Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, August 28, 1868, Image 1
THE EETTTssrse complaint Is PCIILIPAIRD EVDRY FRIDAY, By H. J. sT.S.HLE. Tanta—Two DoLLAwi per annum in Mire/nee —Two awn FIFTY Cirortsi 11 not paid In advance.. No, subscription ills. continued, uniess at the option of the pub- Usher, until all arrearagea are paid. ADVIRTIELVIMTIS inserted at the usual MUM. —Large reduction to those who advertise by the year. Jou ralsTlwa. of every description—from thet smallest label or card to the largest haul= bLLI Or pogter—dose with dispatch, in a workmanlike manner, and at the lowest living rates. Orme% oh gaitimore street, few doors above the Court-House, on the oppoalte Side, with .. GettApuns Complier (Moo" on the Attonales, Physicians, &c. J. C. YAWLS; ATTORNEY AT LAW. - --- Particular attention 'paid to collection of Pensions, Bounty, and Back. pity. (Alice thets. E. cornerot the Thainond. Gettyistiurg, April d, Pad. If = A rroitsEy AT LAW, - Will falthfully and prompt- ly attend to all bwartusseratruatvd 1.4. , apeakx the German language. 0111,a, at the mime pluee, In south itultimore .treat, flour .11nber'a drug store, and nearly <pp°. tate Danner it Ileg'er'siatore. .(,et tyabu rg, I,fareti D. MeCONA r iIIY JO 111. f M. MBA trTH, A rruitxris ANn cou.KBELLOII4. mo't).NAT:6lll* has aasocli JOHN 31. lillArlll, Ealj., In the Practice of 1 -)1, .4, [lt 1404 one dilly weit.tpl lithettler'a Drug , loro, elotolla4mburg xtreet. - 101.01,1i1 lit I 1 , 44 11041 given Id cello , Collectionx and 4414 Im•tit 44f estates. All legal 14446,1- 44 , 4 , 01 to 1 , 44m410na, ltnunty , pap•k / I.itingeo Atgulutst United rilaten, at au 4444 p x , promptly and attcud ,44t to lan , l Warrantx located, and choice Farina .41, in loWu. uad other Werttern ,tat a. 139Ete3 UM. A. I) UNC.4.Y. A 'VTOItNEY AT LAW, j Will promptly attend to all entrunted to tiltn, Including lb a. pro, uring Pewslone,flouuty, Ilack l'ay, tl,l all oth, vial eatlltut the United States and Slide tml,k• ln Nor t tt-weat corner ot IlLarnond, Get -13 Aprrl = A'N'ORNLY AT LAW, LITTLESTOWN, PA.. Vt ill pnttliptly glettd to ettl let &mt. convey- NI wing or tleede. letotex, ate, and all uU,,riatal nv ettt netted to bits rare. • "flirt ~t t Fri d. rak 4,1.1114, nt...t fie otter for 111,13 ”I I,r Simi b, and latterly Ulla of Dr. h I tt.t r a,Ol I&llriag. =EMI Dll. D. I.:(I.I)ENRODE, IT yt o ..?:t r i , pas , ! , re n turi!tZl n. lrc,,ac the_ ,nlyert4lty ILIYII!1:10411ViV, hervit? . ear Lo the [mune. April If Dr. J. IC. C. O'NEAL'S OFFIGE ANS. , fmm.the N. I:. earner of Baltnnore and Itniietrecds, 1)11. Preal,sleriaLuClurelt,livt*lsbnig,l'u. .11,11113,1 AM 11, In J. 11et41,1114 311V , IVIAN, SURG A N D ACCORMEUR, flaying permanently located, In Now (Won. ..:II pr... th c Id, professltm in all Its brnnehrs.` 11. Iraq.), and all others desiring Ills pro. lees are requested to call and, .../1.11-lit /dal at tile attire, in Hanover street. .7.1 .3 .0, 1.47. It = I AVINt; Lt /4 •ATED AT EAST BERLIN, AlVt:ttrt ("MINTY, thot ), ottrltt attentlon to his protets Itloll{ll .1110 ,.., lie inlay merit, a share of the 1.11,1 a. patronage. 10 , 1/ If =I I I ks bIED the I'm ue of lifedieln la Lirri,E,Tows. and Oirt.rNl tvser It tPI to tbe public, °dive t t his house, cur ner of Lonloard etc.!. and Found', alley n. ar the Railroad. Rpetial attention given t skin inheases, Lilt I. 0, Nov, 8, ISdi. Jlr. J. ASJIWTICONG HACING located at NEW HA LEM, (1(c linleht•down 0.,1 Franklin twp.. Ad ii.a• (aunty, offers his professional aeryleta t. th,. public. Ile hop., by st Hot attention t. loott ootiototl duties, to merit a share of pat name , May P, lAN. If lir. J. L. NA ERA, 1)11 YNICIAN AND SUEUNON, MIDDLE I.'IMWN, Addmaeouuty, Pa. Orrice in Cen tre SquiLre promptly attend to,all calla utile other,. Ice profetedomaliy eingagad. Ault 7, lam. tf . ky J. L E HILL, Y. D., I)FINTIAT, - Ilas bin oMee one door 'meat of the 1.0 t I Willn VI, Ur, la In Chainberbhurg Street, and ..nruNtte I,r. I. llorrier'e office, where- those 10,Ing to 1311, e nny Dental Operatlon film. .1 ere respeetalll3 Invited to call, /01.E.P- S be 11l Horner, Itev. Prot. M. Jaeul,a, L. I , , Prof. SI L Ntml Cr. t,ett,,,,ltairg, April '33: POUTZ'S WIIOLE9ALE : ' I6 DRUG AND PATENT EDICIRE DEPOT =I El= l)ti the dbemlution of the 00-partnership of 41 A, Fonts & Bro., AugUst let. !SC. 1. I , dynt F. Foote, Junior milellll., of said firm, par, betel all the right, title and Interest of tin• et Iri ag roartner, H. A. Moots, for all time, In end It, LIDe manufacture of Patent Medi coo,: and, 11. av log devoted amen time, care nod lAhor in gaining a thorough knowledge in the compounding of these preparations, I um fully prepared 'noire; to the otinlinualty FAMILY MEDICINES purr and untuluaerste4, nnanely: NuiST3'll MLXTUNh—I"U'rIYLIVE `4l4v wog...ron OS /IF VI II I.[Ks nm% Forrn's V ECORTABLZ I'lLL4—Fourns COUGH HY Bur earAms,trxri fieitsit AND CATTLE i'‘ E H I LsAlt IC C 01.1611. NI lit I.—Sit itINLICS VIEHMI EVER. LAVIU F.• rotrrz. Mold Proprietor, :went for "DR. GROVE'S MALPSETIR lALVK ANt, Pl. VYTER,' the ' Dsat 0 (NT KENT,'' Ulla till• - US, f RA HI BITTERS." Lelalms huge all band a full assortmeht DILITUS, PAINTS, OILS, Window-glass; Extracts and EISIKUO.4 of alf flavors-, ,tll the twoular Patent Medicines of thertla ; l'erfuutery, not: Oils, Ilalr Dyes, anti hundroim of artit les nees.l44l by Melt/sant& Fuca:went and Housekeepers, 1.,0111e stud OX- M it ate ectuek An 4 price.. and if I cannot nu ft t ou, you cannot be suited In Haiti/tiara. DAVID E. POI.ITZ, At tho old eta ad, Da rrunkllu ntrerti 1%1, ly A L LIV EZ' 8 Boot and lioe Envorium, I 3 A LTIMOR E STREET, Two i)otbag . soliTil OF TIIE PRWSBYTE JUAN -CHURCIi. riiitE underßlKnod /mg Jwit returned from 1 in., city witn the , best ornieheupest vw.rtr t‘ of Boot 4, Sfumr.und (Jailers, for spring outt ,J.unxtu,r, I`V., offered IL Getty" berg, rd. 10 e 111,1,14 of i ONCIRENS GAITERI4, DLLs' BALNIOR.AL GAITERS, IP/Es' (03.1310 N GAITERS, DI Es KID SLIPPERS. 011 style& MIIROClX) 11ALNIOP.MS, 0 E:i , Fl4 7-4 1f1 7 :SOirCALF BOOTS, M.:NTH' A EILICAN CALF MOOTS, (31,N1‘,.. RIP HOOTS, GE.NTs . CoN6REKS GAITERS, OENCam' t'\l.F BA I,WPRAI..s, (LENT.' si,T PEERY, all styles, UENTs• 800 •C., AC. MISsES . CON; I It L Bs G s (MITERS, NISSEN' BAMORAL (GAITERS, MOItutXX) 13ALM08..1113, AC.. &C., &C. 11M I'ELORFS..-4 CIALTERS, BOY,' cA Li , BA ',MORALS, Rol's' BROIL A NS, &C., &C. INFANTS' SIIWIS, all styles, IN L %AWE VARIETY. AN", Moot. uml slm,e of tits own manufacture cmqtnntly on bond All Will be sold at the low at living profits. Iltlyers, from town and country, are invited to call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confident that I eau please all who may call. The MANI' PACTURING of Boots, fthoes and (Miters ‘. 11l abut be carried on, in all its branches, us before. Repairing doze on short sloth*. By employing none but first-class workmen, and using none but the choicest On tiler. he feels mntident of maintainflur Ids lrmer reputation. Certainly nothing will be It ft undone to deserve It. Thankful for past favors, be solicits a con tinuanee of panne patronage. D. H. K.LINGEI... 0 ° 11 .1%b 11 ta. A Pill 17, 18Ii. NEW BAKERY. N 1.14 PORT & ZIEULER. MECHANICAL BAAM88; mouth Washington Wiest, one square honk the Engle• hotel, lETTYSIBMW, Hs. MU smelt*. on hand, the best BREAD, CRACKERS, CARXI3 I PRETZEIA+ Persons 'Gelling fresh Weald wlll be served everry morning by leaving th eir names and resideuemat th e Beam:. Every effort made plenae. Give us a end. April M, MU. tr. WOOL WANTED ri , HE highest market iiwkse will tw liven / for Wool by DIIPHORN liOFIrMAlf, Stay 90,106/ W. Oor. Square, Get/yobs:lt V. O. BOSLIMI. TILE First Ilatlasol Doak Gettyobwrii 1. will coals 6411/ • aad 8. &oft also 7-30 and CasaM i llM33slo , l......