Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, August 28, 1868, Image 3
kstttEsbin tompitei rv . no e n. BLAIR. AND VICTOR FOR THE C.l MI:IFL't i'be CoIWILER. will be leaned from thl' three until after the Fre'aidentlal elci lion at FIFTY CENTS, or FIVE ! ( ONES fur TWO DOLLARS—in advance in all eases. Fellow Democrats, the moor effec tire Way to help the Elveoteratle cause Ss 'to oireulute lleptocratie papers. The ComptLEß will do Its full J ty for the enlightettaleat of the peep Its he I etofure. CIR(:ULATBI CIIIC ' LATH I "4'll t t we give value to our botulaby Mittlg the motley drown by taxation WUm payment our debt, and not to the military and negro n...1111e, we ahnll ;relieve Um Lax-payer. the 'I i-holder, and give strength and virtueto the 41. luinl. of Ill' public erect itor. - -Ilonario SKY tiol. It. A Smartt:a ON WIANT.—The Dan bury (Connecticut) Tones, whose edi tor WBB a 'Union eoldier, has this item In regard to the •'lienerai or the Army and Radical candidate for the Preab deuce Grant: Where has his name won a single Sul in New .Hl/111Pbillre, our in Connecticut. Hai name never i•au•eil Lilly enthusiasni in the army until the utiu 14 work %vo dune, and iht p.uslicet oh hewn led into another Aliiughter pen wow obliterated, And his 41.44a1e ill politics has not wade one ert • to the cause lie has seen ht , liutilder. Silence is his statesmanr , liip, , nli.tinaey is his liminess, deceit. I, Ills 41.111 hotces 1114 ty. lie has lived in smoke - hint will (lid in smoke. . Il6oixsTlttx7toti.--The Washing ton corn %ipudent of the Cincinnati Etiquii,r relates the follos`ing: A aentleniuti just from Mississippi furnishes a suggestive liluStration of the umktnos of Congressional recon struction in that State., Cloveruor Humph] eye relusing to vacate the of ii etit Governor, was expelled from ut e Iteruaing to divide the State mansion with the new Governor, lie by military authority, expelled :loin that, to give place to his success. or, who, finding himself unable to tarnish, it rented out its broad parlors for Ittihad rooms, and its long halls for teiopin allies. The State man. .+ll,ll, ill N 1 hilt the long line of Mnad Gtn ertoon lone dispensed bottio- In Ws In the name of the Comultrr.- m loth, is eon‘.rted into a public. loothel. TM: real quett \ tiqtt U Aut so nitwit hether the negroes and ,carpet-bag gei, are to rule the South, but whether they ale to rule us. Already these ale twelve of these 101 l leeches itt the Senate and thirty-three in the House. Are they to rule tts'..rhut Is the ques tion. "Tune Negro mould have the right to vote in , tho Northern 'States, And I %via come inn:aids Congressional dis trict Mid tinfp elect Mr. Cessna to Con -42.14 un this issue." 7 --Totn- ilifarthall at th, Itadirul Meeting in Bedford, in /n•ttenrc of Cessna, who dared not re pudiate qte. dentimerge. negroes in WasLlugeon are .Itrined by the Radicals. Tbey march through the St . NO.B with guns loaded with hall cartridges, and at the elighs - provocation tire a platoon ofmus; Retry into -the offending wayfa'rers on the sidewalk. ,"Let us have peace." IiRENLY Never since Ar nold's treasuu have blacker clouds hung over us." Trtte,iiiir. It 14 the shadow of abolitionism, the pall of death, which you have throm , u over .the country, and which' Is soon to wrap you and your miserable party in it» folds. Itadica,l Goveiuor of Louisiana demands military aid; and lirownlow Wlllll.B negro troops to help carry the State. "Let us have peace." Ex-YREhtt,ENT Pierce writes that, New Linnipshile will go fur Seymour. I=l, ‘ll R, 1:11 FLOUR,. ...... V. till 11 EAT, . ........ ....-...., E, . U ‘IS, .111 . (1: EAT,...... ('I FI.AA SELL-0.C..• •• PORK ..... • • 108 8 00 (I) 10 00 0.00 I r 00 • •10 00 E=2E22 9 00 (4 10 910 2 40 (4 2 90 140 6 . 9 146 1 20 (4 129 f 99 (4 ,87 800 to 900 3 U 0 (4 319 12 75 (4 13 7,5 7 00 (4 17 00 19 00 (4 20 00 . ...... Wll ...... . . RYE, ......... OATS, ............... .......- CLOVNWSKO,.. TI MOTH V•SEED,.. ...... HOUS, 1.4 Lund BREF CATTLX,V hued HAY, (h)t,h, Phila., E331173:1 On Totsday morning last, nt the residence of the brltle't. gruniliather, R. (.3.1/nrper, Esq., In tl.l> place, toy Itt.v. F 3. H. f,clooroucker, D. D., J„IHN M. 101'\U, Esq., of Topeka , }Cuasas, A 813.1 CAIiOLINE, daughtsr of In. t'. 11. Van rotten, of Central Amert.t. On INtturdity et ening last, by Het. Mr. Itrvitli illmugh, Mr. (ikXIIiOE. W. MEALS, of tn.6oro , to Miss blAittiAltET A. Li t'.• T ,31 .. Lir% prltwe. EZZI Oil the ISW nitt , in Nlituistioy township, Ilea 4_~l ' lll4lt MeKINNEY, lu tha rah Your oi her hge. t4t th 16th U>rl In Kailrtmrp, AIVJA KATE I'UTIVIIFF. aged. 1 year ID months and ID thk} Ott the l Oust... ELLEN DE:KOTA, Infant tlnught.r ot Mr. baanuel iduakalager, of earn tin% n, aged t., , tottuthat and 1 day. lnk the IGth hon., In this Infßnt SOll o 1 t'liarles W. nett Loma Al. Baker, or W.nanngton, L. C. .40,1 months sn:n.l ,Iny x. In N u Oxford, on Tuesday morning - week, \l:l'f.\ daughter of Israel and Susan .111a1r, Itg,ll a months and S days, tirnit•„N tllc, orithelsthinst., ate uE EITELNIAN, aged 3 moulds mud WOOD FOR SALE CORD OAK. M) 0111114 HICKORV ut Sundoe's Mill. Trice, ,S 2 and :3 per Cord, on the ground. ODU. 'otaN OLD. /668. tt BUILDING STOCK ALimn'En number of SHARES of the Lapital eisek In ttOSENALLEN /17.11.11- G lON call be ceeelued by the el Ice!, of ( I &Airy; epee Inthsethate upplf o,t/on at the office a: the noderetwie.l. Ar ra ngentente Will be =tee to psi the Weekly ixeLLPallargliptat the 111 reg kola there. W. A. DUNCAN. .kur It. FOR SALE. FIRST-RATE PORING WAGON, tor ooP L - 1 or two lonves. Fur purtigulars, lugulte t tie Co PI I.kitt Aug. Ye, DC& U ELECTION A N Election for Eleven Managers el the . Adttrns County Mutual. rice Insurance :uraphtty,.. will he held at the OMee of the Company, 10 Oettratdsrg, am MONDAY, the 14th of SP-PT Eli LlMnext, between the hours ofYand 4 o'clock, Y. M. lrifiett seemlier listog entitled to one vote for ewab itc" held by him. War The Executive i..txamitteei Will meet at 10 Wciuck, A. L, orecild D. A. BUEHLER, See's'. Aug. 24 J. td DISSOLUTION arm ornate! Culp iiikee.bydisolved. by - mutual moulairit. i&rattu. bult 4 : 4ol to maid Aral *in WWI 'Foment to Parry J. Tate, who will also pry AU 14Y said Alla. - •4. AD& NW: 14`, . J.wmaji X Wad Of Land AT PU858 1 %,1* . r\N SATIIRDAY, tTolar iny of SE:MENE- M DER nett hq order of the Orphan . Court Of Adorn. eoO nl X. Ufa undentldned, A(1111114.- tr4 Z t " "" Me of (3E1 4 41o4inlith, de rre will oil at Poldlo oftlho premi ses the folios lug Real EA/Ito WoJe, of sold deer de;:tYltlT OF • LAND, Minato In *aunt 'plooostnt townohlp, Adam. county, on the rood rasaaa ling from nonaughtonn to the land lown .n4l HAM, . r rood, adMinang land. o ( !older, smith, Or., Andrew Kerrigan and Jnaeplftlltialts, ooatodolog 10 ACIUM. bore or less—impn , tt. ith n one and a Ibtlf story I.(Y , part log end purl ff,nne. and teller otit-1.U11111111.1,... It Well of excellent water, and a ,arlel, of Treee. More land coal.] be bought adiollilllsf thin tract at reason a blg prlces, hdeslr.ol. Persons 'wishing to see tbe pr. 1.111 , 1... V. V.111 10...h0e.r1 the main.. by the tt Won, mottling thereon, Sale tp commence at I oclock P. St., 011 said Mt), viten al trodance a tII lie given and terms made-kin:ern by PF11:11 Athrt'r. By the ram rgt*—.t . W. MlSrt.., Clerk - I - 4"- - Orphan's Court Sale. lN ptArsnimee qf an onlsr of the Orphou's Oftirt or Adam", contit,y. Will IA Affered ut 't31.11 , Sale, on the premixes, out SATURItAY, the L)t i 1) Of NEPTE54,10 , ..H. next, We Riga Entitle or Jiluali, Druouler u deoetissoui, MrlBll.ltJng of two Tract. of Land, satiate In Union town ship, Ades te eoeuty, ;5. , . 