'p iinsburg F - 1111)Ar , .IUII. s , iszN 70CRATIC NATIONAL TICKET. He u. lloratio Seymour, =I 17‘E-P121:511.01'.1 Gun, F. P. Blair. Jr., INIIIIIMBIIII DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. CiENERAL, Hon, Charles E, Buie, Fayette co SL It \ 1:Y011 ur:si:nAi ;en. Wellington H. Ent, Columbia Co. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. ruN,auvis, Io.N. K. M. 1: IMMELL, of Frunklin manly. C32E3 I. DUNCAN, Eq., of Franklin co. 10=CM Bt. A. B. DILL, of Petersburg, (York Springs., PRoTIIONOTARY. Atlll ;Rs, 1.1Aq., of Mountpleagtalt I=l JOhlt3'll J, li.U11:4„ of EARL Berlin =I=M=I VII. f, f tNt A. DUNCAN. 1....1..0r LiOttYoo4,4 13=1 0 , 1,' , U4Rf V:IS, 14q., or Mount Joy tsvp I.lltl I'l,M or rill: 101,11, I .N.I 111 IN 11:1)01t.FT, 01 Franl.ll_o lwp (0114:TY AVI.ITlilt, tvr 11. (I. lIRAfFY, of `4trutntit towtinhip. ('OUYTY iirRVI . YO ; 11. X 1.1,1,1.1 t, 01 onmvogo twit. C tNDIDATE FOR NF. lATOR The Democratic Senatorial Con el-yes of this district met at ()mayo. yrg Skings on Monday, and, utter wenty raid bultots, nominated Cal vin - 11. Duncan, of Frankliwrounty though the session ,was a protracted - therti WllB no Ill•feeling—and when decision was - reached, all cordially ' ,aned in the determination to give the now ore the largest majority posAble. Whilst recognizing the merit and billy of Ile AluDivit, the Conferees th,mglit it proper to giro Mr. Duncan tn.,ther opportunity to go before the twople of the district, in outer tints to lelailte the ,wrong perpetrated upon ;Idol by Mereuangliy and the equally unprinclplll Radicals of the Senate three yeamago. It now betamtes the duty of every Democratic and Col ft, voter In Adams and Franklin to prepare for a rigorous Crib V 1 1 ,0;, and rescue these counties from longer iniarepresentatitm D iu the Hennte of the stale. it ran 60 rinne. LET IT If E.L2. nor E! CONGILEKSIONAL NOMINATION, dewateh,from Bedford, received last evening. 'announces the nomina k/on of Hon. FraMlis Kimmel), of ichamberriburg, as the Democratic can , klidate Mr Congress in this district. Ceama cliallengil him to the I , !timp rf ne thire':: lie will find Judge a t.,0‘,.1 heavy "team," a ith i ery "crovs dog Wider the wagon." I TIVS.7IIO/I(TAN 4. ELECTION Last year Montana elected James 4 .11. Cavanaugh, Democrat, to Com 1 gres,s., by a majority of 1,106. This 'year 'the Democratic majority in ,the ' 'rerrltory is about 2,50()—a clear, Dem 4ocratic gain Of about 1,400 in a single year. This marked and"empbatic .change is attributed Afloat' wholly to 41 1 -h e fact that many Republicans, be /coming disgusted with the excesses of their party leaders, have forsaken that organization and given their votes and influence to the cause of the De mocracy. IDAHO ALSO DEMOCRATIC! All the Territories to say nothing lot the States—in which elections have 1 . recently been held, have declared em phatically mtairist Grant and Colfax, and for Seymour and Blair. Idaho, 1 the 'iltost recent, has elected Judge hactlbr, the Democratic candidate, I to Congree., by a mnjerlty of from our hundred to six hundred. The people are demanding n MUNCIE—aid win have It. I= The New York lirratd, Villa, six ;weeks ago, piedieteil the election of - 'Grant and Colfax, now takes that o bark, and declares that Seymour and :Blair will sweep the country. The u ti ninety thousand Democratio majority ■ in Kentucky has brought the Armed a to its softiies. EI:=11=1 The Democratic party, be It under-- C. stood, is -not on the defence In this campaign. We are the attacking pur -1 ty, We meau to drive the enemy - from pillar to post, from post to the Er last ditch, and above all, we mean to lE drive them from the Treasury, *Which it they are plundering. In such a cam paign we have no time to stop and tO bandy words, or to reply to epithets. Concession is everything, and at the start let to concede that Deineerata are "eopperbeads," "rebels," "traitors," "disloil," anything that ) they may be called, and that Radicalism l 9 every thing itclaima to be, "loll," "moral," andsoon. Only "loilty" and "moral ideas". are too expensive luxuries; tney cost too much money ; the coun try_ einiiot afford them ; "copperhead- Lim" is cheaper, and will leave a mar gin for