___L. MAK oda. km* et - Of P FA R. ktl f t • .I.4l!tkEig By H. J. Stahle 1100FIAND'S GERMAN Brrl'EßS, QM Ifoofland's German Tonic ,THE GREAT IMEMIEDIZM FOB ALL rnsrAsr3l Or THE LIVER, -STOMACH, OR DI GESTIVE ORGANS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Is corns:coed of the purejulees (or, as they are medically termed, £r rue of Roots, Herba,and Barks,maltingapreparntlonthigh ly concentrated, nud eutlrcly free frost qtro- Mite offeatcturcs of any kind. - HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC In a Combination of all the ingreellente of tho Bittere, with the purest quality of &rya (tot Runt, Orange, &e., making one of the moat pleauant and agreeable rermulles BNCr olrer,ll to the public, Th.. pr. (erring .ledielne free front Afro olie adhinixtur, alit use Hoofland's German Bitters. Thrwe Who IrrtVe no objection to the combi nation of the !litters, us 'dated, will tine Hooftand's German Tonic. They are both equally goal, and, contain the sane Medical vlrtnee, the choice be tween the two being a niece matter of Marti, the Tonic being the moat palatable. The stain:mit, from a variety of causes. such as indigestion, Dyspepent, Nervous Iteltilfly, etc., It Very apt to !Mee its function,. A.le ranged. The 1.1, er, h3-nipatlifzing an it (Mee wilt, the filo:oath, then tn•cnm<s aflet tecl, the result of which Is that the patient supers front several or more of the following diseases; CONSTIPATION, FLATULENCE, INWARD P 11.11.4. FULLNESS OF BLOOD TO THE ACLUITYCOk."TiIIi STOMACH, NAUSEA. 11EATtf-IlUltN, I rim; I * ST 11 At Ft it ,I) y1 , L(2.1 . :.: tit V. IN Ti fEs it 'ALM So LIL Eft UPTA ti it iNs, siNK.ING (tit, 1 LurrEic i:su AT THF: PIT DI THE STA L L IMMINo OF THE HEAD, HE RIR L D IN FICU BRE UT A TH ING, FLUTTERING r TUE LIE:OiI% cROKING 01! SUFFOCATING SENsA TIONs WREN IN A LYING POSTURE, DINNERS OF VISION, Dols OR WEBS .BilloßE THE slolir, DULL PAIN IN THE I LEAD, DEFICIENCY OF PERSPI- E . l "ni yELhowNEssrwiliE SF IN AND EYEIs,P N.IN IN 'PRESIDE, HALE, C H ENT, LIMBS, ETC., SUDDEN musiti-.8 OF HEAT. BURNING IN THE CONSTANT IM AGININGS OF EVIL, %ND GREAT DETBESsIoN OF SPIRITS. The sufferer from these dlscoaem hould ex ercise the greatest caution in the selection of a roe d)-for his eu.e, purchasing only that hie Is he is motored from his investigations and Inquiries pi iNlit.les true merit, Is skillfully compounded, is tree from injurious Ingredt ents, and has established for Itself a repute that for the cure of these dineaws. In this umffneetlon we would submit those well known remedies— - 1100FL4ND'S GERMAN BITTERS AND 1100FLAND'S OERNIAN TONIC PREPARED BY DR. C. M. J4C'KION., =EME! Twenty-two years since they were first In troduced into this country train Germany, during which time they have undoubtedly iperformed more cures; and benefited suffer ng humanity ton greater extent, than any other renival, s knOnn to the pnblie. These remedies Win enecto..lly mire liver ComplAint, Jann.lice, Dyspepain. Chr on i c uc Neryons IN Witty, rbroniclharrinea, Dhease onto Kidneys, and all Diseases arising train a Disordered Liver, Stamsch, or Intestines. DEBILITY, Resulting how any Cause whatever; PROS TRATION OF THE MYRTEM, Irukueed by Severe Labor, 'Hardships sores, Fevers, ae. There no medicine extant equal to these remedies in such mutes. A tone and vigor la Imparted to the whole system, the appe tite is strengthened, food 11 enjoyed, the stomach digests 'promptly, the blood la. pu. rifled, the complexion becomes sound and healthy, the yellow tinge is eradicated from the area, a bloom I. given to the cheeks, awl the wean and nervous Invalid becomes a atimaa and healthy being. - pERSONS ADVANCED lY LIFE. And feeling thfhariVof time weighing hetivl iy upon them, with all Its attendant, Ilbios 111 find in tpe use of this BITTERS, or the TONIC, an elixir that will Instil new life Into the veins, restore Ina measure the energy and ardor of inure youthful days, build up their shrunken forms, and give health and happi ness to their remaining years. NOTICE. It Is a well-established fact that fully One half of the female portion of our population are seldom In the enjoyment of good health; or, to use their own expreasion, "never feel well." They are languid, devoid of all energy, egtremely nervous, and have no appetite. To this class of persons the BITTERS, or the TONIC, to especially recommended. WEAK d: DELICATE CIIILDREN Are made strong hy the use of either of these rem , dice. Theywill cure every cage of SIARA~t lU$. without fall. • Thousand', Of pertiiimtee have accumulated the hands, of the proprietor*, but epace will allow of the publication of but few. 'Mose, it w.,111 be- obaervo , b are men of note arid °ranch iftandialg glut they must be believed. TESTIXIONIALS. Hon, Geo, W. 'Woodward, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pa., writes: PMicul4Phia. March 16,1867. 9 find r iloodand's German Bitters' la a good tonic. useful in diseases of the digestive o and frettgnntll mans ofdr tem.nd o f great aclon In he sp- Yours truly, GEO. W. WOODWARD." Hon. James Thompson, Judge of the Supzeme Court of Pentusylvania. phut:de/ 1 00a. 2S, "I consider •Ifoottand's GermAa npril Bitters' a volutthie medicine in case of attacks of Indiges tion or Dyspepsia. I can certify (hie from my experience of It. 'lowa, with respect - JAldal TBOMPSO;kii From Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, D. D., Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church. Phila delphia. Dr, Allegros—Pear Hlr: I have been ire queutiy,requested to connect Iny mine with IvrOrnhlerldollotut of different kinds of medi cines, but reganting the-prtunee as out of nIY appropriate sphere, I have in all eases decliged ; but With It tle. r proof In Var.. Instance , and putt u lurtS in my Own faintly, Of the Utwfulnees of Pr. Ilutgland's German Illiters„ I depart foe°nee frotu. my -usual course, ni express my full euriviet/011 Umi, for geni•rol debility of the opulent, coot esp.-cud :, for !deer CLlnyla Ir , kis a eafe and rolsobte peepsetatos. lu Ilollle ruses It upky fall ,• but usuittly, I doubt uot,tt will be, Very betteeetal ti y - 24r; who stiffer Irons the above causes. ery 11. KENNARD, taginh, below Coster From Rev. E, 0, Fondall, Assistant Editor Christian Chronicle, PlOLads, • I hat, derived decided benefit from the use of llootiand's German Bitters. and feel it my privilege to recommend them us a most valu able tonic to all who are suffering fromgen eral debility or from deemses arising from derangement of the Liver. Yours truly, E. D. FEN BALL. CAUTION' Hoofland•s German Remedies are °muter-. felted. See that the signature of C. M. JACK. MON, is on the wrapper of each bottle. AU others are counterfeit. Principal Milieu arid klanufartory at the German Medicine Store, No. 631 A.IICII Street, Philadelifida. Pa. CHABLEE M. EVANS, Proprietor, Formerly C. N. JACKSON er Co. . PRICES. Roonand's German intterf, per bottle, - $lOO ' 4 half dozen, • 500 Ifootland'e „Gerais,. Tonic. pot uP On quart „bottles, $1 50 pee lwtt or a half dozen for 57 adt YTDo not forget to examine -well the ar ticle you buy, in order to get the genuine, 54-For sale by Drug:glee generally. Jan. 17, ICOB. ly NEW GOODS CHEAP—CHEAPER--CHEAPEST I IF yon wish to buy good and obeli. Ciwido. call at JACOBS & BROrS. STO near Myers's Hotel; to CHAtift%3SCSO Ciettythurg. They have the vary Nina*. Motion of goods, such sa CLOTHS. CA.:W- IMERFI4, 'TWEEDS, &C., the market OSP prOduce, and are determined to sell them an cheap so mebe said apt. where In town or country. Any person tow• lag to have them CDT, con have It done free ofchagge. Those desiring goods MADEI:TP. tan also beaccomroodated. We weren't, the best work and the beat as to be hen any where. No humbug to what we my. We have on hand the very beat and month:tr eble . . . SEWING .141.40.11NE9, and are always ready to wait on customers.