1. THE NIA NisION Tit 11 - 1", containing 12 As re. unit 12 Perch,., moreo_,y less, adjoin ing tatith of Ilipluilph emiaard Beni iiiiava I nruisli i 11.prieo LI with a iAlli HOUSV, one out a hail stories lit' high, )soli barn, 'l\ Ith no ',coll.:lit writ lit of Nat, near the house, oust nu, )rooms pis:hard, Contustaing n treat Outs. t) Of exvellt•ot draft, appl. 0, pi stns, peon hen, • livr riu s, grapes, pluous i Av. ho that I, 1111 , 1, r good tun. mg, and in it) is good staid oft ORIN kJ!, lideing laieo I oned. o. -1. A 'lit h(', containing 21 Acre,,, future or 1...04, 1.1.1..11111g lands of Wen. l'uoisur, Daniel Kunkle, J.. tau itarni-11, and others. Pau i of thus 10.1, about la uela n , is cleared and tinder good feimltig ; Iltereffifltlf•flr.f•refl u It h C1...t -aunt. Pine Ili,' Ifulf Mustier. Part of this tux IKON Oki: silt). Ndle to eorrooetuee at 10 o'elordt, A, 1.1 , sant day s When al La 1.1.111, N 111 he ki ton and terms made known hp It E;t11 DRESSLEIL. 11, the fours—.l. \v. li.r , Tolt r ,elt•ik. 'April It, PM. tx Orphan's Court Sale. taTIJIIDAT, the 12th day of SEMEN -1,1 NKR next, Ll order of the Orphan's Court of Adaingeounty, the undersign.", Executors 01 the wilt ofJohn Hosenherger, deceased. will alter itt YuLllr h.Oe 011 the premises,- We Heal Estate 01 said decede N nt, tit: A OE tiROUD, containing h LOT half an nere, situate in Moutapleawint township, Ad ams county, adjoining lands of Jatioh Law ettl, and rY, hiIVIIIG 11114 . 0011 Two-story I , N ELLINO HoUSE, part log and part footle wastherbootat I log Pen, and. tine /La of Fruit Trees, !!' of different kinds. Pirsens wishing to " a leo lite premises ariProtparatal to cull WI lilt glint-named I. yet °tor, railitlita mar sale to vontnient.e at I o t lock said cloy when nt tendioree Will lie given tint terms made known by SA MT El. J. SHOHII, JOHN MYERS, Executors. 33 the Court—A. NV. lIINTEIt, Clerk Aug. R.U. t 'Real Estate , AT P 1 11,W sALE. i sATI*11111,1", the 1.01.11 day of SPT EKid.. next, the sulisarlbeT., Administrator of the rotate of Hilllp lienS.ll - 1,1•11.4i, VI 111 of ler at , l'uldie Sole, on the premises, the heal Eatate ot . .1.1 ileeedent, Nig: A 'rum I' oh' IAN!), situate In iteadlne township, Attains , minty, 'idiot:dna land, of Win. 'l'. William+, Jiatlie- I hiss inter, Otairgc 4 lit teenier and oil. ra, containing 12 acres, t nitre Or iron with du ro e pportloin, of 4 .. iileadoW and 'flintier, The Improve- titent• are a Two-story 108 littlish% WI Log 11ern, and .other outtiulldingit; a' ' first-Kate well of water near the door, and 0 pkino-.lpple Om hard, v. Ult other fruit, on the prowl... Pertains wishing to view the prep erty arwretinciited to veil on the Ailtnineant.. tor reiilii hag near by. It will he offerirl N hole i or n two parts, ev plias best stilt. Sale to ft..11111W111,31 at 1 Lellow,i, P. 31., on ea ld day, when :Mend:line Will be given told tel made known by . . M. B. BLAI'fiEFt, By the Coml.—A. W. M t-NT).I4 Clerk. At U , Kafue time nn.i fin. Widow m 11l gt•lf $L s ri. , t PEIL , ON I'LLOPERTY. Aug. 21,1 NA. to FOR SALE A TRACT OF LAND, Four miles nartli Of 11111eratOWIL, In Itatull tonliau tux °ship, Adam. VOll t , adjoin ing lands of Jahn 4.`hain berlain,BenJasi I n Mar shall, David Mets and others, on Marsh creek, and containing Zia ACHFSI, crfe-Imlf In prune Chestnut timber—the balunce Improv ed with a Two-story lASI HOUSE,IrI rra me Barn, Shop, an orehani of choice I"' fruit, &r. There is a due proportion of I meadow, Tins Is s deidnible proper() —con. Opulent to ni I II -4, one maw mill at, the house, known Its Diehl's, and grist mill, sehnol house .und church within one and two miles. It would Des good Store Stand. Persorte wothing to view the premises are requeeted !wean at Diehl h Sow Min. where all lawrinatlcat tutu he'hati. _tog 7, low A MST-CUSS +'ARM AT PRIVATE SALE, NV r ii ` lr i g.i. ' fr ' s ' f nue6 witiV i trne ° r n y Inhie provezneuta, and In prime order, I wlllsall from IGQ to' IGO Acres, to salt pt For further W U . Il i 4'' tust.Mrl — , apply to' WM. WIBLE, Sept. 'X, 1.+87, LI Gettysburg, Pa. `PUBLIC SALE (VS TUF4DA, the let day of SEPTEMBER kJ next, The MLtt.' larectoni of Hamilton - bad talellBllll/ will oiler at Public, Aida, so - t he Weal/see, the • PVIILIC SCHOOL I.IOUSE,IN FAIRFIELD, with the Lot of ()round upon w hich It elands. Abe, aawve, Sale to coin menee at I o'efook, P, M.,On mLLd day, when terma v, IN be made known. II M., Drlk Pres% C 11,4..1. KiII.TON, sea'''. ' ae. At .10 dock of the saute day the Board of DU - retool o 111 meetto employ Teuehent for "Jl,l tow huh uly al, Old. t,l I 1 00 :w0 2 au 1 So 2 40 1 /5 1 Ni FOR SALE. VALUABLY, MILL PItOPEUTY, with eh Aenta or choke Land, on the turnpike. leading (rum Abnuttrtua, to Hanover..., one tulle /row the Summer place, hut. 'as Hol linger'. Mill. ONE OTHER MILL PROPER'rY, with 40 Acres of Land, or-190 Acres, as way bedeslred, on Nandi reek, 0 tulles is W. from Getty. burg, and known as riandue'sll,lll. A. MODEL FARM. Acres or Land, 1n o. high little of colt It utloU t IVtl buALtais p( J.ltllc to the Here, Nu. / bulhllngs.2 In Ilea westirroto Oett)gburg GEO.-ARNOLD. (Jet tysiturg; Pa„ Aug. 21. 1862. VALULBLE,BITT.T PROPERTY EOM SITUATED Su kluailltonban ,townalilp, Ad nuts county,; uW AUItES, well linprol, e I land, wall a .rwo•story STUN Is DIV LUANG, large tisuak !tarn, mat all nen!. Fairy Out-buildnigs; Mhos I.OUHMILL, tiA.W 3111,14 Miller's and 'lenant Houses, will) two °rebinds— wlib..ll w ell be sold eliea.p by apply ing to .1011 N U. ZWICK, Loud Agent, New Oxiottl, PA., P. U. Uoz .:!en AGENTS tVAN TED VDU. tholtLandard and tillietal Liens id &EY r and lILArIL 41‘ looolt—tOr every horary aaa a u elk lit eltZftorthilury lnterent anti lure historical ',uiue. IS a, l'utriOt can do without It or has e u Just understanding of the Issues before the emuitrY, without reading it. Endorsed by she leading Democrats and con servatives of tile Colon The claims of the Democratic candidates to the suffrages of the people are et, forcibly portrayed and clearly shoo ti in this volume, that no friend of colt sUtutlowil liberty should fall to read it.— Agents In all parts Of the country are finding this great stauttard work tile best opportupi ty to make money evir offered. ae Its large aloe, low price, and great pmmlarity huNe aahlo a yoeltite demand Which canvassers only have to supply. send for circular, slid set our liberal terms and a full description of the greatest subscription boot of the amen. Athiress, 'UNITED STATER PUTRAMTING 441 BrOunivbt4 . e.t, New York Aim IN, lea 414 01 :WS i.l G, , 4:11,1 FOR SUPPLYING DWELLINGS, STORES, EfitNOßJhbkiljHUlLCllaaa AND Pill*. LW BULL DINGS WITH GAS! GLNEILATTS ass wrrnotrr PISA OS HEAT I 'VIM simplicity and ease by which this Mo ./. edits Is managed, to also itsetamotny and grvat merit, a‘cummtella it to public MN or.— tall madam: machine iR operation at the store! MANN.. 11. AL - WEER AND SOLE AGENT, DAVID JUN Tin Fu ra ishing Store. No. I'M Green St., Phila. for Illustrated ellettlfr• Aug. 21, lade. .310 FOR SAI.J.Z.. A CLOTHING STORE, pt °Aln.,7uttr.itiTrlZTitzitrdELtulikiZ rc, Aug. 2i, 1 1, 14 rr Administrator's, TORN 111.111iA1h4816 31 43111t—Letters of u.dministnition on the estate of John Rtm hna late of blountpleassni twp., Ademee 00., having been granted to the uisder signed, residing in Union toernshi ,p he hereby glees notice to sill woos. indebted to'rad estate to niake immediate payment, and those having claims agelnat the ale to pre sia:r them properly scithentiented for settle ment. JOtiEPH. L. SHOLLIti, Soly3l, 180. Administrator's• Nottee. 1 - ggIIER NeKINNEY'S EitiTA,TE.