food,. Coal, clothes, house-rent, shoes - for ttleattdieti, and ether things whlett are as i.ssential as "loilty," si t ieviSst Itsti money'. This cam miliii.l4:o4,l* of - times, , sfstes, and biitskkidiit 'bake, 4 xlioral Ideas." • :- inv Offer n I(4W dna hint' 'Endo give :YeizOot an 4 insii 0461*0* 'or t nd no tikes. THE GETTYSBURG COMPILER, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1868. RA DICAI. EXTRAVAGANCE. The attempts of the Radios] weal; to ecreen their party from the ;`Barge of eNtl:l V11:43 n el. and Wllll4lO are vain, and the fame, n her •ver power has been in their hand-. li nth to the wan eget-nen( of t he n'trir. of the nation and of Stlte., their authority, in every de letrtnntint, is marked' by the moat ri-tom , hing inere.t-e of e pe eB. T. 11.6 II in IIou•r of Itepiesetitattyet, at NVit.lLlngton n. 4 an example, tia ex iti Rol 3it the annexed tatilo,- - Anade up from official records: manitnent ertenving ftvnevi.t. Repo st•htttlivr, 10.1 u.,• so •t , i' , /-1- 1111.1111. - .1 , ., 141 , 1199. Illy, 1b Mid INA, "/ t 30, P 4/, .1.1,1,d/N) (M) I..ar " .910,,t4 EIEM EWE ~ , l t str " '• I , cot, 71, 5 t555 OU ,Id.litloned onlreilsallott, L , • 111111,00)W ^.............,---.-.. BM The ratio of Increase here is unpre• cedented ; and when we look luto the Item., there Is no explanation to be mundamting them that does not aeon maize the House nod tint party that tills It with profligate men.si For in stance: for the second session of tiro % Fortieth Congress the whole amount of "stationery" would equal an allow ance of 5626 to each member ;_ theft._ were $ : 5,056 worth of pens for the House; the penknives: artiout4l to $1,620, equal to fifteen knives, at :...1!.5.450 for each member. Of the Ramecharacter nrethe exram 'Mures of our State Legialuture. The Ilarrkburg l'utriol has compiled irom the piddle - ricords. the :following ta bles: of Ihe I.agi lit ”rr. r Ullll,lll'l till rilll, 1110 11l lie f e 111• jor, eVINIoII Of ilepllblk.lll.l 111 rto" el 1 esa. Amount - inkt,TCJI tis , r;,951 17 • - 111;421 - 117,192 to - t:e2 • .1,.Z.11 • 274 40 4:x10 1014.00 f the pr Itntmin during 771.0 111111` > u urn of : Venr. A mount. 1 , 40, ';177,2 , 1*1.5 10(11, I.l, , ifiru 31 1N1,1.11 rtt 141, • - - - 2W,t11.1 20 rt 11,402 27 iiMEI EXCe2ln of Radlce4 expenses, These tables embrace only the cur rent expenses of the Legislature, pay of the membets, eMployees, light, fuel, Ahliiololl/, &e., and present a most scandalous commentary upon the pro ellvitlea of the R a dical leaders to a an toti extravagance, waste, pillage, and their inevitable rouseimenees—lncreas ed taxation. Le t them boast of dint I m ng he debt—"wi ;It such facts before them voters will be iota edulous ==! - One of our exchanges gives a report' of at cenvosatfon between Gov. Curtin and a personal and political friend of his, which recently occurred in the Union League Club House in Phila delphia. The inquiry was made,: "Well, Governor, what is your opin ion of the Democratic Convention?" "I think," said the Governor, "that a stronger (Nice( might have been se lected, such a s Hendricks and Han cock, for example." "But," contin ued the questioner, "wheys your opinion of Governor Seynumei:"' Mr. Curtin replied: "Well, sir, asked to mention a man who, in my estimation, possessed the attributes of a perfect gentleman, a cultivated seholar, is thorough statesman and a sincere eiristiati, I could, without hesitation, name Horatio.S,lymour, of New York." "How about Seymour's loyalty?"_ -"After the dispatches that I sent Seymour utthe time of the reb el raid into Peonsylvania," replied the Governor, "it would hardly he , come me-to impugn his loyalty; the fact is, I have never -doubted It. I understand that Belmont is having all the dispatches sent by Stanton and' myself printed. and I have no doubt they will be in the hands of every Democratic stump speaker through the campaign. We had better give up attacking _6cymour'b loy4lty, for the opposition bold the trump card in that nynter." SOW. YOU VAX tiEE: The , rneuth-piece of the Radicals, Tont Marshall, at their meeting on Saturday night of last week, declared that his party is in favor of cominpell log the people of eleven States to