— Full ea tlnforaion given In operating snip chines. Con Slid OS NM 112 e. We warren t them to be the brat lu nee, JACOlt6a MO. Aprll 8, 1867. tf 0 rEB I 0 TES: •0 rzw., Andrew Pottorff, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, .971.8 Isis minion to the yobbo. iitclee Cried to Havingaror the county, at mean rate& •alderable , ertesod In the budgies, be *utters titmndt that be 'Mb* Obi le render adatilMtln an eases. Auld nabs 114&mo. Grunikt on I atSt, Addratit 001171. ty Pa. L tea. 11 ft Wil tozaJahleseeedlsa WE* -ga sad styles at ROM,. EAGLE HOTEL, NEW OXFORD, ADAMS COUNTY, FA. THE undersigned having pureitsaed the Mar .l lin Hotel property, in New Oxford, Adams county, will. conduct Hitt future, under the name of the "Eagle Hotel.' Ho pledges him- Self to spare no chart (or the oorulort of hie guests. His table shall have the best the market ran allord, and his bar the choicest liquors. His chambers arespacious,sl3(lcan• not Mil to give tuttistaction. There 1a coin• rnodlous stabling ottathed to the Hotel, Wilith will be attended 1,3 a reliable and ac commodating realer. The proprietor hopes to receive a liberal share of : public patronage, and sill alaays try to deserve it, Remem ber the 'Engle," in the northeast corner of nt the Inaoud N , ew °stunt. HENRY WILVF. March 13,19138. tf CASHTOWN SPRINGS. EIGHT HILES FROM GETTYSBURG E. P. KITTINGIER, Prop'r. rpHE undersigned having thoroughly rent. led GiI:NATIO:NAL mrrEi., lit Cashtown a lth the 'Springs attached thereto, invites the stivntinn of the 'public to his superior se. commodstions. Persons desiring to spend 4 fr W weeks or mouths in a hi silky neighbor. hood, with the advantage , . of pure mountain air, daily hatitg, trout-fishing Ac., catifind no more atti active plate. Visitors to Gettys burg and the fiattle•ifeld can teach It In a couple hours' ride over a good road. The ("tabling accommodations are among the ist.t In the count•. A good table and the hest of Wines and Liquors. Charges reason able. Jun, 19, 1568. 3m KEYSTONE HOUSE, CHARBERSBURG ST,, GETTYSBURG, PA. WM, E. DYERS, PEOPRI.IOIIDR. T lll.4 l, ls , a m t i leltliout i ,r. pa l up In the mood ecidtaf r' and coti•etient. • Erterr le tigenientitt has been mute for the accommodation and eotnttrt of snouts. The Table will always hose the heel of the market, and the liar the best of wines and liquors. _ . "Thera hr commodious Htabling attached, with ut scwonnoodatLog ostler always on hand. Tina Hotel to now open for the entertain ment of theimblie, and a abide of patronage la No effort will be spared to render matiefaci ion. ESICE2III GLOBE INN, . YORK STREET, NEAR. TUE DIAUOND GETTYRB URtr, PEIY A TIIE undersigned would most respectfully inform his numerous friends and the Ypublic generally, that be has purchased that ong established and well known Hotel, the "Globe Ion," In York street, Gettysburg, and will spare no eflort to eonduct It In a man ner that will not detract from Its former high reputation. Ills table will have the best the market can atrord—hle chambers are spa cious and comfortable—and he has laid In for his bar a full stock of wines and ligors. There Is large stabling attached to the Hotel, which will be attended by attentive (ethers. It will be his constant chile," or to render the fullest satisfaction to his guests, making his house an near a home to that In as passible. He asks a share of the public's patronage, deter mined as lie Is to dear!, e a large part of it.— Remember, the - Globe in Vork street, but near the Diamond, or Public Square. :SAMUEL WOLF. April 4, 1881. tf GLOBE INN, I= LITTLESTOWN, ADAMS COUNTY, PA Expo- TAR undersigned. having purchased the "Globe Inn" property, in Gettyaburg street,, would most respectfully invite a share of the public'. patronage. He promises the beat the market can afford for his table. With the choicest liquors in his bar, and comfortable beds and chambers. With considerable experlence, he thinks he can justly claim that he knows how to keep a hotel. Them Is large Stabling attaelied as well as Krum lots for droves. Anattentive ostler always on hand—none other than an ammo modating One allowed on the premises. He invites a large share of custom, and will spare no effort to deserve it. _ . _ .JOHN GREEN Lattleatown, May V, 1668. u EVERHART'S VRANKEN , : HOUSE, r 00 R}ZEJLOF HOWARD • FRAERLIR STREETS, -BALTIMORE, MD. This Ifoase is on a tarce [Rue between the Northern Central and Baltimore a Ohio Railroad It has been refitted and comfortably arranged for the convenience and the entertainment of guests. Nov. bias, tf GREEN, RIDGE STORE. T HE une;rIVinfIYh . .I 44 .I.:TT.IVION RTORE at Green Ridge, Hamilton internship, Adam; county, to old atand,l on the Carlisle Turnpike, to which he invites the attention. of the poblit generally. His stock cortelgte,of SW:IAM YR , COFFEF/4, TEAR, lIPS, MOLAS.sE.4, RPICFI4, ESSENCEI3, 01th, MEDICLNES; ](FN'S AND WOMEN'S HOSE, GLOVES. SUSPENDERS. NECK TIES, HANDKERCHIEF'S, BUTTONS, THREADS, BRUSHE.I3, & C., &C., &C., IC., in short, a full assortment of everythin usu ally found in a nrlgt-CiaSS store of the k ind.— nd.— His stock will always be found fresh and rail, and his prices among the very inweat. No effort spared to please all who may patronise him. April :?1, It*SS, , ly DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. Earful from Report 41 Ftrrnsers' Rub, A. Y. 1887, ..Wwidi 'No MACHINPA.—Wm. L. Oeborn, Port Byron, Qiyuga .aunty, N, Y., mks: .Wili the Chita give us its opinion of Wasli leg Machines? le it economy to pay four teen dollars for one of Doty's machines? Will IA wash formers' clothe. clean, and not be too bard work tor the women? Washing ma chines have so generally proved failures that I am afraid of throwing away my mO - upon one.' " "SotoN ItollissoN—lf you had to pay ten times the money YOU mention, it would be the heat Investment you , ever made upon your Carlo.' lint you must not have that alone. Get the Universal Clothes Wringer with it, and your wife and children will rise up and cull )ou tileaseil. For they will rind washing made easy." EIOLII By R. C. BROWNINO, Gertentl'Agent, 32 Cortlnndt Street, N. Y., And by Denlen+ and CYAN assets everywhere. June 5, bitS. 3n2 ADAM COUNTY ARAM rite, Ercelslo .2121 e u. ManKfacturectentirrlyq/Cierather,andmek wear er than (Won or Unen Xere. for aeretee urwirpaued, PATairrz6. 'smarmy. , 18811, 1868, BY BURKHOLDER, WORLEY • GROVE, J. L. WORLEY, Sole Arent (or the EXCEL SIOR PATENT NET (or Adams count'', LT AS toonatantly on hand manufactured 11 Nets of the above Patent. Ahm, MA.DDLE3,_ liitlDl.% WH I . TR RR RIANR.STS, BELLS AND kV - MYTH - MG pertaining to a Horse tarnishing establish ment. AlFnr A 0 EN 're WANTED to sell Territory for Patent Nets, also to rwtl Nets on commie. Sion In the county. All ODUZAIIMICIIIOqx AbOtad be addressed to J. L. WORLET, York Sulphur Springs, Ades co.. ray Aprll 3, Mk tt NOAH WALKER & CO., CLOT/VERA WASHINGTON BUILDING, 165 AID iet akt.ritroza sr., asynatons, ID. 