—Letters Administration on t h e estate pt Esther 4:Kinney, Wool MdantjoVowaship Adama rd=donss, hash* e 011=i• lOW , reoldlttp In Well sblp, he Impel* gives noticerto ail,preos lis , detrital to odd emote to woks iamoodisio ipsy-,_ men 4 'sad to having eitillos mato to present them pomialip . Six musttlantant. )11Parrak. - Ang.2l, OR * k = , ter. • E :GETTYKBTIRG COMPILEIR, VitIDAY j‘VORisTING; 'AITGITSt 1868. Are now finished and In operation. Al though tirle rood la built with great rapidity, the -work Is thoronghly done, and Is pro non., od by Ilse United Wats% GOYIM lasluckgra 0 0 be tirst-elass In every respect, before It is aeoeptkvi, and before any bigots anon be Issued upon It. Rapidity and excellence of oottetrUetlOn [lame been Or tiro,' by s complete Ch balm of labor, and by d karlbutlng the twenty thou sand men enspb*ed elowt thy' One for long ur , Oncp. It 1. Doe.' probable that. the Whole Line to the Pacific will be com The Company have :unpin minus of .111,1 y the Government grant. the right of a ay, and all nedeasaryhimbor and.) ber materials tumid along the line of his operation nhu UpJv acres of lend to the mile, tukestin alwrunse Keeton. on eneh node of Ito road; also United Mater Thirty-y.l.r !lauds, uniountlng Wirt= $16,1100 to 1140,1X0 per mile, &wording to the dltthatttioti to he surtriountetl on the Villlo[lll Metiong to be hallt, for s Welt It take,. a ne,oinl mort gage an set art ty, It la expitctisl t lust not only the interest, but the Principal: amount may . tat paid In sem less rentk , red lIIY Gin (tons. pall) 111 tral.plailllg troops, THE hARNINbh OF"ELIELTNIONPAC'IFIC 11-11 tits) 111, Irons Its Way or Loot I Business only - , during the y ear ending June glib, hogs amounted co as er Four Linos Dollars, whi,li after paying all expenscso, was much snore than suttieleist to it,t) the intents( upon lts Moods. These eat tangs are sill IntlLeathwt of tie through ttnthr thnt tputit follow the open' tg of the hue to the Paellle, but tin y certain]) pruy. that upwi xurh a property, ra.4ltUit umrlYßue ffineatheir nmorml, • The Union Pacific Honda run thirty years, arefor 81,000 each,and have coupons attached. The) hear annual interest, payable on the first days of January and July, at 'the Com pany'. office hi the City of Kew• York, at the rate of six per mut. in gold. The principal is payable in 801,1 at maturity. The price Is in, and at the present rote of gold, they pay a liberal income on their ,aaf, A very Lniporiant consideration lit siefermi oiu.; the value of them, bonds Is th 4 I , *9th tone A,m /taro to 7.11 It is well known that s long bond always commando a much higher price than a short one. II Is mile 10 SHIM rive that ilarlng the negt thirty years, thereto of Interegt in the United Staten Will decline es it has done In Europe, and ar haves right to expect that ouch its per cent. Imes:it/es as thaw will be belt at as high it premium as those of this Clovtimmeni, n hick, In hid, were bought in at Iron?* to 2.'3 per cent, above par. The export demand airdre may produce tide 'result, and as the is sue of a pris ate corporation, they are beyond the marl, of political action. The f.'enipiiity believe that their Bonds, nt the pi esent tale. are the cheapest seen rlty the market, awl the right mialvance the prier at any Ilmeitt risers ed. Subscriptions will be revels ad in Gettysburg by the FIRST NA TIONAL BANK and GIETTYHAUE4 NA TIONAL RANK, nail in New York AT TAE COIIP.INI"S' OFFICE, NO. 111 NAlik9.ll7 BT., JOAN J. CISPO h SON, BA s,fi: nne, WALL ST., And by Um .Compsdy advertised agents throughout the United Mates. R. • should be mode to drafts or other foods par ot Not York, cool the Adopts testi Ise seat free or ehestge 6b eilidra capers. Forties suhserdnois through local attest's, 0111 look to them for their stye deheery. A PA:Min:MET AND MA I` NOR hall haajaat been puidrahmt by the Companyittattiz - Iblier informaigintban boreesalble In ,m ad% erilac moot. ropecting the Progreaa of the 'Work, the Itesourcca of the Country traversed by the Rand, the Means toe ,Clonlitniction grid the Valud of the lianda, wh*ll will be ainaWdefon application at the company's of or to any of the advertised firente. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York. August di, 1138. The undersigned, intending to make a change In their inurinees out their entire Mork at MIT. Many goods will be sold 11.titiklibLES8 Oh tiA4T. Our stock 1=1:221111 Dil Goal 4, de. Perrone desiring bargains miloCad avail MEM themselves of this opportunity at o'nee, is the whole stock will sootibe dispos6d BLACK OAK BARK, for which he will pay ell SO pqr eord, oh deliv ery, is good order, at Ida taagartt. in Get, t,yeburg. Wsulled also. for whiab Ike illebeet Weiket peke vlli be lei "en. 1241111=311 GUM SPRING DRILL. ►SHE beet Drill in use, will sow all kinds of I Grain Witimet changing any port of the Drill.- Oin furnish them with or without the QUANQ ATTACIIitENT. - Gtutriultue . a tafkxsoad work. Aka, the llarrtsburg Panning Mill, made In New York. Equally wiped as the mule formerly sold is Ohl eawwtj. SEPARATORS ASTI THIiES.R.IC CLOVER HULLR ,118 'STEM PLOUS HO., WARMING- IMPLEIME GH - GHNERALLY. - MIL 11, Mk tf. G Z: B Z -1 2t7it 1 1 4• 1 =rift . Tr& opospowit• ' mo-mrits Or me 11 iOl/ Pacifi( • Railroad plated in 1869 FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Are Entirely Slam SELLING OFF .LIT COST ! - Notions,, Queens-ware, Olitsi4stre, DIGPIIORN **,ll(iFF4Likli, Northlkest o=llor Square CrETTYstrVICO, PA Aug. 2A, 1.80. tf BARK ! BARK ! 1,100. CORDS WANTED ! THE SUBSCRIBER WANTS . 600 CORDS OF 5410 CORDS OF ROCK, OAK BARK,, JOHN 11.UPP, FARM IMPLEKENTL ILLODURBDB ~~~ar PUBLIC SALE =I =I Orlftl");er, the nth - tiny of 41-:PrEg litle,x, at ti o clock., A. the under- Niguel!, Aduilulitigattn . of the, estate of Jere ratan It. Sites, denetuinu. Neill offer at Yuhltc Sale, at the.late ruititli.noe Of said ,I,..ksed, in ton laoh•rownalif p, Aob its Bounty, Pa., about f toties northwest of F. airtiold, tae fat low tog valuarde proimrt,y, to 551: 111.14.1. E (Alla) ()ILK /1“ IbES, one of them it good Faintly Horne, 1 klrlat Cow.,, Young Catt 1e,.:1 Hive+, 1 insist Four-horse Wag on, I goat fhtlllng.trrp Vitear LtdStro 85,05 End Hay carrlase, tionakla.Sintlie anti lauohle sgovel Barrow, A.:ham Cutting BOX., .1 good Grain Cradles, Forks, 'takes, tnovela rick, a tio. 1 Ind Chail, Loots Iraina, Hough Lnr kr, Apr, adorn , Double and Single Traer, seLN Paieei I/Uarels, last Front (Ivan!, CUll.irs, 111141 M, SiderioNckllor, .1 rot of to.por a TiNue , , u lot of Carpenter a fools, Axes, haws,Pluses, Drys,- 51.11. 11, II( It, in(lll.knla/ (Ili s 10'6 a lot lot of t In 'tout edd t 01.4 hails, shout cords of Wood, pot Ilt, tun a I , t in shinnies aunt SW% L lop 01 50111 POLL.L.O4, IloNl I thy 1.0-001..1, 11, All KITtnIEN VT: Ws' 1- TI ICI, pat t '1,0,1•••••., ~f brat - e 1.., •IMIm, Cable Cook Stave and Pls.- ur4 , , T,l-1.131, Pirw, 1111 , ,, Bun t:6, 11.>Xes, awl grvat many nth, r 1411 II 11, to mentl,4l. • Anelj,llo. e 1 I bt.l I(1 YIU al:a term, Inucie kni•worl on day of m kAL,II:‘,I: l' r. Yd-At the Yarlie I lino and ;ditef , ,, ill be sold, the lak in ing Ilk I 11->. r h 1 Lot ew.or•tlug 01 ("A A err* of hind, more Or lens, 10 so rya of i115...15 ure ilinrud and in u (sigh Male sullivutlnn. 7Le balance Is coy , red vi 5115 11511, lug 1 itatior, aunts sin 11l hers, 1 silc, <lts . 'I Ins improvements lsMa lint, in is l'ssit,titrt. 1.0(1 littl - SEolult• big hog 115.5 n, (i ark rqrsp, Stribk4 l l .11,,usr—und "til,k in , rs.itry out•bullii• int Ings. Tin re a/ vet-tilliuu; spring of x.•• 110531 near Ow door, and rx nu tin /nag. TLtre lac west varli•f3 of kiwi on tlii• pr,no,,, 1, Oast Praell ir -1 lattupring, Appli, rapeN, list on% rilooitly • oul,lfe 1.a.,1 Mining through It, lin.l inn giant in IghltorigKst,, list to eltun si hoots, lust!,, ittainsuln, 0.t•. /ergot Wlli 1n.1 , 1‘ kg , .5 I) slit 11, nt allk. I.LIE kl EIRK. Aw4.l-4, t _ _ PUBLIC SALE; tn N kTi.