone' the best BRANDS. and Win lalaweitadare for general 1* them* out fee ecneety. He will se U at the lowest he- Int prices, and at whams lease retail. Remember the place, Is the Diamond, be- tween Brinkarbotra Kos, and MeCiellan's ME WASHINGTON B April 3,181. II CANNON:B MARBLE 'WORKS, On Baltimore Bt., appoint. the Coart r ffanito, 0111,731311711 A, 78-V 2 FA• Ev ery descrtptlea of work executed in the PTNow STYLE OF WE ART Jane 4,1816.: Gott'elan Female Imititate. Mnest seldom of this laisthation wttt eam il mesee TIIIIIRDAY, the LA at SSP ER. Sae lakunestiack with mord Co- I II" M or r WDL R. A. IL, hut/. /41 HARWARE AND ORODIENS Wale subscribers bevel est returned from the edillas with an immense supply of HAIDWAUE a GRCK'ERIIIIB, which they are otlbring at thetr old stand In Dioamore mzsetott price* to Rua the times. Our atook.oonststs In part or BUILDING MATERIALS. CARPENTER's TOOL& BLACKsMITIins TooL4, 141011 FINDI• COACH FINDINus,NGs, CARINET MAKER'S TOOLS HoniEREEPER's FIXITREs, ALL KINDs OF RON, a , GROCERIES OF ALL K INDH, OILS. PAINTs, There Is no article includrd In the mayoral departments incutinuml above but what (an 'be had at this store. livery chuw of Nleclum Ica can be accommodated here with turd. and findings, and Honeekeepers can find every tte. Ude In their line. Give us u call, as we ara prepared to aril as low for =at as any lions° out of the city. JOZi DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER, Gettysburg, May IS, IMt. Farmers, Attend to Your Interests GETTYSBURO FOUNDRY. IrdlE, aohaerlber would Inform hie rum. I Meru and others, that he la atilt mouth.. toting various allude of meting@ ud MII ehinen, made to order, at short nOOOl , such an TURF:SHELL.; ANI) POWERS, Lllve tlltlereut nines of PoWPM.) CI AA . It - ti LED LII'LLERS AM) CLEANERS, LIM: , SHELLER:I AM/ sIi . AILATURFI, CORN FODDER VUTTERs, writ AN ' AN I) 11.1-1 Ili T. TERS; C . ORN PLANTI RS; PLO I' 0 /I ' d, such us Cast Ploughs, Itur,lohr Ploughs, tilde hill and Corn Ploughs, the RANK the Intest itn pros ement ; oho hill it I.,MAN '8 INO 111 inn!. HAKE . lie hill 111,,,, Ise uvunum hn t• hit h.ltS AM, HI kpl..w.t . NI h. PA I. for Cho, 1 . 1110.. M. M C ON ItAl LINO for .w. 0.; an. or ro; hes, With ever, thing else ill hen line. all 111 lots rates. !'OK One-horse Wugon, DAVID ri/I:11NElt. April 111.141 V, If NEW DRUG STORE, I= TILE untlernlgneil luit - pealed n Drug Store In New Oxfortl, Adms erinity, and rt•. opeetrully calla the Attention of tho public to hlu Mock of WE . VARNIBIIB9, Uric NTUFFB WINIO 4 . 7,AN5. PATENT hi EDIcINEs and • full aasortment of DRUBS; in a wont — It complete stock of Oar& genrmily k et it la a tiret•ets Drug ?hors. All of wit ich but e been purchased during the pant t,wo weclta, and will be *Old low, All the article.; fornivrl) manufactured at the old ealablishinent In East Berlin can be bad here. Understanding Ws botany.. perfectly, and et liading his µar ty himself, he hi able to w arr a nt bin and as repreaen tot. 'rho public are reline/idea to give hint a trial. . . , D. M. MILLER New Oxford, May d, 1867. tf TO THE Btatormi COMMUNITY =I WHO WISH TO "IMPROVE THR undersigned nespeelltilly Informs the public that km still continues the CAEPENTERINO BU BIN at his old stand, on West street, Gettysburg, and is ready at all times to accom mud. to ;loam wanting anything done In his line. lie Is pre pared to ftirtitah all kinds of Work fur build ing tutrpoiea, of the best nittWrial, putt its neatly and cheaply as It ran be done at nny other. astahMahment In the. county. Expe rienced handsalways In readiness and Work executed with pronliptnm. 011,1 117 - Thankful for past favors, tie liopoo, by attention to bnoLicss, to receive a liberal share of public patronage. WM. (11111TZ.M.t N. Jane 17, 1067. tf 11: 1 31;(e)51:e1:1:11;113CIAZ N O. 2 WEST MARKET STREET, YORK, P.l. AGIVITII - AND DMA LEIGI IN PIANOS, CAIIII 4 II T NS, MEI.OI)EoNs MB=MM3 2.llitile.\ L INsTRUMENTS, reepeetfully Inform the public that they are prepared to fur:M.ll Pianos of the folloalng manufacture or of any other make that ma> be preferred: Albrligbil, Lenges & grkitkeriog & Soo, Bradbury, & %nu. Gale & Iton, ESTFY Mr' CELKBUATKU COTTAGE, It Alt MD ND; AMU BO Do llt DEff=tEM These Dud:m.lm+ tad emit tilled by thing found In thin country or in Europe, as In admitted by all impurtissriudgen. The moat emluent Pipe Organ Illtildt en and Pert - mitten., the hint to disco, or cseelleme in reed Time, pronounced them vastly superior to all others for exceedingly quick. artlettlettuit and round 'rune, the essential feature In instrument., of this eines. We lusher the elm ere ecru ttny and criticismttfall. 