'VEEP constantly on hand a larre• and well Jt smarted Mock of all kinds of goods at moderate prices. , They ripply ordere for the finest to the low-. est priced artleke, Miner ready made or mode to trieneitoi to 11112 r part of the country. They keep an extensive stock of PYTRIYMRING DR, etabracitts every' ar ticle GenUemen's Under-wear..Ahro. Maj. TART CLOTHS and every variety of MM. tary Trimmings% as wed as an assorted stock of RRA tnn or DY ej. ADeb.E MILITARY ROORB. Bal M F 22. lac NUAIN DICHLRGES. IarAVDRO procured the ji.j. &RI prepared thRECDRIMIDLIVI I MARGIN", la accordance with a A ct of the Leuislatora of Pennsylvania. Soldiers are cautionedspinal delay th this 111. D. .H - ovrzwoM er , lonaßeester *Recorder of Adams maw. 6, OK IS WARE!—WARE I—WARM—A Mae meat at Stan& Chins Ware„ also risme Ware, with a nefft_style Coffee Poi, • Orst-rate article, all &Nap, at GILIACIWID 0011. 1008 aka Pasts. Medal. alsalaaa, Mas t' Ua aa t iota WNW a WOOD,. JOHN C. ZOUCK, Land Agent, NEW OLNORD, 411.1.1111 COVNTI; JP-L. FO'CNDRIEI3, MACHINE SHOPS, TAVERN ErrAN DO, COUNTRY RtATN, STONE STANDS, TOWN ROUSES a. Lars, IN PENNSYLVANIA, MARYLAND AND Persons wishing to purchase as well as to aell property will do well to afro me a call at my omee, or &Minas by letter, *slimy will find It to their advantage lief 29, um.. 1y E. P. EIPPINGER. PIE PENN BULL Life Insurance company 921 CHESTNUT STREET ACCUMULATES) CARITAS. $ 2, 0 0 - 0 , 0 0 0_ All the Surplus divided amongst the Polley Hokleritevery year TILE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY All inform'ation will be cheerfully given HENRY J. FATINIMTOCIr, July 3, 1863. 3m G A' .4 I,' S .W I] I WILL be in Gettysburg with FLOtE., die., on avail , MONDAY and FRIDAY, of raieb week.- Persons who may desire me to fur Moll them with either Flour or Feed Stun' will leave their orders either with John L. Tate or Danner a Ziegler, statkng the kind and quantity, when the same will be delivered At their dwellings. =1 WM. C. STALLSKITH & SON, UETTYSB URG, PA., CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS, Are prepared to de all kinds or Carpentering —contracting and erecting tealldlim of all kinds, Bewaring, ke. They keep canualailly on hand and manolneture o order, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, SASR, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAME R , COILN ICE. DOOR & WINDOW LIILACKEM And any other Article In the 3inilding Line Bemoaned fattens,/ eonstamely 03 band.expe- 'fenced workmen always in reads e, and fork executed with dispatch SI-Orders promptly attettdod to. Sept. Ilk INV. NEW SADDLER SHOP.- ON the Hill, Baltimore street, Bettrit/017, Ps.—C.onstantly on hand, or made to or der. all kinds of JOHN U. RUFF. RIDING SADDLES, WAGON SADDLES, ~ CARRIAUN HARNESS as low as the loWeaL June SI, UV. It IN GREAT VARIETY, PARASOLS, FANS, HOOP SRXRTS, C , ORSRTS, &C., AT ROW clb Woods' May 70, tt E. H. MINNIGH. CHA.MBERbBIIRa STREET, 'art DOOR TO me irmrsioria acrrim, GETTYSBURG, PA., Confection, Periodical and News ALL KINDS OP CONFECTIONS, CANDIES, ORANGES. LEMONS, 241378, ICE CREAM AND CAKES ooppited to IhmlHos and parties at shortest THE DAILY PAPERS OP RALTIRODX, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. AND supplied to subsertbata at lowest rates. or ciu. Eleb izurnis. IN Feb.ll. lift tf GOODOL—NonIa boa Juss returued naps sho elsav Initial big* auipatodat at can sad annkille tom. tX. lit le. I=l 150 FARMS, MILLS, OTRER STATES. I=l CIIANTIM PERYZITTAL. = Agent at Gettysburg,TA NOTICE_ GEORGE OLVGELL. DRAUGHT lIARtiEBS, CHAIRS. He luvltes the citizens_ of the town and ear: mailing country to give him a call, as he will *ell as low 44 can be puorhueed at any other pime. He will guarantee Ills work to be made up to the beef manner, and ohgocel FLY - NET& he., materials. New Orford, Jan. 11, 18CS. if SIDING 'BRIDLES BLIND BRIDLEF; COORS, =I Depot IC., 'tr.., IC., oonsiantly an bane. I=l CHOICE MALGAZLNES, GETTYSBURG, PA., AUG. 28, 1868 D. WCREADY. 301:et. F. WCREARY "Best always Cheapest." iii6M;=l SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS and HARNESS of all kinds, in the County, are stymy* to be lowed at, the old and well known etantl, Baltimore et., opposite the Preebyterlpo Church— Our Riding and Wagon Saddles are the most substantially built and neatest. Our Harness, (plain and ailuer mount are complete In every roitieet and war ranted to be of the very beat material and workmanship. Our upper leather Draft Collars CANNOT BR BEAT. They ere the beet FIT TINU awl most durable. Our Heavy Draft Harness Woe in.le to order, ns cheap ns they eon be mode any% here and to the must substantial manner. kiJing Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft Issises, Fly-ii.4s, AMd everything in the line. None better or cheaper. Our prices have been REDUCED to tuelowest living stand ard. A liberal percentage for cash, off all bills anfoontlng to Si nr tnor . r. We work nothilit but the bent stock and will warrant every article turned out to be In every respect as represented. Thankful for past favors we Invite attention to our present stock. slirGive us a call and examine PRICES and slcsxstr. D. McCRF.ARY & SON IMEXEME GOOD NEWS HENRY OVERDE'ER, BALTHIORII GlirTrYsiwgo, lye S completed his new Store nouse and Just. return.] from the env with a fresh and well selected stock or GoZids, which he respeetrully Invites his 'blends and the pub lic generally tocall and examine. HE SELLS MEM'. His stock consists of - • GROCERIES, FA2SCY GOODS, NOTIONS CEDAR, WILLOW AND QUEENS-WARE, FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, &C. air The ,eseb or trade will be siren for Flour, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Ba con, lard, Rags, 2,), Bee, tt CHEAP FOR OMR! • NEWSTORE I GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C, The tindernlgned has retured w (Jetta aburg, •nd opened a new Store, Oil Balthulre street, next door lo the Post and nearly op. potato the Court Houme, a.. here he otters for sale, CHEAP FOR CASH, a large and elaolee assortment of Cirueerler,— AUGAIIS, COFFETN, TPAq, 310T..1.95}19, SYRUI'S, %Ith'l7lslT I= Also, Llquors,- WINES, lIHANDIXS, -GINS WHISKIES Rums, and es crythling else in the tine. Also, any quantity of Notions, to nail any and everybdy. Recollect thin lei the place to buy CHEAP FOR CAR& liEO. F. KAX.EFLEISCH. April 21,1807. NEW COACH SHOPS. YANTIS, ADAMS .k. CO., =I WE take this method of informing the pub lc that we have established new Coach Bhopei at Littlestown, where we are prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of BUG, M FA EM, CARRIAG SULKIES, ac.. on Gol shortest notice and moat accommodating terms. Our hands have been procured (rum Baltimore, end, SW We use none but choice material, we tam put up work to compete with any shop. to the State. Old work re paired and taken in exchange for new. Aug. 30, 1.807. tf CARRIAGE- MAKING BUSINESS. lIIHE undersigned have resumed the Car rtage-tualrfug business, AT THEIR OLD STAND, In 1.1341 Middle Streit, Geagsburg, 2.4., where they are prepared to. put up work to the moat hoddomtlne, autmdanthtl and mmer /or monner. A loco / new and second-hand C ARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AC., ON BAND, which they will dispose of at the lowest prione; and all orders will be supplied