• Iti / sY, the 11ht1 day ofsErrEm liEli,..xl,l74,4oh4,llwr,Adminutna..lll,o_. rm,t, So.ellll Spangler, deceased, Mill sell at robin. 1.11 at tile late restdent yOf bald de eedeat ,111 noilidiag thy. 041 n tv, alootit tat' , mile: Med dl Vea Cho6ter, the 101- loa log personal pt "pert e, %Az: 1 WOItl: 11.01t.SE, I th ree 3 ear old Colt, I auek 3111' 11 . 01,11, hellra, I Bull, r .,..„.3:41ket10, 4 Ole, (to, k our-less( Wagon, 13t-i, .l& morn llo.b,rd 1 . 3 .1 I ltig 'lough. must Harrows, I-4/ot PlkouKli awl call Fork, I 'Gin r, ltul llrg ••••, seem , elm gl4r and poulae lax Feed Tost4ll, 2 yels c/f llrecohlohli,ln, I yet of Frani Gearg, 13rldlea, tollals, I Butt mud 13re.,4411.4.140, !falter soil VOW ell'arts, (Irainrratlie, Mowing Seythe, Hake, Fto 170 114: Hook, Maul and Wedgas, Mattock; 1;1.1 0,110 lslilearleA, lot of t , r•ltr 11,4 A.uprrormal.squArt• linl ruld Re dluTal4Kl Apitottina , Wheel 4 and 1 Be el, lot 01 o Co o led Wool, Looking Lilassea, 411 1114.4.11 0 11/11 kit ttle, 'tat rah. and SI , Nt I 511 , 4" . tarli • ty of othar i 1 lelt 5, 7011 Ill; rII,IOIIS 1111 . 11(1011 8100 10 (11,11111,4, a at 10 o tjrk, A. Jl , ann gal.' day, alit n 117 telolauee .111 011.1110,d te , in% made kola n 111 1511 F.I. M I WTI, Adm'r. l'oustio Aug. t. ta El VLSI' NEW TOWN PROPERTY = 'VIE rinetersletted, Intenilluu to change his 1 residence, otters at private_kile, the new and didlghtfai prop.. ity he 110 W 04, uplen. at , the k or:. ror York and labtri) nu ed.., Get. Osbert:. l'a. It ,ditelst , tat TIVI) FITT. LtiTS 01' GIIfJCST), admirably 'waled, and le, leg lb, coon a ir, .„,....., It, )1711LF11,11'Shi (none, ninth- e.i.c el troarded, pot tip in the I. iry best ..• st) le, redline the laid year; also a i!L x,Mill of eteelb et wati r, end a variety I' of choice ynung ire/1 trees- The lota ..tte andel' the Ite,t of fence. Title is .1 in r 1" dei:lrable residence, and should at out* at t tat , t be) ere. 01:01tkil., SCALI.SMI'III. June 2,,, Ise , . Om VALUABLE PROPERTY AT l'ILIV_111.; liE Inder,gn rd iTris nt Private Sale 1 the lar,H nit n high h. tines FP44 , 11 in Rutter to 11p on the al leading Irons Pell'erhifil to Mhtfiletrisvis, about I mile from tVrataltavtlie, adjoining In„d+nl lobo 11na,, Win. Taylor, and °Diu:, and eont.ii O D AC111.21, more or le.. The int Pro% e ronsiat Of ata o-btory 1.00 op WEATHERROARDED DWELLING, with °, Kiloton at tacheil, a good Frame Bank Barn, Carriage lionse, Shop aril mprnig House: a flirt, tag A pph orchard and all kinds Of Choll, fruit. Thu property la In pond condition, Lis.. land in a Slur unite of cultiva tion, and the I,olllllllgs In thorough repair— the dwelling being nistficientiv large to sir eonintOdate tab tar/311a, About IS an rea are In good Meadow, and itbont t 9 arren In Timber. It Den on the 1:011o,SligO. The loca tion and stirrountlingn make It n, very dessira• hie property. P4rnouu wie.hing to view the premisen, or ant'ertails V. , ill .diply Cho Nubia:l'l6er, residing thereon . DANIEL ARENDT. June!, 180. :tut A DESIRABLE .TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE BALE. Undersigned offers at Prit ate Sal the LOHBIN DWELLINIi, at the juitetlais,of the Taneytawn and Tina- g inittatung reeds, in the rough or Get tysburg. The hourie,Sti substantially bullt, of stone, and contains twelve large rooms, These InilAtrOucnever-fatiltsitiiiwitig of first-We water In the basellient, and 04 Acts of Land connected with It. The tom tit... hi a very pleasant one, sod with a httle additional outlay thin could be made one of the mold comfortable auddesirable homes la the borough or Ital. leluity. JOHN 11.UPPi Nov. 15, 1167. "if A SERVANT FOR ALL Sloth's Inspros ement for Opening., lotl nod Latching. eaten. A(AY be attached to any gate and oper ated from buggy, tratti or saddle, by one nti, dyill red direction frillat the gate— = iroin a 0 tLaad t TTt a s ffa i nt, prt 1,t1 " VI la. simple sod elle% p a , Yet perfect and Wrun g; wilt not be dbutrr,ttiged h} the saiumg in the gote,oorby the frnet sma ll!; the posts; may be made at a eon blacksmith's, and easily attached to a gate. The malershtnol. having the itish t fur MM. county, sell TowmiLip and Feria .13IghLe of tide Improve no.M. AI., ROTH & SHANE'S AMERICAN LE VER GATE—which v.lll be tound v.tntably Wu' convenient to ail who have gates to driVe through—nx they rt. main by their team, open, elase and hitch a gale, without the neyou,lty of getting in the Net or mull. F . ur further Infurmuthxn, mc , addrera /a:4A .1.41.1 CK Eft, 3frnAlleu P. U., Ado co., Pat Muy 1.1868. 11 ROCPWS Notices, NOTICE Is hereby given to all LeGatCes and other persons coneerned, that. the Ad nilnistrutlon Accounts hereinafter mentioned Will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Ad orns county, tr oontlonsidion and alk.irattee, 9n TUESDAY, II e 2.0 day of SEPTEMBER nonti at to o'elonk. -ISO. The if rst mid final Caardianhlflp account Of George Throne, tioanhan of nammd, John and Margaret Deardorff, minor children of Benjamin Deardorff, deceased. 157. The Occottatof Leu , M nauith and Al/nor 11. I,lsfidef. , Exeontors of the wilt of Peter 14. Smith, deceased. lag. W w i l l t t: f-Eib r i n ."FP.ll,d. Aura- Dam Long , rs of t he Long, nce• • ISi. The account of Merles; ?dirt:ley, Execu tor of the will of Daniel Mickley, deg eased. 103. Floss account of Ann. Lefever, Marva. tor of John Willet, late of Union township, A tjAmiy 0,41 161. Flret and final use of I 3 In Al bert, Adminoilintor of Margaret Cries, ell, deceased. let The first account of Noah D.Snyder Ex of the last will and hnsta usent of John Warner, deceased. lat, First account of Woiley F.Sayller, Ems,- [nor of Jobb Sadler, detwanetl . , Mi. Second and filial account of Janus Ras- Eaq., i•urvivieit k zerut or of the hod will Mut teroament of Peter Wagoner, deceased. Account of Wm. It. White and J. If. White, Administrators or Andrew White, de cease. W. D. HOLTZWORTII. Regtitter. Aug. 21.1143. W A CARD. IT has been generally cirenlated since my treatment or DE-4 , 1 - 1.:El•-,. Mu , Proved im universally enervastM, Shur I had given up the gerwrakpraptice. /tut I Will take Mean* haurining my Atlanta and the this pubtle Ding my special attentlua and treatment of liens, nor my etiiineetion with the Conowsmir Phosphate, Will In any way Interfere with my attention to the general practlooof Mealeine. Office on I,unintrkl St..l.lttir , ntowii, Po EMIMMWM DISSOLUTION'. FraArita enhip heretofore existing be. ceu the unuerelgued tooter the ttrm of IittEAYTEEL.tILECKER, Of Peteridnus,i I 8,, is hereby dissolved. All persons 'wielded to a‘id firm v. ill please make payment without delay. Either part. nor le authorized to use the atone of the find is the fiettlt vent of the btodneta. Said disso lotion to take elleet from the ttrst day of May, leaf. D. C. 131/EAFFSIt, M. W. LIEC - 11.Ett. July 17, I'i4. *lll Administrataria Notice. TOSEPiIi SPANOLFA:I3_ EItiTATE. Lettere yj of administration as t h e estate o f Joeepb r lirtr ia r, late it MOll.l • ta t. Adam. MX. Tee' • ao • t • - yatele to ~.*a .% ,tbvtatapro July 84 11106. Et AdmixOtPller. 1 NEW GOO-1161 :Vast ..eredkut --issoelortatts 11 SELL ftlidoAtl, sznaU prolltal, told*" et do lug vetV L rgu builtke... FASHION ABLA Ski 11,11 S OF FINE SILK POPLINS FASH IC/NA I I LK.:44 I ATI F 4 • car FRENCH WOOL PHYLI)Hf. FASHIONABLE ISILLADSH OF ALPACA rani! NB, FRENCH CH INTZEN, rigrgs, PERCALFS D LAWNS, BLArK SII,Ks, PI, AIX 611.14, PLAID s I I Itg. mU,LIN•s, A.CONET MUSLIN:4, CA;lnnuli. BLACK ALP IP.A. COLO Hay)" ALDADA, rsLA (C NLI, 11 OOL DDLA IN, RIsTOIII SI!WDQ, CA.411 M FM! SHAWLS, TIILBET SHAWLS. CLOTH',I:AS[4I3IEIIM, CLOAKING-% LIN': ES DRILL' NO, Cr . /NONA DE. TAHLh CON' LAS TABLE /ANKH, - IMMO 11.11.N101:Al. Hoot , ItiK l / 1 223. PLAIN LINI,N 11.111DILEItt'IllY.ton. EM 1.14031131,11.1'..1, if A N1)1.: E11e.1111.11 , 6, 1111.11 lIANDKERcIin,M :IIEN 4 LADIFW, A22l .;iIII,D ItEN'S UD , VES STOCI;INc.S. 14110 vomit:ifty rerei, lag the lateat abrade of Dress and Fancy (food, My stook cum- Nen thtuu 1,11,01 found In a [lna , la, lllty (11/01e4,14 to u lash 1111 N ate the nth ntlOn t 1 the vuhllt, letting assured that I van 141111 0410114:V t U 111. 