have Negro Suffrage, and that it must also be established in the Northern States. Now, Republicans, you can sea what your leaders are driving att They have riveted their odious policy upon the Southern States, and now, with Grant as an instrument to deceive pine; they want to fasten it upon, you! They are getting bolder. They im agine the people will tolerate any thing thtgehoose to do. They think Grant's military cloak will cover their infamous purposes from your sight. Even now, there is snugly tiled away in one of the eourmittee rooms of Con• gress, Suinuer's bill to Legislate \e art Suffrage into all the Slates. Elect men like John Cessna, or, in Not, any Radical, to Congress, and they will pass this bill at once. Should Grant be elected and veto It, they will pass it over 'his veto. If they carry the election, they witi-say the people en dorsed Negro Suffrage at th'e polls and demand such a lam from Congress: This is plainly foreshadowed in the speech of Tom. Marshall The Radi cal party Is openly committed to this purpose. Grant stands upon their platform and accepts their doctrines. lie 'ill - tarred with the same stick as. Sumner, Kelly, Wade and the rest. let every Republican. who is opposed to Universal Negro Suffrage net out his principles, and either not - vote at all, or vote for Seymour and Blair.— Brd/ord Gazrfle. • -------- - BOWL, Willi DON'T TOE? Seventy-seven white soldiers, be longing to the 12th Infantry, residing in the Fifth Ward in Washington city, whose votes in the_ Last election were not counted because they were cast for the Democratic candidate, have petitioned Congress, predilng for the same rights as are granted to ne groes. Grant's keeper, Waelibtirne, and the rest of those wonderful Radi cal friends of the soldier, are keeping very quiet about this petition. Why don't somebody howl about this dis franchisement or the soldier ? TUE Wrtite Boys in Blue are all aglow wRh enthusia-n. Tpey declare that they will have the rnlon for whieh they fought, and no.hing less. Tins they say they can secure only by the election of Seymour and Blair, I4nd they are going to elect him. "Let us hare peace." "Tut Chicago Times, which hitherto has reckoned Illinoislor Grant, begins to believe it is going for Seymour and Blair. Meseta. Radicals, your rake is dough. - • - THE POPULAR UPRISING! = iieports of t hamze , from Radicalism to - Dertmeraev h us from all tfuar. tem. We con 'lot find room for a tenth of them. 2ople of the many, ue give the folli,u it 1 , 1 .1. rAI'ION .11,,r;• 4 Man Lral, the up( Party—Don't (p) IThn al. from Sari& a .gouty, F• publa at at Dix. fentntt In'n j (710402—T11e fOi 'OW ilig tin li U 'Ali/heath/1i SPeetb , for it,tit, NIVIWS untill:ta laibly bow tic uiui 14 Howl Dein this rLgioi4 Sit the Irgobtitej Do"- ocrat : I iavii,g let n nominated by the late Republicin convention SA RS candidate for the Alice of treasurer of Niiyouitni; county, I desire to tender toy thanks to-e.ito convention for this token of Its esteem, but most respect fully deenuc the acceptance of a nom- Imatitto at the hands of at party with which I have no longer any sympa thy, and with which I have therefore Ceased to act. FLEtcHER DlirtZ,,uSr. 9t. 116 lxl 1' 0,0.41 U 0 ot) GMMMEM RKI'UtILIC CA NDUDA OUT runs F , uvatot it --John Lichelberger, Esq., the Bailie.] nominee for County Surveyor of York county, not only de clines to run on that ticket, but comes out openly in denunciation of the foul pitrty and declarca his intention to vote for Seymour and Blair. This Is ail evidence of the way the tide is running Br Pennsylvania Look ot.t for thunder in October, and still loud• er peals iu Noveinber. Azkrritut "Trivvron."—Atiam Hoy, Esq., one of the leading attor neys of_ Bellefonte and law partner of the Hon. Ja.. 'l', Hale, has become disgusted a cit the dirty dogmas and thieving principles of theltintical par ty, nod on ti , ,itorday evening last at the Deurocratic elute rooms. made a telling - speech in favor of Seymour and Blair. MORE CH A ' , MP., —Among, the polit ical rhanges ;lug ughout Penneyha nia, the sm,:, mim m comity papers state th.mt George sconure, Req., Pre ids of the First National Bank, at Selina. grove, and Judge Middleawarth, RCM of the late lion. Ner. ItliddieNwarth, who have Ii retocote acted with the Republican party, are now working energetically for Seymour and Blair. So we go over time whole country. At:Mimi, N. Y.