as promptly and satisfactorily as possible. REPAIRING DONE, WITH DESPATCH, and atechasped Wes. hand a r se floor t of new and old HARNESS on rale. Thankful for the IlheraLpatronatge hereto fore enjoyed by them, they solicit and will endeavri todeserve a large share In the future. ZIE9LER., July 10, 1866. U DASQIER CABINET-MAKING airs. 7. Seidler, AVING Dueled to the town of NEW OX IA FORD, Adams county, will curry on the business of Oablnet-snakLag, In all ite branches. FURNITURE kept on band and made to order. lie will abr., keep for sale a choice assortment of DR. R. HORNER, PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST, ;Moe and Drug Store CTIAMBERSISURG ST Ok. - TI'TSBURG. Medical advice without charge. •DRUGR, MEDICINES, PATENT Id EDICIN STATIC/NTT. meow:lir. SOAPS, TO - WItitiIAiMoBIMITAZU .ffuTFA7.: TAR, LAURI, GOAL Olt, &C., &IL PURE LIQUORS for medicinal purposes. Tor. R. Homer's OLIEN , a reliable remedy for chapped .flands, rough skin, &c. All articles warranted pure god genuine. I=IIB NEW MACHINE SHOP AT - NEW OXFORD. • undersigned calls attention to h new /SHE is Machine Shop, at New Oxford, Adams onunty, which he LIAO put up, at large expense, with the determination to do good and satis factory work. Re will manufacture various kinds of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, melt as THRINHINO .tfACHINES, SPRING TOOTH. RAKES *c.; ke.; and will keep the BUCKEYE REAPER a MOWER on hand (OT tale. . 'All - descriptions of REPAIRLVG dOne He and ono cheaply withlble He haul mmotion hie Machine shops NTEAM MAW MILL, upon which he will do ail kinds of work In that Una. . . He sets the public to cell and give him a trial, and he guarantee tall eatitesetion. I tila/B STOCK. March 18, 11189. thu HOUSE PAINTING GEORGE A. WARNER, HOME PAINI7tR, _South Washington at., Gettysburg, Pa.. GOOD WORE AND MODERATE PRIM& July 20, 1817. LAST NOTICE A Lt p_ersons Indebted to the late firm of A IIediVEDY & DIEHL wtU please call and settle. If not paid before the tat of December, the Books will be left to the ben* , a m; otil oer tae collection, without retard to pennons. .110CUILDY & D/FAL. Oct. ISST. tf Emitting Notice, iOHM kOHL'S TATE—Letters testamen tary on the estate of John nohl, late of ountpletwant township, Adams ontoty, de ceased, having been granted to the under gned, residing Ist e to hip si -aided tA o hereby eves nO•loo to 04moms -aided add itotato to MAU th Itini do* and Um* having Ash= against the mama to pre sent them.properly authenticated for settle ment. CHRZSTIA NA .80i1L. A 7,1 W Siv Executrix. fA rPeunotwmAorßtmenTomaters nu ts GUATJAWLE a CM. ~,,', 114., Tug WHITE ■AN'S PARTY Raise WO the white man's banner:- it float upon the air; Fling to the breeze the honor'd names - Of Seymour and of Bla /r Or Seymour who the statesman Is— Blstr, the hero bold, And let the laurel wreath surround These blazon.' words or gold. Cowles—Then, comrades. Join the column ; March onward to the field Beneath the white inane banner— The laurel and the White. 'With names like these to with A people may be strong In Ind ieming ever• right— In crushing out each wrong. Let, then, all tree-born patriots Join with a brave In To vindicate our lather's choice— A white man's government. Then, comrades, etc. No mendicant or negro rule For men who truly prize A heritage of glory from The great, the true, the wise. Let Grant and Colfax fight beneath The flag of sable hue; A nobler banner we a raise And nobler decals well do. Then, comrades, etc. THE CHAIIACTER OF TM/ I'NEWIt =1 While every person who has follow ed the progress of that wonderful un dertaking, the Union Pm:l6 Railroad, has marvelled at the unparalleled ra pidity with which it has been con structed, sotue have felt skeptical as to the character of the work utile!) was being done with such apparently headlong speed. Was it 1)0S•ribil! to' I build -seven hundred miles of railroad in. two yeari, and do it well? Could a railroad from Nei , York to Chicago be well built In two years' time ? And if not here,- where all the' appliances' needed were at hand, or could be ob tained at a day's notice, then how much less in a -region beyond settle ment; beyond civilization, and where laborers, supplies, tools, and all else, except the land upon which the road was built, must be -transported hun dreds of miles before reaching the spot where they were wanted. In short, the-uneation, "Is the road well built?" has ,hein the °tie for whose satisfactJr3 , solution many have wait ed before Investing their means in the Company's securities, wh cliwe liber al in their provisions, and Hare beyond peradventure, if an affirmative ate•wLf to this oto.etion can be fully establiqi ed. , Upon this point we must take the testimony of personal witnesses, who have been upon the ground 'arid ex amined the work. FartunatAy, an I opportunity has just been afforded and improved for a full inspection of the road and its belongings, by a party of gentlemen who represent the reading and thinking people. - Thirty gentle men, representiugn many of the lead ing journals of the.eastern cities, have just returned from a trip which in cluded over seven hnndred miles of the Union Pacific Railroad, They had a special train at ,their disposal, to stop where they wished, to run fast or slow as they might desire, and which gave them far better opportunity to see both the good pings of the road, and the bad ones—if any exist—than the ordinary traveler by regular trains These witnesses are men of judgment and discrimination, and their personal characters, as well as the names of the journals which they represented, are guarantees that they write only what their convictions dictate.' Let us see what some of these gentlemen say of the character of the Union - Pacific Railroad; Ron. Charles A. Dana ? of the New York Sun, late Assistant Secretary of War, says: "A, party of thirty gentlemen • • • have Just returned from an excursion to the pre sent terminus of the Union Pacifie Railroad at the Rocky Mountains. Their unanimous opinion is that the road Is constructed in the most thorough and solid manner, and that it is superior in firmness, smoothness, and ca pacity for rapid running, to any other new road which they -have ever seen. Tiara Is true or the parts of the track which were Mid only the day before the excursion train passed over them, as well ex those at the eastern eat of the line which have - been in use for some two years. The work is well done, both as respects the Judgment with which it is laid out. and the thoroughness of its construction; and there is no part's! it which conlal, under the 'circumstance., be better than it is; all reports to the contrary are erroneous and mistaken," The editor of thy Boston Traveller • says: "it to built In the beat and most substantial manner possible, and will compare favorably with any other road in the United States. For a new road, I do not remember ever having traveled on its superior. • • • The road In ballasted, and except in seasons of extreme drought, must be comparatively free from dust. • • • Few of the old roads id the ennntry are so easy to ride over as this new The ,editor of the Philadelphia Butte tin says ..130 feu' from imperfect and superficial work nutnahip being put upon the road, everthlng indicates a deoenninat lon that the work now done shall be as durable as hum in Ingenuity and enterprise can make it. The worknhoini, engine bowies and other structures at Omaha. Cheyenne. North Platte and Lamm ne, are