1 ,111.1.111 with all other 41.‘n ea lu, quality of koala and luw -115. of latter, J. L. SCHICK = SELLA Of4l+T (MST! nYo/k t brve 11111leti eunt of (~:qty.t.rg, go.d nerk CT Cat;sinteres, Ca svinets, -Boot, Hat., DE 1, k INES, CA Lit 't lletagen, Mot.ittot, 1.0411. Hanul.t rehlt et, lloalery, Nut lulu , Sr,&tiny° tZII.4•IIN-WaTe, :stone-ware, I linan-u are, toll Tluta. are, Cedar Ware, Tuba, Buckets, anti n Mot - Diane other artl, le, Liken Jae for anlr,tin rzarllrnLllUU- Hl.l Ittlt ELIA) t.ttslW Volt ISA Ittir 11M0. Come one, mono ttli, tont be ttultetl. lon II not et• tet it. JOHN 1 ,, z art IIECK. .ttt 14,1508 tf NEW FIRM Le Ae* , Orford, ofdamscomn(r, tossed ' t:nt, TtRICK f_l_ ll \f;Alth:, l l'll7lU,l Oxford, where they are tuirry lugl, un the OLAIX AND Pktoll[rOE 1111:15rf33.4, In, log the high( ht. priees for Who'd, Ilve, t Outs, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Dried Prints, Soaps, llama, klitoultiers and tildes, Potatoes, Kitt an, of all knelt, Cull•daldly on hand anti 101 . edigars, Syrups, itol.tshch, Tens, hpli. eh, :halt, Clith,e, Vinegar, liroutoh, Luckets, tioatus; Fißil of all kauda• ; acne Coal 011, Fink 011, , Tar, Sc.; Hpikua ICullh,• Smoking end (Alen tog Toliactos,•ual tlccahruccl LitinJV at lit lel.-11111.add at 1114.1 low tot proot , . .11ho, Flour and iqaottw, P1c , ,,c , 11/ s Cool, Sr. 17t LICIII' C.1.11.S t cut c4t4 vpn.on &Hong, liolt erY trot clouds ctirrkid icuth ways praPIPOI3 and .11 /UV: rat,,. Tto.. p.k.t.rotwy,k vf tht 1.1 , 11‘. is t0,11v11...a. Lv c ry churl undo tt, 1112.11011 N c IENDE.I2. ==i MMEIM Aa rapidly oil ran ?mac mina iv Inure G IiOCkRIES & L-IQuolts. HAV 1".;l3 just returned from the City with the Lirge,d and most varied amortinent ot line Quails ever uttered her,, I ox pert: ev erybraly to look to their interest and huy where they eon get the chewed and hest for the GlAlli as that Is my motto. FA 1111.1 RIES. 01'101 k Inds, CORlSlld log' la part of Syruph of all kinds, Jiolasses, rautor, Lotter,, Peas, splre_s, &o. LA)1:11, 11.1U0N, LARD, Dried, Beef, 'large 1 0 1 of ~,)" 1400 , 1 cued /Lints, No. I Ilitekevel,,liad and 11,. rring. MY LltititiliS cannot he surotThged In lie.i anon, or qualltl, trio. I °mown IVidekey to Pure Freneh Brandy, Ifollond Gin or 11)e Whinkey—tur inedleol or other purposes, tinsel aLeenett, ear. be p•opplied with Liquors at City pro HAVE' lreishl and'pseksge. Jll , lll, r I lot ,t 1.11,1 and Zing,tri Litters, also A. Spoor e brae" Win,. . . WM. J. MARTIN, Itattimule htleet, liet.ty.burz ilny 214 ti FARMERS!!! TRY THE ALTA VET I A PHOSPHATE! of the cel.brufral ALTA VELA. Contains three per omit. of AMMONIA, an umple quantity to give activity (without In jury) to dle vegetation, and a large quantity oleolublo . BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME, together with Potash and Soda, the essential elements of a COMPLETE MANURE. The high estiondlun lu which It Is held by tiro mans thousand larraers who aro aria' It iii"ueCnftgtritil'vutifo.P4l4'' I. Pqru PRICE 858.00 PER TON OF 10 BAGS, 200 in. EACH. Send lot a pamphlet Address TIIE ALTA VELA GUANO CO., 57 Itruudway, New York,. July Si, /SU 17 SPEER'S STANDARD WINE BITTERS•. Fur the Weak, Fur the Pule, Fur the Sickly, . For the aged, For Females, ed-ISt) BITIEItdEtt.UAL F TO S A r in Spear's Standard Wipe Bit4rB KADR OJ W.lNXEititet AN D ROOTS, Speer's Cele/Witted. Wine, eo well known, with Peru, lan Bark, Cammomile Flowers, Snake Itoot. Wild Cherry Dark Ginger, and 61101 Caller (lochs a.,1 Roots as will In all cases assist Digestion, promote the Secretions of the stem In the natural channelmAnd elt e TONE 1111,1 VIGOR to the YOUNG and OLD, MALE end FEMALE! All one It with wonderful 1 , 110,414. nes 11.01 - t to the pale a bite llp, DIAlu.ll and BEAUTY to the thin face and rare worn moult naltre. Corot FEVER and create., APP I:117r. Try thew. Use none other. Ask for 14P.FIVAN ATANDARD BITTERS Sold by Druggists and Grocers. See that in) signature It over the cork of each bottle. ALFRED STEER, ' PARsa lc, N. J., and 213.11r00d way, N. Y. .e4 - -Trado &unlined ho JOHNBTON HOLLO WAY &CO., Philadelphia; 'GEORGE. 4. KEL LY, , and by all WI otehale July 21, 1•0. s. Waal() PACIFIC 6 USXO COMPrIX.Y'S (CAPITAL, $1,000") • SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO! VALUE of tbfg (oao uari., ne 0.014.71 and appreciated that it does not re quire Anther commendation from UP. . The Co meat the Ouano lakgActs, and other amine, of supply froth which ha raw ma terial is drawn. Hence, thin Guano. pewee sing ouch high tmoollenre, can be brought in to market at a price hot excemi in, that of the ordinary :Miler-Phosphates of Lime, The large capital Inve..terl oy this Company Atlonta the gunnel guarantee of the oontinued excellence of their fertiliser. an the safety of their capital depends neon continued and per manent imbineas. Exptrienee has shown that this Guano ri pens the Wheat crop tram Jive torte day:ear lier than the Soper Phosphates. • It is the policy and purls tse of the Company to fornish the best fertilizer that enterprise and capital, aided by the best sehintilfe abili ty, can bring into Market, at the lowest poura ble cost to consenter, JOHN S REESE & CO., GKNEZAI. AOHNTO YOU TOM COMPANY. 71 South street, Baltimore.' For sale S HADdIIFFON, Get-' I* J f a b l ' ylt., 1664, tamp Executors' Notice. k4 - IMAM ITARI3OLT'S ESTATE.—Letters testamentury_ on the estate of Michael rbolt, lute of Lattniore ttrp., Adams county, deeeimed, having been granted to the under signed, the drat nom residing in Washing ton township, York county, and the that named In LatililOre township, Adams-county, they hereby give notiee to all persons In debted to said estate to make Immediate pay ment, and those Laving claims against the same to present them property authenticated for settlement-. HENRY HARROLT, DANIEL W. HARBOLT, Aug.?, ElMttors. - ea atone Veda. (11-10tHIE: YOISE.T..EiriTATIF...—Letters of ad int nisttation on the estate of Cleary Yoke, latent Hamilton township, etAscd, having tweet granted to the undersign ed, residing in the same township, he bereby gives natio., to those indebted tesaldestnite make immediate payment and those having elohns against the mine to present them pro petty authenticated for settlement. DAft2EL BAKER, July 24, ISHt. 01* AdMinistrator. Executor's Notice TosEva ' SNEEIIINGER'S ESTATE.—Let ten testamentary on the estate of Joseph tineerhver. _lsle of Om:towage townenlp, Ad ams no., deceaed, having bean granted to Ute ondenitgned, residing ut the warns town- nblp, he hereby give. notice to all, pertune In debted to mild estate to make immeaste payment. and these haring claims against the same to onstent theta properly inother4l - for settlement. SAMVRL Cl. E1NP.1.117140M Aug. 7. INS. 6t raison:9r. Liodhistnitrix's Notioe. A D At c r =w on hWwftA or iweenfe of fitrotian township, Mime ea, =Z, having been granted to the ender eal/ins In the same township, she iiereby given AolOse to on potent* 10051404 XL ergots lo soaks isunswinsto popment, thoee,hileiniffnottne :the maul° t them properlz u au DA. so= for art, meat. Jury 24, /931, 6t A 41+111. E= HOWE MACHINE ! THE LATEST 1111.110VED AND (iENt'INE *1.1.