—The Democrats of Auburn., N. Y., held a meeting Inst Monday night. Many Democrats and every Republican present' were surprised to hear a speech from Gen eral George D. Robinson. The Gen eral has heretofore been an extreme- Radical, and 1111.4 stumped Cayuga county In behalf of the Republican cause. General B. is an educated man, of strong reasoning powers, fear -101111 ill the expre,sion of lila B(.4d r/with; a».l arw.o 4 ready to give a rea son for his bath. Ito entered the Seventy-tifili tegument of New York tr‘tate eolunlecis 'as a private ; and woi ked Id: , way to the rank of Bievet Brigadier (hm,ral. He is lame now, (roan the effects nt u °mitts received in the war. II oils a delegate to the Radical Soldier,' Convention at Pitts burg, and 1,, :cloture bee fawned upon by the Iteimbheans ;v but now they turn their backs upon him, as they find he is of no use to them. The I:ener.,l vex, made a convert to Democracy by living In Florida, where he has been for the past eigh teen months, and has had the acts of the carpet-baggers daily helots his eyes:—Albany Argus. - STEPHEN J. ME.INY, the victim of a British dungeon, who spoke at Wash ington a few evenings since In denUn elution of the refusal of Congress . to protect American eittzens abroad, and at the same time declared fur Sey mour and Blair, has heretofore been O. Repllblieflil 111111 u,ed to edit, a Repub lican paper al Toledo, Ohio. GENERAL. A. S. PIATT, of West Lib= erty, Ohio, a brother of Col. Don Pratt, ins left the I„nlical party, and, in an able speech, sinnounces his deb rutin. :Won to support Seymour and Blair., lie has hitherto been an active Re publican. The true soldiers every where-are tearing, themselves front the foul einbi ACC of Radicalism. M= $2,1151,744 14 1,Z11,174 40 $1,1A4111) 74 FROM Missouri-we learn that Rich- ard Dalton, a young and talented law. yer of Rails county, and a prominent Radical, in a speech deavered before the Democratic convention at New Loudon, formally announced his abandonment of the old Radical hulk, and united his fortunes with the white man's parly. A YOUNG AND PROXISENO LAWYER ABANDON'S Tita FOUL PARTY.—ROtt erte d. MOrrit•on, Esq., a young and brilliant lawyer, son of ex-Mayor Mor rison, of Allegheny City, addressed Democratic meeting in that city on. Tuesday evening last. Mr. Morrison stated that it sr. , his first appearance in what he had always suppo.e4l was the camp of the enemy, but he could think so no lonaer. lie was now with .the Ik•owriucy heart and Sou 1 , as he could not i.t.ind idly by aud see the country ruined by the party that had gained its-ascendency by deceiv ing tile people. = Among the last written words of the late Gen. El alpine were his opin ions of Blair and Seymour, as follows: On the whole muster roll of our army no name shone more conspleu oualy for personal gallantry than that of Frank Blair; few officers have been more desperately wounded, and no of ficer has been more gloriously con spicuous for never saying 'go' to his men, bublollow " "Know ing Seymour well, and having had opportunities to know him thorough ly, officially and personally during the war, we reluctantly but firmly ap •ply to whomsoever shall question his active and practical loyalty the fa mous cords of the great Radical chief who answers every charge which he deem unfounded by th.s striking plirafte of the. pure Si-'con dialect, You lie, you viltiin, you lie;' and— 'shat the gi eat Hadleal philosopher doe not do-•-tNe are willing to be held 'responsible for these words." PRESIDENT JOH NEON.—The Radiculs have been industriously circulating the repotttett President Johnson will not support Se,yrnour and Blair.. The Lettgees a,hialgtott donespolideut: says : "The reports sent hence relative to the feeling of the Administration to ward the Democratic nominees for President and Vice President nre,er roueops. There has been no formal consideration of this subject in Cabinet. So far as Mr. Johnson is concerned, it is certain he will support Seymour Mid Blair; and several members of the Cabinet are us glecidedly in favor of those candidates." Nobody of beu , ,c ever supposed that the President o ould or could consist ently do anything else. THE MARCH TO DESPOTISM No election in Virginia, No election in Mississippi, No election in Texas, No election in Florida. ESCAPED.