all tuindsoine stone and brick edifices, that will teat Without repair or reconstruction for gen erations; while thermal itself is a• colidie and aubstantiaily built as any railroad in Ameri ca. • • • In short the closet scrutiny has failed to detect any signs of hasty or imperfect construction." The editor of the New York ExprceB says:. "Firm, solid, subatantlal, we have now as fine a track as can be found on almost any road in the country, while the travellng -ac e •mmodatlons are roll of ease and comfort. • • • A visit to the wilds of the Rocky Xpuntains will convince the traveler that the Pacific Railroad is neither a myth nor &Brum magem affair, gotten up for purely /Epee - Wade& Purposes." The editor of the Boston Transcript whys: “The Union Pacific!. a 11ra-class road: graded, thoroughly tied, well ironed and balted, and substantially bridged.” The editor of the Baltimore Ameri can gays of the Road : ' "It is well and 'inhalant -tally built and bal lasted. and rides more easily than two-thirds of the roads east of the Mississippi." And again he speaks in the following unqualified commendation: "I must reserve for another occasion some remarks upon the character of the road, Ito financial haste, present buslnesa, and future propects. But it is proper to say Just here that the rumors that have been pat afloat at the East that the Company lea party of spec ulators, putting down a rude and poorly con strnctedroad, that will be useless, or nearly so, when completed, la a falsehood that could only have been deliberately concocted and put in airhtllatintl rousssoiss which would not bear examination. The road Is a good one, well and solidly laid , with heavy rail, and twenty-six hundred cruse-ties to the mile, over which the care travel with remarkable smoothness, and the equipments, station houses and work-shops of which all chow that it la being bbilt for Dec and not speoula thin," The editor of the New Haven Palla dium says of the most extensive and difficult bridge upon the route: "ft Is menstruated with admirable skill, and la ettpithle of bearing a weight, forty times greater than will ever be placed upon it. • • A careful examination of this magnificent structure convinced every member of the party that the marvelous speed With which the MO Ikea been built, has not been achieved by any sacrifice of security." The editor of the New York Tunes refers to , the fast running done on a portion of the trip, and says ; . "The locomotive tore along at a .peed of over 40 miles an hour, and smoothly enough we traveled, even at that high rate, proving conclusively lai thatlybuil thet. Union Rallowa is subeggal" O(, ilie Company's shops at Omaha, Mutants authority says: .Theinst,elaas au' marmAtetured here are equal to any care to be found on any. of the eastern railroad', and Indeed, the Whole rot- Itna stook of the I...nnapany Will compare With that of any other road In the country." The editor of the Philadelphia Age .stye: be etiPPoeed, from the rapidity with which the work was Mate, that it was of e trial:emery tied pi:Hsi/ante eltanteter. But each Ls cot the eft., • • • 11 the ronthe IL le enough tow*• that we traversed It smooth. ly,sulnly, and steadily the live sueconsive days at w rate of awed •ttr. tag from twenty to tlttl milt" Per hour, unit Mow ern tht.1,1,1 track aunt that tat dlto western terminus, it bled Mut le en ttuititted but as liner or WO, tie W.13%1%111,2) Pee perceptible" The editor of the Philadelphia Bulle tin gives the following spirited de acrtption of the way the track la'being laid : 'Track-Laying on the Union Pacific is a science, and we, pundits Ot the Fan East ,stood on that embankment, only about a thousand miles this side of sunset 41111 backed weal ard before that hurrying corps Of alertly operators, with a mingled feeling of amuse ment, curiosity and prultimi respect. On they came. A light car, dn.a by a single horse, gallops up to the front With Its huol of malls. Two linen wire the end of a roll and start for ward, thereat °Rile gang talc lug 'told hy twin, until It hi clear of the ear. Tlo u the) come fur. and at a runt. a the word-of continent' the call It droped in Its Wave, right side up with rare, Whi le the sante prtga as goes on at the ether side of the ear. 1,, n 1111,111.111/// t 3 ace onds a rail for each gang, antt kn four Halls gin tiOWII to 1110 IIIIIIIIte! w oric, 3 011 easy, butt he fellow on the U P. are trentettil- OUSiy in earnest. The moment threat. Ili ty It in tipped on the olio r side of the track to lel she next loaded ear pass ft; and then It is tlidled buck again, unit It la a sight to see It go dying hack fur another had, loose at full gallop at the en I or sixty or eighty feet of rope,rid,p n lee it 301311 V 1.1111. 11110 inane 111- cioNe ',ennui the nod mom mane Lite goagers, and `hotter,. told 3 11V1•11 111111. 111, ot it, It is a grund .111,1 I Chorus that 110 Our/13 - sledges are Ida, lug semen the ph,. 11 I.:n triple time, On ee strokel to a .on to re are t, sto nil% four limed rod rail. 10 the eighteen hundred miles to San Yen led., o Thai's the sum, alma 0. the quotient t Tamil-one mil lion ‘111,4 are s In he aw iota— tw thine. are tin, to 441111.` 10svin with their sharp panel tuition !adore the great Mork of modern Attrerieu 1/I 001;12)1rt.•• These quotation* 'night tie greatly ex tenited,•but all the wenthers of the editorial party bear similar testitudny td the thoroughness of coustrUction of the Union .PgCl/iC . Rallroad, and the permanent . character of nil its equip ments MA appurtenances. They are all equally positive concerning the great business future which the road must have as the outlet , for the vast region west of the MiS4ollli awaiting development. 1 , We learn from the Treasurer of the Company that the earnings of the road for the past year exceeded four million dollars. Great as thly sum is, it must be considered as on:137111e be ginning of the ❑uniensetratllc which will pass over the road when the whole line shall he finished. I= The people in the West are a great people, and they do things in their own way. This the Pittsburg eons. incrcial, an extensively loyal paper, don't like, and growls as follows: " The Seymour and Blair rowdies at St. Joseph, Miataluri, on Wednesday, insulted Generals Grant and Sherman by yelling, blowing tin horns and otherwise disgracing themselves when those distinguished gentlemen appear ed on the balcony of the hotel in re sponse to the calls of their friends out side. The rowdies would not permit General Sherman to speak. It was a characteristic exhibition of rebel cop perhead ruffianism." Why not? What is the matter now? The people of St. Joseph had this les son taught them two years ago by the loyal rowdies at Cleveland, Indlsdapo• ifs, and in other refined localities, when the "government" and General Grant were gagged, booted down and mobbed. Yet, notwithstanding all these insults to the President, Gen. Grant and their suite, not a loyal whelp opened his mouth. Perhaps these row dies can't disgrace themselves. Men who fostered and defended mobs for five years, should not be en hasty to condemn the examples set by themlielves—unless they have truly repented—manfully confessed their sins, and intend to lead a new life.