-13 ; SE WING IGICIIINEs. on hand and gold at JACOLIS .k. Imo's. BTOILI. li= Orders wul be promptly attended to. Ma Wines dellrereit ty all puts ur We county. /11V - The public aria cautioned nealit,t port lea who u* the name of lIOWE lu count otion with their ntschluel on anemia or too popu larity of tip Um. ellachlties. : There are none UkKliflilftlfrk4lll thv) itaVO - hialwihied in earl' mat blue a medallion having the tttd ue.a of ELIAS 110WE,' Jr., on lt,4e- 1s ?1,:s111Ayr1111 ... k only Agents for Adams igmut3, Pn Aug. 7, I. tf - Ptit t ß '64 SUN,' 1:1=1:13 GROCERIES, XOTIOXS, Teal ACCOS, &C. nit• .( • . 'Tlro4fc'n Wlltotv Mire. , . A General . luiFtment of ill Ciotti antaLly kept In a FIYEST-L.Vlt5 TAM iLY CTIIOrtItY. Jan. 10: ra. tr CUNNINGHAM ALWAYS AHEAD =I CHE.:IP CLOTHING AND . GENTLEMEN'S FUENISHING UGOGS, al hie &ore, on DALTIXORE stworr, ORTTYIII3C/144 PA. The public are reripirtrallyteltited to ran and o :amine hie laxk a, a we,ll aelectc,l aloe): or Cioodo before pubetrwrltut elbewhere. COME ONE. COME ALL, rind treat youraelf to u good null of Clothing. snip 3r, 1S S. tf REAL ESTATE AGENCY. I have opened an agency fur the Sale of Real Estate, In conndetlon With 1* laW buginenn In (let t:ysburg; and Will Elie pe"onal attention EMI EXAILISATION qS TATLI*COIS VEXA.Z.a)- I=3l Parties wishing to sell, or bud lamb., miry find ft la thetreutvahtage to call. fteveral Farms and Woodland In the neighborhood of Glettyfiburg—ittno, pro- = I= Attorney at Law Gettysburg, July 17, 1868, 11 FURNITURE. 'd D. C. SH.F 4 AV.FER, pETErteliviipp, (Y. f Is prepared to offer to 'hie Public anything In his Ilse as cheap as can be had In the cod ntry iiirPoniumr*.will do well to aellsnA ovna Sue our stock before buying eLsewhere FURNITURE mode to order, Repotting Mme neatly, elleap• ly, and with dispatch. lE= RE-BUILT ! Confectionery and Ice Cream Saloon JOHN GRI.TEL, Cliambersburg Stied, Gettysburg, Pa next door to ragie trotol , , h avi nieont Meted h fa new toolldtna, hoe open ed the *rims; futprfnteirt of Cotifeettorm vet offered I n Obtrydbarg; including FRENCH AND COMMON CANDIFP, Tors, Nictif, en - en - thing belonging to nest-clam Oonfectlorlery, with speetatl oc commoSatfone foriLealles s9S thiullemen. iPM);:g4t ItILXI.I ti supplied. on 'shortest refit' tee. Fub:ll, 1868. cr THE 4' CROWNING ECM, Mrs. S. .4..411en's „. „ ;.; ; HAIR RESTORER coivortrrE' HAIR- D.B 2,6.91..M0 N e w ' &Oki irlaqulckly reatore any Bair to Us natural e,,toi' growth. It la perfectly harmless. and la pre- ferred over evcWoofallan 3w/omelet by three I I who have a flue head of hair, as well as Alone 191 illatkAentore)* : . beattal glom, and perfume Imparted to the Hair make it desirable for old and young. For &debt all Dritutiiti, Depot, 198 Greenwich Street, New York PRICE ONE IXYLLAR. Feb. Witt IT Robert. D. Armor, OAB FITTER, PLUM BER AND BELL HANGR, Aug mum , kr, hatf . s. square from the Cburt- I T k , PA ~ !'EL _promptly attend to all ordersorders kis J. Work done In the mad tattle- Manner, and at prime as low as can possibly be 'afforded to make a living. GAS PIPS famished, as Weil as Chande liers, Braekete, Mop Lightly ate.; aim WA VM. P/Plia , == jrom Spisota,elati, in short, • mum gas or eater listorM:o B•ila I Wolk dc•tioti. Dev,,- . - = REMOVAL! MITE tlrin of snrrn a 3r,c.In.TNEY mmuVell. to North Baltimore street.tiear the Diamond. east Ado, the. room formerly °outlined by rhtvld Kltrmllier. Wu town tot hued a choice assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, alla er,l JE TrE L of all kind. and late ,t Nlh er an 1 Nal esl Ware: also nm• Qold, Nth er not '14,1 -BPECTACLES, of the host mailufticture. Also, V lo linl larn,Aeculdeuttn, Fiut , o, Se, Violin 111114.1 Cita ILar heri. AU Al oula pf .th.patrl nuts our lwr &nit at ea res. . . litotatLY rq.o 111FICIV, Mitt vuurritufer.l. Thank Jul 1. , r paNt las ors, Wu solicit liattuile.., of tile n.a.tov. SOl'Llt t JIet'A.E.TNEV. • . June 19. tt LUMBER YARD ):E2) pilAruell:":4l‘itynVorllll‘-no";:l""velui.rdaolt= ton arrest and the Itoilroad, but arty yards !rota his old /oration, where he will ito glad to have nil sant ol I,unther to rail. 111. AMrk to larger thaneer before, and constant Additions are being hinds to It. He has WHITE PINE PLANK, INCTI AND ILtLF INCH /I.OA Rl*, VIA K/ItING SCANT• LING, PALINGS, 410., 11+1%, 410., all of whirh will he doh% at the lowest 11r• lug rates. call and 3ialge for yinirseh Lumber id good and cannot fall to give aAtls htctloa. 5 112(111 c /I FADS. Air A large lot of RIVER PINY. !Jilin:MEM forwtle very ehear. Celt) NtllX, May 29, Iftf, tf New Boot and Shoe Store. BRO., GE7'TYSIIUIti7, PA., YORK STREET, OPPOSITE THE BANK Sign of the fig Boot THE undersignedhave opened II new Famt and Shoe Moro, on York Ml reef, Get **MI rg, In the room ive,mtly occupied he Soper & MeOtrtnoy, and have Jost receiver( iron, the city a large assortment of BOOTS f Y. SHOES, for Gontlemon'o. 14ollete a n d 0844111.11,1' Wear, otauggling of CALF AND KW ROODS, CONGILKS ei BALMORAL OAITERS, idLlPPLitrf, We !Aso .M.VJirF.VTURE TU on.DEr., a I It OWN nf SIBIES-11,0 n o ,k lif.l,g 111.11a0 up of le4o moterktbr and Its .4-t inn erkoeu. The xfulot'pertuvr hoe hum lu the busPriefit JOT 05 at 1J, nail lexnou• htly tookrlnlerklE, all awl; mode up. We forpeet idly in Ite ttit. al:with/1A the itttl, Ile 10 mil q•J.It-ltitut, and hop. 1,) , N 16,1. 1,1 Lobillk—, motl utt 111,4, at lea, hi tat.ll prin., to Os t• Rat 11 \ I K ITZ.) • J Oil .1. K111,1111.1.L3t. JLille 2G, 1 ,, G4, If BOOTS AND SHOES. = TII E nhrue.l haA el telOti fl new lAIIII- Ina, for a llout 1111 ti Oa Carlisle street, near the Ilailruad btatAun, In (Jett yelnkrii, where he 110 W idiots fur wkle, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slipiors, fur men, women and ldhlren, ht 2, hw tutu prices. lie In. IL tine. assort !neut. to nicer from, and Will sell t • ery w tit le at the sniallest prodtx. WORK Tit ORDER, of the hest ma terials and workmanship. Every effort made to render sat isfitetion. The patronage of the itathile Is solicited., Call in, and gelert from tilt stock or 'pale your unie.ttre. In either ease you cannot full to he, pit used. 30R1 M. REILLINU, July 3, !RR, /37. GI_LLESPIE & CO.,- _Dealers in, Flour, Groceries., Xotieins, OETTYI4I3UAG, PA., • . VITI: o oltoutkm of the publ le to their large atoek of bloods, nt the bid atom% on ortistrect., tiettyagtrg,,ert door to the 016 be Inn, constatlog . ot thy beat of • .0110ftRIPAI • fkigans, Sy,Tiop, 116Amieniii:Xgeeq, Tow, tiptoes. bait, te.; Ole BEST BEAM* OF FIAULI Is the netrket,tritli Roam, Shoulders, Sides, Flub, Dried !VASA, Coutectious, to. Moo. NOTIONS, In great variety: Cedar and WllloarAvare, (*.lle and enyvicery-ware, linaketa, Segara, Tobacco., and a, thounand and one other articles. BUTTER AND EGGS, nice and free}, always for sale. 011iesyde h Co. 3111 smre no alfort to pletute, and are couddent ea being stile to do so Wy, , constantly keeping a full and °bake stock, and selling at the very lowest profit.. WIJN TRY. PRA)IJULII wanted, either ter the mils or In exchange for goods, lOwhest market price JOSEPH B. GII.LESPIE, 4\l EL CASHMAN. June 19, 1898. tf ardle.!ff CRiVBX PLANING MILL riga E undersigned has establibited a PLAN- A- 11411 MILL, On Marsh creek, four miles from (Jettysburg, at which he will manullsc tuna DOORS AND DOOR FRAIIER. WINDOW RANH AND FRAMER FLoortoici, wEATilhatuunithiso Chair and Wash Boatdn, w Itt, everythhin rive niasla at such a factory. and noodet.l In the building 1111 e. The best ot lumber will always used, all thorouchly drlt d. n kiln having put up fur the porpre.e. °Mere aollelted, and promptly atlended to. YMsAs N lott , as the lowest, and every ef fort made tOsorwatnalate 41onlvra. • - JOHN L. I.FOILTTZ. -May 119,41idn. ly 'Mr DITENT , Il l fßic•T-V (oltur.y.t TIO.V BUTTON-HOLE, OVERSEAMINO AND SEWING MACHINE is wfirrfinted to eserule In the beet manner every variety of Sewing, Hemming, Felling, Cording. Tucking, Rrn,dl ng, tiat t [tering, quilt.. log, o‘erseaming, Embroidering on the edge, and In addition Itut/TOS beautiful Button and Eyelet Roles In all fabrics. IT /TAB NO EQUAL. 