—The Rev. Henry Wendt, formerly superintendent of the Lu theran Orphans'ilome at Germantown and who, about two years ago, - was arrested, convicted and sentenced to a term of tlftesn years in the Eastern Penitentiary for having' outraged a number of little girls under his care in the Home, we e e has succeeded In ef fecting Ins escape from prism, and it Is said has gone to Europe. DEXTER, a few days ago, at 'New York, trotted a tiiiie in two minutes and fourteen seconds—tile fastest time on record. Otte quarter Was made in thirty seconde, or at the rate of a mile in two minutes. - _ Is the Uluion restored? Not accord ing to the Grant Reconstruction plat: form. SZNATCIMAL CONFERFOICE. At a meeting of the Conferees ap pointed by the t-everal Democratic Conventions of the fieventeentit a tom! Di-tiict, composed of the coon tics a Adam , and Franklin, held at tirtetfenbcrg Springs, August 24th, It,CS, Dr. M.txwell Kenned 3, of Frank lin, say cho,en President, and S. H. Eitoholtz, of Adams, Secretary. The following ways the Coufereeet A dams —Hun, ,)loses MeCi an, Adam Rebert, Esq., and S. H Eicholtz. Franklin—Capt. G. W. Skinner, GI , \V. Welsh, , and Dr. IlaxwellKen nedy. Nominations for a cardidate for the State Senate were then made, Mr. Mc- Clean naming Joseph P. McDivit, Esq., of Adams, and Capt. Skinner naming Calvin M. Duncan, Esq., of Franklin. Twenty-two bat lots were had without a choice—each rebutting 3 for bleDivit and 3 for Duncan. On the 23d ballot, (Tuesday,) C. M. Duncan received Pinajority of the votes, and was there upon unanimously declared the nomi nee. Capt. Skinner•then offered the fol lowing preamble and resolution, which were adopted, also unanimously : WHEREAS C. M. Duncan, Esq., of Franklin county, was, three years ago, chosen by a majority of the people of the Senatorial District composed of Franklin and Adams to represent them In the Senate of Pennsylvania; and whereas a partisan committee of that body did, in defiance of every sense of right and justice, deprive him of his seat—therefore, L',.u/t Chruienter, Washington Pon ern, Siine kis Hedges, and Pettit Pent,,iintal n Ing 1011,01.11. 1111111 M Derelew, nosh are erected It Twientory lilt IMP: lint Ic LIAO 1101!4E, Frame Barn, Hug h•tt, W,nronninker Shop, awl r out.. ",. hulidingn, with i I Wing 11 ell 111 1. eiteelleat wafer near the in , ling; /1/ , , .t thrlt 'tug young fin hard nl ihole, trait The land hat In en 1 I nevi part 1r , 1. ander 1 fencing, and in in n it nvl 'lint. of eillth at ten Any pernon demi ing to troll Ile profit tit Will MR on the within. residing Ile t eon Sale to confrineuee ift. 11 Wel°. k, 11.. on day, when aUerainnett nlll he given and tonne made known, by , . HENRY HARROLD, DANIEL W. HARROLD. lellecutorvi Aug. 21, Ihloi. Is ALSO, at the same !Anno and place, Leah liarhold the widow 01 said deer& at. will st II at Public bale, the following Personal Prop "rl.iA RE, 3 Cows, :Born, I Rockaway Bugg), and Harness, I Two•liorse Wagon, Threshing tduchine and Horse Power and strap, Win• 11011riflg 311/1, Wheel-harrow, Rolling Screen, 1 Long Plough, I torn Fork, I narrow Grain Cradle, Cloverseed Cradle, DoubeAree, Breerhbands. Orindshine, shovels, Lfiging I Iran, , I Cook Stole, I Ten-plate Stove and Pipe, Corner Cu Tables, Tuba, Barrels, Clock, net of Chairs, Beds anti Bedding, 2 Chests, Kitchen Inwewer, Iron Kettle, Pleat Stand, and other articles, too numerous to. mention. II II A Rig 'LH. -Real and Personal'-Property =! On THUR....W.IY, the 1714 day of KEPTE3r- BLit next, the undersigned, Adininistratxl2: with the will annexed of 1)=1101 licttler.dr- Ceased, will otter at Public hale, oAU l Iltrtiti ises, the real estate of said detedeaz. vie - A VALUABLE FARM, situate In Butler too ruddy, Adams count) , tear the Non ravel, and hail a toile cc's*: of M Iddlutown, adjoining lauds 01 Israel Liar- T0W11 , 4 tiny (Jew ge Hollelat ugh, Ja cob Itillensperger, and