— Clearfield Rcpublfpan. A'WARPMDAG"PIESATOR A few years since P brazen-faced fel low by the name of Leslie made his appearance In the city of Brooklyn, and by some mysterious means secured the nomination In one of the Assembly districts. And what was still more re markable he-was elected. He did not prove, however, a very brilliant legis lator, and after serving out his term thought he would enter on a new tleid of labor, and actually became the pro prietor of a house of ill fame in the city of New York, and while so engaged was overhauled by the poilce. His ap pearance at the Sessions and the of-. frontery he displayed there were the occasion of much newspaper comment at the lime. Finding the locality too warm for hie comfort; and hearing that there was au opening tot nice young men in the South, he left his bill for rent unpaid and drifted toward Florida, where he now turns up as one of the newly-elected Senators of that State. This is only a specimen brick front tile material out of which Radi calism is erecting its legislative struc tures at the South.—.Phil'a Evening ELECT Grant, and Butler, Logan, and the bad men by whom they are surrounded, will continue to rule the nation by the aid of negro votes. On the other hand, the choice of Horatio Seymour. will restore concord between the sections, insure an honest, eco nomical administration of the govern ment, and make practical the grand fundamental idea that this is a white man's country, and must be ruled by laws based upon that platform. From this time until the close of the Presi dential contet.t. in Novemoer, we call upon the friends of civil liberty in this State, to work unceasingly. If they do so, the State will give a Jack son majority (or Seymour and Blair. A REASON WHY GEN. GRANT SHOULD BE ELECTED.—A Radical pa. per In Maryland enumerates seveeal reasons why it thinks Urant ought to be elected, and at the head of the list it puts the following: "Because it would blot out the last remnant of the curse of slavery, and forever establish the doctrine that all loyal men are entitled to equal civil and political rights." All who desire to make negroca their equals will vote for Grant ; all who be lieve In the superiority of the white race should vote against him. If be is elected, negro equality will be speedi ly forced upon all the States by an act of Congress. There min be nothing more certain in the future. Is It Impartial suffrage to enfran• dike the black and disfranchise the white man? Tut Radical party Is staggering, and Prentice thinks It Is from trav,ip • swallowed Grant. 50th Year—No. 47 411PWXCR or RON. V. T. LICRWIL Another Promlowan Republinue (nano 0111 Per Seamen, nod 111 Mr. Hon. Franklin T. Backus, of Cleve land, Ohio, has been 'a life-long oppo , nen tof the Democratic party. In ligh: he was the Republican pawl Wale for supreme Judge in Ohlo. He is a man of decided ability and of unblemished character On the evening follow lug the nomthatiou of Seymour And titers was a large ratification meeting at Cleveland. At this meeting Mr. Backus'ileclared himself a Democrat, In the following admirable speech : "The last time I attempted to-ad drew: a crowd from this halciony, it was on the occasion of a meeting held um der the same flag that floats yonder. The meeting was held lo a gloomy hour of our Republic. It was ut a time when treason's braseu front was erect, and when the South was array ed in armed resistanco to the govern ment of ourßevolotitinary fathers, who gave all wo were proud to own. On that night you rallied, and sent your brothers and sons to the tented field, to maintain those lastitutlous. Von rallied in your strength, and in the providence of Hod, were suotiems rid In upholding the flag of the Union; and, we hoped, in preserving our Con stitution for .114 and . our descendants. lint dark as was that hourquiteusdark an hour lowers over this tioveritmeot now ; ai,d whether the gloom shall be ill-pelted, or a heater we are to have eternal night, tietwinls upon the success of the ticket nominated today [cheers.] Fellow en izetis—agefrilow Denwercasl That has been a hard word for me to mouth! For a quarter of a century I have been trained a Republican ; and it comes hard for toe to designate myself as a Democrat; but when tree,. son at the South has been crushed, and treason rises up at.the Notth, after the flag has floated in triumph i.tver rebellion, when, for the twi/1y pur poses of the party In power the Union has beoVcept asunder—the Union that an fought for, only to have It prove an ignis flaunt; ; when one-third of the Union - to-day is subject to a power, ht time of .peace, unrecognized by the C4illmatUtioll— not to secure_ victory, not to render the triumph of-the flag a triumph for all time', but for the eel (WI purpose of preserving fit perttetu• 11y the power of ti — Firty 'melt to wield it when, all Ilte.e years, that patty hare bier laboring, not to heal sec tional wounds and the hi; terries, en gendered by war, but to see by what assumption of power they can prevent thC South from coming back as Demo cratic Slates, and thus keep in place the party that is rioting in spoils—l say, when, such conditions have ex isted for three years, -- he that would stammer in pronouncing himself a Democrat—whose party is the only one to which we can look for /Weer from these teoes-4s no man for ths3 [Deafening 'cheers.] And I say to night what I never said before, that I stand he: e a Democrat-a Democrat Cs defined in the platform of the New York Convention. I am willing to fight under the banner of the Demo°. -racy, and, God willing, we will achieve a victory. [C6eers.l It le unnecessary to descant on the merits of Messrs. Seymour and Blair; they are known to you and the world. Horatio Seymour le one of the first statesmen and truest patriots' In this broad nation. I am contented with our candidates and with bur glorious platform. We have'nothtng to do but to organize for victory, go to the polls, record our votes, and reform the gov ernment,, and bring It back to the status of its glorious founders. I have faith that "we shall be successful. If we fail, God help us and the cause of liberty." [Cheers.) THE Radicals are fast abandoning the tone of braggadocio which tttey adopted upon thempudnation of Sey mour and Blair. It vim poly put on for a purpose, and they are now ad dressing their readers In words of truth and soberness. - Jrhe New York Tri buneadrolta that the Presidential con test will be a very close and stubborn tight. Other journals of the same class useshigular language. The New York Sun says: Even with a Democrat so pronounced and Conspicuous an tioy . Seymour, and with the less judicious and attractive rittune,of Gen. Blair thereto appended, and even on the issue of overthrowing the reconstructed State Governments, if the Republicans imagine that their victory is sure, they entirely mistake the temper of the times and the prow ess of their opponents. The foreshadowing. of a Democratte victory are encouraging, and short how wide-spread is ,the defection In the Radical ranks, and bow complete the apathy which prevails. Let the De mocracy perfect their organisation and victory is sure. GREELEY, Of the New York Tribune, several months since scouted the idea of running Urant for President. The country demanded a statesman and not a "dumb candidate." Nominate Grant, said Greeley, and he "will land the Republican party where Scott land ed the Whig party in 1136:2-H Most noble prophet. The Radicals will Sey mour in November next, THE negro and scallawag members of the Texas Convention have voted themselves fifteen dollars a day for their valuable service% In making a constitution. Thus, says the Louis ville Journal, they have out , ninered and