13,12291t1- ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY AT A CHINE TIT TICE WORLD, AND,INTRLESIDALLY THE CBI:APE:HT, Ptir if is Mw Allichfises cranimLl in no< by a sim ple and betraft(Ad ructAansenl arrangement, Eirtarlara With full particulars and samples of work dnue on tills histehlue. tan be Office Of he tt Arlt l F S e t iat's Confer , . liallerY at 101.1 y Store. mats ... St. Getty iilmEg, Pa. D. W. ROBISON, Agent. liatlnee warranted ono your, and tostructiona yen gratuitously to all passim arra. May 29, ]6M. If Penneylvania Elastic Sponge Co., lin CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC_ SPONGE, A SIIAT/TUTE 1 . 04 CURLED HAIR PUII Al 4. UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES. 1.0 climPilawrithaT 4.O'D FAR rmArnittfi OR HAIR, 44UPEILIOR. The Lightest. Suttees emil moat Einstie and Bumble nisteeitel knen•n for MATTROSSES, PILLOWI4 EAR, CARRIAGE AND CRAM CHAIIIoNtI. • MR4SZtMO2=I . . IT LOEB NOT PACK AT ALIA, Is always free from L PerfeetlY healthy, and for the sick is unequalled. Ir soiled lu any gay, can be r..novaled quicker and easier than any other lal atieutiontil T ral& Es b lltaind man Gl ate copeclally'lls A lted to amine the Cashion Sponge. kIATISFACTION GUARANTEED. The Tra wpulied. lone 35, DM, Or JAM.—Glass and Stone Jara, for putting up tomatoes, traits, dz., at • - OILLEFIFIRd. CO'S, r ADM; wantlng a good urarle of Perfum• ery, fancy 'Soap. or lialr gradirs, eau be rpdilett at 3. t. EACMMR. oto DT.TPRONN HOFF'S: Los' G yoter Dry Goods. Notimv, Qnotionrare, hr.. on the northwt-Itt Cortu rn for Diarooto.l. Uotty.burig, Ps.. Mit RAM, Drat uality, reailuAlablq J. Nice, sen. be bad at gALBILEISCEIV, 7r4' 11,1elt l'ilfr , SlN - -I'rrinthi.l , .. E'etL tuvrar - Unprocqd t iit4kl vitodi taw 112=1 SOAP. ' Tha. ark.bitanz t.a ol 110 , SOLW, 1.11.41 11144,4•101 AS. Na IN•IN041 why 1111:10101 . 11'11Ni 1$ u ill ti. %i1 . ..1it it. Its rte 1114 uuvut4Uonu art , perreet PaNy, litter Itartiatenandos "and onderfut Lalrlenry. Warranted to contain v.vidilttg puWer to thO dadlitee Worth than any other soap In the market—therefore the Cheapen*. Tr) IL fait !sh o t hot Ntiltrlill• It lA, Ili tired ni word I nu to all revtlonaj or eJ Intoquokik44 tri!: etneer 11. r it. ?tizkiiUt nittrytt ultly 1.!. /la.( h LEE t M IL 1,, olt.Esus so u wonks.) No. 448 YorkA.r., Old York Road, Phila. July :11. Aml NEW GOODS. Cheaper than Ever. --n REBERT ELLIOTT, Opposite the CIrM-Awsr, VeUysbnry, H A . .;: x.n t zlo rpe„,AL R nu-w and la r ngo SPRING & SUMMER GOODS OP ALI, It'l.VIA IN, CAS/4174E111.1H, TWEPTR, RI 1404, 11 , 1aucus, LAWNR, PRI NTR, FR, • ' .11U5LESII, *C. to which they loth. allonllob--betni (Wets ottneal to Nell of uie knvEkat cosh Meek April to, lotOt. tY lIIII3KR'S DRUG STORE, nry' a old Set:ld—Po Ninon; S err( 1 , owrrisi3uß(4, PA. , r 111 all I - :1 1" 11 1: 011 , 10, lc, rtl ' lOr a " livllia. " %itmeiti, , ix:::l4l.ll l tlg In lnul of 1)Itl!,,r, A NI , FAMILY 511'1111'1Ni:14: PATENT :kiii.Dicl:CES—.l I.‘litlE-A13141)1E1 . • SI 1! NT. PUILE ElLtl'olo3 ANU FlirCsrtnl- SPlrr.s A NI/ FEA VoklINIl EX TRAITS, 1/1 t,4 .\NU DIE /ITU} 1 :4-11UW ,4, AN It TILE 1/1140—T11g (111.)APPIrr .k.:115 - Tllll utNT IN Till.: MAItICIT. All, 1114 NEV AN I/ 14 I,Eci ANT 11;lt -1,1•51F14 AND Toil.l:r (orA ;ATI. s, trip I VIII llt SVITICIt/II $1).515.4, II IR 1111.1•4111• Is fll,lll r,•1114, PuItNFN 11(YR41.11.011151:11. THE 111,-9 . AN II e I I);.1P3•`1T; A 114/, roirrz.N, 111:1,1;4. Itsl AN. ' , TUN 1.111Lk• KI. 11$ A s: I/ Itcllll. E 14% fiTAI luN FEY 1)1 , SINUS. (1(1A ItS, TOISAI 1:u AND SNUFF—THE 131..mT 1114 tNIYt PLIY4ICEINS* .tN/'nFAM !LY III:41:11•154 I'All5l. V ELY I'oll - N'S AN!) CO.UNTILY 54E11111- A NTS SLIPPI,II,E) AT ItFIDUCEIIILATk.SSI. Metlletet. Curnhtheil AT AI.I. NORM OD THIS 2s 10111%. Night bell ut the dooe. A pril 3, 1865. tt EMI HARDWARE STORE, Li .'I'IL.E. r 0 The undersigned have opened an ezlen. alve Ilanlaare Store In Llttiestown, Adanh, county, Pa., and having puretraesl thee block from F.:NI/urn lianunartursna, art, pre. gored - to sell goals In their line at the LOW IMP cash Their asaortment Is large as well an new, and emhraues ahoy nn only enumerate part In en advertisement) tha fol lowing IRON, STEEL, Rictiding Materials, NAILS, Carpenter Tools. PAINTS, Miners' Supplies, OILS, Shoemakers' Findings GLASS, Saddlery Findings, SCYTHES, Coach 4 Car Materials, FORKS, Red Sole Leather, SPADES, Moroordo, tke., KERATIN, Cedarw•are, do. 110 ES, With a full new stock, bought at the moat advantageous rates, a e Invite the public, town and eon utr)—to call and he Netted. We are oonthient of pleasing, both as to goods and prima-Met:haulm, fartnei a, and all about to build, are sp.elally urged to comer They can do better ulna us than at any other store iu the county &MORE( & RHEELY, LlMlestawa. May 29. 181.1 d. ly DR. JAMES CRESS, DRUGGIST, FsTORE IN BRADT'S BUILDING. ILILTDIDILS 87., LITTLESTOWN.'.• 'ET AVING opened a New D/1410 , noun. 1.1 end tiLtuti it up in UM beet sty e _, / offer ni) stock of pure and fresh to Mac citizens of Littlestoun uud vicinity at tise lox est nutrkt L ndAvf, consist ion in part of DILEFOS AND FAMILY MEDICINES, PURE Liqucnl-5 FOTL MEDICI NA LPURPO RES, PATENT 111-11)1C1 N ES, I= Pure Spices, Dye. and Drug Stollsl, Perfoub cry, Toilet moups and Funey Articks. A - 11111 as of tironhes, Stationery of kinds, Cigars, 'Palmeri and strintr. S - 4-.2loore's Eleetro-hingnetle Soap will wash with hard or soft water, cold or warm. Clothes wns.tied with this soap are innate beautifully white w ithout boiling or bluein. This is the best Soap in use . Try g It id warranted not to injure-the hands or fabric, JA 11 Eld CILEIsm Littlestown, May LS, 1888. ly THE LATEST STYLES OF SPRING a firllAMlt Hats, Uapa, Boots and Shoes, JwiL recelVad by ROBERT C. COBEAN, C7tanibersburg St, First eVuesre CiETTYI3BURG, PA., Where-the puldle ewn find a large and varied aesortwont; which he is selling cheep. He also IMLIIIOII4 tures and repairs HARNESS OF ALL HINDS, promptly and on reasonable tar Ma. Bridles, Halters, Wlnps, Trunks, Valises, Tulniseo, Cigar., and a airmt variety of Notlerna. 6lye ma a call. (May I, INS, 1f Administrator's AMES WI L.SONSI E.131 - 4.l"B.—Letters °red o hitelstrutlon oulhe astute of ffo4.hstesWl.l. roe, late of the Besailphet gettishltrat, .°nUtY• drowsed. Selehh3 bees granted to the andante - nod, residing In the saw plate, ha hereby given notice to all penuche 10. debted to meld estate toirtake Inuuediste Pa; meet, anti those hewing chests t o e s wane to present them properly su a Mattalted for settlement. ISAAC ROBINSON, .lely 31, IRS. Sle Adrolnlstrntor. ----- Administrators' Notice.' T Evi ESTATE.—Letters of ed. Li ministration on the estate of Levl Irvin, late or Franklin township, deeeiused, having been granted to the realdinif in the same townshlr, they hereby give notice to ali pemona Indelimd to said- estate to make -immediate poi me u t, and tboae having claims agai nt n icated for sest the same to present them properly au thettlement. TAMES IRVIN WILLIAM nohN, Aar. 1i , 1866. et, AdMitilatraturs. TURKEY QUILLS WANTED. • , ILL pup Fifty CRIIIIII per noon fur Make, lr gunk, or the %Mo.! rile whit Thllen uoturolly from me , svnui4 of tlanAln lieyv, The odvurilier rail tall tin. 41 1 1.110 0 e between those nhleb Irmo lullen ad wliM PILSII. h have been - in:UW(lmm Aytiv,L 11011,0 Leave them at the =OO AP* -Air TILE.G 14;AT Cotw\\;tyt► Pliosphatf I=ll C. N: 7.' /,'.110.1; .11. D., LLSTLIWN, 7tIIIF. C.4t0 , ,1114.1 I'limplmtn In Jest .. $14111.1 al tin. hr. 11.1 111 .7 liter lean Fill Nut rmidy prole.!11•141;PSZNI )1% tool um pie verillit%tvaloll)lll...l - "1" 141 t"" ." I:1' 146 ° 11 4 0 1 0 111. rtS - tanw... 4).1 , 11110 111,11,13,11 or 111111 t, II n 1,1152111 v foul itoll.ollf 1411141 lor h. Voilisf.iti Hednn 1424110 NIU11.1: I. ksa • l>.t. / ITNI I:14 1.4 1,(1 V'xj, IT I'N '1 • lf rifiNT 114 , 4 l ii itor. 11 , 11 2‘..r..e.1 Ifllllll.llo 4,0 *lll, its it', ..? 