'PATENT VOX HUMAN TREMOLO. This late and most wonderful ins entlon (so acknowledged in, .11 lending artists) will be found only in the Entry I ontrumt its. lit at tempting to demerits• the vitt, t of this slop, w e are at loss for language. Its bruntioi tutinut be written, hut insist hl• himrd to he appret In tel. By tins atop an ordinary p•rfonusr run produce an effect which requires u lite time of practice for on stylist upon u violin. It is tirely changes the nett Tone, giving the lull,. pathetic sweetness of the human voice. it so melodious and pure that it never falls to enchant the listener. . . THE: HARMONIC ORGAN for Marche., Public Bella turd Parlors has powerful anb-Baas otU Independent. reecho, Harmonic attachment and Vat Mumma Tremolo, and la believed to be the moot power ful reed organ made, being nearly equal to Pipe Organ or three rims the coat, All Instrument. warranted for live years BRAMS BANI.ei supplied with Instru ments and movie at reasonable terms. Allimini &Aount alluw ior Churches and Sabbath Schools. iirDistructions given both in Vocal and Instrumental Music, ut our rooms, and at pu pils' homes, either to individuals orelasses,un reaaonable terms. Dec 17, /MK 11 HOOP 3 I:TS. 628 =ll "KEYS TONE.I3II/MTS " - It. R lfoortZt tn n c a n 15 'priori, .$1.00; SI r g a i A n rrk g n s e , t t 1.10; lP and vo sprlngs,S i c m Plain Skirts, tapes, aleprititts, 00 Cents; springs, 93 Cents; ton prings, V 1,1:, and *2 springs, 11.23. harmonica to fury re - 'Our OWN Make"of SKIRTS," Eleven Tape Trails, from 20 to 60 springs, 02.600 t Plain, six TtArft, 20 t,r .3e springs, from IS Cents to $2.00. Theme Skirts are belle, than three sold by other establishments as first class goods, and at much loner prime. .Our OWN Make"of "CM A MPION are In every way enperlor to all other Hoop Elklrtaliefore thepublle, and only hat, to be ex amined or worn to cony inee et cry one of the fact. Manufactured of the beet Linen-finish, ti English Steel Springs, very superior tapes, an p the style of the meta Ile fastenings nod man ner of securing them surp, . fur dumb' lit!. and excellence any other Skirt in this reun ify, and are lighter more elastic, wear long, r, ,live more satisfaction, and are really cheaper Una all others Awry lady sitould fry them They are being sold extensively by Me rebuilds throughout this and the adjoining states id very moderate prices. If you want the best ask for “Itopkins . CbaMplon Skirt." If lob do not find them, get the merchant with whom you dial to order them for you, or come or send direct to us. Merchants will find our different grades of Skirts exactly what they need,and we especially Invite them to call and examine our extensive assortment, or send for Wholesale Price 11st. To be Had atllnfall at Manufactory, and of the Retail Trade generally, and at Wholesale oh tee Manufacturer only, to whom all ordeer should be addressed, Awn SALEROOM, ON ASCII STREET, Between lith and 7th Sis.,Phlladelphla. WM. T. HOVKINS. Feb. ?A, IF%. lem LEI' ALL THE PEOPLE CODE ! Atutcy Goods dh• anifeclionery More ruilz undersigned, - having bought &14a I. M. Warner's Faruy Goods and ' Uonery Ettore, on Baltimore street, neari poetic Faltnestucks' Store Gettysburg, las .... the public's patronage. Large and tasteful iil' the stock has been, no effort will be spared to render It still more attractive and desira ble. He now offers Writing Desks, Plain Candy, Work Boxes, Fancy. Portfolios, Pickles, 'Micls, ii=d e nds, Pocket he Books, 11, China Toye, Chow.chow, Pocket Cutlery,Cakes, Jewelry, 1= Crackers, • Chews, Wins Biscuits, Bruebes, Musroon do., Perfumery, Fire Works, Boaps, Penis it Penttle, i (Moho, , ' Writing Papers Nuts, • Tobacco segara, MENTION.' 8" " k r00 NUMEROUS to He intend' to sell everything at the lowest possible pekes, believing that "small profile" bring "nukß Wee:. and are therefore teat for buyer andseller. Come one—come all ! A. R. FEISTEL.. March V, 1864. tf NOTICE Mpartnennedp beretokwe existing be tween the natiensignoti In the Produce and lug business was dissolved on the Artt day of January lest., by mutual con sent. The books or aearants and all Unsettled boganlehitee • been left In the heads of Rana Z. Culp; Who be duly authorised to settle op the same. He will be round at the Ware house now In the, ermipag. Mehl= é lbbean. MI 001106.1 Interested are requir ed te eon aid Settle. HIIHRI CULP ow. A. BeltlialiAir. Tat nit tr- FII=PA :Mr