out•seallawaged even the niggers and scallawags of the other Southern conventions. EX-SECRETARY STANTON i 8 BILId to be rapidly reaching a state of actual imbecility. He mopes and wanders around his own Immediate neighbor hood—not even notPed by those who were ble former tools. He is prema. turely old and feeble. Sr. PALL has a crazy woman w ho is starving herself to death. titrange as it may seem, there am several crazy men in the neighborhood who will vote the Radical ticket, that they also may be starved to death. Tan Chambersburg Valley Slitrit says that John Cessna la going to run for Congress on the Temperance plat form. This Is the Brat Intimation we have had that Cessna Intends to op pose Grant. Trim board for a pet dog . Ls $i per week at feeble:table watering-places. vol6rAx. Imam slim:Poo maw, a :TING AIWV, NIS lIIVIIIIIIRM. Old Abe, as we used to call our I President, - tied a wonderful pert*. •,. of men's characters, and an inexha ible fund of live anecdotes with whie to Illustrate theta. The best Illustmtion of the cherubs of the little popinjay put .up by tk, Radicals for Vice President, WM • of Lincoln, u told by one who It • heard the joke. When Colfax elected ~tiptiaker; he wee of noun tin mensely "set up." He conceived th . Idea that the old rule of Washingto etiquette which ranked /deflators abov. membersOf the House In their Inter course with the President was all wrong ; that the idpeaker had p dance over igenatons at the Wbl , Douse. Calling upon the president on a certain occasion, he was required to wait until the conclusion of an in terview between a Senator and Lin• solo. Colfax took this dtt high , dud semi, and made some remark about Thie coming to the ears or Old Abe, in conversation ou the matter, with ntr3 Illinois Democrats, he said: " Colfax reminds me of a raw, once owned by an old frieifd, Farmer Jones, of Sangamon cowpty. The rain was a tolerably hdr animal for that day, be. fore the stook of sheep had been mate rially Improved. He ran with tli. nook, doing proper service for a long while. One day. he became trouble some. and broke through a fence gap luto another field among the cows. Al ter thato Mat er blew i nor coaxing cowl , ' induce that ram to herd with the sheep again. He felt sure, said Old Abe, that he had get to be a Wit, and nothing could persuade hint out of that notion. Colfax, silica he has been made Speaker, Dover will be convinced that lie is not a bigger sheep thou those fellows to the north end of the Capitol." Ever after he wae ' eallal by those who heard the ahoy, "Ram Colfax." ore-IT ts Nor O.Oleee party triumph We tire trying Muse our ouintry Pain the &In ure• whorh nterhttnit O. Ire o u ch mAR m 9 the peiittexittett mid the ehnekles aleh, m ihr shape ttf bird lutes limit n( crushing id.railiON, 1101 t, /Nint h." the bmitteeh mid mbar of our limit, tie how, 100, that we con give order, proverity null happi ness to Mow sections qf our country which Nem so Eiceptv to-sky in their houses, owl In all their totthistry,frotit the unhappy twists ct/' the lasi right yearA.—iioUATEo-8.TX61111., TIIADDRUS—STVENB was horn In Vermont, on the 4th of April, 1783, and graduated at Dartmouth Cellege, 111 I' l l 4. In that your he removed to Pennsylvania, and In 1818 was'admit ted to the bar in Adams county. Stevene served as a memEter of thicTentisylvanht Legislature in the years 1834, 1835, 1837 and 1841. In 1830 he was elected a member of_the State Constitutional Cotivention, end was appointe4 a - Canal Commissioner In I g3B. Mr. Stevens removed to Lane Aster In Isl 2, tund won Sleeted to represent Hint Di4tl let" lii Congres. In lh4o. Ito sorted In the Thirty-find, Thlrty•Ne• Thirty-tilgth, Thlrty•kventh, Thlr - Cy'-elpth'aja Thirty-nitith Con gresses, and wens st the time of Ids death a member of the Fortieth Con greee. In the Thlrtyneiglith Congress, Me. Stevens served as Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, and ha was Chairman of the Onmrnittees on Reoonstruction and Appropriations of the present• Congress. He was a member of the Baltimore Convention of 1884, which nominated Lincoln and Johnson. Ir.has-been at, timed ebly , den ied That - the ultimate object of Radicalism was entire negro equality, social and otherwise. Now, mark how a plain fact will put this cowardly evasion down. The pretended I..egisiature of Arkansas has just passed an act which miles kr, "a high misdemeanor" for any railroad, steamboat, street car, stage coach, or other conveying com pany, or for the "keeper ,of any inn hotel, or place. of Tublicitrousement, to maka.nri., distinction on account of race, color, or previous condition, on penalty of lino' not loss than $203 not more thans3,ooo, and, In the discretion of the Judge trying, imprisonment nob , exceeding twelve months. This la mongrelization, and Upon this plat form Grant stands. "Tux next election Will turn Upon this ques tion : Can the Wingretstional party surto.] In their efforts to excite and array thxjradustriall and mousy interests against each other, or will these unite and turn out -the authors of the mischief finder Which they are all suffering," —lloaxYzo OXYMOVR. A CORIOZPON/MYT of tiai World writes: "Alter a careful estimate of the votes, I have no hesitation la stating that, owing nob only to national matters, hut to purely local Wines, the City of Philadelphia will give at the next election a Democratic majority of from live toeight thousand. l'rornl neut politicians from the interior of the state are co:lath:tit of triumph la their respective sections, aad I have a strong faith lu placing the majority of Pennatlvania in the October elec tion for the Democratic nominees at from ten to fifteen thousand2oertaht." Toe Radicals will• havp It that Southern Democrats are anxious for a battle at arms; but the Democrat., declare it hi only a contest at the ballot box they contemplate or desire. The Richmond Examiner say,: "Our no tion is that the people of the United States this Fall are golbg to use the peaceful remedy of the ballot-box to put down the mad -revolutionists of Radicalism. They are going toout vote them. It Is possible that the Radicals may arm and resist the ver- Met of the ballot-box, but it they take the sword they will perish by the sword." THE announcement of (len. Grant that he will have no polioy, is equlva• lent to a declaration that he will w eep& whatever policy Sumner, Chand ler, Butler, Schenk .4 Co. choose to adopt. It is a renunciation, in advance, of the Constitutional duty of the Prod dent to"`recommend to the corwidera don of COngreas such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient." It proffers acquiescenoe in the hnmil• cation of the Fzeoutive Collies, and the transfer of its Constitutienal func tions M Congress. It betrays an ig noble personal ambition to- become President of the United States, for the mere sake of enjoying the honor and perquisites of the office. A ciretroe of 86,000 votes in 1864 mild have elected General MoChinas President. This change was required la the States of Connecticut, Indiana, Maryland, New York, Nevada, NIOF Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, or - an average of four thousaud votes In a State. Since that limo the States of Connecticut, Maryland, Oregon, Pennsylventainsi New .York have become Dommusao, and Indiana and Nevada Win he at the next election. The HOinallatii have therefore the game lit their mina hands. ,They go into the contest to win and will 'win Is spite of an - eppp. anion.