111, lerl Illa 1. ht. {he lunrket cln,atul/clivi , 10011 nlier 604{14..0111ft el 6 11 In i.ol.lltion 1 144111 [wan, neting It. rol It I,llllollk y/1.01111 1(.1.1111113, 141 11,i , .1,11, and e 1111111 lit arnlowr year I. pritry. 11,11111 cu 111 CI) I 10;1 t" ' 4 1; ' ,. 6 ( 11 A[1 ' 111!1,1 4 a 41 ."" .1A 4 :0 4) ,...phnt0 mtitral.y. ['rm. 1- 1 140 0/ .\ 111loollik 01441 1 . 1.A.1..14..1 if In Id. 11111,11 sAt•if I 1111 clernetltot to in hh , fo4KI. 1111.,r 4.ltlter emu? dirt:ills . 11,10 111,, plat.) of preparrl n11(1111(41 In the not! In .1. 1.41. rho Imre of Ihr et.flowago 1'1104.f.14.1/r 1.1 l'U HAW BON 1111411110411 , ,, ,, ly dl..rred withma Ilse of any 1011,11 n, Otte or the greed telettntogie of the Onto %rage l'hthhtihtte Ix Moot lho suna In the soil untl lint the eljlee free to Iro uhanethel bt the It rverilig plant, lehleh In very Itupot lout Ingretltettlt In giving firmness and Ntrength In the ~talk nod grnltt, 11 coil levee./ the jolting mei leaving ql or up. that are forced up by a Wet 411,1 warm and will *really eneilltate the elliumtny of fAe pram tont seeern it owtin.l4 Me rash - Agettelett nee being esthhtlelted throughout the athintt7 where% er ten Insets gio net .rc,,t,t to 0.4, It Ineltle the Is it In'theettuntry. lest all tin larinent plaiitxrs laul.t. op lr Illat tiny will try thv tint at. I..liimplknlc till., 1011. I'l kv tiny 1101Ittts twt. -1110100 N AIAI , S, • • Proprltt.l. Ttn I'mlowitk•t ‘er* 111 0 % WWI tbnniagftly dlxlist.utatal, 1114.11(W1 It roil% lit OWN tin. u 1( IntlXea rtlttr, retxoly wilt, tko Iwll. Ml Ofrlllvi or 1:119% llllTailLigvtif Paul (Cl tills ta. tlll4 , 12, lnaq. it J. NI. MINNIGIL Diamond Confectiooon , nery and lee Cream Sal n ALTINSORE t Pet , twoAloorn above (VII tor Jr.) Squitn , , lit.M.imrg. Po. ilLoviog from the rlll w WI o rt..* td thiro , r7, I will son stry lowvot ro• ['INCH * COMMON CANDIEB, Orangeg, Lemons, Toyi, ;tats, Islottens, ge.; limb seer, I ttlng belonging ton Orstotlium Iktn retloner3; t'.llvEri MEAD ABU I 'i.. E( II E A M .❑1,1,11 , 11 toil .11,orl notice May IA MI. If ,STOCI OF NPR/.PO kiIiAINAII (11101 , 8 AT NVAI', MIAMI J,, I.A. Our .i/of teh Slllllll I, VII. a. 9it it* ot till` S.I/}. WI 111,1.. 11, Itt our I'lia,tll. I, II hirer I•• 1.1111 /IZI4. 1 . .1 .11 Irr j,.. IL P. 11.11, .11,1'111, Oi II .a If, • ll4 lot I itaky, INretn, 4.ltlll'n, 11 , ire, (1i11141.1.0.., MI., SI .1 511041., lieu' / 1/ /// iti./ 11111111 I/11, I, Ail .1, in , . 1.0u,g... 4 L 111 ktoNvell 1.1141/1. I.lloll', ,:111, 1 114 lIIUI 11t, ITII Wok , it 111 your Itili 111 "1 u•, 1.. i i~ il~l rt~yy ~•1 t 4~~hly Xll nll~•rl 1~••II W.I'~~IIIP MlllWttt uunnr Wl‘i rre I hill I 111111) 1,1%a W, t I i It. J. it/.unlit tt. Mily 8., IVY( fah • WATCHES! WATCHES: ; T EH' Writ( r1.1H1.! I .1 is Inrgely engaged In the \rt. ich 111 , 8 lust return. ,1 in,ni New York will, onouil) “Ut 14(411v, yy.ri went.. lie tuck, bartnrinn nn eltunnt MlOl to be Seelptnliii. In bUyers. 111116toek et. tautest a Urge lot . 1 Fho CHLEBEIATtaI ../tItITERILIAN WATCIIIA,” GOLD AND NtILVER, vic .1". R. Tfardat," Eliery," and "Appl. ten* Traay;'• with Watches of almewt :all other matte If you want CHEAP and 0001/Watch, canon TIMIS HT1101;ti El, At hie obi Stand, Carlisle *twee, nearly °mantra the Depot, riettysnurg. J. ga - fle continued the Orticety, Nottnn mul lluntriationery thralneaa, oa heretofore. Jana 24,71117. tt AWES & 'CARRIAAES. ItEMOVAL rpm: undendgned has removed his Curl. age-making alien to the east end of /diddle 'street GOO nburg. I u. Where4u, w_l/1 .ntluue to build all kinds of wink In h la line, via r 13=1 SlN4oll,>i, .IAGUEN WAGONS, *.(2„ hl Ho, Pork Oil all put up or Rood material Rod by the Milt 01 and MAMA tall to Rive natiiiffiellon. Hlt prime, Are filititysi renconable. He Aolleata orders, confident that lie ran Mime. lIKPA I ItlMi promptly done, lit moder ate mice. I= June 14W. ly ADAMS COUNTY AITYTTrAL "TEE I.NtlernANoll CCIIIPA Iwcolltionsgib,Ucir PI, 1851. orttrintilL Nesithlikt—Arvago eiwee* Vice Prwadertt—gleftuel U. Rumen. steereturg—Tl. A. Buehler. • Treasurer—E. U. Faltatutogk. 'FA eeutlse committee—ltabggt, Ydbrdy, A. A. Picking. Elan. A. Buehler. litigeOtr ielbrrsl mashidu P. aremB. }t. t ib roglOek. A. 'Munster, It. U. Mc- Crea ~ trattaburgr Jacob Xing, iltraban 1011. CP: Vreoertek Praaklla_t Wm. p. algae., New ()shod; Wm. B. Wilson, Iteudentv.llet A. Pteking, Stratton: John Warortl. Lattimore; Juba Pickleg, hleet Ser lie, Wright roust - Ihniele . Atodiel P. tilt{, New Ittattwitt a: 4ll %n= • 411161 / - ; John Caen Ighlow, um • John I terser, Moon tjor: Wird. Roar Whi Se, L i berty. Car This Cutopuny Unlitod to its upon- Mm to the venally of Adams. It alai bean In oAeration for morn Ulan 17 years, and In {hot period hn» tootle but one aaavanuneut. hoving until toimaa by AN during that pert.' tot eel...lams n. s row. Any peraon ds Orton to. 1,3 r oleo can apply to alter oaf Site kenti , lin en I. .0. Ito. uler. iietty Nburg. R. 11. truhneatoek, Jxkub Leto{,l-11411111LII WWuWtI .. • It. A. 11/ Frederion Uielli, l'notatin I% la. Itosx White, Liberty 11. Peters, Petersburg, IY. 51.) gh-Tbe Eat ain% a lfomml mutts at {ho ugh, of the Coniontiy, on the Islet. Wednes day In et Bryn tll, o V. Suite n), p.a.,. tr t!1001( ACIENTS WAitTED ro solicit cadent for Dr. Wit. XIIITIVS DU} TtuNwlty OF' riic 1111.11,41. TUX ONLY- X 111.11.14 . 11.14 XllBLblillco Ile AtliYtba. COXDXIIIIIID Dz. !Sentra own/11XL.. /at nu. barge Octavo tolume, tlitadrated With over 113 steel and woud engravings, Agt ute and suitors see that you get the pi-maw elk:tweet, De. Meta. Tft barowelea 14evutdicas nee 5, this ed I Lion published It)' ileterg, bun Q to., le the genu ine thing, The Cletgreputfonatd saje er wisher to get. In the ,besptet Surto, the best Dation ely of the Bible, sliutilal buy MIL Agents, aro meeting with unparalleled 'me tes, We employ DD timer,* dtfeeLi, and Offer extra Ind uceMente to Caw. asa , .. — Agents will eied Lila ItaIVIIIIIngO of datillnit doectlY With the puIiLIJILIP3 de scriptive elreulars with full partlenlara and tempi, athlete. the publishers, J. BURP. dr CO., riartford, cono. May 29, 1t.61. 4111 A Lettere to Young Men. TURT published, in a, ,oEl , ,velope, Trice etents. A Lecture ou ``ho Nature s • Treatment, and /tadkial (Wry or Seminal Weeknew, or Stoetwiatorrtwea 6 l*.'l =by sou-muse: invotlstarZliper my, riers wits Llotr e mitts to Marriage exwit ; Tpilopsy. and 'Fite ; land , Pithil In. - t ,L4 Y E As' reeti - itiorr L V " ll‘ ele. The world-renowned Aut,beT, In tilt' Anat. ble foetus., olettly Orates, OWN ithlwoneme poriente, ttott Ibit wt trAiritqwetteet utast& Abuse nuts be s ritosival talbent medicine, and thotit stutkal operatiotis, boogies, itußs• slap, pe, am/ latz—pwint taw out A• Lags{at nuts rtskin and sttuttit by tretttitY soirstet. no wetter w Alt A si Xa may my, cure binedn/ thee and radWiM , Tole Leetuta lr jwenrwatotto to Um*: ands and th „ Sent, • *tier , ft t Oman tortelope, la any whitest, on letelpt of 6 swath _or two postaristaliti toy iddretsing 1166 Alto, JAL CULVELI,WE,U.7I "Mortise* Guide," price 26 ant& Address Mai& 10. MUM t 00, 127 Bowery, N . Sin, ew York, Taal Moe Bow COL July Si, Mi hunt(ymau Tanner-Wantod. the no TelM= 6, , Oanhtowo. To n good .oflusan - plod meat aml dkamaitiven. jdp 13 or tldrrr, not 044tiorgiP. raltiftiaa luta! Inado at 3 El